2021-22 Landmark Golf Management Amendment 4 - SilverRock Golf ManagementMEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: RE: Please list the Contracting Party / Vendor Name, type of agreement to be executed, including any change orders or amendments, and the type of services to be provided. Make sure to list any related Project No. and Project Name. Authority to execute this agreement is based upon: ___ Approved by City Council on ___________________________________________ ___ City Manager’s signing authority provided under the City’s Purchasing Police [Resolution No. 2019-021] for budget expenditures of $50,000 or less. ___ Department Director’s or Manager’s signing authority provided under the City’s Purchasing Policy [Resolution No. 2019-021] for budget expenditures of $15,000 and $5,000, respectively, or less. Procurement Method (one must apply): ___ Bid ___ RFP ___ RFQ ___ 3 written informal bids ___ Sole Source ___ Select Source ___ Cooperative Procurement Requesting department shall check and attach the items below as appropriate: ___ Agreement payment will be charged to Account No.: _____________________ ___ Agreement term: Start Date ________________ End Date ________________ ___ Amount of Agreement, Amendment, Change Order, etc.: $____________________ REMINDER: Signing authorities listed above are applicable on the aggregate Agreement amount, not individual Amendments or Change Orders! ___ Insurance certificates as required by the Agreement for Risk Manager approval Approved by: ______________________________ Date: _______________ ___ Bonds (originals)as required by the Agreement (Performance, Payment, etc.) ___ Conflict of Interest Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests from Consultant(s) NOTE: Review the “Form 700 Disclosure for Consultants” guidance to determine if a Form 700 is required pursuant FPPC regulation 18701(2) ___ Business License No. __________________; Expires: __________________ ___ Requisition for a Purchase Order has been prepared (Agreements over $5,000) 6/29/2021 Jon McMillen, City Manager Bryan McKinney, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer Amendment No.4 to Agreement for Contract Services with Landmark Golf Management, LLC ✔June 1, 2021 - Consent 5 ✔ ✔601-0000-60208 ✔July 1, 2021 June 30, 2022 ✔118,560 ✔ MR - on file in LF; Exp: 11/05/21 6/29/2021 ✔ ✔LIC-0001185 1/31/2021 AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO GOLF COURSE MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT This Amendment No. 4 (“Amendment 4”) to Golf Course Management Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered as of the 1st day of July 2021 (“Effective Date”) by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA (“City”), a California municipal corporation, and LANDMARK GOLF MANAGEMENT, LLC. (“Manager”). RECITALS WHEREAS, on or about July 1, 2013, the City and Manager entered into an Agreement to provide services related to managing golf course operations at SilverRock Resort; and WHEREAS, on or about July 1, 2018, the City and Manager executed Amendment No. 1 and mutually agreed to amend Section 4.1.1 increasing the Management Fee for a total not to exceed amount of $114,000, and to extend the term for one additional year from July 1, 2018 until June 30, 2019 (“Extended Term”); and WHEREAS, on or about June 19, 2019, the City and Manager executed Amendment No. 2 and mutually agreed to amend: •Section 2.2 Management Term by extending the Term for one additional year, from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020 (“Extended Term”); and •Section 3.10.1 Capital Improvement Funds by suspending deposit from the Golf Course Accounts for the 2% Capital Improvement Funds until June 30, 2020; and •Section 4.1.1 Management Fee by increasing the annual management fee by 4% for a total not to exceed amount of $119,000 for fiscal year 2019/21; and •Section 8.1 Termination by City by granting the City sole discretion, without penalty or cause to terminate the Agreement on any date after June 30, 2020 with a minimum sixty (60) day prior Written Notice on early termination to Landmark. WHEREAS, on or about June 16, 2020, the City and Manager executed Amendment No. 3 and mutually agree to amend: •Section 2.2 Management Term by extending the Term for one additional year, from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 (“Extended Term”); and •Section 4.1.1 Management Fee by decreasing the annual fee by 5% to a total not to exceed amount of $112,632 for fiscal year 2020/21. WHEREAS, City and Manager would like to execute Amendment No. 4 and mutually agree to extend the term of the Agreement for one additional year, from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 (“Extended Term”) pursuant to Section 2.2 Management Term; and WHEREAS, City and Manager mutually agree to reinstate deposits from the Golf Course Accounts for the 2% Capital Improvement Funds pursuant to Section 3.10.1 Capital Improvement Funds until June 30, 2022; and WHEREAS, City and Manager mutually agree to amend Section 4.1.1 Management Fee by implementing an annual increase to the Management Fee, reinstating it to the previous not to exceed annual amount of $118,560 for fiscal year 2021/22; and WHEREAS, Section 8.1 Termination by City was amended via Amendment No. 2 to change the date by which the City, in its sole discretion, without penalty or cause, may terminate the Management Term on any date after June 30, 2020, with a minimum sixty (60) day prior Written Notice on early termination to Landmark, and will remain in full force and effect. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties agree as follows: AMENDMENT In consideration of the foregoing Recitals and the covenants and promises hereinafter contained, and for good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 2.2 Management Term The Management Term shall commence July 1, 2021. The Management Term and this Agreement shall end on June 30, 2022. The City has the option to renew the contract for one (1) additional one-year extension. 3.10.1 Capital Improvement Funds City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: June 1, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO GOLF COURSE MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT WITH LANDMARK GOLF MANAGEMENT, LLC FOR SILVERROCK GOLF COURSE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RECOMMENDATION Approve Amendment No. 4 to Golf Course Management Agreement with Landmark Golf Management, LLC to provide SilverRock golf course management services for one additional year until June 30, 2022, for a total not to exceed amount of $118,560; and authorize the City Manager to execute the amendment. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •In 2013, the City entered into a five-year Golf Course Management Agreement (Agreement) with Landmark Golf Management (Landmark) for SilverRock golf course management services, which was extended in 2018, 2019, and 2020 (Amendment Nos. 1, 2, and 3), and will expire effective June 30, 2021. •Amendment No. 4 (Attachment 1) will extend the term for one year, through June 30, 2022; the Agreement allows for one additional extension if desired to continue coordinating with the development of the hotels and other adjacent facilities. •Amendment No. 4 includes a restoration of the annual management fee to the fiscal year (FY) 2019/20 rate, increasing from $112,632 to $118,560. FISCAL IMPACT The golf course annual management fee pursuant to Amendment No. 4 for 2021/22 would be $118,560. This amount is included in the proposed 2021/22 SilverRock Resort Annual Plan and the fiscal year 2021/22 budget in account 601-0000-60208. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 5 99 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In July 2013, the City entered into a five-year Agreement with Landmark for SilverRock golf course management services, which was extended in 2018 (Amendment No. 1), 2019 (Amendment No. 2), and in 2020 (Amendment No. 3); the term will expire on June 30, 2021. As SilverRock Development Company proceeds with construction of the hotels, conference center, and adjacent amenity buildings, it is in the best interest of the project to continue using Landmark as the golf course operator during this period. Amendment No. 4 provides the following changes: •Extend the term until June 30, 2022 (Section 2.2 Management Term); •Reinstate the deposits from the Golf Course Accounts for the 2% Capital Improvement funds until June 30, 2022 (Section 3.10.1 Capital Improvement Funds); •The Management Fee had been reduced by 5% in FY 2020/21 as a result of cost-saving measures due to COVID-19. This amendment will restore the annual Management Fee to the FY 2019/20 rate, for a total annual amount of $118,560 (Section 4.1.1) for FY 2021/22. •Reinstatement of the 2% Capital Improvement funds is recommended to ensure funding is available for anticipated improvements as aging infrastructure reaches its useful life. The estimated amount for FY 2021/22 is $62,000 and is included in the proposed SilverRock operating budget. ALTERNATIVES Due to the timeline of the development by SilverRock Development Company and the operational knowledge of the golf course by Landmark, no alternatives are recommended at this time. Prepared by: Claudia Martinez, Interim Finance Director Approved by: Jon McMillen, City Manager Attachment: 1. Amendment No. 4 to Golf Course Management Agreement 100