MA 2023-0002 NRC Equity Fund Residence 77800 Nogales (Calle) (03.06.2023)■ ta �W CALIFORNIA March 6, 2023 Cashcla Design & Associates 74045 Rutledge Way Palm Desert, CA 92260 SUBJECT: MINOR ADJUSTMENT 2023-0002 77800 CALLE NOGALES ADJUSTMENTS Dear Ms. Messina: The Design and Development Department has reviewed your Minor Adjustment application (MA 2023- 0002), pursuant to Section 9.210.040 of the City of La Quinta Zoning Code. REQUEST: Grant a total of three (3) adjustments of 10%, to decrease the garage, rear, and exterior yard setbacks allowed for a single family house located at 77800 Calle Nogales. The adjustments revise the garage setback from 20' to 18', the rear yard setback from 10' to 9' and the exterior yard setback from 10' to 9', per the attached exhibit. All three adjustments are 10% adjustments. Properties are allowed a maximum of three adjustments per property and no additional adjustments would be allowed on this property. DECISION: Approval is granted for the requested adjustment based on the following findings and subject to the conditions of approval listed below: Minor Adjustment 2023-0002 is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan, in that the proposal does not alter the approved land use for the property or affect land use on surrounding similar properties. 2. Minor Adjustment 2023-0002 is consistent with the intent of the La Quinta Zoning Code in that the requested adjustment will be conditioned to comply with all other development standards as required under said Zoning Code. 3. Processing and approval of Minor Adjustment 2023-0002 is in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. The adjustment requested falls under CEQA Guidelines Section 15305(a) as a "Minor Alterations to Land" - Class 5 Categorical Exemption. 4. Approval of Minor Adjustment 2023-0002 is not detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare, nor injurious or incompatible with other properties and land use in the vicinity. The adjustment has no impact on health or safety issues and will not affect physical land use characteristics in the vicinity. The adjustment will be compatible with the architectural styles of the existing single-family homes. ta �W CALIFORNIA - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Building permit BRES2022-1065 shall be complied with. The proposed construction shall comply with all other development standards as required under the La Quinta Zoning Code. 2. Properties are allowed a maximum of three adjustments per property. No additional adjustments would be allowed on this property Please be advised that the City only approves three Minor Adjustments per lot, regardless of the percentage of the development standard adjusted. This approval relates only to the minor adjustments referenced herein and does not imply any entitlement or approval of a building permit for any structures shown on the plans on file. This approval consists of three adjustments, as previously described, and no further adjustments would be allowed on this property. All other development standards of the La Quinta Zoning Code are applicable and shall be adhered to in preparing plans for building plan check. Thank you for your attention to these items, and if you have any questions, please contact me directly at (760) 777-7069 and/or at cflores(a)laguintaca.gov . Sincerely, Carlos Flores Design and Development Department Senior Planner GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: APPLICATIONS FOR WHICH NO PERMIT IS ISSUED WITHIN 180 DAYS FOLLOWING THE DATE OF APPLICATION SHALL AUTOMATICALLY EXPIRE. (R105.3.2 CRC) NOTE ON PLANS. EVERY PERMIT ISSUED SHALL BECOME INVALID UNLESS WORK AUTHORIZED IS COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS AFTER ITS ISSUANCE OR IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS. A SUCCESSFUL INSPECTION MUST BE OBTAINED WITHIN 180 DAYS. NOTE ON PLANS. (R105.5 CRC). GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: IF ANY ERRORS, DISCREPANCIES OR OMISSIONS APPEAR IN THE DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS OR OTHER CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE DESIGNER IN WRITING OF SUCH ERROR OR OMISSION. IN THE EVENT THAT THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR FAILS TO GIVE SUCH NOTICE BEFORE CONSTRUCTION AND/OR FABRICATION OF THE WORK, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE TO THE RESULT OF ANY ERRORS, DISCREPANCIES OR OMISSIONS AND THE COST OF RECTIFYING THE SAME. GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL WORK,MATERIALS AND METHODS SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE THE 2019 CBC CODES, 2019 CPC, 2019 CMC AND 2019 CEC CODE EDITIONS.ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS OF ALL GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES HAVING JURISDICTION AT THE PROJECT LOCATION. 2. 3. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING ALL DIMENSIONS AND EXISTING CONDITIONS THEREON BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES AND/OR POTENTIAL PROBLEMS TO THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH AFFECTED WORK. 4. CONTRACTORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WORK REGARDLESS OF THE LOCATION OF THE INFORMATION OF THE DOCUMENTS. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM THAT PROPER FINISH GRADE ELEVATIONS HAVE BEEN PROVIDED AT THE PERIMETER OF THE BUILDING AREAS, REFER TO BUILDING AND ADJOINING AREAS, REFER TO BUILDING PLANS . REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE DESIGNER PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH ROUGH GRADING. 6. PROVIDE PIPE GUARDS AT ALL ABOVE GROUND UTILITY EQUIPMENT AS DICTATED BY GOVERNING AGENCIES. 7. PROVIDE PEDESTRIAN OR VEHICULAR PROTECTION BARRICADES TEMPORARY GUARD RAILS, AND / OR CANOPIES AS REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL AGENCIES OR AS NECESSARY FOR PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICULAR SAFETY. 8. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION AMONG HIS VARIOUS SUBCONTRACTORS. 9. IN THE EVENT OF DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN ANY DRAWINGS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS, THE MORE COSTLY OR MORE RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS SHALL BE DEEMED THE CONTRACT REQUIREMENT, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING, FROM THE DESIGNER. 10. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL UNDERGROUND ITEMS WITH THE PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, GAS, TELEPHONE, AND CABLE TV DRAWINGS. 11. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY DIMENSIONS OF ALL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS. 12. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL GOVERNING, AUTHORITIES AND UTILITIES PRIOR TO COVERING UP ANY WORK REQUIRING INSPECTION. 13. PROVIDE GALVANIC PROTECTION BETWEEN DISSIMILAR MATERIALS WHERE REQUIRED. 14. ALL PENETRATIONS THROUGH ANY SURFACE SHALL BE THOROUGHLY SEALED WITH APPROPRIATE SEALANT MATERIAL. 15. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR EXPOSED METAL, TRIM, TREILLAGE, RAILINGS, MOLDING, FRAMES, CASTING, ETC., SHALL BE PAINTED. 16. SEE SOILS REPORT FOR RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING CORROSIVE SOILS. ALL METALLIC UTILITY LINES SHALL BE CORROSION PROTECTION. 17. SPECIFY WEATHER -RESISTANCE BARRIER AT ALL EXTERIOR WALLS 2019 CRC. NOTE TWO (2) LAYERS OF GRADE ""D"" TYPE PAPER REQUIRED OVER WOOD BASED SHEATHING 2019 CRC. 18. THE INSULATION INSTALLER SHALL POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE IN THE BLDG. A STATE INSULATION CERTIFICATE SIGNED BY THE INSTALLER STATING THAT THE INSULATION IS CONSISTENT WITH THE PLANS AND CONFORMS TO THE STATE ENERGY REGULATIONS NOTE ON PLANS TITLE 24 PART 1, SECTION 10-103 (A) (3) (B). THE BUILDER SHALL PROVIDE THE BLDG. OWNER MANAGER AND ORIGINAL OCCUPANTS WITH A LIST OF THE FEATURE, MATERIALS, COMPONENTS AND MECHANICAL DEVICES INSTALLED IN THE BUILDING; INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO USE THEM EFFICIENTLY AND, MAINTENANCE FOR EFFICIENT OPERATION NOTE ON THE PLANS TITLE 24 PART 1, SECTION. 19. REFER TO GRADING PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR GUTTERS, CURBS AND BERMS AT EDGE OF PAVEMENT. 20. REFER TO CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL SITE DIMENSIONS AND INFORMATION. (HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLAN). 21. ALL SHOP WELDING SHALL BE DONE BY AN "APPROVED" ICC FABRICATING SHOP PRIOR TO ANY STEEL BEING FABRICATED AND SENT TO THE JOBSITE. THE FABRICATING COMPANY SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY PER 2010 CBC. 22. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE SITE CONDITIONS AS REPRESENTED IN THE PLANS AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE DESIGNER BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 23. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE AS INDICATED, DIMENSIONS ARE TO CENTER LINES OF COLUMNS, AND TO FACE OF WALLS. CENTER OF PANEL. 24. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS GOVERN, DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING SAME SHALL BE REFERRED TO THE DESIGNER. 25. ANY/ALL LUMBER IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE FLOOR OR FOOTINGS SHALL BE F.G. REDWOOD OR PRESSURE TREATED, "WOLMANIZED" PINE. 26. ALL FRAMING LUMBER SHALL BE GRADE MARKED WITH QUALITY PER 2019 CRC. (CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE) REQUIREMENTS. 27. USE APPROVED FLASHING MATERIALS AT ALL EXTERIOR OPENINGS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, ALL SHEET METAL SHALL BE 24 GAUGE G.I. OR BETTER, PAINTED WITH G.I. VINYL WASH PRIMER AND A ZINC DUST PRIMER, EXCEPTING PRE -FINISHED METAL AS APPROVED BY THE DESIGNER. 28. PROVIDE ONE 15 POUND WATERPROOF FELT MINIMUM UNDER ALL EXTERIOR COVERING. 29. ALL EXTERIOR WALL OPENINGS, FLASHING, COUNTER FLASHING, EXPANSION JOINTS, SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN SUCH A MANNER TO MAKE THEM WATERPROOF, CAULK AND FLASH WHERE NECESSARY FOR A COMPLETE AND WORKABLE INSTALLATION. 30. CERTIFIED INSULATION MATERIALS PER 2019 CRC. 31. INSULATION INSTALLED TO MEET FLAME SPREAD AND SMOKE DENSITY REQUIREMENTS OF 2010 CBC NOT MORE THAN 25 AND SMOKE NOT MORE THAN 450 32. AIR INFILTRATION IS MINIMIZED BY SPECIFICATION OF TESTED MANUFACTURED DOORS AND WINDOWS AND PROPER SEALING AND WEATHERSTRIPPING. 33. CONTRACTORS MUST GANG AND CONCEAL FROM VIEW, ROOF VENTS WHEREVER POSSIBLE. 34. ROOF DRAIN DOWNSPOUTS MUST NOT DRAIN ONTO HARDSCAPE OR BE VISIBLE FROM TRAFFIC AREAS. 35. ALL OR "EQUAL" SUBSTITUTIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO, AND APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE ITEM. 36. PROVIDE PRESSURE REGULATOR FOR WATER SERVICE WHERE STATIC PRESSURE EXCEEDS 80 PSI. (2019 CPC) 37. ALL WORK CALLED FOR IN THESE PLANS SHALL BE EXECUTED WITH EXTREME CONCERN FOR CRAFTSMANSHIP AND SAFETY IN FULL ACCORDANCE WITH THE ADOPTED CODES AND ORDINANCES OF THE JURISDICTION IN WHICH IT IS BEING CONSTRUCTED 38. ALL WORK, WHETHER SPECIFICALLY CALLED FOR OR NOT, SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UNDER THE LATEST EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE AS ADOPTED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNING AGENCY. 39. ALL EXTERIOR FLATWORK SHALL HAVE A POSITIVE SLOPE AWAY FROM THE BUILDING (1 % MIN.) 40. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL THOROUGHLY FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH THIS DOCUMENTS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH ANY CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL REPORT ANY DISCREPANCY TO THE DESIGNER PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY WORK. SHOULD ANY DEVIATION BE MADE FROM THESE PLANS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT FROM THE DESIGNER, THE OWNER/CONTRACTOR ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUCH DEVIATION. 41. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT2COPIES OF SHOP DRAWINGS OF ALL MANUFACTURED ITEMS ( i.e. CABINETS,TRUSSES,ETC.) TO THE DESIGNER FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO FABRICATION. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE TIME FOR REVIEW (10 WORKING DAYS) OF SUBMITTED ITEMS SO WHEREAS SUCH REVIEW SHALL NOT ADVERSELY IMPACT THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE. 42. INFREQUENT SITE VISITS BY THE DESIGNER OR ENGINEER, IN NO WAY ALLEVIATES THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY IN REGARDS TO CODE COMPLIANCE, SAFETY OR THOROUGHNESS. 43. ALL SUB -CONTRACTORS SHALL VISIT THE JOB SITE WITHIN 24 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. THE SUB -CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REVIEWING RELATED TRADES SUB- SURFACE PREPARATION AND SHALL REPORT ANY NON -CONFORMING DISCREPANCY TO THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. EXECUTION OF WORK BY ANY SUB -CONTRACTOR INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF THE PREVIOUS TRADE'S WORK. 44. THE OWNER AGREES TO HOLD HARMLESS, INDEMNIFY, AND DEFEND THE DESIGNER, HIS EMPLOYEES, AND ENGINEERS AGAINST ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, CLAIM DAMAGES AND COSTS OF DEFENSE ARISING OUT OF THE ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, OR NEGLIGENT ACTS CAUSED BY THE MODIFICATIONS TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 45. ANY CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR ALTERATION OF THESE PLANS SHALL BE AT THE SOLE RISK OF THE PERSON MAKING OR CAUSING THE SAME AND SHOULD BE REVIEWED BY THE DESIGNER OF RECORD FOR CONFORMITY WITH THESE PLANS. 46. VERIFY CONNECTION POINTS FOR POWER TELEPHONE AND CATV SYSTEMS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION APPROXIMATE ONLY LOCATIONS INDICATED FOR TRANSFORMER LOCATIONS, ETC. 47. COMPLY WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANY REQUIREMENTS. PROVIDE ALL UNDERGROUND RELATED CONDUITS, PULL BOXES AND RISERS. 48. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ACTUAL DEPTH AND LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION... CALL DIG ALERT SERVICE ALERT (TOLL FREE 811) PRIOR TO TRENCHING, GRADING, EXCAVATING, DRILLING, PIPE PUSHING PLANTING TREES DIGGING FENCE POST HOLES ETC. THEY WILL SUPPLY INFORMATION OR LOCATE AND MARK ANY UNDERGROUND FACILITIES. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT • Know what's below. Call before you dig. DIG ALERT IS TO BE CONTACTED AND THAT COMPLIANCE WITH EXCAVATIONSAFETY IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERMENT CODE 4216 WILL BE FOLLOWED PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION TAKING PLACE. OWNER ABBREVIATIONS REQD REQUIRED & AND REV REVISION, REVISED @ AT RET. RETENTION CENTERLINE RM ROOM R PROPERTY LINE RO ROUGH OPENING A.C. AIR-CONDITIONING EXH EXHAUST AB ANCHOR BOLT EXP EXPOSED ADA AMERICANS WITH EXIST EXISTING DISABILITIES ACT EXT EXTERIOR ADJ ADJUSTABLE F.O. FACE OF AL ALUMINUM FAS FASTEN,FASTENER ANOD ANODIZED FDN FOUNDATION ARCH ARCHITECTURAL FF FINISH FLOOR AUTO AUTOMATIC FIN FINISH ABV. ABOVE F.G FINISH GRADE B.O. BOTTOM OF FL FLOW LINE BD BOARD FLASH FLASHING BETW BETWEEN FLR FLOOR B.F BOTTOM OF FOOTING FLUOR FLUORESCENT BLDG BUILDING FT FEET, FOOT BLKG BLOCKING FTG FOOTING BM BEAM FTN FOUNTAIN BOT BOTTOM GA GAUGE CAB CABINET GALV GALVANIZED CEM CEMENT GI GALVANIZED IRON CI CASTIRON GR GRADE CJ CONTROL JOINT GYP. GYPSUM CEIL CEILING GWB GYPSUM WALL BOARD CLR CLEAR H/C HANDICAP CL CENTERLINE HDWR HARDWARE CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT HDR HEADER CO CLEAN OUT HM HOLLOW METAL COL COLUMN HORIZ HORIZONTAL CONC CONCRETE HR HOUR CONST CONSTRUCTION HT HEIGHT CONT CONTINUOUS HVAC HEATING, VENTILATING, CT CERAMIC TILE AIR CONDITIONING DIET DETAIL S SOUTH DEPT DEPARTMENT S&P SHELF AND POLE DIM DIMENSION SCHED SCHEDULE DIV DIVISION SHT SHEET DIN DOWN SIM SIMILAR DR DOOR SPEC SPECIFICATION DWG DRAWING SQ SQUARE E EAST SS STAINLESS STEEL (E) EXISTING STL STEEL EA. EACH STD STANDARD EG EXISTING GRADE STRUC. STRUCTURE, ID INSIDE DIAMETER STRUCTURAL IN " INCH, INCHES SUSP SUSPENDED INCL INCLUDE T-24 TITLE 24 INT INTERIOR T&G TONGUE AND GROOVE LAM LAMINATE THK THICKNESS LBL LABEL T.O.P. TOP OF PARAPET LT LIGHT T.O.PL. TOP OF PLATE MATL MATERIAL T.O.S. TOP OF SHEATHING MAX MAXIMUM T.O.W. TOP OF WALL MECH MECHANICAL TS TUBE STEEL MED MEDIUM TV TELEVISION MTL METAL TYP TYPICAL MFR MANUFACTURER UNF UNFINISHED MIN MINIMUM LINO UNLESS NOTED MISC MISCELLANEOUS OTHERWISE MO MASONRY OPENING VCT VINYL COMPOSITION MT MOUNT TILE N NORTH VERT VERTICAL N.G NATURAL GRADE VT VINYL TILE (N) NEW VTR VENT THROUGH ROOF NIC NOT IN CONTRACT WC WALL COVERING NOM NOMINAL W WEST, W SHAPE NTS NOT TO SCALE W.O WHERE OCCURS OC ON CENTER W/ WITH OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER WI WROUGHT IRON OPNG OPENING WM WIRE MESH PERF PERFORATED WP WATERPROOFING PT PAINT WWF WELDED WIRE FABRIC P.L PROPERTY LINE EJ EXPANSION JOINT PL. PLATE EL ELEVATION PLAS PLASTIC ELECT ELECTRICAL POC POINT OF CONNECTION EMER EMERGENCY PR PAIR ENCL ENCLOSURE PSI POUNDS PER EQ EQUAL SQUARE INCH EPX EPDXY PT PAINT PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PLYWD PLYWOOD QT QUARRY TILE R RISER, RADIUS RA RETURN AIR RAID RADIUS REINF REINFORCEMENT REFR REFRIGERATOR PLANNING APPROVAL ADMINISTRATIVE CASE# EXHIBIT# INITIAL DATE I1ITPOYA]11I1I1% Bores 03/06/2023 3:11:37 PM SYMBOLS SYMBOLS: DESCRIPTION: CENTER LINES OF COLUMN GRIDS, FLOOR LINES IN EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS, PROJECT LINES PROPERTY LINE BOUNDARY LINE BREAK LINE MATERIAL CONTINUES INTERIOR ELEVATION(S) ELEVATION NUMBER na., SHEET WHERE ELEVATION IS DRAWN ELEVATION SHOWN ELEVATION DESIGNATION BUILDING ELEVATION A3z ELEVATION IDENTIFICATION SHEET WHERE ELEVATION IS DRAWN .s PARTIAL ELEVATION ELEVATION IDENTIFICATION SHEET WHERE ELEVATION IS DRAWN .s PARTIAL SECTION SECTION IDENTIFICATION SHEET WHERE SECTION IS DRAWN BUILDING SECTION SECTION IDENTIFICATION SHEET WHERE SECTION IS DRAWN A z WALL SECTION SECTION IDENTIFICATION SHEET WHERE SECTION IS DRAWN ,., SECTION DETAIL DETAIL IDENTIFICATION SHEET WHERE DETAIL IS DRAWN PLAN DETAIL n.s DETAIL IDENTIFICATION SHEET WHERE DETAIL IS DRAWN KEY NOTE SEE KEY NOTE LEGEND ON EACH DRAWING SHEET REVISION NUMBER O WINDOW TYPE ODOOR TYPES +11'-0" FLOOR ELEVATION 1 ROOM FINISH ROOM NUMBER 4 1 3 2 INTERIOR ELEVATION # ROOM NAME OFFICE A NEW RESIDENCE FOR: NRC EQUITY FUND 1 APN# 773-301-024 LOT 11 AVE. MARTINEZ & CALLE NOGALES LA QUINTA, CA 92254 CITY OF LA QUINTA NOTES NOTE TO DESIGN ENGINEER: THESE GENERAL NOTES ARE INTENDED FOR USE ON ALL PUBLIC WORKS PLANS AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS (CIP), INCLUDING MASS GRADING, ROUGH GRADING, STREET IMPROVEMENT, STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENT, AND PRECISE GRADING/PAVING PLANS. 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE STANDARD PLANS OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE LATEST EDITION OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION. 2. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FOR THE NECESSARY PERMITS AND TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SATISFACTORY COMPLIANCE FOR ALL CURRENT ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS DURING THE LIFE OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES FOR THE PROJECT. ADDITIONAL STUDIES AND/OR PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL PERMITS AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA OR OTHER GOVERNING AGENCIES. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS PRIOR TO ANY GRADING, BRUSHING, OR CLEARING AND EACH PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION AT (760) 777-7048. 5. THE LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE SHOWN IN AN APPROXIMATE WAY ONLY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THE CONTRACTOR AGREES TO BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES WHICH MIGHT BE OCCASIONED BY HIS FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL UTILITIES. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL, REPLACEMENT, OR RELOCATION OF ALL REGULATORY, WARNING AND GUIDE SIGNS. 7. THE CITY ENGINEER SHALL APPROVE THE DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF ALL STREET NAME SIGNS, TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS, TRAFFIC STRIPING, LEGENDS, AND PAVEMENT MARKERS TYPE AND LOCATION. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT DISTURB EXISTING SURVEY MONUMENTS OR BENCH MARKS NOTED ON THE PLANS, OR FOUND DURING CONSTRUCTION. REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT SHALL BE DONE BY A REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER WITH AN R.C.E. NUMBER BELOW 33,966, OR A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR ONLY. 9. CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT WITHIN ONE HALF MILE OF HUMAN OCCUPANCY SHALL BE PERFORMED ONLY DURING THE TIME PERIODS AS FOLLOWS: OCTOBER 1ST TO APRIL 30TH: MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7:OOAM TO 5:30PM MAY 1ST TO SEPTEMBER 30TH: MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 6:OOAM TO TOOPM WORK SHALL BE PROHIBITED ANY TIME ON SUNDAYS OR ON FEDERAL HOLIDAYS. NO REDUCTION OF THE TRAVELED WAY WIDTH SHALL BE PERMITTED ON ANY CITY STREET ON WEEKENDS OR HOLIDAYS, ORE WHEN ACTIVE WORK IS NOT BEING DONE, UNLESS PRIOR AUTHORIZATION TO DO SO IS GRANTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. NO LANE CLOSURES SHALL BE PERMITTED OR ALLOWED ON ANY CITY STREET BEFORE 8:30AM AND AFTER 3:30PM UNLESS AUTHORIZATION TO DO SO IS GRANTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 10. ALL TRAVELED WAYS MUST BE CLEANED DAILY OF ALL DIRT, MUD AND DEBRIS DEPOSITED ON THEM AS A RESULT OF THE GRADING OPERATION. CLEANING IS TO BE DONE TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY ENGINEER. 11. ALL CONSTRUCTION AREAS SHALL BE PROPERLY POSTED AND LIGHTED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA STATE MANUAL OF WARNING SIGNS, LIGHTS, AND DEVICES FOR USE IN THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK UPON HIGHWAYS IN ORDER TO ELIMINATE ANY HAZARDS. 12. CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS DISTURBING MORE THAN 1-ACRE MUST OBTAIN A NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT. OWNERS/DEVELOPERS ARE REQUITED TO: A) FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT (NOI) WITH THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD (SWRCB); B) PREPARE A STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP); AND C) HAVE A MONITORING PLAN FOR THE SITE. THE NPDES IS A NATIONAL PROGRAM TO CONTROL NON -POINT SOURCE POLLUTANTS CARRIED BY STORM WATER. THE PROGRAM IS IMPLEMENTED AND ENFORCED BY THE SWRCB. PURVEYORS Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) (760) 398-2651. Myoma Dunes Mutual Water co. (limited areas of north La Quinta only) (760)345-2694. EDISON power company (800) 655-4555 The Gas Company (800) 427-2200. Verizon (formerly GTE) (888) 553-1555. Time Warner Cablevision (760) 340-1312 PROJECT IS APPROVED UNDER ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2019 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE, 2019 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE; 2019 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE; AND 2019 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE AND GREEN BUILDING CODES AND LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH: 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 2019 GREEN CODE 2019 CITY OF LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE "ALL 'OR EQUAL' SUBSTITUTES MUST BE SUBMITTED TO, AND APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE ITEM" "ACCESORY STRUCTURES ARE NOT PART OF THIS PERMIT" VICINITY MAP VICINITY MAP SHEET INDEX SHEET CONTAINS SHEET CONTAINS ARCHITECTURAL MECHANICAL CS COVER SHEET. M1.0 FLOOR HVAC LAYOUT. GC1 CALIFORNIA GREEN CODE. M2.0 HVAC NOTES GC2 CALIFORNIA GREEN CODE. PLUMBING A1.0 SITE PLAN. P1.0 GAS PLAN A2.0 FLOOR -DIMENSION PLAN. P1.1 SEWER & WATER PLAN. A3.0 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS. A3.1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS. STRUCTURAL A4.0 SECTION. S1.0 STRUCTURAL NOTES A5.0 ROOF PLAN. FOUNDATION PLAN D1 DETAIL SHEET. S2.0 ROOF FRAMING PLAN S3.0 STRUCTURAL DETAILS S4.0 STRUCTURAL DETAILS ELECTRICAL E1.0 ELECTRICAL PLAN. HFX1 STRUCTURAL DETAILS E1.1 ELECTRICAL NOTES. HFX2 STRUCTURAL DETAILS DEFERRED APPROVALS SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: 1. RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLERS SYSTEM • PV SYSTEM 0 SPA • GARDEN WALLS • BBQ • SWIMMING POOL • FIRE PITS GENERAL INFORMATION OWNER: LEGAL DESCRIPTION : PROJECT ADDRESS NRC EQUITY FUND 1 736 S. CENTER ST. RENO, NV. 89501 APN: 773301024 MB 18/92 SUBDIVISION: SANTA CARMELITA VALE LA QUINTA UNIT 15 LOT 11 BLOCK 144 AVE MARTINEZ & CALLE NOGALES LA QUINTA, CA 92254 OCCUPANCY: SINGLE FAMILY ZONING: R3 / U CONSTRUCTION TYPE: VB TOTAL SITE : 5,914.50 SQ. FT. PROPOSED RESIDENCE AREA: 2,373 SQ. FT. GARAGE AREA: 486 SQ. FT. CASHCLA DESIGN & ASSOCIATES Carlos Sanchez Design • DRAFTING • DESIGN • LAND PLANNING • CARLOS SANCHEZ DESIGNER 45-175 PANORAMA DR. SUITE E PALM DESERT, CA (760) 272-9117-Phone CASHCLA@GMAIL.COM These drawings are an instrument of service and remain the property of CASHCLA DESIGN & ASSOCIATES. They are not to be reproduced or altered to any third party without the express written permission of Carlos Sanchez NO. REVISIONS DATE 0 DDD DATE ISSUED FOR: A NEW RESIDENCE FOR: NRC EQUITY FUND 1 APN# 773-301-024 LOT 11 AVE. MARTINEZ & CALLE NOGALES LA QUINTA, CA 92254 SHEET TITLE COVER SHEET DRAWN SHEET NUMBER CS 03/22/21 CASH CHECKED J/F Ics DATE Feb 15, 2023 JOB NO. 2022-08-17 S C A L E AS NOTED 2019 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE RESIDENTIAL MANDATORY MEASURES, SHEET 1 wanuary2020, Includes August 2019 Supplement) PARTOY CHAPTER 3 GREEN BUILDING SECTION 301 GENERAL 301.1 SCOPE. Buildings shall be designed to include the green building measures specified as mandatory in the application checklists contained in this code. Voluntary green building measures are also included in the application checklists and may be included in the design and construction of structures covered by this code, but are not required unless adopted by a city, county, or city and county as specified in Section 101.7. 301.1.1 Additions and alterations. [HCD] The mandatory provisions of Chapter 4 shall be applied to additions or alterations of existing residential buildings where the addition or alteration increases the building's conditioned area, volume, or size. The requirements shall apply only to and/or within the specific area of the addition or alteration. Note: On and after January 1, 2014, residential buildings undergoing permitted alterations, additions, or improvements shall replace noncompliant plumbing fixtures with water -conserving plumbing fixtures. Plumbing fixture replacement is required prior to issuance of a certificate of final completion, certificate of occupancy or final permit approval by the local building department. See Civil Code Section 1101.1, et seq., for the definition of a noncompliant plumbing fixture, types of residential buildings affected and other important enactment dates. 301.2 LOW-RISE AND HIGH-RISE RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS. [HCD] The provisions of individual sections of CALGreen may apply to either low-rise residential buildings high-rise residential buildings, or both. Individual sections will be designated by banners to indicate where the section applies specifically to low-rise only (LR) or high-rise only (HR). When the section applies to both low-rise and high-rise buildings, no banner will be used. SECTION 302 MIXED OCCUPANCY BUILDINGS 302.1 MIXED OCCUPANCY BUILDINGS. In mixed occupancy buildings, each portion of a building shall comply with the specific green building measures applicable to each specific occupancy. ABBREVIATION DEFINITIONS: HCD Department of Housing and Community Development BSC California Building Standards Commission DSA-SS Division of the State Architect, Structural Safety OSHPD Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development LR Low Rise HR High Rise AA Additions and Alterations N New CHAPTER 4 RESIDENTIAL MANDATORY MEASURES DIVISION 4.1 PLANNING AND DESIGN SECTION 4.102 DEFINITIONS 4.102.1 DEFINITIONS The following terms are defined in Chapter 2 (and are included here for reference) FRENCH DRAIN. A trench, hole or other depressed area loosely filled with rock, gravel, fragments of brick or similar pervious material used to collect or channel drainage or runoff water. WATTLES. Wattles are used to reduce sediment in runoff. Wattles are often constructed of natural plant materials such as hay, straw or similar material shaped in the form of tubes and placed on a downflow slope. Wattles are also used for perimeter and inlet controls. 4.106 SITE DEVELOPMENT 4.106.1 GENERAL. Preservation and use of available natural resources shall be accomplished through evaluation and careful planning to minimize negative effects on the site and adjacent areas. Preservation of slopes, management of storm water drainage and erosion controls shall comply with this section. 4.106.2 STORM WATER DRAINAGE AND RETENTION DURING CONSTRUCTION. Projects which disturb less than one acre of soil and are not part of a larger common plan of development which in total disturbs one acre or more, shall manage storm water drainage during construction. In order to manage storm water drainage during construction, one or more of the following measures shall be implemented to prevent flooding of adjacent property, prevent erosion and retain soil runoff on the site. 1. Retention basins of sufficient size shall be utilized to retain storm water on the site. 2. Where storm water is conveyed to a public drainage system, collection point, gutter or similar disposal method, water shall be filtered by use of a barrier system, wattle or other method approved by the enforcing agency. 3. Compliance with a lawfully enacted storm water management ordinance. Note: Refer to the State Water Resources Control Board for projects which disturb one acre or more of soil, or are part of a larger common plan of development which in total disturbs one acre or more of soil. (Website: https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/stormwater/construction.html) 4.106.3 GRADING AND PAVING. Construction plans shall indicate how the site grading or drainage system will manage all surface water flows to keep water from entering buildings. Examples of methods to manage surface water include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Swales 2. Water collection and disposal systems 3. French drains 4. Water retention gardens 5. Other water measures which keep surface water away from buildings and aid in groundwater recharge. Exception: Additions and alterations not altering the drainage path. 4.106.4 Electric vehicle (EV) charging for new construction. New construction shall comply with Sections,, or to facilitate future installation and use of EV chargers. Electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) shall be installed in accordance with the California Electrical Code, Article 625. Exceptions: 1. On a case -by -case basis, where the local enforcing agency has determined EV charging and infrastructure are not feasible based upon one or more of the following conditions: 1.1 Where there is no commercial power supply. 1.2 Where there is evidence substantiating that meeting the requirements will alter the local utility infrastructure design requirements on the utility side of the meter so as to increase the utility side cost to the homeowner or the developer by more than $400.00 per dwelling unit. 2. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (JADU) without additional parking facilities. 0 New one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses with attached private garages. For each dwelling unit, install a listed raceway to accommodate a dedicated 208/240-volt branch circuit. The raceway shall not be less than trade size 1 (nominal 1-inch inside diameter). The raceway shall originate at the main service or subpanel and shall terminate into a listed cabinet, box or other enclosure in close proximity to the proposed location of an EV charger. Raceways are required to be continuous at enclosed, inaccessible or concealed areas and spaces. The service panel and/or subpanel shall provide capacity to install a 40-ampere minimum dedicated branch circuit and space(s) reserved to permit installation of a branch circuit overcurrent protective device. Identification. The service panel or subpanel circuit directory shall identify the overcurrent protective device space(s) reserved for future EV charging as "EV CAPABLE". The raceway termination location shall be permanently and visibly marked as "EV CAPABLE". 0 New multifamily dwellings. If residential parking is available, ten (10) percent of the total number of parking spaces on a building site, provided for all types of parking facilities, shall be electric vehicle charging spaces (EV spaces) capable of supporting future EVSE. Calculations for the required number of EV spaces shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number. Notes: 1. Construction documents are intended to demonstrate the project's capability and capacity for facilitating future EV charging. 2. There is no requirement for EV spaces to be constructed or available until EV chargers are installed for use. Electric vehicle charging space (EV space) locations. Construction documents shall indicate the location of proposed EV spaces. Where common use parking is provided at least one EV space shall be located in the common use parking area and shall be available for use by all residents. RESPON. PARTY Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS) When EV chargers are installed, EV spaces required by Section, Item 3, shall comply with at least one of the following options: 1. The EV space shall be located adjacent to an accessible parking space meeting the requirements of the California Building Code, Chapter 11 A, to allow use of the EV charger from the accessible parking space. 2. The EV space shall be located on an accessible route, as defined in the California Building Code, Chapter 2, to the building. Exception: Electric vehicle charging stations designed and constructed in compliance with the California Building Code, Chapter 11 B, are not required to comply with Section and Section, Item 3. Note: Electric Vehicle charging stations serving public housing are required to comply with the California Building Code, Chapter 11 B. Electric vehicle charging space (EV space) dimensions. The EV space shall be designed to comply with the following: 1. The minimum length of each EV space shall be 18 feet (5486 mm). 2. The minimum width of each EV space shall be 9 feet (2743 mm). 3. One in every 25 EV spaces, but not less than one EV space, shall have an 8-foot (2438 mm) wide minimum aisle. A 5-foot (1524 mm) wide minimum aisle shall be permitted provided the minimum width of the EV space is 12 feet (3658 mm). a. Surface slope for this EV space and the aisle shall not exceed 1 unit vertical in 48 units horizontal (2.083 percent slope) in any direction. Single EV space required. Install a listed raceway capable of accommodating a 208/240- volt dedicated branch circuit. The raceway shall not be less than trade size 1 (nominal 1-inch inside diameter). The raceway shall originate at the main service or subpanel and shall terminate into a listed cabinet, box or enclosure in close proximity to the proposed location of the EV space. Construction documents shall identify the raceway termination point. The service panel and/or subpanel shall provide capacity to install a 40-ampere minimum dedicated branch circuit and space(s) reserved to permit installation of a branch circuit overcurrent protective device. Multiple EV spaces required. Construction documents shall indicate the raceway termination point and proposed location of future EV spaces and EV chargers. Construction documents shall also provide information on amperage of future EVSE, raceway method(s), wiring schematics and electrical load calculations to verify that the electrical panel service capacity and electrical system, including any on -site distribution transformer(s), have sufficient capacity to simultaneously charge all EVs at all required EV spaces at the full rated amperage of the EVSE. Plan design shall be based upon a 40-ampere minimum branch circuit. Required raceways and related components that are planned to be installed underground, enclosed, inaccessible or in concealed areas and spaces shall be installed at the time of original construction. Identification. The service panel or subpanel circuit directory shall identify the overcurrent protective device space(s) reserved for future EV charging purposes as "EV CAPABLE" in accordance with the California Electrical Code. New hotels and motels. All newly constructed hotels and motels shall provide EV spaces capable of supporting future installation of EVSE. The construction documents shall identify the location of the EV spaces. Notes: 1. Construction documents are intended to demonstrate the project's capability and capacity or facilitating future EV charging. 2. There is no requirement for EV spaces to be constructed or available until EV chargers are installed for use. Number of required EV spaces. The number of required EV spaces shall be based on the total number of parking spaces provided for all types of parking facilities in accordance with Table Calculations for the required number of EV spaces shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number. TABLE TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES NUMBER OF REQUIRED EV SPACES 0-9 0 10-25 1 26-50 2 51-75 4 76-100 5 101-150 7 151-200 10 201 and over 6 percent of total Electric vehicle charging space (EV space) dimensions. The EV spaces shall be designed to comply with the following: 1. The minimum length of each EV space shall be 18 feet (5486mm). 2. The minimum width of each EV space shall be 9 feet (2743mm) Single EV space required. When a single EV space is required, the EV space shall be designed in accordance with Section Multiple EV spaces required. When multiple EV spaces are required, the EV spaces shall be designed in accordance with Section Identification. The service panels or sub -panels shall be identified in accordance with Section Accessible EV spaces. In addition to the requirements in Section, EV spaces for hotels/motels and all EVSE, when installed, shall comply with the accessibility provisions for the EV charging stations in the California Building Code, Chapter 11 B. DIVISION 4.2 ENERGY EFFICIENCY 4.201 GENERAL 4.201.1 SCOPE. For the purposes of mandatory energy efficiency standards in this code, the California Energy Commission will continue to adopt mandatory standards. RESPON. PARTY DIVISION 4.3 WATER EFFICIENCY AND CONSERVATION 4.303 INDOOR WATER USE 4.303.1 WATER CONSERVING PLUMBING FIXTURES AND FITTINGS. Plumbing fixtures (water closets and urinals) and fittings (faucets and showerheads) shall comply with the sections 4.303.1.1, 4.303.1.2, 4.303.1.3, and 4.303.4.4. Note: All noncompliant plumbing fixtures in any residential real property shall be replaced with water -conserving plumbing fixtures. Plumbing fixture replacement is required prior to issuance of a certificate of final completion, certificate of occupancy, or final permit approval by the local building department. See Civil Code Section 1101.1, et seq., for the definition of a noncompliant plumbing fixture, types of residential buildings affected and other important enactment dates. 4.303.1.1 Water Closets. The effective flush volume of all water closets shall not exceed 1.28 gallons per flush. Tank -type water closets shall be certified to the performance criteria of the U.S. EPA WaterSense Specification for Tank -type Toilets. Note: The effective flush volume of dual flush toilets is defined as the composite, average flush volume of two reduced flushes and one full flush. 4.303.1.2 Urinals. The effective flush volume of wall mounted urinals shall not exceed 0.125 gallons per flush. The effective flush volume of all other urinals shall not exceed 0.5 gallons per flush. 4.303.1.3 Showerheads. 4.303.1.3.1 Single Showerhead. Showerheads shall have a maximum flow rate of not more than 1.8 gallons per minute at 80 psi. Showerheads shall be certified to the performance criteria of the U.S. EPA WaterSense Specification for Showerheads. 4.303.1.3.2 Multiple showerheads serving one shower. When a shower is served by more than one showerhead, the combined flow rate of all the showerheads and/or other shower outlets controlled by a single valve shall not exceed 1.8 gallons per minute at 80 psi, or the shower shall be designed to only allow one shower outlet to be in operation at a time. Note: A hand-held shower shall be considered a showerhead. 4.303.1.4 Faucets. 4.303.1.4.1 Residential Lavatory Faucets. The maximum flow rate of residential lavatory faucets shall not exceed 1.2 gallons per minute at 60 psi. The minimum flow rate of residential lavatory faucets shall not be less than 0.8 gallons per minute at 20 psi. 4.303.1.4.2 Lavatory Faucets in Common and Public Use Areas. The maximum flow rate of lavatory faucets installed in common and public use areas (outside of dwellings or sleeping units) in residential buildings shall not exceed 0.5 gallons per minute at 60 psi. 4.303.1.4.3 Metering Faucets. Metering faucets when installed in residential buildings shall not deliver more than 0.2 gallons per cycle. 4.303.1.4.4 Kitchen Faucets. The maximum flow rate of kitchen faucets shall not exceed 1.8 gallons per minute at 60 psi. Kitchen faucets may temporarily increase the flow above the maximum rate, but not to exceed 2.2 gallons per minute at 60 psi, and must default to a maximum flow rate of 1.8 gallons per minute at 60 psi. Note: Where complying faucets are unavailable, aerators or other means may be used to achieve reduction. 4.303.2 STANDARDS FOR PLUMBING FIXTURES AND FITTINGS. Plumbing fixtures and fittings shall be installed in accordance with the California Plumbing Code, and shall meet the applicable standards referenced in Table 1701.1 of the California Plumbing Code. NOTE: THIS TABLE COMPILES THE DATA IN SECTION 4.303.1, AND IS INCLUDED AS A CONVENIENCE FOR THE USER. TABLE - MAXIMUM FIXTURE WATER USE FIXTURE TYPE FLOW RATE SHOWER HEADS (RESIDENTIAL) 1.8 GMP @ 80 PSI LAVATORY FAUCETS (RESIDENTIAL) MAX. 1.2 GPM @ 60 PSI MIN. 0.8 GPM @ 20 PSI LAVATORY FAUCETS IN COMMON & PUBLIC USE AREAS 0.5 GPM @ 60 PSI KITCHEN FAUCETS 1.8 GPM @ 60 PSI METERING FAUCETS 0.2 GAL/CYCLE WATER CLOSET 1.28 GAL/FLUSH URINALS 0.125 GAL/FLUSH 4.304 OUTDOOR WATER USE 4.304.1 OUTDOOR POTABLE WATER USE IN LANDSCAPE AREAS. Residential developments shall comply with a local water efficient landscape ordinance or the current California Department of Water Resources' Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO), whichever is more stringent. NOTES: 1. The Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO) is located in the California Code Regulations, Title 23, Chapter 2.7, Division 2. MWELO and supporting documents, including water budget calculator, are available at: https://www.water.ca.gov/ RESPON. PARTY Y = YES N/A = NOT APPLICABLE RESPOK PARTY = RESPONSIBLE PARTY (ie: ARCHITECT, ENGINEER, OWNER, CONTRACTOR, INSPECTOR ETC.) DIVISION 4.4 MATERIAL CONSERVATION AND RESOURCE EFFICIENCY 4.406 ENHANCED DURABILITY AND REDUCED MAINTENANCE 4.406.1 RODENT PROOFING. Annular spaces around pipes, electric cables, conduits or other openings in sole/bottom plates at exterior walls shall be protected against the passage of rodents by closing such openings with cement mortar, concrete masonry or a similar method acceptable to the enforcing agency. 4.408 CONSTRUCTION WASTE REDUCTION, DISPOSAL AND RECYCLING 4.408.1 CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT. Recycle and/or salvage for reuse a minimum of 65 percent of the non -hazardous construction and demolition waste in accordance with either Section 4.408.2, 4.408.3 or 4.408.4, or meet a more stringent local construction and demolition waste management ordinance. Exceptions: 1. Excavated soil and land -clearing debris. 2. Alternate waste reduction methods developed by working with local agencies if diversion or recycle facilities capable of compliance with this item do not exist or are not located reasonably close to the jobsite. 3. The enforcing agency may make exceptions to the requirements of this section when isolated jobsites are located in areas beyond the haul boundaries of the diversion facility. 4.408.2 CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN. Submit a construction waste management plan in conformance with Items 1 through 5. The construction waste management plan shall be updated as necessary and shall be available during construction for examination by the enforcing agency. 1. Identify the construction and demolition waste materials to be diverted from disposal by recycling, reuse on the project or salvage for future use or sale. 2. Specify if construction and demolition waste materials will be sorted on -site (source separated) or bulk mixed (single stream). 3. Identify diversion facilities where the construction and demolition waste material collected will be taken. 4. Identify construction methods employed to reduce the amount of construction and demolition waste generated. 5. Specify that the amount of construction and demolition waste materials diverted shall be calculated by weight or volume, but not by both. 4.408.3 WASTE MANAGEMENT COMPANY. Utilize a waste management company, approved by the enforcing agency, which can provide verifiable documentation that the percentage of construction and demolition waste material diverted from the landfill complies with Section 4.408.1. Note: The owner or contractor may make the determination if the construction and demolition waste materials will be diverted by a waste management company. 4.408.4 WASTE STREAM REDUCTION ALTERNATIVE [LR]. Projects that generate a total combined weight of construction and demolition waste disposed of in landfills, which do not exceed 3.4 lbs./sq.ft. of the building area shall meet the minimum 65% construction waste reduction requirement in Section 4.408.1 4.408.4.1 WASTE STREAM REDUCTION ALTERNATIVE. Projects that generate a total combined weight of construction and demolition waste disposed of in landfills, which do not exceed 2 pounds per square foot of the building area, shall meet the minimum 65% construction waste reduction requirement in Section 4.408.1 4.408.5 DOCUMENTATION. Documentation shall be provided to the enforcing agency which demonstrates compliance with Section 4.408.2, items 1 through 5, Section 4.408.3 or Section 4.408.4.. Notes: 1. Sample forms found in "A Guide to the California Green Building Standards Code (Residential)" located at www.hcd.ca.gov/CALGreen.html may be used to assist in documenting compliance with this section. 2. Mixed construction and demolition debris (C & D) processors can be located at the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle). 4.410 BUILDING MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION 4.410.1 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL. At the time of final inspection, a manual, compact disc, web -based reference or other media acceptable to the enforcing agency which includes all of the following shall be placed in the building: 1. Directions to the owner or occupant that the manual shall remain with the building throughout the life cycle of the structure. 2. Operation and maintenance instructions for the following: a. Equipment and appliances, including water -saving devices and systems, HVAC systems, photovoltaic systems, electric vehicle chargers, water -heating systems and other major appliances and equipment. b. Roof and yard drainage, including gutters and downspouts. c. Space conditioning systems, including condensers and air filters. d. Landscape irrigation systems. e. Water reuse systems. 3. Information from local utility, water and waste recovery providers on methods to further reduce resource consumption, including recycle programs and locations. 4. Public transportation and/or carpool options available in the area. 5. Educational material on the positive impacts of an interior relative humidity between 30-60 percent and what methods an occupant may use to maintain the relative humidity level in that range. 6. Information about water -conserving landscape and irrigation design and controllers which conserve water. 7. Instructions for maintaining gutters and downspouts and the importance of diverting water at least 5 feet away from the foundation. 8. Information on required routine maintenance measures, including, but not limited to, caulking, painting, grading around the building, etc. 9. Information about state solar energy and incentive programs available. 10. A copy of all special inspections verifications required by the enforcing agency or this code. 4.410.2 RECYCLING BY OCCUPANTS. Where 5 or more multifamily dwelling units are constructed on a building site, provide readily accessible area(s) that serves all buildings on the site and are identified for the depositing, storage and collection of non -hazardous materials for recycling, including (at a minimum) paper, corrugated cardboard, glass, plastics, organic waster, and metals, or meet a lawfully enacted local recycling ordinance, if more restrictive. Exception: Rural jurisdictions that meet and apply for the exemption in Public Resources Code Section 42649.82 (a)(2)(A) et seq. are note required to comply with the organic waste portion of this section. DIVISION 4.5 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY SECTION 4.501 GENERAL 4.501.1 Scope The provisions of this chapter shall outline means of reducing the quality of air contaminants that are odorous, irritating and/or harmful to the comfort and well being of a building's installers, occupants and neighbors. SECTION 4.502 DEFINITIONS 5.102.1 DEFINITIONS The following terms are defined in Chapter 2 (and are included here for reference) AGRIFIBER PRODUCTS. Agrifiber products include wheatboard, strawboard, panel substrates and door cores, not including furniture, fixtures and equipment (FF&E) not considered base building elements. COMPOSITE WOOD PRODUCTS. Composite wood products include hardwood plywood, particleboard and medium density fiberboard. "Composite wood products" does not include hardboard, structural plywood, structural panels, structural composite lumber, oriented strand board, glued laminated timber, prefabricated wood I -joists or finger -jointed lumber, all as specified in California Code of regulations (CCR), title 17, Section 93120.1. DIRECT -VENT APPLIANCE. A fuel -burning appliance with a sealed combustion system that draws all air for combustion from the outside atmosphere and discharges all flue gases to the outside atmosphere. DISCLAIMER:THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED AND INTENDED TO BE USED AS A MEANS TO INDICATE AREAS OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE 2016 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS (CALGREEN) CODE. DUE TO THE VARIABLES BETWEEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT JURISDICTIONS, THIS CHECKLIST IS TO BE USED ON AN INDIVIDUAL PROJECT BASIS AND MAY BE MODIFIED BY THE END USER TO MEET THOSE INDIVIDUAL NEEDS. THE END USER ASSUMES ALL RESPONSIBILITY ASSOCIA TED WITH THE USE OF THIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING VERIFICATION WITH THE FULL CODE. CASHCLA DESIGN & ASSOCIATES Carlos Sanchez Design • DRAFTING • DESIGN • LAND PLANNING • CARLOS SANCHEZ DESIGNER 45-175 PANORAMA DR. SUITE E PALM DESERT, CA (760) 272-9117-Phone CASHCLA@GMAIL.COM These drawings are an instrument of service and remain the property of CASHCLA DESIGN & ASSOCIATES. They are not to be reproduced or altered to any third party without the express written permission of Carlos Sanchez NO. REVISIONS DATE 1� DDD f2 - A NEW RESIDENCE FOR: NRC EQUITY FUND 1 APN# 773-301-024 LOT 11 AVE. MARTINEZ & CALLE NOGALES LA QU I NTA, CA 92254 SHEET TITLE CA -GREEN MANDATORY MEASUREA RESIDENTIAL DRAWN SHEET NUMBER CS 03/22/21 CASH CHECKED J/F CG1 DATE Dec 20, 2022 JOB NO. 2022-08-17 S C A L E AS NOTED RESPON. PARTY 2019 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE RESIDENTIAL MANDATORY MEASURES, SHEET 1 (January 2020, Includes August 2019 Supplement) MAXIMUM INCREMENTAL REACTIVITY (MIR). The maximum change in weight of ozone formed by adding a compound to the "Base Reactive Organic Gas (ROG) Mixture" per weight of compound added, expressed to hundredths of a gram (g 03/g ROC). Note: MIR values for individual compounds and hydrocarbon solvents are specified in CCR, Title 17, Sections 94700 and 94701. MOISTURE CONTENT. The weight of the water in wood expressed in percentage of the weight of the oven -dry wood. PRODUCT -WEIGHTED MIR (PWMIR). The sum of all weighted-MIR for all ingredients in a product subject to this article. The PWMIR is the total product reactivity expressed to hundredths of a gram of ozone formed per gram of product (excluding container and packaging). Note: PWMIR is calculated according to equations found in CCR, Title 17, Section 94521 (a). REACTIVE ORGANIC COMPOUND (ROC). Any compound that has the potential, once emitted, to contribute to ozone formation in the troposphere. VOC. A volatile organic compound (VOC) broadly defined as a chemical compound based on carbon chains or rings with vapor pressures greater than 0.1 millimeters of mercury at room temperature. These compounds typically contain hydrogen and may contain oxygen, nitrogen and other elements. See CCR Title 17, Section 94508(a). 4.503 FIREPLACES 4.503.1 GENERAL. Any installed gas fireplace shall be a direct -vent sealed -combustion type. Any installed woodstove or pellet stove shall comply with U.S. EPA New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) emission limits as applicable, and shall have a permanent label indicating they are certified to meet the emission limits. Woodstoves, pellet stoves and fireplaces shall also comply with applicable local ordinances. 4.504 POLLUTANT CONTROL 4.504.1 COVERING OF DUCT OPENINGS & PROTECTION OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION. At the time of rough installation, during storage on the construction site and until final startup of the heating, cooling and ventilating equipment, all duct and other related air distribution component openings shall be covered with tape, plastic, sheet metal or other methods acceptable to the enforcing agency to reduce the amount of water, dust or debris which may enter the system. 4.504.2 FINISH MATERIAL POLLUTANT CONTROL. Finish materials shall comply with this section. 4.504.2.1 Adhesives, Sealants and Caulks. Adhesives, sealant and caulks used on the project shall meet the requirements of the following standards unless more stringent local or regional air pollution or air quality management district rules apply: 1. Adhesives, adhesive bonding primers, adhesive primers, sealants, sealant primers and caulks shall comply with local or regional air pollution control or air quality management district rules where applicable or SCAQMD Rule 1168 VOC limits, as shown in Table 4.504.1 or 4.504.2, as applicable. Such products also shall comply with the Rule 1168 prohibition on the use of certain toxic compounds (chloroform, ethylene dichloride, methylene chloride, perchloroethylene and tricloroethylene), except for aerosol products, as specified in Subsection 2 below. 2. Aerosol adhesives, and smaller unit sizes of adhesives, and sealant or caulking compounds (in units of product, less packaging, which do not weigh more than 1 pound and do not consist of more than 16 fluid ounces) shall comply with statewide VOC standards and other requirements, including prohibitions on use of certain toxic compounds, of California Code of Regulations, Title 17, commencing with section 94507. 4.504.2.2 Paints and Coatings. Architectural paints and coatings shall comply with VOC limits in Table 1 of the ARB Architectural Suggested Control Measure, as shown in Table 4.504.3, unless more stringent local limits apply. The VOC content limit for coatings that do not meet the definitions for the specialty coatings categories listed in Table 4.504.3 shall be determined by classifying the coating as a Flat, Nonflat or Nonflat-High Gloss coating, based on its gloss, as defined in subsections 4.21, 4.36, and 4.37 of the 2007 California Air Resources Board, Suggested Control Measure, and the corresponding Flat, Nonflat or Nonflat-High Gloss VOC limit in Table 4.504.3 shall apply. 4.504.2.3 Aerosol Paints and Coatings. Aerosol paints and coatings shall meet the Product -weighted MIR Limits for ROC in Section 94522(a)(2) and other requirements, including prohibitions on use of certain toxic compounds and ozone depleting substances, in Sections 94522(e)(1) and (f)(1) of California Code of Regulations, Title 17, commencing with Section 94520; and in areas under the jurisdiction of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District additionally comply with the percent VOC by weight of product limits of Regulation 8, Rule 49. 4.504.2.4 Verification. Verification of compliance with this section shall be provided at the request of the enforcing agency. Documentation may include, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Manufacturer's product specification. 2. Field verification of on -site product containers. TABLE 4.504.1 - ADHESIVE VOC LIMITI,2 (Less Water and Less Exempt Compounds in Grams per Liter) ARCHITECTURAL APPLICATIONS VOC LIMIT INDOOR CARPET ADHESIVES 50 CARPET PAD ADHESIVES 50 OUTDOOR CARPET ADHESIVES 150 WOOD FLOORING ADHESIVES 100 RUBBER FLOOR ADHESIVES 60 SUBFLOOR ADHESIVES 50 CERAMIC TILE ADHESIVES 65 VCT & ASPHALT TILE ADHESIVES 50 DRYWALL & PANEL ADHESIVES 50 COVE BASE ADHESIVES 50 MULTIPURPOSE CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE 70 STRUCTURAL GLAZING ADHESIVES 100 SINGLE -PLY ROOF MEMBRANE ADHESIVES 250 OTHER ADHESIVES NOT LISTED 50 SPECIALTY APPLICATIONS PVC WELDING 510 CPVC WELDING 490 ABS WELDING 325 PLASTIC CEMENT WELDING 250 ADHESIVE PRIMER FOR PLASTIC 550 CONTACT ADHESIVE 80 SPECIAL PURPOSE CONTACT ADHESIVE 250 STRUCTURAL WOOD MEMBER ADHESIVE 140 TOP & TRIM ADHESIVE 250 SUBSTRATE SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS METAL TO METAL 30 PLASTIC FOAMS 50 POROUS MATERIAL (EXCEPT WOOD) 50 WOOD 30 FIBERGLASS 80 1. IF AN ADHESIVE IS USED TO BOND DISSIMILAR SUBSTRATES TOGETHER, THE ADHESIVE WITH THE HIGHEST VOC CONTENT SHALL BE ALLOWED. 2. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING METHODS TO MEASURE THE VOC CONTENT SPECIFIED IN THIS TABLE, SEE SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT RULE 1168. Y N/A RESPON. PARTY TABLE 4.504.2 - SEALANT VOC LIMIT (Less Water and Less Exempt Compounds in Grams per Liter) SEALANTS VOC LIMIT ARCHITECTURAL 250 MARINE DECK 760 NONMEMBRANE ROOF 300 ROADWAY 250 SINGLE -PLY ROOF MEMBRANE 450 OTHER 420 SEALANT PRIMERS ARCHITECTURAL NON -POROUS 250 POROUS 775 MODIFIED BITUMINOUS 500 MARINE DECK 760 OTHER 750 TABLE 4.504.3 - VOC CONTENT LIMITS FOR ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS2,3 GRAMS OF VOC PER LITER OF COATING, LESS WATER & LESS EXEMPT COMPOUNDS COATING CATEGORY VOC LIMIT FLAT COATINGS 50 NON -FLAT COATINGS 100 NONFLAT-HIGH GLOSS COATINGS 150 SPECIALTY COATINGS ALUMINUM ROOF COATINGS 400 BASEMENT SPECIALTY COATINGS 400 BITUMINOUS ROOF COATINGS 50 BITUMINOUS ROOF PRIMERS 350 BOND BREAKERS 350 CONCRETE CURING COMPOUNDS 350 CONCRETE/MASONRY SEALERS 100 DRIVEWAY SEALERS 50 DRY FOG COATINGS 150 FAUX FINISHING COATINGS 350 FIRE RESISTIVE COATINGS 350 FLOOR COATINGS 100 FORM -RELEASE COMPOUNDS 250 GRAPHIC ARTS COATINGS (SIGN PAINTS) 500 HIGH TEMPERATURE COATINGS 420 INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE COATINGS 250 LOW SOLIDS COATINGS1 120 MAGNESITE CEMENT COATINGS 450 MASTIC TEXTURE COATINGS 100 METALLIC PIGMENTED COATINGS 500 MULTICOLOR COATINGS 250 PRETREATMENT WASH PRIMERS 420 PRIMERS, SEALERS, & UNDERCOATERS 100 REACTIVE PENETRATING SEALERS 350 RECYCLED COATINGS 250 ROOF COATINGS 50 RUST PREVENTATIVE COATINGS 250 SHELLACS CLEAR 730 OPAQUE 550 SPECIALTY PRIMERS, SEALERS & UNDERCOATERS 100 STAINS 250 STONE CONSOLIDANTS 450 SWIMMING POOL COATINGS 340 TRAFFIC MARKING COATINGS 100 TUB & TILE REFINISH COATINGS 420 WATERPROOFING MEMBRANES 250 WOOD COATINGS 275 WOOD PRESERVATIVES 350 ZINC -RICH PRIMERS 340 1. GRAMS OF VOC PER LITER OF COATING, INCLUDING WATER & EXEMPT COMPOUNDS 2. THE SPECIFIED LIMITS REMAIN IN EFFECT UNLESS REVISED LIMITS ARE LISTED IN SUBSEQUENT COLUMNS IN THE TABLE. 3. VALUES IN THIS TABLE ARE DERIVED FROM THOSE SPECIFIED BY THE CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD, ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS SUGGESTED CONTROL MEASURE, FEB. 1, 2008. MORE INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE FROM THE AIR RESOURCES BOARD. RESPON. PARTY TABLE 4.504.5 - FORMALDEHYDE LIMITSI MAXIMUM FORMALDEHYDE EMISSIONS IN PARTS PER MILLION PRODUCT CURRENT LIMIT HARDWOOD PLYWOOD VENEER CORE 0.05 HARDWOOD PLYWOOD COMPOSITE CORE 0.05 PARTICLE BOARD 0.09 MEDIUM DENSITY FIBERBOARD 0.11 THIN MEDIUM DENSITY FIBERBOARD2 0.13 1. VALUES IN THIS TABLE ARE DERIVED FROM THOSE SPECIFIED BY THE CALIF. AIR RESOURCES BOARD, AIR TOXICS CONTROL MEASURE FOR COMPOSITE WOOD AS TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM E 1333. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, SEE CALIF. CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 17, SECTIONS 93120 THROUGH 93120.12. 2. THIN MEDIUM DENSITY FIBERBOARD HAS A MAXIMUM THICKNESS OF 5/16" (8 MM). DIVISION 4.5 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (continued) 4.504.3 CARPET SYSTEMS. All carpet installed in the building interior shall meet the testing and product requirements of at least one of the following: 1. Carpet and Rug Institute's Green Label Plus Program. 2. California Department of Public Health, "Standard Method for the Testing and Evaluation of Volatile Organic Chemical Emissions from Indoor Sources Using Environmental Chambers" Version 1.1, February 2010 (also known as Specification 01350). 3. NSF/ANSI 140 at the Gold level. 4. Scientific Certifications Systems Indoor AdvantageTM Gold. 4.504.3.1 Carpet cushion. All carpet cushion installed in the building interior shall meet the requirements of the Carpet and Rug Institute's Green Label program. 4.504.3.2 Carpet adhesive. All carpet adhesive shall meet the requirements of Table 4.504.1. 4.504.4 RESILIENT FLOORING SYSTEMS. Where resilient flooring is installed , at least 80% of floor area receiving resilient flooring shall comply with one or more of the following: 1. Products compliant with the California Department of Public Health, "Standard Method for the Testing and Evaluation of Volatile Organic Chemical Emissions from Indoor Sources Using Environmental Chambers," Version 1.1, February 2010 (also known as Specification 01350), certified as a CHPS Low -Emitting Material in the Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) High Performance Products Database. 2. Products certified under UL GREENGUARD Gold (formerly the Greenguard Children & Schools program). 3. Certification under the Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) FloorScore program. 4. Meet the California Department of Public Health, "Standard Method for the Testing and Evaluation of Volatile Organic Chemical Emissions from Indoor Sources Using Environmental Chambers", Version 1.1, February 2010 (also known as Specification 01350). 4.504.5 COMPOSITE WOOD PRODUCTS. Hardwood plywood, particleboard and medium density fiberboard composite wood products used on the interior or exterior of the buildings shall meet the requirements for formaldehyde as specified in ARB's Air Toxics Control Measure for Composite Wood (17 CCR 93120 et seq.), by or before the dates specified in those sections, as shown in Table 4.504.5 4.504.5.1 Documentation. Verification of compliance with this section shall be provided as requested by the enforcing agency. Documentation shall include at least one of the following: 1. Product certifications and specifications. 2. Chain of custody certifications. 3. Product labeled and invoiced as meeting the Composite Wood Products regulation (see CCR, Title 17, Section 93120, et seq.). 4. Exterior grade products marked as meeting the PS-1 or PS-2 standards of the Engineered Wood Association, the Australian AS/NZS 2269, European 636 3S standards, and Canadian CSA 0121, CSA 0151, CSA 0153 and CSA 0325 standards. 5. Other methods acceptable to the enforcing agency. 4.505 INTERIOR MOISTURE CONTROL 4.505.1 General. Buildings shall meet or exceed the provisions of the California Building Standards Code. 4.505.2 CONCRETE SLAB FOUNDATIONS. Concrete slab foundations required to have a vapor retarder by California Building Code, Chapter 19, or concrete slab -on -ground floors required to have a vapor retarder by the California Residential Code, Chapter 5, shall also comply with this section. 4.505.2.1 Capillary break. A capillary break shall be installed in compliance with at least one of the following: 1. A 4-inch (101.6 mm) thick base of 1/2 inch (12.7mm) or larger clean aggregate shall be provided with a vapor barrier in direct contact with concrete and a concrete mix design, which will address bleeding, shrinkage, and curling, shall be used. For additional information, see American Concrete Institute, AC 1302.2 R-06. 2. Other equivalent methods approved by the enforcing agency. 3. A slab design specified by a licensed design professional. 4.505.3 MOISTURE CONTENT OF BUILDING MATERIALS. Building materials with visible signs of water damage shall not be installed. Wall and floor framing shall not be enclosed when the framing members exceed 19 percent moisture content. Moisture content shall be verified in compliance with the following: 1. Moisture content shall be determined with either a probe -type or contact -type moisture meter. Equivalent moisture verification methods may be approved by the enforcing agency and shall satisfy requirements found in Section 101.8 of this code. 2. Moisture readings shall be taken at a point 2 feet (610 mm) to 4 feet (1219 mm) from the grade stamped end of each piece verified. 3. At least three random moisture readings shall be performed on wall and floor framing with documentation acceptable to the enforcing agency provided at the time of approval to enclose the wall and floor framing. Insulation products which are visibly wet or have a high moisture content shall be replaced or allowed to dry prior to enclosure in wall or floor cavities. Wet -applied insulation products shall follow the manufacturers' drying recommendations prior to enclosure. 4.506 INDOOR AIR QUALITY AND EXHAUST 4.506.1 Bathroom exhaust fans. Each bathroom shall be mechanically ventilated and shall comply with the following: 1. Fans shall be ENERGY STAR compliant and be ducted to terminate outside the building. 2. Unless functioning as a component of a whole house ventilation system, fans must be controlled by a humidity control. a. Humidity controls shall be capable of adjustment between a relative humidity range less than or equal to 50% to a maximum of 80%. A humidity control may utilize manual or automatic means of adjustment. b. A humidity control may be a separate component to the exhaust fan and is not required to be integral (i.e., built-in) Notes: 1. For the purposes of this section, a bathroom is a room which contains a bathtub, shower or tub/shower combination. 2. Lighting integral to bathroom exhaust fans shall comply with the California Energy Code. 4.507 ENVIRONMENTAL COMFORT 4.507.2 HEATING AND AIR-CONDITIONING SYSTEM DESIGN. Heating and air conditioning systems shall be sized, designed and have their equipment selected using the following methods: 1. The heat loss and heat gain is established according to ANSI/ACCA 2 Manual J - 2011 (Residential Load Calculation), ASHRAE handbooks or other equivalent design software or methods. 2. Duct systems are sized according to ANSI/ACCA 1 Manual D - 2014 (Residential Duct Systems), ASHRAE handbooks or other equivalent design software or methods. 3. Select heating and cooling equipment according to ANSI/ACCA 3 Manual S - 2014 (Residential Equipment Selection), or other equivalent design software or methods. Exception: Use of alternate design temperatures necessary to ensure the system functions are acceptable. RESPON. PARTY Y = YES N/A = NOT APPLICABLE RESPON. PARTY = RESPONSIBLE PARTY (ie: ARCHITECT, ENGINEER, OWNER, CONTRACTOR, INSPECTOR ETC.) CHAPTER 7 INSTALLER & SPECIAL INSPECTOR QUALIFICATIONS 702 QUALIFICATIONS 702.1 INSTALLER TRAINING. HVAC system installers shall be trained and certified in the proper installation of HVAC systems including ducts and equipment by a nationally or regionally recognized training or certification program. Uncertified persons may perform HVAC installations when under the direct supervision and responsibility of a person trained and certified to install HVAC systems or contractor licensed to install HVAC systems. Examples of acceptable HVAC training and certification programs include but are not limited to the following: 1. State certified apprenticeship programs. 2. Public utility training programs. 3. Training programs sponsored by trade, labor or statewide energy consulting or verification organizations. 4. Programs sponsored by manufacturing organizations. 5. Other programs acceptable to the enforcing agency. 702.2 SPECIAL INSPECTION [HCD]. When required by the enforcing agency, the owner or the responsible entity acting as the owner's agent shall employ one or more special inspectors to provide inspection or other duties necessary to substantiate compliance with this code. Special inspectors shall demonstrate competence to the satisfaction of the enforcing agency for the particular type of inspection or task to be performed. In addition to other certifications or qualifications acceptable to the enforcing agency, the following certifications or education may be considered by the enforcing agency when evaluating the qualifications of a special inspector: 1. Certification by a national or regional green building program or standard publisher. 2. Certification by a statewide energy consulting or verification organization, such as HERS raters, building performance contractors, and home energy auditors. 3. Successful completion of a third party apprentice training program in the appropriate trade. 4. Other programs acceptable to the enforcing agency. Notes: 1. Special inspectors shall be independent entities with no financial interest in the materials or the project they are inspecting for compliance with this code. 2. HERS raters are special inspectors certified by the California Energy Commission (CEC) to rate homes in California according to the Home Energy Rating System (HERS). [BSC] When required by the enforcing agency, the owner or the responsible entity acting as the owner's agent shall employ one or more special inspectors to provide inspection or other duties necessary to substantiate compliance with this code. Special inspectors shall demonstrate competence to the satisfaction of the enforcing agency for the particular type of inspection or task to be performed. In addition, the special inspector shall have a certification from a recognized state, national or international association, as determined by the local agency. The area of certification shall be closely related to the primary job function, as determined by the local agency. Note: Special inspectors shall be independent entities with no financial interest in the materials or the project they are inspecting for compliance with this code. 703 VERIFICATIONS 703.1 DOCUMENTATION. Documentation used to show compliance with this code shall include but is not limited to, construction documents, plans, specifications, builder or installer certification, inspection reports, or other methods acceptable to the enforcing agency which demonstrate substantial conformance. When specific documentation or special inspection is necessary to verify compliance, that method of compliance will be specified in the appropriate section or identified applicable checklist. DISCLAIMER: THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED AND INTENDED TO BE USED AS A MEANS TO INDICATE AREAS OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE 2016 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS (CALGREEN) CODE. DUE TO THE VARIABLES BETWEEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT JURISDICTIONS, THIS CHECKLIST IS TO BE USED ON AN INDIVIDUAL PROJECT BASIS AND MAYBE MODIFIED BY THE END USER TO MEET THOSE INDIVIDUAL NEEDS. THE END USER ASSUMES ALL RESPONSIBILITY ASSOCIATED WITH THE USE OF THIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING VERIFICATION WITH THE FULL CODE. CASHCLA DESIGN & ASSOCIATES Carlos Sanchez Design • DRAFTING • DESIGN • LAND PLANNING • CARLOS SANCHEZ DESIGNER 45-175 PANORAMA DR. SUITE E PALM DESERT, CA (760) 272-9117-Phone CASHCLA@GMAIL.COM These drawings are an instrument of service and remain the property of CASHCLA DESIGN & ASSOCIATES. They are not to be reproduced or altered to any third party without the express written permission of Carlos Sanchez NO. REVISIONS DATE 1� DDD /2 - A NEW RESIDENCE FOR: NRC EQUITY FUND 1 APN# 773-301-024 LOT 11 AVE. MARTINEZ & CALLE NOGALES LA QU I NTA, CA 92254 SHEET TITLE CA -GREEN MANDATORY MEASUREA RESIDENTIAL DRAWN SHEET NUMBER CS 03/22/21 CASH CHECKED J/F CG2 DATE Dec 20, 2022 JOB NO. 2022-08-17 S C A L E AS NOTED GENERAL INFORMATION TEXT COLORED CONC. SLAB 6X6/10-10 E.W.W.M. CONTROL JOINT z#4 BAR SMOOTH x12" LONG w/CARD BOARD LA i " /" ::: �I CONTROL JOINT 3-1/2" COLORED CONC. SLAB w/ 6X6/10-10 EWWM, -I I I� I I � II �1 T 1TITI I III III =1 I I III —III— III— #4 BAR CONT. 8" min. EDGE OF SLAB 2 COLORED CONC. SLAB 3/8" EXP. JOINT 6X6/10-10 E.W.W.M. WITH STAINLESS #4 BAR SMOOTH x12" STL. JOINT COVER. LONG w/CARD BOARD TUBE ONE END @24" o.c. III—IIIIII- 1 T 7rF — —-1 t .. I I I #4 BAR CONT. ,5" MIN. iie�" rnin.-/ EXPANSION JOINT 3 CITY OF LA QUINTA NOTES CCNSTRUC-nCN HOURS: OCTOBER 1st - APRIL 30 MONDAY- FRIDAY. 7:00 A.M. TO5:30 P.M. SUNDAY: NONE SATURDAY: 8 :0 0 A.M. TO 5 :0 0 P.M. GOvERNMENTOODE HCLIDAYS: NONE MAY 1st - SEPTEMBER30t h MONDAY- FRIDAY- 6:00 A.M. TO7:00 P.M. SATURDAY: 8 :0 0 A.M. TO 5:0 0 P.M. SUNDAY: NONE GCktERNM ENT OODE HCLIDAYS: NONE AN ADEQUATELY SIZED DEBRIS CONTAINER IS REQUIRED ON THE JOB SITE DURING ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION AND MUST BE EMPTIED AS NECESSARY. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY CAUSE THE CI TO HAVE THE CONTAINER DUMPED AT THE E>PENSE OF THE OWNER/ CONTRACTOR'. TITLE 24 VVNDCWSHADING REQUIREMENTS MUST B IN PLACE PER ENERGY CALCULATIONS FOR FINAL INSPECTION. UTILITIES NOTE VERIFY CONNECTION POINTS FOR POWER TELEPHONE AND CATV SYSTEMS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION APPROXIMATE ONLY LOCATIONS INDICATED FOR TRANSFORMER LOCATIONS, ETC. COMPLY WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANY REQUIREMENTS. PROVIDE ALL RELATED CONDUITS, PULL BOXES AND RISERS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ACTUAL DEPTH AND LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION... CALL UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (TOLL FREE 800-642-2444) PRIOR TO TRENCHING, GRADING, EXCAVATING, DRILLING, PIPE PUSHING, PLANTING TREES, DIGGING FENCE POST HOLES ETC. THEY WILL SUPPLY INFORMATION OR LOCATE AND MARK ANY UNDERGROUND FACILITIES. NOTES: BLOCKVWLL, OUTDOOR KITCHEN, FIRE PIT AND POOL AND SPA REQUIERE SEPARATE PERMIT SEE PLAN FOR FINISH FLOCK, ELEVATIONS, GARDEN MILLS, DRAINAGE PATTERN ETC OONTRACTCR SHALL VERIFY VVTH THE CITY ALL REQUIREMENTS IN SITE FOR F.F. FINISH ELEVATIONS. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: If any ERRORS, DISCREPANCIES or CMISSICNS appear in t he drawings, specificat ions or of her cont ract document s, t he GENERAL OCNTRACTCR shall not ify t he designer in writing of such error or omission. In t he event t hat t he GENERAL 03NTRACTCRfails t o give such not ice before const ruct ion and/or fabricat ion of t he v&ork, THE GENERAL CON-TRACTCR WILL BE HELD RESPCNSIBLE t o t he result of any errors, dis-crepances or omissions and t he cost of rect ifying t he same. Know what's below. Cal before you dig. LOT 13 (EXISTING RESIDENCE) GENERAL NOTES: 1.- ALL WORK CALLED FOR IN THESE PLANS SHALL BE EXECUTED 7.- ALL SUB -CONTRACTORS SHALL VISIT THE JOB SITE WITHIN 24 HOURS WITH EXTREME CONCERN FOR CRAFTSMANSHIP AND SAFETY PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. THE SUB -CONTRACTOR SHALL BE IN FULL ACCORDANCE WITH THE ADOPTED CODES AND RESPONSIBLE FOR REVIEWING RELATED TRADES SUB- SURFACE EXISTING ORDINANCES OF THE JURISDICTION IN WHICH IT IS BEING PREPARATION AND SHALL REPORT ANY NON -CONFORMING WOODrN CONSTRUCTED. DISCREPANCY TO THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. EXECUTION OF WORK =A BY ANY SUB -CONTRACTOR INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF THE ELECT. 20 AMPS. 2.- ALL WORK, WHETHER SPECIFICALLY CALLED FOR OR NOT, PREVIOUS TRADE'S WORK. ELEC. ME (N) BLOCK E LL SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UNDER THE LATEST EDITION OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE AS ADOPTED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNING AGENCY. 8.- THE OWNER AGREES TO HOLD HARMLESS, INDEMNIFY, AND DEFEND 0 T 11 4 ° THE DESIGNER, HIS EMPLOYEES, AND ENGINEERS AGAINST ANY AND 3. ALL EXTERIOR FLATWORK SHALL HAVE A POSITIVE SLOPE AWAY ALL LIABILITY, CLAIM DAMAGES AND COSTS OF DEFENSE ARISING OUT TELEPHONE S (EXISTING RESIDENCE CABLE TV SEFVIC R ICE BD E BQ FROM THE BUILDING (1 % MIN.) OF THE ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, OR NEGLIGENT ACTS CAUSED BY THE ( ) 98.16 FS®GARAGE 5 U MODIFICATIONS TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 4.- THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL THOROUGHLY FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH THIS DOCUMENTS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH GAS METER ANY CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL REPORT ANY DISCREPANCY TO 9.- ANY CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR ALTERATION OF THESE PLANS SHALL THE DESIGNER PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY WORK. SHOULD BE AT THE SOLE RISK OF THE PERSON MAKING OR CAUSING THE SAME ANY DEVIATION BE MADE FROM THESE PLANS WITHOUT THE AND SHOULD BE REVIEWED BY THE DESIGNER OF RECORD FOR WRITTEN CONSENT FROM THE DESIGNER, THE CONFORMITY WITH THESE PLANS. OWNER/CONTRACTOR ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUCH TO INTERIOR DEVIATION. 10.- VERIFY CONNECTION POINTS FOR POWER TELEPHONE AND CATV SYSTEMS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION APPROXIMATE ONLY LOCATIONS DOMESTIC W TER INDICATED FOR TRANSFORMER LOCATIONS, ETC. 5.- THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT COPIES OF SHOP DRAWINGS OF ALL MANUFACTURED ITEMS (i.e. CABINETS, 11.- COMPLY WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANY REQUIREMENTS. PROVIDE ALL TRUSSES,ETC.) TO THE DESIGNER FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL RELATED CONDUITS, PULL BOXES AND RISERS. PRIOR TO FABRICATION. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE TIME FOR REVIEW (10 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ACTUAL DEPTH AND EXISTING WORKING DAYS) OF SUBMITTED ITEMS SO WHEREAS SUCH LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO BLOCK WA'' REVIEW SHALL NOT ADVERSELY IMPACT THE CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION... CALL UNDERGROUND SERVICE SCHEDULE. ALERT (TOLL FREE 811) • 13.- PRIOR TO TRENCHING, GRADING, EXCAVATING, DRILLING, PIPE PUSHING, C�— ELEC 6.- INFREQUENT SITE VISITS BY THE DESIGNER OR ENGINEER, IN PLANTING TREES DIGGING FENCE POST HOLES ETC. THEY WILL SUPPLY T (N) BLOCK WALL NO WAY ALLEVIATES THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY IN INFORMATION OR LOCATE AND MARK ANY UNDERGROUND FACILITIES. DOMESTIC & INTERIOF REGARDS TO CODE COMPLIANCE, SAFETY OR THOROUGHNESS. 14.- BUILDING ADDRESS SHALL BE PROVIDED ON THE BUILDING IN SUCH FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM WATER S POSITION AS TO BE PLAINLY VISIBLE END LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET. SITE PLAN NOTES: WARNING: PLANT MATERIAL LISTED MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE BEEN APPROVED BY THE AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE. LANDSCAPED AREAS INDICATED SHALL BE PROVIDED W/ FULL COVERAGE AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM W/ AN APPROVED BACK FLOW DEVICE. TEMPORARY TOILETS SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR FOR ALL TRADES UNTIL THE COMPLETION OF THE WORK. ALL TRADES SHALL AT ALL TIMES KEEP THE PREMISES FREE FROM ACCUMULATION OF WASTE MATERIALS OR RUBBISH CAUSED BY THE WORK. NO UTILITY TRENCHES PARALLEL TO A FOOTING AND DEEPER THAN 18" SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN A DISTANCE OF 4'-0" OF A BUILDING FOOTING. UTILITY TRENCHES PERPENDICULAR TO A FOOTING SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4'-0" DEEP AND THE DISTURBED SOIL SHALL BE COMPACTED WITHIN A 4'-0" DISTANCE OF ANY FOOTING OR UNDER A CONCRETE SLAB. ALL PROPERTY LINES, EASEMENTS AND BUILDINGS BOTH EXISTING AND PROPOSED, ARE SHOWN ON THIS SITE PLAN iIs 01 I I I � I II ql�oii INOR ADJ. SETBAC 5' P.U.E. II O i I - SETBACK O GENERAL INFORMATION OWNER: NRC EQUITY FUND 1 736 S. CENTER ST. RENO, NV. 89501 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: APN:773301024 MB 18/92 SUBDIVISION: SANTA CARMELITA VALE LA QUINTA UNIT 15 LOT 11 BLOCK 144 PROJECT ADDRESS: AVE MARTINEZ & CALLE NOGALES LA QUINTA, CA 92254 OCCUPANCY: SINGLE FAMILY ZONING: R3 / U CONSTRUCTION TYPE: VB TOTAL SITE: 5 914 50 SQ FT PROPOSED RESIDENCE AREA: 2,373 SQ. FT. GARAGE AREA : 486 SQ. FT. (E) BLOCK WALL PROJECT REFERENCES ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH: 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 2019 GREEN CODE 2019 CITY OF LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE "ALL 'OR EQUAL' SUBSTITUTES MUST BE SUBMITTED TO, AND APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE ITEM" "AOCESCRY STRUCTURES ARE NOT PART OF THIS PERMIT' PLANNING APPROVAL ADMINISTRATIVE CASE# ma2023-0002 EXHIBIT# INITIAL d1ores DATE 03/06/2023 3:11:37 PM LOT 10 (EXISTING RESIDENCE) (95.37 FS®GARAGE) _Vy-5m UU L I I 7o'-o' o -------------------------- -- --- II �� CONCRETE rl -n O G 22"-6"" a 0 z i J ���� PROPOSED [:IESIDENCE 2,373 SQ. FT. O O 890' '0. 01 ' DRIVEWAY /PROPOSED CONCRETE ROPOSED 24-6"XF HT TX5' HT. O .I. GATES W/ W.I. GATES W/ KNOX XISTINL ELECTRICAL MOTOR. EMERGENCY ACCESS. 'FADER N WATER METER—J LOCATION PER CVWD 32 5"" (N) 5-0" CMU BLOCK WALL FINISH FLOOR MUST BE 12" MAX. ABOVE TOP CURB. CONTRCTOR MUST VERIFY TOP OF CURB BEFORE ANY WORK (see grading plans if any) I�:Ib9�1►�Lel/IIJ;I:� CALLE NOGALES AND GUTTER —PROPOSED DRIVEWAY APPROACH PER CITY STANDARDS. 00 " REQUIRES A SEPARATE U PERMIT AND INSPECTION FROM CITY OF LA QUINTA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT" BASIS OF BEARINGS: S89058'00"E LALLE NOGALES O N (E) CURB & UTTER PER CITY STANDARDS 0 1 0 co ------------------------------------------------------ j .................... CALLE NOGALES (E) BLOCK WALL 21"-O 21"-O"" VICINITY MAP (N) BLOCK WALL 12"-O" (N) 5'-6" CM BLOCK PILASTER v (N) BLOCK WALL A=89059'00° R=20.00 L=31.41 PP 1 EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER 30' TO PL 17.9' CL TO CURB 95.50 RIM SITE BENCHMARK ................. SITE PLAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" W O Q) W) O O Z CASHCLA DESIGN & ASSOCIATES Carlos Sanchez Design • DRAFTING • DESIGN • LAND PLANNING • CARLOS SANCHEZ DESIGNER 45-175 PANORAMA DR. SUITE E PALM DESERT, CA (760) 272-9117-Phone CASHCLA@GMAIL.COM These drawings are an instrument of service and remain the property of CASHCLA DESIGN & ASSOCIATES. They are not to be reproduced or altered to any third party without the express written permission of Carlos Sanchez NO. REVISIONS DATE DDD DATE ISSUED FOR: A NEW RESIDENCE FOR: NRC EQUITY FUND 1 APN# 773-301-024 LOT 11 AVE. MARTINEZ & CALLE NOGALES LA QUINTA, CA 92254 SHEET TITLE SITE PLAN DRAWN CS 03/22/21 CASH SHEET NUMBER A I CHECKED J/F DATE Feb 15, 2023 JOB NO. 2022-08-17 S C A L E AS NOTED N 69'-61 " L-4 c L_4 B p�-_J DOOR AND WINDOW. THE LOAD RESISTANCE OF GLASS UNDER UNIFORM LOAD BE DETERMINED IN ACCORDENCE WITH ASTM E1300 THE INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM WITH LOCAL CODES OR, IN ABSENCE OF LOCAL CODES, THE NATIONAL GAS AND PROPANE INSTALLATION CODE CSA B149.1 IN CANADA, OR THE NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE, ANSI Z223.1 / NFPA 54 IN THE UNITED STATES. NOTES: ALL FIXTURES, EQUIPMENT, PIPING, AND MATERIALS SHALL BE LISTED. ALL PLUMBING FIXTURES SHALL MEET THE FLOW REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED IN THE 2019 CALIFORNIA GREEN CODE. NEW GAS WATER HEATER SHALL HAVE ALL THE FOLLOWING AS PER 2019 ENERGY STANDARDS 150.0 (N) 1) A 120V ELECTRICAL RECEPTACLE IS WITHIN 3 FEET FROM THE WATER HEATER AND ACCESSIBLE WITH NO OBSTRUCTIONS. 2) A CATEGORY III OR IV VENT, OR A TYPE B VENT WITH STRAIGHT PIPE BETWEEN OUTSIDE AND WATER HEATER. 3) A CONDENSATE DRAIN NO MORE THAN 2 INCHES HIGHER THAN BASE ON WATER HEATER FOR NATURAL DRAINING. 4) A GAS SUPPLY LINE WITH CAPACITY OF A LEAST 200,000 BTU/HR. PROVIDE SEDIMENT TRAP AT THE LOCATION OF WATER HEATER AND THE FAU. A SEDIMENT TRAP MUST BE INSTALLED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO THE GAS INLET OF THE APPLIANCE IF IT IS NOT PART OF APPLIANCE. SEDIMENT TRAPS ARE NOT REQUIRED AT RANGES, CLOTHES DRYERS, DECORATIVE VENTD APPLIANCES OR GAS FIREPLACES. �I I 3040 SH WINDOW TEMPERED SIHGC=0.00 U=0.00 I I �I 3040 SH WINDOW TEMPERED SIHGC=0.00 U=0.00 I I 632 FIXED WINDOW TEMPERED SIHGC=0.00 I U=0.00 DIMENSION FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1 /4" = 1'-0" PLANNING APPROVAL ADMINISTRATIVE CASE# EXHIBIT# INITIAL DATE ma2023-0002 Bores 03/06/2023 3:11:37 PM AREA TABULATION PROPOSED MAIN HOUSE AREA = PROPOSED 2 CAR GARAGE = PROPOSED PATIO = WALL LEGEND 2,373 SQ. FT. 486 SQ. FT. 120 SQ. FT. 2X WOOD STUD @ 16" O.C. (INTERIOR WALL) DOUBLE 2x4 O/ 2X6 WOOD STUD @ 16" O.C. W/ R21 INSULATION W/ 3 COATS STUCCO. (EXTERIOR WALL) 2X6 WOOD STUD @ 16" O.C. W/ R21 INSULATION W/ 3 COATS STUCCO. (EXTERIOR WALL) 2X6 WOOD STUD WALL @ 16" O.C. W/ R21 INSULATION. AND 5/8" TYPE'X' GYP. BD. FROM CONCRETE SLAB TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF SHEATHING. .-.......-......... .......... 2X6 WOOD STUD @ 16" O.C. (PLUMBING WALL 0 FLOOR PLAN KEYED LEGEND 1. DOUBLE KITCHEN SINK WITH GARBAGE DISPOSAL. 2. BUILT-IN DISHWASHER 3. OVEN . BELOW 4. 36" COOKTOP 5. BACK DRAFT HOOD VENT TROUGHT OUTSIDE. 6. 36" PROVIDE REFRIGERATOR CLEAR SPACE WITH ROUGH PLUMBING FOR ICEMAKER (RECESSED IN WALL) COORDINATE WITH OWNER FOR CLEAR SPACE. 7. 36" HT. STONE COUNTER KITCHEN ISLAND 8. WASHER: PROVIDE WASTE AND WATER FOR WASHING MACHINE IN RECESSED WALL BOX 9. DRYER: PROVIDE DRYER VENT TO OUTSIDE AIR WITH BACK DRAFT DAMPER. 10. GAS FIRED F.A.U. UNIT -PROVIDE 30" HT. IN ATTIC 11. WOOD -FRAMED AND DRYWALL -COVERED PLATFORM 12. TANKLESS WATER HEATER-. VENT TO OUTSIDE. 13. GARAGE WALLS ADJACENT TO DWELLING SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH ONE LAYER OF 5/8" TYPE "X" GYP. BOARD FROM FLOOR TO ROOF SHTG. 14. GARAGE TO HOUSE 1- 3/8" SOLID CORE DOOR WITH WEATHER STRIPPING TO BE TIGHT ITTING. AUTOMATIC SELF -CLOSING AND SELF LATCHING. 15. 2X6 EXTERIOR WALLS W/ R- 21 INSUL. 16. TILE FLOORING SELECT BY OWNER. 17. CLOSET CABINET . 18. DAMPED SHOWER PAN WITH STONE TYPE TILE WALL OVER 1/2" CEMENT BOARD TO CLG.". SHOWER HEAD AT 78". PROVIDE SAFETY GLASS ENCLOSURE AS SHOWN. FRAMELESS GLASS SHOWER ENCLOSURE AND DOOR. 19. SHOWER HEAD AND MIXING VALVE. 20. 18" HT. TILED BENCH. 21. RECESSED SOAP NICHE. 22. TOILET PAPER HOLDER. 23. TOWEL BAR. 24. CENTER OF WATER CLOSET TO BE MINIMUM OF 15" TO VERTICAL SURFACE AT SIDES. 25. 1/4" POLISHED GLASS MIRROR. 26. MEDICINE CABINET (SELECTED BY OWNER). 27. BUILT IN CABINET 28. 34" HIGH LAVATORY TOP AND WALL MOUNTED BASE CABINET. 29. STONE TYPE TILE IN SHOWERS ON FLOOR & WALLS TO BE FULL HT. (SELECTED BY OWNER) 30. BAR COUNTER TOP AND BASE CABINETS SELECTED BY OWNER. 31. PROVIDE DRYER VENT TO ROOF TO OUTSIDE AIR WITH BACK DRAFT DAMPER. 32. LINEN SHELVES. 33. LOWER CABINETS AND SHELVES. 34. EDGE OF UPPER CABINET ABOVE. 35. 36" HIGH STONE COUNTER TOP & BASE CABINET. 36. SHELF & POLE. 37. 200 ELECTRICAL PANEL. 38. GAS METER (SEE SITE PLAN ). 39. CATV ACCESS BOX. 40. TELEPHONE ACCESS BOX. 41. A/C CONDENSER UNIT ON CONC. PAD. 3" MIN. ABOVE ADJACENT GROUND LEVEL. 42. FREE STANDING 72" HT.TILED WALL. 43. LAUNDRY SINK. 44. LAUNDRY CABINETS W/ COUNTER TOP (SELECTED BY OWNER) 45. LAUNDRY UPPER CABINETS. 46. URINAL. 47. UPPER CEILING PROJECTION (SEE SECTIONS). 48. PLASTERED COLUMN. 49. 30X30 ATTIC ACCESS. 50. FIREPLACE BY "HEAT & GLO" MODEL RED40 U.L. REPORT NO.307B. PROVIDE 20" MIN. HEARTH, FUEL GAS W/ ELECTRONIC SWITCH LIGHTER. PROVIDE GLASS DOOR KIT OR SIMILAR APPROVED. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. (VENTLESS) 51. FREE STANDING TUN BY OWNER 52. NON STRUCTRUAL COLUMN. 53. SINGLE SINK 54. PLASTERED COLUMN. 55. WINE FRIDGE. CASHCLA DESIGN & ASSOCIATES Carlos Sanchez Design • DRAFTING • DESIGN • LAND PLANNING • CARLOS SANCHEZ DESIGNER 45-175 PANORAMA DR. SUITE E PALM DESERT, CA (760) 272-9117-Phone CASHCLA@GMAIL.COM These drawings are an instrument of service and remain the property of CASHCLA DESIGN & ASSOCIATES. They are not to be reproduced or altered to any third party without the express written permission of Carlos Sanchez NO. REVISIONS DATE 0 DDD 0 - DATE ISSUED FOR: A NEW RESIDENCE FOR: NRC EQUITY FUND 1 APN# 773-301-024 LOT 11 AVE. MARTINEZ & CALLE NOGALES LA QU I NTA, CA 92254 SHEET TITLE DIMENSION / FLOOR PLAN DRAWN SHEET NUMBER CS 03/22/21 CASH A2 CHECKED J/F DATE Feb 15, 2023 JOB NO. SCALE 2022-08-17 AS NOTED RIGHT ELEVATION SCALE: 1 /4" = T-0" PLANNING APPROVAL ADMINISTRATIVE CASE# EXHIBIT# INITIAL DATE ma2023-0002 d1ores 03/06/2023 3:11:37 PM FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = T-0" ELEVATIONS NOTES 1❑ DUAL GLAZED LOW E GLASS W/ DARK BROWN ANODIZED ALUMINUM FRAMES W/ TDL. WERE OCCURS. �2 7/8" CEMENT PLASTER W/ DASH FINISH (SEE COLOR) �3 METAL PANEL ROLL -UP GARAGE DRS. 4❑ TEMPERED GLASS. ENTRY DR. W/ & SIDE LITE & TRANSOM �5 PROPOSED PLASTERED POST. �6 STONE VENEE SELECTED BY OWNER. Ifl SCREEN BLOCK WALL BY OTHERS �8 PLASTERED OVERHANG & AND FASCIA �9 PLASTERED COLUMN. 10 7/8" RAKED PLASTER FINISH 11 AUTOMATICALLY ILLUMINATED BUILDING ADDRESS NUMBERS NOT LESS THAN 4 INCHES HIGH, CLEARLY VISIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ACCESS ROAD. (CRC §R319; LQMC §9.160.020, TABLE 9-17) 12 ROOF SYSTEM. SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS 13 ALUMN, FRAME GLASS DR CASHCLA DESIGN & ASSOCIATES Carlos Sanchez Design • DRAFTING • DESIGN • LAND PLANNING • CARLOS SANCHEZ DESIGNER 45-175 PANORAMA DR. SUITE E PALM DESERT, CA (760) 272-9117-Phone CASHCLA@GMAIL.COM These drawings are an instrument of service and remain the property of CASHCLA DESIGN & ASSOCIATES. They are not to be reproduced or altered to any third party without the express written permission of Carlos Sanchez NO. REVISIONS DATE zL DDD zL - DATE ISSUED FOR: I A NEW RESIDENCE FOR: NRC EQUITY FUND 1 APN# 773-301-024 LOT 11 AVE. MARTINEZ & CALLE NOGALES LA QU I NTA, CA 92254 SHEET TITLE BUILDING ELEVATIONS DRAWN SHEET NUMBER CS 03/22/21 CASH CHECKED J/F A3 DATE Feb 15, 2023 JOB NO. 2022-08-17 S C A L E AS NOTED LEFT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" =1'-0" PLANNING APPROVAL ADMINISTRATIVE CASE# EXHIBIT# INITIAL DATE ma2023-0002 Bores 03/06/2023 3:11:37 PM REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" =1'-0" ELEVATIONS NOTES 1❑ DUAL GLAZED LOW E GLASS W/ DARK BROWN ANODIZED ALUMINUM FRAMES W/ TDL. WERE OCCURS. 2❑ 7/8" CEMENT PLASTER W/ DASH FINISH (SEE COLOR) �3 METAL PANEL ROLL -UP GARAGE DRS. 4❑ TEMPERED GLASS. ENTRY DR. W/ & SIDE LITE & TRANSOM �5 PROPOSED PLASTERED POST. �6 STONE VENEE SELECTED BY OWNER. �7 SCREEN BLOCK WALL BY OTHERS �8 PLASTERED OVERHANG & AND FASCIA �9 PLASTERED COLUMN. 10 7/8" RAKED PLASTER FINISH 11 AUTOMATICALLY ILLUMINATED BUILDING ADDRESS NUMBERS NOT LESS THAN 4 INCHES HIGH, CLEARLY VISIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ACCESS ROAD. (CRC §R319; LQMC §9.160.020, TABLE 9-17) 12 ROOF SYSTEM. SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS 13 ALUMN, FRAME GLASS DR CASHCLA DESIGN & ASSOCIATES Carlos Sanchez Design • DRAFTING • DESIGN • LAND PLANNING • CARLOS SANCHEZ DESIGNER 45-175 PANORAMA DR. SUITE E PALM DESERT, CA (760) 272-9117-Phone CASHCLA@GMAIL.COM These drawings are an instrument of service and remain the property of CASHCLA DESIGN & ASSOCIATES. They are not to be reproduced or altered to any third party without the express written permission of Carlos Sanchez NO. REVISIONS DATE zL DDD I DATE ISSUED FOR: I A NEW RESIDENCE FOR: NRC EQUITY FUND 1 APN# 773-301-024 LOT 11 AVE. MARTINEZ & CALLE NOGALES LA QU I NTA, CA 92254 SHEET TITLE BUILDING ELEVATIONS DRAWN SHEET NUMBER CS 03/22/21 CASH CHECKED J/F A3* DATE Feb 15, 2023 JOB NO. 2022-08-17 S C A L E AS NOTED PLANNING APPROVAL ADMINISTRATIVE CASE# EXHIBIT# INITIAL DATE ma2023-0002 Cflores 03/06/2023 3:11:37 PM 10'-c X • u rION D SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ❑ ELEVATIONS NOTES 1. 7/8 " EXTERIOR CEMENT PLASTER (3-COAT SYSTEM & FIBER MESH). SEE FINISH SCHEDULE FOR COLOR AND FINISH 2. WINDOW, SEE DOOR AND WINDOW AT FLOOR PLAN 3. SECTIONAL GARAGE DOOR, SEE DOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULE 4. ROOFING SYSTEM. ( CLASS "A" ASSEMBLY) 5. CHIMNEY FLUE WITH SPARK ARRESTOR & SCREEN 6. 7/8" PLASTERED SMOOTH FINISH OVERHANG. 7. SLOPPED AND SEALED GARAGE CONCRETE FLOOR 8. R-38 CEILING INSULATION 9. 5/8" GYP. BD. 10. BOTTOM OF ROOF SHEATHING PER TITLE 24 11. CABINETS SELECTED BY OWNER 12. 20" FIREPLACE HEARTH,FIRE PROOF SURROUND COLOR BY OWNER 13. MANUF. TRUSSES @ 24" O.0 PER TRUSS MANUFACTURER. 14. FOOTING PER FOUNDATION PLAN 15. 4" CONCRETE SLAB PER FOUNDATION PLAN 16. 24 GA. CORROSION RESISTANT WEEP SCREED. 4" ABOVE EARTH AND 2' ABOVE PAVED AREAS. 17. BEAM OR HEADER PER FRAMING PLAN 18. 2X6 STUDS @ 16" O.0 EXTERIOR WALL WITH R-21 INSULATION 19. 2X6 STUDS @ 16" O.0 20. FIRE RATED WALL W/ 5/8" GYP. TYPE X FULL TH. FROM FLOOR TO ROOF SHEATING. EXTENDED 48" OFF WALL AT CEILING. 21. EXPOSED RAFTERS 22. 1-3/8" MIN. THICKNESS, SOLID CORE, FLUSH SLAB, TIGHT FITTING & SELF -CLOSING DOOR BETWEEN HOUSE & GARAGE 20 MINUTES RATED DROPPED CEILING WITH 5/8" GYP. BD. NOTES: A. PROVIDE TWO LAYERS OF GRADE D PAPER OVER ALL WOOD BASE SHEATHING. (CBC 1402.1) B. PROVIDE A WEEP SCREED FOR STUCCO AT THE FOUNDATION PLATE LINE A MINIMUM OF 4" ABOVE GRADE. (CBC2506.5) C. ATTIC VENTILATION OPENINGS SHALL BE COVERED WITH CORROSION -RESISTANT METAL MESH OPENINGS OF 1/4-INCH IN DIMENSION. SECTION 1505.3. D. TILE ROOFING MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH 2O13 CBC STANDARDS CHAPTER 15 AND SHALL BE INSTALLED PER THE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. E. FIREBLOCKING PER SECTION R302.11 NA SCALE: 1 /4" = 1'-0" CASHCLA DESIGN & ASSOCIATES Carlos Sanchez Design • DRAFTING • DESIGN • LAND PLANNING • CARLOS SANCHEZ DESIGNER 45-175 PANORAMA DR. SUITE E PALM DESERT, CA (760) 272-9117-Phone CASHCLA@GMAIL.COM These drawings are an instrument of service and remain the property of CASHCLA DESIGN & ASSOCIATES. They are not to be reproduced or altered to any third party without the express written permission of Carlos Sanchez NO. REVISIONS DATE zL DDD DATE ISSUED FOR: I A NEW RESIDENCE FOR: NRC EQUITY FUND 1 APN# 773-301-024 LOT 11 AVE. MARTINEZ & CALLE NOGALES LA QU I NTA, CA 92254 SHEET TITLE BUILDING ELEVATIONS DRAWN SHEET NUMBER CS 03/22/21 CASH A4 CHECKED J/F DATE Feb 15, 2023 JOB NO. 2022-08-17 S C A L E AS NOTED