PM 2011-506 DOC # 2012-0027546•A.\DINDN RPLOWDLIM.M&S DEED AM) Lk LESS on LL3tWISES11OW N BELOW AIAIL TAX SfAWfMINM CITY OF LA QUINTA Po Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247 FIX SrA7il6 TO CITY OF LA QUINTA Po Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247 TrrLE ORDER APN 770-123-007 thru 009 770-130-001 DOC # 2012-0027546 01/23/2012 03:03P Fee:NC Page 1 of 4 Recorded in Official Records County of Riverside Larry W. Ward Assessor, County Clerk & Recorder 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 S R U PAGE SIZE DA MiSC LONG RFD COPY 1+ M A L 465 426 PCOR NCOR SMF I CH G „EX , M f7TTF pursuan-1- to LL- T: CTY UNI �C() (!� GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is $ ❑ computed on full value of property conveyed, of - computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ❑ unincorporated area KCity of La Quinta, AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged NAME CITY OF LA QUINTA, A CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION AND CHARTER CITY hereby GRANT(s) to CITY OF LA QUINTA, NAME A CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION AND CHARTER CITY the following described real property in the County of Riverside, State of California: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBITS "A" & "B" NOTE: This grant deed reflects Parcel Merger No. 2011-506 as approved by the City of La Quinta. STATE OF CA IFORNIA COUNTY OF On 1 ' ! Q ' 241 L before me, S S AtJ M6Y561e5 personally appeared _ who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(S) whose name(*) is1w subscribed to die within instrument and acknowledged to me that hci f&e cxceuted the same in his4 mhkeit authorized capacit3 ( , and that by his/Io6vK 44 >ignature* on the instrument flip, purson(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(*) acted, executed the instrument. A� Mark Weiss Interim City Manager I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. SUSAN MAYSELS WITNESS my hand and official seal. r COMM. #1844479 NOTARY PUBLIC* CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE COUNTY Signature (Seal) Cwalissw E ' esAPR 1S 2013 0 0 EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL MERGER No. 2011-506 PARCEL A LOTS 67,78 AND 79 OF DESERT CLUB TRACT UNIT NO.4, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 21, PAGE 60, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH ONE HALF OF THE NORTHEAST ONE QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN NORTHERLY OF DESERT CLUB TRACT UNIT NO.2 AS SHOWN ON MAP ON FILE IN MAP BOOK 20, PAGE 6, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA RECORDS OF SAID RIVERSIDE COUNTY. EXCEPTING THE NORTHERLY 30.00 FEET AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN DEED FROM JOHN L. MARSHALL AND WIFE, RECORDED DECEMBER 7, 1931 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 328 IN BOOK 6, PAGE 109 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. SAID MERGED PARCEL CONTAINING 824,472 SQUARE FEET, (18.93 ACRES) MORE OR LESS. THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION BEING SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "B" AND HEREBY BEING MADE A PART HEREOF. SUBJECT TO ALL COVENANTS, RIGHTS, RIGHTS OF WAYS AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF ANY. LANDKEQ No. 6687 D gY: f CIF cm DAAASURVEY17102.0041dwg1PM NO 9 5061PM NO 9 2011-506.docx Page 1 of 1 DAL LEFT LS 6687 EXHIBIT "B" 725.56' ._ W 81C 62 0 s4 0 66 Q `r41+EHI pA B 1=NA �, I Cd 72 71 70 67 T CLUB 68 c I 73 74 MB 21 77 7B 7576 — o 84 83 82 81 80 12 1 2 3 # J'"CK 8 6 F CLU9 i--� ACT UNIT NO, 7 1 2 3 BAW k 5 `1 LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH Li [N72'52'30"W 74.59'] L2 (N53453'40"E 168.32') L3 (N0012'30"W 90.0D') CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH Cl [1716'00" 197,50' 59.52] C2 (46'42'38" 220.00' 179.36') C3 (86'32'14" 50.00' 75.52) C4 (80'59'58" 185.00' 261.53') C5 €89-57'10" 170.00' 266.90'1 (N89'53'20"E 2052.46') CALLE TAMPICO (1326.90') N89053'20"E 11127.11' 0 M 1 I PARCEL A 1824,472 SF 18.93 AC I PORnON OF N 112 NE 114 SW 114 SEC 6 W RIF SSW I �1 [1 [NB9'45'30"E 1166.49'1 .5 0 M CD p 0 0 z AVENIDA LA FONDA — �-BLOG7C 5 #--BLOCK�3 BLOCK 2 BLK 1 & 201MB 2 A MB 0/6 MB 20/ LEGEND E)aSTING LOT LINE --.._..------- 101S PARCELO�FRN DONED PER BOUNDARY OF PARCEL A OF PARCEL MERGER No. 2011-506 (xxx) INDICATES RECORD DATA PER DESERT CLUB TRACT UNIT NO. 4 MB 21/60 [xxx] INDICATES RECORD DATA PER DESERT CLUB TRACT UNIT NO. 2 MB 20/6 €xxxl INDICATES RECORD DATA PER DEED RECORDED 12/7/1931, BK 6/109 OR SCALE 1 "=300' 0 160 300 600 960 PARCEL MERGER No. 2011-506 PREPARED BY; MWILI N[Em &LUU) D ma 78-080 CALLS AMIGO, SUITE 102 , LA OUINTA, CA 92253 7 �; 760-219--9886 - 760-262-3000 (FAX) dale@kelleheimapping.coim DALE LLEHER, DATE LS 6687 EXP. 6-30-12 p LAND S KE(�,�'�G No. 6687 30' CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the interest in real property and other interests conveyed by the foregoing Quitclaim Deed executed on January 19, 2012 from CITY OF LA QUINTA to CITY OF LA QUINTA, reflecting Parcel Merger No. 201 1-506, is hereby accepted by the undersigned Interim City Manager of the City of La Quinta on behalf of the City of La Quinta, pursuant to authority conferred by Resolution No. 2002-86, adopted June 18, 2002, and the City consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. DATED: CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California Municipal Corporation and Charter City Name: Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager I HEREBY ATTEST to the authenticity of the foregoing signature and to the said adoption of the said Resolution of his. general authority to so act and certify that said authority has not been revoked by a subsequent Resolution or order of the City. DATED: f�LZ Susan Maysels, Deputy City Clerk City of La Quinta, California State of California } } County of Riverside } On the 10-61"day of January, 2012, before me, SUSAN MAYSELS, Notary Public, personally appeared MARK WEISS who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature SUSAN MAYSELS r comm. #1844479 x NOTARY PUBLIC • CALIFORNIAy' RNERSIDE COUNTY Cornrnfasia► f: ' es APR 13., ?�i 3 (seal) DOCUMENT: GRANT DEED conveying title to Lots 67, 78, 79 of Desert Club Tract Unit No. 4 (18.93 acres ±) - APNs 770-123-007, 008, 009 and 770-130-001. This must be in rod to he a "CI:_f-TrIF I D COPY" I hrrret;y certify the foregoing instrument to which Phis stamp has boon affixed consisting �� tt TY CI of _LL—f a[yf s to be a full, true and correct copy of the original on file and fi �t •� -f' of record in my office. q c� x 11 N± Assessor - County Clerk - Recorder 1~ County of Riverside, State of California Dated:--. _ Certification must be in red to be a "CERTIFIED COPY',