SPEV 2023-0008 LQHS Homecoming Parade (08.16.2023)ta wk�a CALIFORNIA - August 16, 2023 CASE NUMBER Special Event Permit 2023-0008 ACTIVITY/EVENT La Quinta High School Homecoming Parade September 13, 2023 78-100 Main St La Quinta, CA 92253 (Old Town) APPLICANT Dr. Oron Jackson 79-255 Blackhawk Way La Quinta, CA 92253 APPROVAL The Design and Development Department has reviewed Special Event Permit 2023-0008, pursuant to LQMC Section 9.100.130 (Special Events — Nonresidential), and has approved the permit subject to Conditions of Approval, based on the following Findings: A. The event will not be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of the community in the area of the proposed event. B. There is adequate area to conduct the event and to accommodate the anticipated attendance. C. Sufficient parking will be provided for the anticipated attendance. D. Food service operations, medical facilities, solid waste facilities, sewage disposal methods and potable water service have been provided. E. Fire protection plans and facilities have been provided to the satisfaction of the fire marshal. F. Security plans and facilities have been provided to the satisfaction of the sheriff. G. Public roadways providing access to the event are capable of accommodating the anticipated traffic volumes in a reasonable and safe manner with minimal disruption to local traffic circulation. This approval authorizes the applicant to conduct the event pursuant to compliance with all conditions of approval of this permit. The applicant must obtain any permits, as may be required below, in order to physically set up the event. ta wk�a CALIFORNIA - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Completion/confirmation prior to start of the event: The outdoor event is approved for September 13, 2023, from 5:OOpm — 7:OOpm. 2. The applicant shall obtain all other applicable permits, if required, from the appropriate agencies (i.e. Fire Department, Building Department, Sheriff's Department, etc.). 3. Individual or grouped together temporary tent structures will require separate permitting with the building division if they are more than 400 square feet with enclosure walls or 700 square feet open on all sides. If Temporary electrical installations such as generators or feeders/branch circuits are to be erected or installed they will require separate permitting with the building division. 4. The applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit for any off-site signs and traffic controls placed within the City's right-of-way. Traffic control plans shall be submitted and consistent with the Traffic Control Plan attached and on file. Please contact Amy Yu at (760) 777-7047 to coordinate permit information. 5. The City of La Quinta library is open until 7:00 pm on Wednesdays. The Library manager shall be notified of the event so they can make patrons aware of the limited parking that will be available during the event. She can be reached at (760) 564-4767, ext. 227. 6. The applicant shall provide notification of the event to all residential properties within 500 feet of event site. Notification shall include date, time, event scope, and contact information. 7. All vendors shall obtain a City Business License. 8. All parade entries must comply with basic safety and fire regulations. Decorative material on parade floats shall be noncombustible or flame retardant. Motorized parade floats shall be provided with a minimum 2A1 OBC rated portable fire extinguisher readily accessible to the operator. 9. All vehicles participating in the parade must have a valid DMV registration permit. All parade vehicles shall comply with the 5 MPH speed limit while driving the parade route. 10. Fireworks, pyrotechnics or fire performers shall require an additional permit and approval. 11. The approved traffic closure plan shall always be adhered to. The re -opening of the closed parade route roadway shall not begin until all parade participants have completed the route. *Exception: A coordinated effort with Law Enforcement and traffic control personnel may perform a progressive roadway reopening as the final end of the procession progresses along the route. 12. FIRE INSPECTION - Prior to this Special Event, you must be cleared by the Fire Department by way of a Pre -Event Fire Safety Inspection. W �WAl 114) R Nk Completion/confirmation durina the event: 13. The event will not be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of the community in the area of the proposed event. 14. The set-up and operation of the event shall be consistent with the attached exhibits and event information on file. 15. Security personnel shall be easily identifiable to the public by the provision of uniformed personnel. All designated private security personnel must be licensed by the State of California and possess a valid private security license. 16. Certain areas providing access to the event area are public and, as such, general public access may not be denied or restricted in any manner that extends beyond the limits of this event as approved. 17. The applicant shall conform to the City's Noise Ordinance (Municipal Code Section 9.100.210) and specifically the following noise limitations during the event: A. Before 10:OOpm: Sixty-five decibels (65 dB(A)) B. After 10:OOpm: Fifty decibels (50 dB(A)) If the noise consists entirely of impact noise, speech or music, or any combination thereof, each of the noise levels specific above shall be reduced by five dB(A). 18. Portable generators shall be shielded to prevent accidental contact with guests. Extension cords shall be ground -secured to prevent tripping. Any lighting shall be directed away from surrounding roadways and surrounding residential properties. No spot or searchlights are permitted. 19. Surrounding roadways and intersections shall remain readily accessible for passage of emergency response vehicles and private vehicles. There shall be no queuing of vehicles along all surrounding roads for the purposes of dropping off for, picking up for, or entering the event. 20. Roadways/traffic aisles to structures and activities in and around the event will be maintained accessible to emergency vehicles at all times. Parking monitors shall wear light- colored clothing and reflective vests as needed. Flashlights shall be used after dusk. 21. The event is subject to spot inspections by the Police Department and/or City staff to ensure compliance with the conditions of this letter. 22. Smoking shall not be permitted in any tent or canopy or in any adjacent area where hay, sawdust or any other combustible materials are stored or used unless approved by the fire inspector. NO SMOKING signs shall be posted in all tents and canopies. W �W Al 11:0 R Nk 23. All tent and temporary member plans shall meet the requirements of the California Fire Code. 24. No fireworks, or open flame, or any other device emitting flame or fire or creating a glow capable of igniting combustibles shall be permitted. 25. All motor vehicles shall be parked in designated parking areas. Designated Fire Lanes are to be kept open with minimum of 20 feet unobstructed access at all times. Fire lanes shall be clearly outlined in an approved manner throughout the event grounds by posting "NO PARKING FIRE LANE". 26. No fire -lanes, fire hydrants or any other Fire Department appliances shall be blocked or obstructed. 27. The applicant shall conform with all Riverside County Fire Department conditions of approval, attached to this letter. Completion/confirmation after the conclusion of the event (if necessary): 28. The event sites used shall be left clean and in its original manner after the event. Temporary trash receptacles shall be provided in and around the event areas. All event areas shall be left free of debris at the end of each day's activities, and after the event concludes. 29. Any damage to public hardscape caused by this event shall be repaired as directed by the City Engineer. This includes but is not limited to sidewalks, curb and gutter, landscaping, and pavement especially within the surrounding public streets. FINAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT/CONTACT INFORMATION By holding this outdoor event, the applicant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of La Quinta ("the City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this temporary use permit. The City of La Quinta shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or preceding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. The City may elect to add Conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. Sijifredo Fernandez Associate Planner Design and Development Department August 6, 2023 CAL FIRE - RIVERSIDE UNIT RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL — LA QUINTA CALIFORNIA 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 • Phone (760) 777-7074 • www.rvcfire.org Desert Sands Unified School District La Quinta High School 79255 Blackhawk Way La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Fire Review of Parade Procession — LQHS 2023 HOMECOMING PARADE SPEV2023-0008 / OLD TOWN LQ — 78100 MAIN STREET, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 DATE(S) / TIME(S): 9/13/2023 DESCRIPTION: La Quinta High School — Homecoming Parade — Marching, and minor trailered floats The Parade plans you submitted for the above referenced project have been reviewed by Riverside County Fire Department - Office of the Fire Marshal personnel and are approved with the following conditions. All parade entries must comply with basic safety and fire regulations. Decorative material on parade floats shall be noncombustible or flame retardant. Motorized parade floats shall be provided with a minimum 2A1 OBC rated portable fire extinguisher readily accessible to the operator. 2. All vehicles participating in the parade must have a valid DMV registration permit. All parade vehicles shall comply with the 5 MPH speed limit while driving the parade route. 3. Fireworks, pyrotechnics or fire performers shall require an additional permit and approval. 4. The approved traffic closure plan shall always be adhered to. The re -opening of the closed parade route roadway shall not begin until all parade participants have completed the route. *Exception: A coordinated effort with Law Enforcement and traffic control personnel may perform a progressive roadway reopening as the final end of the procession progresses along the route. 5. FIRE INSPECTION - Prior to this Special Event, you must be cleared by the Fire Department by way of a Pre -Event Fire Safety Inspection. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Office of the Fire Marshal staff at (760)777-7074. Kohl Hetrick - Fire Safety Specialist La Quinta High School Homecoming Parade 2023 — Parade Route/Site Map ,1CI1 h }� a . I ■ I '�. �t J�� . R' . r} JI r' M .�% +� - - •r• owl iSt'Jl rt � ; .I � �'.• ILi b�.�.�yr� *•Jr .( • � r :'�� �. � �- • , �� f Vim' } _ _ , ��5 ` f vrw PLANNING APPROVAL Group Drop Off Parade Route Float Exit Route to 3tagingADMINISTRATIVE CASE# SPEV2023-0008 EXHIBIT# INITIAL sfernandez Staging Performance Group Exit DATE 08/16/2023 4:12:18 PM s NO SCALE NOTES; 1, ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES FORTH IS PROJECT SHALL KIN ACCORDANCE WITH REVISION 6 OF THE 2014 CALIFORNkA MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (Ca.M.U,T.C.D.) 2, TRAFFIC CONTROL SHOWN HEREIN IS THE MINIMUM REQUIRED. ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROL MAY RE REQUIRED TO FACILITATE PUBLIC SAFETYAND TRAFFIG FLOW IF DEEMED NECESSARY BY CITY OF LA QU€NTA REPRESENTATIVE. 3- THROUGHOUT EACH WORK PERIOD, CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT TRAFFIC CONTROL (SIGNS, BARRICADES AND DELINEATORS) AND MAINTAIN SAME IN ACCORDANCE WITH TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A MINIMUM 10 (TYP. 12']'TRAFFIC LANE WIDTH AT ALL TIMES, 6. ACCESS TO PRIVATE PROPERTY SHALL BE MAINTAIMCI) ATALLTIMES 6, THIS TRAFFIC CONTROL SHALL BE IN PLACE WEDNESDAY SEPT. 21, 2022 FROM 2;30 pM UNTILAPPROMMATELY 7:00 PPS, PARADE STARTS AT 5:30 PM. DESERT CLUB SHALL REMAIN OPEN WITH MAIN ST. CLOSED UNTIL 5:15 PM, JUST BEFORE THE PARADE STARTS. THEN DESERT CLUB WILL BE CLOSED AND MAIN ST, OPENED FOR THE PARADE. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE RETRO REFLECTIVE AND IN GOOD CONDITION. ALL BARRICADES SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH FLASHING LIGHTS. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT#FY SUNLINE TRANSIT IN ADVANCE TO REQUEST CLOSURE OFAFFECTED BUS STOPS DURING THE EVENT.. 8, THE OFFICER AT LA FONDA &WAIN ST., THE BEGINNING OFTHE PARADE, WILL MOVE TO MAIN ST. & AVD BERMUDAS AFTER THE PARADE HAS STARTFID, THE OFFICER AND THE OTHER OFFICER ALREADY STATIONED THERE WILL HELP FLOATS NEGOCIATE THE LEFT TURN FROM END OF THE ROUTE TO DISBURSE, AVD. BERMUDAS FOAd '` 22 IZ- LIBRARY CIDSEO: u , RH-7 Roan CLOSED RS@ r� =SEE 8 r 1)W wTu 6LDSEDA NIMN ST. W 41ERN ROIIO�W� DESERT CLUB DR, R11-2 QUINTA ROb mem AVD. LA FONDA CALLE CALLE CADIZ 275' RVA - CLGSf R SG NOTL g SLJN NE G i�! 8LI5 STD76P LIBRARY RH-7 Roan CLOSED RS@ r� =SEE 8 C24S77 V71 zb POLICE OFFICER OR VOLUNTEER oESERr cue cLos£0ar� MARCH INGIWALKING UNITS rrA sr. T. apur a ;`� FLOATS Homecoming Parade AVE S.=r r Dor La Quinta High Schaal I-NftOmft N+ wedgy *' c Taps N Barricades, Inc, Ron Fifield � r. (804)852 -TOPS XX 91fl5122 1 Pendingi