1983: RDA area 1 - Redevelopment Plan - Preliminary Aug. 1983K( llollt4 PRELIMINARY PLAN for the LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Prepared by KATZ, HOLLIS, COREN 6 ASSOCIATES, INC. for the PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINT& in C000eraion with the LA QUINTL AGENCY August, 1983 el I'uTJ V1i� W 11 hatziloiiis 1 PRELIMINARY PLAN for the LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT DESCRIPTION OF THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PROJECT AREA The boundaries of the Project Area are as shown on the Project Area ^lap whin}. IF attachec as Exhibit ;, to this Preliminary Plan, and as described in the Legal Description of the Project Area, which is attached as Exhibit B tc this Preliminary Plan. Portions of the Project Area are located outside the existing City boundaries in unincorporated territory in Riverside County. By or- dinance, the Board of Supervisors of Riverside County have authorized the City of La Quinta to undertake redevelopment in the unincorporated territory in the Project Area. II. GE.NEP.AL STATE?dENTS OF LAND US S, LAYOUT OF PRPNCIPAI. STREETS POPULATION DENSITIES AND BUILDING INTENSITIES .AND STANDARES The following genera'_ statements regarding land uses, lavout of principal streets, population densities and building intensities and standards are proposed as the basis for the redevelooment of the Project Area. A. Land Uses It is proposed that, in general, the land uses for the various properties in the Project Area shall be as described and defined in the General Plan. Such uses may include: - Residential - Commercial - Public Facilities - Open Space and Planned Development - open Space and Other Agricultural Lands - Open Space and Planned Residential Development - Water Problems Areas - ?50untair1ous Areas Succ- uses may, in certain areas, bs cie-ented and further ae- fined in specific n'_ans. edit:^.in and area, suc'r uses mav include; c=- mercial; parks, recreation and oxen space; and public/semi-public uses. Within any area alternative uses c.av bees-ablished to the extent and it the manner provided by the General Flan nd local coders and ordinances. Is E. Layout of Principal Streets It is proposed that, in general, the layout of the principal streets for the developed portion of the Project Area be as shown on the Project Area Map. Existing streets within the Project Area may be closed, widened, realigned or otnerwise modified, and additional streets may uc created as necessary for proper pedestrian or vehicular circula- tion. It is anticipated that, in accord witt: the General Plar„ specific `r.edevelonnent Plan, and local cedes and ordinances, additional streets~ .:ill be created to serve u::deve:oncd pertionE cf t`,e Pz-c ier. Area. C. Population Densities It is proposed that, in general, the population density for any residential area permitted within the Project Area shall be as described and defined in the General Plan as it is oroposed to bc_ amended, or as other-ise provided in local codes and ordinances. D. Buildinc Intensities and Standards 0-1 It is proposed that, in ceneral, buildings intensities be control- led by procedures and criteria established in the General Plan, specific plans, and local codes and ordinances. Such criteria may include limits on: (1) the percentage of ground area covered by buildings (land cover- age); (2) the ratio of total floor area for all stories of the buildings to areas of the building sites (floor area ratio); (11) the size and loca- tion of buildable areas on building sites; (4) the heights of buildings. Land coverage, sizes and locations of buildable areas should be limited as necessary and feasible to provide adeouate open space, parking, access_ and other amenities. It is oroposed that building standards should generally conform to the buildings requirements of applicable state statutes and local codes and ordinances. III. ATTAINFSENT OF THE PURPOSES OF CALIFORNIA COM.MLJNITY REDEVELOPMENT LAW the goals and objectives of a redevelopment proarar. In general, in the Project Area are as follows: _ -o eli Tanate a`c prE,:ent the SD: c2.0 c_' _iiaril and ac- terloratior. and to ccnse.vE, �E.'.2 b_litatE - redevelcp tnE Project Area in accord will: the �enEra_ Piar., spe- cific plans, the Redevelc:i;men-,, Pla7. and local codes and ordinances. A 62 Ll hiltzIioIIis 2. To encourage the investment of the private sector ir: the development and redevelopment of the Project Area by eliminating impediments to such development and re- development. A particular objective in this regard is the provision of necessary improvements required to protect Project Area properties from the danger of floodino_ due to rainwater runoff from surrounding moun- tains. 3. To encouraae and .._vice for the orcer,� and rarer e= development of undeveloped portions of the City in ac- corcance with the Pedevelopment Plan, the General Plan, and local codes and ordinances. 4. To promote the physical, social and economic well being of the Project Area, the City of La Quanta, and its citizens. 5. To promote the aevelopment of local job opportunities. 6. To provide for increased sales, bu=inese license, hote'_ occupancy and other fees and tares to the City of La Quinta. Redevelopment of the Project Are pursuant to this Preliminary Plan and the above goals and objectives will attain the purposes of the California Community Redevelopment Law: (1) by the elimination of areas suffering from economic dislocation as a result of faulty planning or other reasons; (2) by the replanning, redesign and rehabilitation. and/or development of areas which are star ant or improperly utilized, and which could not be accomplished by private enterprise acting alone without public participation and assistance; and (3) by protecting and promoting sound development and redevelopment of blighted areas and general welfare of the citizens of the City by remedying such injurious conditions through the employment of appropriate means. IC CONFOR9tANCE. TO THE GENERAL PLAN OF THE CITY With one exception, this Preliminary Plan conforms to the applica- ble portions of the various Riverside County General Plans which overlap the Project Area and which nave been adopted by the City of La Quinta. This exception is the portion of the Frcject Area currently d outsie the City boundary EaotErl l' Of Je�fEr son Ave nuE F. L.^.E l%1 C;'--tc ofc:rp0=t Boulevard. proposed uses in this area r',' recuire a General Plar. ment and will be imaler.,enteZ through a specific Plar. now -._inc rre_ared in cor.junctior. ._". the City of La Qu_. inta'annexation: proccedincs for the same area. Accorainaiy, this Preliminary Plan conforms to the Gene- ral Plan. of the Citv of La Quinta as it now exists or as it will be ppon amenrment. W l�iit!_tt(1t�1 V GENERA.1. IMPACT OF THE PRG,,E^: UPON RESIDENTS THEREOF ANI UPON SURROUNDING NEIGHBORHOCE It is proposed that the principal purpose of' the Project be the elimination and prevention of blight through assistance and encouragement of private rehabilitaticr. and development efforts; throuct selective land accui.:tion, clearance and disposition for private receve loon.ent; and through Provision or re_lacement of new or existing public --'prove- , fa^il:tiee and --�--_ tn—! . grid se:vInc, =7C'1�'Ct Lrea. The power of eminent domair, (condemnation) will not and shall not - be used to assemble resicential property for salve or disposition, to private developers. Direct Agency activity will occur only when sufficient financial resources are available and such actin:. will produce effective and i=.e- diate redevelop-ment results. Tne recsvelopmert prciect is intended to be chased wit`. a 1i7i.t:ec scope of direct activity a.. ._ny giver. time. lie Proiec, 7--.-ea contains a 7..drzatc e` resio__,ts to be i iapacted. The impact c` the Project upo:. sate res_cents an upo:: resi- cents of the surroaneinc neighborhood, as well as upor, business oh:ners and tenants within the Project Area and the surrcuncinc neichborhood, will, in General, be in the areas of increased and improved vehicular and pedestrian traffic circulation, increased e=loyment and economic devel- opmer,t opportunities, and environnenta: m;ality. To the exte.-,: that the acquisition of properties for redevelopment or for public improvements, facilities or utilities purposes requires the ac m:isition of occupied bci1di.^.es located on such properties, the `rroiect may cause displacement of occupants. Occupants so displaced would be entitled to relocation benefit_ and assistance, as provided urjaer the State ;Relocation Act. The impact of the Project will he considered in detail by the Redevelopment Agency in the Project Environmental Impact Report. Pn �jE c A. C�W v +14 ,R,ft4tv lbae LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA CfTY OF LA OUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY EXHI n,17 Row a July 27, 1983 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA City of La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Being a portion of Section 36, Township 5 South, Range 6 East, S.B.M.; all of Sections 1, 12, 13, 24 and 25, lbwnship 6 South, Range 6 East, S.B.M. and a portion of Sections 6, 5, 21, 22 and all of Sections. 5, 7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 29 and 30, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, . S.B.M., described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Section 5, Township 45 South, Range 7 East, S.H.M.; Thence SOUTH along the East line of Section 5, Townshiv 6 £'youth, Rance 7 East, S.B.M. to the Southeast corner of said Section. 5; Thence Southeasterly alone the centerline of Jefferson Street as shown on Map 786-VV, Official Records of the Surveyor, County o7 Riverside, California, to the Northwest corner of Section 16, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, S.B.M.; Thence EAST along the North line of said Section 16 to the Northeast corner thereof; Thence SOUTH along the East line of said Section 16 to the Southeast corner thereof, said corner also being the Northwest corner of Section 22, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, S.B.H.; Thence EAST along the North line of said Section 22 to the Northeast corner of the Northwest one-guarter of said Section 22; Thence SOUTH along the East line of said Northwest one -quarter to the Southeast corner thereof; Thence WEST along the South line of said Northwest one-ouarter and the South line of the Northeast one -quarter of Section 21, To%mship 6 South, Range 7 East, S.B.M. to the Southwest corner of said Northeast one -quarter, said corner also being the Northeast corner of the Aft Northeast one -quarter of the Southwest one -quarter of said Section 21; r Thence SOUTH along the East line of said Northeast one--auarter o- the southwest one -quarter of Section 21 to the Southeast cornea thereof; Thence WEST along the South line of said Northeast one -quarter of the Southwest one -quarter of Section 21 to the Southwest corner thereof, said corner also being on the East line of the West one-half of the Southwest one -quarter of said Section 21; Thence SOUTH along said East line to the Southeast corner thereof, said corner being on the South line of said Section 21; Thence WEST along the South line of said Section 21 to the Southwest corner thereof, said corner also being the Northeast corner of Section 29, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, S.B.M.; Thence SOUTH along the East line of said Section 29 to the Southeast corner thereof; Thence WEST along the South lines of said Section 29 and Section 30, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, S.B.M. to the southwest corner of said Section 30, said corner being the Southeast corner of Sect: -,on 25, Township 6 South, Range 6 East, S.B.M.; Thence continuing WEST along the South line of said Section 25 to the Southwest corner thereof; Thence NORTH along the west lines of Sections 25, 24, 13, 12 and 1, Township 6 South, Range 6 East, S.B.M. to the Northwest corner of said Section 1 thereof; Thence EAST along the North line of said Section 1 to the Southwest corner of said Section 36, Township 5 South, Range 6 East, S.E..M.; Thence NORTH along the West line of said Section 36 to the Northwest corner thereof; Thence EAST along the North line of Section 36 to the North one - quarter corner of said Section, said corner also being the Northeast corner of the Northwest one-cruarter of said Section 36; Thence SOUTH along the West line of said Northwest one -quarter to the Southeast corner thereof, said corner also being the Northwest corner of the Southeast one -quarter of said Section 36; Thence EAST along the North line of said Southeast one -quarter to the centerline of Eisenhower Drive (formerly Avenida Serra) as shown an map of La Quinta Golf Estates on file in Book 37 of Maps, at cages 96 through 98 thereof, Records of Riverside County, California; Thence Southwesterly on the centerline of said Eisenhower Drive on a non -tangent curve concave Southeasterly, having a radius of 2000.00 feet through an angle of 23"09'03", an arc length of 808.12 feet (the initial radial line bears N.66045'54"W.); Thence S.03022'41"H., along the centerline of Eisenhower Drive as shown on Amended Tract No. 16786 on file in Book 127 of Naps, at pages- ' 76 through 78 thereof, Records of Riverside County, California, a distance of 50.06 feet to an angle point therein; Thence S.00°14'34"h. along the last mentioned centerline of Eisenhower Drive, a distance of 1806.01 feet to the intersection with the centerline of 50th Avenue; The following five (5) courses are along the centerline of 50th Avenue as shown on Tract 16767-1 on file in Book 132 of Naps, .at Dages 50 through 52 thereof, Records of Riverside County, California; Thence S.B9053'38"E., a distance of 614.67 feet; Thence Northeasterly on a curve concave Northwesterly, having a radius of 2000.00 feet through an angle of 12016'30", an arc length of 426.48 feet; Thence N.77049'52"E., a distance of 582.91 feet; Thence Northeasterly on a curve concave Southeasterly, having a radius of 2000.00 feet, through an angle of 12009'52", an arc length of 424.62 feet to the North line of the Northwest one-cuarter of Section 6, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, S.B.M.; Thence N.89059'44"E. along said North line of the Northwest one - quarter , a distance of 1999.25 feet to the Northeast corner thereof, also being the Northwest corner of the Northeast one -quarter of said Section 6; -3- Ij !F- ' OLThence EAST along the North line of said Northeast one -quarter to the Northeast corner thereof, also being the Northwest corner of Section 5, Township 6 South, Range 7 Fast, S.B.M.; Thence EAST along the North line of said Section 5 to the point of beginning. The above described parcel of land contains 17.5 square miles, more or less.