2023 05 16 Councilta Qa�fra — GEM ofthe DESERT — City Council agendas and staff reports are available on the City's web page: www.LaQuin taCA.pov CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta REGULAR MEETING ON TUESDAY, MAY 16, 2023 3:00 P.M. CLOSED SESSION 1 4:00 P.M. OPEN SESSION Members of the public may listen to this meeting by tuning -in live via http://laquinta.12milesout.com/video/live. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Councilmembers: Fitzpatrick, McGarrey, Pena, Sanchez, Mayor Evans PUBLIC COMMENTS - INSTRUCTIONS Members of the public may address the City Council on any matter listed or not listed on the agenda as follows: WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS can be provided either in -person during the meeting by submitting 15 copies to the City Clerk, it is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting; or can be emailed in advance to CityClerkMailCa�_LaQuintaCA.gov, no later than 12:00 p.m., on the day of the meeting. Written public comments will be distributed to Council, made public, and will be incorporated into the public record of the meeting, but will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Mayor, a brief summary of public comments is asked to be reported. If written public comments are emailed, the email subject line must clearly state "Written Comments" and should include: 1) full name, 2) city of residence, and 3) subject matter. VERBAL PUBLIC COMMENTS can be provided in -person during the meeting by completing a "Request to Speak" form and submitting it to the City Clerk; it is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes (or approximately 350 words). Members of the public shall be called upon to speak by the Mayor. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 1 of 7 MAY 16, 2023 In accordance with City Council Resolution No. 2022-027, a one-time additional speaker time donation of three (3) minutes per individual is permitted; please note that the member of the public donating time must: 1) submit this in writing to the City Clerk by completing a "Request to Speak" form noting the name of the person to whom time is being donated to, and 2) be present at the time the speaker provides verbal comments. Verbal public comments are defined as comments provided in the speakers' own voice and may not include video or sound recordings of the speaker or of other individuals or entities, unless permitted by the Mayor. Public speakers may elect to use printed presentation materials to aid their comments; 15 copies of such printed materials shall be provided to the City Clerk to be disseminated to the City Council, made public, and incorporated into the public record of the meeting; it is requested that the printed materials are provided prior to the beginning of the meeting. There shall be no use of Chamber resources and technology to display visual or audible presentations during public comments, unless permitted by the Mayor. All writings or documents, including but not limited to emails and attachments to emails, submitted to the City regarding any item(s) listed or not listed on this agenda are public records. All information in such writings and documents is subject to disclosure as being in the public domain and subject to search and review by electronic means, including but not limited to the City's Internet Web site and any other Internet Web -based platform or other Web -based form of communication. All information in such writings and documents similarly is subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act [Government Code § 7920.000 et seq.]. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda pursuant to the "Public Comments — Instructions" listed above. The City Council values your comments; however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by the Brown Act [Government Code § 54954.2(b)]. TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY — INSTRUCTIONS Teleconference accessibility may be triggered in accordance with AB 2449 (Stats. 2022, Ch. 285), codified in the Brown Act [Government Code § 54953], if a member of the City Council requests to attend and participate in this meeting remotely due to `just cause" or "emergency circumstances," as defined, and only if the request is approved. In such instances, remote public accessibility and participation will be facilitated via Zoom Webinar as detailed at the end of this Agenda. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 2 of 7 MAY 16, 2023 CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON HIGHWAY 111, EAST OF DUNE PALMS ROAD; ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 600-020-053 CITY NEGOTIATOR: JON MCMILLEN, CITY MANAGER PROPERTY OWNER: CITY OF LA QUINTA NEGOTIATING PARTY: SUNRIDGE HOTEL GROUP UNDER NEGOTIATION: PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT AND/OR DISPOSITION OF THE PROPERTY IDENTIFIED 2. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON AVENIDA LA FONDA AND MAIN STREET; ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBERS 770-123-011, 770-124-010, 770-124-012 CITY NEGOTIATOR: JON MCMILLEN, CITY MANAGER NEGOTIATING PARTY: GATHER CAPITAL UNDER NEGOTIATION: PRICE AND TERMS OF SALE 3. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957.6; CITY DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE: CARLA TRIPLETT, HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST; AND EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION: LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION, AND UNREPRESENTED EMPLOYEES RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE AT 4:00 P.M. REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda pursuant to the "Public Comments — Instructions" listed above. The City Council values your comments; however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by the Brown Act [Government Code § 54954.2(b)]. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. PROCLAMATION IN RECOGNITION OF NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK 2. CV LINK REGIONAL TRAIL PROJECT UPDATE BY COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TOM KIRK CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page3of7 MAY16,2023 CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are routine in nature and can be approved by one motion. PAGE 1. EXCUSE ABSENCE OF COMMISSIONER DORSEY FROM THE MAY 10, 2023, QUARTERLY FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING 2. APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH FIND FOOD BANK TO PROVIDE NON-PERISHABLE FOOD KITS TO HOMEBOUND SENIORS AND LA QUINTA RESIDENTS THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2023/24 3. APPROVE GOVERNMENT PRODUCT LEASE AGREEMENT WITH QUADIENT LEASING USA, INC FOR FIVE-YEAR LEASE OF POSTAGE AND PAPER FOLDING MACHINES 4. AUTHORIZE THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO UTILIZE VINTAGE 25 ASSOCIATES, INC, FOR ADDITIONAL SPENDING AUTHORITY UP TO $100,000 FOR EXTRA WORK AND PURCHASE OF PLANT MATERIALS IN FISCAL YEAR 2022/23 WHEN THEY ARE THE QUALIFIED AND/OR LOWEST BIDDER 5. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR MARKETING MANAGER TO ATTEND 27 CALIFORNIA TRAVEL ASSOCIATION SUMMIT 2023 IN MONTEREY CALIFORNIA, SEPTEMBER 18-22, 2023 6. ADOPT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF GRANT APPLICATION FOR LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND THROUGH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION FOR THE FRITZ BURNS PARK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 2021-02 LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF AVENUE 52 AND AVENIDA BERMUDAS [RESOLUTION NO. 2023-0111 7. APPROVE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE, AND ADVERTISE FOR BID THE AVENUE 50 AND AVENUE 52 PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT NOS. 2022-01 AND 2022-14 8. APPROVE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE, AND 43 ADVERTISE FOR BID THE FRED WARING DRIVE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT NO. 2022-03 9. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED APRIL 28 AND MAY 5, 2023 47 10. RECEIVE AND FILE THIRD QUARTER FISCAL YEAR 2022/23 TREASURY 65 REPORTS FOR JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH 2O23 11. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT DATED MARCH 31, 2023 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 4 of 7 MAY 16, 2023 BUSINESS SESSION PAGE 1. APPROVE CANCELLING THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS OF JULY 131 4, AUGUST 15, AND SEPTEMBER 5, 2023 STUDY SESSION PAGE 1. DISCUSS FISCAL YEAR 2023/24 PRELIMINARY PROPOSED BUDGET 133 2. DISCUSS SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM 225 CHARACTERISTICS, COMPLIANCE, AND ENFORCEMENT OVERVIEW FOR JANUARY-MARCH 2O23 AND POTENTIAL AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 3.25 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE PUBLIC HEARINGS — None DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 1. CITY MANAGER — ANNUAL MARKETING REPORT — FISCAL YEAR 2022/23 2. CITY ATTORNEY 3. CITY CLERK 4. COMMUNITY RESOURCES — QUARTERLY REPORT — JANUARY - MARCH 2023 5. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT 6. FINANCE 7. PUBLIC WORKS 8. POLICE — QUARTERLY REPORT — JANUARY — MARCH 2O23 295 9. FIRE — QUARTERLY REPORT — JANUARY — MARCH 2O23 299 MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. CVAG CONSERVATION COMMISSION (Evans) 2. CVAG ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE (Evans) 3. CVAG EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Evans) 4. GREATER PALM SPRINGS CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU (Evans) 5. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT — COACHELLA VALLEY ENERGY COMMISSION (Evans) 6. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES DELEGATE (Evans) 7. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT JOINT POLICY COMMITTEE (Evans) 8. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS (Evans) 9. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE (Evans & Fitzpatrick) 10. COACHELLA VALLEY MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY (McGarrey) 11. DESERT RECREATION DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick & McGarrey) 12. COACHELLA VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick & Pena) CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 5 of 7 MAY 16, 2023 13. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (Fitzpatrick) 14. CANNABIS AD HOC COMMITTEE (Pena & Sanchez) 15. CVAG PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE (Pena) 16. CVAG VALLEY -WIDE HOMELESSNESS COMMITTEE (Pena) 17. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES — PUBLIC SAFETY POLICY COMMITTEE (Pena) 18. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT — ENERGY CONSUMERS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (McGarrey) 19. COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT (Pena) 20. CVAG TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick) 21. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY (Pena) 22. DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Evans & Sanchez) 23. ANIMAL CAMPUS COMMISSION (Sanchez) 24. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES — PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE (Sanchez & Pena) 25. RIVERSIDE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (Sanchez) 26. GREATER CV CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INFORMATION EXCHANGE COMMITTEE (Sanchez) ADJOURNMENT ********************************* The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on June 6, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chamber, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta City Council meeting was posted on the City's website, near the entrance to the Council Chamber at 78495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin board at the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51321 Avenida Bermudas, on May 12, 2023. DATED: May 12, 2023 V � MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Public Notices • Agenda packet materials are available for public inspection: 1) at the Clerk's Office at La Quinta City Hall, located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California 92253; and 2) on the City's website at https://www.laguintaca.gov/business/city-council/city-council- agendas, in accordance with the Brown Act [Government Code § 54957.5; AB 2647 (Stats. 2022, Ch. 971)]. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 6 of 7 MAY 16, 2023 • The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's office at (760) 777-7123, 24- hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. If background material is to be presented to the City Council during a City Council meeting, please be advised that 15 copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting. *** TELECONFERENCE PROCEDURES — PURSUANT TO AB 2449*** APPLICABLE ONLY WHEN TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY IS IN EFFECT Verbal public comments via Teleconference — members of the public may attend and participate in this meeting by teleconference via Zoom and use the "raise your hand" feature when public comments are prompted by the Mayor; the City will facilitate the ability for a member of the public to be audible to the City Council and general public and allow him/her/them to speak on the item(s) requested. Please note — members of the public must unmute themselves when prompted upon being recognized by the Mayor, in order to become audible to the City Council and the public. Only one person at a time may speak by teleconference and only after being recognized by the Mayor. ZOOM LINK: https://us06web.zoom.us/m/82540879912 Meeting ID: 825 4087 9912 Or join by phone: (253) 215 — 8782 Written public comments — can be provided in person during the meeting or emailed to the City Clerk's Office at.CityClerkMail(a)LaQuintaCA.gov any time prior to the adjournment of the meeting, and will be distributed to the City Council, made public, incorporated into the public record of the meeting, and will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Mayor, a brief summary of any public comment is asked to be read, to the extent the City Clerk's Office can accommodate such request. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 7 of 7 MAY 16, 2023 Blank Page 8 City of La Quints CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING: May 16, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: EXCUSE ABSENCE OF COMMISSIONER DORSEY FROM THE MAY 10, 2023, QUARTERLY FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING RECOMMENDATION Excuse absence of Commissioner Keith Dorsey from the May 10, 2023, quarterly Financial Advisory Commission meeting. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • On May 4, 2023, Commissioner Dorsey requested to be excused from the May 10, 2023, quarterly Financial Advisory Commission meeting due to a previously scheduled business trip. • Commissioner Dorsey has no excused or unexcused absences for fiscal year 2022/23. FISCAL IMPACT No meeting attendance compensation is paid to absent members. 3ACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Municipal Code states: "If any member of a board, commission or committee absents him/herself from two consecutive regular meetings, or absents him/herself from a total of three regular meetings within any fiscal year, his/her office shall become vacant and shall be filled as any other vacancy. A board, commission or committee member may request advance permission from the city council to be absent at one or more regular meetings due to extenuating circumstances, and/or may request the city council to excuse an absence after -the -fact where such extenuating circumstances prevented the member from seeking advance permission to be absent. If such permission or excuse is granted by the city council, the absence shall not be counted toward the above -stated limitations on absences." ALTERNATIVES Council may deny this request, which would result in the absence being counted toward the Commissioner's limitation on absences as noted above. Prepared by: Laurie McGinley, Deputy City Clerk Approved by: Monika Radeva, City Clerk 10 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 2 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: May 16, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH FIND FOOD BANK TO PROVIDE NON-PERISHABLE FOOD KITS TO HOMEBOUND SENIORS AND LA QUINTA RESIDENTS THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2023/24 RECOMMENDATION Approve Amendment No. 1 to Agreement for Contract Services with FIND Food Bank to continue to provide non-perishable food kits to homebound seniors and La Quinta residents through fiscal year 2023/24 for an additional $60,000; and authorize the City Manager execute the amendment. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • In July 2020, the City entered into an agreement with FIND Food Bank (FIND) to provide funding to support food distribution to seniors, low/fixed income residents, and those in need due to the COVID-19 pandemic. • The partnership evolved into providing food distributions to La Quinta's affordable housing sites, senior communities, and local residents, and in April 2022 the City entered into a one-year agreement with FIND to continue to provide these services in fiscal year (FY)2022/23. • FIND has requested to continue food distribution services through FY 2023/24. FISCAL 11VIVAL; i The cost to continue food distribution services for an additional year is $60,000. Funds are available in the FY 2023/24 Grants Account (Account No. 101-3001-60510). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In March of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic created a surge for needed food resources for La Quinta residents. Food insecurity affected homebound and isolated seniors, adults and families who lost stable jobs, and children who lost access to free/reduced meals due to school closures. In response the City executed an agreement and subsequent amendments with FIND and allocated $100,000 to support increased food distribution services and direct service to low/fixed income senior housing complexes between March 2020 and June 2022. 11 In April 2022, the City entered into a new one-year agreement with FIND to continue supporting food distribution programs through FY 2022/23. Amendment No. 1 proposes to extend the agreement for one (1) additional one-year term through FY 2023/24 and would allow the City to continue supporting local families and seniors in need. ALTERNATIVES — None. Prepared by: Michael Calderon, Community Resources Analyst Approved by: Christina Calderon, Community Resources Manager Attachment: 1. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement for Contract Services with FIND Food Bank 12 ATTACHMENT 1 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH FIND FOOD BANK This Amendment No. 1 ("Amendment 1") to Agreement for Contract Services ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of the 1 st day of July, 2023, ("Effective Date") by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA ("City"), a California municipal corporation and FIND FOOD BANK, a non-profit organization ("Contracting Party"). RECITALS WHEREAS, on or about July 1, 2022, the City and Contracting Party entered into an Agreement to provide non-perishable food kits to homebound seniors and La Quinta residents for the City in a total not to exceed amount of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000). The term of the Agreement expires on June 30, 2023 ("Initial Term"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 3.4 Term, the City and Contracting Party mutually agree to extend the term of the Agreement for one additional year from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 ("Extended Term"); and WHEREAS, Section 2.1 Contract Sum of the Agreement shall be amended to include compensation for the one additional year of services in the amount of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000), for a total not to exceed amount of One Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($120,000). NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenant herein contained, the parties agree as follows: AMENDMENT In consideration of the foregoing Recitals and the covenants and promises hereinafter contained, and for good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Section 2.1 Contract Sum is amended to read as follows: 2.1 Contract Sum. For the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement, Contracting Party shall be compensated in accordance with "Exhibit B" (the "Schedule of Compensation") in a total amount not to exceed Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000), per year, for a total amount not to exceed One Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($120,000) for the life of the agreement, encompassing the initial and any extended terms (the "Contract Sum"), except as provided in Section 1.7. The method of compensation set forth in the Schedule of Compensation may include a lump sum payment upon completion, payment in accordance with the percentage of completion of the Services, payment for time and materials based upon Contracting Party's rate schedule, but not exceeding the Contract Sum, or such other reasonable methods as may be specified in the Schedule of Compensation. The Contract Sum shall include the attendance of Contracting Party at all project meetings reasonably deemed necessary by City; Contracting Party shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for attending said meetings. Compensation may 13 include reimbursement for actual and necessary expenditures for reproduction costs, transportation expense, telephone expense, and similar costs and expenses when and if specified in the Schedule of Compensation. Regardless of the method of compensation set forth in the Schedule of Compensation, Contracting Party's overall compensation shall not exceed the Contract Sum, except as provided in Section 1.7 of this Agreement. 2. Section 3.4 Term is amended to read as follows: 3.4 Term. Unless earlier terminated in accordance with the provisions in Article 8.0 of this Agreement, the term of this Agreement shall commence on July 1, 2022 and terminate on June 30, 2023 ("Initial Term"). This Agreement is being extended for one additional year from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 ("Extended Term"). This Agreement may not be extended. In all other respects, the original Agreement shall remain in effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and Contracting Party have executed this Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement on the respective dates set forth below. CITY OF LA QUINTA FIND FOOD BANK a California municipal corporation a Non -Profit Organization JON McMILLEN, City Manager City of La Quinta, California Dated: ATTEST: MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California DEBBIE ESPINSOSA, CEO FIND Food Bank Dated: 14 Exhibit B Schedule of Compensation With the exception of compensation for Additional Services, provided for in Section 2.3 of this Agreement, the maximum total compensation to be paid to Contracting Party under this Agreement is not to exceed One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars ($120,000) ("Contract Sum") comprised of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000) per fiscal year for the Initial and Extended Terms. The Contract Sum shall be paid to Contracting Party upon being properly invoiced by Contracting Party in conformance with Section 2.2 of this Agreement. 15 16 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 3 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: MAY 16, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE GOVERNMENT PRODUCT LEASE AGREEMENT WITH QUADIENT LEASING USA, INC. FOR FIVE-YEAR LEASE OF POSTAGE AND PAPER FOLDING MACHINES RECOMMENDATION Approve Government Product Lease Agreement with Quadient Leasing USA, Inc. for five- year lease of postage and paper folding machines; and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • In November of 2022, the City was notified that the United States Postal Service (USPS) will be decertifying Information Based Indicia (IBI) meters in 2024, and they must be replaced by meters with Intelligent Mail Indicia (IMI) technology. The City leases an IBI meter postage machine from Quadient Leasing USA, Inc. (Quadient) which must be replaced per the new regulations. • Quadient has authorized the City to join the "Hybrid Why Wait Program Addendum" which will upgrade the postage machine before the current lease ends, and transition into a new 5-year lease term through October 2028. FISCAL IMPACT Lease payments will remain the same through October 12, 2023, at $945 per month not including applicable taxes, billed quarterly at $2,998.27 ($2,835 + taxes of $163.27). The new Government Product Lease Agreement (Attachment 1) will commence on October 13, 2023, at a reduced amount of $895.34 per month plus applicable taxes which average 6% of the lease amount, and will also be billed quarterly. The total not to exceed amount for the 5-year lease term is $53,720.40 and approximately $3,500 for taxes. Funds are available in the Centralized Services postage machine account (101-1007-60661). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Since 2016, the City has leased its postage machine from Quadient, formerly MailFinance, a Neopost USA Company, acquired by Quadient effective February 24, 2020. 17 In October 2019, the City amended the 2016 lease to include the leasing of a paper folding machine in addition to the postage machine, and executed a new 5-year lease which will expire January 12, 2025. In November of 2022, the City was notified that USPS will decertify the current IBI meters in 2024, and they must be replaced by meters with IMI technology. In order to comply with the new USPS regulations, and to ensure a smooth transition to the new equipment without disrupting the current lease term, Quadient has authorized the City to join the "Hybrid Why Wait Program Addendum" (Attachment 2). This will eliminate 5 of the 7 remaining quarterly payments on the existing lease to expedite the withdrawal of decertified equipment, install new equipment immediately, and transition to the new lease automatically after 2 remaining quarterly payments on the existing lease. The City sought to obtain competitive quotes and received one from Pitney Bowes. Although their base pricing is lower, it remains more cost-effective to sign a new lease agreement with Quadient, as breaking the current lease would require a buy-out priced at approximately $20,000, which would cost more than the savings that would be realized through Pitney Bowes over a 5-year lease. Pitney Bowes Quadient Quarterly Payment (pre-tax) $1,975.98 $2,686.02 5-Year Term (pre-tax) $39,519.60 $53,720.40 Current Lease Buy-out $19,845 $0 TOTAL: $59,364.60 $53,720.40 ALTERNATIVES Staff does not recommend an alternative. Prepared by: Laurie McGinley, Deputy City Clerk Approved by: Monika Radeva, City Clerk Attachments: 1. Quadient — Government Product Lease Agreement 2. Hybrid Why Wait Program Addendum 18 ATTACHMENT 1 quad e n t Government Product Lease Agreement Leasing] with Postage Meter Rental Agreement Section (A) Office Information Office Number Office Name Phone # Date 2710 West District (909) 466-1655 04/24/2023 Section (B) Billing Information Company Name City of La Quinta DBA Billing Address 78495 CALLE TAMPICO City State Zip+4 LA QUINTA CA 92253-2839 Contact Name Laurie McGinley Phone (760) 777-7123 Contact Title Deputy City Clerk Fax Email Address Imcginley@laquintaca.gov PO # Section (C) Installation Information (if different from billing information) Company Name City of La Quinta Installation Address 78495 CALLE TAMPICO City State Zip+4 LA QUINTA CA 92253-2839 Contact Name Laurie McGinley Phone (760) 777-7123 Contact Title Deputy City Clerk Fax Email Address Imcginley@laquintaca.gov Main Post Office PO 5-Digit Zip Code Section (D) Products Qty Model / Part Number Description (include Serial Number, if applicable) 1 IXWP10 IX Series 10 lb Weighing Platform 1 IXDS7 Dynamic Weighing Platform for IX Series 7/7PRO Bases 1 DS641-INT3SE 3 Station Expert 2 Auto Fdr + Auto BREFdr + CIS Scanner + Multi License 1 ECERT-PROCESSING e-Certify Processing Fee (Used for Lease Renewals ONLY) 1 IX7 iX-7 Series Base w/ Mixed Size Feeder, Sealer, Drop Tray & Ink Cartridge 1 DT-ECERT1 KAS e-Certify Subscription - Level 2 (up to 1,000 a-Certs per year). Section (E) Lease Payment Information & Lease Payment Schedule Tax Status: Taxable ❑ Tax Exempt Number of Monthly Payment Months (Plus applicable taxes) First 1 60 $895.34 Certificate attached Billing Frequency: ❑ Monthly d❑ Quarterly ❑ Annually Billing Method: 0 Standard Current Lease Number: N19013396 ❑ Arrears ❑ ACH (Customer to submit authorization form) Section (F) Postage Meter & Postage Funding Information Meter Model IX7AI Machine Model IX7 Postage Funding Method: Postage Funding Account: EV�BiIlMe ❑ Prepay by Check d❑ POC ❑ TMS ❑ ACH Debit (Submit customer authorization form) ❑ New W Existing ❑ OMAS ❑ CPU (include authorization form) Existing Account Number: Agency Code Sub Agency Code 8029310 Service Products (Check all that apply) ❑d Online Postal Rates iMeterT App (SP10) ❑ Online Postal Expense Manager iMeterTm App (SP20/NeoStats) ❑ Online E-Services with Electronic Return Receipt iMeterTm App (SP35) ❑d NeoShip PLUS (EP70PLUS) 0 NeoShip Install & User Guide (EP70GUIDES) ❑ 3GAG Cell Service ❑� Maintenance - Standard 0 Installation/Training ❑ Software Support for premise (non -cloud) solutions Existing customers who currently fund the Postage account by ACH Debit will not be converted to the Postage Funding Account unless initial here This document consists of a Government Product Lease Agreement with Quadient Leasing USA, Inc.; and a Postage Meter Rental Agreement, Maintenance Agreement and an Online Services and Software Agreement with Quadient, Inc.; and a Postage Funding Account Agreement with Quadient Finance USA, Inc. Your signature constitutes an offer to enter into such agreements, and acknowledges that you have received, read, and agree to all applicable terms and conditions (version Govern ment-Equi pment-Lease- Terms-USPS-Direct-V9-2020), which are also available at www.quadient.com/Government-Equipment-Lease-Terms-USPS-Direct-V9-2020, and that you are authorized to sign the agreements on behalf of the customer identified above. The applicable agreements will become binding on the companies identified above only after an authorized individual accepts your offer by signing below, or when the equipment is shipped to you. Guided by Quadient, Inc.'s Sustainable Design and Responsible Manufacturing Policy, our Products may contain reused components. For more Information visit https://www.quadient.com/about-us/sustainable-design-and-manufacturing. ******* SEE PURCHASE ORDER Authorized Signature Accepted by Quadient Inc. and its Affiliates Print Name and Title Date Accepted Date Accepted Quadient Leasing USA Inc., 478 Wheelers Farms Rd, Milford CT 06461 [973 - 04124123 16:26:19 - 23.4.4] Government-Equipment-Lease-Terms-Direct-USPS 49-2020 (PF) 19 Customer Organization City of La Quinta DBA Address 78495 CALLE TAMPICO City State Zip LA QUINTA CA 92253-2839 Phone (760) 777-7123 Fax Vendor Company Name Quadient Leasing USA Inc. FEDERAL ID# 94-2984524 Attention Government Sales DUNS# 150836872 Address 478 Wheelers Farms Rd City State Zip Milford CT 06461 Phone (866)448-0045 Fax (203)301-2600 Purchase Order - Lease NASPO/ValuePoint Contract #: CTR058809 and / or State Participating Addendum (PA) #: 7-22-70-50-04 (CA) Ship To Organization City of La Quinta Attention Laurie McGinley Address 78495 CALLE TAMPICO City State Zip LA QUINTA CA 92253-2839 Phone (760) 777-7123 Email Imcginley@laquintaca.gov P.O. Number P.O. Date Requisitioner Shipped Via F.O.B. Point Terms Ground Destination Quarterly Invoicing QTY Unit Description Unit Price Total 60 Months Lease Payment $895.34 $53,720.40 Lease payment specified above for products listed below includes, as applicable, reduced price equipment maintenance to reflect first year free, meter rental, meter resets, postal rate changes, software license/support/subscription fees, delivery, installation, and operator training. Products QTY Product ID Description 1 IXWP10 IX Series 10 lb Weighing Platform 1 IXDS7 Dynamic Weighing Platform for IX Series 7/7PRO Bases 1 DS64I-INT3SE 3 Station Expert 2 Auto Fdr + Auto BREFdr + CIS Scanner + Multi License 1 ECERT-PROCESSING e-Certify Processing Fee (Used for Lease Renewals ONLY) 1 IX7 iX-7 Series Base w/ Mixed Size Feeder, Sealer, Drop Tray & Ink Cartridge 1 DT-ECERT1 KAS e-Certify Subscription - Level 2 (up to 1,000 a-Certs per year). 1) This order is governed in accordance with the prices, terms, delivery method, and specifications listed above, and acknowledges that you have received, read, and agree to all applicable terms and conditions (version Government-Equipment-Lease-Terms-USPS-Direct-V9-2020), which are also available at www.quadient.com/Government-Equipment- Lease-Terms-USPS-Direct-V9-2020. 2) Payments will be sent to: Quadient Leasing USA Inc. Dept 3682 PO Box123682 Dallas TX 75312-3682 3) Send all correspondence to; Quadient Leasing USA Inc. 478 Wheelers Farms Rd Milford CT 06461 Authorized by Print Name Date Title 20 ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENTS This Addendum to Agreements is by and between Quadient Leasing USA, Inc. ("Quadient Leasing"), Quadient, Inc. ("Quadient") and City of La Quinta ("Customer") with reference to the following: A. Quadient Leasing and Customer are entering into a Product Lease Agreement (the "Lease"), pursuant to which Quadient Leasing will lease products to Customer. B. Concurrently herewith, Quadient and Customer are entering into an Online Services and Software Agreement (the "OSS Agreement") pursuant to which Quadient will make certain other services available to Customer. C. Any defined term used herein shall have the same meaning as in the Lease, or the OSS Agreement. In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, and in the Lease, and the OSS Agreement, the parties agree to amend the OSS Agreement as follows: 1. Section 2, titled "License Grant and Additional Terms" is hereby amended to add the following to the end of this section: "Your use of the Services is limited to the number of Electronic Certified Mail pieces (each an "eCert") indicated on the Order Form ("Annual Volume Limit"). In the event You exceed the Annual Volume in any year, You agree to pay an overage charge for each eCert used over the Annual Volume Limit as outlined below (the "Overage Charge"). The Overage Charge will be determined as a product of the number of eCerts You process in excess of the Annual Volume Limit multiplied by the Overage Charge associated with tier for the excess as set forth below:" Annual Volume Band Overage (# of eCerts) * Charge 1 - 500 $0.48 501 - 1,000 $0.43 1,001- 2,000 $0.41 2,001- 4,000 $0.30 4,001- 8,000 $0.28 8,000 - 16,000 $0.27 16,001 - 32,000 $0.24 32,001 - 64,000 $0.22 64,001- 128,000 $0.20 128,001 - 200,000 $0.18 200,001 - 256,000 $0.17 256,001 - 384,000 $0.14 384,001 and above $0.12 * Volume bands renew annually 04/24/2023 eCertify Lease Addendum HPL 21 The Lease, OSS Agreement, and this Addendum contain the complete understanding and agreement between the parties hereto, and supersede all representations, understandings or agreements prior to the execution thereof. Any changes or additions to the foregoing agreements will be valid only if they are in writing and signed by the appropriate parties. In the event of any conflict between the terms of the Lease, OSS Agreement, and this Addendum, the terms of this Addendum shall control. The parties have caused this Addendum to Agreements to be executed by their duly authorized representatives on the date set forth below. Customer: City of La Quinta Quadient Leasing USA, Inc. By: Printed Name: Title: Date: eCertify Lease Addendum By: Printed Name: Title: Date: Quadient, Inc. By: Printed Name: Title: Date: 04/24/2023 HPL 22 ATTACHMENT 2 quadient Leasing Hybrid Why Wait Program Addendum The Quadient Leasing Hybrid Why Wait window program entitles you to upgrade your Quadient equipment prior to the end of the term of your Current Lease(s). Your new lease term will automatically commence and billing will begin after your Current Lease(s) have reached the end of the billing cycle outlined below. The Transition from your Current Lease to the New Lease will be seamless. By electing to participate in this program, you agree to the following: - You agree to continue making payments on lease number N19013396 through the date 10/12/2023. - The term of the new lease, being signed concurrently with this agreement ('New Lease'), will commence on 10/13/2023. - The Products that are subject to the Current Lease will be replaced with the Products identified in the New Lease for the remainder of the Current Lease's Hybrid Why Wait window. - If a subscription to the Impress Platform is included on the New Lease, then any associated Usage Fees will be in addition to the payments on the Current Lease and the New Lease. - The replaced Products from the Current Lease must be returned to us within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this agreement. CITY OF LA QUINTA By: Name: Title: Date: Quadient Leasing USA, Inc. By: Name: Title: Date: ©2023 Quadient Leasing, Inc. Hybrid Why Wait Agreement V1-2023 23 24 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 4 City of La Quints CITY COUNCIL MEETING: May 16, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: AUTHORIZE THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO UTILIZE VINTAGE ASSOCIATES, INC., FOR ADDITIONAL SPENDING AUTHORITY UP TO $100,000 FOR EXTRA WORK AND PURCHASE OF PLANT MATERIALS IN FISCAL YEAR 2022/23 WHEN THEY ARE THE QUALIFIED AND/OR LOWEST BIDDER RECOMMENDATION Authorize the Public Works Department to utilize Vintage Associates, Inc. for additional spending authority up to $100,000 for extra work and the purchase of plant materials during fiscal year 2022/23 when Vintage Associates, Inc., is the qualified and/or lowest bidder. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Per the purchasing policy, amounts paid to vendors/contractors over $50,000 per fiscal year (FY) must be approved by Council. The current contract for Parks Landscape Maintenance services (Project No. 2018-32) allows for the contractor to be paid for extra work at parks throughout the City. • Staff requests spending authority for an additional amount of $100,000 in FY 2022/23 for extra work and/or the purchase of plant materials. FISCAL IMPACT The $100,000 (total amount up to $375,000 in FY 2022/23) would be charged in increments, as needed, to the appropriate account(s) should Vintage Associates, Inc. (Vintage) be awarded any other bid in FY 2022/23. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Vintage provides quality work and is contracted with the City for park landscape maintenance services. The contract allows Vintage to provide extra landscape services on request by the City, such as plant replacement, tree removal, irrigation repairs/modification, installation of ground cover, and emergency callouts; however, it does not authorize spending authority for extra work beyond the contract amount. The City also purchases plant materials from Vintage for plant replacement in City parks, medians, and landscaping projects. 25 On July 19, 2022, Council authorized Vintage to be utilized as a single source for landscape refresh and restoration within the parks, and additional spending authority up to $100,000 for FY 2022/23. On February 7, 2023, Council authorized $175,000 additional spending authority for FY 2022/23 for extra work and or the purchase of plant materials for Citywide landscapes. Staff requests authorization to utilize Vintage for up to an additional $100,000 in FY 2022/23 of combined work when they are the qualified and/or low bidder, and/or for the purchase of plant materials. Each project would be subject to the City's current purchasing policy and follow the City's bidding procedures. Council approval of the staff report does not guarantee Vintage would receive any future work. ALTERNATIVES Staff could request approval from Council for any future work awarded to Vintage on an as - needed basis. However, this approach would delay completion schedules. Prepared by: Dianne Hansen, Management Analyst Approved by: Bryan McKinney, Public Works Director/City Engineer 26 City of La Q u i nta CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO.5 CITY COUNCIL MEETING: May 16, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR MARKETING MANAGER TO ATTEND CALIFORNIA TRAVEL ASSOCIATION SUMMIT 2023 IN MONTEREY CALIFORNIA, SEPTEMBER 18-22, 2023 RECOMMENDATION Authorize overnight travel for Marketing Manager to attend the California Travel Association Summit 2023 in Monterey, California, September 18-22, 2023. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • California Travel Association is the influential, unified voice that advocates for California's travel and tourism industry. • Registering for this event before May 26, 2023 will provide an Early Bird Discount of $500. FISCAL IMPACT Estimated cost will be $3,700 which includes registration, travel, lodging, transportation, and meals. Funds are available in the 2023/24 Marketing Department's Travel and Training budget (Account No. 101-3007-60320). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS California Travel Association is California's primary source for tourism industry news, intelligence, advocacy, and insight. It is a provider of high -quality, unique educational and networking opportunities through the CalTravel Summit, board meetings and PAC fund- raising events. ALTERNATIVES Council may elect not to authorize this request; however, since this training allows staff to stay current with communication techniques associated with marketing and branding, this alternative is not recommended. Prepared by: Marcie Graham, Marketing Manager Approved by: Gilbert Villalpando, Director 27 28 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 6 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: May 16, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ADOPT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF GRANT APPLICATION FOR LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND THROUGH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION FOR THE FRITZ BURNS PARK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 2021-02 LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF AVENUE 52 AND AVENIDA BERMUDAS RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application for the Land and Water Conservation Fund through the State of California Department of Parks and Recreation for the Fritz Burns Park Improvement Project No. 2021-02, located at the southeast corner of Avenue 52 and Avenida Bermudas; and authorize the City Manager to execute and file the grant application. XECUTIVE SUMMARY • Improvements to Fritz Burns Park were identified as a community priority at the 2021, 2022 and 2023 annual Community Workshops. • The Fritz Burns Park Improvement Project No. 2021-02 (Project) was approved as part of the fiscal year (FY) 2021/22 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and funding was appropriated for master planning and design. • Master planning efforts are underway for four phases of proposed new amenities and improvements to the park. • Construction funding in the amount of $3,000,000 of General Fund and Measure G funds is proposed to be included in the FY 2023/24 CIP budget to meet the City's match obligation. • Staff proposes to submit one grant application on June 1, 2023, requesting $3,500,000. FISCAL IMPACT The CIP currently includes funding for this Project in the amount of $850,000 for master planning and design services. If the Project grant application is awarded, the City will receive $3,500,000. Funding is proposed in the FY 2023/24 CIP from the General Fund 29 ($1,500,000) and Measure G funds ($1,500,000) for the construction phase of the Project. The proposed Project budget is: Phase Cost Estimate/Budget Master Plan $79,375 Design/Project Management $665,450 Construction Phase 1 $225,000 Construction Phase 2 $3,672,540 Construction Phase 3 $390,515 Construction Phase 4 $1,367,120 Contingency $600,000 TOTAL $7,000,000 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The total Project area is 7.5 acres, located on the corner of Avenue 52 and Avenida Bermudas (Attachment 1). The Fritz Burns property was donated to the City to serve as a noncommercial public space. The property currently has a regional park and is adjacent to the City's Corporate Yard and Fire Station No. 32. The park contains a swimming pool, children's play area, picnic tables and benches, restrooms, six (6) tennis courts, eight (8) pickleball courts, a skate park, a dog park, parking lot and off-street parking. The La Quinta community identified additional amenities at the park as a priority during the 2021 and 2022 annual Community Workshops. Subsequently, funding was included in the FY 2021/22 CIP to provide master planning services for the Project and in FY 2022/23 CIP to provide design services. Following a request for proposals in 2022, IN -SITE Landscape Architecture, Inc. was selected to provide master planning services for this Project and the Draft Plan was prepared. The Draft Plan (Attachment 2) proposes to keep most of the existing park amenities, including courts, skate park, playground, pool, and pool building; and identifies four (4) phases to implement additional amenities and improvements as outlined below. Phase 1 is currently underway. Phase 1 (Underway): ✓ Replacement of tennis court/pickleball court shade structures; ✓ Conversion of two (2) tennis courts to eight (8) pickleball courts. Phase 2: ✓ Plaza with public art play element, seating, and shade; ✓ Expanded playground with new equipment, shade, lighting, and drinking fountains; ✓ Restroom building; ✓ Tree lined promenade with seating and picnic tables; ✓ Bicycle racks and tune-up station. 30 Phase 3: Phase 4: ✓ Modified existing parking lot; ✓ New parking lot with three (3) tree islands; ✓ Electric Vehicle charging stations. ✓ New water playground wading pool; ✓ Expanded pool deck with shade and seating; ✓ Expanded pool equipment area. ALTERNATIVES Council could choose not to submit the Land and Water Conservation Fund grant application or direct Staff to choose a different project. Prepared by: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst Approved by: Bryan McKinney, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Draft Master Plan 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 2023 - XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO APPLY FOR LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUNDS THROUGH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION FOR THE FRITZ BURNS PARK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 2021-02 TOGETHER WITH AN AGREEMENT TO OBLIGATE THE NECESSARY PUBLIC FUNDS TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta desires to make improvements to Fritz Burns Park as a way to enhance physical activity and wellness options for its residents; and WHEREAS, the Congress under Public Law 88-578 has authorized the establishment of a federal Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant -In -Aid program, providing matching funds to the State of California and its political subdivisions for acquiring lands and developing Facilities for public outdoor recreation purposes; and WHEREAS, the California Department of Parks and Recreation is responsible for administration of the program in the State, setting up necessary rules and procedures governing applications by local agencies under the program; and WHEREAS, the State of California, through the California Department of Parks and Recreation (CDPR), administers financial assistance for public recreation purposes, through the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund program (LWCF); and WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta desires to seek financial assistance under the LWCF; and WHEREAS, the La Quinta City Council finds that this proposed improvement will significantly further the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of La Quinta and firmly commits to the expenditure of local funds necessary to complete the project; and WHEREAS, the La Quinta City County certifies by resolution the approval of the application and the availability of eligible matching funds prior to submission of the application to the State; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. That the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute and file an application with the California Department of Parks and Recreation and to provide all information and documentation required to become eligible for possible funding assistance through the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund program. 33 Resolution No. 2023 — XXX Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant Authorization Adopted: XXXX, 2023 Page 2 of 3 SECTION 2. That the City Manager has reviewed, understands, and agrees to the General Provisions contained in the contract shown in the Grant Administration Guide. SECTION 3. That the City of La Quinta agrees to abide by 54 U.S.C. §200305(f)(3) which requires, "No property acquired or developed with assistance under this section shall, without the approval of the National Secretary of the Interior, be converted to other than public outdoor recreation uses. The Secretary shall approve such conversion only if he finds it to be in accord with the then existing comprehensive statewide outdoor recreation plan and only upon such conditions as he deems necessary to assure the substitution of other recreation properties of at least equal fair market value and of reasonably equivalent usefulness and location." SECTION 4. That the City of La Quinta further agrees to obligate funds required to satisfactorily complete the Fritz Burns Park Improvements Project as part of the Capital Improvement Program and become eligible for reimbursement under the terms of the Land and Water Conservation Fund. This includes matching funds from eligible source(s) that can finance 100% of the project, which up to half may be reimbursed by LCWF grant funds. SECTION 5. That the City of La Quinta agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and guidelines. SECTION 6. That the City of La Quinta appoints the City Manager as our agent to conduct all negotiations and execute and submit all documents, including, but not limited to, applications, contracts, amendments, payment requests, and compliance with all applicable current state and federal laws which may be necessary for the completion of the aforementioned project. SECTION 7. That it is found and determined that all formal actions of the City Council of the City of La Quinta concerning and relating to the adoption of this Resolution were taken in an open meeting of the City Council of the City of La Quinta and that all deliberations of this City's Council that resulted in those formal actions were in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this day of , by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 34 Resolution No. 2023 — XXX Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant Authorization Adopted: XXXX, 2023 Page 3 of 3 LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 35 36 ATTACHMENT 1 FRITZ BURNS PARK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 2021-02 VICINITY MAP 40 4: dg Sluill), mom L. P 444 37 ATTACHMENT 2 R1 i R ' I r } J f { I Calle Amigo _ ___ - -- ------- 47 .s 1 RESERVED FOR FUTURE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES 'f ILI I Y T _ _ • s q by Flo _ ri-' d, . _ EXISTING STORM I sc 1 1 j •. w .y 'Coll1 - WATER QUALITY BASIN JDD - — — k — NE HADE STRUCTURES + ' I}y � �_..• tit 4 + [II PICNIC TABLE (TYPICAL) j — f! li frEXISTING LAWN = f f Fire Station f _ I ti ■■ ■n ■n ■n NONE 0 1-- NEW SHADE STRUCTRE 1„Fi _,.:y OVER EXISTING SEATING EXISTING PICKLEBALL EX BENCH (TYPICA NEW WATER PLAYGROUND/ WADING _ POOLAND EXPANDED POOL DECK 0 ' r. WITH SHADE AND SEATING — Adam - n iN E EXISTING •O• ; m �f ,r law AA v L FIN J f I ' ri ' n, j ,NMI ,... alms 'mill �11111 ACCESS GATE .: ■ PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY ADDITIONAL PARKING NEW SHADE STRUCTURE * l iV [ Intl 4- 4L f — City of La Quinta Operations and Maintenance F 1q. 111 1 OVATED PLAYGROUND n H SHADING AND LIGHTING �` in r R ' NEW LDING f , $ DRINKING FJ NTAIN TYPIC LU"BQLI F _-'• �� r y:T' NEW PLAzA WITH SCULPTURAL ` POTENTIAL EV CHARGERS Rh (FUTURE PLAY ELM T, SEATING AND S AIDETROLLEY _�. ! - - EXISTING TREE STOP _ tIN (TYPICAL) ' ,�IIIIIIIIIIIIIII�� � ,I-' rt '�. k�. y I � � - I ,, ;;r • • i • ' 4 ti EXISTING SHADE STRUCTURE k + AVON — iZL lr EXISTING e #. CELL TOWER NEW PARKING LOT MODIFIED EXISTING PARKING LOT (84 SPACES)' - _ TREE ISLANDS (TYPICAL) EXISTING SKATEPARK 'Ty' sl ' �' t •.7' 'I < 2}/k 'k ix 1� • ' if EXISTING DATE PALM EXISTING CELL TOWER CABINET - EXISTING PARKING I J ' WWI • # t r a i3 'f- Y �, 1,..#�. •ram.. �, �, } . ' #i'R I -I E [ANDSr,APE ARCVffTECTLYRF, INC. 0' 20r 40' 80' 120' NORTH 38 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 7 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: May 16, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA T' APPROVE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE, AND ADVERTISE FOR BID THE AVENUE 50 AND AVENUE 52 PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT NOS. 2022-01 AND 2022-14 RECOMMENDATION Approve plans, specifications, engineer's estimate, and authorize Staff to bid the Avenue 50 and Avenue 52 Pavement Rehabilitation Project Nos. 2022-01 and 2022-14 at various locations. XECUTIVE SUMMARY The Avenue 50 and Avenue 52 Pavement Rehabilitation projects are similar in scope and combining them will achieve economies of scale. The proposed projects' locations and scopes include (Attachment 1): • Avenue 50 from Eisenhower Drive to Washington Street. Work will include both pulverizing and replacing the existing pavement and grind and overlay. Additional work includes replacing non -compliant curb ramps and lane reduction from two (2) lanes to one (1) lane with buffered bike and cart lane. • Avenue 52 from Desert Club Drive to Washington Street. Work will include grind and overlay of the existing pavement. This project was originally included in fiscal year (FY) 2021/2022 Pavement Management Program. • Avenue 52 from Washington Street to Talus Way. Work will include grind and overlay of the existing pavement. This project is proposed to replace the limits identified with Project 2022-14. • Avenue 52 from Madison Street to Monroe Street. Work will include both pulverizing and replacing the existing pavement and grind and overlay. Staff recommends including these limits as an additive alternate due to the additional scope and cost required to rehabilitate the road. FISCAL IMPACT Both projects are in the FY 2022/2023 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and have General Funds assigned in the amount of $300,000 from the Pavement Management Plan (PMP) Project No. 2122PMP, for a segment of Avenue 52 rehabilitation and 39 Measure A Funding in the amount of $1,600,000. The following is the anticipated overall projects budget not including the proposed additive alternate*: Total Budget Design/Professional: $ 70,000 Inspection/Testing/Survey: $ 70,000 Construction: $ 1,600,000 Contingency: $ 160,000 Total Budget: $ 1,900,000 *Note: The engineer's construction estimate for the additive alternate is $575,000. Once the bid process is complete, Staff will request approval from Council for budget appropriations from either Measure G funding or the General Fund BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Staff recommends combining the pavement rehabilitation projects proposed on Avenue 50 and Avenue 52 to increase the square footage of asphalt concrete to reduce the impact of material costs through economies of scale. Staff also anticipates that the mobilization costs will be reduced in comparison to the two projects being constructed at different times. Staff also recommends that the Avenue 52 pavement rehabilitation limits be changed from Madison Street to Monroe Street to the new limits of Washington Street to Talus Way. This is recommended for the following reasons: 1) After a complete review of the pavement condition, Avenue 52 from Madison Street to Monroe Street, requires a more extensive pavement rehabilitation method than the budget initially anticipated; 2) Avenue 52 from Washington Street to Talus Way is in great need of pavement rehabilitation after receiving many concerns and due to the on -going pothole maintenance issues. Contingent upon approval to combine and advertise both projects for bid on May 16, 2023, the following is the projects' schedule: Council Bid Authorization May 16, 2023 Bid Period May 22 to June 15, 2023 Council Considers Project Award June 20, 2023 Execute Contract and Mobilize June 21 to July 10, 2023 Construction (35 Working Days) July 10 to August 25, 2023 Accept Improvements September 2023 ALTERNATIVES Staff does not recommend an alternative. Prepared by: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst Approved by: Bryan McKinney, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer Attachment: 1. Vicinity Map 40 Vicinity Map ATTACHMENT 1 Avenue 50 and Avenue 52 Pavement Rehabilitation Legend Blueline Streams City Areas World Street Map Notes Projects 2022-01 and 2022-14 'IMPORTANT" Maps and data are to be used for reference purposes only. Map features are approximate, and are not necessarily accurate to surveying or engineering standards. The County of Riverside makes no RC T warranty or guarantee as to the content (the source is often third party), accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of any of the data provided, and assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained on this map. Any use of this product with respect to accuracy and precision shall be the sole responsibility of 0 6,019 12,037 Feet the user. REPORT PRINTED ON...5/4/2023 11:10:37 PM © Riverside Bounty GIS 42 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 8 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: May 16, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE, AND ADVERTISE FOR BID THE FRED WARING DRIVE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT NO. 2022-03 RECOMMENDATION Approve plans, specifications, engineer's estimate, and authorize Staff to bid the Fred Waring Drive Pavement Rehabilitation Project No. 2022-03, located from Washington Street to Adams Street. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Project No. 2022-03 (Project) will pulverize and replace the existing pavement on Fred Waring Drive from Washington Street to Adams Street (Attachment 1): o Additional work will include curb ramp replacement. • The northbound portion of Washington Street from Avenue 48 to Lake La Quinta Drive is recommended as an additive alternate, even though this work is not part of the current Project scope. Work will include pulverizing and replacing the existing pavement. FISCAL IMPACT The Project is in the fiscal year (FY) 2022/23 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and has Measure A Funding assigned in the amount of $530,000 and SB1 Maintenance Funding assigned in the amount of $940,211. The following is the anticipated overall Project budget not including the proposed additive alternate*: Total Budget Design/Professional: $ 70,000 Inspection/Testing/Survey: $ 70,000 Construction: $ 1,230,000 Contingency: $ 100,211 Total Budget: $ 1,470,211 *Note: The engineer's construction estimate for the proposed additive alternate is $250,000. Once the bid process is complete, Staff will request Council approval for budget appropriations and awarding the contract. 43 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS This Project includes pulverizing and replacing the existing pavement on Fred Waring Drive from Washington Street to Adams Street and replacement of curb ramps. Staff recommends expanding the scope of the Project to include the northbound portion of Washington Street from Avenue 48 to Lake La Quinta Drive as an additive alternate since this section of road is deteriorating at a quickening pace and has on -going pothole maintenance issues. No need for additional equipment is anticipated since the work for the proposed additive alternate scope is similar to Project's improvements. Contingent upon approval to advertise the Project for bid on May 16, 2023, the following is the project schedule: Council Bid Authorization Bid Period Council Considers Project Award Execute Contract and Mobilize Construction (20 Working Days) Accept Improvements ML 1 GIRIVM 1 IV GJ May 16, 2023 May 22 to June 15, 2023 June 20, 2023 June 21 to July 10, 2023 July 10 to August 4, 2023 September 2023 Staff does not recommend an alternative. Prepared by: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst Approved by: Bryan McKinney, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer Attachment: 1. Vicinity Map 44 Vicinity Map ATTACHMENT 1 Fred Waring Drive Pavement Rehabilitation Legend Blueline Streams City Areas World Street Map Notes Projects 2022-03 'IMPORTANT" Maps and data are to be used for reference purposes only. Map features are approximate, and are not necessarily accurate to surveying or engineering standards. The County of Riverside makes no RC T warranty or guarantee as to the content (the source is often third party), accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of any of the data provided, and assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained on this map. Any use of this product with respect to accuracy and precision shall be the sole responsibility of 0 6,019 12,037 Feet the user. REPORT PRINTED ON...5/4/2023 11:56:05 PM © Riverside County GIS 45 46 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 9 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: May 16, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED APRIL 28 AND MAY 5, 2023 RECOMMENDATION Approve demand registers dated April 28 and May 5, 2023. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY — None FISCAL IMPACT Demand of Cash: City Successor Agency of RDA Housing Authority BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS $ 1,956,018.03 $ 13,699.83 $ 1,969,717.86 Routine bills and payroll must be paid between Council meetings. Attachment 1 details the weekly demand registers for April 28 and May 5, 2023. Warrants Issued: 210749-210795 210796-210863 Wire Transfers Payroll Tax Transfers Payroll Direct Deposit $ 840,716.90 $ 538,803.92 $ 317,339.15 $ 47,159.71 $ 225,698.18 $ 1,969,717.86 47 The most significant expenditures on the demand registers are: Vendor Account Name Amount Purpose La Quinta 47, LLC Developer $265,660.66 Developer Deposit Refund Deposits Desert Concepts Construction $171,511.10 Blackhawk Way School Crossing Construction, INC Progress Payment World Triathlon Community $75,000.00 2022 Ironman Venue Host Corporation Experiences Sponsorship Vintage Associates Landscape $73,185.00 April Park Landscape Maintenance Contract PWLC II, INC Landscape $60,084.00 April Citywide Landscape Contract Maintenance Wire Transfers: Thirteen transfers totaled $317,339. Of this amount, $249,475 was to Landmark, and $43,765 was to CaIPERS. (See Attachment 2 for a complete listing). Investment Transactions: Full details of investment transactions, as well as total holdings, are reported quarterly in the Treasurer's Report. Settle Coupon Transaction Issuer Type Par Value Date Rate YTM Purchase Fed Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Agency $ 1,000,000 4/24/2023 5.200% 5.220% Maturity United States Treasury Treasury $ 7,000,000 4/27/2023 0.000% Purchase Mountain America FCU CD $ 248,000 4/28/2023 4.700% 4.700% Maturity Congressional Bank CD $ 248,000 4/28/2023 2.500% Maturity EnerBank CD $ 240,000 4/28/2023 2.950% Maturity Federal Farm Credit Bank Agency $ 500,000 4/28/2023 0.170% Purchase MinnWest Bank CD $ 248,000 5/1/2023 4.250% 4.250% Purchase United States Treasury Treasury $ 1,000,000 5/3/2023 0.000% 5.040% Purchase Federal Home Loan Bank Agency $ 1,000,000 5/3/2023 0.000% 5.000% Purchase United States Treasury Treasury $ 3,000,000 5/3/2023 0.000% 4.970% Purchase United States Treasury Treasury $ 1,000,000 5/3/2023 0.000% 4.930% Maturity First National Bank CD $ 248,000 5/5/2023 2.800% Prepared by: Jesse Batres, Account Technician Approved by: Rosemary Hallick, Financial Services Analyst Attachments: 1. Demand Registers 2. Wire Transfers 48 UAiEXIIIIIII:IIT, 140ksI QXkra City of La Quinta -i:Al IFWIM- Demand Register Packet: APPKT03454 - 04/28/2023 JB Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount Fund: 101- GENERAL FUND CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS ... 210755 04/16-05/15/23 - FS #70 CABLE (1860) Cable/Internet - Utilities 101-2002-61400 41.76 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS ... 210755 04/16-05/15/23 - FS #32 CABLE (8152) Cable/Internet - Utilities 101-2002-61400 94.54 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS ... 210755 04/05-05/04/23 - FS #32 CABLE/INTERNET... Cable/Internet - Utilities 101-2002-61400 10.52 PALMS TO PINES PRINTING 210779 04/19/23 - POP UP TENTS FOR EVENTS (5) Community Experiences 101-3003-60149 5,337.43 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS ... 210755 04/03-05/02/23 - FS #93 INTERNET (3514) Cable/Internet - Utilities 101-2002-61400 99.99 ALARM MONITORING SERVICE... 210749 04/01-06/30/23 - ALARM MONITORING 5... Security & Alarm 101-3008-60123 660.00 ALARM MONITORING SERVICE... 210749 04/01-06/30/23 - FIRE ALARM MONITORI... Security & Alarm 101-2002-60123 510.00 ALARM MONITORING SERVICE... 210749 04/01-06/30/23 - FIRE ALARM MONITORI... Security & Alarm 101-3008-60123 510.00 GARDAWORLD 210770 03/2023 - ARMORED SERVICES Professional Services 101-1006-60103 293.63 GARDAWORLD 210770 04/2023 - ARMORED SERVICE Professional Services 101-1006-60103 287.68 EISENHOWER OCCUPATIONAL... 210766 03/2023 - DOT PHYSICAL EXAMS Consultants/Employee Services 101-1004-60104 260.00 CITY CLERK ASSOCIATION OF C... 210756 03/20/23 - CCAC WORKSHOP TRAINING M... Travel & Training 101-1005-60320 75.00 VERITAS TECHNOLOGIES LLC 210792 04/25/23 - DATA BACK-UP FOR LASERFICHE Professional Services 101-1005-60103 1,152.30 VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 210794 04/2023 - PARK MAINTENANCE Landscape Contract 101-3005-60112 60,804.00 ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS ... 210768 3/16/23 - SRR DUST CONTROL APPLICATI... PM 10 - Dust Control 101-7006-60146 23,250.00 DESERT RECREATION DISTRICT 210764 03/2023 - FIB POOL OPERATIONS & PROG... Fritz Burns Pool Programming 101-3003-60184 15,241.76 SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY M... 210787 03/16/23 - WC GENERATOR PERMIT FEE G... Annual Permits/Inspections 101-3008-60196 468.76 SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY M... 210787 FY 22/23 WELLNESS CENTER FLAT EMISSI... Annual Permits/Inspections 101-3008-60196 151.85 ROBERT HALF 210785 03/31/23 - TEMP AGENCY SERVICES A.MA... Temporary Agency Services 101-6006-60125 1,575.00 ROBERT HALF 210785 04/07/23 - TEMP AGENCY SERVICES A.MA... Temporary Agency Services 101-6006-60125 1,575.00 ROBERT HALF 210785 04/14/23 - TEMP AGENCY SERVICES A.MA... Temporary Agency Services 101-6006-60125 1,575.00 ROBERT HALF 210785 04/21/23 - TEMP AGENCY SERVICES A.MA... Temporary Agency Services 101-6006-60125 1,575.00 MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT... 210776 03/18/23 - EXTRA SRR RESTROOM CLEANI... Janitorial 101-3008-60115 47.76 MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINT... 210776 03/31/23 - EXTRA LQ PARK RESTROOM CL... Janitorial 101-3008-60115 300.00 VIZOCOM ICT LLC 210795 04/06/23 - COVID 19 TEST KITS Disaster Prep Supplies 101-2002-60406 1,566.00 PWLC II, INC 210781 04/2023 - L&L MONTHLY MAINTENANCE Landscape Contract 101-2002-60112 1,510.00 VERIZON WIRELESS 210793 03/14-04/13/23 - EOC CELL (7813) Mobile/Cell Phones/Satellites 101-2002-61304 197.94 DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SER... 210761 03/2023 - ANIMAL SERVICES Animal Shelter Contract Service 101-6004-60197 28,962.48 LA QUINTA 47 LLC 210774 04/20/23 - DEVELOPER DEPOSIT REFUND ... Developer Deposits 101-0000-22810 265,660.66 MAGALLANEZ, LUIS 210775 4/24/23 - COVID 19 TEST REIMBURSEMEN... Consultants/Employee Services 101-1004-60104 500.00 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD C... 210783 FY 22/23 WHITEWATER NPDES COST SHA... Professional Services 101-7002-60103 41,806.26 PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION... 210778 04/01/23 - CH WATER TREATMENT HVAC 101-3008-60667 125.00 PETRA-1, LP 210780 04/19/23 - GYM WIPES (4 CASES) Operating Supplies 101-3002-60420 595.91 SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY 210788 06/2022 - SUNLINE PASSES Due to SunLine 101-0000-20305 109.00 SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY 210788 06/2022 - SUNLINE PASSES Miscellaneous Revenue 101-0000-42301 -5.00 SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY 210788 07/2022 - SUNLINE PASSES Due to SunLine 101-0000-20305 102.00 SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY 210788 07/2022 - SUNLINE PASSES Miscellaneous Revenue 101-0000-42301 -3.75 SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY 210788 08/2022 - SUNLINE PASSES Due to SunLine 101-0000-20305 264.50 SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY 210788 08/2022 - SUNLINE PASSES Miscellaneous Revenue 101-0000-42301 -12.75 RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 210782 03/2023 - RECORDING FEES Technical 101-6004-60108 20.00 DISH NETWORK 210765 04/22-05/21/23 - EOC CABLE Cable/Internet - Utilities 101-2002-61400 100.70 OCEAN SPRINGS TECH INC 210777 04/2023 - LQ PARK SPLASH PAD MAINTEN... LQ Park Water Feature 101-3005-60554 843.00 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE PUBLIC... 210758 03/2023 - RADIO MAINTENANCE Operating Supplies 101-2001-60420 310.68 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D... 210784 02/25-03/24/23 - MOTOR FUEL CHARGES Sheriff - Other 101-2001-60176 561.64 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Total: 459,111.25 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND ALARM MONITORING SERVICE... 210749 04/01-06/30/23 - ALARM MONITORING 5... Security & Alarm 202-3004-60123 165.00 ALARM MONITORING SERVICE... 210749 04/01-06/30/23 - ALARM MONITORING 5... Security & Alarm 202-3006-60123 165.00 ALARM MONITORING SERVICE... 210749 04/01-06/30/23 - FIRE ALARM MONITORI... Security & Alarm 202-3004-60123 255.00 ALARM MONITORING SERVICE... 210749 04/01-06/30/23 - FIRE ALARM MONITORI... Security & Alarm 202-3006-60123 255.00 ALARM MONITORING SERVICE... 210749 04/01-06/30/2023 - LUMBER YARD MONI... Security & Alarm 202-3006-60123 165.00 VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 210794 04/2023 - PARK MAINTENANCE Landscape Contract 202-3004-60112 869.00 VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 210794 04/2023 - PARK MAINTENANCE Landscape Contract 202-3006-60112 181.00 5/8/2023 2:23:34 PM Page 1 of 5 49 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03454 - 04/28/2023 JB Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION... 210778 04/01/23 - LIBRARY WATER TREATMENT HVAC 202-3004-60667 125.00 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total: 2,180.00 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 210794 04/2023 - PARK MAINTENANCE Landscape Contract 215-7004-60112 11,331.00 CREATIVE LIGHTING & ELECTR... 210759 04/2023 - LIGHTING MAINTENANCE SERVI... Consultants 215-7004-60104 6,063.92 HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC 210771 04/06/23 - IRRIGATION CONTROLLERS & ... Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 936.41 HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC 210771 04/12/23 - IRRIGATION PARTS Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 1,105.79 HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC 210771 04/18/23 - IRRIGATION PARTS Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 1,023.04 HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC 210771 04/21/23 - IRRIGATION CONTROLLERS (2) Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 427.21 CALIFORNIA DESERT NURSERY_ 210754 04/12/23 - PLANTS FOR CALLE NUESTRA (... Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 301.59 PWLC II, INC 210781 04/2023 - L&L MONTHLY MAINTENANCE Landscape Contract 215-7004-60112 58,574.00 DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 210763 04/05/23 - LED LAMPS (24) Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 578.34 DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 210763 04/06/23 - LED LAMP Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 65.47 DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 210763 04/18/23 - LED LAMPS (12) Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 720.00 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total: 81,126.77 Fund: 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND PALMS TO PINES PRINTING 210779 04/14/23 - COLORING BOOKS (500) AB 939 Recycling Solutions 221-0000-60127 546.60 ALPHA MEDIA LLC 210750 02/2023 - RECYCLING RADIO ADS 93.7 KC... AB 939 Recycling Solutions 221-0000-60127 1,696.83 ALPHA MEDIA LLC 210750 02/2023 - RECYCLING RADIO ADS MIX 100... AB 939 Recycling Solutions 221-0000-60127 1,677.62 Fund 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND Total: 3,921.05 Fund: 226 - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE GRANT (EMPG) DELL MARKETING LP 210760 13 EOC laptops - Dell Latitude 3520 Tools/Equipment 226-0000-60432 11,615.11 DELL MARKETING LP 210760 Dell Latitude 3520 Taxes Tools/Equipment 226-0000-60432 841.96 DELL MARKETING LP 210760 Laptop Environmental Fee Tools/Equipment 226-0000-60432 65.00 Fund 226 - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE GRANT (EMPG) Total: 12,522.07 Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS CALIFORNIA COMMERCIAL PO... 210753 3/2023 LQ PARK SPLAH PAD RENOVATION... Retention Payable 401-0000-20600 -814.50 CONVERSE CONSULTANTS 210757 11/26-12/30/22 MATERIALS TESTING MO... Technical 401-0000-60108 1,430.00 DESERT CONCEPTS CONSTRUC... 210762 12/1/22-3/30/23 BLACKHAWK WAY CROSS., Retention Payable 401-0000-20600 -9,026.90 DESERT CONCEPTS CONSTRUC... 210762 12/1/22-3/30/23 BLACKHAWK WAY CROSS., Construction 401-0000-60188 180,538.00 BENGAL ENGINEERING INC 210752 02/2023 - DUNE PALMS LOW WATER CRO... Design 401-0000-60185 6,186.44 LA PRENSA HISPANA 210773 4/5/23 & 4/12/23 - CITYWIDE MISC ADA B... Construction 401-0000-60188 2,160.00 Fund 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total: 180,473.04 Fund: 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT SCHULTZ MOTORSPORTS LLC 210786 2022 CHEVROLET COLORADO UPFITS VIN ... Parts, Accessories, and Upfits 501-0000-60675 6,283.06 SCHULTZ MOTORSPORTS LLC 210786 2022 CHEVROLET COLORADO VIN #N1331... Parts, Accessories, and Upfits 501-0000-60675 6,283.05 ENTERPRISE FM TRUST 210767 04/24/23 - 2017 GMC SAVANNA PURCHA... Vehicles, Purchased 501-0000-71031 400.00 T AND B WATER TRUCKS INC. 210789 04/19/23 - WATER TRUCK REPAIRS VIN # ... Vehicle Repair & Maintenance 501-0000-60676 8,296.75 AUTOZONE 210751 02/07/23 - VEHICLE WEDGE BLIND SPOT M., Parts, Accessories, and Upfits 501-0000-60675 3.23 AUTOZONE 210751 02/24/23 - DEF EXHAUST FUEL FOR BACK ... Parts, Accessories, and Upfits 501-0000-60675 58.70 AUTOZONE 210751 03/01/23 -VEHICLE BATTERY Parts, Accessories, and Upfits 501-0000-60675 150.20 AUTOZONE 210751 03/01/23 -VEHICLE BATTERY CREDIT Parts, Accessories, and Upfits 501-0000-60675 -22.00 AUTOZONE 210751 03/03/23 -VEHICLE BATTERY Parts, Accessories, and Upfits 501-0000-60675 156.41 AUTOZONE 210751 03/27/23 - FIX A FLAT INFLATOR & SEALER Parts, Accessories, and Upfits 501-0000-60675 14.13 AUTOZONE 210751 04/03/23 - HEADLIGHT BULBS & ENGINE ... Parts, Accessories, and Upfits 501-0000-60675 10.20 AUTOZONE 210751 04/10/23 - BATTERY CHARGER Parts, Accessories, and Upfits 501-0000-60675 657.93 TOWER ENERGY GROUP 210790 03/16-03/31/23 - FUEL Fuel & Oil 501-0000-60674 4,231.77 Fund 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total: 26,523.43 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 210791 02/2023 - SOFTWARE SERVICES Software Implementation/Enh... 502-0000-71049 10,868.75 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 210791 03/1-04/7/23 - SOFTWARE SERVICES Software Implementation/Enh... 502-0000-71049 13,690.00 DELL MARKETING LP 210760 7/1/23-3/31/24 - MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 ... Prepaid Expense 502-0000-13600 30,717.00 DELL MARKETING LP 210760 4/1/23-6/30/23 - MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 ... Software Licenses 502-0000-60301 10,239.00 FISHER INTEGRATED INC 210769 02/2023 - CC VIDEO STREAMING Consultants 502-0000-60104 600.00 FISHER INTEGRATED INC 210769 02/2023 - MONTHLY FEE Consultants 502-0000-60104 1,100.00 FISHER INTEGRATED INC 210769 03/2023 - CC VIDEO STREAMING Consultants 502-0000-60104 900.00 FISHER INTEGRATED INC 210769 03/2023 - MONTHLY FEE Consultants 502-0000-60104 1,100.00 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOL... 210772 10/20/22 - PLOTTER SERVICE CALL Copiers 502-0000-60662 150.00 5/8/2023 2:23:34 PM Page 2 of 5 50 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03454 - 04/28/2023 JIB Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount DELL MARKETING LP 210760 IT COMPUTER PURCHASES Computers 502-0000-80103 -12,522.07 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total: 56,842.68 Fund: 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND CALIFORNIA COMMERCIAL PO... 210753 3/2023 LQ PARK SPLAH PAD RENOVATION... Parks 503-0000-71060 16,290.00 Fund 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND Total: 16,290.00 Fund: 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT GARDAWORLD 210770 03/2023 - SRR ARMORED SERVICE Bank Fees 601-0000-60455 747.59 GARDAWORLD 210770 04/2023 - SRR ARMORED SERVICE Bank Fees 601-0000-60455 730.73 GARDAWORLD 210770 03/2023 - SRR ARMORED EXCESS PREMISE.. Bank Fees 601-0000-60455 7.28 GARDAWORLD 210770 02/2023 - SRR ARMORED SVCS TIER PRICI... Bank Fees 601-0000-60455 134.18 GARDAWORLD 210770 03/2023 - SRR ARMORED SVCS TIER PRICI... Bank Fees 601-0000-60455 106.83 Fund 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT Total: 1,726.61 Grand Total: 840,716.90 5/8/2023 2:23:34 PM Page 3 of 5 51 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03454 - 04/28/20231B Fund Summary Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 226 - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE GRANT (... 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT Account Number 101-0000-20305 101-0000-22810 101-0000-42301 101-1004-60104 101-1005-60103 101-1005-60320 101-1006-60103 101-2001-60176 101-2001-60420 101-2002-60112 101-2002-60123 101-2002-60406 101-2002-61304 101-2002-61400 101-3002-60420 101-3003-60149 101-3003-60184 101-3005-60112 101-3005-60554 101-3008-60115 101-3008-60123 101-3008-60196 101-3008-60667 101-6004-60108 101-6004-60197 101-6006-60125 101-7002-60103 101-7006-60146 202-3004-60112 202-3004-60123 202-3004-60667 202-3006-60112 202-3006-60123 215-7004-60104 215-7004-60112 215-7004-60431 221-0000-60127 226-0000-60432 401-0000-20600 401-0000-60108 401-0000-60185 401-0000-60188 501-0000-60674 501-0000-60675 501-0000-60676 Grand Total: Account Summary Account Name Due to SunLine Developer Deposits Miscellaneous Revenue Consultants/Employee Se... Professional Services Travel & Training Professional Services Sheriff - Other Operating Supplies Landscape Contract Security & Alarm Disaster Prep Supplies Mobile/Cell Phones/Satell... Cable/Internet - Utilities Operating Supplies Community Experiences Fritz Burns Pool Program... Landscape Contract LQ Park Water Feature Janitorial Security & Alarm Annual Permits/Inspectio... HVAC Technical Animal Shelter Contract 5... Temporary Agency Servic... Professional Services PM 10 - Dust Control Landscape Contract Security & Alarm HVAC Landscape Contract Security & Alarm Consultants Landscape Contract Materials/Supplies AB 939 Recycling Solutions Tools/Equipment Retention Payable Technical Design Construction Fuel & Oil Parts, Accessories, and Up... Vehicle Repair & Mainte... Expense Amount 459,111.25 2,180.00 81,126.77 3,921.05 12,522.07 180,473.04 26,523.43 56,842.68 16,290.00 1,726.61 840,716.90 Expense Amount 475.50 265,660.66 -21.50 760.00 1,152.30 75.00 581.31 561.64 310.68 1,510.00 510.00 1,566.00 197.94 347.51 595.91 5,337.43 15,241.76 60,804.00 843.00 347.76 1,170.00 620.61 125.00 20.00 28,962.48 6,300.00 41,806.26 23,250.00 869.00 420.00 125.00 181.00 585.00 6,063.92 69,905.00 5,157.85 3,921.05 12,522.07 -9,841.40 1,430.00 6,186.44 182,698.00 4,231.77 13,594.91 8,296.75 5/8/2023 2:23:34 PM 52 Page 4 of 5 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03454 - 04/28/20231B Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 501-0000-71031 Vehicles, Purchased 400.00 502-0000-13600 Prepaid Expense 30,717.00 502-0000-60104 Consultants 3,700.00 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 10,239.00 502-0000-60662 Copiers 150.00 502-0000-71049 Software Implementation... 24,558.75 502-0000-80103 Computers -12,522.07 503-0000-71060 Parks 16,290.00 601-0000-60455 Bank Fees 1,726.61 Grand Total: 840,716.90 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Project Account Name Project Name Expense Amount **None** **None** **None** 373,322.97 111205D Design Expense Dune Palms Bridge Imp/BRLKS-543 6,186.44 13-006E DIAMANTE EXP TRAVELERS/DIAMANTE 265,660.66 201804E Landscape & Lighting Median Island ... Landscape & Lighting Median Islan 2,857.63 202208CT Construction Expense Citywide Miscellaneous ADA Imprc 2,160.00 202210T Technical Expense Moon River Drive Pavement Rehat 1,430.00 202219E La Quinta Splash Pad Renovation La Quinta Splash Pad Renovation 16,290.00 202219RP Retention Payable La Quinta Splash Pad Renovation -814.50 202222CT Construction Expense Blackhawk Way School Crossing 180,538.00 202222RP Retetion Payable Blackhawk Way School Crossing -9,026.90 BDAYE City Picnic & Birthday Celebration Ex... City Picnic & Birthday Celebration 546.60 CORONANR Corona Non Reimbursable Corona Virus Emergency Response 1,566.00 Grand Total: 840,716.90 *Project codes are generally used to track Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects, other large public works projects, developer deposits, or city-wide events. Normal operational expenditures are not project coded and, therefore, will report as "none" in this section. 5/8/2023 2:23:34 PM Page 5 of 5 53 City of La Quinta Demand Register Packet: APPKT03459 - 05/05/2023 JB Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 210856 CONTRIBUTION United Way Deductions 101-0000-20981 37.00 WILLDAN 210861 03/2023 - ONCALL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING ... Contract Traffic Engineer 101-7006-60144 24,210.00 PALMS TO PINES PRINTING 210839 04/25/23 - CITY WINDOW ENVELOPES (30... Printing 101-3007-60410 7,319.71 SOUTHWEST AQUATICS INC 210849 04/2023 - LAKE MAINTENANCE SERVICE Civic Center Lake Maintenance 101-3005-60117 1,350.00 SOUTHWEST AQUATICS INC 210849 04/2023 - LAKE MAINTENANCE SERVICE SilverRock Lake Maintenance 101-3005-60189 1,350.00 VINTAGE E & S INC 210859 03/29-03/30/23 - CH OFFICE LIGHTING SE... Maintenance/Services 101-3008-60691 1,700.22 DECKARD TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 210810 11/2022 - RENTALSCAPE Professional Services 101-1005-60103 3,750.00 DECKARD TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 210810 12/2022 - RENTALSCAPE Professional Services 101-1005-60103 3,750.00 DECKARD TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 210810 02/2023 - RENTALSCAPE Professional Services 101-1005-60103 3,750.00 DECKARD TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 210810 03/2023 - RENTALSCAPE Professional Services 101-1005-60103 3,750.00 TPX COMMUNICATIONS 210854 03/23-04/22/23 - EOC PHONE LINE SVC Telephone - Utilities 101-2002-61300 1,900.58 VALLEY LOCK & SAFE 210857 04/18/23 - EXTRA LOCKS WITH KEYS Operating Supplies 101-7006-60420 299.82 PAX FITNESS REPAIR 210840 04/2023 - FITNESS EQUIPMENT MAINTEN... Operating Supplies 101-3002-60420 275.00 DESERT CHAMPIONS LLC 210811 10/19/22 - DEPOSIT REFUND Miscellaneous Deposits 101-0000-22830 100.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 02/2023 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Consultants 101-7006-60104 1,225.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 03/2023 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Consultants 101-7006-60104 875.00 DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHO... 210813 12/15/22-1/11/23 - BP #7 SCHOOL RESOU... School Officer 101-2001-60168 8,904.54 DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHO... 210813 01/12-02/08/23 - BP #8 SCHOOL RESOUR... School Officer 101-2001-60168 18,776.86 WORLD TRIATHLON CORPORA... 210862 2022 VENUE HOST FOR IRONMAN Community Experiences 101-3003-60149 75,000.00 EVANGELISTA, ASTER 210815 04/2023 - WELLNESS CENTER CLASS REFU... Wellness Center Leisure Enric... 101-0000-42214 16.00 JENSEN, SHARLA W 210829 04/20/23 - PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS Instructors 101-3002-60107 312.00 SHIRY, TERESA 210848 04/21/23 - BALLROOM BEGINNING CLASS... Instructors 101-3002-60107 21.00 RUDY, LORI A 210846 04/21/23 - ESSENTIAL FITNESS CLASSES Instructors 101-3002-60107 33.60 VIELHARBER, KAREN 210858 04/21/23 - GENTLE YOGA TUESDAY DI CLA... Instructors 101-3002-60107 18.20 HEWETT, ATSUKO YAMANE 210825 04/21/23 -TAI CHI YANG CLASS Instructors 101-3002-60107 50.40 HEWETT, ATSUKO YAMANE 210825 04/21/23 -TAI CHI YANG DI CLASSES Instructors 101-3002-60107 28.00 VIELHARBER, KAREN 210858 04/21/23 - GENTLE YOGA TUESDAY DI CLA... Instructors 101-3002-60107 9.10 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 210832 03/13/23 - RIVERSIDE COUNTY DIVISION ... Travel & Training 101-1001-60320 200.00 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 210832 03/13/23 - RIVERSIDE COUNTY DIVISION ... Travel & Training 101-1002-60320 50.00 TAG/AMS INC 210852 03/27/23 -RANDOM DOT TESTING Consultants/Employee Services 101-1004-60104 90.00 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 210850 04/25/23 - OFFICE SUPPLIES Office Supplies 101-7001-60400 28.87 RASA/ERIC NELSON 210842 04/17/23 - LLA 2023-0001 ONCALL MAP C... Map/Plan Checking 101-7002-60183 420.00 RASA/ERIC NELSON 210842 04/17/23 - LLA 2023-0003 ONCALL MAP C... Map/Plan Checking 101-7002-60183 630.00 RASA/ERIC NELSON 210842 04/23/23 - LAD 2023-0001 ONCALL MAP ... Map/Plan Checking 101-7002-60183 350.00 RASA/ERIC NELSON 210842 04/26/23 - TPM 2023-0001 ONCALL MAP ... Map/Plan Checking 101-7002-60183 1,050.00 ROBERT HALF 210845 03/17/23 - TEMP AGENCY SERVICES A.MA... Temporary Agency Services 101-6006-60125 1,575.00 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES ... 210798 04/10/23 - BLOOD/ALCOHOL ANALYSIS Blood/Alcohol Testing 101-2001-60174 170.16 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES ... 210798 04/13/23 - BLOOD/ALCOHOL ANALYSIS Blood/Alcohol Testing 101-2001-60174 133.70 FEDEX 210816 04/07/23 - OVERNIGHT MAIL Postage 101-1007-60470 70.59 FEDEX 210816 04/12/23 - OVERNIGHT MAIL Postage 101-1007-60470 18.52 FIRST CHOICE A/C & HEATING ... 210818 04/12/23 - FS #93 HVAC REPAIRS Maintenance/Services 101-2002-60691 1,085.00 FIRST CHOICE A/C & HEATING ... 210818 04/12/23 - FS #32 HVAC REPAIRS Maintenance/Services 101-2002-60691 4,325.00 FIRST CHOICE A/C & HEATING ... 210818 04/12/23 - FS #32 HVAC REPAIRS Maintenance/Services 101-2002-60691 1,682.00 FIRST CHOICE A/C & HEATING ... 210818 04/26/23 - CH HVAC REFRIGERANT REFILL HVAC 101-3008-60667 2,345.50 THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE I... 210853 04/2023 - LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUMS Life Insurance Pay 101-0000-20947 469.80 THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE I... 210853 04/2023 - ADD'L LIFE PREMIUMS Add'I Life Insurance Pay 101-0000-20948 425.48 THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE I... 210853 04/2023 - STD/LTD PREMIUMS Disability Insurance Pay 101-0000-20955 4,745.09 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 210828 04/26/23 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electricity - Utilities 101-2002-61101 1,233.06 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 210828 04/26/23 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Civic Center Park - Uti.. 101-3005-61103 3,129.17 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 210828 04/26/23 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Fritz Burns Park - Utili... 101-3005-61105 1,277.59 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 210828 04/26/23 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Velasco Park - Utilities 101-3005-61111 13.62 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 210828 04/26/23 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electricity - Utilities 101-3008-61101 13,372.89 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 210828 04/27/23 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Sports Complex - Utili... 101-3005-61106 3,637.49 5/8/2023 2:22:09 PM Page 1 of 8 54 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03459 - 05/05/2023 JB Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 210828 04/27/23 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Eisenhower Park - Util.. 101-3005-61113 17.91 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 210828 05/03/23 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electricity - Utilities 101-2002-61101 661.05 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 210828 05/03/23 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Monticello Park - Utili.. 101-3005-61102 13.45 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 210828 05/03/23 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Colonel Paige - Utiliti... 101-3005-61108 521.13 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 210828 05/03/23 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Community Park - Util.. 101-3005-61109 5,493.36 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 210828 05/03/23 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Adams Park - Utilities 101-3005-61110 38.73 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 210828 05/03/23 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Desert Pride - Utilities 101-3005-61114 12.98 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI... 210807 04/25/23 - WATER SERVICE Water - Utilities 101-2002-61200 208.31 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI... 210807 04/25/23 - WATER SERVICE Water - Civic Center Park - Utili.. 101-3005-61202 925.17 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI... 210807 04/25/23 - WATER SERVICE Water -Seasons Park - Utilities 101-3005-61208 30.56 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI... 210807 04/25/23 - WATER SERVICE Water -Community Park - Utilit.. 101-3005-61209 1,277.65 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI... 210807 04/25/23 - WATER SERVICE Water - Utilities 101-3008-61200 71.30 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI... 210807 04/25/23 - WATER SERVICE PM 10 - Dust Control 101-7006-60146 185.84 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI... 210807 05/03/23 - WATER SERVICE Water -Pioneer Park - Utilities 101-3005-61207 227.59 DESERT RESORT MANAGEMENT 210812 04/2023 - SECURITY PATROL SERVICES Professional Services 101-6004-60103 3,883.51 FIRST CHOICE A/C & HEATING ... 210818 04/19/23 - WC HVAC REFRIGERANT REFILL HVAC 101-3008-60667 624.00 THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE I... 210853 02/2023 - LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUMS Life Insurance Pay 101-0000-20947 480.60 THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE I... 210853 02/2023 - ADD'L LIFE PREMIUMS Add'I Life Insurance Pay 101-0000-20948 437.92 THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE I... 210853 02/2023 - STD/LTD PREMIUMS Disability Insurance Pay 101-0000-20955 3,327.40 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE DEPT 0... 210809 6/1/23-5/31/24 FB POOL HEALTH PERMIT ... Prepaid Expense 101-0000-13600 844.00 GOVOS, INC. 210820 05/2023 - STVR PERMITTING SOFTWARE Professional Services 101-1005-60103 3,820.00 THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE I... 210853 01/2023 - LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUMS Life Insurance Pay 101-0000-20947 486.00 THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE I... 210853 01/2023 - ADD'L LIFE PREMIUMS Add'I Life Insurance Pay 101-0000-20948 603.80 THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE I... 210853 01/2023 - STD/LTD PREMIUMS Disability Insurance Pay 101-0000-20955 3,454.10 KILEY & ASSOCIATES LLC 210831 04/2023 - FEDERAL LOBBYIST SERVICES Contract Services - Administrat.. 101-1002-60101 3,500.00 COACHELLA VALLEY CONSERV... 210806 03/2023 - MSHCP FEES MSHCP Mitigation Fee 101-0000-20310 5,175.00 THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE I... 210853 03/2023 - LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUMS Life Insurance Pay 101-0000-20947 480.60 THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE I... 210853 03/2023 - ADD'L LIFE PREMIUMS Add'I Life Insurance Pay 101-0000-20948 437.93 THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE I... 210853 03/2023 - STD/LTD PREMIUMS Disability Insurance Pay 101-0000-20955 3,375.29 SWIMMER, MILTON 210851 03/29/23 - CITATION DISMISSAL LQP26117 Administrative Citations 101-0000-42700 305.00 COACHELLA VALLEY CONSERV... 210806 03/2023 - MSHCP FEES CVMSHCP Admin Fee 101-0000-43631 -51.75 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/16/23 - TUBE LIGHT BULB FOR FS #93 Fire Station 101-2002-60670 65.23 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/02/23 - TOGGLE BOLTS FOR FS #70 Maintenance/Services 101-2002-60691 13.70 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/02/23 - STEEL STORAGE CABINET Operating Supplies 101-3003-60420 257.79 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/14/23 - RETURN STEEL STORAGE CABI... Operating Supplies 101-3003-60420 -257.79 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/21/23 - SPRAY PAINT Supplies -Graffiti and Vandalism 101-3005-60423 42.83 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 02/28/23 - MATERIALS FOR PARKS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 422.11 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/03/23 - BARRIER FENCE & SUPPLIES FO... Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 194.27 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/16/23 - WOOD STAKES Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 42.35 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/15/23 - STEEL STAKES & WOOD STAKES Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 193.97 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/21/23 - GATE KIT & SCREWS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 52.97 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/15/23 - HAMMER & STAKES Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 78.13 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/14/23 - ROTARY LASER TOOL Tools/Equipment 101-3005-60432 962.32 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/06/23 - CAULK GUN & BLOW HAMMER Tools/Equipment 101-3005-60432 95.25 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/09/23 - GLASS SCRAPER & BLADES FOR... Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 35.43 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/15/23 - MATERIALS FOR LQ PARK Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 347.85 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/20/23 - CONCRETE REPAIR SUPPLIES F... Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 16.50 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/22/23 -ANCHORING ADHESIVE & EPO... Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 63.78 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/07/23 -ADHESIVE REMOVER & TOWEL... Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 45.56 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/02/23 - DRILL BITS FOR SHOP Tools/Equipment 101-3008-60432 66.50 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/01/23 - CHOP SAW FOR SRR Tools/Equipment 101-3008-60432 282.08 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/16/23 - RETURN STEEL WOOD RACK 5... Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 -181.22 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/15/23 - BROOM & DRILL BITS Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 85.72 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/08/23 - SMALL TOOLS Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 195.54 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/21/23 - PAINTER CAULK & LOCK NUTS Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 23.42 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/10/23 - CHAINS & CLAMPS Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 131.95 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/02/23 - SHOVEL & BAGS FOR SAND ST... Tools/Equipment 101-7003-60432 48.88 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/01/23 - TOOLS FOR TEMP EMPLOYEE Tools/Equipment 101-7003-60432 59.71 FIND FOOD BANK INC 210817 05/1/23 - FIND FOOD DISTRIBUTION IN LQ Grants & Economic Developm... 101-3001-60510 60,000.00 SAID, ANNETTE 210847 04/11/23 - BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND LIC... Over Payments, AR Policy 101-0000-20330 36.00 5/8/2023 2:22:09 PM Page 2 of 8 55 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03459 - 05/05/2023 JB Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 210828 04/26/23 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - SilverRock Event Site -.. 101-3005-61115 3,141.42 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI... 210807 04/25/23 - WATER SERVICE Water - Utilities 101-2002-61200 166.75 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI... 210807 04/25/23 - WATER SERVICE Water -Eisenhower Park - Utilit.. 101-3005-61203 34.00 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI... 210807 04/25/23 - WATER SERVICE Water -Fritz Burns Park - Utiliti... 101-3005-61204 1,642.64 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI... 210807 04/25/23 - WATER SERVICE Water -Velasco Park - Utilities 101-3005-61205 44.53 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI... 210807 04/25/23 - WATER SERVICE Water - Utilities 101-3008-61200 671.72 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI... 210807 04/25/23 - WATER SERVICE PM 10 - Dust Control 101-7006-60146 40.80 RAYGADA, LILIANA 210843 04/12/23 - PERMIT FEES REFUND BPOL20... Over Payments, AR Policy 101-0000-20330 338.79 ZUMAYA, ANGELA 210863 04/12/23 - PERMIT FEES REFUND FSS2022... Over Payments, AR Policy 101-0000-20330 266.00 LEWIS, NICOLE 210833 04/12/23 - PERMIT FEES REFUND BMCH2... Over Payments, AR Policy 101-0000-20330 192.07 JOHN MCDANIEL III DBA RUSS... 210830 04/11/23 - BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND LIC... Over Payments, AR Policy 101-0000-20330 105.00 ASSOCIA ON CALL CALIFORNIA.. 210799 04/11/23 - BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND LIC... Over Payments, AR Policy 101-0000-20330 36.00 ALDI INC 210797 03/27/23 - BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND LIC... Over Payments, AR Policy 101-0000-20330 107.00 ROADPOST USA INC. 210844 04/23-05/22/23 - EOC SATELLITE PHONES Mobile/Cell Phones/Satellites 101-2002-61304 200.85 HDL COREN & CONE 210823 01/01-03/31/23 - CPI INCREASE PROPERTY.. Consultants 101-1006-60104 265.10 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Total: 312,882.49 Fund: 201- GAS TAX FUND HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/16/23 - BARRIER FENCE Materials/Supplies 201-7003-60431 39.00 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/27/23 - RETAINING WALL BLOCKS Materials/Supplies 201-7003-60431 376.93 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/14/23 - LOCK WASHERS & BLACK PIPE F.. Materials/Supplies 201-7003-60431 241.44 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/10/23 - CONCRETE MIX Materials/Supplies 201-7003-60431 4.60 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/16/23 - BARRIER FENCE Materials/Supplies 201-7003-60431 39.00 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/08/23 - LUMBER & MASON LINE REEL Materials/Supplies 201-7003-60431 187.16 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/17/23 - STEEL PIPE & FITTINGS Materials/Supplies 201-7003-60431 18.90 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/09-03/10/23 - EQUIPMENT RENTAL Equipment Rental 201-7003-61701 108.90 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/06/23 - EQUIPMENT RENTAL Equipment Rental 201-7003-61701 505.13 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/03/23 - EQUIPMENT RENTAL Equipment Rental 201-7003-61701 175.00 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 210828 04/26/23 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electricity - Utilities 201-7003-61101 664.91 Fund 201- GAS TAX FUND Total: 2,360.97 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS... 210819 04/13-05/12/23 - MUSEUM PHONE Telephone - Utilities 202-3006-61300 130.53 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 210828 04/26/23 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electricity- Utilities 202-3004-61101 3,497.57 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 210828 04/26/23 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electricity - Utilities 202-3006-61101 877.28 PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION... 210838 6/14/22 & 6/23/22 - LIBRARY HVAC REPAI... HVAC 202-3004-60667 2,722.43 PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION... 210838 09/06/22 - LIBRARY HVAC REPAIRS HVAC 202-3004-60667 3,718.00 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total: 10,945.81 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND VINTAGE E & S INC 210859 03/20-03/22/23 - MADISON MEDIAN LIGH... Maintenance/Services 215-7004-60691 4,617.05 VINTAGE E & S INC 210859 03/16/23 - MADISON MEDIAN LIGHTING 5... Maintenance/Services 215-7004-60691 2,008.06 TRI-STATE MATERIALS INC 210855 04/10/23 - LANDSCAPE BOULDERS Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 3,054.90 TRI-STATE MATERIALS INC 210855 04/20/23 - LANDSCAPE ROCK FOR CALLE ... Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 2,223.31 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 210850 04/07/23 - COFFEE SUPPLIES Operating Supplies 215-7004-60420 145.73 WHITE CAP CONSTRUCTION 5... 210860 04/10/23 - MATERIALS Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 1,318.23 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/14/23 - NAILS & GREASE GUN Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 112.68 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 210828 04/26/23 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Utilities 215-7004-61116 2,653.45 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 210828 04/26/23 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Medians - Utilities 215-7004-61117 1,281.45 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 210828 04/27/23 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Utilities 215-7004-61116 265.73 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 210828 04/27/23 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Medians - Utilities 215-7004-61117 275.35 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 210828 05/03/23 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Utilities 215-7004-61116 3,581.74 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 210828 05/03/23 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Medians - Utilities 215-7004-61117 1,078.47 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI... 210807 04/25/23 - WATER SERVICE Water - Medians - Utilities 215-7004-61211 9,553.76 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI... 210807 05/03/23 - WATER SERVICE Water - Medians - Utilities 215-7004-61211 314.55 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total: 32,484.46 Fund: 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 5/8/2023 2:22:09 PM 03/16/23 - RETURN RECYCLING BIN AB 939 Recycling Solutions 221-0000-60127 -53.28 Fund 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND Total: -53.28 Page 3 of 8 56 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03459 - 05/05/2023 JB Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount Fund: 224 - TUMF FUND COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOC OF... 210805 03/2023 - TUMF FEES TUMF Payable to CVAG 224-0000-20320 13,350.00 Fund 224 - TUMF FUND Total: 13,350.00 Fund: 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 210828 04/26/23 - ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electricity - Utilities 235-0000-61101 1,685.01 Fund 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND Total: 1,685.01 Fund: 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND CJR DESIGN 210804 04/27/23 - GOLD STAR FAMILY MONUME... Art Purchases 270-0000-74800 24,000.00 Fund 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND Total: 24,000.00 Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 02/2023 LA QUINTA X PARK Professional Services 401-0000-60103 700.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 02/2023 VILLAGE ART/CULTURAL PLAZA Professional Services 401-0000-60103 350.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 03/2023 FRITZ BURNS PARK IMPROVEME... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 525.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 02/2023 JEFFERSON ST SLURRY SEAL IMP... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 700.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 02/2023 LANDSCAPE RENOVATIONS Professional Services 401-0000-60103 6,042.50 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 02/2023 VILLAGE UNDERGROUND PJT FEA.., Professional Services 401-0000-60103 350.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 03/2023 AVE 50 BRIDGE SPANNING THE E... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 350.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 02/2023 DUNE PALMS BRIDGE Professional Services 401-0000-60103 3,100.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 02/2023 AVE 50 REHABILITATION WASH S... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 700.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 02/2023 BLACKHAWK WAY SCHOOL CROS... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 175.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 03/2023 HIGHWAY 111 CORRIDOR Professional Services 401-0000-60103 725.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 02/2023 CITYWIDE STRIPING REFRESH Professional Services 401-0000-60103 212.50 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 02/2023 CITYWIDE MISC ADA IMPROVEM... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 2,090.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 02/2023 CIVIC CENTER ACTIVITIES PROM... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 37.50 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 02/2023 AVE 52 PAVEMENT REHAB MADI... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 1,400.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 03/2023 AVE 50 REHABILITATION WASH S... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 175.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 03/2023 HIGHWAY 111 CORRIDOR Professional Services 401-0000-60103 2,137.50 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 03/2023 SLURRY SEAL PROJECT Professional Services 401-0000-60103 350.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 03/2023 VILLAGE UNDERGROUND PJT FEA.., Professional Services 401-0000-60103 212.50 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 03/2023 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN Professional Services 401-0000-60103 1,225.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 03/2023 DUNE PALMS BRIDGE Professional Services 401-0000-60103 3,510.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 03/2023 VILLAGE ART/CULTURAL PLAZA Professional Services 401-0000-60103 175.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 03/2023 SPORTS COMPLEX LIGHTING REP... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 175.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 03/2023 CITYWIDE STRIPING REFRESH Professional Services 401-0000-60103 2,617.50 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 03/2023 MOON RIVER DRIVE PAVEMENT... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 37.50 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 03/2023 LANDSCAPE RENOVATIONS Professional Services 401-0000-60103 6,500.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 03/2023 AVE 50 BRIDGE SPANNING THE E... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 630.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 03/2023 CITYWIDE MISC ADA IMPROVEM... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 3,027.50 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 03/2023 JEFFERSON ST SLURRY SEAL IMP... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 1,750.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 03/2023 FRITZ BURNS PARK IMPROVEME... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 425.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 03/2023 CIVIC CENTER ACTIVITIES PROM... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 1,225.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 03/2023 LA QUINTA X PARK Professional Services 401-0000-60103 350.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 210834 03/2023 AVE 52 PAVEMENT REHAB MADI... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 175.00 HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC 210824 03/2023 - MARBELLA/SIERRA DEL REY LA... Design 401-0000-60185 450.00 HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC 210824 03/2023 - CACTUS FLOWER LANDSCAPE A... Design 401-0000-60185 5,289.25 HERMANN DESIGN GROUP INC 210824 03/2023 - CACTUS FLOWER LANDSCAPE A... Design 401-0000-60185 352.50 HAMMEL, GREEN, AND ABRA... 210822 03/2023 - CULTURAL CAMPUS DESIGN Design 401-0000-60185 8,615.00 NV5 210836 3/2023 LQVILLAGE UNDERGROUNDING F... Design 401-0000-60185 2,732.00 BENGAL ENGINEERING INC 210800 03/2023 - DUNE PALMS LOW WATER CRO... Design 401-0000-60185 4,216.39 CONVERGINT TECHNOLOGIES ... 210808 04/30/23 - TRAFFIC CAMERA REPAIR Construction 401-0000-60188 3,328.00 Fund 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total: 67,138.14 Fund: 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT BMW MOTORCYCLES OF RIVE... 210801 04/26/23 - MOTORCYCLE REPAIR A1154 Motorcycle Repair & Mainten... 501-0000-60679 715.67 GRAINGER 210821 04/20/23 - OSHA GRADE CHAINS & TIE D... Parts, Accessories, and Upfits 501-0000-60675 609.76 GRAINGER 210821 04/20/23 - OSHA GRADE CHAINS & TIE D... Parts, Accessories, and Upfits 501-0000-60675 1,579.66 CHEVROLET CADILLAC 210803 04/20/23 - A/C REPAIR 2018 COLORADO V... Vehicle Repair & Maintenance 501-0000-60676 1,712.61 CHEVROLET CADILLAC 210803 04/16/23 - MAINTENANCE 2017 SILVERA... Vehicle Repair & Maintenance 501-0000-60676 745.86 CHEVROLET CADILLAC 210803 04/19/23 - MAINTENANCE 2022 SILVERA... Vehicle Repair & Maintenance 501-0000-60676 106.29 CHEVROLET CADILLAC 210803 04/21/23 - MAINTENANCE 2022 COLORA... Vehicle Repair & Maintenance 501-0000-60676 93.24 5/8/2023 2:22:09 PM Page 4 of 8 57 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03459 - 05/05/2023 JB Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount ENTERPRISE FM TRUST 210814 04/2023 - FLEET LEASES Vehicles, Rentals & Leases 501-0000-71030 1,926.40 PACIFIC MOBILE STRUCTURES, .. 210837 05/2023 - PW TRAILER RENTAL Building Leases 501-0000-71032 3,088.51 QUINN COMPANY 210841 04/13/23 - SCREWS & LOCKNUTS FOR FLE... Parts, Accessories, and Upfits 501-0000-60675 54.38 Fund 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total: 10,632.38 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS ... 210802 03/15-04/14/23 - WC CABLE (8105) Cable/Internet - Utilities 502-0000-61400 154.66 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS ... 210802 04/10-05/09/23 - CH INTERNET (2546) Cable/Internet - Utilities 502-0000-61400 2,079.00 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS ... 210802 04/12-05/11/23 - CITY YARD CABLE (4080) Cable/Internet - Utilities 502-0000-61400 81.77 ACORN TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 210796 04/2023 - IT SERVICES Consultants 502-0000-60104 27,990.00 ACORN TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 210796 05/2023 - IT SERVICES Consultants 502-0000-60104 28,140.00 TPX COMMUNICATIONS 210854 03/23-04/22/23 - PHONE LINE SVC Telephone - Utilities 502-0000-61300 3,964.28 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS... 210819 04/12-05/11/23 - X-PARK INTERNET Cable/Internet - Utilities 502-0000-61400 890.00 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total: 63,299.71 Fund: 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210826 03/06/23 - WELDING WIRE FOR SRR Repair & Maintenance 601-0000-60660 78.23 Fund 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT Total: 78.23 Grand Total: 538,803.92 5/8/2023 2:22:09 PM Page 5 of 8 58 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03459 - 05/05/20231B Fund Summary Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND 201 - GAS TAX FUND 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 224-TUMF FUND 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT Account Number 101-0000-13600 101-0000-20310 101-0000-20330 101-0000-20947 101-0000-20948 101-0000-20955 101-0000-20981 101-0000-22830 101-0000-42214 101-0000-42700 101-0000-43631 101-1001-60320 101-1002-60101 101-1002-60320 101-1004-60104 101-1005-60103 101-1006-60104 101-1007-60470 101-2001-60168 101-2001-60174 101-2002-60670 101-2002-60691 101-2002-61101 101-2002-61200 101-2002-61300 101-2002-61304 101-3001-60510 101-3002-60107 101-3002-60420 101-3003-60149 101-3003-60420 101-3005-60117 101-3005-60189 101-3005-60423 101-3005-60431 101-3005-60432 101-3005-61102 101-3005-61103 101-3005-61105 101-3005-61106 101-3005-61108 101-3005-61109 101-3005-61110 Grand Total Account Summary Account Name Prepaid Expense MSHCP Mitigation Fee Over Payments, AR Policy Life Insurance Pay Add'I Life Insurance Pay Disability Insurance Pay United Way Deductions Miscellaneous Deposits Wellness Center Leisure E... Administrative Citations CVMSHCP Admin Fee Travel & Training Contract Services - Admini.. Travel & Training Consultants/Employee Se... Professional Services Consultants Postage School Officer Blood/Alcohol Testing Fire Station Maintenance/Services Electricity - Utilities Water - Utilities Telephone - Utilities Mobile/Cell Phones/Sate11... Grants & Economic Deve1... Instructors Operating Supplies Community Experiences Operating Supplies Civic Center Lake Mainten... SilverRock Lake Maintena... Supplies -Graffiti and Van... Materials/Supplies Tools/Equipment Electric - Monticello Park -.. Electric - Civic Center Park... Electric - Fritz Burns Park -... Electric - Sports Complex -... Electric - Colonel Paige - U... Electric - Community Park.. Electric - Adams Park - Util.. Expense Amount 312,882.49 2,360.97 10,945.81 32,484.46 -53.28 13,350.00 1,685.01 24,000.00 67,138.14 10,632.38 63,299.71 78.23 538,803.92 Expense Amount 844.00 5,175.00 1,080.86 1,917.00 1,905.13 14,901.88 37.00 100.00 16.00 305.00 -51.75 200.00 3,500.00 50.00 90.00 18,820.00 265.10 89.11 27,681.40 303.86 65.23 7,105.70 1,894.11 375.06 1,900.58 200.85 60,000.00 472.30 275.00 75,000.00 0.00 1,350.00 1,350.00 42.83 983.80 1,057.57 13.45 3,129.17 1,277.59 3,637.49 521.13 5,493.36 38.73 5/8/2023 2:22:09 PM 59 Page 6 of 8 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03459 - 05/05/20231B Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-3005-61111 Electric - Velasco Park - Uti.. 13.62 101-3005-61113 Electric - Eisenhower Park.. 17.91 101-3005-61114 Electric - Desert Pride - Uti.. 12.98 101-3005-61115 Electric - SilverRock Event... 3,141.42 101-3005-61202 Water - Civic Center Park -.. 925.17 101-3005-61203 Water -Eisenhower Park-... 34.00 101-3005-61204 Water -Fritz Burns Park-... 1,642.64 101-3005-61205 Water -Velasco Park - Utili.., 44.53 101-3005-61207 Water-PioneerPark- Utili.. 227.59 101-3005-61208 Water -Seasons Park - Util... 30.56 101-3005-61209 Water -Community Park-... 1,277.65 101-3007-60410 Printing 7,319.71 101-3008-60431 Materials/Supplies 509.12 101-3008-60432 Tools/Equipment 348.58 101-3008-60667 HVAC 2,969.50 101-3008-60691 Maintenance/Services 1,700.22 101-3008-61101 Electricity -Utilities 13,372.89 101-3008-61200 Water -Utilities 743.02 101-6004-60103 Professional Services 3,883.51 101-6006-60125 Temporary Agency Servic... 1,575.00 101-7001-60400 Office Supplies 28.87 101-7002-60183 Map/Plan Checking 2,450.00 101-7003-60420 Operating Supplies 255.41 101-7003-60432 Tools/Equipment 108.59 101-7006-60104 Consultants 2,100.00 101-7006-60144 Contract Traffic Engineer 24,210.00 101-7006-60146 PM 10 - Dust Control 226.64 101-7006-60420 Operating Supplies 299.82 201-7003-60431 Materials/Supplies 907.03 201-7003-61101 Electricity -Utilities 664.91 201-7003-61701 Equipment Rental 789.03 202-3004-60667 HVAC 6,440.43 202-3004-61101 Electricity -Utilities 3,497.57 202-3006-61101 Electricity -Utilities 877.28 202-3006-61300 Telephone - Utilities 130.53 215-7004-60420 Operating Supplies 145.73 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 6,709.12 215-7004-60691 Maintenance/Services 6,625.11 215-7004-61116 Electric - Utilities 6,500.92 215-7004-61117 Electric - Medians - Utiliti... 2,635.27 215-7004-61211 Water - Medians - Utilities 9,868.31 221-0000-60127 AB 939 Recycling Solutions -53.28 224-0000-20320 TUMF Payable to CVAG 13,350.00 235-0000-61101 Electricity -Utilities 1,685.01 270-0000-74800 Art Purchases 24,000.00 401-0000-60103 Professional Services 42,155.00 401-0000-60185 Design 21,655.14 401-0000-60188 Construction 3,328.00 501-0000-60675 Parts, Accessories, and Up... 2,243.80 501-0000-60676 Vehicle Repair & Mainte... 2,658.00 501-0000-60679 Motorcycle Repair & Main.. 715.67 501-0000-71030 Vehicles, Rentals & Leases 1,926.40 501-0000-71032 Building Leases 3,088.51 502-0000-60104 Consultants 56,130.00 502-0000-61300 Telephone - Utilities 3,964.28 502-0000-61400 Cable/Internet - Utilities 3,205.43 601-0000-60660 Repair & Maintenance 78.23 Grand Total: 538,803.92 5/8/2023 2:22:09 PM Page 7 of 8 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03459 - 05/05/2023113 Project Account Key **None** 111205D 111205P 151609P 201603D 201603P 201804E 201901D 201901P 201902P 201905P 202003CT 202102P 202104P 202108P 202117P 202201P 202204P 202206D 202206P 202208P 202210P 202214P 202222P 202227E 2223PMPP IRONE STVRE Project Account Summary Project Account Name **None** Design Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Design Expense Professional Expense Landscape & Lighting Median Island ... Design Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Construction Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Design Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Civic Center Activities Promenade Professional Expense Ironman Expense Short Term Vacation Rental Expense Grand Total: Project Name **None** Dune Palms Bridge Imp/BRLKS-543 Dune Palms Bridge Imp/BRLKS-543 La Quinta X Park La Quinta Landscape Renovation Ir La Quinta Landscape Renovation Ir Landscape & Lighting Median Islan Village Art Plaza Promenade & Cull Village Art Plaza Promenade & Cull Avenue 50 Bridge Spanning the Ew Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan Irr Citywide Public Safety Camera Sysi Fritz Burns Park Improvements Citywide Striping Refresh FY 21/22 PMP Slurry Seal Improves Jefferson Street Slurry Seal Improv Avenue 50 Pavement Rehab (Was[ Sports Complex Lighting Replacem Village Utilities Undergrounding Pr Village Utilities Undergrounding Pr Citywide Miscellaneous ADA Imprc Moon River Drive Pavement Reha[ Avenue 52 Pavement Rehabilitatio Blackhawk Way School Crossing Civic Center Activities Promenade FY22/23 Pavement Management F Ironman Event Short Term Vacation Rental Trackii 538,803.92 Expense Amount 362,058.95 4,216.39 6,610.00 1,050.00 6,091.75 12,542.50 11,903.32 8,615.00 525.00 980.00 2,862.50 3,328.00 950.00 2,830.00 350.00 2,450.00 875.00 175.00 2,732.00 562.50 5,117.50 37.50 1,575.00 175.00 1,262.50 1,225.00 75,000.00 22,703.51 *Project codes are generally used to track Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects, other large public works projects, developer deposits, or city-wide events. Normal operational expenditures are not project coded and, therefore, will report as "none" in this section. 5/8/2023 2:22:09 PM 61 Page 8 of 8 62 ATTACHMENT 2 City of La Quinta Bank Transactions 4/24/2023 — 5/5/2023 Wire Transaction Listed below are the wire transfers from 4/24/2023— 5/5/2023. Wire Transfers: 04/25/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - LANDMARK 04/28/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALPERS 04/28/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - CAPERS 04/28/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - CAPERS 04/28/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - LQCEA 04/28/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - MISSION SQUARE 05/02/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - STERLING HEALTH 05/03/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - COLONIAL LIFE 05/04/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - STANDARD OF OREGON 05/05/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - AMERITAS LIFE 05/05/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - AMERITAS LIFE 05/05/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - AMERITAS LIFE 05/05/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - AMERITAS LIFE TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS OUT $249,474.69 $5,242.45 $12,817.64 $25,704.60 $486.00 $6,137.28 $1,460.39 $8,160.96 $1,511.84 $134.94 $414.96 $968.78 $4,824.62 $317,339.15 63 64 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 10 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: May 16, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: RECEIVE AND FILE THIRD QUARTER FISCAL YEAR 2022/23 TREASURY REPORTS FOR JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH 2O23 RECOMMENDATION Receive and file the third quarter fiscal year 2022/23 Treasury Reports for January, February, and March 2023. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Commentary and Summary of Significant Activity The total book value of the portfolio increased $4.8 million, from $212.4 million at the end of December 2022 to $217.2 million at the end of March 2023. The increase reflects operational activity throughout the quarter. The portfolio is within policy limits for investment types and total allocation by type (see chart below) and is also within policy guidelines for investment ratings. Portfolio Allocations Max Investment Type January February March Allowed Bank Accounts 9.53% 8.77% 8.09% 100% Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) City 8.35% 8.32% 8.72% (1) Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) Housing 0.90% 0.89% 0.94% (1)(2) Money Market Pool Accounts -CAMP 16.92% 16.93% 17.81 % N/A Federal Agency Coupons 17.64% 18.03% 18.88% 100% Treasury Coupons 19.41 % 18.48% 16.63% 100% Treasury Discount Notes 6.48% 7.32% 9.01 % 100% Certificates of Deposit (CD's) 14.81 % 14.88% 16.27% 30% Corporate Notes 0.60% 0.38% 0.40% 30% Money Market with Fiscal Agent 0.00% 0.77% 0.00% (2) CERBT- OPEB Trust 0.77% 0.77% 0.84% (3) PARS Pension Trust 4.59% 4.46% 2.42% (3) Total 100% 100% 100% LAIF is subject to maximum dollar amount not a percentage of the portfolio (2) Funds held by fiscal agent and the LAIF Housing funds are governed by bond indentures and not subject to City Investment Policy (3) OPEB and pension trusts are fiduciary accounts and not subject to City Investment Policy The fiscal year annual effective rate of return is 1.81 % as of March 2023, which is a 26 basis point (bps) increase since December 2022. Total earnings for the quarter of $1.27 million is $930,536 above last year, when the annual effective rate was only 0.75%. City staff is continuing to evaluate liquidity needs and reinvesting money in short-term United 65 States treasuries and the California Asset Management Program (CAMP) which are yielding more than the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF). Average Days Effective Rate Total Earnings to Maturity of Return YTD January $ 348,407 440 1.60% February $ 406,907 453 1.69% March $ 519,702 475 1.81 % Quarter 2 $ 1,275,016 456 1.70% Throughout the quarter, one agency bond, eight treasuries, one corporate, and six CDs matured; one agency bond, ten treasuries, and thirteen CDs were purchased. There were no sales or calls. Maturities and purchases are listed in detail in the attached reports. Other Notes Money market funds with the fiscal agent are bond proceeds subject to bond indentures, not the City's investment policy. Successor Agency (SA) funds cannot be invested long- term; therefore SA funds are only invested in LAIF. Looking Ahead The Treasurer follows a "buy and hold" Investment Policy, unless it is fiscally advantageous to actively trade outside of maturity dates. In the short term, the Treasurer will invest in CAMP and LAIF as needed. Longer term investments may include Government Sponsored Enterprise (agencies) securities, U.S. Treasuries, Corporate Notes, and Negotiable Certificates of Deposits. All investments recognize both immediate and long-term cash flow needs, and there is sufficient liquidity in the portfolio to meet expenditure requirements for the next six months. AL I LKNA I IVL5 - None Prepared by: Rosemary Hallick, Financial Services Analyst Approved by: Claudia Martinez, Finance Director/City Treasurer Attachment: 1. Treasurer's Report for January 1, 2023 to March 31, 2023 •• ATTACHMENT 1 — GEM e& DESERT — City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Summary January 31, 2023 City of La Quinta Par Market Book % of Days to YTM Investments Value Value Value Portfolio Term Maturity 365 Equiv. Bank Accounts 21,616,459.78 21,616,459.78 21,616,459.78 9.53 1 1 0.000 Local Agency Investment Fund -City 18,937,383.16 18,517,467.82 18,937,383.16 8.35 1 1 2.425 Local Agency Invstmnt Fund -Housing 2,036,215.89 2,010,335.04 2,036,215.89 0.90 1 1 2.425 Money Market Accounts - CAMP 38,403,433.27 38,403,433.27 38,403,433.27 16.92 1 1 4.530 Federal Agency Coupon Securities 40,250,000.00 37,480,697.00 40,035,349.09 17.64 1,660 1,042 1.464 Treasury Coupon Securities 44,750,000.00 42,907,815.00 44,040,584.40 19.41 962 657 2.590 Treasury Discount Notes 15,000,000.00 14,851,300.00 14,703,766.15 6.48 177 79 4.222 Certificate of Deposits 33,616,000.00 32,274,821.15 33,615,377.50 14.81 1,673 814 2.188 Corporate Notes 1,400,000.00 1,342,758.00 1,360,910.00 0.60 1,666 462 2.099 Money Market with Fiscal Agent 4,644.86 4,644.86 4,644.86 0.00 1 1 0.000 CERBT - OPEB Trust 1,750,883.78 1,750,883.78 1,750,883.78 0.77 1 1 0.000 PARS Pension Trust 10,413,344.84 10,413,344.84 10,413,344.84 4.59 1 1 0.000 228,178,365.58 221,573,960.54 226,918,352.72 100.00% 749 440 2.362 Investments Total Earnings January 31 Month Ending Fiscal Year To Date Current Year 348,407.29 2,022,861.35 Average Daily Balance 219,710,655.26 215,220,017.11 Effective Rate of Return 1.87% 1.60% 1 certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with the California Government Code and the City Investment Policy. As Treasurer of the City of La Quinta, I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet the City's expenditure requirements for the next six months. The City of La Quinta used the monthly account statements issued by our financial institutions to determine the fair market value of investments at month end. Claudia Martinez, Finance Director/City Treasurer Reporting period 01/01/2023-01/31/2023 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:26 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM1) 7.3.0 Report Ver. 67 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments January 31, 2023 Page 1 Average Purchase Stated Days to YTM Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Maturity 365 Date Bank Accounts SYS1293 1293 Bank of New York 09/01/2020 7,890,054.47 7,890,054.47 7,890,054.47 1 1 0.000 059731851 1228 Bank of the West 08/20/2019 12,601,997.25 12,601,997.25 12,601,997.25 1 1 0.000 SYS1059 1059 City Petty Cash 07/01/2016 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 1 1 0.000 SYS1318 1318 Dune Palms Mobile Estates 03/09/2021 703,148.65 703,148.65 703,148.65 1 1 0.000 SYS1062 1062 La Quinta Palms Realty 07/01/2016 417,959.41 417,959.41 417,959.41 1 1 0.000 Subtotal and Average 15,550,579.54 21,616,459.78 21,616,459.78 21,616,459.78 1 1 0.000 Local Agency Investment Fund -City 98-33-434 1055 Local Agency Inv Fund 18,937,383.16 18,517,467.82 18,937,383.16 2.425 1 1 2.425 Subtotal and Average 18,896,673.45 18,937,383.16 18,517,467.82 18,937,383.16 1 1 2.425 Local Agency Invstmnt Fund -Housing 25-33-005 1113 Local Agency Inv Fund 2,036,215.89 2,010,335.04 2,036,215.89 2.425 1 1 2.425 Subtotal and Average 2,032,119.69 2,036,215.89 2,010,335.04 2,036,215.89 1 1 2.425 Money Market Accounts - CAMP SYS1153 1153 California Asset Management Pr 09/26/2018 38,403,433.27 38,403,433.27 38,403,433.27 4.530 1 1 4.530 Subtotal and Average 35,368,544.59 38,403,433.27 38,403,433.27 38,403,433.27 1 1 4.530 Federal Agency Coupon Securities 3133EMX64 1340 Federal Farm Credit Bank 10/22/2021 500,000.00 494,840.00 499,002.04 0.170 553 86 0.302 04/28/2023 3133EKZK5 1223 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/12/2019 500,000.00 491,280.00 499,400.00 1.600 1,432 194 1.632 08/14/2023 3133EJYL7 1158 Federal Farm Credit Bank 10/15/2018 250,000.00 247,040.00 247,275.00 2.800 1,786 216 3.041 09/05/2023 3133EK4X1 1234 Federal Farm Credit Bank 11/01/2019 1,000,000.00 976,530.00 996,900.00 1.600 1,461 273 1.680 11/01/2023 3130AFW94 1177 Federal Home Loan Bank 03/01/2019 500,000.00 490,470.00 498,550.00 2.500 1,810 377 2.563 02/13/2024 3133ELNEO 1246 Federal Farm Credit Bank 02/14/2020 1,000,000.00 967,060.00 999,000.00 1.430 1,461 378 1.456 02/14/2024 3133ENYH7 1401 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/10/2022 500,000.00 487,505.00 499,080.00 2.625 731 495 2.720 06/10/2024 3135GOV75 1206 Federal National Mtg Assn 07/15/2019 500,000.00 481,200.00 495,950.00 1.750 1,814 517 1.922 07/02/2024 3133EKWV4 1212 Federal Farm Credit Bank 08/02/2019 500,000.00 480,330.00 499,500.00 1.850 1,820 541 1.871 07/26/2024 3133EKP75 1224 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/17/2019 500,000.00 478,635.00 498,750.00 1.600 1,827 594 1.652 09/17/2024 3133ELEA8 1242 Federal Farm Credit Bank 12/17/2019 1,000,000.00 958,790.00 998,600.00 1.700 1,736 594 1.731 09/17/2024 3135GO6E8 1291 Federal National Mtg Assn 11/18/2020 500,000.00 465,000.00 499,250.00 0.420 1,461 656 0.458 11/18/2024 3133ENGN4 1355 Federal Farm Credit Bank 12/09/2021 1,000,000.00 938,120.00 1,000,000.00 0.970 1,096 677 0.970 12/09/2024 3135GAAW1 1300 Federal National Mtg Assn 12/30/2020 500,000.00 463,230.00 500,000.00 0.400 1,461 698 0.400 12/30/2024 3130AP2U8 1353 Federal Home Loan Bank 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 927,900.00 987,100.00 0.550 1,127 706 0.976 01/07/2025 313OAQWY5 1374 Federal Home Loan Bank 02/25/2022 1,000,000.00 946,890.00 1,000,000.00 1.700 1,095 754 1.700 02/24/2025 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:26 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Report Ver. 68 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments January 31, 2023 Page 2 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM 365 Maturity Date Federal Agency Coupon Securities 3135G031.15 1365 Federal National Mtg Assn 01/28/2022 500,000.00 462,005.00 487,790.00 0.625 1,180 811 1.400 04/22/2025 3134GVYG7 1279 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 05/27/2020 1,000,000.00 919,080.00 1,000,000.00 0.625 1,826 846 0.625 05/27/2025 3133ELH23 1280 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/09/2020 500,000.00 459,850.00 499,850.00 0.500 1,826 859 0.506 06/09/2025 3133ELH80 1282 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/10/2020 500,000.00 459,785.00 500,000.00 0.680 1,826 860 0.680 06/10/2025 3130AJKW8 1281 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/03/2020 500,000.00 459,985.00 499,850.00 0.500 1,836 863 0.506 06/13/2025 3130AJRP6 1283 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/30/2020 300,000.00 275,451.00 300,000.00 0.680 1,826 880 0.680 06/30/2025 3137EAEU9 1297 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 12/07/2020 1,000,000.00 912,390.00 997,300.00 0.375 1,687 901 0.434 07/21/2025 3137EAEU9 1361 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 01/05/2022 500,000.00 456,195.00 487,090.00 0.375 1,293 901 1.120 07/21/2025 3135G05S8 1288 Federal National Mtg Assn 08/14/2020 500,000.00 455,500.00 500,000.00 0.500 1,826 925 0.500 08/14/2025 3136G4M75 1290 Federal National Mtg Assn 08/28/2020 500,000.00 457,290.00 499,750.00 0.520 1,816 929 0.530 08/18/2025 3136G4N74 1289 Federal National Mtg Assn 08/21/2020 1,000,000.00 911,940.00 1,000,000.00 0.560 1,826 932 0.560 08/21/2025 3137EAEX3 1307 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 02/23/2021 500,000.00 454,685.00 495,999.50 0.375 1,673 965 0.552 09/23/2025 3137EAEX3 1310 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 03/30/2021 1,000,000.00 909,370.00 983,940.00 0.375 1,638 965 0.740 09/23/2025 3130ARGJ4 1385 Federal Home Loan Bank 04/14/2022 500,000.00 478,445.00 500,000.00 2.500 1,279 986 2.500 10/14/2025 3134GW5R3 1362 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 01/05/2022 400,000.00 363,740.00 391,360.00 0.650 1,391 999 1.232 10/27/2025 3135G06G3 1354 Federal National Mtg Assn 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 908,930.00 976,300.00 0.500 1,431 1,010 1.120 11/07/2025 3135GA2Z3 1292 Federal National Mtg Assn 11/17/2020 500,000.00 451,595.00 499,250.00 0.560 1,826 1,020 0.590 11/17/2025 3130AKFA9 1298 Federal Home Loan Bank 12/07/2020 500,000.00 451,630.00 497,400.00 0.375 1,831 1,045 0.480 12/12/2025 3135GA7D7 1299 Federal National Mtg Assn 12/23/2020 500,000.00 452,120.00 500,000.00 0.600 1,826 1,056 0.600 12/23/2025 3134GXGZ1 1301 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 12/30/2020 500,000.00 452,785.00 500,000.00 0.550 1,826 1,063 0.550 12/30/2025 3130AKMZ6 1302 Federal Home Loan Bank 01/14/2021 500,000.00 449,200.00 500,000.00 0.510 1,826 1,078 0.510 01/14/2026 313OAKN28 1304 Federal Home Loan Bank 01/29/2021 500,000.00 449,210.00 500,000.00 0.550 1,826 1,093 0.550 01/29/2026 3130ALV92 1312 Federal Home Loan Bank 03/30/2021 500,000.00 457,560.00 500,000.00 1.050 1,826 1,153 0.938 03/30/2026 3130AMFS6 1324 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/17/2021 1,000,000.00 901,460.00 993,420.00 0.750 1,821 1,227 0.885 06/12/2026 3133EM2C5 1330 Federal Farm Credit Bank 08/10/2021 500,000.00 443,970.00 498,000.00 0.710 1,826 1,286 0.792 08/10/2026 3133EM4X7 1338 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/28/2021 1,000,000.00 894,830.00 991,080.00 0.800 1,808 1,317 0.985 09/10/2026 3130APBM6 1337 Federal Home Loan Bank 09/30/2021 1,000,000.00 895,030.00 999,000.00 1.000 1,826 1,337 1.021 09/30/2026 3130APB46 1339 Federal Home Loan Bank 10/13/2021 1,000,000.00 892,740.00 998,250.00 0.950 1,826 1,350 0.986 10/13/2026 3134GW6C5 1359 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 01/05/2022 500,000.00 442,385.00 486,000.00 0.800 1,757 1,365 1.403 10/28/2026 3133ENCQ1 1344 Federal Farm Credit Bank 11/02/2021 1,000,000.00 904,570.00 1,000,000.00 1.270 1,826 1,370 1.270 11/02/2026 3130APTV7 1347 Federal Home Loan Bank 11/24/2021 500,000.00 459,485.00 499,500.00 0.700 1,826 1,392 1.489 11/24/2026 313OAQF65 1358 Federal Home Loan Bank 12/22/2021 1,000,000.00 908,130.00 999,750.00 1.250 1,825 1,419 1.255 12/21/2026 3134GWUQ7 1366 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 02/10/2022 1,000,000.00 880,460.00 945,570.00 0.700 1,784 1,428 1.870 12/30/2026 3130AQJR5 1364 Federal Home Loan Bank 01/27/2022 1,000,000.00 907,160.00 1,000,000.00 1.500 1,826 1,456 1.500 01/27/2027 3130AQSA2 1367 Federal Home Loan Bank 02/10/2022 1,000,000.00 919,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.830 1,826 1,470 1.830 02/10/2027 3130ARGY1 1387 Federal Home Loan Bank 04/19/2022 1,000,000.00 946,420.00 1,000,000.00 2.700 1,826 1,538 2.700 04/19/2027 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:26 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments January 31, 2023 Page 3 CUSIP Investment # Issuer Average Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM Maturity 365 Date Federal Agency Coupon Securities 3130ASDV8 1409 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/28/2022 300,000.00 288,636.00 300,000.00 3.300 1,826 1,608 3.300 06/28/2027 3133ENL99 1426 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/15/2022 1,000,000.00 980,820.00 997,492.55 3.375 1,826 1,687 3.430 09/15/2027 3133ENQ29 1433 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/30/2022 1,000,000.00 1,007,200.00 996,400.00 4.000 1,825 1,701 4.080 09/29/2027 3133EN31-11 1441 Federal Farm Credit Bank 11/29/2022 1,000,000.00 1,007,860.00 998,650.00 4.000 1,826 1,762 4.030 11/29/2027 3133EN3S7 1446 Federal Farm Credit Bank 12/07/2022 1,000,000.00 996,980.00 998,000.00 3.750 1,826 1,770 3.794 12/07/2027 Subtotal and Average 40,808,404.57 40,250,000.00 37,480,697.00 40,035,349.09 1,660 1,042 1.464 Treasury Coupon Securities 91282CBNO 1432 U.S. Treasury 09/30/2022 3,000,000.00 2,990,040.00 2,956,788.66 0.125 151 27 3.630 02/28/2023 91282CBNO 1444 U.S. Treasury 12/02/2022 2,000,000.00 1,993,360.00 1,980,078.13 0.125 88 27 4.264 02/28/2023 91282CBU4 1349 U.S. Treasury 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 992,860.00 996,718.75 0.125 479 58 0.376 03/31/2023 912828Q29 1431 U.S. Treasury 09/30/2022 2,000,000.00 1,990,000.00 1,977,200.00 1.500 182 58 3.824 03/31/2023 91282CBU4 1445 U.S. Treasury 12/02/2022 3,000,000.00 2,978,580.00 2,958,984.38 0.125 119 58 4.366 03/31/2023 91282CCD1 1350 U.S. Treasury 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 985,160.00 995,468.75 0.125 540 119 0.432 05/31/2023 912828R69 1443 U.S. Treasury 12/02/2022 4,000,000.00 3,959,520.00 3,944,075.80 1.625 180 119 4.515 05/31/2023 91282CCK5 1452 U.S. Treasury 01/04/2023 2,000,000.00 1,962,500.00 1,956,875.00 0.125 177 149 4.635 06/30/2023 91282CCN9 1341 U.S. Treasury 10/22/2021 500,000.00 488,770.00 497,792.97 0.125 647 180 0.375 07/31/2023 912828T26 1217 U.S. Treasury 08/21/2019 500,000.00 489,025.00 499,300.00 1.375 1,501 241 1.410 09/30/2023 91282CBA8 1351 U.S. Treasury 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 960,740.00 990,000.00 0.125 738 317 0.623 12/15/2023 91282CBEO 1342 U.S. Treasury 10/22/2021 1,000,000.00 957,070.00 991,000.00 0.125 815 348 0.531 01/15/2024 91282CBR1 1352 U.S. Treasury 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 951,800.00 989,800.00 0.250 829 408 0.704 03/15/2024 91282CBV2 1360 U.S. Treasury 01/05/2022 500,000.00 475,040.00 494,882.81 0.375 831 439 0.830 04/15/2024 912828XT2 1418 U.S. Treasury 05/04/2022 1,000,000.00 966,090.00 985,240.00 2.000 758 485 2.736 05/31/2024 91282821-13 1400 U.S. Treasury 06/09/2022 500,000.00 480,295.00 490,850.00 1.875 814 577 2.727 08/31/2024 91282CDB4 1343 U.S. Treasury 10/22/2021 1,000,000.00 939,020.00 996,320.00 0.625 1,089 622 0.750 10/15/2024 9128283DO 1390 U.S. Treasury 05/03/2022 1,000,000.00 964,490.00 985,190.00 2.250 912 638 2.870 10/31/2024 912828YV6 1241 U.S. Treasury 12/16/2019 1,000,000.00 950,940.00 989,687.50 1.500 1,811 668 1.718 11/30/2024 91282CAT8 1311 U.S. Treasury 03/30/2021 1,000,000.00 904,300.00 977,500.00 0.250 1,676 1,003 0.750 10/31/2025 91282CAZ4 1315 U.S. Treasury 04/22/2021 500,000.00 452,655.00 492,187.50 0.375 1,683 1,033 0.720 11/30/2025 91282CBC4 1303 U.S. Treasury 01/07/2021 500,000.00 452,385.00 498,632.81 0.375 1,819 1,064 0.431 12/31/2025 91282CBH3 1309 U.S. Treasury 02/23/2021 500,000.00 450,545.00 495,100.00 0.375 1,803 1,095 0.577 01/31/2026 91282CBQ3 1319 U.S. Treasury 05/28/2021 500,000.00 451,210.00 494,165.00 0.500 1,737 1,123 0.750 02/28/2026 91282CBQ3 1382 U.S. Treasury 03/23/2022 750,000.00 676,815.00 698,025.00 0.500 1,438 1,123 2.353 02/28/2026 91282CBT7 1320 U.S. Treasury 05/28/2021 500,000.00 454,280.00 499,525.00 0.750 1,768 1,154 0.770 03/31/2026 91282CBT7 1322 U.S. Treasury 06/17/2021 500,000.00 454,280.00 498,450.00 0.750 1,748 1,154 0.816 03/31/2026 9128286S4 1383 U.S. Treasury 03/23/2022 1,000,000.00 955,590.00 999,010.00 2.375 1,499 1,184 2.400 04/30/2026 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:26 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 70 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments January 31, 2023 Page 4 Average Purchase Stated Days to YTM Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Maturity 365 Date Treasury Coupon Securities 91282CCF6 1321 U.S. Treasury 06/01/2021 1,000,000.00 903,830.00 997,060.00 0.750 1,825 1,215 0.810 05/31/2026 91282CCF6 1323 U.S. Treasury 06/17/2021 500,000.00 451,915.00 497,095.00 0.750 1,809 1,215 0.870 05/31/2026 91282CCP4 1335 U.S. Treasury 09/29/2021 1,000,000.00 896,290.00 983,750.00 0.625 1,766 1,276 0.970 07/31/2026 91282CCW9 1336 U.S. Treasury 09/29/2021 1,000,000.00 898,440.00 988,500.00 0.750 1,797 1,307 0.990 08/31/2026 91282CCW9 1380 U.S. Treasury 03/22/2022 500,000.00 449,220.00 466,454.17 0.750 1,623 1,307 2.350 08/31/2026 91282CDG3 1381 U.S. Treasury 03/22/2022 500,000.00 453,850.00 473,396.82 1.125 1,684 1,368 2.350 10/31/2026 912828Z78 1369 U.S. Treasury 02/10/2022 1,000,000.00 917,030.00 986,700.00 1.500 1,816 1,460 1.781 01/31/2027 91282CEF4 1391 U.S. Treasury 05/03/2022 1,000,000.00 952,620.00 976,860.00 2.500 1,793 1,519 3.010 03/31/2027 91282CEN7 1398 U.S. Treasury 06/08/2022 500,000.00 480,920.00 495,000.00 2.750 1,787 1,549 2.971 04/30/2027 91282BX88 1397 U.S. Treasury 06/07/2022 1,000,000.00 946,990.00 969,687.50 2.375 1,803 1,564 3.041 05/15/2027 91282CET4 1399 U.S. Treasury 06/08/2022 500,000.00 478,320.00 491,842.18 2.625 1,818 1,580 2.980 05/31/2027 91282CFB2 1417 U.S. Treasury 08/15/2022 1,000,000.00 961,060.00 989,460.00 2.750 1,811 1,641 2.980 07/31/2027 91282CFB2 1422 U.S. Treasury 08/29/2022 1,000,000.00 961,060.00 979,645.67 2.750 1,797 1,641 3.200 07/31/2027 9128282RO 1439 U.S. Treasury 11/18/2022 1,000,000.00 940,510.00 927,110.00 2.250 1,731 1,656 3.950 08/15/2027 91282CFH9 1456 U.S. Treasury 01/24/2023 500,000.00 488,400.00 489,175.00 3.125 1,680 1,672 3.640 08/31/2027 Subtotal and Average 46,380,263.43 44,750,000.00 42,907,815.00 44,040,584.40 962 657 2.590 Treasury Discount Notes 912796YB9 1423 U.S. Treasury 09/02/2022 3,000,000.00 2,989,350.00 2,951,409.30 3.221 181 29 3.366 03/02/2023 912796YB9 1424 U.S. Treasury 09/02/2022 2,000,000.00 1,992,900.00 1,967,621.12 3.220 181 29 3.365 03/02/2023 912796YV5 1436 U.S. Treasury 11/02/2022 5,000,000.00 4,946,750.00 4,893,349.12 4.363 176 85 4.583 04/27/2023 912796YV5 1437 U.S. Treasury 11/07/2022 2,000,000.00 1,978,700.00 1,958,436.61 4.375 171 85 4.593 04/27/2023 912796ZR3 1453 U.S. Treasury 01/04/2023 3,000,000.00 2,943,600.00 2,932,950.00 4.572 176 148 4.807 06/29/2023 Subtotal and Average 14,419,932.28 15,000,000.00 14,851,300.00 14,703,766.15 177 79 4.222 Certificate of Deposits 81768PAF3 1254 Servisfirst Bank 02/21/2020 248,000.00 247,566.87 248,000.00 1.600 1,096 20 1.601 02/21/2023 92535LCD4 1180 Verus Bank of Commerce 02/28/2019 248,000.00 247,634.82 248,000.00 2.700 1,461 27 2.700 02/28/2023 034577AH9 1119 Aneca Federal Credit Union 03/22/2018 245,000.00 244,375.54 245,000.00 2.800 1,826 49 2.802 03/22/2023 66704MEQO 1263 Northstar Bank 03/31/2020 248,000.00 246,561.40 248,000.00 1.150 1,095 58 1.150 03/31/2023 954444BS3 1265 West Michigan Cmnty Bk 03/31/2020 248,000.00 246,561.40 248,000.00 1.150 1,095 58 1.150 03/31/2023 17312QJ26 1123 Citibank NA 04/11/2018 245,000.00 244,125.50 245,000.00 2.900 1,826 69 2.902 04/11/2023 20726ABA5 1189 Congressional Bank 04/30/2019 248,000.00 246,685.28 248,000.00 2.500 1,459 86 2.502 04/28/2023 29278TAY6 1125 EnerBank USA 04/30/2018 240,000.00 238,986.69 240,000.00 2.950 1,824 86 2.952 04/28/2023 32117BCX4 1179 First National Bank 03/05/2019 248,000.00 246,721.46 248,000.00 2.800 1,522 93 2.802 05/05/2023 725404AB3 1194 Pittsfield Cooperative Bank 06/07/2019 245,000.00 242,970.39 245,000.00 2.500 1,461 126 2.502 06/07/2023 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:26 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 71 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments January 31, 2023 Page 5 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM Maturity 365 Date Certificate of Deposits 619165JD6 1173 Morton Community 03/20/2019 248,000.00 245,977.93 248,000.00 2.750 1,553 139 2.753 06/20/2023 74934YAH4 1144 RCB Bank 06/20/2018 245,000.00 243,379.11 245,000.00 3.150 1,826 139 3.152 06/20/2023 02616AAH2 1285 American First CU 06/26/2020 248,000.00 243,507.26 248,000.00 0.350 1,095 145 0.350 06/26/2023 02772JBD1 1205 American National Bank 07/19/2019 248,000.00 244,622.73 248,000.00 2.000 1,461 168 2.001 07/19/2023 32110YLK9 1147 First National Bank of America 07/20/2018 245,000.00 242,956.39 245,000.00 3.150 1,826 169 3.152 07/20/2023 06426KAN8 1151 Bank of New England 07/31/2018 249,000.00 246,828.65 249,000.00 3.250 1,826 180 3.252 07/31/2023 75472RAD3 1218 Raymond James Bank 08/23/2019 244,000.00 239,867.69 244,000.00 1.950 1,461 203 1.951 08/23/2023 89579NCD3 1262 Triad Bank 03/30/2020 248,000.00 241,956.24 248,000.00 1.350 1,278 240 1.352 09/29/2023 57116ARV2 1155 Cache Valley BK F/K/A Marlin 10/17/2018 248,000.00 244,834.91 248,000.00 3.300 1,826 258 3.302 10/17/2023 625925AR3 1160 Municipal Trust and Savings 10/17/2018 245,000.00 241,700.51 245,000.00 3.200 1,826 258 3.202 10/17/2023 90348JEJ5 1161 UBS Bank USA 10/17/2018 245,000.00 241,959.54 245,000.00 3.350 1,826 258 3.352 10/17/2023 474067AQ8 1154 Jefferson Financial CU 10/19/2018 245,000.00 241,936.96 245,000.00 3.350 1,826 260 3.352 10/19/2023 20143PDV9 1162 Commercial Bank 11/15/2018 248,000.00 244,585.53 248,000.00 3.400 1,826 287 3.402 11/15/2023 67054NAN3 1164 Numerica Credit Union 11/28/2018 248,000.00 244,739.16 248,000.00 3.550 1,826 300 3.552 11/28/2023 48115LAD6 1396 Jovia Financial Credit Union 06/07/2022 248,000.00 242,333.51 248,000.00 2.500 548 309 2.502 12/07/2023 635573AL2 1170 National Cooperative Bank, N.A 12/21/2018 245,000.00 241,107.82 245,000.00 3.400 1,826 323 3.402 12/21/2023 066851 WJ1 1172 Bar Harbor Bank and Trust 12/31/2018 248,000.00 243,835.34 248,000.00 3.350 1,824 331 3.352 12/29/2023 89269FDP7 1415 Tradition Capital 07/20/2022 246,000.00 240,663.54 246,000.00 3.000 551 355 3.008 01/22/2024 51210SQU4 1208 Lakeside Bank 07/30/2019 248,000.00 240,034.21 248,000.00 2.000 1,644 362 2.003 01/29/2024 77579ADF0 1251 Rollstone B&T 02/12/2020 245,000.00 235,909.35 245,000.00 1.650 1,461 376 1.651 02/12/2024 66736ABP3 1181 Northwest Bank 02/13/2019 248,000.00 241,964.97 248,000.00 2.950 1,826 377 2.951 02/13/2024 949763XY7 1174 Wells Fargo 02/27/2019 248,000.00 241,879.32 248,000.00 3.000 1,826 391 3.001 02/27/2024 50625LAW3 1384 Lafayette FCU 03/30/2022 248,000.00 238,949.86 248,000.00 2.050 729 421 2.053 03/28/2024 882213AB7 1260 Texas Bank Financial 03/31/2020 245,000.00 233,521.43 245,000.00 1.100 1,458 421 1.101 03/28/2024 472382AQ3 1272 The Jefferson Bank 04/15/2020 248,000.00 236,434.94 248,000.00 1.250 1,461 439 1.251 04/15/2024 08016PDQ9 1270 Belmont Bank and Trust 04/16/2020 248,000.00 236,409.48 248,000.00 1.250 1,461 440 1.251 04/16/2024 69506YRH4 1269 Pacific Western Bank 04/16/2020 245,000.00 233,789.61 245,000.00 1.300 1,461 440 1.301 04/16/2024 56065GAG3 1188 Main Street Bank 04/26/2019 248,000.00 240,207.47 248,000.00 2.600 1,827 450 2.603 04/26/2024 33640VDD7 1231 First Service Bank 11/15/2019 248,000.00 237,295.06 248,000.00 1.700 1,643 469 1.701 05/15/2024 48128HXU7 1185 JP Morgan Chase 05/16/2019 245,000.00 239,218.19 245,000.00 3.250 1,827 470 3.254 05/16/2024 46256YAZ2 1186 Iowa State Bank 05/23/2019 245,000.00 236,509.16 245,000.00 2.400 1,827 477 2.403 05/23/2024 538036GV0 1238 Live Oak Bank 11/27/2019 248,000.00 237,330.42 248,000.00 1.800 1,644 482 1.802 05/28/2024 156634AK3 1184 Century Next Bank 05/29/2019 248,000.00 239,559.81 248,000.00 2.500 1,827 483 2.503 05/29/2024 72651 LCL6 1195 Plains Commerce Bank 06/07/2019 245,000.00 236,957.49 245,000.00 2.550 1,827 492 2.553 06/07/2024 299547AQ2 1196 Liberty FCU F/K/A Evansville T 06/12/2019 248,000.00 239,884.59 248,000.00 2.600 1,827 497 2.603 06/12/2024 524661CB9 1197 Legacy Bank 06/19/2019 248,000.00 239,104.24 248,000.00 2.400 1,827 504 2.403 06/19/2024 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:26 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 72 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments January 31, 2023 Page 6 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM Maturity 365 Date Certificate of Deposits 176688CP2 1199 Citizens State Bank 06/21/2019 248,000.00 239,070.31 248,000.00 2.400 1,827 506 2.403 06/21/2024 20416TAQ5 1202 Communitywide FCU 06/28/2019 248,000.00 238,440.50 248,000.00 2.250 1,827 513 2.253 06/28/2024 761402BY1 1203 Revere Bank 06/28/2019 247,000.00 237,726.90 247,000.00 2.300 1,827 513 2.303 06/28/2024 00257TBD7 1207 Abacus Federal Savings 07/26/2019 248,000.00 237,107.95 248,000.00 1.950 1,827 541 1.952 07/26/2024 33625CCP2 1209 First Security Bank of WA 07/30/2019 248,000.00 237,211.65 248,000.00 2.000 1,827 545 2.002 07/30/2024 710571DS6 1210 People's Bank 07/31/2019 248,000.00 237,443.96 248,000.00 2.000 1,827 546 2.002 07/31/2024 740367HP5 1213 Preferred Bank 08/16/2019 249,000.00 238,102.36 249,000.00 2.000 1,827 562 2.002 08/16/2024 33766LAJ7 1216 FirsTier Bank 08/23/2019 249,000.00 237,782.98 249,000.00 1.950 1,827 569 1.952 08/23/2024 938828131-12 1215 Washington Federal 08/23/2019 248,000.00 237,016.54 248,000.00 2.000 1,827 569 2.002 08/23/2024 336460CX6 1222 First State Bk DeQueen 08/30/2019 248,000.00 236,124.42 248,000.00 1.800 1,827 576 1.802 08/30/2024 334342CD2 1221 First Natl Bk of Syracuse 08/30/2019 249,000.00 237,268.04 249,000.00 1.850 1,827 576 1.852 08/30/2024 15118RRH2 1220 Celtic Bank 08/30/2019 248,000.00 236,315.16 248,000.00 1.850 1,827 576 1.852 08/30/2024 05580AD50 1333 BMW Bank 09/10/2021 245,000.00 229,046.48 245,000.00 0.650 1,096 587 0.651 09/10/2024 06652CHB0 1227 BankWest Inc 09/27/2019 248,000.00 235,447.83 248,000.00 1.700 1,827 604 1.702 09/27/2024 84223QAN7 1286 Southern Bancorp Bk 06/26/2020 248,000.00 230,169.52 248,000.00 0.500 1,582 632 0.500 10/25/2024 804375131-4 1235 Sauk Valley B&T Co 11/07/2019 248,000.00 235,220.69 248,000.00 1.700 1,827 645 1.702 11/07/2024 61690UNX4 1237 Morgan Stanley Bank 11/20/2019 245,000.00 233,293.41 245,000.00 1.950 1,827 658 1.952 11/20/2024 61760A3B3 1236 Morgan Stanley Private Bk, NA 11/20/2019 245,000.00 233,081.14 245,000.00 1.900 1,827 658 1.902 11/20/2024 064520BG3 1287 Bank Princeton 06/30/2020 248,000.00 229,015.85 248,000.00 0.500 1,644 698 0.500 12/30/2024 80865MAB3 1454 Scient FCU 01/13/2023 248,000.00 248,425.66 248,000.00 4.650 731 712 4.656 01/13/2025 89388CEYO 1328 Transportation Alliance Bk TAB 07/23/2021 248,000.00 228,241.44 248,000.00 0.400 1,280 722 0.401 01/23/2025 06417NZQ9 1329 Bank OZK 07/29/2021 248,000.00 228,085.17 248,000.00 0.400 1,280 728 0.401 01/29/2025 90983WBT7 1249 United Community 02/07/2020 248,000.00 234,239.97 248,000.00 1.650 1,827 737 1.652 02/07/2025 32114VBT3 1250 First National Bank Michigan 02/14/2020 248,000.00 234,115.24 248,000.00 1.650 1,827 744 1.652 02/14/2025 35637RDC8 1248 Freedom Financial 02/14/2020 248,000.00 233,626.03 248,000.00 1.550 1,827 744 1.552 02/14/2025 029728BC5 1255 American State 02/21/2020 248,000.00 233,744.07 248,000.00 1.600 1,827 751 1.602 02/21/2025 17286TAGO 1252 Citadel FCU 02/27/2020 248,000.00 233,884.54 248,000.00 1.650 1,827 757 1.652 02/27/2025 00435JBH5 1256 Access Bank 03/13/2020 248,000.00 233,559.23 248,000.00 1.600 1,826 771 1.601 03/13/2025 849430BF9 1257 Spring Bank 03/20/2020 248,000.00 232,923.85 248,000.00 1.500 1,826 778 1.501 03/20/2025 05465DAEB 1258 Axos Bank 03/26/2020 248,000.00 233,585.14 248,000.00 1.650 1,826 784 1.651 03/26/2025 020080BX4 1267 Alma Bank 03/30/2020 248,000.00 232,261.08 248,000.00 1.400 1,824 786 1.399 03/28/2025 2027506M2 1268 Commonwealth Business Bk 03/31/2020 248,000.00 231,607.55 248,000.00 1.250 1,826 789 1.251 03/31/2025 654062JZ2 1266 Nicolet Natl Bank 03/31/2020 248,000.00 232,384.20 248,000.00 1.400 1,826 789 1.401 03/31/2025 14042TDD6 1271 Capital One USA FDIC33954 04/08/2020 245,000.00 230,566.36 245,000.00 1.600 1,826 797 1.601 04/08/2025 02007GPX5 1388 Ally Bank Midvale 04/21/2022 245,000.00 235,276.83 245,000.00 2.550 1,096 810 2.550 04/21/2025 52168UHY1 1389 Leader Bank 04/22/2022 245,000.00 235,265.40 245,000.00 2.550 1,096 811 2.552 04/22/2025 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:26 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 73 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments January 31, 2023 Page 7 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM Maturity 365 Date Certificate of Deposits 32112UDR9 1274 First Natl Bk McGregor 04/28/2020 248,000.00 231,590.18 248,000.00 1.350 1,826 817 1.351 04/28/2025 32027BALl 1273 First Freedom Bank 04/29/2020 249,000.00 231,697.94 249,000.00 1.200 1,826 818 1.201 04/29/2025 33847E3A3 1276 Flagstar 04/30/2020 248,000.00 231,145.95 248,000.00 1.250 1,826 819 1.251 04/30/2025 32056GDJ6 1278 list Internet Bank 05/11/2020 248,000.00 229,607.41 248,000.00 1.000 1,827 831 0.985 05/12/2025 95960NKD8 1277 Western State Bank 05/13/2020 245,000.00 226,950.70 245,000.00 1.000 1,826 832 1.001 05/13/2025 254673E69 1392 Discover Bank Greenwood DE CF 05/24/2022 245,000.00 238,039.40 245,000.00 3.100 1,099 846 3.103 05/27/2025 169894AS1 1284 Chippewa Valley Bk 06/24/2020 248,000.00 226,624.88 248,000.00 0.600 1,826 874 0.600 06/24/2025 307811DF3 1363 Farmers & Merch 01/14/2022 249,000.00 229,033.09 249,000.00 0.900 1,277 894 0.900 07/14/2025 70962LAF9 1331 Pentagon FCU 09/01/2021 249,000.00 227,169.20 249,000.00 0.700 1,462 944 0.687 09/02/2025 914242AAO 1429 University Credit Union 09/26/2022 248,000.00 246,519.47 248,000.00 4.000 1,096 968 3.891 09/26/2025 51507LCC6 1305 Landmark Community Bank 01/22/2021 248,000.00 222,751.65 248,000.00 0.500 1,826 1,086 0.500 01/22/2026 84229LBA9 1434 Southern Bank Sardis GA 10/28/2022 244,000.00 245,102.25 244,000.00 4.250 1,188 1,092 4.254 01/28/2026 87270LDL4 1306 TIAA FKA EverBank 02/12/2021 245,000.00 220,042.31 245,000.00 0.500 1,826 1,107 0.500 02/12/2026 64034KAZ4 1376 Nelnet Bank 03/02/2022 245,000.00 229,052.74 245,000.00 1.800 1,461 1,125 1.801 03/02/2026 39573LBC1 1313 Greenstate FCU 04/16/2021 249,000.00 225,764.47 249,000.00 0.950 1,826 1,170 0.951 04/16/2026 89235MKY6 1314 Toyota Financial Savings Bank 04/22/2021 245,000.00 221,822.86 245,000.00 0.900 1,826 1,176 0.900 04/22/2026 14622LAAO 1316 Carter FCU 04/27/2021 248,000.00 223,131.29 248,000.00 0.750 1,826 1,181 0.750 04/27/2026 31617CAV5 1317 Fidelity Homestead 04/30/2021 248,000.00 222,690.66 248,000.00 0.700 1,826 1,184 0.711 04/30/2026 501798RP9 1356 LCA Bank Corp 12/27/2021 248,000.00 224,418.55 248,000.00 1.000 1,642 1,241 1.000 06/26/2026 92559TAJ7 1325 Vibrant Credit Union 07/02/2021 249,000.00 223,468.51 248,377.50 0.800 1,824 1,245 0.852 06/30/2026 300185LM5 1457 Evergreen Bank Group 01/27/2023 248,000.00 247,125.39 248,000.00 3.850 1,277 1,272 3.849 07/27/2026 38149MXK4 1326 Goldman Sachs 07/28/2021 248,000.00 224,005.68 248,000.00 1.000 1,826 1,273 1.001 07/28/2026 795451AFO 1327 Sallie Mae Bank Salt Lake City 07/28/2021 248,000.00 224,005.68 248,000.00 1.000 1,826 1,273 1.001 07/28/2026 87165ET98 1332 Synchrony Bank Retail 09/03/2021 245,000.00 220,127.78 245,000.00 0.900 1,826 1,310 0.900 09/03/2026 20786ADL6 1334 Connect One 09/24/2021 248,000.00 221,407.00 248,000.00 0.800 1,826 1,331 0.800 09/24/2026 59013KPNO 1345 Merrick Bank 11/09/2021 249,000.00 224,422.51 249,000.00 1.100 1,826 1,377 1.101 11/09/2026 14042RQBO 1346 Capital One Natl Assn FDIC4297 11/17/2021 248,000.00 223,561.23 248,000.00 1.100 1,826 1,385 1.101 11/17/2026 20825WAR1 1357 Connexus CU 12/23/2021 249,000.00 225,234.79 249,000.00 1.250 1,826 1,421 1.250 12/23/2026 89786MAF1 1368 True Sky FCU 02/04/2022 245,000.00 224,680.95 245,000.00 1.600 1,826 1,464 1.601 02/04/2027 02357QAQO 1372 Amerant Bank 02/14/2022 245,000.00 224,523.52 245,000.00 1.600 1,828 1,476 1.601 02/16/2027 07371AYE7 1370 Beal Bank TX 02/23/2022 245,000.00 227,278.24 245,000.00 1.900 1,820 1,477 1.901 02/17/2027 073710E88 1371 Beal Bank USA 02/23/2022 245,000.00 227,278.24 245,000.00 1.900 1,820 1,477 1.901 02/17/2027 59161YAP1 1373 Metro Credit Union 02/18/2022 249,000.00 228,958.52 249,000.00 1.700 1,826 1,478 1.701 02/18/2027 24773RCR4 1377 Delta Natl B&T 03/09/2022 245,000.00 228,114.60 245,000.00 2.000 1,814 1,485 2.001 02/25/2027 27004PCM3 1375 Eaglemark Savings 03/02/2022 245,000.00 228,159.23 245,000.00 2.000 1,826 1,490 2.001 03/02/2027 91139LAB2 1378 United Roosevelt Savings 03/11/2022 248,000.00 229,786.00 248,000.00 1.900 1,826 1,499 1.901 03/11/2027 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:26 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 74 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments January 31, 2023 Page 8 Average Purchase Stated Days to YTM Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Maturity 365 Date Certificate of Deposits 565819AG4 1379 Marathon Bnak 03/16/2022 248,000.00 228,772.93 248,000.00 1.800 1,826 1,504 1.801 03/16/2027 20033A3A2 1386 Comenity Capital Bank 04/14/2022 248,000.00 236,815.22 248,000.00 2.650 1,826 1,533 2.652 04/14/2027 397417AQ9 1419 Greenwoods State Bank 05/17/2022 248,000.00 240,675.49 248,000.00 3.050 1,826 1,566 3.052 05/17/2027 02589ADH2 1421 American Express, NB 08/29/2022 245,000.00 241,809.05 245,000.00 3.450 1,793 1,637 3.067 07/27/2027 88413QDN5 1420 Third Federal Savings and Loan 08/19/2022 245,000.00 240,330.84 245,000.00 3.300 1,826 1,660 3.302 08/19/2027 73232913D8 1425 Ponce Bank 09/15/2022 248,000.00 245,432.67 248,000.00 3.500 1,826 1,687 3.502 09/15/2027 052392BT3 1427 Austin Telco FCU 09/21/2022 248,000.00 248,629.84 248,000.00 3.800 1,826 1,693 3.770 09/21/2027 22258JAB7 1430 County Schools FCU 09/30/2022 248,000.00 255,075.55 248,000.00 4.400 1,826 1,702 4.325 09/30/2027 34520LATO 1435 Forbright Bank 11/02/2022 248,000.00 257,631.26 248,000.00 4.600 1,826 1,735 4.602 11/02/2027 25460FDW3 1438 Direct FCU 11/07/2022 248,000.00 259,854.63 248,000.00 4.800 1,827 1,741 4.735 11/08/2027 914098DJ4 1442 University Bank 11/30/2022 249,000.00 254,357.33 249,000.00 4.200 1,826 1,763 4.202 11/30/2027 25844MAK4 1447 Dort Financial CU 12/16/2022 247,000.00 255,794.04 247,000.00 4.500 1,826 1,779 4.503 12/16/2027 01664MAB2 1448 All In FCU 12/20/2022 248,000.00 255,757.19 248,000.00 4.400 1,826 1,783 4.402 12/20/2027 51828MAC8 1449 Latino Comm. CU 12/21/2022 248,000.00 256,882.82 248,000.00 4.500 1,826 1,784 4.503 12/21/2027 45157PAZ3 1450 Ideal CU 12/29/2022 248,000.00 256,919.53 248,000.00 4.500 1,826 1,792 4.502 12/29/2027 01882MAC6 1451 Alliant CU 12/30/2022 247,000.00 261,499.42 247,000.00 5.000 1,826 1,793 5.003 12/30/2027 78472EABO 1455 SPCO Credit Union 01/20/2023 249,000.00 256,479.33 249,000.00 4.350 1,826 1,814 4.352 01/20/2028 82671DAB3 1458 Signature FCU 01/31/2023 248,000.00 256,191.92 248,000.00 4.400 1,826 1,825 4.402 01/31/2028 Subtotal and Average 33,118,732.34 33,616,000.00 32,274,821.15 33,615,377.50 1,673 814 2.188 Corporate Notes 19416QEA4 1175 594918BQ6 1157 45950VPS9 1308 Colgate-Palmolive Microsoft Corporation International Finance Corp Subtotal and Average Money Market with Fiscal Agent SYS1058 1058 US Bank Subtotal and Average CERBT - OPEB Trust SYS1114 1114 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:26 CalPERS CERBT Plan Subtotal and Average 03/04/2019 10/15/2018 02/26/2021 1,360,910.00 4,631.76 1,750,883.78 500,000.00 400,000.00 500,000.00 1,400,000.00 07/01/2016 4,644.86 07/01/2022 4,644.86 1,750,883.78 1,750,883.78 500,000.00 394,368.00 448,390.00 1,342,758.00 4,644.86 4,644.86 1,750,883.78 1,750,883.78 485,250.00 1.950 1,430 0 2.751 02/01/2023 378,360.00 2.000 1,758 188 3.222 08/08/2023 497,300.00 0.500 1,826 1,121 0.610 02/26/2026 1,360,910.00 1,666 462 2.099 4,644.86 4,644.86 1,750,883.78 1,750,883.78 1 1 0.000 1 1 0.000 1 1 0.000 1 1 0.000 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 75 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments January 31, 2023 Page 9 Average Purchase Stated Days to YTM Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Maturity 365 Date PARS Pension Trust SYS1230 1230 Pblc Agncy Rtrmnt Sery 10,413,344.84 10,413,344.84 10,413,344.84 1 1 0.000 Subtotal and Average 10,018,979.83 10,413,344.84 10,413,344.84 10,413,344.84 1 1 0.000 Total and Average 219,710,655.26 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:26 228,178,365.58 221,573,960.54 226,918,352.72 749 440 2.362 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 76 Q"It(V� GEM qj-the DESERT - City of La Quinta Total Earnings Sorted by Fund - Fund January 1, 2023 - January 31, 2023 City of La Quinta CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 98-33-434 1055 101 LAIF 18,937,383.16 18,832,216.42 18,937,383.16 2.425 2.745 43,899.04 0.00 0.00 43,899.04 SYS1059 1059 101 CITYPC 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SYS1114 1114 101 CALPRS 1,750,883.78 1,750,883.78 1,750,883.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 034577AH9 1119 101 ANECA 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.800 2.800 582.63 0.00 0.00 582.63 17312QJ26 1123 101 CITINA 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.900 2.900 603.44 0.00 0.00 603.44 29278TAY6 1125 101 ENER 240,000.00 240,000.00 240,000.00 2.950 2.950 601.32 0.00 0.00 601.32 74934YAH4 1144 101 RCB 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.150 3.150 655.46 0.00 0.00 655.46 32110YLK9 1147 101 1STNBA 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.150 3.150 655.46 0.00 0.00 655.46 06426KAN8 1151 101 NWENGL 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 3.250 3.250 687.31 0.00 0.00 687.31 SYS1153 1153 101 CAMP 38,403,433.27 28,267,381.63 38,403,433.27 4.530 5.667 136,051.64 0.00 0.00 136,051.64 474067AQ8 1154 101 JEFF 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.350 3.350 697.07 0.00 0.00 697.07 57116ARV2 1155 101 MARBUS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.300 3.300 695.08 0.00 0.00 695.08 594918BQ6 1157 101 MCRSFT 400,000.00 378,360.00 378,360.00 2.000 2.075 666.66 0.00 0.00 666.66 3133EJYL7 1158 101 FFCB 250,000.00 247,275.00 247,275.00 2.800 2.778 583.33 0.00 0.00 583.33 625925AR3 1160 101 MUNTRS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.200 3.200 665.86 0.00 0.00 665.86 90348JEJ5 1161 101 UBS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.350 3.350 697.08 0.00 0.00 697.08 20143PDV9 1162 101 COMMBK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.400 3.400 716.14 0.00 0.00 716.14 67054NAN3 1164 101 NMRCA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.550 3.550 747.74 0.00 0.00 747.74 635573AL2 1170 101 NLCOOP 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.400 3.400 707.48 0.00 0.00 707.48 066851WJ1 1172 101 BARHAR 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.350 3.350 705.61 0.00 0.00 705.61 619165JD6 1173 101 MORTN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.750 2.750 579.23 0.00 0.00 579.23 949763XY7 1174 101 WELLS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.000 3.000 631.89 0.00 0.00 631.89 19416QEA4 1175 101 COLGTE 500,000.00 485,250.00 485,250.00 1.950 1.971 812.50 0.00 0.00 812.50 3130AFW94 1177 101 FHLB 500,000.00 498,550.00 498,550.00 2.500 2.460 1,041.66 0.00 0.00 1,041.66 32117BCX4 1179 101 1STNBK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.800 2.800 589.76 0.00 0.00 589.76 92535LCD4 1180 101 VERUS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.700 2.700 568.70 0.00 0.00 568.70 66736ABP3 1181 101 NRTHWS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.950 2.950 621.36 0.00 0.00 621.36 156634AK3 1184 101 CENTNX 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.500 2.500 526.58 0.00 0.00 526.58 48128HXU7 1185 101 JPMORG 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.250 3.250 676.27 0.00 0.00 676.27 46256YAZ2 1186 101 IOWAST 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.400 2.400 499.40 0.00 0.00 499.40 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:32 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 77 City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 2 January 1, 2023 - January 31, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 56065GAG3 1188 101 MAINST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.600 2.600 547.64 0.00 0.00 547.64 20726ABA5 1189 101 CONGRS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.500 2.500 526.58 0.00 0.00 526.58 725404AB3 1194 101 PITTS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.500 2.500 520.21 0.00 0.00 520.21 72651LCL6 1195 101 PLAINS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.550 2.550 530.61 0.00 0.00 530.61 299547AQ2 1196 101 EVNSCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.600 2.600 547.64 0.00 0.00 547.64 524661CB9 1197 101 LEGCY 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.400 2.400 505.51 0.00 0.00 505.51 176688CP2 1199 101 CTZNST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.400 2.400 505.51 0.00 0.00 505.51 20416TAQ5 1202 101 COMMW 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.250 2.250 473.92 0.00 0.00 473.92 761402BY1 1203 101 REVER 247,000.00 247,000.00 247,000.00 2.300 2.300 482.49 0.00 0.00 482.49 02772JBD1 1205 101 AMRNTL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 421.26 0.00 0.00 421.26 3135GOV75 1206 101 FNMA 500,000.00 495,950.00 495,950.00 1.750 1.731 729.17 0.00 0.00 729.17 00257TBD7 1207 101 ABACUS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.950 1.950 410.73 0.00 0.00 410.73 51210SQU4 1208 101 LKSIDE 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 421.26 0.00 0.00 421.26 33625CCP2 1209 101 1STSEC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 421.26 0.00 0.00 421.26 710571DS6 1210 101 PEOPLE 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 421.26 0.00 0.00 421.26 3133EKWV4 1212 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,500.00 499,500.00 1.850 1.817 770.83 0.00 0.00 770.83 740367HP5 1213 101 PREFRD 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 2.000 2.000 422.96 0.00 0.00 422.96 938828BH2 1215 101 WSHFED 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 421.26 0.00 0.00 421.26 33766LAJ7 1216 101 1STIER 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.950 1.950 412.38 0.00 0.00 412.38 912828T26 1217 101 USTR 500,000.00 499,300.00 499,300.00 1.375 1.381 585.51 0.00 0.00 585.51 75472RAD3 1218 101 RAYJAM 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 1.950 1.950 404.11 0.00 0.00 404.11 15118RRH2 1220 101 CELTIC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.850 1.850 389.67 0.00 0.00 389.67 334342CD2 1221 101 1STNBS 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.850 1.850 391.24 0.00 0.00 391.24 336460CX6 1222 101 1STDQN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.800 1.800 379.13 0.00 0.00 379.13 3133EKZK5 1223 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,400.00 499,400.00 1.600 1.572 666.67 0.00 0.00 666.67 3133EKP75 1224 101 FFCB 500,000.00 498,750.00 498,750.00 1.600 1.574 666.67 0.00 0.00 666.67 06652CHBO 1227 101 BNKWST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.700 1.700 358.07 0.00 0.00 358.07 059731851 1228 101 BOTW 12,601,997.25 8,750,301.52 12,601,997.25 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 SYS1230 1230 101 PARS 10,413,344.84 10,005,834.33 10,413,344.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33640VDD7 1231 101 1STSER 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.700 1.700 358.07 0.00 0.00 358.07 3133EK4X1 1234 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 996,900.00 996,900.00 1.600 1.575 1,333.33 0.00 0.00 1,333.33 804375DL4 1235 101 SAUKVL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.700 1.700 358.07 0.00 0.00 358.07 61760A3133 1236 101 MSPRIV 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.900 1.900 395.36 0.00 0.00 395.36 6169OUNX4 1237 101 MORGST 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.950 1.950 405.76 0.00 0.00 405.76 538036GVO 1238 101 LIVEOK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.800 1.800 379.13 0.00 0.00 379.13 912828YV6 1241 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 989,687.50 989,687.50 1.500 1.520 1,277.47 0.00 0.00 1,277.47 3133ELEA8 1242 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 998,600.00 998,600.00 1.700 1.670 1,416.67 0.00 0.00 1,416.67 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:32 Portfolio CITY CP TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 78 City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 3 January 1, 2023 - January 31, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 949495AT2 1244 101 WFNBW 0.00 248,000.00 0.00 1.900 1.900 387.29 0.00 0.00 387.29 3133ELNE0 1246 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 999,000.00 999,000.00 1.430 1.404 1,191.67 0.00 0.00 1,191.67 35637RDC8 1248 101 FRDMFI 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.550 1.550 326.48 0.00 0.00 326.48 90983WBT7 1249 101 UNTDCM 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.650 1.650 347.54 0.00 0.00 347.54 32114VBT3 1250 101 1STNMI 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.650 1.650 347.54 0.00 0.00 347.54 77579ADF0 1251 101 RLLSTN 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.650 1.650 343.33 0.00 0.00 343.33 17286TAGO 1252 101 CITADL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.650 1.650 347.54 0.00 0.00 347.54 81768PAF3 1254 101 SERVIS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.600 1.600 337.01 0.00 0.00 337.01 029728BC5 1255 101 AMERST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.600 1.600 337.01 0.00 0.00 337.01 00435J131-15 1256 101 ACCSS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.600 1.600 337.01 0.00 0.00 337.01 849430BF9 1257 101 SPRING 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.500 1.500 315.95 0.00 0.00 315.95 05465DAE8 1258 101 AXOS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.650 1.650 347.54 0.00 0.00 347.54 882213AB7 1260 101 TEXAS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.100 1.100 228.89 0.00 0.00 228.89 89579NCD3 1262 101 TRIAD 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.350 1.350 284.35 0.00 0.00 284.35 66704MEQ0 1263 101 NRTHSR 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.150 1.150 242.22 0.00 0.00 242.22 954444BS3 1265 101 WESTMI 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.150 1.150 242.22 0.00 0.00 242.22 654062JZ2 1266 101 NCOLET 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.400 1.400 294.88 0.00 0.00 294.88 020080BX4 1267 101 ALMABK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.400 1.400 294.88 0.00 0.00 294.88 2027506M2 1268 101 CMWBUS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.250 1.250 263.29 0.00 0.00 263.29 69506YRH4 1269 101 PACWST 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.300 1.300 270.50 0.00 0.00 270.50 08016PDQ9 1270 101 BELB&T 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.250 1.250 263.29 0.00 0.00 263.29 14042TDD6 1271 101 CAPONE 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.600 1.600 332.93 0.00 0.00 332.93 472382AQ3 1272 101 THEJEF 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.250 1.250 263.29 0.00 0.00 263.29 32027BALl 1273 101 1STFDM 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.200 1.200 253.78 0.00 0.00 253.78 32112UDR9 1274 101 1STMCG 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.350 1.350 284.35 0.00 0.00 284.35 33847E3A3 1276 101 FLGSTR 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.250 1.250 263.28 0.00 0.00 263.28 95960NKD8 1277 101 WSTRNS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.000 1.000 208.09 0.00 0.00 208.09 32056GDJ6 1278 101 1STINT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.000 1.000 210.63 0.00 0.00 210.63 3134GVYG7 1279 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.625 0.613 520.83 0.00 0.00 520.83 3133ELH23 1280 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,850.00 499,850.00 0.500 0.491 208.33 0.00 0.00 208.33 3130AJKW8 1281 101 FHLB 500,000.00 499,850.00 499,850.00 0.500 0.491 208.33 0.00 0.00 208.33 3133ELH80 1282 101 FFCB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.680 0.667 283.34 0.00 0.00 283.34 3130AJRP6 1283 101 FHLB 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 0.680 0.667 170.00 0.00 0.00 170.00 169894AS1 1284 101 CHIPVA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.600 0.600 126.38 0.00 0.00 126.38 02616AAH2 1285 101 AMR1ST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.350 0.350 73.72 0.00 0.00 73.72 84223QAN7 1286 101 STHRNB 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.500 0.500 105.32 0.00 0.00 105.32 064520BG3 1287 101 BKPRNC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.500 0.500 105.32 0.00 0.00 105.32 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:32 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 79 City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 4 January 1, 2023 - January 31, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 3135G05S8 1288 101 FNMA 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.500 0.491 208.33 0.00 0.00 208.33 3136G4N74 1289 101 FNMA 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.560 0.549 466.67 0.00 0.00 466.67 3136G4M75 1290 101 FNMA 500,000.00 499,750.00 499,750.00 0.520 0.510 216.66 0.00 0.00 216.66 3135G06E8 1291 101 FNMA 500,000.00 499,250.00 499,250.00 0.420 0.413 175.00 0.00 0.00 175.00 3135GA2Z3 1292 101 FNMA 500,000.00 499,250.00 499,250.00 0.560 0.550 233.34 0.00 0.00 233.34 SYS1293 1293 101 BNY 7,890,054.47 10,021,758.89 7,890,054.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3137EAEU9 1297 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 997,300.00 997,300.00 0.375 0.369 312.50 0.00 0.00 312.50 3130AKFA9 1298 101 FHLB 500,000.00 497,400.00 497,400.00 0.375 0.370 156.25 0.00 0.00 156.25 3135GA7D7 1299 101 FNMA 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.600 0.589 250.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 3135GAAW1 1300 101 FNMA 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.400 0.392 166.66 0.00 0.00 166.66 3134GXGZ1 1301 101 FHLMC 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.550 0.540 229.17 0.00 0.00 229.17 3130AKMZ6 1302 101 FHLB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.510 0.500 212.50 0.00 0.00 212.50 91282CBC4 1303 101 USTR 500,000.00 498,632.81 498,632.81 0.375 0.379 160.57 0.00 0.00 160.57 3130AKN28 1304 101 FHLB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.550 0.540 229.17 0.00 0.00 229.17 51507LCC6 1305 101 LNDMRK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.500 0.500 105.32 0.00 0.00 105.32 87270LDL4 1306 101 EVRBA 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.500 0.500 104.04 0.00 0.00 104.04 3137EAEX3 1307 101 FHLMC 500,000.00 495,999.50 495,999.50 0.375 0.371 156.25 0.00 0.00 156.25 45950VPS9 1308 101 IFC 500,000.00 497,300.00 497,300.00 0.500 0.499 210.59 0.00 0.00 210.59 91282CBH3 1309 101 USTR 500,000.00 495,100.00 495,100.00 0.375 0.376 158.03 0.00 0.00 158.03 3137EAEX3 1310 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 983,940.00 983,940.00 0.375 0.374 312.50 0.00 0.00 312.50 91282CAT8 1311 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 977,500.00 977,500.00 0.250 0.258 214.09 0.00 0.00 214.09 3130ALV92 1312 101 FHLB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 1.050 1.030 437.50 0.00 0.00 437.50 39573LBC1 1313 101 GRNST 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 0.950 0.950 200.91 0.00 0.00 200.91 89235MKY6 1314 101 TOYFSB 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.900 0.900 187.27 0.00 0.00 187.27 91282CAZ4 1315 101 USTR 500,000.00 492,187.50 492,187.50 0.375 0.382 159.68 0.00 0.00 159.68 14622LAA0 1316 101 CARTER 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.750 0.750 157.97 0.00 0.00 157.97 31617CAV5 1317 101 FIDHMS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.700 0.700 147.44 0.00 0.00 147.44 SYS1318 1318 101 DPME 703,148.65 727,775.83 703,148.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 91282CBQ3 1319 101 USTR 500,000.00 494,165.00 494,165.00 0.500 0.510 214.09 0.00 0.00 214.09 91282CBT7 1320 101 USTR 500,000.00 499,525.00 499,525.00 0.750 0.753 319.37 0.00 0.00 319.37 91282CCF6 1321 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 997,060.00 997,060.00 0.750 0.754 638.74 0.00 0.00 638.74 91282CBT7 1322 101 USTR 500,000.00 498,450.00 498,450.00 0.750 0.754 319.37 0.00 0.00 319.37 91282CCF6 1323 101 USTR 500,000.00 497,095.00 497,095.00 0.750 0.756 319.37 0.00 0.00 319.37 3130AMFS6 1324 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 993,420.00 993,420.00 0.750 0.741 625.00 0.00 0.00 625.00 92559TAJ7 1325 101 VIBRNT 249,000.00 248,377.50 248,377.50 0.800 0.802 169.18 0.00 0.00 169.18 38149MXK4 1326 101 GLDMAN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.000 1.000 210.63 0.00 0.00 210.63 795451AF0 1327 101 SALMAE 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.000 1.000 210.63 0.00 0.00 210.63 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:32 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. ME City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 5 January 1, 2023 - January 31, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 89388CEYO 1328 101 TABBK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.400 0.400 84.25 0.00 0.00 84.25 06417NZQ9 1329 101 BKOZK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.400 0.400 84.25 0.00 0.00 84.25 3133EM2C5 1330 101 FFCB 500,000.00 498,000.00 498,000.00 0.710 0.699 295.83 0.00 0.00 295.83 70962LAF9 1331 101 PENTGN 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 0.700 0.700 148.04 0.00 0.00 148.04 87165ET98 1332 101 SYNCHR 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.900 0.900 187.28 0.00 0.00 187.28 05580AD50 1333 101 BMW 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.650 0.650 135.26 0.00 0.00 135.26 20786ADL6 1334 101 CONNEC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.800 0.800 168.50 0.00 0.00 168.50 91282CCP4 1335 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 983,750.00 983,750.00 0.625 0.630 526.78 0.00 0.00 526.78 91282CCW9 1336 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 988,500.00 988,500.00 0.750 0.765 642.27 0.00 0.00 642.27 3130APBM6 1337 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 999,000.00 999,000.00 1.000 0.982 833.33 0.00 0.00 833.33 3133EM4X7 1338 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 991,080.00 991,080.00 0.800 0.792 666.66 0.00 0.00 666.66 3130APB46 1339 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 998,250.00 998,250.00 0.950 0.934 791.67 0.00 0.00 791.67 3133EMX64 1340 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,002.04 499,002.04 0.170 0.167 70.83 0.00 0.00 70.83 91282CCN9 1341 101 USTR 500,000.00 497,792.97 497,792.97 0.125 0.125 52.68 0.00 0.00 52.68 91282CBEO 1342 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 991,000.00 991,000.00 0.125 0.126 106.25 0.00 0.00 106.25 91282CDB4 1343 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 996,320.00 996,320.00 0.625 0.629 532.28 0.00 0.00 532.28 3133ENCQ1 1344 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.270 1.246 1,058.33 0.00 0.00 1,058.33 59013KPNO 1345 101 MRRCK 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.100 1.100 232.63 0.00 0.00 232.63 14042RQB0 1346 101 CAP1NA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.100 1.100 231.69 0.00 0.00 231.69 3130APTV7 1347 101 FHLB 500,000.00 499,500.00 499,500.00 0.700 0.688 291.67 0.00 0.00 291.67 3133ENBT6 1348 101 FFCB 0.00 998,530.00 0.00 0.180 2.422 120.00 0.00 1,470.00 1,590.00 91282CBU4 1349 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 996,718.75 996,718.75 0.125 0.126 106.45 0.00 0.00 106.45 91282CCD1 1350 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 995,468.75 995,468.75 0.125 0.126 106.46 0.00 0.00 106.46 91282CBA8 1351 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 990,000.00 990,000.00 0.125 0.127 106.46 0.00 0.00 106.46 91282CBR1 1352 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 989,800.00 989,800.00 0.250 0.255 214.08 0.00 0.00 214.08 3130AP21-18 1353 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 987,100.00 987,100.00 0.550 0.547 458.34 0.00 0.00 458.34 3135G06G3 1354 101 FNMA 1,000,000.00 976,300.00 976,300.00 0.500 0.503 416.67 0.00 0.00 416.67 3133ENGN4 1355 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.970 0.952 808.33 0.00 0.00 808.33 501798RP9 1356 101 LCA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.000 1.000 210.63 0.00 0.00 210.63 20825WAR1 1357 101 CNNXS 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.250 1.250 264.35 0.00 0.00 264.35 3130AQF65 1358 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 999,750.00 999,750.00 1.250 1.227 1,041.67 0.00 0.00 1,041.67 3134GW6C5 1359 101 FHLMC 500,000.00 486,000.00 486,000.00 0.800 0.808 333.33 0.00 0.00 333.33 91282CBV2 1360 101 USTR 500,000.00 494,882.81 494,882.81 0.375 0.380 159.68 0.00 0.00 159.68 3137EAEU9 1361 101 FHLMC 500,000.00 487,090.00 487,090.00 0.375 0.378 156.25 0.00 0.00 156.25 3134GW5R3 1362 101 FHLMC 400,000.00 391,360.00 391,360.00 0.650 0.652 216.67 0.00 0.00 216.67 307811 DF3 1363 101 FARMER 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 0.900 0.900 190.33 0.00 0.00 190.33 3130AQJR5 1364 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.500 1.472 1,250.00 0.00 0.00 1,250.00 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:32 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 81 City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 6 January 1, 2023 - January 31, 2023 Adjusted Interest Earnings Ending Beginning Ending Current Annualized Interest Amortization/ Realized Adjusted Interest CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Par Value Book Value Book Value Rate Yield Earned Accretion rain)/Lncc Earnings Fund: General Fund 3135G03U5 1365 101 FNMA 500,000.00 487,790.00 487,790.00 0.625 0.629 260.42 0.00 0.00 260.42 3134GWUQ7 1366 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 945,570.00 945,570.00 0.700 0.726 583.34 0.00 0.00 583.34 3130AQSA2 1367 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.830 1.796 1,525.00 0.00 0.00 1,525.00 89786MAF1 1368 101 TRUSKY 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.600 1.600 332.93 0.00 0.00 332.93 912828Z78 1369 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 986,700.00 986,700.00 1.500 1.509 1,264.27 0.00 0.00 1,264.27 07371AYE7 1370 101 BEALTX 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.900 1.900 395.35 0.00 0.00 395.35 073710E88 1371 101 BEALUS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.900 1.900 395.35 0.00 0.00 395.35 02357QAQO 1372 101 AMRNT 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.600 1.600 332.93 0.00 0.00 332.93 59161YAP1 1373 101 METRO 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.700 1.700 359.52 0.00 0.00 359.52 3130AQWY5 1374 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.700 1.668 1,416.67 0.00 0.00 1,416.67 27004PCM3 1375 101 EGLMRK 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.000 2.000 416.17 0.00 0.00 416.17 64034KAZ4 1376 101 NELNET 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.800 1.800 374.55 0.00 0.00 374.55 24773RCR4 1377 101 DELTA 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.000 2.000 416.16 0.00 0.00 416.16 91139LAB2 1378 101 URSVLT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.900 1.900 400.20 0.00 0.00 400.20 565819AG4 1379 101 MRTHON 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.800 1.800 379.13 0.00 0.00 379.13 91282CCW9 1380 101 USTR 500,000.00 466,454.17 466,454.17 0.750 0.811 321.13 0.00 0.00 321.13 91282CDG3 1381 101 USTR 500,000.00 473,396.82 473,396.82 1.125 1.198 481.70 0.00 0.00 481.70 91282CBQ3 1382 101 USTR 750,000.00 698,025.00 698,025.00 0.500 0.542 321.13 0.00 0.00 321.13 912828654 1383 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 999,010.00 999,010.00 2.375 2.397 2,033.84 0.00 0.00 2,033.84 50625LAW3 1384 101 LFYTT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.050 2.050 431.79 0.00 0.00 431.79 3130ARGJ4 1385 101 FHLB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 2.500 2.453 1,041.67 0.00 0.00 1,041.67 20033A3A2 1386 101 CCBA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.650 2.650 558.17 0.00 0.00 558.17 3130ARGY1 1387 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 2.700 2.649 2,250.00 0.00 0.00 2,250.00 02007GPX5 1388 101 ALLY 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.550 2.550 530.61 0.00 0.00 530.61 52168UHY1 1389 101 LEADR 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.550 2.550 530.61 0.00 0.00 530.61 9128283D0 1390 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 985,190.00 985,190.00 2.250 2.303 1,926.80 0.00 0.00 1,926.80 91282CEF4 1391 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 976,860.00 976,860.00 2.500 2.566 2,129.12 0.00 0.00 2,129.12 254673E69 1392 101 DISCOV 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.100 3.100 645.06 0.00 0.00 645.06 48115LAD6 1396 101 JOVIA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.500 2.500 526.58 0.00 0.00 526.58 912828X88 1397 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 969,687.50 969,687.50 2.375 2.470 2,033.84 0.00 0.00 2,033.84 91282CEN7 1398 101 USTR 500,000.00 495,000.00 495,000.00 2.750 2.801 1,177.49 0.00 0.00 1,177.49 91282CET4 1399 101 USTR 500,000.00 491,842.18 491,842.18 2.625 2.676 1,117.78 0.00 0.00 1,117.78 91282821J3 1400 101 USTR 500,000.00 490,850.00 490,850.00 1.875 1.926 802.83 0.00 0.00 802.83 3133ENYH7 1401 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,080.00 499,080.00 2.625 2.580 1,093.75 0.00 0.00 1,093.75 3130ASDV8 1409 101 FHLB 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 3.300 3.238 825.00 0.00 0.00 825.00 89269FDP7 1415 101 TRADCP 246,000.00 246,000.00 246,000.00 3.000 3.000 626.79 0.00 0.00 626.79 91282CFB2 1417 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 989,460.00 989,460.00 2.750 2.758 2,317.82 0.00 0.00 2,317.82 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:32 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 82 City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 7 January 1, 2023 - January 31, 2023 Adjusted Interest Earnings Ending Beginning Ending Current Annualized Interest Amortization/ Realized Adjusted Interest CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Par Value Book Value Book Value Rate Yield Earned Accretion rain)/Lncc Earnings Fund: General Fund 912828XT2 1418 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 985,240.00 985,240.00 2.000 2.036 1,703.30 0.00 0.00 1,703.30 397417AQ9 1419 101 GRNWDS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.050 3.050 642.42 0.00 0.00 642.42 88413QDN5 1420 101 3RD 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.300 3.300 686.67 0.00 0.00 686.67 02589ADH2 1421 101 AMEXNB 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.450 3.450 717.89 0.00 0.00 717.89 91282CFB2 1422 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 979,645.67 979,645.67 2.750 2.786 2,317.82 0.00 0.00 2,317.82 912796YB9 1423 101 USTR 3,000,000.00 2,951,409.30 2,951,409.30 3.221 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 912796YB9 1424 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 1,967,621.12 1,967,621.12 3.220 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 732329BD8 1425 101 PONCE 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.500 3.500 737.21 0.00 0.00 737.21 3133ENL99 1426 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 997,492.55 997,492.55 3.375 3.320 2,812.50 0.00 0.00 2,812.50 052392BT3 1427 101 AUSTEL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.800 3.800 800.39 0.00 0.00 800.39 91282831-12 1428 101 USTR 0.00 2,988,390.00 0.00 2.375 7.092 5,808.42 0.00 11,610.00 17,418.42 914242AA0 1429 101 UNIVCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.000 4.000 842.52 0.00 0.00 842.52 22258JAB7 1430 101 CNTYSC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.400 4.400 926.77 0.00 0.00 926.77 912828Q29 1431 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 1,977,200.00 1,977,200.00 1.500 1.521 2,554.94 0.00 0.00 2,554.94 91282CBN0 1432 101 USTR 3,000,000.00 2,956,788.66 2,956,788.66 0.125 0.128 321.13 0.00 0.00 321.13 3133ENQ29 1433 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 996,400.00 996,400.00 4.000 3.939 3,333.34 0.00 0.00 3,333.34 84229LBA9 1434 101 STHBNK 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 4.250 4.250 880.74 0.00 0.00 880.74 34520LAT0 1435 101 FORBRT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.600 4.600 968.90 0.00 0.00 968.90 912796YV5 1436 101 USTR 5,000,000.00 4,893,349.12 4,893,349.12 4.363 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 912796YV5 1437 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 1,958,436.61 1,958,436.61 4.375 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25460FDW3 1438 101 DIRFCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.800 4.800 1,011.02 0.00 0.00 1,011.02 9128282R0 1439 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 927,110.00 927,110.00 2.250 2.407 1,895.38 0.00 0.00 1,895.38 3133EN31-11 1441 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 998,650.00 998,650.00 4.000 3.930 3,333.33 0.00 0.00 3,333.33 914098DJ4 1442 101 UNIVBK 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 4.200 4.200 888.21 0.00 0.00 888.21 912828R69 1443 101 USTR 4,000,000.00 3,944,075.80 3,944,075.80 1.625 1.653 5,535.71 0.00 0.00 5,535.71 91282CBN0 1444 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 1,980,078.13 1,980,078.13 0.125 0.127 214.09 0.00 0.00 214.09 91282CBU4 1445 101 USTR 3,000,000.00 2,958,984.38 2,958,984.38 0.125 0.127 319.37 0.00 0.00 319.37 3133EN3S7 1446 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 998,000.00 998,000.00 3.750 3.687 3,125.00 0.00 0.00 3,125.00 25844MAK4 1447 101 DORTCU 247,000.00 247,000.00 247,000.00 4.500 4.500 944.02 0.00 0.00 944.02 01664MAB2 1448 101 ALL IN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.400 4.400 926.77 0.00 0.00 926.77 51828MAC8 1449 101 LATCOM 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.500 4.500 947.84 0.00 0.00 947.84 45157PAZ3 1450 101 IDEAL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.500 4.500 947.83 0.00 0.00 947.83 01882MAC6 1451 101 ALIANT 247,000.00 247,000.00 247,000.00 5.000 5.000 1,048.90 0.00 0.00 1,048.90 91282CCK5 1452 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 0.00 1,956,875.00 0.125 0.129 193.37 0.00 0.00 193.37 912796ZR3 1453 101 USTR 3,000,000.00 0.00 2,932,950.00 4.572 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80865MAB3 1454 101 SCIENT 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.650 4.650 568.71 0.00 0.00 568.71 78472EAB0 1455 101 SPCOCU 249,000.00 0.00 249,000.00 4.350 4.350 326.43 0.00 0.00 326.43 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:32 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 83 City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 8 January 1, 2023 - January 31, 2023 Adjusted Interest Earnings Ending Beginning Ending Current Annualized Interest Amortization/ Realized Adjusted Interest CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Par Value Book Value Book Value Rate Yield Earned Accretion Gainl/Loss Earnings Fund: General Fund 91282CFH9 1456 101 USTR 500,000.00 0.00 489,175.00 3.125 3.221 345.30 0.00 0.00 345.30 300185LM5 1457 101 EVRGRN 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 3.850 3.850 104.64 0.00 0.00 104.64 82671 DABS 1458 101 SIGFCU 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.400 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Subtotal 225,719,545.42 209,978,359.54 224,459,532.56 1.887 330,592.91 0.00 13,080.00 343,672.91 Fund: Fiscal Agent SYS1058 1058 231 USBANK 4,644.86 4,631.32 4,644.86 3.442 13.54 0.00 0.00 13.54 Subtotal 4,644.86 4,631.32 4,644.86 3.442 13.54 0.00 0.00 13.54 Fund: Housing Authority: WSA and LQ SYS1062 1062 241 LQPR 417,959.41 426,625.90 417,959.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Subtotal 417,959.41 426,625.90 417,959.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fund: SA Low/Mod Bond Fund 25-33-005 1113 249 LAIF 2,036,215.89 2,025,634.04 2,036,215.89 2.425 2.744 4,720.84 0.00 0.00 4,720.84 Subtotal 2,036,215.89 2,025,634.04 2,036,215.89 2.744 4,720.84 0.00 0.00 4,720.84 Total 228,178,365.58 212,435,250.80 226,918,352.72 1.891 335,327.29 0.00 13,080.00 348,407.29 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:32 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 84 a — GEM e& DESERT — City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Summary February 28, 2023 City of La Quinta Par Market Book % of Days to YTM Investments Value Value Value Portfolio Term Maturity 365 Equiv. Bank Accounts 19,955,787.85 19,955,787.85 19,955,787.85 8.77 1 1 0.000 Local Agency Investment Fund -City 18,937,383.16 18,517,467.82 18,937,383.16 8.32 1 1 2.624 Local Agency Invstmnt Fund -Housing 2,036,215.89 2,010,335.04 2,036,215.89 0.89 1 1 2.624 Money Market Accounts - CAMP 38,542,886.18 38,542,886.18 38,542,886.18 16.93 1 1 4.730 Federal Agency Coupon Securities 41,250,000.00 37,952,315.00 41,030,749.09 18.03 1,664 1,034 1.525 Treasury Coupon Securities 42,750,000.00 40,546,170.00 42,056,206.75 18.48 1,078 742 2.547 Treasury Discount Notes 17,000,000.00 16,860,040.00 16,658,179.07 7.32 177 63 4.298 Certificate of Deposits 33,860,000.00 32,186,034.67 33,859,377.50 14.88 1,682 820 2.236 Corporate Notes 900,000.00 836,208.00 875,660.00 0.38 1,797 690 1.738 Money Market with Fiscal Agent 1,745,474.46 1,745,474.46 1,745,474.46 0.77 1 1 0.000 CERBT - OPEB Trust 1,750,883.78 1,750,883.78 1,750,883.78 0.77 1 1 0.000 PARS Pension Trust 10,158,931.53 10,158,931.53 10,158,931.53 4.46 1 1 0.000 228,887,562.85 221,062,534.33 227,607,735.26 100.00% 770 453 2.442 Investments Total Earnings February 28 Month Ending Fiscal Year To Date Current Year 406,906.85 2,429,768.20 Average Daily Balance 226,928,219.47 216,569,110.39 Effective Rate of Return 2.34% 1.69% I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with the California Government Code and the City Investment Policy. As Treasurer of the City of La Quinta, I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet the City's expenditure requirements for the next six months. The City of La Quinta used the monthly account statements issued by our financial institutions to determine the fair market value of investments at month end. Digitally signed by Claudia Martinez Date: 2023.05.05 11:39:24-0700' Claudia Martinez, Finance Director/City Treasurer Reporting period 02/01/2023-02/28/2023 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:25 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM1) 7.3.0 Report Ver. 8..56.1 85 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments February 28, 2023 Page 1 Average Purchase Stated Days to YTM Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Maturity 365 Date Bank Accounts SYS1293 1293 Bank of New York 09/01/2020 7,227,166.87 7,227,166.87 7,227,166.87 1 1 0.000 059731851 1228 Bank of the West 08/20/2019 11,781,216.97 11,781,216.97 11,781,216.97 1 1 0.000 SYS1059 1059 City Petty Cash 07/01/2016 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 1 1 0.000 SYS1318 1318 Dune Palms Mobile Estates 03/09/2021 720,787.03 720,787.03 720,787.03 1 1 0.000 SYS1062 1062 La Quinta Palms Realty 07/01/2016 223,316.98 223,316.98 223,316.98 1 1 0.000 Subtotal and Average 17,762,700.34 19,955,787.85 19,955,787.85 19,955,787.85 1 1 0.000 Local Agency Investment Fund -City 98-33-434 1055 Local Agency Inv Fund 18,937,383.16 18,517,467.82 18,937,383.16 2.624 1 1 2.624 Subtotal and Average 18,937,383.16 18,937,383.16 18,517,467.82 18,937,383.16 1 1 2.624 Local Agency Invstmnt Fund -Housing 25-33-005 1113 Local Agency Inv Fund 2,036,215.89 2,010,335.04 2,036,215.89 2.624 1 1 2.624 Subtotal and Average 2,036,215.89 2,036,215.89 2,010,335.04 2,036,215.89 1 1 2.624 Money Market Accounts - CAMP SYS1153 1153 California Asset Management Pr 09/26/2018 38,542,886.18 38,542,886.18 38,542,886.18 4.730 1 1 4.730 Subtotal and Average 38,408,413.73 38,542,886.18 38,542,886.18 38,542,886.18 1 1 4.730 Federal Agency Coupon Securities 3133EMX64 1340 Federal Farm Credit Bank 10/22/2021 500,000.00 496,410.00 499,002.04 0.170 553 58 0.302 04/28/2023 3133EKZK5 1223 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/12/2019 500,000.00 491,890.00 499,400.00 1.600 1,432 166 1.632 08/14/2023 3133EJYL7 1158 Federal Farm Credit Bank 10/15/2018 250,000.00 246,850.00 247,275.00 2.800 1,786 188 3.041 09/05/2023 3133EK4X1 1234 Federal Farm Credit Bank 11/01/2019 1,000,000.00 975,930.00 996,900.00 1.600 1,461 245 1.680 11/01/2023 3130AFW94 1177 Federal Home Loan Bank 03/01/2019 500,000.00 487,905.00 498,550.00 2.500 1,810 349 2.563 02/13/2024 3133ELNEO 1246 Federal Farm Credit Bank 02/14/2020 1,000,000.00 964,790.00 999,000.00 1.430 1,461 350 1.456 02/14/2024 3133ENYH7 1401 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/10/2022 500,000.00 484,740.00 499,080.00 2.625 731 467 2.720 06/10/2024 3135GOV75 1206 Federal National Mtg Assn 07/15/2019 500,000.00 478,260.00 495,950.00 1.750 1,814 489 1.922 07/02/2024 3133EKWV4 1212 Federal Farm Credit Bank 08/02/2019 500,000.00 477,510.00 499,500.00 1.850 1,820 513 1.871 07/26/2024 3133EKP75 1224 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/17/2019 500,000.00 475,310.00 498,750.00 1.600 1,827 566 1.652 09/17/2024 3133ELEA8 1242 Federal Farm Credit Bank 12/17/2019 1,000,000.00 952,050.00 998,600.00 1.700 1,736 566 1.731 09/17/2024 3135GO6E8 1291 Federal National Mtg Assn 11/18/2020 500,000.00 461,310.00 499,250.00 0.420 1,461 628 0.458 11/18/2024 3133ENGN4 1355 Federal Farm Credit Bank 12/09/2021 1,000,000.00 930,540.00 1,000,000.00 0.970 1,096 649 0.970 12/09/2024 3135GAAW1 1300 Federal National Mtg Assn 12/30/2020 500,000.00 459,020.00 500,000.00 0.400 1,461 670 0.400 12/30/2024 3130AP2U8 1353 Federal Home Loan Bank 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 919,210.00 987,100.00 0.550 1,127 678 0.976 01/07/2025 313OAQWY5 1374 Federal Home Loan Bank 02/25/2022 1,000,000.00 936,270.00 1,000,000.00 1.700 1,095 726 1.700 02/24/2025 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:25 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Report Ver. 86 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments February 28, 2023 Page 2 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM 365 Maturity Date Federal Agency Coupon Securities 3135G031.15 1365 Federal National Mtg Assn 01/28/2022 500,000.00 457,820.00 487,790.00 0.625 1,180 783 1.400 04/22/2025 3134GVYG7 1279 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 05/27/2020 1,000,000.00 912,340.00 1,000,000.00 0.625 1,826 818 0.625 05/27/2025 3133ELH23 1280 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/09/2020 500,000.00 454,810.00 499,850.00 0.500 1,826 831 0.506 06/09/2025 3133ELH80 1282 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/10/2020 500,000.00 454,780.00 500,000.00 0.680 1,826 832 0.680 06/10/2025 3130AJKW8 1281 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/03/2020 500,000.00 454,910.00 499,850.00 0.500 1,836 835 0.506 06/13/2025 3130AJRP6 1283 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/30/2020 300,000.00 272,067.00 300,000.00 0.680 1,826 852 0.680 06/30/2025 3137EAEU9 1297 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 12/07/2020 1,000,000.00 902,540.00 997,300.00 0.375 1,687 873 0.434 07/21/2025 3137EAEU9 1361 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 01/05/2022 500,000.00 451,270.00 487,090.00 0.375 1,293 873 1.120 07/21/2025 3135G05S8 1288 Federal National Mtg Assn 08/14/2020 500,000.00 449,015.00 500,000.00 0.500 1,826 897 0.500 08/14/2025 3136G4M75 1290 Federal National Mtg Assn 08/28/2020 500,000.00 451,850.00 499,750.00 0.520 1,816 901 0.530 08/18/2025 3136G4N74 1289 Federal National Mtg Assn 08/21/2020 1,000,000.00 898,790.00 1,000,000.00 0.560 1,826 904 0.560 08/21/2025 3137EAEX3 1307 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 02/23/2021 500,000.00 449,305.00 495,999.50 0.375 1,673 937 0.552 09/23/2025 3137EAEX3 1310 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 03/30/2021 1,000,000.00 898,610.00 983,940.00 0.375 1,638 937 0.740 09/23/2025 3130ARGJ4 1385 Federal Home Loan Bank 04/14/2022 500,000.00 470,685.00 500,000.00 2.500 1,279 958 2.500 10/14/2025 3134GW5R3 1362 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 01/05/2022 400,000.00 359,612.00 391,360.00 0.650 1,391 971 1.232 10/27/2025 3135G06G3 1354 Federal National Mtg Assn 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 896,450.00 976,300.00 0.500 1,431 982 1.120 11/07/2025 3135GA2Z3 1292 Federal National Mtg Assn 11/17/2020 500,000.00 445,795.00 499,250.00 0.560 1,826 992 0.590 11/17/2025 3130AKFA9 1298 Federal Home Loan Bank 12/07/2020 500,000.00 445,615.00 497,400.00 0.375 1,831 1,017 0.480 12/12/2025 3135GA7D7 1299 Federal National Mtg Assn 12/23/2020 500,000.00 444,730.00 500,000.00 0.600 1,826 1,028 0.600 12/23/2025 3134GXGZ1 1301 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 12/30/2020 500,000.00 447,240.00 500,000.00 0.550 1,826 1,035 0.550 12/30/2025 3130AKMZ6 1302 Federal Home Loan Bank 01/14/2021 500,000.00 443,070.00 500,000.00 0.510 1,826 1,050 0.510 01/14/2026 313OAKN28 1304 Federal Home Loan Bank 01/29/2021 500,000.00 443,015.00 500,000.00 0.550 1,826 1,065 0.550 01/29/2026 3130ALV92 1312 Federal Home Loan Bank 03/30/2021 500,000.00 450,745.00 500,000.00 1.050 1,826 1,125 0.938 03/30/2026 3130AMFS6 1324 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/17/2021 1,000,000.00 887,180.00 993,420.00 0.750 1,821 1,199 0.885 06/12/2026 3133EM2C5 1330 Federal Farm Credit Bank 08/10/2021 500,000.00 435,115.00 498,000.00 0.710 1,826 1,258 0.792 08/10/2026 3133EM4X7 1338 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/28/2021 1,000,000.00 879,460.00 991,080.00 0.800 1,808 1,289 0.985 09/10/2026 3130APBM6 1337 Federal Home Loan Bank 09/30/2021 1,000,000.00 876,340.00 999,000.00 1.000 1,826 1,309 1.021 09/30/2026 3130APB46 1339 Federal Home Loan Bank 10/13/2021 1,000,000.00 874,000.00 998,250.00 0.950 1,826 1,322 0.986 10/13/2026 3134GW6C5 1359 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 01/05/2022 500,000.00 433,960.00 486,000.00 0.800 1,757 1,337 1.403 10/28/2026 3133ENCQ1 1344 Federal Farm Credit Bank 11/02/2021 1,000,000.00 888,390.00 1,000,000.00 1.270 1,826 1,342 1.270 11/02/2026 3130APTV7 1347 Federal Home Loan Bank 11/24/2021 500,000.00 449,810.00 499,500.00 0.700 1,826 1,364 1.489 11/24/2026 313OAQF65 1358 Federal Home Loan Bank 12/22/2021 1,000,000.00 890,810.00 999,750.00 1.250 1,825 1,391 1.255 12/21/2026 3134GWUQ7 1366 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 02/10/2022 1,000,000.00 863,730.00 945,570.00 0.700 1,784 1,400 1.870 12/30/2026 3130AQJR5 1364 Federal Home Loan Bank 01/27/2022 1,000,000.00 889,930.00 1,000,000.00 1.500 1,826 1,428 1.500 01/27/2027 3130AQSA2 1367 Federal Home Loan Bank 02/10/2022 1,000,000.00 901,710.00 1,000,000.00 1.830 1,826 1,442 1.830 02/10/2027 3130ARGY1 1387 Federal Home Loan Bank 04/19/2022 1,000,000.00 926,050.00 1,000,000.00 2.700 1,826 1,510 2.700 04/19/2027 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:25 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 87 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments February 28, 2023 Page 3 CUSIP Investment # Issuer Average Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM Maturity 365 Date Federal Agency Coupon Securities 3130ASDV8 1409 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/28/2022 300,000.00 282,891.00 300,000.00 3.300 1,826 1,580 3.300 06/28/2027 3133ENL99 1426 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/15/2022 1,000,000.00 957,900.00 997,492.55 3.375 1,826 1,659 3.430 09/15/2027 3133ENQ29 1433 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/30/2022 1,000,000.00 983,310.00 996,400.00 4.000 1,825 1,673 4.080 09/29/2027 3133EN31-11 1441 Federal Farm Credit Bank 11/29/2022 1,000,000.00 983,150.00 998,650.00 4.000 1,826 1,734 4.030 11/29/2027 3133EN3S7 1446 Federal Farm Credit Bank 12/07/2022 1,000,000.00 972,490.00 998,000.00 3.750 1,826 1,742 3.794 12/07/2027 3133EPAV7 1464 Federal Farm Credit Bank 02/15/2023 1,000,000.00 983,030.00 995,400.00 3.875 1,825 1,811 3.977 02/14/2028 Subtotal and Average 40,533,049.09 41,250,000.00 37,952,315.00 41,030,749.09 1,664 1,034 1.525 Treasury Coupon Securities 91282CBU4 1349 U.S. Treasury 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 996,250.00 996,718.75 0.125 479 30 0.376 03/31/2023 912828Q29 1431 U.S. Treasury 09/30/2022 2,000,000.00 1,994,800.00 1,977,200.00 1.500 182 30 3.824 03/31/2023 91282CBU4 1445 U.S. Treasury 12/02/2022 3,000,000.00 2,988,750.00 2,958,984.38 0.125 119 30 4.366 03/31/2023 91282CCD1 1350 U.S. Treasury 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 988,140.00 995,468.75 0.125 540 91 0.432 05/31/2023 912828R69 1443 U.S. Treasury 12/02/2022 4,000,000.00 3,967,200.00 3,944,075.80 1.625 180 91 4.515 05/31/2023 91282CCK5 1452 U.S. Treasury 01/04/2023 2,000,000.00 1,968,040.00 1,956,875.00 0.125 177 121 4.635 06/30/2023 91282CCN9 1341 U.S. Treasury 10/22/2021 500,000.00 489,940.00 497,792.97 0.125 647 152 0.375 07/31/2023 9128284X5 1462 U.S. Treasury 02/07/2023 1,000,000.00 988,750.00 988,900.00 2.750 205 183 4.787 08/31/2023 91282BT26 1217 U.S. Treasury 08/21/2019 500,000.00 489,315.00 499,300.00 1.375 1,501 213 1.410 09/30/2023 91282CBA8 1351 U.S. Treasury 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 961,560.00 990,000.00 0.125 738 289 0.623 12/15/2023 91282CBEO 1342 U.S. Treasury 10/22/2021 1,000,000.00 957,580.00 991,000.00 0.125 815 320 0.531 01/15/2024 91282CBR1 1352 U.S. Treasury 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 950,740.00 989,800.00 0.250 829 380 0.704 03/15/2024 91282CBV2 1360 U.S. Treasury 01/05/2022 500,000.00 474,200.00 494,882.81 0.375 831 411 0.830 04/15/2024 912828XT2 1418 U.S. Treasury 05/04/2022 1,000,000.00 962,270.00 985,240.00 2.000 758 457 2.736 05/31/2024 9128282U3 1400 U.S. Treasury 06/09/2022 500,000.00 477,050.00 490,850.00 1.875 814 549 2.727 08/31/2024 91282CDB4 1343 U.S. Treasury 10/22/2021 1,000,000.00 932,770.00 996,320.00 0.625 1,089 594 0.750 10/15/2024 9128283DO 1390 U.S. Treasury 05/03/2022 1,000,000.00 956,640.00 985,190.00 2.250 912 610 2.870 10/31/2024 912828YV6 1241 U.S. Treasury 12/16/2019 1,000,000.00 943,130.00 989,687.50 1.500 1,811 640 1.718 11/30/2024 91282CAT8 1311 U.S. Treasury 03/30/2021 1,000,000.00 893,050.00 977,500.00 0.250 1,676 975 0.750 10/31/2025 91282CAZ4 1315 U.S. Treasury 04/22/2021 500,000.00 446,620.00 492,187.50 0.375 1,683 1,005 0.720 11/30/2025 91282CBC4 1303 U.S. Treasury 01/07/2021 500,000.00 446,055.00 498,632.81 0.375 1,819 1,036 0.431 12/31/2025 91282CBH3 1309 U.S. Treasury 02/23/2021 500,000.00 444,140.00 495,100.00 0.375 1,803 1,067 0.577 01/31/2026 91282CBQ3 1319 U.S. Treasury 05/28/2021 500,000.00 444,510.00 494,165.00 0.500 1,737 1,095 0.750 02/28/2026 91282CBQ3 1382 U.S. Treasury 03/23/2022 750,000.00 666,765.00 698,025.00 0.500 1,438 1,095 2.353 02/28/2026 91282CBT7 1320 U.S. Treasury 05/28/2021 500,000.00 447,365.00 499,525.00 0.750 1,768 1,126 0.770 03/31/2026 91282CBT7 1322 U.S. Treasury 06/17/2021 500,000.00 447,365.00 498,450.00 0.750 1,748 1,126 0.816 03/31/2026 9128286S4 1383 U.S. Treasury 03/23/2022 1,000,000.00 939,650.00 999,010.00 2.375 1,499 1,156 2.400 04/30/2026 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:25 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 0 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments February 28, 2023 Page 4 Average Purchase Stated Days to YTM Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Maturity 365 Date Treasury Coupon Securities 91282CCF6 1321 U.S. Treasury 06/01/2021 1,000,000.00 889,020.00 997,060.00 0.750 1,825 1,187 0.810 05/31/2026 91282CCF6 1323 U.S. Treasury 06/17/2021 500,000.00 444,510.00 497,095.00 0.750 1,809 1,187 0.870 05/31/2026 91282CCP4 1335 U.S. Treasury 09/29/2021 1,000,000.00 880,900.00 983,750.00 0.625 1,766 1,248 0.970 07/31/2026 91282CCW9 1336 U.S. Treasury 09/29/2021 1,000,000.00 882,460.00 988,500.00 0.750 1,797 1,279 0.990 08/31/2026 91282CCW9 1380 U.S. Treasury 03/22/2022 500,000.00 441,230.00 466,454.17 0.750 1,623 1,279 2.350 08/31/2026 91282CDG3 1381 U.S. Treasury 03/22/2022 500,000.00 445,350.00 473,396.82 1.125 1,684 1,340 2.350 10/31/2026 912828Z78 1369 U.S. Treasury 02/10/2022 1,000,000.00 898,590.00 986,700.00 1.500 1,816 1,432 1.781 01/31/2027 91282CEF4 1391 U.S. Treasury 05/03/2022 1,000,000.00 932,620.00 976,860.00 2.500 1,793 1,491 3.010 03/31/2027 91282CEN7 1398 U.S. Treasury 06/08/2022 500,000.00 470,545.00 495,000.00 2.750 1,787 1,521 2.971 04/30/2027 91282BX88 1397 U.S. Treasury 06/07/2022 1,000,000.00 926,520.00 969,687.50 2.375 1,803 1,536 3.041 05/15/2027 91282CET4 1399 U.S. Treasury 06/08/2022 500,000.00 467,870.00 491,842.18 2.625 1,818 1,552 2.980 05/31/2027 91282CEW7 1465 U.S. Treasury 02/15/2023 1,000,000.00 959,450.00 967,220.00 3.250 1,596 1,582 4.075 06/30/2027 91282CFB2 1417 U.S. Treasury 08/15/2022 1,000,000.00 939,380.00 989,460.00 2.750 1,811 1,613 2.980 07/31/2027 91282CFB2 1422 U.S. Treasury 08/29/2022 1,000,000.00 939,380.00 979,645.67 2.750 1,797 1,613 3.200 07/31/2027 9128282RO 1439 U.S. Treasury 11/18/2022 1,000,000.00 919,060.00 927,110.00 2.250 1,731 1,628 3.950 08/15/2027 91282CFH9 1456 U.S. Treasury 01/24/2023 500,000.00 477,110.00 489,175.00 3.125 1,680 1,644 3.640 08/31/2027 91282CGH8 1460 U.S. Treasury 02/02/2023 1,000,000.00 969,530.00 996,369.14 3.500 1,824 1,797 3.580 01/31/2028 Subtotal and Average 46,085,655.11 42,750,000.00 40,546,170.00 42,056,206.75 1,078 742 2.547 Treasury Discount Notes 912796YB9 1423 U.S. Treasury 09/02/2022 3,000,000.00 2,999,640.00 2,951,409.30 3.221 181 1 3.366 03/02/2023 912796YB9 1424 U.S. Treasury 09/02/2022 2,000,000.00 1,999,760.00 1,967,621.12 3.220 181 1 3.365 03/02/2023 912796YV5 1436 U.S. Treasury 11/02/2022 5,000,000.00 4,963,200.00 4,893,349.12 4.363 176 57 4.583 04/27/2023 912796YV5 1437 U.S. Treasury 11/07/2022 2,000,000.00 1,985,280.00 1,958,436.61 4.375 171 57 4.593 04/27/2023 912796ZR3 1453 U.S. Treasury 01/04/2023 3,000,000.00 2,953,260.00 2,932,950.00 4.572 176 120 4.807 06/29/2023 912796Y37 1463 U.S. Treasury 02/07/2023 2,000,000.00 1,958,900.00 1,954,412.92 4.636 177 155 4.877 08/03/2023 Subtotal and Average 16,239,376.30 17,000,000.00 16,860,040.00 16,658,179.07 177 63 4.298 Certificate of Deposits 034577AH9 1119 66704M EQO 1263 954444BS3 1265 17312QJ26 1123 20726ABA5 1189 29278TAY6 1125 32117BCX4 1179 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:25 Aneca Federal Credit Union 03/22/2018 245,000.00 244,715.21 245,000.00 2.800 1,826 21 2.802 03/22/2023 Northstar Bank 03/31/2020 248,000.00 247,219.49 248,000.00 1.150 1,095 30 1.150 03/31/2023 West Michigan Cmnty Bk 03/31/2020 248,000.00 247,219.49 248,000.00 1.150 1,095 30 1.150 03/31/2023 Citibank NA 04/11/2018 245,000.00 244,487.58 245,000.00 2.900 1,826 41 2.902 04/11/2023 Congressional Bank 04/30/2019 248,000.00 247,062.61 248,000.00 2.500 1,459 58 2.502 04/28/2023 EnerBank USA 04/30/2018 240,000.00 239,268.81 240,000.00 2.950 1,824 58 2.952 04/28/2023 First National Bank 03/05/2019 248,000.00 247,087.06 248,000.00 2.800 1,522 65 2.802 05/05/2023 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments February 28, 2023 Page 5 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM Maturity 365 Date Certificate of Deposits 725404AB3 1194 Pittsfield Cooperative Bank 06/07/2019 245,000.00 243,359.16 245,000.00 2.500 1,461 98 2.502 06/07/2023 619165JD6 1173 Morton Community 03/20/2019 248,000.00 246,326.07 248,000.00 2.750 1,553 111 2.753 06/20/2023 74934YAH4 1144 RCB Bank 06/20/2018 245,000.00 243,648.23 245,000.00 3.150 1,826 111 3.152 06/20/2023 02616AAH2 1285 American First CU 06/26/2020 248,000.00 244,306.32 248,000.00 0.350 1,095 117 0.350 06/26/2023 02772JBD1 1205 American National Bank 07/19/2019 248,000.00 245,072.09 248,000.00 2.000 1,461 140 2.001 07/19/2023 32110YLK9 1147 First National Bank of America 07/20/2018 245,000.00 243,185.20 245,000.00 3.150 1,826 141 3.152 07/20/2023 06426KAN8 1151 Bank of New England 07/31/2018 249,000.00 246,953.11 249,000.00 3.250 1,826 152 3.252 07/31/2023 75472RAD3 1218 Raymond James Bank 08/23/2019 244,000.00 240,297.81 244,000.00 1.950 1,461 175 1.951 08/23/2023 89579NCD3 1262 Triad Bank 03/30/2020 248,000.00 242,310.79 248,000.00 1.350 1,278 212 1.352 09/29/2023 57116ARV2 1155 Cache Valley BK F/K/A Marlin 10/17/2018 248,000.00 244,949.77 248,000.00 3.300 1,826 230 3.302 10/17/2023 625925AR3 1160 Municipal Trust and Savings 10/17/2018 245,000.00 241,832.42 245,000.00 3.200 1,826 230 3.202 10/17/2023 90348JEJ5 1161 UBS Bank USA 10/17/2018 245,000.00 242,063.79 245,000.00 3.350 1,826 230 3.352 10/17/2023 474067AQ8 1154 Jefferson Financial CU 10/19/2018 245,000.00 242,043.68 245,000.00 3.350 1,826 232 3.352 10/19/2023 20143PDV9 1162 Commercial Bank 11/15/2018 248,000.00 244,672.89 248,000.00 3.400 1,826 259 3.402 11/15/2023 67054NAN3 1164 Numerica Credit Union 11/28/2018 248,000.00 244,708.11 248,000.00 3.550 1,826 272 3.552 11/28/2023 48115LAD6 1396 Jovia Financial Credit Union 06/07/2022 248,000.00 242,607.98 248,000.00 2.500 548 281 2.502 12/07/2023 635573AL2 1170 National Cooperative Bank, N.A 12/21/2018 245,000.00 241,192.88 245,000.00 3.400 1,826 295 3.402 12/21/2023 066851 WJ1 1172 Bar Harbor Bank and Trust 12/31/2018 248,000.00 243,472.92 248,000.00 3.350 1,824 303 3.352 12/29/2023 89269FDP7 1415 Tradition Capital 07/20/2022 246,000.00 240,682.90 246,000.00 3.000 551 327 3.008 01/22/2024 51210SQU4 1208 Lakeside Bank 07/30/2019 248,000.00 239,742.82 248,000.00 2.000 1,644 334 2.003 01/29/2024 77579ADF0 1251 Rollstone B&T 02/12/2020 245,000.00 236,053.69 245,000.00 1.650 1,461 348 1.651 02/12/2024 66736ABP3 1181 Northwest Bank 02/13/2019 248,000.00 241,868.74 248,000.00 2.950 1,826 349 2.951 02/13/2024 949763XY7 1174 Wells Fargo 02/27/2019 248,000.00 241,752.68 248,000.00 3.000 1,826 363 3.001 02/27/2024 50625LAW3 1384 Lafayette FCU 03/30/2022 248,000.00 238,580.00 248,000.00 2.050 729 393 2.053 03/28/2024 882213AB7 1260 Texas Bank Financial 03/31/2020 245,000.00 233,348.43 245,000.00 1.100 1,458 393 1.101 03/28/2024 472382AQ3 1272 The Jefferson Bank 04/15/2020 248,000.00 235,968.91 248,000.00 1.250 1,461 411 1.251 04/15/2024 08016PDQ9 1270 Belmont Bank and Trust 04/16/2020 248,000.00 235,940.65 248,000.00 1.250 1,461 412 1.251 04/16/2024 69506YRH4 1269 Pacific Western Bank 04/16/2020 245,000.00 233,334.28 245,000.00 1.300 1,461 412 1.301 04/16/2024 56065GAG3 1188 Main Street Bank 04/26/2019 248,000.00 239,456.32 248,000.00 2.600 1,827 422 2.603 04/26/2024 33640VDD7 1231 First Service Bank 11/15/2019 248,000.00 236,572.29 248,000.00 1.700 1,643 441 1.701 05/15/2024 48128HXU7 1185 JP Morgan Chase 05/16/2019 245,000.00 238,218.66 245,000.00 3.250 1,827 442 3.254 05/16/2024 46256YAZ2 1186 Iowa State Bank 05/23/2019 245,000.00 235,652.40 245,000.00 2.400 1,827 449 2.403 05/23/2024 538036GV0 1238 Live Oak Bank 11/27/2019 248,000.00 236,683.01 248,000.00 1.800 1,644 454 1.802 05/28/2024 156634AK3 1184 Century Next Bank 05/29/2019 248,000.00 238,908.24 248,000.00 2.500 1,827 455 2.503 05/29/2024 72651 LCL6 1195 Plains Commerce Bank 06/07/2019 245,000.00 235,936.31 245,000.00 2.550 1,827 464 2.553 06/07/2024 299547AQ2 1196 Liberty FCU F/K/A Evansville T 06/12/2019 248,000.00 238,815.55 248,000.00 2.600 1,827 469 2.603 06/12/2024 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:25 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 •o City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments February 28, 2023 Page 6 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM Maturity 365 Date Certificate of Deposits 524661CB9 1197 Legacy Bank 06/19/2019 248,000.00 238,051.61 248,000.00 2.400 1,827 476 2.403 06/19/2024 176688CP2 1199 Citizens State Bank 06/21/2019 248,000.00 238,011.50 248,000.00 2.400 1,827 478 2.403 06/21/2024 20416TAQ5 1202 Communitywide FCU 06/28/2019 248,000.00 237,527.09 248,000.00 2.250 1,827 485 2.253 06/28/2024 761402BY1 1203 Revere Bank 06/28/2019 247,000.00 236,813.83 247,000.00 2.300 1,827 485 2.303 06/28/2024 00257TBD7 1207 Abacus Federal Savings 07/26/2019 248,000.00 235,927.50 248,000.00 1.950 1,827 513 1.952 07/26/2024 33625CCP2 1209 First Security Bank of WA 07/30/2019 248,000.00 236,308.86 248,000.00 2.000 1,827 517 2.002 07/30/2024 710571DS6 1210 People's Bank 07/31/2019 248,000.00 236,287.21 248,000.00 2.000 1,827 518 2.002 07/31/2024 740367HP5 1213 Preferred Bank 08/16/2019 249,000.00 236,735.61 249,000.00 2.000 1,827 534 2.002 08/16/2024 33766LAJ7 1216 FirsTier Bank 08/23/2019 249,000.00 236,402.35 249,000.00 1.950 1,827 541 1.952 08/23/2024 938828131-12 1215 Washington Federal 08/23/2019 248,000.00 235,631.77 248,000.00 2.000 1,827 541 2.002 08/23/2024 336460CX6 1222 First State Bk DeQueen 08/30/2019 248,000.00 235,068.06 248,000.00 1.800 1,827 548 1.802 08/30/2024 334342CD2 1221 First Natl Bk of Syracuse 08/30/2019 249,000.00 236,197.82 249,000.00 1.850 1,827 548 1.852 08/30/2024 15118RRH2 1220 Celtic Bank 08/30/2019 248,000.00 235,249.23 248,000.00 1.850 1,827 548 1.852 08/30/2024 05580AD50 1333 BMW Bank 09/10/2021 245,000.00 227,811.94 245,000.00 0.650 1,096 559 0.651 09/10/2024 06652CHB0 1227 BankWest Inc 09/27/2019 248,000.00 233,894.13 248,000.00 1.700 1,827 576 1.702 09/27/2024 84223QAN7 1286 Southern Bancorp Bk 06/26/2020 248,000.00 228,637.42 248,000.00 0.500 1,582 604 0.500 10/25/2024 804375131-4 1235 Sauk Valley B&T Co 11/07/2019 248,000.00 233,286.67 248,000.00 1.700 1,827 617 1.702 11/07/2024 61690UNX4 1237 Morgan Stanley Bank 11/20/2019 245,000.00 231,314.15 245,000.00 1.950 1,827 630 1.952 11/20/2024 61760A3133 1236 Morgan Stanley Private Bk, NA 11/20/2019 245,000.00 231,111.97 245,000.00 1.900 1,827 630 1.902 11/20/2024 064520BG3 1287 Bank Princeton 06/30/2020 248,000.00 227,379.46 248,000.00 0.500 1,644 670 0.500 12/30/2024 80865MAB3 1454 Scient FCU 01/13/2023 248,000.00 245,381.51 248,000.00 4.650 731 684 4.656 01/13/2025 89388CEYO 1328 Transportation Alliance Bk TAB 07/23/2021 248,000.00 226,032.69 248,000.00 0.400 1,280 694 0.401 01/23/2025 06417NZQ9 1329 Bank OZK 07/29/2021 248,000.00 226,241.34 248,000.00 0.400 1,280 700 0.401 01/29/2025 90983WBT7 1249 United Community 02/07/2020 248,000.00 231,575.98 248,000.00 1.650 1,827 709 1.652 02/07/2025 32114VBT3 1250 First National Bank Michigan 02/14/2020 248,000.00 231,422.08 248,000.00 1.650 1,827 716 1.652 02/14/2025 35637RDC8 1248 Freedom Financial 02/14/2020 248,000.00 230,953.81 248,000.00 1.550 1,827 716 1.552 02/14/2025 029728BC5 1255 American State 02/21/2020 248,000.00 231,032.34 248,000.00 1.600 1,827 723 1.602 02/21/2025 17286TAGO 1252 Citadel FCU 02/27/2020 248,000.00 231,137.51 248,000.00 1.650 1,827 729 1.652 02/27/2025 00435JBH5 1256 Access Bank 03/13/2020 248,000.00 230,798.14 248,000.00 1.600 1,826 743 1.601 03/13/2025 849430BF9 1257 Spring Bank 03/20/2020 248,000.00 230,155.35 248,000.00 1.500 1,826 750 1.501 03/20/2025 05465DAE8 1258 Axos Bank 03/26/2020 248,000.00 230,760.53 248,000.00 1.650 1,826 756 1.651 03/26/2025 020080BX4 1267 Alma Bank 03/30/2020 248,000.00 229,652.27 248,000.00 1.400 1,824 758 1.399 03/28/2025 2027506M2 1268 Commonwealth Business Bk 03/31/2020 248,000.00 229,010.32 248,000.00 1.250 1,826 761 1.251 03/31/2025 654062JZ2 1266 Nicolet Natl Bank 03/31/2020 248,000.00 229,755.40 248,000.00 1.400 1,826 761 1.401 03/31/2025 14042TDD6 1271 Capital One USA FDIC33954 04/08/2020 245,000.00 227,774.30 245,000.00 1.600 1,826 769 1.601 04/08/2025 02007GPX5 1388 Ally Bank Midvale 04/21/2022 245,000.00 232,225.83 245,000.00 2.550 1,096 782 2.550 04/21/2025 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:25 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 91 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments February 28, 2023 Page 7 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM Maturity 365 Date Certificate of Deposits 52168UHY1 1389 Leader Bank 04/22/2022 245,000.00 232,210.16 245,000.00 2.550 1,096 783 2.552 04/22/2025 32112UDR9 1274 First Natl Bk McGregor 04/28/2020 248,000.00 228,864.42 248,000.00 1.350 1,826 789 1.351 04/28/2025 32027BALl 1273 First Freedom Bank 04/29/2020 249,000.00 229,167.33 249,000.00 1.200 1,826 790 1.201 04/29/2025 33847E3A3 1276 Flagstar 04/30/2020 248,000.00 228,653.84 248,000.00 1.250 1,826 791 1.251 04/30/2025 32056GDJ6 1278 list Internet Bank 05/11/2020 248,000.00 226,714.58 248,000.00 1.000 1,827 803 0.985 05/12/2025 95960NKD8 1277 Western State Bank 05/13/2020 245,000.00 224,136.41 245,000.00 1.000 1,826 804 1.001 05/13/2025 254673E69 1392 Discover Bank Greenwood DE CF 05/24/2022 245,000.00 234,707.08 245,000.00 3.100 1,099 818 3.103 05/27/2025 169894AS1 1284 Chippewa Valley Bk 06/24/2020 248,000.00 223,634.40 248,000.00 0.600 1,826 846 0.600 06/24/2025 307811DF3 1363 Farmers & Merch 01/14/2022 249,000.00 225,876.06 249,000.00 0.900 1,277 866 0.900 07/14/2025 70962LAF9 1331 Pentagon FCU 09/01/2021 249,000.00 223,841.90 249,000.00 0.700 1,462 916 0.687 09/02/2025 914242AAO 1429 University Credit Union 09/26/2022 248,000.00 242,360.41 248,000.00 4.000 1,096 940 3.891 09/26/2025 51507LCC6 1305 Landmark Community Bank 01/22/2021 248,000.00 218,894.45 248,000.00 0.500 1,826 1,058 0.500 01/22/2026 84229LBA9 1434 Southern Bank Sardis GA 10/28/2022 244,000.00 240,658.58 244,000.00 4.250 1,188 1,064 4.254 01/28/2026 87270LDL4 1306 TIAA FKA EverBank 02/12/2021 245,000.00 216,208.63 245,000.00 0.500 1,826 1,079 0.500 02/12/2026 64034KAZ4 1376 Nelnet Bank 03/02/2022 245,000.00 224,939.33 245,000.00 1.800 1,461 1,097 1.801 03/02/2026 39573LBC1 1313 Greenstate FCU 04/16/2021 249,000.00 221,578.54 249,000.00 0.950 1,826 1,142 0.951 04/16/2026 89235MKY6 1314 Toyota Financial Savings Bank 04/22/2021 245,000.00 217,759.20 245,000.00 0.900 1,826 1,148 0.900 04/22/2026 14622LAAO 1316 Carter FCU 04/27/2021 248,000.00 218,971.90 248,000.00 0.750 1,826 1,153 0.750 04/27/2026 31617CAV5 1317 Fidelity Homestead 04/30/2021 248,000.00 218,851.08 248,000.00 0.700 1,826 1,156 0.711 04/30/2026 501798RP9 1356 LCA Bank Corp 12/27/2021 248,000.00 220,076.90 248,000.00 1.000 1,642 1,213 1.000 06/26/2026 92559TAJ7 1325 Vibrant Credit Union 07/02/2021 249,000.00 219,428.77 248,377.50 0.800 1,824 1,217 0.852 06/30/2026 300185LM5 1457 Evergreen Bank Group 01/27/2023 248,000.00 241,899.59 248,000.00 3.850 1,277 1,244 3.849 07/27/2026 38149MXK4 1326 Goldman Sachs 07/28/2021 248,000.00 219,748.19 248,000.00 1.000 1,826 1,245 1.001 07/28/2026 795451AFO 1327 Sallie Mae Bank Salt Lake City 07/28/2021 248,000.00 219,748.19 248,000.00 1.000 1,826 1,245 1.001 07/28/2026 87165ET98 1332 Synchrony Bank Retail 09/03/2021 245,000.00 215,709.54 245,000.00 0.900 1,826 1,282 0.900 09/03/2026 20786ADL6 1334 Connect One 09/24/2021 248,000.00 216,812.56 248,000.00 0.800 1,826 1,303 0.800 09/24/2026 59013KPNO 1345 Merrick Bank 11/09/2021 249,000.00 219,612.38 249,000.00 1.100 1,826 1,349 1.101 11/09/2026 14042RQBO 1346 Capital One Natl Assn FDIC4297 11/17/2021 248,000.00 218,808.89 248,000.00 1.100 1,826 1,357 1.101 11/17/2026 20825WAR1 1357 Connexus CU 12/23/2021 249,000.00 220,250.58 249,000.00 1.250 1,826 1,393 1.250 12/23/2026 89786MAF1 1368 True Sky FCU 02/04/2022 245,000.00 219,647.84 245,000.00 1.600 1,826 1,436 1.601 02/04/2027 02357QAQO 1372 Amerant Bank 02/14/2022 245,000.00 219,458.42 245,000.00 1.600 1,828 1,448 1.601 02/16/2027 07371AYE7 1370 Beal Bank TX 02/23/2022 245,000.00 222,124.67 245,000.00 1.900 1,820 1,449 1.901 02/17/2027 073710E88 1371 Beal Bank USA 02/23/2022 245,000.00 222,124.67 245,000.00 1.900 1,820 1,449 1.901 02/17/2027 59161YAP1 1373 Metro Credit Union 02/18/2022 249,000.00 223,707.85 249,000.00 1.700 1,826 1,450 1.701 02/18/2027 24773RCR4 1377 Delta Natl B&T 03/09/2022 245,000.00 222,911.24 245,000.00 2.000 1,814 1,457 2.001 02/25/2027 27004PCM3 1375 Eaglemark Savings 03/02/2022 245,000.00 223,038.83 245,000.00 2.000 1,826 1,462 2.001 03/02/2027 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:25 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 92 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments February 28, 2023 Page 8 Average Purchase Stated Days to YTM Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Maturity 365 Date Certificate of Deposits 91139LAB2 1378 United Roosevelt Savings 03/11/2022 248,000.00 224,529.68 248,000.00 1.900 1,826 1,471 1.901 03/11/2027 565819AG4 1379 Marathon Bnak 03/16/2022 248,000.00 223,528.27 248,000.00 1.800 1,826 1,476 1.801 03/16/2027 20033A3A2 1386 Comenity Capital Bank 04/14/2022 248,000.00 231,262.48 248,000.00 2.650 1,826 1,505 2.652 04/14/2027 397417AQ9 1419 Greenwoods State Bank 05/17/2022 248,000.00 234,927.40 248,000.00 3.050 1,826 1,538 3.052 05/17/2027 02589ADH2 1421 American Express, NB 08/29/2022 245,000.00 235,880.71 245,000.00 3.450 1,793 1,609 3.067 07/27/2027 88413QDN5 1420 Third Federal Savings and Loan 08/19/2022 245,000.00 234,421.93 245,000.00 3.300 1,826 1,632 3.302 08/19/2027 732329BD8 1425 Ponce Bank 09/15/2022 248,000.00 239,267.46 248,000.00 3.500 1,826 1,659 3.502 09/15/2027 052392BT3 1427 Austin Telco FCU 09/21/2022 248,000.00 242,352.98 248,000.00 3.800 1,826 1,665 3.770 09/21/2027 22258JAB7 1430 County Schools FCU 09/30/2022 248,000.00 248,908.07 248,000.00 4.400 1,826 1,674 4.325 09/30/2027 34520LATO 1435 Forbright Bank 11/02/2022 248,000.00 251,048.60 248,000.00 4.600 1,826 1,707 4.602 11/02/2027 25460FDW3 1438 Direct FCU 11/07/2022 248,000.00 253,189.16 248,000.00 4.800 1,827 1,713 4.735 11/08/2027 914098DJ4 1442 University Bank 11/30/2022 249,000.00 248,101.04 249,000.00 4.200 1,826 1,735 4.202 11/30/2027 25844MAK4 1447 Dort Financial CU 12/16/2022 247,000.00 249,176.09 247,000.00 4.500 1,826 1,751 4.503 12/16/2027 01664MAB2 1448 All In FCU 12/20/2022 248,000.00 249,110.74 248,000.00 4.400 1,826 1,755 4.402 12/20/2027 51828MAC8 1449 Latino Comm. CU 12/21/2022 248,000.00 250,201.43 248,000.00 4.500 1,826 1,756 4.503 12/21/2027 45157PAZ3 1450 Ideal CU 12/29/2022 248,000.00 250,541.16 248,000.00 4.500 1,826 1,764 4.502 12/29/2027 01882MAC6 1451 Alliant CU 12/30/2022 247,000.00 254,989.53 247,000.00 5.000 1,826 1,765 5.003 12/30/2027 78472EABO 1455 SPCO Credit Union 01/20/2023 249,000.00 249,744.24 249,000.00 4.350 1,826 1,786 4.352 01/20/2028 82671DAB3 1458 Signature FCU 01/31/2023 248,000.00 249,637.74 248,000.00 4.400 1,826 1,797 4.402 01/31/2028 79772FAG1 1459 San Francisco FCU 02/03/2023 248,000.00 248,914.34 248,000.00 4.350 1,826 1,800 4.352 02/03/2028 530520AH8 1466 Liberty First CU 02/21/2023 248,000.00 250,611.66 248,000.00 4.500 1,827 1,819 4.504 02/22/2028 09582YAF9 1467 Blue Ridge Bank 02/28/2023 244,000.00 243,415.62 244,000.00 4.200 1,826 1,825 4.202 02/28/2028 Subtotal and Average 33,827,806.07 33,860,000.00 32,186,034.67 33,859,377.50 1,682 820 2.236 Corporate Notes 594918BQ6 1157 Microsoft Corporation 10/15/2018 400,000.00 394,768.00 378,360.00 2.000 1,758 160 3.222 08/08/2023 45950VPS9 1308 International Finance Corp. 02/26/2021 500,000.00 441,440.00 497,300.00 0.500 1,826 1,093 0.610 02/26/2026 Subtotal and Average 875,660.00 900,000.00 836,208.00 875,660.00 1,797 690 1.738 Money Market with Fiscal Agent SYS1058 1058 US Bank 07/01/2016 1,745,474.46 1,745,474.46 1,745,474.46 1 1 0.000 Subtotal and Average 66,817.35 1,745,474.46 1,745,474.46 1,745,474.46 1 1 0.000 CERBT - OPEB Trust SYS1114 1114 CalPERS CERBT Plan 07/01/2022 1,750,883.78 1,750,883.78 1,750,883.78 1 1 0.000 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:25 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 93 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Page 9 Portfolio Details - Investments February 28, 2023 Average Purchase Stated Days to YTM Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Maturity 365 Date Subtotal and Average 1,750,883.78 1,750,883.78 1,750,883.78 1,750,883.78 1 1 0.000 PARS Pension Trust SYS1230 1230 Pblc Agncy Rtrmnt Sery 10,158,931.53 10,158,931.53 10,158,931.53 1 1 0.000 Subtotal and Average 10,404,258.65 10,158,931.53 10,158,931.53 10,158,931.53 1 1 0.000 Total and Average 226,928,219.47 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:25 228,887,562.85 221,062,534.33 227,607,735.26 770 453 2.442 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 94 Q"It(V� GEM aj'cl&e DESERT - City of La Quinta Total Earnings Sorted by Fund - Fund February 1, 2023 - February 28, 2023 City of La Quinta CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 98-33-434 1055 101 LAIF 18,937,383.16 18,937,383.16 18,937,383.16 2.624 2.735 39,736.17 0.00 0.00 39,736.17 SYS1059 1059 101 CITYPC 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SYS1114 1114 101 CALPRS 1,750,883.78 1,750,883.78 1,750,883.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 034577AH9 1119 101 ANECA 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.800 2.800 526.24 0.00 0.00 526.24 17312QJ26 1123 101 CITINA 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.900 2.900 545.04 0.00 0.00 545.04 29278TAY6 1125 101 ENER 240,000.00 240,000.00 240,000.00 2.950 2.950 543.12 0.00 0.00 543.12 74934YAH4 1144 101 RCB 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.150 3.150 592.03 0.00 0.00 592.03 32110YLK9 1147 101 1STNBA 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.150 3.150 592.03 0.00 0.00 592.03 06426KAN8 1151 101 NWENGL 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 3.250 3.250 620.79 0.00 0.00 620.79 SYS1153 1153 101 CAMP 38,542,886.18 38,403,433.27 38,542,886.18 4.730 4.734 139,452.91 0.00 0.00 139,452.91 474067AQ8 1154 101 JEFF 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.350 3.350 629.62 0.00 0.00 629.62 57116ARV2 1155 101 MARBUS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.300 3.300 627.81 0.00 0.00 627.81 594918BQ6 1157 101 MCRSFT 400,000.00 378,360.00 378,360.00 2.000 2.297 666.67 0.00 0.00 666.67 3133EJYL7 1158 101 FFCB 250,000.00 247,275.00 247,275.00 2.800 3.075 583.33 0.00 0.00 583.33 625925AR3 1160 101 MUNTRS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.200 3.200 601.42 0.00 0.00 601.42 90348JEJ5 1161 101 UBS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.350 3.350 629.62 0.00 0.00 629.62 20143PDV9 1162 101 COMMBK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.400 3.400 646.84 0.00 0.00 646.84 67054NAN3 1164 101 NMRCA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.550 3.550 675.38 0.00 0.00 675.38 635573AL2 1170 101 NLCOOP 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.400 3.400 639.01 0.00 0.00 639.01 066851WJ1 1172 101 BARHAR 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.350 3.350 637.33 0.00 0.00 637.33 619165JD6 1173 101 MORTN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.750 2.750 523.18 0.00 0.00 523.18 949763XY7 1174 101 WELLS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.000 3.000 570.74 0.00 0.00 570.74 19416QEA4 1175 101 COLGTE 0.00 485,250.00 0.00 1.950 0.00 0.00 14,750.00 14,750.00 3130AFW94 1177 101 FHLB 500,000.00 498,550.00 498,550.00 2.500 2.724 1,041.67 0.00 0.00 1,041.67 32117BCX4 1179 101 1STNBK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.800 2.800 532.69 0.00 0.00 532.69 92535LCD4 1180 101 VERUS 0.00 248,000.00 0.00 2.700 2.700 513.66 0.00 0.00 513.66 66736ABP3 1181 101 NRTHWS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.950 2.950 561.23 0.00 0.00 561.23 156634AK3 1184 101 CENTNX 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.500 2.500 475.62 0.00 0.00 475.62 48128HXU7 1185 101 JPMORG 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.250 3.250 610.82 0.00 0.00 610.82 46256YAZ2 1186 101 IOWAST 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.400 2.400 451.07 0.00 0.00 451.07 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:36 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 95 City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 2 February 1, 2023 - February 28, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 56065GAG3 1188 101 MAINST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.600 2.600 494.64 0.00 0.00 494.64 20726ABA5 1189 101 CONGRS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.500 2.500 475.61 0.00 0.00 475.61 725404AB3 1194 101 PITTS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.500 2.500 469.86 0.00 0.00 469.86 72651LCL6 1195 101 PLAINS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.550 2.550 479.26 0.00 0.00 479.26 299547AQ2 1196 101 EVNSCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.600 2.600 494.64 0.00 0.00 494.64 524661CB9 1197 101 LEGCY 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.400 2.400 456.59 0.00 0.00 456.59 176688CP2 1199 101 CTZNST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.400 2.400 456.59 0.00 0.00 456.59 20416TAQ5 1202 101 COMMW 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.250 2.250 428.05 0.00 0.00 428.05 761402BY1 1203 101 REVER 247,000.00 247,000.00 247,000.00 2.300 2.300 435.81 0.00 0.00 435.81 02772JBD1 1205 101 AMRNTL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 380.49 0.00 0.00 380.49 3135GOV75 1206 101 FNMA 500,000.00 495,950.00 495,950.00 1.750 1.917 729.17 0.00 0.00 729.17 00257TBD7 1207 101 ABACUS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.950 1.950 370.98 0.00 0.00 370.98 51210SQU4 1208 101 LKSIDE 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 380.49 0.00 0.00 380.49 33625CCP2 1209 101 1STSEC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 380.49 0.00 0.00 380.49 710571DS6 1210 101 PEOPLE 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 380.49 0.00 0.00 380.49 3133EKWV4 1212 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,500.00 499,500.00 1.850 2.012 770.84 0.00 0.00 770.84 740367HP5 1213 101 PREFRD 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 2.000 2.000 382.03 0.00 0.00 382.03 938828BH2 1215 101 WSHFED 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 380.49 0.00 0.00 380.49 33766LAJ7 1216 101 1STIER 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.950 1.950 372.47 0.00 0.00 372.47 912828T26 1217 101 USTR 500,000.00 499,300.00 499,300.00 1.375 1.381 528.85 0.00 0.00 528.85 75472RAD3 1218 101 RAYJAM 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 1.950 1.950 364.99 0.00 0.00 364.99 15118RRH2 1220 101 CELTIC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.850 1.850 351.96 0.00 0.00 351.96 334342CD2 1221 101 1STNBS 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.850 1.850 353.38 0.00 0.00 353.38 336460CX6 1222 101 1STDQN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.800 1.800 342.44 0.00 0.00 342.44 3133EKZK5 1223 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,400.00 499,400.00 1.600 1.740 666.67 0.00 0.00 666.67 3133EKP75 1224 101 FFCB 500,000.00 498,750.00 498,750.00 1.600 1.742 666.66 0.00 0.00 666.66 06652CHB0 1227 101 BNKWST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.700 1.700 323.42 0.00 0.00 323.42 059731851 1228 101 BOTW 11,781,216.97 12,601,997.25 11,781,216.97 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 SYS1230 1230 101 PARS 10,158,931.53 10,413,344.84 10,158,931.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33640VDD7 1231 101 1STSER 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.700 1.700 323.42 0.00 0.00 323.42 3133EK4X1 1234 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 996,900.00 996,900.00 1.600 1.743 1,333.33 0.00 0.00 1,333.33 804375DL4 1235 101 SAUKVL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.700 1.700 323.42 0.00 0.00 323.42 61760A3133 1236 101 MSPRIV 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.900 1.900 357.10 0.00 0.00 357.10 61690UNX4 1237 101 MORGST 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.950 1.950 366.50 0.00 0.00 366.50 538036GVO 1238 101 LIVEOK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.800 1.800 342.44 0.00 0.00 342.44 912828YV6 1241 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 989,687.50 989,687.50 1.500 1.520 1,153.85 0.00 0.00 1,153.85 3133ELEA8 1242 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 998,600.00 998,600.00 1.700 1.849 1,416.66 0.00 0.00 1,416.66 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:36 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. M City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 3 February 1, 2023 - February 28, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 3133ELNEO 1246 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 999,000.00 999,000.00 1.430 1.555 1,191.67 0.00 0.00 1,191.67 35637RDC8 1248 101 FRDMFI 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.550 1.550 294.88 0.00 0.00 294.88 90983WBT7 1249 101 UNTDCM 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.650 1.650 313.91 0.00 0.00 313.91 32114VBT3 1250 101 1STNMI 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.650 1.650 313.91 0.00 0.00 313.91 77579ADF0 1251 101 RLLSTN 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.650 1.650 310.11 0.00 0.00 310.11 17286TAGO 1252 101 CITADL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.650 1.650 313.91 0.00 0.00 313.91 81768PAF3 1254 101 SERVIS 0.00 248,000.00 0.00 1.600 1.600 228.30 0.00 0.00 228.30 029728BC5 1255 101 AMERST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.600 1.600 304.40 0.00 0.00 304.40 00435J131-15 1256 101 ACCSS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.600 1.600 304.40 0.00 0.00 304.40 849430BF9 1257 101 SPRING 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.500 1.500 285.37 0.00 0.00 285.37 05465DAE8 1258 101 AXOS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.650 1.650 313.91 0.00 0.00 313.91 882213AB7 1260 101 TEXAS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.100 1.100 206.74 0.00 0.00 206.74 89579NCD3 1262 101 TRIAD 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.350 1.350 256.84 0.00 0.00 256.84 66704MEQ0 1263 101 NRTHSR 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.150 1.150 218.78 0.00 0.00 218.78 954444BS3 1265 101 WESTMI 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.150 1.150 218.78 0.00 0.00 218.78 654062JZ2 1266 101 NCOLET 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.400 1.400 266.35 0.00 0.00 266.35 020080BX4 1267 101 ALMABK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.400 1.400 266.35 0.00 0.00 266.35 2027506M2 1268 101 CMWBUS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.250 1.250 237.81 0.00 0.00 237.81 69506YRH4 1269 101 PACWST 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.300 1.300 244.33 0.00 0.00 244.33 08016PDQ9 1270 101 BELB&T 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.250 1.250 237.81 0.00 0.00 237.81 14042TDD6 1271 101 CAPONE 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.600 1.600 300.71 0.00 0.00 300.71 472382AQ3 1272 101 THEJEF 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.250 1.250 237.81 0.00 0.00 237.81 32027BALl 1273 101 1STFDM 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.200 1.200 229.22 0.00 0.00 229.22 32112UDR9 1274 101 1STMCG 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.350 1.350 256.83 0.00 0.00 256.83 33847E3A3 1276 101 FLGSTR 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.250 1.250 237.81 0.00 0.00 237.81 95960NKD8 1277 101 WSTRNS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.000 1.000 187.94 0.00 0.00 187.94 32056GDJ6 1278 101 1STINT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.000 1.000 190.25 0.00 0.00 190.25 3134GVYG7 1279 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.625 0.679 520.83 0.00 0.00 520.83 3133ELH23 1280 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,850.00 499,850.00 0.500 0.543 208.33 0.00 0.00 208.33 3130AJKW8 1281 101 FHLB 500,000.00 499,850.00 499,850.00 0.500 0.543 208.34 0.00 0.00 208.34 3133ELH80 1282 101 FFCB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.680 0.739 283.33 0.00 0.00 283.33 3130AJRP6 1283 101 FHLB 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 0.680 0.739 170.00 0.00 0.00 170.00 169894AS1 1284 101 CHIPVA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.600 0.600 114.15 0.00 0.00 114.15 02616AAH2 1285 101 AMR1ST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.350 0.350 66.59 0.00 0.00 66.59 84223QAN7 1286 101 STHRNB 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.500 0.500 95.12 0.00 0.00 95.12 064520BG3 1287 101 BKPRNC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.500 0.500 95.12 0.00 0.00 95.12 3135G05S8 1288 101 FNMA 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.500 0.543 208.34 0.00 0.00 208.34 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:36 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 97 City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 4 February 1, 2023 - February 28, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 3136G4N74 1289 101 FNMA 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.560 0.608 466.67 0.00 0.00 466.67 3136G4M75 1290 101 FNMA 500,000.00 499,750.00 499,750.00 0.520 0.565 216.67 0.00 0.00 216.67 3135G06E8 1291 101 FNMA 500,000.00 499,250.00 499,250.00 0.420 0.457 175.00 0.00 0.00 175.00 3135GA2Z3 1292 101 FNMA 500,000.00 499,250.00 499,250.00 0.560 0.609 233.33 0.00 0.00 233.33 SYS1293 1293 101 BNY 7,227,166.87 7,890,054.47 7,227,166.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3137EAEU9 1297 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 997,300.00 997,300.00 0.375 0.408 312.50 0.00 0.00 312.50 3130AKFA9 1298 101 FHLB 500,000.00 497,400.00 497,400.00 0.375 0.409 156.25 0.00 0.00 156.25 3135GA7D7 1299 101 FNMA 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.600 0.652 250.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 3135GAAW1 1300 101 FNMA 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.400 0.435 166.67 0.00 0.00 166.67 3134GXGZ1 1301 101 FHLMC 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.550 0.597 229.16 0.00 0.00 229.16 3130AKMZ6 1302 101 FHLB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.510 0.554 212.50 0.00 0.00 212.50 91282CBC4 1303 101 USTR 500,000.00 498,632.81 498,632.81 0.375 0.379 145.02 0.00 0.00 145.02 3130AKN28 1304 101 FHLB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.550 0.597 229.16 0.00 0.00 229.16 51507LCC6 1305 101 LNDMRK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.500 0.500 95.12 0.00 0.00 95.12 87270LDL4 1306 101 EVRBA 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.500 0.500 93.98 0.00 0.00 93.98 3137EAEX3 1307 101 FHLMC 500,000.00 495,999.50 495,999.50 0.375 0.411 156.25 0.00 0.00 156.25 45950VPS9 1308 101 IFC 500,000.00 497,300.00 497,300.00 0.500 0.500 190.56 0.00 0.00 190.56 91282CBH3 1309 101 USTR 500,000.00 495,100.00 495,100.00 0.375 0.382 145.03 0.00 0.00 145.03 3137EAEX3 1310 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 983,940.00 983,940.00 0.375 0.414 312.50 0.00 0.00 312.50 91282CAT8 1311 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 977,500.00 977,500.00 0.250 0.258 193.37 0.00 0.00 193.37 3130ALV92 1312 101 FHLB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 1.050 1.141 437.50 0.00 0.00 437.50 39573LBC1 1313 101 GRNST 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 0.950 0.950 181.46 0.00 0.00 181.46 89235MKY6 1314 101 TOYFSB 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.900 0.900 169.15 0.00 0.00 169.15 91282CAZ4 1315 101 USTR 500,000.00 492,187.50 492,187.50 0.375 0.382 144.23 0.00 0.00 144.23 14622LAA0 1316 101 CARTER 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.750 0.750 142.69 0.00 0.00 142.69 31617CAV5 1317 101 FIDHMS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.700 0.700 133.17 0.00 0.00 133.17 SYS1318 1318 101 DPME 720,787.03 703,148.65 720,787.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 91282CBQ3 1319 101 USTR 500,000.00 494,165.00 494,165.00 0.500 0.510 193.25 0.00 0.00 193.25 91282CBT7 1320 101 USTR 500,000.00 499,525.00 499,525.00 0.750 0.753 288.46 0.00 0.00 288.46 91282CCF6 1321 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 997,060.00 997,060.00 0.750 0.754 576.92 0.00 0.00 576.92 91282CBT7 1322 101 USTR 500,000.00 498,450.00 498,450.00 0.750 0.754 288.46 0.00 0.00 288.46 91282CCF6 1323 101 USTR 500,000.00 497,095.00 497,095.00 0.750 0.756 288.46 0.00 0.00 288.46 3130AMFS6 1324 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 993,420.00 993,420.00 0.750 0.820 625.00 0.00 0.00 625.00 92559TAJ7 1325 101 VIBRNT 249,000.00 248,377.50 248,377.50 0.800 0.802 152.81 0.00 0.00 152.81 38149MXK4 1326 101 GLDMAN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.000 1.000 190.24 0.00 0.00 190.24 795451AF0 1327 101 SALMAE 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.000 1.000 190.24 0.00 0.00 190.24 89388CEYO 1328 101 TABBK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.400 0.400 76.10 0.00 0.00 76.10 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:36 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. M City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 5 February 1, 2023 - February 28, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 06417NZQ9 1329 101 BKOZK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.400 0.400 76.09 0.00 0.00 76.09 3133EM2C5 1330 101 FFCB 500,000.00 498,000.00 498,000.00 0.710 0.774 295.83 0.00 0.00 295.83 70962LAF9 1331 101 PENTGN 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 0.700 0.700 133.71 0.00 0.00 133.71 87165ET98 1332 101 SYNCHR 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.900 0.900 169.15 0.00 0.00 169.15 05580AD50 1333 101 BMW 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.650 0.650 122.16 0.00 0.00 122.16 20786ADL6 1334 101 CONNEC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.800 0.800 152.19 0.00 0.00 152.19 91282CCP4 1335 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 983,750.00 983,750.00 0.625 0.641 483.42 0.00 0.00 483.42 91282CCW9 1336 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 988,500.00 988,500.00 0.750 0.765 579.77 0.00 0.00 579.77 3130APBM6 1337 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 999,000.00 999,000.00 1.000 1.087 833.33 0.00 0.00 833.33 3133EM4X7 1338 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 991,080.00 991,080.00 0.800 0.877 666.67 0.00 0.00 666.67 3130APB46 1339 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 998,250.00 998,250.00 0.950 1.034 791.67 0.00 0.00 791.67 3133EMX64 1340 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,002.04 499,002.04 0.170 0.185 70.84 0.00 0.00 70.84 91282CCN9 1341 101 USTR 500,000.00 497,792.97 497,792.97 0.125 0.127 48.34 0.00 0.00 48.34 91282CBEO 1342 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 991,000.00 991,000.00 0.125 0.127 96.69 0.00 0.00 96.69 91282CDB4 1343 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 996,320.00 996,320.00 0.625 0.629 480.77 0.00 0.00 480.77 3133ENCQ1 1344 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.270 1.380 1,058.34 0.00 0.00 1,058.34 59013KPNO 1345 101 MRRCK 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.100 1.100 210.12 0.00 0.00 210.12 14042RQB0 1346 101 CAP1NA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.100 1.100 209.27 0.00 0.00 209.27 3130APTV7 1347 101 FHLB 500,000.00 499,500.00 499,500.00 0.700 0.761 291.67 0.00 0.00 291.67 91282CBU4 1349 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 996,718.75 996,718.75 0.125 0.126 96.16 0.00 0.00 96.16 91282CCD1 1350 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 995,468.75 995,468.75 0.125 0.126 96.15 0.00 0.00 96.15 91282CBA8 1351 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 990,000.00 990,000.00 0.125 0.127 96.15 0.00 0.00 96.15 91282CBR1 1352 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 989,800.00 989,800.00 0.250 0.255 193.37 0.00 0.00 193.37 3130AP21-18 1353 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 987,100.00 987,100.00 0.550 0.605 458.33 0.00 0.00 458.33 3135G06G3 1354 101 FNMA 1,000,000.00 976,300.00 976,300.00 0.500 0.556 416.66 0.00 0.00 416.66 3133ENGN4 1355 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.970 1.054 808.33 0.00 0.00 808.33 501798RP9 1356 101 LCA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.000 1.000 190.25 0.00 0.00 190.25 20825WAR1 1357 101 CNNXS 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.250 1.250 238.77 0.00 0.00 238.77 3130AQF65 1358 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 999,750.00 999,750.00 1.250 1.358 1,041.67 0.00 0.00 1,041.67 3134GW6C5 1359 101 FHLMC 500,000.00 486,000.00 486,000.00 0.800 0.894 333.34 0.00 0.00 333.34 91282CBV2 1360 101 USTR 500,000.00 494,882.81 494,882.81 0.375 0.380 144.23 0.00 0.00 144.23 3137EAEU9 1361 101 FHLMC 500,000.00 487,090.00 487,090.00 0.375 0.418 156.25 0.00 0.00 156.25 3134GW5R3 1362 101 FHLMC 400,000.00 391,360.00 391,360.00 0.650 0.722 216.67 0.00 0.00 216.67 307811 DF3 1363 101 FARMER 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 0.900 0.900 171.91 0.00 0.00 171.91 3130AQJR5 1364 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.500 1.629 1,250.00 0.00 0.00 1,250.00 3135G031-15 1365 101 FNMA 500,000.00 487,790.00 487,790.00 0.625 0.696 260.41 0.00 0.00 260.41 3134GWUQ7 1366 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 945,570.00 945,570.00 0.700 0.804 583.33 0.00 0.00 583.33 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:36 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 99 City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 6 February 1, 2023 - February 28, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 3130AQSA2 1367 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.830 1.988 1,525.00 0.00 0.00 1,525.00 89786MAF1 1368 101 TRUSKY 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.600 1.600 300.71 0.00 0.00 300.71 912828Z78 1369 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 986,700.00 986,700.00 1.500 1.533 1,160.22 0.00 0.00 1,160.22 07371AYE7 1370 101 BEALTX 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.900 1.900 357.10 0.00 0.00 357.10 073710E88 1371 101 BEALUS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.900 1.900 357.10 0.00 0.00 357.10 02357QAQO 1372 101 AMRNT 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.600 1.600 300.72 0.00 0.00 300.72 59161YAP1 1373 101 METRO 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.700 1.700 324.72 0.00 0.00 324.72 3130AQWY5 1374 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.700 1.847 1,416.67 0.00 0.00 1,416.67 27004PCM3 1375 101 EGLMRK 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.000 2.000 375.89 0.00 0.00 375.89 64034KAZ4 1376 101 NELNET 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.800 1.800 338.30 0.00 0.00 338.30 24773RCR4 1377 101 DELTA 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.000 2.000 375.89 0.00 0.00 375.89 91139LAB2 1378 101 URSVLT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.900 1.900 361.47 0.00 0.00 361.47 565819AG4 1379 101 MRTHON 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.800 1.800 342.44 0.00 0.00 342.44 91282CCW9 1380 101 USTR 500,000.00 466,454.17 466,454.17 0.750 0.810 289.89 0.00 0.00 289.89 91282CDG3 1381 101 USTR 500,000.00 473,396.82 473,396.82 1.125 1.198 435.08 0.00 0.00 435.08 91282CBQ3 1382 101 USTR 750,000.00 698,025.00 698,025.00 0.500 0.541 289.89 0.00 0.00 289.89 912828654 1383 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 999,010.00 999,010.00 2.375 2.397 1,837.02 0.00 0.00 1,837.02 50625LAW3 1384 101 LFYTT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.050 2.050 390.00 0.00 0.00 390.00 3130ARGJ4 1385 101 FHLB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 2.500 2.716 1,041.66 0.00 0.00 1,041.66 20033A3A2 1386 101 CCBA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.650 2.650 504.16 0.00 0.00 504.16 3130ARGY1 1387 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 2.700 2.933 2,250.00 0.00 0.00 2,250.00 02007GPX5 1388 101 ALLY 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.550 2.550 479.26 0.00 0.00 479.26 52168UHY1 1389 101 LEADR 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.550 2.550 479.26 0.00 0.00 479.26 9128283DO 1390 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 985,190.00 985,190.00 2.250 2.303 1,740.33 0.00 0.00 1,740.33 91282CEF4 1391 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 976,860.00 976,860.00 2.500 2.566 1,923.08 0.00 0.00 1,923.08 254673E69 1392 101 DISCOV 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.100 3.100 582.63 0.00 0.00 582.63 48115LAD6 1396 101 JOVIA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.500 2.500 475.63 0.00 0.00 475.63 912828X88 1397 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 969,687.50 969,687.50 2.375 2.470 1,837.02 0.00 0.00 1,837.02 91282CEN7 1398 101 USTR 500,000.00 495,000.00 495,000.00 2.750 2.801 1,063.53 0.00 0.00 1,063.53 91282CET4 1399 101 USTR 500,000.00 491,842.18 491,842.18 2.625 2.676 1,009.62 0.00 0.00 1,009.62 91282821.13 1400 101 USTR 500,000.00 490,850.00 490,850.00 1.875 1.925 724.72 0.00 0.00 724.72 3133ENYH7 1401 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,080.00 499,080.00 2.625 2.857 1,093.75 0.00 0.00 1,093.75 3130ASDV8 1409 101 FHLB 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 3.300 3.585 825.00 0.00 0.00 825.00 89269FDP7 1415 101 TRADCP 246,000.00 246,000.00 246,000.00 3.000 3.000 566.14 0.00 0.00 566.14 91282CFB2 1417 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 989,460.00 989,460.00 2.750 2.802 2,127.07 0.00 0.00 2,127.07 912828XT2 1418 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 985,240.00 985,240.00 2.000 2.036 1,538.46 0.00 0.00 1,538.46 397417AQ9 1419 101 GRNWDS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.050 3.050 580.25 0.00 0.00 580.25 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:36 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 100 City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 7 February 1, 2023 - February 28, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 88413QDN5 1420 101 3RD 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.300 3.300 620.22 0.00 0.00 620.22 02589ADH2 1421 101 AMEXNB 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.450 3.450 648.41 0.00 0.00 648.41 91282CFB2 1422 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 979,645.67 979,645.67 2.750 2.830 2,127.07 0.00 0.00 2,127.07 912796YB9 1423 101 USTR 3,000,000.00 2,951,409.30 2,951,409.30 3.221 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 912796YB9 1424 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 1,967,621.12 1,967,621.12 3.220 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 732329BD8 1425 101 PONCE 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.500 3.500 665.86 0.00 0.00 665.86 3133ENL99 1426 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 997,492.55 997,492.55 3.375 3.676 2,812.50 0.00 0.00 2,812.50 052392BT3 1427 101 AUSTEL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.800 3.800 722.94 0.00 0.00 722.94 914242AAO 1429 101 UNIVCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.000 4.000 760.99 0.00 0.00 760.99 22258JAB7 1430 101 CNTYSC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.400 4.400 837.08 0.00 0.00 837.08 912828Q29 1431 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 1,977,200.00 1,977,200.00 1.500 1.521 2,307.69 0.00 0.00 2,307.69 91282CBNO 1432 101 USTR 0.00 2,956,788.66 0.00 0.125 19.884 279.70 0.00 43,211.34 43,491.04 3133ENQ29 1433 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 996,400.00 996,400.00 4.000 4.361 3,333.33 0.00 0.00 3,333.33 84229LBA9 1434 101 STHBNK 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 4.250 4.250 795.51 0.00 0.00 795.51 34520LATO 1435 101 FORBRT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.600 4.600 875.13 0.00 0.00 875.13 912796YV5 1436 101 USTR 5,000,000.00 4,893,349.12 4,893,349.12 4.363 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 912796YV5 1437 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 1,958,436.61 1,958,436.61 4.375 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25460FDW3 1438 101 DIRFCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.800 4.800 913.18 0.00 0.00 913.18 9128282RO 1439 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 927,110.00 927,110.00 2.250 2.427 1,726.15 0.00 0.00 1,726.15 3133EN31-11 1441 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 998,650.00 998,650.00 4.000 4.351 3,333.33 0.00 0.00 3,333.33 914098DJ4 1442 101 UNIVBK 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 4.200 4.200 802.26 0.00 0.00 802.26 912828R69 1443 101 USTR 4,000,000.00 3,944,075.80 3,944,075.80 1.625 1.653 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 91282CBNO 1444 101 USTR 0.00 1,980,078.13 0.00 0.125 13.728 186.46 0.00 19,921.87 20,108.33 91282CBU4 1445 101 USTR 3,000,000.00 2,958,984.38 2,958,984.38 0.125 0.127 288.46 0.00 0.00 288.46 3133EN3S7 1446 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 998,000.00 998,000.00 3.750 4.082 3,125.00 0.00 0.00 3,125.00 25844MAK4 1447 101 DORTCU 247,000.00 247,000.00 247,000.00 4.500 4.500 852.65 0.00 0.00 852.65 01664MAB2 1448 101 ALL IN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.400 4.400 837.09 0.00 0.00 837.09 51828MAC8 1449 101 LATCOM 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.500 4.500 856.12 0.00 0.00 856.12 45157PAZ3 1450 101 IDEAL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.500 4.500 856.11 0.00 0.00 856.11 01882MAC6 1451 101 ALIANT 247,000.00 247,000.00 247,000.00 5.000 5.000 947.39 0.00 0.00 947.39 91282CCK5 1452 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 1,956,875.00 1,956,875.00 0.125 0.129 193.37 0.00 0.00 193.37 912796ZR3 1453 101 USTR 3,000,000.00 2,932,950.00 2,932,950.00 4.572 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80865MAB3 1454 101 SCIENT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.650 4.650 884.65 0.00 0.00 884.65 78472EABO 1455 101 SPCOCU 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 4.350 4.350 830.91 0.00 0.00 830.91 91282CFH9 1456 101 USTR 500,000.00 489,175.00 489,175.00 3.125 3.219 1,207.86 0.00 0.00 1,207.86 300185LM5 1457 101 EVRGRN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.850 3.850 732.45 0.00 0.00 732.45 82671DAB3 1458 101 SIGFCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.400 4.400 837.08 0.00 0.00 837.08 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:36 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 101 City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 8 February 1, 2023 - February 28, 2023 Adjusted Interest Earnings Ending Beginning Ending Current Annualized Interest Amortization/ Realized Adjusted Interest CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Par Value Book Value Book Value Rate Yield Earned Accretion Gainl/Loss Earnings Fund: General Fund 79772FAG1 1459 101 SF FCU 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.350 4.350 738.90 0.00 0.00 738.90 91282CGH8 1460 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 0.00 996,369.14 3.500 3.542 2,610.50 0.00 0.00 2,610.50 9128284X5 1462 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 0.00 988,900.00 2.750 2.802 1,670.03 0.00 0.00 1,670.03 912796Y37 1463 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 0.00 1,954,412.92 4.636 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3133EPAV7 1464 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 0.00 995,400.00 3.875 4.511 1,722.22 0.00 0.00 1,722.22 91282CEW7 1465 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 0.00 967,220.00 3.250 3.388 1,256.91 0.00 0.00 1,256.91 530520AH8 1466 101 LBRTY1 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.500 4.500 214.03 0.00 0.00 214.03 09582YAF9 1467 101 BLURDG 244,000.00 0.00 244,000.00 4.200 4.200 28.08 0.00 0.00 28.08 Subtotal 224,882,555.52 224,459,532.56 223,602,727.93 2.299 324,736.60 0.00 77,883.21 402,619.81 Fund: Fiscal Agent SYS1058 1058 231 USBANK 1,745,474.46 4,644.86 1,745,474.46 4.058 14.46 0.00 0.00 14.46 Subtotal 1,745,474.46 4,644.86 1,745,474.46 4.058 14.46 0.00 0.00 14.46 Fund: Housing Authority : WSA and LQ SYS1062 1062 241 LQPR 223,316.98 417,959.41 223,316.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Subtotal 223,316.98 417,959.41 223,316.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fund: SA Low/Mod Bond Fund 25-33-005 1113 249 LAIF 2,036,215.89 2,036,215.89 2,036,215.89 2.624 2.735 4,272.58 0.00 0.00 4,272.58 Subtotal 2,036,215.89 2,036,215.89 2,036,215.89 2.735 4,272.58 0.00 0.00 4,272.58 Total 228,887,562.85 226,918,352.72 227,607,735.26 2.299 329,023.64 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:36 0.00 77,883.21 406,906.85 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 102 a — GEM e& DESERT — City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Summary March 31, 2023 City of La Quinta Par Market Book % of Days to YTM Investments Value Value Value Portfolio Term Maturity 365 Equiv. Bank Accounts 17,581,634.81 17,581,634.81 17,581,634.81 8.09 1 1 0.000 Local Agency Investment Fund -City 18,937,383.16 18,517,467.82 18,937,383.16 8.72 1 1 2.831 Local Agency Invstmnt Fund -Housing 2,036,215.89 2,010,335.04 2,036,215.89 0.94 1 1 2.831 Money Market Accounts - CAMP 38,699,934.72 38,699,934.72 38,699,934.72 17.81 1 1 4.800 Federal Agency Coupon Securities 41,250,000.00 38,637,942.00 41,030,749.09 18.88 1,664 1,003 1.525 Treasury Coupon Securities 36,750,000.00 35,095,495.00 36,123,303.62 16.63 1,222 828 2.389 Treasury Discount Notes 20,000,000.00 19,777,570.00 19,568,442.31 9.01 168 88 4.876 Certificate of Deposits 35,343,000.00 34,197,086.32 35,342,377.50 16.27 1,672 843 2.406 Corporate Notes 900,000.00 847,153.00 875,660.00 0.40 1,797 659 1.738 Money Market with Fiscal Agent 1,555.26 1,555.26 1,555.26 0.00 1 1 0.000 CERBT - OPEB Trust 1,828,332.91 1,828,332.91 1,828,332.91 0.84 1 1 0.000 PARS Pension Trust 5,256,621.81 5,256,621.81 5,256,621.81 2.42 1 1 0.000 218,584,678.56 212,451,128.69 217,282,211.08 100.00% 812 475 2.651 Investments Total Earnings March 31 Month Ending Fiscal Year To Date Current Year 519,701.83 2,949,470.03 Average Daily Balance 224,391,173.76 217,454,088.36 Effective Rate of Return 2.73% 1.81% 1 certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with the California Government Code and the City Investment Policy. As Treasurer of the City of La Quinta, I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet the City's expenditure requirements for the next six months. The City of La Quinta used the monthly account statements issued by our financial institutions to determine the fair market value of investments at month end. Digitally signed by Claudia Martinez Date: 2023.05.05 11:39:52 -07'00' Claudia Martinez, Finance Director/City Treasurer Reporting period 03/01/2023-03/31/2023 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:18 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM1) 7.3.0 Report Veq 05..6.1 103 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments March 31, 2023 Page 1 Average Purchase Stated Days to YTM Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Maturity 365 Date Bank Accounts SYS1293 1293 Bank of New York 09/01/2020 8,914,873.21 8,914,873.21 8,914,873.21 1 1 0.000 059731851 1228 Bank of the West 08/20/2019 7,709,850.66 7,709,850.66 7,709,850.66 1 1 0.000 SYS1059 1059 City Petty Cash 07/01/2016 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 1 1 0.000 SYS1318 1318 Dune Palms Mobile Estates 03/09/2021 744,415.70 744,415.70 744,415.70 1 1 0.000 SYS1062 1062 La Quinta Palms Realty 07/01/2016 209,195.24 209,195.24 209,195.24 1 1 0.000 Subtotal and Average 17,717,168.70 17,581,634.81 17,581,634.81 17,581,634.81 1 1 0.000 Local Agency Investment Fund -City 98-33-434 1055 Local Agency Inv Fund 18,937,383.16 18,517,467.82 18,937,383.16 2.831 1 1 2.831 Subtotal and Average 18,937,383.16 18,937,383.16 18,517,467.82 18,937,383.16 1 1 2.831 Local Agency Invstmnt Fund -Housing 25-33-005 1113 Local Agency Inv Fund 2,036,215.89 2,010,335.04 2,036,215.89 2.831 1 1 2.831 Subtotal and Average 2,036,215.89 2,036,215.89 2,010,335.04 2,036,215.89 1 1 2.831 Money Market Accounts - CAMP SYS1153 1153 California Asset Management Pr 09/26/2018 38,699,934.72 38,699,934.72 38,699,934.72 4.800 1 1 4.800 Subtotal and Average 38,547,952.26 38,699,934.72 38,699,934.72 38,699,934.72 1 1 4.800 Federal Agency Coupon Securities 3133EMX64 1340 Federal Farm Credit Bank 10/22/2021 500,000.00 498,485.00 499,002.04 0.170 553 27 0.302 04/28/2023 3133EKZK5 1223 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/12/2019 500,000.00 494,145.00 499,400.00 1.600 1,432 135 1.632 08/14/2023 3133EJYL7 1158 Federal Farm Credit Bank 10/15/2018 250,000.00 247,810.00 247,275.00 2.800 1,786 157 3.041 09/05/2023 3133EK4X1 1234 Federal Farm Credit Bank 11/01/2019 1,000,000.00 982,150.00 996,900.00 1.600 1,461 214 1.680 11/01/2023 3130AFW94 1177 Federal Home Loan Bank 03/01/2019 500,000.00 490,275.00 498,550.00 2.500 1,810 318 2.563 02/13/2024 3133ELNEO 1246 Federal Farm Credit Bank 02/14/2020 1,000,000.00 972,040.00 999,000.00 1.430 1,461 319 1.456 02/14/2024 3133ENYH7 1401 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/10/2022 500,000.00 488,805.00 499,080.00 2.625 731 436 2.720 06/10/2024 3135GOV75 1206 Federal National Mtg Assn 07/15/2019 500,000.00 482,245.00 495,950.00 1.750 1,814 458 1.922 07/02/2024 3133EKWV4 1212 Federal Farm Credit Bank 08/02/2019 500,000.00 481,275.00 499,500.00 1.850 1,820 482 1.871 07/26/2024 3133EKP75 1224 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/17/2019 500,000.00 480,580.00 498,750.00 1.600 1,827 535 1.652 09/17/2024 3133ELEA8 1242 Federal Farm Credit Bank 12/17/2019 1,000,000.00 962,520.00 998,600.00 1.700 1,736 535 1.731 09/17/2024 3135GO6E8 1291 Federal National Mtg Assn 11/18/2020 500,000.00 468,805.00 499,250.00 0.420 1,461 597 0.458 11/18/2024 3133ENGN4 1355 Federal Farm Credit Bank 12/09/2021 1,000,000.00 942,100.00 1,000,000.00 0.970 1,096 618 0.970 12/09/2024 3135GAAW1 1300 Federal National Mtg Assn 12/30/2020 500,000.00 467,250.00 500,000.00 0.400 1,461 639 0.400 12/30/2024 3130AP21.18 1353 Federal Home Loan Bank 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 934,390.00 987,100.00 0.550 1,127 647 0.976 01/07/2025 313OAQWY5 1374 Federal Home Loan Bank 02/25/2022 1,000,000.00 951,260.00 1,000,000.00 1.700 1,095 695 1.700 02/24/2025 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:18 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Report Ver. 7.3.6. j 04 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments March 31, 2023 Page 2 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM 365 Maturity Date Federal Agency Coupon Securities 3135G031.15 1365 Federal National Mtg Assn 01/28/2022 500,000.00 464,630.00 487,790.00 0.625 1,180 752 1.400 04/22/2025 3134GVYG7 1279 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 05/27/2020 1,000,000.00 927,480.00 1,000,000.00 0.625 1,826 787 0.625 05/27/2025 3133ELH23 1280 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/09/2020 500,000.00 462,650.00 499,850.00 0.500 1,826 800 0.506 06/09/2025 3133ELH80 1282 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/10/2020 500,000.00 461,480.00 500,000.00 0.680 1,826 801 0.680 06/10/2025 3130AJKW8 1281 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/03/2020 500,000.00 462,755.00 499,850.00 0.500 1,836 804 0.506 06/13/2025 3130AJRP6 1283 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/30/2020 300,000.00 276,132.00 300,000.00 0.680 1,826 821 0.680 06/30/2025 3137EAEU9 1297 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 12/07/2020 1,000,000.00 919,480.00 997,300.00 0.375 1,687 842 0.434 07/21/2025 3137EAEU9 1361 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 01/05/2022 500,000.00 459,740.00 487,090.00 0.375 1,293 842 1.120 07/21/2025 3135G05S8 1288 Federal National Mtg Assn 08/14/2020 500,000.00 459,490.00 500,000.00 0.500 1,826 866 0.500 08/14/2025 3136G4M75 1290 Federal National Mtg Assn 08/28/2020 500,000.00 459,960.00 499,750.00 0.520 1,816 870 0.530 08/18/2025 3136G4N74 1289 Federal National Mtg Assn 08/21/2020 1,000,000.00 919,830.00 1,000,000.00 0.560 1,826 873 0.560 08/21/2025 3137EAEX3 1307 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 02/23/2021 500,000.00 456,505.00 495,999.50 0.375 1,673 906 0.552 09/23/2025 3137EAEX3 1310 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 03/30/2021 1,000,000.00 913,010.00 983,940.00 0.375 1,638 906 0.740 09/23/2025 3130ARGJ4 1385 Federal Home Loan Bank 04/14/2022 500,000.00 480,920.00 500,000.00 2.500 1,279 927 2.500 10/14/2025 3134GW5R3 1362 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 01/05/2022 400,000.00 365,212.00 391,360.00 0.650 1,391 940 1.232 10/27/2025 3135G06G3 1354 Federal National Mtg Assn 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 914,290.00 976,300.00 0.500 1,431 951 1.120 11/07/2025 3135GA2Z3 1292 Federal National Mtg Assn 11/17/2020 500,000.00 457,015.00 499,250.00 0.560 1,826 961 0.590 11/17/2025 3130AKFA9 1298 Federal Home Loan Bank 12/07/2020 500,000.00 454,155.00 497,400.00 0.375 1,831 986 0.480 12/12/2025 3135GA7D7 1299 Federal National Mtg Assn 12/23/2020 500,000.00 454,960.00 500,000.00 0.600 1,826 997 0.600 12/23/2025 3134GXGZ1 1301 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 12/30/2020 500,000.00 455,785.00 500,000.00 0.550 1,826 1,004 0.550 12/30/2025 3130AKMZ6 1302 Federal Home Loan Bank 01/14/2021 500,000.00 452,705.00 500,000.00 0.510 1,826 1,019 0.510 01/14/2026 313OAKN28 1304 Federal Home Loan Bank 01/29/2021 500,000.00 450,145.00 500,000.00 0.550 1,826 1,034 0.550 01/29/2026 3130ALV92 1312 Federal Home Loan Bank 03/30/2021 500,000.00 459,600.00 500,000.00 1.050 1,826 1,094 0.938 03/30/2026 3130AMFS6 1324 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/17/2021 1,000,000.00 905,480.00 993,420.00 0.750 1,821 1,168 0.885 06/12/2026 3133EM2C5 1330 Federal Farm Credit Bank 08/10/2021 500,000.00 447,600.00 498,000.00 0.710 1,826 1,227 0.792 08/10/2026 3133EM4X7 1338 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/28/2021 1,000,000.00 898,200.00 991,080.00 0.800 1,808 1,258 0.985 09/10/2026 3130APBM6 1337 Federal Home Loan Bank 09/30/2021 1,000,000.00 900,410.00 999,000.00 1.000 1,826 1,278 1.021 09/30/2026 3130APB46 1339 Federal Home Loan Bank 10/13/2021 1,000,000.00 897,980.00 998,250.00 0.950 1,826 1,291 0.986 10/13/2026 3134GW6C5 1359 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 01/05/2022 500,000.00 446,080.00 486,000.00 0.800 1,757 1,306 1.403 10/28/2026 3133ENCQ1 1344 Federal Farm Credit Bank 11/02/2021 1,000,000.00 904,670.00 1,000,000.00 1.270 1,826 1,311 1.270 11/02/2026 3130APTV7 1347 Federal Home Loan Bank 11/24/2021 500,000.00 459,985.00 499,500.00 0.700 1,826 1,333 1.489 11/24/2026 313OAQF65 1358 Federal Home Loan Bank 12/22/2021 1,000,000.00 909,820.00 999,750.00 1.250 1,825 1,360 1.255 12/21/2026 3134GWUQ7 1366 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 02/10/2022 1,000,000.00 883,540.00 945,570.00 0.700 1,784 1,369 1.870 12/30/2026 3130AQJR5 1364 Federal Home Loan Bank 01/27/2022 1,000,000.00 911,270.00 1,000,000.00 1.500 1,826 1,397 1.500 01/27/2027 3130AQSA2 1367 Federal Home Loan Bank 02/10/2022 1,000,000.00 920,960.00 1,000,000.00 1.830 1,826 1,411 1.830 02/10/2027 3130ARGY1 1387 Federal Home Loan Bank 04/19/2022 1,000,000.00 950,250.00 1,000,000.00 2.700 1,826 1,479 2.700 04/19/2027 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:18 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 105 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments March 31, 2023 Page 3 CUSIP Investment # Issuer Average Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM Maturity 365 Date Federal Agency Coupon Securities 3130ASDV8 1409 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/28/2022 300,000.00 289,383.00 300,000.00 3.300 1,826 1,549 3.300 06/28/2027 3133ENL99 1426 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/15/2022 1,000,000.00 977,740.00 997,492.55 3.375 1,826 1,628 3.430 09/15/2027 3133ENQ29 1433 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/30/2022 1,000,000.00 1,003,140.00 996,400.00 4.000 1,825 1,642 4.080 09/29/2027 3133EN31-11 1441 Federal Farm Credit Bank 11/29/2022 1,000,000.00 1,003,240.00 998,650.00 4.000 1,826 1,703 4.030 11/29/2027 3133EN3S7 1446 Federal Farm Credit Bank 12/07/2022 1,000,000.00 992,650.00 998,000.00 3.750 1,826 1,711 3.794 12/07/2027 3133EPAV7 1464 Federal Farm Credit Bank 02/15/2023 1,000,000.00 1,003,480.00 995,400.00 3.875 1,825 1,780 3.977 02/14/2028 Subtotal and Average 41,030,749.09 41,250,000.00 38,637,942.00 41,030,749.09 1,664 1,003 1.525 Treasury Coupon Securities 91282CCD1 1350 U.S. Treasury 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 992,630.00 995,468.75 0.125 540 60 0.432 05/31/2023 91282BR69 1443 U.S. Treasury 12/02/2022 4,000,000.00 3,979,840.00 3,944,075.80 1.625 180 60 4.515 05/31/2023 91282CCK5 1452 U.S. Treasury 01/04/2023 2,000,000.00 1,978,240.00 1,956,875.00 0.125 177 90 4.635 06/30/2023 91282CCN9 1341 U.S. Treasury 10/22/2021 500,000.00 492,460.00 497,792.97 0.125 647 121 0.375 07/31/2023 9128284X5 1462 U.S. Treasury 02/07/2023 1,000,000.00 992,070.00 988,900.00 2.750 205 152 4.787 08/31/2023 912828T26 1217 U.S. Treasury 08/21/2019 500,000.00 491,895.00 499,300.00 1.375 1,501 182 1.410 09/30/2023 91282CBA8 1351 U.S. Treasury 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 968,590.00 990,000.00 0.125 738 258 0.623 12/15/2023 91282CBEO 1342 U.S. Treasury 10/22/2021 1,000,000.00 964,770.00 991,000.00 0.125 815 289 0.531 01/15/2024 91282CBR1 1352 U.S. Treasury 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 959,300.00 989,800.00 0.250 829 349 0.704 03/15/2024 91282CBV2 1360 U.S. Treasury 01/05/2022 500,000.00 478,595.00 494,882.81 0.375 831 380 0.830 04/15/2024 912828XT2 1418 U.S. Treasury 05/04/2022 1,000,000.00 971,720.00 985,240.00 2.000 758 426 2.736 05/31/2024 9128282U3 1400 U.S. Treasury 06/09/2022 500,000.00 482,850.00 490,850.00 1.875 814 518 2.727 08/31/2024 91282CDB4 1343 U.S. Treasury 10/22/2021 1,000,000.00 945,390.00 996,320.00 0.625 1,089 563 0.750 10/15/2024 9128283DO 1390 U.S. Treasury 05/03/2022 1,000,000.00 968,670.00 985,190.00 2.250 912 579 2.870 10/31/2024 912828YV6 1241 U.S. Treasury 12/16/2019 1,000,000.00 956,020.00 989,687.50 1.500 1,811 609 1.718 11/30/2024 91282CAT8 1311 U.S. Treasury 03/30/2021 1,000,000.00 911,090.00 977,500.00 0.250 1,676 944 0.750 10/31/2025 91282CAZ4 1315 U.S. Treasury 04/22/2021 500,000.00 455,740.00 492,187.50 0.375 1,683 974 0.720 11/30/2025 91282CBC4 1303 U.S. Treasury 01/07/2021 500,000.00 455,390.00 498,632.81 0.375 1,819 1,005 0.431 12/31/2025 91282CBH3 1309 U.S. Treasury 02/23/2021 500,000.00 453,555.00 495,100.00 0.375 1,803 1,036 0.577 01/31/2026 91282CBQ3 1319 U.S. Treasury 05/28/2021 500,000.00 454,100.00 494,165.00 0.500 1,737 1,064 0.750 02/28/2026 91282CBQ3 1382 U.S. Treasury 03/23/2022 750,000.00 681,150.00 698,025.00 0.500 1,438 1,064 2.353 02/28/2026 91282CBT7 1320 U.S. Treasury 05/28/2021 500,000.00 457,070.00 499,525.00 0.750 1,768 1,095 0.770 03/31/2026 91282CBT7 1322 U.S. Treasury 06/17/2021 500,000.00 457,070.00 498,450.00 0.750 1,748 1,095 0.816 03/31/2026 9128286S4 1383 U.S. Treasury 03/23/2022 1,000,000.00 958,360.00 999,010.00 2.375 1,499 1,125 2.400 04/30/2026 91282CCF6 1321 U.S. Treasury 06/01/2021 1,000,000.00 908,910.00 997,060.00 0.750 1,825 1,156 0.810 05/31/2026 91282CCF6 1323 U.S. Treasury 06/17/2021 500,000.00 454,455.00 497,095.00 0.750 1,809 1,156 0.870 05/31/2026 91282CCP4 1335 U.S. Treasury 09/29/2021 1,000,000.00 901,290.00 983,750.00 0.625 1,766 1,217 0.970 07/31/2026 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:18 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 106 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments March 31, 2023 Page 4 Average Purchase Stated Days to YTM Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Maturity 365 Date Treasury Coupon Securities 91282CCW9 1336 U.S. Treasury 09/29/2021 1,000,000.00 902,970.00 988,500.00 0.750 1,797 1,248 0.990 08/31/2026 91282CCW9 1380 U.S. Treasury 03/22/2022 500,000.00 451,485.00 466,454.17 0.750 1,623 1,248 2.350 08/31/2026 91282CDG3 1381 U.S. Treasury 03/22/2022 500,000.00 455,645.00 473,396.82 1.125 1,684 1,309 2.350 10/31/2026 912828Z78 1369 U.S. Treasury 02/10/2022 1,000,000.00 919,770.00 986,700.00 1.500 1,816 1,401 1.781 01/31/2027 91282CEF4 1391 U.S. Treasury 05/03/2022 1,000,000.00 954,220.00 976,860.00 2.500 1,793 1,460 3.010 03/31/2027 91282CEN7 1398 U.S. Treasury 06/08/2022 500,000.00 481,425.00 495,000.00 2.750 1,787 1,490 2.971 04/30/2027 912828X88 1397 U.S. Treasury 06/07/2022 1,000,000.00 948,870.00 969,687.50 2.375 1,803 1,505 3.041 05/15/2027 91282CET4 1399 U.S. Treasury 06/08/2022 500,000.00 478,925.00 491,842.18 2.625 1,818 1,521 2.980 05/31/2027 91282CEW7 1465 U.S. Treasury 02/15/2023 1,000,000.00 981,800.00 967,220.00 3.250 1,596 1,551 4.075 06/30/2027 91282CFB2 1417 U.S. Treasury 08/15/2022 1,000,000.00 962,070.00 989,460.00 2.750 1,811 1,582 2.980 07/31/2027 91282CFB2 1422 U.S. Treasury 08/29/2022 1,000,000.00 962,070.00 979,645.67 2.750 1,797 1,582 3.200 07/31/2027 9128282RO 1439 U.S. Treasury 11/18/2022 1,000,000.00 942,500.00 927,110.00 2.250 1,731 1,597 3.950 08/15/2027 91282CFH9 1456 U.S. Treasury 01/24/2023 500,000.00 488,615.00 489,175.00 3.125 1,680 1,613 3.640 08/31/2027 91282CGH8 1460 U.S. Treasury 02/02/2023 1,000,000.00 993,910.00 996,369.14 3.500 1,824 1,766 3.580 01/31/2028 Subtotal and Average 41,864,822.78 36,750,000.00 35,095,495.00 36,123,303.62 1,222 828 2.389 Treasury Discount Notes 912796YV5 1436 U.S. Treasury 11/02/2022 5,000,000.00 4,984,750.00 4,893,349.12 4.363 176 26 4.583 04/27/2023 912796YV5 1437 U.S. Treasury 11/07/2022 2,000,000.00 1,993,900.00 1,958,436.61 4.375 171 26 4.593 04/27/2023 912796ZR3 1453 U.S. Treasury 01/04/2023 3,000,000.00 2,966,400.00 2,932,950.00 4.572 176 89 4.807 06/29/2023 912797FR3 1468 U.S. Treasury 03/07/2023 3,000,000.00 2,963,610.00 2,951,790.00 4.821 120 95 5.037 07/05/2023 912796Y37 1463 U.S. Treasury 02/07/2023 2,000,000.00 1,968,120.00 1,954,412.92 4.636 177 124 4.877 08/03/2023 912796Z51 1471 U.S. Treasury 03/09/2023 3,000,000.00 2,941,470.00 2,927,220.00 4.991 175 152 5.258 08/31/2023 912796YH6 1470 U.S. Treasury 03/09/2023 2,000,000.00 1,959,320.00 1,950,283.66 4.917 182 159 5.184 09/07/2023 Subtotal and Average 17,897,095.90 20,000,000.00 19,777,570.00 19,568,442.31 168 88 4.876 Certificate of Deposits 17312QJ26 1123 Citibank NA 04/11/2018 245,000.00 244,848.48 245,000.00 2.900 1,826 10 2.902 04/11/2023 20726ABA5 1189 Congressional Bank 04/30/2019 248,000.00 247,546.30 248,000.00 2.500 1,459 27 2.502 04/28/2023 29278TAY6 1125 EnerBank USA 04/30/2018 240,000.00 239,644.59 240,000.00 2.950 1,824 27 2.952 04/28/2023 32117BCX4 1179 First National Bank 03/05/2019 248,000.00 247,505.02 248,000.00 2.800 1,522 34 2.802 05/05/2023 725404AB3 1194 Pittsfield Cooperative Bank 06/07/2019 245,000.00 243,835.73 245,000.00 2.500 1,461 67 2.502 06/07/2023 619165JD6 1173 Morton Community 03/20/2019 248,000.00 246,753.36 248,000.00 2.750 1,553 80 2.753 06/20/2023 74934YAH4 1144 RCB Bank 06/20/2018 245,000.00 243,987.20 245,000.00 3.150 1,826 80 3.152 06/20/2023 02616AAH2 1285 American First CU 06/26/2020 248,000.00 245,235.39 248,000.00 0.350 1,095 86 0.350 06/26/2023 02772JBD1 1205 American National Bank 07/19/2019 248,000.00 245,688.21 248,000.00 2.000 1,461 109 2.001 07/19/2023 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:18 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 107 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments March 31, 2023 Page 5 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM Maturity 365 Date Certificate of Deposits 32110YLK9 1147 First National Bank of America 07/20/2018 245,000.00 243,555.62 245,000.00 3.150 1,826 110 3.152 07/20/2023 06426KAN8 1151 Bank of New England 07/31/2018 249,000.00 247,439.00 249,000.00 3.250 1,826 121 3.252 07/31/2023 75472RAD3 1218 Raymond James Bank 08/23/2019 244,000.00 240,937.93 244,000.00 1.950 1,461 144 1.951 08/23/2023 89579NCD3 1262 Triad Bank 03/30/2020 248,000.00 243,319.32 248,000.00 1.350 1,278 181 1.352 09/29/2023 57116ARV2 1155 Cache Valley BK F/K/A Marlin 10/17/2018 248,000.00 245,505.12 248,000.00 3.300 1,826 199 3.302 10/17/2023 625925AR3 1160 Municipal Trust and Savings 10/17/2018 245,000.00 242,401.41 245,000.00 3.200 1,826 199 3.202 10/17/2023 90348JEJ5 1161 UBS Bank USA 10/17/2018 245,000.00 242,602.24 245,000.00 3.350 1,826 199 3.352 10/17/2023 474067AQ8 1154 Jefferson Financial CU 10/19/2018 245,000.00 242,592.46 245,000.00 3.350 1,826 201 3.352 10/19/2023 20143PDV9 1162 Commercial Bank 11/15/2018 248,000.00 245,304.23 248,000.00 3.400 1,826 228 3.402 11/15/2023 67054NAN3 1164 Numerica Credit Union 11/28/2018 248,000.00 245,399.79 248,000.00 3.550 1,826 241 3.552 11/28/2023 48115LAD6 1396 Jovia Financial Credit Union 06/07/2022 248,000.00 243,524.92 248,000.00 2.500 548 250 2.502 12/07/2023 635573AL2 1170 National Cooperative Bank, N.A 12/21/2018 245,000.00 241,926.04 245,000.00 3.400 1,826 264 3.402 12/21/2023 066851 WJ1 1172 Bar Harbor Bank and Trust 12/31/2018 248,000.00 244,705.18 248,000.00 3.350 1,824 272 3.352 12/29/2023 89269FDP7 1415 Tradition Capital 07/20/2022 246,000.00 241,771.48 246,000.00 3.000 551 296 3.008 01/22/2024 51210SQU4 1208 Lakeside Bank 07/30/2019 248,000.00 241,578.33 248,000.00 2.000 1,644 303 2.003 01/29/2024 77579ADFO 1251 Rollstone B&T 02/12/2020 245,000.00 237,576.20 245,000.00 1.650 1,461 317 1.651 02/12/2024 66736ABP3 1181 Northwest Bank 02/13/2019 248,000.00 243,187.77 248,000.00 2.950 1,826 318 2.951 02/13/2024 949763XY7 1174 Wells Fargo 02/27/2019 248,000.00 243,093.89 248,000.00 3.000 1,826 332 3.001 02/27/2024 50625LAW3 1384 Lafayette FCU 03/30/2022 248,000.00 240,222.52 248,000.00 2.050 729 362 2.053 03/28/2024 882213AB7 1260 Texas Bank Financial 03/31/2020 245,000.00 235,140.34 245,000.00 1.100 1,458 362 1.101 03/28/2024 472382AQ3 1272 The Jefferson Bank 04/15/2020 248,000.00 237,672.04 248,000.00 1.250 1,461 380 1.251 04/15/2024 08016PDQ9 1270 Belmont Bank and Trust 04/16/2020 248,000.00 237,645.69 248,000.00 1.250 1,461 381 1.251 04/16/2024 69506YRH4 1269 Pacific Western Bank 04/16/2020 245,000.00 234,997.72 245,000.00 1.300 1,461 381 1.301 04/16/2024 56065GAG3 1188 Main Street Bank 04/26/2019 248,000.00 240,917.24 248,000.00 2.600 1,827 391 2.603 04/26/2024 33640VDD7 1231 First Service Bank 11/15/2019 248,000.00 238,320.60 248,000.00 1.700 1,643 410 1.701 05/15/2024 48128HXU7 1185 JP Morgan Chase 05/16/2019 245,000.00 239,640.09 245,000.00 3.250 1,827 411 3.254 05/16/2024 46256YAZ2 1186 Iowa State Bank 05/23/2019 245,000.00 237,247.93 245,000.00 2.400 1,827 418 2.403 05/23/2024 538036GVO 1238 Live Oak Bank 11/27/2019 248,000.00 238,306.97 248,000.00 1.800 1,644 423 1.802 05/28/2024 156634AK3 1184 Century Next Bank 05/29/2019 248,000.00 240,268.09 248,000.00 2.500 1,827 424 2.503 05/29/2024 72651 LCL6 1195 Plains Commerce Bank 06/07/2019 245,000.00 237,610.56 245,000.00 2.550 1,827 433 2.553 06/07/2024 299547AQ2 1196 Liberty FCU F/K/A Evansville T 06/12/2019 248,000.00 240,531.68 248,000.00 2.600 1,827 438 2.603 06/12/2024 524661CB9 1197 Legacy Bank 06/19/2019 248,000.00 239,822.36 248,000.00 2.400 1,827 445 2.403 06/19/2024 176688CP2 1199 Citizens State Bank 06/21/2019 248,000.00 239,786.92 248,000.00 2.400 1,827 447 2.403 06/21/2024 20416TAQ5 1202 Communitywide FCU 06/28/2019 248,000.00 239,208.98 248,000.00 2.250 1,827 454 2.253 06/28/2024 761402BY1 1203 Revere Bank 06/28/2019 247,000.00 238,455.62 247,000.00 2.300 1,827 454 2.303 06/28/2024 00257TBD7 1207 Abacus Federal Savings 07/26/2019 248,000.00 237,962.30 248,000.00 1.950 1,827 482 1.952 07/26/2024 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:18 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 108 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments March 31, 2023 Page 6 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM Maturity 365 Date Certificate of Deposits 33625CCP2 1209 First Security Bank of WA 07/30/2019 248,000.00 238,044.10 248,000.00 2.000 1,827 486 2.002 07/30/2024 710571DS6 1210 People's Bank 07/31/2019 248,000.00 238,265.60 248,000.00 2.000 1,827 487 2.002 07/31/2024 740367HP5 1213 Preferred Bank 08/16/2019 249,000.00 238,916.18 249,000.00 2.000 1,827 503 2.002 08/16/2024 33766LAJ7 1216 FirsTier Bank 08/23/2019 249,000.00 238,610.99 249,000.00 1.950 1,827 510 1.952 08/23/2024 938828131-12 1215 Washington Federal 08/23/2019 248,000.00 237,822.27 248,000.00 2.000 1,827 510 2.002 08/23/2024 336460CX6 1222 First State Bk DeQueen 08/30/2019 248,000.00 237,001.09 248,000.00 1.800 1,827 517 1.802 08/30/2024 334342CD2 1221 First Natl Bk of Syracuse 08/30/2019 249,000.00 238,129.24 249,000.00 1.850 1,827 517 1.852 08/30/2024 15118RRH2 1220 Celtic Bank 08/30/2019 248,000.00 237,172.90 248,000.00 1.850 1,827 517 1.852 08/30/2024 05580AD50 1333 BMW Bank 09/10/2021 245,000.00 230,324.88 245,000.00 0.650 1,096 528 0.651 09/10/2024 06652CHBO 1227 BankWest Inc 09/27/2019 248,000.00 236,338.34 248,000.00 1.700 1,827 545 1.702 09/27/2024 84223QAN7 1286 Southern Bancorp Bk 06/26/2020 248,000.00 231,487.02 248,000.00 0.500 1,582 573 0.500 10/25/2024 804375131-4 1235 Sauk Valley B&T Co 11/07/2019 248,000.00 236,071.24 248,000.00 1.700 1,827 586 1.702 11/07/2024 61690UNX4 1237 Morgan Stanley Bank 11/20/2019 245,000.00 234,031.35 245,000.00 1.950 1,827 599 1.952 11/20/2024 61760A3B3 1236 Morgan Stanley Private Bk, NA 11/20/2019 245,000.00 233,837.50 245,000.00 1.900 1,827 599 1.902 11/20/2024 064520BG3 1287 Bank Princeton 06/30/2020 248,000.00 230,285.21 248,000.00 0.500 1,644 639 0.500 12/30/2024 80865MAB3 1454 Scient FCU 01/13/2023 248,000.00 248,128.44 248,000.00 4.650 731 653 4.656 01/13/2025 89388CEYO 1328 Transportation Alliance Bk TAB 07/23/2021 248,000.00 229,530.64 248,000.00 0.400 1,280 663 0.401 01/23/2025 06417NZQ9 1329 Bank OZK 07/29/2021 248,000.00 229,371.07 248,000.00 0.400 1,280 669 0.401 01/29/2025 90983WBT7 1249 United Community 02/07/2020 248,000.00 235,054.84 248,000.00 1.650 1,827 678 1.652 02/07/2025 32114VBT3 1250 First National Bank Michigan 02/14/2020 248,000.00 234,926.89 248,000.00 1.650 1,827 685 1.652 02/14/2025 35637RDC8 1248 Freedom Financial 02/14/2020 248,000.00 234,475.04 248,000.00 1.550 1,827 685 1.552 02/14/2025 029728BC5 1255 American State 02/21/2020 248,000.00 234,571.18 248,000.00 1.600 1,827 692 1.602 02/21/2025 17286TAGO 1252 Citadel FCU 02/27/2020 248,000.00 234,690.25 248,000.00 1.650 1,827 698 1.652 02/27/2025 00435JBH5 1256 Access Bank 03/13/2020 248,000.00 234,546.62 248,000.00 1.600 1,826 712 1.601 03/13/2025 49306SJ56 1475 Kay Bank, N.A. 03/15/2023 244,000.00 246,442.52 244,000.00 5.000 733 716 5.008 03/17/2025 909557KQ2 1477 United Bankers Bank 03/16/2023 248,000.00 250,513.44 248,000.00 5.000 732 716 4.823 03/17/2025 849430BF9 1257 Spring Bank 03/20/2020 248,000.00 233,946.76 248,000.00 1.500 1,826 719 1.501 03/20/2025 05465DAE8 1258 Axos Bank 03/26/2020 248,000.00 234,551.16 248,000.00 1.650 1,826 725 1.651 03/26/2025 020080BX4 1267 Alma Bank 03/30/2020 248,000.00 233,319.22 248,000.00 1.400 1,824 727 1.399 03/28/2025 2027506M2 1268 Commonwealth Business Bk 03/31/2020 248,000.00 232,894.10 248,000.00 1.250 1,826 730 1.251 03/31/2025 654062JZ2 1266 Nicolet Natl Bank 03/31/2020 248,000.00 233,615.49 248,000.00 1.400 1,826 730 1.401 03/31/2025 14042TDD6 1271 Capital One USA FDIC33954 04/08/2020 245,000.00 231,714.88 245,000.00 1.600 1,826 738 1.601 04/08/2025 02007GPX5 1388 Ally Bank Midvale 04/21/2022 245,000.00 236,082.34 245,000.00 2.550 1,096 751 2.550 04/21/2025 52168UHY1 1389 Leader Bank 04/22/2022 245,000.00 236,070.64 245,000.00 2.550 1,096 752 2.552 04/22/2025 32112UDR9 1274 First Natl Bk McGregor 04/28/2020 248,000.00 232,840.13 248,000.00 1.350 1,826 758 1.351 04/28/2025 32027BALl 1273 First Freedom Bank 04/29/2020 249,000.00 233,008.20 249,000.00 1.200 1,826 759 1.201 04/29/2025 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:18 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 109 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments March 31, 2023 Page 7 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM Maturity 365 Date Certificate of Deposits 33847E3A3 1276 Flagstar 04/30/2020 248,000.00 232,429.33 248,000.00 1.250 1,826 760 1.251 04/30/2025 32056GDJ6 1278 list Internet Bank 05/11/2020 248,000.00 230,949.13 248,000.00 1.000 1,827 772 0.985 05/12/2025 95960NKD8 1277 Western State Bank 05/13/2020 245,000.00 228,268.95 245,000.00 1.000 1,826 773 1.001 05/13/2025 254673E69 1392 Discover Bank Greenwood DE CF 05/24/2022 245,000.00 238,601.09 245,000.00 3.100 1,099 787 3.103 05/27/2025 169894AS1 1284 Chippewa Valley Bk 06/24/2020 248,000.00 228,068.10 248,000.00 0.600 1,826 815 0.600 06/24/2025 307811DF3 1363 Farmers & Merch 01/14/2022 249,000.00 230,332.14 249,000.00 0.900 1,277 835 0.900 07/14/2025 70962LAF9 1331 Pentagon FCU 09/01/2021 249,000.00 228,456.93 249,000.00 0.700 1,462 885 0.687 09/02/2025 914242AAO 1429 University Credit Union 09/26/2022 248,000.00 246,598.95 248,000.00 4.000 1,096 909 3.891 09/26/2025 51507LCC6 1305 Landmark Community Bank 01/22/2021 248,000.00 223,904.52 248,000.00 0.500 1,826 1,027 0.500 01/22/2026 84229LBA9 1434 Southern Bank Sardis GA 10/28/2022 244,000.00 244,879.75 244,000.00 4.250 1,188 1,033 4.254 01/28/2026 87270LDL4 1306 TIAA FKA EverBank 02/12/2021 245,000.00 221,118.79 245,000.00 0.500 1,826 1,048 0.500 02/12/2026 64034KAZ4 1376 Nelnet Bank 03/02/2022 245,000.00 229,741.60 245,000.00 1.800 1,461 1,066 1.801 03/02/2026 59524LAA4 1474 Mid Carolina Credit Union 03/13/2023 248,000.00 253,585.05 248,000.00 4.850 1,096 1,077 4.855 03/13/2026 39573LBC1 1313 Greenstate FCU 04/16/2021 249,000.00 226,836.64 249,000.00 0.950 1,826 1,111 0.951 04/16/2026 89235MKY6 1314 Toyota Financial Savings Bank 04/22/2021 245,000.00 222,894.79 245,000.00 0.900 1,826 1,117 0.900 04/22/2026 14622LAAO 1316 Carter FCU 04/27/2021 248,000.00 224,269.05 248,000.00 0.750 1,826 1,122 0.750 04/27/2026 31617CAV5 1317 Fidelity Homestead 04/30/2021 248,000.00 223,845.82 248,000.00 0.700 1,826 1,125 0.711 04/30/2026 501798RP9 1356 LCA Bank Corp 12/27/2021 248,000.00 225,412.01 248,000.00 1.000 1,642 1,182 1.000 06/26/2026 92559TAJ7 1325 Vibrant Credit Union 07/02/2021 249,000.00 224,549.10 248,377.50 0.800 1,824 1,186 0.852 06/30/2026 300185LM5 1457 Evergreen Bank Group 01/27/2023 248,000.00 247,100.86 248,000.00 3.850 1,277 1,213 3.849 07/27/2026 38149MXK4 1326 Goldman Sachs 07/28/2021 248,000.00 224,974.60 248,000.00 1.000 1,826 1,214 1.001 07/28/2026 795451AFO 1327 Sallie Mae Bank Salt Lake City 07/28/2021 248,000.00 224,974.60 248,000.00 1.000 1,826 1,214 1.001 07/28/2026 87165ET98 1332 Synchrony Bank Retail 09/03/2021 245,000.00 221,091.64 245,000.00 0.900 1,826 1,251 0.900 09/03/2026 20786ADL6 1334 Connect One 09/24/2021 248,000.00 222,420.32 248,000.00 0.800 1,826 1,272 0.800 09/24/2026 59013KPNO 1345 Merrick Bank 11/09/2021 249,000.00 225,281.00 249,000.00 1.100 1,826 1,318 1.101 11/09/2026 14042RQBO 1346 Capital One Natl Assn FDIC4297 11/17/2021 248,000.00 224,412.26 248,000.00 1.100 1,826 1,326 1.101 11/17/2026 20825WAR1 1357 Connexus CU 12/23/2021 249,000.00 226,009.09 249,000.00 1.250 1,826 1,362 1.250 12/23/2026 89786MAF1 1368 True Sky FCU 02/04/2022 245,000.00 225,261.02 245,000.00 1.600 1,826 1,405 1.601 02/04/2027 02357QAQO 1372 Amerant Bank 02/14/2022 245,000.00 225,106.78 245,000.00 1.600 1,828 1,417 1.601 02/16/2027 07371AYE7 1370 Beal Bank TX 02/23/2022 245,000.00 227,757.80 245,000.00 1.900 1,820 1,418 1.901 02/17/2027 073710E88 1371 Beal Bank USA 02/23/2022 245,000.00 227,757.80 245,000.00 1.900 1,820 1,418 1.901 02/17/2027 59161YAP1 1373 Metro Credit Union 02/18/2022 249,000.00 229,524.89 249,000.00 1.700 1,826 1,419 1.701 02/18/2027 24773RCR4 1377 Delta Natl B&T 03/09/2022 245,000.00 228,562.06 245,000.00 2.000 1,814 1,426 2.001 02/25/2027 27004PCM3 1375 Eaglemark Savings 03/02/2022 245,000.00 228,664.67 245,000.00 2.000 1,826 1,431 2.001 03/02/2027 91139LAB2 1378 United Roosevelt Savings 03/11/2022 248,000.00 230,334.28 248,000.00 1.900 1,826 1,440 1.901 03/11/2027 064860MCO 1476 Bank of the Sierra 03/15/2023 244,000.00 250,993.24 244,000.00 4.600 1,461 1,444 4.604 03/15/2027 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:18 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 110 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments March 31, 2023 Page 8 Average Purchase Stated Days to YTM Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Maturity 365 Date Certificate of Deposits 565819AG4 1379 Marathon Bnak 03/16/2022 248,000.00 229,355.47 248,000.00 1.800 1,826 1,445 1.801 03/16/2027 108622NJ6 1479 Bridgewater Bank 03/29/2023 248,000.00 257,557.39 248,000.00 4.850 1,461 1,458 4.767 03/29/2027 20033A3A2 1386 Comenity Capital Bank 04/14/2022 248,000.00 237,157.76 248,000.00 2.650 1,826 1,474 2.652 04/14/2027 397417AQ9 1419 Greenwoods State Bank 05/17/2022 248,000.00 240,863.86 248,000.00 3.050 1,826 1,507 3.052 05/17/2027 02589ADH2 1421 American Express, NB 08/29/2022 245,000.00 241,810.06 245,000.00 3.450 1,793 1,578 3.067 07/27/2027 88413QDN5 1420 Third Federal Savings and Loan 08/19/2022 245,000.00 240,388.42 245,000.00 3.300 1,826 1,601 3.302 08/19/2027 89789AAG2 1473 Truliant FCU 03/10/2023 248,000.00 257,741.98 248,000.00 4.700 1,645 1,623 4.707 09/10/2027 732329BD8 1425 Ponce Bank 09/15/2022 248,000.00 245,402.25 248,000.00 3.500 1,826 1,628 3.502 09/15/2027 052392BT3 1427 Austin Telco FCU 09/21/2022 248,000.00 248,495.79 248,000.00 3.800 1,826 1,634 3.770 09/21/2027 22258JAB7 1430 County Schools FCU 09/30/2022 248,000.00 254,734.72 248,000.00 4.400 1,826 1,643 4.325 09/30/2027 34520LATO 1435 Forbright Bank 11/02/2022 248,000.00 257,201.79 248,000.00 4.600 1,826 1,676 4.602 11/02/2027 25460FDW3 1438 Direct FCU 11/07/2022 248,000.00 259,356.30 248,000.00 4.800 1,827 1,682 4.735 11/08/2027 914098DJ4 1442 University Bank 11/30/2022 249,000.00 254,062.46 249,000.00 4.200 1,826 1,704 4.202 11/30/2027 25844MAK4 1447 Dort Financial CU 12/16/2022 247,000.00 255,387.17 247,000.00 4.500 1,826 1,720 4.503 12/16/2027 01664MAB2 1448 All In FCU 12/20/2022 248,000.00 255,379.12 248,000.00 4.400 1,826 1,724 4.402 12/20/2027 51828MAC8 1449 Latino Comm. CU 12/21/2022 248,000.00 256,470.48 248,000.00 4.500 1,826 1,725 4.503 12/21/2027 45157PAZ3 1450 Ideal CU 12/29/2022 248,000.00 256,506.79 248,000.00 4.500 1,826 1,733 4.502 12/29/2027 01882MAC6 1451 Alliant CU 12/30/2022 247,000.00 260,918.05 247,000.00 5.000 1,826 1,734 5.003 12/30/2027 78472EAB0 1455 SPCO Credit Union 01/20/2023 249,000.00 256,099.65 249,000.00 4.350 1,826 1,755 4.352 01/20/2028 82671DAB3 1458 Signature FCU 01/31/2023 248,000.00 255,780.81 248,000.00 4.400 1,826 1,766 4.402 01/31/2028 79772FAG1 1459 San Francisco FCU 02/03/2023 248,000.00 255,235.99 248,000.00 4.350 1,826 1,769 4.352 02/03/2028 530520AH8 1466 Liberty First CU 02/21/2023 248,000.00 256,992.64 248,000.00 4.500 1,827 1,788 4.504 02/22/2028 09582YAF9 1467 Blue Ridge Bank 02/28/2023 244,000.00 249,495.24 244,000.00 4.200 1,826 1,794 4.202 02/28/2028 011852AEO 1469 Alaska USA/Global FCU 03/08/2023 248,000.00 258,321.46 248,000.00 4.600 1,827 1,803 4.606 03/08/2028 92891CCZ3 1472 VystarCU 03/10/2023 248,000.00 257,764.71 248,000.00 4.550 1,827 1,805 4.555 03/10/2028 00833JAQ4 1478 Affinity Bank 03/17/2023 248,000.00 261,782.69 248,000.00 4.900 1,827 1,812 4.906 03/17/2028 Subtotal and Average 34,943,958.15 35,343,000.00 34,197,086.32 35,342,377.50 1,672 843 2.406 Corporate Notes 594918BQ6 1157 Microsoft Corporation 10/15/2018 400,000.00 395,968.00 378,360.00 2.000 1,758 129 3.222 08/08/2023 45950VPS9 1308 International Finance Corp. 02/26/2021 500,000.00 451,185.00 497,300.00 0.500 1,826 1,062 0.610 02/26/2026 Subtotal and Average 875,660.00 900,000.00 847,153.00 875,660.00 1,797 659 1.738 Money Market with Fiscal Agent SYS1058 1058 US Bank 07/01/2016 1,555.26 1,555.26 1,555.26 1 1 0.000 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:18 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 111 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Page 9 Portfolio Details - Investments March 31, 2023 Average Purchase Stated Days to YTM Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Maturity 365 Date Subtotal and Average 1,689,219.00 1,555.26 1,555.26 1,555.26 1 1 0.000 CERBT - OPEB Trust SYS1114 1114 CalPERS CERBT Plan 07/01/2022 1,828,332.91 1,828,332.91 1,828,332.91 1 1 0.000 Subtotal and Average 1,753,382.14 1,828,332.91 1,828,332.91 1,828,332.91 1 1 0.000 PARS Pension Trust SYS1230 1230 Pblc Agncy Rtrmnt Sery 5,256,621.81 5,256,621.81 5,256,621.81 1 1 0.000 Subtotal and Average 7,097,566.70 5,256,621.81 5,256,621.81 5,256,621.81 1 1 0.000 Total and Average 224,391,173.76 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:18 218,584,678.56 212,451,128.69 217,282,211.08 812 475 2.651 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 112 t(V Q"It(V City of La Quinta Total Earnings GEM a'r�&e DESERT - Sorted by Fund - Fund March 1, 2023 - March 31, 2023 City of La Quinta CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 98-33-434 1055 101 LAIF 18,937,383.16 18,937,383.16 18,937,383.16 2.831 2.735 43,993.62 0.00 0.00 43,993.62 SYS1059 1059 101 CITYPC 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SYS1114 1114 101 CALPRS 1,828,332.91 1,750,883.78 1,828,332.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 034577AH9 1119 101 ANECA 0.00 245,000.00 0.00 2.800 2.800 394.69 0.00 0.00 394.69 17312QJ26 1123 101 CITINA 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.900 2.900 603.44 0.00 0.00 603.44 29278TAY6 1125 101 ENER 240,000.00 240,000.00 240,000.00 2.950 2.950 601.32 0.00 0.00 601.32 74934YAH4 1144 101 RCB 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.150 3.150 655.46 0.00 0.00 655.46 32110YLK9 1147 101 1STNBA 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.150 3.150 655.46 0.00 0.00 655.46 06426KAN8 1151 101 NWENGL 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 3.250 3.250 687.31 0.00 0.00 687.31 SYS1153 1153 101 CAMP 38,699,934.72 38,542,886.18 38,699,934.72 4.800 4.798 157,048.54 0.00 0.00 157,048.54 474067AQ8 1154 101 JEFF 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.350 3.350 697.08 0.00 0.00 697.08 57116ARV2 1155 101 MARBUS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.300 3.300 695.08 0.00 0.00 695.08 594918BQ6 1157 101 MCRSFT 400,000.00 378,360.00 378,360.00 2.000 2.075 666.67 0.00 0.00 666.67 3133EJYL7 1158 101 FFCB 250,000.00 247,275.00 247,275.00 2.800 2.778 583.34 0.00 0.00 583.34 625925AR3 1160 101 MUNTRS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.200 3.200 665.86 0.00 0.00 665.86 90348JEJ5 1161 101 UBS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.350 3.350 697.08 0.00 0.00 697.08 20143PDV9 1162 101 COMMBK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.400 3.400 716.14 0.00 0.00 716.14 67054NAN3 1164 101 NMRCA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.550 3.550 747.74 0.00 0.00 747.74 635573AL2 1170 101 NLCOOP 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.400 3.400 707.48 0.00 0.00 707.48 066851WJ1 1172 101 BARHAR 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.350 3.350 705.61 0.00 0.00 705.61 619165JD6 1173 101 MORTN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.750 2.750 579.23 0.00 0.00 579.23 949763XY7 1174 101 WELLS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.000 3.000 631.89 0.00 0.00 631.89 3130AFW94 1177 101 FHLB 500,000.00 498,550.00 498,550.00 2.500 2.460 1,041.67 0.00 0.00 1,041.67 32117BCX4 1179 101 1STNBK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.800 2.800 589.76 0.00 0.00 589.76 66736ABP3 1181 101 NRTHWS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.950 2.950 621.36 0.00 0.00 621.36 156634AK3 1184 101 CENTNX 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.500 2.500 526.57 0.00 0.00 526.57 48128HXU7 1185 101 JPMORG 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.250 3.250 676.27 0.00 0.00 676.27 46256YAZ2 1186 101 IOWAST 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.400 2.400 499.40 0.00 0.00 499.40 56065GAG3 1188 101 MAINST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.600 2.600 547.64 0.00 0.00 547.64 20726ABA5 1189 101 CONGRS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.500 2.500 526.58 0.00 0.00 526.58 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:38 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 113 City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 2 March 1, 2023 - March 31, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 725404AB3 1194 101 PITTS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.500 2.500 520.20 0.00 0.00 520.20 72651LCL6 1195 101 PLAINS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.550 2.550 530.61 0.00 0.00 530.61 299547AQ2 1196 101 EVNSCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.600 2.600 547.64 0.00 0.00 547.64 524661CB9 1197 101 LEGCY 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.400 2.400 505.51 0.00 0.00 505.51 176688CP2 1199 101 CTZNST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.400 2.400 505.51 0.00 0.00 505.51 20416TAQ5 1202 101 COMMW 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.250 2.250 473.92 0.00 0.00 473.92 761402BY1 1203 101 REVER 247,000.00 247,000.00 247,000.00 2.300 2.300 482.49 0.00 0.00 482.49 02772JBD1 1205 101 AMRNTL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 421.26 0.00 0.00 421.26 3135GOV75 1206 101 FNMA 500,000.00 495,950.00 495,950.00 1.750 1.731 729.16 0.00 0.00 729.16 00257TBD7 1207 101 ABACUS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.950 1.950 410.73 0.00 0.00 410.73 51210SQU4 1208 101 LKSIDE 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 421.26 0.00 0.00 421.26 33625CCP2 1209 101 1STSEC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 421.26 0.00 0.00 421.26 710571DS6 1210 101 PEOPLE 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 421.26 0.00 0.00 421.26 3133EKWV4 1212 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,500.00 499,500.00 1.850 1.817 770.83 0.00 0.00 770.83 740367HP5 1213 101 PREFRD 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 2.000 2.000 422.96 0.00 0.00 422.96 938828131-12 1215 101 WSHFED 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 421.26 0.00 0.00 421.26 33766LAJ7 1216 101 1STIER 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.950 1.950 412.39 0.00 0.00 412.39 912828T26 1217 101 USTR 500,000.00 499,300.00 499,300.00 1.375 1.380 585.40 0.00 0.00 585.40 75472RAD3 1218 101 RAYJAM 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 1.950 1.950 404.11 0.00 0.00 404.11 15118RRH2 1220 101 CELTIC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.850 1.850 389.67 0.00 0.00 389.67 334342CD2 1221 101 1STNBS 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.850 1.850 391.24 0.00 0.00 391.24 336460CX6 1222 101 1STDQN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.800 1.800 379.13 0.00 0.00 379.13 3133EKZK5 1223 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,400.00 499,400.00 1.600 1.572 666.66 0.00 0.00 666.66 3133EKP75 1224 101 FFCB 500,000.00 498,750.00 498,750.00 1.600 1.574 666.67 0.00 0.00 666.67 06652CHBO 1227 101 BNKWST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.700 1.700 358.07 0.00 0.00 358.07 059731851 1228 101 BOTW 7,709,850.66 11,781,216.97 7,709,850.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SYS1230 1230 101 PARS 5,256,621.81 10,158,931.53 5,256,621.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33640VDD7 1231 101 1STSER 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.700 1.700 358.07 0.00 0.00 358.07 3133EK4X1 1234 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 996,900.00 996,900.00 1.600 1.575 1,333.34 0.00 0.00 1,333.34 804375DL4 1235 101 SAUKVL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.700 1.700 358.07 0.00 0.00 358.07 61760A3133 1236 101 MSPRIV 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.900 1.900 395.35 0.00 0.00 395.35 61690UNX4 1237 101 MORGST 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.950 1.950 405.76 0.00 0.00 405.76 538036GVO 1238 101 LIVEOK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.800 1.800 379.13 0.00 0.00 379.13 912828YV6 1241 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 989,687.50 989,687.50 1.500 1.520 1,277.47 0.00 0.00 1,277.47 3133ELEA8 1242 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 998,600.00 998,600.00 1.700 1.670 1,416.67 0.00 0.00 1,416.67 3133ELNEO 1246 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 999,000.00 999,000.00 1.430 1.404 1,191.66 0.00 0.00 1,191.66 35637RDC8 1248 101 FRDMFI 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.550 1.550 326.48 0.00 0.00 326.48 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:38 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 114 City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 3 March 1, 2023 - March 31, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 90983WBT7 1249 101 UNTDCM 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.650 1.650 347.54 0.00 0.00 347.54 32114VBT3 1250 101 1STNMI 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.650 1.650 347.54 0.00 0.00 347.54 77579ADF0 1251 101 RLLSTN 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.650 1.650 343.34 0.00 0.00 343.34 17286TAGO 1252 101 CITADL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.650 1.650 347.54 0.00 0.00 347.54 029728BC5 1255 101 AMERST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.600 1.600 337.00 0.00 0.00 337.00 00435J131-15 1256 101 ACCSS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.600 1.600 337.00 0.00 0.00 337.00 849430BF9 1257 101 SPRING 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.500 1.500 315.95 0.00 0.00 315.95 05465DAE8 1258 101 AXOS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.650 1.650 347.54 0.00 0.00 347.54 882213AB7 1260 101 TEXAS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.100 1.100 228.89 0.00 0.00 228.89 89579NCD3 1262 101 TRIAD 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.350 1.350 284.35 0.00 0.00 284.35 66704MEQ0 1263 101 NRTHSR 0.00 248,000.00 0.00 1.150 1.150 242.22 0.00 0.00 242.22 954444BS3 1265 101 WESTMI 0.00 248,000.00 0.00 1.150 1.150 242.22 0.00 0.00 242.22 654062JZ2 1266 101 NCOLET 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.400 1.400 294.88 0.00 0.00 294.88 020080BX4 1267 101 ALMABK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.400 1.400 294.88 0.00 0.00 294.88 2027506M2 1268 101 CMWBUS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.250 1.250 263.29 0.00 0.00 263.29 69506YRH4 1269 101 PACWST 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.300 1.300 270.51 0.00 0.00 270.51 08016PDQ9 1270 101 BELB&T 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.250 1.250 263.29 0.00 0.00 263.29 14042TDD6 1271 101 CAPONE 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.600 1.600 332.93 0.00 0.00 332.93 472382AQ3 1272 101 THEJEF 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.250 1.250 263.29 0.00 0.00 263.29 32027BALl 1273 101 1STFDM 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.200 1.200 253.77 0.00 0.00 253.77 32112UDR9 1274 101 1STMCG 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.350 1.350 284.35 0.00 0.00 284.35 33847E3A3 1276 101 FLGSTR 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.250 1.250 263.29 0.00 0.00 263.29 95960NKD8 1277 101 WSTRNS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.000 1.000 208.08 0.00 0.00 208.08 32056GDJ6 1278 101 1STINT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.000 1.000 210.63 0.00 0.00 210.63 3134GVYG7 1279 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.625 0.613 520.84 0.00 0.00 520.84 3133ELH23 1280 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,850.00 499,850.00 0.500 0.491 208.34 0.00 0.00 208.34 3130AJKW8 1281 101 FHLB 500,000.00 499,850.00 499,850.00 0.500 0.491 208.33 0.00 0.00 208.33 3133ELH80 1282 101 FFCB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.680 0.667 283.33 0.00 0.00 283.33 3130AJRP6 1283 101 FHLB 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 0.680 0.667 170.00 0.00 0.00 170.00 169894AS1 1284 101 CHIPVA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.600 0.600 126.38 0.00 0.00 126.38 02616AAH2 1285 101 AMR1ST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.350 0.350 73.72 0.00 0.00 73.72 84223QAN7 1286 101 STHRNB 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.500 0.500 105.32 0.00 0.00 105.32 064520BG3 1287 101 BKPRNC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.500 0.500 105.32 0.00 0.00 105.32 3135G05S8 1288 101 FNMA 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.500 0.491 208.33 0.00 0.00 208.33 3136G4N74 1289 101 FNMA 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.560 0.549 466.66 0.00 0.00 466.66 3136G4M75 1290 101 FNMA 500,000.00 499,750.00 499,750.00 0.520 0.510 216.67 0.00 0.00 216.67 3135G06E8 1291 101 FNMA 500,000.00 499,250.00 499,250.00 0.420 0.413 175.00 0.00 0.00 175.00 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:38 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 115 City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 4 March 1, 2023 - March 31, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 3135GA2Z3 1292 101 FNMA 500,000.00 499,250.00 499,250.00 0.560 0.550 233.33 0.00 0.00 233.33 SYS1293 1293 101 BNY 8,914,873.21 7,227,166.87 8,914,873.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3137EAEU9 1297 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 997,300.00 997,300.00 0.375 0.369 312.50 0.00 0.00 312.50 3130AKFA9 1298 101 FHLB 500,000.00 497,400.00 497,400.00 0.375 0.370 156.25 0.00 0.00 156.25 3135GA7D7 1299 101 FNMA 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.600 0.589 250.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 3135GAAW1 1300 101 FNMA 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.400 0.392 166.67 0.00 0.00 166.67 3134GXGZ1 1301 101 FHLMC 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.550 0.540 229.17 0.00 0.00 229.17 3130AKMZ6 1302 101 FHLB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.510 0.500 212.50 0.00 0.00 212.50 91282CBC4 1303 101 USTR 500,000.00 498,632.81 498,632.81 0.375 0.379 160.57 0.00 0.00 160.57 3130AKN28 1304 101 FHLB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.550 0.540 229.17 0.00 0.00 229.17 51507LCC6 1305 101 LNDMRK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.500 0.500 105.32 0.00 0.00 105.32 87270LDL4 1306 101 EVRBA 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.500 0.500 104.04 0.00 0.00 104.04 3137EAEX3 1307 101 FHLMC 500,000.00 495,999.50 495,999.50 0.375 0.371 156.25 0.00 0.00 156.25 45950VPS9 1308 101 IFC 500,000.00 497,300.00 497,300.00 0.500 0.507 214.09 0.00 0.00 214.09 91282CBH3 1309 101 USTR 500,000.00 495,100.00 495,100.00 0.375 0.382 160.56 0.00 0.00 160.56 3137EAEX3 1310 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 983,940.00 983,940.00 0.375 0.374 312.50 0.00 0.00 312.50 91282CAT8 1311 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 977,500.00 977,500.00 0.250 0.258 214.08 0.00 0.00 214.08 3130ALV92 1312 101 FHLB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 1.050 1.030 437.50 0.00 0.00 437.50 39573LBC1 1313 101 GRNST 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 0.950 0.950 200.91 0.00 0.00 200.91 89235MKY6 1314 101 TOYFSB 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.900 0.900 187.28 0.00 0.00 187.28 91282CAZ4 1315 101 USTR 500,000.00 492,187.50 492,187.50 0.375 0.382 159.68 0.00 0.00 159.68 14622LAA0 1316 101 CARTER 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.750 0.750 157.96 0.00 0.00 157.96 31617CAV5 1317 101 FIDHMS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.700 0.700 147.44 0.00 0.00 147.44 SYS1318 1318 101 DPME 744,415.70 720,787.03 744,415.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 91282CBQ3 1319 101 USTR 500,000.00 494,165.00 494,165.00 0.500 0.502 210.60 0.00 0.00 210.60 91282CBT7 1320 101 USTR 500,000.00 499,525.00 499,525.00 0.750 0.753 319.32 0.00 0.00 319.32 91282CCF6 1321 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 997,060.00 997,060.00 0.750 0.754 638.74 0.00 0.00 638.74 91282CBT7 1322 101 USTR 500,000.00 498,450.00 498,450.00 0.750 0.754 319.32 0.00 0.00 319.32 91282CCF6 1323 101 USTR 500,000.00 497,095.00 497,095.00 0.750 0.756 319.37 0.00 0.00 319.37 3130AMFS6 1324 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 993,420.00 993,420.00 0.750 0.741 625.00 0.00 0.00 625.00 92559TAJ7 1325 101 VIBRNT 249,000.00 248,377.50 248,377.50 0.800 0.802 169.18 0.00 0.00 169.18 38149MXK4 1326 101 GLDMAN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.000 1.000 210.64 0.00 0.00 210.64 795451AF0 1327 101 SALMAE 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.000 1.000 210.64 0.00 0.00 210.64 89388CEYO 1328 101 TABBK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.400 0.400 84.25 0.00 0.00 84.25 06417NZQ9 1329 101 BKOZK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.400 0.400 84.26 0.00 0.00 84.26 3133EM2C5 1330 101 FFCB 500,000.00 498,000.00 498,000.00 0.710 0.699 295.84 0.00 0.00 295.84 70962LAF9 1331 101 PENTGN 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 0.700 0.700 148.04 0.00 0.00 148.04 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:38 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 116 City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 5 March 1, 2023 - March 31, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 87165ET98 1332 101 SYNCHR 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.900 0.900 187.27 0.00 0.00 187.27 05580AD50 1333 101 BMW 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.650 0.650 135.26 0.00 0.00 135.26 20786ADL6 1334 101 CONNEC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.800 0.800 168.51 0.00 0.00 168.51 91282CCP4 1335 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 983,750.00 983,750.00 0.625 0.641 535.22 0.00 0.00 535.22 91282CCW9 1336 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 988,500.00 988,500.00 0.750 0.753 631.79 0.00 0.00 631.79 3130APBM6 1337 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 999,000.00 999,000.00 1.000 0.982 833.34 0.00 0.00 833.34 3133EM4X7 1338 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 991,080.00 991,080.00 0.800 0.792 666.67 0.00 0.00 666.67 3130APB46 1339 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 998,250.00 998,250.00 0.950 0.934 791.66 0.00 0.00 791.66 3133EMX64 1340 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,002.04 499,002.04 0.170 0.167 70.83 0.00 0.00 70.83 91282CCN9 1341 101 USTR 500,000.00 497,792.97 497,792.97 0.125 0.127 53.52 0.00 0.00 53.52 91282CBEO 1342 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 991,000.00 991,000.00 0.125 0.127 107.04 0.00 0.00 107.04 91282CDB4 1343 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 996,320.00 996,320.00 0.625 0.629 532.28 0.00 0.00 532.28 3133ENCQ1 1344 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.270 1.246 1,058.33 0.00 0.00 1,058.33 59013KPNO 1345 101 MRRCK 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.100 1.100 232.63 0.00 0.00 232.63 14042RQB0 1346 101 CAP1NA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.100 1.100 231.70 0.00 0.00 231.70 3130APTV7 1347 101 FHLB 500,000.00 499,500.00 499,500.00 0.700 0.687 291.66 0.00 0.00 291.66 91282CBU4 1349 101 USTR 0.00 996,718.75 0.00 0.125 4.131 103.02 0.00 3,281.25 3,384.27 91282CCD1 1350 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 995,468.75 995,468.75 0.125 0.126 106.46 0.00 0.00 106.46 91282CBA8 1351 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 990,000.00 990,000.00 0.125 0.127 106.46 0.00 0.00 106.46 91282CBR1 1352 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 989,800.00 989,800.00 0.250 0.252 212.18 0.00 0.00 212.18 3130AP2U8 1353 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 987,100.00 987,100.00 0.550 0.547 458.33 0.00 0.00 458.33 3135G06G3 1354 101 FNMA 1,000,000.00 976,300.00 976,300.00 0.500 0.503 416.67 0.00 0.00 416.67 3133ENGN4 1355 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.970 0.952 808.34 0.00 0.00 808.34 501798RP9 1356 101 LCA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.000 1.000 210.63 0.00 0.00 210.63 20825WAR1 1357 101 CNNXS 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.250 1.250 264.35 0.00 0.00 264.35 3130AQF65 1358 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 999,750.00 999,750.00 1.250 1.227 1,041.66 0.00 0.00 1,041.66 3134GW6C5 1359 101 FHLMC 500,000.00 486,000.00 486,000.00 0.800 0.808 333.33 0.00 0.00 333.33 91282CBV2 1360 101 USTR 500,000.00 494,882.81 494,882.81 0.375 0.380 159.68 0.00 0.00 159.68 3137EAEU9 1361 101 FHLMC 500,000.00 487,090.00 487,090.00 0.375 0.378 156.25 0.00 0.00 156.25 3134GW5R3 1362 101 FHLMC 400,000.00 391,360.00 391,360.00 0.650 0.652 216.66 0.00 0.00 216.66 307811DF3 1363 101 FARMER 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 0.900 0.900 190.33 0.00 0.00 190.33 3130AQJR5 1364 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.500 1.472 1,250.00 0.00 0.00 1,250.00 3135G03U5 1365 101 FNMA 500,000.00 487,790.00 487,790.00 0.625 0.629 260.42 0.00 0.00 260.42 3134GWUQ7 1366 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 945,570.00 945,570.00 0.700 0.726 583.33 0.00 0.00 583.33 3130AQSA2 1367 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.830 1.796 1,525.00 0.00 0.00 1,525.00 89786MAF1 1368 101 TRUSKY 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.600 1.600 332.93 0.00 0.00 332.93 912828Z78 1369 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 986,700.00 986,700.00 1.500 1.533 1,284.53 0.00 0.00 1,284.53 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:38 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 117 City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 6 March 1, 2023 - March 31, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 07371AYE7 1370 101 BEALTX 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.900 1.900 395.36 0.00 0.00 395.36 073710E88 1371 101 BEALUS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.900 1.900 395.36 0.00 0.00 395.36 02357QAQO 1372 101 AMRNT 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.600 1.600 332.93 0.00 0.00 332.93 59161YAP1 1373 101 METRO 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.700 1.700 359.52 0.00 0.00 359.52 3130AQWY5 1374 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.700 1.668 1,416.66 0.00 0.00 1,416.66 27004PCM3 1375 101 EGLMRK 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.000 2.000 416.16 0.00 0.00 416.16 64034KAZ4 1376 101 NELNET 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.800 1.800 374.55 0.00 0.00 374.55 24773RCR4 1377 101 DELTA 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.000 2.000 416.17 0.00 0.00 416.17 91139LAB2 1378 101 URSVLT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.900 1.900 400.20 0.00 0.00 400.20 565819AG4 1379 101 MRTHON 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.800 1.800 379.13 0.00 0.00 379.13 91282CCW9 1380 101 USTR 500,000.00 466,454.17 466,454.17 0.750 0.797 315.90 0.00 0.00 315.90 91282CDG3 1381 101 USTR 500,000.00 473,396.82 473,396.82 1.125 1.198 481.70 0.00 0.00 481.70 91282CBQ3 1382 101 USTR 750,000.00 698,025.00 698,025.00 0.500 0.533 315.90 0.00 0.00 315.90 912828654 1383 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 999,010.00 999,010.00 2.375 2.397 2,033.84 0.00 0.00 2,033.84 50625LAW3 1384 101 LFYTT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.050 2.050 431.79 0.00 0.00 431.79 3130ARGJ4 1385 101 FHLB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 2.500 2.453 1,041.67 0.00 0.00 1,041.67 20033A3A2 1386 101 CCBA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.650 2.650 558.16 0.00 0.00 558.16 3130ARGY1 1387 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 2.700 2.649 2,250.00 0.00 0.00 2,250.00 02007GPX5 1388 101 ALLY 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.550 2.550 530.61 0.00 0.00 530.61 52168UHY1 1389 101 LEADR 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.550 2.550 530.61 0.00 0.00 530.61 9128283D0 1390 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 985,190.00 985,190.00 2.250 2.303 1,926.79 0.00 0.00 1,926.79 91282CEF4 1391 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 976,860.00 976,860.00 2.500 2.566 2,128.75 0.00 0.00 2,128.75 254673E69 1392 101 DISCOV 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.100 3.100 645.05 0.00 0.00 645.05 48115LAD6 1396 101 JOVIA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.500 2.500 526.57 0.00 0.00 526.57 912828X88 1397 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 969,687.50 969,687.50 2.375 2.470 2,033.84 0.00 0.00 2,033.84 91282CEN7 1398 101 USTR 500,000.00 495,000.00 495,000.00 2.750 2.801 1,177.49 0.00 0.00 1,177.49 91282CET4 1399 101 USTR 500,000.00 491,842.18 491,842.18 2.625 2.676 1,117.79 0.00 0.00 1,117.79 91282821.13 1400 101 USTR 500,000.00 490,850.00 490,850.00 1.875 1.894 789.74 0.00 0.00 789.74 3133ENYH7 1401 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,080.00 499,080.00 2.625 2.580 1,093.75 0.00 0.00 1,093.75 3130ASDV8 1409 101 FHLB 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 3.300 3.238 825.00 0.00 0.00 825.00 89269FDP7 1415 101 TRADCP 246,000.00 246,000.00 246,000.00 3.000 3.000 626.79 0.00 0.00 626.79 91282CFB2 1417 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 989,460.00 989,460.00 2.750 2.802 2,354.97 0.00 0.00 2,354.97 912828XT2 1418 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 985,240.00 985,240.00 2.000 2.036 1,703.30 0.00 0.00 1,703.30 397417AQ9 1419 101 GRNWDS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.050 3.050 642.42 0.00 0.00 642.42 88413QDN5 1420 101 3RD 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.300 3.300 686.67 0.00 0.00 686.67 02589ADH2 1421 101 AMEXNB 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.450 3.450 717.88 0.00 0.00 717.88 91282CFB2 1422 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 979,645.67 979,645.67 2.750 2.830 2,354.97 0.00 0.00 2,354.97 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:38 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 118 City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 7 March 1, 2023 - March 31, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 912796YB9 1423 101 USTR 0.00 2,951,409.30 0.00 3.221 600.920 0.00 0.00 48,590.70 48,590.70 912796YB9 1424 101 USTR 0.00 1,967,621.12 0.00 3.220 600.639 0.00 0.00 32,378.88 32,378.88 732329BD8 1425 101 PONCE 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.500 3.500 737.21 0.00 0.00 737.21 3133ENL99 1426 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 997,492.55 997,492.55 3.375 3.320 2,812.50 0.00 0.00 2,812.50 052392BT3 1427 101 AUSTEL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.800 3.800 800.39 0.00 0.00 800.39 914242AA0 1429 101 UNIVCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.000 4.000 842.52 0.00 0.00 842.52 22258JAB7 1430 101 CNTYSC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.400 4.400 926.78 0.00 0.00 926.78 912828Q29 1431 101 USTR 0.00 1,977,200.00 0.00 1.500 15.551 2,472.53 0.00 22,800.00 25,272.53 3133ENQ29 1433 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 996,400.00 996,400.00 4.000 3.939 3,333.33 0.00 0.00 3,333.33 84229LBA9 1434 101 STHBNK 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 4.250 4.250 880.73 0.00 0.00 880.73 34520LAT0 1435 101 FORBRT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.600 4.600 968.90 0.00 0.00 968.90 912796YV5 1436 101 USTR 5,000,000.00 4,893,349.12 4,893,349.12 4.363 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 912796YV5 1437 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 1,958,436.61 1,958,436.61 4.375 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25460FDW3 1438 101 DIRFCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.800 4.800 1,011.02 0.00 0.00 1,011.02 9128282R0 1439 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 927,110.00 927,110.00 2.250 2.447 1,926.79 0.00 0.00 1,926.79 3133EN31-11 1441 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 998,650.00 998,650.00 4.000 3.930 3,333.34 0.00 0.00 3,333.34 914098DJ4 1442 101 UNIVBK 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 4.200 4.200 888.21 0.00 0.00 888.21 912828R69 1443 101 USTR 4,000,000.00 3,944,075.80 3,944,075.80 1.625 1.653 5,535.71 0.00 0.00 5,535.71 91282CBU4 1445 101 USTR 0.00 2,958,984.38 0.00 0.125 16.992 309.07 0.00 41,015.62 41,324.69 3133EN3S7 1446 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 998,000.00 998,000.00 3.750 3.687 3,125.00 0.00 0.00 3,125.00 25844MAK4 1447 101 DORTCU 247,000.00 247,000.00 247,000.00 4.500 4.500 944.02 0.00 0.00 944.02 01664MAB2 1448 101 ALL IN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.400 4.400 926.76 0.00 0.00 926.76 51828MAC8 1449 101 LATCOM 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.500 4.500 947.83 0.00 0.00 947.83 45157PAZ3 1450 101 IDEAL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.500 4.500 947.84 0.00 0.00 947.84 01882MAC6 1451 101 ALIANT 247,000.00 247,000.00 247,000.00 5.000 5.000 1,048.91 0.00 0.00 1,048.91 91282CCK5 1452 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 1,956,875.00 1,956,875.00 0.125 0.129 214.09 0.00 0.00 214.09 912796ZR3 1453 101 USTR 3,000,000.00 2,932,950.00 2,932,950.00 4.572 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80865MAB3 1454 101 SCENT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.650 4.650 979.43 0.00 0.00 979.43 78472EAB0 1455 101 SPCOCU 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 4.350 4.350 919.94 0.00 0.00 919.94 91282CFH9 1456 101 USTR 500,000.00 489,175.00 489,175.00 3.125 3.168 1,316.24 0.00 0.00 1,316.24 300185LM5 1457 101 EVRGRN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.850 3.850 810.93 0.00 0.00 810.93 82671DAB3 1458 101 SIGFCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.400 4.400 926.77 0.00 0.00 926.77 79772FAG1 1459 101 SF FCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.350 4.350 916.24 0.00 0.00 916.24 91282CGH8 1460 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 996,369.14 996,369.14 3.500 3.542 2,997.23 0.00 0.00 2,997.23 9128284X5 1462 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 988,900.00 988,900.00 2.750 2.758 2,316.57 0.00 0.00 2,316.57 912796Y37 1463 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 1,954,412.92 1,954,412.92 4.636 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3133EPAV7 1464 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 995,400.00 995,400.00 3.875 3.820 3,229.17 0.00 0.00 3,229.17 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:38 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 119 City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 8 March 1, 2023 - March 31, 2023 Adjusted Interest Earnings Ending Beginning Ending Current Annualized Interest Amortization/ Realized Adjusted Interest CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Par Value Book Value Book Value Rate Yield Earned Accretion Gainl/Loss Earnings Fund: General Fund 91282CEW7 1465 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 967,220.00 967,220.00 3.250 3.388 2,783.15 0.00 0.00 2,783.15 530520AH8 1466 101 LBRTY1 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.500 4.500 947.83 0.00 0.00 947.83 09582YAF9 1467 101 BLURDG 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 4.200 4.200 870.37 0.00 0.00 870.37 912797FR3 1468 101 USTR 3,000,000.00 0.00 2,951,790.00 4.821 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 011852AEO 1469 101 ALASKA 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.600 4.600 718.86 0.00 0.00 718.86 912796YH6 1470 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 0.00 1,950,283.66 4.917 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 912796Z51 1471 101 USTR 3,000,000.00 0.00 2,927,220.00 4.991 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 92891CCZ3 1472 101 VYSTAR 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.550 4.550 649.22 0.00 0.00 649.22 89789AAG2 1473 101 TRUFCU 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.700 4.700 670.62 0.00 0.00 670.62 59524LAA4 1474 101 MIDCAR 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.850 4.850 593.16 0.00 0.00 593.16 49306SJ56 1475 101 KEYBNK 244,000.00 0.00 244,000.00 5.000 5.000 568.22 0.00 0.00 568.22 064860MCO 1476 101 BKSIER 244,000.00 0.00 244,000.00 4.600 4.600 522.76 0.00 0.00 522.76 909557KQ2 1477 101 UNBKRS 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 5.000 5.000 509.59 0.00 0.00 509.59 00833JAQ4 1478 101 AFFINITY 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.900 4.900 466.11 0.00 0.00 466.11 108622NJ6 1479 101 BRIDWA 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.850 4.850 65.91 0.00 0.00 65.91 Subtotal 216,337,712.17 223,602,727.93 215,035,244.69 2.678 365,387.08 0.00 148,066.45 513,453.53 Fund: Fiscal Agent SYS1058 1058 231 USBANK 1,555.26 1,745,474.46 1,555.26 1.024 1,517.95 0.00 0.00 1,517.95 Subtotal 1,555.26 1,745,474.46 1,555.26 1.024 1,517.95 0.00 0.00 1,517.95 Fund: Housing Authority : WSA and LQ SYS1062 1062 241 LQPR 209,195.24 223,316.98 209,195.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Subtotal 209,195.24 223,316.98 209,195.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fund: SA Low/Mod Bond Fund 25-33-005 1113 249 LAIF 2,036,215.89 2,036,215.89 2,036,215.89 2.831 2.735 4,730.35 0.00 0.00 4,730.35 Subtotal 2,036,215.89 2,036,215.89 2,036,215.89 2.735 4,730.35 0.00 0.00 4,730.35 Total 218,584,678.56 227,607,735.26 217,282,211.08 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:38 2.663 371,635.38 0.00 148,066.45 519,701.83 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 120 taQ�� GEM aj'the DESERT - - City of La Quinta Purchases Report Sorted by Security Type - Fund January 1, 2023 - March 31, 2023 City of La Quinta Sec. Original Purchase Principal Accrued Interest Rate at Maturity Ending CUSIP Investment # Fund Type Issuer Par Value Date Payment Periods Purchased at Purchase Purchase Date YTM Book Value Federal Agency Coupon Securities 3133EPAV7 1464 101 FAC FFCB 1,000,000.00 02/15/2023 08/14 - 02/14 995,400.00 Received 3.875 02/14/2028 3.977 995,400.00 Subtotal 1,000,000.00 995,400.00 0.00 995,400.00 Treasury Coupon Securities 91282CCK5 1452 101 TRC USTR 2,000,000.00 01/04/2023 06/30- Final Pmt. 1,956,875.00 Received 0.125 06/30/2023 4.635 1,956,875.00 91282CFH9 1456 101 TRC USTR 500,000.00 01/24/2023 02/28 - 08/31 489,175.00 Received 3.125 08/31/2027 3.640 489,175.00 91282CGH8 1460 101 TRC USTR 1,000,000.00 02/02/2023 07/31 - 01/31 996,369.14 Received 3.500 01/31/2028 3.580 996,369.14 9128284X5 1462 101 TRC USTR 1,000,000.00 02/07/2023 02/28 - 08/31 988,900.00 Received 2.750 08/31/2023 4.787 988,900.00 91282CEW7 1465 101 TRC USTR 1,000,000.00 02/15/2023 06/30- 12/31 967,220.00 Received 3.250 06/30/2027 4.075 967,220.00 Subtotal 5,500,000.00 5,398,539.14 0.00 5,398,539.14 Treasury Discount Notes 912796ZR3 1453 101 ATD USTR 3,000,000.00 01/04/2023 06/29 -At Maturity 2,932,950.00 4.572 06/29/2023 4.741 2,932,950.00 912796Y37 1463 101 ATD USTR 2,000,000.00 02/07/2023 08/03 - At Maturity 1,954,412.92 4.636 08/03/2023 4.810 1,954,412.92 912797FR3 1468 101 ATD USTR 3,000,000.00 03/07/2023 07/05 - At Maturity 2,951,790.00 4.821 07/05/2023 4.968 2,951,790.00 912796YH6 1470 101 ATD USTR 2,000,000.00 03/09/2023 09/07 - At Maturity 1,950,283.66 4.917 09/07/2023 5.113 1,950,283.66 912796Z51 1471 101 ATD USTR 3,000,000.00 03/09/2023 08/31 - At Maturity 2,927,220.00 4.991 08/31/2023 5.186 2,927,220.00 Subtotal 13,000,000.00 12,716,656.58 0.00 12,716,656.58 Certificate of Deposits 80865MAB3 1454 101 MC1 SCIENT 248,000.00 01/13/2023 02/01 - Monthly 248,000.00 4.650 01/13/2025 4.656 248,000.00 78472EABO 1455 101 MC1 SPCOCU 249,000.00 01/20/2023 02/20 - Monthly 249,000.00 4.350 01/20/2028 4.352 249,000.00 300185LM5 1457 101 MC1 EVRGRN 248,000.00 01/27/2023 02/27 - Monthly 248,000.00 3.850 07/27/2026 3.849 248,000.00 82671DAB3 1458 101 MC1 SIGFCU 248,000.00 01/31/2023 02/28- Monthly 248,000.00 4.400 01/31/2028 4.402 248,000.00 79772FAG1 1459 101 MC1 SF FCU 248,000.00 02/03/2023 03/03 - Monthly 248,000.00 4.350 02/03/2028 4.352 248,000.00 530520AH8 1466 101 MC1 LBRTY1 248,000.00 02/21/2023 03/01 - Monthly 248,000.00 4.500 02/22/2028 4.504 248,000.00 09582YAF9 1467 101 MC1 BLURDG 244,000.00 02/28/2023 08/28 - 02/28 244,000.00 4.200 02/28/2028 4.202 244,000.00 011852AEO 1469 101 MC1 ALASKA 248,000.00 03/08/2023 04/08 - Monthly 248,000.00 4.600 03/08/2028 4.606 248,000.00 89789AAG2 1473 101 MC1 TRUFCU 248,000.00 03/10/2023 04/10 - Monthly 248,000.00 4.700 09/10/2027 4.707 248,000.00 92891CCZ3 1472 101 MC1 VYSTAR 248,000.00 03/10/2023 04/01 - Monthly 248,000.00 4.550 03/10/2028 4.555 248,000.00 59524LAA4 1474 101 MC1 MIDCAR 248,000.00 03/13/2023 04/13 - Monthly 248,000.00 4.850 03/13/2026 4.855 248,000.00 064860MCO 1476 101 MC1 BKSIER 244,000.00 03/15/2023 09/15 - 03/15 244,000.00 4.600 03/15/2027 4.604 244,000.00 49306SJ56 1475 101 MC1 KEYBNK 244,000.00 03/15/2023 09/15 - 03/15 244,000.00 5.000 03/17/2025 5.008 244,000.00 Received = Accrued Interest at Purchase was received by report ending date. Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:40 PU (PRF_PU) 7.1.1 Report Ver. 121 City of La Quinta Purchases Report January 1, 2023 - March 31, 2023 Page 2 Sec. Original Purchase Principal Accrued Interest Rate at Maturity Ending CUSIP Investment # Fund Type Issuer Par Value Date Payment Periods Purchased at Purchase Purchase Date YTM Book Value Certificate of Deposits 909557KQ2 1477 101 MC1 UNBKRS 248,000.00 03/16/2023 04/16 - Monthly 248,000.00 5.000 03/17/2025 4.823 248,000.00 00833JAQ4 1478 101 MC1 AFFNTY 248,000.00 03/17/2023 04/17 - Monthly 248,000.00 4.900 03/17/2028 4.906 248,000.00 108622NJ6 1479 101 MC1 BRIDWA 248,000.00 03/29/2023 04/29 - Monthly 248,000.00 4.850 03/29/2027 4.767 248,000.00 Subtotal 3,957,000.00 3,957,000.00 0.00 3,957,000.00 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:40 Total Purchases 23,457,000.00 23,067,595.72 0.00 23,067,595.72 Portfolio CITY CP PU (PRF_PU) 7.1.1 Report Ver. 122 4 QW Kt(V City of La Quinta City of La Quinta Maturity Report GEM of+ber DESERT = — Sorted by Maturity Date Amounts due during January 1, 2023 - March 31, 2023 Sec. Maturity Purchase Rate Book Value Maturity Net CUSIP Investment # Fund Type Issuer Par Value Date Date at Maturity at Maturity Interest Proceeds Income 3133ENBT6 1348 101 FAC FFCB 1,000,000.00 01/25/2023 12/07/2021 0.180 998,530.00 900.00 1,000,900.00 2,370.00 949495AT2 1244 101 MC1 WFNBW 248,000.00 01/30/2023 01/29/2020 1.900 248,000.00 12.91 248,012.91 12.91 9128283U2 1428 101 TRC USTR 3,000,000.00 01/31/2023 09/30/2022 2.375 2,988,390.00 35,625.00 3,035,625.00 47,235.00 19416QEA4 1175 101 MC2 COLGTE 500,000.00 02/01/2023 03/04/2019 1.950 485,250.00 4,875.00 504,875.00 19,625.00 81768PAF3 1254 101 MC1 SERVIS 248,000.00 02/21/2023 02/21/2020 1.600 248,000.00 337.01 248,337.01 337.01 91282CBN0 1432 101 TRC USTR 3,000,000.00 02/28/2023 09/30/2022 0.125 2,956,788.66 1,875.00 3,001,875.00 45,086.34 91282CBN0 1444 101 TRC USTR 2,000,000.00 02/28/2023 12/02/2022 0.125 1,980,078.13 1,250.00 2,001,250.00 21,171.87 92535LCD4 1180 101 MC1 VERUS 248,000.00 02/28/2023 02/28/2019 2.700 248,000.00 568.70 248,568.70 568.70 912796YB9 1423 101 ATD USTR 3,000,000.00 03/02/2023 09/02/2022 3.221 2,951,409.30 0.00 3,000,000.00 48,590.70 912796YB9 1424 101 ATD USTR 2,000,000.00 03/02/2023 09/02/2022 3.220 1,967,621.12 0.00 2,000,000.00 32,378.88 034577AH9 1119 101 MC1 ANECA 245,000.00 03/22/2023 03/22/2018 2.800 245,000.00 3,401.81 248,401.81 3,401.81 66704MEQ0 1263 101 MC1 NRTHSR 248,000.00 03/31/2023 03/31/2020 1.150 248,000.00 242.22 248,242.22 242.22 91282CBU4 1349 101 TRC USTR 1,000,000.00 03/31/2023 12/07/2021 0.125 996,718.75 625.00 1,000,625.00 3,906.25 912828Q29 1431 101 TRC USTR 2,000,000.00 03/31/2023 09/30/2022 1.500 1,977,200.00 15,000.00 2,015,000.00 37,800.00 91282CBU4 1445 101 TRC USTR 3,000,000.00 03/31/2023 12/02/2022 0.125 2,958,984.38 1,875.00 3,001,875.00 42,890.62 954444BS3 1265 101 MC1 WESTMI 248,000.00 03/31/2023 03/31/2020 1.150 248,000.00 242.22 248,242.22 242.22 Run Date: 05/05/2023 - 11:41 Total Maturities 21,985,000.00 21,745,970.34 66,829.87 22,051,829.87 305,859.53 Portfolio CITY CID MA (PRF_MA) 7.1.1 Report Ver. 123 US Treasury Rates https://home.treasury.gov/resource-center/data-chart-center/interest-rates/TextView?tvpe=daily treasury yield curve&field tdr date value=2023 Effective Effective Date 1 mo 2 mo 3 mo 6 mo 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 5 yr 7 yr 10 yr 20 yr 30 yr Rate of Rate of Return City Return City Portfolio Portfolio (month) (YTD) 1 /31 /2023 4.58 4.64 4.7 4.74 4.8 4.68 4.21 3.9 3.63 3.59 3.52 3.78 1.87 1.6 2/28/2023 4.65 4.81 4.88 5 5.17 5.02 4.81 4.51 4.18 4.07 3.92 4.1 2.34 1.69 3/31/2023 4.74 4.79 4.85 4.97 4.94 4.64 4.06 3.81 3.6 3.55 3.48 3.81 2.73 1.81 TREASURY RATES AND PORTFOLIO RETURNS --#-i-YrTreasl7ry --w- 5-YT Treasu rw LIfect;veRate OiNAL111,CayPOriFAQi YID) 5,25 5 4.75 ,15 d 3.7 5 3,5 325 3 2.75 5 7 74 2 LT5 I f.25 1 475 O5 ors a ��} ati~ ��'� G�`} 4�~ o�`} 4o�'� ati� �ryi „o'�� �`� 4ti� 9�� D�� 4�� oti'4 otiry �vtiti ��'� ��� 4,�'4 a�� �•y� ��� ,74 al yl. ro1 �l $L g1 ,1 yl }11 �1 x1 yl �1 �l �1 qk off v1 y1 ,y4 �1 124 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: May 16, 2023 STAFF REPORT CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 11 AGENDA TITLE: RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT DATED MARCH 31, 2023 RECOMMENDATION Receive and file revenue and expenditure report dated March 31, 2023. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The report summarizes the City's year-to-date (YTD) revenues and period expenditures for March 2023 (Attachment 1). • These reports are also reviewed by the Financial Advisory Commission. FISCAL IMPACT — None BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Below is a summary of the column headers used on the Revenue and Expenditure Summary Reports: Original Total Budget — represents revenue and expenditure budgets the Council adopted in June 2022 for fiscal year 2022/23. Current Total Budget — represents original adopted budgets plus any Council approved budget amendments from throughout the year, including carryovers from the prior fiscal year. Period Activity — represents actual revenues received and expenditures outlaid in the reporting month. Fiscal Activity — represents actual revenues received and expenditures outlaid YTD. Variance Favorable/(Unfavorable) - represents the dollar difference between YTD collections/expenditures and the current budgeted amount. Percent Used — represents the percentage activity as compared to budget YTD. 125 March 2022 Revenues Comparison to LY YTD YTD Percent MTD YTD Percent of YTD of Budget General Fund (GF) $10,381,908 $46,639,214 59.38% $44,904,294 68.67% All Funds $16,791,094 $78,928,778 41.64% $74,252,490 49.81 % March 2022 Expenditures Comparison to LY YTD YTD Percent MTD YTD Percent of YTD of Budget General Fund $16,063,852 $39,768,187 34.96% $31,726,776 44.92% Payroll (GF) $11,275,216 $19,597,467 81.66% $9,675,373 84.36% All Funds $27,211,314 $83,824,044 35.51 % $72,030,939 44.85% General Fund Non -General Fund Transfers InM $ 5,000,000 Lighting and Landscape Fund -Transfer In $ 1,500,000 Transient Occupancy (Hotel) Tax $ 1,816,657 County Government Revenue -Library/Museum $ 1,059,381 Measure G Sales Tax $ 1,420,306 Gas Tax Fund $ 745,689 Sales Tax $ 1,208,100 SilverRock and Gas Tax Funds - Transfer In (each) $ 600,000 General Fund Non -General Fund Transfers Out(�) $ 2,757,000 Transfer Out(')- PARS Pension Trust $ 5,000,000 Sheriff Contract(December/January) $ 1,131,343 Capital Improvement Program- Construction(3) $ 2,902,185 Marketing and Tourism Promotions $ 222,996 Debt Service Payments- Successor Agency Bonds(4) $ 1,745,437 Parks Maintenance/Services $ 69,518 SilverRock Maintenance $ 172,713 Planning Professional Services $ 54,927 Capital Improvement Program - Design $ 152,921 �' )Transfer into General Fund from PARS Trust fund to make payment to CalPERS for unfunded pension liability. (')Transfers Out of the General Fund into Lighting and Landscape, SilverRock Golf, and Gas Tax funds to support operations and complete improvement projects. (3)CIP Construction: Dune Palms Bridge and North La Quinta landscape conversion project. (4)lnterest and principal payments for redevelopment bonds, funded by dedicated Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) revenue. The revenue report includes revenues and transfers into funds from other funds (income items). Revenues are not received uniformly throughout the year, resulting in peaks and valleys. For example, large property tax payments are usually received in December and May. Similarly, Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund payments are typically received in January and June. Any timing imbalance of revenue receipts versus expenditures is funded from the City's cash flow reserve. The expenditure report includes expenditures and transfers out to other funds. Unlike revenues, expenditures are more likely to be consistent from month to month. However, large debt service payments or CIP expenditures can cause swings. Prepared by: Rosemary Hallick, Financial Services Analyst Approved by: Claudia Martinez, Finance Director Attachment: 1. Revenue and Expenditure Report for March 31, 2023 126 ATTACHMENT 1 �� For Fiscal: 2022/23 Period Ending: 03/31/2023 OC(/ Revenue Summary CALIFORNIA Variance Original Current Period Fiscal Favorable Percent Fund Total Budget Total Budget Activity Activity (Unfavorable) Used 101 - GENERAL FUND 68,321,100 78,544,100 10,381,908 46,639,214-31,904,886 59.38% 105 - DISASTER RECOVERY FUND 5,003,505 5,003,505 0 4,990,403-13,102 99.74% 201 - GAS TAX FUND 2,691,011 2,691,011 745,689 1,756,628-934,383 65.28% 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 2,867,000 2,867,000 1,059,425 1,055,771-1,811,229 36.82% 203 - PUBLIC SAFETY FUND (MEASU 2,000 2,000 0 -157 -2,157 7.83% 210 - FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND 156,000 156,000 10,498 180,043 24,043 115.41% 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 101,000 101,000 8,333 115,032 14,032 113.89% 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FU 2,483,300 2,483,300 1,500,000 2,056,386-426,914 82.81% 220-QUIMBYFUND 25,000 25,000 0 0-25,000 0.00% 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 64,000 64,000 3,812 42,671-21,329 66.67% 223 - MEASURE A FUND 1,875,000 1,875,000 384,724 1,186,115-688,885 63.26% 225 - INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 0 0 0 -12 -12 0.00% 226 - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT F 12,100 12,100 0 0-12,100 0.00% 227 - STATE HOMELAND SECURITY 1 5,000 5,000 0 4,896 -104 97.92% 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 20,200 20,200 1,704 14,804 -5,396 73.29% 231 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 RORF 0 0 1,518 5,145,816 5,145,816 0.00% 235 - 50 COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 54,400 54,400 63,497 76,178 21,778 140.03% 237 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 ADMII` 0 0 0 -116 -116 0.00% 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 1,451,500 1,451,500 91,455 1,034,506-416,994 71.27% 243 - RDA LOW -MOD HOUSING FUI` 20,000 20,000 0 -2,155-22,155 10.77% 244 - HOUSING GRANTS (Multiple) 0 0 160,000 160,000 160,000 0.00% 247 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FL 15,000 15,000 14,220 51,526 36,526 343.51% 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUI 25,000 1,412,009 13,724 31,734-1,380,275 2.25% 250-TRANSPORTATION DIF FUND 1,020,000 1,020,000 16,036 857,122-162,878 84.03% 251 - PARKS & REC DIF FUND 501,000 501,000 8,424 441,773-59,227 88.18% 252 - CIVIC CENTER DIF FUND 301,000 301,000 4,920 260,660-40,340 86.60% 253 - LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT DIF 75,000 75,000 1,588 83,413 8,413 111.22% 254 - COMMUNITY & CULTURAL CEI 152,000 152,000 3,824 196,329 44,329 129.16% 255 - STREET FACILITY DIF FUND 10,000 10,000 0 472 -9,528 4.72% 256 - PARK FACILITY DIF FUND 0 0 0 -4 -4 0.00% 257 - FIRE PROTECTION DIF 101,000 101,000 1,476 79,028-21,972 78.25% 259 - MAINTENANCE FACILITIES DIF 75,500 75,500 1,252 65,479-10,021 86.73% 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 153,000 153,000 51,387 98,508-54,492 64.38% 275 - LQ PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER 2,200 2,200 2,000 1,968 -232 89.46% 299 - INTEREST ALLOCATION FUND 0 0 597,149 2,943,330 2,943,330 0.00% 310 - LQ FINANCE AUTHORITY DEBT 1,100 1,100 0 0 -1,100 0.00% 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PRO( 13,136,811 79,240,072 101,089 1,899,114-77,340,958 2.40% 405 - SA PA 1 CAPITAL IMPRV FUND 1,000 1,000 0 -4 -1,004 0.38% 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMEI 1,685,000 1,685,000 74,602 995,520-689,480 59.08% 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2,256,708 2,256,708 3,564 1,136,985-1,119,723 50.38% 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 470,000 1,103,000 0 222,615-880,385 20.18% 504 - INSURANCE FUND 1,020,400 1,020,400 0 509,727-510,673 49.95% 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 4,865,453 4,865,453 1,223,214 4,321,148-544,305 88.81% 602 - SILVERROCK GOLF RESERVE 79,000 79,000 75,000 74,656 -4,344 94.50% 760 - SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION PLA 5,500 5,500 5,000 4,946 -554 89.93% 761 - CERBT OPEB TRUST 10,000 10,000 77,829 37,320 27,320 373.20% 762 - PARS PENSION TRUST 100,000 100,000 102,234 159,388 59,388 159.39% Report Total: 111,213,788 189,560,058 16,791,094 78,928,778-110,631,281 41.64% Accounts are subject to adjusting entries and audit. The City's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, published annually, is the best resource for all final audited numbers. Page 1 of 3 127 For Fiscal: 2022/23 Period Ending: 03/31/2023 Expenditure Summary Variance Original Current Period Fiscal Favorable Percent Fund Total Budget Total Budget Activity Activity (Unfavorable) Used 101 - GENERAL FUND 64,651,274 113,759,460 16,063,852 39,768,187 73,991,273 34.96% 201 - GAS TAX FUND 2,687,351 3,703,799 71,713 784,080 2,919,719 21.17% 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 1,909,146 4,765,851 130,803 382,187 4,383,664 8.02% 203 - PUBLIC SAFETY FUND (MEASU 0 0 0 7,043 -7,043 0.00% 210 - FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND 152,600 339,977 0 1,785 338,192 0.53% 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 100,000 100,000 12,819 49,254 50,746 49.25% 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FU 2,465,376 2,622,376 205,251 1,510,391 1,111,985 57.60% 220-QUIMBYFUND 0 466,967 0 0 466,967 0.00% 221- AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 150,000 150,000 10,980 128,759 21,241 85.84% 223 - MEASURE A FUND 3,882,000 5,843,145 0 1,083,627 4,759,518 18.55% 226 - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT F 12,000 12,000 0 25,055 -13,055 208.79% 227 - STATE HOMELAND SECURITY 1 5,000 5,000 0 4,312 688 86.25% 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 5,500 5,500 0 0 5,500 0.00% 231 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 RORF 0 0 1,745,437 16,718,591 -16,718,591 0.00% 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 46,500 46,500 1,430 8,236 38,264 17.71% 237 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 ADMII` 0 0 3,250 4,850 -4,850 0.00% 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 1,712,670 1,712,670 141,712 1,309,112 403,558 76.44% 243 - RDA LOW -MOD HOUSING FUG 250,000 305,000 0 255,000 50,000 83.61% 244 - HOUSING GRANTS (Multiple) 0 90,000 0 97,052 -7,052 107.84% 247 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FL 21,500 21,500 1,000 2,000 19,500 9.30% 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUI 20,000 3,644,192 0 62,290 3,581,902 1.71% 250-TRANSPORTATION DIF FUND 500,000 1,916,757 0 400,000 1,516,757 20.87% 251 - PARKS & REC DIF FUND 500,000 500,000 0 0 500,000 0.00% 252 - CIVIC CENTER DIF FUND 250,000 250,000 0 0 250,000 0.00% 253 - LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT DIF 15,000 15,000 0 0 15,000 0.00% 254 - COMMUNITY & CULTURAL CEI 0 125,000 0 0 125,000 0.00% 270- ART INPUBLIC PLACES FUND 177,000 426,165 13,561 68,980 357,185 16.19% 310 - LQ FINANCE AUTHORITY DEBT 1,100 1,100 0 0 1,100 0.00% 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PRO( 13,136,811 78,179,947 3,055,106 9,079,442 69,100,505 11.61% 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMEI 1,608,750 2,214,714 171,395 990,316 1,224,398 44.72% 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2,258,054 2,358,054 84,196 1,173,805 1,184,249 49.78% 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 545,000 1,618,000 9,676 108,794 1,509,206 6.72% 504 - INSURANCE FUND 984,100 984,100 250 893,290 90,810 90.77% 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 4,782,135 4,802,135 483,960 3,852,981 949,154 80.23% 760 - SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION PLA 12,850 12,850 0 12,833 17 99.87% 761 - CERBT OPEB TRUST 1,500 1,500 380 1,140 360 75.99% 762 - PARS PENSION TRUST 55,000 5,055,000 5,004,544 5,040,653 14,347 99.72% Report Total: 102,898,217 236,054,259 27,211,314 83,824,044 152,230,215 35.51% Accounts are subject to adjusting entries and audit. The City's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, published annually, is the best resource for all final audited numbers. Page 2 of 3 128 Fund Descriptions Fund # Name Notes 101 General Fund The primary fund of the City used to account for all revenue and expenditures of the City; a broad range of municipal activities are provided through this fund. 105 Disaster Recovery Fund Accounts for use of one-time federal funding designed to deliver relief to American workers and aid in the economic recovery iin the wake of COVID-19. The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) was passed by Congress in 2021 to provide fiscal recovery funds to state and local governments. 201 Gas Tax Fund Gasoline sales tax allocations received from the State which are restricted to street -related expenditures. 202 Library and Museum Fund Revenues from property taxes and related expenditures for library and museum services. 203 Public Safety Fund General Fund Measure G sales tax revenue set aside for public safety expenditures. 210 Federal Assistance Fund Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) received from the federal government and the expenditures of those resources. 212 SLESF (COPS) Fund Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Funds (SLESF) received from the State for law enforcement activities. Also known as Citizen's Option for Public Safety (COPS). 215 Lighting & Landscaping Fund Special assessments levied on real property for city-wide lighting and landscape maintenance/improvements and the expenditures of those resources. 220 Quimby Fund Developer fees received under the provisions of the Quimby Act for park development and improvements. 221 AB939 Fund/Cal Recycle Franchise fees collected from the city waste hauler that are used to reduce waste sent to landfills through recycling efforts. Assembly Bill (AB) 939. 223 Measure A Fund County sales tax allocations which are restricted to street -related expenditures. 224 TUMF Fund Developer -paid Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fees (TUMF) utilized for traffic projects in Riverside County. 225 Infrastructure Fund Developer fees for the acquisition, construction or improvement of the City's infrastructure as defined by Resolution 226 Emergency Mgmt. Performance Grant (EMPG) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant for emergency preparedness. 227 State Homeland Security Programs (SHSP) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant for emergency preparedness. 230 CASP Fund, AB1379 / SB1186 Certified Access Specialist (CASp) program fees for ADA Accessibility Improvements; derived from Business License renewals. Assembly Bill (AB) 1379 and Senate Bill (SB) 1186. 231 Successor Agency PA 1 RORF Fund Successor Agency (SA) Project Area (PA) 1 Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund (RORF) for Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) taxes received for debt service payments on recognized obligations of the former Redevelopment Agency (RDA). 235 SO Coast Air Quality Fund (AB2766, PM10) Contributions from the South Coast Air Quality Management District. Uses are limited to the reduction and control of airborne pollutants. Assembly Bill (AB) 2766. 237 Successor Agency PA 1 Admin Fund Successor Agency (SA) Project Area (PA) 1 for administration of the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) associated with the former Redevelopment Agency (RDA). 241 Housing Authority Activities of the Housinq Authority which is to promote and provide quality affordable housinq. 243 RDA Low -Moderate Housing Fund Activities of the Housing Authority which is to promote and provide quality affordable housing. Accounts for RDA loan repayments (20 /o for Housinq) and housinq proqrams,. 244 Housing Grants Activites related Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) and SB2 grants for housing planning and development. 247 Economic Development Fund Proceeds from sale of City -owned land and transfers from General Fund for future economic development. 249 SA 2011 Low/Mod Bond Fund Successor Agency (SA) low/moderate housing fund; 2011 bonds refinanced in 2016. 250 Transportation DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - transportation related. 251 Parks & Rec. DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - parks and recreation. 252 Civic Center DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - Civic Center. 253 Library Development DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - library. 254 Community Center DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - community center. 255 Street Facility DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - streets. 256 Park Facility DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - parks. 257 Fire Protection DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - fire protection. 259 Maintenance Facilities DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - maintenance facilities. 270 Art In Public Places Fund Developer fees collected in lieu of art placement; utilized for acquisition, installation and maintenance of public artworks. 275 LQ Public Safety Officer Fund Annual transfer in from General Fund; distributed to public safety officers disabled or killed in the line of duty. 299 Interest Allocation Fund Interest earned on investments. 310 LQ Finance Authority Debt Service Fund Accounted for the debt service the Financing Authority's outstanding debt and any related reporting requirements. This bond was fully paid in October 2018. 401 Capital Improvement Program Fund Planning, design, and construction of various capital projects throughout the City. 405 SA PA 1 Capital Improvement Fund Successor Agency (SA) Project Area (PA) 1 bond proceeds restricted by the bond indenture covenants. Used for SilverRock infrastructure improvements. 501 Equipment Replacement Fund Internal Service Fund for vehicles, heavy equipment, and related facilities. 502 Information Technology Fund Internal Service Fund for computer hardware and software and phone systems. 503 Park Equipment & Facility Fund Internal Service Fund for park equipment and facilities. 504 Insurance Fund Internal Service Fund for city-wide insurance coverages. 601 SilverRock Resort Fund Enterprise Fund for activities of the city -owned golf course. 602 SilverRock Golf Reserve Fund Enterprise Fund for golf course reserves for capital improvements. 760 Supplemental Pension Plan (PARS Account) Supplemental pension savings plan for excess retiree benefits to general employees of the City. 761 Other Post Benefit Obligation Trust (OPEB) For retiree medical benefits and unfunded liabilities. 762 Pension Trust Benefit (PARS Account) I For all pension -related benefits and unfunded liabilities. 129 Page 3 of 3 130 BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: May 16, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA` TITLE: APPROVE CANCELLING THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS OF JULY 4, AUGUST 15, AND SEPTEMBER 5, 2023 RECOMMENDATION Approve cancelling the regular City Council meetings of July 4, August 15, and September 5, 2023. EXECU i WE SUMMARY • Council traditionally modifies its meeting schedule during summer months if there are no known time -sensitive matters requiring Council action. • Advance notice of cancelled meetings allows Councilmembers, Staff, and the public to properly plan for deadlines and workflow. FISCAL IMPACT There would be a cost savings consisting of the time and materials associated with production of agenda packets. .-AuKGROUND/ANALYSIS Council traditionally modifies its meeting schedule during summer months if there are no known time -sensitive matters requiring Council action. This year the July 4 regular Council meeting will be cancelled in observance of the Independence Day holiday in accordance with Section 1.1 Regular Meetings of the City's Rules of Procedure adopted via Resolution No. 2022-027, which states in pertinent part: "When the day for a regular meeting of the Council falls on a legal holiday, no meeting shall be held on that day; rather, such meeting shall be held at the same hour on the next business day unless otherwise determined by the City Council." The City Manager and Executive Team have reviewed the items requiring Council consideration, and all matters that require Council review have been scheduled for the July 18 and August 1, 2023 meetings. 131 The recommended summer meeting schedule is as follows: • June 20 • July 4 • July 18 • August 1 • August 15 • September 5 • September 19 regular meeting CANCELLED regular meeting regular meeting CANCELLED CANCELLED regular meeting Should a pressing situation or matter require Council direction or action before the next regular meeting, a special meeting will be called. .LTERNATIVES Council may select alternate dates for cancelled meetings, cancel only one meeting, cancel two meetings, or cancel no meetings. Prepared by: Laurie McGinley, Deputy City Clerk Approved by: Monika Radeva, City Clerk 132 City of La Quints STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING: May 16, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE- DISCUSS FISCAL YEAR 2023/24 PRELIMINARY PROPOSED BUDGET RECOMMENDATION Discuss fiscal year 2023/24 preliminary proposed budget. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • This first budget study session focuses on the General Fund and Internal Service Funds. A second City Council budget study session on June 6, 2023 will cover Special Revenue Funds, Capital Funds, and Enterprise Funds of the City. • All departments evaluated budget needs based on the City's priorities and operational needs when preparing their 2023/24 budgets. • Final budget adoption is scheduled for June 20, 2023. FISCAL IMPACT The preliminary General Fund budget projects a surplus of $2,038,295 with projected General Fund revenues of $78,478,100 (including Measure G sales tax) and proposed operational and capital expenditures of $72,439,805. Unappropriated Measure G sales tax revenue of $4,000,000 shall remain in reserves. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The goal of the May 16 study session is to provide an overview of the General Fund and Internal Service Funds and review the use of Measure G sales tax revenues. Each department section contains notes to explain changes from 2021/22 actuals, changes in 2022/23, and projections for 2023/24. The budget format is similar to the prior fiscal year. The budget is a puzzle put together to deliver City services to residents and visitors alike. Community input is greatly appreciated and necessary to ensure an inclusive budget. It is our goal to use citizen input and feedback to develop the annual budget. The Financial Advisory Commission provides oversight of Measure G funds and assists with reviewing the 2023/24 operating and capital improvement budgets. To encourage citizen participation in public meetings, the 2023/24 budget schedule is available online at: 133 https://www.laguintaca.gov/our-city/city-departments/finance/budget/proposed-budget- 2023-24-timeline PUBLIC MEETING DATES FISCAL YEAR 2023/24 BUDGET 2/15/2023 Annual Community Workshop 4/4/2023 City Council Meeting - Proposed Capital Improvement Program CIP Study Session Financial Advisory Commission Meeting - Proposed Capital 4/5/2023 Improvement Program Study Session 5/10/2023 Financial Advisory Commission Meeting - Preliminary General Fund Expense & Revenue Projections 5/16/2023 City Council Meeting - Budget Study Session #1 - (General Fund and Internal Service Funds focus City Council Meeting - Budget Study Session #2 - (All 6/6/2023 Appropriations- General Fund, Internal Service Funds, Enterprise, and Special Revenue Funds Housing Authority Board Meeting - Budget Study Session #1 6/6/2023 (Housing Funds Only) 6/7/2023 Financial Advisory Commission Meeting - Final review of proposed Measure G sales tax uses Housing Commission Meeting - Final Review of proposed 6/14/2023 Housing Authority Budget 6/20/2023 City Council Meeting - Operating and CIP Budget Adoption 6/20/2023 Housing Authority - Budget Adoption Attachment 1 provides a narrative of General Fund revenues and expenses, Internal Service Funds, and the Redevelopment Agency loan repayment to the City. Line item details for these revenues and expenses are located in Exhibit A of the Attachment. ALTERNATIVES The Council may wish to request further information regarding specific items and provide direction regarding the next steps in the overall budget process, prior to budget adoption scheduled for June 20, 2023. Prepared by: Claudia Martinez, Finance Director Approved by: Jon McMillen, City Manager Attachment: 1. Fiscal Year 2023/24 Proposed Budget Overview 134 ATTACHMENT 1 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET STUDY SESSION #1 ta Qa�&a CALIFORNIA The first budget study session is designed to provide an overview of the General Fund and four Internal Service Funds (ISF's). Special Revenue, Capital, and Enterprise Funds will be presented on June 6, 2023. Exhibit A includes proposed revenue and expenditure details for all General Fund and Internal Service Funds. The FY 2023/24 proposed budget was developed using a moderate and responsible approach to revenue projections while being responsive to community needs and continuing to fund and enhance services most important to our residents. The City will continue to focus on infrastructure investments and community priorities, while monitoring the state of the economy in order to shift resources if necessary. The City is committed to upholding financial sustainability by maintaining and improving the City's infrastructure and making investments in the preservation of facilities and amenities. This budget is designed to keep the City of La Quinta thriving and address the needs and expectations of our community while taking the steps necessary to ensure our long-term fiscal health. In formulating their budget proposals, departments were encouraged to evaluate all current expenditures, impacts of the current economy, as well as key operational needs for City departments to improve their functions and move forward efficiently. The proposed General Fund budget has a projected surplus of $2,038,295 as a result of cautious increases to revenue estimates along with expenditure projections that meet departmental needs for daily operations and rising expenditures. GENERALFUND FY 2023/24 ORIGINAL PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY Revenues $ 78,478,100 Less Operating/CIP Expenses (72,439,805) Preliminary Budget Surplus 6,038,295 Less Measure G Reserves (4,000,000) BUDGET SURPLUS $ 2,038,29E The budget provides resources for public safety, daily operations, and capital improvements for the upcoming fiscal year. Projections are anticipated to change before budget adoption. The final proposed budget will be structurally balanced. 135 REVENUES The City's revenue estimates for FY 2023/24 represent a $66,000 decrease over the revised FY 2022/23 projections, revenues by category are summarized below. A major variance to the overall change is in the current FY 2022/23 budget column. This includes a one-time budget adjustment of $5.0 million transfer in from the Pension Trust Fund to the General fund to pay the City's outstanding pension obligation, as approved by Council on February 21, 2023. Taxes 54,946,700 58,946,700 62,630,000 3,683,300 6% License & Permits 2,823,200 3,401,200 2,521,300 (879,900) -26% Intergovernmental 7,853,000 7,878,000 9,178,000 1,300,000 17% Charges for Services 1,081,100 1,341,100 963,200 (377,900) -28% Fines & Assessment 462,000 522,000 465,500 (56,500) -11 % Other/Misc. 1,155,100 6,455,100 2,720,100 3,735,000 -58% Total Revenues 68.321.100 78.544.100 78.478.100 (66.0001 0% The FY 2023/24 projected revenue outlook for the City is slightly more optimistic than anticipated when the FY 2022/23 budget was adopted in June 2022. Responsible financial management and strong sales tax growth have put the City in a positive financial position, as this growth is needed to cover the increasing cost of existing service delivery. Major general revenues, such as property taxes, sales taxes, franchise fees, and transient occupancy taxes are projected by the Finance Department based on prior history, growth and inflation projections, and economic climate. Subject -matter experts such as the City's sales tax consultant, the County Assessor, and regional and local economic forecasts also assist in the projection of revenues. Taxes - The City's top three revenue sources for the General Fund total $54,410,000 (or 69% of the total $78,478,100) and continue to be: • Sales Taxes $28,400,000 • Transient Occupancy Taxes (TOT) $14,965,000 • Property Taxes $11,045,000 Sales tax revenue is highly sensitive to economic conditions, and reflects the factors that drive taxable sales, including levels of unemployment, consumer confidence, per -capita income, and business investment. Based on the current fiscal year budget, sales tax is anticipated to increase by $450,000 and Measure G by $200,000. Property Tax revenues are based on a 1.0% levy on the assessed value of all real property. Under the terms of Proposition 13, approved in California in 1978, annual increases in the assessed value are capped at a maximum of 2% per year unless there is a change in ownership 136 or new construction. Annual increases in assessed value are limited by either the California Consumer Price Index (CPI) or the 2% cap, whichever is less. Increased home values and sales over the last two years have driven assessed valuations higher than the 2% cap. The City of La Quinta imposes a Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) upon all hotel stays within the City boundaries at a rate of 11 % and short-term vacation rentals (STVR) at 10%. Major economic drivers for TOT revenue include room rates, average occupancy rates, and seasonal and non -seasonal tourism. The projected increase over the current year is based on current trends and an increase in room rates. Licenses & Permits - Development -related permit fees largely account for the decrease of $879,900 in this category when compared to the current FY 2022/23 budget. While the economy continues to expand, we are beginning to see a slowdown in new projects due to construction costs and uncertainty about future economic trends. Intergovernmental - The majority of the revenues in this category are derived from fire service property taxes restricted for fire services, which accounts for an increase of $1.4 million compared to last fiscal year largely due to an increase in the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund or RPTTF, and overall assessed valuations of property values. The revenue is recognized as current year collections or use of reserves; we are not anticipating using reserves based on current estimates provided by the County, similar to the prior fiscal year. Charges for Services - Leisure activities and wellness center memberships have been decreased due to current fiscal year activity and decline in anticipated growth. In addition, services related to building and public works plan checks have been decreased due to a reduction in anticipated residential and commercial development. Fines & Assessments - A overall decrease of $56,500 is anticipated for administrative citations due to increased compliance and enforcement measures with the STVR program and motor vehicle code fines reflective of FY 2022/23 year to date activity. Use of Money & Property/Miscellaneous — The proposed budget for investment interest earnings recognizes the rising interest rate environment generating higher expected yields. At the close of the third quarter of FY 2022/23, the average portfolio rate of return was 1.81 %, as compared to 0.75% the prior year. The decrease in Miscellaneous revenue is reflective of FY 2022/23 year- to-date activity and anticipated zoning change mitigation fees. EXPENSES City staff and management have been prudent in their spending to ensure budgets are in line to end the current fiscal year with savings. While there is continued uncertainty ahead, the proposed budget reflects prudent investments in staffing and programs to reflect community needs and support the Council's priority initiatives. This ensures the continued support and stability of our workforce, the key to delivering all of our City's programs and services, and ensuring that they are delivered efficiently and effectively. 137 A summary of expenses by department is provided in the chart below, along with an explanation of major variances specific to departments. Overall increases affecting all departments include salary and benefits (annual step increases along with increase in CaIPERS rates), annual contract rates, utility rates, and inflationary impacts on goods and services. City Council 351,400 351,400 304,500 (46,900) City Manager Departme� 1,177,540 1,177,540 1,365,817 188,277 Marketing & Communit Relations 1,632,128 1,747,128 1,720,532 (26,596) City Attorney 796,000 796,000 800,000 4,000 City Clerk Department 1,257,526 1,257,526 1,096,733 (160,793) Human Resources 495,698 � 589,398 557,015 1 (32,383) Police 18,185,900 18,208,800 18,417,900 209,100 Fire 1 8,851,872 9,294,972 10,039,120 744,148 Community Resources Admin. 880,480 880,480 804,570 (75,910) Wellness Center Operations 682,102 �682,102� 829,735 147,633 Recreational Programs & Events 1,088,734 1,384,734 1,564,200 179,466 Code Compliance/Animal Control 1,663,996 1,667,996 1,779,300 111,304 Parks Maintenance 3,042,072 3,091,072 4,056,511 965,439 Public Buildings 1,390,052 1,430,052 1,565,694 135,642 Public Works Administration 794,862 794,862 779,773 (15,089) Public Works Dev. Serviced 512,960 512,960 1 529,394 16,434 Streets Department- Traffic 754,768 754,768 857,050 102,282 Engineering Services 1,020,756 1,246,156 984,700 (261,456) Design & Develo ment Admin. 756,824 756,824 784,805 27,981 Planning _T 744,830 744,83dow- 697,830 (47,000) Building 1,291,362 1,441,362 1,339,516 (101,846) The Hub 1,236,482 1,236,482 1,083,890 (152,592) Finance 1,595,830 1,595,830 1,686,720 90,890 Centralized Services 14,447,100 62,116,186 18,794,500 (43,321,686) Police and Fire: Police and fire contract expenses are incorporated using estimates from the County of Riverside, final numbers will be reflective of rates once contracts are approved. These combined budgets are a total of $28,457,020 or 39% of the proposed General Fund budget. Recreational Programs and Events: Increase in contract services for operations of the Fritz Burns pool due to staffing costs along with additional programs and events for a full year of operations following the pandemic. In addition, Council recently approved implementing six months of five-day operations and six -months of seven-day operations at the X Park, which will allow for continuance of park operations and increased participation, planning of new programs, and enhanced events. 138 Parks Maintenance: Increase is due to the citywide landscape maintenance contract and utilities which includes funding for overseeding at various locations, ongoing maintenance costs for parks, and citywide tree removal to identify and remove potential hazards and ensure safety of residents. Engineering Services: Decrease is due to one-time budgeted expenses in professional services for FY 2022/23 and no anticipated reimbursements with the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) for the Avenue 48 Arts and Music Line Project design. Centralized Services_- This department budget captures citywide expenses. Annually this division's budget fluctuates most because it captures large one-time expenses such as pension and OPEB (Other Post -Employment Benefits) trust contributions, building improvements, land acquisition, and capital improvement carryovers for multi -year projects. The FY 2023/24 annual pension liability contribution of $930,000, which is a year -over -year decrease of $311,600 covers the Classic Tier, as Tier 2 and PEPRA have been paid in full. In FY 2023/24, the City approved an additional discretionary payment of $10.2 million to pay down the current balance of the City's unfunded pension obligations. This action places the City in a secure financial position as we navigate through the changing economic climate. To continue the City's efforts of staff development and succession planning, managing PERS increases, responding to labor market adjustments, and to address staffing needs, an increase of $600,000 is recommended to execute these principles. INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS (ISFi ISF are used to account for activities involved in rendering services to departments within the City. Costs of materials and services used are accumulated in these funds and charged to user departments based on personnel and large equipment assigned to each. The following is a summary of expenses by ISF: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS SUMMARY Current Proposed Fund FY 22/23 FY 23/24 Variance Equipment Replacement 2,214,714 1,448,750 (765,964) Information Technology 2,358,054 2,931,062 573,008 Park Equipment 1,618,000 2,242,200 624,200 Insurance Fund 984.100 1.118.000 133.900 Equipment Replacement Fund — The decrease in this fund is due to a reduction in vehicle lease costs because of the City's vehicle purchase program coupled with two anticipated vehicle purchases for this fiscal year compared to ten vehicles from the prior year. Information Technology Fund — An increase in software implementation is to account for a Public Works asset management software that will assist with managing preventative maintenance to 139 extend the useful life of fleet, infrastructure, and facilities along with maximizing inventory efficiency. In addition, a request to replace machinery and equipment for upgrades to aging inventory. As technology grows and evolves, the risk of cyber-attacks increases and becomes more complex, especially in local government. The City will continue to prioritize cybersecurity to protect our data and maintain security systems and networks by making it an essential aspect of the Information Technology Fund. Park Equipment Fund — The increase of $624,200 will assist the City with prioritizing the community needs of upgrading citywide parks. Improvements include shade canopy replacements, benches, drinking fountains, and upgraded playground and fitness equipment. Insurance Fund — An overall increase of $133,900 is due to the estimated insurance premiums provided by California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA), final projections will be provided at budget adoption. CJPIA staff met with underwriters to ensure member premiums remain as low as possible and did their best to mitigate the rate increase in this challenging insurance marketplace. MEASURE G SALES TAX Measure G sales tax revenue is anticipated to be $15.7 million and is allocated as presented below in the proposed budget. The Financial Advisory Commission will be approving the proposed uses of Measure G revenues to ensure compliance per the Ordinance at the June 7t" meeting after initial review on May loth. MEASURE G SALES TAX SUMMARY Measure G Sales Tax Revenue $ 15,700,000 Public Safety (5,100,000) Capital Improvements (6,600,000) Available for Appropriation $ 4,000,000 REDEVELOPMENT LOAN REPAYMENT The Department of Finance (DOF) approved the last and final Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) for the Successor Agency (former Redevelopment Agency) which included an annual loan repayment beginning in 2017. The ROPS is a comprehensive schedule which includes all bond debt service payments, City loan repayments, administration, and annual reporting requirements. For 2023/24, the total loan repayment is $3,437,076 which is allocated 80% to the General Fund ($2,749,661) and 20% ($687,415) to the Housing Authority Fund. These revenues will be recognized in unassigned reserves in each fund and are not allocated to current expenses. 140 Remaining outstanding loan repayments after 2023/24 total $21,679,735, with final loan repayment scheduled for FY 2029/30. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION The budget is a puzzle put together to deliver city services to residents and visitors alike. Community input is greatly appreciated and necessary to ensure an inclusive budget. It is our goal to use citizen input and feedback to develop the annual budget. The Financial Advisory Commission provides oversight of Measure G funds and assists with reviewing the 2023/24 operating and capital improvement budgets. To encourage citizen participation in public meetings the 2023/24 budget schedule is available on the City's website and is noted below: https://www.laguintaca.gov/our-city/city-departments/finance/budget/proposed-budget-2022- 23-timeline PUBLIC MEETING DATES FISCAL YEAR 2023/24 BUDGET 2/15/2023 Annual Community Workshop 4/4/2023 City Council Meeting - Proposed Capital Improvement Program CIP Study Session 4/5/2023 Financial Advisory Commission Meeting - Proposed Capital Improvement Program Study Session 5/10/2023 Financial Advisory Commission Meeting - Preliminary General Fund Expense & Revenue Projections 5/16/2023 City Council Meeting - Budget Study Session #1 - (General Fund and Internal Service Funds focus City Council Meeting - Budget Study Session #2 - (All 6/6/2023 Appropriations- General Fund, Internal Service Funds, Enterprise, and Special Revenue Funds 6/6/2023 Housing Authority Board Meeting - Budget Study Session #1 Housin Funds Only) 6/7/2023 Financial Advisory Commission Meeting - Final review of ro osed Measure G sales tax uses 6/14/2023 Housing Commission Meeting - Final Review of proposed Housing Authority Budget 6/20/2023 City Council Meeting - Operating and CIP Budget Adoption 6/20/2023 Housing Authority- Budget Adoption 141 MEASURE G REVENUE AND USES SUMMARY MEASURE G REVENUES AND USES SUM Fiscal Year (FY) 2016/17 Actual $ 1,462,650 2017/18 Actual 9,967,657 2018/19 Actual 10,958,118 2019/20 Actual 10,310,526 2020/21 Actual 12,594,389 2021/22 Actual 15,615,802 2022/23 Budget (Current) 15,500,000 2023/24 Budget (Proposed) 15,700,000 TOTAL $ 92,109,142 MEASURE G USES Year Reserve Earned Allocation Year Operational Capital Reserves Total b Year 2016/17 Eisenhower Dr. Retention Basin 201704MG 750,000 2016/17 X-Park Funding 151609MG 712,650 - 1,462,650 2017/18 Public Safety Fund 300,000 North La Quinta Landscape Improvements 201603MG 1,802,576 Citywide Drainage Enhancements 151612MG 2,407,373 La Quinta Village Road Diet Project 151603MG 1,972,158 2018/19 X-Park Funding 151609MG 147,350 2019/20 Alongi Building Improvements 201806 800,000 2019/20 SilverRock Event Site 201608MG 321,900 2020/21 SilverRock Event Site 201608MG 244,700 2020/21 Alongi Building at SilverRock Event Site 201806 160,000 2020/21 SilverRock Event Site 201608MG 290,000 2020/21 SilverRock Event Site Retention Basin 202007MG 10,000 2020/21 SilverRock Event Site Retention Basin 202007MG 427,250 Measure G Reserves 17/18 1,084,350 9,967,657 2018/19 Public Safety Fund 850,000 Public Safety Contract Services 2,100,000 Citywide Drainage Enhancements 151612MG 194,730 North La Quinta Landscape Improvements 201603MG 2,129,613 SilverRock Event Site 201608MG 1,300,000 Measure G Reserves 18/19 4,383,775 10,958,118 2019/20 Public Safety Contract Services 2,750,000 Corporate Yard Administration/Crew Quarters 2018056MG 411,013 Highway 111 Corridor Improvements 201905MG 1,000,000 North La Quinta Landscape Improvements 201603MG 3,703,369 Village Art Plaza Promenade 201901MG 310,000 Measure G Reserves 19/20 2,136,144 10,310,526 2020/21 Public Safety Contract Services 4,545,000 X-Park Landscaping 151609MG 275,000 Highway 111 Corridor Improvements 201905MG 250,000 Measure G Reserves 2020/21 7,524,389 12,594,389 2021/22 Public Safety Contract Services 5,163,000 Landscape Renovation Improvements 201603MG 1,408,356 Highway 111 Corridor Improvements 201905MG 1,000,000 Fritz Burns Park Improvements 350,000 Allocate Bridge Funding 111205 7,468,061 Measure G Reserves 2021/22 226,385 15,615,802 2022/23 Public Safety Contract Services 5,100,000 Landscape Renovation Improvements 201603MG 500,000 La Quinta Skate Park Conversion 201903MG 500,000 Sports Complex Lighting 202204MG 250,000 Village Underground Utilities Feasibility 202206MG 100,000 ADATransition Plan Update 202209MG 150,000 Village Parking Lot 202211 MG 500,000 Phase II Public Safety Camera System 202213MG 1,797,000 Smart Infrastructure Feasibility 202213MG 250,000 Highway 111 Corridor Improvements 201905MG 1,000,000 Sports Complex Lighting Additional Funding Approved 1/17/2023 2022-04 50,000 Measure G Reserves 2022/23 5,303,000 15,500,000 2023/24 Public Safety Contract Services 5,100,000 Highway 111 Corridor Improvements 201905MG 1,000,000 Avenue 48 Art and Music Line 202008MG 2,400,000 Fritz Burns Park Improvements 202102MG 1,500,000 Highway 111 Event Site 202304MG 500,000 Washington St. Connector to Art & Music Line 202309MG 1,200,000 Measure G Reserves 2023/24 4,000,000 15,700,000 TOTAL $ 20,808,000 $ 41,543,099 $ 24,658,043 $ 92,109,142 24 % 48 % 28 142 rl�„i r Proposed Budget aca QUL&(V THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 144 CITY OF LA QUINTA FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET The annual budget process coordinates the allocation of city revenues for essential services such as police and fire, community programs and events, and capital improvement projects. The City invites you to participate and/or track public meetings regarding the fiscal year 2023/24 budget. Proposed public meeting dates are summarized below and as meetings occur budget information presented will be available on a dedicated City webpage within the Finance Department at: https://www.laquintaca.gov/our-city/city-departments/finance/budget/proposed-budget- 2023-24-timeline Questions regarding the fiscal year 2023/24 budget may be directed to finance@laquintaca.gov or by calling 760-777-7055. PUBLIC MEETING DATES FISCAL YEAR 2023/24 BUDGET 2/15/2023 Annual Community Workshop 4/4/2023 City Council Meeting - Proposed Capital Improvement Program CIP Study Session 4/5/2023 Financial Advisory Commission Meeting - Proposed Capital Improvement Program Study Session 5/10/2023 Financial Advisory Commission Meeting - Preliminary General Fund Ex ense & Revenue Projections 5/16/2023 City Council Meeting - Budget Study Session #1 - (General Fund and Internal Service Funds focus City Council Meeting - Budget Study Session #2 - (All 6/6/2023 Appropriations- General Fund, Internal Service Funds, Enterprise, and Special Revenue Funds) 6/6/2023 Housing Authority Board Meeting - Budget Study Session #1 (Housing Funds Only) 6/7/2023 Financial Advisory Commission Meeting - Final review of proposed Measure G sales tax uses 6/14/2023 Housing Commission Meeting - Final Review of proposed Housing Authority Budget 6/20/2023 City Council Meeting - Operating and CIP Budget Adoption 6/20/2023 Housing Authority - Budget Adoption 145 CITY OF LA QUINTA FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET ESTIMATED CURRENT RESOURCES: REVENUES: TAXES LICENSES & PERMITS INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES FINES & ASSESSMENTS OTHER/MISCELLANEOUS ESTIMATED CURRENT REQUIREMENTS: EXPENDITURES: CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER CITY MANAGER DEPARTMENT MARKETING/COMMUNITY RELATIONS CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY RESOURCES (CR) HUMAN RESOURCES POLICE FIRE CR ADMINISTRATION WELLNESS CENTER OPERATIONS RECREATION PROGRAMS/SPECIAL EVENTS CODE COMPLIANCE/ANIMAL CONTROL PUBLIC WORKS PARKS MAINTENANCE PUBLIC BUILDINGS PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STREETS- TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT D&D ADMINISTRATION PLANNING BUILDING THE HUB FISCAL SERVICES FINANCE CENTRAL SERVICES (Includes CIP) PRELIMINARY BUDGET SURPLUS LESS MEASURE G SALES TAX RESERVES 1,365,817 1,720,532 557,015 18,417,900 10,039,120 804,570 829,735 1,564,200 1,779,300 4,056,511 1,565,694 779,773 529,394 857,050 984,700 784,805 697,830 1,339,516 1,083,890 1,686,720 18,794,500 $ 62,630,000 2,521,300 9,178,000 963,200 465,500 2,720,100 $ 304,500 3,086,349 800,000 1,096,733 33,991, 840 8,773,122 3,906,041 20,481,220 $ 6,038,295 (4,000,000 2 146 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Current 22/23 in Budget 310 - Tax Revenues 101-0000-40310 Property Tax Revenue 2,741,127 2,890,000 3,015,000 1,747,287 3,200,000 185,000 6% 101-0000-40311 No -Low City Property Tax 4,805,049 4,845,000 4,945,000 3,028,555 4,985,000 40,000 1% 101-0000-40315 RPTTF Pass Through 2,128,498 2,180,000 2,705,000 1,408,874 2,860,000 155,000 6% 101-0000-41320 State Sales Tax 12,589,104 11,000,000 12,250,000 7,287,764 12,700,000 450,000 4% 101-0000-41326 Measure G Sales Tax 15,615,802 13,500,000 15,500,000 9,162,848 15,700,000 200,000 1% 101-0000-41327 Document Transfer Tax 1,352,585 650,000 650,000 488,856 650,000 0 0% 101-0000-41400 TOT - Hotels 9,448,099 7,300,000 7,300,000 5,433,371 8,700,000 1,400,000 19% 101-0000-41401 TOT - Short Term Vac. Rentals 7,144,654 5,000,000 5,000,000 3,857,790 5,800,000 800,000 16% 101-0000-41402 TOT - Bed and Breakfast 104,426 100,000 100,000 53,364 90,000 (10,000) -10% 101-0000-41416 TOT - Resort Fees 358,422 375,000 375,000 239,367 375,000 0 0% 101-0000-41505 Franchise Taxes - Burrtec 966,467 1,000,000 1,000,000 682,581 1,050,000 50,000 5% 101-0000-41508 Southern California Gas Franchise 206,498 160,000 160,000 0 200,000 40,000 25% 101-0000-41509 Cable Television Franchise 676,143 660,000 660,000 334,243 675,000 15,000 2% 101-0000-41510 Communications Franchise 210,081 275,000 275,000 100,327 200,000 (75,000) -27% 101-0000-41800 Property Tax in Lieu of VLF 4,663,327 5,011,700 5,011,700 2,574,688 5,445,000 433,300 9% 310 - Tax Revenues Totals: 63,010,284 54,946,700 58,946,700 36,399,915 62,630,000 3,683,300 6% 320 - Licenses & Permits 101-0000-41411 STVR Inspection Fee 101-0000-41415 STVR Registration Fee 101-0000-41600 Business Licenses 101-0000-41602 STVR Business Licenses 101-0000-41610 Film Permits 101-0000-42400 Building Permits 101-0000-42401 Plumbing Permits 101-0000-42402 Mechanical Permits 101-0000-42403 Electrical Permits 101-0000-42404 Miscellaneous Permits 101-0000-42405 Garage Sale Permits 101-0000-42408 Grading Permits 101-0000-42420 Fire Plan Review Fee 101-0000-42421 Fire Inspection Fee 101-0000-42430 Transportation Permits 101-0000-42431 Conditional Use Permits 101-0000-42433 Minor Use Permit 101-0000-42434 Sign Permit 101-0000-42435 Site Development Permit 101-0000-42436 Final Landscaping Plans 101-0000-42437 Development Agreement 101-0000-42439 Temporary Use Permit 101-0000-43632 Public Works Permits 101-0000-43638 NPDES Inspections 320 - Licenses & Permits Totals: 330 - Intergovernmental 101-0000-42500 Fire Service Credit 101-0000-42501 Fire Service Reserves 1,300 2,000 2,000 1,950 2,000 0 0% 1,022,050 900,000 900,000 800,250 940,000 40,000 4% 378,882 340,000 340,000 347,043 350,000 10,000 3% 57,824 40,000 40,000 43,882 60,000 20,000 50% 1,428 2,000 2,000 884 1,500 (500) -25% 1,185,352 600,000 800,000 575,774 315,000 (485,000) -61% 201,028 90,000 140,000 93,826 72,000 (68,000) -49% 198,643 100,000 140,000 96,396 81,000 (59,000) -42% 159,331 80,000 130,000 96,925 61,000 (69,000) -53% 312,182 200,000 300,000 261,436 170,000 (130,000) -43% 5,670 6,000 6,000 3,540 5,000 (1,000) -17% 66,928 15,000 30,000 31,536 20,000 (10,000) -33% 99,228 65,000 65,000 53,856 65,000 0 0% 119,607 60,000 110,000 112,647 100,000 (10,000) -9% 1,151 2,000 2,000 562 2,000 0 0% 29,573 15,000 75,000 63,591 21,000 (54,000) -72% 13,564 8,700 8,700 2,668 3,000 (5,700) -66% 26,161 16,500 29,500 23,868 17,000 (12,500) -42% 72,028 50,000 50,000 66,619 55,000 5,000 10% 24,901 12,000 12,000 10,732 10,000 (2,000) -17% 3,446 1,000 1,000 0 6,800 5,800 580% 36,588 10,000 10,000 1,242 3,000 (7,000) -70% 493,861 200,000 200,000 137,068 150,000 (50,000) -25% 10,697 8,000 8,000 9,655 11,000 3,000 38% 4,521,424 2,823,200 3,401,200 2,835,948 2,521,300 (879,900) -26% 7,587,538 7,600,000 7,600,000 599,680 561,645 0 0 0 9,000,000 1,400,000 18% 0 0 0% 3 147 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 101-0000-43100 FEMA 101-0000-43633 CSA 152 Assessments 101-0000-43650 Contributions from Other 330 - Intergovernmental Totals: 340 - Charges for Services 2021/22 Actuals 2022/23 Original Budget 2022/23 Current Budget 2022/23 YTD Activity* 2023/24 Proposed 23/24 vs. Current 22 23 % Change in Bud et 24,516 0 0 0 0 0 0% 460,052 250,000 275,000 275,816 175,000 (100,000) -36% 4gencies 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 3,000 0 0% 8,636,751 7,853,000 7,878,000 875,495 9,178,000 1,300,000 17% 101-0000-42200 Leisure Enrichment 11,658 35,000 35,000 10,271 101-0000-42210 Youth Sports 41,045 40,000 40,000 28,925 101-0000-42211 Adult Sports 5,755 1,000 1,000 4,877 101-0000-42212 Facility Rentals 7,301 35,000 35,000 7,459 101-0000-42213 Special Events 0 10,000 10,000 0 101-0000-42214 Wellness Center Leisure Enrichment 12,652 20,000 20,000 12,986 101-0000-42216 Wellness Center Special Events (105) 1,000 1,000 0 101-0000-42218 Wellness Center Memberships 52,260 75,000 75,000 59,308 101-0000-42300 Cash Over/Short 1,363 0 0 0 101-0000-42303 NSF Charges 25 400 400 25 101-0000-42412 Minor Adjustment, Plan Checks 28,324 3,000 3,000 20,732 101-0000-42415 Tentative Tract Map 25,414 25,000 25,000 23,618 101-0000-42416 Digitization/Records Management 53,188 30,000 30,000 39,764 101-0000-42417 Modification by Applicant 5,712 2,500 2,500 1,975 101-0000-42440 Appeals - Permits, Licenses 1,725 3,000 3,000 500 101-0000-42441 Planning Compliance Review 0 0 0 0 101-0000-42443 Zone Change 21,772 10,000 10,000 1,416 101-0000-42445 Environmental Assessment 5,635 5,000 5,000 11,729 101-0000-42446 General Plan Amendment 10,465 10,000 10,000 11,379 101-0000-42447 Home Occupations 10,039 11,000 11,000 5,132 101-0000-42448 Tentative Parcel Map 5,224 10,000 10,000 8,753 101-0000-42451 Specific Plan 4,946 10,000 10,000 0 101-0000-42460 Pre -Application Review 11,798 5,000 5,000 4,668 101-0000-42600 Building Plan Check Fees 929,874 526,000 726,000 596,986 101-0000-42610 SMIP Fees 554 600 600 234 101-0000-42615 CBSC Administrative Fees 410 600 600 0 101-0000-42810 Public Works Dev. Plan Check 334,644 180,000 240,000 170,360 101-0000-43631 CVMSHCP Admin Fee 8,603 2,000 2,000 3,020 101-0000-43635 VGPS TBID Admin Fee 35,057 30,000 30,000 9,931 340 - Charges for Services Totals: 1,625,339 1,081,100 1,341,100 1,034,048 350 - Fines, Forfeitures & Abatements 11,000 (24,000) -69% 40,000 0 0% 5,000 4,000 400% 10,000 (25,000) -71% 5,000 (5,000) -50% 10,000 (10,000) -50% 1,000 0 0% 50,000 (25,000) -33% 0 0 0% 100 (300) -75% 20,000 17,000 567% 20,000 (5,000) -20% 30,000 0 0% 2,500 0 0% 1,500 (1,500) -50% 500 500 0% 10,500 500 5% 7,000 2,000 40% 11,000 1,000 10% 7,000 (4,000) -36% 10,000 0 0% 12,000 2,000 20% 8,000 3,000 60% 500,000 (226,000) -31% 500 (100) -17% 600 0 0% 160,000 (80,000) -33% 2,500 500 25% 27,500 (2,500) -8% 963,200 (377,900) -28% 101-0000-42700 Administrative Citations 400,708 180,000 240,000 199,705 240,000 0 0% 101-0000-42701 Lot Abatement 188 5,000 5,000 931 5,000 0 0% 101-0000-42702 Vehicle Abatement 47,293 35,000 35,000 30,568 35,000 0 0% 101-0000-42703 Vehicle Impound Fee 50,870 65,000 65,000 47,676 65,000 0 0% 101-0000-42705 Motor Vehicle Code Fines 62,927 100,000 100,000 41,518 60,000 (40,000) -40% 101-0000-42706 Parking Violations 29,183 40,000 40,000 15,269 35,000 (5,000) -13% 101-0000-42707 Misc Fines 9,413 8,000 8,000 721 1,500 (6,500) -81% 101-0000-42708 Graffiti Removal 8,675 9,000 9,000 0 9,000 0 0% 101-0000-42709 False Alarm Fees - Police 32,295 15,000 15,000 20,529 10,000 (5,000) -33% 4 148 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* ProDosed Current 22 23 in Budget 101-0000-42710 False Alarm Fees - Fire 16,038 5,000 5,000 12,679 5,000 0 0% - Fines, Forfeitures & Abatements Totals: 657,589 462,000 522,000 369,596 465,500 (56,500) -11% 360 - Use of Money & Property 101-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 931,973 400,000 400,000 (86,142) 1,700,000 1,300,000 325% 101-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (3,964,823) 0 0 0 0 0 0% 101-0000-41930 Interest Revenue 47,795 0 0 0 0 0 0% 101-0000-42120 Lease Revenue 153,367 155,000 155,000 111,973 160,000 5,000 3% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: (2,831,688) 555,000 555,000 25,831 1,860,000 1,305,000 235% 370 - Miscellaneous 101-0000-41410 Zoning Change Mitigation 287,773 400,000 700,000 967,371 550,000 (150,000) -21% 101-0000-41504 AMR Compliance 21,632 20,000 20,000 0 20,000 0 0% 101-0000-41507 Burrtec Admin Cost Reimb 181,278 120,000 120,000 66,614 110,000 (10,000) -8% 101-0000-42000 Insurance Recoveries 3,448 5,000 5,000 27,865 5,000 0 0% 101-0000-42140 Sales of Publications & Materials 30 100 100 640 100 0 0% 101-0000-42301 Miscellaneous Revenue 3,557 5,000 5,000 76,761 60,000 55,000 1,100% 101-0000-42305 Miscellaneous Reimbursements 62,243 50,000 50,000 72,039 75,000 25,000 50% 101-0000-43505 Credit Card Fee Revenue 0 0 0 39,252 40,000 40,000 0% 101-0000-45000 Sale of Other Assets 1,486 0 0 24,813 0 0 0% 101-0000-48500 Extraordinary Gain 487,613 0 0 0 0 0 0% 370 - Miscellaneous Totals: 1,049,059 600,100 900,100 1,275,355 860,100 (40,000) -4% 380 - Transfers In 101-0000-49500 Transfers In 0 0 5,000,000 5,000,000 I 0 (5,000,000) -100% 380 - Transfers In Totals: 0 0 5,000,000 5,000,000 0 (5,000,000) -1000/0 76,668,758 68,321,100 78.544,100 47,816,188 I 78.478,100 (66,000) 00/0 149 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND BUDGET NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND 101-0000-40310 Property Tax Revenue 3,200,000.00 Property tax estimates are provided by HdL consulting services. Actual valuation changes due to the annual 2% Proposition 13 increase, as well as transfers of ownership are included, but completed new construction is not (unless the property was completed and sold in 2022). The City participates in the Teeter program, therefore no delinquencies are assumed. 101-0000-40311 No -Low City Property Tax 4,985,000.00 Property tax estimates are provided by HdL consulting services. The No -Low property taxes, also known as the Tax Equity Allocation (TEA) are the result of legislation passed in the 1980s which directed counties to shift property tax revenues from the county to their no/low-property-tax cities. The TEA formula grants qualifying cities a minimum of 7% of the property tax revenue generated within their boundaries. 101-0000-41320 State Sales Tax 12,700,000.00 Bradley Burns (local share of state sales tax) is 1% of the current sales tax rate (8.75%). HdL consulting services budget estimates are factored into projections along with reviews of industry and economic reports and local trends. 101-0000-41326 Measure G Sales Tax 15,700,000.00 Transaction and use sales tax is 1% of the current sales tax rate (8.75%) and is also known as Measure G. Online transactions, as well as big -ticket consumer goods delivered to local addresses drive this number. 101-0000-41400 TOT - Hotels 8,700,000.00 Transient occupancy tax for hotels is 11%. Leisure and hospitality make up 25% of the employment sector in the Coachella Valley and is anticipated to remain strong in the upcoming year due to increased events valleywide. 150 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND BUDGET NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 101-0000-41401 101-0000-41402 101-0000-41410 TOT - Short Term Vac. Rentals 5,800,000.00 Transient occupancy tax for short-term vacation rentals (STVR) is 10%. Consumer demand for STVRs continues to be strong. TOT - Bed and Breakfast 90,000.00 Transient occupancy tax for bed and breakfast is 10%. Zoning Change Mitigation Fees 550,000.00 Fees are charged based on development agreements, whereby former commercial property was converted to housing developments and mitigation fees cover lost revenue from the change in development type. 101-0000-41415 STVR Registration Fee 940,000.00 Short-term vacation rental registration fees are updated annually with the City's Master Fee Schedule update. 101-0000-41416 TOT - Resort Fees 375,000.00 TOT levied on resort fees which are charged by some hotels. The City provides an annual incentive rebate program for hotels collecting TOT on resort fees. Rebate programs are budgeted in Centralized Services. 101-0000-41505 Franchise Taxes - Burrtec 1,050,000.00 Burrtec Franchise Fee is based on an agreement with the City and is adjusted annually on January 1st per a consumer price index. 101-0000-41507 Burrtec Admin Cost Reimburse 110,000.00 Base amount of $108,000 adjusted annually on January 1 by the change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and ending on 6/30/2037. 151 7 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND BUDGET NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 101-0000-41800 101-0000-41900 101-0000-42200 101-0000-42218 101-0000-42420 101-0000-42421 Property Tax in Lieu of VLF 5,445,000.00 Property tax in lieu of vehicle license fee (VLF) is derived from the 2004 property tax swap whereby cities receive property tax allocation in lieu of VLF's. The VLF allocation can change annually based on the percent increase in property valuations. Allocated Interest 1,700,000.00 Interest rates are anticipated to level off into FY 2023/24 as the Federal Reserve has raised rates in an attempt to curb inflation in the current year. Maturing securities will be reinvested at potentially higher rates and the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) yield will rise as well. Leisure Enrichment 11,000.00 Various leisure enrichment activity revenues were reduced to pre -pandemic amounts, the City is working on building addtional programming. Wellness Center Memberships 50,000.00 The Wellness Center is working on building back memberships and expanding services to seven-day operations. Membership fees are limited to new members. Fire Plan Review Fee 65,000.00 Fire Plan Reviews are conducted in-house by Riverside County Fire Inspectors. Fire Inspection Fee 100,000.00 Fire Inspections are conducted in-house by Riverside County Fire Inspectors. 152 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND BUDGET NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 101-0000-42440 101-0000-42500 101-0000-42709 Appeals - Permits, Licenses 1,500.00 Appeals for permits, licenses, and violations are captured in this revenue line item. Fire Service Credit 9,000,000.00 Property tax revenue restricted for fire services. False Alarm Fees - Police 10,000.00 False alarm fees are expected to decrease due to City's efforts on education and notifications regarding fire alarms. 101-0000-43633 CSA 152 Assessments 175,000.00 Annual revenue generated through property tax collection and held by the County until reimbursements for qualified expenditures are submitted by the City. 101-0000-43650 Contributions from Other Agencies 3,000.00 The approved Last and Final Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) includes an annual administrative fee reimbursement for the City to perform the wind down activities associated with the former Redevelopment Agency. 9 153 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 154 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 1001 - City Council 50 - Salaries and Benefits 101-1001-50108 Salaries - Council Membe 144,388 144,000 144,000 116,802 144,000 0 0% 101-1001-50150 Other Compensation 2,407 2,400 2,400 1,927 2,400 0 0% 101-1001-50200 PERS-City Portion 9,506 9,600 9,600 7,693 10,800 1,200 13% 101-1001-50221 Medical Insurance 56,887 123,800 123,800 54,747 95,700 (28,100) -27% 101-1001-50222 Vision Insurance 552 0 0 464 0 0 0% 101-1001-50223 Dental Insurance 3,016 0 0 1,977 0 0 0% 101-1001-50224 Life Insurance 369 0 0 261 0 0 0% 101-1001-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 10,500 10,500 10,500 5,250 10,500 0 0% 101-1001-50240 Social Security -Medicare 2,093 5,600 5,600 1,693 5,600 0 0% 101-1001-50241 Social Security -FICA 3,432 0 0 2,774 0 0 0% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 233,149 295,900 295,900 193,587 269,000 (26,900) -100/0 62 - Maintenance & Operations 101-1001-60137 Community Special Eveni 9,181 40,000 40,000 42,373 20,000 (20,000) -200% 101-1001-60320 Travel & Training 8,407 15,000 15,000 17,695 15,000 0 0% 101-1001-60420 Operating Supplies 415 500 500 213 500 0 0% 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 18,004 55,500 55,500 60,281 35,500 (20,000) -78% 1001 - City Council Totals: 251,153 351,400 351,400 253,868 304,500 (46,900) -16% 10 155 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Department : 1001 - City Council 101-1001-60137 Community Special Events Annual City open house State of the City 101-1001-60320 Travel & Training 20,000.00 15,000.00 League of CA Cities- Annual conference and legislative action days 11 156 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 1002 - City Manager Department 50 - Salaries and Benefits 101-1002-50101 Permanent Full Time 392,288 404,940 404,940 459,018 532,397 127,457 34% 101-1002-50105 Salaries - Overtime 43 0 0 0 0 0 0% 101-1002-50150 Other Compensation 867 900 900 867 900 0 0% 101-1002-50200 PERS-City Portion 29,015 33,900 33,900 31,933 45,400 11,500 36% 101-1002-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 8,000 10,000 10,000 11,420 35,720 25,720 257% 101-1002-50221 Medical Insurance 51,411 74,300 74,300 65,873 95,700 21,400 34% 101-1002-50222 Vision Insurance 527 0 0 616 0 0 0% 101-1002-50223 Dental Insurance 3,197 0 0 3,843 0 0 0% 101-1002-50224 Life Insurance 177 0 0 226 0 0 0% 101-1002-50225 Long Term Disability 1,954 2,400 2,400 2,480 3,300 900 50% 101-1002-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 7,100 7,100 7,100 3,550 7,100 0 0% 101-1002-50240 Social Security -Medicare 5,805 5,800 5,800 6,772 7,600 1,800 33% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 500,384 539,340 539,340 586,596 728,117 188,777 38% 60 - Contract Services 101-1002-60101 Contract Services - Admi 101-1002-60103 Professional Services 60 - Contract Services Totals; 62 - Maintenance & Operations 101-1002-60320 Travel & Training 101-1002-60351 Membership Dues 101-1002-60352 Subscriptions & Publicati< 101-1002-60400 Office Supplies 101-1002-60420 Operating Supplies 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 45,885 100,000 100,000 50,136 43,435 45,000 45,000 38,406 100,000 0 0% 45,000 0 0% 89,320 145,000 145,000 88,542 145,000 0 00/0 4,358 6,000 6,000 5,181 6,000 0 0% 88,535 105,000 105,000 101,453 105,000 0 0% 825 2,000 2,000 850 2,000 0 0% 1,377 1,000 1,000 1,174 1,500 500 50% 879 1,000 1,000 808 0 (1,000) -100% 95,974 115,000 115,000 109,466 114,500 (500) 00/0 64 - Other Expenses 101-1002-60510 Contingency for Operatio 46,000 300,000 300,000 35,868 I 300,000 0 0% 64 - Other Expenses Totals: 46,000 300,000 300,000 35,868 300,000 0 00/0 69 - Internal Service Charges 101-1002-98110 Information Tech Charge 64,900 78,200 78,200 39,100 I 78,200 0 0% 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 64,900 78,200 78,200 39,100 78,200 0 00/0 1002 - City Manager Totals: 796,578 1,177,540 1,177,540 859,573 1,365,817 188,277 17% 12 157 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Department : 1002 - City Manager Department 101-1002-50101 Permanent Full Time 101-1002-60101 101-1002-60103 101-1002-60320 101-1002-60351 532,397.00 80% - City Manager (20% Housing Fund) 60% - Director- Business Unit & Housing Development (40%Housing Fund) 100% - Management Specialist (2) 40% - Management Specialist (60% Housing Fund) 20% - Management Assistant (80% Housing Fund) Contract Services - Administra 100,000.00 Legislative lobbying services Economic development services Professional Services 45,000.00 Title and appraisal services and property surveys Waste management for special events Travel & Training 6,000.00 League of California Cities (LCC) Regional meetings & miscellaneous training such as: Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG), California Cities/Counties Mgmt Foundation (CCMF), and Southern CA Association of Governments (SCAG1 Membership Dues 105,000.00 International City/County Mgmt Association (ICMA) League of CA Cities (LCC) - Riverside California Cities/Counties Mgmt Foundation (CCMF) Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) National League of Cities (NLC) Southern CA Association of Governments (SCAG1 101-1002-60352 Subscriptions & Publications 2,000.00 Property analysis and grant solutions 13 158 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 3007 - Marketing & Community Relations 50 - Salaries and Benefits 101-3007-50101 Permanent Full Time 177,741 195,228 195,228 96,791 122,932 (72,296) -40% 101-3007-50200 PERS-City Portion 12,707 14,300 14,300 6,982 9,200 (5,100) -36% 101-3007-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 950 1,300 1,300 0% 101-3007-50221 Medical Insurance 37,931 49,500 49,500 16,809 24,000 (25,500) -61% 101-3007-50222 Vision Insurance 430 0 0 143 0 0 0% 101-3007-50223 Dental Insurance 2,123 0 0 1,263 0 0 0% 101-3007-50224 Life Insurance 95 0 0 52 0 0 0% 101-3007-50225 Long Term Disability 925 1,300 1,300 586 800 (500) -50% 101-3007-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 4,200 4,200 4,200 2,100 4,200 0 0% 101-3007-50240 Social Security -Medicare 2,577 2,800 2,800 1,404 1,800 (1,000) -37% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 238,729 267,328 267.328 127.081 164.232 (103,096) -42% 60 - Contract Services 101-3007-60134 Promotional Items 0 70,000 90,000 41,596 90,000 0 0% 101-3007-60137 Community Engagement 5,408 10,700 10,700 4,932 10,700 0 0% 101-3007-60151 VGPS - Visit Greater Paln 431,225 323,500 323,500 337,620 390,000 66,500 16% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 436,633 404,200 424,200 384,148 490,700 66,500 150/0 62 - Maintenance & Operations 101-3007-60320 Travel & Training 101-3007-60351 Membership Dues 101-3007-60410 Printing 101-3007-60420 Operating Supplies 101-3007-60450 Sponsorships/Advertising 101-3007-60461 Marketing & Tourism Proi 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 4,851 8,000 8,000 2,836 8,000 0 0% 9,004 10,000 10,000 6,992 10,000 0 0% 7,753 20,000 30,000 18,955 30,000 0 0% 1,121 1,600 1,600 1,619 1,600 0 0% 39,359 25,000 40,000 35,195 50,000 10,000 40% 613,693 850,000 920,000 516,450 920,000 0 0% 675,781 914,600 1,009,600 582,047 1,019,600 10,000 10/0 69 - Internal Service Charges 101-3007-98110 Information Tech Charge 38,200 46,000 46,000 23,000 I 46,000 0 0% 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 38,200 46,000 46,000 23,000 46,000 0 00/0 Marketing & Community Relations Totals: 1,389,343 1,632,128 1,747,128 1,116,276 1,720,532 (26,596) -20/o 14 159 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES Department : 3007 - Marketing & Community Relations 101-3007-50101M Permanent Full Tim 122,932.00 100% - Marketing Manager 101-3007-60134 Promotional Items 90,000.00 For community engagement and special events 101-3007-60137 Community Engagement 10,700.00 Community workshop and City events 101-3007-60151 VGPS - Visit Greater Palm Spri 390,000.00 Payment of transient occupancy tax (TOT) to Visit Greater Palm Springs (VGPS) for a percentage all TOT revenue collected to jointly encourage, promote, and attract visitors to the Coachella Valley. .0015 of gross rental revenue for non -convention TOT .0035 of gross rental revenue for convention TOT 101-3007-60320 Travel & Training 8,000.00 Visit CA - travel destination conference CalTravel - travel destination conference FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 15 160 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 101-3007-60351 Membership Dues 10,000.00 Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP), CA Association of Public Information Officers (CAPIO), Cal Travel, Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), Mail Chimp, and Ragan Communications 101-3007-60410 Printing 30,000.00 Citywide business cards, event signs, and banners 101-3007-60450 Sponsorships/Advertising 50,000.00 Sponsorships - CVEP Summit, Modernism Week, National Date Festival 101-3007-60461 Marketing & Tourism Promotio 920,000.00 Photography, Chamber of Commerce Contract, Video, Commercials, Marketing Contracts, Marketing Efforts, Music Licensing, Palm Springs Life Vision, and State of the City 16 161 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 162 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 1003 - City Attorney 60 - Contract Services 101-1003-60153 Attorney 325,696 646,000 646,000 185,362 650,000 4,000 1% 101-1003-60154 Attorney/Litigation 44,492 150,000 150,000 23,271 150,000 0 0% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 370,189 796,000 796,000 208,633 800,000 4,000 1% 1003 - City Attorney Totals: 370,189 796,000 796,000 208,633 800,000 4,000 1% 17 163 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 164 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 1005 - City Clerk Department 50 - Salaries and Benefits 101-1005-50101 Permanent Full Time 313,532 454,818 454,818 337,158 466,155 11,337 4% 101-1005-50105 Salaries - Overtime 50 0 0 0 5,000 5,000 0% 101-1005-50150 Other Compensation 937 500 500 663 500 0 0% 101-1005-50200 PERS-City Portion 29,322 40,400 40,400 30,324 44,000 3,600 13% 101-1005-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 4,750 7,670 7,670 0% 101-1005-50221 Medical Insurance 64,835 146,000 146,000 70,184 141,000 (5,000) -6% 101-1005-50222 Vision Insurance 711 0 0 648 0 0 0% 101-1005-50223 Dental Insurance 2,878 0 0 3,073 0 0 0% 101-1005-50224 Life Insurance 217 0 0 281 0 0 0% 101-1005-50225 Long Term Disability 1,679 2,700 2,700 2,024 2,800 100 6% 101-1005-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 8,200 12,300 12,300 6,150 12,300 0 0% 101-1005-50240 Social Security -Medicare 4,838 6,500 6,500 4,999 6,500 0 0% 101-1005-50241 Social Security -FICA 1,020 0 0 142 0 0 0% 101-1005-50251 Temporary 18,425 40,000 40,000 5,222 15,000 (25,000) -100% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 446,644 703,218 703,218 465,619 700,925 (2,293) 00/0 60 - Contract Services 101-1005-60103 Professional Services 36,524 345,000 345,000 110,876 200,000 (145,000) -161% 101-1005-60125 Temporary Agency Servi( 11,533 40,000 40,000 0 25,000 (15,000) -125% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 48,057 385,000 385,000 110,876 225,000 (160,000) -157% 62 - Maintenance & Operations 101-1005-60320 Travel & Training 101-1005-60351 Membership Dues 101-1005-60400 Office Supplies 101-1005-60410 Printing 101-1005-60420 Operating Supplies 101-1005-60450 Advertising 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals 4,500 15,000 15,000 7,068 15,000 0 0% 1,256 2,000 2,000 1,225 2,000 0 0% 2,262 2,500 2,500 1,467 2,500 0 0% 7,183 10,000 10,000 133 10,000 0 0% 990 1,200 1,200 71 1,200 0 0% 1,568 4,000 4,000 7,948 5,500 1,500 38% 17,760 34,700 34,700 17,912 36,200 1,500 6% 69 - Internal Service Charges 101-1005-98110 Information Tech Charge 74,400 134,608 134,608 67,304 I 134,608 0 0% 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 74,400 134,608 134,608 67,304 134,608 0 00/0 1005 - City Clerk Totals: 586,861 1,257,526 1,257,526 661,712 1,096,733 (160,793) -24% 18 165 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Department : 1005 - City Clerk Department 101-1005-50101 Permanent Full Time 101-1005-60103 101-1005-60320 101-1005-60351 90% - City Clerk (10% Housing) 100% - Deputy City Clerk 100% - Management Assistant 100% - Administrative Assistant 100% - Permit Technicians (2) Professional Services 466,155.00 200,000.00 Municipal Code text and online updates Imaging scanning services For The Record tech support (DSS Corp) DigiCert electronic signatures Ctiywide fee study updates Insurance compliance Records legislation, requirements, minute writing services, and retention updates STVR programming compliance, analytics & permitting software Travel & Training 15,000.00 CA City Clerks Association annual conference & seminars Municipal Clerks certifications and training Membership Dues 2,000.00 California City Clerks Association (CCAC)- 4 employees National Notary Association Errors and Omission insurance (E&O)- 3 employees International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) membership 101-1005-60450 Advertising 5,500.00 Public hearing notices, Commission and Board vacancies 19 166 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 1004 - Human Resources 50 - Salaries and Benefits 101-1004-50101 Permanent Full Time 100,724 168,198 168,198 130,274 240,215 72,017 65% 101-1004-50102 Salaries - Part Time 37,385 0 0 109 0 0 0% 101-1004-50150 Other Compensation 481 0 0 1 0 0 0% 101-1004-50200 PERS-City Portion 10,246 12,400 12,400 9,470 18,000 5,600 75% 101-1004-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 1,900 3,900 3,900 0% 101-1004-50221 Medical Insurance 6,375 49,500 49,500 23,703 71,800 22,300 106% 101-1004-50222 Vision Insurance 278 0 0 367 0 0 0% 101-1004-50223 Dental Insurance 1,608 0 0 2,301 0 0 0% 101-1004-50224 Life Insurance 54 0 0 102 0 0 0% 101-1004-50225 Long Term Disability 553 1,100 1,100 794 1,500 400 67% 101-1004-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 2,100 4,200 4,200 2,100 4,200 0 0% 101-1004-50240 Social Security -Medicare 2,106 2,400 2,400 1,927 3,400 1,000 67% 101-1004-50241 Social Security -FICA 257 0 0 130 0 0 0% 101-1004-50251 Temporary 4,142 0 0 111 0 0 0% 101-1004-50252 Annual Wellness Dollar R 8,816 18,000 18,000 5,236 18,000 0 0% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 175,125 255,798 255,798 178,523 361,015 105,217 53% 60 - Contract Services 101-1004-60103 Professional Services 16,290 70,000 123,700 57,885 5,000 (118,700) -170% 101-1004-60104 Consultants/Employee SE 11,817 20,000 40,000 10,173 25,000 (15,000) -75% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 28,107 90,000 163,700 68,058 30,000 (133,700) -149% 62 - Maintenance & Operations 101-1004-60129 Recruiting/Pre-EmploymE 101-1004-60320 Travel & Training 101-1004-60322 Training & Education/MOi 101-1004-60340 Employee Recognition Ev 101-1004-60351 Membership Dues 101-1004-60352 Subscriptions & Publicati< 101-1004-60400 Office Supplies 101-1004-60420 Operating Supplies 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 17,196 30,000 30,000 7,056 15,000 (15,000) -60% (97) 4,000 4,000 (24) 10,000 6,000 150% 10,267 52,000 52,000 4,317 52,000 0 0% 12,069 9,000 29,000 23,921 30,000 1,000 7% 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,375 10,000 3,500 54% 239 900 900 680 1,500 600 67% 398 500 500 171 500 0 0% 112 1,000 1,000 459 1,000 0 0% 46,683 103,900 123,900 42,956 120,000 (3,900) -40/o 69 - Internal Service Charges 101-1004-98110 Information Tech Charge 19,100 46,000 46,000 23,000 I 46,000 0 0% 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 19,100 46,000 46,000 23,000 46,000 0 00/0 1004 - Human Resources Totals: 269,015 495,698 589,398 312,537 557,015 (32,383) -8% 20 167 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Department : 1004 - Human Resources 101-1004-50101 Permanent Full Time 100% - Human Resources Analyst 100% - Adminstrative Technician (2) 240,215.00 101-1004-60103 Professional Services 5,000.00 Citywide employee development programs 101-1004-60104 Consultants/Employee Service 25,000.00 Employee Assistance Program (EAP)- Wellness Works CaIPERS- Monthly medical premium and administration fees TAG/AMS DOT random screenings DMV medical exams (Class B) Bilingual testing 101-1004-60129 Recruiting/Pre-Employment 15,000.00 Interview panel costs Fingerprinting Physicals and drug screenings Background checks 101-1004-60320 Travel & Training 10,000.00 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore (LCW)- law & labor relations Educational forums and miscellaneous training 21 168 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 101-1004-60351 Membership Dues 10,000.00 Society of HR Management (SHRM) Professionals in HR Association (PIHRA) International Public Management Association for HR (IPMA-HR) World at Work (WOW) CV Employment Relations Consortium (LCW) CA Public Employers Labor Relations Association (CalPELRA) 101-1004-60352 Subscriptions & Publications 1,500.00 Labor law compliance posters 22 169 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 2001 - Police 60 - Contract Services 101-2001-60103 Professional Services 101-2001-60109 LQ Police Volunteers 101-2001-60161 Sheriff Patrol 101-2001-60162 Police Overtime 101-2001-60163 Target Team 101-2001-60164 Community Services Offii 101-2001-60165 Special Enforcement/City 101-2001-60166 Gang Task Force 101-2001-60167 Narcotics Task Force 101-2001-60168 School Officer 101-2001-60169 Motor Officer 101-2001-60170 Dedicated Sargeants 101-2001-60171 Dedicated Lieutenant 101-2001-60172 Sheriff - Mileage 101-2001-60173 Booking Fees 101-2001-60174 Blood/Alcohol Testing 101-2001-60175 Special Enforcement Funi 101-2001-60176 Sheriff - Other 101-2001-60193 Sexual Assault Exam Fee 60 - Contract Services Totals: 394 50,000 50,000 22,327 50,000 0 0% 10,117 12,000 12,000 4,641 12,000 0 0% 9,715,949 10,070,000 10,070,000 5,830,762 10,230,000 160,000 2% 345,139 485,000 485,000 177,433 400,000 (85,000) -18% 1,721,790 1,896,000 1,896,000 990,982 1,927,000 31,000 2% 753,912 836,000 836,000 450,593 805,000 (31,000) -4% 89,110 100,000 100,000 104,099 100,000 0 0% 146,204 214,000 214,000 127,046 231,000 17,000 8% 209,726 214,000 214,000 118,274 231,000 17,000 8% 173,563 230,000 230,000 106,271 240,000 10,000 5% 1,773,388 1,900,000 1,900,000 1,057,844 1,940,000 40,000 2% 562,788 579,000 579,000 345,628 615,000 36,000 6% 327,754 327,000 327,000 199,161 343,000 16,000 5% 364,291 450,000 450,000 223,947 450,000 0 0% 0 18,000 18,000 0 0 (18,000) -100% 28,706 30,000 30,000 25,503 36,000 6,000 20% 62,043 95,000 95,000 35,718 95,000 0 0% 452,444 557,000 557,000 49,172 587,000 30,000 5% 8,062 9,000 9,000 5,200 10,000 1,000 13% 16,745,378 18,072,000 18,072,000 9,874,601 18,302,000 230,000 10/0 62 - Maintenance & Operations 101-2001-60320 Travel & Training 0 5,000 5,000 1,350 5,000 0 0% 101-2001-60420 Operating Supplies 7,428 13,000 13,000 4,403 10,000 (3,000) -23% 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 7,428 18,000 18,000 5,753 15,000 (3,000) -17% 66 - Utilities 101-2001-61300 Telephone - Utilities 10,514 15,000 15,000 8,382 17,000 2,000 14% 101-2001-61400 Cable/Internet - Utilities 6,834 6,000 6,000 5,147 9,000 3,000 50% 66 - Utilities Totals: 17,348 21,000 21,000 13,529 26,000 5,000 25% 68 - Capital Expenses 101-2001-71031 Vehicles 37,010 0 22,900 6,519 I 0 (22,900) -38% 68 - Capital Expenses Totals: 37,010 0 22,900 6,519 0 (22,900) -38% 69 - Internal Service Charges 101-2001-98110 Information Tech Charge 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 0 0% 101-2001-98140 Facility &Fleet Maintenar 51,100 64,900 64,900 32,450 64,900 0 0% 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 61,100 74,900 74,900 37,450 74,900 0 00/0 2001 - Police Totals: 16,868,265 18,185,900 18,208,800 9,937,852 18,417,900 209,100 10/0 23 170 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Department : 2001 - Police 101-2001-60103 Professional Services Annual Police Matrix Study 101-2001-60161 Sheriff Patrol 50,000.00 10,230,000.00 Increases for Police services in FY 2023/24 are attributed to rising labor and pension costs, with cost efficiency savings. Daily patrol hours (130) and service levels are incorporated. The contract funds the following positions: 1 Lieutenant, 2 Sergeants, 2 Motor Traffic Officers, 3 Traffic Officers, 5 Special Enforcement Team Officers, 2 Deputy Sheriff Officers, and 6 Community Service Officers 101-2001-60320 Travel & Training 5,000.00 Crime prevention officers will provide training to the Citizens on Patrol 24 171 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 2002 - Fire 50 - Salaries and Benefits 101-2002-50101 Permanent Full Time 168,083 197,472 197,472 120,856 205,605 8,133 4% 101-2002-50105 Salaries - Overtime 599 4,000 4,000 399 4,000 0 0% 101-2002-50150 Other Compensation 96 100 100 76 100 0 0% 101-2002-50200 PERS-City Portion 12,505 14,800 14,800 7,804 15,400 600 4% 101-2002-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 1,330 3,315 3,315 0% 101-2002-50221 Medical Insurance 44,886 63,100 63,100 28,151 61,000 (2,100) -4% 101-2002-50222 Vision Insurance 507 0 0 157 0 0 0% 101-2002-50223 Dental Insurance 2,092 0 0 996 0 0 0% 101-2002-50224 Life Insurance 122 0 0 116 0 0 0% 101-2002-50225 Long Term Disability 830 2,500 2,500 648 1,300 (1,200) -60% 101-2002-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 5,400 5,400 5,400 2,700 5,400 0 0% 101-2002-50240 Social Security -Medicare 2,805 2,900 2,900 1,898 2,900 0 0% 101-2002-50241 Social Security -FICA 1,290 0 0 0 0 0 0% 101-2002-50251 Temporary 24,603 0 0 74 0 0 0% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 263,818 290,272 290,272 165,205 299,020 8,748 3% 60 - Contract Services 101-2002-60103 Professional Services 0 15,000 15,000 0 101-2002-60110 Volunteers - Fire 0 4,000 4,000 764 101-2002-60112 Landscape Contract 15,654 19,000 19,000 15,100 101-2002-60116 Pest Control 4,064 3,500 3,500 4,024 101-2002-60123 Security & Alarm 2,040 1,500 1,500 2,205 101-2002-60125 Temporary Agency Servii 0 0 0 30,657 101-2002-60139 Fire Service Costs 6,663,379 7,725,000 7,725,000 0 101-2002-60140 MOU - Ladder Truck 257,373 275,000 275,000 0 101-2002-60525 Golf Tournament 19,910 80,000 80,000 52,980 60 - Contract Services Totals: 6,962,420 8,123,000 8,123,000 105,730 15,000 0 0% 4,000 0 0% 24,000 5,000 32% 10,000 6,500 260% 4,000 2,500 167% 0 0 0% 8,700,000 975,000 15% 300,000 25,000 10% 80,000 0 0% 9,137,000 1,014,000 150/0 62 - Maintenance & Operations 101-2002-60320 Travel & Training 1,066 4,000 4,000 479 4,000 0 0% 101-2002-60351 Membership Dues 0 1,000 1,000 1,060 1,200 200 200% 101-2002-60400 Office Supplies 1,270 1,000 1,000 312 1,000 0 0% 101-2002-60406 Disaster Prep Supplies 9,236 6,000 6,000 4,391 8,000 2,000 33% 101-2002-60410 Printing 0 500 500 102 800 300 60% 101-2002-60431 Materials/Supplies 0 0 0 0 20,000 20,000 0% 101-2002-60445 Non -Reimbursable Misc 23,605 20,000 20,000 5,329 20,000 0 0% 101-2002-60545 Small Tools & Equipment 2,622 2,500 2,500 58 2,500 0 0% 101-2002-60670 Fire Station 25,858 50,000 50,000 4,842 40,000 (10,000) -20% 101-2002-60671 Repair & Maintenance - E 658 5,000 5,000 143 10,000 5,000 100% 101-2002-60691 Maintenance/Services 51,172 60,000 60,000 73,814 60,000 0 0% 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 115,487 150,000 150,000 90,529 167,500 17,500 12% 66 - Utilities 101-2002-61100 Gas - Utilities 2,100 2,000 2,000 3,443 6,000 4,000 267% 101-2002-61101 Electricity - Utilities 33,480 30,000 30,000 25,638 43,000 13,000 50% 25 172 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 Actuals 2022/23 Original Budget 2022/23 Current Budget 2022/23 YTD Activity* 2023/24 Pro osed Budget 23/24 vs. Current 22 23 % Change in Budqet 101-2002-61200 Water - Utilities 10,378 15,000 15,000 9,844 16,000 1,000 7% 101-2002-61300 Telephone - Utilities 21,359 19,000 19,000 20,953 45,000 26,000 121% 101-2002-61304 Mobile/Cell Phones/Satell 6,882 7,000 7,000 5,623 10,000 3,000 43% 101-2002-61400 Cable/Internet - Utilities 6,599 14,000 14,000 6,305 14,000 0 0% 134.000 47.000 61% 66 - Utilities Totals: 80.798 87.000 87.000 71.806 68 - Capital Expenses 101-2002-71021 Furniture 4,348 5,000 5,000 0 5,000 0 0% 101-2002-71031 Vehicles 16,826 0 43,100 35,241 0 (43,100) -72% 101-2002-72110 Building Improvements 0 10,000 10,000 0 10,000 0 0% 101-2002-80101 Machinery & Equipment 82,221 0 400,000 32,049 100,000 (300,000) -60% 68 - Capital Expenses Totals: 103,395 15,000 458,100 67,290 115,000 (343,100) -60% 69 - Internal Service Charges 101-2002-91843 Property & Crime Insurar 5,800 5,800 5,800 2,900 5,800 0 0% 101-2002-91844 Earthquake Insurance 14,000 14,000 14,000 7,000 14,000 0 0% 101-2002-98110 Information Tech Charge 48,700 58,700 58,700 29,350 58,700 0 0% 101-2002-98140 Facility & Fleet Maintenar 51,100 108,100 108,100 54,050 108,100 0 0% 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 119,600 186,600 186,600 93,300 186,600 0 00/0 99 - Transfers Out 101-2002-99900 Transfers Out 363,012 0 0 0 I 0 0 0% 99 - Transfers Out Totals: 363,012 0 0 0 0 0 00/0 2002 - Fire Totals: 8,008,530 8,851,872 9,294,972 593,860 10,039,120 744,148 90/0 26 173 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Department : 2002 - Fire 101-2002-50101 Permanent Full Time 205,605.00 100% - Senior Emergency Management Coordinator 100% - Administrative Assistant 15% - Community Resources Director (70% Community Resources Admin, 15% Library & Museum Fund) 20% - Public Safety Manager (80% Community Resources Admin) 20% - Administrative Technician (80% Code Compliance) 101-2002-60103 Professional Services 15,000.00 Public safety announcements and Nixle contract 101-2002-60112 Landscape Contract 24,000.00 Landscaping maintenance services for all three fire stations 101-2002-60139 Fire Service Costs 8,700,000.00 Increase in Fire Services in FY 2023/24 are attributed to rising labor and pension costs. Contracted with Riverside County and include the following: Captain, Medic Engineers, Engineers, Fire Fighter II - Medics, Fire Fighter II, Fire Safety Specialist, Fire Systems Inspector, Fire Safety Supervisor, Overhead/Administration & Direct Operating Expenses, Medic Unit Operating Costs and Fire Engine Charges 101-2002-60320 Travel & Training 4,000.00 Emergency preparedness citywide training National Emergency Management Academy 101-2002-60351 Membership Dues 1,200.00 Journal of Emergency Management (JEM) subscription International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) 27 174 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 101-2002-60410 101-2002-60691 Printing Update Emergency Operations Center forms Maintenance/Services 800.00 60,000.00 Painting plus regular annual maintenance for each station 101-2002-71021 Furniture 5,000.00 Emergency Operations Center tables, chairs, and desks 28 175 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 3001 - Community Resources Administration 50 - Salaries and Benefits 101-3001-50101 Permanent Full Time 395,452 406,980 406,980 284,108 352,260 (54,720) -14% 101-3001-50110 Commissions & Boards 3,525 4,500 4,500 2,175 4,500 0 0% 101-3001-50150 Other Compensation 385 400 400 305 400 0 0% 101-3001-50200 PERS-City Portion 32,780 33,700 33,700 20,555 30,000 (3,700) -11% 101-3001-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 2,660 3,510 3,510 0% 101-3001-50221 Medical Insurance 61,394 86,700 86,700 42,602 64,500 (22,200) -30% 101-3001-50222 Vision Insurance 757 0 0 454 0 0 0% 101-3001-50223 Dental Insurance 3,594 0 0 2,028 0 0 0% 101-3001-50224 Life Insurance 205 0 0 153 0 0 0% 101-3001-50225 Long Term Disability 2,073 800 800 1,531 2,100 1,300 62% 101-3001-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 7,400 7,300 7,300 3,650 7,300 0 0% 101-3001-50240 Social Security -Medicare 5,785 5,800 5,800 4,151 5,000 (800) -14% 101-3001-50241 Social Security -FICA 219 0 0 135 0 0 0% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 513,569 546,180 546,180 364,507 469,570 (76,610) -150/0 60 - Contract Services 101-3001-60101 Contract Services 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 25,000 0 0% 101-3001-60122 Credit Card Fees 3,081 7,000 7,000 4,855 7,000 0 0% 101-3001-60135 Boys & Girls Club 10,000 60,000 60,000 40,000 60,000 0 0% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 38,081 92,000 92,000 44,855 92,000 0 00/0 62 - Maintenance & Operations 101-3001-60157 Rent Expense 0 3,000 3,000 0 3,000 0 0% 101-3001-60320 Travel & Training 236 4,000 4,000 141 4,000 0 0% 101-3001-60351 Membership Dues 5 300 300 0 1,000 700 233% 101-3001-60400 Office Supplies 77 1,500 1,500 1,577 1,500 0 0% 101-3001-60510 Grants & Economic Devel 40,000 135,000 135,000 120,000 135,000 0 0% 101-3001-60527 2-1-1 Hotline 0 15,000 15,000 0 15,000 0 0% 101-3001-60531 Homeless Bus Passes 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 3,000 0 0% 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 43,318 161,800 161,800 121,718 162,500 700 00/0 69 - Internal Service Charges 101-3001-98110 Information Tech Charge 66,800 80,500 80,500 40,250 I 80,500 0 0% 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 66,800 80,500 80,500 40,250 80,500 0 00/0 nmunity Resources Administration Totals: 661,768 880,480 880,480 571,330 804,570 (75,910) -9% 29 176 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Department : 3001 - Community Resources Administration 101-3001-50101M Permanent Full Time EFW 352,260.00 101-3001-60101 101-3001-60157 101-3001-60320 101-3001-60351 70% - Community Resources Director (15% Fire, 15% Library & Museum Fund) 80% - Public Safety Manager (20% Fire) 40% - Community Resources Manager (40% Wellness Center Operations, 20% Library & Museum Fund) 80% - Community Resources Analyst (20% Library & Museum Fund) Contract Services 25,000.00 Old Towne Artisan Studio wellness west partnership Rent Expense 3,000.00 DSUSD Facility Use rental Travel & Training 4,000.00 Leadership training Membership Dues 1,000.00 Engaging Local Government Leaders (ELGL) International City/County Management Association (ICMA) Americans for the Arts California Parks & Recreation Society (CPRS) National Recreation & Park Association NRPA 101-3001-60510 Grants & Economic Developme 135,000.00 $60,000 for Community Services Grants are administered per City Policy and selected via a Grant Ad Hoc Commitee. $75,000 for food distribution and other social service programs. 30 177 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 3002 - Wellness Center Operations 50 - Salaries and Benefits 101-3002-50101 Permanent Full Time 238,980 250,002 250,002 205,907 266,815 16,813 7% 101-3002-50102 Salaries - Part Time 125,420 105,900 105,900 117,212 105,900 0 0% 101-3002-50105 Salaries - Overtime 0 0 0 0 5,000 5,000 0% 101-3002-50150 Other Compensation 963 1,000 1,000 763 1,000 0 0% 101-3002-50200 PERS-City Portion 27,936 24,400 24,400 26,254 28,700 4,300 18% 101-3002-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 3,230 4,420 4,420 0% 101-3002-50221 Medical Insurance 54,679 84,200 84,200 49,285 81,300 (2,900) -4% 101-3002-50222 Vision Insurance 899 0 0 724 0 0 0% 101-3002-50223 Dental Insurance 4,755 0 0 4,276 0 0 0% 101-3002-50224 Life Insurance 185 0 0 178 0 0 0% 101-3002-50225 Long Term Disability 1,330 1,300 1,300 1,266 1,700 400 29% 101-3002-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 7,100 7,100 7,100 3,550 7,100 0 0% 101-3002-50240 Social Security -Medicare 5,378 3,600 3,600 4,987 3,700 100 3% 101-3002-50241 Social Security -FICA 5,861 0 0 4,679 0 0 0% 101-3002-50251 Temporary 3,485 0 0 18,377 0 0 0% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 476,972 477,502 477,502 440,688 505,635 28,133 6% 60 - Contract Services 101-3002-60103 Professional Services 0 5,000 5,000 0 5,000 0 0% 101-3002-60107 Instructors 18,545 40,000 40,000 18,052 20,000 (20,000) -50% 101-3002-60108 Technical 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 5,000 2,000 67% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 21,545 48,000 48,000 21,052 30,000 (18,000) -38% 62 - Maintenance & Operations 101-3002-60157 Rental Expense 2,814 3,000 3,000 53 3,000 0 0% 101-3002-60320 Travel & Training 6 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 0 0% 101-3002-60351 Membership Dues 1,144 3,000 3,000 1,040 5,000 2,000 67% 101-3002-60352 Subscriptions & Publicati< 0 700 700 0 1,200 500 71% 101-3002-60400 Office Supplies 604 3,000 3,000 626 3,000 0 0% 101-3002-60420 Operating Supplies 27,194 45,000 45,000 24,161 50,000 5,000 11% 101-3002-60432 Tools/Equipment 0 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 0 0% 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 31,761 56,700 56,700 25,880 64,200 7,500 13% 68 - Capital Expenses 101-3002-80101 Machinery & Equipment 0 0 0 0 I 130,000 130,000 0% 68 - Capital Expenses Totals: 0 0 0 0 130,000 130,000 00/0 69 - Internal Service Charges 101-3002-98110 Information Tech Charge 64,900 78,200 78,200 39,100 78,200 0 0% 101-3002-98140 Facility &Fleet Maintenar 17,100 21,700 21,700 10,850 21,700 0 0% 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 82,000 99,900 99,900 49,950 99,900 0 00/0 1002 - Wellness Center Operations Totals: 612,277 682,102 682,102 537,570 829,735 147,633 22% 31 178 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Department : 3002 - Wellness Center Operations 101-3002-50101 Permanent Full Time 266,815.00 40% - Community Resources Manager (40% Community Resources Administration, 20% Library & Museum Fund) 100% - Community Resources Specialist 100% - Community Resources Coordinator 100% - Administrative Assistant 101-3002-50102 Salaries - Part Time 105,900.00 50% Senior Recreation Leader (2) (50% Recreation Programs & Special Events) 50% Recreation Leader (8) (50% Recreation Programs & Special Events) 101-3002-60103 Professional Services 5,000.00 Retired senior volunteer program, annual volunteer sponsorships to Watercolors of La Quinta, Boys & Girls Club of La Quinta, and the California Highway Patrol 101-3002-60107 Instructors 20,000.00 Instructors for fitness classes and programming 101-3002-60108 Technical 5,000.00 Annual sponsorship for the Riverside County Senior Inspiration Awards 101-3002-60157 Rental Expense 3,000.00 General insurances and security guards for facility rentals 32 179 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 101-3002-60320 Travel & Training 1,000.00 Park and recreational activity program training and certification 101-3002-60351 Membership Dues 5,000.00 Motion Picture Licensinq Corporation (MPLC) National Council on Aqinq (NCOA) TechnoGym apps 101-3002-60352 Subscriptions & Publications 1,200.00 Desert Sun newspaper Wellness publications 101-3002-80101 Machinery & Equipment 130,000.00 Purchase of new fitness equipment for Wellness Center 33 180 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 3003 - Recreation Programs & Special Events 50 - Salaries and Benefits 101-3003-50101 Permanent Full Time 46,510 57,834 57,834 37,489 57,700 (134) 0% 101-3003-50102 Salaries - Part Time 33,400 105,900 105,900 26,176 105,900 0 0% 101-3003-50105 Salaries - Overtime 0 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 0% 101-3003-50200 PERS-City Portion 4,460 10,100 10,100 6,833 4,300 (5,800) -55% 101-3003-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 950 1,300 1,300 0% 101-3003-50221 Medical Insurance 7,509 24,800 24,800 26,510 24,000 (800) -4% 101-3003-50222 Vision Insurance 85 0 0 329 0 0 0% 101-3003-50223 Dental Insurance 466 0 0 2,403 0 0 0% 101-3003-50224 Life Insurance 35 0 0 44 0 0 0% 101-3003-50225 Long Term Disability 226 400 400 233 400 0 0% 101-3003-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 2,100 2,100 2,100 1,050 2,100 0 0% 101-3003-50240 Social Security -Medicare 1,209 11,400 11,400 1,723 800 (10,600) -161% 101-3003-50241 Social Security -FICA 1,531 0 0 1,700 0 0 0% 101-3003-50251 Temporary 3,471 0 0 55,201 0 0 0% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 101,002 212,534 212,534 160,640 197,500 (15,034) -80/o 60 - Contract Services 101-3003-60107 Instructors (801) 0 0 (596) 0 0 0% 101-3003-60184 Fritz Burns Pool Programi 136,886 160,000 160,000 167,583 220,000 60,000 38% 101-3003-60190 X Park Programming 107,878 170,000 286,000 285,388 420,000 134,000 79% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 243,964 330,000 446,000 452,375 640,000 194,000 590/0 62 - Maintenance & Operations 101-3003-60149 Community Experiences 101-3003-60157 Rental Expense 101-3003-60320 Travel & Training 101-3003-60351 Membership Dues 101-3003-60420 Operating Supplies 101-3003-60512 LQ Art Event 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals 216,556 400,000 580,000 296,800 580,000 0 0% 601 5,000 5,000 81 5,000 0 0% 0 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 0 0% 200 500 500 0 0 (500) -100% 4,887 5,000 5,000 718 6,000 1,000 20% 20,325 90,000 90,000 3,121 90,000 0 0% 242,568 501,500 681,500 300,720 682,000 500 00/0 69 - Internal Service Charges 101-3003-98110 Information Tech Charge 19,100 23,000 23,000 11,500 23,000 0 0% 101-3003-98140 Facility &Fleet Maintenar 34,100 21,700 21,700 10,850 21,700 0 0% 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 53,200 44,700 44,700 22,350 44,700 0 00/0 reation Programs & Special Events Totals: 640,734 1,088,734 1,384,734 936,085 1,564,200 179,466 17% 34 181 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES Department : 3003 - Recreation Programs & Special Events 101-3003-50101 Permanent Full Time 57,700.00 100% - Management Assistant 101-3003-50102 Salaries - Part Time 105,900.00 50% Senior Recreation Leader (2) (50% Wellness Center Operations) 50% Recreation Leader (8) (50% Wellness Center Operations) 101-3003-60149 Community Experiences 580,000.00 Anticipated events include 9/11 Vigil, Veteran's Day Celebration, Tree Lighting, Ironman, City Picnic, Art on Main, Summer Golf, Mission LQ Rocket Launch, Pillars of the Community, Brew in LQ, Concerts in the Park, and Soaring Over LQ Kite Experience 101-3003-60157 Rental Expense 5,000.00 Special event insurances and security guards for events 101-3003-60184 Fritz Burns Pool Programming 220,000.00 Pool operating contract services 101-3003-60320 Travel & Training 1,000.00 Park and recreation program training and certifications FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 35 182 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 6004 - Code Compliance/Animal Control 50 - Salaries and Benefits 101-6004-50101 Permanent Full Time 453,577 569,976 569,976 433,479 607,060 37,084 7% 101-6004-50105 Salaries - Overtime 1,527 15,000 15,000 7,145 15,000 0 0% 101-6004-50106 Standby 0 100 100 100 500 400 400% 101-6004-50150 Other Compensation 0 20 20 0 0 (20) -100% 101-6004-50200 PERS-City Portion 44,235 51,800 51,800 40,298 61,100 9,300 17% 101-6004-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 7,410 10,140 10,140 0% 101-6004-50221 Medical Insurance 123,616 193,100 193,100 108,994 186,500 (6,600) -4% 101-6004-50222 Vision Insurance 1,337 0 0 1,062 0 0 0% 101-6004-50223 Dental Insurance 6,124 0 0 4,619 0 0 0% 101-6004-50224 Life Insurance 364 0 0 372 0 0 0% 101-6004-50225 Long Term Disability 2,567 3,600 3,600 2,672 3,700 100 3% 101-6004-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 16,300 16,300 16,300 8,150 16,300 0 0% 101-6004-50240 Social Security -Medicare 7,000 8,100 8,100 6,397 8,500 400 5% 101-6004-50241 Social Security- FICA 1,715 0 0 0 0 0 0% 101-6004-50251 Temporary 27,666 0 0 0 0 0 0% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 686,027 857,996 857,996 620,699 908,800 50,804 6% 60 - Contract Services 101-6004-60103 Professional Services 101-6004-60108 Technical 101-6004-60111 Administrative Citation Si 101-6004-60119 Vehicle Abatement 101-6004-60120 Lot Cleaning/Gravel Prog 101-6004-60122 Credit Card Fees 101-6004-60125 Temporary Agency Servi 101-6004-60194 Veterinary Service 101-6004-60197 Animal Shelter Contract 60 - Contract Services Totals: 62 - Maintenance & Operations 101-6004-60121 Low -Income Housing Gra 101-6004-60320 Travel & Training 101-6004-60351 Membership Dues 101-6004-60400 Office Supplies 101-6004-60410 Printing 101-6004-60425 Supplies - Field 101-6004-60690 Uniforms 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 50,232 80,000 80,000 44,570 70,000 (10,000) -13% 280 1,000 1,000 220 1,000 0 0% 14,093 18,000 18,000 10,998 18,000 0 0% 0 500 500 0 500 0 0% 16,869 20,000 20,000 2,575 20,000 0 0% 600 2,000 2,000 821 2,000 0 0% 24,565 0 0 29 0 0 0% 5,000 12,000 12,000 7,000 12,000 0 0% 237,482 300,000 300,000 252,204 370,000 70,000 25% 349,121 433,500 433,500 318,418 493,500 60,000 14% 0 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 0 0% 2,125 3,000 7,000 4,543 7,000 0 0% 570 800 800 500 800 0 0% 1,830 2,000 2,000 1,887 2,500 500 25% 0 6,000 6,000 51 6,000 0 0% 1,536 3,000 3,000 1,075 2,000 (1,000) -67% 3,813 4,500 4,500 2,073 5,500 1,000 33% 9,874 20,300 24,300 10,129 24,800 500 3% 69 - Internal Service Charges 101-6004-98110 Information Tech Charge 148,700 179,300 179,300 89,650 179,300 0 0% 101-6004-98140 Facility &Fleet Maintenar 119,200 172,900 172,900 86,450 172,900 0 0% 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 267,900 352,200 352,200 176,100 352,200 0 00/0 - Code Compliance/Animal Control Totals: 1,312,923 1,663,996 1,667,996 1,125,346 1,779,300 111,304 7% 36 183 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Department : 6004 - Code Compliance/Animal Control 101-6004-50101 Permanent Full Time 607,060.00 100% - Animal Control/Code Compliance Supervisor 100% - Code Compliance Officer II (4) 100% - Code Compliance Officer I (2) 80% - Administrative Technician (20% Fire) 101-6004-60103 Professional Services 70,000.00 Short-term vacation rental compliance 101-6004-60108 Technical 1,000.00 Riverside County recording fees for liens 101-6004-60111 Administrative Citation Service 18,000.00 Data ticket processing of code compliance and police citations 101-6004-60320 Travel & Training 7,000.00 Code Enforcement officer training events 101-6004-60351 Membership Dues 800.00 CA Association of Code Enforcement Officers (CACEO) 101-6004-60410 Printing 6,000.00 Community educational outreach 37 184 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 3005 - Parks Maintenance 50 - Salaries and Benefits 101-3005-50101 Permanent Full Time 222,432 251,022 251,022 220,694 264,761 13,739 6% 101-3005-50105 Salaries - Overtime 295 700 700 386 700 0 0% 101-3005-50106 Standby 6,132 5,500 5,500 10,651 15,000 9,500 271% 101-3005-50107 Standby Overtime 22,290 20,000 20,000 29,957 35,000 15,000 375% 101-3005-50150 Other Compensation 10 300 300 0 0 (300) 0% 101-3005-50200 PERS-City Portion 18,984 21,200 21,200 16,460 21,300 100 0% 101-3005-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 4,275 4,550 4,550 0% 101-3005-50221 Medical Insurance 54,020 86,700 86,700 53,455 83,700 (3,000) -4% 101-3005-50222 Vision Insurance 646 0 0 517 0 0 0% 101-3005-50223 Dental Insurance 3,417 0 0 2,729 0 0 0% 101-3005-50224 Life Insurance 163 0 0 200 0 0 0% 101-3005-50225 Long Term Disability 1,219 1,900 1,900 1,254 1,700 (200) -13% 101-3005-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 7,400 7,300 7,300 3,650 7,400 100 1% 101-3005-50240 Social Security -Medicare 3,645 3,600 3,600 3,813 3,800 200 6% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 340,651 398,222 398,222 348,041 437,911 39,689 110/0 60 - Contract Services 101-3005-60112 Landscape Contract 582,436 657,200 657,200 608,040 I 935,000 277,800 46% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 582,436 657,200 657,200 608,040 935,000 277,800 46% 62 - Maintenance & Operations 101-3005-60117 Civic Center Lake Maintei 24,683 17,400 17,400 14,583 20,000 2,600 8% 101-3005-60136 Lighting Service 475 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 0 0% 101-3005-60184 Fritz Burns Pool Maintene 92,640 65,550 100,550 91,155 180,000 79,450 85% 101-3005-60189 SilverRock Lake Maintenz 14,850 17,400 17,400 14,175 17,400 0 0% 101-3005-60320 Travel & Training 1,586 5,000 5,000 1,800 5,000 0 0% 101-3005-60351 Membership Dues 595 1,000 1,000 595 1,000 0 0% 101-3005-60400 Office Supplies 327 1,000 1,000 50 1,000 0 0% 101-3005-60423 Supplies -Graffiti and Van 11,688 15,000 15,000 2,393 15,000 0 0% 101-3005-60427 Safety Gear 973 1,200 1,200 796 1,200 0 0% 101-3005-60431 Materials/Supplies 211,846 310,000 310,000 202,727 310,000 0 0% 101-3005-60432 Tools/Equipment 5,354 5,000 5,000 7,046 5,000 0 0% 101-3005-60554 LQ Park Water Feature 24,897 22,300 22,300 14,347 30,000 7,700 22% 101-3005-60557 Tree Maintenance 3,200 10,000 10,000 1,120 500,000 490,000 4,900% 101-3005-60690 Uniforms 2,778 3,000 3,000 1,593 3,000 0 0% 101-3005-60691 Maintenance/Services 238,134 300,000 314,000 277,170 385,000 71,000 28% 1,474,600 650,750 93% 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 634,026 774,850 823,850 629,549 66 - Utilities 101-3005-61100 Gas -Utilities FB Pool 26,244 15,000 15,000 40,203 0 (15,000) -43% 101-3005-61102 Electric - Monticello Park 161 300 300 134 300 0 0% 101-3005-61103 Electric - Civic Center Pai 33,758 30,000 30,000 30,787 31,000 1,000 3% 101-3005-61104 Electric - Pioneer Park - l 0 100 100 0 100 0 0% 101-3005-61105 Electric - Fritz Burns Park 17,369 15,000 15,000 14,978 15,000 0 0% 101-3005-61106 Electric - Sports Complex 41,315 40,000 40,000 37,289 42,000 2,000 5% 38 185 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 101-3005-61108 Electric - Colonel Paige - 101-3005-61109 Electric - Community Par 101-3005-61110 Electric - Adams Park - U 101-3005-61111 Electric - Velasco Park - l 101-3005-61113 Electric - Eisenhower Parl 101-3005-61114 Electric - Desert Pride - L 101-3005-61115 Electric - SilverRock Ever 101-3005-61116 Electric - XPark Complex 101-3005-61201 Water -Monticello Park - 101-3005-61202 Water - Civic Center Park 101-3005-61203 Water -Eisenhower Park 101-3005-61204 Water -Fritz Burns Park - 101-3005-61205 Water -Velasco Park - Uti 101-3005-61206 Water -Desert Pride - Uti 101-3005-61207 Water -Pioneer Park - Uti 101-3005-61208 Water -Seasons Park - Ui 101-3005-61209 Water -Community Park 101-3005-61211 Water - SilverRock Event 101-3005-61212 Water - XPark Complex 101-3005-61300 Telephone - Utilities 66 - Utilities Totals: 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. 0/b Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22 23 in Budqet 5,784 5,000 5,000 4,713 5,500 500 10% 85,730 70,000 70,000 78,928 72,000 2,000 2% 512 700 700 375 700 0 0% 166 200 200 140 250 50 25% 303 350 350 191 350 0 0% 160 250 250 133 300 50 20% 33,003 25,000 25,000 33,091 32,000 7,000 28% 0 30,000 30,000 0 30,000 0 0% 19,633 30,000 30,000 20,823 30,000 0 0% 30,354 40,000 40,000 26,017 40,000 0 0% 1,859 2,500 2,500 2,153 2,600 100 5% 25,271 30,000 30,000 21,503 28,000 (2,000) -8% 2,281 2,000 2,000 2,086 2,400 400 31% 5,588 8,000 8,000 7,239 9,000 1,000 14% 8,352 15,000 15,000 6,667 15,000 0 0% 312 500 500 270 600 100 33% 64,425 80,000 80,000 54,034 80,000 0 0% 0 55,000 55,000 0 55,000 0 0% 0 12,500 12,500 0 12,500 0 0% 1,081 1,000 1,000 878 1,000 0 0% 403,660 508,400 508,400 382,634 505,600 (2,800) -10/0 69 - Internal Service Charges 101-3005-98110 Information Tech Charge 66,800 80,500 80,500 40,250 80,500 0 0% 101-3005-98130 Park Equipment Maintena 350,000 450,000 450,000 225,000 450,000 0 0% 101-3005-98140 Facility & Fleet Maintenar 68,100 172,900 172,900 86,450 172,900 0 0% 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 484,900 703,400 703,400 351,700 703,400 0 00/0 3005 - Parks Maintenance Totals: 2,445,674 3,042,072 3,091,072 2,319,964 4,056,511 965,439 36% 39 186 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Department : 3005 - Parks Maintenance 101-3005-50101 Permanent Full Time 264,761.00 50% - Facilities Deputy Director (50% Public Buildings) 50% - Parks/L&L Foreman (50% Lighting & Landscape Fund) 50% - Maintenance Worker II (50% Lighting & Landscape Fund) 50% - Maintenance Worker I (3 total, 50% Lighting & Landscape Fund) 50% - Management Analyst (50% Lighting & Landscape Fund) 101-3005-60112 Landscape Contract 935,000.00 Landscape contract services for all City Parks including the SilverRock event site and X-Park 101-3005-60184 Fritz Burns Pool Maintenance 180,000.00 Pool maintenance services 101-3005-60320 Travel & Training 5,000.00 Aquatic facility operator course Maintenance agreement school Playground certifications 101-3005-60351 Membership Dues 1,000.00 CA Parks & Recreation Association (CPRS) National Park & Recreation Association (NPRA) 101-3005-60691 Maintenance/Services 385,000.00 Landscape renovations, electrical and fence repairs, painting, tree removal and other landscape related maintenance and repairs 101-3005-98130 Park Equipment Maintenance 450,000.00 Funds are transferred to the Park Equipment & Facilityloternal Service Fund for park equipment replacements 187 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 3008 - Public Buildings 50 - Salaries and Benefits 101-3008-50101 Permanent Full Time 350,179 369,852 369,852 303,961 393,444 23,592 7% 101-3008-50105 Salaries - Overtime 344 0 0 94 500 500 0% 101-3008-50106 Standby 9,021 8,000 8,000 11,328 15,000 7,000 117% 101-3008-50107 Standby Overtime 15,591 15,000 15,000 14,637 20,000 5,000 114% 101-3008-50150 Other Compensation 481 500 500 381 500 0 0% 101-3008-50200 PERS-City Portion 30,405 31,700 31,700 26,043 36,200 4,500 14% 101-3008-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 4,275 5,850 5,850 0% 101-3008-50221 Medical Insurance 77,377 111,400 111,400 66,559 83,600 (27,800) -30% 101-3008-50222 Vision Insurance 1,233 0 0 956 0 0 0% 101-3008-50223 Dental Insurance 5,181 0 0 3,578 0 0 0% 101-3008-50224 Life Insurance 244 0 0 236 0 0 0% 101-3008-50225 Long Term Disability 1,961 1,900 1,900 1,869 2,400 500 24% 101-3008-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 9,400 9,400 9,400 4,700 9,400 0 0% 101-3008-50240 Social Security -Medicare 5,483 5,300 5,300 4,822 5,600 300 6% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 506,901 553,052 553,052 443,438 572,494 19,442 4% 60 - Contract Services 101-3008-60115 Janitorial 187,188 215,000 215,000 140,305 250,000 35,000 18% 101-3008-60116 Pest Control 6,222 9,000 9,000 6,399 9,500 500 6% 101-3008-60123 Security & Alarm 8,133 12,000 12,000 6,683 12,000 0 0% 101-3008-60196 Annual Permits/Inspectio 6,387 6,000 6,000 5,089 8,000 2,000 33% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 207,930 2421000 242,000 158,476 279,500 37,500 17% 62 - Maintenance & Operations 101-3008-60320 Travel & Training 85 2,000 2,000 76 2,000 0 0% 101-3008-60427 Safety Gear 1,153 1,200 1,200 536 1,200 0 0% 101-3008-60431 Materials/Supplies 33,869 35,000 35,000 51,416 50,000 15,000 43% 101-3008-60432 Tools/Equipment 2,313 8,000 8,000 9,433 8,000 0 0% 101-3008-60481 Office Supplies 385 500 500 0 500 0 0% 101-3008-60667 HVAC 91,004 70,000 100,000 66,239 100,000 0 0% 101-3008-60690 Uniforms 1,864 1,700 1,700 1,733 2,000 300 20% 101-3008-60691 Maintenance/Services 55,457 60,000 70,000 70,684 90,000 20,000 33% 101-3008-61702 Facility Rent 1,100 1,100 1,100 0 0 (1,100) -100% 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 187,230 179,500 219,500 200,118 253,700 34,200 180/0 66 - Utilities 101-3008-61100 Gas - Utilities 9,648 8,500 8,500 11,292 13,000 4,500 47% 101-3008-61101 Electricity - Utilities 179,458 140,000 140,000 163,597 180,000 40,000 22% 101-3008-61200 Water - Utilities 11,396 10,000 10,000 8,485 10,000 0 0% 66 - Utilities Totals: 200,502 158,500 158,500 183,375 203,000 44,500 22% 69 - Internal Service Charges 101-3008-91842 Liability Insurance & Claii 67,000 67,000 67,000 33,500 67,000 0 0% 101-3008-98110 Information Tech Charge 85,800 103,500 103,500 51,750 103,500 0 0% 101-3008-98140 Facility & Fleet Maintenar 119,200 86,500 86,500 43,250 86,500 0 0% 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 272,000 257,000 257,000 128,500 257,000 0 00/0 41 188 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budget 3008 - Public Buildings Totals: 1,374,563 1,390,052 1,430,052 1,113,907 1,565,694 135,642 10% 42 189 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Department : 3008 - Public Buildings 101-3008-50101 Permanent Full Time 393,444.00 50% - Facilities Deputy Director (50% Parks Maintenance) 100% - Management Analyst 100% - Maintenance and Operations Technician 100% - Maintenance and Operations Coordinator 100% - Maintenance Worker I 101-3008-60115 Janitorial 250,000.00 Janitorial services for all public buildings including parks 101-3008-60320 Travel & Training 2,000.00 HVAC training 101-3008-60667 HVAC 100,000.00 For all public buildings including City Hall, Fritz Burns Pool, La Quinta Park, Maintenance Yard, Public Works Office, Sports Complex, and Wellness Center 101-3008-60691 Maintenance/Services 90,000.00 Public building repairs and maintenance 43 190 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 7001 - Public Works Administration 50 - Salaries and Benefits 101-7001-50101 Permanent Full Time 339,672 390,762 390,762 316,990 417,373 26,611 7% 101-7001-50150 Other Compensation 1,540 500 500 1,406 500 0 0% 101-7001-50200 PERS-City Portion 33,219 37,000 37,000 30,495 43,100 6,100 17% 101-7001-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 3,800 5,200 5,200 0% 101-7001-50221 Medical Insurance 59,707 99,000 99,000 52,537 95,700 (3,300) -4% 101-7001-50222 Vision Insurance 930 0 0 721 0 0 0% 101-7001-50223 Dental Insurance 4,101 0 0 2,565 0 0 0% 101-7001-50224 Life Insurance 250 0 0 210 0 0 0% 101-7001-50225 Long Term Disability 1,820 2,100 2,100 1,939 2,600 500 28% 101-7001-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 8,400 8,400 8,400 4,200 8,400 0 0% 101-7001-50240 Social Security -Medicare 4,969 5,600 5,600 4,631 5,900 300 5% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 454,607 543,362 543,362 419,492 578,773 35,411 7% 60 - Contract Services 101-7001-60104 Consultants 0 150,000 150,000 500 I 100,000 (50,000) -33% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 0 150,000 150,000 500 100,000 (50,000) -33% 62 - Maintenance & Operations 101-7001-60320 Travel & Training 2,597 5,000 5,000 2,207 5,000 0 0% 101-7001-60351 Membership Dues 1,350 1,500 1,500 0 1,500 0 0% 101-7001-60400 Office Supplies 714 2,000 2,000 793 2,000 0 0% 101-7001-60420 Operating Supplies 271 1,000 1,000 154 500 (500) -50% 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 4,932 9,500 9,500 3,154 9,000 (500) -6% 69 - Internal Service Charges 101-7001-98110 Information Tech Charge 76,300 92,000 92,000 46,000 I 92,000 0 0% 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 76,300 92,000 92,000 46,000 92,000 0 00/0 001 - Public Works Administration Totals: 535,839 794,862 794,862 469,146 779,773 (15,089) -2% 44 191 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Department : 7001 - Public Works Administration 101-7001-50101 Permanent Full Time 417,373.00 100% - Public Works Director/City Engineer 100% - Management Analyst 100% - Management Assistant 100% - Administrative Assistant 101-7001-60104 Consultants 100,000.00 Professional services and on -call electrical services 101-7001-60320 Travel & Training 5,000.00 Certification trainings 101-7001-60351 Membership Dues 1,500.00 American Public Works Association (APWA) 45 192 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 7002 - Public Works Development Services 50 - Salaries and Benefits 101-7002-50101 Permanent Full Time 120,016 125,460 125,460 102,167 132,894 7,434 6% 101-7002-50150 Other Compensation 481 0 0 341 0 0 0% 101-7002-50200 PERS-City Portion 14,642 15,100 15,100 12,129 18,100 3,000 20% 101-7002-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 950 1,300 1,300 0% 101-7002-50221 Medical Insurance 7,359 24,800 24,800 5,765 23,900 (900) -4% 101-7002-50222 Vision Insurance 39 0 0 71 0 0 0% 101-7002-50223 Dental Insurance 235 0 0 488 0 0 0% 101-7002-50224 Life Insurance 54 0 0 51 0 0 0% 101-7002-50225 Long Term Disability 656 800 800 618 800 0 0% 101-7002-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 2,100 2,100 2,100 1,050 2,100 0 0% 101-7002-50240 Social Security -Medicare 1,775 1,800 1,800 1,515 1,900 100 6% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 147,359 170,060 170,060 125,145 180,994 10,934 7% 60 - Contract Services 101-7002-60103 Professional Services 101-7002-60104 Consultants 101-7002-60183 Map/Plan Checking 60 - Contract Services Totals 55,610 95,000 3,500 5,000 96,140 150,000 95,000 66,297 5,000 3,500 150,000 64,263 100,000 5,000 6% 5,000 0 0% 150,000 0 0% 155,250 250,000 250,000 134,060 255,000 5,000 2% 62 - Maintenance & Operations 101-7002-60320 Travel & Training 0 1,000 1,000 0 1,500 500 50% 101-7002-60351 Membership Dues 0 500 500 0 500 0 0% 101-7002-60420 Operating Supplies 0 500 500 0 500 0 0% 101-7002-60450 Advertising 2,189 3,000 3,000 1,316 3,000 0 0% 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 2,189 5,000 5,000 1,316 5,500 500 110/0 69 - Internal Service Charges 101-7002-98110 Information Tech Charge 101-7002-98140 Facility & Fleet Maintenar 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 19,100 23,000 23,000 11,500 51,100 64,900 64,900 32,450 23,000 0 0% 64,900 0 0% 70,200 87,900 87,900 43,950 87,900 0 00/0 ublic Works Development Services Totals: 374,998 512,960 512,960 304,472 529,394 16,434 4% 46 193 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Department : 7002 - Public Works Development Services 101-7002-50101M Permanent Full Time - - 132,894.00 100% - Associate Engineer 101-7002-60103 Professional Services 100,000.00 Stormwater Commercial/Restaurant State Mandate National Pollution Discharge Elimination Systems 101-7002-60104 Consultants 5,000.00 Project consulting services 101-7002-60183 Map/Plan Checking 150,000.00 On -call map checking and engineering civil plan check services 101-7002-60320 Travel & Training 1,500.00 For various training events including: Desert Valley Builders Association meetings, American Public Works Association, professional engineering review courses, and water quality/ flood seminars 101-7002-60351 Membership Dues 500.00 Board of Civil Engineers license Other professional organizations 101-7002-60450 Advertising 3,000.00 Public hearing notices 47 194 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 7003 - Streets -Traffic 50 - Salaries and Benefits 101-7003-50101 Permanent Full Time 193,862 248,268 248,268 153,826 217,200 (31,068) -14% 101-7003-50105 Salaries - Overtime 547 0 0 0 0 0 0% 101-7003-50106 Standby 7,158 9,000 9,000 11,180 15,000 6,000 86% 101-7003-50107 Standby Overtime 3,536 1,000 1,000 11,555 15,000 14,000 519% 101-7003-50150 Other Compensation 481 500 500 321 500 0 0% 101-7003-50200 PERS-City Portion 18,883 18,200 18,200 12,976 16,100 (2,100) -10% 101-7003-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 950 3,900 3,900 0% 101-7003-50221 Medical Insurance 39,425 74,300 74,300 31,244 71,700 (2,600) -4% 101-7003-50222 Vision Insurance 434 0 0 231 0 0 0% 101-7003-50223 Dental Insurance 2,484 0 0 1,463 0 0 0% 101-7003-50224 Life Insurance 148 0 0 113 0 0 0% 101-7003-50225 Long Term Disability 1,071 1,600 1,600 814 1,300 (300) -23% 101-7003-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 6,300 6,300 6,300 3,150 6,300 0 0% 101-7003-50240 Social Security -Medicare 2,969 3,600 3,600 2,557 3,000 (600) -30% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 277,298 362,768 362,768 230,380 350,000 (12,768) -40/o 60 - Contract Services 101-7003-60103 Professional Services 56,904 250,000 250,000 38,941 350,000 100,000 143% 101-7003-60120 Street Cleaning/Accident! 7,849 10,000 10,000 0 10,000 0 0% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 64,753 260,000 260,000 38,941 360,000 100,000 125% 62 - Maintenance & Operations 101-7003-60320 Travel & Training 101-7003-60351 Membership Dues 101-7003-60400 Office Supplies 101-7003-60420 Operating Supplies 101-7003-60423 Supplies -Graffiti and Van 101-7003-60432 Tools/Equipment 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 897 10,000 10,000 3,716 15,000 5,000 83% 412 500 500 514 550 50 10% 59 500 500 43 500 0 0% 10,766 10,000 10,000 14,986 15,000 5,000 45% 0 0 0 104 0 0 0% 14,970 37,000 37,000 23,847 42,000 5,000 33% 27,104 58,000 58,000 43,210 73,050 15,050 46% 64 - Other Expenses 101-7003-60510 Signal Knockdowns, Cont 0 5,000 5,000 0 I 5,000 0 0% 64 - Other Expenses Totals: 0 5,000 5,000 0 5,000 0 00/0 69 - Internal Service Charges 101-7003-98110 Information Tech Charge 57,200 69,000 69,000 34,500 I 69,000 0 0% 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 57,200 69,000 69,000 34,500 69,000 0 00/0 7003 - Streets Totals: 426,354 754,768 754,768 347,031 857,050 102,282 20% 48 195 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Department : 7003 - Streets -Traffic 101-7003-50101 Permanent Full Time 101-7003-60103 101-7003-60320 100% - Traffic Operations Analyst 100% - Traffic Signal Technician (2) Professional Services 217,200.00 350,000.00 Street division support services and unanticipated repairs suds sidewalks, sinkholes, asphalt, and drainage channels Sidewalk study to assess sidewalk infrastructure Travel & Training 15,000.00 Onsite hearing tests American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) certification International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA) certification Class B commercial and eauioment operator certification 101-7003-60351 Membership Dues 550.00 CA Park and Recreations American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) 101-7003-60510 Signal Knockdowns, Contingen 5,000.00 For traffic signal repairs due to accidents 49 196 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 7006 - Engineering Services 50 - Salaries and Benefits 101-7006-50101 Permanent Full Time 237,187 237,456 237,456 142,563 243,400 5,944 3% 101-7006-50105 Salaries - Overtime 0 0 0 45 500 500 0% 101-7006-50106 Standby 8,231 9,000 9,000 1,479 5,000 (4,000) -44% 101-7006-50107 Standby Overtime 0 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 0 0% 101-7006-50150 Other Compensation 481 500 500 81 500 0 0% 101-7006-50200 PERS-City Portion 17,199 18,000 18,000 9,933 18,100 100 1% 101-7006-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 1,900 3,900 3,900 0% 101-7006-50221 Medical Insurance 43,615 74,300 74,300 27,789 71,700 (2,600) -4% 101-7006-50222 Vision Insurance 563 0 0 307 0 0 0% 101-7006-50223 Dental Insurance 3,390 0 0 1,813 0 0 0% 101-7006-50224 Life Insurance 155 0 0 105 0 0 0% 101-7006-50225 Long Term Disability 1,280 1,400 1,400 814 1,500 100 7% 101-7006-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 6,300 6,300 6,300 3,150 6,300 0 0% 101-7006-50240 Social Security -Medicare 3,602 3,500 3,500 2,098 3,500 0 0% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 322,004 351,456 351,456 192,078 355,400 3,944 10/0 60 - Contract Services 101-7006-60103 Professional Services 12,258 210,000 210,000 0 20,000 (190,000) -760% 101-7006-60104 Consultants 28,006 60,000 60,000 17,275 60,000 0 0% 101-7006-60144 Contract Traffic Engineer 151,732 200,000 200,000 139,475 200,000 0 0% 101-7006-60145 Traffic Counts/Studies 0 20,000 20,000 0 20,000 0 0% 101-7006-60146 PM 10 - Dust Control 79,581 100,000 100,000 31,958 250,000 150,000 214% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 271,577 590,000 590,000 188,708 550,000 (40,000) -110/0 62 - Maintenance & Operations 101-7006-60320 Travel & Training 4,588 5,000 5,000 270 5,000 0 0% 101-7006-60351 Membership Dues 475 1,100 1,100 1,619 1,100 0 0% 101-7006-60352 Subscriptions & Publicatic 0 200 200 123 200 0 0% 101-7006-60420 Operating Supplies 1,736 1,000 1,000 339 1,000 0 0% 101-7006-60427 Safety Gear 972 1,000 1,000 624 1,000 0 0% 101-7006-60690 Uniforms 1,231 2,000 2,000 391 2,000 0 0% 10,300 0 00/0 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 9,002 10,300 10,300 3,366 64 - Other Expenses 101-7006-60480 Contributions to Other Ac 98,689 0 225,400 0 I 0 (225,400) -70% 64 - Other Expenses Totals: 98,689 0 225,400 0 0 (225,400) -70% 69 - Internal Service Charges 101-7006-98110 Information Tech Charge 57,200 69,000 69,000 34,500 I 69,000 0 0% 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 57,200 69,000 69,000 34,500 69,000 0 00/0 7006 - Engineering Services Totals: 758,472 1,020,756 1,246,156 418,652 984,700 (261,456) -24% 50 197 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Department : 7006 - Engineering Services 101-7006-50101 Permanent Full Time 243,400.00 100% - Assistant Construction Manager 100% - Construction Inspector (2) 101-7006-60103 Professional Services 20,000.00 Regional scour analysis 101-7006-60104 Consultants 60,000.00 Project design services 101-7006-60146 PM 10 - Dust Control 250,000.00 Vacant city land dust control - near SilverRock, Highway 111 next to the Marriott Hotel, and other city owned land 101-7006-60320 Travel & Training 5,000.00 Coachella Valley American Public Works Association (APWA) meetings California Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) training Geographic Information Systems (GIS) certification National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) certification Certified Inspector trainina 101-7006-60351 Membership Dues 1,100.00 American Public Works Association (APWA) Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 101-7006-60352 Subscriptions & Publications 200.00 Subdivision map act books 51 198 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 6001 - Design & Development Administration 50 - Salaries and Benefits 101-6001-50101 Permanent Full Time 318,508 286,824 286,824 255,732 312,105 25,281 9% 101-6001-50110 Commissions & Boards 10,200 8,400 8,400 4,623 8,400 0 0% 101-6001-50150 Other Compensation 1,444 500 500 864 500 0 0% 101-6001-50200 PERS-City Portion 28,506 25,700 25,700 21,144 27,800 2,100 8% 101-6001-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 2,850 3,900 3,900 0% 101-6001-50221 Medical Insurance 72,739 74,300 74,300 48,976 71,700 (2,600) -4% 101-6001-50222 Vision Insurance 739 0 0 441 0 0 0% 101-6001-50223 Dental Insurance 3,034 0 0 1,453 0 0 0% 101-6001-50224 Life Insurance 237 0 0 177 0 0 0% 101-6001-50225 Long Term Disability 1,691 1,600 1,600 1,517 1,900 300 23% 101-6001-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 6,300 6,300 6,300 3,150 6,300 0 0% 101-6001-50240 Social Security -Medicare 4,766 4,400 4,400 3,779 4,400 0 0% 101-6001-50241 Social Security -FICA 583 0 0 273 0 0 0% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 448,748 408,024 408,024 344,979 437,005 28,981 80/0 60 - Contract Services 101-6001-60104 Consultants 0 10,000 10,000 0 10,000 0 0% 101-6001-60122 Credit Card Fees 222,248 150,000 150,000 118,291 150,000 0 0% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 222,248 160,000 160,000 118,291 160,000 0 00/0 62 - Maintenance & Operations 101-6001-60320 Travel & Training 101-6001-60351 Membership Dues 101-6001-60352 Subscriptions & Publicati< 101-6001-60400 Office Supplies 101-6001-60410 Printing 101-6001-60420 Operating Supplies 101-6001-60450 Advertising 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 69 - Internal Service Charges 101-6001-98110 Information Tech Charge 101-6001-98140 Facility & Fleet Maintenar 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 280 5,000 5,000 2,072 5,000 0 0% 440 600 600 250 600 0 0% 119 700 700 207 700 0 0% 636 3,000 3,000 41 2,000 (1,000) -33% 0 400 400 0 400 0 0% 1,156 1,000 1,000 708 1,000 0 0% 840 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 0 0% 3,471 11,700 11,700 3,278 10,700 (1,000) -100/0 57,200 69,000 69,000 85,200 108,100 108,100 34,500 54.050 69,000 0 0% 08,100 0 0% 142,400 177,100 177,100 88,550 177,100 0 00/0 ign & Development Administration Totals: 816,867 756,824 756,824 555,097 784,805 27,981 4% 52 199 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Department : 6001 - Design & Development Administration 101-6001-50101_ Permanent Full Tim - 312,105.00 100% - Design & Development Director 100% - Administrative Assistant 100% - Administrative Technician 101-6001-60104 Consultants 10,000.00 Studies and predesign for projects Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program 101-6001-60320 Travel & Training 5,000.00 Staff professional development American Planning Association (APA) Conference 101-6001-60351 Membership Dues 600.00 American Public Works Association (APWA) 101-6001-60352 Subscriptions & Publications 700.00 The Desert Sun 101-6001-60410 Printing 400.00 Materials for community events 101-6001-60450 Advertising 1,000.00 Public noticing requirements 53 200 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 6002 - Planning 50 - Salaries and Benefits 101-6002-50101 Permanent Full Time 296,800 317,730 317,730 253,881 339,630 21,900 7% 101-6002-50150 Other Compensation 1,444 0 0 1,024 0 0 0% 101-6002-50200 PERS-City Portion 22,482 23,300 23,300 18,957 25,400 2,100 9% 101-6002-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 2,850 3,900 3,900 0% 101-6002-50221 Medical Insurance 40,249 74,300 74,300 40,411 71,800 (2,500) -4% 101-6002-50222 Vision Insurance 559 0 0 499 0 0 0% 101-6002-50223 Dental Insurance 2,015 0 0 2,047 0 0 0% 101-6002-50224 Life Insurance 163 0 0 157 0 0 0% 101-6002-50225 Long Term Disability 1,668 2,000 2,000 1,591 2,100 100 6% 101-6002-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 6,300 6,300 6,300 3,150 6,300 0 0% 101-6002-50240 Social Security -Medicare 4,338 4,600 4,600 3,716 4,800 200 5% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 376,017 428,230 428,230 328,285 453,930 25,700 7% 60 - Contract Services 101-6002-60103 Professional Services 44,602 160,000 160,000 78,406 150,000 (10,000) -5% 101-6002-60125 Temporary Agency Servii 68,526 65,000 65,000 33,343 0 (65,000) -93% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 113,128 225,000 225,000 111,749 150,000 (75,000) -27% 62 - Maintenance & Operations 101-6002-60320 Travel & Training 910 14,000 14,000 9,402 14,000 0 0% 101-6002-60351 Membership Dues 575 500 500 375 500 0 0% 101-6002-60352 Subscriptions & Publicati< 299 100 100 304 400 300 300% 101-6002-60450 Advertising 11,211 8,000 8,000 6,570 10,000 2,000 20% 24,900 2,300 12% 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 12,995 22,600 22,600 16,651 69 - Internal Service Charges 101-6002-98110 Information Tech Charge 57,200 69,000 69,000 34,500 I 69,000 0 0% 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 57,200 69,000 69,000 34,500 69,000 0 00/0 6002 - Planning Totals: 559,340 744,830 744,830 491,185 697,830 (47,000) -6% 54 201 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Department : 6002 -Planning 101-6002-50101 Permanent Full Time 101-6002-60103 101-6002-60320 100% - Planning Manager 100% - Senior Planner 100% - Associate Planner Professional Services Professional planning Environmental services Specific plan amendments GIS consulting services Historical Survev Travel & Training 339,630.00 150,000.00 14,000.00 Staff professional development Planning Commissioners Academy- League of Cities American Planning Association (APA) Conference 101-6002-60351 Membership Dues 500.00 American Planning Association (APA) 101-6002-60352 Subscriptions & Publications 400.00 International Cost Engineering Council - CEQA books Subdivision Map Act Planning and zoning laws 101-6002-60450 Advertising 10,000.00 Planning hearing notices Public notification requirements for city and development projects - Desert Sun Outreach workshops 55 202 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 6003 - Building 50 - Salaries and Benefits 101-6003-50101 Permanent Full Time 368,198 492,762 492,762 333,086 529,316 36,554 9% 101-6003-50105 Salaries - Overtime 9,531 15,000 15,000 21,916 20,000 5,000 50% 101-6003-50150 Other Compensation 2,004 2,900 2,900 1,787 2,000 (900) -45% 101-6003-50200 PERS-City Portion 32,418 41,500 41,500 28,658 47,200 5,700 16% 101-6003-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 3,800 7,800 7,800 0% 101-6003-50221 Medical Insurance 90,812 148,500 148,500 80,200 143,500 (5,000) -5% 101-6003-50222 Vision Insurance 1,088 0 0 890 0 0 0% 101-6003-50223 Dental Insurance 5,074 0 0 3,944 0 0 0% 101-6003-50224 Life Insurance 244 0 0 246 0 0 0% 101-6003-50225 Long Term Disability 2,041 3,100 3,100 2,032 3,200 100 4% 101-6003-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 10,500 12,500 12,500 6,250 12,500 0 0% 101-6003-50240 Social Security -Medicare 5,751 7,100 7,100 5,150 7,500 400 7% 101-6003-50241 Social Security -FICA 1,170 0 0 0 0 0 0% 101-6003-50251 Temporary 18,866 0 0 0 0 0 0% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 547,698 723,362 723,362 487,960 773,016 49,654 8% 60 - Contract Services 101-6003-60118 Plan Checks 246,380 290,000 440,000 176,263 I 290,000 (150,000) -52% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 246,380 290,000 440,000 176,263 290,000 (150,000) -52% 62 - Maintenance & Operations 101-6003-60320 Travel & Training 101-6003-60351 Membership Dues 101-6003-60352 Subscriptions & Publicati< 101-6003-60420 Operating Supplies 101-6003-60425 Supplies - Field 101-6003-60690 Uniforms 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 1,907 3,000 3,000 2,010 3,000 0 0% 215 700 700 563 700 0 0% 0 3,000 3,000 2,064 1,500 (1,500) -750% 0 600 600 604 600 0 0% 0 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 0 0% 973 2,000 2,000 242 2,000 0 0% 3,095 10,300 10,300 5,484 8,800 (1,500) -20% 69 - Internal Service Charges 101-6003-98110 Information Tech Charge 95,400 138,000 138,000 69,000 138,000 0 0% 101-6003-98140 Facility &Fleet Maintenar 68,100 129,700 129,700 64,850 129,700 0 0% 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 163,500 267,700 267,700 133,850 267,700 0 00/0 6003 - Building Totals: 960,672 1,291,362 1,441,362 803,557 1,339,516 (101,846) -90/0 56 203 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Department : 6003 - Building 101-6003-50101 �ermanent Full Time 529,316.00 100% - Building Official 100% - Senior Building Inspector/Plans Examiner 100% - Building Inspector II (2) 100% - Building Inspector I 100% - Plans Examiner 101-6003-60118 Plan Checks 290,000.00 Consulting services as needed to support plan check review services 101-6003-60320 Travel & Training 3,000.00 CA Building Officials (CALBO) International Code Council certifications 101-6003-60351 Membership Dues 700.00 CA Building Officials (CALBO) International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) 101-6003-60352 Subscriptions & Publications 1,500.00 Updated California Building Code books and other professional subscriptions 57 204 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 6006 - The Hub 50 - Salaries and Benefits 101-6006-50101 Permanent Full Time 401,194 570,282 570,282 373,631 543,590 (26,692) -5% 101-6006-50102 Salaries - Part Time 31,639 71,500 71,500 44,204 80,900 9,400 31% 101-6006-50150 Other Compensation 2,407 0 0 1,707 0 0 0% 101-6006-50200 PERS-City Portion 38,760 48,200 48,200 36,365 56,500 8,300 19% 101-6006-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 4,750 9,100 9,100 0% 101-6006-50221 Medical Insurance 96,114 198,000 198,000 99,144 167,300 (30,700) -21% 101-6006-50222 Vision Insurance 1,219 0 0 1,060 0 0 0% 101-6006-50223 Dental Insurance 5,875 0 0 5,815 0 0 0% 101-6006-50224 Life Insurance 285 0 0 312 0 0 0% 101-6006-50225 Long Term Disability 2,242 3,600 3,600 2,316 3,300 (300) -11% 101-6006-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 14,700 16,700 16,700 8,350 16,700 0 0% 101-6006-50240 Social Security -Medicare 6,276 8,100 8,100 6,059 7,600 (500) -7% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 600,711 916,382 916,382 583,714 884,990 (31,392) -4% 60 - Contract Services 101-6006-60103 Professional Services 54,165 70,000 70,000 0 0 (70,000) -64% 101-6006-60125 Temporary Agency Servi( 40,871 60,000 60,000 41,584 0 (60,000) -120% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 95,036 130,000 130,000 41,584 0 (130,000) -81% 62 - Maintenance & Operations 101-6006-60137 Community Special Eveni 101-6006-60320 Travel & Training 101-6006-60351 Membership Dues 101-6006-60420 Operating Supplies 101-6006-60450 Advertising 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 69 - Internal Service Charges 101-6006-98110 Information Tech Charge 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals; 0 1,645 150 3,344 0 0 2,000 200 4,000 0 0 2,000 200 4,000 0 0 881 0 3,812 0 0 10,000 0 5,000 0 0 8,000 (200) 1,000 0 0% 400% -100% 25% 0% 5,140 6,200 6,200 4,693 15,000 8,800 79% 133,500 183,900 183,900 91,950 I 183,900 0 0% 133,500 183,900 183,900 91,950 183,900 0 00/0 6006 - The Hub Totals: 834,387 1,236,482 1,236,482 721,941 1,083,890 (152,592) -14% 58 205 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Department : 6006 - The Hub 101-6006-50101 Permanent Full Time 100% - Hub Manager 100% - Permit Technician (5) 100% - Administrative Assistant 101-6006-50102 Salaries - Part Time 100% - Software Program Writer P/T 101-6006-60320 Travel & Training 543,590.00 80,900.00 10,000.00 Tyler Annual Conference California Municipal Revenue & Tax Annual Conference Structured Query Language (SQL) training Fred Pryor- Technical & management training 59 206 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 1006 - Finance 50 - Salaries and Benefits 101-1006-50101 Permanent Full Time 689,082 817,530 817,530 671,440 872,950 55,420 7% 101-1006-50110 Commissions & Boards 1,950 3,700 3,700 1,350 3,700 0 0% 101-1006-50150 Other Compensation 2,407 0 0 2,627 0 0 0% 101-1006-50200 PERS-City Portion 60,175 69,700 69,700 58,270 83,500 13,800 20% 101-1006-50201 PERS-Employee Portion 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 101-1006-50210 PERS-Survivor Benefits 0 0 0 (2) 0 0 0% 101-1006-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 8,455 11,570 11,570 482% 101-1006-50221 Medical Insurance 146,260 220,300 220,300 137,301 212,800 (7,500) -4% 101-1006-50222 Vision Insurance 1,724 0 0 1,507 0 0 0% 101-1006-50223 Dental Insurance 6,777 0 0 6,112 0 0 0% 101-1006-50224 Life Insurance 388 0 0 420 0 0 0% 101-1006-50225 Long Term Disability 3,842 5,000 5,000 4,103 5,400 400 9% 101-1006-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 17,600 17,600 17,600 8,800 17,600 0 0% 101-1006-50240 Social Security -Medicare 10,020 11,700 11,700 9,756 12,400 700 6% 101-1006-50241 Social Security -FICA 121 0 0 84 0 0 0% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 940,346 1,145,530 1,145,530 910,222 1,219,920 74,390 7% 60 - Contract Services 101-1006-60102 Administration 12,814 20,000 20,000 10,004 20,000 0 0% 101-1006-60103 Professional Services 29,028 62,000 62,000 13,721 70,000 8,000 13% 101-1006-60104 Consultants 37,532 40,000 40,000 55,413 50,000 10,000 25% 101-1006-60106 Auditors 37,250 80,000 80,000 60,220 80,000 0 0% 101-1006-60122 Credit Card Fees 840 3,000 3,000 1,180 1,500 (1,500) -50% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 117,464 205,000 205,000 140,537 221,500 16,500 90/0 62 - Maintenance & Operations 101-1006-60137 Community Engagement 0 1,500 1,500 335 1,500 0 0% 101-1006-60320 Travel & Training 6,275 25,000 25,000 8,156 25,000 0 0% 101-1006-60351 Membership Dues 2,859 3,500 3,500 3,238 3,500 0 0% 101-1006-60352 Subscriptions & Publicati< 1,392 2,200 2,200 2,020 2,200 0 0% 101-1006-60400 Office Supplies 1,811 2,500 2,500 848 2,500 0 0% 101-1006-60410 Printing 2,342 5,000 5,000 1,990 5,000 0 0% 101-1006-60450 Advertising 172 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 0 0% 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 14,851 40,700 40,700 16,586 40,700 0 00/0 69 - Internal Service Charges 101-1006-98110 Information Tech Charge 168,500 204,600 204,600 102,300 I 204,600 0 0% 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 168,500 204,600 204,600 102,300 204,600 0 00/0 1006 - Finance Totals: 1,241,161 1,595,830 1,595,830 1,169,646 1,686,720 90,890 6% 60 207 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Department : 1006 - Finance 101-1006-50101 Permanent Full Time 872,950.00 90% - Finance Director (10% Housing Fund) 100% - Financial Services Analyst 100% - Accounting Manager 100% - Accountant 100% - Junior Accountant 100% - Account Technician (3) 100% - Management Assistant 101-1006-60102 Administration 20,000.00 Bank service fees Fiscal custodian fees 101-1006-60103 Professional Services 70,000.00 Financial Advisory Commission Subcommittee Support Professional accounting support Armored Car Services Annual Budget -at -a -Glance Third party audits & policy verifications State Controller's Report - Citywide Pension Plan Review Consulting Services OPEB annual third -party valuation. retiree health 101-1006-60104 Consultants 50,000.00 Property tax revenue analysis Sales tax revenue analysis 101-1006-60137 Community Engagement 1,500.00 Community workshop and budget outreach 61 208 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 101-1006-60320 Travel & Training 25,000.00 California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) Annual Conference California Municipal Treasurers Association (CMTA) Conference League of California Cities Conference Tyler ERP 10 training - Financial software Annual GASB update training Various half -day classes: CSMFO, GFOA, CAPPO 101-1006-60351 Membership Dues 3,500.00 CA Municipal Finance Officers Association (CSMFO) CA Municipal Treasurer Association (CMTA) Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) CA Assoc. of Public Procurement Officials (CAPPO) UCLA Economic Forecast 101-1006-60352 Subscriptions & Publications 2,200.00 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) statistical data reports 101-1006-60410 Printing 5,000.00 Accounts Payable and Payroll checks Budget and financial reports - covers and tabs Financial Advisory Commission reports 101-1006-60450 Advertising 1,000.00 Newspaper advertisements for surplus sales and Request for Proposals 62 209 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 1007 - Central Services 50 - Salaries and Benefits 101-1007-50109 Vacation & Sick Leave BL 128,834 150,000 150,000 123,320 150,000 0 0% 101-1007-50115 Contingency for Stafffing 7,386 900,000 900,000 0 1,500,000 600,000 150% 101-1007-50117 PERS - Unfunded Pensior 3,593,526 2,241,600 12,441,600 12,427,058 950,000 (11,491,600) -320% 101-1007-50200 PERS-City Portion 0 0 0 1,539 0 0 0% 101-1007-50221 Medical Insurance 0 0 0 926 0 0 0% 101-1007-50222 Vision Insurance 0 0 0 14 0 0 0% 101-1007-50223 Dental Insurance 0 0 0 66 0 0 0% 101-1007-50224 Life Insurance 0 0 0 4 0 0 0% 101-1007-50225 Long Term Disability 0 0 0 28 0 0 0% 101-1007-50240 Social Security -Medicare 1,868 0 0 1,789 0 0 0% 101-1007-50243 Employer Contrib Retiree 29,641 36,000 36,000 20,950 35,000 (1,000) -3% 101-1007-50244 State Unemployment Ins 11,991 25,000 25,000 20,230 25,000 0 0% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 3,773,246 3,352,600 13,552,600 12,595,923 2,660,000 (10,892,600) -255% 62 - Maintenance & Operations 101-1007-60351 Membership Dues 101-1007-60401 Operating Supplies 101-1007-60402 Forms, Copier Paper 101-1007-60403 Citywide Supplies 101-1007-60405 Miscellaneous Supplies 101-1007-60470 Postage 101-1007-60535 Sales Tax Reimbursemen 101-1007-60536 TOT Resort Rebate Progr 101-1007-60661 Postage Machine 101-1007-60663 Typewriters 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 64 - Other Expenses 101-1007-60213 Interest Expense 64 - Other Expenses Totals 120 200 200 120 200 0 0% 0 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 0 0% 2,628 5,000 5,000 3,426 5,000 0 0% 9,794 8,000 8,000 7,369 8,000 0 0% 0 1,000 1,000 227 1,000 0 0% 18,133 25,000 25,000 17,493 25,000 0 0% 72,799 60,000 60,000 52,972 0 (60,000) -80% 50,000 100,000 300,000 0 100,000 (200,000) -80% 1,026 13,000 13,000 12,351 13,000 0 0% 227 0 0 0 0 0 0% 154,728 213,200 413,200 93,959 153,200 (260,000) -69% 779 0 0 0 I 0 0 0% 779 0 0 0 0 0 00/0 68 - Capital Expenses 101-1007-71050 Buildings (5,400) 0 0 0 0 0 0% 101-1007-74010 Land Acquisition 604,525 20,000 480,000 452,554 500,000 20,000 3% 68 - Capital Expenses Totals: 599,125 20,000 480,000 452,554 500,000 20,000 3% 69 - Internal Service Charges 101-1007-91842 Liability Insurance & Claii 529,000 529,000 529,000 264,500 529,000 0 0% 101-1007-91843 Property & Crime Insurar 25,500 25,500 25,500 12,750 25,500 0 0% 101-1007-91844 Earthquake Insurance 67,000 67,000 67,000 33,500 67,000 0 0% 101-1007-98110 Information Tech Charge 95,400 115,000 115,000 57,500 115,000 0 0% 101-1007-98140 Facility & Fleet Maintenar 67,650 85,800 85,800 42,900 85,800 0 0% 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 784,550 822,300 822,300 411,150 822,300 0 00/0 99 - Transfers Out 101-1007-99900 Transfers Out 4,415,303 10,039,000 46,848,086 3,358,516 I 14,659,000 (32,189,086) -89% 99 - Transfers Out Totals: 4,415,303 10,039,000 63 46,848,086 3,358,516 14,659,000 (32,189,086) 210 -89% CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budget 1007 - Central Services Totals: 9,727,730 14,447,100 62,116,186 16,912,102 18,794,500 (43,321,686) -103% 64 211 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Department : 1007 - Central Services 101-1007-50115 Contingency for Stafffing 1,500,000.00 Workforce flexibility Work within Class and Compensation structure Manage CalPERS increases Ensure job rates reflect market rates 101-1007-50117 PERS - Unfunded Pension Liabi 950,000.00 Annual minimum CalPERS requirement to long-term pension liability. Based on valuation reports - inflation assumed at 2.3% with discount rate of 6.8%. Contribution per pension tier is as follows: Tier 1 - Classic $930,000 Tier 2 - None PEPRA Tier - None 101-1007-50244 State Unemployment Insuranc 25,000.00 101-1007-60351 Membership Dues 200.00 Costco membership 101-1007-60536 TOT Resort Rebate Program 100,000.00 To promote new tourism activities within the City and encourage citywide participation and innovation proposals; rebate for hotels collecting resort fees up to $50,000 per proposal 101-1007-74010 Land Acquisition 500,000.00 Engineering maps, property survey & title search services 65 212 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 101-1007-99900 Transfers Out 14,659,000.00 Amount Art in Public Places - Maintenance/Installation 50,000 CIP GF - Citywide Drainage Improvements 477,000 CIP GF - Citywide PMP Street Improvements 1,500,000 CIP GF - Fritz Burns Park Improvements 1,500,000 CIP GF - LLD Median Improvements 500,000 CIP GF - Sidewalk & ADA Ramp Improvements 75,000 CIP GF - SilverRock Dust Control 1,000,000 CIP GF - X Park Building ADA Improvements 350,000 Gas Tax Fund - Supplement Operations 500,000 Law Enforcement Fund - Deceased LQ Officers 2,000 LLD Fund - Supplement Maint. Operations 1,500,000 Measure G - Avenue 48 Art & Music Line 2,400,000 Measure G - Fritz Burns Park Improvements 1,500,000 Measure G - Highway 111 Event Site 500,000 Measure G - Hwy 111 Corridor Implementation 1,000,000 Measure G - Washington St Connector -Art & Music 1,200,000 PARS Supplemental Pension Plan 5,000 SilverRock Resort 600,000 66 213 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 214 CITY OF LA QUINTA INTERNAL SERVICE FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 0000 - Undesignated 60 - Contract Services 501-0000-60213 Interest Expense 2,982 0 0 0 I 0 0 0% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 2,982 0 0 0 0 0 00/0 62 - Maintenance & Operations 501-0000-60674 Fuel & Oil 501-0000-60675 Parts, Accessories, and U 501-0000-60676 Vehicle Repair & Mainter 501-0000-60677 HAZMAT Containment an 501-0000-60678 Street Sweeper 501-0000-60679 Motorcycle Repair & Main 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 63 -Insurance 501-0000-91843 Property & Crime Insurar 63 - Insurance Totals: 68 - Capital Expenses 501-0000-71020 Furniture 501-0000-71030 Vehicles, Rentals & Lease 501-0000-71031 Vehicles, Purchased 501-0000-71032 Building Leases 501-0000-71103 City Bldg Repl/Repair 501-0000-71110 Depreciation Expense 501-0000-71111 Deprec Exp - Mach & EqL 501-0000-71112 Depreciation Expense - B 501-0000-71113 Depreciation Expense - V 501-0000-71114 Depreciation Expense - N 501-0000-71121 Depreciation Expense - P 501-0000-80100 Machinery & Equipment 68 - Capital Expenses Totals: 122,100 90,000 130,000 104,022 155,000 25,000 19% 8,844 25,000 180,000 114,933 100,000 (80,000) -44% 52,154 55,000 55,000 61,852 100,000 45,000 82% 0 0 0 4,291 0 0 0% 571 10,000 10,000 119 10,000 0 0% 8,247 10,000 10,000 11,200 10,000 0 0% 191,915 190,000 385,000 296,417 375,000 (10,000) -30/b 13,750 13,750 13,750 6,875 13,750 0 0% 13,750 13,750 13,750 6,875 13,750 0 00/0 11,462 25,000 25,000 12,741 25,000 0 0% 122,430 180,000 180,000 72,263 85,000 (95,000) -53% (35,810) 400,000 479,000 416,160 75,000 (404,000) -84% 2,982 40,000 40,000 33,974 40,000 0 0% 40,472 230,000 230,000 167,239 230,000 0 0% 2,002 0 0 0 0 0 0% 87,273 50,000 50,000 0 50,000 0 0% 53,692 25,000 25,000 0 25,000 0 0% 231,361 100,000 100,000 0 100,000 0 0% 33,304 5,000 5,000 0 5,000 0 0% 44 0 0 0 0 0 0% 1,810 300,000 500,000 76,579 375,000 (125,000) -25% 551,022 1,355,000 1,634,000 778,956 1,010,000 (624,000) -38% 99 - Transfers Out 501-0000-99900 Transfers Out 0 50,000 181,964 0 I 50,000 (131,964) -73% 99 - Transfers Out Totals: 0 50,000 181.964 0 50,000 (131,9641 -73% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 759,669 1,608,750 2,214,714 1,082,249 1,448,750 (765,964) -35% FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Totals: 759,669 1,608,750 2,214,714 1,082,249 1,448,750 (765,964) -35% 67 215 CITY OF LA QUINTA INTERNAL SERVICE FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Fund: 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 501-0000-71030 Vehicles, Rentals & Leases 85,000.00 City vehicles are leased through Enterprise 501-0000-71103 City Bldg Repl/Repair 230,000.00 Building Repairs Wellness Center kitchen update 501-0000-80100 Machinery & Equipment 375,000.00 Compact skid steer loader, dump truck. mini tracked excavator, and work cart with hydraulic dump 68 216 CITY OF LA QUINTA INTERNAL SERVICE FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 0000 - Undesignated 50 - Salaries and Benefits 502-0000-50101 Permanent Full Time 32,378 33,354 33,354 28,104 35,842 2,488 7% 502-0000-50200 PERS-City Portion 2,387 2,500 2,500 2,028 2,700 200 8% 502-0000-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 380 520 520 0% 502-0000-50221 Medical Insurance 4,720 9,900 9,900 4,022 9,600 (300) -3% 502-0000-50222 Vision Insurance 38 0 0 14 0 0 0% 502-0000-50223 Dental Insurance 89 0 0 66 0 0 0% 502-0000-50224 Life Insurance 22 0 0 21 0 0 0% 502-0000-50225 Long Term Disability 179 300 300 169 300 0 0% 502-0000-50240 Social Security -Medicare 469 500 500 408 600 100 20% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 40,283 46,554 46,554 35,212 49,562 3,008 6% 60 - Contract Services 502-0000-60104 Consultants 390,383 480,000 480,000 348,514 480,000 0 0% 502-0000-60108 Technical 41,939 65,000 65,000 33,601 65,000 0 0% 502-0000-60300 Maintenance Agreements 10,957 6,000 6,000 28,997 6,000 0 0% 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 497,421 900,000 900,000 390,033 900,000 0 0% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 940,700 1,451,000 1,451,000 801,146 1,451,000 0 00/0 62 - Maintenance & Operations 502-0000-60320 Travel & Training 0 500 500 0 500 0 0% 502-0000-60420 Operating Supplies 10,354 5,000 5,000 7,263 5,000 0 0% 502-0000-60662 Copiers 35,686 80,000 80,000 27,197 80,000 0 0% 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 46,039 85,500 85,500 34,460 85,500 0 00/0 66 - Utilities 502-0000-61300 Telephone - Utilities 502-0000-61301 Cell/Mobile Phones 502-0000-61400 Cable/Internet - Utilities 66 - Utilities Totals 68 - Capital Expenses 502-0000-71020 Furniture 502-0000-71042 D & D, Software Enhance 502-0000-71043 Comm. Resources, Softw 502-0000-71047 City Clerk, Software Enhz 502-0000-71048 Public Works, Software E 502-0000-71049 Software Implementatior 502-0000-71110 Depreciation Expense 502-0000-71111 Deprec Exp - Mach & EqL 502-0000-71115 Depreciation Expense - S 502-0000-80100 Machinery & Equipment 502-0000-80103 Computers 68 - Capital Expenses Totals: 39,973 47,516 35,000 50,000 75,000 35,000 50,000 75,000 43,284 42,523 35,000 0 0% 60,000 10,000 20% 85,000 10,000 13% 142,826 160,000 160,000 144,038 180,000 20,000 13% 298 0 0 0 0 0 0% 10,670 0 0 0 0 0 0% 8,990 0 0 0 0 0 0% 2,590 0 0 0 0 0 0% 17,676 0 0 0 0 0 0% 16,881 100,000 100,000 130,036 500,000 400,000 400% 28,878 5,000 5,000 0 5,000 0 0% 28,172 60,000 60,000 0 60,000 0 0% 27,083 70,000 70,000 0 70,000 0 0% 57,814 200,000 300,000 140,682 250,000 (50,000) -17% 54,084 80,000 80,000 18,415 280,000 200,000 250% 253,136 515,000 615,000 289,134 1,165,000 550,000 89% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 1,422,985 2,258,054 2,358,054 1,303,990 2,931,062 573,008 24% 69 217 CITY OF LA QUINTA INTERNAL SERVICE FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budget i02 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Totals: 1,422,985 2,258,054 2,358,054 1,303,990 2,931,062 573,008 24% 70 218 CITY OF LA QUINTA INTERNAL SERVICE FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 502-0000-50101 Permanent Full Time 35,842.00 40% - Management Analyst (60% Housing Fund) 502-0000-60104 Consultants 480,000.00 Contracted information technology services 502-0000-60108 Technical 65,000.00 Cable services, wireless access points, modems, and virtual servers 502-0000-60320 Travel & Training 500.00 Fraud prevention, firewall, encryption, coding, and other IT - related trainings 502-0000-60420 Operating Supplies 5,000.00 Small equipment such as keyboards, computer mouses, cables, conference room TV's, speakers, docking stations, etc. 502-0000-80100 Machinery & Equipment 250,000.00 Aging inventory upgrades per 5-year plan 71 219 CITY OF LA QUINTA INTERNAL SERVICE FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 503 - PARK EQUIPMENT & FACILITY FUND 0000 - Undesignated 68 - Capital Expenses 503-0000-71060 Parks 139,144 545,000 1,618,000 127,638 2,242,200 624,200 39% 503-0000-71110 Depreciation Expense 1,303 0 0 0 0 0 0% 503-0000-71122 Depreciation Expense - C 496,933 0 0 0 0 0 0% 68 - Capital Expenses Totals: 637,380 545,000 1,618,000 127,638 2,242,200 624,200 39% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 637,380 545,000 1,618,000 127,638 2,242,200 624,200 39% 3 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND Totals: 637,380 545,000 1,618,000 127,638 2,242,200 624,200 39% 72 220 CITY OF LA QUINTA INTERNAL SERVICE FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Fund: 503 - PARK EQUIPMENT & FACILITY FUN503-0000-71060 Parks 2,242,200.00 Citywide park enhancements to include: Shade structures, drinking fountains, fitness equipment replacement, playground structures and other amenities 73 221 CITY OF LA QUINTA INTERNAL SERVICE FUND EXPENSE DETAILS FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 504-INSURANCE FUND 1010 - Insurance 60 - Contract Services 504-1010-60320 Travel & Training 0 500 500 0 5,000 4,500 900% 504-1010-60351 Membership Dues 0 200 200 0 1,000 800 400% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 0 700 700 0 6,000 5,300 757% 62 - Maintenance & Operations 504-1010-60420 Operating Supplies 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals 63 -Insurance 504-1010-60441 Liability Insurance 504-1010-60442 Claims 504-1010-60443 Property Insurance 504-1010-60446 Crime Insurance 504-1010-60447 Earthquake Insurance 504-1010-60452 Workers Comp Premium 63 - Insurance Totals 6,542 12,500 12,500 3,430 12,500 0 0% 6,542 12,500 12,500 3,430 12,500 0 0% 446,349 419,000 419,000 418,878 395,000 (24,000) -6% 0 2,500 2,500 0 2,500 0 0% 144,771 160,000 160,000 159,738 190,000 30,000 19% 1,800 4,000 4,000 1,800 2,000 (2,000) -50% 175,980 200,000 200,000 124,588 240,000 40,000 20% 146,173 185,400 185,400 185,353 270,000 84,600 46% 915,073 970,900 970,900 890,357 1,099,500 128,600 13% 1010 - Insurance Totals: 921,615 984,100 984,100 893,787 1,118,000 133,900 14% 504 - INSURANCE FUND Totals: 921,615 984,100 984,100 893,787 1,118,000 133,900 14% 74 222 CITY OF LA QUINTA INTERNAL SERVICE FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Fund: 504 - INSURANCE FUND 504-1010-60320 Travel & Training 504-1010-60351 504-1010-60420 5,000.00 California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) Public Agency Risk Management Association (PARMA) Membership Dues 1,000.00 Public Agency Risk Management Association (PARMA) members Operating Supplies 12,500.00 Ergonomic assessments and first aid kit supplies/maintenance 75 223 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 224 City of La Quinta STUDY SESSION ITEM NO.2 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 16, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: DISCUSS SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM CHARACTERISTICS, COMPLIANCE, AND ENFORCEMENT OVERVIEW FOR JANUARY- MARCH 2O23 AND POTENTIAL AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 3.25 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RECOMMENDATION Discuss the Short -Term Vacation Rental program characteristics, compliance, and enforcement overview for January — March 2023 and potential amendments to Chapter 3.25 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Council receives periodic updates on the STVR program performance, including characteristics, compliance and enforcement; provided in this report are metrics for January — March 2023; and potential amendments to Chapter 3.25 of the LQMC for Council consideration, discussion, and direction. • On May 20, 2021, Section 3.25.055 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMC) established a permanent ban on the issuance of new short-term vacation rental (STVR) permits in residential areas (Permit Ban), unless the property is located within an "exempt" area depicted on the map in Attachment 1. • New permits have not been issued outside of exempt areas since August 4, 2020; existing permit -holders in Permit Ban areas may renew permits but permits cannot be transferred. FISCAL IMPACT — None. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS 1. STVR Program 2023 Q-1 Update The City imposed a moratorium on the issuance of new STVR permits on August 4, 2020, via Executive Order No. 10, and extended it with succeeding amendments. Section 3.25.055 of the LQMC established a permanent Permit Ban on the issuance of new STVR permits in residential areas (Permit Ban areas) effective May 20, 2021. Permit -holders may renew existing permits, but permits cannot be transferred. The issuance of new STVR permits is banned in Permit Ban areas, and no new permits have been issued since August 4, 2020. New permits continue to be issued in a few select "Exempt 225 Areas" zoned for tourist commercial, village commercial, and communities expressly developed to allow STVRs, as depicted on the map in Attachment 1. The metrics below provide an overview of the STVR program for January — March 2023, including characteristics, compliance, and enforcement. The City's STVR program consisted of 1,210 active permits as of March 31, 2023. There are a total of 66 Estate Permits (3 in the Primary Residence category, and 63 in the General Permits category). ON Me] March 2023 STVR Permits by Type Total Permits:1,210 (Estate Permits = 66) 11,20 Homeshares ■ Primary Residence ■ General Permits Figure 1 Table 1 below lists the total number of STVR permits for each area for January - March 2023, historical data for 2021 and 2022 for comparison, and the total number of approved parcels which were updated in 2023. Since January 2021, the data shows a decline of 300 STVR permits (28.6%) in Permit Ban areas due to permit attrition related to home sales and non -renewals, and an increase of 190 STVR permits in Exempt Areas. 2023 STVR PERMITS BY AREA CITYVADE JAN-21 JAN-22 JAN-23 FES-23 MAR-23 2D23 Parcels North La Ouintn 140 11- ? ' 0 109 109 2,462 Mid La Quinta 148 122 2 91 91 958 The Cove 292 252 ?.;" 235 235 4,744 South La Quirrta (PGA west) 470 354 316 315 3,082 Permit Ban Area Totals 1.050 84 7755 75" 750 11.248 STVR ExernPt Areas 270 331 434 441 460 98� kestricted Parcels 0 0 �120 Citywide Totals 1.320 1,17 1.189 1,192 1.210 22.157 226 STVR density is calculated as a percentage by dividing the number of STVR permits by the number of developed parcels within each area, as listed in Table 1 above. Figure 2 below shows the density within each individual Permit Ban area and its decline from January 2021 to March 2023: 20 is 14 5 a Figure 2 Density in STVR Banned Areas 15.5% 14.5% 11.9% 11.6% 10.3% 10.2% 9_d% 9.5% 6.2% 5.3% 5 O% 5.0% 5.4% 4.5% 4.5% 4A% JAN-21 JAN-22 JAM-23 MAR-23 t North LQ -e- Mid LQ t Cove # South LQ (PGA West) Table 2 below shows the number of active STVR permits within each Exempt Area in comparison to the total number of total parcels and shows that as of March 2023, 41% of all available units are operating as STVRs. Active Total Developed Exempt Area % Permits Parcels Parcels 2D23 Homewood Suites 0 40 0% 40 (LQ Desert Villas) Center Pointe Legacy Villas 215 280 77% 280 Signature 83 230 36% 92 141 Fr.aW & 87 fssued Permrts SilverRock 0 0 nla (744) 0 LQ Resort - Tennis Villas 31 48 65% 48 LQ Resort - Spa Villas 10 98 10% 98 Embassy Suites 72 144 50% 1 (Casitas Las Rosas) Cardarniz" 0 142 0% *HGA Approval Required Puerta Azul 37 127 29% 1. Mery Griffin Estate 1 1 100% Palo Villas 11 18 61% TOTALS: 460 1,128 41% 983 Table 2 227 STVR Program Compliance Overview The City's STVR program consists of several interdependent activities such as permitting, licensing, tax collection, and compliance. This section focuses on specific compliance functions, which include managing complaints, conducting investigations, and enforcement (violations, citations, and suspensions). STVR compliance activities are separated into one of two categories: Disturbance — the majority of disturbance compliance activities are due to noise, generally caused by large events or gatherings, children running/screaming/laughing, popping balloons, construction, slamming doors, etc. Other complaints include excessive parking, bright lights, trash, unsecured pool access, unmaintained yard, etc. Administrative — the overwhelming majority of administrative compliance matters are related to operating/advertising without a STVR permit or business license, or failure to display STVR permit on listings. Others include incorrect or missing occupancy limit advertised on listings; failure to report/remit transient occupancy tax, etc. Complaints The City routinely receives complaints related to the STVR program from community members who closely monitor STVR advertising and operational activities continuously, and report possible violations to the City. Complaints are reported by the public through the 24/7 hotline as well as via emails and phone calls to staff. Staff also records complaints when conducting independent compliance investigations. Of note, the vast majority of complaints are for administrative matters, as described above, and do not disrupt the community. Figure 3 below depicts quarterly comparison of citywide STVR complaints for 2021, 2022, and 1st quarter of 2023. YOY Quartly Complaints M N Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 ■ 2021 ■ 2022 ■ 2023 Figure 3 228 Figures 4 and 5 below show the detail of the complaint data for the 1st quarter of 2023 as it applies to permitted versus unpermitted STVR properties: Complaints: January - March 2023 Complaints: January - March 2023 Q-1 Total: 167 (with glitch) Q-1 Total: 81 (without glitch) MAR-23 FEB-23 JAN-23 MAR-23 FEB-23 JAN-23 0 20 40 60 O 5 10 15 20 25 Unpermitted M Permitted M Unpermitted M Permitted Figure 4 Figure 5 It is important to note that in the months of February and March of 2023, one of the major hosting platforms experienced a technical glitch which resulted in the designated field containing the STVR permit number for online advertisements to be removed from each listing. This resulted in the following complaints being received before the glitch was discovered, reported, and corrected in the latter part of March 2023: • February 2023 — 58 complaints (or 87%) of the total 67 to permitted STVR properties were due to the glitch; • March 2023 — 28 complaints (or 80%) of the total 35 to permitted STVR properties were due to the glitch. Had the glitch on the hosting platform not occurred, the complaint data would have been as shown in Figure 5 above, reducing the total number of complaints from 167 to 81. The complaints data for the Q-1 of 2023, taken collectively for permitted and unpermitted properties, also shows that 15 complaints were for disturbances (11 for noise, 2 for trespassing, and 2 for possible RV occupancy); and the remaining 152 or 91 % of all complaints were for administrative matters, such as advertisements not listing a STVR permit number, listing an incorrect permit number, or listing the wrong number of bedrooms; and other matters such as reporting a bee hive, a gas leak, a collapsed fence, and trash cans visible from street. 50 0 Ql-2023 STVR Complaints Administrative ors. Disturbance JAN-2022 FEB-2022 MAR-2022 ■ Administrative Complaints ■ aisturbanceComplaints 229 Enforcement The multiple code amendments to Chapter 3.25 of the LQMC, coupled with increased fines which went into effect on January 15, 2021, have resulted in overall compliance of the STVR program. Similar to complaints, of note, the vast majority of citations are for administrative matters, as defined earlier in this report, that do not disrupt the community. Figure 6 below depicts quarterly comparison of citywide STVR citations for 2021, 2022, and Q-1 of 2023. 75 50 W ❑• YOY Quartly Citations Q1C Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Figure 6 ■ 2021 ■ 2022 ■ 2023 Figure 7 below depicts quarterly STVR-related citations for 2022 and Q-1 of 2023. Of note: • Almost 70% or 50 out of the 72 total citations in 2022 were issued to unpermitted STVR properties; • All but 1 of the 37 total citations in Q-1 of 2023 were issued to unpermitted STVR properties. s0 20 10 0 2022 & Q 1- 2023 STVI Citations Q-1 2022 Q-2 2022 Q-3 2022 Q-4 2022 Q-1 2023 N PermittedCitations 0 U npermitted C itations Figure 7 230 Figure 8 below shows: • There were no citations issued for disturbances in Q-4 of 2022 and Q-1 of 2023; • 75% or 54 out of the 72 total citations in 2022 were issued for administrative matters, primarily for operating/advertising without a STVR permit or business license, or failure to display STVR permit on listings. c 2022 & Ql-2023 STVR Citations dministrat ive ors. Disturbance Q-12022 Q-2 2022 Q-3 2022 0-42022 Q-12023 ■ Administrative Citations ■ Disturbance Citations Figure 8 Taxes. Fees. and STVR Proaram Costs Table 3 provides an overview of annual STVR program revenues for calendar years 2020, 2021, 2022, and Q-1 of 2023. Of note: • Permit/licensing fees and fine collections covered STVR program operational costs in 2021 and in 2022. • Citation fine collections spiked in 2020 and 2021 in correlation with enhanced enforcement tools; however, as expected, substantially decreased in 2022 as overall compliance increased and continue to decrease in 2023. STVR Revenue Summary: 2020, 2021. 2022, & Q1-2023 (per Calendar Year) Revenue Type 2020 2021 2022 2023 Q-1 Transient Occupancy Tax Revenue (TOT) $4,513,084.58 $5,921,343.52 $6,586,847.92 $ 1,634,808.36 *Citation Fine Collections: $ 327,111.82 $ 447,950.01 $ 180,750.00 $ 72,025.00 STVR Permit Fee S 307,761 S 758,780 $ 943.150 S 275,750.00 STVR Permit Inspection Fee S 9,425 S 1,950 $ 1,300 S 650.00 STVR Permit Business License Fee S 55,000 S 50,000 47,000 S 12,969.00 Total STVR Permits/Licensing Fees: $ 372,206.00 $ 810,730.00 $ 991,449.99 $ 209,369.00 Total Annual STVR Revenues: $5,212,402.40 $7,180,023.53 $7,759,047.91 $ 1,996,202.36 Table 3 * Citation Fine Collections revenue list collections current as of April 21, 2023 231 • STVR TOT revenue is being generated as listed in Table 4 below between Permit Ban and Exempt areas: STVR TOT (per Calendar Year) Year Permit Ban Areas in % Exempt Areas in % 2023 Q-1 61 % 39% 2022 71% 29% 2021 80% 20% 2020 83% 17% Table 4 2. Chapter 3.25 STVR Program Code Amendments for consideration At the February 21, 2023, regular meeting, Council received an update on the STVR program characteristics, performance, and enforcement for 2022 and comparison to 2021 calendar years; and public comments from representatives in support and in opposition of the permanent ban on the issuance of new STVR permits in non-exempt areas currently in place. Based on the information presented, on March 21, 2023, staff presented potential code amendments to Chapter 3.25 of the LQMC to Council for consideration. Council directed staff to gather additional information and bring the items back for Council consideration, discussion, and direction, which are summarized below; the proposed LQMC revisions are shown in redline included as Attachment 2: A. Section 3.25.055 Non -issuance of new short-term vacation rental permits; periodic council review. • Add a provision requiring four -fifths (4/5) majority vote of the Council to adopt future code amendments to this section; and Add a provision to exempt Homeshare STVR permits, as defined, from the ban on the issuance of new STVR permits in non-exempt areas currently in effect. To address the rapid influx of STVR use from visitors outside the City when the then -applicable statewide "stay at home" order was in effect to limit and prevent the spread of COVID-19, the City imposed a moratorium on the issuance of new STVR permits in non-exempt areas on August 4, 2020, via Executive Order No. 10, issued pursuant to the authority then -available under the proclaimed local emergency relating to COVID-19. After numerous public meetings and input from the STVR ad -hoc committee, effective May 20, 2021, the moratorium (among other provisions) was codified as a permanent ban on the issuance 232 of new STVR permits in non-exempt areas via the addition of Section 3.25.055 of the LQMC. Permit -holders may renew existing permits, but permits cannot be transferred. No new permits in non-exempt areas have been issued since August 4, 2020. New permits continue to be issued for the few exempt areas zoned for tourist commercial, village commercial, and communities expressly developed to allow STVRs vis-a-vis conditions of approval related to entitlement approvals, specified agreements, or locations, which are depicted on the map in Attachment 1. A citizen ballot initiative, Measure A (Nov. 2022), proposing to phase -out and permanently ban non -hosted STVRs in non-exempt areas in La Quinta by December 31, 2024, qualified for the November 2022 ballot. "Non -hosted" STVRs, as defined by Measure A, did not include "Homeshare" STVRs in the proposed ban, and the proponents expressly indicated their intent to allow Homeshares. Measure A was not approved by the qualified voters. Currently, there are a total of 17 Homeshare STVR permits in La Quinta, which were permitted prior to the moratorium on new STVR permits. The current permanent ban on the issuance of new STVR permits in non-exempt areas applies to all permit types, including Homeshares. Chapter 3.25 defines Homeshare STVR permit as follows: "Homeshare short-term vacation rental permit" is a type of STVR permit whereby the owner hosts visitors in the owner's dwelling, for compensation, for periods of 30 consecutive calendar days or less, while the owner lives on -site and in the dwelling, throughout the visiting occupant's stay. B. Proposed Section 3.25.056 Homeowner Association (HOA) Exemption — develop and add a process by which qualifying residential developments that are governed by a HOA that allows STVR uses within its governing documents, in non-exempt areas, would be able to apply for an exemption from the ban if specified criteria, supported by evidence are met, and be considered by Council at a public meeting. Council previously considered this exemption at the April 20, 2021, and March 21, 2023, regular meetings. If such an exemption is approved, the requirements that would apply are generally summarized below, and proposed Section 3.25.056 in redline is included in Attachment 2: • Use of the residential dwellings as STVRs is authorized under the HOA Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs). • The voting membership of the HOA approves by no less than the vote required under the CC&Rs for the residential development, or if no vote requirement is specified, a simple majority vote (50% + 1 vote) to be exempted from the non -issuance of new permits, and such vote confirms that all residential dwellings within the HOA may apply for a new STVR permit. • The HOA certifies that it has complied with any other voting requirements that must be followed pursuant to the CC&Rs or other operative documents governed by the HOA in connection with the voter -approval as stated above. 233 • Applications for this exemption may be submitted only once within any three-year period, and the vote of the voting membership of the HOA must have been conducted within the previous 12 months from the date of application submittal. • A complete application shall be considered by Council at a public meeting, and the findings and decision of the Council shall be adopted via a resolution. Council's decision shall be final. C. Proposed Section 3.25.057 Large Lot Exemption — develop and add a process by which a residential dwelling in non-exempt areas would be able to apply for an exemption from the ban if specified criteria, supported by evidence are met, and be considered by Council during a public hearing. Council previously discussed this exemption at the March 21, 2023, regular meeting, and requested additional information which is provided below. If such an exemption is approved, the requirements that would apply are generally summarized below, and proposed Section 3.25.057 in redline is included in Attachment 2: • Large lot size on which the residential dwelling is located and built is comprised of a single parcel that is not less than 25,000 square feet. Per Council's directions from the previous discussion in March 2023, staff conducted a search of all parcels within City limits to prepare an inventory of parcels that are at least 25,000 square feet or greater, which is included as Attachment 3. The results show that a total of 74 parcels fit the criteria, of which: ✓ 3 are vacant lots ✓ 12 are properties located within the areas that are exempt from the ban on STVR permits currently in place ✓ 30 are properties located within HOAs; thus limiting their eligibility to apply for an exemption as HOA approval would be required, and it is unlikely that it would be granted ✓ 29 remaining as potentially eligible to apply for this contemplated exemption, some of which are permitted STVRs as they had a permit prior to the ban. • Written authorization that use of the single parcel as STVR is not prohibited or inconsistent with any recorded instruments governing the use of the land, such as HOA CC&Rs. • Verification of the number of bedrooms. • Adequate on -site parking spaces; • Physical distance of the residential dwelling from adjacent properties, such as location and distance of outdoor gathering spaces, pools, and other living spaces from neighboring properties; 234 A complete application shall be considered by Council at a public hearing, following notification to all properties within 500 feet from the single parcel; and the findings and decision of the Council shall be adopted via a resolution. Council's decision shall be final. The 500 feet radius is consistent with existing state and local entitlement approval notification requirements, such as general plan amendments, zoning code amendments, zone changes, specific plans, and development agreements; staff recommends staying consistent with existing requirements. To provide a point of reference of the difference in distance between 500 feet and 1,000 feet, included as Attachment 4, are seven (7) maps showing both radiuses on properties located within different areas throughout the City — the Cove, and mid and south La Quinta. • Limit the total number of exemptions that may be issued within the City boundaries under this section to no more than 20. Limit the total number of exemptions that may be issued within a 12-month period under this section to no more than 3. Generally ensuring that allowing a STVR unit at the proposed site will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties in the vicinity. The proposed process would involve a separate application and determination to address the unique characteristics and circumstances that may apply to residential properties in non-exempt areas, and aims to provide a mechanism for the City to exempt properties from the ban that are located within large lots and do not have the typical environment and elements of a single-family dwelling. If an exemption is granted, the property owner would still need to apply for and meet all of the criteria for obtaining a new STVR permit. The intent to allow limited exemptions from the ban for residential dwelling in non-exempt areas per the proposed Large Lot Exemption may best be explained by pictures. For instance, the map below depicts the location of the 9.25-acre property, of which the built -out area accounts for only 5,553 square feet and consists of seven (7) bedrooms spread between the main dwelling, guest house, and servants quarters; it includes a large pool and patio, horse stables, and outside gardens/resting areas; it is surrounded by approximately 5-acres of orchards; and it is located behind a private gate. 235 f AP-1 fin Via Savona Via 8mral, 7177-777- er IT jo AK ...... ..... D. Code language clarification and alignment with existing processes Additional minor language modifications throughout Chapter 3.25, included in redline in Attachment 2, are proposed to provide additional detail or clarity, and to better align the code with existing processes. A brief summary of the more notable revisions is listed below: Adding definitions for "Homeowners association," "Large lot," and "Management company," • "Potentially qualifying homeowners association," "Qualified and certified Large lot," and "Qualified and certified homeowners association." • Add language to clarify that transfers of properties to trusts or entities whose beneficiaries and/or membership are the same as the original owners of the property or transfers to heirs do not constitute a change of ownership for purposes of enforcing Chapter 3.25, and shall not result in the cancellation of an existing STVR permit. • Add the Estates at Griffin Lake Specific Plan which governs the Mery Griffin Estate property under Section 3.25.055. • Add language to clarify that if a hosting platform provides a designated field to list the STVR permit number and number of approved bedrooms, this satisfies the City's requirements for advertisements. • Add language to establish fines for advertising without a STVR permit. • Miscellaneous minor modifications throughout the code to align the language with existing processes. Community Outreach The City has established contacts within the community, which help identify necessary improvements and monitor compliance with the STVR program. These contacts include members in support and in opposition of the permanent ban on the issuance of new STVR permits currently in place. Staff continues to provide information to help educate the community and create an understanding and awareness of the regulations, reviews, and processes that are in place to operate the STVR program. Bedrooms No permit is ever issued or renewed unless the number of bedrooms is verified. Over the last 28 months (from January 1, 2021 through April 30, 2023), only 9 properties, out of the total 1,210 active STVR units, were approved for a bedroom increase via a den conversion following a City inspection. From January 2021 through April 2023, the City has conducted a total of 19 inspections to verify the number of bedrooms for an STVR unit, which were as follows: 237 • 9 properties were inspected and approved for converting an existing den area within the dwelling into a bedroom • 4 properties were inspected to confirm a bedroom addition via a building permit — casita (one property was inspected for a den conversion and a casita addition, so there is a duplicate count here) • 2 properties were inspected to complete the requirements for an estate permit (comprised of 5 bedrooms or more) • 5 properties were inspected due to a title discrepancy The City reviews and confirms the number of bedrooms for each STVR property prior to issuing a new STVR permit or renewing a permit pursuant to State and local regulations and requirements. In addition, the City conducts a monthly Transient Occupancy Tax audit of active STVR properties, which includes verifying that the approved number of bedrooms per the STVR permit is listed on active advertisements. If discrepancies are observed, the owner must correct the advertisement and the matter is referred to Code Compliance for investigation and applicable enforcement. In 2018, in response to inadequate bedroom conversions observed in the community, the City issued three (3) moratoriums, until permanent regulations regarding bedroom conversions were codified in the LQMC via Sections 9.50.100 and 9.60.100, included as Attachment 6. Staff researched a list of 124 properties provided by community members and confirmed that the approved number of bedrooms for each of the listed properties was verified pursuant to the City's established review process outlined below and in accordance with California State and local regulations. The City's verification process is as follows: • STVR application is submitted along with a recorded grant deed; • Staff verifies the number of bedrooms against the property title information with the Riverside County Assessor; • If the number of bedrooms does not match, staff verifies with the City's Building Division for any building permits for permitted additions and/or against the building plans, which may include options, within the approved floor plan types, of certain areas, such as dens, studies, or additional garage spaces, that may have been converted into bedrooms; • If the number of bedrooms cannot be verified via building plans or permits, or if such are not on record with the City, a Code Compliance Officer will conduct a special on -site inspection of the dwelling to confirm the number of bedrooms. Inspections are conducted in accordance with California State Building Code and LQMC requirements. Bedroom regulations are pursuant to the California Residential Code 2022 Chapter 3 and LQMC Sections 9.50.100 and 9.280.060: Size — single -occupancy bedrooms should have at least 70 square feet of floor space, with a minimum of 7 feet in one direction. At least half of the ceiling must be at least 7 feet tall. • Access — the bedroom must have access through a swinging door. 238 • Egress — at least 1 opening should be at least 24 inches tall by 20 inches wide. The window opening should be at least 5.7 square feet; if the opening is a window, it can't be installed more than 44 inches above the floor. • Lighting and Ventilation — the windows must have a total combined glass area of at least 8% of the floor area, and the combined opened window area should be at least 4%. • Electrical Outlets — a bedroom must have receptacle outlets spaced within 12 feet of each other on all walls, and have a light connected to a switch at the access point. • Heating — the heating system must be able to keep the bedroom warm to at least 68 degrees. • Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms — these are required within the room and the area outside the room if interior. Parking Pursuant to Section 3.25.050 of the LQMC, no STVR permit is issued or renewed unless adequate onsite parking is verified, which is defined as follows" "For purposes of this subsection, "adequate onsite parking" shall be determined by dividing the total number of occupants commensurate with the approved number of bedrooms as provided in the table under Section 3.25.070 by four (4), such that the ratio of the maximum allowed number of overnight occupants to onsite parking spots does not exceed four to one (4:1)." For example, a residential dwelling with five (5) bedrooms may permissibly host a total number of ten (10) to twelve (12) overnight occupants and therefore requires three (3) on -site parking spots. Onsite parking is generally on an approved driveway, garage, and/or carport areas, and no more than two (2) street parking spots may count towards the number of onsite parking spots necessary to meet the "adequate onsite parking" requirement. Staff conducted a full review and analysis of the current 1,210 active STVR permits, and the results were that only 3 properties (1 in south La Quinta and 2 in the Cove) use street parking to meet the parking requirement for the permit issuance; all remaining 1,207 properties use onsite parking, such as an approved driveway, garage, and/or carport areas to meet the parking requirements. Prepared by: Monika Radeva, City Clerk Approved by: Jon McMillen, City Manager Attachments: 1. STVR Banned and Exempt Areas Map 2. Chapter 3.25 of the LQMC — redline revisions 3. Large Lots Inventory Map 4. Radius Maps of 500 and 1,000 feet 239 ATTACHMENT 1 a ar o� °gy OFpkS - CALIFORNIA - STVR Exempt Map ID I Development Name Zoning 1 Homewood Suites (La Quinta Desert Villas - Center Pointe) Tourist Commercial District 2 Legacy Villas Tourist Commercial District & Development Agreement 3 La Quinta Resort including Spa & Tennis Villas Tourist Commercial District & Adjacent to TC District 4 Embassy Suites (Casitas Las Rosas) Village Commercial District 5 Village Commercial Village Commercial District 6 SilverRock Specific Plan Tourist Commercial District - Undeveloped 7 Codorniz- HOA Approval Required Entitlement Approval a Signature at PGA West (Haciendas) Tourist Commercial District 9 Puerta Azul Entitlement Approval 10 Southwest corner Avenue 62 & Madison St Tourist Commercial District - Undeveloped 11 Northwest corner Avenue 64 & Madison St Tourist Commercial District - Undeveloped 12 Polo Villas Residences Development Agreement 13 Mery Griffin Estate Entitlement Approval ry Boundary -VR Exempt Zone "VR Exempt Zone - )AApproval Required )rth La Quinta we d La Quinta Iuth La Quinta 1 2 24 Miles N Title 3 - REVENUE AND FINANCE ATTACHMENT 2 Chapter 3.25 SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTALS Chapter 3.25 SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTALS 3.25.010 Title. This chapter shall be referred to as the "Short -Term Vacation Rental Regulations." ( Ord. 590 § 1(Exh. A), 3-16-2021; Ord. 586 § 1(Exh. A), 12-15-2020; Ord. 572 § 1, 2018; Ord. 563 § 1, 2017; Ord. 501§2,2012) 3.25.020 Purpose. A. The purpose of this chapter is to establish regulations for the use of privately owned residential dwellings as short-term vacation rentals that ensure the collection and payment of transient occupancy taxes (TOT) as provided in Chapter 3.24 of this code, and minimize the negative secondary effects of such use on surrounding residential neighborhoods. B. This chapter is not intended to provide any owner of residential property with the right or privilege to violate any private conditions, covenants and restrictions applicable to the owner's property that may prohibit the use of such owner's residential property for short-term vacation rental purposes as defined in this chapter. C. The requirements of this chapter shall be presumed to apply to any residential dwelling that has received a short-term vacation rental permit. A rebuttable presumption arises that, whenever there is an occupant(s), paying rent or not, of a residential dwelling that has received a short-term vacation rental permit, the requirements of this chapter shall apply, including but not limited to any suspension or other modifications imposed on a short-term vacation rental permit as set forth in this chapter. The city manager or authorized designee shall have the authority to implement any necessary or appropriate policies and procedures to mple the rebuttable presumption set forth in this section. ( Ord. 590 § 1(Exh. A), 3-16-2021; Ord. 586 § 1(Exh. A), 12-15-2020; Ord. 572 § 1, 2018; Ord. 563 § 1, 2017; Ord. 501 § 2, 2012) 3.25.030 Definitions. For purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning respectively ascribed to them by this section: "Advertise, ""advertisement, ""advertising, ""publish, " and "publication" mean any and all means, whether verbal or written, through any media whatsoever whether in use prior to, at the time of, or after the enactment of the ordinance aFneRdiRg this ehapte�adding this definition, used for conveying to any member or members of the public the ability or availability to rent a short-term vacation rental unit as defined in this section, or used for conveying to any member or members of the public a notice of an intention to rent a short-term vacation rental unit as defined in this section. For purposes of this definition, the following media are listed as examples, which are not and shall not be construed as exhaustive: verbal or written announcements by proclamation or outcry, newspaper advertisement, magazine advertisement, handbill, written or printed notice, printed or poster display, billboard display, e-mail or other electronic/digital messaging platform, electronic commerce/commercial Internet websites, and any and all other electronic media, television, radio, satellite -based, or Internet website. "Applicable laws, rules and regulations" means any laws, rules, regulations and codes (whether local, state or federal) pertaining to the use and occupancy of a privately owned dwelling unit as a short-term vacation rental. La Quinta, California, Municipal Code (Supp. No. 3, Update 3) Created: 2023-01-29 19:14:29 [EST] Page 1 of 21 241 "Applicant" means the owner of the short-term vacation rental unit. "Authorized agent or representative" means a designated agent or representative who is appointed by the owner and is also i-s-responsible for compliance with this chapter with respect to the short-term vacation rental unit. "Booking transaction" means any reservation or payment service provided by a person or entity who facilitates a home -sharing or vacation rental (including short-term vacation rental) transaction between a prospective occupant and an owner or owner's authorized agent or representative. "City manager" means that person acting in the capacity of the city manager of -for the city of La Quinta or authorized designee. "Declaration of non-use" means the declaration described in Section 3.25.050. "Dwelling" has the same meaning as set forth in Section 9.280.030 (or successor provision, as may be amended from time to time) of this code; "dwelling" does not include any impermanent, transitory, or mobile means of temporary lodging, including but not limited to mobile homes, recreational vehicles (RVs), car trailers, and camping tents. "Estate home" is defined as a single-family detached residence with five (5) or more bedrooms, subject to evaluation criteria and inspection of the property pursuant to Section 3.25.060(D)(1). An estate home is a sub -type of short-term vacation rental unit and shall be subject to a general short-term vacation rental permit, primary residence short-term vacation rental permit, or homeshare short-term vacation rental permit, as applicable, pursuant to this chapter. "General short-term vacation rental permit" is a type of short-term vacation rental permit that is neither a homeshare short-term vacation rental permit nor a primary residence short-term vacation rental permit. "Good neighbor brochure" means a document prepared by the city that summarizes the general rules of conduct, consideration, and respect, including, without limitation, provisions of this code and other applicable laws, rules or regulations pertaining to the use and occupancy of short-term vacation rental units. "Homeowners association" or "HOA" means the association, as defined in California Civil Code section 4080 (or successor provision), that serves as the nonprofit corporation or unincorporated association created for the purpose of managing a common interest development, as defined in Civil Code section 4100 (or successor provision). "Homeshare short-term vacation rental permit" is a type of short-term vacation rental permit whereby the owner hosts visitors in the owner's dwelling, for compensation, for periods of thirty (30) consecutive calendar days or less, while the owner lives on -site and in the dwelling, throughout the visiting occupant's stay. "Hosting platform" means a person or entity who participates in the home -sharing or vacation rental (including short-term vacation rental) business by collecting or receiving a fee, directly or indirectly through an agent or intermediary, for conducting a booking transaction using any medium of facilitation, including but not limited to the Internet. "Large lot" means a single "parcel," as defined in Section 9.280.030 (or successor provision, as may be amended from time to time) of this code, that meets all of the criteria set forth in Subsection (A) of Section 3.25.057. "Local contact person" means the person designated by the owner or the owner's authorized agent or representative who shall be available twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week with the ability to respond to the location within thirty (30) minutes for the purpose of: (1) taking remedial action to resolve any complaints; and (2) responding to complaints regarding the condition, operation, or conduct of occupants of the short-term vacation rental unit. A designated local contact person must obtain a business license otherwise required by Sections 3.24.060 and 3.28.020 (or successor provisions, as may be amended from time to time) of this code. (Supp. No. 3, Update 3) Created: 2023-01-29 19:14:29 [EST] Page 2 of 21 242 "Management company" means any individual or entity, whether for profit or nonprofit, and regardless of entity type, such as a limited liability company, corporation, or sole proprietorship, that is retained by an owner to be the owner's authorized agent or representative, or is the owner of a short-term vacation rental unit subject to this chapter, and is engaged in or represents itself to be engaged in the business of managing real property. "Notice of permit modification, suspension or revocation" means the notice the city may issue to an applicant, authorized agent or representative, local contact person, occupant, owner, responsible person, or any other person or entity authorized to be issued such notice under this code for a short-term vacation rental unit, upon a determination by the city of a violation of this chapter or other provisions of this code relating to authorized uses of property subject to this chapter. "Occupant" means any person(s) occupying the dwelling at any time. "Owner" means the person(s) or entity(ies) that hold(s) legal and/or equitable title to the subject short-term vacation rental unit. "Primary residence" means a dwelling where an owner spends the majority of the calendar year on the property used as a short-term vacation rental unit, and the property is identified in the Riverside County assessor's record as the owner's primary residence. "Primary residence short-term vacation rental permit" is a type of short-term vacation rental permit whereby the short-term vacation rental unit is the owner's primary residence, as defined herein in this section. "Potentially qualifying homeowners association" or "potentially qualifying HOA" means the association, as defined in California Civil Code section 4080 (or successor provision), that serves as the nonprofit corporation or unincorporated association created for the purpose of managing a planned development, as defined in Civil Code section 4175 (or successor orovision). that has single-familv dwellines. as defined in Section 9.280.030 of this code. and each single-family dwelling is an equal -voting member of the homeowners association. "Property" means a residential legal lot of record on which a short-term vacation rental unit is located. "Qualified and certified large lot" has the meaning as set forth in Section 3.25.057. "Qualified and certified homeowners association" has the meaning as set forth in Section 3.25.056. "Rent" has the same meaning as set forth in Section 3.24.020 (or successor provision, as may be amended from time to time) of this code. "Rental agreement" means a written or verbal agreement for use and occupancy of a privately -owned residential dwelling that has been issued a short-term vacation rental permit, including a dwelling that may have a permit which has been or is under suspension. "Responsible person" means the signatory of an agreement for the rental, use and occupancy of a short-term vacation rental unit, and/or any person(s) occupying the short-term vacation rental unit without a rental agreement, including the owner(s), owner's authorized agent(s) or representative(s), local contact(s), and their guests, who shall be an occupant of that short-term vacation rental unit, who is at least twenty-one (21) years of age, and who is legally responsible for ensuring that all occupants of the short-term vacation rental unit and/or their guests comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations pertaining to the use and occupancy of the subject short-term vacation rental unit. "Short-term vacation rental permit" means a permit that permits the use of a privately owned residential dwelling as a short-term vacation rental unit pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, and which incorporates by consolidation a transient occupancy permit and a business license otherwise required by Sections 3.24.060 and 3.28.020 (or successor provisions, as may be amended from time to time) of this code. A short-term vacation rental permit is one (1) of the following types: (1) general short-term vacation rental permit, (2) primary residence short-term vacation rental permit, or (3) homeshare short-term vacation rental permit, as defined in this section. (Supp. No. 3, Update 3) Created: 2023-01-29 19:14:29 [EST] Page 3 of 21 243 "Short-term vacation rental unit" means a privately owned residential dwelling, such as, but not limited to, a single-family detached or multiple -family attached unit, apartment house, condominium, cooperative apartment, duplex, or any portion of such dwellings and/or property and/or yard features appurtenant thereto, rented for occupancy and/or occupied for dwelling, lodging, or any transient use, including but not limited to sleeping overnight purposes for a period of thirty (30) consecutive calendar days or less, counting portions of calendar days as full days, by any person(s) with or without a rental agreement. "STVR" may be used by city officials as an abbreviation for "short-term vacation rental." "Suspension" means that short-term vacation rental permit that is suspended pursuant to Section 3.25.090. "Tenant" or "transient," for purposes of this chapter, means any person who seeks to rent or who does rent, or who occupies or seeks to occupy, for thirty (30) consecutive calendar days or less, a short-term vacation rental unit. ( Ord. 595 § 1(Exh. A), 6-15-2021; Ord. 590 § 1(Exh. A), 3-16-2021; Ord. 586 § 1(Exh. A), 12-15-2020; Ord. 572 § 1, 2018; Ord. 563 § 1, 2017; Ord. 501 § 2, 2012) 3.25.040 Authorized agent or representative. A. Except for the completion of an application for a short-term vacation rental permit and business license, the owner may designate an authorized agent or representative to ensure compliance with the requirements of this chapter with respect to the short-term vacation rental unit on his, her or their behalf. Nevertheless, the owner shall not be relieved from any personal responsibility and personal liability for noncompliance with any applicable law, rule or regulation pertaining to the use and occupancy of the subject short-term vacation rental unit, regardless of whether such noncompliance was committed by the owner's authorized agent or representative or the occupants of the owner's short-term vacation rental unit or their guests. B. The owner must be the applicant for and holder of a short-term vacation rental permit and business license and shall not authorize an agent or a representative to apply for or hold a short-term vacation rental permit and business license on the owner's behalf. The owner's signature is required on all short-term vacation rental application forms, and the city may prescribe reasonable requirements to verify that an applicant or purported owner is the owner in fact. ( Ord. 590 § 1(Exh. A), 3-16-2021; Ord. 586 § 1(Exh. A), 12-15-2020; Ord. 572 § 1, 2018; Ord. 563 § 1, 2017; Ord. 501 § 2, 2012) 3.25.050 Short-term vacation rental permit —Required. A. The owner is required to obtain a short-term vacation rental permit and a business license from the city before the owner or the owner's authorized agent or representative may rent or advertise a short-term vacation rental unit. No short-term vacation rental use may occur in the city except in compliance with this chapter. No property in the city may be issued a short-term vacation rental permit or used as a short-term vacation rental unit unless the property is a residential dwelling that complies with the requirements of this chapter. B. A short-term vacation rental permit and business license shall be valid for one (1) year and renewed on an annual basis in order to remain valid. A short-term vacation rental permit and business license renewal application shall be submitted no earlier than sixty (60) calendar days b-A n Bate-Ir th R thirty (30) eal ...J-..days prior to the permit's expiration date, but no later than the permit's expiration date. Failure to renew a short-term vacation (Supp. No. 3, Update 3) Created: 2023-01-29 19:14:29 [EST] Page 4 of 21 244 rental permit as prescribed in this section may result in the short-term vacation rental permit being terminated. A new owner of a property (or a new person and/or new entity that owns or controls a business or organization or other entity of any kind, such as a limited liability company, which is the owner of a property) previously operated as a short-term vacation rental unit by the former owner (or by a former person or entity that owned or controlled the business or organization or other entity of any kind that continues to be the owner of the property) may not renew the previous owner's short-term vacation rental permit and shall apply for a new short-term vacation rental permit, pursuant to this chapter, if the new owner (or new person and/or new entity that owns or controls a business or organization or other entity of any kind that continues to be the owner of a property) wants to continue to use the residential dwelling as a short-term vacation rental unit. For purposes of this subsection, a transfer of a short-term vacation rental unit with a valid short-term vacation rental permit resulting from any of the followine shall not be deemed a transfer to a new owner which would otherwise trieaer the requirement to apply for and obtain a new short-term vacation rental permit: (a) Transfers to an entity of any kind, such as a limited liability company or a trust, where the member(s) of the entity or beneficiary(ies) of the trust is(are) the owner(s) of the real Property with a valid short-term vacation rental permit, and the proportionate interest(s) of the owner(s) are the same for the real property placed in the entity. (b) Transfers that take effect upon the death of an owner to an heir designated by the owner (by devise, bequest, or similar transfer upon death) who is any of the following: (i) surviving spouse or domestic partner; or (ii) surviving sibling related by blood or in law, such as a brother, sister, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law; or (iii) surviving parent or grandparent by blood or in law, such as a mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandmother, grandfather, grandmother -in-law, or grandfather -in-law; (iv) surviving child or grandchild, such as a daughter, son, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, granddaughter, grandson, granddaughter -in-law, or grandson - in -law. (c) Transfers to a trust with the beneficiary(ies) identified as an heir described in Subsection B(2)(b) above. If an owner or an owners authorized agent or representative, pursuant to all applicable laws, constructs additional bedrooms to an existing residential dwelling or converts non -bedroom spaces and areas in an existing residential dwelling into additional bedrooms, the owner or owner"s authorized agent or representative shall notify the city and update the short-term vacation rental unit'-s online registration profile upon city approval of the addition or conversion so that the city may confirm that such conversion is consistent with this chapter and the code, including all applicable provisions in Title 8 of the code, and reissue the short-term vacation rental permit so that it accurately identifies the number of approved bedrooms, if the owner wants to continue to use the dwelling as a short-term vacation rental unit. The city may conduct an on -site inspection of the property to verify compliance with this chapter and the code. Code compliance inspections may be billed for full cost recovery at one (1) hour for initial inspection and in thirty (30)-minute increments for each follow-up inspection pursuant to subsection D. For purposes of this chapter, ""reissue"" or _-'reissuance-"" of a short-term vacation rental permit means a permit that is reissued by the city, with corrected information, as applicable, to be valid for the balance of the existing one (1)-year permit and license period. C. A short-term vacation rental permit and business license shall be valid only for the number of bedrooms in a residential dwelling equal to the number of bedrooms the city establishes as eligible for listing as a short- term vacation rental unit and shall not exceed the number of bedrooms allowable for the number of occupants as set forth in Section 3.25.070. The allowable number of bedrooms shall meet all applicable requirements under federal, state and city codes, including, but not limited to, the provisions of Section (Supp. No. 3, Update 3) Created: 2023-01-29 19:14:29 [EST] Page 5 of 21 245 9.50.100 (or successor provision, as may be amended from time to time) governing --'additional bedrooms"" and all applicable building and construction codes in Title 8 of this code. A short-term vacation rental permit shall not be issued for, or otherwise authorize the use of, additional bedrooms converted from non -bedroom spaces or areas in an existing residential dwelling except upon express city approval for the additional bedrooms in compliance with this code, including Section 9.50.100 (or successor provision, as may be amended from time to time), and upon approval of an application for a new or renewed short-term vacation rental permit as provided in subsection B. A short-term vacation rental permit and business license shall not be issued, and may be suspended or permanently revoked, if the property, or any building, structure, or use or land use on the property is in violation of this code. The city may conduct an inspection of the property prior to the issuance or renewal of a short-term vacation rental permit and/or business license. Code compliance inspections may be billed for full cost recovery at one (1) hour for initial inspection and in thirty (30)-minute increments for each follow-up inspection. For purposes of this subsection, a code violation exists if, at the time of the submittal of an application for a new or renewed short-term vacation rental permit or business license, the city has commenced administrative proceedings by issuing written communication and/or official notice to the owner or owner's responsible authorized agent or representative of one (1) or more code violations. For purposes of this chapter, "building," "structure," and "use or land use" have the same meanings as set forth in Section 9.280.030 (or successor provisions, as may be amended from time to time) of this code. A short-term vacation rental permit and business license shall not be issued or renewed, and may be suspended or permanently revoked, if any portion of transient occupancy tax has not been reported and/or remitted to the city for the previous calendar year by the applicable deadline for the reporting and/or remittance of the transient occupancy tax. A short-term vacation rental permit and business license shall not be issued or renewed, and may be suspended or permanently revoked, if the residential dwelling to be used as a short-term rental unit lacks adequate on -site parking. For purposes of this subsection, "adequate on -site parking" shall be determined by dividing the total number of occupants commensurate with the approved number of bedrooms as provided in the table under Section 3.25.070 by four (4), such that the ratio of the maximum allowed number of overnight occupants to on -site parking spots does not exceed four to one (4:1). For example, a residential dwelling with five (5) bedrooms may permissibly host a total number of ten (10) to twelve (12) overnight occupants and therefore requires three (3) on -site parking spots. On -site parking shall be on an approved driveway, garage, and/or carport areas only in accordance with Section 3.25.070(R), and no more than two (2) street parking spots may count towards the number of on -site parking spots necessary to meet the "adequate on -site parking" requirement under this subsection. G. An owner or owner's authorized agent or representative who claims not to be operating a short-term vacation rental unit or who has obtained a valid short-term vacation rental permit and business license pursuant to this chapter, may voluntarily opt -out of the requirements of this chapter, prior to the issuance or expiration of a short-term vacation rental permit and business license that are applicable to the short-term vacation rental unit, only upon the owner, the owner's authorized agent or representative and/or the owner's designated local contact person executing, under penalty of perjury, a declaration of non-use as a short-term vacation rental unit, in a form prescribed by the city (for purposes of this chapter, a "declaration of non-use"). Upon the receipt and filing by the city of a fully executed declaration of non-use, the owner or owner's authorized agent or representative shall be released from complying with this chapter as long as the property is not used as a short-term vacation rental unit. Use of the property as a short-term vacation unit after the city's receipt and filing of a declaration of non-use, is a violation of this chapter. If, after a declaration of non-use has been received and filed by the city, the owner or owner's authorized agent or representative wants to use that property as a short-term vacation rental unit, the owner shall apply for a new short-term vacation rental permit and business license and fully comply with the requirements of this chapter and the code; provided, however, that if a short-term vacation rental permit is or will be suspended on the date an owner or owner's authorized agent or representative submits to the city a declaration of non - Created: 2023-01-29 19:14:29 [EST] (Supp. No. 3, Update 3) Page 6 of 21 246 use for the short-term vacation rental unit under suspension, then the owner may apply for a new short- term vacation rental permit and business license only after twelve (12) consecutive months have elapsed from the date of the declaration of non-use, and the owner and owner's authorized agent or representative otherwise shall fully comply with the requirements of this chapter and the code. ( Ord. 595 § 1(Exh. A), 6-15-2021; Ord. 590 § 1(Exh. A), 3-16-2021; Ord. 586 § 1(Exh. A), 12-15-2020; Ord. 577 § 1, 2019; Ord. 572 § 1, 2018; Ord. 563 § 1, 2017; Ord. 501 § 2, 2012) 3.25.055 Non -issuance of new short-term vacation rental permits; periodic council review. A. Commencing May 20, 2021, which is the effective date of the AOrdinance No. 596 which added+eg this section, there shall be no processing of, or issuance for, any applications for a new short-term vacation rental permit, required by this chapter to use or operate a short-term vacation rental unit in the city, except applications for a new a short-term vacation rental permit covering a short-term vacation rental unit that meets one (1) or more of the following: 1. A residential dwelling within a residential project located in the CT Tourist Commercial District zone, as defined in Section 9.70.070 (or successor section) of this code and depicted in the city's official zoning map. 2. A residential dwelling within a residential project located in the VC Village Commercial District zone, as defined in Section 9.70.100 (or successor section) of this code and depicted in the city's official zoning map. 3. A residential dwelling within a residential project subject to a development agreement with the city, or subject to a condition of approval(s) attached to any entitlement approved by the city (including but not limited to a specific plan, subdivision map, or site development permit), pursuant to which short- term vacation rentals are a permitted use, and the residential dwelling's use as a short-term vacation rental is authorized under a declaration of covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs), for the residential project. 4. A residential dwelling within the area covered by the SilverRock Resort Specific Plan or the Estates at Griffin Lake Specific Plan. 5. A residential dwelling is located adjacent to the CT Tourist Commercial District zone, as defined in Section 9.70.070 and depicted in the city's official zoning map, and within the following boundaries; west of Avenida Obregon, south of the Avenida Fernando, east of Calle Mazatlan, and north of the driveway access between Calle Mazatlan and Avenida Obregon that serves as a southern boundary for the La Quinta Tennis Villas/Tennis Condos area identified on page 25 of the La Quinta Resort Specific Plan, 121 E—Amendment 5 (as may be subsequently amended from time to time). For purposes of this subsection, "adjacent to" means across the street from or accessible by a driveway or service road designed to provide access to area(s) within the CT Tourist Commercial District zone. B. The city manager or authorized designee shall have the authority to implement policies or procedures to review and verify whether an application for a new short-term vacation rental permit meets the criteria set forth in this section. C. This section shall not apply to applications for a homeshare short-term vacation rental permit applications for a renewal of an existing short-term vacation rental permit and business license, submitted in compliance with this chapter, including when the short-term vacation rental permit is under suspension during the time for processing the renewal application. Applications for renewals must be submitted as prescribed by this chapter. Any short-term vacation rental unit, covered by a permit that is subject to an application for renewal, which is under temporary suspension in violation of this chapter or any other provisions of this code, shall not become permitted to use the dwelling as a short-term vacation rental unit until all violations Created: 2023-01-29 19:14:29 [EST] (Supp. No. 3, Update 3) Page 7 of 21 247 that led to the temporary suspension have been remedied and the suspension has expired. Any revoked short-term vacation rental permit shall not be eligible for renewal or new short-term vacation rental permit. D. The city council shall periodically review the impacts or effects, if any, caused by the non -issuance of new short-term vacation rental permits set forth in this section. The city manager or authorized designee shall prepare a report assessing impacts or effects, if any, for the council to review at a regular or special meeting. E. Commencing on , which is the effective date of the ordinance adding this Subsection (E), this section may not be amended by the city council, except by no less than four -fifths (4/5) majority vote of the city council. ( Ord. 596 § 2, 2021; Ord. 595 § 1(Exh. A), 6-15-2021; Ord. 591 § 1(Exh. A), 4-20-2021) 3.25.056 Single-family residences in potentially qualifying homeowners associations; Voting rocedure for exemption from non -issuance of new short-term vacation rental permits. A. If none of the exemotions in Subsections (A) or (C) of Section 3.25.055 of this code aaolies. the board of directors of a potentially qualifying homeowners association may voluntarily submit, only one time during any three (3) year period, to the city an application and request to be exempted from the non -issuance of new short-term vacation rental permits set forth in Section 3.25.055 only if, at the date of submittal of an application for exemotion Dursuant to this section. all of the following criteria are met: Use of short-term vacation rentals is authorized under a declaration of covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs) for the residential protect governed by the potentially qualifying homeowners association; 2. The voting membership of the potentially qualifying homeowners association approves, by no less than the vote required under the CC&Rs for the residential development (or, if no vote requirement is specified in the CC&Rs, by no less than fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) vote) to be exempted from the non -issuance of new short-term vacation rental permits that otherwise applies pursuant to Section 3.25.055, and such vote was approved within the previous twelve (12) months from the date of submittal of the application, and such vote confirms that all residential dwellings within the residential project governed by the potentially qualifying homeowners association may apply for a new short-term vacation rental permit pursuant to this chapter as a result of the vote of the voting membership; and 3. The potentially qualifying homeowners association certifies that it has complied with any other voting requirements that must be followed pursuant to the CC&Rs or other operative documents for the residential project governed by the potentially qualifying homeowners association in connection with the voter -approval obtained pursuant to paragraph 2 of this subsection. B. If the requisite voting membership of the potentially qualifying homeowners association approves, pursuant to this section, to be exempted from the non -issuance of new short-term vacation rental permits that otherwise applies pursuant to Section 3.25.055, the provisions regarding the non -issuance of new short-term vacation rental permits in Section 3.25.055 shall no longer apply to any of the residential dwellings within the residential project governed by the potentially qualifying homeowners association upon review of the application from the potentially qualifying homeowners association and certification by the city council that the criteria set forth in this section have been met. An application submitted pursuant to this section shall be reviewed and considered as follows: 1. Submittal of Application. An application for a finding of exemption under this section and certification as a "qualified and certified homeowners association" shall be completed in a form approved by the city manager or authorized designee, and shall be submitted for processing to the city clerk's office. (Supp. No. 3, Update 3) Created: 2023-01-29 19:14:29 [EST] Page 8 of 21 248 Applications shall be filed with the city clerk, who shall forward to the planning department together with all resolutions from the board of the potentially qualifying homeowners association, maps, plans, documents and other materials required by the city clerk or director of the planning department. 2. Determination of Completeness. The city clerk's office and planning department shall coordinate with the applicant to make a determination whether the application is complete or incomplete. Upon the determination that the application is complete by the city clerk, the city clerk shall schedule review and consideration of the complete application by the city council. 3. Consideration of the Application at a Public Meeting. The city council shall review and consider the application at a public meeting, and the city council shall be the decision -making authority for the application. Consideration of the application shall be set within ninety (90) days from the determination by the city clerk of a complete application. Notice of the public meeting at which the application will be considered shall comply with applicable state law under the Ralph M. Brown Act, California Government Code section 54950 et seq. At the public meeting, the city council shall receive written comments and any other evidence or testimony relating to the application. At the public meeting, the city council may take action on the application, continue the application to a specified date. 4. Required Findings. No application presented to the city council pursuant to this section may be approved or conditionally approved unless the city council makes written findings, based on submitted evidence, that all of the requirements in Subsection (A) of this section have been met. 5. Decision. The city council shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application. With the concurrence of the applicant, and application may be withdrawn prior to the issuance of a decision by the city council. The decision on an application including any required findings and any other reasons that serve to explain the determination plus all conditions of approval, shall be in writing. An approval or approval with conditions from the city council shall be adopted by resolution and accompanied with the certification from the city that the single parcel subject to the application meets the criteria for a qualified and certified large lot. 6. The decision of the city council shall be the final decision of the city on the application. C. Upon certification by the city that the criteria in this section have been met, then the potentially qualifying homeowners association shall be identified as a "qualified and certified homeowners association" for purposes of this section and this chapter. After receiving certification, an owner of a residential dwelling within the residential project governed byjhe qualified and certified homeowners association may apply for a new short-term vacation rental permit pursuant to this chapter, and the owner will be subject to the same requirements of any other short-term vacation rental permit application, use, and operation governed by this chapter. If, subsequent to certification by the city as a qualified and certified homeowners association, the declaration of covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs) no longer allow the use of short-term vacation rentals within the residential development, the certification issued by the city shall no longer be valid and shall be null and void, and owners of a residential dwelling within the residential project may no longer use or rely on this section as grounds for an exemption from the non -issuance of new short-term vacation rental permits in Section 3.25.055. D. Any application submitted pursuant to this section shall be subject to any fees established by resolution of the city council and shall identify, by addresses, assessor's parcel numbers (APNs), and any other identifying information requested by the city, all residential dwellings purported to be covered by the vote of the voting membership of the potentially qualifying homeowners association. E. The city manager or authorized designee shall have the authority to implement policies or procedures to review and verify whether an application and request to be exempted from Section 3.25.055 meets the criteria set forth in this section and any other criteria reasonably necessary for verification of such application and request. (Supp. No. 3, Update 3) Created: 2023-01-29 19:14:29 [EST] Page 9 of 21 249 F. The city council may periodically review the impacts or effects, if any, caused by this section concurrently with its Deriodic review Drovided for in subsection (D) of Section 3.25.055. G. Nothing in this section does or shall be interpreted in any manner as affecting any requirements under state law, including but not limited to the Davis -Stirling Common Interest Development Act in Part 5 (commencing with Section 4000) of Division 4 of the California Civil Code. 3.25.057 Large lots; Exemption from non -issuance of new short-term vacation rental permits. A. If none of the exemptions in Subsections (A) or (C) of Section 3.25.055 of this code armlies. the owner of an large lot may voluntarily submit to the city an application and request to be exempted from the non -issuance of new short-term vacation rental permits set forth in Section 3.25.055 only if, at the time of submittal of an application for exemption pursuant to this section, all of the following criteria are met: 1. The "lot area," as defined in 9.280.030 (or successor provision, as may be amended from time to time) of this code, is comprised of a single parcel that is no less than 25,000 square feet; 2. The single parcel has at least one existing dwelling, as defined in this chapter, in use or available for u 3. The single parcel is not, nor will the single parcel ever be for the duration of the period of any qualified exemption under this section, subject to a subdivision under the Subdivision Map Act in Division 2 (commencine with Section 64410) of Title 7 of the California Government Code or under Title 13 of this code (or successor provisions, as may be amended from time to time). 4. The single parcel is not, nor will the single parcel ever be for the duration of the period of any qualified exemption under this section, subject to a reduction in the square footage of the lot area by lot line adjustment, parcel merger, or other action that creates a legal parcel under the Subdivision Map Act in Division 2 (commencing with Section 64410) of Title 7 of the California Government Code or under Title 13 of this code (or successor provisions, as may be amended from time to time). 5. If the single parcel is within a residential proiect governed by a homeowners association, the use of the single parcel as a short-term vacation rental unit is authorized under the homeowners association's covenants. conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs) and anv other applicable eovernine documents for the residential proiect governed by the homeowners association; 6. Use of the single parcel as a short-term vacation rental unit is not prohibited or otherwise inconsistent with any recorded instruments governing the use of the single parcel; and 7. The single parcel has adequate on -site parking pursuant to this chapter for use as a short-term vacation rpntal emit_ B. Subject to the application and review provisions in this section, if the city determines the single parcel meets the criteria of an large lot to be exempted from the non -issuance of new short-term vacation rental permits that otherwise applies pursuant to Section 3.25.055, the provisions regarding the non -issuance of new short- term vacation rental permits in Section 3.25.055 shall no longer apply to, or be applicable as long as the single parcel meets the criteria in this section, to the large lot upon certification by the city that the criteria set forth in this section have been met. 1. Upon certification by the city that the criteria in this section have been met, then the single parcel shall be identified as a "qualified and certified large lot" for purposes of this section and this chapter, and, upon such certification by the city, the owner of the aualified and certified large lot may aooly for a (Supp. No. 3, Update 3) Created: 2023-01-29 19:14:29 [EST] Page 10 of 21 250 new short-term vacation rental permit pursuant to this chapter and will be subject to the same requirements of anV other short-term vacation rental permit application, use, and operation governed by this chapter. 2. Upon certification by the city of the single parcel as a qualified and certified large lot pursuant to this section, an owner of a residential dwelling within a qualified and certified large lot may apply for a new short-term vacation rental permit pursuant to this chapter and shall be subject to the same requirements of anV other short-term vacation rental permit application, use, and operation governed bV this chapter. 3. The city may impose any necessary or proper conditions of approval with the certification of large lot pursuant to this section, including conditions that would terminate the exemption from compliance with Section 3.25.055 if the large lot is subdivided or used in violation of the requirements of this section. Additionally, the city maV require as a condition of approval that the owner of the qualified and certified large lot execute a land use covenant, in a form approved bV the city and recorded in the countv recorder's office aeainst the single parcel. memorializine the terms and conditions applicable to the large lot for use as a short-term vacation rental unit. 4. Any owner of real property that is no longer or is not in compliance with the criteria in this section to be a qualified and certified large lot shall have no right or authority to advertise, use, or operate said real property as a short-term vacation rental unit. AnV short-term vacation rental permit (either new or renewal permit) issued by the city in reliance of said real property having previously been a qualified and certified extraordinary large unit shall no longer be valid upon said real property no longer being incompliance with this section. 5. An owner of a qualified and certified large lot who is the successor in interest to the owner who applied for and received the certification of the single parcel as a qualified and certified large lot does not need to re -apply for an exemption from Section 3.25.055 under this chapter as long as the single parcel determined to be the qualified and certified large lot remains in compliance with this section. 6. It is the expressed intent of the city council that an application for exemption from Section 3.25.2055, submitted to the city pursuant to this section, need only occur one time as long as the current owner of a qualified and certified large lot remains in compliance with this section whenever a new or renewal application for a short-term vacation rental permit is submitted to the city and for the duration of the term of the issued short-term vacation rental permit. It is also the expressed intent of the city council that the current owner of real property that may have previously been a qualified and certified large lot may be required by the city to submit a new application for exemption from Section 3.25.055, pursuant to this section, if the real propertV no longer meets the criteria set forth in this section. C. AnV application submitted pursuant to this section shall be subject to any fees established by resolution of the city council and shall identify, by addresses, assessor's parcel number (APN), and any other identifying information requested by the city, the real propertV purporting to be an large lot. D. An application submitted pursuant to this section shall be reviewed and considered as follows: 1. Submittal of Application. An application for a findine of exemption under this section and certification as a large lot shall be completed in a form approved by the city manager or authorized designee. Applications shall be filed with the city clerk, who shall forward to the planning department together with all maps, plans, documents and other materials required by the city clerk or director of the planning department. 2. Determination of Completeness. The city clerk's office and planning department shall coordinate with the applicant to make a determination whether the application is complete or incomplete. Upon the determination that the application is complete by the citv clerk, the citv clerk shall schedule review and consideration of the complete application by the city council. (Supp. No. 3, Update 3) Created: 2023-01-29 19:14:29 [EST] Page 11 of 21 251 3. Public Hearing and Consideration of the Application. The city council shall hold a public hearing on the application, and the city council shall be the decision -making authority for the application. The public hearing shall be set within ninety (90) days from the determination by the city clerk of a complete application. The public hearing shall be noticed in accordance with Section 9.200.100(D) (or successor provisions, as may be amended from time to time). At the public hearing, the city council shall receive written comments and any other evidence or testimony relating to the application. At the public hearing, the city council may take action on the application, continue the application to a specified date. 4. Required Findings. No application presented to the city council pursuant to this section may be approved or conditionally approved unless all of the following findings and requirements are met: a. The single parcel subject to the application is in a residential zone, is a legal non -conforming use, or is in a zone that otherwise would allow for residential uses. b. The applicant is the owner of the single parcel subject to the application. C. The exemption under this section is required for the applicant as owner to be able to apply for a short-term vacation rental permit and use the parcel as a short-term vacation rental unit under this chapter. d. Approval of the application and issuance of a certification to the applicant that the single parcel is a qualified and certified large lot does not result in either of the following: (i) More than three (3) approvals and certifications issued pursuant to this section in the previous twelve (12) months from the date the application was found complete by the city clerk's office, and (ii) More than twenty (20) approvals and certifications issued pursuant to this section since which is the effective date of the ordinance adding this section. e. Approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or incurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. Included with this assessment shall be whether approval of the application and issuance of a certification that the single parcel is a qualified and certified large lot results in multiple exemptions under this section being concentrated in one geographic location of the city in a manner than may be incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinitv. 5. Decision. The city council shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application. With the concurrence of the applicant, and application may be withdrawn prior to the issuance of a decision by the city council. The decision on an application, including any required findings and any other reasons that serve to explain the determination plus all conditions of approval, shall be in writing. An approval or approval with conditions from the city council shall be adopted by resolution and accompanied with the certification from the city that the single parcel subject to the application meets the criteria for a qualified and certified large lot. 6. Appeal. The decision of the city council shall be the final decision of the city on the application. E. Subject to the review and approval provisions in this section, the city manager or authorized designee shall have the authority to implement policies or procedures to review and verify whether an application and request to be exempted from Section 3.25.055 meets the criteria set forth in this section and any other criteria reasonably necessary for verification of such application and request. F. The city council may periodically review the impacts or effects, if any, caused by this section concurrently with its periodic review provided for in subsection (D) of Section 3.25.055. (Supp. No. 3, Update 3) Created: 2023-01-29 19:14:29 [EST] Page 12 of 21 252 3.25.060 Short-term vacation rental permit —Application requirements. A. The owner or the owner's authorized agent or representative must submit the information required on the city's short-term vacation rental permit application form provided by the city, which may include any or all of the following: 1. The name, address, and telephone number of the owner of the subject short-term vacation rental unit; 2. The name, address, and telephone number of the owner's authorized agent or representative, if any; 3. The name,, address, and twenty-four (24)-hour telephone number of the local contact person; 4. , [Reserved] 5. The number of bedrooms shall not exceed the number of bedrooms allowable for the number of occupants as set forth in Section 3.25.070. The allowable number of bedrooms shall meet all applicable building and construction requirements under federal, state and city codes, including, but not limited to, the provisions of Section 9.50.100 (or successor provision, as may be amended from time to time) governing "additional bedrooms" and all applicable building and construction codes in Title 8 of this code; 6. Acknowledgement of receipt of all electronically distributed short-term vacation rental information from the city, including any good guestne� brochure; 7. The owner or owner's authorized agent or representative who has applied for a short-term vacation rental permit shall provide the city with written authorization that issuance of a short-term vacation rental permit pursuant to this chapter is not inconsistent with any recorded or unrecorded restrictive covenant, document, or other policy of a homeowner association (HOA) or other person or entity which has governing authority over the property on which a short-term vacation rental unit will be operated; in furtherance of this requirement, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that an owner or owner's authorized agent or representative does not have written authorization for the issuance of a short-term vacation rental permit if a HOA or other person or entity which has governing authority over the property has submitted to the city a duly -authorized official writing, which informs the city that short-term vacation rentals of thirty (30) consecutive days or less are not permitted on the property applying for a short-term vacation rental permit; and 8. Such other information as the city manager or authorized designee deems reasonably necessary to administer this chapter. B. The short-term vacation rental permit application shall be accompanied by an application fee as set by resolution of the city council. A short-term vacation rental permit and business license shall not be issued or renewed while any check or other payment method cannot be processed for insufficient funds. C. The city may determine the maximum number of bedrooms in a residential dwelling with multiple bedrooms eligible for use as a short-term vacation rental unit upon issuance of a short-term vacation rental permit. When determining the maximum number of bedrooms eligible for use as short-term vacation rentals, the city shall consider the public health, safety, and welfare, shall comply with building and residential codes, and may rely on public records relating to planned and approved living space within the residential dwellings, including, but not limited to, title insurance reports, official county records, and tax assessor records. Owners of residential dwellings that exceed five thousand (5,000) square feet of developed space on a lot may apply for additional bedrooms. An owner and/or owner's authorized agent or representative may not advertise availability for occupancy of a short-term vacation rental unit for more than the approved number of bedrooms listed in the short-term vacation rental permit issued by the city pursuant to this chapter. In addition to any other rights and remedies available to the city under this chapter, the first violation for failing to advertise the approved number of bedrooms may be subject to a fine by an administrative citation, and a Created: 2023-01-29 19:14:29 [EST] (Supp. No. 3, Update 3) Page 13 of 21 253 second or subsequent violation for failing to advertise the approved number of bedrooms may result in a revocation (which may include permanent revocation) of the short-term vacation rental permit and/or any affiliated licenses or permits pursuant to the provisions set forth in Section 3.25.100. D. Short-term vacation rental permit applications shall comply with the following: A short-term vacation rental permit application for t4ean estate home shall be subject to evaluation and inspection of the property to ensure that the short-term vacation rental unit will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties in the vicinity. Evaluation and inspection shall include, but not be limited to: verification of the number of bedrooms, adequate on -site parking spaces, availability of nearby street parking, physical distance of t4ean estate home from adjacent properties, such as location and distance of outdoor gathering spaces, pools, and other living spaces from neighboring properties. The city manager, or designee, shall have the authority to impose additional conditions on the use of t4ean estate home as a short-term vacation rental unit to ensure that any potential secondary effects unique to the subject short-term vacation rental unit are avoided or adequately mitigated. A short-term vacation rental permit application may be denied if the applicant has failed to comply with application requirements in this chapter, or has had a prior short-term vacation rental permit for the same unit revoked within the past twelve (12) calendar months. In addition, upon adoption of a resolution pursuant to subsection H, the city may limit the number of short-term vacation rental units in a given geographic area based on a high concentration of short-term vacation rental units. The city shall maintain a waiting list of short-term vacation rental permit applications for such geographic areas where the city determines, based on substantial evidence after a noticed public hearing ^tic Wig, there is a higher than average concentration of short-term vacation rental units that either affects the public health, safety, and welfare or significantly negatively impacts the character and standard of living in a neighborhood within that geographic area, or both. Short-term vacation rental permit applications may take up to, and the city shall have, thirty (30) calendar days to process. „ffieient time fer the city t process the renewal application. Nothing in this subsection or chapter shall be construed as requiring the city to issue or deny a short-term vacation rental permit in less than thirty (30) calendar days, as no permit shall be issued until such time as application review is complete. No short-term vacation rental use may occur in the city without a valid short-term vacation rental permit is issued in accordance with this chapter. Upon a change of ownership of a property (or upon a new person and/or new entity owning or controlling a business or organization or other entity of any kind, such as a limited liability company, which is the owner of a property) licensed to operate as a short-term vacation rental unit, the owner or owner's authorized agent or representative shall notify the city of such change immediately. The existing short-term vacation rental permit shall be terminated, unless subject to Section 3.25.050(B)(2), and the property must cease operating as a short-term vacation rental immediately. Failure to comply may result in a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per day for a continuing violation of this subsection F. G. Immediately upon a change of an owner' s authorized agent or representative, local contact, or any other change pertaining to the information contained in the short-term vacation rental application, the owner or owner'-s authorized agent or representative shall update the short-term vacation rental unit"s online registration profile used by the city for the implementation of the short-term vacation rental regulations. Failure to 'immediately update this information may result in a violation of this chapter, including but not limited to a suspension or revocation of a short-term vacation rental permit, until all information is updated. Created: 2023-01-29 19:14:29 [EST] (Supp. No. 3, Update 3) Page 14 of 21 254 The city manager or authorized designee sh-aflmay prepare, for adoption by resolution by the city council, a review procedure and criteria to evaluate the limitation for issuance of STVR permits and/or STVR applications for geographic areas within the city as set forth in subsection D. ( Ord. 590 § 1(Exh. A), 3-16-2021; Ord. 586 § 1(Exh. A), 12-15-2020; Ord. 572 § 1, 2018; Ord. 563 § 1, 2017; Ord. 501 § 2, 2012) 3.25.065 Short-term vacation rental permit —Grounds for denial. A. In addition to any other grounds provided in this chapter, an application (including renewal application) for a short-term vacation rental permit may be denied if use of the short-term vacation rental unit has been, will be, or is apt to become any one (1) or more of the following. 1. Prohibited by any local ordinance or by any state or federal law, statute, rule or regulation; 2. A public nuisance; 3. In any way detrimental to the public interest; 4. Prohibited by zoning laws and ordinances. B. An application (including renewal application) for a short-term vacation rental permit may also be denied on the grounds that the applicant has knowingly made a false statement in a material matter either in his/her/their application or in his/her/their testimony before the city manager or other body hearing such testimony. C. This section is intended to be, and shall be construed as being, in alignment with the grounds for denial of a business license set forth in Section 3.28.080 (or successor section) of this code. ( Ord. 591 § 1(Exh. A), 4-20-2021) 3.25.070 Operational requirements and standard conditions. A. The owner and/or owner" s authorized agent or representative shall use reasonably prudent business practices to ensure that the short-term vacation rental unit is used in a manner that complies with all applicable laws, rules and regulations pertaining to the use and occupancy of the subject short-term vacation rental unit. 1. An estate home may be established for short-term vacation rental use subject to evaluation and inspection of the property pursuant to Section 3.25.060(D)(1). 2. An estate home established for short-term vacation rental use is required to be equipped with a noise monitoring device(s) that is operable at all times. B. The responsible person(s) shall be an occupant(s) of the short-term vacation rental unit for which he, she or they signed a rental agreement for such rental, use and occupancy, and/or any person(s) occupying the short-term vacation rental unit without a rental agreement, including the owner, owner' s authorized agent or representative, local contact(s) and their guests. No non -permanent improvements to the property, such as tents, trailers, or other mobile units, may be used as short-term vacation rentals. The total number of occupants, including the responsible person(s) and children regardless of age, allowed to occupy any given short-term vacation rental unit may be within the ranges set forth in the table below. By the issuance of a short-term vacation rental permit, the city or its authorized designees, including police, shall have the right to conduct a count of all persons occupying the short-term vacation rental unit in response to a complaint or any other legal grounds to conduct an inspection resulting from the use of the short-term vacation rental unit, and the failure to allow the city or its authorized designees the ability to conduct such a count may Created: 2023-01-29 19:14:29 [EST] (Supp. No. 3, Update 3) Page 15 of 21 255 constitute a violation of this chapter. The city council may by resolution further restrict occupancy levels provided those restrictions are within the occupancy ranges set forth below. Number of Bedrooms Total of Overnight* Occupants Total Daytime** Occupants (Including Number of Overnight Occupants) 0—Studio 2 2-8 1 2-4 2-8 2 4-6 4-8 3 6-8 6-12 4 8-10 8-16 5 10-12 10-18 6 12-14 12-20 7 14 14-20 8 1 16 1 16-22 9 1 18 1 18-24 *Overnight (10:01 p.m.-6:59 a.m.) **Daytime (7:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m.) C. The person(s) listed as the local contact person in the short-term vacation rental unit's online registration profile shall be available twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week, with the ability to respond to the location within thirty (30) minutes to complaints regarding the condition, operation, or conduct of occupants of the short-term vacation rental unit or their guests. The person(s) listed as a local contact person shall be able to respond personally to the location, or to contact the owner or the owner's authorized agent or representative to respond personally to the location, within thirty (30) minutes of notification or attempted notification by the city or its authorized short-term vacation rental designated hotline service provider. No provision in this section shall obligate the city or its authorized short-term vacation rental designated hotline service provider to attempt to contact any person or entity other than the person(s) listed as the local contact person. D. The owner, the owner's authorized agent or representative and/or the owner's designated local contact person shall use reasonably prudent business practices to ensure that the occupants and/or guests of the short-term vacation rental unit do not create unreasonable or unlawful noise or disturbances, engage in disorderly conduct, or violate any applicable law, rule or regulation pertaining to the use and occupancy of the subject short-term vacation rental unit. Occupants of the short-term vacation rental unit shall comply with the standards and regulations for allowable noise at the property in accordance with Sections 9.100.210 and 11.08.040 (or successor provision, as may be amended from time to time) of this code. No radio receiver, musical instrument, phonograph, compact disk player, loudspeaker, karaoke machine, sound amplifier, or any machine, device or equipment that produces or reproduces any sound shall be used outside or be audible from the outside of any short- term vacation rental unit between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Observations of noise related violations shall be made by the city or its authorized designee from any location at which a city official or authorized designee may lawfully be, including but not limited to any public right-of-way, any city -owned public property, and any private property to which the city or its authorized designee has been granted access. Prior to occupancy of a short-term vacation rental unit, the owner or the owner's authorized agent or representative shall: Obtain the contact information of the responsible person; (Supp. No. 3, Update 3) Created: 2023-01-29 19:14:29 [EST] Page 16 of 21 256 Provide copies of all electronically distributed short-term vacation rental information from the city, including any good guests brochure to the responsible person and post in a conspicuous location within the short-term vacation rental unit, in a manner that allows for the information to be viewed in its entirety; and require such responsible person to execute a formal acknowledgement that he/she the is are legally responsible for compliance by all occupants of the short-term vacation rental unit and their guests with all applicable laws, rules and regulations pertaining to the use and occupancy of the short-term vacation rental unit. This information shall be maintained by the owner or the owner's authorized agent or representative for a period of three (3) years and be made readily available upon request of any officer of the city responsible for the enforcement of any provision of this code or any other applicable law, rule or regulation pertaining to the use and occupancy of the short-term vacation rental unit. G. The owner, the owner's authorized agent or representative and/or the owner's designated local contact person shall, upon notification or attempted notification that the responsible person and/or any occupant and/or guest of the short-term vacation rental unit has created unreasonable or unlawful noise or disturbances, engaged in disorderly conduct, or committed violations of any applicable law, rule or regulation pertaining to the use and occupancy of the subject short-term vacation rental unit, promptly respond within thirty (30) minutes to immediately halt and prevent a recurrence of such conduct by the responsible person and/or any occupants and/or guests. Failure of the owner, the owner's authorized agent or representative and/or the owner's designated local contact person to respond to calls or complaints regarding the condition, operation, or conduct of occupants and/or guests of the short-term vacation rental unit within thirty (30) minutes, shall be subject to all administrative, legal and equitable remedies available to the city. H. Reserved. I. Trash and refuse shall not be left or stored within public view, except in proper containers for the purpose of collection by the city's authorized waste hauler on scheduled trash collection days. The owner, the owner's authorized agent or representative shall use reasonably prudent business practices to ensure compliance with all the provisions of Chapter 6.04 (Solid Waste Collection and Disposal) (or successor provision, as may be amended from time to time) of this code. J. Signs may be posted on the premises to advertise the availability of the short-term vacation rental unit as provided for in Chapter 9.160 (Signs) (or successor provision, as may be amended from time to time) of this code. K. The owner, authorized agent or representative and/or the owner's designated local contact person shall post a copy of the short-term vacation rental permit and a copy of the good guestef brochure in a conspicuous place within the short-term vacation rental unit, and a copy of the good guestef brochure shall be provided to each occupant of the subject short-term vacation rental unit. L. Unless otherwise provided in this chapter, the owner and/or the owner's authorized agent or representative shall comply with all provisions of Chapter 3.24 concerning transient occupancy taxes, including, but not limited to, submission of a monthly return in accordance with Section 3.24.080 (or successor provisions, as may be amended from time to time) of this code, which shall be filed monthly even if the short-term vacation rental unit was not rented during each such month. M. Guesthouses, detached from the primary residential dwelling on the property, or the primary residential dwelling on the property, may be rented pursuant to this chapter as long as the guesthouse and the primary residential dwelling are rented to one (1) party. N. The owner and/or the owner's authorized agent or representative shall post the number of authorized bedrooms and the current short-term vacation rental permit number at the beginning or top of any advertisement that promotes the availability or existence of a short-term vacation rental unit; provided, however, this requirement may be satisfied if a hosting platform used by the owner and/or owner's Created: 2023-01-29 19:14:29 [EST] (Supp. No. 3, Update 3) Page 17 of 21 257 authorized agent or representative provides a designated field(s) to post the number of authorized bedrooms and the current short-term vacation rental permit number for the short-term vacation rental unit. In the instance of audio -only advertising of the same, the short-term vacation rental permit number shall be read as part of the advertisement. 0. The owner and/or owner's authorized agent or representative shall operate a short-term vacation rental unit in compliance with any other permits or licenses that apply to the property, including, but not limited to, any permit or license needed to operate a special event pursuant to Section 9.60.170 (or successor provision, as may be amended from time to time) of this code. The city may limit the number of special event permits issued per year on residential dwellings pursuant to Section 9.60.170 (or successor provision, as may be amended from time to time). The city manager, or designee, shall have the authority to impose additional conditions on the use of any given short-term vacation rental unit to ensure that any potential secondary effects unique to the subject short-term vacation rental unit are avoided or adequately mitigated, including, but not limited to, a mitigating condition that would require the installation of a noise monitoring device to keep time -stamped noise level data from the property that will be made available to the city upon city's reasonable request. Q. The standard conditions set forth herein may be modified by the city manager, or designee, upon request of the owner or the owner's authorized agent or representative based on site -specific circumstances for the purpose of allowing reasonable accommodation of a short-term vacation rental unit. All requests must be in writing and shall identify how the strict application of the standard conditions creates an unreasonable hardship to a property such that, if the requirement is not modified, reasonable use of the property #efas a short-term vacation rental unit would not be allowed. Any hardships identified must relate to physical constraints to the subject site and shall not be self-induced or economic. Any modifications of the standard conditions shall not further exacerbate an already existing problem. R. On -site parking shall be on an approved driveway, garage, and/or carport areas only; this section does not impose restrictions on public street parking regulations. Recreational vehicles may be parked in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 9.60.130 (or successor provision, as may be amended from time to time) of this code. ( Ord. 590 § 1(Exh. A), 3-16-2021; Ord. 586 § 1(Exh. A), 12-15-2020; Ord. 577 § 1, 2019; Ord. 572 § 1, 2018; Ord. 563 § 1, 2017; Ord. 501 § 2, 2012) 3.25.080 Recordkeeping and hosting platform duties. A. The owner or the owner's authorized agent or representative shall maintain for a period of three (3) years, records in such form as the tax administrator (as defined in Chapter 3.24) may require to determine the amount of transient occupancy tax owed to the city. The tax administrator shall have the right to inspect such records at all reasonable times, which may be subject to the subpoena by the tax administrator pursuant to Section 3.24.140 (Records) (Transient Occupancy Tax) (or successor provisions, as may be amended from time to time) of this code. B. Hosting platforms shall not complete any booking transaction for any residential dwelling or other property purporting to be a short-term vacation rental unit in the city unless the dwelling or property has a current and valid short-term vacation rental permit issued pursuant to this chapter, which is not under suspension, for the dates and times proposed as part of the booking transaction. The city shall maintain an online registry of active and suspended short-term vacation rental permits, which hosting platforms may reference and rely upon for purposes of complying with subsection B. If a residential dwelling or other property purporting to be a short-term vacation rental unit matches with an address, permit number, and/or current and valid permit dates (not under suspension) set forth in (Supp. No. 3, Update 3) Created: 2023-01-29 19:14:29 [EST] Page 18 of 21 258 the city's online registry, the hosting platforms may presume that the dwelling or other property has a current and valid short-term vacation rental permit. The provisions of this subsection B shall be interpreted in accordance with otherwise applicable state and federal law(s) and will not apply if determined by the city to be in violation of, or preempted by, any such law(s). ( Ord. 590 § 1(Exh. A), 3-16-2021; Ord. 586 § 1(Exh. A), 12-15-2020; Ord. 572 § 1, 2018; Ord. 563 § 1, 2017; Ord. 501 § 2, 2012) 3.25.090 Violations. A. Additional Conditions. A violation of any provision of this chapter or this code by any applicant, occupant, responsible person, local contact person, owner or owner's authorized agent or representative (including a management company), shall authorize the city manager, or designee, to impose additional conditions on the use of any given short-term vacation rental unit to ensure that any potential additional violations are avoided. B. Permit Modification, Suspension and Revocation. A violation of any provision of this chapter, this code, California Vehicle Code, or any other applicable federal, state, or local laws or codes, including, but not limited to, applicable fire codes and the building and construction codes as set forth in Title 8 of this code, by any applicant, occupant, responsible person, local contact person, owner, or owner's authorized agent or representative (including a management company), shall constitute grounds for modification, suspension and/or revocation (which may include permanent revocation) of the short-term vacation rental permit and/or any affiliated licenses or permits pursuant to the provisions set forth in Section 3.25.100. C. Notice of Violation. The city may issue a notice of violation to any applicant, occupant, responsible person, local contact person, owner, owner's authorized agent or representative (including a management company), or hosting platform, pursuant to Section 1.01.300 (or successor provisions, as may be amended from time to time) of this code, if there is any violation of this chapter committed, caused or maintained by any of the above parties. D. Two (2) Strikes Policy. Subject to a minor violation reprieve request, two (2) violations of any provision of this chapter or this code within one (1) year by any applicant, occupant, responsible person, local contact person, owner, owner's authorized agent or representative (including a management company), with respect to any one (1) residential dwelling shall result in an immediate suspension of the short-term vacation rental permit with subsequent ability to have a hearing before the city, pursuant to this chapter, to request a lifting of the suspension. For purposes of this subsection, a "minor violation reprieve request" means a written request submitted to the city's code enforcement officer for relief from counting one (1) or more violations within the one (1) year period as a minor violation, and "minor violation" means a violation of a particular section of this code that resulted in minimal impact on the use and enjoyment of the adjacent and nearby properties caused by any of the following: 1. Minor debris or trash containers left in view as a first offense; 2. A short-term vacation rental permit number or bedroom count not posted on an advertisement as a first offense; 3. A short-term vacation rental permit number or bedroom count posted in the wrong location on an advertisement as a first offense; or 4. Over occupancy due to a minor child not associated with a disturbance. A determination of whether a code violation is a minor violation shall be based on substantial evidence presented to the code enforcement officer relating to that violation. Created: 2023-01-29 19:14:29 [EST] (Supp. No. 3, Update 3) Page 19 of 21 259 Administrative and Misdemeanor Citations. The city may issue an administrative citation to any applicant, occupant, responsible person, local contact person, owner, owner's authorized agent or representative (including a management company), or hosting platform, pursuant to Chapter 1.09 (Administrative Citations) (or successor provisions, as may be amended from time to time) of this code, if there is any violation of this chapter committed, caused or maintained by any of the above parties. Nothing in this section shall preclude the city from also issuing an infraction citation upon the occurrence of the same offense on a separate day. An administrative citation may impose a fine for one (1) or more violations of this chapter in the maximum amount allowed by state law or this code in which the latter amount shall be as follows: General Short -Term Vacation Rental Violations (Occupancy/Noise/Parking). First violation: one thousand dollars ($1,000.00); Second violation: two thousand dollars ($2,000.00); C. Third violation: three thousand dollars ($3,000.00). Operating a Short -Term Vacation Rental Without a Valid Short -Term Vacation Rental Permit. First violation: three thousand dollars ($3,000.00); Second or more violations: five thousand dollars ($5,000.00); C. In addition to the fines set forth above, the first, second, or subsequent violation of operating a short-term vacation rental unitST-VFF without a valid short-term vacation rental permit shall be cause for an owner (or person and/or entity that owns or controls a business or organization or other entity of any kind, such as a limited liability company, which is the owner of a property) to be prohibited for all time from being eligible to be issued a short-term vacation rental permit and/or business license for use of a property as a short-term vacation rental unit. Hosting a Special Event at a ST-VRshort-term vacation rental unit w-Without a Special Event Permit as Arequired by Section 9.60.170 (or Ssuccessor gprovision, as + may Abe Aamended =_from Ttime to Ttime) of Tthis Qode. First violation: five thousand dollars ($5,000.00); b. Second violation: five thousand dollars ($5,000.00). 4. Advertising a Short -Term Vacation Rental Without a Valid Short -Term Vacation Rental Permit by Person(s) or Entity(ies) Other Than a Management Company. a. First violation: one thousand dollars ($1,000.00); b. Second violation: two thousand dollars ($2,000.00); C. Third violation: three thousand dollars ($3,000.00). 5. Advertising a Short -Term Vacation Rental Without a Valid Short -Term Vacation Rental Permit by a Management Company. a. First violation: three thousand dollars ($3,000.00); Second or more violations: five thousand dollars (85.000.00): C. In addition to the fines set forth above. the first. second. or subseauent violation of advertisine a short-term vacation rental unit without a valid short-term vacation rental permit by a management company shall be cause for the management company to be prohibited from being used to advertise or operate a short-term vacation rental unit at the property identified for not having a valid short-term vacation rental permit. Additionally, repeat violations, which is three (3) or more violations of this Subsection (E)(5), by a management company for advertising a short- (Supp. No. 3, Update 3) Created: 2023-01-29 19:14:29 [EST] Page 20 of 21 260 term vacation rental unit without a valid short-term vacation rental permit shall be cause for the management company to be prohibited for all time from being eligible to be issued a short-term vacation rental permit and/or business license in the city for such property management purposes. Public Nuisance. In addition to any and all rights and remedies available to the city, it shall be a public nuisance for any person or entity to commit, cause or maintain a violation of this chapter, which shall be subject to the provisions of Section 1.01.250 (Violations public nuisances) (or successor provisions, as may be amended from time to time) of this code. ( Ord. 590 § 1(Exh. A), 3-16-2021; Ord. 586 § 1(Exh. A), 12-15-2020; Ord. 578 § 1, 2019; Ord. 572 § 1, 2018; Ord. 563 § 1, 2017; Ord. 501 § 2, 2012) 3.25.100 Appeals. A. Any person aggrieved by any decision of a city officer made pursuant to this chapter may request a hearing before the city manager in accordance with Chapter 2.08 (or successor provisions, as may be amended from time to time) of this code. B. Notwithstanding any provisions in Section 2.08.230 or otherwise in the code, the decision by the city manager of an appeal brought under this chapter shall be the final decision by the city for any violation of a short-term vacation rental permit issued under this order, except for any administrative citation imposing a fine, which shall be processed and subject to an administrative appeal pursuant to Chapter 1.09 of the code. ( Ord. 590 § 1(Exh. A), 3-16-2021; Ord. 586 § 1(Exh. A), 12-15-2020; Ord. 572 § 1, 2018; Ord. 563 § 1, 2017) (Supp. No. 3, Update 3) Created: 2023-01-29 19:14:29 [EST] Page 21 of 21 261 262 �'� I r • f2a eFio �r - # e.e. • � et s� GarR� Quinta Co h�,�a Club u. M V 7t_5 �2'Xi 6- V1,1 $a.vo.na -4, C(Aum us wa • 401k 46 pr dF A 1%W City Boundary Ix -4 Parcel 50 0 ft B Li ffe r fro?- via Fpor.to .41N 1000 ft Buffer frc 47M rij ;dft— '4;N � A -� � • \ ,p,A 5 Ft uint JU. p A=r: _j� :F77- .04 / j � " t.r tr lie Lute �� � � �.. �\ ,: � 0 u �i i M f IL 040 •. 1 City Boundary �* M Parcel f"`F;'" = • �• . M 500 ft Buffer from Parcel Feet �# _ -; 100 ft Buffer from Parcel Large Lot Inventory Pace! Information 1 �� Address: 81870 Mountain Mew Lane (Estates at La Quints) AM 780-160-010 Size. Approx. 54,352 square feet 267 -'CSl 10. M 6 rite r'6y Fit 44. yy IF h F-,A UF F:P-nhhvver FtrK i ito ■ Fill L4 %LIP - I log 4 err Caile A®rro.ba- 'o CL IT �- 4Sr- C:L A14P qj , 4L poll - W. lrolt, u PIR Okii i F"I , u a 4 A t I 0 k. 0— rv, ic nj e, i % AWL. 11Rq A a Ouint Avenida la Fonda La ;g - I MR P Iraida FWARM50 ace —IN—E"9w -A US n O e 0 AV City Bo 4;\ undary MOM" Parcel M 500 ft B Li ffer from Parcel 1000 ft Buffer from Pa Fcp-1 u �i i M f IL 040 •. 1 City Boundary �* M Parcel f"`F;'" = • �• . M 500 ft Buffer from Parcel Feet �# _ -; 100 ft Buffer from Parcel Large Lot Inventory Pace! Information 1 �� Address: 81870 Mountain Mew Lane (Estates at La Quints) AM 780-160-010 Size. Approx. 54,352 square feet 270 C-rEM o the DESERT - -- DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM N0.1 ANNUAL MARKETING REPORT In Fiscal Year 2022/23, City Staff shifted the Marketing strategy to focus on Community Outreach in order tn best communicatewith our residents. This included more local print, digital, and out -of -home ODDortunities refr Community centered logo. Below is a sma ads, and options utilized to fulfill this goa esh with a II snapshot of the various media platforms, I. Additionally, new video and photo assets focused on local businesses and residents which gave the C voice that spoke to all in the Gem of the Desert. r"nt Marketing • Palm Springs Life • Desert Health Magazine • The Guide to La Quinta • Coachella Valley History Museum Program • CVEP Breakfast Program • The Guide to La Quinta W DESERT SHE �a 'a ity's brand a face and R r fir. r s s —40 1 ASA t 271 andaBrand and a Brand OOH Camp,. _ • Palm Springs Airport • Lamar Digital Billboards AROUND #SERE, .. THEME'S N EVER 4w { Radio C(%F • Recycle Ads • SB 1383 Ads • IRONMAN 70.3 mom W ■dr A �74L k ` ■ L _ 3— ,3ww Y '6' 1 ,JJ 272 • r)mic DP.vP.1nnmF, Eat Shop Enjoy Shop LQ ai PlayinLaaint Picture perfect place to do business in i r r r�4ih w4o_40 EMMA �.� J 4 F J. j J r rot arm BUY GIFT CARDS SHOP LOCALLY ONLINE ORDER DELIVERY OR TAKEOUT GIVE AN ONLINE REVIEW OR POST PLAYiNLAQUINTA.COM ant i mi.qn_ Promntir 5A Olt .i- . -- fir. CANDLELIGHT VIGIL SUNDAY., SEPTEMBER 11 17:00 PM A r the o rtii - 4 —psi .i. ✓ Ir ►�o SHOP LQ AND oil Ii SUPPORT OUR r, LOCAL BUSINESS COMMUNITY W JIM-w4a - - Z�0111 ! M111111111ft - - -All 4 "'�u� I�i*I� *llCui`IIIG�`��fii`**phi*116 4 '90 r VETERANS RECOGMTION CEREMONY Y 4 Nominations are now opera for the Veterans Recognition Ceremony _ La Quinta is proud to honor distinguished military members who have served in all branches of the U.S. armed farces. We celebrate these local heroes wth a ceremony in their honor and engrave their names, ranks, and dates of service on the Veterans Acknowledgement Monuments in Civic Center Park. The nomination deadline is Prida , September 9, 2022. To nominate a Veteran visit www.laquintaca.gov/veterans • % *� i DESERT. Civic Center Park PlaylnLaQuinta.com AUGUS . 6P-"w10-:301PM ITZ BURNS Poo� , EORANFO ViS1PLAQUIN'TACA.G0V/FB Jk- Play inLaQuinLa. corn LET'STAKEA November 111 7pm � 9pm Fu1C Moon Hike 1 La Quinta Cove I RSVP 760.5 8.9918 November 111 7:30p 10pm Fight Sky Star observations I La Quinta Cove I RSVP 760.568.9918 3 OP * M F ■ y i_ • dalp + F ■ + i # 61 REE 4 • 8, (%I ITI I ■i` i W* a 10'wt a V. k e Friday, 'u • Tien; -Civic nrar Eweryone is Welcome 4.0 8 * i • For More Inf6ftation Visit. wwwPlayInLaGuinta.-cum * * i • • • ;L i • i IL NPA Friends of tho Desert Mountains _ w 40 IF ■■ -9 a 6113 C TENTH ANNUAL LIFE STREAM BLOOD BANK COACHELLA VALLEY NINE CITIES BLOOD DRIVE CHALLENGE - AUG. 31, 2022 6 ALL DONORS RECEIVE A SPECIAL EDITION, 9 CITIES T-SHIRTI CATHEDRAL CITY * COACHELLA * DESERT HOT SPRINGS INDIAN WELLS * INDIO * LA 42UINTA PALM DESERT * PALM SPRINGS * RANCHO MIRAGE To sign up for a participating mobile blood drive in La Quinta, visit Istream.org/9cities/, visit the La Quinta Lifetream location, or call 1.800.87 .4484 Mention you are part of Team La Quintal tERTS ,�EPARK4 2- THE BEATUNES SATURDAY, MARCH 18 1 6:30PM - 8:30PM AT SILVERROCK PARK 1,6a, Qa�&ru - { ENJ r�-rife M. "l III At - MA UrE vox 44 - _ �•%f f�rfr _t•`i I i MISSION Low: ROCKET LAUNCH IS BACK! a04 1 lu his event is FREE and lun for essix and _ M � � I h Ckl La Quinta Summer Golf Experience;, Enjoy 13 weeks of golf at some of the finest courses in the Coachella Valley! Both a mens and a womens division will be featured, r. Finalists receive awards at the golf tour banquet. Early Bird April is - May 7 $45 After May 7 $60 low September is HUNGER ACTION MONTH #Hun;3er A ctionL - — CF,M of rbe D F SERT — 611WIMM096 ■ 0 NOMINATIONS ARE NOW OPEN FOR ATHLETES, ARTISTS AND PILLARS OF THE COMMUNITY ►Nip'. , h 04Fax 1 Y"Is- -� _ r Take action to end hunger �ri''a BECOME A VOLUNTEER IV MAKE A DONATION T, HOST A FOOD DRIVE e4 SPREAD THE WORD Get involveci of www.1aquintaca.gov/vo1unteer 0 0 •ULC-lI 2[0 0 trFRI ` a� a 010 or. • Ah Social Media Campaign FacebookITwitterINextDoorlinstagram • County Food Access Site • COVID-1 9 Vaccine Distribution • RivCo Public Health Updates • COVID-1 9 Vaccine Booster • Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record • Cal Notify/MyTurn.CA.gov • FIND Food Bank Volunteer Sign Up • CV Construction Alert • XPark Construction Alerts • Sunline Student Art Contest • Conserve Alerts • Heat Advisory Alerts • Mobile Library Alerts • Traffic Advisory Alerts • City Council Meeting • Reduce Police/Fire False Alarms • Road Improvements/ Traffic Alerts • GO Request App • Landscape Renovations • The Gem • Dog Park Etiquette • Concerts in the Park • Community Workshop • Quail Mail 2.0 Sign Up • Art on Main Street • City Events — GEM of tie DESERT acaQw:,fra SCAN HERE To REPORT MAINTENANCE & CODE ISSUES IIiY . � � .�• I i�•Y• l!• I •I� • I •;;ii lid •�:�•I;�II�.�•�,I,;i�l�•• *I;• Help Keep L Q . uinta Beautiful! Download the FREE GORequest app to report Maintenance or Code issues in La Quinta • Dive -In Movies • 9/11 Candlelight Vigils • City Projects in Progress • Recycling/Composting • Firework Display Notificiations • Bicycle Laws & Safety Tips • Hunger Action Month • Athletes/Artists/Pillars Nominations • Commission Vacancies • City Hall Open House • SB 1383 Updates • XPark Grand Opening • State of the City • #LOVELQ Shop Small Shop Local • Library/Creation Station Services • Museum Exhibits • Flag Repository • Wellness Center Services • Art in Public Places • Recycling/Composting • New Business Shout Outs • STVR Hotline • City Hall Digital Services • Bicycle Laws + Safety Tips • SB 1383 Updates • La Quints Art Celebration . City of La C uinta - Government _tol Published by Sprout Social • September 22 at 9:00 AM . Athletes, Artists, and Pillars of the Community Recognition Awards are a prestigious honor earned by residents of La Quinta who have demonstrated outstanding service to the community. This year's recipients will be recognized at La Quinta City Hall on Thursday, September 22, 2022, from 4:00- :00 p.m. 1P -- r 0 40"".,* EPTEMBER 22, 2022 4 PM I CITY HALL 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LET'S CELEBRATE THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF OUR LA QUINTA ATHLETES, DISTINGUISHED ARTISTS AND PILLARS OF THE COMMUNITY. FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT PLAYINLAOUINTA.COM 276 - ... City of La Quinta Government ... � Sponsored F Save the date for IRDNMAN 2022! Sunday, December 4 athletes from around the world will be back to compete. Make ... See more 111HORM111- 71MIiLA QUINTA laquintaca.gov Road Closure Maps Learn more 0 Q Efren Tenorio and... 1 comment 4 shares o ) Like Q Comment �> Share City of La Ouinta - Government 0 Published by Sprout Social 4) March 23 ail 9:01 AM . Q) Come to Art on Main Street and meet artists selling their paintings, jewelry, photography, mixed media, sculptures, textiles and more amidst Old Town La Quinta's charming shops and cafes. Live music. Free admission and parking. Sponsored by the City of La Quinta. See insights and ads M 1n City of La Quinta - Government 0 Published by Sprout Social Q - March 8 at 11-31 AM • �} The GEM Magazine March issue is now available! https-//www.playinJaquinta.com/the-gei-n/ 1n this issue: - Art Celebration - New Restaurants... See more DID YOU KNOW?. THE GEM MAGAZINE AVAILABLE ONLINE q aharpq !•• City of La Quintal - Government Oct 1 4".. It's La Quinta Creation Station 3rd Annual Gingerbread Contest. Create a structure using gingerbread, submit entry form with photos by no Inter than December 12th to the Creation Station Contest whit. Entries open November 1st, winners announced December 1 th . Show Less CHIHTION STATION 4 4--- i • a # a �l %4 -A 01) t tes Entries Open November Age Division . •• - Beginning Builder: 7 and Under Junior Builder: 8 to 17 Master Builder: 18 and Older • CREATE A STRUCTURE USING GINGERBREAD :r TRADITIONAL HDUSE, FICTION INSPIRED, FAMOUS LANDMARKS OR FAMOUS WORKS OF ART • SUBMIT ENTRY FORA WITH PHOTOS BY NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 12TH TO THE xo- CREAT10N STATION CONTEST WEBSITE WINNERS ANNOUNCED DEICEMBER 16TH. City of La Quinta - Government 0 Published by Sprout Social A - February 17 � Here are some educational facts on recycling from Burrtec PAPER PAPEL Newspapers, Magazines, Junk Mail & Office Paper Flattened Cardboard Cereai & Cracker Boxes Milk, Juice & Soup Cartons NO TISSUES/NAPKINS • PLA T[ PL.A TICO Plastic Bottles & Containers Only Check the bottom of your container to ensure if has a recycle symbol NO PLASTIC BAGS OR WRAP GLASS IDRIO Glass Sottlea/Jars (colored & clear) NO WINDOWS, CERAMICS. DISHES OFF DRINKING GLASSES "t A 11 Ilk ash I 1 ETL Tln & Aluminum Bottles/Cans NO FOOD COVERED ALUMINUM FOIL - HOW TO PREPARE YOUR RE Y LA LES: R1eCYCLJfVG Recyclablos should be clean. dry and empty. * Include only lilted items. Unsure? Please conlacl Burrlec- • Recyclables should be loose- Do not bag. VIDE0I1-v ' 6 Like �] Comment q�> Share FIREWORKS DISPLAY ALERTS Date: Friday, November 11 Location: Andalusia Country Club Time: Approximately 8 P Duration: 12 minutes Date: Friday, November 11 �'•,� k, Location: Rancho La Quinta Country Club +� Time: Approximately 4 PM Dulration:10 minutes Date: Saturday, November 12 Location: Mery Griffin Estate Dirt Lot, Ave 54 Time: Approximately 9:30 PM �= t Duration: 5 minutes Date: Saturday, November 12 � Location- Tradition Golf Club Time: Approximately 9:30 P Duration: 5 minutes'' City of La Quinta - Government D Published by Sprout Social 0 • February 28. � La Quinta residents can now drop-off worn and tattered U.S. flags at City Hall! There is a new flag drop box located just past the City Hall main entrance in the South Parking Lot. The box artwork was designed by our local Scouts BSA Troop 451. For more information about the flag drop box arld how to properly respect, display, fold, and retire the U.S- Flag, please visit htt p: J/w. laq u i ntaca. gov jF i ag. See insights and ads City of La Quinta - Government v Published by Sprout 5ocinl 4 N;larch 31 at 10;00AM . 0 Come out to SilverRock park on Saturday, April 1, from S to 10 a.m. for Fly Over LQ: A Kite Experience! Fun for the entire family and free for a I I ages. For more information please visit https:/jwwvw.pIaylinlaquinta,comj..,/fly- over- Iq-a-kite.,.) Imm N1 te &to UY KITE EXPERIENCE 'h r Saturday, April 1 8 AM - 10 AM 'f t SilverRock Park r See Insights and ads 5 p hike 0, Write a comment... QD Comment 4 shares Share C,IF 0 City of La Quinta - Government 0 Published by Sprout Social Q .la?ivary23 i1 The City of La Quinta is hard at work improving the streets in our beautiful Gem of the Desert. Here is a list of a few that have been completed, are in the works, and are coming up. We ask for {patience if you are traveling in the construction areas and we will make sure to keep you updated of any temporary road closures. Stay in the know on all things City of La Qunta by subscribing to Quail Mail 2.0 to be notified either by text or email. w w.laquintaca-gov)quailmail MAY 202" City of La Quinta AVENUE SO $ AVENUE 52 Upcoming Road PAVEMENT REHABILITATION Prior to the festival scasQn, �'1'1provement Projects rehabilitation of bath Avenue 50 between Washington Street and Eisenhower Drive, and Avenue 52 between Madison Street and Monroe Street will be completed, DECEMBER 2022 - COMPLETE 1EFFEMN STREET AT J L MAY 2023 HIGHWAY 111 FRED WADING DRIVE In collaboration with the City of � � PAVEMENT REHABILITATION Indio, roadway rehabilitation Nc[ riZt.:lit._ %kjn or i-rc-d y w—i iy I�i ivy improvements at the intersection of between Washington Street ar�d Highway 111 and Ieffersan Street n Adams Street will be completed in will begin after Ironman Summer of 2023 DECEMSER 2022 - COMPLETE o o MAY- JUKE 2023 MOON RIVER DRIVE PMP SLURRY SEAL PAVEMENT REHABWTATION IMPROVEMENTS Rehabilitation of the roadway on As part o, -rie 5-Year Pavement Moon River Drive to the DSUSD right Management Plan, 51urryseal rn the of way rvdI be Completed during the cove and Village areas will be school winter break completed in May/June 2023 FEBPUARY- MARCH 2O23 3ULY-SEPT 2023 JEFFERSON STREET SLURRY HIGHWAY lit SEAL IMPROVEMENTS PAVEMENT REHABILITATION In collaboration with the City of In summer 2023, rehabikatlon of Indio. a slurry seal of the entire La Highway III between Wasbingten Quinta limits of 3efFerson Street will Street and ]efferson Street will be be completed in Spring 2023- completed. DUNE PALMS POAD % PAVEMENT REHABILITATION In pall 2023, rebeWlitation of Dune Palms Road ben een Fred Waring Drive and MIles Avenue will be completed ----� G EM of rbe DES E RT See insights and ads See insights and ads See insights and ads 277 City of La Quinta - Government 0 Published by Marcie Saenz Graham 411 • Marche 24 at 210 P • � Dune Palms Road is ready to open next week, weather permitting. Water has been flowing over the road this week and will likely start again later next week if the expected storm comes through. When the road opens, vehicles will be using the bypass road on the west side of the project while construction starts on the east side.... See more . DUNE PALMS LMM BRIDGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WEATHER PERMITTING L :)R FQ �f i ■■■ ■ ■ 111 ■ 8111 ■1111■ ■ Ii■■ ■ ■■ ■ ■I, LI 1� ■ I � 'I �■I111111a � ; I I■R11 I.'I'rrllil I ■ I ■■■I■ lrlll!'1 ! ■' ■ ■ ■II 11 II 11 ■ ! II111.: y1r■I'1:111 . IIII I 1I■L l� ■■ ■ 111�■� . '; I.1 i i ■ ■■ illill ■!■ 1 11■ � ■■ 1 I 1 1■ . ■ ■ � I I ■ rn— wooQE ,III:. lei 1::1 I ■ ■ ■ ■■■1 F-FHVRCY. FI DwCOOE COM .... ... IliUll ored U SIGN UP FOR QUAIL MAIL TODAY.1 You can choose to receive emails, text messages, or bath. Topics include City News, Press Releases, Events, City Council Meetings, Recreation, Waste & Recycling, Request for Proposals (RFPs), and more. Not sure which topics to subscribe to? You can change your subscription choices at any time if you are receiving too many notifications or not enough. L A7 !�N R . s 4 PlIt be „o%d x City of La Quinta - Government 0 6eb Published by Marcie Saenz Graharn 10 • March 24 at 10-'59 AM • ja Road Work Update for March 24, 2023 Pease be advised of the updated Jefferson St. and Dane Palms Rd. Bridge roadwork information. We appreciate your patience during this time while we cantimle to enhance our Gem of the Desert. AL ao11i, , '. VAN 0r=_ City of La Quinta - Government •ii Published by sprout social 0, ,January 23. The City of La Quinta is heard at work improving the streets in our beaUtifrll Gem of the Desert. Here is a list of a few that have been completed, are in the works, and are corning up. We ask for patience if you are traveling in the construction areas and we will make sure to keep you updated of any temporary road closures. Stag in the know on all things City of La Quinta by subscribing to {Tail Mail 2.0 to be notified either by text of email. www.laquintaca-gov/quailmall MAY 20-', City of La Quinta AVENUE SO $ AVENUE 52 Upcoming Read PAVEMENT REHABILITATION Prior to the festival season, Improvement Projects rehabilitation cf both Avenue 50 between Washington Street and Eisenhower Orive, and Avenue 52 between Madison Strait and ,Monroe Street vwiiI be cormplete€I, DECEMBEi 2r)22 - COMPLETE JEFFERSON STRgET AT J L MAY 2023 HIGHWAY 1l1 i r VI FPED WRING DRIVE In collaboration with the Cit of PAVEMENT REHABILITATION Indio, roadway rehabilitation Rehabilitation of Fred Warirtg DiNe improvefnents at the intersection or between WashOgxon Street ar�d Highwity ill and Jefferson Street n Adarn5 Street will be cornple#ed in will began after Ironman Summer of 73- DECEMB ER 2022 - COMPLETE a io a MAY- J UN E 2023 MOON RIVER DRIVE PMP SLURRY SEAL PAVE M E NT A E HAS I L ITATI ON IA+' PPOVEMENTS Reha-bilitation of tree roadway on As pan of the 5-Year Pavement Moon Piver Drive to the DSUSD right Management P1 an, sl urry seal in floe of way wviJI be completed during the cove and Village areas will be schOoJ winter break completed in Mayl7une 2023 FEBRtJAR1- MAF?l�F023 3ULY-SERT 203 JEFFERSON STREET` SLURRY HICxll-1WAY 111 SEAL IMPAO E1+�1ENTS PAVEMENT REHABILITATION In col laberation with the ity of In Summer 2OZZ , rehataii,[ation of India. a slurry seal of the entire La High "y 111 between Washington Quinta Iirnits of Jefferson Street uwilI Street and lefferson Street wiu be be completed in Spring 2023. complete. DUNE PALMS ROAD PAVEMENT REHABILITATION In FaGI 202S, rehtiaoilitation of Dine Palms Road between Fred taring give and MIles Avenue will be act Q"Ir(v cornplet3, - GEM -of the DES E RT See insights and ads CQC City of La Quinta -Government Oct 'ICJ 2023 SENIOR INSPIRATION AWARDS. The City of La Quints is looking to honor senior citizens 65 years of age and alder who inspire others through their volunteerism and active engagement in the community. To nominate someone for this honor please contact The Wellness Center for more information at 760.564.0096 Deadline for Nominations: Tuesday, November 15 Show Less 2023 SENIOR INSPIRATION AWARDS To norninote someone for this honor please contact The Wellness Center for more information crlt 760.564.0096 r'+jn"el F:r%dni fr,r Alt jv%;neafietirtt!• Ts inm--A -u Airwtiimxvw%kinur 1R 6 Like 4Q, I I Comment �* Share MOON RIVER DRIVE PIIEIENT REHABILITATION a A so 100..w h. One lane of traffic will Foe open on Moon Fiver Drive (with flaggers assistance]. F Traffic will be delayed, please W j "i use caution and allow for extra ` r time during construction. ffi 1 A w . r r • - Aw FRITZ BURNS r - ' > RK lip _ s ,11,UTREACH SURVEY C� t 'he city is s king I�- - ammunity input on the inal D Master Plan _ :)r Fritz Buns Park. ° lean the QR coat to - ake the suirvey and give • n u r 1 n nut- — G1117 1 .4'd r DFSFRT 278 Boosted Campaigns • Keep Dogs On A Leash in Public • GoRequest APP • Pillars Nominations • Summer Golf Tour Sign Ups • Hunger Action Month • Veterans Nominations Help Reduce False Alarms THE WELLNESS CENTER WILL BE TEMPORARILY CLOSED MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7 THROUGH MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14 DURING THE LA OUINTA ART CELEBRATION Through a partnorship with the Desert Recreation district, Wellness Center members can access the La Quinta Community Fitness Center by showing your Wellness Center membership card during the Art Celebration event. The La Quinta Community Fitness Center is Located of: 77865 Avenida Montezuma and can be reached via telephone at 760,5 4,9921 ca DESERT • Senior Inspiration Awards • IRONMAN 70.3 • Tree Lighting • Traffic Alerts • Shop Small Shop Local • Dune Palms Bridge Project L1v r,JC31 r%-Z C1i C C11 1L1%-1PC1LG%..A 1.v I C-vr.JCI 1 November 1} 2022. All ether city parks will remain open and welcome dog walking. Please note dogs N 0- are to be on a leash at all times in other pa rks, � r ZI Y PGA West and La Quints CC For more Info visit RayinLaG vintaxom EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING SB 1383 WORKSHOP Join the City of La Quinta and Burrtec for the upcoming free workshop on SB 1383 and how it will affect you. Saturday, October 22/ 2022 1104,00 - 11-000 AM City Hall Council Chambers Visit EventBrite.com and search: "SB 1383" to sign up For more information on recycling programs visit: l.aQuintaCA.gov * First 20 attendees will receive a prize Ul WW.LAQU1NTAGA.GO'V;+GOOLING ENTERS ta Q"Ira -Ow, a :fri=4: DOWNLOAD YOUR APPLICATION ONLINE AT: LAQUINTACA. OV/COMMISSIONS QUESTIONS,, CONTACT THE CLERK'S OFFICE 760.777.71CITYCLERKMAILPLAQUINT►ACA.GOV TRAFFIC ALERT SWRRY SEAL PROJECT m l� I.A. z � AVENUE 42 AVENUE 42 FRED WARING `-'C1 DRIVE � K RILES AVENUE WES D HO DRIVE F- 0 Uj 0 w Z 0 ux LU z d U Y) V) 111 AVENUE 4$ z �A PROJECT awl ISITE LL Wr CITY of INDIO & CITY of LA QUINTA AVENUE 51) taQ"Tr�, Liune raims moc Patntam Dn idnni mmw--IN PAL 1 rREACH �r� �iulll� fr•+ .TM-n,nx• • �patasrilll 0 The City of La C uinta invites all residents to meet regarding upcoming improvements to be made at the Dune Palms Mobile Horne Park and listen to resident questions and feedback. We look forward to speaking with you! Thursday, February 16 1 5pm - 6prn Located at the La Quints High School theater. (see neap below) _ice t s � .ti ' _ +, r• .fr., • _ �t • • � ._ AM y N� I _ + • • 4 ► - rt fr A y y r� s + r x 64 j!'*A ' ■ r, Y dab r r} Xi' —,ear -IRV 4 rnln }: 07 mdrf t Yr' •• C� , Raw J140CM OIL aw La� iisiter a rn 211 OEM X14 LAQU1NT CA.G0V/STVR 0[; 0 a& ell: N CDME BUT AND CELEBRATE LA OUMTA'S 4 ISI EIR114DAY ' WITH FAMILY. FBlENDSAND NEIGHBORS SATURDAY. APRIE 29, 2023 9AM . I FIA CIVIC CENTER PART( FAMLYRM UM€S FUM 81 DWAYS PERFDAMAKE5 Celebrate the Ci 's 41 st birthday wrth #amfly, mends, and neighbors while enjoying a high energy evenit The annual La ouinta Crty Picnic &, Birthday Celebration will he held on Saturday, April 29. from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Civic Center Park There will be non-stop J FUTURE HOME OF THE GOLD STAR FAMILY MONUMENT MONUMENT MOCK UP T40P VIEW This wY am orYt x came d kee The wilt 0E, It 11041 11411Ps star with saluling �r east Inta the htc! rr to the back so the can %Hint lnrough 4ta&a for names er star I'm 42 arras COMPLETION DATE: MAY 2023 ca Qw� (ta r I r I I J k-&UFl R-NlA 1 y 0 Love La Qui'nta Brand Refresh CPAYK 100 86 15 3 RGB 26 66 138 HEX #1a428a PANTONE I 7687C GMYI( I 5E, 15 G 0 RGe 1 101 178 232 HEX I #602a$ PANTONE j 292C WYK I B1 59 7 0 RGB 65 107 169 HEX #41Oba9 PANTONE 1 7693C CMYH 75 37 $4 27 RGB 64 194 60 HEX *406836 PANTONE 17743C Expanded Branding Elements Ll� T H E H U B CMYK 1 9 71 97 1 RGB J 223 106 46 HEX I #df5a2f- PANTONE 17587C CMYK 12 100 30 a RG6 I 214 0 M !SEX #id6006d PAN—MNE 1 225C r-1AYIK 13 3 98 5 RGB 1 225 232 0 HEX I *MOO PANTONE I MC VETERANS RECOGNITION P% r% CEREMONY 444 P P I N C, 19 8 2 c ev it a t c ev } 281 � . F MUG T SHIRT DELUXE NOTEBOOK J i J1 * i flu T-A N I r f, � J 41F # lab * 0 * q rdp op 4:E) STICKER METAL. SCOUT4:1 PACK WATER BOTTLE NOTEBOOK P�asTicQ �►► TOTE BAG WATER B TTLE 0 HAT 0 y lot 282 r)rn1V1riP.n AAAC i� Ab }•'i�' fi Pt f�''� �'::. . F' M : rOT r "" r. 0 1 City Art &Facility Video/Photo Series Economic Development Video To La Quiontar With Love Video/Photo Series z�k 41 Simon AP OL ` p % i.� i r•rM V UMCOVE R I fEm ���r .� a .mot •i,t` �i �,i �r wool } # �t6l .a.4 -i �.•y N- i0d sir :. jet - CHRIS GEORC E LA QUINTA RESORT Love La Quinta Activation r ri , � r. •x r t - •T iR +4tit • 4r #— ��r4 , L •.e� t; .. � ',,Nyy •� -. 4.r � -�'. ,,-k�} ,i�YF• • }'a 4 5 �`4 - �.-.'. S yr. +� i• _ '� R` r '� Orr � � l.. ' r E - ;• .�1i�h{ ,'},1•��•- y. ''. ��} y+}Y� , . : 1 . _ 3 `�"•', „ f., `. r ;t _,'4.} c. `- 1 - '` i.-• ' �'t' .� �„••, -ri' _ � ��'-t { V. J i•• - a_ \••• Y •l.♦ la. r.� . 5' •4' •I vI•--.�1 tl' •* �* 'n t { �LL a..• , t - r -t - -. IF ., y Y',` •t •Y . 4[ • ti. .,'* - r '`r, iS -��- • 1 'f' y x" r 4Q, •'� r a -�f lY �. ' - }. �y � _ _ •_ 4 h •+ n I - _ f• � }• t '�L�.S"?"�`,^lt-Yf_ti`•` J�'� .� - -•� f 7'4 'f;4 -�J 4}� rfr Fif _/ .�'.� r 4y�` • _ 17."�'`ki~_� �y:_e,''} # `l -�,1• j y — , r r' ,'i' x ,. ,J{Ir.•7�#i, w+� f ��i. ' t \� . i y+' f. it ��v ' ..0 5 ¢ + k •' ■ 1 lip TOU f. ei t D04i' T TAN11 ~. r I .w7--- ASILTM 1jp,if _ Y r . g0 YOUR �•C� f r I& QUI NTh4 Ird 41 dt . ' .''a°-`"--` �" •fir '4 1r L A UrWA R E E N� LAURA GREEN PHOTOGRAPHY r T 11 RRYAN NEWMAN PEDEG0 ELECTRIC BIKES �., W —47 ta Qai DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 4 — C�Eh{eij�r pFSEP'I — COMMUNITY RESOURCES PERIODIC REPORT Code Compliance / Animal Control January 1 - March 31, 2023 Site Inspections* 790 687 542 609 609 580 —I F Jan Mar 2022 2023 *Site inspections are required to confirm violations and include STVR inspections and regular code complaints (e.g., trash containers, landscaping, property maintenance issues, etc.). Administrative Citations ■ Health & Safety ■ Vehicle Issues ■ Building Code ■ STVRs ■ Animal Control Business License ■ Property Maintenance Hearing Types: • 5 Administrative Hearings • 2 Administrative Appeal Superior Court Quarter Highlights: • $83,990 in administrative citations were paid this quarter 285 False Alarms 341 320 • $145,281 in fees collected to date • City Staff outreach to 101 118 103 111 13791 businesses with multiple false alarms. Jan Feb Mar 1 st Quarter 2022 2023 A false alarm means the activation of a security alarm system necessitating response by peace officers when an emergency does not exist. A service fee is due to the city after an excessive number of false alarms (defined as three or more false alarms) within a one-year period have been received from a particular business, residence or property. Animal Control Update Impounds Stray -Known Wait Foster Return Stray Owner Surrendered Stray -Dead Riverside County Animal Services Outcomes ■ Euthanized Treatable RCDAS Community Cat Program In Foster Home Return to Owner ■ Transfer Adoption Partner ■ Euthanized Untreatable ■ Adoption Department of Animal Services — Coachella Campus has walk-in hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. In the event of a pet emergency, animal control question, or if you are interested in adopting, fostering or rescuing, please call 951-358-7387. Potential adopters, fosters, or resources can also send an email to shelterinfo@rivco.org or visit their website at: https://www.rcdas.org/. :. Social Services & Community Programs January 1 - March 31, 2023 Wellness Center, FIND Food Distribution, Fritz Burns Pool, & Sports • Distributed 26,709 pounds of food (food packages/boxes of dry goods and produce) to 932 persons at Coral Mountain, Hadley Villas, Vista Dunes, Washington Street Apartments, and Wolff Waters; FIND provided mobile pantries for food distribution five times per month at La Quinta High School and La Quinta Community Fitness Center & Park. • Desert Recreation District (DRD) served 824 participants (563 for open/lap swim; 134 Water Aerobics; 78 Senior Splash; 23 Lifeguard Workshop & Pre-Qual; 26 Pirate Party event) at Fritz Burns Pool programs/classes. • Wellness Center provided fitness & recreation programs to 10,200 participants/fitness members (9,313 fitness gym participants; 887 program participants for Gentle Yoga, Essential Fitness, Mat Pilates, Tai Chi, Ballroom Dance, Pickleball 101, Monday Matinee Movies, Chuck Jones Center Workshop, Social Bridge, Mah Jongg, Ukulele, Dominoes, and Quilting for Good Times). Social service offerings such as the Riverside County Warm Center and LiHeap — Riverside County Community Action program. • Youth sports programs had 25,840 total participants (players, spectators, coaches) for AYSO (soccer — 17,000), Friday Night Lights (flag football — 1,650), and La Quinta Youth Sports Association (baseball — 7,190). Practices and league games are held at La Quinta Park, Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School, and the La Quinta Sports Complex. La Quinta High School Baseball also practiced at La Quinta Park this quarter due to their baseball fields being renovated. • Open Court Time basketball and volleyball programs, a City of La Quinta's partnership with Desert Recreation District, had a total of 381 participants at the La Quinta Boys & Girls Club Gym. 287 Library/Creation Station (Makerspace) January 1 - March 31, 2023 • Attendance: 26,000+ persons visited and participated in various programs; 47,300+ items were circulated. • Events: Ben Franklin Elementary and Amelia Earhart Elementary field trips, Book Fest Week Celebration, Bloody Valentine Escape Room for Teens and Adults, Career Day Library presentation at John Glenn Middle School, In-N-Out Cover to Cover Reading program, and St. Patrick's Day Leprechaun Traps. • Programs: Baby/Toddler/Preschool Storytimes; Library Birthday Party; Chess Club-, Sensory Hour; SOS: Something on Saturday Family Programming; Teen Anime Zone; Impulse Affirmation; Teen Game Night; Graphic Novel Club; Read the World; Readers Club; Page Turners Book Club; and BYOB: Bring Your Own Baby Book Club for adults with babies. The Desert Mobile Resource Van provides family programs, on -site WiFi and computer use, as well as book check-out and drop-off. The van is available every Thursday at La Quinta Park from 9.30 am. to 12.30 p.m. F.16T,ip jJ p TTho ErT.H.■ 5J.h.0 F+ ea _ mp5mn.n r. 1... a![Fz 1va,l.a: 4 th • Attendance: 1,430 people participated in various programs/services; 2,454 Facebook and YouTube video views. • Memberships: 9 new memberships this quarter; 147 total active memberships. Programs: MakerCraft (End -Zone Crafts, Tassels & Pom-Pom Garlands, Ant -Man Mini Billboards, Steampunk Haberdashery, Fire -Breathing Dragon Blower, and Tabletop Tavern), Maker Project (LEGO Bonicle Maatoran figures and Laser Cut Book End for Zine Zone), MakerSpace Camps (3D Printing & TinkerCAD, Laser Cutting: Laser Cut Gliders, and Crochet- Scarf), and Ben Franklin Elementary and Amelia Earhart Elementary field trips. 288 Museum January 1 — March 31, 2023 • Attendance: 2,689 visitors/participants. • Exhibits: In the Fields of the North, Making a City, and La Quinta Legends: Dorothy Arzner. • Events: Music at the Museum (performers included Vinnie Berry; High Road Band; David Macias), Franklin Elementary field trips, Torres Martinez Cultural Committee and local high school group tours. Lectures included Kerry Berman, Discovering Treasures of our Valley; Dr. Bruce Love, When Archeology is more than Archeology. Connecting with L.Q.'s Ancestral Origins; Maria Victoria Castillo, Field Work Through the Eyes of a Child; and La Quinta Historical Society lecture and panel discussion of The History of La Quinta. • Programs- Good Reads in the Gallery and La Sobremesa Book Clubs, STITCH Fiber Arts Club, TED Talk Discussion, Take a Break with Huell, Genealogy Club, and Sketchbook Journaling. • Social Media Promotion: Friday Fun Facts and Exhibit Content is shared via social media with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube subscribers. 289 Community Events La Quinta Hikes ~ GUIDIEV r ftAIDVENTI RE 1 rt 5609191a TUESDAY�- February 7 17prn - 10pm Full Moon HIka [ La Qulgta Cove February 7 17:30pm - 40prn Night Sky Star O6servationa I La Quints Gave 7v RSVPGhLL 76d.5Fi$.991$ S.W i n�ar�� Meun�e�Rr :7 -. ms i-•- s 074 _t • The City of La Quinta and the Friends of the Desert Mountains partner to provide local La Quinta Hikes for the community. • Approximately 350+ participated in various guided Foothill Trail, Full Moon, and Night Sky Star Observation hikes this quarter. 290 Community Events Mission LQ: Rocket Launch @ Monticello Park Mission LQ: Rocket Launch took place on Saturday, March 11 from 8-10 a.m. at Monticello Park. Beginners and seasoned rocketeers were able to learn and share their experiences with launching small power rockets. City staff were on hand to assist participants with putting together their rockets and preparing them for launch. Approximately 150+ persons participated in this event. 291 Community Events Concert in the Park Series @ SilverRock Park • Michael Haggins Band performed on Saturday, February 11 from 5:30-8:00 p.m. • The Beatunes performed on Saturday, March 18 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. • Approximately 1500+ persons in attendance for both concerts. • City staff provided information and giveaways; Acrisure Arena and Mosquito Vector Control provided information about their services/programs; and food trucks were available to participants. 292 X Park January 1 — March 31, 2023 0 y j • Attendance: 3,495 residents and 1,614 non-residents used the park this quarter. • Total Memberships: 168 memberships sold (123 resident and 45 non-resident). • Programs/Events: Lucky Pro Scooters "Scoot Jam"; Skate Shop Day; Simon Data (private event); Five Star Friday featuring Revin Cachat and Becca Ortiz (professional scooter riders). 293 294 tavQ�� DEPARTMENTAL REPORTNO. LA QUINTA SHERIFF'S STATION QUARTERLY REPORT Statistics Average Response Time p 36.85 32.45 30.56 30.81 29 29.01 29.42 27.13 30.2 26.19 24.54 20.8 16.59 15.76 17.05 15.02 15.14 12.57 5.72 7.92 6.9 6.7 5.27 5 3 1 Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Jan- 2022 Jan-23 ■ Feb-22 Feb-23 ■ Mar-22 Mar-23 Number of Calls for Service 4� 462 467 428 428 42 409 434 428 434 428 , d , , 260 189 25 29 ■ Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 ■ Jan- 2022 Jan-23 223 241 178 149 15 15 35 10 Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 ■ Feb-22 Feb-23 ■ Mar-22 Mar-23 Priority 1 — Involve circumstances that pose a clearly defined threat to human life or property; Priority 2 — Involve circumstances of an urgent but not life -threatening nature (e.g. minor assaults and batteries); Priority 3 — Involve circumstances which are neither urgent nor life threatening (e.g. disturbances of the peace); Priority 4 — Incidents occurring in the past or "cold" calls. 295 Crime Statistics 78 66 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 Rape Homicide Aggravated Larceny Assault ■ December Collisions 120 21 34 42 ■ DUI Collisions Traffic Injury Collision DUI Arrests Non Injury and Private Property Collision Actions by Teams: Special Enforcement Team & Business District • Actions:558 • Property Recovered: $7,539.51 • Narcotics Seized: Meth 97.9g Fentanyl Powder: 1.9g Traffic Team • Actions:854 Community Service Officers & Crime Prevention Specialists • Actions:912 • Community Meeting 2 • Trainings:1 12 g 11 9 5 14 15 14 0 0 3 MM MM No Robbery Burglary Vehicle Simple Theft Assault ■ January February Citations 6 390 205 ■ Seat Belt Citations Excessive Speed Citations Other Non -Hazard Citations Other Hazard Citations School Resource Officers • Actions:152 Gang Task Force • Actions in La Quinta: 21 • Narcotics Seized: Meth 2.1 g / Fentanyl Powder 1.2g / Fentanyl Pills 30 • Recovered Firearms: 7 Citizens on Patrol • Actions:4 • Hours Donated: 364.75 hours WHO Pl iblIC Safety Campm SyStpm StMiStiCS Public Safety Camera System (PSCS) went live on September 20, 2021, since then, La Quinta Sheriff's Department (LQSD) and City staff have been using the system to monitor City property, traffic accidents, traffic flow, police investigations, and managing special events. System Statistics: • Processed 11 public records requests from citizens and insurance companies. • 194 videos related to police investigations have been queried. • Of those queried, 161 videos related to police investigations have been exported. • Special events managed: La Quinta Art Celebration (March) • No businesses have opted out of the PSCS. Significant Incidents Involving the PSCS: • On April 2, 2023, a gang related assault with a deadly weapon occurred at a restaurant on the 79-800 block of Highway 111. Deputies and investigators used the PSCS to establish a timeline of events and identify vehicles involved. This investigation resulted in the arrest of two neighboring City gang members. • On March 14, 2023, a carjacking occurred in a La Quinta parking lot. PSCS was used to obtain the stolen vehicle's license plate and direction of travel. The suspect carjacked another vehicle in Cabazon. A Flock alert led Redlands Police to the second vehicle and the arrest of the suspect. Further investigation the same evening led to the recovery of the La Quinta stolen vehicle. 297 298 DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 9 ta Qa�(& GEM nfhe DESERT - FIRE DEPARTMENT QUARTERLY REPORT Incident Response Activity :pcident Type Medical 1,085 False Alarm 97 Public Service Assistance 63 Traffic Collision 84 Standby 21 Other Fire 4 Residential Fire 3 Vehicle Fire 2 Rescue 0 Ringing Alarm 8 Other Miscellaneous 1 Hazardous Materials 2 Commercial Fire 2 Multi -Family Dwelling Fire 0 Wildland Fire 2 Incident Total In La Quinta 1,374 Average Enroute to On -Scene Time <5 Minutes �rIRE 631 Og P'(- +10 Minutes FIRE 45, DEPl- Averacie Min 4.94 +5 Minutes �►a� 300 DE P�(. +20 Minutes FIRE 3, Dk P�. %Oto5Min FIRE 64.45 DLFPN. Enroute Time: When a unit has been acknowledged as responding. On -scene Time: When a unit has been acknowledged as being on -scene. Automatic Aid LQ Resources Responding in LQ 1,300 LQ Resources Aiding Other 708 Jurisdictions Resources Aiding LQ 455 WON] For this quarter, Truck 86 recorded 33 responses and Truck 33 had 3 responses in the City of La Quinta. Fire Inspection Repo 1st Quarter Statistics — Office of the Fire Marshal: • Development Plan Reviews — 118 • Planning Case Reviews — 10 • Construction inspections — 751 (79% increase from Q1 2022) • Facility Inspections — 136 • Review and Inspection Service Goals — *Due to increased workloads and demands as affected by current staffing, the following is noted: • OFM went 5-6 weeks on plan reviews Q1. 4 weeks over goals. • OFM went 3-5 business days out on construction inspection requests for Q1. 2-3 days over goals. Plan Reviews: • Major Development Plans — Troutdale Village, Hampton Inn, & Jefferson Square — Flora. • Tenant Improvement Plans — Urban Oazis, Dr. Office, Costco Optical, WDC Kitchen, Cookie Co, WeIBeHealth, Quarry Clubhouse, Costco Ovens, Salon Centric. • Master Home Fire Sprinkler Plans — Bella @ Piazza Serena, Diamante, and Solterra. • Special Events — American Express Golf Tournament and Concerts, White & Case Law @ LQRR, LQ Model Rocket, LQ Car Show, LQ Art Celebration Construction Inspections: • New Construction/Tenant Improvements — Target, Panera, WeIBeHealth, Solterra Clubhouse, RD RNNR, LQ Country Club Clubhouse. • Tract Home Development Inspections — Andalusia, Cantera, Signature, Jewel @ PGA, Coral Mountain @ PGA, Stone Creek Ranch, Capistrano, Bella & Piazza Serena, Point Happy, Solterra, Rancho Santana, Lion's Gate, Palo Verde. • Custom Home Development Inspections — Madison Club, Hideaway, Traditions, Quarry, Cove Community. Facility Inspections: • State Fire Marshal Mandated Annual Inspections: Fire Systems Inspector Leilani Rojas continued with good progress on additional facility inspections; including follow-up on facilities still pending compliance. • Fire Code Complaint Inspections: Trilogy Maintenance Building � NEW"Sigiificnnt Incident Report 23CARRU012616: CAL FIRE / Riverside County Fire Department responded to a vehicle that crashed into a residential structure. The minor driver of the vehicle was assessed by AMR on scene and in coordination with their guardian, declined transport to a local hospital. The residence suffered moderate damage. Power was isolated to the affected area of the residence; moreover, the City of La Quinta Building Department responded to the residence to determine if the residence would be inhabitable. OR 23CARRU024257: CAL Fire/Riverside County fire personnel responded to a report of a drowning. Upon arrival Firefighters found one person still partially submerged in a swimming pool. The patient was treated at the scene and transported in critical condition to a local area hospital. 23CARRU024257: CAL Fire/Riverside County Firefighters responded to a report of a residential structure fire. The first arriving Battalion Chief reported a small fire in an exterior fireplace that had extended into the wall of the garage. Firefighters were able to contain the fire to the area of origin within the home. The cause of the fire remains under investigation at the time of this report. 9111 POWER POINTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 16, 2023 City Council Regular Meeting Housing Authority Special Meeting May 16, 2023 ..x +w-- arw City Council Regular Meeting Housing Authority Special Meeting May 16, 2023 CLOSED SESSION IN PROGRESS ',fit ' r• F Lu • ~- 5/17/2023 Pledge of Allegiance CALIFORNIA Alt• {yam "}rx*70 - 5/17/2023 " City Council Meeting May 16, 2023 Presentations CALIFORNIA 5/17/2023 May 16, 2023 VA LINK wpONNL� [' rNG ] NL COAC14LLLA VALE Y lammooff- �--o 14 yx - 8 m HISTORY HISTORY May 16, 2023 11 12 May 16, 2023 13 14 In design Ae. realized Im'A CWLINK CVLINK realized w Tyr �}L 5•�i1"'l� .a J s p• . �••rii � �c,lFsu��r r benefits Htsljxyts%Ajtk Dl' Uv&t { j x%frvarz fcz H wj f yj x9&-.gx /. Uwtr tyjx�zggh %nj fc�mo� 1tf* :;- $100m vision T-=-M-i o wl� In ; 61 414 sti— Mifiu.t— Air Quality (CMAQ) Program Maim �cscrl —41a, completed 2AV R.--in Palm ame'l it Palm Ocsqn,l AL- J Ij r. M-1 compk Ij I L. .7 _CM ti ft. r V. Indian Well$ 7N r L.) OurliN completed .1 V. PO, P. May 16, 2023 25 W. 13 May 16, 2023 27 %3 14 hip 17 IAI li Under construction Ga[h ral, Era #'arnr Dcserl 'IrldiO { • .� t L.) ClUril.3 Ssi}2CIseIIi3' i r �' .• �_ aeAr May 16, 2023 KFA W. 19 May 16, 2023 till 40 20 May 16, 2023 41 42 21 May 16, 2023 43 44 22 May 16, 2023 Bl.7 46 23 December 7-8, 2022 Fituyx%7578-7hAj o YvAEsxutWAYt s Uvtivfr yday, 5 � t .� its f I CVAG i R .� �Y •R �• .tom .�'��-'�'�� - - .t • _ . ., f�� Sri CALIFORNIA City Council Meeting May 16, 2023 S1 -Discuss Fiscal Year 2023/24 Preliminary Proposed Budget May 16, 2023 BUDGET OVERVIEW ➢ Focus on General Fund an Internal Service Funds }-`�`:; -:... ;: -4* ➢ Revenues & Expenses ;;.t ➢ Changes from FY 22/2 b ➢ Discuss assumptions and major variances fY= �� ➢ Measure G Summary = t4qi 11 -,.r J, 53 General Fund Revenues Taxes License & Permits Intergovernmental Charges for Services Fines & Assessment Other/Misc. Total Revenues 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 Change Original Current Proposed Current v. Proposed o /o Change 54,946,700 58,946,700 62,630,000 3,683,300 6% 2,823,200 3,401,200 2,521,300 (879,900) -26% 7,853,000 7,878,000 9,178, 000 1,300,000 17% 1,081,100 1,341,100 963,200 (377,900) -28% 462,000 522,000 465,500 (56,500) -11% 1,155,100 6,455,100 2,720,100 (3, 735, 000) -58% 68,321,100 78,544,100 78,478,100 (66,000) 0% 27 May 16, 2023 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 Change General Fund Expendi Current v. Original Current Proposed Proposed City Council 351,400 351,400 304,500 (46,900) City Manager Department 1,177,540 1,177,540 1,365,817 188,277 Marketing & Community Relations 1,632,128 1,747,128 1,720,532 (26,596) City Attorney 796,000 796,000 800,000 4,000 City Clerk Department 1,257,526 1,257,526 1,096,733 (160,793) Human Resources 495,698 589,398 557,015 (32,383) Police 18,185,900 18,208,800 18,417,900 209,100 Fire 8,851,872 9,294,972 10,039,120 744,148 Community Resources Admin. 880,480 880,480 804,570 (75,910) Wellness Center Operations 682,102 682,102 829,735 147,633 Recreational Programs & Events 1,088,734 1,384,734 1,564,200 179,466 Code Compliance/Animal Control 1,663,996 1,667,996 1,779,300 111,304 Parks Maintenance 3,042,072 3,091,072 4,056,511 965,439 Public Buildings 1,390,052 1,430,052 1,565,694 135,642 Public Works Administration 794,862 794,862 779,773 (15,089) Public Works Dev. Services 512,960 512,960 529,394 16,434 Streets Department -Traffic 754,768 754,768 857,050 102,282 Engineering Services 1,020,756 1,246,156 984,700 (261,456) Design & Development Admin. 756,824 756,824 784,805 27,981 Planning 744,830 744,830 697,830 (47,000) Building 1,291,362 1,441,362 1,339,516 (101,846) The Hub 1,236,482 1,236,482 1,083,890 (152,592) Finance 1,595,830 1,595,830 1,686,720 90,890 Centralized Services 14,447,100 62,116,186 18,794,500 (43,321,686) Total Expenditures 64,651,274 113,759,460 72,439,805 (41,319,655) 6%1 LY. i May 16, 2023 Police $209,100 Estimated increase from Riverside County (2%) Fire $744,148 Estimated increase from Riverside County (9%) Recreational Programs & $179,466 Contract services for operations at Fritz Burns pool and X Park Events Parks Maintenance $965,439 Citywide landscape maintenance & tree removal Engineering Services ($261,456) One-time expenditures in FY 2022/23 Centralized Services ($43,321,686) One-time unfunded pension liability payment in FY 2022/23, FY 2021/22 to FY 2022/23 carryovers including Dune Palms Bridge project 6M 29 Gen Fund Summary Revenues IM 78,478,100 Less Operating/CIP Expenses (72,439,805) Preliminary Budget Surplus 6,038,295 Less Measure G Reserves (4,000,000) BUDGET SURPLUS $ 2,038,295 • L _yam., .f" � Ak Measure G Sales Tax Revenue $1w I b, I(JU,UOO Police Services (5,100,000) f s Capital Improvements (6,600,000) Available for Appropriation $ 4,000,000I1� ( FY 2023/24 Budget Schedule • May 16 — City Council, Study Session #1 • June 6 — City Council, Study Session #2 • June 7 — Financial Advisory Commission • June 14 — Housing Commission • June 20 — City Council, Adoption For the latest budget information visit: www.laquintaca.gov/business/finance/budg Discussion & Questions � dL i I r � gk CALIFORNIA dL i I r � gk CALIFORNIA City Council Meeting May 16, 2023 S2 — STVR Program 2023 Quarter 1 Update and Proposed Code Amendments c;\ CiP AWE ar4 _ 1 STVR Program 2023 Q-1 Overview & 2021-2022 Comparison • Characteristics • Compliance status • Taxes, Fees, & STVR Program Costs Background • Moratorium — Aug. 4, 2020 to Jun. 1, 2021 via Executive Order No. 10 & succeeding amendments • Permanent Ban — May 20, 2021 — LQMC Section 3.25.055 • No new permits have been issued outside of exempt areas since August 4, 2020 • Existing permits can be renewed, but not transferred 1,210 Active STVR Permits — March 2023 May 16, 2023 JAN-21 JAN-22 JAN-23 FEB-23 LIAR-23 2023 Parcels North La Quinsy 140 115 110 109 10 2.462 Mid La Oulnta 148 122 92 91 91 958 The Cove 282 262 238 235 235 4.744 South La QuintaP[;A Vklesxj Permit Ban Area To#als STi�R exempt Ares 470 5,050 2T0 354 843 33103- 317 318 315 3,{}9.2 2 r 0 9-q2a Restricted parcels 10 0 Citywide Totals 1,320 1,174« 7.182 1,210 22,157 67 W, 34 May 16, 2023 Exempt Area Active Total Permits Parcels �� Developed Parcels 2023 Homewood Suites (L4 Desert Villas) Center Pointe 0 40 0% 40 Legacy Villas 215 280 77% 280 Signature 141 Fii4ed & 87 issued Permits 83 230 36% 92 SilverRack 0 0 rda (744) 0 LQ Resort -Tennis Villas 31 48 65% 48 LQ Resort- Spa Villas 10 98 10% 98 Embassy Suites (Casltas Las Rosas) 72 144 50% 144 Gardarnie *HOA Approval Required 0 142 0% 142 Puerta Azul 37 127 29% 127 Mery Griffin Estate 1 1 100% 1 Pala Villas 11 18 61 % 11 TOTALS: 460 1,128 41% 9'83 70 35 May 16, 2023 300 M 71 72 YOY Quartly Complaints Q-1 0-2 Q-3 Q4 ■ 2021 ■ 2022 i 2023 36 Compliance Categories Disturbance - due to noise, generally caused by large events or gatherings, children running/ screaming/laughing, popping balloons, construction, slamming doors; excessive parking, bright lights, trash, unmaintained yard, etc. Administrative - operating/advertising without STVR permit or business license, failure to display permit on listing, incorrect or missing occupancy limit advertised, failure to report TOT, etc. STVR Complaints Citywide 2023 Q-1 • Hosting platform glitch - removed designated STVR permit number field - Feb 2023 - 58 complaints (or 87%) of the total 67 to permitted properties - Mar 2023 - 28 complaints (or 80%) of the total 35 to permitted properties • Disturbance complaints - 15; Administrative complaints - 152 (or 66 without glitch) STVR Citations Citywide 2021-2022 & 2023 Q-1 • Citywide citations declined by 70% in 2022 in comparison to 2021 • The vast majority of citations are issued for administrative matters and do not cause disturbances in the community STVR Citations Citywide 2022 & 2023 Q-1 • Almost 70% or 50 out of the 72 total citations in 2022 were issued to unpermitted properties • All but 1 of the 37 total 21 citations in 2023 Q-1 i36 were issued to unpermittedV 6h properties + • May 16, 2023 20 0 Vrl 2022 & Ql-2023 STVR Citations Administrative vs. Disturbance Q-12022 Q-2 2022 0-3 2022 Q-4 2022 Q-12023 N Administrative Citations 0 Disturbance Citations STVR Taxes, Fees, & Program Perm it/l icensi ng fees and fine collections covered STVR program Re nue Summary: 2020, 2021F 20221 (per Calendar Year) Costs & Q1-2023 Revenue Type 2020 2021 2022 72023 Q-1 Transient Occupancy Tax Revenue (TOT) $4,513,084.58 $5,921,343.52 $6,586,847.92 $ 1,634,608.36 *Citation Fine Collections: $ 327,111.82 $ 447,950.01 $ 180,750.00 $ 72,025.00 STVR Permit Fee 5 307,791 $ 753,780 $ 943,150 $ 275,750.00 STVR Permit Inspection Fee $ 9,425 $ 1,950 $ 1,300 $ 650.00 STVR Permit Business License Fee 55,000 $ 50,000 5 47.000 12,969.00 Total STVR Permits/Licensing Fees : $ 372,206.00 $ 310,730.00 $ 991,449.99 $ 289,369.00 Total Annual STVR Revenues: $5,212,402.40 $7,180,023.53 $7,759,047.91 $ 1,996,202.36 r0 39 STVR Taxes - 2020, 2021, 2022, & 2023 Q-1 Permit Ban vs. Exempt Areas STVR Code Amendments • February 21, 2023 — update on STVR program characteristics, performance, and enforcement for 2022 calendar year and comparison to 2021 • Public comments in support and opposition of the STVR program regulations • March 21, 2023 — discussed proposed STVR program code amendments to Chapter 3.25 for consideration, discussion, and direction STVR Program Code Amendments A. Section 3.25.055 Non -issuance of new STVR permits (ban); periodic review • Executive Order 10 — Aug. 4, 2020 to May 19, 2021 — moratorium • Section 3.25.055 added to LQMC — May 20, 2021 — permanent ban currently in effect • Measure A (Nov. 2022) seeking permanent ban did not include Homeshare STVR permits STVR Program Code Amendments A. Section 3.25.055 Non -issuance of new STVR permits (ban); periodic review • Add a provision requiring 4/5 majority vote of the Council to adopt future code amendments to this section • Add a provision to exempt Homeshare STVR permits in non-exempt areas from the ban STVR Program Code Amendments B. Proposed Section 3.25.056 HOA Exemption — develop and add a process for qualifying residential projects governed by HOAs where STVRs are authorized under the CC&Rs: • Voting membership of the HOA approves pursuant to CC&Rs or by 50%+1 to be exempted from the ban; vote must be conducted within the previous 12 months • HOA certifies that it has complied with any other voting requirements pursuant to the CC&Rs • Application may be submitted once within 3-year period • Application shall be considered by Council at a public meeting STVR Program Code Amendments C. Proposed Section 3.25.057 Large Lot Exemption — develop and add a process by which a residential dwelling in non-exempt areas would be able to apply for an exemption from the ban if specified criteria are met: • Large lot size of 25,000 sq. ft. • HOA authorization pursuant to CC&Rs • Verification of bedrooms • Adequate on -site parking • Physical distance from adjacent residential properties, evaluate active STVR units within 500 ft. • Application shall be considered by Council at a Public Hearing • Notification of properties within 500 feet • Limit total number of exemptions allowed within the City to maximum of 20 • Limit total number of exemptions allowed within 1 year to maximum of 3 May 16, 2023 • 9.25 acre property • 5 acres of orchards • 5,553 sq. ft. - 7 bedrooms between the main dwelling, guest house, & servants quarters • Large pool & patio area • Outside gardens & resting areas • Horse stables 85 STVR Program Code Amendments D. Code Language Clarifications & Alignment with Existing Processes • Additional definitions for "HOA," "Large Lot," "Management Company," "Potentially Qualifying HOA," "Qualified & Certified Large Lot," & "Qualified & Certified HOA • Transfers of properties to trusts or entities with the same beneficiaries or members • Add the Estate at Griffin Lake Specific Plan which governs the Mery Griffin Estate property • Add language to clarify that if a hosting platform provides a designated field to list the STVR permit number & number of approved bedrooms, this is in compliance with City requirements for STVR advertisements • Add language to establish fines for advertising without a STVR permit • Application shall be considered by Council at a Public Hearing • Miscellaneous minor modifications to align the code with existing processes 86 43 Community Outreach, Bedrooms, & Parking • Established relations with community members in support and opposition of the STVR program • Bedrooms verifications process — 9 properties, of the 1,210 active STVR units, were granted a bedroom increase over the last 28 months (Jan. 1, 2021 —Apr. 30, 2023) • Parking — 3 properties, of the 1,210 active STVR units, utilize on -street parking to meet the parking requirements for a STVR permit; all remaining properties utilize onsite parking, such as a garage, carport, or a driveway QUESTIONS ems`' .�.� ..art-•�_ �law �W, CALIFORNIA r- WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 16, 2023 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 16, 2023 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY KELLY BAUCOM MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - DUPONT ESTATE & SPECIAL EVENTS PERMITS From: Kelly Baucom <procady@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2023 11:44 AM To: City Clerk Mail Cc: Jon McMillen Subject: WRITTEN COMMENTS - 5/16/23 - Study Session 2, Special Events Permits Attachments: City of La Quinta Letter to the Mayor - Regarding Dupont Estate Resort.docx; City of La Quinta Notification Documents - Daniels.pdf EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Good morning, Monika, Please forward the attached letter and supporting document to the Mayor and City Council members for today's City Council meeting. Thanks you, Kelly Baucom CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 16, 2023 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY KELLY BAUCOM MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - DUPONT ESTATE & SPECIAL EVENTS PERMITS May 16, 2023 To Mayor Evans and members of the La Quinta City Council: In June, 2021, my husband and I purchased our home at 46500 Cameo Palms Drive in La Quinta. Shortly after, we became the targets of constant harassment by Lynne Daniels, the owner of the Dupont Estate Resort, located directly across the street from our primary residence. She did not like that we sometimes parked on the public street in front of her event center. Mrs. Daniels reported our vehicles as abandoned at least 10 times to the City of La Quinta and the Riverside Sheriff. She also confronted me and my husband on multiple occasions, including showing up at our front door at night to yell at us about a truck from Oklahoma (not ours). On May 4, 2022, after months of receiving warnings from the City of La Quinta Code Enforcement and speaking to them multiple times, we received another parking warning. I called Code Enforcement Officer, Anthony Moreno. I asked him why he continued to respond to Mrs. Daniels complaints when he clearly knew that our vehicles were not abandoned. He told me that the problem is that we have two neighbors who can't get a long and that if I would "just do the right thing", there wouldn't be a problem. I then emailed the City Manager, Jon McMillan, who told Code Enforcement to stop responding to these complaints. To be clear, my husband and I wholeheartedly support STVRs. In 2017, we purchased an STVR business consisting of 8 properties (3 in Legacy Villas in La Quinta, and 5 in Indian Wells). However, after living across the street from an Event Center (The Dupont Estate Resort) and a cannabis tour business (Cannabus Express Tours — owned by the Daniels), for the last two years, we are adamantly against big event centers and businesses located in residential areas. It is negatively affecting our health and quality of life, and I know that it is negatively affecting the mental and physical health of several of our neighbors. After several threatening encounters with the Daniels, a few of us actually purchased and wear body cams when walking in our Highland Palms neighborhood. I have experienced Mrs. Daniels' bullying firsthand, and I have also witnessed her bully multiple neighbors by taunting, insulting and threatening them. Our neighborhood feels like a war zone. Two neighbors have moved specifically because of this hostile environment, and two others see selling as their only option to protect their family's health. It's a difficult decision for them however, as they would have to disclose to potential buyers that their property is located less than 500 feet from an event center, the market is slowing, and it's unlikely that they will recoup the considerable amount of money that they recently put into their properties. After discovering that our family was defamed by Mrs. Daniels at a City Council meeting on April 19, 2022, 1 watched every city council meeting going back to 2016. 1 was shocked and saddened by how many of my neighbors had voiced their concerns over the last seven years, regarding the negative impact of the Daniels' Dupont Estate Resort. I am astonished to see that the city has done nothing to protect the quality of life for these Highland Palms residents. In contrast, I have witnessed the city protect the Daniels by selectively enforcing the city ordinances against their neighbors but not against them. Mrs. Daniels claimed, during the April 18, 2023 city council meeting, that she mailed notifications of a wedding event held at the Dupont Estate Resort in November to ALL of the neighbors within 500 feet of her Event Center. This is not true. My home, located directly across the street, is clearly within 500 feet of her property. I did not receive notification of this wedding CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 16, 2023 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY KELLY BAUCOM MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - DUPONT ESTATE & SPECIAL EVENTS PERMITS event. I know of at least five other households, within 500 feet, that did not receive notification for this wedding event. She claims that she mailed notifications late. This is not true either. She did not mail notifications to ALL of the required neighbors. I did not receive one, late or not. I am completely perplexed by the City's response, when asked for proof that she notified the neighbors. The city's "proof' (see attached) is an undated, partial text communication between (what appears to be) Mrs. Daniels and Alan (her friend/neighbor), and a letter (which I never received) drafted to: Fellow Neighbor? How does this text message or the letter prove that she mailed notifications to all neighbors within 500 feet? Why is certified mail not a requirement? Over the last year, Mrs. Daniels has stated, multiple times during her public comments at City Council meetings that she is a resident of La Quinta. However, in Riverside County Court on January 19, 2023, her attorney stated, under oath, that Mrs. Daniels is a resident of Malibu. Why does the city protect and enable one business owner, who isn't even a resident of La Quinta, at the detriment of an entire neighborhood of La Quinta residents? As elected city officials, your residents' quality of life should matter to you. We deserve the right to quiet enjoyment of our property. I implore you, as so many of my neighbors have over the past seven years, to take action to return our neighborhood to the residents who call it home. We don't want to be bullied by a business owner who continually flouts the rules. We don't want to have our privacy invaded by the Daniels' many cameras aimed directly at and into some of our homes. We don't want our neighborhood to be intruded upon by (up to 400) strangers attending events less than 500 feet from our homes. We don't know the background of the people who are attending these events. Is this a safe setting for families to raise children? If the Daniels continues to violate the city's special permit rules, the city should revoke their special events permit. Or, at the very least, create an exempt area for the homes within 500 feet of the Dupont Estate Resort, allowing them to obtain STVR permits, if they choose, so that home values will be restored for those wishing to sell and move. We just want to live in peace. Kelly Baucom 46500 Cameo Palms Drive La Quinta Resident CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 16, 2023 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY KELLY BAUCOM MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - DUPONT ESTATE & SPECIAL EVENTS PERMITS From: Lynne Daniels <lynne@dupontestateresort.com> Sent: Monday, November 7, 2022 10:58 AM To: Carlos Flores Subject: From neighbor Alan Pollack ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** <O 10:42 .1 ^ M W Neighbor Alan > IVMQy IV•LJ lIIVI Hi... Sure appreciate your sending via mail the notice of weekend event ... your always so great about letting us neighbours know... And by the way, there Subject 0 ®) Text Message UCOO I CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 16, 2023 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY KELLY BAUCOM MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - DUPONT ESTATE & SPECIAL EVENTS PERMITS Fellow Neighbor, There will be a wedding taking place this upcoming weekend Saturday, November 5th at 46485 Cameo Palms Drive. We are thrilled that the bride and groom will enjoy this milestone in their lives on our property where we were married in 2005. Please know the neighborhood will be respected and we will be nearby. All permits are in place. We appreciate your support and understanding. Please enjoy the music which will be over at 10pm. Our Best, Lynne & Rob Daniels 310.720.8222 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - MAY 16, 2023 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY RESIDENT CLAUDIA SNYDER MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - SPECIAL EVENTS PERMITS From: Claudia Snyder <welovebaci@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2023 7:45 AM To: City Clerk Mail; Monika Radeva; Jon McMillen Subject: WRITTEN COMMENTS - City Council Mtg - 5/16/23 - re Special Residential Events Permits EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. As it pertains to its Special Residential Events Permits program, the City of La Quinta has failed its citizens- specifically, the Highland Palms homeowners who reside closest to the DuPot Estate. In 2016, the Mayor and City Council decided that it was important to recognize property rights and the flexibility of homeowners to use their properties as they see fit. To that effect, the Mayor argued that regulation of commercial events in residential neighborhoods was the answer to balancing homeowner property rights and the right to quiet enjoyment. Thus, Mayor Evans advocated for "notification and enforcement". Fast forward seven years to 2023, however, and neighbors have learned that the code -mandated notification has NEVER been provided to neighbors by the owners of the Dupot Estate- who are 1 of 2 Special Residential Events Permits applicants in the City and the only home in our small neighborhood to hold commercial events. Moreover, neighbors have learned that the City itself, has never followed its own rules as to notification - Le, per LQMC section 9.60.170, a permit can only be issued upon the City's receipt of a Special Residential Event Permit applicant's EVIDENCE OF NOTIFICATION of a given event to all neighbors within 500 feet. When pressed for said evidence of notification, the City has stated that, although it has, in fact, received evidence of notification of all events for the DuPot Estate dating back to 2016, it does not keep such records with the rest of the application. So much for the Mayor's argument of regulation and enforcement! The effect of the Mayor and City Council's championing of property rights (and TOT taxes!) over the right to peaceful quiet enjoyment of our property has been detrimental to the Highland Palms community. Since October 2022, when we were blind -sighted by and voiced concerned regarding the Mayoral Fundraiser and a subsequent November 2022 100+ person celebrity wedding, we have been retaliated against by the Mayor and the owners of the Dupot Estate via frivolous accusations of code violations, false accusations of violence and restraining orders, and threats of censoring at City Council meetings (to name but a few examples of the harassment). The incessant fighting with the Mayor, City Council and owners of the Dupot estate led to a pulmonary embolism in late January 2023. In early May 2023, the despair and hopelessness led to hospitalization for a suicide attempt, as my husband and I realized that the City would never admit to its negligence and that it would continue to support the owners of the Dupot Estate by covering -up for their incomplete Special Residential Events Permits applications. We have understood for some time now that, under the current administration, the City of La Quinta values potential TOT revenue over the right to quiet enjoyment of its citizens and that we will, therefore, not live peacefully in the home we purchased a bit over a year ago and believed to be our forever home. We are now forced to list our home for sale again (as we did in January 2023) and risk losing hundreds of thousands of dollars which we invested in renovating the property. That's assuming, of course, that we can sell- we were unable to find a buyer the first time we listed, upon disclosure of our litigious neighbors, Robert and Lynne Daniels and their event space across the street (which is sanctioned by the Mayor and will, therefore, continue to be a nuisance). Indeed, there's surely that one buyer out there who will not be deterred by these disclosures. For the most part, however, we have found that the average buyer- a mid -aged couple such as ourselves, a retired couple, a family CITY COUNCIL MEETING - MAY 16, 2023 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY CLAUDIA SNYDER MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - SPECIAL EVENTS PERMITS with children- is unwilling to purchase a home next to an event space and in a residential neighborhood on the fringes of Commercial Zoning (despite the moratorium on STVRs, the City has approved at least one Bed & Breakfast in our community which, also, openly flouts city code). Mayor Evans, City Council - two points to consider, please: (1) It's time to for a discussion re the right to quiet enjoyment, as this was NEVER discussed in ANY of the city council meetings dating back to 2016; (2) A vision of La Quinta as a "resort destination"/ "pre-eminent destination"/ "destination city" does not necessarily involve the commercialization of small residential neighborhoods. You are being incredibly short-sighted! CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 16, 2023 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY ANONYMOUS RESIDENT OF HIGHLAND PALMS STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS Concerned Highland Palms Resident La Quinta, CA. 92253 May 15, 2023 Monika Radeva City Clerk City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA. 92253 Re: WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENT for Short Term Vacation Rental (STVR) Study Report to City Council - Study Session #2 Greetings Mayor Evans, City Council Members and STVR Study Group, I am a long-time resident in the Highland Palms community of La Quinta. I am not a fan of STVRs in La Quinta, but given the outcome of the razor -thin majority vote in favor of STVRs we have to succumb to this reality in our community. I recently became aware of a continued effort to hone STVR rules via a special study group. I wish this was more advertised amongst those of us who voted against STVRs. I am hoping to have my voice heard via this letter to the STVR Study Session when they meet on May 16th. Major concerns about STVRs & Residential Special Eventsl in La Quinta - Un-regulated STVRs - whether or not a city permit exists for an STVR, there is no way to prevent sneaky STVR stays in our community. I have witnessed 2-3 in our area that are advertised on VRBO. One was a Bed and Breakfast that was permitted last year, clearly not a city permitted STVR, but they advertised as such on VRBO. Secondly, I heard first hand about permitted STVR homes being `pre -rented' for the following year because of a good tenant/ happy landlord situation, thus it will be rented out off-line and the city will get no TOT revenue. Other homes in Highland Palms are thought to have `friends over for the weekend' when the host is not present... really, just a common comeback for an STVR tenant to tell a Code Compliance person should they be asked about it. Thus, STVRs beyond what are permitted and tracked are alive and well in La Quinta. Deficient Noise Ordinance — the City of La Quinta, as well as many cities in this Valley, turn a blind eye to one type of noise known to be annoying and documented to be harmful to the health of older people. What noise am I talking about? Low Frequency Noise (LFN) that characteristically travels far distances, evades noise blocking materials like walls, windows and more. The Leaders of La Quinta want it to be a vibrant tourist attraction this was quite evident with the now defunct Kelly Slater Surf Park at Coral Mountain. That project was wrought with Low Frequency Noise elements from the Surf Machinery and Waves themselves —you may want to review the letter from Shane Chambers that was distributed at the final City Council Vote meeting for the Surf Park and re -zoning. Low Frequency Noise doesn't stop there. It is commonplace with Coachella-fest band music that can be `felt' all the way to Point Happy and Coral Mountain, that boom boom boom that rattles window and vents not to mention nerves. We have also experienced such loud -booming -bass music at STVRs and Special Events in CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 16, 2023 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY ANONYMOUS RESIDENT OF HIGHLAND PALMS STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS Highland Palms. If I call out Code Compliance to measure the loud bass music, they will tell me that it likely doesn't exceed the 65dBA limit in the Municipal Code for noise. Why, because Officers' meters and the CODE specify only measuring dBA, not dBC which accounts for LOUD BASS Music. So I'll have to just sit back and stew about listening to that loud bass, causing me distress and god knows what health -wise. The answer to this noise issue in our STVR and Residential SPECIAL EVENTS Mecca [Highland Palms and throughout La Quinta] would be to adopt a new noise ordinance more in line with TOURIST -friendly zones that typically exhibit Low Frequency Noise bass elements. Tourist - friendly Fort Lauderdale and Greensboro have adopted Low Frequency Noise dBC measurements and codes to keep peace for residents ... so should La Quinta. STVR Exempt Areas - How are these created? Currently there's a smattering of them in La Quinta. Does the City Council decide where they go? Do residents vote on it? The reason for my questions is simple - I would make Highland Palms an Exempt zone for STVRs. We already have many STVRs, so why not add more. Police them like you outlined for the Coral Mountain Project by requiring `one single rental Agency' be involved and to rent them ALL out. Police all properties for unruly behavior via the contracted Agency for Highland Palms. Collect all TOT taxes through the Agency to avoid `cheating' by existing owners and `weekend stays by friends.' La Quinta will gain TOT taxes. Clearly the City's intent to make Highland Palms a rental zone was made in a Bed and Breakfast Permit issued for Singing Palms as it aligned with the City's plan for Highway 111 Corridor, aka 2035 General Plan ... see wording in section 1 of that planning permit. So it is clear, the intent of the city is to have `concentrated' zones for STVRs given what was proposed for the Coral Mountain Project, so I say plan ahead now, let the residents of Highland Palms know that STVR Exempt status zone is a real possibility moving forward. We would love it as it will make our homes more marketable... those who like STVRs can stay put, those who hate them can leave. It's a win win. Thanks for your time on this matter. Best Regards, Concerned Highland Palms Resident CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 16, 2023 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY JOHN HASTIE STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - OPPOSES PROPOSED HOW EXEMPTION - LQMC SECTION 3.25.056 From: John Hastie <shoalcreekpgaw@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2023 11:35 AM To: City Clerk Mail Subject: Public Comments on Study Session - POTENTIAL AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 3.25 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Dear Mayor and Council I urge you to carefully consider the ramifications of this change before implementing it. I say this because not all HOA's require 50% of the homeowners to vote to change the CC&Rs, some require a higher threshold. Res 1 in PGA West requires a supermajority vote of 75% to change the CC&Rs while Res 2 and Fairways require a 50% vote to change the CC&Rs. Both Res 1 and Res 2 CC&Rs allow STVRs. The Fairways CC&Rs currently do not allow STVRs unless they are grandfathered in. If the Proposed section is approved, it virtually eliminates a path back for Res 1 homeowners despite this HOA being an almost "Exempt Area" due to the nature of the CC&Rs and requirement of a SuperMajority to change them. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 16, 2023 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY JOHN HASTIE STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - OPPOSES PROPOSED HOW EXEMPTION - LQMC SECTION 3.25.056 I urge the City not to be involved in HOA politics and believe the HOAs should be allowed to follow their respective CC&Rs. Homeowners made their choice when they purchased in the HOA and they shouldn't have to conduct a vote to allow the CC&Rs. The permit ban and this proposed change stomp all over homeownership rights. Thank you for your consideration and review. Regards John Hastie 54282 Shoal Creek La Quinta, CA 92253 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 16, 2023 - WRITTEN COMMENTS BY STEPHANIE NEVELS YANCHER STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 - OPPOSES PROPOSED HOA EXEMPTION - LQMC SECTION 3.25.056 From: Stephanie Nevels Yanchar <snevels@icloud.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2023 11:58 AM To: City Clerk Mail Subject: Public Comment Session on amendment to chapter 3.25 of Municipal Code ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Dear Mayor and Council Members, As a resident and short term vacation rental owner, I am very concerned about the possible change to include HOA's in this matter. Our Res II CC&R's already cover the owners rights to rent and in Pga West there are two other Hoa's that are doing the same. I respect the city for looking at all possibilities, but I feel that this should remain in the Hoa's alone. As homeowners we are aware of the ability to rent our homes out when we bought. Pga specifically was built for resort living and around short term renting. Most of us rented before buying our homes and it isn't right for people to buy in knowing this and try to change the rules by closing the door behind them. As you know, the changes that the council has made as well as the hard work and effort that we as host have made to eliminate bad renters and behavior has been extremely successful. I urge you to continue to work on cracking down on illegal operators and preserve the rights of those willing to follows the rules. Respectfully, Stephanie Nevels-Yanchar