2023-24 Riverside County - Amendment 3 - adopt Municipal Staffing Model & Revise FS 93 StaffingBUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 3 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 3, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, FOR FIRE PROTECTION, FIRE PREVENTION, RESCUE, FIRE MARSHAL, AND MEDICAL EMERGENCY SERVICES, TO ADOPT THE MUNICIPAL STAFFING MODEL AND MODIFY STAFFING LEVELS AT FIRE STATION 93 RECOMMENDATION Approve an Amendment to Cooperative Agreement with the County of Riverside, for fire protection, fire prevention, rescue, fire marshal, and medical emergency services, to adopt the Municipal Staffing Model and modify staffing levels at Fire Station 93 as detailed in Attachment 1 to this staff report. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The City contracts fire services from Riverside County Fire Department (County Fire) to provide fire suppression, emergency medical services, fire prevention, hazardous materials response, and specialty technical rescue services. • The contract includes fire staffing for all three City fire stations, 24 hours a day. • Each City fire station/engine is staffed with three personnel daily, which includes (1) driver and (2) firefighters. The driver can be a Captain or a Fire Apparatus Engineer. • The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CALFIRE) have adopted a "Municipal Staffing Model" throughout most of the State of California, which staffs a Captain position to a fire station 24 hours a day. • County Fire recommends adopting the Municipal Staffing Model to increase the safety and productivity of fire staff and align staffing levels with other cities in California. FISCAL IMPACT The net annual increase is estimated to be approximately $40,000 (Attachment 1). Funds are available in the General Fund — Fire Budget for fiscal year 2023/24. 125 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The City contracts with County Fire, which contracts with CALFIRE to provide fire services. The City's Fire contract provides three (3) fire personnel at each fire station/engine per shift. County Fire uses the standard CALFIRE 72 -hour shift schedule on a monthly rotation. The City's fire stations/engine are currently either staffed with a Fire Apparatus Engineer (driver operator) and two (2) firefighters or a Captain and two (2) firefighters. Under the current model, a Captain is only available for one 72 -hour shift a week, thus leaving less experienced staff without the support of a Captain for approximately 96 hours during a seven-day period. For this reason, NFPA and CALFIRE have adopted the Municipal Staffing Model throughout the State of California. This model provides a Fire Captain 24 hours a day, seven days a week, per station/engine, thus providing leadership, guidance, and oversight on a continuous basis. Per the NFPA, CALFIRE, and County Fire, the Municipal Staffing Model provides better management at each fire station and engine. A Fire Captain is available during all shifts, which improves coordination of work, performs managerial and administrative functions, and can mentor fire station staff. In addition, in critical moments, a Captain's experience can minimize risks, and increase fire staff effectiveness. On June 1, 2021, Council approved the City's Cooperative Agreement (Agreement) for fire services with County Fire for fiscal years 2021-2024. On October 19, 2021, Council approved a first amendment to the Agreement to add a Fire Marshal Inspector position. On June 6, 2023, Council approved a second amendment to the Agreement to add a Fire Safety Supervisor position. If approved, this proposed third amendment will adopt the Municipal Staffing Model and modify staffing levels at Fire Station 93 as detailed in Attachment 1. ML i cRNATIVES Council may elect to modify, delay, or deny this request. Prepared by: Approved by: Martha Mendez, Public Safety Manger Jon McMillen, City Manager Attachment: 1. Staffing changes recommended by County Fire 126 ATTACHMENT 1 Staffing changes recommended by Riverside County Fire Department • Addition of two Fire Captains o 1 @ Fire Station 93 o 1 @ Fixed Relief Module • Addition of two Fire Apparatus Engineers o 1 @ Fire Station 93 o 1 @ Fire Relief Module • Reduction of one Fire Apparatus Engineer Medic o 1 @ Fire Relief Module • Reduction of one Firefighter II o 1 @ Fire Station 93 • Reduction of two Firefighter II/Paramedics o 1 @ Fire Station 93 o 1 @ Fire Relief Module Net Annual Cost: $40,000 per year, not including annual contract rate increases. Staffing Changes Cost per Position Addition or Reduction Cost Captain $ 297,051 2 $ 594,102 Engineer $ 261,651 2 $ 523,302 Engineer Medic $ 295,887 -1 $ (295,887) FFII $ 226,793 -1 $ (226,793) FFII/Medic $ 257,467 -2 $ (514,934) Subtotal $ 79,790 Estimated support services reduction $ (40,052) Difference between Original staffing model and recommended changes $ 39,738 127