2022 01 18 Council CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 1 of 7 JANUARY 18, 2022 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta REGULAR MEETING ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 2022 3:00 P.M. CLOSED SESSION | 4:00 P.M. OPEN SESSION ****************************** SPECIAL NOTICE Teleconferencing and Telephonic Accessibility In Effect Beginning Friday, January 14, 2022, La Quinta City Hall and the La Quinta Wellness Center will be temporarily closed to walk-in traffic due to a surge in COVID-19. Online services are available through the City’s website at www.laquintaca.gov or by calling (760) 777 – 7000. Pursuant to Executive Orders N-60-20 and N-08-21 executed by the Governor of California, and subsequently Assembly Bill 361 (AB 361, 2021), enacted in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.), members of the public, the City Council, the City Manager, City Attorney, City Staff, and City Consultants may participate in this regular meeting by teleconference. Further, due to the temporary closure of City Hall, the public is not permitted to physically attend this meeting; however, any member of the public may listen or participate in this meeting virtually as specified below. Members of the public wanting to listen to the open session of the meeting may do so by tuning-in live via http://laquinta.12milesout.com/video/live.   Members of the public wanting to address the City Council, either for a specific agenda item or matters not on the agenda are requested to follow the instructions listed below: City Council agendas and staff reports are available on the City’s web page: www.LaQuintaCA.gov  REMOVED PRESENTATION NOS. 2 AND 3 FROM THE AGENDA  ADDED PRESENTATION NO. 6 TO THE AGENDA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 2 of 7 JANUARY 18, 2022 Written public comments – can be provided by emailing the City Clerk’s Office at CityClerkMail@LaQuintaCA.gov preferably by 2:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting, and will be distributed to the City Council, incorporated into the agenda packet and public record of the meeting, and will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Mayor, a brief summary of any public comment is asked to be read, to the extent the City Clerk’s Office can accommodate such request. The email “subject line” must clearly state “Written Comments” and list the following: 1) Full Name 4) Public Comment or Agenda Item Number 2) City of Residence 5) Subject 3) Phone Number 6) Written Comments *** TELECONFERENCE PROCEDURES *** Verbal public comments via Teleconference – members of the public may attend and participate in this meeting by teleconference via Zoom and use the “raise your hand” feature when public comments are prompted by the Mayor; the City will facilitate the ability for a member of the public to be audible to the City Council and general public and allow him/her/they to speak on the item(s) requested. Please note – members of the public must unmute themselves when prompted upon being recognized by the Mayor, in order to become audible to the City Council and the public. Only one person at a time may speak by teleconference and only after being recognized by the Mayor. ZOOM LINK: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82540879912 Meeting ID: 825 4087 9912 Or join by phone: (253) 215 – 8782 It would be appreciated that any email communications for public comments related to the items on the agenda, or for general public comment, are provided to the City Clerk’s Office at the email address listed above prior to the commencement of the meeting. If that is not possible, and to accommodate public comments on items that may be added to the agenda after its initial posting or items that are on the agenda, every effort will be made to attempt to review emails received by the City Clerk’s Office during the course of the meeting. The Mayor will endeavor to take a brief pause before action is taken on any agenda item to a llow the City Clerk to review emails and share any public comments received during the meeting. All emails received by the City Clerk, at the email address above, until the adjournment of the meeting, will be included within the public record relating to the meeting. ****************************** CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 3 of 7 JANUARY 18, 2022 CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Councilmembers: Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda by providing written public comments via email as indicated above; or provide verbal public comments via teleconference by joining the meeting virtually at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82540879912 and use the “raise your hand” feature when prompted by the Mayor. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes (or approximately 350 words). The City Council values your comments; however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by the Brown Act [Government Code § 54954.2(b)]. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA CLOSED SESSION 1. THREAT TO PUBLIC SERVICES OR FACILITIES, PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION (a) OF GOVERNMENT CODE § 54957. CONSULTATION WITH: ALEXANDER JOHNSTON, SENIOR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR; WILLIAM H. IHRKE, CITY ATTORNEY (Review Continued Need and Response to Proclaimed State and Local Emergencies Caused by COVID-19) 2. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF HIGHWAY 111, WEST OF DUNE PALMS (APN 600- 390-024) CITY NEGOTIATOR: JON MCMILLEN, CITY MANAGER NEGOTIATING PARTY: MANNINO LIVING TRUST UNDER NEGOTIATION: PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE AT 4:00 P.M. REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 4 of 7 JANUARY 18, 2022 At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda by providing written public comments via email as indicated above; or provide verbal public comments via teleconference by joining the meeting virtually at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82540879912 and use the “raise your hand” feature when prompted by the Mayor. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes (or approximately 350 words). The City Council values your comments; however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by the Brown Act [Government Code § 54954.2(b)]. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. PROCLAMATION IN RECOGNITION OF NATIONAL BLOOD DONOR MONTH 2. pulled from the Agenda by staff >>> PROCLAMATION IN RECOGNITION OF CAPTAIN HERMAN LOPEZ WITH RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT FOR HIS PUBLIC SERVICE 3. pulled from the Agenda by staff >>> INTRODUCE RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT NEW CAPTAIN MICHAEL BIANCO 4. AMERICAN EXPRESS GOLF TOURNAMENT AND EVENT – 2022 STATUS UPDATE 5. TALUS – PROJECT STATUS UPDATE 6. added >>> ANNUAL COMMUNITY WORKSHOP – 2022 UPDATE CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are routine in nature and can be approved by one motion. PAGE 1. APPROVE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF DECEMBER 21, 2021 9 2. AFFIRM RESOLUTION NO. 2021-035 FINDINGS RELATED TO THE STATE OF EMERGENCY DUE TO COVID-19 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO CONTINUE TO IMPLEMENT TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY TO CONDUCT PUBLIC MEETINGS PURSUANT TO ASSEMBLY BILL 361 (STATS. 2021, CH. 165) 23 3. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE APPLICATION FOR, AND RECEIPT OF, CALIFORNIA SENATE BILL 1383 LOCAL ASSISTANCE GRANT PROGRAM FUNDS TO ASSIST WITH IMPLEMENTATION OF SB 1383 REGULATION REQUIREMENTS [RESOLUTION NO. 2022-001] 29 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 5 of 7 JANUARY 18, 2022 4. APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF A REPLACEMENT PLAYGROUND STRUCTURE FOR SEASONS PARK FROM DAVE BANG & ASSOCIATES, INC. THROUGH SOURCEWELL COOPERATIVE PURCHASING AND APPROPRIATE $92,635 35 5. APPROVE ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT AND AMENDMENT TO SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR TRACT MAP NO. 33336, PALO VERDE II, A RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF AVENUE 58 WEST OF MADISON STREET 51 6. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED DECEMBER 17, 31, 2021 and JANUARY 7, 2022 61 BUSINESS SESSION PAGE 1. RECEIVE AND FILE FISCAL YEAR 2020/21 GENERAL FUND YEAR-END BUDGET REPORT AND APPROVE THE AMENDED BUDGET CARRYOVERS 89 STUDY SESSION PAGE 1. DISCUSS AL FRESCO DINING PROGRAM 111 PUBLIC HEARINGS – None DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 1. CITY MANAGER – MARKETING QUARTERLY REPORT OCTOBER – DECEMBER 2021 115 2. CITY ATTORNEY 3. CITY CLERK 4. COMMUNITY RESOURCES 5. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT 6. FINANCE 7. PUBLIC WORKS MAYOR’S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS’ ITEMS REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. CVAG CONSERVATION COMMISSION (Evans) 2. CVAG ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE (Evans) 3. CVAG EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Evans) 4. GREATER PALM SPRINGS CONVENTION AND VISITORS’ BUREAU (Evans) CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 6 of 7 JANUARY 18, 2022 5. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT – COACHELLA VALLEY ENERGY COMMISSION (Evans) 6. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES DELEGATE (Evans) 7. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT JOINT POLICY COMMITTEE (Evans) 8. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS (Evans) 9. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE (Evans & Fitzpatrick) 10. COACHELLA VALLEY MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY (Fitzpatrick) 11. DESERT RECREATION DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick & Radi) 12. COACHELLA VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick & Peña) 13. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (Fitzpatrick) 14. SILVERROCK EVENT SITE AD HOC COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick) 15. CANNABIS AD HOC COMMITTEE (Peña and Sanchez) 16. CVAG PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE (Peña) 17. CVAG VALLEY-WIDE HOMELESSNESS COMMITTEE (Peña) 18. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES – PUBLIC SAFETY POLICY COMMITTEE (Peña) 19. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT – ENERGY CONSUMERS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Peña) 20. COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT (Peña) 21. COVID-19 SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY ECONOMIC RELIEF PROGRAM AD HOC COMMITTEE (Peña and Radi) 22. GREATER CV CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INFORMATION EXCHANGE COMMITTEE (Radi) 23. CVAG TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE (Radi) 24. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY (Radi) 25. CITYWIDE SECURITY CAMERAS AD HOC COMMITTEE (Radi) 26. DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Radi & Sanchez) 27. ANIMAL CAMPUS COMMISSION (Sanchez) 28. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES – TRANSPORTATION, COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC WORKS POLICY COMMITTEE (Sanchez) 29. RIVERSIDE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (Sanchez) 30. PALM SPRINGS AIRPORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES DATED DECEMBER 15, 2021 121 ADJOURNMENT ********************************* The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on February 1, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 7 of 7 JANUARY 18, 2022 DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta City Council meeting was posted on the City’s website, near the entrance to the Council Chambers at 78495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin boards at the Stater Brothers Supermarket at 78630 Highway 111, and the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51321 Avenida Bermudas, on January 14, 2022. DATED: January 14, 2022 MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Public Notices  The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777-7092, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made.  If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the City Council, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777-7092. A one (1) week notice is required.  If background material is to be presented to the Councilmembers during a City Council meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting.  Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item(s) on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Community Development counter at City Hall located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 1 of 11 DECEMBER 21, 2021 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2021 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Mayor Evans. This meeting provided teleconferencing accessibility pursuant to Executive Orders N-60-20 and N-08-21 executed by the Governor of California, and subsequently Assembly Bill 361 (AB 361, 2021), enacted in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.). PRESENT: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Manager McMillen, City Attorney Ihrke, City Clerk Radeva, Management Assistant McGinley, Director of Business Unit and Housing Development Villalpando, Community Resources Director Escobedo, Community Resource Manager Calderon, Senior Emergency Management Coordinator Johnston, Traffic Safety Analyst Gunterson, Community Resources Analyst Calderon, Human Resources Analyst Triplett, Public Works Director/City Engineer McKinney, Finance Director Martinez, Interim Accounting Manager Hallick, Management Analyst Kinley, Design and Development Director Castro, and Planning Manager Flores. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA – None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Councilmember Peña and Mayor Evans said they will recuse themselves from discussion and vote on Consent Calendar Item No. 8 due to a potential conflict of interest stemming from the proximity of real property to this project; and requested that it be pulled for a separate vote. Councilmembers Fitzpatrick and Sanchez said they would like to comment on Consent Calendar Item No. 14 related to Fiscal Year 2020/21 Measure G Sales Tax Compliance Report. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1 9 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2 of 11 DECEMBER 21, 2021 Mayor Evans noted that WRITTEN COMMENTS were submitted by Alena Callimanis regarding Consent Calendar Item No. 6 related to establishing City regulations relating to campaign contributions. CLOSED SESSION 1. THREAT TO PUBLIC SERVICES OR FACILITIES, PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION (a) OF GOVERNMENT CODE § 54957. CONSULTATION WITH: ALEXANDER JOHNSTON, SENIOR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR; WILLIAM H. IHRKE, CITY ATTORNEY (Review Continued Need and Response to Proclaimed State and Local Emergencies Caused by COVID-19) 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION – PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (1) OF SUBDIVISION (d) OF SECTION 54956.9 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE. NAME OF CASE: CITY OF LA QUINTA, PETITIONER, v. LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION, RESPONDENT, USPTO TRADEMARK TRIAL AND APPEAL BD., CANCELLATION CASE NO.: 92076446. NAME OF CASE: LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION, PLAINTIFF, V. CITY OF LA QUINTA, DEFENDANT, US DIST. COURT, CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CAL., CASE NO. 5:21-cv-515 Mayor Evans asked Councilmember Sanchez if he intended to wear a facial covering in accordance with current California state health requirements during the Open Session portion of the meeting at 4:00 p.m. Councilmember Sanchez responded he was not going to wear a facial covering and provided the reasons for his decision. Councilmembers commented on the importance to follow health requirements to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and the ability to participate in the City Council meeting virtually pursuant to AB 361. COUNCIL RECESSED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE MEETING AND MOVED INTO CLOSED SESSION AT 3:09 P.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 4:00 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: City Attorney Ihrke reported no actions were taken in Closed Session that require reporting pursuant to the Brown Act (Government Code section 54950 et seq.). 10 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3 of 11 DECEMBER 21, 2021 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Pro Tem Radi led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA PUBLIC SPEAKER VIA TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY: Alena Callimanis, La Quinta – provided a presentation on the new California, Arizona, and Nevada drought emergency plan; showed a drone fly-over of the Coral Mountain Wave project (Project); and spoke in opposition of the Project. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CHAPTER – AWARDED THE 2021 PROJECT OF THE YEAR TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA FOR THE VILLAGE COMPLETE STREETS – A ROAD DIET PROJECT NO. 2015-03 Mayor Evans provided a brief description of the project and congratulated the City on obtaining this prestigious award. Public Works Director/City Engineer McKinney thanked the La Quinta community, Staff, and City Consultants for the engagement and work on the project; commended the collaborative efforts and grant funding the City received to complete the project; and provided a detailed overview of the project. 2. TALUS – PROJECT STATUS UPDATE PUBLIC SPEAKERS IN-PERSON: Project Manager Josh Frantz with Robert Green Company (RGC) provided a detailed presentation on the project’s overall progress and sequence of activities onsite for 1) Montage Hotel and Spa, including vertical construction, 2) Montage Guestrooms, 3) Montage Residences, 4) Conference and Shared Services Building, 5) Golf Clubhouse, 6) Pendry Residences, and 7) Pendry Hotel. PUBLIC SPEAKER VIA TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY: Robert Green, President and CEO, RGC/SilverRock Development Co. – spoke of the existing labor shortage resources and increased materials costs; and said he was excited to see the vertical construction. 3. LA QUINTA ART CELEBRATION – NOVEMBER 2021 – EVENT SUMMARY REPORT (verbal) 11 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4 of 11 DECEMBER 21, 2021 PUBLIC SPEAKERS IN-PERSON: Paul Anderson, CEO of SCOPE Events provided an overview of the very successful November 2021 art event, high attendance, increased sales; said he is looking forward to holding the March 2022 art event; noted the November “Art Celebration Encore” event will continue to be held going forward; and commended the City and staff for the collaboration and support in producing the event. Council thanked all that helped produce this event. 4. IRONMAN 70.3 INDIAN WELLS-LA QUINTA TRIATHLON – 2021 EVENT SUMMARY REPORT Alexander Johnston, Sr. Emergency Management Coordinator provided an overview of the 2021 event. Council discussed the comments and feedback received from the community that can help improve this event even further going forward; collaborating with the participating jurisdictions to disseminate the route map and event information to the surrounding communities as well and not just La Quinta; the Highway 111 commercial corridor remained open; and collaborate with the Chamber of Commerce to canvass the Highway 111 Corridor for future events. Council inquired about the cause for unfortunate collision of one of the athletes with a vehicle and what measures can be put in place to prevent such an occurrence in the future. PUBLIC SPEAKERS IN-PERSON: Sabrina Houston, Race Director with IRONMAN – noted that the IRONMAN lead-route vehicle, mistakenly deviated from the route, which caused for the No. 2 finishing male athlete to collide with a vehicle during the biking portion of the triathlon; said the lead vehicle driver drives the route before the event and this was an unfortunate incident; thanked the City for the road closures that provide a very safe route for the athletes; there were no critical incidents during the entire event; and IRONMAN is always open to consider better alternatives to the route, such as utilizing CV Link when it is completed. Discussion followed regarding the COVID-19 vaccination and safety requirements that were in place for the event from the Indian Wells Tennis Gardens venue; and alternative venues that can be utilized instead. 12 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5 of 11 DECEMBER 21, 2021 Council suggested organizing a hike from the top of the Cove up the Cove Oasis Trail that will allow event supporters to watch the swim at Lake Cahuilla without being subject to the road closures. Council commended all that made this event a reality and so successful, including the Salton Sea ambassadors. PUBLIC SPEAKER VIA TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY: Alena Callimanis, La Quinta – provided safety recommendations for the day before the event as a lot of the athletes were practicing the route. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF DECEMBER 7, 2021 2. APPROVE SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 7, 2021 3. AFFIRM RESOLUTION NO. 2021-035 FINDINGS RELATED TO THE STATE OF EMERGENCY DUE TO COVID-19 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO CONTINUE TO IMPLEMENT TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY TO CONDUCT PUBLIC MEETINGS PURSUANT TO ASSEMBLY BILL 361 (STATS. 2021, CH. 165) 4. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR ACCOUNT TECHNICIAN TO ATTEND THE CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT OFFICIALS ANNUAL CONFERENCE IN PASADENA, CALIFORNIA, JANUARY 30 – FEBRUARY 3, 2022 5. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE CITY CLERK AND MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT IN THE CLERK’S OFFICE TO ATTEND THE CALIFORNIA JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY 2022 RISK MANAGEMENT ACADEMY IN SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, JANUARY 18 – 20, 2022 6. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH CITY REGULATIONS RELATING TO CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS AND AUTHORIZE SPECIFIED PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF CITY REGULATIONS PURSUANT TO ASSEMBLY BILL 571 (STATS. 2019, CH. 556) [RESOLUTION NO. 2021-043] 7. APPROVE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ENGINEER’S ESTIMATE, AND ADVERTISE FOR BID THE WASHINGTON STREET AT AVENUE 50 AND CALLE TAMPICO SIDEWALK AND AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 2019-23 13 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6 of 11 DECEMBER 21, 2021 8. pulled for a separate vote by Mayor Evans and Councilmember Peña >>> APPROVE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ENGINEER’S ESTIMATE, AND ADVERTISE FOR BID THE CITYWIDE MISCELLANEOUS AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 2021-03 9. APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 TO CONTRACT WITH HARDY AND HARPER, INC AND ACCEPT LAKE CAHUILLA ROAD PAVEMENT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 2021-07 LOCATED BETWEEN THE QUARRY DEVELOPMENT ENTRANCE AND LAKE CAHUILLA PARK 10. APPROVE AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH SCOPE EVENTS TO PRODUCE THE LA QUINTA ART CELEBRATION 2022- 2025 11. APPROVE FOURTH AMENDMENT TO MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE FOR A TWO-YEAR EXTENSION FOR LIBRARY, MUSEUM, AND MAKERSPACE MANAGEMENT 12. ADOPT RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 38165 LOCATED AT 47120 DUNE PALMS ROAD [RESOLUTION NO. 2021-044] 13. APPROVE RECIPIENT FOR THE LA QUINTA 2022 SENIOR INSPIRATION AWARD 14. RECEIVE AND FILE FISCAL YEAR 2020/21 MEASURE G SALES TAX COMPLIANCE REPORT 15. RECEIVE AND FILE FIRST QUARTER FISCAL YEAR 2021/22 TREASURY REPORTS FOR JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER 2021 16. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED NOVEMBER 12, 19 AND DECEMBER 3, 10, 2021 17. APPROPRIATE FUNDS TO ACQUIRE CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED AT 78370 HIGHWAY 111 FOR PARK AREA TO INTEGRATE WITH CV LINK REGIONAL TRAIL PROJECT 14 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7 of 11 DECEMBER 21, 2021 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 8 MAYOR EVANS AND COUNCILMEMBER PEÑA RECUSED THEMSELVES, AND SAID THEY WILL ABSTAIN FROM DISCUSSION AND VOTE ON THIS ITEM, DUE TO A POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST STEMMING FROM THE PROXIMITY OF THEIR REAL PROPERTY TO THE PROJECT LOCATION MAYOR PRO TEM RADI ASSUMED PRESIDING OFFICER RESPONSIBILITIES FROM MAYOR EVANS FOR THIS ITEM MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Sanchez to approve Consent Calendar Item No. 8 as recommended. Motion Passed: ayes – 3, noes – 0, abstain – 2 (Evans, Peña). MAYOR EVANS RESUMED PRESIDING OFFICER RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE MEETING CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 6 WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS were received by Alena Callimanis related to Consent Calendar Item No. 6, opposing the removal of campaign contribution limits; written comments were distributed to Council and incorporated into the agenda packet and public record of the meeting. PUBLIC SPEAKER VIA TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY: Alena Callimanis, La Quinta – spoke in opposition of the removal of campaign contribution limits. Council discussion followed noting that any contribution of $100 or more, regardless of whether there is a campaign contribution limit in place or not, must be reported, and are on file with the City and available for public review and examination. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 14 Council thanked the citizens of La Quinta for voting for Measure G to ensure the future fiscal soundness and stability of the City; noted that Measure G revenues are helping the City fund infrastructure, landscaping, public facilities, public safety services, and allowed the City to provide assistance to the business community as it was needed during the COVID-19 pandemic; and commended the Financial Advisory Commission for their oversight of Measure G sales tax revenues and expenses. 15 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8 of 11 DECEMBER 21, 2021 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1 – 7 AND 9 – 17 MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Peña/Radi to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1-7 and 9-17 as recommended, with Item Nos. 6 and 12 adopting Resolution Nos. 2021-043 and 2021-044, respectively. Motion passed unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION 1. SELECT MAYOR PRO TEMPORE TO SERVE FOR ONE YEAR Council waived presentation of the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Peña/Sanchez to appoint Councilmember Fitzpatrick to serve as Mayor Pro Tempore for calendar year 2022. Motion passed unanimously. 2. ANNUAL COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS TO SERVE ON VARIOUS OUTSIDE AGENCIES FOR 2022 Council waived presentation of the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Council discussed the current outside agencies appointments and reached a consensus to appoint Mayor Evans and Mayor Pro Tem Radi to serve on the Art Purchase Committee for the March 2022 Art Celebration event, and Councilmembers Fitzpatrick and Peña to serve on the Art Purchase Committee for the November 2022 Art Celebration event; the 2022 appointed Mayor Pro Tempore to assume all rotating appointments; and to switch the 1st and 4th quarter appointments to the Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce Information Exchange Committee to Mayor Pro Tem Radi and Councilmember Fitzpatrick, respectively. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Sanchez to appoint Councilmembers to serve on various outside agencies for calendar year 2022 as detailed in Attachment No. 1, incorporated herewith by this reference. Motion passed unanimously. 3. APPROVE AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH TRITON TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, INC. FOR COUNCIL CHAMBER AUDIO/VIDEO/CONTROL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES AND EQUIPMENT UPGRADES 16 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 9 of 11 DECEMBER 21, 2021 Management Analyst Kinley and City Clerk Radeva presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Council discussed the anticipated equipment improvements and timeline, including projector replacement, installing a direct feed from the Chamber into the lobby to eliminate streaming delays, speaker timers, equipment rack and cable replacement of all of the components in the AV room, audio components replacement, improving audio and video feeds for the AV room to allow for greater controls, installing a video switcher to provide greater flexibility on what is being displayed in the Chamber versus the live stream, ADA compliance, available options to implement closed captioning, security, etc.; and teleconference and telephonic accessibility via Zoom webinars. PUBLIC SPEAKER VIA TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY: Kristen Tetherton, President with Triton Technology Solutions (Triton) – introduced herself; said Triton is currently serving the County of Santa Barbara, City of Irvine, City of Costa Mesa, etc.; spoke about Triton’s experience and qualifications; and said Triton’s team is looking forward to working with the City. PUBLIC SPEAKER VIA TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY: Alena Callimanis, La Quinta – asked why verbal comments via teleconference accessibility are audio only. City Clerk Radeva explained the reasons for the audio only teleconference accessibility are to ensure audio is not impacted by poor internet signal, challenges with the ability to control speakers’ video backgrounds; and the public has the option to attend meetings in-person. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Peña/Sanchez to approve agreement for Contract Services with Triton Technology Solutions, Inc. for Council Chamber Audio/Visual/Control System maintenance and support services, and equipment upgrades; and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. Motion passed unanimously. 4. APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH GHD, INC. TO REVISE THE SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR PHASE 4 TO PREPARE A SPECIFIC PLAN FOR THE HIGHWAY 111 CORRIDOR, PROJECT NO. 2019-05 (Project) Planning Manager Flores presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Council discussed the proposed Phase 4 is anticipated to take 20 months to complete; ability to speed up the timeline and timeline constraints due to the 17 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 10 of 11 DECEMBER 21, 2021 California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirement; importance to conduct the stakeholders, community, and business engagement, outreach, and collaboration in-person instead of virtually; and the stakeholders’ and community’s engagement and buy-in are critical for the Project’s success and the importance of communicating the benefits of the Project. PUBLIC SPEAKER VIA TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY: Todd Tregenza, AICP, Senior Transportation Planner with GHD, Inc. – explained the CEQA constraints on the Project timeline, and noted they are prepared to conduct in-person community engagement. Council discussed the scope of the market demand study includes housing; need to create a parking strategy that reduces asphalt and ability to engage and entice the big-box stores to actively participate in this effort and become part of the solution. Council expressed consensus against the Optional Enhancements as noted in the staff report; and requested that quarterly Project updates be provided as departmental reports to both Council and the Planning Commission simultaneously. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Radi to approve Amendment No. 3 to the Agreement for Contract Services with GHD, Inc. to revise the scope of services for Phase 4 to prepare a specific plan for the Highway 111 Corridor, Project No. 2019-05, in the amount of $647,393; and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. Motion passed unanimously. STUDY SESSION – None PUBLIC HEARINGS – None DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS – None All reports are on file in the City Clerk’s Office. MAYOR’S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS’ ITEMS Mayor Evans reported on her participation, along with Mayor Pro Tem Radi and Councilmember Peña at the second annual Shop-With-a-Cop on December 15, 2021, where officers from the La Quinta Police Department took 20 kids shopping for toys at the Super Walmart in La Quinta. Mayor Evans reported on her attendance at American Express PGA Golf Tournament media day. 18 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 11 of 11 DECEMBER 21, 2021 Mayor Evans noted the La Quinta Museum “Creative Space: La Quinta Artists in their Studio” exhibit, the Old Town La Quinta Artisan Studio “Gingerbread Lane,” and Art on Main Street event are available to the community. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS La Quinta’s representative for 2021, Mayor Evans reported on her participation in the following organizations’ meeting: x IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT – COACHELLA VALLEY ENERGY COMMISSION La Quinta’s representative for 2021, Councilmember Fitzpatrick reported on her participation in the following organization’s meeting: x RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (RCTC) La Quinta’s representative for 2021, Councilmember Peña reported on his participation in the following organizations’ meetings: x COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES x IID ENERGY CONSUMERS’ ADVISORY COMMITTEE Council said the City’s Annual Community Workshop is scheduled to be held on Saturday, January 29, 2022, at 9:00 a.m.; encouraged the community to attend; and noted the importance of conducting it in-person. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Sanchez to adjourn at 6:22 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 19 20 2022 Assignments APPOINTED: DECEMBER 21,2021 * Note: receives stipendAGENCY 2022 MEETING SCHEDULE 2022 REPRESENTATIVES Animal Campus Commission 1st Thursday, quarterly at 9:30 am (2022: Feb 3, May 5, Aug 4, Nov 3) Member: Councilmember Sanchez Alternate: Mayor Pro Tem Fitzpatrick California Joint Powers Insurance Authority* Annual meeting in July Member: Councilmember Radi Alternate: Monika Radeva and/or Claudia Martinez Greater CV Chamber of Commerce Information Exchange Committee Councilmembers rotate – 2nd Thursday every other month at 8:30 am 1st quarter – Councilmember Radi 2nd quarter – Councilmember Sanchez 3rd quarter – Councilmember Peña 4th quarter – Mayor Pro Tem Fitzpatrick Art Purchase Committee – March 2022 Art Purchase Committee – November 2022 Meet during Art Celebrations; (March 3-6, 2022; Nov. 10-13,2022) Members: Com Servs. Com (2) Members; Nov. – Councilmembers Fitzpatrick & Peña; Mar. – Mayor Evans & Councilmember Radi CVAG General Assembly Annual banquet – last Monday in June in Chair’s city (June 27, 2022 at 6 pm) Delegate: Mayor Evans Alternate: Mayor Pro Tem Fitzpatrick Members: All Councilmembers CVAG Conservation Commission* 2nd Thursday of each month at 10:30 am (2022: dark March, July, Aug, Oct, Dec) Member: Mayor Evans Alternate: Mayor Pro Tem Fitzpatrick CVAG Energy & Environmental Resources Committee* 2nd Thursday of each month at 12 pm (2022: dark March, July, Aug, Oct, Dec) Member: Mayor Evans Alternate: Mayor Pro Tem Fitzpatrick CVAG Executive Committee* Last Monday of each month at 4:30 pm (2022: dark March, July, Aug, Oct, Dec) Member: Mayor Evans Alternate: Mayor Pro Tem Fitzpatrick (rotating) CVAG Public Safety Committee* 2nd Monday of each month at 9 am (2022: dark Mar, Apr, Jul, Aug, Oct, Dec) Member: Councilmember Peña Alternate: Councilmember Sanchez CVAG Transportation Committee* 1st Monday of each month at 10 am (2022: dark March, July, Aug, Oct, Dec) Member: Councilmember Radi Alternate: Mayor Pro Tem Fitzpatrick CVAG Homelessness Committee* 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10 am (2022: dark Mar, July, Aug, Oct, Dec) Member: Councilmember Peña Alternate: Mayor Pro Tem Fitzpatrick Coachella Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District (CVMVCD)* 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6 pm Member: Councilmember Peña Appointed 10/19/2021 to serve thru December 31, 2025 Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy (CVMC)* 2nd Monday, every other month at 3 pm (2022: Jan 10, Mar 14, May 9, Jul 11, Sept 12, Nov 14) Member: Mayor Pro Tem Fitzpatrick Alternate: Councilmember Peña Coachella Valley Unified School District 2x2 Committee [established 11/03/2015] TBD Members: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick & Peña ATTACHMENT 121 2022 Assignments APPOINTED: DECEMBER 21,2021 * Note: receives stipendCommunity Service Grant Review Committee Three per year: January, May & September January Members: Peña / Fitzpatrick May Members: Radi / Sanchez September Members: Mayor Evans / Peña Coachella Valley Water District Joint Policy CommitteeAs needed – TBD Member: Mayor Evans Alternate: Mayor Pro Tem Fitzpatrick (rotating) Desert Sands Unified School District 2x2 Committee [established June 2013] TBD Members: Councilmembers Sanchez & Radi Desert Recreation District 2x2 Committee [established Jan. 2017] TBD Members: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick & Radi Economic Development Subcommittee [established May 20, 2014] Meet twice a month; TBD and 4th Wednesday at 4 p.m. Members: Mayor Evans & Mayor Pro Tem Fitzpatrick (rotating) Alternate Member: Councilmember Sanchez Greater Palm Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau* Fridays at 8:30 am at rotating locations (2022: Jan 28, Mar 25, May 20, June 24, Sept 30, Nov 18; dark in Feb, April, July, Aug, Oct, Dec) Members: Mayor Evans Alternate Member: Councilmember Radi IID Energy Consumers’ Advisory Committee (ECAC) 1st Monday of every month at 6 p.m. Member: Councilmember PeñaPublic Member: Lee Osborne Alternate: none (IID does not recognize alternates) IID Coachella Valley Energy Commission (CVEC) 2nd Thursday of every month at 4 p.m. (held at IID Headquarters in LQ or rotating from time to time at facilities in the cities of Coachella, Indio, La Quinta, Palm Desert, Indian Wells, Rancho Mirage, tribal nations, or unincorporated areas of Imperial & Riverside counties) Members: Mayor Evans Appointment is in effect until December 2022 League of California Cities - Delegate for annual conference Annual conference(s) & General Assembly September 7-9, 2022 in Long Beach, CA Member: Mayor Evans Alternate: Councilmember Peña (rotating) League of California Cities -Transportation, Communication and Public Works Policy Committee Three meetings per year (2022: Jan, Feb, April, & June) Member: Councilmember Sanchez League of California Cities - Public Safety Committee Three meetings per year (2022: Jan, Feb, April, & June) Member: Councilmember Peña Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC)* [one rep appointed by every city] 2nd Wednesday of each month at 9:30 am Member: Mayor Pro Tem Fitzpatrick Alternate Member: Councilmember Radi Riverside Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) 4th Thursday of each month at 9:30 am (dark Nov 2022) Member: Councilmember Sanchez So. Calif. Association of Governments (SGAC) Annual Regional Conference & General Assembly – May 4-6, 2022 – Marriott Springs Resort – Palm Desert Delegate: Mayor Evans Alternate Member: Mayor Pro Tem Fitzpatrick Sunline Transit Agency* 4th Wednesday of each month at 10am-1pm noon (includes Committees) (dark Aug & Nov 2022) Member: Councilmember Radi Alternate: Councilmember Peña 22 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: January 18, 2022 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: AFFIRM RESOLUTION NO. 2021-035 FINDINGS RELATED TO THE STATE OF EMERGENCY DUE TO COVID-19 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO CONTINUE TO IMPLEMENT TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY TO CONDUCT PUBLIC MEETINGS PURSUANT TO ASSEMBLY BILL 361 (STATS. 2021, CH. 165) RECOMMENDATION Affirm Resolution No. 2021-035 findings related to the state of emergency due to COVID-19 authorizing the City Manager to continue to implement teleconference accessibility to conduct public meetings pursuant to Assembly Bill 361 (Stats. 2021, Ch. 165). EXECUTIVE SUMMARY x Pursuant to Assembly Bill 361 (Stats. 2021, Ch. 165) (AB 361), which waived certain provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act (Brown Act) and authorized local agencies to hold public meetings via teleconferencing whenever a state of emergency exists that makes it unsafe to meet in person, Council must reconsider the circumstances of the state of emergency every 30 days and affirm the required findings in order to continue to allow teleconference accessibility for public meetings. x On September 28, 2021, Council adopted Resolution No. 2021-035 (Attachment 1) making the required findings under AB 361 and authorizing the City Manager to implement teleconference accessibility to conduct public meetings. FISCAL IMPACT – None. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS AB 361 was signed into law by the Governor on September 16, 2021, which went into effect immediately as urgency legislation (codified under Government Code § 54953) and waived certain provisions of the Brown Act in order to allow local agencies to continue to meet remotely. Specifically, the CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 23 bill allows remote teleconference flexibility, but only when there is a state of emergency that makes it unsafe to meet in person. In addition, AB 361 added specific procedures and clarified the requirements for conducting remote meetings, including the opportunity for the public to provide public comment in real time; the legislative body shall take no actions during disruptions; and the legislative body, by majority vote, shall determine that meeting in person would present imminent risk to the health or safety of attendees and shall affirm these findings every 30 days, in order to continue to allow teleconference accessibility for conducting public meetings [Government Code § 54953(e)(3)]. AB 361 will sunset on January 1, 2024. The City has implemented procedures for conducting public meetings to ensure full compliance with AB 361. In addition to the ability to attend public meetings in-person, teleconference accessibility via call-in option or an internet-based service option (via the Zoom Webinars platform) is listed on the published agenda for each meeting as well as on the City’s website. The City monitors attendance via teleconference as well as email correspondence (as published on the agenda) throughout each public meeting and provides access for public comment opportunities in real time both verbally and in writing. On September 28, 2021, Council adopted Resolution No. 2021-035 making the initially required findings under AB 361 in order to allow the City to continue to offer teleconference accessibility for public meetings after September 30, 2021, to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. As noted above, Council must reconsider the state of emergency due to COVID-19 every 30 days and affirm the findings under Resolution No. 2021- 035 in order to continue to allow teleconference accessibility for conducting public meetings. x September 28, 2021 – Resolution No. 2021-035 adopted x October 19, 2021 – findings affirmed x November 16, 2021 – findings affirmed x December 7, 2021 – findings affirmed x December 21, 2021 – findings affirmed Prepared by: Monika Radeva, City Clerk Approved by: Jon McMillen, City Manager Attachment: 1. Council Resolution No. 2021-035 24 RESOLUTION NO. 2021 - 03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO IMPLEMENT TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY FOR CONDUCTING PUBLIC MEETINGS PURSUANT TO ASSEMBLY BILL 361 (STATS. 2021, CH. 165) WHEREAS, on March 4, 2020, the Governor of California proclaimed a State of Emergency to exist in California as a result of the threat of novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19); and WHEREAS, on March 17, 2020, the City Council adopted Emergency Resolution No. EM 2020-001, proclaiming a local emergency as defined in La Quinta Municipal Code Section 2.20.020, due to the threat of the existence and spread of COVID-19; and WHEREAS, on March 17, 2020, the Governor of California executed Executive Order N-29-20 which suspended and modified specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code Section § 54950 et seq.) and authorized local legislative bodies to hold public meetings via teleconferencing and to make public meeting accessible telephonically or otherwise electronically to all members of the public seeking to observe and address the local legislative body; and WHEREAS, on June 11, 2021, the Governor of California executed Executive Order N-08-21 which extended the provisions of Executive Order N- 29-20 concerning teleconference accommodations for public meetings through September 30, 2021; and WHEREAS, on September 16, 2021, the Governor of California signed into law Assembly Bill 361 (AB 361, Rivas) (Stats. 2021, ch. 165) amending Government Code § 54953 and providing alternative teleconferencing requirements to conduct public meetings during a proclaimed state of emergency; and WHEREAS, AB 361 (Stats. 2021, ch. 165) imposes requirements to ensure members of the public are able to attend and participate in public meetings conducted via teleconference, including: ATTACHMENT 1 25 Resolution No. 2021 – 03 Teleconference Procedures for Conducting Public Meetings Pursuant to AB 361 (Stats. 2021, ch. 165) Adopted: September 28, 2021 Page 2 of 4 x Notice of the means by which members of the public may access the meeting and offer public comment, including an opportunity for all persons to attend via a call-in option or an internet-based service option; x The legislative body shall take no further action on agenda items when there is a disruption which prevents the public agency from broadcasting the meeting, or in the event of a disruption within the local agency’s control which prevents members of the public from offering public comments, until public access is restored; x Prohibits the legislative body from requiring public comments to be submitted in advance of the meeting and specifies that the legislative body must provide an opportunity for members of the public to address the legislative body and offer comments in real time; x Prohibits the legislative body from closing the public comment period until the public comment period has elapsed or until a reasonable amount of time has elapsed; and WHEREAS, the City has already implemented and is in full compliance with the requirements listed above when conducting public meetings via teleconference, which are now codified in Government Code § 54953(e)(2)(B- G); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code § 54953(e)(B), the legislative body shall hold a meeting during a proclaimed state of emergency for the purpose of determining, by majority vote, whether as a result of the emergency, meeting in person would present imminent risks to the health and safety of attendees. The City Council must make these findings no later than 30 days after the first teleconferenced meeting is held pursuant to AB 361 (Stats. 2021, ch. 165) after September 30, 2021, and must also make these findings every 30 days thereafter, in order to continue to allow teleconference accessibility for conducing public meetings. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. The City Council hereby declares that the recitals set forth above are true and correct, and incorporated into this resolution as findings of the City Council. 26 Resolution No. 2021 – 03 Teleconference Procedures for Conducting Public Meetings Pursuant to AB 361 (Stats. 2021, ch. 165) Adopted: September 28, 2021 Page 3 of 4 SECTION 2. The City Council hereby declares that a state of emergency as a result of the threat of COVID-19 still exists and continues to impact the ability of members of the public, the City Council, City Boards, Commissions, and Committees, City staff and consultants to meet safely in person. SECTION 3. The State of California and the City of La Quinta continue to follow safety measures in response to COVID-19 as ordered or recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), California Department of Public Health (DPH), and/or County of Riverside, as applicable, including facial coverings when required and social distancing. SECTION 4. The City Council hereby declares that, pursuant to the findings listed in this Resolution, the City Manager is authorized to utilize teleconferencing accessibility to conduct public meetings pursuant to AB 361 (Stats. 2021, ch. 165) and Government Code § 54953, as amended thereby. SECTION 5. Severability: If any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Resolution is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Resolution. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this Resolution and each and every section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions thereof be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 6. Effective Date: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 28th day of September, 2021, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None 27 28 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: January 18, 2022 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ADOPT RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE APPLICATION FOR, AND RECEIPT OF, CALIFORNIA SENATE BILL 1383 LOCAL ASSISTANCE GRANT PROGRAM FUNDS TO ASSIST WITH IMPLEMENTATION OF SB 1383 REGULATION REQUIREMENTS RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution authorizing application for, and receipt of, California Senate Bill 1383 (SB 1383) Local Assistance Grant Program Funds in the amount of $55,120; and authorize the City Manager, or designee, to execute all necessary grant documents. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY x On January 4, 2022, the State of California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) issued a Notice of Funding Availability of up to $57 million for the SB 1383 Local Assistance Grant Program. x Grant funds have been allocated in a non-competitive manner for all Counties and Cities in California, with a $20,000 base award and further apportionment based upon population size. x Based on CalRecycle estimates, the City would receive one-time funding of up to $55,120 for the period of April 1, 2022, through April 2, 2024. Eligible grant projects must be associated with implementing SB 1383 regulations such as organics collection, food waste bins, education and outreach, training, and recycled organics procurement. x Grant recipients must pass a resolution approving the filing of an application in order to receive funding. FISCAL IMPACT Funds from this grant in the amount of $55,120 will go towards implementation of State mandated SB 1383 organics recycling regulations. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 29 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On January 4, 2022, CalRecycle released the SB 1383 Local Assistance Grant Program, the first permanent source of State funding dedicated to helping local governments with the implementation of SB 1383 (Lara, Chapter 395, Statutes of 2016) regulation requirements that became effective January 1, 2022. SB 1383 set methane reduction targets in a statewide effort to reduce emissions of short-lived climate pollutants by 75% and recover 20% more edible food by 2025. The State Budget Act of 2021 (SB 170) appropriated $57 million to CalRecycle for this grant program. CalRecycle is administering this one-time grant funding in a non-competitive manner. Local governments are eligible to apply for the SB 1383 Local Assistance Grant Program. Each jurisdiction will receive a base award of $20,000 and further apportionment based upon population size. CalRecycle has identified that the City is eligible to apply for up to $55,120 for projects associated with the implementation of SB 1383 such as: x Organics collection service; x Small household food waste bins, lids, and labels; x Edible food recovery programs; x Education and outreach; x Training; x Enforcement and inspection; x Implementation record keeping; and x Recycled organics procurement. Staff will collaborate with Burrtec to identify projects the City can implement that meet grant program and SB 1383 regulation requirements. The application deadline for initial funding is February 1, 2022. If the City meets all application requirements by the deadline and is approved by CalRecycle, the grant program will run from April 1, 2022, through April 2, 2024. In order for the City to receive this grant funding, Council must adopt a resolution authorizing application to the SB 1383 Local Assistance Grant Program. ALTERNATIVES The Council may elect to not pursue this funding source. Prepared by: Jeremy Griffin, Management Specialist Approved by: Gilbert Villalpando, Director, City Manager’s Office 30 RESOLUTION NO. 2022 - XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR, AND RECEIPT OF, SB 1383 LOCAL ASSISTANCE GRANT PROGRAM FUNDS FROM CALRECYCLE; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS RELATED THERETO WHEREAS, Public Resources Code sections 48000 et seq. authorize the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (“CalRecycle”) to administer various grant programs in furtherance of the State of California’s (“State”) efforts to reduce, recycle, and reuse solid waste generated in the State thereby preserving landfill capacity and protecting public health and safety and the environment; and WHEREAS, in furtherance of this authority, CalRecycle is required to establish procedures governing the application, awarding, and management of the grants; and WHEREAS, CalRecycle grant application procedures require, among other things, an applicant’s governing body to declare by resolution certain authorizations related to the administration of CalRecycle grants; and WHEREAS, CalRecycle has issued a Notice of Funding Availability (“NOFA”) dated January 4, 2022, for its SB 1383 Local Assistance Grant Program (“SB 1383 Grant”) pursuant to Chapter 395, Statutes of 2016, and is authorized to provide up to $57 million pursuant to SB 170 Budget Act of 2021 in one-time funding to local jurisdictions to assist with the implementation of regulation requirements associated with SB 1383; and WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta desires to submit a project application for the SB 1383 Grant and will submit a Fiscal Year 2021-22 SB 1383 Grant application as described in the NOFA, Application Instructions, and Procedures and Requirements released by CalRecycle for the SB 1383 Grant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. The City of La Quinta is hereby authorized and directed to apply for and submit to CalRecycle the Fiscal Year 2021-22 SB 1383 Local 31 Resolution No. 2022 – xxx CalRecycle SB 1383 Local Assistance Grant Program Funds Adopted: January 18, 2022 Page 2 of 3 Assistance Grant Program application released January 4, 2022, in the amount of $55,120. SECTION 2. The City shall be subject to the terms and conditions as specified in the Grant Agreement, SB 1383 Grant NOFA, Application Instructions, Procedures and Requirements, and any applicable guidelines published by CalRecycle. Funds are to be used for allowable expenditures as specifically identified in the Grant Agreement. The application in full is incorporated as part of the Grant Agreement. Any and all activities funded, information provided, and timelines represented in the application will be enforceable through the executed Grant Agreement. The City hereby agrees to use the funds for eligible costs in the manner presented in the application as approved by CalRecycle and in accordance with the SB 1383 Grant NOFA, Application Instructions, and Procedures and Requirements. SECTION 3. These authorizations are effective for a period less than five (5) years, from January 18, 2022, through December 31, 2024. SECTION 4. The City Manager, or designee, is authorized to execute the SB 1383 Local Assistance Grant Program and SB 1383 Grant Documents on behalf of the City as required by CalRecycle for receipt of the SB 1383 Grant. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 18th day of January 2022, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ________________________ LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta, California 32 Resolution No. 2022 – xxx CalRecycle SB 1383 Local Assistance Grant Program Funds Adopted: January 18, 2022 Page 3 of 3 ATTEST: ____________________________ MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________ WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 33 34 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: January 18, 2022 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF A REPLACEMENT PLAYGROUND STRUCTURE FOR SEASONS PARK FROM DAVE BANG & ASSOCIATES, INC. THROUGH SOURCEWELL COOPERATIVE PURCHASING AND APPROPRIATE $92,635 RECOMMENDATION Approve the purchase of a replacement playground structure for Seasons Park from Dave Bang & Associates, Inc. and appropriate $92,635; and authorize the City Manager to execute the Contract Agreement. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY x The playground structure (structure) at Seasons Park (Seasons) was destroyed by a fire in July 2021. x The City utilizes Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing (Sourcewell) for procurement of goods and services. x Dave Bang & Associates, Inc. (Dave Bang) submitted a new design and proposal (Attachment 1) utilizing City brand colors. The estimated cost of the structure would be $77,196. FISCAL IMPACT Staff requests an appropriation of 92,635from the Park Equipment & Facility Internal Service Fund (503) for the purchase and installation of the structure, and to cover potential contingency costs. Charges will be expensed to (503-0000-71060) The City anticipates recovering expenses incurred, minus a $10,0000 deductible, from our property insurance coverage. Dave Bang $77,196 20% Contingency $15,439 Total: $92,635 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 35 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Seasons is a small neighborhood park that was constructed in 2000, it was designed to include a play structure for ages 2-12 and a swing set. The structure was destroyed by fire in July 2021 due to illegal fireworks that landed in the wood chips causing a fire. The City has filed an insurance claim with California JPIA for reimbursement of the structure and wood chips. The City utilizes Sourcewell to streamline the procurement process. which complies with the City’s purchasing policy. Dave Bang submitted a quote and design through Sourcewell for a replacement structure that incorporates City brand colors. The estimated cost to purchase and install the new structure, and to replace the contaminated wood chips is $77,196. On December 13, 2021 the Community Services Commission reviewed and approved the playground equipment as proposed utilizing City brand colors. ALTERNATIVES City Council could direct staff to find an alternative playground equipment selection. Prepared by: Dianne Hansen, Management Analyst, Parks/Landscape Approved by: Bryan McKinney, Public Works Director/ City Engineer Attachment: 1 Dave Bang Design/Proposal 36 COLOR PALETTE:MANUFACTURERS:6($62163$5./$48,17$&$PROJECT:DESIGNED BY:BRITTANY PULKRABEKDECEMBER 9, 2021DRAWING #C21574CHR1DESIGNED FOR:$77$&+0(1737 COLOR PALETTE:MANUFACTURERS:6($62163$5./$48,17$&$PROJECT:DESIGNED BY:BRITTANY PULKRABEKDECEMBER 9, 2021DRAWING #C21574CHR1DESIGNED FOR:38 COLOR PALETTE:MANUFACTURERS:6($62163$5./$48,17$&$PROJECT:DESIGNED BY:BRITTANY PULKRABEKDECEMBER 9, 2021DRAWING #C21574CHR1DESIGNED FOR:39 SELECTED COLORSPOST: ORANGECOMPONENT 1: BLUECOMPONENT 2: TEALROTOMOLDED PLASTIC 1: TEALROTOMOLDED PLASTIC 2: ORANGEROTOMOLDED PLASTIC 3: N/ASHEET PLASTIC 1: N/ASHEET PLASTIC 2: N/A2-TONE PLASTIC: PLUM/SANDROPE: GREENECO-ARMOR: GRAYMODIFIED COLORS LISTED BELOW__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SHADE HAT: BLUEPLAY CUBES: BLUE/ORANGECOLOR PALETTE:MANUFACTURERS:6($62163$5./$48,17$&$PROJECT:DESIGNED BY:BRITTANY PULKRABEKDECEMBER 9, 2021DRAWING #C21574CHR1DESIGNED FOR:40   727$/(/(9$7('3/$<&20321(176 727$/(/(9$7('3/$<&20321(176$&&(66,%/(%<5$03  5(48,5(' 727$/(/(9$7('3/$<&20321(176$&&(66,%/(%<75$16)(5  5(48,5('727$/$&&(66,%/(*5281'/(9(/&20321(1766+2:1  5(48,5(' 727$/$&&(66,%/(*5281'/(9(/&20321(1762)',))(5(177<3(6  5(48,5('  $33/,&$%/(21/<:,7+$'$&203/,$17685)$&,1*(;,67,1*76:,1*:7276($765,6.0$1$*(0(176,*1:67,&.(5(1*,1((5(':22'),%(564)775$16)(567$7,21:67(3ƒ189263,5$/6/,'(*/,'(6/,'(&/,0%,1*648$5(6$'$67$,5523(1(7&/,0%(53,3(:$//63,3(:$//:/2:(57(/(6&23( GHFN $'$'5,9(53$1(/ JURXQG $'$67$,5%(//V=y]dYhdhYC=yIhdI(d.IBVICCd]IC(IYBdI]dB(ɷɺɾɽʣɷɽCV]ʑɹɸɻ*h0=0C]CYd0d=ɸɸʍ0t0]0ICɺ.VdYɸɸʒY0d0=(==.0*.dI(ItY==V=yYʌɾɺʕ6($62163$5./$48,17$&$Y0ddCyVh=:Y:BYɼʍɸɶɸɷYw0C*ʑɸɷɻɽɺ.Yɷ41 Posts ZZCH0018 413.5in OD x 124in STEEL POST W/RIVETED CAP ZZCH0028 423.5in OD x 136in STEEL POST W/ RIVETED CAP ZZCH0387 433.5in OD x 210in LARGE SHADE HAT POST (72in & 84in DECK) Decks & Kick Plates ZZCH0616 14SQUARE COATED DECK ASSEMBLY ZZCH0617 45TRIANGULAR COATED DECK ASSEMBLY ZZCH2530 1612in DECK TO DECK KICK PLATE ZZUN2290 27COATED DECK TO DECK CONNECTION KIT ADA Items ZZCH2006 18TRANSFER STATION (36in DECK) ZZUN2019 19APPROACH STEP FOR TRANSFER STATION Slides ZZCH3126 110GLIDE SLIDE (48in DECK) ZZCH3537 111SLIDE- NUVO 360 SPIRAL SLIDE Activity Panels ZZCH4357 112PIPEWALL WITH LOWER TELESCOPE ZZCH4406 113ACCESSIBLE DRIVING PANEL Barriers ZZCH4095 214CENTERLINE PIPE WALL BARRIER Climbers ZZCH7088 115CLIMBING SQUARES BLOCK CLIMBER (48in) ZZCH7226 116ROPE CLIMBER (36in DECK) Audible Activities ZZCH4556 1177in BELL (POST MOUNT) Roofs & Arches ZZCH4717 11818ft SQUARE HAT SHADE ZZCH9726 119CH SQUARE HAT POST BRACES Stairs and Ladders ZZCH9168 22012in ACCESS STEPPED PLATFORM (DECK TO DECK) Part No.Description Design Number: C21574CHR1 - Bill Of Material SEASONS PARK Ref. No.Quantity Monday, December 06, 2021 Page of11 Playworld.com 42 CertifiedZZCH00181 3.5in OD x 124in STEEL POST W/RIVETED CAP4 155.642150 4.00 0.50 0CertifiedZZCH00282 3.5in OD x 136in STEEL POST W/ RIVETED CAP4 174.042340 4.00 0.50 0N/AZZCH03873 3.5in OD x 210in LARGE SHADE HAT POST (72in & 84in DECK)4 453.243330 4.00 0.00 0CertifiedZZCH06164 SQUARE COATED DECK ASSEMBLY 1 54.861743 1.00 0.00 0CertifiedZZCH06175TRIANGULAR COATED DECK ASSEMBLY4 119.604808 4.00 0.00 0CertifiedZZCH25306 12in DECK TO DECK KICK PLATE 18.85170 0.50 0.00 0CertifiedZZUN22907 COATED DECK TO DECK CONNECTION KIT20.5880 1.00 0.00 0CertifiedZZCH20068TRANSFER STATION (36in DECK) 1 145.803082 2.00 0.09 0CertifiedZZUN20199APPROACH STEP FOR TRANSFER STATION1 35.83721 1.00 0.04 0CertifiedZZCH312610 GLIDE SLIDE (48in DECK)1 119.734922 1.50 0.03 1CertifiedZZCH353711 SLIDE- NUVO 360 SPIRAL SLIDE 1 650.001,4172 6.00 0.15 1CertifiedZZCH435712 PIPEWALL WITH LOWER TELESCOPE1 32.111181 0.50 0.00 1CertifiedZZCH440613ACCESSIBLE DRIVING PANEL 1 24.072021 0.50 0.00 1CertifiedZZCH409514 CENTERLINE PIPE WALL BARRIER 2 57.481420 1.00 0.00 0CertifiedZZCH708815 CLIMBING SQUARES BLOCK CLIMBER (48in)1 181.106353 6.00 0.15 1CertifiedZZCH722616 ROPE CLIMBER (36in DECK)1 45.261,3752 2.00 0.06 1CertifiedZZCH455617 7in BELL (POST MOUNT) 14.61411 0.25 0.00 1CertifiedZZCH471718 18ft SQUARE HAT SHADE 1 555.702,3440 10.00 0.18 0CertifiedZZCH972619 CH SQUARE HAT POST BRACES 1 74.742800 1.00 0.00 0CertifiedZZCH916820 12in ACCESS STEPPED PLATFORM (DECK TO DECK)2 140.565542 4.00 0.00 0DescriptionConcrete(Yds3)TotalWeight(lbs) UsersDesign Number: C21574CHR1 - Compliance and Technical DataSEASONS PARKPre-ConsumerRecycled Content(lbs)CO2eFootprint(kgs)InstallHoursRef.No.Reference Document: ASTM F1487UnitASTMStatusActivePlayEventsPost-Part No. Qty.416 887 9,43728 54.25 1.703,033.807Totals:9Metric Tons399Kg187Kg1,365.21Kg1.29m3Monday, December 06, 2021Page of12Playworld.com43 DescriptionConcrete(Yds3)TotalWeight(lbs) UsersDesign Number: C21574CHR1 - Compliance and Technical DataSEASONS PARKPre-ConsumerRecycled Content(lbs)CO2eFootprint(kgs)InstallHoursRef.No.Reference Document: ASTM F1487UnitASTMStatusActivePlayEventsPost-Part No. Qty.The lay-out for this custom playscape, design number C21574CHR1, has been configured to meet the requirements of the ASTM F1487 standard. In addition, each of the above components listed as "Certified" have been tested and are IPEMA certified. Components listed as "Not Applicable" do not fall within the scope of the ASTM F1487 standard and have not been tested. IPEMA certification can be verified on the IPEMA website, www.ipema.org. In the interest of playground safety, IPEMA provides a Third Party Certification Service which validates compliance.The CO2e (carbon footprint given in Kilograms and Metric Tons) listed above is a measure of the environmental impact this play structure represents from harvesting raw materials to the time it leaves our shipping dock. Playworld Systems nurtures a total corporate culture that is focused on eliminating carbon producing processes and products, reducing our use of precious raw materials, reusing materials whenever possible and recycling materials at every opportunity. Playworld Systems elected to adopt the Publicly Available Specification; PAS 2050 as published by the British Standards Institute and sponsored by Defra and the Carbon Trust. The PAS 2050 has gained international acceptance as a specification that measures the greenhouse gas emissions in services and goods throughout their entire life cycle.The lay-out was also designed to meet the 2010 Standards published 15-Sep-2010, by the Department of Justice when installed over a properly maintained surfacing material that is in compliance with ASTM F1951 "Accessibility of Surface Systems Under and Around Playground Equipment" as well as ASTM F1292, "Impact Attenuation of Surfacing Materials Within the Use Zone of Playground Equipment", appropriate for the fall height of the structure.Installation times are based on one experienced installer. A crew of three experienced individuals can perform the installation within the given time, each member working 1/3 of the given hours. [Eg. Installation Time = 30 hours. For a crew of three, each member will work 10 hours on the installation for a total of 30 hours on the project.]A measurement, in pounds, that qualifies the amount of material that was captured as waste and diverted from landfill during an initial manufacturing process and is being redirected to a separate manufacturing process to become a different product. E.g. 100% of our Aluminum Tubing is made from captured waste material during the manufacturing process of extruded Aluminum products such as rods, flat bars and H-channels.A measurement, in pounds, that qualifies the amount of material that was once another product that has completed its lifecycle and has been diverted from a landfill as a solid waste through recycling and is now being used in a Playworld Systems' product. E.g. **20% to 40% of the steel in our steel tubing and sheet steel have been diverted from landfills. Automobiles are scrapped and recyclable steel is purchased by the steel mill that produces our raw product.** The amount of Post-Consumer recycled steel fluctuates daily based on the availability of the recycled steel.ASTM F14872010 ADA Standards for Accessible DesignInstallation TimesCarbon FootprintPre-Consumer Recycle ContentPost-Consumer Recycle ContentMonday, December 06, 2021Page of22Playworld.com44 Estimate CA250066 P.O. Box 1088, TUSTIN, CA 92781 1-800-669-2585 DAVEBANG.COM INFO@DAVEBANG.COM LIC #795052 Page 1 / 5 To: City of La Quinta Attn: Dianne Hansen 78-495 Calle TampicoLa Quinta, CA 92253 Estimate Date Salesperson 01/07/2022 Brittany Pulkrabek Seasons Park Option 2 - Revision 6 Estimated Shipping Date Shipped Via FOB Terms 13 - 15 Weeks Truck - CA La Quinta Net 30 Sourcewell #030117-LTS Quantity Description Unit Price Total Extended 1 Playworld # C21574CHR1, Custom Challengers Playstructure with 3-1/2” OD powder coated galvanized steel posts with cast aluminum caps, one piece powder coated aluminum hinged clamps and one piece coated perforated steel decks, (1) Square Shade Hat with (7) Active Play Events to accommodate (28) users, Ages $38,906.00 $38,906.00 1 Playworld # ZZXX0843Z, Risk Management Sign, Ages 5-12*FREE with qualifying purchase of list price over $10,000 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal $38,906.00 Less Sourcewell Discount on Playworld b ($3,890.60) Less Additional Special Discount b ($7,003.08) 1 Engineering for Shade $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Subtotal $5,000.00 70 Turboscape Engineered Wood Fiber* Per Cubic Yard* Supply, Deliver, and Blow-In Service Installation $58.00 $4,060.00 Subtotal $4,060.00 1 Shipping for Playworld $5,854.00 $5,854.00 1 Demo by a Licensed Contractor to INCLUDE prevailing wages:* Demo/Dispose 60cy Wood Fiber $7,530.00 $7,530.00 1 Demo by a Licensed Contractor to INCLUDE prevailing wages* Demo/Dispose existing Play Equipment and Footings $4,700.00 $4,700.00 1 Site Prep by a Licensed Contractor to INCLUDE prevailing wages:* Provide and Install Filter Fabric $2,118.00 $2,118.00 1 Installation by a Factory Certified Licensed Contractor to INCLUDE prevailing wages:* (1) Playworld # C21574CHR1 Custom Challengers Playstructure $14,588.00 $14,588.00 1 Payment & Performance Bond $2,090.06 $2,090.06 The above price is based on utilizing the Fence Builder labor rate classification(s). If this job requires DIR project registration (PWC-100) please list this classification. If another labor classification is required, please let us know so we can revise this quote, if needed. * Based on Good access for a 40yd rubbish Container* Temporary Fencing is NOT Included. If desired please add an additional $1,800* If most of the footings have already been removed beneath the wood fiber, then please deduct $4,700 from the total amount. 45 Estimate CA250066 P.O. Box 1088, TUSTIN, CA 92781 1-800-669-2585 DAVEBANG.COM INFO@DAVEBANG.COM LIC #795052 Page 2 / 5 THIS ESTIMATE IS SUBJECT TO THE ATTACHED TERMS AND CONDITIONS Subtotal $73,952.38 THANK YOU FOR THIS CHANCE TO ESTIMATE Dave Bang Associate, INC. IS PLEASED TO SUBMIT THE ABOVE ESTIMATE FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. SHOULD YOU PLACE AN ORDER, BE ASSURED IT WILL RECEIVE OUR PROMPT ATTENTION. THIS ESTIMATE IS SUBJECT TO THE ATTACHED TERMS AND CONDITIONS, AND IS VALID FOR 30 DAYS. THEREAFTER, IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. Tax (8.75%)$3,243.83 Total $77,196.21 Accepted ByPrint Name:b Signature:b Date:b PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY WHEN ORDERING.THANK YOU! 46 Estimate CA250066 P.O. Box 1088, TUSTIN, CA 92781 1-800-669-2585 DAVEBANG.COM INFO@DAVEBANG.COM LIC #795052 Page 3 / 5 bbTerms & Conditions bb 1. General Notes *Assembly and Installation NOT included unless otherwise noted *Payment and Performance bonds are NOT included unless otherwise stated. If required, additional charges will apply. Please call for details! *Customer responsible for quoted quantities and model numbers, please check! *Price reflects quoted quantity. Please request revision if alternate quantity is desired. 2. Payment / Ordering *TO ORDER, please sign quote and return via email or fax to avoid any shipping delays. Fax or email copy deemed to be legal equivalent of original. If Payment with Order is required, please sign quote below and return with payment. All past due accounts subject to 1 ½% monthly finance charge. In the event legal action is required to effect collection venue shall be Orange, CA. 3. Shipping / Unloading *Shipped by Common Carrier – Customer will need 2-4 people to unload. Liftgate NOT included. Items will be boxed and / or stretch wrapped to pallets and customer is responsible for offloading. Delivery Drivers do NOT unload **IMPORTANT: Customer is responsible for receiving and checking quantities and condition at time of delivery - Please note any shortages or damages on delivery copy. *Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any Contract Documents, Customer understands that estimated shipment times for materials are an estimate only. We have no control over shipment dates. We thus make no guarantee to Owner or Customer regarding the projected shipment dates for materials and shall not be liable for any loss caused by the timing of shipments 4. Engineered Wood Fiber *Customer to provide access for Engineered Wood Fiber delivery with tractor truck and 53’ trailer. *Customer to provide access for Engineered Wood Fiber delivery with tractor truck and 53’ trailer. *Compaction of the Engineered Wood Fiber is NOT included in the installation cost, if desired, please request an updated proposal. If Compaction of the Engineered Wood Fiber was purchased, a high capacity water source such as a hydrant must be available. If applicable, the cost of a meter and / or the cost of the water is NOT included in the proposal. If we need to acquire the meter and / or pay for the water, please request an updated proposal 5. General Notes for Purchased Installation *Installation does NOT include ground preparation, excavation, safety surfacing, and/or safety surfacing borders, prep work, flat work, grading, rerouting of water, electric, drainage or sprinkler lines unless otherwise noted in the proposal *Demo of existing equipment or safety surfacing is NOT included unless otherwise stated in the proposal *ROCK CLAUSE: Pricing is based on normal soil conditions which would allow an auger on a tractor to dig footings. If rocks/boulders interfere with the progress of the excavation, additional fees may apply. *ACCESS CLAUSE: Installation based on clear access to area. Crane service is NOT included. Customer to provide access for bobcat to work area, bobcat will be provided by installer. Minimum access shall be 7’ wide and 7’ high. If adequate access is not provided additional charges may apply and repairs to landscape and irrigation may be required. Customer is responsible for any repairs to landscape if proper access is not provided. *UTILITY CLAUSE: Installation to include marking of utilities by Dig Alert. Dig Alert CANNOT locate any private lines, PVC or plastic water lines. Installation does NOT include repair or relocating any underground utilities, such as drainage, irrigation, live water lines, main low voltage lines, gas, electrical, communication, or sewer etc. Customers responsibility to provide locations of any utilities prior to commencement of work. *Customer is responsible for all landscape repairs such as, but not limited to damaged trees, bushes, lawn, curbing, sidewalks and/or asphalt paving caused by materials truck and/or 2-ton bobcat needed to complete project. *Installation does NOT include ground preparation, excavation, safety surfacing, and/or safety surfacing borders unless otherwise noted *Before we proceed with the playground installation, the playground area MUST be compacted, be free of debris, and excavated accordingly. Please call for details. *Concrete pad for surface mount items NOT included and MUST be provided by customer unless otherwise stated. *Surface mount anchoring to asphalt and paver areas is NOT included unless otherwise stated. *Private Utility Locator is NOT included unless otherwise noted. Private Utility Locator CANNOT locate any PVC or plastic water lines *Installation does NOT include saw cutting and/or core drilling unless otherwise noted *Installation does NOT include jackhammering. Please call for details. *Area MUST have normal soil conditions and be level. *All Athletic Equipment Goals such as soccer, football, etc, install location MUST be marked out by customer prior to installation, if installation was purchased 47 Estimate CA250066 P.O. Box 1088, TUSTIN, CA 92781 1-800-669-2585 DAVEBANG.COM INFO@DAVEBANG.COM LIC #795052 Page 4 / 5 6. Temporary Fencing *Security guards and/or temporary fencing to prevent injuries, vandalism and/or accidental damage to install area or to the rubberized surface while it sets is NOT included unless noted on quote. If desired, the installers can put up caution tape, but Temporary Fencing is recommended. Although the fencing, if provided, is intended to provide this security, the overall security of the property is ultimately the responsibility of customer. We are not responsible for any vandalism or injuries even with the provision of the fencing. 7. ADA Access *Play Equipment MUST be installed over an impact-absorbing surface such as ADA compliant Engineered Wood Fiber or Rubber Surfacing. If not quoted, please call for details. *This area is NOT ADA compliant without the installation of compliant surfacing and an accessible route up to and into the playground area. Please call for details. 8. Poured-in-Place Rubber Surfacing *Rubber Surfacing cure time is normally 48-72 hours and can vary depending on weather conditions. *Rubber Surfacing cannot be installed during extreme weather conditions and may also not be installed if rain or frost is forecast during the cure time. *48-Hour Manned Security is NOT included for rubber. 9. Shade Shelters (non DSA) *Shade Shelter installation price EXCLUDES – unless otherwise stated in this quote - engineering, permits, permit submittal, site plans, special inspections, soil reports, impact fees, special assessment fees. Customer is responsible for any and all of these items if required by the City. *Shade Shelter manufacture time is 6-8 weeks. Permitting can add 2-4 weeks or more to lead time. PLEASE NOTE: Shade Orders are NOT released into production until permit is issued! *Shade Shelter installation price EXCLUDES concrete pad, footings, masonry columns, electrical wiring and lights unless otherwise noted. 10. Shade Shelters (DSA) **6-8 Week lead time is AFTER DSA approval by your architect of choice * Customer to receive shade shelter. If receiving by us is needed, please call for pricing and details! * Job to be completed in one mobilization. Additional moves will be additional pricing if we are required to remobilize due to schedule issues, stop work or a delay in work not caused by us *Pricing does NOT include, architectural drawings, site/plot plans, DSA submittal fees, job site inspector fees, shop welding inspection fees, and/or permits *DSA in-plant Welding Inspector to be hired by the School District. Welding Inspector fee has NOT been quoted. *School District / Architect responsible for submission of plans to DSA for DSA approval *Fabrication cannot start until inspections have been coordinated, colors have been selected, and approved plans received. *Fabrication cannot start until inspections have been coordinated, colors have been selected, and approved plans received. 11. Prevailing Wages *Prevailing Wages NOT included unless otherwise noted. (ie: Davis Bacon, TERO, ect.) If this is a Prevailing Wage project, please request alternate pricing. *If Prevailing Wages / Davis Bacon Wages were INCLUDED, all other special work fees NOT included - Additional Labor Charges may apply if alternate labor is required. *If DIR Project Registration is required, work may not begin until we receive DIR Project ID number 12. Indemnity Provision *Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any Contract Documents we shall have no duty to defend or indemnify Owner, Customer, or any other party we agree to defend or indemnify in any Contract Documents for that portion of any claim arising out of the comparative fault of any party we agree to defend or indemnify in any Contract Documents. 13. Insurance Available Insurance Umbrella / Excess Liability: Each Occurrence - $2,000,000.00 Aggregate - $2,000,000.00 General Liability Limits: Deductible - $2,500.00 Each Occurrence - $1,000,000.00 Damage to Rented Premises - $100,000.00 48 Estimate CA250066 P.O. Box 1088, TUSTIN, CA 92781 1-800-669-2585 DAVEBANG.COM INFO@DAVEBANG.COM LIC #795052 Page 5 / 5 Medical Expense - $5,000.00 Personal & Adv Injury - $1,000,000.00 General Aggregate (per project) - $2,000,000.00 Products Comp/OP Agg - $2,000,000.00 Excludes Contractual Liability Available Endorsements: Additional Insured Ongoing Operations CG2010 Additional Insured Completed Operations CG 2037 Primary Noncontributory IFG-G-0094 Waiver of Subrogation CG 2404 Per Project Aggregate IFG-G-0065 Per Location Aggregate IFG-G-0064 Auto Liability Limits: (Any Auto, Hired Autos, Non-Owned Autos) Combined Single Limit $1,000,000.00 Available Endorsements: Auto Blanket Additional Insured/Waiver of Subrogation CAT353 Workers Compensation and Employers Liability: Each Accident - $1,000,000.00 Disease (Ea Employee) - $1,000,000.00 Disease (Policy Limit) - $1,000,000.00 Waiver of Subrogation Endorsement available upon request CA WC040306 bbbb Initial:b 49 50 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: JANUARY 18, 2022 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT AND AMENDMENT TO SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR TRACT MAP NO. 33336, PALO VERDE II, A RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF AVENUE 58 WEST OF MADISON STREET RECOMMENDATION Approve Assignment and Assumption Agreement and Amendment to Subdivision Improvement Agreement for on-site improvements for Tract Map No. 33336, Palo Verde II, and authorize the City Manager to execute said agreement. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY x Palo Verde 37, LLC has sold its interest in this tract to WH Palo Verde 37, LLC (New Developer) and desires to assign the subdivision improvement obligations to the New Developer. x New Developer requests approval of Assignment and Assumption Agreement and Amendment to Subdivision Improvement Agreement (Agreement) for Tract Map No. 33336, Palo Verde II. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact to the City. New Developer has submitted replacement securities to guarantee construction of the improvements. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Palo Verde II is a residential development located at the north side of Avenue 58 west of Madison Street (Attachment 1). In February 2009, Standard Pacific Corp entered into a Subdivision Improvement Agreement for Palo Verde II. In October 2021, Palo Verde II’s subdivision improvement obligations were assigned to Palo Verde 37, LLC. Palo Verde 37, LLC recently sold its interest in this tract to New Developer. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 51 The City will release Palo Verde 37, LLC’s securities upon executing the Agreement (Attachment 2). ALTERNATIVES Staff does not recommend an alternative. Prepared by: Amy Yu, Associate Engineer Approved by: Bryan McKinney, P.E., Public Works Director / City Engineer Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Assignment and Assumption Agreement and Amendment to Subdivision Improvement Agreement 52 TM 33336 palo verde ii V I C I N I T Y M A P 127726&$/( 53 ATTACHMENT 1 54                             ?XYs},>>428708?},8/},>>A7;@5:8},2=00709@},9/},709/708?}@:} >A-/4B4>4:8}57;=:B0708?},2=00708?},ssYVgfQgt} },fQgPfQgt}Ys}fKPQ} KgP}QgtQmQP} Ygti} Ks}iS}tXQ}EE}PK|}iT}FGHEEI}}'$J} M|}KgP}KfigV}tXQ} .4?D}:1}6,}<A58?,} K}fxgYOYkKb}OinkinKtYig}iS}tXQ}>tKtQ}iS}.KbYSipgYK}  .Zt|} ;Kbi} BQmPQ}(*}66.}K}.KbYSimgYK}bYfYtQP}cYKMYcYt|}OifkKg|},ssZVgim}KgP}C3};Kdi}BQmPQ} (*}66.}K}/RdKzKoQ}dYfYtQP}bYKNYdZt|}OjfkKg|},ssYVgQQ}   ," .Zt|} KgP},ssZVgim}QgtQnQP}Ygti}tXKu}OQntKYg},ssZVgfQgt} KgP},ssxfktYig ,VmQQfQgt}KgP},fQgPfQgt}ti}>xMPYyYsZig}4fkmiyQfQgt},VmQQfQgt}PKtQP}:OtiMQm}%'} '$'&} >4,}kxpsxKgt}ti}zXYOX},ssYVgim}Ks}tXQ}>xMPZyYPQm}PQSYgQP}Yg}tXQ}>5,}KVnQQP} ui}kdKg}Sin}YgstKdc}KgP}OigstmxOt}OQptKYg}kxMdYO}KgP#im}kpYyKtQ}YfkmiyQfQgts}ig}?mKOt} 8i}(((()}?mKOt}Ks}fimQ}Sxcd|}PQsOnYMQP}Yg}0{XZMYt}, }iS}tXQ}>4,}4fkmiyQfQgts } - ,ssYVgip}XKs}sicP}Yts}YgtQpQst}Yg}tXQ}?mKOt}ti},ssYVgQQ} 5g}Oig_xgOtZig}zZtX sxOX}tnKgsSQm},ssYVgim} PQsYpQs} ti} KssYVg} tXQ}>4,} KgP}Kbb} iT} ,ssYVgin s} mYVXts}KgP} iMeYVKt[igs}tXQnQxgPQq}ti},ssYVgQQ}KgP},ss\VgQQ}PQs\nQ}ti}KssxfQ},ssYVgins}kis]vYig} zYtX}mQskQOt}ti}tXQ}>5,}KgP}iT},ssYVgims}pYVXts}KgP}iMbYVKtYigs}xgPQm}tXQ}>4,}sxM`QOt}ti} tXQ}tQmfs}iS}tXZs},ssYVgfQgt} },fQgPfQgt} . 4g}OiggQOtYig}zYtX}tXQ} SimQViYgV}PQsOnZMQP}KssYVgfQgt} KgP}KssxfktYig tXQ} .Yt|}KgP},ssYVgQQ}XKyQ} KVpQQP} ti} OQptKYg} fiPYSYOKtYigs} ti}tXQ}>4,} Ks}sQt} SimtX} XQpQYg}ti}MQ}QSTQOtYyQ}xkig}Sxbc}Q{QOxtZig}iT}tXYs},ssYVgfQgt} },fQgPfQgt}M|}Kdb}tXQ} kKmtYQs}XQmQti }   8:C}?30=01:=0} Zg}OigsYPQmKtYig} iS}tXQ}SinQViYgV} =QOZtKds} KgP} tXQ} OiyQgKgts}KgP}kmifYsQs} XQpQYgKStQm} OigtKZgQP}KgP} Tin} ViiP}KgP}yKdxKMdQ} OigsYPQpKtYig}tXQ}nQOQYkt}KgP}sxUYOYQgO|}iS}zXYOX}KmQ}XQpQM|}KOagizdQPVQP}tXQ}kKmt^Qs} XQnQti}KVnQQ}Ks}Sibcizs+} % ,ssYWgfQgt}LgP},ssxflwYih!} ,ssYVgim}XQmQM|}tmKgsSQms}KgP}KssYVgs}ti ,ssYVgQQ}Kdb}iS}tXQ},ssYVgims}mYVXts}tYtcQ}KgP}YgtQmQst}Yg}KgP}ti}KgP}iMbYVKtZigs}xgPQr} tXQ} >4,}KgP} ,ssZVgQQ}XQmQM|} KssxfQs}Kdd}mYVXts} tYtdQ} KgP} YgtQmQst} Yg}KgP} ti}KgP} iMbYVKtYigs}xgPQn}tXQ} >4,}.Yt|} XQmQM|} OigsQgts} ti} tXQ} TimQViYgV} KssYVgfQgt}KgP} KssxfktYig}  55 ATTACHMENT 2 56 57 58 59 60 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: January 18, 2022 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED DECEMBER 17, 31, 2021 AND JANUARY 7, 2022 RECOMMENDATION Approve demand registers dated December 17, 31, 2021 and January 7, 2022. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY – None FISCAL IMPACT Demand of Cash: City 4,240,757.17$ Successor Agency of RDA Housing Authority 36,991.60$ 4,277,748.77$ BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Routine bills and payroll must be paid between Council meetings. Attachment 1 details the weekly demand registers for December 17, 31, 2021 and January 7, 2022. There was no check run the week of December 24, 2021, due to the holiday. Warrants Issued: 206597-206683 1,225,478.72$ 206684-206751 709,422.29$ 206752-206790 112,313.03$ EFT #116 3,370.00$ EFT #117 126.97$ Voids (1,986.41)$ Wire Transfers 1,529,525.36$ Payroll Tax Transfers 144,772.38$ Payroll Direct Deposit 554,726.43$ 4,277,748.77$ Six checks were voided in the amount listed above due to non-receipt, vendor billing errors, and discontinuance of a recurring payment; of these, two were reissued. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 61 The most significant expenditures on the demand registers are: Vendor Account Name(s) Amount Purpose Coachella Valley Water District(1) Construction, Utilities 803,098.91$ SRR Canal Crossing Construction & Water Service for City Spohn Ranch, Inc. Construction 188,398.87$ X-Park Construction Hardy & Harper, Inc. Road Improvement 111,928.43$ Lake Cahuilla Road Pavement Improvement Chevrolet Cadillac(2)Vehicles Purchased, Vehicle Repair & Maint 101,910.38$ Purchase 3 Fleet Vehicles & Vehicle Maintenance Rutan & Tucker Attorney 90,955.25$ Oct & Nov Legal Services Contract (1)Payments were made on 12/17/21 & 12/31/21. (2)Payments were made on 12/17/21 & 12/31/21. Wire Transfers: Sixteen transfers totaled $1,529,525. Of this amount, $604,525 was to Stewart Title of California to acquire property for park area, and $541,396 was to CALPERS. (See Attachment 2 for a complete listing). Purchase Orders/Contracts: During the quarterly period starting October 1 through December 31, 2021, five purchase orders were issued with a value between $25,000 and $50,000, for a total of $204,337 (See Attachment 3 for a complete listing). Investment Transactions: Full details of investment transactions as well as total holdings are reported quarterly in the Treasurer’s Report. Transaction Issuer Type Par Value Settle Date Coupon Rate Maturity Neighbors Fed Credit Union CD 245,000 12/21/2021 3.200% Maturity United Credit Union CD 248,000 12/22/2021 2.000% Purchase Fed Home Loan Bank Agency 1,000,000 12/22/2021 1.250% Purchase Connexus Credit Union CD 249,000 12/23/2021 1.250% Purchase LCA Bank Corp. CD 248,000 12/27/2021 1.000% Purchase Fed Home Loan Mortg Corp Agency 500,000 1/5/2022 0.375% Purchase United States Government Treasury 500,000 1/5/2022 0.375% Purchase Fed Home Loan Mortg Corp Agency 400,000 1/5/2022 0.650% Purchase Fed Home Loan Mortg Corp Agency 500,000 1/5/2022 0.800% Prepared by: Jesse Batres, Account Technician Approved by: Rosemary Hallick, Financial Services Analyst Attachments:1. Demand Registers 2. Wire Transfers 3. Purchase Orders 62 1/10/2022 2:59:12 PM Page 1 of 7 City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT02995 - 12/17/2021 JB AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND 560.75Professional Services12/2021 - STVR HOTLINE206611CENTRAL COMMUNICATIONS 101-6004-60103 37.00United Way DeductionsCONTRIBUTION206678UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 101-0000-20981 44.89Materials/Supplies06/16/21 - MATERIALS FOR CH206631FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC 101-3008-60431 10.56Cable/Internet - Utilities12/05/21-01/04/22 - FS #32 INTERNET (18…206673TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 231.77Materials/Supplies09/01/21 - MATERIALS FOR WC206631FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC 101-3008-60431 599.70Materials/Supplies09/13/21 - MATERIALS FOR WC206631FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC 101-3008-60431 99.99Cable/Internet - Utilities12/03/21-01/02/22 - FS #93 INTERNET (35…206673TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 99.99Cable/Internet - Utilities11/29-12/28/21 - FS #32 INTERNET (6491)206673TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 338.98Operating Supplies10/29/21 - STAFF APPAREL206652PALMS TO PINES PRINTING 101-3003-60420 754.98Marketing & Tourism Promoti…10/29/21 - STAFF APPAREL206652PALMS TO PINES PRINTING 101-3007-60461 360.00Community Experiences12/03/21 - PEDESTRIAN BARRICADES206674TOPS' N BARRICADES INC 101-3003-60149 2,200.00Marketing & Tourism Promoti…12/01-12/28/21 - AIRPORT DIGITAL DISPL…206670THE LAMAR COMPANIES 101-3007-60461 19,700.00Developer Deposits12/13/21 - DUST CONTROL DEPOSIT REFU…206624DESERT ELITE, INC.101-0000-22810 126.97Travel & Training12/08-12/10/21 - TRAVEL EXPENSE REIM…117RADEVA, MONIKA 101-1005-60320 5,000.00Developer Deposits12/14/21 - DUST CONTROL DEPOSIT REF…206664STANDARD PACIFIC OF 101-0000-22810 5,070.00Developer Deposits12/14/21 - DUST CONTROL DEPOSIT REFU…206664STANDARD PACIFIC OF 101-0000-22810 3,370.00Training & Education/MOU06/01-11/30/21 - TUITION REIMBURSEM…116CHAUDHRY, ELIZABETH 101-1004-60322 14,692.95Sales Tax Reimbursements12/15/21 - SALES TAX REIMB QTR ENDING…206650ONE ELEVEN LA QUINTA LLC 101-1007-60535 580.13LQ Police Volunteers12/15/21 - COP 2021 EVENT SUPPLIES RE…206633FOSTER, ROCIO 101-2001-60109 1,669.69Vision Insurance Pay12/2021 - VSP VIA STANDARD206662STANDARD INSURANCE COMP…101-0000-20945 402.63Administrative Citation Services10/2021 - POLICE CITATION PROCESSING206620DATA TICKET, INC.101-6004-60111 1,385.18Materials/Supplies10/21/21 - SUPPLIES206648OMEGA INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, I…101-3005-60431 2,775.50Map/Plan Checking07/2021 - ONCALL PLAN CHECK SVCS ENG…206639HR GREEN PACIFIC INC 101-7002-60183 1,693.93Telephone - Utilities11/23-12/22/21 - EOC PHONE LINE SVC206676TPX COMMUNICATIONS 101-2002-61300 500.00Miscellaneous Deposits12/08/21 - FACILITY RENTAL DEPOSIT REF…206659SOLOMON STEWART REVELAT…101-0000-22830 500.00Miscellaneous Deposits12/08/21 - FACILITY RENTAL DEPOSIT REF…206645MICHAEL BUTLER KINETIX HEA…101-0000-22830 372.00Consultants/Employee Services11/2021 - EAP SERVICES206681WELLNESS WORKS 101-1004-60104 4,000.00Marketing & Tourism Promoti…12/2021 - CREATIVE RETAINER206602ARK CONNECTS LLC 101-3007-60461 325.00Janitorial12/06/21 - CH CARPET CLEANING206597ACE CARPET CLEANING 101-3008-60115 932.98Operating Supplies12/08/21 - BL VEHICLE STICKERS206672THE PRINTING PLACE 101-6006-60420 315.56Community Experiences11/04/21 - SIGNS FOR VETS EVENT206683XPRESS GRAPHICS 101-3003-60149 300.00Maintenance/Services09/15/21 - FIRE ANT TREATMENT206649ON THE FLY TREE & PLANT HE…101-3005-60691 300.00Maintenance/Services10/06/21 - SRR PARK FIRE ANT TREATME…206649ON THE FLY TREE & PLANT HE…101-3005-60691 300.00Maintenance/Services10/13/21 - SRR PARK FIRE ANT TREATME…206649ON THE FLY TREE & PLANT HE…101-3005-60691 8,232.65Dental Insurance Pay12/2021 - DENTAL INSURANCE206613CIGNA HEALTH CARE 101-0000-20943 143.01Materials/Supplies09/29/21 - ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES206616CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DI…101-3008-60431 29.35Office Supplies07/28/21 - LAPTOP SLEEVE M.CALDERON206665STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-3001-60400 78.87Office Supplies09/23/21 - OFFICE SUPPLIES206665STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1004-60400 136.55Operating Supplies11/16/21 - OFFICE SUPPLIES206665STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-6006-60420 16.63Office Supplies11/23/21 - OFFICE SUPPLIES206665STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-7001-60400 21.72Office Supplies11/23/21 - OFFICE SUPPLIES206665STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-7001-60400 35.33Office Supplies12/01/21 - PENS FOR COUNCIL206665STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1005-60400 75.80Operating Supplies12/07/21 - OFFICE SUPPLIES206665STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-3002-60420 27.18Office Supplies12/07/21 - OFFICE SUPPLIES206665STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-3002-60400 225.63Operating Supplies12/07/21 - DISPOSABLE GLOVES206665STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-7003-60420 141.27Operating Supplies12/07/21 - DISPOSABLE MASKS206665STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-7003-60420 6.51Office Supplies12/10/21 - OFFICE SUPPLIES206665STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1004-60400 329.61Materials/Supplies11/22/21 - IRRIGATION SUPPLIES206658SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 101-3005-60431 81.81Materials/Supplies11/23/21 - IRRIGATION SUPPLIES206658SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 101-3005-60431 42.71Materials/Supplies11/30/21 - IRRIGATION SUPPLIES206658SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 101-3005-60431 2,159.00Blood/Alcohol Testing11/12/21 - BLOOD/ALCOHOL ANALYSIS206606BIO-TOX LABORATORIES 101-2001-60174 46.00Blood/Alcohol Testing10/04/21 - BLOOD/ALCOHOL ANALYSIS206606BIO-TOX LABORATORIES 101-2001-60174 56.79LQ Police Volunteers11/2021 - TRANSCRIPTION SVC POLICE206666STENO SOLUTIONS 101-2001-60109 $77$&+0(17 Demand Register 63 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02995 - 12/17/2021 JB 1/10/2022 2:59:12 PM Page 2 of 7 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number 633.20Operating Supplies12/03/21 - TRAILER VACUUM HOSE206599AIR & HOSE SOURCE, INC.101-7003-60420 64.00Recruiting/Pre-Employment10/2021 - LIVESCAN FINGERPRINT206622DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 101-1004-60129 32.00Instructors10/2021 - LIVESCAN FINGERPRINT206622DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 101-3002-60107 382.00Sheriff - Other11/24/21 - POLICE TOW LA213280042206682WOOD, RUSSELL DAVID 101-2001-60176 552.00Sheriff - Other12/2/21 - POLICE TOW LA213360037206682WOOD, RUSSELL DAVID 101-2001-60176 255.00Sheriff - Other12/02/21 - POLICE TOW LA213360060206682WOOD, RUSSELL DAVID 101-2001-60176 306.00Sheriff - Other11/16/21 - POLICE TOW LA213150082206682WOOD, RUSSELL DAVID 101-2001-60176 255.00Sheriff - Other11/16/21 - POLICE TOW LA213150082206682WOOD, RUSSELL DAVID 101-2001-60176 881.58Marketing & Tourism Promoti…11/2021 - RADIO ADS 93.7 KCLB206600ALPHA MEDIA LLC 101-3007-60461 730.86Marketing & Tourism Promoti…11/2021 - LQ ART CELEBRATION RADIO A…206600ALPHA MEDIA LLC 101-3007-60461 702.75Marketing & Tourism Promoti…11/2021 - LQ ART CELEBRATION RADIO A…206600ALPHA MEDIA LLC 101-3007-60461 890.95Marketing & Tourism Promoti…11/2021 - RADIO ADS MIX 100.5206600ALPHA MEDIA LLC 101-3007-60461 200.00Marketing & Tourism Promoti…09/2021 - IRONMAN RADIO ADS206600ALPHA MEDIA LLC 101-3007-60461 1,332.00Temporary Agency Services11/05/21 - TEMP AGENCY SVCS G.HU206656ROBERT HALF TECHNOLOGY 101-6002-60125 1,065.60Temporary Agency Services11/12/21 - TEMP AGENCY SVCS G.HU206656ROBERT HALF TECHNOLOGY 101-6002-60125 1,332.00Temporary Agency Services11/19/21 - TEMP AGENCY SVCS G.HU206656ROBERT HALF TECHNOLOGY 101-6002-60125 1,065.60Temporary Agency Services11/26/21 - TEMP AGENCY SVCS G.HU206656ROBERT HALF TECHNOLOGY 101-6002-60125 192.86Temporary Agency Services11/12/21 - TEMP AGENCY SERVICES T.SU…206656ROBERT HALF TECHNOLOGY 101-6006-60125 656.72Community Experiences12/03/21 - TREE EVENT LIGHTING206608BRIGHT EVENT RENTALS, LLC 101-3003-60149 4,895.00Recruiting/Pre-Employment10/20/21 - FINANCE DIRECTOR RECRUITM…206619CV STRATEGIES 101-1004-60129 12,742.87Janitorial11/2021 - JANITORIAL SERVICES206644MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…101-3008-60115 3,820.00Professional Services01/2022 - STVR CONTRACT SERVICES206646MUNIREVS INC 101-6006-60103 1,500.00Veterinary Service12/2021 - SNIP CLINIC206660SPAY NEUTER IMPERATIVE PR…101-6004-60194 367.32Blood/Alcohol Testing12/06/21 - BLOOD/ALCOHOL ANALYSIS206601AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES …101-2001-60174 63.10Postage11/18/21 - OVERNIGHT MAIL206630FEDEX 101-1007-60470 28.76Postage11/18/21 - OVERNIGHT MAIL206630FEDEX 101-1007-60470 29,437.84Marketing & Tourism Promoti…11/2021 INVOICES & 12/2021 RETAINER206641JNS MEDIA SPECIALISTS 101-3007-60461 2,085.76Materials/Supplies12/06/21 - PARTS FOR LQ PARK206638GRAINGER 101-3008-60431 1,304.54Landscape Contract12/2021 - L&L MONTHLY MAINTENANCE206655PWLC II, INC 101-2002-60112 585.08Materials/Supplies12/08/21 - LANDSCAPE DG206677TRI-STATE MATERIALS INC 101-3005-60431 222.63Water - Utilities12/16/21 - WATER SERVICE206614COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-2002-61200 547.91Water -Pioneer Park - Utilities12/16/21 - WATER SERVICE206614COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61207 47.81Telephone - Utilities12/2021 - LQ PARK PHONE206635FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…101-3005-61300 291.45Life Insurance Pay12/2021 - LIFE INSURANCE206661STANDARD INSURANCE COMP…101-0000-20947 2,620.42Disability Insurance Pay12/2021 - DISABILITY INSURANCE206661STANDARD INSURANCE COMP…101-0000-20955 472.24Add'l Life Insurance Pay12/2021 - ADD'L LIFE INSURANCE206663STANDARD INSURANCE COMP…101-0000-20948 3,648.15Professional Services12/2021 - SECURITY PATROL SERVICES206626DESERT RESORT MANAGEMENT 101-6004-60103 125.00HVAC07/01/21 - CH WATER TREATMENT206651PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…101-3008-60667 2,358.00HVAC08/11-08/12/21 - HVAC REPAIR206651PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…101-3008-60667 2,500.00Operating Supplies12/03/21 - AUDIO SERVICES FOR STAGE206643L3 LIGHTING DESIGN 101-3003-60420 184.00Due to SunLine07/2021 - SUNLINE BUS PASSES206667SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY 101-0000-20305 -7.50Miscellaneous Revenue07/2021 - SUNLINE BUS PASSES206667SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY 101-0000-42301 160.00Due to SunLine10/2021 - SUNLINE BUS PASSES206667SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY 101-0000-20305 -8.00Miscellaneous Revenue10/2021 - SUNLINE BUS PASSES206667SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY 101-0000-42301 1,000.00LQ Police Volunteers11/01/21 - HOMETOWN HEROES SPONSO…206627DESERT SANDS EDUCATION F…101-2001-60109 115.48Gas - Utilities10/28-11/30/21 - FS #93 GAS SVC206669THE GAS COMPANY 101-2002-61100 45.00Credit Card Fees11/30/21 - ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-1006-60122 3,985.00Maintenance/Services11/23/21 - FS #70 ICE MACHINE206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-2002-60691 86.99Fire Station11/15/21 - COOLER FOR FS #32206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-2002-60670 1,021.80Materials/Supplies11/12/21 - HOLIDAY LIGHTS206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-3005-60431 110.00Membership Dues11/2021 - MAILCHIMP206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-3007-60351 24.77Marketing & Tourism Promoti…11/22/21 - FB BOOSTED ADS206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-3007-60461 148.98Marketing & Tourism Promoti…11/22/21 - FB BOOSTED ADS206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-3007-60461 0.99Marketing & Tourism Promoti…11/22/21 - ICLOUD STORAGE K.CAMARENA206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-3007-60461 14.99Marketing & Tourism Promoti…11/2021 - APPLE MUSIC M.GRAHAM206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-3007-60461 55.95Marketing & Tourism Promoti…10/31/21 - FB BOOSTED ADS206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-3007-60461 155.53Marketing & Tourism Promoti…10/31/21 - FB BOOSTED ADS206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-3007-60461 1.17Marketing & Tourism Promoti…11/22/21 - FB BOOSTED ADS206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-3007-60461 14.13Office Supplies11/03/21 - OFFICE SUPPLIES206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-6001-60400 560.00Travel & Training11/5/21 - CPRS TRAINING R.SEVILLA206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-3005-60320 64 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02995 - 12/17/2021 JB 1/10/2022 2:59:12 PM Page 3 of 7 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number 115.00Travel & Training11/05/21 - CRPS TRAINING A.RODRIGUEZ206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-3005-60320 150.00Membership Dues11/05/21 - CRPS MEMBERSHIP R.SEVILLA206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-3005-60351 36.95Office Supplies11/23/21 - IT DEPT CLEANING SUPPLIES206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-1002-60400 75.00Membership Dues10/29/21 - CSMFO MEMBERSHIP J.BATRES206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-1006-60351 1,850.77Special Enforcement Funds11/10/21 - UNIFORMS R.WIGGS206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-2001-60175 624.20Special Enforcement Funds11/05/21 - UNIFORMS FOR K.MOORE206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-2001-60175 788.85Non-Reimbursable Misc11/24/21 - HELMETS206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-2002-60445 177.82Community Experiences11/22/21 - TREE EVENT SUPPLIES206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-3003-60149 132.70Community Experiences11/18/21 - TREE EVENT SUPPLIES206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-3003-60149 25.95Community Experiences11/08/21 - BOTTLED WATER206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-3003-60149 71.50Community Experiences11/05/21 - MINI MUFFINS206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-3003-60149 312.77Community Experiences11/10/21 - 2 FLOWER BOUQUETS206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-3003-60149 20.75Community Experiences11/08/21 - SUPPLIES FOR VETS EVENT206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-3003-60149 170.00Travel & Training11/10/21 - APWA BEST AWARDS LUNCHE…206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-7001-60320 171.28Safety Gear11/09/21 - WORK BOOTS U.AYON206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-7006-60427 77.29Travel & Training11/02/21 - SNACKS & DRINKS CITY COUNC…206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-1001-60320 725.00Travel & Training11/09/21 - 2022 CITY MANAGERS CONFER…206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-1002-60320 32.30Office Supplies11/01-11/30/21 - BTOW CC206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-7003-60400 40.00Operating Supplies11/18/21 - CCAC DIGITAL HANDBOOK206604BANK OF THE WEST 101-1005-60420 787.00LQ Park Water Feature12/2021 - SPLASH PAD MONTHLY SERVICE206647OCEAN SPRINGS TECH INC 101-3005-60554 256.24Operating Supplies12/07/21 - CABLE TIES FOR BANNERS206680WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTR…101-7003-60420 145.25Materials/Supplies10/29/21 - ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES206623DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 101-3008-60431 13.15Maintenance/Services11/30/21 - SERVICE CHARGE206631FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC 101-3008-60691 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Total: 177,200.60 Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND 840.00Traffic Control Signs12/02-12/06/21 - TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS206674TOPS' N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60429 Fund 201 - GAS TAX FUND Total: 840.00 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 2,710.66Janitorial11/2021 - JANITORIAL SERVICES206644MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…202-3004-60115 727.08Janitorial11/2021 - JANITORIAL SERVICES206644MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…202-3006-60115 14.33Maintenance/Services12/08/21 - KEYS206671THE LOCK SHOP, INC 202-3004-60691 125.00HVAC07/01/21 - LIBRARY WATER TREATMENT206651PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…202-3004-60667 397.50HVAC07/30/21 - PUMP REPLACEMENT206651PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…202-3004-60667 61.95Operating Supplies11/04/21 - MAKERSPACE SUPPLIES206604BANK OF THE WEST 202-3009-60420 1,239.13HVAC12/09/21 - LIBRARY HVAC REPAIRS206642JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 202-3004-60667 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total: 5,275.65 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 348.00Materials/Supplies12/07/21 - PLANTS206625DESERT GROWERS NURSERY 215-7004-60431 1,179.94Materials/Supplies12/09/21 - PLANTS206625DESERT GROWERS NURSERY 215-7004-60431 474.15Materials/Supplies12/10/21 - PLANTS206625DESERT GROWERS NURSERY 215-7004-60431 1,196.25Materials/Supplies12/13/21 - PLANTS206625DESERT GROWERS NURSERY 215-7004-60431 986.55Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism10/21/21 - GRAFFITI SUPPLIES206648OMEGA INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, I…215-7004-60423 5,667.17Consultants12/2021 - LIGHTING MAINTENANCE SERVI…206618CREATIVE LIGHTING & ELECTR…215-7004-60104 170.31Operating Supplies12/07/21 - OFFICE SUPPLIES206665STAPLES ADVANTAGE 215-7004-60420 54,741.84Landscape Contract12/2021 - L&L MONTHLY MAINTENANCE206655PWLC II, INC 215-7004-60112 111.11Electric - Utilities12/07/21-01/06/22 - PHONE SVC206635FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…215-7004-61116 1,338.91Materials/Supplies11/17/21 - PLASTIC LINERS FOR TRASH CA…206604BANK OF THE WEST 215-7004-60431 598.35Water - Medians - Utilities12/16/21 - WATER SERVICE206614COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…215-7004-61211 845.17Materials/Supplies12/13/21 - ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES206623DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 215-7004-60431 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total: 67,657.75 Fund: 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 7,500.00Art Purchases12/14/21 - CULTURAL CAMPUS ART PURC…206634FRIZZELL, NATHAN 270-0000-74800 5,000.00Art Purchases11/12/21 - LQAC ARTWORK206604BANK OF THE WEST 270-0000-74800 2,000.00Art Purchases11/12/21 - LQAC ARTWORK206604BANK OF THE WEST 270-0000-74800 Fund 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND Total: 14,500.00 Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 767,240.57Construction06/29/21 - 2014-13 SRR CANAL CROSSING…206615COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…401-0000-60188 2,287.50Technical09/11-10/29/21 - 2020-01 ONCALL MATER…206617CONVERSE CONSULTANTS 401-0000-60108 65 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02995 - 12/17/2021 JB 1/10/2022 2:59:12 PM Page 4 of 7 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number 354.50Construction10/13/21 - COMPACTION TESTING FOR X …206628EARTH SYSTEMS PACIFIC 401-0000-60188 Fund 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total: 769,882.57 Fund: 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 3,795.86Fuel & Oil11/16-11/30/21 - FUEL206675TOWER ENERGY GROUP 501-0000-60674 33,630.00Vehicles, Purchased12/7/21 - 2022 CHEVROLET COLORADO 4…206612CHEVROLET CADILLAC 501-0000-71031 33,630.00Vehicles, Purchased12/7/21 - 2022 CHEVROLET COLORADO 4…206612CHEVROLET CADILLAC 501-0000-71031 33,630.00Vehicles, Purchased12/7/21 - 2022 CHEVROLET COLORADO 4…206612CHEVROLET CADILLAC 501-0000-71031 38.24Vehicle Repair & Maintenance12/13/21 - VEHICLE MAINTENANCE206612CHEVROLET CADILLAC 501-0000-60676 577.96Vehicle Repair & Maintenance10/15/21 - BACKHOE REPAIRS206653PARKHOUSE TIRE INC 501-0000-60676 250.00Vehicle Repair & Maintenance12/08/21 - TOW EQUINOX206654PLAZA TOWING 501-0000-60676 425.70Vehicle Repair & Maintenance09/16/21 - 2018 FORD F650 MAINTENAN…206632FIESTA FORD LINCOLN MERCU…501-0000-60676 43.49Parts & Maintenance Supplies12/09/21 - TRUCK #34 CABIN FILTER206603AUTOZONE 501-0000-60675 548.37Motorcycle Repair & Mainten…12/02/21 - MOTORCYCLE SERVICE A1154206607BMW MOTORCYCLES OF RIVE…501-0000-60679 17,383.33Vehicles, Rentals & Leases11/2021 - FLEET LEASE206629ENTERPRISE FM TRUST 501-0000-71030 14.06Street Sweeper11/01-12/01/21 - SWEEPER FUEL206669THE GAS COMPANY 501-0000-60678 Fund 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total: 123,967.01 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 171.62Cable/Internet - Utilities12/2021 - CH CABLE (4625)206673TIME WARNER CABLE 502-0000-61400 11,608.88Computers11/25/21 - DELL LAPTOPS (5)206621DELL MARKETING LP 502-0000-80103 3,180.23Telephone - Utilities11/23-12/22/21 - PHONE LINE SVC206676TPX COMMUNICATIONS 502-0000-61300 2,439.25Copiers12/2021 CITY PRINTERS & 11/2021 - MET…206609CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, …502-0000-60662 180.00Software Licenses11/14-11/20/21 - ETRAK-IT SOFTWARE SE…206668SUPERION, LLC 502-0000-60301 1,350.00Software Licenses2/1/22-1/31/23 LIBERTY AUDIO REC ANN…206640JCG TECHNOLOGIES 502-0000-60301 765.00Public Works, Software Enhan…12/2021 - TRAFFIC SERVER MAINTENANCE206598ACORN TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 502-0000-71048 31,583.18Consultants12/2021 - IT SERVICES206598ACORN TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 502-0000-60104 66.17Cable/Internet - Utilities11/02-12/01/21 - BACKUP SERVER (2183)206679VERIZON WIRELESS 502-0000-61400 1,153.28Cell/Mobile Phones11/02-12/01/21 - CITY IPADS (5587)206679VERIZON WIRELESS 502-0000-61301 2,368.34Cell/Mobile Phones11/02-12/01/21 - CITY CELL SVC (5496)206679VERIZON WIRELESS 502-0000-61301 1,190.00Cable/Internet - Utilities12/03/21-01/02/22 - 2ND CITY INTERNET L…206635FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…502-0000-61400 75.98Cable/Internet - Utilities11/27-12/26/21 - BLACKHAWK/LQ PARK D…206635FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…502-0000-61400 216.58Cable/Internet - Utilities12/04/21-01/03/22 - DSL SVC206635FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…502-0000-61400 6,750.00Software Licenses06/28-21-06/27/22 - PERFORM EVAL SOF…206637GOVERNMENTJOBS.COM INC.502-0000-60301 4,700.00Software Licenses06/30/21-06/29/22 - RECRUITMENT SOF…206637GOVERNMENTJOBS.COM INC.502-0000-60301 270.00Software Licenses12/04/21-12/03/22 - INSIGHT TEXT MESS…206637GOVERNMENTJOBS.COM INC.502-0000-60301 14.99Software Licenses11/2021 - ADOBE HOMEBASE206604BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-60301 11.43Software Licenses11/02/21 - SNAGIT ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION206604BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-60301 0.99Software Licenses11/2021 - ICLOUD STORAGE M.GRAHAM206604BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-60301 299.04Software Licenses11/25/21 - CANVA ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION206604BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-60301 331.58Operating Supplies11/05/21 - KEYBOARD/MOUSE COMBOS (…206604BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-60420 64.99Cable/Internet - Utilities11/01/21 - HULU TV206604BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-61400 60.48D & D, Software Enhancements11/27-12/27/21 - UBIQ SUBSCRIPTION206604BANK OF THE WEST 502-0000-71042 18.60Software Licenses12/13/21 - FARONICS MAINTENANCE SUP…206610CDW GOVERNMENT INC 502-0000-60301 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total: 68,870.61 Fund: 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 31.50Bank Fees11/2021 - SRR ARMORED SVCS206636GARDAWORLD 601-0000-60455 750.00Repair & Maintenance12/10/21 - SRR TRAILER RESTROOM SVC …206657ROTO ROOTER PLUMBERS INC 601-0000-60660 Fund 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT Total: 781.50 Grand Total: 1,228,975.69 66 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02995 - 12/17/2021 JB 1/10/2022 2:59:12 PM Page 5 of 7 Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 101 - GENERAL FUND 177,200.60 201 - GAS TAX FUND 840.00 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 5,275.65 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 67,657.75 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 14,500.00 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 769,882.57 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 123,967.01 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 68,870.61 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 781.50 Grand Total: 1,228,975.69 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-0000-20305 Due to SunLine 344.00 101-0000-20943 Dental Insurance Pay 8,232.65 101-0000-20945 Vision Insurance Pay 1,669.69 101-0000-20947 Life Insurance Pay 291.45 101-0000-20948 Add'l Life Insurance Pay 472.24 101-0000-20955 Disability Insurance Pay 2,620.42 101-0000-20981 United Way Deductions 37.00 101-0000-22810 Developer Deposits 29,770.00 101-0000-22830 Miscellaneous Deposits 1,000.00 101-0000-42301 Miscellaneous Revenue -15.50 101-1001-60320 Travel & Training 77.29 101-1002-60320 Travel & Training 725.00 101-1002-60400 Office Supplies 36.95 101-1004-60104 Consultants/Employee Se… 372.00 101-1004-60129 Recruiting/Pre-Employme… 4,959.00 101-1004-60322 Training & Education/MOU 3,370.00 101-1004-60400 Office Supplies 85.38 101-1005-60320 Travel & Training 126.97 101-1005-60400 Office Supplies 35.33 101-1005-60420 Operating Supplies 40.00 101-1006-60122 Credit Card Fees 45.00 101-1006-60351 Membership Dues 75.00 101-1007-60470 Postage 91.86 101-1007-60535 Sales Tax Reimbursements 14,692.95 101-2001-60109 LQ Police Volunteers 1,636.92 101-2001-60174 Blood/Alcohol Testing 2,572.32 101-2001-60175 Special Enforcement Funds 2,474.97 101-2001-60176 Sheriff - Other 1,750.00 101-2002-60112 Landscape Contract 1,304.54 101-2002-60445 Non-Reimbursable Misc 788.85 101-2002-60670 Fire Station 86.99 101-2002-60691 Maintenance/Services 3,985.00 101-2002-61100 Gas - Utilities 115.48 101-2002-61200 Water - Utilities 222.63 101-2002-61300 Telephone - Utilities 1,693.93 101-2002-61400 Cable/Internet - Utilities 210.54 101-3001-60400 Office Supplies 29.35 101-3002-60107 Instructors 32.00 101-3002-60400 Office Supplies 27.18 101-3002-60420 Operating Supplies 75.80 101-3003-60149 Community Experiences 2,073.77 101-3003-60420 Operating Supplies 2,838.98 101-3005-60320 Travel & Training 675.00 101-3005-60351 Membership Dues 150.00 101-3005-60431 Materials/Supplies 3,446.19 101-3005-60554 LQ Park Water Feature 787.00 67 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02995 - 12/17/2021 JB 1/10/2022 2:59:12 PM Page 6 of 7 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-3005-60691 Maintenance/Services 900.00 101-3005-61207 Water -Pioneer Park - Utili…547.91 101-3005-61300 Telephone - Utilities 47.81 101-3007-60351 Membership Dues 110.00 101-3007-60461 Marketing & Tourism Pro… 40,201.34 101-3008-60115 Janitorial 13,067.87 101-3008-60431 Materials/Supplies 3,250.38 101-3008-60667 HVAC 2,483.00 101-3008-60691 Maintenance/Services 13.15 101-6001-60400 Office Supplies 14.13 101-6002-60125 Temporary Agency Servic… 4,795.20 101-6004-60103 Professional Services 4,208.90 101-6004-60111 Administrative Citation Se… 402.63 101-6004-60194 Veterinary Service 1,500.00 101-6006-60103 Professional Services 3,820.00 101-6006-60125 Temporary Agency Servic… 192.86 101-6006-60420 Operating Supplies 1,069.53 101-7001-60320 Travel & Training 170.00 101-7001-60400 Office Supplies 38.35 101-7002-60183 Map/Plan Checking 2,775.50 101-7003-60400 Office Supplies 32.30 101-7003-60420 Operating Supplies 1,256.34 101-7006-60427 Safety Gear 171.28 201-7003-60429 Traffic Control Signs 840.00 202-3004-60115 Janitorial 2,710.66 202-3004-60667 HVAC 1,761.63 202-3004-60691 Maintenance/Services 14.33 202-3006-60115 Janitorial 727.08 202-3009-60420 Operating Supplies 61.95 215-7004-60104 Consultants 5,667.17 215-7004-60112 Landscape Contract 54,741.84 215-7004-60420 Operating Supplies 170.31 215-7004-60423 Supplies-Graffiti and Van… 986.55 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 5,382.42 215-7004-61116 Electric - Utilities 111.11 215-7004-61211 Water - Medians - Utilities 598.35 270-0000-74800 Art Purchases 14,500.00 401-0000-60108 Technical 2,287.50 401-0000-60188 Construction 767,595.07 501-0000-60674 Fuel & Oil 3,795.86 501-0000-60675 Parts & Maintenance Supp…43.49 501-0000-60676 Vehicle Repair & Mainte… 1,291.90 501-0000-60678 Street Sweeper 14.06 501-0000-60679 Motorcycle Repair & Main…548.37 501-0000-71030 Vehicles, Rentals & Leases 17,383.33 501-0000-71031 Vehicles, Purchased 100,890.00 502-0000-60104 Consultants 31,583.18 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 13,595.05 502-0000-60420 Operating Supplies 331.58 502-0000-60662 Copiers 2,439.25 502-0000-61300 Telephone - Utilities 3,180.23 502-0000-61301 Cell/Mobile Phones 3,521.62 502-0000-61400 Cable/Internet - Utilities 1,785.34 502-0000-71042 D & D, Software Enhance… 60.48 502-0000-71048 Public Works, Software E… 765.00 502-0000-80103 Computers 11,608.88 601-0000-60455 Bank Fees 31.50 68 Demand Register Packet: APPKT02995 - 12/17/2021 JB 1/10/2022 2:59:12 PM Page 7 of 7 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 601-0000-60660 Repair & Maintenance 750.00 Grand Total: 1,228,975.69 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense AmountProject Account Name Project Name **None**414,623.99**None** **None** 06-014E 19,700.00DESERT ELITE EXP DESERT ELITE INC 06-021E 5,000.00STANDARD PACIFIC EXP STANDARD PACIFIC OF COACHELLA 06-025E 5,070.00STANDARD PACIFIC EXP STANDARD PACIFIC OF COACHELLA 141513CT 767,240.57Construction Expense SilverRock Way Infra/Street Improv 151609CT 354.50Construction Expense La Quinta X Park 202001T 2,287.50Technical Expense Monroe Street Pavement Rehab (A BREWE 80.72Brew in LQ Expense Brew in La Quinta CORONANR 366.90Corona Non Reimbursable Corona Virus Emergency Response CSA152E 14.06CSA 152 Expenses CSA 152 Project Tracking IRONE 200.00Ironman Expense Ironman Event LQACE 1,433.61La Quinta Art Celebration - Expense La Quinta Art Celebration STVRE 8,028.90Short Term Vacation Rental Expense Short Term Vacation Rental Trackin TREEE 3,828.41Tree Lighting Ceremony Expense Tree Lighting Ceremony VETSE 746.53Veterans Day Ceremony Expense Veterans Day Ceremony Grand Total: 1,228,975.69 69 1/10/2022 2:45:10 PM Page 1 of 7 Demand Register City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT03005 - 12/31/2021 JB AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND 612.00Professional Services12/16/21 - LQMC CODIFICATION SERVICES206721MUNICODE 101-1005-60103 294.35Operating Supplies12/20/21 - CLQ POLOS206727PALMS TO PINES PRINTING 101-3003-60420 676.28Marketing & Tourism Promoti…12/20/21 - CLQ POLOS206727PALMS TO PINES PRINTING 101-3007-60461 5,518.33Marketing & Tourism Promoti…12/20/21 - COMPUTER BACKPACKS (115)206727PALMS TO PINES PRINTING 101-3007-60461 3,600.79Printing12/21/21 - WINDOW ENVELOPES206727PALMS TO PINES PRINTING 101-3007-60410 432.00Instructors12/13/21 - ORANGE BALL TENNIS CLASS206735ROCKET TENNIS ACADEMY 101-3002-60107 300.00Marketing & Tourism Promoti…12/16/21 - PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES206711JL MASTER 4 FILMS 101-3007-60461 1,350.00Civic Center Lake Maintenance12/2021 - LAKE MAINTENANCE SERVICES206739SOUTHWEST AQUATICS INC 101-3005-60117 1,350.00SilverRock Lake Maintenance12/2021 - LAKE MAINTENANCE SERVICES206739SOUTHWEST AQUATICS INC 101-3005-60189 768.75Professional Services12/06-12/12/21 - CLERK'S OFFICE ASSIST…206717MAYSELS, SUSAN MULLIN 101-1005-60103 2,467.50Map/Plan Checking10/2021 - ONCALL PLAN CHECK SVCS ENG…206709HR GREEN PACIFIC INC 101-7002-60183 409.50Map/Plan Checking11/2021 - ONCALL PLAN CHECK SVCS ENG…206709HR GREEN PACIFIC INC 101-7002-60183 198.75Citywide Supplies10/06/21 & 10/20/21 - CITY WIDE DRINKI…206741SPARKLETTS 101-1007-60403 163.77Citywide Supplies11/03/21 & 11/17/21 - CITY WIDE DRINKI…206741SPARKLETTS 101-1007-60403 197.26Citywide Supplies12/01/21 & 12/15/21 - CITY WIDE DRINKI…206741SPARKLETTS 101-1007-60403 3,500.00Contract Services - Administrat…12/2021 - LOBBYIST SERVICES206712JOE A GONSALVES & SON 101-1002-60101 3,500.00Contract Services - Administrat…01/2022 - LOBBYIST SERVICES206712JOE A GONSALVES & SON 101-1002-60101 4,500.00Maintenance/Services12/20/21 - CABINET INSTALLATION IN CH …206705H&G HOME IMPROVEMENTS I…101-3008-60691 493.50Maintenance/Services12/03/21 - GLASS PARTITION FOR COFFEE…206726PALMS TO PINES MIRROR & G…101-3008-60691 147.00Instructors12/13/21 - ESSENTIAL FITNESS CLASS206736RUDY, LORI A 101-3002-60107 504.00Instructors12/13/21 - YOGA INDOORS CLASS206692CORTEZ, ELISABETH 101-3002-60107 392.00Instructors12/13/21 - GENTLE YOGA CLASS206748VIELHARBER, KAREN 101-3002-60107 117.60Instructors12/13/21 - TAI CHI YANG CLASS206707HEWETT, ATSUKO YAMANE 101-3002-60107 520.00Instructors12/13/21 - PICKLEBALL CLASS206722NOVAK, JAN 101-3002-60107 576.00Instructors12/13/21 - RED BALL TENNIS CLASS206735ROCKET TENNIS ACADEMY 101-3002-60107 144.00Instructors12/13/21 - GREEN BALL TENNIS CLASS206735ROCKET TENNIS ACADEMY 101-3002-60107 240.00Instructors12/13/21 - SCULPT FIT CORE CLASSES206713JOHNSON, KAREN T. PAYNE 101-3002-60107 225.00Instructors12/13/2021 - STRETCH & RESTORE CLASSES206713JOHNSON, KAREN T. PAYNE 101-3002-60107 25.20Instructors12/13/21 - ESSENTIAL FITNESS CLASSES206736RUDY, LORI A 101-3002-60107 39.20Instructors12/13/21 - LINE DANCING CLASS206738SHIRY, TERESA 101-3002-60107 117.60Instructors12/13/21 - YOGA DI CLASSES206692CORTEZ, ELISABETH 101-3002-60107 5.60Instructors12/13/21 - TAI CHI YANG DI CLASS206707HEWETT, ATSUKO YAMANE 101-3002-60107 112.00Instructors12/13/21 - LINE DANCING CLASS206738SHIRY, TERESA 101-3002-60107 194.50Office Supplies10/08/21 - OFFICE SUPPLIES206725OFFICE DEPOT 101-6004-60400 750.00Marketing & Tourism Promoti…11/2021 - eNEWSLETTER ADS206716LOS ANGELES MAGAZINE LLC 101-3007-60461 2,500.00Marketing & Tourism Promoti…12/2021 - PRINT ADS FOR SILICON VALLEY206719MODERN LUXURY 101-3007-60461 2,000.00Marketing & Tourism Promoti…12/2021-01/2022 - PRINT ADS FOR ORAN…206719MODERN LUXURY 101-3007-60461 4,000.00Marketing & Tourism Promoti…12/2021-01/2022 - PRINT ADS FOR SAN F…206719MODERN LUXURY 101-3007-60461 636.19Special Enforcement Funds12/03/21 - POLICE FIELD BALLISTIC VEST J.…206687BPS TACTICAL INC 101-2001-60175 32.48Office Supplies12/17/21 - OFFICE SUPPLIES206725OFFICE DEPOT 101-6004-60400 60.36Office Supplies12/17/21 - OFFICE SUPPLIES206725OFFICE DEPOT 101-1006-60400 17.72Office Supplies12/15/21 - OFFICE SUPPLIES206725OFFICE DEPOT 101-1005-60400 41.12Office Supplies12/14/2021 - PENS206725OFFICE DEPOT 101-1005-60400 48,536.32Landscape Contract12/2021 - MONTHLY MAINTENANCE206749VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 101-3005-60112 1,843.25Administration09/1-11/30/21 - BANK FEES206684BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON 101-1006-60102 516.00Consultants/Employee Services09/01/21-09/01/22 - AIRBO VIRTUAL BEN…206714KEENAN ASSOCIATES 101-1004-60104 11,792.84Fritz Burns Pool Programming11/2021 - FB POOL OPERATIONS & PROG…206697DESERT RECREATION DISTRICT 101-3003-60184 79.00Travel & Training11/30/21 - SK/MGMT SKILLS TRAINING S.…206728PRYOR SEMINARS, FRED 101-6006-60320 982.06Lot Cleaning/Gravel Program12/02/21 - CRUSHED ROCK FOR GRAVEL P…206740SOUTHWEST BOULDER & STO…101-6004-60120 70.00Blood/Alcohol Testing11/2021 - BLOOD/ALCOHOL ANALYSIS (DO…206694DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 101-2001-60174 35.00Blood/Alcohol Testing07/2021 - BLOOD/ALCOHOL ANALYSIS (DO…206694DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 101-2001-60174 305.00Map/Plan Checking12/13/21 - FTM 2021-0002 ONCALL MAP …206732RASA/ERIC NELSON 101-7002-60183 580.00Map/Plan Checking12/13/21 - MP 2021-0001 ONCALL MAP C…206732RASA/ERIC NELSON 101-7002-60183 70 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03005 - 12/31/2021 JB 1/10/2022 2:45:10 PM Page 2 of 7 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number 752.47Temporary Agency Services12/10/21 - TEMPORARY AGENCY SVCS T.S…206734ROBERT HALF TECHNOLOGY 101-1005-60125 827.40Temporary Agency Services12/17/21 - TEMPORARY AGENCY SVCS T.S…206734ROBERT HALF TECHNOLOGY 101-1005-60125 806.65Maintenance/Services10/05/21 - PAIGE PARK ELECTRICAL SVC C…206750VINTAGE E & S INC 101-3008-60691 46.53Mobile/Cell Phones/Satellites11/14-12/13/21 - EOC CELL (7813)206747VERIZON WIRELESS 101-2002-61304 307.80Materials/Supplies10/25/21 - PADLOCKS206744THE LOCK SHOP, INC 101-3005-60431 46.86Materials/Supplies12/17/21 - KEYS & LUBRICANT206744THE LOCK SHOP, INC 101-3008-60431 1,486.66Electricity - Utilities12/28/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE206710IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-2002-61101 2,490.42Electric - Civic Center Park - Uti…12/28/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE206710IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61103 1,509.36Electric - Fritz Burns Park - Utili…12/28/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE206710IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61105 5,393.50Electric - Sports Complex - Utili…12/28/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE206710IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61106 13.96Electric - Velasco Park - Utilities12/28/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE206710IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61111 11,801.54Electricity - Utilities12/28/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE206710IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3008-61101 541.73Water - Utilities12/16/21 - WATER SERVICE206691COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-2002-61200 1,848.98Water -Monticello Park - Utiliti…12/16/21 - WATER SERVICE206691COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61201 128.50Water -Fritz Burns Park - Utiliti…12/16/21 - WATER SERVICE206691COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61204 27.05Water -Seasons Park - Utilities12/16/21 - WATER SERVICE206691COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61208 170.21Water -Community Park - Utilit…12/16/21 - WATER SERVICE206691COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61209 92.89Water - Utilities12/16/21 - WATER SERVICE206691COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3008-61200 5,790.39Water -Community Park - Utilit…12/28/21 - WATER SERVICE206691COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61209 240.83PM 10 - Dust Control12/28/21 - WATER SERVICE206691COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-7006-60146 11,000.00Attorney916627 - RETAINER206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 2,998.27Postage Machine01/13-04/12/22 - CITYWIDE POSTAGE MA…206731QUADIENT FINANCE USA, INC.101-1007-60661 937.00Due to County Recorder11/2021 - RECORDING FEES206733RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 101-0000-20325 348.00Developer Deposits916387 - REIMBURSEMENT MATTERS206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-0000-22810 90.00Attorney916390 - US SRR STYLIZED CLASSES (41 & …206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 705.00Attorney916391 - DUNE PALMS PROJECT ROW206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 211.00Attorney916389 - SRR RESORT206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 2,493.00Attorney916396 - STVR PHASE-OUT CITIZENS BALL…206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 2,639.50Attorney916393 - LQ ARTS FESTIVAL CANCELLATION206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 459.00Attorney916395 - LOHNER/DUITRUK PETITION206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 11,000.00Attorney916388 - RETAINER MATTER206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 1,850.67Attorney916386 - CODE ENFORCEMENT206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 6,740.21Attorney916383 - GENERAL ACCOUNT206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 168.00Attorney916384 - PERSONNEL GENERAL206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 2,979.00Attorney/Litigation916385 - LITIGATION GENERAL206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60154 528.00Attorney/Litigation916394 - LQ ARTS FESTIVAL TRADEMARK206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60154 40.00Technical11/2021 - RECORDING FEES206733RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 101-6004-60108 4,000.00Postage11/22/21 - CITYWIDE POSTAGE MACHINE …206730QUADIENT FINANCE USA, INC.101-1007-60470 251.54Professional Services11/29/21 - 80000 AVE 54 TRASH SERVICE206688BURRTEC WASTE & RECYCLING…101-1002-60103 2,467.15LQ Art Event11/2021 - LQAC TRASH SERVICES206688BURRTEC WASTE & RECYCLING…101-3003-60512 345.34Fritz Burns Pool Maintenance12/17/21 - HOSE KIT CHLORINE AND ACID …206724OCEAN SPRINGS TECH INC 101-3005-60184 11,000.00Attorney914594 - RETAINER MATTER206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 600.00Attorney914590 - PERSONNEL GENERAL206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 240.00Attorney914597 - COVID-19 ADVICE206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 15,439.37Attorney914600 - LOHNER/DUITRUK PETITION206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 2,116.00Attorney914592 - CODE ENFORCEMENT206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 10,290.00Attorney914735 - GENERAL ACCOUNT206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 3,179.50Attorney914598 - LQ ARTS FESTIVAL CANCELLATION206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 2,124.00Attorney914595 - DUNE PALMS PROJECT ROW206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 673.00Attorney914595 - SRR RESORT206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60153 3,031.00Attorney/Litigation914591 - LITIGATION206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60154 163.00Attorney/Litigation914599 - LQ ART FESTIVAL TRADEMARK206737RUTAN & TUCKER 101-1003-60154 2,618.63Electric - SilverRock Event Site -…12/28/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE206710IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61115 828.61Water -Desert Pride - Utilities12/16/21 - WATER SERVICE206691COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61206 40.80PM 10 - Dust Control12/16/21 - WATER SERVICE206691COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-7006-60146 159.73Water - Utilities12/28/21 - WATER SERVICE206691COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-2002-61200 177.81Water -Eisenhower Park - Utilit…12/28/21 - WATER SERVICE206691COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61203 1,874.87Water -Fritz Burns Park - Utiliti…12/28/21 - WATER SERVICE206691COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61204 183.12Water -Velasco Park - Utilities12/28/21 - WATER SERVICE206691COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61205 781.86Water - Utilities12/28/21 - WATER SERVICE206691COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3008-61200 71 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03005 - 12/31/2021 JB 1/10/2022 2:45:10 PM Page 3 of 7 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number 255.00Over Payments, AR Policy12/15/21 - HAZARDOUS WASTE FEE REFU…206693COSTCO WHOLESALE #638 101-0000-20330 100.00Business Licenses12/14/21 - DOUBLE PAYMENT REFUND LIC…206704GENERATIONS WEST CONSTR…101-0000-41600 590.00Over Payments, AR Policy12/15/21 - REFUND PERMIT OVERPAYME…206698DISCOVER INVESTMENTS, LLC 101-0000-20330 27,903.72Materials/Supplies12/20/21 - 27 LIGHT BOLLARDS FOR LQ P…206695DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 101-3005-60431 9,302.72Consultants10/01-12/31/21 - CONTRACT/AUDIT SALES…206708HINDERLITER DE LLAMAS & AS…101-1006-60104 895.00Special Enforcement Funds12/15/21 - TRAFFIC ACCIDENT CLEANUP L…206685BIO SOCAL 101-2001-60175 5,082.84Tools/Equipment12/15/21 - UNDERGROUND LOCATING SY…206715LEICA GEOSYSTEMS, INC 101-7003-60432 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Total: 294,694.81 Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND 200.68Asphalt12/06/21 - ASPHALT206689CALIFORNIA COMMERCIAL AS…201-7003-60430 -5,890.97Retention Payable11/30/2021 - 2021-07 RETENTION PAYME…206706HARDY & HARPER, INC.201-0000-20600 117,819.40Road Improvements11/30/2021 - 2021-07 PROGRESS PAYME…206706HARDY & HARPER, INC.201-7003-72111 568.99Electricity - Utilities12/28/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE206710IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 201-7003-61101 Fund 201 - GAS TAX FUND Total: 112,698.10 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 812.59Landscape Contract12/2021 - MONTHLY MAINTENANCE206749VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 202-3004-60112 169.58Landscape Contract12/2021 - MONTHLY MAINTENANCE206749VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 202-3006-60112 3,279.94Electricity - Utilities12/28/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE206710IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 202-3004-61101 1,049.67Electricity - Utilities12/28/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE206710IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 202-3006-61101 234.68Water - Utilities12/16/21 - WATER SERVICE206691COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…202-3006-61200 124.50Telephone - Utilities12/13/21-01/12/22 - MUSEUM PHONE206702FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…202-3006-61300 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total: 5,670.96 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 3,843.80Administration01/2022-03/2022 - LANDSCAPE & LIGHTI…206751WILLDAN FINANCIAL SERVICES 215-7004-60102 967.88Materials/Supplies12/15/21 - PLANTS206696DESERT GROWERS NURSERY 215-7004-60431 10,589.51Landscape Contract12/2021 - MONTHLY MAINTENANCE206749VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 215-7004-60112 86.19Materials/Supplies12/21/21 - 5 GAL DIESEL SAFETY CAN206720MOWERS PLUS INC 215-7004-60431 1,178.00Maintenance/Services12/16/21 - PLANT REPLACEMENT TAMPIC…206729PWLC II, INC 215-7004-60691 41.19Electric - Utilities12/10/21-01/09/22 - PHONE SVC206702FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…215-7004-61116 585.48Electric - Utilities12/16/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE206710IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61116 52.28Electric - Medians - Utilities12/16/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE206710IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61117 3,311.54Electric - Utilities12/28/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE206710IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61116 2,191.52Electric - Medians - Utilities12/28/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE206710IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61117 6,181.23Water - Medians - Utilities12/16/21 - WATER SERVICE206691COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…215-7004-61211 15,186.16Water - Medians - Utilities12/28/21 - WATER SERVICE206691COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…215-7004-61211 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total: 44,214.78 Fund: 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 2,272.59AB 939 Recycling Solutions12/14/21 - STAINLESS STEEL BOTTLES (115)206727PALMS TO PINES PRINTING 221-0000-60127 Fund 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND Total: 2,272.59 Fund: 223 - MEASURE A FUND 27,666.44Signal Knockdowns, Contingen…11/30/2021 - MILES PED XING KNOCKDO…206743ST. FRANCIS ELECTRIC, LLC 223-0000-60510 Fund 223 - MEASURE A FUND Total: 27,666.44 Fund: 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 4.00SB 1186 Revenue12/14/21 - DOUBLE PAYMENT REFUND LIC…206704GENERATIONS WEST CONSTR…230-0000-42130 Fund 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 Total: 4.00 Fund: 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 652.42Electricity - Utilities12/28/21 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE206710IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 235-0000-61101 Fund 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND Total: 652.42 Fund: 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 192.00Attorney916387 - HOUSING AUTHORITY206737RUTAN & TUCKER 241-9101-60153 696.00Attorney914734 - HOUSING AUTHORITY206737RUTAN & TUCKER 241-9101-60153 Fund 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY Total: 888.00 Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 1,001.00Construction11/2021 - ONCALL TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAIN…206743ST. FRANCIS ELECTRIC, LLC 401-0000-60188 960.00Technical10/31-11/27/21 - MONROE ST PAVEMENT…206723NV5 401-0000-60108 524.00Construction11/30/21 - COBALT CONTROLLER REPAIR206699ECONOLITE CONTROL PRODU…401-0000-60188 -9,915.73Retention Payable11/2021 - 2015-09 RETENTION PAYMENT …206742SPOHN RANCH INC 401-0000-20600 72 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03005 - 12/31/2021 JB 1/10/2022 2:45:10 PM Page 4 of 7 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number 198,314.60Construction11/2021 - 2015-09 PROGRESS PAYMENT …206742SPOHN RANCH INC 401-0000-60188 Fund 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total: 190,883.87 Fund: 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 248.54Motorcycle Repair & Mainten…12/08/21 - MOTORCYCLE BATTERY REPLA…206686BMW MOTORCYCLES OF RIVE…501-0000-60679 4,592.21Fuel & Oil10/01-10/15/21 - FUEL206746TOWER ENERGY GROUP 501-0000-60674 982.14Vehicle Repair & Maintenance12/17/21 - 2018 CHEVY COLORADO MAIN…206690CHEVROLET CADILLAC 501-0000-60676 19,323.19Vehicles, Rentals & Leases12/2021 - FLEET LEASE206700ENTERPRISE FM TRUST 501-0000-71030 Fund 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total: 25,146.08 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 150.43Cable/Internet - Utilities11/15-12/14/21 - WC INTERNET (8105)206745TIME WARNER CABLE 502-0000-61400 2,079.00Cable/Internet - Utilities12/10/21-1/09/22 - CH INTERNET (2546)206745TIME WARNER CABLE 502-0000-61400 82.07Cable/Internet - Utilities12/12/21-01/11/22 - CH CABLE (4080)206745TIME WARNER CABLE 502-0000-61400 800.00Consultants11/2021 - MONTHLY FEE206701FISHER INTEGRATED INC 502-0000-60104 600.00Consultants11/2021 - CC VIDEO STREAMING206701FISHER INTEGRATED INC 502-0000-60104 774.93Software Licenses11/10-12/09/21 - MS AZURE ONLINE SVCS206718MICROSOFT CORPORATION 502-0000-60301 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total: 4,486.43 Fund: 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 143.81Bank Fees11/2021 - SRR ARMORED SVCS206703GARDAWORLD 601-0000-60455 Fund 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT Total: 143.81 Grand Total: 709,422.29 73 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03005 - 12/31/2021 JB 1/10/2022 2:45:10 PM Page 5 of 7 Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 101 - GENERAL FUND 294,694.81 201 - GAS TAX FUND 112,698.10 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 5,670.96 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 44,214.78 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 2,272.59 223 - MEASURE A FUND 27,666.44 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 4.00 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 652.42 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 888.00 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 190,883.87 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 25,146.08 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 4,486.43 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 143.81 Grand Total: 709,422.29 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-0000-20325 Due to County Recorder 937.00 101-0000-20330 Over Payments, AR Policy 845.00 101-0000-22810 Developer Deposits 348.00 101-0000-41600 Business Licenses 100.00 101-1002-60101 Contract Services - Admini…7,000.00 101-1002-60103 Professional Services 251.54 101-1003-60153 Attorney 83,018.25 101-1003-60154 Attorney/Litigation 6,701.00 101-1004-60104 Consultants/Employee Se… 516.00 101-1005-60103 Professional Services 1,380.75 101-1005-60125 Temporary Agency Servic… 1,579.87 101-1005-60400 Office Supplies 58.84 101-1006-60102 Administration 1,843.25 101-1006-60104 Consultants 9,302.72 101-1006-60400 Office Supplies 60.36 101-1007-60403 Citywide Supplies 559.78 101-1007-60470 Postage 4,000.00 101-1007-60661 Postage Machine 2,998.27 101-2001-60174 Blood/Alcohol Testing 105.00 101-2001-60175 Special Enforcement Funds 1,531.19 101-2002-61101 Electricity - Utilities 1,486.66 101-2002-61200 Water - Utilities 701.46 101-2002-61304 Mobile/Cell Phones/Satell… 46.53 101-3002-60107 Instructors 3,597.20 101-3003-60184 Fritz Burns Pool Program… 11,792.84 101-3003-60420 Operating Supplies 294.35 101-3003-60512 LQ Art Event 2,467.15 101-3005-60112 Landscape Contract 48,536.32 101-3005-60117 Civic Center Lake Mainten… 1,350.00 101-3005-60184 Fritz Burns Pool Maintena… 345.34 101-3005-60189 SilverRock Lake Maintena… 1,350.00 101-3005-60431 Materials/Supplies 28,211.52 101-3005-61103 Electric - Civic Center Park… 2,490.42 101-3005-61105 Electric - Fritz Burns Park -…1,509.36 101-3005-61106 Electric - Sports Complex -…5,393.50 101-3005-61111 Electric - Velasco Park - Uti…13.96 101-3005-61115 Electric - SilverRock Event… 2,618.63 101-3005-61201 Water -Monticello Park - … 1,848.98 101-3005-61203 Water -Eisenhower Park -… 177.81 101-3005-61204 Water -Fritz Burns Park - … 2,003.37 101-3005-61205 Water -Velasco Park - Utili…183.12 101-3005-61206 Water -Desert Pride - Utili… 828.61 74 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03005 - 12/31/2021 JB 1/10/2022 2:45:10 PM Page 6 of 7 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-3005-61208 Water -Seasons Park - Util… 27.05 101-3005-61209 Water -Community Park -… 5,960.60 101-3007-60410 Printing 3,600.79 101-3007-60461 Marketing & Tourism Pro… 15,744.61 101-3008-60431 Materials/Supplies 46.86 101-3008-60691 Maintenance/Services 5,800.15 101-3008-61101 Electricity - Utilities 11,801.54 101-3008-61200 Water - Utilities 874.75 101-6004-60108 Technical 40.00 101-6004-60120 Lot Cleaning/Gravel Progr… 982.06 101-6004-60400 Office Supplies 226.98 101-6006-60320 Travel & Training 79.00 101-7002-60183 Map/Plan Checking 3,762.00 101-7003-60432 Tools/Equipment 5,082.84 101-7006-60146 PM 10 - Dust Control 281.63 201-0000-20600 Retention Payable -5,890.97 201-7003-60430 Asphalt 200.68 201-7003-61101 Electricity - Utilities 568.99 201-7003-72111 Road Improvements 117,819.40 202-3004-60112 Landscape Contract 812.59 202-3004-61101 Electricity - Utilities 3,279.94 202-3006-60112 Landscape Contract 169.58 202-3006-61101 Electricity - Utilities 1,049.67 202-3006-61200 Water - Utilities 234.68 202-3006-61300 Telephone - Utilities 124.50 215-7004-60102 Administration 3,843.80 215-7004-60112 Landscape Contract 10,589.51 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 1,054.07 215-7004-60691 Maintenance/Services 1,178.00 215-7004-61116 Electric - Utilities 3,938.21 215-7004-61117 Electric - Medians - Utiliti… 2,243.80 215-7004-61211 Water - Medians - Utilities 21,367.39 221-0000-60127 AB 939 Recycling Solutions 2,272.59 223-0000-60510 Signal Knockdowns, Conti… 27,666.44 230-0000-42130 SB 1186 Revenue 4.00 235-0000-61101 Electricity - Utilities 652.42 241-9101-60153 Attorney 888.00 401-0000-20600 Retention Payable -9,915.73 401-0000-60108 Technical 960.00 401-0000-60188 Construction 199,839.60 501-0000-60674 Fuel & Oil 4,592.21 501-0000-60676 Vehicle Repair & Mainte… 982.14 501-0000-60679 Motorcycle Repair & Main…248.54 501-0000-71030 Vehicles, Rentals & Leases 19,323.19 502-0000-60104 Consultants 1,400.00 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 774.93 502-0000-61400 Cable/Internet - Utilities 2,311.50 601-0000-60455 Bank Fees 143.81 Grand Total: 709,422.29 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense AmountProject Account Name Project Name **None**403,554.84**None** **None** 151609CT 198,314.60Construction Expense La Quinta X Park 151609RP -9,915.73Retention Payable La Quinta X Park 202001T 960.00Technical Expense Monroe Street Pavement Rehab (A 202107CT 117,819.40Construction Lake Cahuilla Road 202107RP -5,890.97Retention Payable Lake Cahuilla Road 75 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03005 - 12/31/2021 JB 1/10/2022 2:45:10 PM Page 7 of 7 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense AmountProject Account Name Project Name 2122TMICT 1,525.00Construction Expense FY21/22 Traffic Maintenance Impro 22006E 348.00GTGF LLC EXPENSE GTGF, LLC CORONANR 240.00Corona Non Reimbursable Corona Virus Emergency Response LQACE 2,467.15La Quinta Art Celebration - Expense La Quinta Art Celebration Grand Total: 709,422.29 76 1/10/2022 2:44:47 PM Page 1 of 5 Demand Register City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT03010 - 01/07/2022 JB AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND 37.00United Way DeductionsCONTRIBUTION206788UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 101-0000-20981 41.90Cable/Internet - Utilities12/16/21-01/15/22 - FS #70 CABLE (1860)206787TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 -6.37Sales Taxes Payable12/17/21 - UNIFORMS SALES TAXES206780SERVICEWEAR APPAREL 101-0000-20304 79.17Uniforms12/17/21 - UNIFORMS206780SERVICEWEAR APPAREL 101-7006-60690 2,909.94Materials/Supplies12/29/21 - TREE RING FIXTURE & TRANSF…206779ROTO-LITE, INC 101-3005-60431 90.03Cable/Internet - Utilities12/16/21-01/15/22 - FS #32 CABLE (8152)206787TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 1,025.00Community Experiences01/01-12/31/22 - MUSIC LICENSE RENEW…206781SESAC 101-3003-60149 7,500.00Marketing & Tourism Promoti…12/15/21 - ECON DEV VIDEO PRODUCTION…206755BOX OF KITTENS 101-3007-60461 38.00Travel & Training1/11/22 - WEBINAR A.MORENO206756CACEO 101-6004-60320 38.00Travel & Training1/11/22 - WEBINAR K.MEREDITH206756CACEO 101-6004-60320 38.00Travel & Training1/11/22 - WEBINAR G.DUCHENE206756CACEO 101-6004-60320 38.00Travel & Training1/11/22 - WEBINAR M.SALAS206756CACEO 101-6004-60320 38.00Travel & Training01/11/22 - WEBINAR P.VILLANUEVA206756CACEO 101-6004-60320 16,698.82School Officer09/23-10/20/21 - BP #4 SCHOOL RESOUR…206764DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHO…101-2001-60168 2,027.88School Officer07/01-07/28/21 - BP #1 SCHOOL RESOUR…206764DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHO…101-2001-60168 150.11PM 10 - Dust Control11/22-12/19/21 - PM 10 ANSWERING SER…206753ANSAFONE CONTACT CENTERS 101-7006-60146 6,650.07LQ Art Event10/18/21 - LQAC POSTCARDS206790XPRESS GRAPHICS 101-3003-60512 90.20Tools/Equipment12/17/21 - EQUIPMENT REPAIR206771MOWERS PLUS INC 101-7003-60432 95.00Membership Dues11/01/2021 - MEMBERSHIP DUES P.VILLA…206756CACEO 101-6004-60351 3.80Office Supplies12/01/21 - OFFICE SUPPLIES206783STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1005-60400 293.56Forms, Copier Paper12/16/21 - CITY WIDE COPY PAPER206783STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1007-60402 54.91Citywide Supplies12/16/21 - CITY WIDE CUPS206783STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1007-60403 78.50Office Supplies12/20/21 - INK PRINTER FOR K.GUNTERS…206783STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-7001-60400 -44.03Sales Taxes Payable12/21/21 - FITNESS GYM WIPES SALES TAX2067522XL CORPORATION 101-0000-20304 675.40Operating Supplies12/21/21 - FITNESS GYM WIPES2067522XL CORPORATION 101-3002-60420 525.00Map/Plan Checking12/18/21 - LLA 2021-00013 ONCALL MAP …206775RASA/ERIC NELSON 101-7002-60183 370.00Map/Plan Checking12/18/21 - LLA 2021-00014 ONCALL MAP …206775RASA/ERIC NELSON 101-7002-60183 1,050.00Map/Plan Checking12/18/21 - LLA 2021-00015 ONCALL MAP …206775RASA/ERIC NELSON 101-7002-60183 305.00Map/Plan Checking12/24/21 - FTM 2021-0002 ONCALL MAP …206775RASA/ERIC NELSON 101-7002-60183 400.25Temporary Agency Services12/24/21 - TEMPORARY AGENCY SVCS T.S…206778ROBERT HALF TECHNOLOGY 101-1005-60125 2,904.00Janitorial10/04/21 - CH COVID CLEANING206768MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT…101-3008-60115 1,467.18Maintenance/Services12/28/21 - JUNCTION REPLACEMENT BOX…206789VINTAGE E & S INC 101-3005-60691 1,593.75LQ Police Volunteers09/18/21 - FUNERAL TRANSPORTATION C…206765GARY CARDIFF ENTERPRISES I…101-2001-60109 80.37Gas - Utilities11/22-12/22/21 - FS #32 GAS SVC206785THE GAS COMPANY 101-2002-61100 5,895.38HVAC08/20/21 - REPAIRS TO CH CHILLER206772PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…101-3008-60667 34.00Due to SunLine11/2021 - SUNLINE BUS PASSES206784SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY 101-0000-20305 -1.25Miscellaneous Revenue11/2021 - SUNLINE BUS PASSES206784SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY 101-0000-42301 25.83Fire Station11/10/21 - FS #70 WATER SYSTEM PRE FIL…206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-2002-60670 321.57Fire Station11/18/21 - FS #70 SUPPLIES206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-2002-60670 1,902.33Maintenance/Services12/18/21 - FS #70 REFRIGERATOR206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-2002-60691 130.28Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism10/29/21 - GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIES206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3005-60423 52.07Materials/Supplies11/22/21 - ELECTRICAL TAPE206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3005-60431 14.41Materials/Supplies11/01/21 - PARAWEDGE ANCHORS (15)206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3005-60431 57.03Materials/Supplies11/02/21 - SUPPLIES206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3005-60431 143.26Tools/Equipment11/12/21 - SMALLS TOOLS206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3005-60432 203.63Materials/Supplies10/26/21 - WASTE CONTAINERS (8)206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 96.20Materials/Supplies11/18/21 - MATERIALS206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 879.09Materials/Supplies12/18/21 - COUNTERTOP BOTTLELESS FOR…206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 13.01Materials/Supplies11/16/21 - LATEX GLUE & WOOD GLUE206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 2.49Materials/Supplies11/01/21 - NEOPRENE WASHERS & PLUM…206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 30.94Materials/Supplies11/09/21 - CHATEAU HANDLE KIT & GLOV…206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 42.64Materials/Supplies11/22/21 - MATERIALS206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60431 54.24Tools/Equipment11/10/21 - WET/DRY SHOP VACUUM206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-3008-60432 77 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03010 - 01/07/2022 JB 1/10/2022 2:44:47 PM Page 2 of 5 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number 47.20Operating Supplies11/16/21 - CLEANING SUPPLIES206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-7003-60420 30.99Operating Supplies12/18/21 - FASTENERS & WASHERS206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-7003-60420 44.76Operating Supplies11/23/21 - MATERIALS206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-7003-60420 14.20Operating Supplies11/18/21 - STAPLE SAFETY HASPS206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-7003-60420 157.61Operating Supplies11/03/21 - 2 WAY RADIO SET206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 101-7003-60420 88.29Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism10/26/21 - GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIES206767LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3005-60423 63.45Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism11/01/21 - GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIES206767LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3005-60423 26.82Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism11/16/21 - GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIES206767LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3005-60423 41.18Materials/Supplies11/09/21 - MATERIALS206767LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3005-60431 78.26Materials/Supplies11/09/21 - MATERIALS206767LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3005-60431 82.56Materials/Supplies11/09/21 - 5 GALLON GAS CANS (2)206767LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3005-60431 373.51Materials/Supplies11/17/21 - BATTERIES206767LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3008-60431 4.12Materials/Supplies10/25/21 - WOOD PUTTY206767LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3008-60431 103.20Materials/Supplies10/27/21 - RECYCLING BIN206767LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3008-60431 72.31Materials/Supplies11/09/21 - FREESTANDING SHELVING206767LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-3008-60431 39.23Operating Supplies11/16/21 - BUNGEE CORDS & SAW BLADE …206767LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-7003-60420 105.80Operating Supplies10/25/21 - UTILITY KNIFES & WIRE BRUSH206767LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-7003-60420 95.87Operating Supplies11/08/21 - SPRAYERS & PAVER SAND206767LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-7003-60420 29.91Operating Supplies10/29/21 - BUCKETS206767LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-7003-60420 57.84Operating Supplies11/18/21 - SUPPLIES206767LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-7003-60420 208.02Tools/Equipment11/12/21 - 121 PIECE MECHANICS TOOL S…206767LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-7003-60432 307.86Tools/Equipment11/18/21 - RECIPROCATING SAW206767LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…101-7003-60432 100.00Business Licenses12/17/21 - DOUBLE PAYMENT REFUND LIC…206770MIRAGESCAPE, INC 101-0000-41600 173.01Mobile/Cell Phones/Satellites12/23/21-1/22/2022 - EOC SATELLITE PH…206777ROADPOST USA INC.101-2002-61304 603.45Sheriff - Other10/25-11/24/21 - MOTOR FUEL CHARGES206776RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60176 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Total: 60,183.04 Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND 367.04Asphalt12/21/21 - ASPHALT COLD PATCH BAGS206760CRAFCO, INC 201-7003-60430 107.76Street Striping11/15/21 - PAINT FOR STREET STRIPING206767LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…201-7003-60141 Fund 201 - GAS TAX FUND Total: 474.80 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 5,936.36HVAC08/02/21 - REPAIRS TO LIBRARY CHILLER206772PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…202-3004-60667 5,998.00HVAC12/16/21 - HVAC PUMP REPLACEMENT206772PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…202-3004-60667 21.32Maintenance/Services11/10/21 - LED LIGHT BULBS (4)206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 202-3006-60691 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total: 11,955.68 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 1,803.08Materials/Supplies01/03/22 - PLANTS206763DESERT GROWERS NURSERY 215-7004-60431 7,760.00Maintenance/Services08/11/21 - TREE REMOVAL & PAVER REPA…206762DESERT CONCEPTS CONSTRUC…215-7004-60691 316.95Maintenance/Services12/27/21 - FS #70 LANDSCAPE LIGHTS RE…206761CREATIVE LIGHTING & ELECTR…215-7004-60691 21.99Operating Supplies12/12/21 - OFFICE SUPPLIES206783STAPLES ADVANTAGE 215-7004-60420 176.20Materials/Supplies12/16/21 - IRRIGATION SUPPLIES206782SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 215-7004-60431 52.59Materials/Supplies12/21/21 - PAINT206786THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.215-7004-60431 1,203.03Maintenance/Services1/3/22 - SINALOA ROUNDABOUT LIGHT S…206789VINTAGE E & S INC 215-7004-60691 808.12Materials/Supplies12/20/21 - PLANTS206758CALIFORNIA DESERT NURSERY,…215-7004-60431 2,250.00Maintenance/Services12/28/21 - TREE REMOVAL206774PWLC II, INC 215-7004-60691 608.00Maintenance/Services12/20/21 - TREE STUMP REMOVAL206774PWLC II, INC 215-7004-60691 2,400.00Palm Trees12/20/21 - PALM TREE REMOVAL206774PWLC II, INC 215-7004-60673 2,432.00Maintenance/Services12/20/21 - WOOD CHIPPER WORK THRO…206774PWLC II, INC 215-7004-60691 1,216.00Maintenance/Services12/20/21 - PLANT REPLACEMENT AT ADA…206774PWLC II, INC 215-7004-60691 29.86Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism11/09/21 - GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIES206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 215-7004-60423 111.63Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism10/28/21 - GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIES206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 215-7004-60423 18.93Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism11/19/21 - GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIES206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 215-7004-60423 43.71Materials/Supplies11/15/21 - MATERIALS206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 215-7004-60431 97.71Supplies-Graffiti and Vandalism11/23/21 - GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIES206767LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…215-7004-60423 165.16Materials/Supplies11/03/21 - WATER HOSE206767LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…215-7004-60431 66.08Tools/Equipment10/26/21 - SHOVELS206767LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…215-7004-60432 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total: 21,581.04 Fund: 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 499.47AB 939 Recycling Solutions12/21/21 - RECYCLING STICKERS FOR TRA…206790XPRESS GRAPHICS 221-0000-60127 78 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03010 - 01/07/2022 JB 1/10/2022 2:44:47 PM Page 3 of 5 AmountVendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number 212.93AB 939 Recycling Solutions11/22/21 - TRASH CANS (20)206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 221-0000-60127 Fund 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND Total: 712.40 Fund: 223 - MEASURE A FUND 31.40Signal Knockdowns, Contingen…11/16/21 - CONCRETE PATCH206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 223-0000-60510 Fund 223 - MEASURE A FUND Total: 31.40 Fund: 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 4.00SB 1186 Revenue12/17/21 - DOUBLE PAYMENT REFUND LIC…206770MIRAGESCAPE, INC 230-0000-42130 Fund 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 Total: 4.00 Fund: 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 5,550.00Professional Services12/2021 - HOUSING CONSULTANT SERVIC…206757CAHA, BECKY 241-9101-60103 Fund 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY Total: 5,550.00 Fund: 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 1,292.33Art Purchases11/16/21 - PAINT FOR CULTURAL CAMPUS…206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 270-0000-74800 Fund 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND Total: 1,292.33 Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 227.81Construction10/19/21 - 2015-09 XPARK REVISION PLA…206773PLANIT REPROGRAPHICS SYST…401-0000-60188 714.50Construction12/14/2021 - PCMT-8000 ANNUAL CAILB…206754ATHENS TECHNICAL SPECIALIS…401-0000-60188 Fund 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total: 942.31 Fund: 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 7,167.48Parts & Maintenance Supplies12/27/21 - SAFETY LIGHTS INSTALL 3 TRU…206769MIKES AUTO ELECTRIC 501-0000-60675 41.28Parts & Maintenance Supplies11/04/21 - DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID206767LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…501-0000-60675 1,810.44Machinery & Equipment11/08/21 - FLATBED TRAILER206767LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…501-0000-80100 Fund 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total: 9,019.20 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 8.87Cable/Internet - Utilities12/20/21-01/19/22 - WC CABLE (1909)206787TIME WARNER CABLE 502-0000-61400 400.73Software Licenses12/23/21 - ADOBE ACROBAT PRO M.RADE…206759CDW GOVERNMENT INC 502-0000-60301 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total: 409.60 Fund: 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 27.14Repair & Maintenance11/10/21 - LED LIGHT BULBS (16)206766HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 601-0000-60660 130.09Repair & Maintenance11/09/21 - FLOOD LIGHTS206767LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT…601-0000-60660 Fund 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT Total: 157.23 Grand Total: 112,313.03 79 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03010 - 01/07/2022 JB 1/10/2022 2:44:47 PM Page 4 of 5 Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 101 - GENERAL FUND 60,183.04 201 - GAS TAX FUND 474.80 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 11,955.68 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 21,581.04 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 712.40 223 - MEASURE A FUND 31.40 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 4.00 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 5,550.00 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 1,292.33 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 942.31 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 9,019.20 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 409.60 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 157.23 Grand Total: 112,313.03 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-0000-20304 Sales Taxes Payable -50.40 101-0000-20305 Due to SunLine 34.00 101-0000-20981 United Way Deductions 37.00 101-0000-41600 Business Licenses 100.00 101-0000-42301 Miscellaneous Revenue -1.25 101-1005-60125 Temporary Agency Servic… 400.25 101-1005-60400 Office Supplies 3.80 101-1007-60402 Forms, Copier Paper 293.56 101-1007-60403 Citywide Supplies 54.91 101-2001-60109 LQ Police Volunteers 1,593.75 101-2001-60168 School Officer 18,726.70 101-2001-60176 Sheriff - Other 603.45 101-2002-60670 Fire Station 347.40 101-2002-60691 Maintenance/Services 1,902.33 101-2002-61100 Gas - Utilities 80.37 101-2002-61304 Mobile/Cell Phones/Satell… 173.01 101-2002-61400 Cable/Internet - Utilities 131.93 101-3002-60420 Operating Supplies 675.40 101-3003-60149 Community Experiences 1,025.00 101-3003-60512 LQ Art Event 6,650.07 101-3005-60423 Supplies-Graffiti and Van… 308.84 101-3005-60431 Materials/Supplies 3,235.45 101-3005-60432 Tools/Equipment 143.26 101-3005-60691 Maintenance/Services 1,467.18 101-3007-60461 Marketing & Tourism Pro… 7,500.00 101-3008-60115 Janitorial 2,904.00 101-3008-60431 Materials/Supplies 1,821.14 101-3008-60432 Tools/Equipment 54.24 101-3008-60667 HVAC 5,895.38 101-6004-60320 Travel & Training 190.00 101-6004-60351 Membership Dues 95.00 101-7001-60400 Office Supplies 78.50 101-7002-60183 Map/Plan Checking 2,250.00 101-7003-60420 Operating Supplies 623.41 101-7003-60432 Tools/Equipment 606.08 101-7006-60146 PM 10 - Dust Control 150.11 101-7006-60690 Uniforms 79.17 201-7003-60141 Street Striping 107.76 201-7003-60430 Asphalt 367.04 202-3004-60667 HVAC 11,934.36 202-3006-60691 Maintenance/Services 21.32 215-7004-60420 Operating Supplies 21.99 80 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03010 - 01/07/2022 JB 1/10/2022 2:44:47 PM Page 5 of 5 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 215-7004-60423 Supplies-Graffiti and Van… 258.13 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 3,048.86 215-7004-60432 Tools/Equipment 66.08 215-7004-60673 Palm Trees 2,400.00 215-7004-60691 Maintenance/Services 15,785.98 221-0000-60127 AB 939 Recycling Solutions 712.40 223-0000-60510 Signal Knockdowns, Conti… 31.40 230-0000-42130 SB 1186 Revenue 4.00 241-9101-60103 Professional Services 5,550.00 270-0000-74800 Art Purchases 1,292.33 401-0000-60188 Construction 942.31 501-0000-60675 Parts & Maintenance Supp…7,208.76 501-0000-80100 Machinery & Equipment 1,810.44 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 400.73 502-0000-61400 Cable/Internet - Utilities 8.87 601-0000-60660 Repair & Maintenance 157.23 Grand Total: 112,313.03 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense AmountProject Account Name Project Name **None**101,816.65**None** **None** 151609CT 227.81Construction Expense La Quinta X Park 2122TMICT 714.50Construction Expense FY21/22 Traffic Maintenance Impro CORONANR 2,904.00Corona Non Reimbursable Corona Virus Emergency Response LQACE 6,650.07La Quinta Art Celebration - Expense La Quinta Art Celebration Grand Total: 112,313.03 81 1/10/2022 3:38:03 PM Page 1 of 2 Payment Reversal Register City of La Quinta APPKT03006 - 01/04/2022 JB Canceled Payables Vendor Set:01 - Vendor Set 01 Bank:APBNKBOW - APBNK- BOW 01290 Vendor Number RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT-GARNISHMENTS Total Vendor Amount -516.36 Vendor Name Check 206399 01/04/2022 -258.1811/12/2021 01/04/2022 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number: Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date 0002836-R 11/12/2021GARNISHMENT 258.1811/12/2021 Check 206577 01/04/2022 -258.1812/10/2021 01/04/2022 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number: Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date 0002852-R 11/26/2021GARNISHMENT 258.1811/26/2021 09382 Vendor Number CARMONA, ITZELLE Total Vendor Amount -388.07 Vendor Name Check 206409 01/04/2022 -388.0711/19/2021 01/04/2022 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number: Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date 1204-R 11/19/202111/11/21 - TREE LIGHTING ENTERTAINMENT 388.0711/11/2021 09900 Vendor Number ANNA DUITRUK OR ALFRED NEAL LOHNER Total Vendor Amount -1,000.00 Vendor Name Check 206404 01/04/2022 -1,000.0011/19/2021 01/04/2022 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number: Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date 111021-R 11/19/202111/10/21 - CITATION DISMISSAL REFUND LQ162116 1,000.0011/10/2021 09915 Vendor Number MUNICODE Total Vendor Amount -0.50 Vendor Name Check 206368 01/04/2022 -0.5011/12/2021 01/04/2022 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number: Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date 00366466-R 11/12/202111/09/21 - LQMC CODIFICATION SERVICES 0.5011/09/2021 10096 Vendor Number HOSTEK Total Vendor Amount -81.48 Vendor Name Check 206094 01/04/2022 -81.4810/15/2021 01/04/2022 Payment Type Payment Number Original Payment Date Reversal Date Cancel Date Payment Amount Payable Number: Description Payable AmountDue DatePayable Date 1268069-R 10/15/202110/24/21-10/23/22 - GOLF TOUR WEBSITE DOMAIN 81.4810/10/2021 82 Payment Reversal Register Packet: APPKT03006 - 01/04/2022 JB 1/10/2022 3:38:03 PM Page 2 of 2 Bank Code Summary Canceled Payables Payables Left To Pay AgainBank Code Total APBNKBOW -1,986.41 0.00 -1,986.41 -1,986.41 0.00Report Total: -1,986.41 83 84 City of La Quinta Bank Transactions 12/13/2021 – 1/7/2022 Wire Transaction Listed below are the wire transfers from 12/13/2021 – 1/7/2022. Wire Transfers: 12/13/2021 - WIRE TRANSFER - TEXAS LIFE INSURANCE $759.75 12/13/2021 - WIRE TRANSFER - AMERICAN FIDELITY $1,545.52 12/13/2021 - WIRE TRANSFER - J & H ASSET PROPERTY MGT $38,486.21 12/17/2021 - WIRE TRANSFER - ICMA $5,156.78 12/17/2021 - WIRE TRANSFER - LANDMARK $182,432.28 12/23/2021 - WIRE TRANSFER - LQCEA $468.00 12/23/2021 - WIRE TRANSFER - ICMA $12,644.38 12/28/2021 - WIRE TRANSFER - EXPERT PAY $138.46 12/29/2021 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALPERS $500,000.00 12/29/2021 - WIRE TRANSFER - STEWART TITLE OF CALIFORNIA $604,525.00 01/05/2022 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALPERS $169.21 01/05/2022 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALPERS $4,751.92 01/05/2022 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALPERS $14,643.23 01/05/2022 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALPERS $21,831.45 01/05/2022 - WIRE TRANSFER - LANDMARK $141,834.71 01/06/2022 - WIRE TRANSFER - EXPERT PAY $138.46 TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS OUT $1,529,525.36 ATTACHMENT 2 85 86 City of La Quinta Purchase Orders 10/1/2021 – 12/31/2021 Purchase Orders Listed below are Purchase Orders issued from 10/1/2021 – 12/31/2021 with a value between $25,000 and $50,000 for City Council’s review. Vendor P.O Number Amount Quinn Company 2122-0105 39,614.00$ Emergency Repairs To Wellness Center Generator Zartico, Inc. 2122-0111 49,500.00$ Marketing and Economic Development Software Cook And Solis Construction, Inc. 2122-0112 36,291.00$ SRR Event Site Equipment Repair Chevrolet Cadillac 2122-0113 29,931.90$ Vehicle Purchase for Fire Marshall Epace Consulting, LLC 2122-0121 49,000.00$ STVR Consulting Services Purpose ATTACHMENT 3 87 88 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: January 18, 2022 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: RECEIVE AND FILE FISCAL YEAR 2020/21 GENERAL FUND YEAR-END BUDGET REPORT AND APPROVE THE AMENDED BUDGET CARRYOVERS RECOMMENDATION Receive and file Fiscal Year 2020/21 General Fund Year-End Budget Report and approve the amended budget carryovers from 2020/21 to 2021/22. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY x After closing the prior fiscal year (FY), Finance presents a year-end summary that compares the final budget to actual transactions. x Revenue was nearly $8.6 million higher than budgeted. x Expenditures (including approved carryovers from FY 2019/20 into FY 2020/21) were $19.5 million under budget. Of these savings, approximately $14.6 million will be carried over to 2021/22 for capital improvements and operations, and $7.5 million was allocated to Measure G reserves for net savings of $13.4 million. FISCAL IMPACT Amended budget carryovers from 2020/21 to 2021/22 total $14,843,959 for all Funds and are funded with budgetary savings from 2020/21. ESTIMATED REVISED General Fund (101) - Operating 583,100$ 1,209,870$ General Fund (101) - Capital Improvements 1,250,000$ 13,431,089$ Library and Museum Fund (202) -$ 50,000$ Information Technology Fund (502) 123,000$ 153,000$ 1,956,100$ 14,843,959$ TOTAL CARRYOVERS BY FUND CARRYOVER TOTALS BY FUND BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 89 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Fiscal Year 2020/21 General Fund Year-End Budget Report (Report) focuses on the General Fund. Revenues were over budget by $8,659,361; mostly due to tax revenues. Overall, all department expenditures were under budget with total savings of $19,479,411. Of these savings, $14,640,959 will be carried over to FY 2021/22 for multi-year capital projects and operations. The net savings (net of carryovers) were $13,495,238. Revenues, expenditures, carryovers, reserve balances, and a year-over-year comparison are discussed in the Fiscal Year 2020/21 General Fund Year-End Budget Report (Attachment 1). ALTERNATIVES Council may request additional information regarding this Report before approving the recommended amended budget carryovers. Prepared by: Claudia Martinez, Finance Director Approved by: Jon McMillen, City Manager Attachment: 1. Fiscal Year 2020/21 General Fund Year-End Budget Report 90 OVERVIEW The City oversees multiple sources of funds which are reported in the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) issued annually and presented at a public meeting shortly thereafter. This Fiscal Year 2020/21 Budget Report (Report) focuses on the General Fund and summarizes the overall financial activities of fiscal year (FY) 2020/21 and the City’s financial position through June 30, 2021. The chart below provides a summary comparison of the FY 2020/21 final budget versus actual revenues and expenses. The General Fund is fiscally resilient, with strong reserves, revenues exceeding budgetary projections and expenditure savings. Moving forward, supporting the economic health and safety of the community and employees remains a high priority in the decision-making process for the City. As the City continues to recover from the impacts of the pandemic, staff will closely monitor unforeseeable economic conditions. Operational revenues were approximately $8.6 million over budget and expenses after adjustments, carryovers, and reserve savings were $2,861,263 under budget resulting in a budget surplus of $11,520,624. General Fund 2020/21 Final Budget 2020/21 Actuals Co Variance Operational Revenues 57,685,534 66,344,895 * 8,659,361 Capital/Operational Carryovers 14,957,983 14,957,983 - Measure G Reserves 1,131,950 1,131,950 - CIP Savings/Use of Reserves 321,900 321,900 - Economic Disaster Reserves 500,000 500,000 - Total Revenues 74,597,367 83,256,728 8,659,361 - Operational/CIP Expenses Multi-Year Capital Improvements 19,286,314 6,042,385 (13,243,929) Operational 47,789,239 41,553,757 * (6,235,482) Expenses Before Carryovers 67,075,553 47,596,141 (19,479,411) - Plus Carryovers to 2021/22 Multi-Year Capital Improvements 13,431,089 13,431,089 Operational 1,209,870 1,209,870 Adjusted Expenditures 67,075,553 62,237,101 (4,838,452) Plus Measure G Reserves 5,547,200 7,524,389 1,977,189 Total Expenditures 72,622,753 69,761,490 (2,861,263) Surplus/(Deficit) After Carryovers 1,974,614 13,495,238 11,520,624 *Reduced by on-cash transactions described in the 2020/21 Year-End Budget Report FISCAL YEAR 2020/21 GENERAL FUND YEAR-END BUDGET REPORT 91 ATTACHMENT 1 REVENUE VARIANCES As detailed in Exhibit A and summarized on the chart below, most General Fund revenues experienced positive variances when compared to the final budget. x Taxes represent 78% of all General Fund revenues and include the three largest funding sources for the City – sales taxes $23,323,549, transient occupancy taxes (TOT) $11,071,977, and property taxes $9,232,411. Combined, these top three revenues account for $43,627,937 or 85% of all taxes. x Licenses and permits continued to overperform. COVID did not shut down the building industry and in most instances generated additional demand and accelerated current projects. x Use of Money and Property includes the annual fair market value adjustment to the City’s investments. In FY 2020/21 the portfolio holdings were valued less than book value due to market conditions, therefore a negative adjustment in the amount of $666,023 was recorded. The City’s investments have a five-year horizon with laddered maturities. The City has worked diligently to leverage highly restricted investments under volatile market conditions. At June 30, 2020, the portfolio was earning a 1.82% rate of return and on June 30, 2021 the return was 0.95%. x Miscellaneous and Transfers In revenue includes $591,946 to record the annual former Redevelopment Agency loan repayment interest earned in FY 2020/21. The loan repayments are structured to pay all principal first, then interest. Each year the City records the payment received and General Fund Revenues 2020/21 Final Budget 2020/21 Actuals Variance % Variance Tax Revenue 44,878,000 51,515,856 6,637,856 15% Licenses & Permits 1,186,800 2,024,611 837,811 71% Intergovernmental 9,343,634 9,375,935 32,301 0% Charges for Services 575,000 962,368 387,368 67% Fines, Forfeitures & Abatements 264,000 779,006 515,006 195% Use of Money & Property 845,000 379,206 (465,794) -55% Miscellaneous/Transfers In 593,100 1,233,835 640,735 108% Total Revenues 57,685,534 66,270,818 8,585,283 15% Non-Cash Adjustments Investments Fair Market Value Adjustment 666,023 666,023 RDA Loan Interest Earned, Extraordinary Gain (591,946) (591,946) 74,077 74,077 Total Adjusted Revenues 57,685,534 66,344,895 8,659,361 92 interest earned in accordance with the State Department of Finance approved loan repayment schedule. This amount is also reduced from revenues as an adjustment because it is earned, but not received until a future date. EXPENSE VARIANCES General Fund expenses are summarized in the chart below by department, and details by department and expense category are located in Exhibit B. Overall, despite reductions in areas where COVID-19 restrictions and impacts continued into FY 2020/21, all departments remained within budget. Savings were derived from the prudent management of contract and professional services, postponing non-critical repairs and upgrades, and salary and benefits savings from vacant and temporarily furloughed positions. General Fund Expenditures 2020/21 Final Budget 2020/21 Actuals Variance Carryovers to 2021/22 City Council 292,900 233,538 (59,362) - City Manager 767,000 669,515 (97,485) - City Attorney 565,000 457,354 (107,646) 100,000 Human Resources 304,400 215,251 (89,149) - City Clerk 639,100 494,173 (144,927) - Finance 1,423,400 1,304,355 (119,045) - Centralized Services 23,659,331 9,503,897 (14,155,434) 13,581,089 Police 17,204,700 16,479,907 (724,793) 10,000 Fire 9,165,422 7,037,802 (2,127,620) 475,770 Community Resources Admin. 790,600 699,783 (90,817) 20,000 Wellness Center Operations 558,800 495,568 (63,232) - Recreational Programs & Events 478,700 208,501 (270,199) 120,000 Parks Maintenance 1,814,400 1,782,193 (32,207) - Marketing & Community Relations 1,228,800 1,105,482 (123,318) - Public Buildings 1,190,700 1,119,812 (70,888) - Design & Development Admin. 649,300 639,565 (9,735) - Planning 613,900 520,082 (93,818) - Building 787,100 717,997 (69,103) - Code Compliance/Animal Control 1,310,700 1,138,317 (172,383) - The Hub 965,300 830,952 (134,348) 10,000 Public Works Administration 719,200 509,466 (209,734) Public Works Dev. Services 390,200 354,895 (35,305) - Streets 494,300 437,000 (57,300) - Engineering Services 1,062,300 640,737 (421,563) 324,100 Total Operating/CIP Expenditures 67,075,553 47,596,141 (19,479,411) 14,640,959 Estimated Actual Variance Carryovers to 2021/22 Capital Improvements - 13,431,089 13,431,089 Operational - 1,209,870 1,209,870 Total Carryovers - 14,640,959 14,640,959 Adjusted Expenditures before Reserves 67,075,553 62,237,101 (4,838,452) Plus Measure G Reserves 5,547,200 7,524,389 1,977,189 Total Adjusted Expenses 72,622,753 69,761,490 (2,861,263) 93 x Centralized Services (CS) represents the largest budget variance in the amount of $14.1 million. CS captures citywide expenses such as pension liabilities, retiree medical benefits, and transfers out to other funds such as the Gas Tax Fund for street improvements, Lighting and Landscape Fund, SilverRock Golf Course Fund, Public Safety Fund, Economic Development Fund and the Capital Improvement Project Fund. This department also has the greatest carryovers to FY 2021/22 to fund multi-year capital improvement projects as detailed in Exhibit &The majority of capital improvement carryover funding ($9,594,940 or 71%) is provided from Measure G sales tax revenue. x To ensure funds are available for critical services such as Police and Fire, the City budget incorporates the rates originally disclosed by the County. FY 2020/21 savings are derived from enhancing and modifying resources during the pandemic. o Police Contract Services savings of $724,793 were a result of contract service rates coming in lower than projected by Riverside County Sheriff’s Department (RCSD). o Fire Contract Services savings of $2,127,620 included $361,686 for the Fire Station 70 revitalization project, which is being carried over to FY 2021/22 and contract service savings of $1,043,816. Carryovers totaling $475,770 also include vehicle equipment upgrades and fire station generators and ladder truck purchase. x The Recreational Programs and Events savings of $270,199 were a result of postponed citywide events combined with reduced staffing levels due to COVID-19. x The Public Works Administration department savings of $209,734 were attributed to professional services and on-call electrical services reductions not anticipated during the year. x The Engineering Services department savings of $421,563 were derived from contract service reductions and postponement of La Quinta's share of the CVAG Art & Music Line in the amount of $321,400 which is being carried over to FY 2021/22. Operational carryovers, detailed in Exhibit D, from FY 2020/21 to FY 2021/22 increased by $626,770 from the original anticipated amount of $583,100 to 94 $1,209,870. This increase is recommended because of the continued volatility in reopening the economy, which impacts City operations. Funds not being carried over are recognized as Unassigned Reserve Fund balance in the General Fund. CIP revenue commitments are reflected in assigned reserves and operational carryovers are noted in committed reserves. RESERVES The chart below depicts reserve balances by category and the value change from June 30, 2020 to June 30, 2021. These reserve balances reflect the financial health of the City at fiscal-year end. x Non-spendable balance decreased by a total of $1,987,939 and included a slight increase in prepaid costs and the FY 2020/21 Redevelopment Agency loan repayment of $2,591,066 and interest earnings of $591,946 resulted in a decrease of $1,999,120 in Due from Other Governments. Reserve/Fund Balance As of June 30, 2020 As of June 30, 2021 Change in Value Non-Spendable Prepaid Costs 14,065 25,246 11,181 Land Held for Resale 5,403,652 5,403,652 - Advances to Other Funds - - - Due from Other Governments 26,069,742 24,070,622 (1,999,120) Total Non-Spendable 31,487,459 29,499,520 (1,987,939) Restricted Pension Trust 10,249,738 11,381,922 1,132,184 Committed Operational Carryovers 1,778,800 1,209,870 (568,930) Cash Flow Reserve 5,000,000 5,000,000 - Natural Disaster Reserve 10,000,000 10,000,000 - Economic Disaster 6,800,000 11,000,000 4,200,000 Capital Replacement Reserve 6,540,000 10,000,000 3,460,000 Total Committed 30,118,800 37,209,870 7,091,070 Assigned Public Safety Fire Services 10,491,654 11,423,931 932,277 Measure G Sales Tax 8,736,219 15,128,658 6,392,439 Capital Projects 13,155,144 13,431,089 275,945 Total Assigned 32,383,017 39,983,678 7,600,661 Unassigned 19,094,651 24,241,566 5,146,915 TOTAL FUND BALANCE 123,333,665 142,316,556 18,982,891 95 x The Due from Other Governments balance of $24,070,622 represents the principal ($13,071,276) and interest ($10,999,346) owed to the General Fund (80% of total loan repayments). Non-spendable reserves cannot be used to fund ongoing operations and primarily represent commitments due to the General Fund. x Restricted reserves are limited to funds held in a Section 115 Pension Trust set aside to fund the City’s pension obligations. The trust balance resulted in an increase in total value of $1,132,184 due to investment gains. x Committed reserves increased by $7,091,070. The decrease of $568,930 in operational carryovers is detailed in Exhibit D. During the FY 2020/21 Mid-Year Budget Report, the Unassigned balance was reduced and used to fund the following reserves: x $4,200,000 for Economic Disaster Reserves x $3,460,000 for Capital Replacement Reserves In December 2020, Council allocated an additional $500,000 from the Economic Disaster Reserve to continue to support businesses affected by the pandemic. In February 2021, Council was able to replenish the Economic Disaster Reserve, and chose to allocate additional funding for the Capital Replacement Reserve. At this time, all four of the City’s reserve categories (Natural Disaster, Economic Disaster, Cash Flow and Capital Replacement) are fully funded to policy targets. x An increase of $8.4 million in assigned reserves was primarily due to Measure G sales tax revenue of $6,392,439 and multi-year capital improvement project funding of $275,945. The 2021/22 Mid-Year Budget Report will be presented in February 2022. The Mid-Year Budget Report may include funding options for Council to consider placing a portion of unassigned reserves into Restricted or Committed reserves which are not fully funded. Staff will continue to monitor current economic impacts, local business restrictions, and current operating expenses to determine if additional reserve funding is recommended during the Mid-Year Budget Report. 96 MEASURE G SUMMARY The Financial Advisory Commission oversees and audits the use of Measure G sales tax revenues and prepares the annual Measure G Sales Tax Oversight Report. The summary below provides a preview of the revenues and expenditures to date. The Measure G reserve balance ended the fiscal year at $15,128,658. Fiscal Year (FY) REVENUES 2016/17 Actual 1,462,650$ 2017/18 Actual 9,967,657 2018/19 Actual 10,958,118 2019/20 Actual 10,310,526 2020/21 Actual 12,594,389 TOTAL 45,293,340$ Year Earned Reserve Allocation Year Operational Capital Reserves Total by Year 2016/17 Eisenhower Dr. Retention Basin 201704MG 750,000 Measure G Reserves 16/17 (X-Park Funding) 151609MG 712,650 - 1,462,650 2017/18 Public Safety Fund 300,000 North La Quinta Landscape Improvements 201603MG 1,802,576 Citywide Drainage Enhancements 151612MG 2,407,373 La Quinta Village Road Diet Project 151603MG 1,972,158 2018/19 X-Park Funding 151609MG 147,350 2019/20 Alongi Building Improvements 800,000 2019/20 SilverRock Event Site 201608MG 321,900 2020/21 SilverRock Event Site 201608MG 244,700 2020/21 Alongi Building at SilverRock Event Site 160,000 2020/21 SilverRock Event Site 201608MG 290,000 2020/21 SilverRock Event Site Retention Basin 202007MG 10,000 2020/21 SilverRock Event Site Retention Basin 202007MG 427,250 Measure G Reserves 17/18 1,084,350 9,967,657 2018/19 Public Safety Fund 850,000 Public Safety Contract Services 2,100,000 Citywide Drainage Enhancements 151612MG 194,730 North La Quinta Landscape Improvements 201603 MG 2,129,613 SilverRock Event Site 201608MG 1,300,000 Measure G Reserves 18/19 4,383,775 10,958,118 2019/20 Public Safety Contract Services 2,750,000 Corporate Yard Administration/Crew Quarters 201805MG 411,013 Highway 111 Corridor Improvements 1,000,000 North La Quinta Landscape Improvements 201603MG 3,703,369 Village Art Plaza Promenade 201901MG 310,000 Measure G Reserves 19/20 2,136,144 10,310,526 2020/21 Public Safety Contract Services 4,545,000 X-Park Landscaping 151609MG 275,000 Highway 111 Corridor Improvements 250,000 7,524,389 12,594,389 TOTAL 10,545,000$ 19,619,682$ 15,128,658$ 45,293,340$ 23% 43% 33% MEASURE G REVENUES AND USES SUMMARY MEASURE G USES 97 The FY 2020/21 Year-End Budget Report provides the City Council and residents with an overview of significant variances and reflects the City’s commitment to fiscal discipline and transparency. As impacts from COVID-19 remain, the City will need to continue to make fiscally responsible and strategic decisions to address the financial challenges ahead. _________________________________________________________ Questions regarding this report may be directed to the Finance Department by calling 760-777-7150 or by email at finance@laquintaca.gov. 98 2019/20 Actuals 2020/21 Original Budget 2020/21 Final Budget 2020/21 Actuals 101 - GENERAL FUND 310 - Tax Revenues 2,429,495 2,517,000 2,579,000 2,578,492101-0000-40310 Property Tax Revenue 4,664,722 4,700,000 4,700,000 4,769,373101-0000-40311 No-Low City Property Tax 2,559,256 2,400,000 1,600,000 1,884,546101-0000-40315 RPTTF Pass Through 8,825,489 7,628,700 9,428,700 10,729,160101-0000-41320 State Sales Tax 10,310,526 8,197,200 10,617,200 12,594,389101-0000-41326 Measure G Sales Tax 662,545 500,000 850,000 1,568,997101-0000-41327 Document Transfer Tax 4,426,061 4,031,300 4,031,300 4,545,117101-0000-41400 TOT - Hotels 2,851,145 2,093,800 4,393,800 6,213,353101-0000-41401 TOT - Short Term Vac. Rentals 63,581 80,000 80,000 69,987101-0000-41402 TOT - Bed and Breakfast 262,694 250,000 250,000 243,520101-0000-41416 TOT - Resort Fees 852,858 770,000 770,000 894,559101-0000-41505 Franchise Taxes - Burrtec 159,003 130,000 130,000 173,961101-0000-41508 Southern California Gas Franchise 671,888 600,000 600,000 644,058101-0000-41509 Cable Television Franchise Fee 256,952 305,000 305,000 229,886101-0000-41510 Communications Franchise Fees 4,290,417 4,393,000 4,543,000 4,376,455101-0000-41800 Property Tax in Lieu of VLF 310 - Tax Revenues Totals:43,286,631 38,596,000 44,878,000 51,515,856 320 - Licenses & Permits 13,975 9,000 9,000 5,850101-0000-41411 STVR Inspection Fee 279,878 117,600 167,600 355,690101-0000-41415 STVR Registration Fee 371,294 276,000 276,000 373,801101-0000-41600 Business Licenses 1,195 400 400 2,800101-0000-41610 Film Permits 444,444 135,000 135,000 437,209101-0000-42400 Building Permits 98,478 49,500 49,500 75,101101-0000-42401 Plumbing Permits 92,896 67,500 67,500 90,394101-0000-42402 Mechanical Permits 77,005 45,000 45,000 65,016101-0000-42403 Electrical Permits 174,893 135,000 135,000 216,745101-0000-42404 Miscellaneous Permits 6,020 8,800 8,800 3,630101-0000-42405 Garage Sale Permits 450 200 200 250101-0000-42406 Golf Cart Permits 26,718 9,900 9,900 18,237101-0000-42408 Grading Permits 1,687 2,800 2,800 0101-0000-42410 Driveway Permits 73,338 45,000 45,000 55,610101-0000-42420 Fire Plan Review Fee 56,535 27,000 27,000 60,030101-0000-42421 Fire Inspection Fee 2,142 1,800 1,800 2,850101-0000-42430 Transportation Permits 21,640 10,400 10,400 8,828101-0000-42431 Conditional Use Permits 2,789 2,500 2,500 5,400101-0000-42433 Minor Use Permit 19,695 12,900 12,900 11,616101-0000-42434 Sign Permit 24,948 38,900 38,900 56,228101-0000-42435 Site Development Permit 11,709 10,900 10,900 5,313101-0000-42436 Final Landscaping Plans 0 0 0 6,154101-0000-42437 Development Agreement 5,052 5,700 5,700 800101-0000-42439 Temporary Use Permit 96,908 120,000 120,000 154,626101-0000-43632 Public Works Permits 7,967 5,000 5,000 12,431101-0000-43638 NPDES Inspections 320 - Licenses & Permits Totals:1,911,656 1,136,800 1,186,800 2,024,611 330 - Intergovernmental 0 0 98,900 0101-0000-41700 Federal Government Revenue 0 0 502,034 502,034101-0000-41710 State Gov't Revenue 7,057,071 7,270,200 7,270,200 8,415,051101-0000-42500 Fire Service Credit 0 751,500 1,101,500 70,110101-0000-42501 Fire Service Reserves 0 455,000 368,000 367,882101-0000-43633 CSA 152 Assessments 00017,859101-0000-43634 CVWD 22,668 3,000 3,000 3,000101-0000-43650 Contributions from Other Agencies 330 - Intergovernmental Totals:7,079,738 8,479,700 9,343,634 9,375,935 340 - Charges for Services 19,432 27,000 1,000 6,891101-0000-42200 Leisure Enrichment 6,668 3,600 600 84101-0000-42202 Gift Shop 23,138 27,000 0 0101-0000-42210 Youth Sports 705 3,600 0 75101-0000-42211 Adult Sports 27,972 21,000 1,000 (50)101-0000-42212 Facility Rentals 12,865 12,000 0 0101-0000-42213 Special Events 2,429,495 2,517,000 2,579,000 2,578,492 4,664,722 4,700,000 4,700,000 4,769,373 2,559,256 2,400,000 1,600,000 1,884,546 8,825,489 7,628,700 9,428,700 10,729,160 10,310,526 8,197,200 10,617,200 12,594,389 662,545 500,000 850,000 1,568,997 4,426,061 4,031,300 4,031,300 4,545,117 2,851,145 2,093,800 4,393,800 6,213,353 63,581 80,000 80,000 69,987 262,694 250,000 250,000 243,520 852,858 770,000 770,000 894,559 159,003 130,000 130,000 173,961 671,888 600,000 600,000 644,058 256,952 305,000 305,000 229,886 4,290,417 4,393,000 4,543,000 4,376,455 43,286,631 38,596,000 44,878,000 51,515,856 13,975 9,000 9,000 5,850 279,878 117,600 167,600 355,690 371,294 276,000 276,000 373,801 1,195 400 400 2,800 444,444 135,000 135,000 437,209 98,478 49,500 49,500 75,101 92,896 67,500 67,500 90,394 77,005 45,000 45,000 65,016 174,893 135,000 135,000 216,745 6,020 8,800 8,800 3,630 450 200 200 250 26,718 9,900 9,900 18,237 1,687 2,800 2,800 0 73,338 45,000 45,000 55,610 56,535 27,000 27,000 60,030 2,142 1,800 1,800 2,850 21,640 10,400 10,400 8,828 2,789 2,500 2,500 5,400 19,695 12,900 12,900 11,616 24,948 38,900 38,900 56,228 11,709 10,900 10,900 5,313 0 0 0 6,154 5,052 5,700 5,700 800 96,908 120,000 120,000 154,626 7,967 5,000 5,000 12,431 1,911,656 1,136,800 1,186,800 2,024,611 0 0 98,900 0 0 0 502,034 502,034 7,057,071 7,270,200 7,270,200 8,415,051 0 751,500 1,101,500 70,110 0 455,000 368,000 367,882 00017,859 22,668 3,000 3,000 3,000 7,079,738 8,479,700 9,343,634 9,375,935 19,432 27,000 1,000 6,891 6,668 3,600 600 84 23,138 27,000 0 0 705 3,600 0 75 27,972 21,000 1,000 (50) 12,865 12,000 0 0 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAILS BY CATEGORY (;+,%,7$ <($5(1'%8'*(75(3257 Unaudited, final numbers will be reported in the 2020/21 Financial Statements 99 2019/20 Actuals 2020/21 Original Budget 2020/21 Final Budget 2020/21 Actuals 33,689 33,000 3,000 6,979101-0000-42214 Wellness Center Leisure Enrichme 956 900 0 0101-0000-42216 Wellness Center Special Events 104,144 90,000 2,000 10,425101-0000-42218 Wellness Center Memberships 4,968 0 0 2,306101-0000-42300 Cash Over/Short 275 200 200 95101-0000-42303 NSF Charges 13,060 2,300 2,300 38,000101-0000-42412 Minor Adjustment, Plan Checks 40,600 13,500 13,500 55,357101-0000-42415 Tentative Tract Map 29,397 13,500 13,500 29,685101-0000-42416 Digitization/Records Management 3,920 1,200 1,200 4,400101-0000-42417 Modification by Applicant 2,000 1,300 1,300 8,750101-0000-42440 Appeals - Permits, Licenses, Projec 000405101-0000-42441 Planning Compliance Review 10,707 7,600 7,600 1,052101-0000-42443 Zone Change 2,735 4,000 4,000 11,753101-0000-42445 Environmental Assessment 10,465 4,500 4,500 0101-0000-42446 General Plan Amendment 7,450 4,500 4,500 9,750101-0000-42447 Home Occupations 10,090 9,000 9,000 3,005101-0000-42448 Tentative Parcel Map 9,552 0 0 14,329101-0000-42451 Specific Plan 4,508 0 0 9,016101-0000-42460 Pre-Application Review 563,741 405,000 405,000 521,451101-0000-42600 Building Plan Check Fees 534 300 300 498101-0000-42610 SMIP Fees 492 300 300 473101-0000-42615 CBSC Administrative Fees 223,148 99,000 99,000 225,852101-0000-42810 Public Works Dev. Plan Check Fee 2,772 1,200 1,200 1,787101-0000-43631 CVMSHCP Admin Fee 340 - Charges for Services Totals:1,169,982 785,500 575,000 962,368 350 - Fines, Forfeitures & Abatements 81,952 40,000 40,000 504,205101-0000-42700 Administrative Citations 3,756 3,000 3,000 5,812101-0000-42701 Lot Abatement 41,931 20,000 20,000 33,669101-0000-42702 Vehicle Abatement 59,473 70,000 70,000 67,962101-0000-42703 Vehicle Impound Fee 113,721 105,000 105,000 110,045101-0000-42705 Motor Vehicle Code Fines 42,048 20,000 20,000 48,726101-0000-42706 Parking Violations 1,885 1,000 1,000 941101-0000-42707 Misc Fines 8,436 5,000 5,000 8,246101-0000-42708 Graffiti Removal 17,189 20,000 0 0101-0000-42709 False Alarm Fees - Police 5,322 6,000 0 (600)101-0000-42710 False Alarm Fees - Fire 350 - Fines, Forfeitures & Abatements Totals:375,713 290,000 264,000 779,006 360 - Use of Money & Property 1,252,458 700,000 700,000 897,509101-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 1,624,037 0 0 (666,023)101-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest 143,932 145,000 145,000 147,720101-0000-42120 Lease Revenue 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals:3,020,427 845,000 845,000 379,206 370 - Miscellaneous 196,035 400,000 400,000 419,472101-0000-41410 Zoning Change Mitigation Fees 20,854 17,000 17,000 0101-0000-41504 AMR Compliance 55,892 111,000 111,000 113,041101-0000-41507 Burrtec Admin Cost Reimburseme 1,500 0 0 0101-0000-41920 Memorial Tree Revenue 42,865 10,000 10,000 3,196101-0000-42000 Insurance Recoveries 15 100 100 15101-0000-42140 Sales of Publications & Materials 11,116 15,000 15,000 1,233101-0000-42301 Miscellaneous Revenue 51,099 40,000 40,000 104,930101-0000-42305 Miscellaneous Reimbursements 5,175 0 0 0101-0000-43505 Credit Card Fee Revenue 136,491 0 0 0101-0000-45000 Sale of Other Assets 694,234 0 0 591,946101-0000-48500 Extraordinary Gain 370 - Miscellaneous Totals:1,215,277 593,100 593,100 1,233,835 33,689 33,000 3,000 6,979 956 900 0 0 104,144 90,000 2,000 10,425 4,968 0 0 2,306 275 200 200 95 13,060 2,300 2,300 38,000 40,600 13,500 13,500 55,357 29,397 13,500 13,500 29,685 3,920 1,200 1,200 4,400 2,000 1,300 1,300 8,750 000405 10,707 7,600 7,600 1,052 2,735 4,000 4,000 11,753 10,465 4,500 4,500 0 7,450 4,500 4,500 9,750 10,090 9,000 9,000 3,005 9,552 0 0 14,329 4,508 0 0 9,016 563,741 405,000 405,000 521,451 534 300 300 498 492 300 300 473 223,148 99,000 99,000 225,852 2,772 1,200 1,200 1,787 1,169,982 785,500 575,000 962,368 81,952 40,000 40,000 504,205 3,756 3,000 3,000 5,812 41,931 20,000 20,000 33,669 59,473 70,000 70,000 67,962 113,721 105,000 105,000 110,045 42,048 20,000 20,000 48,726 1,885 1,000 1,000 941 8,436 5,000 5,000 8,246 17,189 20,000 0 0 5,322 6,000 0 (600) 375,713 290,000 264,000 779,006 1,252,458 700,000 700,000 897,509 1,624,037 0 0 (666,023) 143,932 145,000 145,000 147,720 3,020,427 845,000 845,000 379,206 196,035 400,000 400,000 419,472 20,854 17,000 17,000 0 55,892 111,000 111,000 113,041 1,500 0 0 0 42,865 10,000 10,000 3,196 15 100 100 15 11,116 15,000 15,000 1,233 51,099 40,000 40,000 104,930 5,175 0 0 0 136,491 0 0 0 694,234 0 0 591,946 1,215,277 593,100 593,100 1,233,835 1RQ&DVK7UDQVDFWLRQV CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAILS BY CATEGORY (;+,%,7$ <($5(1'%8'*(75(3257 Unaudited, final numbers will be reported in the 2020/21 Financial Statements 100 2019/20 Actuals 2020/21 Original Budget 2020/21 Final Budget 2020/21 Actuals 380 - Transfers In 29,809 0 0 0101-0000-49500 Transfers In 380 - Transfers In Totals:29,809 0 0 0 101 - GENERAL FUND Totals:58,089,234 50,726,100 57,685,534 66,270,818 29,809 0 0 0 29,809 0 0 0 58,089,234 50,726,100 57,685,534 66,270,818 1RQ&DVK7UDQVDFWLRQV $GMXVWHG2SHUDWLQJ5HYHQXHV     CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAILS BY CATEGORY (;+,%,7$ <($5(1'%8'*(75(3257 Unaudited, final numbers will be reported in the 2020/21 Financial Statements 101 102 2019/20 Actuals 2020/21 Original Budget 2020/21 Final Budget 2020/21 Actuals 1001 - City Council 250,144 292,900 292,900 233,538 Salaries and Benefits 233,237 274,400 274,400 228,115 Maintenance & Operations 16,907 18,500 18,500 5,423 1002 - City Manager 751,206 707,000 767,000 669,515 Salaries and Benefits 517,987 446,300 456,300 468,904 Contract Services 63,102 87,000 137,000 44,029 Maintenance & Operations 109,516 110,000 110,000 92,882 Internal Service Charges 60,600 63,700 63,700 63,700 1003 - City Attorney 550,548 565,000 565,000 457,354 Contract Services 550,548 565,000 565,000 457,354 1004 - Human Resources 521,077 264,400 304,400 215,251 Salaries and Benefits 422,160 142,100 152,100 149,396 Contract Services 16,908 26,500 56,500 9,906 Maintenance & Operations 40,710 77,000 77,000 37,150 Internal Service Charges 41,300 18,800 18,800 18,800 1005 - City Clerk 502,284 593,400 639,100 494,173 Salaries and Benefits 406,655 378,200 398,200 346,786 Contract Services 24,518 129,000 153,200 62,728 Maintenance & Operations 17,410 13,200 14,700 11,660 Internal Service Charges 53,700 73,000 73,000 73,000 1006 - Finance 1,194,343 1,393,400 1,423,400 1,304,355 Salaries and Benefits 930,571 1,034,800 1,034,800 986,090 Contract Services 125,424 174,500 204,500 139,743 Maintenance & Operations 30,448 17,500 17,500 11,922 Internal Service Charges 107,900 166,600 166,600 166,600 1007 - Central Services 17,071,668 6,454,100 23,659,331 9,503,897 Salaries and Benefits 4,494,831 1,593,100 2,925,020 2,192,550 Maintenance & Operations 103,397 201,200 301,200 154,011 Other Expenses 87,769 0 75,000 40,291 Capital Expenses 793,484 5,000 368,897 371,760 Internal Service Charges 667,100 702,900 702,900 702,900 Transfers Out 10,925,087 3,951,900 19,286,314 6,042,385 2001 - Police 16,278,322 17,506,700 17,204,700 16,479,907 Contract Services 16,130,014 17,414,300 17,042,300 16,395,945 Maintenance & Operations 18,904 18,000 38,000 14,594 Utilities 12,733 14,000 14,000 14,968 Capital Expenses 65,072 6,000 56,000 0 Internal Service Charges 51,600 54,400 54,400 54,400 2002 - Fire 6,804,305 8,021,700 9,165,422 7,037,802 Salaries and Benefits 189,319 270,900 270,900 270,532 Contract Services 6,346,342 7,208,500 7,208,500 6,164,684 Maintenance & Operations 98,793 204,100 204,100 51,326 Utilities 62,858 83,000 83,000 70,552 Capital Expenses 16,010 145,000 614,000 57,472 Internal Service Charges 82,200 110,200 110,200 110,200 Transfers Out 8,782 0 674,722 313,037 3001 - Community Resources Administration 823,403 700,600 790,600 699,783 Salaries and Benefits 625,944 489,300 489,300 494,944 Contract Services 60,482 67,000 77,000 12,646 Maintenance & Operations 74,978 78,800 158,800 126,692 Internal Service Charges 62,000 65,500 65,500 65,500 3002 - Wellness Center Operations 670,974 543,800 558,800 495,568 Salaries and Benefits 525,609 384,500 384,500 374,073 Contract Services 46,577 37,300 47,300 13,875 250,144 292,900 292,900 233,538 233,237 274,400 274,400 228,115 16,907 18,500 18,500 5,423 751,206 707,000 767,000 669,515 517,987 446,300 456,300 468,904 63,102 87,000 137,000 44,029 109,516 110,000 110,000 92,882 60,600 63,700 63,700 63,700 550,548 565,000 565,000 457,354 550,548 565,000 565,000 457,354 521,077 264,400 304,400 215,251 422,160 142,100 152,100 149,396 16,908 26,500 56,500 9,906 40,710 77,000 77,000 37,150 41,300 18,800 18,800 18,800 502,284 593,400 639,100 494,173 406,655 378,200 398,200 346,786 24,518 129,000 153,200 62,728 17,410 13,200 14,700 11,660 53,700 73,000 73,000 73,000 1,194,343 1,393,400 1,423,400 1,304,355 930,571 1,034,800 1,034,800 986,090 125,424 174,500 204,500 139,743 30,448 17,500 17,500 11,922 107,900 166,600 166,600 166,600 17,071,668 6,454,100 23,659,331 9,503,897 4,494,831 1,593,100 2,925,020 2,192,550 103,397 201,200 301,200 154,011 87,769 0 75,000 40,291 793,484 5,000 368,897 371,760 667,100 702,900 702,900 702,900 10,925,087 3,951,900 19,286,314 6,042,385 16,278,322 17,506,700 17,204,700 16,479,907 16,130,014 17,414,300 17,042,300 16,395,945 18,904 18,000 38,000 14,594 12,733 14,000 14,000 14,968 65,072 6,000 56,000 0 51,600 54,400 54,400 54,400 6,804,305 8,021,700 9,165,422 7,037,802 189,319 270,900 270,900 270,532 6,346,342 7,208,500 7,208,500 6,164,684 98,793 204,100 204,100 51,326 62,858 83,000 83,000 70,552 16,010 145,000 614,000 57,472 82,200 110,200 110,200 110,200 8,782 0 674,722 313,037 823,403 700,600 790,600 699,783 625,944 489,300 489,300 494,944 60,482 67,000 77,000 12,646 74,978 78,800 158,800 126,692 62,000 65,500 65,500 65,500 670,974 543,800 558,800 495,568 525,609 384,500 384,500 374,073 46,577 37,300 47,300 13,875 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT (;+,%,7% <($5(1'%8'*(75(3257 Unaudited, final numbers will be reported in the 2020/21 Financial Statements 103 2019/20 Actuals 2020/21 Original Budget 2020/21 Final Budget 2020/21 Actuals Maintenance & Operations 35,789 43,500 48,500 29,119 Internal Service Charges 63,000 78,500 78,500 78,500 3003 - Recreation Programs & Special Events 456,413 438,700 478,700 208,501 Salaries and Benefits 135,528 158,300 158,300 77,563 Contract Services 0 30,000 30,000 23,678 Maintenance & Operations 277,885 202,000 242,000 57,250 Other Expenses 0 0 0 1,610 Internal Service Charges 43,000 48,400 48,400 48,400 3005 - Parks Maintenance 1,958,099 1,670,800 1,814,400 1,782,193 Salaries and Benefits 344,583 331,100 331,100 348,682 Contract Services 502,680 430,000 458,000 455,927 Maintenance & Operations 395,417 263,500 387,500 376,216 Utilities 277,719 337,000 328,600 292,167 Internal Service Charges 437,700 309,200 309,200 309,200 3007 - Marketing & Community Relations 1,052,957 1,110,300 1,228,800 1,105,482 Salaries and Benefits 231,383 211,000 211,000 224,786 Contract Services 228,232 189,700 218,200 223,963 Maintenance & Operations 565,741 672,100 762,100 619,232 Internal Service Charges 27,600 37,500 37,500 37,500 3008 - Public Buildings 1,069,132 1,140,700 1,190,700 1,119,812 Salaries and Benefits 375,193 464,400 464,400 465,083 Contract Services 150,704 155,800 205,800 159,208 Maintenance & Operations 135,454 129,500 129,500 115,158 Utilities 129,580 156,000 156,000 145,363 Internal Service Charges 278,200 235,000 235,000 235,000 6001 - Design & Development Administration 869,367 519,300 649,300 639,565 Salaries and Benefits 652,125 357,100 407,100 392,319 Contract Services 50,178 35,000 115,000 130,192 Maintenance & Operations 11,664 11,900 11,900 1,753 Internal Service Charges 155,400 115,300 115,300 115,300 6002 - Planning 507,224 513,900 613,900 520,082 Salaries and Benefits 342,570 366,600 366,600 355,610 Contract Services 113,758 80,000 180,000 93,147 Maintenance & Operations 9,596 11,100 11,100 15,126 Internal Service Charges 41,300 56,200 56,200 56,200 6003 - Building 789,707 777,100 787,100 717,997 Salaries and Benefits 516,746 529,600 529,600 485,828 Contract Services 136,314 100,000 110,000 92,067 Maintenance & Operations 9,847 9,500 9,500 2,102 Internal Service Charges 126,800 138,000 138,000 138,000 6004 - Code Compliance/Animal Control 1,144,286 1,196,800 1,310,700 1,138,317 Salaries and Benefits 732,405 699,400 759,300 648,166 Contract Services 220,475 264,500 321,500 265,571 Maintenance & Operations 6,607 16,900 13,900 8,580 Internal Service Charges 184,800 216,000 216,000 216,000 6006 - The Hub 975,546 908,300 965,300 830,952 Salaries and Benefits 730,616 666,100 666,100 580,499 Contract Services 128,167 100,000 157,000 114,027 Maintenance & Operations 6,563 11,200 11,200 5,426 Internal Service Charges 110,200 131,000 131,000 131,000 7001 - Public Works Administration 13,288 719,200 719,200 509,466 Salaries and Benefits 13,288 473,400 473,400 432,718 Contract Services 0 150,000 150,000 1,254 Maintenance & Operations 0 20,900 20,900 594 35,789 43,500 48,500 29,119 63,000 78,500 78,500 78,500 456,413 438,700 478,700 208,501 135,528 158,300 158,300 77,563 0 30,000 30,000 23,678 277,885 202,000 242,000 57,250 0 0 0 1,610 43,000 48,400 48,400 48,400 1,958,099 1,670,800 1,814,400 1,782,193 344,583 331,100 331,100 348,682 502,680 430,000 458,000 455,927 395,417 263,500 387,500 376,216 277,719 337,000 328,600 292,167 437,700 309,200 309,200 309,200 1,052,957 1,110,300 1,228,800 1,105,482 231,383 211,000 211,000 224,786 228,232 189,700 218,200 223,963 565,741 672,100 762,100 619,232 27,600 37,500 37,500 37,500 1,069,132 1,140,700 1,190,700 1,119,812 375,193 464,400 464,400 465,083 150,704 155,800 205,800 159,208 135,454 129,500 129,500 115,158 129,580 156,000 156,000 145,363 278,200 235,000 235,000 235,000 869,367 519,300 649,300 639,565 652,125 357,100 407,100 392,319 50,178 35,000 115,000 130,192 11,664 11,900 11,900 1,753 155,400 115,300 115,300 115,300 507,224 513,900 613,900 520,082 342,570 366,600 366,600 355,610 113,758 80,000 180,000 93,147 9,596 11,100 11,100 15,126 41,300 56,200 56,200 56,200 789,707 777,100 787,100 717,997 516,746 529,600 529,600 485,828 136,314 100,000 110,000 92,067 9,847 9,500 9,500 2,102 126,800 138,000 138,000 138,000 1,144,286 1,196,800 1,310,700 1,138,317 732,405 699,400 759,300 648,166 220,475 264,500 321,500 265,571 6,607 16,900 13,900 8,580 184,800 216,000 216,000 216,000 975,546 908,300 965,300 830,952 730,616 666,100 666,100 580,499 128,167 100,000 157,000 114,027 6,563 11,200 11,200 5,426 110,200 131,000 131,000 131,000 13,288 719,200 719,200 509,466 13,288 473,400 473,400 432,718 0 150,000 150,000 1,254 0 20,900 20,900 594 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT (;+,%,7% <($5(1'%8'*(75(3257 Unaudited, final numbers will be reported in the 2020/21 Financial Statements 104 2019/20 Actuals 2020/21 Original Budget 2020/21 Final Budget 2020/21 Actuals Internal Service Charges 0 74,900 74,900 74,900 7002 - Public Works Development Services 556,793 390,200 390,200 354,895 Salaries and Benefits 330,328 149,800 149,800 142,493 Contract Services 154,430 190,000 190,000 162,958 Maintenance & Operations 1,235 2,000 2,000 1,044 Internal Service Charges 70,800 48,400 48,400 48,400 7003 - Streets 123,180 484,300 494,300 437,000 Salaries and Benefits 8,655 308,800 308,800 293,784 Contract Services 0 75,000 95,000 58,389 Maintenance & Operations 17,490 29,300 18,900 17,369 Other Expenses 0 15,000 5,000 0 Capital Expenses 97,035 0 10,400 11,257 Internal Service Charges 0 56,200 56,200 56,200 7006 - Engineering Services 1,168,884 999,000 1,062,300 640,737 Salaries and Benefits 674,816 314,400 314,400 300,006 Contract Services 388,478 295,000 355,000 276,711 Maintenance & Operations 9,190 9,300 12,600 7,820 Other Expenses 0 324,100 324,100 0 Internal Service Charges 96,400 56,200 56,200 56,200 GENERAL FUND EXPENSES 56,103,152 47,911,600 67,075,553 47,596,141 0 74,900 74,900 74,900 556,793 390,200 390,200 354,895 330,328 149,800 149,800 142,493 154,430 190,000 190,000 162,958 1,235 2,000 2,000 1,044 70,800 48,400 48,400 48,400 123,180 484,300 494,300 437,000 8,655 308,800 308,800 293,784 0 75,000 95,000 58,389 17,490 29,300 18,900 17,369 0 15,000 5,000 0 97,035 0 10,400 11,257 0 56,200 56,200 56,200 1,168,884 999,000 1,062,300 640,737 674,816 314,400 314,400 300,006 388,478 295,000 355,000 276,711 9,190 9,300 12,600 7,820 0 324,100 324,100 0 96,400 56,200 56,200 56,200 56,103,152 47,911,600 67,075,553 47,596,141 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT EXHIBIT B 2020/21 YEAR-END BUDGET REPORT Unaudited, final numbers will be reported in the 2020/21 Financial Statements 1RQ&DVK7UDQVDFWLRQV $GMXVWHG2SHUDWLQJ([SHQVHV     105 106 (;+,%,7& Project # Project Name Fire Reserves General Fund Measure G TOTAL 91004 Dune Palms Road Improvements 45,947$ - 45,947$ 151603 La Quinta Village Complete Streets - 489,741 489,741 151609 La Quinta X-Park - 809,727 809,727 151612 Citywide Drainage Enhancements 465,764 - 465,764 2021ADA ADA Improvements 20,000 - 20,000 2021PMP Pavement Management 861,404 - 861,404 2021STI Sidewalk Improvements 67,184 - 67,184 201603 Landscape Renovations 131,782 5,188,389 5,320,171 201606 Civic Center Campus Lake 524,263 - 524,263 201608 SilverRock Event Space - 425,068 425,068 201704 Eisenhower Retention Basin - 642,183 642,183 201709 Ave. 53/Jefferson Roundabout 630,650 - 630,650 201805 Corporate Yard Admin. Offices - 355,240 355,240 201901 Village Art Plaza Promenade - 309,505 309,505 201905 Highway 111 Corridor - 952,259 952,259 201907 Fire Station 70 Revitalization 361,686 - - - 201908 Citywide Catch Basin Modifications 250,000 - 250,000 201923 Washington St. at Ave. 50 77,110 - 77,110 201924 5 Year Pavement Management Plan Update (24,175) - (24,175) 202007 SilverRock Retention Basin Soil Stabilization - 422,828 422,828 SAVINGS Prior CIP Project Savings 389,548 - 389,548 999902 Jefferson Interchange 34,987 - 34,987 - TOTAL 361,686$ 3,474,463$ 9,594,940$ 13,431,089$ 3% 26% 71% 100% (Negative balances represent temporary funding until grants are received) GENERAL FUND Capital Improvement Project Carryovers from 2020/21 to 2021/22 107 108 (;+,%,7' AMENDED CARRYOVERS Estimated carryovers from the 2020/21 to 2021/22 budget were estimated based on projected invoices in the Spring of 2021. Upon completion of the final audit, Finance verifies account balances and carryovers. Amended carryovers will be added to the 2021/22 budget. Vendor/Program Account Number Description Estimated Revised Litigation services 101-1003-60153 Attorney fees -$ 100,000$ Marketing efforts to attract group business to hotels 101-1007-60536 TOT Resort Rebate Program 150,000$ 150,000$ Vehicle purchase/improvements 101-2001-71031 Vehicles -$ 10,000$ Equip Emergency Services vehicle 101-2002-71031 Vehicles 13,100$ 7,770$ Fire Station generators, ladder truck 101-2002-80101 Machinery & Equipment -$ 468,000$ Boys & Girls Club programming 101-3001-60135 Boys & Girls Club -$ 20,000$ Ironman Triathlon postponed to 2021 101-3003-60149 Community Experiences 75,000$ 75,000$ La Quinta Art Celebration postponed to 2021 101-3003-60512 LQ Art Event 45,000$ 45,000$ Short-Term Vacation Rental Program 101-6006-60103 Professional Services -$ 10,000$ La Quinta's share of the CVAG Art & Music Line 101-7006-60480 Contribution to other Agencies 300,000$ 324,100$ $ 583,100 $ 1,209,870 Library Fund building improvements 202-3004-72110 Roof Repairs $ - $ 50,000 Council Chambers A/V equipment 502-0000-80100 Machinery & Equipment 50,000$ 80,000$ Asset Management Software 502-0000-71048 Public Works Software Enhancements $ 73,000 $ 73,000 $ 123,000 $ 203,000 $ 706,100 $ 1,412,870 Revised Continuing Appropriations/Carryovers from 2020/21 to 2021/22 GENERAL FUND CARRYOVERS SPECIAL FUNDS CARRYOVERS TOTAL CARRYOVERS FOR ALL FUNDS NOTE: In June 2021 when the budget was adopted, all carryovers were estimates based on projected invoices to end fiscal year 2020/21. Upon completion of the final audit, Finance verified account balances and additional carryover recommendations based on current budgetary needs and constraints due to COVID. In no event shall a carryover exceed the revised per acccount amount above. 109 110 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: January 18, 2022 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE:DISCUSS AL FRESCO DINING PROGRAM RECOMMENDATION Discuss Al Fresco Dining Program and continuation of outdoor dining operations. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY xIn June 2020, Council approved a no-fee Al Fresco Dining Program (Program) to allow restaurants to expand their dining operations outdoors, due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. xThe Program was intended to be temporary to quickly respond to previous health orders that limited dine-in operations, and to allow continued operations with dining outdoors. xStaff is developing a permanent Program to establish design standards and a permitting process to assure compliance with City building codes, proper clearances and access, and public safety. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In June 2020, Council approved a no-fee Al Fresco Dining Program to allow restaurants to expand their dining operations outdoors due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Program was designed to help businesses utilize outdoor spaces such as common areas, sidewalks, and even nearby parking stalls, while working with Staff to make sure the outdoor dining areas met Code requirements, including Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) licensing requirements. The Program was intended to be temporary to quickly respond to previous health orders that limited dine-in operations, and to continue dining operations outdoors. A total of 14 restaurants received Al Fresco dining approvals. A Covid-19 Economic Relief Program was established in April 2020 and continued until December 31, 2020. This program provided reimbursement STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 111 for items such as misters, tents/shade structures, patio furniture, and other durable goods that had the explicit purpose of supporting outdoor dining. A total of $165,923 was provided through this program for the 14 restaurants that received Al Fresco dining approvals, with a maximum of $20,000 per business allowed. Al )resco dining has been successful for many restaurants, and some may wish to continue to provide outdoor dining on a more permanent basis. Staff is developing a permanent Program to establish design standards and a permitting process to assure compliance with City building codes, proper clearances and access, public safety, and ABC licensing requirements. There will be two types of $l )resco dining permits, a Minor Use Permit (MUP) or a Modification by Applicant (MBA), which are existing permit procedures that are both at the administrative-level: 1) MUP for temporary outdoor dining: fixtures that are removable, such as table and chairs, flooring or mats, shade umbrellas, and railings/barriers. MUPs are for businesses that do not want to install permanent fixtures and/or want to utilize outdoor dining only during certain time periods (winter, weekends, evenings only, events, etc.). 2) MBA Permit for permanent outdoor dining for existing restaurants: fixtures that are permanently installed, such as covered roof patios, awning or canopy structures (attached to building), dining railing/barriers or walls permanently affixed to ground or building, floor decking (parklets), and other structural building additions. The permit review will allow Staff to review the proposed outdoor dining improvements and apply conditions if necessary to remove or minimize any impacts to the health, safety, or welfare of the public or persons in the vicinity of the use. Further, Staff reviews the project for its quality of design and compatibility with the existing building design and surroundings aesthetics. As a requirement of the two permits noted above, the applicant (restaurant business owner/operator) shall agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its agents, officers and employees from any claim or action on the approval of an $l )resco dining application and shall file a Certificate of Insurance with the City as additionally insured. The MUP and the MBA permit fees are $430, a one-time fee. The MBA would likely require building permits for the construction of permanent fixtures. Examples of estimated costs for an MBA permit application and associated building permits: 112 Covered roof patio (up to 1,000 sf of dining area); approx. 9 tables and 32 chairs MBA permit application fee: $430 Building permit fees: $1,400 _______ Total: $1,830 Covered roof patio (greater than 1,000 sf of dining area) MBA permit application fee: $430 Building permit fees: $1,600 - $2,000 TUMF* $9,000 - $15,000 ______________ Total: $11,000 - $17,500 *TUMF (Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee) applies to covered or uncovered additions over 1,000 square feet. An example of a covered roof patio up to 1,000 square feet was constructed at RD RNNR. RD RNNR’s patio on the east side of their building is 862 square feet. To encourage restaurants to participate in the Al Fresco Dining Program, options to consider are reimbursement of the permit fees and/or grants to assist or offset construction costs via economic development funds. Prepared by: Danny Castro, Design and Development Director Approved by: Jon McMillen, City Manager 113 114 MARKETING QUARTERLY REPORT October 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021 Print Marketing Shop Local La Quinta Arts Celebration Sponsorship COVID Safety Radio CampaignsCOVID-19 EconomicDevelopment/BusinessResources 425 Magazine Silicon Valley Magazine Weekend Sherpa Modern Luxury Orange County Modern Luxury San Francisco Palm Springs Life Locale Magazine So Cal Life Magazine '(3$570(17$/5(3257,7(012 115 Tourism Digital Campaigns Facebook/Twitter/NextDoor/Instagram COVID-19 Testing Sites COVID-19 Microsite COVID-19 UPDATES/Executive Orders/Emergency Resolutions Curative COVID-19 Testing Site County Food Access Site COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution RivCo Public Health Updates COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility CalNotify / MyTurn.ca.gov COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record Live Virtual City Council Meeting Reduce Police/Fire False Alarms Road Improvements / Traffic Alert GO Request App Fire Prevention Week CVWD Traffic Advisory Art Celebration Event Microchip Scanning Program Open House Meet & Greet Veterans Recognition Ceremony Sunline Transit Service Advisory The Great ShakeOut FIND Food Bank Volunteer Digital Marketing Social Media Campaign #LOVELQ Shop Small Shop Local Library/Creation Station Services CIP in Progress Wellness Center Fitness Classes Senior Inspiration Award Nominations Art in Public Places Recycling/Composting Certified Farmers' Market LQHS Homecoming Parade Brew in LQ Tour IRONMAN Website/CourseMap/Alerts Keep Dogs on a Leash in Public YMCA Adams After School Care Concerts in the Park Martha's Village Thanksgiving 5K Drive Safely PSA New Businesses Warming Center Keep Dogs on a Leash in Public Tree Lighting Ceremony STVR Hotline Gingerbread Lane OTAS Group Hike Signups The American Express Event Art on Main Street 116 COVID-19 Outreach Event / Misc. Promotion 117 Heat Safety for Kids/Pets Keep Dogs On A Leash in Public Brew in LQ Tour Event Tree Lighting Ceremony Help Reduce False Alarms Shop Small Shop Local Gingerbread Contest Creation Station Senior Inspiration Awards Boosted Campaigns Expanded Marketing Efforts 118 Billboard Advertising 119 120 REPORTS AND INFORMATION$/,7(0 NO. 121 122 123 124 POWER POINTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 18, 2022 01/18/2022 1 City Council Meeting January 18, 2022 City Council Meeting January 18, 2022 Closed Session In Progress 1 2 01/18/2022 2 Pledge of Allegiance Public Comment - Teleconference Join virtually via Zoom https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82540879912 Meeting ID: 825 4087 9912 “Raise Hand” to speak Limit Comments to 3 minutes 3 4 01/18/2022 3 Public Comment - Teleconference Join virtually via Zoom by phone: (253) 215 - 8782 Meeting ID: 825 4087 9912 *9 = Raise Hand; *6 = Unmute Limit Comments to 3 minutes Public Comment – Raise Hand 5 6 01/18/2022 4 Public Comment – Raise Hand Public Comment Via Teleconference In Progress https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82540879912 Meeting ID: 825 4087 9912 Telephone: (253) 215-8782 “Raise Hand” to request to speak *9 = Raise Hand; *6 = Unmute Limit Comments to 3 minutes 7 8 01/18/2022 5 City Services Available Online City Services available through City website: www.laquintaca.gov Questions or assistance (760) 777-7000 The Hub (Permits/Licenses) available through City website: www.laquintaca.gov Questions or assistance (760) 777-7125 or Email: customerservice@laquintaca.gov City Council Meeting January 18, 2022 Presentations 9 10 01/18/2022 6 City Council Meeting January 18, 2022 P4– AMEX Overview January 17-23, 2022 11 12 01/18/2022 7 Event Highlights –Golf Courses –Events –Concerts Health & Safety As part of the entry requirements The American Express Golf Tournament, all attendees must complete a health survey and provide proof of vaccination, or a negative COVID-19 test within 48 hours in order to enter. The American Express has partnered with CLEAR Health Pass to provide easy proof of COVID-related health insights for faster entry. 13 14 01/18/2022 8 Schedule •Monday and Tuesday, January 17th & 18th •Closed to the public •Wednesday, January 19th •All public fan venues open •Pro-Am on Pete Dye Stadium Course •Thursday, January 20th, •All public fan venues open •First Round Begins •Friday, January 21st, •All public fan venues open •Second Round Begins •Maroon5 Concert •Saturday, January 22nd, •All public fan venues open •Second Round Begins •Brad Paisley Concert •Sunday, January 23rd, •All public fan venues open •Final Round Begins - Pete Dye Stadium Course •The First Tee FUN Zone •Champion Trophy Ceremony Concert Nights •Attendance •Parking •Shuttles •Traffic •Security •Rideshare •Cell Towers/Services 15 16 01/18/2022 9 Concert Nights Safety Highlights •Onsite Controls •Police •Security Company •Fire •AMR •Safety protocols Concert Nights Ingress Plan 17 18 01/18/2022 10 Concert Nights Egress Plan Concert Nights Resident Access & Shuttle Bus Route 19 20 01/18/2022 11 Outreach Highlights •Pole Banners •The La Quinta GEM •Social Media •PGA/HOA Outreach City’s Contribution •$84,000 towards Police and Fire Services •$15,000 towards Waste and Recycling Fees •Cooperative Marketing Program •Installation of city banners •Provide parking space at Avenue 54th and Jefferson Street. 21 22 01/18/2022 12 Questions? 23 24 01/18/2022 13 City Council Meeting January 18, 2022 P5 – TALUS Update CityofLaQuinta– CouncilMeetingUpdate January18,2022 25 26 01/18/2022 14 SiteOverview ProjectStatusOverview MontageHotelandSpa ƒMylarsforPreciseGradingPlanApproval–July2021 – Complete ƒGrading&PadCertification–July2021–Complete ƒModelRoomConstruction–Underconstruction ƒFF&EdueJanuary2022 ƒUndergroundUtilities–Inprogress ƒStormDrain,Sewer,andWaterInstallation–Inprogress ƒBuildingConstruction–Inprogress ƒBuildingPermitsforMainBuildingandSpa– Issued ƒCompletion–April2023 – Onschedule 27 28 01/18/2022 15 ProjectStatus MontageHotelVertical Construction ƒUnderͲSlabElectricalConduitandPlumbingInstallation– September2021 – Complete ƒFootingExcavation–September/October2021–Complete ƒFoundations–November2021–Complete ƒStructuralSteelInstallation–Inprogress ƒPoolExcavations– January2022–Complete ƒSlabonGrade– December2021–Complete ƒFraming–Inprogress MontageSpaVertical Construction ƒUnderͲSlabElectricalConduitandPlumbingInstallation– September2021 – Complete ƒFootingExcavation–September2021 – Complete ƒFoundations–November2021–Complete ƒStructuralSteelInstallation–Inprogress ƒSlabonGrade– December2021–Complete ƒFraming–Inprogress ƒSiteWalls–Inprogress ProjectStatusOverview MontageGuestroomsAreaI ƒFootingExcavation–November2021 – Complete ƒUndergroundPlumbingandElectrical–Inprogress ƒPresidentialPoolsandSpasExcavation,Plumbing,and Gunite –November/December2021 – Complete ModelRoomConstruction ƒFraming–Complete ƒWindowInstallation–November2021–Complete ƒElectricalRoughIn–Inprogress ƒPlumbingRoughIn–Inprogress ƒHVAC –Inprogress ƒFireSprinkler– January2022 29 30 01/18/2022 16 ProgressPhoto–MontageHotel ProgressPhoto–MontageSpa 31 32 01/18/2022 17 ProgressPhoto–MontageSpaTreatmentRooms ProgressPhoto–MontagePools 33 34 01/18/2022 18 ProgressPhoto–MontageGuestroomFormwork ProjectStatusOverview MontageResidences ƒUndergroundUtilities– September2021Ͳ March2022 –Inprogress ƒPermits– Issued ƒStormdrainmaterials– Delivered ƒCVWDapproval– Complete ƒTemporary Power–September2021–PermitIssued ƒCartPathRelocation–October2021–Complete ƒCurb&GutterConstruction–February2022 ƒBuildingConstruction–September2021 ƒPermits– Issued ƒSubcontractissuance–Inprogress ƒConstruction–Inprogress ƒCompletionPhase1–November2022 35 36 01/18/2022 19 ProjectStatus MontageResidencesConstruction ƒPhase1[Lots6Ͳ8,22Ͳ26] ƒUnderͲSlabElectricalConduitandPlumbingInstallation– December2021 – Complete ƒFootingExcavation–December2021– Complete ƒFoundationsandSlabonGrade– January2022– Complete ƒFraming–Inprogress ƒHVAC–Inprogress ProgressPhoto–MontageResidences 37 38 01/18/2022 20 ProgressPhoto–MontageResidences ProjectStatusOverview ConferenceandSharedServicesBuilding ƒMylarsforPreciseGradingPlan–Approved ƒSiteWatering–July2021–Complete ƒGrading&PadCertification–September2021–Complete ƒExecutedGMPContractwithGC– September2021–Complete ƒBuildingConstruction–October2021 ƒPermits–October2021– Issued ƒCompletion–May2023 39 40 01/18/2022 21 ProjectStatus ConferenceandSharedServicesBuildingConstruction ƒSiteUtilities ƒDomesticWater–Inprogress ƒSewer–Inprogress ƒStorm–Inprogress ƒSharedServices ƒUndergroundElectrical–November2021– Complete ƒUndergroundPlumbing– December2021– Complete ƒFoundationExcavation– January2022– Complete ƒMeetingCenter ƒUndergroundElectrical–November2021– Complete ƒUndergroundPlumbing– December2021– Complete ƒFoundationExcavation–Inprogress ƒConferenceCenter ƒUndergroundElectrical–November2021– Complete ƒUndergroundPlumbing–Inprogress ƒFoundationExcavation– January2022– Complete ProgressPhoto–ConferenceandSharedServicesBuilding 41 42 01/18/2022 22 ProjectStatusOverview GolfClubhouse ƒMylarsforPreciseGradingPlan–Approved ƒSiteWatering –July2021–Complete ƒGrading&PadCertification–September2021–Complete ƒExecutedGMPContractwithGC– September2021–Complete ƒBuildingConstruction–October2021 –Inprogress ƒPermit–October2021– Issued ƒCompletion–October2022 ProjectStatus GolfClubhouseConstruction ƒSiteUtilities–Inprogress ƒElectricalandPlumbingInstallation–November2021–Complete ƒFoundationsandSlabonGrade – December2021–Complete ƒStructuralSteelInstallation– December2021–Complete ƒFraming –InProgress ƒElectricalandPlumbingRoughͲIn–InProgress 43 44 01/18/2022 23 ProgressImage–GolfClubhouse ProgressImage–GolfClubhouse 45 46 01/18/2022 24 ProjectStatusOverview PendryResidences ƒFinalMapApproval–August2021–Inprogress ƒFinalMapRecordation–January2022–Onschedule ƒSiteWatering–August2021–Complete ƒMylarsforPreciseGradingPlanApproval–Inprogress ƒGrading&PadCertification–October2021–Complete ƒUndergroundUtilities–February2022 ƒPhase1BuildingConstruction–SecondQuarter2022 ƒPhase1Completion–SecondQuarter2023 ProjectStatusOverview PendryHotel ƒMylarsforPreciseGradingPlan–November2021–Complete andapproved ƒSiteWatering –July2021–Complete ƒGrading&PadCertification–October2021–Complete ƒBuildingConstruction–April2022–Onschedule ƒCompletion–February2024 47 48 01/18/2022 25 ThankyouThankyou 49 50 01/18/2022 26 City Council Meeting January 18, 2022 B1 – 2020/21 Year-End Budget Report Report Content Revenues Expenditures Carryovers Reserve Summary Exhibits 51 52 01/18/2022 27 General Fund Revenues ƒTop 3 – sales, hotel, and property taxes ƒVariances- Tax Revenue, Licenses & Permits, Miscellaneous/Transfers In General Fund Revenues 2020/21 Final Budget 2020/21 Actuals Variance Tax Revenue 44,878,000 51,515,856 6,637,856 Licenses & Permits 1,186,800 2,024,611 837,811 Intergovernmental 9,343,634 9,375,935 32,301 Charges for Services 575,000 962,368 387,368 Fines, Forfeitures & Abatements 264,000 779,006 515,006 Use of Money & Property 845,000 379,206 (465,794) Miscellaneous/Transfers In 593,100 1,233,835 640,735 Total Revenues 57,685,534 66,270,818 8,585,283 Non-Cash Adjustments Investments Fair Market Value Adjustment 666,023 666,023 RDA Loan Interest Earned, Extraordinary Gain (591,946) (591,946) 74,077 74,077 Total Adjusted Revenues 57,685,534 66,344,895 8,659,361 General Fund Expenses ƒ100% of departments within budget ƒMeasure G reserves allocation $7,524,389 ƒTotal savings $2,861,263 General Fund 2020/21 Final Budget 2020/21 Actuals Co Variance Operational/CIP Expenses Multi-Year Capital Improvements 19,286,314 6,042,385 (13,243,929) Operational 47,789,239 41,553,757 *(6,235,482) Expenses Before Carryovers 67,075,553 47,596,141 (19,479,411) - Plus Carryovers to 2021/22 Multi-Year Capital Improvements 13,431,089 13,431,089 Operational 1,209,870 1,209,870 Adjusted Expenditures 67,075,553 62,237,101 (4,838,452) Plus Measure G Reserves 5,547,200 7,524,389 1,977,189 Total Expenditures 72,622,753 69,761,490 (2,861,263) *Reduced by non-cash transactions described in the 2020/21 Year-End Budget Report 53 54 01/18/2022 28 Carryovers to 2021/22 ƒTotal $13,431,089 ƒFor 22 Projects, detailed in Exhibit C ƒTotal $1,209,870 ƒTotal $203,000 Fund BalanceReserve/Fund Balance As of June 30, 2020 As of June 30, 2021 Change in Value Non-Spendable Prepaid Costs 90,657 37,182 (53,475) Prepaid Costs 14,065 25,246 11,181 Land Held for Resale 5,403,652 5,403,652 - Advances to Other Funds - - - Due from Other Governments 26,069,742 24,070,622 (1,999,120) Total Non-Spendable 31,487,459 29,499,520 (1,987,939) Restricted Pension Trust 10,249,738 11,381,922 1,132,184 Committed Operational Carryovers 1,778,800 1,209,870 (568,930) Cash Flow Reserve 5,000,000 5,000,000 - Natural Disaster Reserve 10,000,000 10,000,000 - Economic Disaster 6,800,000 11,000,000 4,200,000 Capital Replacement Reserve 6,540,000 10,000,000 3,460,000 Total Committed 30,118,800 37,209,870 7,091,070 Assigned Public Safety Fire Services 10,491,654 11,423,931 932,277 Measure G Sales Tax 8,736,219 15,128,658 6,392,439 Capital Projects 13,155,144 13,431,089 275,945 Total Assigned 32,383,017 39,983,678 7,600,661 Unassigned 19,094,651 24,241,566 5,146,915 TOTAL FUND BALANCE 123,333,665 142,316,556 18,982,891 55 56 01/18/2022 29 Measure G Summary ƒMeasureGRevenue:$12.6million ƒRevenuessinceinception:$45.2million Discussion & Questions ƒFiscally healthy & well managed resources ƒReserves fully funded ƒEconomic instability due to pandemic 57 58 01/18/2022 30 City Council Meeting January 18, 2022 S1 – Discuss Al Fresco Dining Program 59 60 01/18/2022 31 Background •June 2020 – Council approved no-fee Al Fresco Dining Program to allow restaurants to expand their dining operations outdoors due to the Covid-19 pandemic •Intended to be temporary to quickly respond to previous health orders that limited dine-in operations, and continue dining operations outdoors •Utilize outdoor spaces such as common areas, sidewalks, nearby parking stalls Background •14 restaurants received Al Fresco dining approvals •Covid-19 Economic Relief Program o April 2020 to December 2020 o Support outdoor dining - reimbursements for misters, tents/shade structures, patio furniture o $166,000 provided o Maximum $20,000 per business allowed 61 62 01/18/2022 32 Al Fresco Dining Program •Staff is developing a permanent program •Establish design standards and permitting process to assure compliance with City building codes, proper clearances and access, and public safety Al Fresco Dining Program •Two types of Al Fresco dining permits •Existing permit procedures – administrative level review. 1) Minor Use Permit (MUP) – temporary outdoor dining. Fixtures that are removable – tables and chairs, flooring or mats, shade umbrellas, and railings and barriers. 2) Modification by Applicant Permit (MBA) – permanent outdoor dining. Fixtures permanently installed –covered roof patios, awning or canopy structures, railings/walls/barriers permanently affixed to ground or building, floor decking, electrical. 63 64 01/18/2022 33 Al Fresco Dining Program •Impose conditions of approval to remove or minimize impacts to health, safety, or welfare of the public or persons in vicinity of the use •Review quality of design and compatibility with building design and surrounding aesthetics •Applicant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City from any claim or action on the approval of the Al Fresco permit Al Fresco Dining Program •Permit fee - $430 (one-time fee) •MBA Permit to include building permit fees for construction of permanent fixtures. CoveredRoofPatio (upto1000SFofdiningarea) Approx.9tablesand32chairs MBApermitfee $430 Buildingpermit fee $1,400 Total $1,830 CoveredRoofPatio (greaterthan1,000SFofdiningarea) MBApermitfee $430 Buildingpermitfee $1,600Ͳ $2,000 TransportationUniform MitigationFee(TUMF) $9,000Ͳ $15,000 Total $11,000Ͳ $17,500 65 66 01/18/2022 34 Al Fresco Dining Program •Phase out temporary program. •Options to consider for permanent program: To encourage restaurants to participate in the Al Fresco Dining Program: •Reimbursement of the permit fees; and/or •Grants to assist or offset construction costs via Economic Development Funds (Fund 247). 67 68 WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 18, 2022               CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JANUARY 18, 2022 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ALENA CALLIMANISMATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - QUALITY OF LIFE FOR LA QUINTA RESIDENTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JANUARY 18, 2022 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ALENA CALLIMANISMATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - QUALITY OF LIFE FOR LA QUINTA RESIDENTS        *,"-  !2  +))   !-.  "#  &         %            "$              "CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JANUARY 18, 2022 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ALENA CALLIMANISMATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - QUALITY OF LIFE FOR LA QUINTA RESIDENTS                        ! "    CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JANUARY 18, 2022 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ALENA CALLIMANISMATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - QUALITY OF LIFE FOR LA QUINTA RESIDENTS 1 From:Castro, Andrew Sent:Tuesday, January 18, 2022 1:10 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments Attachments:Request for Clarification 01-18-22.pdf Importance:High **EXTERNAL:ThismessageoriginatedoutsideoftheCityofLaQuinta.Pleaseuseproperjudgementandcautionwhenopening attachments,clickinglinksorrespondingtorequestsforinformation.** PleaseaccepttheattachedPDFsubmissionofmywrittencommentforthepublicrecordon01/18/22at1:10pm. ͲAndrew CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JANUARY 18, 2022 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ANDREW CASTRO MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - EXECUTIVE ORDERS & LQ MUNICIPAL CODE RE: STVRS     !$" "" !# "#         !!   "      " %' " %.1'/-// .(-.(/0         ' $  + " )#    "  -.*.1*//)  ) (   %"    !  )  %"'  $ CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JANUARY 18, 2022 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ANDREW CASTRO MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - EXECUTIVE ORDERS & LQ MUNICIPAL CODE RE: STVRS 1 TO: Jon McMillen, City Manager, City of La Quinta FROM: Andrew Castro, resident/student DATE: 01/18/22 RE: Request for Clarification of Executive Orders and La Quinta Municipal Code SENT VIA EMAIL Mr. McMillen: Can you please help me understand certain past and present portions of the La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMC),Executive Orders (EOs), and city contracts with vendors by replying to my below questions via email at ?Thanks in advance for your assistance. 1.Divulging La Quinta Property Owners’ and Residents’ Information1 to Private Companies That Retain Owners’ and Residents’ Information for Private Companies’ Own Commercial Use, Both During and After Contract Periods. Did/does the city contract with Deckard Technologies, Inc.; GovOs, Inc. (DBA “LodgingRevs”; “MuniRevs”);Minut, Inc.; NoiseAware, Inc.; and/or any other entities that have a right to retain La Quinta property owners’, residents’, and STVR renters’ information and insights gleaned therefrom for private, commercial use, some of which was provided to said entities by the city and included personal identifying information like names, addresses, phone numbers, and other insights gleaned by way of private transactions that were only disclosed to or accessed by the city for monitoring compliance with its tax remittance codes? a. With the above considerations in mind, have the above-mentioned companies or other similarly situated entities derived any financial, strategic, reputational, and/or other benefit or gain by marketing, selling, or otherwise commodifying La Quin ta owners’, residents’, and STVR renters’ personal information (including metadata and insights gleaned therefrom)? If so, please provide examples of such gain. If not, please describe how the city knows this? 1 See section 7.3 of each “Agreement for Contract Services” between La Quinta and the companies referenced in 6(a) of this document. For example, the Deckard contract states that the “City shall provide [Deckard] with any plans, publications, reports, statistics, records, or other data or information pertinent to the Services to be performed hereunder [(see “Exhibit A” of the contract, appended to this document)] which are reasonably available to [Deckard] only from or through action by [the] City” and that Deckard “may retain copies of [All drawings, specifications, maps, designs, photographs, studies, surveys, data, notes, computer files, reports, records, documents, and other materials plans, drawings, estimates, test data, survey results, models, renderings, and other documents or works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, including but not limited to, physical drawings, digital renderings, or data stored digitally, magnetically, or in any other medium prepared or caused to be prepared by [Deckard], its employees, subcontractors, and agents in the performance of this Agreement] FOR [DECKARD’S] OWN USE. [And DECKARD] SHALL HAVE AN UNRESTRICTED RIGHT TO USE THE CONCEPTS EMBODIED THEREIN.” Exhibit A states that the City uses Deckard “on all identifiable properties in [La Quinta]” by using “publicly available data and such other data relevant to [La Quinta] to be provided to Deckard by [the City]” so that Deckard can, among other things, identify “[t]he aggregate revenue from actively listed bookings; . . . “[a]verage daily rates[ and b]ooking trends;” and to “[i]dentify, by address, [STVR listings and advertisements],” including “actively listed STRs by month and address;” and “[l]ist the property owners. . . [and] permit history of each property”; and provide “[t]racking of Home Sales . . . and other services as requested by the City.” Exhibit A of GovOs’s contract (appended hereto) appears even more comprehensive. CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JANUARY 18, 2022 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ANDREW CASTRO MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - EXECUTIVE ORDERS & LQ MUNICIPAL CODE RE: STVRS 2 b. Are or were the above-mentioned companies or similarly situated entities granted express, written permission by hosting platforms like VRBO, HomeAway, Airbnb, or other hosting platforms/websites, to employ the “evidence capture” and data mining and tracking/location methods and technologies contemplated by the Agreement for Contract Services between the city and MuniRevs? (See Addendum 2 at the end of this document.) 2.Suspending, Revoking, Pausing, or Declining to Renew Short Term Vacation Rental (STVR) Permits Unless Renewal Applicants Submit Already-Publicly-Available CC&Rs or A Private HOA Letter Proving to City That Renewal Applicants Are Allowed to Use STVR-Permit-Holding Property As STVR, Even When the Already- Publicly-Available CC&Rs Do Not Reflect Any Prohibition on STVR Use and the City Does Not Possess Any Duly Authorized Document from Renewal Applicants’ Private HOA That Indicates STVRs Are Prohibited on Renewal Applicants’ Property. Is there any section of the LQMC or any Executive Order that has conditioned or now conditions renewal of STVR permits on renewal applicants first submitting CC&Rs or a letter from their HOA to the city proving that said renewal applicants are allowed to use their property as an STVR when the city does not possess any duly authorized document from renewal applicants’ HOA that indicates STVRs are not allowed on renewal applicants’ property? If so, what are the specific LQMC or EO sections? a. Did/does the city condition renewal of existing STVR permits on renewal applicants first submitting CC&Rs or a letter from renewal applicants’ HOA indicating that STVRs are allowed on renewal applicants’ property?If so, when did this practice begin? i. In 2020 and 2021, how many STVR permits lapsed (became invalid) for any period of time despite applicants submitting STVR renewal applications between 60 and 30 days before the expiration of their existing STVR permits? ii. How many permits remain lapsed (invalid) because renewal applicants failed to submit CC&Rs or failed to submit an HOA letter (where the city did not possess any duly authorized HOA letter stating STVRs were/are not allowed)? b. Were owners who submitted applications for renewal of their STVR permits but whose renewals were not granted by the city because they did not submit CC&Rs or an HOA letter with their renewal application informed of and given the opportunity for an administrative hearing on the revocation (non-renewal) of their STVR permit? c. Were owners whose permits were revoked (not renewed) because they did not submit CC&Rs or an HOA letter with their renewal application cited for advertising or operating their property as an STVR without a valid STVR permit before they were given notice of or an opportunity for an administrative hearing on the non-renewal of their STVR permit? If so, how many such citations were issued? CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JANUARY 18, 2022 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ANDREW CASTRO MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - EXECUTIVE ORDERS & LQ MUNICIPAL CODE RE: STVRS 3 d.If an STVR permit holder’s chooses not to renew their permit (allows permit to expire), are said permit holders prohibited from thereafter obtaining a valid STVR permit? 3.Requiring STVR Permit Holders to Submit $0 Transient Occupancy Tax for Periods of Non-Rental. What, if any, portion of the LQMC requires STVR permit holders to submit monthly TOT statements or forms to the city reflecting $0 for periods of time when their property is not rented as an STVR? a. May the city place a “hold” on an STVR permit because the permit holder has not submitted TOT documentation reflecting $0 to the city for periods of non-rental? i. If so, may the city decline to renew an STVR permit (despite receiving compliant renewal application) until the applicant submits said $0 TOT documentation to the city? ii. Were owners who submitted applications for renewal of their STVR permits but whose renewals were not granted by the city because they did not submit $0 TOT documentation informed of and given the opportunity for an administrative hearing on the non-renewal? iii. If an owner rents their STVR-permitted property for more than 30 consecutive days, does the city require said owners to report that rental period? For example, if such a property is rented for 30 days in April (entire month), does the STVR permit holder need to report $0 for the month of April in the city’s TOT remittance system? Or do they need to report the rental income? 1. If they need to report the rental income, does the system automatically charge the TOT? 2. If so, on how many instances has such taxation occurred? 3. Do month-to-month or long-term rentals that do not require an STVR permit need to report and remit TOT? a. If so, on how many instances has such taxation occurred? 4.Not Processing Applications for Renewal of STVR Permits. In 2020 and 2021 respectively: a. How many applications for STVR permit renewal did the city receive? b. How many applications for STVR permit renewal did not result in the renewal of an STVR permit within 30 days of applicants submitting the renewal application? CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JANUARY 18, 2022 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ANDREW CASTRO MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - EXECUTIVE ORDERS & LQ MUNICIPAL CODE RE: STVRS 4 i. Of those applications that did not result in renewal within 30 days of submission, how many have yet to result in STVR permit renewal? c. How many payments or checks submitted with renewal applications did the city return to applicants or otherwise decline to cash or accept despite applicants submitting such payment or checks with complete STVR permit renewal applications? d. How many renewal applicants whose permits were not renewed within 30 days of submission were notified of an opportunity to have an administrative hearing on the non-renewal of their STVR permit? e. How many administrative hearings on non-renewal of STVR permits occurred? 5.Charging 1% Greater Palm Springs Tourism Business Improvement District Tax on Rentals of 28 Days or More. What, if any, ordinance or code authorizes the city to collect 1% GPSTBID tax on STVR rental stays of 28 days or more? a. If the city is not authorized to collect the 1% GPSTBID on rental stays of 28 consecutive days or more at STVR-permitted properties, has the city nevertheless collected the GPSTBID tax on stays of 28 or more consecutive days by requiring STVR permit holders to report the number of days of a stay by calendar month and subsequently taxing the stay based on only the total number of days per calendar month, even if the days in a given month are part of a stay of 28 days or more consecutive days that occurs over multiple calendar months? i. For example, if a 30 consecutive day STVR rental stay starts in mid- January and ends in mid-February, with the first 15 days of the period falling in January and the remaining 15 days falling in February, does the city tax the 1% GPSTBID on the 15 days reported for January? Does the city then assess the 1% tax on the remaining 15 days reported for February? ii. To date, what is the total dollar amount of 1% GPSTBID tax that the city has collected on STVR stays of 28 or more consecutive days that were reported over multiple calendar months? 1. How many STVR permitted properties had their reported stays taxed in this manner? iii. To date, what is the total dollar amount of 10% TOT tax that the city has collected on stays of 28 or more consecutive days that were reported over multiple calendar months? 1. How many STVR permitted properties had their reported stays taxed in this manner? CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JANUARY 18, 2022 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ANDREW CASTRO MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - EXECUTIVE ORDERS & LQ MUNICIPAL CODE RE: STVRS 5 6.STVR Permit Renewal Timeline After Applicants Submit Compliant Renewal Application. If an STVR permit holder submits a complete application for renewal of their STVR permit in compliance with all sections of Chapter 3.25 of the LQMC (e.g., between 60 and 30 days prior to STVR permit expiration), may the city take more than 30 days to process the application that results in a gap between permit expiration and renewal despite the timely submission of a complete renewal application? a. For example, if an STVR permit expires 30 days from the date on which a 3.25- compliant/complete application is submitted and the city does not renew the applicant’s permit before the permit expires, can the city thereafter cite the renewal applicant for advertising or operating their STVR without a valid permit before the city renews the permit? 7.Scope of LQMC 3.25. Are property owners who hold STVR permits limited to the prescribed bedroom and occupancy limits of their permits when using or occupying their property themselves? a. For example, if an owner who holds an STVR permit occupies their STVR-permitted property themselves overnight and exceeds their STVR permit’s bedroom or overnight occupancy limit, has the owner violated the LQMC? 8.Reviewing Impacts of Ban on Issuance of New STVR Permits to Non-Exempt Properties. Has the city’s moratorium reduced the concentration of STVR permitted properties in specific areas where the concentration was significant? Has concentration increased anywhere? If concentration increased anywhere, was that concentration increase higher for areas where properties are zoned or otherwise exempt from the STVR moratorium via entitlements derived through negotiations between the city and private owners/managers developing private projects? 9.Scope of LQ Executive Order No. 7 (“EO 7”). Did EO 7 as ordered on 03/26/20 prohibit property owners who held STVR permits from using or occupying their property themselves (even if not renting to anyone)? a. If so, what were said owners allowed to do at or on their STVR-permitted properties while the order was in effect (prior to 05/12/20 amendment)? b. Additionally, did EO 7, as amended on 05/12/20, condition STVR-permit-holding property owners’ ability to use or occupy their property themselves on owners first submitting evidence to the city sufficient to convince the city that it should authorize said owners to use or occupy owners’ property? CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JANUARY 18, 2022 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ANDREW CASTRO MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - EXECUTIVE ORDERS & LQ MUNICIPAL CODE RE: STVRS 6 10.Scope of LQ Executive Order No. 9 (“EO 9”). Did EO 9, section 2(c) (“no sound amplification at any time”), as ordered on 07/15/20 and as amended through 03/22/21, apply to STVR-permit-holding property owners who were using or occupying (i.e., not renting to anyone) their properties themselves? a. While the order was in effect, did the city tell STVR-permit-holding property owners to turn off said owners’ music when owners amplified music using an outdoor speaker on owners’ STVR-permitted properties? b. While the order was in effect, did STVR-permit-holding owners receive strikes, fines, or permit suspensions for owners’ amplification of sound (e.g., playing music over outside speaker) themselves on owners’ STVR-permitted properties? c. While the order was in effect, were STVR-permit-holding owners compelled to prove that they owned their STVR-permitted properties while using or occupying owners’ properties themselves (e.g., to prove to Code Compliance, sheriff’s officer, or city- contracted security officer that an owner themselves was amplifying sound on their property)? By what means was ownership required to be (or actually) proved? 11.Scope of LQ Executive Order No. 9 (“EO 9”). Under EO 9, section 2(c), as amended on 03/23/21 through termination of the order on 09/22/21, did STVR-permit-holding owners or non-paying guests of said owners who amplified sound outside on STVR-permitted properties need to prove to Code Compliance, city-contracted security officers, or sheriff’s officers that said owners or non-paying guests were in fact owners or non-paying guests using or occupying STVR-permitted properties to avoid penalty for amplifying sound on STVR-permitted properties? a. By what means was ownership or non-paying guest status required to be (or actually) proved? 12.Scope of LQ Executive Order No. 10 (“EO 10”). Did EO 10, ordered on 08/04/20 (including subsequent modifications) imposing a moratorium on processing any new applications for STVRs apply to applications for renewal of STVR permits? For example, if an STVR permit holder submitted an application to renew their STVR permit in compliance with 3.25 of the LQMC in November 2020, would that owner’s application constitute a new application subject to the moratorium? a. If not, did staff always process all applications for renewal of STVR permits that were submitted to the city in compliance with chapter 3.25 of the LQMC? b. At any point prior to EO 10, did the city send STVR-permit-holders STVR permit renewal notifications at or near the expiration of existing STVR permits? c. After 08/04/20, did the city ever not send STVR permit renewal notifications and/or disengage or otherwise decline to use any automated renewal notification system for any period of time? CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JANUARY 18, 2022 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ANDREW CASTRO MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - EXECUTIVE ORDERS & LQ MUNICIPAL CODE RE: STVRS 7 13.Scope of LQMC 9.100.210 sections B, C, and E; LQMC 11.08.040. Is sound from pool equipment, landscaping equipment, or children’s laugher/shouting/crying sound that can give rise to a violation of LQMC? Or are those sounds exempt? a. If such sounds are within the above-mentioned code sections, is the city pursuing any program that involves installation of monitoring devices to enforce compliance against property owners who do not hold STVR permits? If so, please explain. i. If not, does the city currently intend to pursue a program that involves noise and occupancy monitoring devices to enforce compliance only against property owners who hold STVR permits? 14.Scope of LQMC 3.28. Does a person who, within the city, uses an internet-based application or website (e.g., eBay, OfferUp, Nextdoor, Etsy, Craigslist) to sell goods (e.g., electronics, household items, art) need to comply with chapter 3.28? Do they need a business license? a. If so, do they need to identify their license on their listings? b. Do they need to collect any tax? c. In the above-mentioned context of online sales, is the city monitoring compliance and enforcing chapter 3.28 of the code? If so, please explain how, including relevant supporting data like any use of compliance vendors and number of citations issued. Respectfully, Andrew Castro CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JANUARY 18, 2022 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ANDREW CASTRO MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - EXECUTIVE ORDERS & LQ MUNICIPAL CODE RE: STVRS "QQFOEJY&YDFSQUGSPN%FDLBSE5FDIOPMPHJFT *OD$POUSBDUXJUI$JUZ CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JANUARY 18, 2022 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ANDREW CASTRO MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - EXECUTIVE ORDERS & LQ MUNICIPAL CODE RE: STVRS "QQFOEJY&YDFSQUGSPN(PW0T *OD$POUSBDUXJUI$JUZCITY COUNCIL MEETING - JANUARY 18, 2022 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ANDREW CASTRO MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - EXECUTIVE ORDERS & LQ MUNICIPAL CODE RE: STVRS CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JANUARY 18, 2022 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ANDREW CASTRO MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - EXECUTIVE ORDERS & LQ MUNICIPAL CODE RE: STVRS CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JANUARY 18, 2022 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ANDREW CASTRO MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - EXECUTIVE ORDERS & LQ MUNICIPAL CODE RE: STVRS CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JANUARY 18, 2022 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ANDREW CASTRO MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - EXECUTIVE ORDERS & LQ MUNICIPAL CODE RE: STVRS CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JANUARY 18, 2022 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ANDREW CASTRO MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - EXECUTIVE ORDERS & LQ MUNICIPAL CODE RE: STVRS CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JANUARY 18, 2022 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ANDREW CASTRO MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - EXECUTIVE ORDERS & LQ MUNICIPAL CODE RE: STVRS CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JANUARY 18, 2022 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ANDREW CASTRO MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - EXECUTIVE ORDERS & LQ MUNICIPAL CODE RE: STVRS 1 From:Lyola Torres Sent:Tuesday, January 18, 2022 1:26 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:STVR unfairness concerns **EXTERNAL:ThismessageoriginatedoutsideoftheCityofLaQuinta.Pleaseuseproperjudgementandcautionwhenopening attachments,clickinglinksorrespondingtorequestsforinformation.** DearCityCouncil/Towhomitmayconcern, IamwritingtoaddresstheunfairnessthatistakingplacewithSTVRinthecityofLaQuinta.Iboughtmyhouseinanon HOAcommunityinLaQuintaalmost6yearsago.Atthattimeitwasmyplantoonedaybeabletorentitoutshortterm foradditionalincome.Tomyunderstanding,aftermultiplenoiseandotherSTVRcomplaintsin2020the moratoriumwasputintoeffectnotallowingthoseofuswholiveherefulltimetheopportunitytobringin additionalincomethatSTVR'sallow.WhileIunderstandthatthecomplaintshadincreased,theoffendersinvolved shouldbetheonesgettingpenalizedwithfinesandnopermitrenewals.Whiletherestofusshouldbeaffordedthe opportunitytobepartoftheSTVRbusinesshereinLaQuinta.Thisshouldnotbetreatedasa1rulefixesallsituation. Iwouldlovetobepartoftheconversationgoingforwardtorealizethestepsthatneedtobetakensothatweareable tokeepLaQuintabeautifulandallowvisitorstoshareinourbeautifulcity.Allwhilegeneratingimportantrevenuethat thecityneedstoremainTheGemOfTheDesert.᤻᤹᤺ Thankyouforyourtime. Pleasefeelfreetocontactmewithanyinformationregardingtheseconcerns. LyolaTorres    CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JANUARY 18, 2022 - PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT LYOLA TORRES MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS