PAC - Minutes 12-07-1994MINUTES PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE (PAC) Wednesday, December 7, 1994 AMENDMENT TO THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1. Committee Members Scott Dalecio, Seth Etinger, Dan Featheringill,-Stan-Long, Gerald Perschetz, Bruce Swan, and Chairman S. Chevis Hosea None ® Jerry Herman, Planning and Development Director, and Frank Spevacek, Agency Redevelopment Consultant The ;meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairman Hosea :... . u o. Imo -. rTu It was moved and seconded by Members Featheringill/Perschetz to approve the minutes as submitted; said minutes were unanimously approved.. Chairman Hosea initiated discussion regarding the proposed amendments to the Redevelopment Plan; none of the members had questions regarding the amendments. Attention was then focused upon specific projects as proposed for Exhibit C of the Plan; after considerable discussion, the following modifications and/or additions were made to the projects list: It was moved by Swan, and seconded by Featheringill, and unanimously adopted by the PAC that: bike paths, bikeways, and pedestrianways be added to all road and ® bridge improvement projects as needed and feasible. '1 PAC Minutes - December 7, 1994 Page 2 It was moved by Hosea, seconded by Etinger, and unanimously approved that: the Jefferson Street rehabilitation and pavement overlay project should be extended from Avenue 52 to Fred Waring. Moved by Hosea, seconded by Dalecio, and unanimously approved by the PAC that: an additional project be identified that would fund storm drain system improvements for facilities located in the southern portion of Project Area No. 1. Moved by Etinger, seconded by Dalecio, and unanimously approved by the PAC to: add an additional drainage system project that calls for improvements to the drainage channel on Rhondo Avenue, which should be identical to the improvements made to the drainage channel located adjacent to La Fonda Avenue. Moved by Swan, seconded by Featheringill, and unanimously approved by the PAC to: add bikeways, pedestrian paths, and golf cart paths as part of all park improvements, where appropriate. Moved by Swan, seconded by Perschetz, and unanimously approved by the PAC to: ® add a library, and public safety facilities to the listed capital facility improvements. The members did not have any other recommendations or comments on the Redevelopment Plan, listed projects, or the proposed amendments. 11 Chairman Hosea asked the members to identify any concerns or questions they had regarding the Draft Environmental Impact Report; no members expressed any concerns or raised any questions. The members established Wednesday, January 11, 1995, as the date for the next meeting; the meeting would be convened at 6:30 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. ipofmdrz-,m,.