2021-24 Riverside County - Animal Field & Shelter ServicesCity of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: June 15, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE FOR ANIMAL SHELTER, FIELD AND LICENSING SERVICES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021/22 RECOMMENDATION Approve agreement with County of Riverside, as drafted, for animal shelter, field, and licensing services for fiscal year 2021/22; authorize City Manager to approve minor revisions to the agreement that do not alter the intent of the agreement, if requested by the County; and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •Since 2016, the City has contracted with Riverside County Department of Animal Services (RCDAS) for animal shelter, field, and licensing services. •This agreement is effective from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022, with two (2) automatic annual renewals through June 30, 2024, if mutually agreed upon by both parties. •The RCDAS new administration has modified the agreement template. Due to the limited time provided to review and approve a final version prior to expiration, staff is requesting approval of agreement as drafted, with Council granting City Manager authority to make minor non- substantive revisions. •All service levels remain the same. FISCAL IMPACT The estimated cost for fiscal year (FY) 2021/22 is $285,000, this is based on the new rates adopted by the Board of Supervisors on June 8, 2021 and scheduled to go into effect on July 8, 2021. Compared to last year’s budget, the new estimated cost is 27% higher. These rates will increase once more next fiscal year to accomplish full cost recovery. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 8 151 The contract amount is included in the Code Compliance Budget (account no. 101-6004-60197). Revenue from dog licensing fees collected by the County will be credited back as a reduction on the monthly statement. In FY 2021/22, the licensing fee revenue is estimated to be $40,000. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In 2016, the City began to contract with RCDAS to provide animal services including shelter, licensing, and field services. The contract includes a city- dedicated Animal Control Officer, who is responsible for street patrol, related animal enforcement, and community engagement, including but not limited to citations, animal impoundment, shelter, and licensing services. Both City and RCDAS staff work closely to ensure residents’ safety and customer service are priorities. Services are evaluated on a regular basis to add special programs based on community needs, such as early patrols at hiking trails to encourage people to leash their dogs. Main services included in this agreement are: •One full-time animal control officer, •After-hours emergency services, •RCDAS dog license renewals, •Access to Coachella Valley Animal Campus Center (Thousand Palms), •RCDAS vehicle and equipment; and •Option for extended services hours (e.g. weekend/holidays). Currently, City staff continues to retain the administrative aspects of animal bites, and vicious declaration hearings per La Quinta Ordinance 530. However, RCDAS is requesting jurisdictions to adopt their County Animal Control ordinances (534, 560, 630, 716, 771 and 878) within one (1) year of signing this agreement, this is to streamline processes, increase efficiencies and update practices to be in line with nationwide practices. Once County ordinances are adopted, county will be responsible for the entire administrative enforcement process. However, if a decision is appealed to the Superior Court, or the City is otherwise sued as it pertains to animal services, the City will be responsible for its own legal representation. In addition, the agreement has additional changes related to the insurance section, field and sheltering services that staff is currently negotiating with the County. Due to the limited time provided to review and approve a final version by both parties, staff is requesting approval of the agreement as drafted, with Council granting City Manager authority to approve additional revisions that do not substantively alter intent of Attachment 1. This will allow staff to work through these items and not disrupt services. 152 ALTERNATIVES Council may elect not to approve this agreement at this time, which would require adding an animal control officer position, the purchase of an animal control vehicle, and contract sheltering and licensing services from RCDAS. If approved, this agreement continues to allow Code Compliance Officers to focus on code compliance efforts, including Short-Term Vacation Rental regulation compliance and inspections. Prepared by: Martha Mendez, Public Safety Manager Approved by: Chris Escobedo, Community Resources Director Attachment: 1. Agreement for Animal Field and Shelter Services 2. Riverside County Board of Supervisors – Rate Approval for FY 2021-22 153 SUBMITTAL TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA Page 1 of 3 ID# 14893 3.4 MEETING DATE: Tuesday, June 08, 2021 ITEM: 3.4 (ID # 14893) FROM : ANIMAL SERVICES: SUBJECT: ANIMAL SERVICES: Approval of Animal Services Contract Rates for Contract Cities for Field, Shelter and Licensing Services for Fiscal Year 2021/2022. All Districts. [$0] RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of Supervisors: 1.Approve and Adopt the rates as listed on Attachment A for contract animal shelter, field, and license services for contract cities for fiscal year 21/22 consistent with Board Policy B-4. ACTION:Policy ____________________________________________________________________________ MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ATTACHMENT 2 SUBMITTAL TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA Page 2 of 3 ID# 14893 3.4 C.E.O. RECOMMENDATION: Approve BACKGROUND: Summary The Department of Animal Services (DAS) is submitting the FY 2021-22 rates for the contract field, shelter, and license services. DAS is required, per Board Policy B-4, to maintain full cost recovery for all costs incurred through our contract city services. The Auditor-Controller's Office (ACO) reviewed the proposed rates and concurred that the rates do not currently recover the cost of providing services to contracting cities. As such, the general fund is supporting a portion of the cost associated with providing the service to the cities. Further, the full cost recovery rate presented in Attachment A of the Form 1 1 will need to be reviewed by the ACO next fiscal year prior to full adoption to ensure the following: 1) a reasonable methodology has been adopted to calculate the rate for services, and 2) the cost used to calculate the rates are an actual reflection of the cost. All rates and licensing fees in Attachment A are in accordance with state law. DAS provides services to the unincorporated areas of Riverside County, as well as 14 contract cities within Riverside County and four contracted cities in San Bernardino County. City contracts include service provisions for a combination of sheltering, licensing, and field services. Contract city revenue comprises 70% of all revenue collected by DAS. Previously, all contract city rates were included in Ordinance No. 630 which made it difficult to update the rates timely since each update necessitated an ordinance amendment. DAS desires to remove the contract rates from Ordinance No. 630 to streamline and create an efficient rate review process. The rates charged to contract cities are not required to be adopted by ordinance under the law. Each city enters into a negotiated contract with the County for DAS services subject to both Board of Supervisors and City approval. DAS will increase rates incrementally for each current contract City over the course of two fiscal years to achieve full cost recovery. New contract City agreements shall initiate services at the full-cost recovery rate. Impact on Residents and Businesses The revised rates and licensing fees are necessary to keep up with the on-going operational costs associated with providing efficient services and essential programs to Riverside County FINANCIAL DATA Current Fiscal Year: Next Fiscal Year: Total Cost: Ongoing Cost COST $ 4,633,671 $ 5,213,553 $ 6,015,051 $ 6,015,051 NET COUNTY COST $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 100% Contract Revenue Budget Adjustment: No For Fiscal Year: 21/22 SUBMITTAL TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA Page 3 of 3 ID# 14893 3.4 residents and their animals. Further Board of Supervisors Policy B-4 requires full cost recovery for the actual cost of providing the services to the cities so as to ensure that the County is not subsidizing other public agencies to the detriment of the County’s own operations. Additional Fiscal Information The revenue forecast for FY 20/21 under the current rate structure is $4,633,671. If the proposed rates are approved, revenue is estimated to increase to $5,213,553 for FY 21/22, with a variance of $579,882. The revenue variance will continue to expand each fiscal year thereafter. Service FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 Animal Control Officer $2,762,240 $2,992,050 $3,394,485 Animal Control Officer Overtime $315,968 $346,774 $389,409 License Processing $324,361 $325,981 $334,241 Kenneling Days $1,231,102 $1,548,748 $1,896,916 Total Projected Revenue $4,633,671 $5,213,553 $6,015,051 Attachment: 1.Proposed Rates Summary Worksheet Department of Animal Services Julie Bank Director of Animal Services Riverside County DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SERVICES 6851 Van Buren Blvd, Jurupa Valley, CA 92509 (951) 358-7387  FAX (951) 358-7300  TDD (951) 358-5124 Website: www.rcdas.org Last edited on April 23, 2021 DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SERVICES PROPOSED ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER RATES ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER (ACO) POSITION CURRENT RATE (BOS approved Jan 2020 – Yr. 1) PROPOSED RATE FY 2021/2022 FULL COST RECOVERY RATE FY 2022/2023 ACO (Hourly Rate) $83 $102.33 $121.70 + CPI ACO (Overtime) $111 $142.12 $157.69 + CPI PROPOSED DAILY SHELTERING RATE SERVICE CURRENT RATE (BOS approved Jan 2020 – Yr. 1) PROPOSED RATE FY 2021/2022 FULL COST RECOVERY RATE FY 2022/2023 Daily Sheltering Rate $20 $25.80 $31.60 + CPI PROPOSED LICENSE PROCESSING FEES SERVICE CURRENT RATE (BOS approved Jan 2020 – Yr. 1) PROPOSED RATE FY 2021/2022 FULL COST RECOVERY RATE FY 2022/2023 License Processing Fee $10 $10.26 $10.52 + CPI