2022-23 GHD, Inc Amendment 4 - Hwy 111 Corridor Form-Based Code Project 2019-05MEMORANDUM ta Qa�&a ( U.11:0KNIA DATE: February 1, 2023 TO: Jon McMillen, City Manager FROM: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst RE: Amendment No. 4 to Agreement with GHD, Inc. to provide services related to Highway 111 Corridor Form Based Code Planning and Engineering Services, Project No. 2019-05. Please list the Contracting Party / Vendor Name, type of agreement to be executed, including any change orders or amendments, and the type of services to be provided. Make sure to list any related Project No. and Project Name. Authority to execute this agreement is based upon: Approved by City Council on September 15, 2020 F-1_ City Manager's signing authority provided under the City's Purchasing Policy [Resolution No. 2019-021] for budget expenditures of $50,000 or less. Department Director's or Manager's signing authority provided under the City's Purchasing Policy [Resolution No. 2019-021] for budget expenditures of $15,000 and $5,000, respectively, or less. Procurement Method (one must apply): ❑_ Bid W-1. RFP F-1 RFQ E_ 3 written informal bids QSole Source 1:1 Select Source Cooperative Procurement Reauestina department shall check and attach the items below as auurouriate: �✓ _ Agreement payment will be charged to Account No.: 401-0000-60185 201905D ❑✓u Agreement term: Start Date September 16, 2020 End Date June 30, 2023 Fv L Amount of Agreement, Amendment, Change Order, etc.: $ 0 REMINDER; Signing authorities listed above are applicable on the aggregate Agreement amount, not individual Amendments or Change Orders! W] NOTE; Insurance certificates as required by the Agreement for Risk Manager approval Approved by: Laurie McGinley Date: 2/1 /2023 Bonds (originals) as required by the Agreement (Performance, Payment, etc.) Conflict of Interest Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests from Consultant(s) Review the "Form 700 Disclosure for Consultants" guidance to determine if a Form required pursuant FPPC regulation 18701(2) Business License No. LIC-767986 Expires: 6/30/2023 Requisition for a Purchase Order has been prepared (Agreements over $5,000) 700 is AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH GHD, INC. This Amendment No. 4 ("Amendment 4") to Agreement for Contract Services ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of the 181h day of July 2022, ("Effective Date") by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA ("City"), a California municipal corporation and GHD, INC., a corporation ("Contracting Party") . RECITALS WHEREAS, on or about September 16, 2020, the City and Contracting Party entered into an Agreement to provide those services related to Highway 111 Corridor Form Based Code Planning and Engineering Services, Project No. 2019-05, for a total not to exceed amount of $885,228. The term of the Agreement will expire on June 30, 2023 ("Initial Term"); and WHEREAS, on or about March 22, 2021, the City and Contracting Party executed Amendment No. 1 and mutually agreed to amend the following sections of the Agreement • Section 1.1 Scope of Services - to obtain and analyze Street Light Data; • Section 2.3 Compensation for Additional Services - to allow the Contract Officer to approve Additional Services and related additional compensation amounting to no more than five percent (5%) of the Contract Sum; • Section 2.1 Contract Sum - increasing the contract amount by $11,760, resulting in a new total not to exceed amount of $896,988; and WHEREAS, on or about May 3, 2021, the City and Contracting Party executed Amendment No. 2 and mutually agreed to amend the "Time and Materials" cost allocation, by Task, of Compensation for Services; and WHEREAS, on or about December 22, 2021, the City and Contracting party executed Amendment No. 3 and mutually agreed to amend the following sections of the Agreement: • Section 1.1 Scope of Services - as outlined in detail in Exhibit A of Amendment No. 3; • Section 2.1 Contract Sum - remove Task 3.4, increase the hours in Task 0.4, and include compensation for the additional scope of services in the amount of $545,523, as outlined in detail in Exhibit B of Amendment No. 3, for a revised total not to exceed amount of $1,446,783; • Section 3.4 Term - as outlined in detail in the project schedule of Exhibit C of Amendment No. 3; and WHEREAS, the City and Contracting party mutually agree to amend Section 1.1 - Scope of Services of the Agreement as outlined in detail in enclosed Exhibit A, incorporated herewith by this reference; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1 Contract Sum of the Agreement shall be amended as detailed in Exhibit B, incorporated herewith by this reference, noting that there is no additional compensation for the changes in the Scope of Work pursuant to Amendment No. 4, and the total not to exceed amount remains at $1,446,783. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenant herein contained, the parties agree as follows: AMENDMENT In consideration of the foregoing Recitals and the covenants and promises hereinafter contained, and for good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Section 1.1 is amended to include tasks identified in the attached "Exhibit A", incorporated herewith by this reference. 2. Schedule of Compensation is amended as outlined in the attached "Exhibit B," incorporated herewith by this reference, noting that there is no additional compensation for the changes in the Scope of Work pursuant to Amendment No. 4, and the total not to exceed amount remains at $1,446,783. In all other respects, the original Agreement shall remain in effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and Consultant have executed this Amendment No. 4 to the Agreement on the respective dates set forth below. CITY OF LA QUINTA a California municipal corporation JO ILLEN, City Manager City of La Quinta, California Dated: 1 2� ATTEST: i MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California GHD, Inc. Corporation (7 4 Name: Charles Smith, AICP, LEED AP Title: Business Group Leader Dated: 01/09/2023 Exhibit A Scope of Services Section 1.1 is amended to remove original Tasks 4.1-4.5 and include the tasks outlined below: Additional Scope of Services to Be Performed Task 4,1.4: Social Pinpoint Project Website GHD will develop and maintain a project website using the Social Pinpoint platform for the City of La Quinta. The website will remain accessible for two years. The site will have a landing page that explains the project background and can be used to house project documents for download and comment. The site will also include an interactive map that allows members of the public to place comments at specific locations to report concerns, challenges or opportunities related to transportation, congestion, safety, and other topics in the project area. GHD will prepare the interactive mapping tool by uploading available GIS data to reflect existing multimodal transportation facilities. The site also offers additional engagement tools that can be used to gather input from the community on other topics as needed. These include simple surveys, participatory budgeting tools, "idea walls" where topics can be commented on and discussed, and more. Public comments gathered through the project website will be exported and provided to the City in Excel format. A memorandum will also be prepared summarizing the input received, highlighting key themes or community concerns, and providing responses to challenges and opportunities raised. Task 4.1,4: Deliverables: - Project website on Social Pinpoint - Excel file of all public comments received - Memorandum summarizing and responding to feedback gathered Task 4.1,5: Detailed Development Strategy: Field Work & Investigation Linda S. Congleton & Associates (LSCA) will perform an in -person site assessment and in -person engagement with stakeholders in focused sessions to inform the Detailed Development Strategy. This work will also include a review of market competition, vacant and underdeveloped opportunity sites, study area opportunities and constraints, and national and regional market trends. The following will be included in the opportunities and constraints: - Recommend 5 to 10 missing or anchoring business types - Advise on 5 to 10 physical design constraints or concerns - Review of Conceptual Plan for Menino Property Proposed Development LSCA will lead an in -person development strategy meeting and brainstorming session with the City and GHD. Finally, a conference call with the City will be held to review findings and focus the next stage of work. Task 4.1.5: Deliverables: - Field Work, Competition Review & Existing Site Analysis - Study Area Opportunities & Constraints Analysis - Brief 3-Page Preliminary Memo Identifying Issues & Opportunities - Meeting Notes from Strategy Meeting/Brainstorming Session and Conference Call Task 4.2.4: Detailed Development Strategy., Market Research & Development Strategy LSCA will follow up the preliminary work in Task 4.1.5 with additional market research to generate key information related to the typology and mix of uses optimal for the corridor. The analysis findings will be presented to the City during a brainstorming conference call session with GHD. This analysis may include the following study topics, depending on the outcome of and City direction following Task 4.1.5: Residential Detailed Study Topics - Dwelling Unit Typology o Multi -family versus single family proportion o For -sale versus rental product proportion o 3 to 4 multi -family unit SF, number of beds recommended, proportion of overall dwelling unit demand - Dwelling Unit Mix o Proportion of overall dwelling unit demand by dwelling unit types o Proportion of overall dwelling unit demand as rent or owned - Residential Building Typology o 3 to 4 residential development formats likely to be absorbed by estimated demand, including advisement for, or against live -work, townhomes, stacked or terraced flats, courtyard flats, bungalow or multi -unit bungalows, SFR with ADU, mixed -use residential. o 3 Optimal building type for affordable housing Commercial Detailed Study Topics - Retail, Food & Beverage Typology o 2 to 3 retail types with recommended bay dimensions or GLA expected to meet future demand and retail trends o Retail business gap analysis with 3 to 5 key tenancy gaps - Commercial and Workplace Typology o 2-3 workplace types expected to meet future demand and ways -of -working trends o Workforce and business needs gap analysis with 1 or 2 catalyzing facility types - Hotel Typology (may be type or quantity other than SF) - Entertainment Typology (may be type or quantity other than SF) - Retail/entertainment leakage rate or potential sales - Potential before/after of sales per square foot Event and Activation Detailed Study Topics - Major Seasonal Event Recommendations o Competitive gap based recommendation of 3 to 5 annual district events with attendee size estimation, seasonal recommendation, and related future business connections. - Small Ongoing Activity Recommendations o Identify 2 to 5 outdoor activities or public space activation installations that can encourage visitors, residents, customers, and CV link users to engage with the Menino property and public right-of-way corridors. Capital Projects Financing and Economic Development Detailed Study Topics - Summarize 2-3 Optional Approaches to Publicly -Assisted Development Appropriate to the Menino Property and which of those may be applicable to other non -city owned properties - Summarize Viable PPP Approaches to Development for Key Facilities - Advise on basic ownership structure to meet market demand (sale, ground lease, direct development) - Recommend a Corridor Business Association or Improvement District to support maintenance and operations with recommended funding stream - Recommend a minimum of 2 grant programs to support initial stage CIP and Menino site development. - Recommend a 5-step or 5-task Go -to -Market strategy to meet economic development goals. - Recommend a corridor or district brand statement or label for the entire study area. Task 4.2.4: Deliverables: - Preparation of Economic Feasibility & Market Research Exhibit Package For Transmittal & Presentation to City - Meeting Notes from Presentation/Brainstorming Conference Call Task 4.6.3: Detailed Development Strategy: Draft and Final Reports LSCA will complete the Detailed Development Strategy report, incorporating results of preceding interim deliverables, Stakeholder meetings, and feedback from City on preceding deliverables. The report will present findings relative to the following detailed study topics, informed by the preceding work in 4.2.4: - Preparation Of Final Draft Executive Summary Report (10-15 pages with Executive Summary) - Edit & Finalize Report After GHD and City Review Task 4.6.3: Deliverables: - Draft and Final Report Task 5 : 15-ac Mixed Use Project CEQA Documentation Task 5.1: Administrative Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration As required by CEQA, the Administrative Draft IS/MND will include a description of the project, a location map, and a discussion of the probable environmental effects. We understand that the City will draft a Project Description that includes the project background and regulatory drivers, location and setting, site characteristics, project objectives and need, the characteristics of the project (construction scenario regarding equipment, activities, duration, and overall schedule), and the required permits and approvals for the project. The IS/MND will be prepared in conformance with Section 15063 of the CEQA Guidelines. The IS/MND will identify potential environmental issues and provide an assessment of potential impact significance based on available information. All issue areas identified in Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines will be analyzed as applicable. The allocation of technical analyses between City staff and GHD is understood to be as follows Task 5.11: Admin Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration City staff will prepare analyses of: • Aesthetics • Agriculture & Forestry Resources • Energy • Geology & Soils • Hydrology & Water Quality • Land Use & Planning • Mineral Resources • Population & Housing • Public Services • Recreation • Utilities & Service Systems • Wildfire • Mandatory Findings of Significance GHD will prepare analyses of: • Air Quality / Greenhouse Gas Emissions • Biological Resources • Cultural Resources • Hazards & Hazardous Materials • Noise • Transportation • Tribal Cultural Resources Key issues associated with the project are anticipated to include Air Quality/GHG, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Noise, and Transportation/Traffic including preparation of a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) study. Detailed scopes of work for these disciplines are presented below. GHD will prepare regional and local vicinity maps for the City's inclusion in the IS/MND. Visual simulations are assumed unnecessary. Task 5.12: Air Quality Air Quality / Greenhouse Gases GHD will prepare an Air Quality Technical Memorandum (Memo) pursuant to the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Significance Thresholds and recommended analysis guidance, and the Air Quality impact criteria provided in CEQA Guidelines Appendix G (Environmental Checklist Form). The Memo will provide a brief project description, assessment methodology, project parameters and assumptions, emissions modelling methodology, and thresholds of significance applied. Construction and operational air pollutant emissions will be estimated using the current version of CalEEMod (version 2020.4.0). The analysis will quantitatively or qualitatively include project design features and sustainability features as appropriate. The Memo will address the SCAQMD's Air Quality Significance Thresholds, Localized Significance Thresholds (LSTs), and draft interim greenhouse gas thresholds. The Memo will include an evaluation of the project's potential to exceed the SCAQMD's thresholds of significance or otherwise generate a potentially significant air quality impact. Where relevant and appropriate, mitigation measures will be identified to reduce potential air quality impacts. It is anticipated that the LST mass rate look -up tables will be utilized to address LST impacts. Dispersion air modelling, quantitative health risk analysis, and a Health Risk Assessment are assumed unnecessary and are not part of this scope. We assume that the City will provide the following information in support of the Memo: • Construction/Operational Year(s) • Potential/proposed facility sizes (square feet for buildings, # of parking spaces or acreage of pavement for parking lots). • Design/Sustainability features Task 5.13: Biological Resources The biological resources section of the IS/MND will be based on a desktop review and field visit of the project location. The desktop review will include database scoping for special status species known to occur within a 9-quad vicinity of the project area. Database searches will include processed an unprocessed data from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB), the California Native Plant Society (CNPS) Rare Plants Inventory, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) National Wetland Inventory (NWI), and USFWS Information for Planning and Consultation (IPaQ tool. GHD will draft a potential to occur table for all species identified in the database scoping detailed above along with other maps or figures necessary to document and support our findings. A biological resources site visit will be completed to support impact determinations. GHD assumes all identified potential impacts can be reduced to a less than significant level. Task 5.14: Cultural Resources GHD cultural resources subcontractor, Bargas Consulting, proposes the following tasks and methods to complete a Cultural Resources Assessment for the project: Records Search and Literature Review A cultural records search will be requested from the Eastern Information Center (EIC) at the University of California, Riverside. The EIC is part of the California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) and serves as the official repository for cultural resources records for Riverside County. The records search will identify known cultural resources and previous investigations situated within a 0.5-mile search radius around the Project area. In addition, the Built Environment Resources Directory (BERD) will be reviewed to identify properties listed on or determined eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and the California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR). Historic -age maps and photographs will be reviewed to determine if there are historic -age (i.e., 50 years old or older) structures or features within the Project area. In addition, a search of the Sacred Lands File (SLF) will be requested from the Native American Heritage Commission. Timeline: • The records search will be requested from the EIC within one (1) week of receiving the signed contract and Notice to Proceed (NTP) from GHD. We assume that EIC fees will not exceed $850. • Completion of the records search is dependent on the turn -around time of the EIC, which can require up to two (2) months or more. • The SLF will be requested from the NAHC within one (1) week of receiving the signed contract and Notice to Proceed (NTP) from GHD. • Completion of the SLF is dependent on the turn -around time of the NAHC, which can take 6-8 weeks. Cultural Resources Field Survey Bargas will conduct an intensive -level pedestrian survey of the 15-acre Project area. The Project area will be examined for prehistoric and historic -age (i.e., 50 years old or older) archaeological sites and historic -age built structures or features. Any newly identified archaeological resources and historic -age elements of the built environment will be mapped and documented in detail. Sufficient information will be collected to prepare a California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) 523 site record for each identified resource. Any previously recorded resources will be examined with the site constituents and conditions compared to those originally documented. Any changes or new information will be documented, and an updated DPR 523 record will be prepared. Timeline: • The field survey will be completed within one (1) week of the receipt of the records search results from the EIC. Assumptions: • The field survey will be completed by one (1) cultural resources specialist in one (1) 8-hour day, including travel. • We assume that one (1) cultural resource will be identified during the course of the survey. • We assume one (1) DPR 523 series form will be prepared to properly document cultural discovery. • No formal CRHR evaluation is included in this scope or work. If any cultural resources are identified that require recordation and/or evaluation, a separate scope of work and cost estimate will be provided based on the level of work required. Cultural Resources Survey Report Bargas will prepare a Cultural Resources Survey Report summarizing the Project description, regulatory context, environmental setting, and historic, ethnographic, and prehistoric background of the area. The report will describe the methods and results of the records search, SLF search, and pedestrian survey. Any cultural resources identified within the Project area will be described in detail with the DPR 523 record provided as a confidential appendix to the report. The report will include recommendations for any further work that may be required, such as a formal evaluation of resources for eligibility to the NRHP and CRHR. Timeline: • Draft Cultural Resources Survey Report will be submitted within two (2) weeks of the conclusion of survey. • Final Cultural Resources Survey Report will be submitted within one (1) week of receiving minor comments. Assumptions: • Bargas will respond to one (1) round of consolidated comments on the report. • This scope of work does not include Native American consultation support. It is assumed that the City will conduct Native American consultation under Assembly Bill (AB) 52 and will provide the results of that consultation for incorporation into the IS/MND section. • This scope of work does not include a paleontological study or preparation of the paleontological resources section of the IS/MND. Task 5.15: Noise The noise analysis will address the potential noise impacts resulting from temporary and permanent noise sources associated with the project. The primary noise issues are expected to be the compatibility of the proposed project with the on -site noise environment and noise and vibration resulting from the construction and operation of the project at nearby sensitive receivers. GHD noise subcontractor, Illingworth & Rodkin (I&R), proposes the following tasks and methods to complete a Noise analysis for the project: • Quantify Existing Ambient Noise Levels in the Area: I&R will quantify the existing noise environment at the site and at nearby receptors. Long-term noise measurements would be conducted to quantify the daily trend in noise levels at receptors near the project site. A series of short-term noise measurements will also be made during the daytime to quantify and characterize ambient noise levels. The data gathered during the noise monitoring survey will be used to establish baseline noise conditions that will be used for comparative purposes in the impact assessment. Calculate Construction Noise and Vibration Levels: Noise generated by the construction of the project would be estimated at nearby uses based on data contained in I&R files. Vibration may be a concern during construction depending on the proximity of the project to existing buildings, particularly any sensitive uses in the project vicinity. Vibration levels expected from demolition and construction activities would be based on published data contained in I&R files. • Calculate Operational Noise Levels. I&R would calculate project -generated noise levels that could affect existing noise sensitive uses in the project vicinity. This would include calculations of traffic noise increases based on the project's traffic study, noise from the project's mechanical systems, noise from the expanded parking lots, noise from the new outdoor activity areas, and other features of the project. Assess Noise Levels. From these data, the potential for significant noise impacts resulting from the project would be assessed. The compatibility of the project with the ambient noise environment and the project's potential to generate noise levels that would exceed any absolute limits or result in a substantial temporary or permanent increase in noise will be evaluated. • Develop Mitigation Measures. Mitigation would be developed to reduce significant noise impacts resulting from the project. If future levels are predicted to exceed applicable guidelines, we will make preliminary recommendations for mitigation to be included into the project's plan to reduce noise levels to acceptable levels. Task 5.16: Transportation VMT GHD will evaluate the project's impact on VMT, consistent with CEQA Guidelines and Senate Bill 743, and consistent with La Quinta PC Reso. 2021-007 VMT Thresholds Policy. Based on the City's VMT Policy, the project will be evaluated to determine if any portion is screened out from the VMT analysis and assumed to have a less than significant impact on VMT. The City's VMT Policy identifies screening criteria for small projects (retail <70,000 SF), local -serving projects, affordable housing, transit - priority areas with low VMT, and low VMT area screening. Since the project consists of 280 low-income residential units, GHD will coordinate with City staff to determine if this is appropriate to be screened from the VMT analysis. The proposed development also consists of 100,000 SF of commercial buildings, which would not be screened out as a "small project". GHD will also evaluate the project to see if it would quality for screening in a Low VMT area based on VMT for the project location and comparison to the City's baseline average. Based upon a preliminary review, GHD calculates that the project will exceed the 3,000 metric tons of CO2 threshold, so would not screen out VMT based upon that criterion. The City's VMT Policy states that projects that are not screened should complete VMT analysis and forecasting through the Riverside County Transportation Model (RIVCOM) to determine if there is a VMT impact, including analysis of "project - generated VMT" and "project effect on VMT" for the traffic analysis zone (TAZ) where the proposed project is located. Per the City's VMT Policy, GHD will evaluate the project's impact on VMT for the TAZ under the following scenarios: • Baseline Conditions • Baseline Plus Project • Cumulative No Project • Cumulative Plus Project Project -generated VMT shall be extracted from the travel demand model using the origin -destination trip matrix and shall multiply that matrix by the final assignment skims. The project effect on VMT shall be estimated using the City of La Quinta boundary and extracting the link -level VMT (boundary -based). The model outputs will include total VMT, VMT per resident, and VMT per service population (population plus employment). Since the proposed project is mixed use, each land use component will be analyzed separately, applying the significance threshold identified by the City for each land use. GHD will utilize the model outputs to determine the project's impact on VMT based on the thresholds set by the City's VMT Policy, as follows: • Residential portion (if not screened out): VMT per resident exceeding 15% below the Citywide VMT per resident, or 15% below the regional VMT per resident (whichever is more stringent). • Retail portion: A net increase in total existing VMT for the region. • A project would result in a significant VMT impact if either existing or cumulative project -generated VMT per service population exceeds the City's baseline VMT per service population. • A project would result in a significant VMT impact if either existing or cumulative link -level boundary VMT per service population (City boundary) increased compared to the no -project condition. Note: The RIVCOM model is maintained and administered by Western Riverside Council of Governments. GHD will coordinate retrieving the model files from WRCOG for the analysis. If the project results in a significant impact to VMT, mitigation measures will need to be identified. Per City's VMT Policy, the following choices are available to the applicant: • Modify the project components to reduce VMT. • Implement travel demand management measures to reduce VMT consistent with La Quinta Municipal Code Chapter 9.180. GHD will work with the City to identify and quantify feasible mitigation measures, if needed. GHD will provide documentation of the VMT analysis in a technical memorandum. GHD assumes two (virtual) meetings to discuss the VMT analysis results and to discuss mitigation measures. GHD assumes no model modifications resulting from anomalies in model outputs, apart from project -related land use or associated network modification for the project's TAZ to do the project -level analysis. If modifications to the model are required to correct any anomalies related to VMT, trip generation, or trip lengths in the project's vicinity, GHD will require additional scope and fee. Deliverables GHD will provide the City with one electronic copy in both MS Word and PDF of the technical memoranda/studies identified above. GHD will respond to one round of consolidated City comments on each study. We assume that additional quantitative modelling will not be needed. Task 5.2: Draft IS/MND GHD understands that the City will revise the Administrative Draft IS/MND, prepare the Public Draft IS/MND, and - per CEQA Guidelines Section 15072 - prepare a Notice of Intent (NOI) to Adopt an MND. The NOI together with the Public Draft IS/MND will be publicly distributed for 30 days as required by the CEQA Guidelines. The City will develop a mailing list and distribute the IS/MND to the State Clearinghouse (online via OPR CEQA Submit), responsible agencies, affected property owners, and persons requesting notice. The City will prepare an advertisement for a local newspaper, coordinate posting the ad, and will submit a copy of the NOI to the Riverside County Clerk. Task 5.3: Final IS/MND After the required 30-day review period, the City will compile all comments received on the Public Draft IS/MND (including comment letters, emails, and oral comments), conduct an initial review of all comments received on the Public Draft IS/MND, number them, categorize them by subject, and then prepare responses to each comment. For those environmental technical analyses prepared by GHD (see list above), GHD will prepare one draft and one final response to comments document for one round of City staff review. The Final IS/MND prepared by the City will consist of the Public Draft IS/MND, comments received, the responses to comments, and the Mitigation Monitoring and Report Program (see below). For purposes of this proposal, GHD assumes a total of up to 10 comments will require our brief qualitative responses (no new quantitative analyses or modelling). Task 5.4: Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program / Notice of Determination The City will prepare the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (MMRP) to identify and delineate responsible parties for implementing any mitigation measures presented in the IS/MND. The MMRP will include all mitigation measures, responsibility for their implementation, and method and schedule for reporting on their implementation. In addition, the City will prepare a draft Notice of Determination (NOD) and, within five working days of project approval, file the final NOD with the State Clearinghouse and Riverside County Clerk. CEQA filing fees (e.g., County Clerk, California Department of Fish and Wildlife) are understood to paid by the City. Task 6: Contingency Exhibit B Schedule of Compensation With the exception of compensation, Additional Services provided for in Section 2.3 of this Agreement, the maximum total compensation to be paid to Consultant under this Agreement is One Million Four Hundred Forty -Six Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty -Three Dollars ($1,446,783.00) ("Contract Sum"). The Contract Sum shall be paid to Consultant in conformance with Section 2.4 of the Agreement. CONTRACT SUM Agreement $ 885,228 Amendment 1 $ 11,760 Amendment 2 0 Memorandum $ 4,272 Amendment 3 545,523 Amendment 4 0 TOTAL $1,446,783 Item No. Description GHD, Inc. 0 Project Management 0.1 Project Kick -Off and Phase 1 Meetings & Coordination $ 12,050.00 0.2 lPhase 2 Project Meetings & Coordination $ 3,860.00 0.3 Phase 3 Pro'ect Meetings & Coordination $ 13,140.00 0.4 Phase 4 Project Meetings & Coordination $ 34,900.00 1 Form -Based Code Assessment Phase 1 1.1 Introductory Form -Based Code Presentation $ 11,705.00 1.2 Microscale Analysis & Specific Plan Evaluation $ 14,020.00 1.3 Sample Form -Based Code $ 60 090.00 1.4 City Council & Planning Commission Joint Study Session $ 9,310.00 1.5 Stakeholder Meeting $ 4,272.00 2 Corridor Design Concept Phase 2 2.1 Assemble Baseline Data & Develop Corridor Basemap $ 78,215.00 2.2 Develop & Assess Preliminary Corridor Design Concepts $ 57,733.00 2.3 Review & Discuss Preliminary Concepts $ 3,910.00 2.4 Prepare Draft Corridor Design Concept $ 26 71000 2.5 Pre are Corridor Concept Visualizations and Cross -Sections $ 25:005:00 2.6 Prepare Corridor Design Phasing & Implementation Plan $ 11,880.00 2.7 Prepare Final Corridor Design Concept $ 15,000.00 3 ATP Grant Application and PS&E (Optional Phase 3 3.1 Prepare Draft ATP Grant Application $ 14,280.00 3.2 Review & Discuss Draft ATP Grant Application $ 3,420.00 3.3 Prepare Final ATP Grant Application $ 7,350.00 3.4 Hwy 111 Corridor Environmental Document $ 3.5 Geotechnical Investigation $ 10 230.00 3.6 Utility Coordination $ 41,240.00 3.7 35% Plans & Estimate $ 32,000.00 3.8 65% PS&E $ 61,180.00 3.9 95% PS&E $ 41,840.00 3.1 Final Bid Documents $ 11,210.00 3.11 H draulics/Stormwater Design $ 38,370.00 3.12 Assistance During Bidding $ 15,980.00 3.13 Construction Support $ 25,620.00 4 Highway 111 Corrid or F orm Based Code (Optional Phase 4-Y 4 $ 46 380.00 4-2 $ 00 4 $ �0 bF8 09 4 $ 41-;640:00 4� Final Farm cn na r-Gd- $ 4 Highway 111 Corridor Specific Plan 4.1 Phase 4 Kickoff & Background Data Collection $ 39,988.00 4.14 Social Pinpoint Website $ 13,750.00 4.15 Detailed Development Strategy: Field Work & Investigation $ 12,500.00 4.2 Existing Conditions Analyses $ 100,180.00 4.24 Detailed Development Strategy: Market Research & Dev Str $ 19,200.00 4.3 Preferred Plan and Policy Framework $ 135,224.00 4.4 Administrative Draft Specific Plan and Code $ 130,550.00 4.5 Environment Review/CEQA $ 85 130.00 4.6 Public Review Draft Specific Plan and Code $ 67,971.00 4.63 Detailed Development Strategy: Draft and Final Reports $ 4,300.00 4.7 Public Hearing Draft Specific Plan and Code $ 24 800.00 4.8 Adoption Hearings $ 28,650.00 5 15 Acre Mixed Use IS/MND 5.1 Admin Draft IS/MND $ 87 957.00 5.11 Admin Draft IS/MND $ 9,794.00 5.12 Air Quality $ 7,785.00 5.13 Biological Resources $ 12 046.00 5.14 Cultural Resources $ 14,140.00 5.15 Noise $ 23,582.00 5.16 Trans ortation VMT $ 20 611.00 5.2 Draft IS/MND $ 3,261.00 5.3 FinalIS/MND $ 5,283.00 5.4 MMRP/NOD $ 965.00 6 Contin enc 6 lContingency $ 2,554.00 TOTAL: r $ 1,446,783.00 BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 15, 2020 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH GHD, INC. TO PROVIDE HIGHWAY 111 CORRIDOR FORM -BASED CODE PLANNING AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE HIGHWAY 111 CORRIDOR PROJECT NO. 2019-05 RECOMMENDATION Approve an Agreement for Contract Services with GHD, Inc., in the amount of $885,228, to provide form -based code planning and engineering services for the Highway 111 Corridor project; and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. txtcu i ivt 5UMMARN • The Highway 111 Corridor Project (Corridor) will build on the foundation set from the vision planning efforts and implement several vision elements throughout the four phases into a construction ready project (Attachment 1). • In May 2020, Staff issued a request for proposal (RFP) for form -based code planning and engineering services; three responses were received; and GHD, Inc. was selected as the most qualified firm. • Approval of this Agreement for Contract Services (Agreement) (Attachment 2) would kick off four project phases as follows: • Phase 1: Form -Based Code Assessment • Phase 2: Corridor Design Concept • Phase 3: Active Transportation Program (ATP) Grant Application and Engineered Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) for demonstration project • Phase 4: Highway 111 Corridor Form -Based Code FISCAL IMPACT There are sufficient funds available for this Agreement in the Capital Improvement Program's Corridor project budget (Account No. 401-0000- 60185, Project No. 2019-05). 137 The following is the proposed contract budget by phase: Project Management $44,990 Phase 1: Form -Based Code Assessment $102,725 Phase 2: Corridor Design Concept $199,093 Phase 3 (optional): ATP Grant Application and PS&E $388,650 Phase 4 (optional): Hwy 111 Corridor Form -Based Code $149,770 Total: $885,228 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Highway 111 Corridor Plan seeks to address connectivity, pedestrian- and bicycle -friendliness, transit, green infrastructure, economic development, and the retrofitting of the existing suburban fabric. Recommendations from the vision plan detail a strategy for improvements, recognizing the dual functions of moving vehicles and creating a safe, walkable environment that will lead to increases in economic competitiveness, neighborhood livability, and sustainability in La Quinta. The City issued a RFP in May 2020 and received three proposals from qualified consultants - GHD, Inc., RRM Design Group, and Rangwala Associates. The review panel consisted of City staff from Planning, Finance, Engineering, and the City Manager's Office, and a project management consultant. The panel selected GHD, Inc. as the most qualified consultant based on their experience and qualifications, after the proposals' review and secondary interview process. Phase 1 consists of providing an overview of what form -based codes are and examples of other cities that have implemented them successfully, as well as preparing a sample code for one area of the Corridor as a demonstration project. Phase 2 includes creation of design concepts for the Corridor including landscape design guidelines, right of way availability, utility conflicts, roadway level of service, and business access. Phases 3 and 4 are optional and are contingent upon City Council and Planning Commission direction. If desired, and after the completion of Phases 1 and 2, optional Phase 3 includes preparation of an ATP grant application and the PS&E for the demonstration project area identified in Phase 1. Optional Phase 4 would entail a deeper review into the Specific Plans along the Corridor, with the possibility of repealing them, and preparation of a form -based code for the entire Corridor. 138 The following is the anticipated project schedule per phase: Phase 1 October 2020 - May 2021 Phase 2 October 2020 - October 2021 Phase 3 (PS&E) December 2021 - June 2023 Phase 3 (ATP Application) February 2022 - July 2022 Phase 4 August 2021 - September 2022 ALTERNATIVES No alternative is recommended. This initial scope of services will determine future planning and capital improvement initiatives along Highway 111. Prepared by: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst, and Cheri Flores, Planning Manager Approved by: Danny Castro, Design and Development Director and Bryan McKinney, Public Works Director/City Engineer Attachments: 1. Highway 111 Corridor Map 2. Agreement for Contract Services with GHD, Inc. 139