REFUND 7120-06.003 (23) LCB YAO Letterhead - (06-07-34-L-1502)United States Department of the Interior IN REPLY REFER TO: YAO-7120 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL ONLY Mr. Jon McMillen City Manager City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 BUREAU OF RECLAMATION Yuma Area Office 7301 Calle Agua Salada Yuma, AZ 85364 06/12/2023 W Subject: City of La Quinta — Refund Notice for Contract and Grant of Easement No. 06-07-34-L1502 (Contract) — Authorization to Own, Use, Operate, and Maintain a Portion of an Existing Public Roadway within Bureau of Reclamation Acquired Lands for Dike No. 2 — Boulder Canyon Project, All -American Canal System, Coachella Division, California Dear Mr. McMillen: Reclamation has performed an inventory of our right -of -use authorizations and related financial records. Our research indicates that the subject Contract requires formal administrative completion. Our financial records reflect a balance in the account established for the processing of the subject Contract. By copy of this letter to our Financial Management Office, a refund of the remaining account balance will be issued to City of La Quinta. Please note, pursuant to Article 28 (t), within ninety (90) days of the completion of any major construction activities, the City of La Quinta shall furnish Reclamation and the District with as -built drawings of the City Facility and/or City Facilities, as constructed and installed. Should you have any questions, please contact Ms. Anna Sander, Realty Technician at telephone No. (928) 343-8298 or via electronic mail at asander@usbr.gov. Individuals in the United States, who are deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability may dial 711 (TTY, TDD, or TeleBraille) to access telecommunication relay services. Individuals outside of the United States should use the relay services offered within their country to make international calls to the point -of -contact in the United States. Sincerely, Digitally signed by CHRISTOPH WACHRISITOPHERLLIS ER WALLIS Date: 2023.06.12 12:48:14 -07'00' Christopher M. Wallis, Chief Resource Management Office INTERIOR REGION 8 • LOWER COLORADO BASIN ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA*, NEVADA* ' PARTIAL 2 cc: Mr. Bryan McKinney Public Works Director/City Engineer City of La Quinta bmckinney@laquintaca.gov Ms. Monika Radeva City Clerk City of La Quinta mradeva@laquintaca.gov Ms. Julie Mignogna Management Analyst City of La Quinta jmignogna@laquintaca.gov From: Andazola, Dalia G <dandazola@usbr.gov> Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2023 11:23 AM To: Jon McMillen Cc: Bryan McKinney; Monika Radeva; Julie Mignogna; Sander, Anna M Subject: City of La Quinta — Refund Notice for Contract and Grant of Easement No. 06-07-34-L1502 (Contract) Attachments: 7120-06.003 (23) LCB YAO Letterhead - L1502.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged You don't often get email from dandazola@usbr.gov. Learn wh _this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Good morning, Please see the attached letter for subject: City of La Quinta — Refund Notice for Contract and Grant of Easement No. 06-07-34-L1502 (Contract) — Authorization to Own, Use, Operate, and Maintain a Portion of an Existing Public Roadway within Bureau of Reclamation Acquired Lands for Dike No. 2 — Boulder Canyon Project, All -American Canal System, Coachella Division, California If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ms. Anna Sander via email at asander@usbr.gov. Thank you. Respectfully, Dalia Andazola Secretary - Resource Management Office U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Yuma Area Office Phone: (928)343-8393 i