2023 09 19 Councilta Qa�fra GEM of the DESERT — City Council agendas and staff reports are available on the City's web page: www.LaQuintaCA.pov • ADDED PRESENTATION 1-A CITY COUNCIL • PULLED CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM AGENDA NO. 6 FROM CONSIDERATION CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta REGULAR MEETING ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 3:00 P.M. CLOSED SESSION 1 4:00 P.M. OPEN SESSION Members of the public may listen to this meeting by tuning -in live via httD://laauinta.12milesout.com/video/live. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Councilmembers: Fitzpatrick, McGarrey, Pena, Sanchez, Mayor Evans PUBLIC COMMENTS - INSTRUCTIONS Members of the public may address the City Council on any matter listed or not listed on the agenda as follows: WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS can be provided either in -person during the meeting by submitting 15 copies to the City Clerk, it is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting; or can be emailed in advance to CityClerkMail(a)_LaQuintaCA.gov, no later than 12:00 p.m., on the day of the meeting. Written public comments will be distributed to Council, made public, and will be incorporated into the public record of the meeting, but will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Mayor, a brief summary of public comments is asked to be reported. If written public comments are emailed, the email subject line must clearly state "Written Comments" and should include: 1) full name, 2) city of residence, and 3) subject matter. VERBAL PUBLIC COMMENTS can be provided in -person during the meeting by completing a "Request to Speak" form and submitting it to the City Clerk; it is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting. Please limit your comments to CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 1 of 8 SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 three (3) minutes (or approximately 350 words). Members of the public shall be called upon to speak by the Mayor. In accordance with City Council Resolution No. 2022-027, a one-time additional speaker time donation of three (3) minutes per individual is permitted; please note that the member of the public donating time must: 1) submit this in writing to the City Clerk by completing a "Request to Speak" form noting the name of the person to whom time is being donated to, and 2) be present at the time the speaker provides verbal comments. Verbal public comments are defined as comments provided in the speakers' own voice and may not include video or sound recordings of the speaker or of other individuals or entities, unless permitted by the Mayor. Public speakers may elect to use printed presentation materials to aid their comments; 15 copies of such printed materials shall be provided to the City Clerk to be disseminated to the City Council, made public, and incorporated into the public record of the meeting; it is requested that the printed materials are provided prior to the beginning of the meeting. There shall be no use of Chamber resources and technology to display visual or audible presentations during public comments, unless permitted by the Mayor. All writings or documents, including but not limited to emails and attachments to emails, submitted to the City regarding any item(s) listed or not listed on this agenda are public records. All information in such writings and documents is subject to disclosure as being in the public domain and subject to search and review by electronic means, including but not limited to the City's Internet Web site and any other Internet Web -based platform or other Web -based form of communication. All information in such writings and documents similarly is subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act [Government Code § 7920.000 et seq.]. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda pursuant to the "Public Comments — Instructions" listed above. The City Council values your comments; however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by the Brown Act [Government Code § 54954.2(b)]. TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY — INSTRUCTIONS Teleconference accessibility may be triggered in accordance with AB 2449 (Stats. 2022, Ch. 285), codified in the Brown Act [Government Code § 54953], if a member of the City Council requests to attend and participate in this meeting remotely due to `just cause" or "emergency circumstances," as defined, and only if the request is approved. In such instances, remote public accessibility and participation will be facilitated via Zoom Webinar as detailed at the end of this Agenda. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 2 of 8 SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION. SIGNIFICANT EXPORSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (2) OR (3) OF SUBDIVISION (d) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 (NUMBER OF POTENTIAL CASES: 1) 2. ANNUAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957, COUNCIL APPOINTED POSITION — CITY ATTORNEY RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda pursuant to the "Public Comments — Instructions" listed above. The City Council values your comments; however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by the Brown Act [Government Code § 54954.2(b)]. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. INTRODUCE NEW CITY STAFF MEMBERS Added Presentation >>> 1-A PROCLAMATION IN RECOGNITION OF CALIFORNIA NATIVE AMERICAN DAY — SEPTEMBER 22, 2023 2. INTRODUCE RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT NEW LA QUINTA DIVISION CHIEF RICHARD TOVAR 3. HUNGER ACTION MONTH — SEPTEMBER 2023 — PRESENTATION BY FIND FOOD BANK VICE PRESIDENT OF DEVELOPMENT KELLY MUI- CHESTERTON AND DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS MANAGER MARIELA SALAZAR 4. PROCLAMATION IN RECOGNITION OF CONSTITUTION WEEK—SEPTEMBER 17-23, 2023, COMMEMORATING THE SIGNING OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION CONSENT CALENDAR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 3 of 8 SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 NOTE: Consent Calendar items are routine in nature and can be approved by one motion. PAGE 1. APPROVE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 18, 2023 2. APPROVE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 1, 2023 3. APPROVE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 23, 2023 4. EXCUSE ABSENCE OF COMMISSIONER CALDWELL FROM THE AUGUST 22, 2023, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 5. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR PERMIT TECHNICIAN IN THE CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICIAN IN THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT TO ATTEND THE CITY CLERK'S ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA "NUTS AND BOLTS" WORKSHOP IN BREA, CALIFORNIA, OCTOBER 26-27, 2023 6. pulled from consideration by Staff >>> AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS GREW LEADER► ■ YEAR ONE OF CALIFORNIA PARKS ► ■ RECREATION SOCIETY MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SCHOOL IN LAKE ARROWHEAD, CALIFORNIA, NOVEMBER ,2023 7. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE DEPUTY BUILDING OFFICIAL, TWO SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTORS, AND ONE BUILDING INSPECTOR TO ATTEND THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING OFFICIAL'S EDUCATION WEEK IN COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA, OCTOBER 23-26, 2023 8. APPROVE PURCHASE OF NEW TECHNOGYM FITNESS EQUIPMENT FOR THE WELLNESS CENTER 9. APPROVE ADVERTISING AGREEMENT WITH ALPHA MEDIA FOR MARKETING SERVICES FOR IRONMAN 70.3 EVENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023/24 10. APPROVE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE TO PROVIDE ONSITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS REGULATION 11. ACCEPT OFF -SITE IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FLORESTA RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, TRACT MAP NO. 36762, LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 52 AND JEFFERSON STREET 12. ADOPT RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF FINAL PARCEL MAP NO. 38668 AND ASSOCIATED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR A MIXED -USE PROJECT LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 4 of 8 SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND DUNE PALMS ROAD; PROJECT — DUNE PALMS MIXED -USE PROJECT [RESOLUTION NO.2023-033] 13. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY ABANDONED VEHICLE ABATEMENT PROGRAM [RESOLUTION NO. 2023-034] 14. RECEIVE AND FILE FOURTH QUARTER FISCAL YEAR 2022/23 TREASURY REPORTS FOR APRIL, MAY, AND JUNE 2023 15. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT DATED JULY 31, 2023 16. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED JULY 28, AUGUST 4, 11, AND 18, 2023 17. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED AUGUST 25, SEPTEMBER 1 AND 8, 211 2023 BUSINESS SESSION PAGE 1. APPROVE FRITZ BURNS PARK IMPROVEMENTS DRAFT MASTER PLAN, 233 AUTHORIZE THE DESIGN PHASE, AND APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO THE AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH INSITE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE FRITZ BURNS PARK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 2021-02 STUDY SESSION PAGE 1. DISCUSS THE VILLAGE UNDERGROUNDING FEASIBILITY STUDY PROJECT 257 NO. 2022-06 PUBLIC HEARINGS — 5:00 p.m. or thereafter For all Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to consideration of that item; comments are limited to three (3) minutes (approximately 350 words). Any person may submit written comments to the City Council prior to the public hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project(s) at the time of the public hearing. If you challenge a project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City at or prior to the public hearing. PAGE 1. ADOPT RESOLUTIONS TO: 1) ADOPT MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 299 (EA 2021-0006 ), AND 2) APPROVE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2021-0001, ZONE CHANGE 2021-0001, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 5 of 8 SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) FOR AN 80-UNIT SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004 (TTM 37950); CEQA: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PREPARED A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION CONSISTENT WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT; PROJECT NAME: LA VILLETA AT AVENUE 58; LOCATION: SOUTH OF AVENUE 58 BETWEEN MADISON STREET AND MONROE STREET [RESOLUTION NOS. 2023-035 AND 2023-036] DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 1. CITY MANAGER 2. CITY ATTORNEY 3. CITY CLERK 3-A - SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM CHARACTERISTICS, 481 COMPLIANCE, AND ENFORCEMENT OVERVIEW - QUARTERLY REPORT - APRIL - JUNE 2023 3-B - HOUSING COMMISSION MEETING START TIME CHANGE 489 4. COMMUNITY RESOURCES - QUARTERLY REPORT - APRIL - JUNE 2023 491 5. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT 6. FINANCE 7. PUBLIC WORKS 7-A - QUARTERLY REPORT - APRIL - JUNE 2023 501 7-B - DUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT NO. 2011-05 STORM DAMAGE 511 UPDATE 8. POLICE - QUARTERLY REPORT - APRIL - JUNE 2023 517 9. FIRE - QUARTERLY REPORT - APRIL - JUNE 2023 521 MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. CVAG CONSERVATION COMMISSION (Evans) 2. CVAG ENERGY AND SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE (Evans) 3. CVAG EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Evans) 4. GREATER PALM SPRINGS CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU (Evans) 5. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT - COACHELLA VALLEY ENERGY COMMISSION (Evans) 6. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES DELEGATE (Evans) 7. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT JOINT POLICY COMMITTEE (Evans) 8. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS (Evans) 9. GREATER CV CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INFORMATION EXCHANGE COMMITTEE (Evans) 10. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE (Evans & Fitzpatrick) 11. COACHELLA VALLEY MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY (McGarrey) 12. DESERT RECREATION DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick & McGarrey) 13. COACHELLA VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick & Pena) 14. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (Fitzpatrick) CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 6 of 8 SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 15. CANNABIS AD HOC COMMITTEE (Pena & Sanchez) 16. CVAG PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE (Pena) 17. CVAG VALLEY -WIDE HOMELESSNESS COMMITTEE (Pena) 18. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES — PUBLIC SAFETY POLICY COMMITTEE (Pena) 19. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT — ENERGY CONSUMERS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (McGarrey) 20. COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT (Pena) 21. CVAG TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick) 22. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY (Pena) 23. DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Evans & Sanchez) 24. ANIMAL CAMPUS COMMISSION (Sanchez) 25. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES — PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE (Sanchez & Pena) 26. RIVERSIDE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (Sanchez) 27. FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 525 7, 2023 28. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 13, 2023 529 ADJOURNMENT ********************************* The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on October 3, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chamber, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta City Council meeting was posted on the City's website, near the entrance to the Council Chamber at 78495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin board at the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51321 Avenida Bermudas, on September 15, 2023. DATED: September 15, 2023 MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Public Notices • Agenda packet materials are available for public inspection: 1) at the Clerk's Office at La Quinta City Hall, located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California 92253; and 2) on the City's website at www.laquintaca.gov/councilagendas, in accordance with the Brown Act [Government Code § 54957.5; AB 2647 (Stats. 2022, Ch. 971)]. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 7 of 8 SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's office at (760) 777- 7123, 24-hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. If background material is to be presented to the City Council during a City Council meeting, please be advised that 15 copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting. *** TELECONFERENCE PROCEDURES — PURSUANT TO AB 2449*** APPLICABLE ONLY WHEN TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY IS IN EFFECT Verbal public comments via Teleconference — members of the public may attend and participate in this meeting by teleconference via Zoom and use the "raise your hand" feature when public comments are prompted by the Mayor; the City will facilitate the ability for a member of the public to be audible to the City Council and general public and allow him/her/them to speak on the item(s) requested. Please note — members of the public must unmute themselves when prompted upon being recognized by the Mayor, in order to become audible to the City Council and the public. Only one person at a time may speak by teleconference and only after being recognized by the Mayor. ZOOM LINK: https://us06web.zoom.us/m/82540879912 Meeting ID: 825 4087 9912 Or join by phone: (253) 215 — 8782 Written public comments — can be provided in person during the meeting or emailed to the City Clerk's Office at CityClerkMail(a�LaQuintaCA.gov any time prior to the adjournment of the meeting, and will be distributed to the City Council, made public, incorporated into the public record of the meeting, and will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Mayor, a brief summary of any public comment is asked to be read, to the extent the City Clerk's Office can accommodate such request. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 8 of 8 SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, JULY 18, 2023 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Mayor Evans. PRESENT: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, McGarrey, Pena, Sanchez, and Mayor Evans ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA — None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA City Clerk Radeva said a supplemental staff report was provided as a hand-out and included in the public record of this meeting for Public Hearing Item No. 1, noting that the SilverRock Event Site rental rates and the Parking Lot rental rates in the proposed Master Fee Schedule update were to remain unchanged instead of increasing by the 4.57% Consumer Price Index. Councilmember McGarrey said she will recuse herself and abstain from discussion and vote on Consent Calendar Item No. 20 due to a potential conflict of interest stemming from a business relationship, i.e., her employer, Southern California Gas Company, is listed on the Demand Register, and requested that the item be pulled for a separate vote. Council concurred. CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION; SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (2) OR (3) OF SUBDIVISION (d) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 (NUMBER OF POTENTIAL CASES: 1) 2. ANNUAL PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957, COUNCIL APPOINTED POSITION — CITY MANAGER COUNCIL RECESSED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE MEETING AND MOVED INTO CLOSED SESSION AT 3:02 P.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 4:04 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 1 of 9 JULY 18, 2023 9 REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: City Attorney Ihrke reported the following pursuant to Government Code section 54950 et seq. (Brown Act): • CLOSED SESSION ITEM NO. 1 — no reportable action; and • CLOSED SESSION ITEM NO. 2 — Council completed the City Manager's annual performance evaluation and reaffirmed his appointment. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Elementary student Jameson Herrera led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA PUBLIC SPEAKER: Philip Bettencourt, La Quinta, serving as At -Large Commissioner on the Imperial Irrigation District (IID) Coachella Valley Energy Commission — commended the IID Energy Consumer Advisory Committee, current member Deborah McGarrey, and former members Lee Osborne and John Pena. Mayor Evans said at the August 1, 2023 regular meeting, a Study Session item will be tabled for Council consideration regarding the City's response to the March 2023 draft Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) study related to options for energy services moving forward, following the February 1934 Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) and IID's 99-year lease agreement, making IID the electrical service provider for the eastern Coachella Valley, which is set to expire on December 31, 2032; and encouraged the community to provide input. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Lynne Daniels, La Quinta — introduced new General Manager Natalia Dodd for the Nobu Japanese restaurant, located at the Tennis Gardens venue in Indian Wells; Ms. Dodd introduced herself and noted Nobu is now open year-round, since February 2023. City Clerk Radeva said WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS were received on MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA, from resident Cristina Acosta in support of reviving the City's Arts Commission, which were distributed to Council, made public, published on the City's website, and included in the public record of this meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION COMMENDING ELEMENTARY STUDENT JAMESON HERRERA FOR RECEIVING THE "DO THE RIGHT THING" AWARD President and Executive Director Terri Ketover of the "Do the Right Thing" program, a non-profit organization with chapters in 53 cities throughout the United States, as well as Germany and England, explained the program's objectives to reward positive attitude and CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2 of 9 JULY 18, 2023 10 behavior in kids, make them newsworthy by partnering with KESQ local news channel, and set them up as positive role models for their peers; noted that the program was recognized by the White House and the Florida State legislature; spoke about the efforts of the Palm Springs chapter; and introduced La Quinta elementary student Jameson Herrera. Mayor Evans detailed Jameson Herrera's qualities leading to his recognition as recipient of the "Do the Right Thing" award. Council presented a Certificate of Recognition to Jameson Herrera for receiving the "Do the Right Thing" award, as well as a Certificate of Recognition from Assemblymember Greg Wallis, on behalf of the Assembly and Constituents of the 47' Assembly District. - • This item was pulled from the agenda - Fire Department personnel were engaged in fighting a fire. This item will be tabled for a future meeting. 3. COACHELLA VALLEY CONSERVATION COMMISSION (CVCC) UPDATE BY COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS CONSERVATION PROGRAM MANAGER PETER SATIN Coachella Valley Association of Governments Conservation Program Manager Peter Satin provided an update on the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission's Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan, a regional conservation plan encompassing 1.2 million acres, of which 53% is under public or private conservation; noted that CVCC's goal is to conserve biological corridors, sand flows, and 27 plant and animal species; explained the permitting process and funding sources; land management responsibilities of acquired land; and provided an update on the Big Horn sheep fence project. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 6, 2023 2. APPROVE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 20, 2023 3. APPROVE COUNCIL AND HOUSING AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 30, 2023 4. APPROVE COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 30, 2023 5. APPROVE COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 10, 2023 6. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR TWO COUNCILMEMBERS, CITY CLERK, FINANCE DIRECTOR, AND HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER TO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3 of 9 JULY 18, 2023 11 ATTEND THE CALIFORNIA JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY 2023 RISK MANAGEMENT EDUCATIONAL FORUM IN CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUGUST 30 - SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 7. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR AND ONE PLANNING STAFF MEMBER TO ATTEND THE AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION CALIFORNIA CHAPTER'S ANNUAL CONFERENCE IN FRESNO, CALIFORNIA, SEPTEMBER 16-19, 2023 8. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPUTY DIRECTOR TO ATTEND THE AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE IN SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, AUGUST 27-30, 2023 9. APPROVE CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH ALPHA MEDIA FOR MARKETING SERVICES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023/24 10. APPROVE TEMPORARY ART LOAN AGREEMENT WITH CJ RENCH FOR THREE SCULPTURES TO BE DISPLAYED AT SILVERROCK PARK 11. AUTHORIZE THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO UTILIZE CREATIVE LIGHTING & ELECTRICAL, INC., FOR ADDITIONAL SPENDING AUTHORITY UP TO $100,000 FOR ADDITIONAL NON -CONTRACTED MAINTENANCE AND/OR REPAIR ITEMS IN FISCAL YEAR 2023/24 WHEN THEY ARE THE QUALIFIED AND/OR LOWEST BIDDER 12. AUTHORIZE THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO UTILIZE PWLC II, INC. FOR ADDITIONAL SPENDING AUTHORITY UP TO $150,000 FOR ADDITIONAL WORK IN FISCAL YEAR 2023124, AS A SINGLE SOURCE FOR MEDIAN LANDSCAPE RESTORATION WITHIN THE LIGHTING & LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 89-1 WHEN THEY ARE THE QUALIFIED AND/OR LOWEST BIDDER 13. AUTHORIZE THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO UTILIZE VINTAGE ASSOCIATES, INC FOR ADDITIONAL SPENDING AUTHORITY UP TO $150,000 FOR ADDITIONAL WORK IN FISCAL YEAR 2023/24, AS A SINGLE SOURCE FOR LANDSCAPE RESTORATION WITHIN CITYWIDE PARKS WHEN THEY ARE THE QUALIFIED AND/OR LOWEST BIDDER 14. APPROVE AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH SHADE STRUCTURES, INC. DBA USA SHADE & FABRIC STRUCTURES, INC. THROUGH SOURCEWELL COOPERATIVE PURCHASING FOR INSTALLATION OF SHADE STRUCTURES AT ADAMS PARK PROJECT NO. 2023-11, EISENHOWER PARK PROJECT NO. 2023-12, VELASCO PARK PROJECT NO. 2023-14 AND SEASONS DOG PARK PROJECT NO. 2023-13 15. APPROPRIATE ADDITIONAL FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $950,000; AND AWARD CONTRACT TO GRANITE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR THE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4 of 9 JULY 18, 2023 12 FRED WARING DRIVE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT, PROJECT NO. 2022-03, LOCATED FROM WASHINGTON STREET TO ADAMS STREET 16. ACCEPT CITYWIDE MISCELLANEOUS AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 2022-08 (COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJECT NO. 4.LQ.47-22) LOCATED AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS ALONG AVENIDA MONTEZUMA 17. ADOPT RESOLUTION DESIGNATING SPEED LIMIT FOR ADAMS STREET FROM DARBY ROAD TO FRED WARING DRIVE [RESOLUTION NO.2023-027] 18. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT DATED MAY 31, 2023 19. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED JUNE 16, JUNE 23, AND JUNE 30, 2023 20. Pulled fora separate vote by Councilmember McGarrey >>> APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS FOR SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY DATED APRIL 7, MAY 19, AND JUNE 16, 2023 21. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT DONATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FROM BAY SHORE INCORPORATED PENSION TRUST FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND DISPLAY, LOCATED NORTH OF HIGHWAY 111, WEST OF WASHINGTON STREET, IDENTIFIED AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 604-050-018 [RESOLUTION NO. 2023-028] COMMENTS — CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 15 Councilmember McGarrey said she often gets asked by community members about the state of the pavement of Fred Waring Drive; and noted that this item will rehabilitate the pavement along this street segment. Council noted that the City has appropriated over $6 million dollars in paving projects throughout the City in the last few months. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Pena/Sanchez to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1-19 and 21 as recommended, with Item Nos. 17 and 21 adopting Resolution Nos. 2023-027 and 2023-028, respectively. Motion passed unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 20 COUNCILMEMBER McGARREY RECUSED HERSELF, AND SAID SHE WILL ABSTAIN FROM THE DISCUSSION AND VOTE ON CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 20 DUE TO A POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST STEMMING CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5 of 9 JULY 18, 2023 13 FROM A BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP WITH HER EMPLOYER SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Sanchez to approve Consent Calendar Item No. 20 as recommended. Motion passed: ayes — 4, noes — 0, abstain — 1 (McGarrey), absent — 0. BUSINESS SESSION 1. APPROVE MASTER PLAN FOR THE LA QUINTA CULTURAL CAMPUS PROJECT NO. 2019-01 AND AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH HGA AUTHORIZING PRELIMINARY WORK ASSOCIATED WITH PHASE 2 OF THE PROJECT AND RELATED COMPENSATION Community Services Deputy Director Calderon and Management Analyst Calderon presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. CONSULTANT PRESENTATION: Matt Austin, Lead Design Architect and Associate Vice President (also present: Olivia Lu-Hill, Senior Project Coordinator) with HGA — provided a detailed presentation of the proposed master plan design for the Cultural Campus. Council discussed the former lumberyard building's structural integrity, the pros and cons of preserving it, its historical value, future functional uses for each of the two floors of the building; interim archive space; use of Casita and/or former La Quinta Realty office aka Cathcart building as temporary archive/storage space; Museum and Historical Society staff's preference for the sequence of project phases; and completing all phases as soon as possible to take advantage of momentum, and avoid future cost increases due to inflation. Staff noted that the lumberyard building and the interior design of the archive will be presented to Council for discussion as a separate Study Session item at a future meeting. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Linda Williams, President of the Historical Society — complemented HGA and Staff for the design and their efforts; expressed support for the master design as presented; encouraged preserving the lumberyard building which is superior to demolishing it and exhibiting photos of what existed; asked for clarification on the project phases; emphasized the importance of an interior archive storage with controlled environment; archive space separate from the Museum is necessary for volunteers to work after hours; and said that the City's history is one thing all residents have in common and appreciate. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Sharla Fox, La Quinta Museum Director — supports the proposed master plan, the temporary solutions presented while construction would be underway; and supported preserving the lumberyard building. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6 of 9 JULY 18, 2023 14 MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Pena/Fitzpatrick to: 1) Approve master plan for the La Quinta Cultural Campus Project No. 2019-01 and to transition the project to Phase 2, per the agreement, to prepare schematic drawings for the following components: a. Promenade — proceed b. Entry Courtyard — proceed c. Entry Archive / Office — proceed d. Giftshop — proceed e. Lumberyard — bring back for future discussion f. New Archive — proceed g. Oasis — proceed h. Casita — proceed; 2) Approve Amendment No. 2 to Agreement for Contract Services with HGA authorizing preliminary work associated with Phase 2 of the project for an additional $16,250; and 3) Authorize the City Manager to execute the amendment, as recommended. Motion passed unanimously. DIRECTION TO STAFF: Council requested that staff bring this project to future meetings of the Financial Advisory Commission, Community Services Commission, and Planning Commission for their input. City Clerk Radeva said WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS were received on Business Session Item No. 1, from resident Kay Wolff in support of the Cultural Campus master plan design as proposed, but opposing the demolition of the lumberyard building, which were distributed to Council, made public, published on the City's website, and included in the public record of this meeting. MAYOR EVANS CALLED FOR A BRIEF RECESS AT 5:55 P.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE COUNCIL MEETING AT 6:02 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT 2. RECEIVE AND FILE ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL REPORT (ACFR) FOR YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2022 Finance Director Martinez presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. PRESENTER VIA TELECONFERENCE: Lauryn Stapleton, Senior Manager with Eide Bailly, LLP, auditing firm for the City — noted the auditors provided an "unmodified opinion," which is the highest level; and explained the role of the auditors and the findings. Council discussed the full analysis of capital improvement projects. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7 of 9 JULY 18, 2023 15 MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Pena/Sanchez to receive and file the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the year ended June 30, 2022, as recommended. Motion passed unanimously. STUDY SESSION — None PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO UPDATE THE CITY'S USER AND REGULATORY MASTER FEE SCHEDULE [RESOLUTION NO.2023-029] City Clerk Radeva said a supplemental staff report was provided as a hand-out for Public Hearing Item No. 1 (replacing pages 463, 465, 550, and 551 of the Agenda Packet), which was included in the public record of this meeting, noting that the SilverRock Event Site rental rates and the Parking Lot rental rates were to remain unchanged instead of to increase by the 4.57% Consumer Price Index. City Clerk Radeva introduced City Consultant David Schroeder, Senior Consultant with ClearSource Financial Consulting, attending via teleconference, who presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. City Clerk Radeva noted that the Desert Valley Builders Association (DVBA) issued a letter of support, which is included in the staff report as Attachment 4. Council discussed the purpose of having bingo permit fee; and revisiting the false alarm fees in the future. COUNCILMEMBER MCGARREY NOTED THAT SHE IS A VOLUNTEER BOARD MEMBER FOR THE DVBA, AND DOES NOT RECEIVE COMPENSATION MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 6:34 P.M. PUBLIC SPEAKER: None MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 6:34 P.M. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Sanchez to adopt Resolution No. 2023-029 to update the City's user and regulatory Master Fee Schedule as amended: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A REVISED MASTER FEE SCHEDULE OF VARIOUS USER AND REGULATORY FEES Motion passed unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8 of 9 JULY 18, 2023 16 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS — None MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS - none REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS La Quinta's representative for 2023, Mayor Evans reported on her participation in the following organization's meeting: • GREATER PALM SPRINGS CONVENTION AND VISITORS' BUREAU La Quinta's representative for 2023, Councilmember Fitzpatrick reported on her participation in the following organization's meeting: • RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION La Quinta's representative for 2023, Councilmember McGarrey reported on her participation in the following organization's meeting: • IID ENERGY CONSUMERS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE La Quinta's representative for 2023, Councilmember Pena reported on his participation in the following organization's meeting: • CV MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers McGarrey/Fitzpatrick to adjourn this meeting at 6:45 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 9 of 9 JULY 18, 2023 17 18 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 2023 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 3:30 p.m. by Mayor Evans. PRESENT: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, McGarrey, Pena, and Mayor Evans ABSENT: Mayor Pro Tern Sanchez MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Pena/Fitzpatrick to excuse Mayor Pro Tern Sanchez's absence. Motion passed — ayes 4, noes - 0, abstain — 0, absent — 1 (Sanchez). PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA — None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA — Confirmed CLOSED SESSION ANNUAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957, COUNCIL APPOINTED POSITION — CITY ATTORNEY COUNCIL RECESSED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE MEETING AND MOVED INTO CLOSED SESSION AT 3:31 P.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 4:07 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: Mayor Evans reported that Council completed the City Attorney's annual performance evaluation pursuant to Government Code section 54957.1 (Brown Act) and reaffirmed his appointment. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember McGarrey led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA PUBLIC SPEAKER: Richard Gray, La Quinta (received donated time from resident David Heckman) — said he met with Robert Sylk, City Manager McMillen and Councilmember Pena, and a second meeting with Robert Green and Robert Sylk, to discuss the CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 1 of 14 AUGUST 1, 2023 19 Talus/SilverRock project status and was disappointed because no specific details could be discussed due to the potential of anticipated litigation, and the information received from Mr. Green was old information. Mr. Gray also commented on the features missing in the proposed La Quinta Village Apartments project, tabled for consideration as Public Hearing Item No. 2 on tonight's agenda, such as elevators from the three-story buildings, large apartments, and traffic flow. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Jeff Fishbein, Chair of the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce, Coldwell Banker realtor and La Quinta resident — provided an update on Chamber events and activities, including the Chamber's annual retreat; thanked the City Council for their commitment, collaboration, and support; noted business ribbon -cutting events recently held, and those upcoming; and spoke of the positive results of Chamber Staff's recent "business walk". PUBLIC SPEAKER: Lynn Daniels, La Quinta — noted for the record that there will be a criminal arraignment of her neighbor Claudia Snyder next week due to Ms. Snyder's assault on Ms. Daniels. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS — None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE, AND ADVERTISE FOR BID THE LA QUINTA LANDSCAPE RENOVATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 2016-031, LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF JEFFERSON STREET, SOUTH OF AVENUE 50 2. APPROVE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE, AND ADVERTISE FOR BID THE COVE TRAILS PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 2022-30 3. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED JULY 7, JULY 14, AND JULY 21, 2023 4. APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC. FOR FINANCE AND HUMAN RESOURCES SOFTWARE SERVICES 5. APPROVE AMENDMENT NO.3 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP, INC, FOR ON -CALL BUILDING CODE PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES, TO INCREASE THE COMPENSATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022/23 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2 of 14 AUGUST 1, 2023 20 6. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE CITY PARTICIPATION IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE'S URBAN COUNTY PROGRAM FOR FEDERAL FISCAL YEARS 2024-2025, 2025-2026, AND 2026-2027 [RESOLUTION NO. 2023-030] 7. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR UP TO SIX EMPLOYEES FROM THE FINANCE AND HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENTS TO ATTEND THE CALPERS EDUCATIONAL FORUM IN LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, OCTOBER 1-4, 2023 COMMENTS — CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS: Item No. 1 — Mayor Evans said several years ago, the City committed to investing millions of Measure G funds (1 % sales tax) to transform street landscaping throughout the City to native desert plants, and this item is the last segment of that project. Item No. 4 — Mayor Evans commended City Staff for their work since 2013 in investing in, and updating City software, making the City a role model to other cities for providing online services to its residents, and integrating City departments. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Pena to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended, with Item No. 6 adopting Resolution No. 2023-030. Motion passed — ayes 4, noes - 0, abstain — 0, absent — 1 (Sanchez). BUSINESS SESSION — None STUDY SESSION DISCUSS REVISIONS TO THE PILLARS OF THE COMMUNITY, DISTINGUISHED ARTISTS, AND DISTINGUISHED ATHLETES AWARD PROGRAMS Community Services Deputy Director Calderon and Management Analyst Calderon presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMISSIONERS PRESENTATION: Gayl Biondi, Community Services Commission (CSC) Chairperson and CSC Commissioner Tammy Gordon — said the Programs are due for a refresh to simplify the application process; once an award is received, the Pillar is never contacted again; combining the Pillar award with the Senior Inspiration Awards may mislead residents to believe the Pillar Awards are for seniors only; suggested the process be year-round; recommended the info on the Award be pushed out to the community, but also involve service clubs, community leaders, etc. to pull information from them on potential nominees, and to keep the Program fresh in their minds; the CSC is prepared to draft new guidelines for the Program, and to promote the Program in the community should the Council so direct; the criteria for nominees not to be depended on years of service, but to include younger people who have contributed significantly in a short period of time; hope to create a pool of people to follow and CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3 of 14 AUGUST 1, 2023 21 recognize; and receiving a Pillar Award would not be contingent upon the nominee having received any other City recognition. Council discussed gratitude for the consideration given to this by the CSC; expanding the program to acknowledge the City's growth; including non-traditional contributions by residents; pros and cons of including non-residents who make significant contributions to La Quinta such as youth coaches; including information on the Program during State of the City events; opening the criteria to seasonal residents as well; ways to encourage the nomination of young residents; and changing the final process so that the Council is not put in a position to simply rubber-stamp CSC recommended recipient. Council reached a consensus and directed staff to work with the CSC to draft new criteria and guidelines for nominees of the Pillars of the Community Award. 2. DISCUSS MARKETING RECAP FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022/23 AND MARKETING STRATEGIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023/24 Director of Business Unit and Housing Development Villapando and Marketing Manager Graham presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. Council discussed the app for economic development and how it will interact; collaborating with Visit Greater Palm Springs; highlighting the recent changes and upcoming changes along Highway 111 and Old Town including the Museum; SHOP LOCAL campaign collaboration plans; and status of the preparing a list of La Quinta businesses for residents. 3. DISCUSS IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT (IID) CONTRACT EXPIRATION AND THE OPTIONS IN MOVING FORWARD THAT ADDRESS AGING EQUIPMENT AND STRESSED POWER GRID; PROVIDE DIRECTION REGARDING THE CITY'S RESPONSE TO THE MARCH 2O23 LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION STUDY; AND APPOINT TWO COUNCIL MEMBERS TO FINALIZE THE COMMENT LETTER Marketing and Communications Specialist Barkas presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. Council discussed both Coachella Valley and Imperial County struggling with power supply; open communication with IID is critical due to its importance to La Quinta; consequences of long term reduced electrical rates; future of energy in California; all five IID Board Members live and represent Imperial County; rates, investments, undergrounding utilities, etc. are issues for which Riverside County users need Board representation; one proposal is to separate IID into two distinct governing Boards — one for water, and one for power with members who represent the users of each type of service; infrastructure investment plans are currently focused on Imperial County, yet Coachella Valley developers are held up because IID does not have the capacity to CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4 of 14 AUGUST 1, 2023 22 service them; multiple issues of great expense are facing the City and IID, all of which must be resolved soon; and pros and cons and challenge of City -generated power. PUBLIC SPEAKER: JB Hamby, Vice President of the IID Board of Directors — spoke about the new relationship established over the last two years and opening of communication; huge cost associated with the State -required equipment replacement over the next 10 years, much of which is in Imperial County; IID's rates reflect its policy of "growth pays for growth;" greater demand by new development, and more electric demand from existing users is near maxing out IID's existing capacity; revising IID policy so that new development is funded by both developers and IID rate payers; and time to determine and plan for a collective vision of the future. Council discussed exploring electrical self -generation by developers; and the response to the LAFCO study, and need for more time to complete the financial component. Council reached a consensus to appoint Councilmember McGarrey and Mayor Evans to draft the comment letter in response to the LAFCO study, which is to include a request for a time extension for the inclusion of financial data. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO APPROVE PLACEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE ABATEMENT ASSESSMENTS ON THE FISCAL YEAR 2023/24 PROPERTY TAX ROLL [RESOLUTION NO. 2023-0311 Public Safety Deputy Director Mendez and Animal Control / Code Compliance Supervisor Meredith presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. Council discussed the criteria and process for a property to be declared a public nuisance, which relates to properties that are a safety hazard. MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 5:54 P.M. PUBLIC SPEAKERS: None kTAMy,,0102WWI 0Ry0]xNW_1V21baI:Iaall yI[ya2F_1V101[eZe]we]6y21Ol_1IWM,IIa►VAI MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Pena to adopt Resolution No. 2023-031 as recommended: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, PLACING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION ON TAX ROLLS OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES FOR COSTS OF ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE Motion passed — ayes 4, noes - 0, abstain — 0, absent — 1 (Sanchez). MAYOR EVANS CALLED FOR A BRIEF RECESS AT 5:55 P.M. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5 of 14 AUGUST 1, 2023 23 MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE COUNCIL MEETING AT 6:11 P.M. WITH COUNCILMEMBERS FITZPATRICK, McGARREY, AND PENA PRESENT 2. ADOPT RESOLUTIONS TO ADOPT A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (EA 2022-0001) AND APPROVE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2022-0002, SPECIFIC PLAN 2022-0001, AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 FOR A 252-UNIT APARTMENT PROJECT, LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS; CEQA: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PREPARED A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION CONSISTENT WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT; LOCATION: NORTHEAST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND AVENUE 50 [RESOLUTION NOS. 2023-032 AND 2023-033] Planning Manager Flores presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. City Attorney Ihrke explained that under State law a General Plan Amendment must be approved by a majority of the legislative body, which equals at least three (3) of the five (5) Councilmembers. Council discussed the number of units in the Parc La Quinta project; setback requirements for parking or buildings along the channel; City of Indio's apartment complex on Jefferson Street/Highway 111 approval process; parameters of affordable housing developments that are approved by right based on State mandates, thereby overriding local objections; likelihood of approval of a revised Housing Element, and who pays for it; criteria of power poles on the site that will require undergrounding; effect of the "no net loss" law; approval requirement of rezoning property; developer acceptance of the existing zoning at the Fred Waring Drive/Washington Street property; the consequences if the City falls short of its required regional affordable housing numbers; traffic deficiencies of school zones; means to evaluate the design to determine if it is compatible with the area; subjective versus scientific impacts reviewed by an Environmental Impact review; means to evaluate paved, non -permeable acreage on the environment; and Council's options for actions on this item tonight. APPLICANT REPRESENTATIVE: Vince Whittaker, Shareholder with Buchalter Law Firm, legal counsel for the applicant — pointed out that the property has been designated for affordable housing. APPLICANT REPRESENTATIVE: Benjamin Egan, PE, PLS, Principal with Egan Civil, Inc. and Civil Engineer for the Applicant — stated that this project will provide the City with 74 of the 297 required RENA moderate income units; and, the project has a "will -serve" letter for power from IID, and since the Marshall substation is at capacity, this project will upgrade a transformer doubling the substation capacity, but will only use an estimated 10% of that additional capacity. APPLICANT REPRESENTATIVE: Elizabeth Aguilar, Job Captain, and Sherry Braun, Director of Design, with Irwin Partners Architects — presented a power point depicting the CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6 of 14 AUGUST 1, 2023 24 zoning parameters, development standards, offsite improvements, architectural style, onsite and overflow parking, setbacks, site lines, traffic study, one-year minimum lease terms, rental rates, quality of unit finishes, and the same quality for both market rate and affordable units, dark -sky compliant site lighting, and requested feedback on some site and building design specifications. Council discussed units per acre; placement and number of AC units; considering energy efficiency in choosing building colors, darker colors absorb heat; onsite 54 EV car chargers; inclusion of car chargers in site energy calculations of 2.2 megawatts; and provision for storage within the apartment units. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Daryl Buckley, Manager of Energy Resource Planning for IID La Quinta Office — confirmed that IID has commissioned the developer to upgrade the capacity at the Marshall substation with a transformer which will serve this project, relieve some of the load on the substation, and provide capacity for some additional growth; and the lead time for the transformer equipment is two years. APPLICANT REPRESENTATIVE: George Chossain, PE, MSCE, MPA, Principal Engineer with Integrated Engineering Group, and Traffic Consultants for the Applicant — provided a power point presentation on the project's traffic assessment, traffic impact, trip generation, intersection analysis, roadway segment capacity, bicycle network, project access points, site visibility, and U-turn versus left -turn safety. MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:50 P.M. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Thomas Emison, La Quinta (received donated time from resident Chae Emison) — provided a hand-out of photos; opposes the project's style, colors, architecture, traffic and safety, three-story height, insufficient parking, no elevators, and the five-foot easement on the north property line. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Sandi Robins, La Quinta — spoke of Assembly Bill 323 working its way through the State Legislature regarding density bonuses; and noted that she submitted a letter to the Council with additional concerns regarding this project. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Keith Meyer, La Quinta, and President of Duna La Quinta HOA — said he submitted a letter to the Council; opposed the project as designed, its location, the project's vehicle access, three-story buildings, and opposed to the State's housing mandate on cities. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Dante Gomez, La Quinta (received donated time from resident Neal Robinson) — opposed the project's three-story buildings, lack of elevators, high rental rates, density, parking, and expressed frustration with the review process. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Kevin White, La Quinta (received donated time from resident Kimberly White) — submitted written comments; believes the mandates from the State are unreasonable; opposed the project due to traffic, adding to the overwhelmed electric grid, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7 of 14 AUGUST 1, 2023 25 no elevators discriminate against an aging community, project's height and design, and believed the community supports an assisted living project on the site, not high -density apartments. MAYOR EVANS CALLED FOR A BRIEF RECESS AT 8:22 P.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE COUNCIL MEETING AT 8:28 P.M. WITH COUNCILMEMBERS FITZPATRICK, McGARREY, AND PE19A PRESENT PUBLIC SPEAKER: Joseph Nemith, La Quinta — opposed the project's density, a zone change, traffic congestion, U-turns on Avenue 50, safety, and a bad fit for the location. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Audrey Reed, La Quinta (received donated time from resident Jackie Garvin) — observed the traffic for 90 minutes and believes the traffic study has flaws, and the proposed traffic pattern is unsafe. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Rocio Gomez, La Quinta — opposed the project due to traffic and safety around school, three-story height, limited parking, and lack of elevators. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Penelope Gomez, La Quinta — opposed the project due to safety concerns and traffic. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Sasha Gomez, La Quinta — opposed the project due to traffic, safety during school drop-offs and pickups, adding students to already overcrowded classrooms, and climate change. PUBLIC SPEAKER: George Christopher, La Quinta (former commissioner ECAC) — supported the project due to the needed contribution to the electrical substation; believes the traffic will not be impacted by the project; and interested in volunteering to work on any committee resolving the electrical power issues. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Bruce Maize, La Quinta — supported the project; believes it benefits the City; developer is listening and willing to adapt the project for the community; stated this is normal community growth; and the project has merit. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Kristen Dolan, La Quinta (received donated time from resident Casey Dolan) — supports affordable housing; requested 30-day notices to neighbors; project site is surrounded by historic developments; opposed three-story height, design, density, trading increased electrical capacity for high density, impact of overflow parking, rental rates, and amendments to the General Plan. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Bill Walker, La Quinta — opposed the project due to traffic, safety issues, no elevators, location of trash containers, noise and light pollution, the project height, fertile grounds for crime and gangs, increased need for police and fire services, and will be a financial burden on the City. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8 of 14 AUGUST 1, 2023 26 PUBLIC SPEAKER: Sherilyn Flath, La Quinta — opposed the project due to noise from 1,000 residents, light pollution, traffic, added crime; suggested leaving the lot empty or putting in a tiny home community. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Yolanda Gibson, La Quinta — completed a request to speak form, but was not present to speak when called upon by the Mayor — opposed. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Juan Carlos Sanchez, La Quinta — opposed the project due to overflow parking at the baseball fields next to the project site; suggested using the project site to expand the park and changing the General Plan to allow this park expansion. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Keith Myers, La Quinta — completed a request to speak form, but did not wish to speak when called upon by the Mayor — opposed. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Evelyn Spraul, La Quinta — completed a request to speak form, but was not present to speak when called upon by the Mayor — opposed. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Angie Lafferty, La Quinta — opposed the project due to global warming effects, traffic emissions; carbon -neutral buildings should be required; opposed the heat -emitting asphalt; and questioned the environmental effect of adding to the electrical substation. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Joseph Scaccia, La Quinta (received donated time from resident Roger Garvin) — opposed the project; noted that over 400 residents have signed a petition in opposition to the project, and 100 have sent letters in opposition to the Council; opposed the location of the project, density, number of parking spaces, high rental rates, three-story buildings, disturbance of neighbors quiet and light pollution, potential for increased crime, traffic and pedestrian safety, creation of new U-turns, access to and exit from the project; believes the project will be approved despite residents' objections because the City needs a win due to the recent failure of many proposed developments. APPLICANT REPRESENTATIVE: Benjamin Egan, PE, PLS, Principal with Egan Civil, Inc. and Civil Engineer for the Applicant — addressed comments about the negotiations with IID regarding upgrading the power substation, issues with undergrounding power poles on the north side, and site grading changes planned. APPLICANT REPRESENTATIVE: Elizabeth Aguilar, Job Captain, and Sherry Braun, Director of Design, with Irwin Partners Architects — clarified that elevators are not required for three-story buildings and eVac chairs will be provided; all ground floor units will meet ADA standards; AB 323 does not apply, but applies only to non-profit developments; garages are only along the north property line, no trash enclosures; the developer is willing to build block walls where needed; although the substation upgrade may take two years, it is a condition of approval so it will be done; excess parking is being provided — 295 spaces are required, yet 522 are being provided of which 126 are for guests or roommates; regarding lighting, the project will be "dark sky" compliant; raised median will be provided barring left turns into the project; per Title 24, the project will comply with all CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 9 of 14 AUGUST 1, 2023 27 energy efficiency mandates; each unit has a shaded balcony and window shades can be added; a hedge along Avenue 50 can be provided to shield the project from view similar to Rancho La Quinta; and solar panels will be installed on the carports. APPLICANT REPRESENTATIVE: George Chossain, PE, MSCE, MPA, Principal Engineer with Integrated Engineering Group, and Traffic Consultants for the Applicant — commented on the traffic capacity of Avenue 50; nominal increase in traffic due to the project; the City could add a U-turn at Avenue 50 and Washington Street; options and alternatives to approaching the project; and the location does not warranted for a signal. APPLICANT REPRESENTATIVE: Vince Whittaker, Shareholder with Buchalter Law Firm, legal counsel for the Applicant — noted the property is designated for this type of project, not a park; three City staff reports recommended approval; the project conforms with the policies and goals of the City; and low- and very low-income units do not fit this site and believes the residents would object. Mayor Evans responded to Mr. Whittaker stating that the type of project the City envisioned for this site is not market -rate and moderate -rate apartments, but low- and very low-income units, and that relocating that intended use to another lot, north of Highway 111 with minimal amenities surrounding it, benefits the developer, not the City's housing requirement; developer is getting a density bonus for including 74 moderate -rate units in its development of 178 market -rate units; her concern is not traffic or crime, but not including low- or very low-income units; responded to a resident's comments regarding the City needing a win due to the recent failure of many proposed developments, and explained the varied and individual reasons each project did not go forward; and noted that Wolff Waters affordable housing complex has three -stories and is beautiful as are all of La Quinta's affordable housing projects. WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS were received on Public Hearing Item No. 2 from the residents listed below, in alphabetical order, in opposition of the proposed La Quinta Village Apartments project, which were distributed to Council, made public, published on the City's website, and included in the public record of this meeting: • Nancy Alexander, La Quinta • Deborah Appleboum, La Quinta • Carolyn Brandon and Charles Ciup, La Quinta • Gary Bullers, La Quinta • Alena Callimanis, La Quinta • Angela and Tim Carlson, La Quinta • Duna La Quinta HOA (Keith Meyer, President) • Brandon Faulk, La Quinta • Brian Flath, La Quinta • Joan Foster, La Quinta • Glenna Friesen, La Quinta • Wilbert Friesen, La Quinta • Joe Hager, La Quinta • Carol Herrick, La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 10 of 14 AUGUST 1, 2023 28 • Leroy Holt, La Quinta • Todd Hopkins and Gina Calhoun, La Quinta • Tammy and Jerry Howard, La Quinta • Joe Johnson, La Quinta • Thomas Kenny, La Quinta • Charlotte and Rob Leiss, La Quinta • Kenneth Levine, La Quinta • Eric Marzole, La Quinta • Herbert and Louise McCabe, La Quinta • Mary Montgomery, La Quinta • Brad Nelson, La Quinta • Joseph and Stacy Nemeth, La Quinta • Malott Nyhart, La Quinta • Ben and Kappy Olson, La Quinta • Christine Peck, La Quinta • Petition Letter 1 (submitted by Mary Montgomery, La Quinta) • Petition Letter 2 (submitted by Mary Montgomery, La Quinta) • Sandy Robbins, La Quinta • Nereida, Rubalcava, La Quinta • Esther, Sahlstram, La Quinta • Kelly and Bob Scannell, La Quinta • Jim Schmidt, La Quinta • Cynthia Scotten, La Quinta • Mike and Ellen Way, La Quinta • Ruth Waytz, La Quinta — provided 2 sets of comments MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 9:45 P.M. Council discussed the number of letters and emails they've received and read; the right of developers to bring a project forward for consideration; the Council does not have the power to dictate that private property become a park; it being incumbent upon developers to reach out to the community for feedback; concerns that the proposed architecture is not right for the site; site plan of artificial turf, DG, asphalt, rocks and a low percentage of plants is creating a heat island; parking seems adequate; plant relief on perimeter wall along Avenue 50 is needed; location is workable; workforce housing is needed in La Quinta; storage is needed for each apartment; 8-9 units to the acre may be preferable; willing to work to elevate concerns; opponents need facts and studies to convince the Council of their objections; the architecture needs work; the landscape along Avenue 50 needs to fit into the neighborhood; crime waves don't exist in La Quinta's affordable housing complexes; the management that maintains apartment complexes is important; the design doesn't reflect La Quinta's Mediterranean/Hacienda predominant architectural style; appreciate the developer's willingness to adjust components based on comments; all developers are assessed and pay school fees to address the impact of additional students; developer should examine its ability to add a greater number of affordable units; and, suggested working with City staff to conduct a design charrette with the community. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 11 of 14 AUGUST 1, 2023 29 City Attorney Ihrke said substantial modifications to the project require it to go back to the Planning Commission. MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING RE -OPENED AT 10:10 P.M. APPLICANT REPRESENTATIVE: Benjamin Egan, PE, PLS, Principal with Egan Civil, Inc. and Civil Engineer for the Applicant — stated that the developer's team has heard all the public and Council comments; the project must pencil out financially or the upgrade to the electrical substation will not be possible; no grant money is funding the project; there are certain things the project requires to be viable; things that can be addressed are items such as the architecture, the site design, landscaping; would like the opportunity to address Council concerns and incorporate suggestions and take the project back to the Planning Commission. MAYOR EVANS CALLED FOR A BRIEF RECESS AT 10:18 P.M MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE COUNCIL MEETING AT 10:25 PM WITH COUNCILMEMBERS FITZPATRICK, McGARREY, AND PENA PRESENT PUBLIC SPEAKER: Kristen Dolan, La Quinta — said there was anger and frustration tonight because the applicant was combative and condescending to residents at previous meetings; and the developer has not been responsive to community or Planning Commission's suggested revisions. APPLICANT REPRESENTATIVE: Benjamin Egan, PE, PLS, Principal with Egan Civil, Inc. and Civil Engineer for the Applicant — proposed that the developer make some concessions to Council now to move the process forward to get approval of the General Plan amendment and the Specific Plan amendment, and then return to the Planning Commission where they could sort out the side issues, after which it may not have to come back to the Council; offered to eliminate the third story, but still need 250 units for a viable project, so would have to lose some parking; 74 moderate -income units could be retained but two market -rate units would be eliminated; and increasing the number of affordable units is not doable financially. APPLICANT REPRESENTATIVE: Elizabeth Aguilar, Job Captain, and Sherry Braun, Director of Design, with Irwin Partners Architects — said three-story buildings can be removed, additional buildings added, and the retention basins will need to be reduced or relocated; willing to redesign the architecture in Spanish colonial hacienda style with light colors and tile roofs; and willing to eliminate the garages. Council discussed the timing of this item to be revised by the developer, brought to community meetings, reviewed by staff, returning to Planning Commission, followed by a return to the City Council; and provided specific design and specification feedback to the developer. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 12 of 14 AUGUST 1, 2023 30 PUBLIC SPEAKER: Joseph Scaccia, La Quinta — said the majority of residents have left; noted he was pleased with the modifications Council has requested of the developer, such as having only two-story buildings, Mediterranean architectural style, reduction in the total number of units, removal of artificial turf and use of drought tolerance surfaces instead, etc.; and said he will recap these changes in writing for a lot of residents and believes that residents will be supportive. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Thomas Emison, La Quinta — asked what would replace the proposed garages which would be eliminated from the project design; Council replied the applicant indicated uncovered parking, and there will be a wall separating the project from the adjacent development. MAYOR EVANS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 10:51 P.M. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Pena/McGarrey to remand the La Quinta Village Apartments project to the Planning Commission, followed by a return to the City Council after revising the proposed project design to address the following items: • Remove all three-story buildings; • Add additional two-story buildings to the site for a total of 250 units; • Reduce the number of units from 252 to 250, to be comprised of 74 moderate - income units and 176 market -rate units; • Add landscaping; • Remove artificial turf and replace with permeable ground covering instead; • Remove the proposed garages and replace with parking spaces instead; and • Change the currently proposed architectural modern style to Spanish Colonial Hacienda style to better fit with the surrounding community. Motion passed — ayes 4, noes - 0, abstain — 0, absent — 1 (Sanchez). DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS — All reports are on file in the City Clerk's Office. 7. DISCUSS LA QUINTA LANDSCAPE RENOVATION PROJECT 2016-03 TO INCLUDE AN ACTIVITIES PROMENADE; LOCATION: CACTUS FLOWER DEVELOPMENT Management Analyst Mignogna presented the departmental report, which is on file at the Clerk's office. Council discussed the heat of the concrete surfaces in the summer; parking; including a drinking fountain, benches, shade, trash receptacles, perhaps remove lights and foosball, and replace pavement with permeable ground cover; crime statistics in the area; ongoing maintenance requirements; project funding from savings of Measure G allocated funds for landscaping, can be re -invested in this area; and project timing. RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT SPEAKER: Lieutenant Andres Martinez — stated he will compare this area to a similar one for comparable crime CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 13 of 14 AUGUST 1, 2023 31 statistics; average 60-100 calls for service in La Quinta; 1,015 calls for service in this general area over the last three years, but it includes surrounding areas; suggests motion - activated lighting, and one -minute sprinklers; and will provide apartment complex crime data to Council in response to residents' concerns of increased crime emanating from new apartment developments. MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS Councilmembers Fitzpatrick and Pena reported on their attendance at the Cookie Co. ribbon cutting. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS La Quinta's representative for 2023, Mayor Evans reported on her participation in the following organizations' meeting: • IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT — COACHELLA VALLEY ENERGY COMMISSION ADJOURNMENT Mayor Evans adjourned the meeting in honor of long-term pastor and fellow Rotarian, Dr. Den Denning, who passed away on July 20, 2023. There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers McGarrey/Fitzpatrick to adjourn this meeting at 11:11 p.m. Motion passed — ayes 4, noes - 0, abstain — 0, absent — 1 (Sanchez). Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 14 of 14 AUGUST 1, 2023 32 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 3 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2023 CALL TO ORDER A special meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Mayor Evans. PRESENT: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, McGarrey, Pena, Sanchez, and Mayor Evans ABSENT: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Pro Tern Sanchez led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA — None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA — Confirmed BUSINESS SESSION 1. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO RATIFY THE PROCLAMATION OF THE EXISTENCE OF A LOCAL EMERGENCY RELATED TO HURRICANE HILARY, AND TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO APPLY FOR AND RECEIVE FEDERAL AND STATE PUBLIC ASSISTANCE City Clerk Radeva presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. Council commended the Acting City Managers, and all staff for the excellent response to the emergency; and discussed that appropriation of funds from emergency reserves was not needed at this time. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/McGarrey to adopt Resolution No. 2023-032 as recommended: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RATIFYING THE ACTING CITY MANAGER'S PROCLAMATION OF THE EXISTENCE OF A LOCAL EMERGENCY RELATED TO HURRICANE HILARY, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER, ACTING CITY MANAGER, AND CITY FINANCE DIRECTOR TO APPLY FOR AND RECEIVE FEDERAL AND STATE PUBLIC ASSISTANCE, AS SPECIFIED Motion passed unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 1 of 3 AUGUST 23, 2023 SPECIAL MEETING 33 MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS Councilmember Pena thanked staff and community volunteers for their efforts in assisting residents during the hurricane; and commended the public safety personnel who were well -prepared, responsive and helpful. Councilmember Fitzpatrick echoed Councilmember Pena's comments. Councilmember McGarrey thanked Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP) for donating thousands of free sandbags to Coachella Valley cities, and to staff for picking up and distributing them to residents; and asked residents not to discard used sandbags, but to store them for future use. Mayor Evans noted that La Quinta supplied 80,000 bags and 400 tons of sand; Assemblymember Greg Wallis called in daily to check on the City, and drove around to check on roads; Congressman Calvert, who was out of the country, called Monday, 8/21/2023, to check -in and indicated that he was coordinating with the Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) for possible emergency funding; communications with the Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD) Superintendent were ongoing to identify schools that would be appropriate for shelters if needed, and possible school closure; proud of the collaboration, communication and teamwork that occurred; and resident safety and first responder access are primary during any emergency, and there were no problems with access during this emergency. Councilmember Sanchez said it was amazing to see staff and residents helping each other. Councilmember Fitzpatrick added that the storm alerts were not hype, there were serious consequences throughout the Coachella Valley; and there was no loss of life. Council expressed surprise at the length of time of the Interstate 10 shutdown resulting in parts of the Coachella Valley being an island; perfect example how much the Valley needs to be prepared in case of an earthquake, flood, etc. to avoid devastation; the need for a highway bypass during emergencies; and thanks to Riverside County Sheriff's Department there were no problems with the 911 system. Councilmember McGarrey stated that 10 to 15 feet of earth was washed to the center/lowest point of the Valley during the storm; was impressed with the preparation efforts of staff in placing barricades, etc. ready to be deployed to address safety concerns, and the implementation of necessary road closures. CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (1) OF SUBDIVISION (d) OF SECTION 54956.9 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE. NAME OF CASE: REESE v. CITY OF LA QUINTA; RIVERSIDE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. CVPS2302997 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2 of 3 AUGUST 23, 2023 SPECIAL MEETING 34 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (1) OF SUBDIVISION (d) OF SECTION 54956.9 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE. NAME OF CASE: BARBER v. CITY OF LA QUINTA; RIVERSIDE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. CVPS2303039 COUNCIL RECESSED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE MEETING AND MOVED INTO CLOSED SESSION AT 10:18 A.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 11:21 A.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: City Attorney Ihrke reported the following pursuant to Government Code section 54950 et seq. (Brown Act): CLOSED SESSION ITEM NO. 1 — Council did not take an official action, but Council requested the following summary to be reported: this case involved a residential property owner with a swimming pool, located in La Quinta; the City's Code Compliance Division cited the property owner for failing to obtain a Short -Term Vacation Rental permit for advertising short-term use of the pool on a website platform; the City filed a demur to the complaint and prevailed in the lawsuit. CLOSED SESSION ITEM NO. 2 — Council took the following action: MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Mayor Evans/Councilmember Fitzpatrick authorizing the City Attorney's Office to seek appellate review of the decision by the Superior Court special commissioner, reversing the independent hearing officer's decision on administrative appeal, which overruled an administrative citation issued by the City. The Adverse parties for the respective cases are identified on the Agenda, and the substance of the litigation for both cases involves citations issued for violations of the City's Short -Term Vacation Rental program regulations pursuant to Chapter 3.25 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. Motion passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Pena/Sanchez to adjourn this meeting at 11:23 a.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3 of 3 AUGUST 23, 2023 SPECIAL MEETING 35 36 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 4 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 19, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: EXCUSE ABSENCE OF COMMISSIONER CALDWELL FROM THE AUGUST 22, 2023, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RECOMMENDATION Excuse absence of Commissioner Mary Caldwell from the August 22, 2023, Planning Commission meeting. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • On July 17, 2023, Commissioner Caldwell requested to be excused from the August 22, 2023, Planning Commission meeting due to previously scheduled travel. • Commissioner Caldwell has no excused or unexcused absences for fiscal year 2023/24. FISCAL IMPACT No meeting attendance compensation is paid to absent members. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Section 2.06.090 of the La Quinta Municipal Code states: "If any member of a board, commission or committee absents him or herself from two consecutive regular meetings, or absents him or herself from a total of three regular meetings within any fiscal year, his/her office shall become vacant and shall be filled as any other vacancy. A board, commission or committee member may request advance permission from the city council to be absent at one or more regular meetings due to extenuating circumstances, and/or may request the city council to excuse an absence after -the -fact where such extenuating circumstances prevented the member from seeking advance permission to be absent. If such permission or excuse is granted by the city council, the absence shall not be counted toward the above -stated limitations on absences." ALTERNATIVES Council may deny this request, which would result in the absence being counted toward the Commissioner's limitation on absences as noted above. Prepared by: Laurie McGinley, Deputy City Clerk Approved by: Monika Radeva, City Clerk 37 38 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 5 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 19, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR PERMIT TECHNICIAN IN THE CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICIAN IN THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT TO ATTEND THE CITY CLERK'S ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA "NUTS AND BOLTS" WORKSHOP IN BREA, CALIFORNIA, OCTOBER 26-27, 2023 RECOMMENDATION Authorize overnight travel for the Permit Technician in the City Clerk's department and Administrative Technician in the Finance department to attend the City Clerks Association of California "Nuts and Bolts" Workshop in Brea, California, October 26-27, 2023. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The "Nuts and Bolts" Workshop is an annual course offered by the City Clerk's Association of California (CCAC) as an introduction to Clerk's Office tasks and responsibilities, including those associated with public meetings. • This workshop will provide an opportunity for the Permit Technician and Administrative Technician to gain in-depth knowledge of laws, procedures, and best practices, in their respective roles as support staff for Council and City Boards and Commissions. FISCAL IMPACT Estimated expenses are $850 per attendee, which includes registration, travel, lodging, and meals. Funds are available in each department's travel and training budgets (City Clerk Account No. 101-1005-60320 and Finance Account No. 101-1006-60320). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The CCAC offers the "Nuts and Bolts" workshop annually as an opportunity for those who work in the City Clerk's Office or who staff public meetings to learn the requirements and obtain the skills necessary to be successful and effective in their supportive roles. This workshop is a two-day intensive training that will cover subjects such as meetings, notices, public hearings, boards, and commissions, working with your legislative body, elections, the Brown Act, Political Reform Act, Public Records Act, professional development, and a myriad of other topics. 39 The Permit Technician and Administrative Technician are support staff for Council and City Boards and Commissions and this workshop will provide essential training for their jobs and responsibilities. ALTERNATIVES Council may elect not to authorize this request. Prepared by: Oscar Mojica, Permit Technician Approved by: Monika Radeva, City Clerk 40 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 6 PULLED FROM CONSIDERATION City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 19, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITF : AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS CREW LEADER TO ATTEND YEAR ONE OF CALIFORNIA PARKS AND RECREATION SOCIETY MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SCHOOL IN LAKE ARROWHEAD, CALIFORNIA, NOVEMBER 6 - 10, 2023 RECOMMENDATION Authorize overnight travel for Maintenance and Operations Crew Leader to attend year one of California Parks and Recreation Society Maintenance Management School in Lake Arrowhead, California, November 6 — 10, 2023. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The California Parks and Recreation Society (CPRS) Maintenance Management School (MMS) provides participants with a systematic approach to resources management. • Year -one of MMS focuses on contract and budget management, contractor communication, and best maintenance practices. FISCAL IMPACT Estimated cost is $1,750, which includes registration, travel, lodging, parking, and meals. Funds are available in fiscal year (FY) 2023/24 Parks Maintenance budget (Account No. 101-3005-60320). 3ACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The CPRS MMS is a five-year program in resources management. Year -one includes budget and contract management, contractor communication, facilities maintenance, and management, and how to evaluate service levels and labor costs. The program consists of five days of intense educational and group sessions, and networking opportunities. ALTERNATIVES The Council may elect not to authorize this request, however, as this training provides a learning opportunity for staff to increase their knowledge of maintenance practices, this alternative is not recommended. Prepared by: Dianne Hansen, Maintenance and Operations Superintendent Approved by: Bryan McKinney, Public Works Director/City Engineer 41 42 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 7 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 19, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE DEPUTY BUILDING OFFICIAL, TWO SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTORS, AND ONE BUILDING INSPECTOR TO ATTEND THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING OFFICIAL'S EDUCATION WEEK IN COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA, OCTOBER 23-26, 2023 RECOMMENDATION Authorize overnight travel for the Deputy Building Official, two Senior Building Inspectors, and one Building Inspector to attend the California Building Official's Education Week in Costa Mesa, California, October 23-26, 2023. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • California Building Officials (CALBO) is a non-profit corporation dedicated to promoting public health and safety in building construction through responsible legislation, education, and building code development. • The CALBO Education Week attendees will participate in educational sessions, discussions, forums and networking, and allows staff to attain their educational hours to maintain building related certifications as required by their employment. FISCAL IMPACT Estimated expenses are $6,100 for four attendees to attend two nights each and includes conference registration, hotel, parking, and meals. Funds are included in the Design and Development and Planning 2023/24 Travel and Training budgets (101-6001-60320 and 101-6002-60320). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The CALBO Education Week provides networking and educational opportunities for building professionals throughout California and the United States. The conference includes courses on Building Code Updates, Electrical Code Updates, Residential Codes, Residential and Commercial Inspection Fundamentals, Public Accommodations, Building Department State Laws, and more. Staff will be able accumulate educational hours through attendance and apply them to the educational hours needed for their required building certifications/recertifications. 43 kLTERNATIVES Council may elect to deny this request or change the number of attendees allowed. Prepared by: AJ Ortega, Building Official Approved by: Danny Castro, Design and Development Director 44 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 8 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEE I INC3: September 19, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA : APPROVE PURCHASE OF NEW TECHNOGYM FITNESS EQUIPMENT FOR THE WELLNESS CENTER RECOMMENDATION Approve purchase of new Technogym fitness equipment for the Wellness Center. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The original Technogym cardio equipment was purchased in 2014 as part of the renovation/expansion project of the Wellness Center. • The equipment is highly utilized by fitness members, resulting in ordinary wear - and -tear and a steady decline in the overall condition of the equipment. • Technogym will no longer provide extended warranty coverage for current cardio equipment and software updates are no longer available for the current models. • Staff recommends purchasing new cardio equipment to reduce costs on parts and labor. FISCAL IIVIrHC:I The total cost for purchasing new Technogym fitness equipment in fiscal year (FY) 2023/24 is $120,432.25, which includes 7 treadmills, 2 rowing machines, 1 recumbent bike, and a back extension equipment piece to replace the current one in use (Attachment 1). Funds are available in the Machinery and Equipment Account (101-3002-80101) budget for FY 2023/24. .oAGKUKUU N WANALYSIS When the Wellness Center opened in January 2015, new state-of-the-art Technogym equipment was purchased to accommodate fitness gym members. Since then, the equipment has been highly utilized resulting in ordinary wear -and -tear of equipment parts, accessories, and electronics. Due to age of the equipment and heavy use, Technogym will no longer offer extended warranty coverage. Additionally, the outdated equipment models are no longer compatible with current software updates, applications, and downloadable content. The remaining fitness equipment including weight machines, ellipticals, and recumbent bikes are in satisfactory condition, however staff will continue 45 to monitor and assess all equipment to ensure safe and proper function and schedule maintenance and repairs as needed. The purchase of new fitness equipment will reduce costs for parts and labor, improve the overall workout experience, and enable the City to better serve fitness members. ALTERNATIVES Staff does not recommend an alternative. Prepared by: Michael Calderon, Management Analyst Approved by: Christina Calderon, Community Services Deputy Director Attachment: 1. Technogym — Sales Quote EN ECFINoGyM ATTACHMENT 1 The Wellness Company Your Wellness Business Partner Technogyo 4TA Prepared by Tony Kowalczyk 47 ECH 25yM The wellness Company PROPOSAL SUMMARY CUSTOMER DETAILS Customer name CITY OF LA QUINTA Billing Address , 92253-2934 Contact Christina T Calderon Telephone 17605640096 VAT Code Fiscal Code Customer Code AC-366319 Order Confirmation Email lgwellnesscenter20l5@gmail.com Invoice Email lgwellnesscenter20l5@gmail.com Address 78450 AVENIDA LA FONDA LA QUINTA California 92253-2934 United States Customer Code AC-366319 PROPOSAL DETAILS Technogym Ref. Tony Kowalczyk tkowalczyk@technogym.com Ref # Q-00360994 / 0002533141 CITY_LA_QU INTA-Refresh2023 Proposal created on: 8/29/2023 Proposal valid until: 10/03/2023 LOGISTIC DETAILS Pedestrian Zone No Drop off point distance to gym (m) Floor number of the gym Doors min Dim L x H (cm) Suitable lift available No Ceiling min. height (cm) Electricity available Floor protection required No Phone contact 17605640096 Site inspection required NO Mandatory delivery date NO Road constraints NO Proposal: Q-00360994 www.technogym.com 48 2/19 Customer Code: AC-366319 ECH 25yM The Wellness Company SMART EQUIPMENT CARDIO PRODUCT QTY NET AMOUNT USD EXCITE LIVE 1 4,868.50 RECLINE LIVE 16 P 5000 LUNAR GREY i x 4,868.50 • Model: 5000 • Console: LIVE 16 • TV Mode: ATSC + IPTV • Power: 90-240 VAC [3] • Color Option: LUNAR GREY Frame: Anthracite (AN), Cover: Dark Lunar Grey (FF) CODE: DFDU3Q3AANFPFF2U EXCITE LIVE 6 46,761.00 RUN LIVE 19 P 5000 LUNAR GREY 6 x 7,793.50 • Model: 5000 • Console: LIVE 19 • TV Mode: ATSC + IPTV • Power: 90-240 VAC [A] • Color Option: LUNAR GREY Frame: Anthracite (AN), Cover: Dark Lunar Grey (FF) CODE: DFKUAQ3AANOOFF2U TOTAL CARDIO 7 51,629.50 STRENGTH PRODUCT QTY NET AMOUNT USD 1 1,014.00 LOWER BACK BENCH i x 1,014.00 Aluminium - Black [35] • Fixing Type: • Color Option: Aluminium - Black [35] Frame: Aluminium (ED), Cover: Graphite Grey (GG) , Upholstery: Black (VO) CODE: PA05-EDVOGG SKILL LINE PRODUCT QTY NET AMOUNT USD SKILLRUN 5000 LIVE 19 1 13,560.00 • Display: LIVE 19 1 x 13,560.00 • Color Option: Frame: Anthracite (AN), Upholstery: [None], Cover: Anthracite Black (EA) 4mi CODE: DJJAAQ3AANOOEA2U Proposal: Q-00360994 www.technogym.com 49 3/19 Customer Code: AC-366319 ECH 25yM The Wellness Company SKILL LINE PRODUCT QTY NET AMOUNT USD SKILLROW 7" 2 5,184.00 • Display: 7" 2 x 2,592.00 • User Connectivity: through Technogym key reader • Color Option: Frame: Anthracite (AN), Upholstery: Black (EA), Cover: Anthracite Black (EA) CODE: DJRONDTANEAEANR2 TOTAL SKILL LINE 3 18,744.00 OTHERS PRODUCT QTY NET AMOUNT USD Technogym Care Service Agreement Technogym Care Performance -- 60 months CODE: ATG001 1 22,137.04 1 x 22,137.04 Proposal: Q-00360994 www.technogym.com 50 4/19 Customer Code: AC-366319 ECH 25yM The wellness Company SOFTWARE SERVICES PRODUCT Live Premium Content 60 M CODE: ENPTSOXVO TOTAL SOFTWARE SERVICES QTY MONTHLY NET AMOUNT USD 40.00 K1111111 Proposal: Q-00360994 www.technogym.com 51 5/19 Customer Code: AC-366319 ECH 25yM The wellness Company TOTAL WELLNESS SOLUTION SUMMARY PRODUCTS TOTAL AMOUNT USD Products 93,524.54 Delivery & Installation 16,791.99 Total 110,316.53 Sales TAX 7,715.71 Total (TAX included) 118,032.25 Deposit 22,063.31 Cheque Balance 95,968.94 Balance before Delivery , Cheque SOFTWARE SERVICES Monthly amount 40.00 Payment frequency All Up Front Number of Installments 1 Total Installment amount 2,400.00 TAX 0.00 Total Installment amount (TAX Included) 2,400.00 Total Contract amount (TAX Included) 2,400.00 Cheque, 100% Advance Payment Any sales tax, use tax, exercise tax, or any other tax of any nature used in the preparation of this proposal are indicative and they should not be considered final or biding. All taxable sales and uses taxes will be computed in the invoice, reflecting the current rates at the time of the transaction Proposal: Q-00360994 www.technogym.com 52 6/19 Customer Code: AC-366319 ECH 25yM The wellness Company DELIVERY TERMS Delivery Terms: Delivered at place Delivery week: Delivery date is intended as any working day included in the "week' starting from Monday [02/19/2024] to Friday [02/23/2024] The delivery date is binding as soon as it is confirmed by Technogym. The delivery date cannot be earlier than "9" weeks of the date of receipt of this signed proposal and will be binding only upon payment of the deposit, if required. Please note that the delivery date may vary during peak periods. Technogym will always communicate the final delivery date within the order confirmation. The delivery day is defined as every working day that falls within the communicated 'delivery week" For ACH/Wires For CHECKS JPMorgan Chase New York, NY 10017 Please send your CHECK to: Bank Routing Number: 021000021 Technogym USA Corp. Account Number: 593828616 PO BOX 23802 Account Name: Technogym USA Corp New York, NY 10087-4602 SWIFT Code: CHASUS33 By signing this proposal the customer accepts and confirms the above contents subject to the TECHNOGYM® General Sale Terms and Conditions and/or - where applicable - the Service General Terms and Conditions and/or the MYWELLNESS® Cloud Master Subscription Agreement: Place and Date: Name and title: Signature: Images and any other figurative representation of the products included within this offer are indicative only and may contain inaccuracies. For more precise details on each product, please refer to single descriptions. Proposal: Q-00360994 www.technogym.com 53 7/19 Customer Code: AC-366319 ECH 25yM The wellness Company INSTALL REQUIREMENTS • MINIMUM CEILING HEIGHTS For the below items, these include an additional 0.98 It, the minimum recommended height for chin-up functionality: CHIN UP LEG RAISE DIP - 9.02ft DUAL ADJUSTABLE PULLEY - 8.69ft OLYMPIC POWER RACK - 9.19ft UNIVERSE - 6.56ft (-10.83ft with A0001399) OLYMPIC HALF RACK - 8.86ft CABLE CROSSOVER - 8.86ft KNEELING EASY CHIN DIP - 9.02ft POWER PERSONAL - 8.37ft OMNIA3 AND OMNIA8 - 8.69ft CABLE STATIONS 5 - 9.02ft SKILL UP-2.38m For the following items, consider the minimum height required during operation with an user 5.911t tall. RUN - 8.04ft VARIO - 8.04ft SYNCHRO - 7.87ft CLIMB - 9.51ft STEP - 8.04ft CROSSOVER - 7.71ft • ACCESS FOR INSTALLATION Note that these are large items and therefore require a site visit if installed through narrow access or stairs: DUAL ADJUSTABLE PULLEY; VARIO; ARTIS SYNCHRO; CABLE TOWER; CABLE STATIONS; LEG PRESS SELECTION/ARTIS/BIOSTRENGTH/BIOCIRCUIT; KINESIS PERSONAL; KINESIS ONE; UNIVERSE; FOOTPRINT REQUIREMENTS SKILLMILL, SKILLRUN, ALL TREADMILLS - in accordance with The General Product Safety Directive ISO 20957- 1:2013 & UNI EN 957-6:2014 - a clearance of 6.56 feet space behind each treadmill is required. KINESIS ONE and KINESIS CLASS - to maximize the functional capabilities of this product a working distance of 6.56 feet is recommended. KINESIS STATIONS - to maximize the functional capabilities of this product a working distance of 3.28 to 5.25 feet is recommended. OMNIA3 - to maximize the functional capabilities a footprint of 12.47ft (L) x 9.51ft (W) is recommended. OMNIA8 - to maximize the functional capabilities a footprint of 18.37ft (L) x 21.33ft (W) is recommended. UNIVERSE - from 1.97 to 6.56 ft ADJUSTABLE PULLEY REV- 1.97 ft; SKILLUP: on side 1.97 ft; front 1.97 ft; back 3.94 ft • FIXING AND SECURITY The following products need to be fixed as specified in user manual, assembly instructions, safety information and warning stickers applied to the product. SELECTION: Pectoral (C913) Multipower (C953, M853, M953), Chest press (C970), Crossover (M824, M924, M925), Ercolina (M828, M928, M929), Ercolina Rehab (M859, M959), Ercolina IFI (C959, D6959), Cable Jungle (M882, M982, C982), Radiant (M888, M988), Radiant IFI (C988) ELEMENT: Ercolina (MA80, MB80), Ercolina Rehab (MA90, MB90), Ercolina MED (MB92), Multipower (MA83, MB83), Crossover Cables (MA85, MB85), Dual Adjustable Pulley (MB43, MB44) CABLE STATIONS: Cable tower (MB89), Crossover Cables (MB93) KINESIS STATIONS: Overhead Press (MH15, MH1A), Press (MH2O, MH2A), High Pull (MH30, MH3A), Core Station (MH65, MH4A), Step/Squat (MH67, MH5A), Low Pull (MH95, MH6A) OMNIA: Omnia8 (MJ05), Omnia3 (MJ10, MJ15, MJ20) PERSONAL: Kinesis Personal (MD051, MD052, MD053), Rack Personal (A0000874) MY TOOLS: (A0000978, A0000979, A0000986, A0001014-*) Arke (A0000573) UNIVERSE Dual Adjustable Pulley (MPC), Half Rack (MPD), Standard column (A0001360, A0001464), Flywheel column (A0001361, A0001466) Upper -Lower Wall set (A0001363, A0001365); Frame (MP120*, MP130*, MP240*, MP250*, MP310*, MP320*, MP340*, MP350*, MP440*, MP460*, MP660*, MP670*) BIOSTRENGHT REV: Adjustable Pulley (MM97, MM98); SKILL LINE: Skillup (DJAANDO) LIFTING PLATFORMS - install only on a firm, flat surface. Do not install on a soft or floating surface Technogym accepts no liability for injuries or otherwise to any person/s or good/s resulting from insecurity of the machines which are not installed and used in compliance with the user manual, Assembly Instructions, any additional safety information and warning stickers. Proposal: Q-00360994 www.technogym.com 54 8/19 Customer Code: AC-366319 ECH 2UyM The Wellness Company REQUIREMENTS AND GUIDELINES FOR THE CUSTOMER RELATED TO IT INFRASTRUCTURE * GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Use a specific Internet connection for Technogym equipment If possible, connect the Technogym equipment preferably via cable Do not use a server proxy to connect the Technogym equipment If possible use the DHCP method to assign the IP address Install the Wi-Fi access point in the same room where the equipment is located Do not disable the list of DNS names supplied by Technogym LIVE EXCITE/ARTIS/PERSONAL, SKILLRUN and UNITY SELF KIOSK 1. Supported WI-Fi standards: IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n - 2,4 GHz and 5 GHz 2. LIVE with 10 inch display are compatible only with Wi-Fi networks, with Wireless standards IEEE 802.11 a,b,g,n - 2.4Ghz, 5 Ghz 3. The bandwidth requirements depend on the number and type of applications that can be configured by the "TECHNOGYM APP STORE" UNITY 5 devices 10 devices 20 devices 40 devices 60 devices 100 devices NETWORK / INTERNET - Bandwidth requirements Downl. UPI. Downl. UPI. Dowd. UPI. Dowd. UPI. Dowd. UPI. Dowd. UPI. WORKOUT ONLY - MINIMUM requirements (workout only, no App installed e.g. 10" >2Mbps >512Kbps >5Mbps >512Kbps >7Mbps >1Mbps 1OMbps >1Mbps >16Mbps >2Mbps >20Mbps >2Mbps display) WITHOUT STREAMING VIDEO -MINIMUM requirements >2Mbps >512Kb s p >5Mbps >512Kb s p pp >7Mbpsf>1 >16Mb s >2Mb s p >20Mb s p >2Mb s p (working, monitoring, searches, no streamingp video) STREAMING VIDEO -MINIMUM S>10Mbps>1Mb requirements (including streaming video, for example, >5Mbps >512Kbps >7Mbps >512Kbps >1Mbps >30Mbps >2Mbps >50Mbps >2Mbps YouTube) TECHNOGYM BIKE/TECHNOGYM RIDE 4W 1. TECHNOGYM BIKE and TECHNOGYM RIDE only support Wi-Fi networks and require a bandwidth of at least 10 Mbps for the streaming of video 2. Supported Wi-Fi standards: IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n - 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz UNITY MINI lk'.* 1. UNITY MINI supports only Wi-Fi networks and requires a bandwidth only for workout d, ata. 2. Supported Wi-Fi standards: IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n - 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz UNITY MINI - Wi-Fi only 5 devices 1 NETWORK / INTERNET - Bandwidth requirements Downl. UPI. Downl. MINIMUM requirements >1Mbps >1Mbps • TEAMBEATS (SKILLX - SKILLATHLETIC), GROUP CYC["PKILLRO 1. Technogym equipment can be used with two configurations: for cla NETWORK / INTERNET - Bandwidth requirements ONLY EQUIPMENT - MINIMUM requirements (equipment conn irectly to the DIGITAL CLASS - MINIMUM requirements (equi netted directly to UNITY s 1 20 devices 40 devices 60 devices 100 devices UPI. I Downl. I UPI. Dowd. I UPI. Dowd. UPI. Dowd. I UPI. an individual >1Mbps I >4Mbps I >2Mbps I >4Mbps I >2Mbps 50 devices 100 devices 200 devices Dowd. UPI. Dowd. UPI. Downl. 11 L10. MyWellness cIOUd) >1Mbps >1Mbps >2Mbps >2Mbps >4Mbps >4Mbps SELF) >0.5Mbps >0.5Mbps >1Mbps >1Mbps >2Mbps >2Mbps 2. If present, it is recommended to connect UNITY SELF to the Internet via a cable 3. GROUP CYCLE, SKILLROW, SKILLMILL are compatible only with Wi-Fi networks and with WirNle..rds IEEE 802.11 b,g,n - 2.4Ghz 4. SKILLBIKES are compatible only with Wi-Fi networks and with Wireless standards IEEE 802.11 a,b,g,n - 2.4Ghz, 5 Ghz 5. All equipment and UNITY SELFNcable cted to the same network (subnet� • SKILLRUN CLASS 1. It is strongly recommended toly cabled network both for connecting the machines as well as UNITY SELF. If it is not possible to use a cabled network it must always be ensured that UNITY SELF is connected via an Etherne rest of the machines are connected wirelessly in compliance with the requirements in point 2. 2. If the machines connected wirelessly, the supported Wi-Fi standards are: IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n - 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. It is mandatory to use a professional dedicated single Access Point for each SKILLRUN CLASS, a single and non -hidden SSID (Service Set Identifier); 3. Internet band compliant with the followinq table NETWORK / INTERNET - Bandwidth requirements 10 devices 20 devices 50 devices Dowd. UPI. Dowd. UPI. Dowd. UPI. MINIMUM requirements (equipment connected directly to the My Ilness cloud) >5Mbps >512Kbps >7Mbps >1Mbps >16Mbps >2Mbps BIOCIRCUIT/BIOSTRENGTH/BIOSTRENGTH REV For proper operation of the Biocircuit/Biostrength/Biostrength Rev, it is essential that a data network is installed that complies with the following requirements: 1. It is strongly recommended to use a completely cabled network both for connecting the machines as well as UNITY SELF BIOCIRCUIT. If it is not possible to use a cabled network it must always be ensured that UNITY SELF is connected via an Ethernet cable and the rest of the machines are connected wirelessly in compliance with the requirements in point 3. 2. The Biocircuit data network must be dedicated to it. Dedicated data networks indicate that only the machines and the UNITY SELF of the circuit are connected to the network devices (dedicated switch, isolated IP class, dedicated Access Point if necessary) 3. If the machines connected wirelessly, the supported Wi-Fi standards are: IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n - 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz (recommended). It is mandatory to use a professional dedicated single Access Point for each BIOCIRCUIT/BIOSTRENGTH/BIOSTRENGHT REV, a single and non -hidden SSID (Service Set Identifier); 4. Internet band compliant with the following table NETWORK / INTERNET - Bandwidth requirements 5 devices 1 10 devices 1 20 devices MINIMUM requirements (equipment connected directly to the MyWellness cloud) I >2Mbps I >512Kbps I >5Mbps >5121(bps I >7Mbps I >1Mbps * FOR FURTHER TECHNICAL DETAILS, CONTACT TECHNOGYM TECHNICAL SUPPORT AT THE NUMBER. 855-426-0421 Proposal: Q-00360994 www.technogym.com 55 9/19 Customer Code: AC-366319 ECH 2LiyM The wellness Company GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR SALES OF PRODUCTS AND PROVISION OF SERVICES 1. AGREEMENT, DEFINITIONS: Unless a written agreement is executed between any customer ("Customer') and TECHNOGYM USA CORP. (directly or through any of its Affiliates) ("Seller" or "Technogym', any purchase order covering the sale of the goods manufactured and/or commercialized by the Seller ("Goods') as described in the relevant purchase order to which these General Conditions are attached, and identified by the Technogym@ trademark and/or by the other trademarks owned by the Seller or by its Affiliates ("Trademarks') will be governed solely by these General Terms & Conditions ("Condition of Sale'). These Condition of Sale will replace in full the general terms & conditions of purchase issued by the Customer, even if not expressly objected to by Technogym, and will govern any future sale of Goods between the Seller and the Customer, even if concluded orally, by letter, by means of other printed forms or otherwise. Any and all amendments of these Condition of Sale shall result from a written agreement between the Seller and the Customer, duly signed. The description of Goods can be found in the Technogym® catalogue in force at the day of issuance of the purchase order. In case of inconsistency, these Condition of Sale will prevail on the provisions provided by the purchase order and/or on any other document that may be issued by the Customer. For the purpose hereof, "Affiliates" shall mean parents, subsidiaries, partnership, joint ventures and any entity(ies) that directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by a party or which a party shares common control. A party "controls" another entity when the party, through ownership of the voting stock or other ownership interest of that entity, or by contract or otherwise, has the power to direct its management. 2. GOODS Good(s) may be: (i) new equipment for physical activities and wellness lifestyle bearing one of the Trademarks; (ii) used equipment for physical activities and wellness lifestyle refurbished by Technogym ("Technogym Refurbished"); (iii) hardware products manufactured by third parties and sold by the Seller; (iv) spare parts of the Goods sold by the Seller; (v) any other good or service provided by the Seller. Such Goods shall be identified in the relevant purchase order and in the order confirmation issued by the Seller. The Customer acknowledges and accepts that the Goods may have an internet connection and may transfer automatically their data to a database managed by the Seller through a software for the Equipment Asset Management ("EAM"). The deactivation of the EAM may be charged to the Customer. In case the Goods identified in the purchase order are (a) a complete software or a software update, or the provision of web services supplied by the Seller or (b) the provision of services supplied by the Seller through its subcontractors, the agreement between the Seller and the Customer may also be governed (i) by any terms and conditions of subscription or license, or (ii) by any terms and conditions of services which the Seller shall propose to the Customer for acceptance at the time of the issuance of the purchase order and that form substantial and integral part of these Condition of Sale. In case of any inconsistency between these Condition of Sale and any other Seller's contractual document, the latter shall prevail only with reference to the software products, web -based services and any other service supplied by the Seller. 3. PURCHASE ORDER The purchase order ("Purchase Order") that the Customer may send to the Seller shall constitute a binding proposal for a period of 6 (six) months starting from the date of receipt by the Seller of such Purchase Order. Within such period, the Seller shall have the right to accept said proposal by sending a written order confirmation ("Order Confirmation") or refuse, including the date of delivery of Goods ("Confirmed Delivery Date'). The contract shall be deemed to be executed even without the issuance of the Order Confirmation byAhe Seller, through the execution of the Purchase Order by means of delivery of the Goods to the Customer, or to the carrier possibly appointed, within the same period of 6 (six) months. In the event that the Order Confirmation is not consistent with the Purchase Order, for what concerns elements other than object, quantity, price and Goods return terms, it shall be deemed as accepted by the Customer if the Customer does not notify in writing a claim to the Seller within the 8 (eight) days following the delivery of the Order Confirmation. The Customer shall have the right to request a total or partial variation of the Goods under the Purchase Order no later than 24 (twenty-four) hours from receipt of the Order Confirmation. Once this term is expired, the Purchase Order shall no longer be modifiable, unless agreed in writing between the parties. The Seller reserves theft to accept or refuse the request for modification received from the Customer within the above term by sending the relative written confirmation. 4. RIGHT TO SUSPEND THE ORDER EXECUTION. TERMINATION The Seller reserves the right (a) to suspend or cancel the execution of the Purchase Order, even if already confirmed by the Seller, or (b) to deliver the Goods to the Customer only upon receipt of the full advance payment of the price and of any other amount which might be due by the Customer to the Seller or upon the issuance and provision of appropriate guarantees, in case of (i) non -fulfilment or delays by the Customer, regarding both previous orders and those under execution, or (ii) changes regarding the person/legal entity of the Customer, its structure or in case of change of control, its financial situation or its reputation, as well as in case of protesting of bills, pending executive proceedings and preliminary injunctions, suspensions, difficulties or delays in the fulfilment of its obligations towards third parties; and (iii) in case the Customer become insolvent, files a petition of bankruptcy, or commences or haf commenced against it proceedings relating to bankruptcy, receivership, reorganisation or assignment for the benefit of creditors. All deliveries of Goods suspended for the above -mentioned reasons and/or subject to the conditions indicated above shall be postponed to the first available date as determined by the Seller at its sole and exclusive discretion. Should the situation which caused the suspension last more than 3 (three) months, the Seller shall have the right to fully or partially terminate the agreement. 5. RETENTION OF TITLE Notwithstanding the provision of the following art. 6, with reference to the delivery and transfer of risks, the Goods shall remain property of the Seller until full payment of any amount due by the Customer under the Purchase Order, including any default interest and any expense incurred by the Seller for the recovery of the credit. The Customer undertakes to notify the Seller any action for the repossession of the Goods eventually requested by any third party on the Goods not fully paid by the Customer. Such notice shall be executed in due time in order to allow the Seller to take action against any third party, without any prejudice to the Customer's liability in case of actions by the third party which may affect the Seller's rights. Should the Customer be subject to any insolvency proceedings, the Customer undertakes to allow the Seller to get back the Goods without any prior notice and undertakes to allow the Seller to access its warehouses, bearing all the expenses related to the collection of the Goods. 64 The Customer shall refrain from engaging in any activity or behaviour that could prevent the Seller from identifying and recovering the property on the Goods as a consequence of the provisions of this article on the retention of title and shall enter into all the necessary insurance policies to hold the Seller indemnified against any possible damage to the Goods or to third parties. 6. FREIGHT AND INSTALLATION OF GOODS The Goods shall be delivered by the Seller on "Ex Works" (Incoterms 2020) basis at the Seller's warehouse. Notwithstanding the "Incoterms 2020" rules, the freight and installation may be organised by the Seller, but at the Customer's expenses, without ejudice for any other Incoterm 2020 rule concerning the "Ex Works" term and, thus, the Customer shall bear all the costs and risks of loss or damage to the Goods, from the moment in which the Seller made tlds available to the carrier at its premises, without any obligation for the Seller to load the Goods on the vehicle. Freight and installation are intended only f A territory only. For freight and installationio be performed outside the above -mentioned territories, the Parties shall enter into specific written agreements. It is understood that the freight and installation ad1W costs, not calculated in the Order Confirmation, if necessary for deliveries to be made in extra -urban and/or not easily accessible areas, or during non -working time and days, shall be communicated to the Cu mer and shall remain at the Customer's sole charge. The Seller may, freely and without exception, use subcontractors for the performance of the delivery service and freight and/or installation services and/or of any other service described in the Purchase Order. 7. DELIVERY TERMS The delivery terms specified in the Purchase Order, in the Order Confirmatiff or anywhere else, must be considered merely indicative and not essential. The Seller, thus, has the right to reasonably anticipate or postpone the Confirmed Delivery Date of the Goods, in full or in part, and such anticipation or postponement cannot be considered as a cause for the termination of the agreement by the Customer, nor the right to claim any compensation, restoration or damages, or a cause for claiming the liability of the Seller, unless the anticipation or postponement of the Confirmed Delivery Date is higher than 4 (four) weeks. In such latter case, should the Customer notify in writing not to be interested any more in the purchase, the Seller shall not deliver the Goods and it shall pay back the down payment paid by the Customer to the Seller. Without prejudice to Article 3 above, if on the Confirmed Delivery Date Customer is unable to receive the Goods due to unavailability of its premises or for any reasons beyond Seller's control, resulting in Seller's inability to make the immediate installation of the Goods, Customer shall indicate to Seller a location where the purchased Goods may, however, be delivered. In this case, installation of the said Goods may take place on a date subsequent to the delivery date, to be agreed with Seller, without prejudice to the application of Article 9 of these Conditions of Sale. The Seller shall have the right to charge any transport costs from the location where Goods have been delivered and the final destination to the Customer. The Customer may request to postpone the Confirmed Delivery Date by informing the Seller in writing about the new delivery date subject to the condition that such request is made: as for orders to be delivered in Europe, at least 6 (six) weeks before the Confirmed Delivery Date; as for orders to be delivered outside Europe, at least 12 (twelve) weeks before the Confirmed Delivery Date. The delivery can be postponed only once and up to a maximum of 4 (four) months from the original Confirmed Delivery Date. For the first 4 (four) weeks of delay running from the Confirmed Delivery Date, it shall not be applied any sanction against the Customer (the "Grace Period'). Any delay(s) subsequent to the Grace Period shall be treated as follows: (a) if the delay is between 4 (four) and 16 (sixteen) weeks from the Confirmed Delivery Date, the Seller reserves the right to apply a delay liquidated damage equal to 0.5% (zero point five per cent) of the overall amount of the Purchase Order for each week of postponement of the delivery (except for the Grace Period); (b) if the delay is equal to 16 (sixteen) weeks from the Confirmed Delivery Date, the Seller reserves the right to (i) deliver Goods to the warehouse communicated by the Customer and invoice the relevant cost or (ii) cancel the Purchase Order and retain the down payment. In case no down -payment has been paid by the Customer, the latter shall pay an amount equal to 20% (twenty per cent) of overall amount of the Purchase Order as cancellation fee, with no right to claim for damages. Should a new price list be announced between the Order Confirmation and the delivery date, the new price list shall be applied only after 6 (six) months for delivery in Europe and 8 (eight) months for delivery overseas running from the date of the Order Confirmation. S. FORCE MAIEURE EVENT The Seller shall not be liable for any failure to meet its obligations, including delays in the delivery, beyond its reasonable control including, but not limited to: government embargoes or any other government acts that interfere with performance, seizure or freeze of assets, delays or refusal to grant an export license or the suspension or revocation thereof, wars, natural disasters, lockouts, shortages of raw materials or Proposal: Q-00360994 www.technogym.com 56 10/19 Customer Code: AC-366319 ECH 2UyM The Wellness Company electricity, mechanical breakdowns, interruption of rail services, shortages of road or rail transport vehicles and other disturbances in the company's operations, non-fulfilments by third parties of their obligations, strikes, public policy measures, epidemic and/or pandemic . The due date of any performance affected by such an event will be extended by the period of time the Seller is actually delayed and shall not give rise to compensation for damages or to termination, even partial, of the agreement. If the inability to perform continues for more than ninety (90) calendar days, either party may terminate the agreement and cancel the relevant Purchase Order by providing written notice to the other party. 9. LIMITED WARRANTY The warranty of the Seller is limited to the replacement or repair, at the Seller's sole discretion, of the parts of the Goods that may be affected by original defects, either physical or related to the manufacture, and the Customer, for this reason, waives any claim for the termination of the agreement or for a price reduction. The Goods are covered by a warranty of 12 (twelve) months from the Confirmed Delivery Date and by a further conventional warranty period of additional 12 (twelve) months (i.e. second year starting from the Confirmed Delivery Date), during which calls for assistance by Customer will be charged for a fixed fee including labour and travel costs, being the spare parts free of charge, with the sole exception of the parts subject to wear and tear (such as - but not limited to - treadmill rubber and tapes). The Seller will not be liable under this warranty if Goods have been exposed or subjected to any: (i) installation by unauthorized third parties, (ii) positioning of the Goods in outdoor locations or in humid areas, (iii) refusal of returning Goods and/or spare parts of the components of the replaced Goods, and (iv) defects, damages and flews deriving from improper usage and/or maintenance and/or not in compliance with the instructions given in the handbook or installation guide or any other instructions delivered to the Customer with Goods and including the instructions for the right use and maintenance. This provision applies also in case of installation of the Goods executed by the Customer itself, or by third parties not previously authorized by the Seller. Any intervention performed under the warranty shall be performed by the Seller only within the United States territory and shall be limited to the restoration of the functioning of the Goods including the replacement, free of charge, of any defective parts of the Goods, unless the Seller, at its own discretion, deems more appropriate the integral replacement of the Good. In any case, the Seller represents and warrants that it will perform the interventions under the warranty for Goods located outside the territory of United States charging the related costs (including shipping charges, duties, taxes and any other charge) to the Customer, with an advanced reimbursement obligation on the Customer. The Seller represents and warrants the conformity of the Goods to any mandatory security standard provided for by any applicable law and regulation in force in the United States. The handbook related to the instructions for the use and installation of the Goods may be supplied by the Seller on any electronic or computer device; in such case, the Customer may also request, free of charge, a paper copy of the above -mentioned handbook, by sending a written request to the Seller's Customer Service. With regard to the TechnogymT" Refurbished Goods sub Article 2 (ii), the Seller furthermore represents that they comply with the laws in force in the year of manufacture of such Goods, regardless of the date of re -introduction in the market as a used product. The warranty for the TechnogymT" Refurbished Goods is 18 (eighteen) months starting from the Confirmed Delivery Date, being understood that starting from the thirteenth month, any travel and labour costs will be borne by the Customer and the assistance calls will be charged for a fixed call fee. The Seller, moreover, declares that the "Home" and "Consumer" Goods were conceived so as to limit their weight and amount of space, guaranteeing at the same time easy handling and use, so as to make its positioning easier, as well as its use within domestic environments and its management with a non -intense use (the use of the above Goods in hotels, private houses and corporate shall not be considered intense); for these reasons the warranty of such Goods is not valid if they are used within fitness centers, or anyway used for a professional purpose. In case of failure of payment by the Customer of the price of the Goods, the Seller may refuse the performance f the conventional warranties, the performance of which has been requested by the Customer, and in such cases, the supply of any spare parts may take place only upon full advance payment by the Customer ea'n of cash on delNery. Should the Customer require an intervention which is later found not to be justified by a real functioning issue a Goods, or anyway by a problem which is not caused by the Seller, the Seller shall have the right to charge the Customer with the costs of the call, even if the Good is covered by the warranty. With regard to spare parts which are produced by the Seller, the warranty given by the Seller is validtr 12 (twelve) months from the Confirmed Delivery Date. With regard to spare parts produced by third parties, and only commercialized by the Seller, the warranty shall be given by the manufacturer itself of such Goods and it shall be the one ided and described in the documents associated with such Goods. 10. COMPLAINTS. LIMITATION PERIOD AND PROHIBITION OF COMPENSATION Any claim for defects, failures, flews of the Goods shall be communicated within 8 (eight) calendar days from the delivery of the Goods, subject to the limitation period, by registered letter with return receipt and/or communication to be sent by certified e-mail to the address:(technogym.amministrazione@legalmail.it). The existence of pending claim cannot justify any delay or suspension, in full or partially, of any due payment. The Customer shall not be entitled to make a claim to the Seller for the compensatio f whatsoever credit that it may have towards the Seller. 11. PRICE AND PAYMENTS TERMS The price of the Goods is the one indicated in the Order Confirmation ("Price'). The Price shall be paid by the Customer according to the following payment terms: (i) down ent equal to 20% (twenty per cent) of the Price upon confirmation of the Purchase Order; (ii) the remaining part of the Price by the Confirmed Delivery Date of the Goods, regardless of the of the date of install f the Goods at the premises indicated by the Customer, including the case provided for in Article 6 above. In case of non -fulfilment of its obligations by the Customer, the Sell ins the n payment as a sation for damages. Should the down payment not be made by the Customer, the Seller shall have the right to consider the Purchase Order as null and void. All the payments must be made without set-off, count laim, withholding or other deduction. All payments shall be made by the Customer only by bank transfer to the following bank: Bank data Bank Routing Number: 021000021 Account Number: 593828616 AcCount Name: Techrlogym USA Corp SWIFT Cade. CHASUS.33 le% Cenml Bank RPferenc . Addross, ]pFAnrnan Cham New Ynrk- NY 10017 In order to avoid any attempt of frau parties, in no case will the Customer be requested to pay the Price to a bank account other than those indicated above. In the light of the foregoing, the Customer who makes payment through a bank acc r than those indicated above shall not be released from payment of the Price to the Seller. In case of delay of payment or non -fulfilment ayment of even one instalment of the price, interests of delay shall apply, in the Euribor rate of three months/365, increased of 6 (six per cent) percentage points, or the highest interest rate applicable ac to law, without prejudice to any greater damage that may be suffered by the Seller. The Seller, in such case, shall have the right to accelerate all the remaining payments scheduled and declare the tot nding balance then due and owing and/or terminate the agreement within the limits provided by law, without prejudice for the compensation of any further damage. The Goods may be equipped with a software allowing the Sftr to prevent tW usage in case of delayed or failed payment of the price by the Customer, so as to safeguard the retention of title provided by Article 5. In case of payment of the Price through instalments paid by credit card, t ough payment networks and methods expressly authorised by the Seller, the Customer shall, as an essential condition, fill in and sign a specific form which shall be made available by the Seller. In case of failure to do so, the Seller shall consider the Purchase Order as ineffective. The failure of the Customer to pay the Price (even only one instalment), or the failure to pay the part of the Price due after the delivery of the Goods, shall allow the Seller to prevent the use of the Goods through the activation of the software or to request the immediate return of the Goods and/or to suspend the performance of services until the receipt of the payment due (including interests for the delay and the expenses incurred by the Seller for the recovery of the credit). No claim for compensation based on the assumption of the impossibility to use the Goods due to the interruption of the use and/or suspension of the supply of the services may be carried out by the Customer. In case of financial leasing, the Purchase Order of the financial leasing company shall be sent to the Seller at least 15 (fifteen) days before the expected date for the delivery of the Goods, together with all the documents related to the financial leasing agreement. Should such documentation be sent to the Seller after the above -mentioned term, the Confirmed Delivery Date may be postponed as a consequence. In case of failure to present the documentation due for the payment by means of the financial leasing, the Seller shall have the right to consider the order as ineffective or claim the performance of the agreement by the final Customer. 12. PROHIBITION OF PURCHASE ORDER ASSIGNEMNT. PRIOR AUTHORIZATION IN CASE OF SUBCONTRACT The Customer shall not transfer or assign, in whole or in part, the Purchase Order without the prior written consent of the Seller; in case of breach of such obligation by the Customer, the Seller shall have the right to terminate the agreement, without prejudice to the compensation of any further damage that may be suffered by the Seller. 13. TRADEMARKS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY The Customer acknowledges that the Seller and/or its Affiliates, is the owner of the Trademarks. Therefore, the Customer shall not reproduce or use in any way the Trademarks and other distinctive signs on the Goods, without the prior written consent of Seller or the holder of the related intellectual property rights. The Customer shall not remove, cancel or alter the Trademarks and/or whatsoever label or logo on the Goods, as well as not put on the Goods whatsoever new brand, label or distinctive sign. Any violation of its own intellectual property rights will be prosecuted by the Seller. In case the Customer exposes or gives visibility to the Goods, the Customer undertakes to show an image of the Goods and the Trademarks consistent with the marketing strategy of the Seller and shall refrain from sharing news and information which may cause damages to the Seller's reputation. Any intellectual property rights on the Goods (and future modifications and variations made on Goods) are and shall vest only in Technogym or its licensors. Proposal: Q-00360994 www.technogym.com 57 11/19 Customer Code: AC-366319 ECHNoGyM The Wellness Company Certain Goods may include software; with respect to any such software the Seller grant to the final end -user a non-exclusive, non -transferable limited license, without the right to sub license. The Customer may not directly or indirectly make any efforts to deconstruct the software provided, included but not limited to translating, disassembling, reverse engineering or performing any other operation to obtain any portion of its content. 14. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INFRINGMENT INDEMNIFICATION Technogym will have no obligation or liability with respect to: (i) Goods used other than for their ordinary purposes, (ii9 claims of infringements resulting from combining any Goods furnished by the Seller with any article not furnished by Technogym, or (iii) any modification of the Goods other than a modification by the Seller. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Customer shall indemnify and hold Technogym harmless from any claim, loss, damage, suit, liability, fees or expenses (reasonable attorney's fees) which may be suffered by Technogym on account of (i) the modified Goods which become infringing as a consequence of Customer's modification, (ii) the use of the Goods in infringing combination or systems and (iii) the use of Goods in association with third parties' trademarks or distinctive signs. 15. PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA According to the applicable laws in terms of personal data processing, the Seller informs the Purchaser that any personal data will be processed according to the Technogym privacy policy available as a link in the footer of the Technogym website at WWW.technogym.com 16. HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK The Customer undertakes to take any measure necessary to grant the Goods' safety and to prevent any risk to health and physical integrity, when they are used, installed, cleaned or during a maintenance work. The Customer undertakes to give the Seller any measure and information regarding any risk in order to guarantee that the installation of the Goods is in compliance with the applicable health and safety at work laws and regulations, with reference to the areas of work used by the Customer to carry out the installation services, (ii) and is safe and not generating risks for the health of the personnel involved in the installation process. For this purpose, the Customer shall hold the Seller harmless from any responsibility, regarding damages to things or people, which might take place in connection with the installation process, unless in case of wilful misconduct or gross negligence of the Seller or of its subcontractors. The Customer undertakes to enter instce policies to cover the risks of civil liability in relation to any accident that may happen to the Seller's employees or to its subcontractors' employees during the performance of the installation of the Goods. 17. RIGHT TO ACCESS The Customer shall guarantee the Seller and/or its subcontractors, free and timely access to the premises and/or sites where the installation services must be performed. In case of failure by the Customer to grant the access or in case of delays, caused or attributable to the Seller, the Customer shall pay the price of any unperformed activity and any other costs and expenses incurred by the Seller in connection with the non- performance of the services, without prejudice to the compensation of any further damage that may be suffered by the Seller. 18. TRACEABILITY. RECALL OF THE GOODS In case the Customer re -sells the Goods to third parties, the Customer itself shall guarantee the full traceability of such Goods and, s e Goods be recalled, either mandatory or voluntary, due to serial defects, the Customer shall fully collaborate with the Seller, and comply with any other decision or action that the Seller may take. 19. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY EXCEPT AS PROVIDED BY LAW AND IN CASE OF WILFUL MISCONDUCT OR GROSS NEGLIGENCE, N NO EVENT TECHNOGYM SHALL BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER OR THIRD PARTIES FOR ANY LOSS OF USE, REVENUES OR PROFIT, LOSS OF ANY PERSONAL DATA OR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES WHETHER ARISING OUT OF BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) OR OTHERWISE, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH DAMAGES WERE FORESEEABLE OR NOT AND WHETHER OR NOT TECHNOGYM HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND NOTWITHSTANDING THE FAILURE OF ANY AGREED OR OTHER REMEDY OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL TECHNOGYM AGRREGATE LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE AGREEMENT, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) OR OTHERWISE, EXCEED THE TOTAL OF THE AMOUNT PAID TO TECHNOGYM FOR THE GOODS SOLD HEREUNDER WHICH ORIGINATED THE CLAIM OR DAMAGE. TECHNOGYM SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR WHATSOEVER DAMAGE TO PROPERTY AND/OR PERSONS ARISING OR DERIVING FROM THE USE OF THE GOODS NOT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS SPECIFIED IN THE HANDBOOK, AND IN ANY OTHER DOCUMENT OR WARNING ASSOCIATED WITH THE GOODS OR FOR ANY DAMAGE ARISING FROM THE USE OF GOODS NOT FIXED TO THE GROUND (OR ON THE WALL OR ON THE CEILING) IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS IN THE HANDBOOK AND/OR IN ANY OTHER DOCUMENT OR WARNING SUPPLIED TOGETHER WITH THE GOODS, AS WELL AS IN RELATION TO ANY DAMAGE TO PROPERTY AND/OR PERSONS ARISING FROM THE EXECUTION OF DELIVERY, FREIGHT AND/OR INSTALLATION ACTIVITIES AND/OR THE EXECUTION OF ANY OTHER SERVICE DESCRIBED IN THE PURCHASE ORDER AND PERFORMED BY SUBCONTRACTORS OF THE SELLER. TECHNOGVYM SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE ARISING FROM THE USE OF THE GOODS BY PEOPLE IN NO GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; BEING AN OBLIGATION OF THE USER TO OF THE GOODS TO VERIFY IN ADVANCE THE COMPATIBILITY BETWEEN HIS/HER HEALTH STATUS AND THE USE OF THE GOODS. THE SELLER SHALL EXPRESSLY INVITE ANY USER OF THE GOODS CAREFULLY READ THE HANDBOOK BEFC*USING THE GOODS AND TO COMPLY WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS AND SAFETY RULES DESCRIBED IN THE HANDBOOK. THE PERSONAL TRAINING SERVICES SHALL BE PRO�NLY WITH REGARD TO THE PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS INDICATED FROM TIME TO TIME BY THE FINAL USERS OF SUCH SERVICES; THEREFORE, THE CUSTOMER UNDERTAKE USE THAT THE FINAL USERS OF THE PERSONAL TRAINING SERVICES PROVIDE IN ADVANCE A MEDICAL CERTIFICATE ASSESSING THEIR GOOD HEALTH STATUS VALID FOR THE CURRENT YEAR AND SHALL HOLD HARMLESS TECHNOGYM FROM ANY KIND OF LIABILITY RELATED TO THEIR HEALTH STATUS. TECHNOGYM MAY SUSPEND THE SUPPLY OF PERSONAL TRAINING SERVICES IN THE EVENT THAT THE FINAL USERS OF THE PERSONAL TRAINING SERVICES IS IN NO GOOD HEALTH CONDITION OR HAVE NOT NOTIFIED ANY CHANGES IN THEIR HEALTH STATUS. TECHNOGYM DOES NOT CARRY OUT MEDICAL ACTIVITY AND THEREFORE SHALL HAVE NO LAth IN RELATION TO THE VERIFICATION OF THE HEALTH STATUS OF THE ABOVE -MENTIONED INDIVIDUALS. - 20. APPLICABLE LAW. EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION These Condition of Sale, as well as the contracts entered into between the Seller and the Cu rchase Order, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of New York, exclusive of any conflict of law provisions. The Parties expressly exclude the application of the United Nations Convention on contracts for the international sale of goods (1980). Any dispute arising between the Seller and the Customer, either referred to these Condition of Sale or to any other contract the Parties may have executed, Any dispute, disagreement or controversy between the parties arising out or relating to this Agreement shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of State of New York, and of the United States District Court of New York. However, the Seller retains the right to sue the Customer before the courts of the Customer's place of business. 21. INTEGRITY / CONVERSION OF NULL PROVISIONS In the event that any provisions of this Conditions 9f Sale are deemed null and void or inapplicable, the validity of the remaining provisions of this Conditions of Sale will not in any way be affected. Provisions found to be invalid or ineffective will be amended to comply with applicable law to the fullest extent permitted by law. Acceptance: Customer's name (please print) Customer Signer: Name & Role I understand that my signature above constitutes acceptance of the terms and Signature for acceptance conditions of sale. Date Proposal: Q-00360994 www.technogym.com 58 12/19 Customer Code: AC-366319 ECH 2UyM The Wellness Company MASTER SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT This Master Subscription Agreement (or "MSA' constitutes the general terms and conditions which regulate the relationship between the Customer identified in the Purchase Order and TECHNOGYM USA CORP., incorporated in Washington State, company number U.B. ID. no. 602 021 910 whose registered office is 700 US Highway 46 East, Fairfield NJ 07004 (the "Company") for the supply of the Services and Additional Services for the Customer own business purposes as hereunder defined. 1. DESCRIPTION AND METHOD OF SUPPLYING THE SERVICE. 1.1. Any reference to "Service" hereunder shall mean any of the online, web -based and/or mobile applications (the "Applications') as described at docs.mywellness.com/msa/servicedescription.i)df (the "Service Description's which are acquired by the Customer from the Company under the applicable Purchase Order (defined below) and which are provided by Technogym S.p.A., a company construed and existing under the laws of Italy, with registered offices at via Calcinaro n. 2861, 47522 Cesena (FC), Italy ("Technogym', mainly via the website pro.mywellness.com and/or other designated websites or sources, including specific mobile applications, but excluding third party applications, meaning those online, web -based and/or mobile applications and ofFline software products that are provided by third parties and that interoperate with the Service (the "Third Party Applications"). Any reference to "Additional Services" shall mean the education, configuration and after sales support services detailed at the following section/s docs.mywellness.com/msa/mwcloudtechnicalsupportservices.pdf, which are provided directly by the Company to the Customer. 1.2. The Company undertakes to procure the supply of the Services and to supply Additional Services to the Customer subject to this MSA, eventually the MyWellness App Customization - Terms & Conditions and any applicable Purchase Order. 1.3. The "MyWellness App Customization — Terms&Conditions" means the dedicated contractual terms and conditions, which is a separate contractual document related to the customization of the Technogym® white -label MyWellness® App with: (a) a dedicated look&feel and logo; (b) a dedicated area to display specific Customer Content and (c) the publication of the customized MyWellness® App (the "Custom App") on the Apple Store and Google Play platforms. 1.4. The "Purchase Order" means the purchase order documents for purchases hereunder. This MSA shall be deemed incorporated in the Purchase Orders signed by the Customer and acknowledged in writing by the Company with a written order confirmation. 1.5. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Services and Additional Services will be provided according to this MSA, the MyWellness App Customization— Terms&Conditions and any relevant Purchase Order as accepted by the Company, and that its purchases hereunder are neither contingent on the delivery of any future functionality or features nor dependent on any oral or written public comments made available by the Company regarding future functionality or features. This MSA, the (eventual) MyWellness App Customization—Terms&Conditions and the Purchase Order are jointly defined as the "Agreement". 1.6. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, the Company shall grant to the Customer a non-exclusive, non -transferable right to permit the Users (as defined in Clause 1.7) to use the Service during the Subscription Term (defined in Clause 7.2 hereof) solely for the purposes of the Customer's business. 1.7. The Company will procure that the Services are made available to the Customer and its Users being those persons who are authorized by the Customer to use the Service (the "Users'). Users include, without limitation, the leads, prospects, customers, employees, consultants and agents of the Customer, as well as those third parties with whom the Customer has trade relations. Specifically, Users are organized in two different catego Staff and Contacts. "Staff Users" are those individuals using the Service for professional purposes, whereas the "Contacts" are individuals registered in a Site to receive service as consumers. Contacts are organized in different sub- categories such as Members, ex -Members, Leads and Prospects. A "Member" means an individual registered in a Site who has an active subscription which enables him/her/they to receive a service or another benefit from the Customer; an "Ex -Member" means an individual registered in a Site -whose subscription to receive a service or another benefit from the Customer has expired; a "Prospect" means an individual registered in a Site who received a service offering by the Customer without being a Member or an ex -Member, and a "Lead" means an individual registered in a Site who simply got in touch with the Customer. 1.8. The Service configuration (which is the activation of the Bundle which the Customer wants to activate) is made per site, which means a specified facility or fitness center owned or managed by the Customer as shall be identified in the Purchase Order ("Site" or "Customer Site"). A Site, either physical or virtual, is intended to host no more than 30,000 Members. A Site with more than 30,000 Members will be subject to dedicated contract terms and conditions. 1.9. The Service includes automatic updates to promote better security and compliance, and to streamline the update experience overall. 1.10. Any Technogym(g) Internet connected fitness equipment installed in a Site includes the Connected Equipment Pack (the "CEP') Application which use is subject to the terms and conditions of this MSA. Technogym reserves the right to remove the Connected Equipment Pack features at any time with a prior 90 days' notice giving the Customer the opportunity to upgrade the subscription to the Service. � 1.11. In specific circumstances, Technogym may offer you access to Applications or pre-release`�ervices or functionalities identified as "beta". Access to beta Applications or functionalities is granted for free. Nonetheless, when granting you access to such beta Applications or functionalities, Technogym may ask you to take appropriate actions for maximizing their usage and to report any data, information, comments, etc. to the Company and/or to Technogym. Moreover, as reasonably requested by Technogym, the Customer accessing to beta Applications or functionalities may be asked to provide reasonable feedback concerning such features and functionalities. All such feedback will be the sole and exclusive property of Technogy�hen using the beta Applications or functionalities, Customer understands that these Applications or functionalities are still in development, may contain bugs or err* be feature incomplete, may materially change prior to a full commercial launch, or may never be released commercially. Technogym provides beta ApplicatiorIPAS IS, and without warranty of any kind, and Customer's use of, or reliance on beta services is at its own risk. 1.12. The Company, su "ect to notifying the Customer in advance, reserves the right at any time to procure the change of the technical method used to supply the Services, provided that i ivalent to or improves the.characteristics and level of service which is described in the Service Description. 1.13. The Customer ack es and accepts that the reports rendered by the Service constitute proof in full of the actions carried out by the parties with reference to the supply of the Service.\or ed in the Service will determine the number of Members, Active Users and/or possible Subscription Fee's adjustments and/or Service Warranty reimbursemen 1.14. The Company may pronsion of the Service and may suspend the Additional Services, in whole or in part: a. without notice, in the event of bhe network and any apparatus caused by Force Majeure or in case of any events over which the Company has no control; b. in the case of scheduled maintecations, to be notified to the Customer on 48-hours prior notice of the scheduled operation; c. with notice if reasonably possible and depending on the circumstances, or without notice if it is not reasonably possible to proceed otherwise, in the event of extraordinary maintenance that is rendered necessary and urgent in order to maintain the agreed levels of service. 2. CUSTOMER USE OF THE SERVICE. 2.1 Customer is granted the use of the Service only according to the Service Description. 2.2 Customer Accounts. Except to the extent caused by Technogym's and/or Company's breach of this MSA, (a) Customer is responsible for all activities that occur under the Customer account, regardless of whether the activities are authorized by the Customer or undertaken by it, its employees or a third party (including the Customer's contractors, agents or Users), and (b) Technogym, the Company and/or their affiliates are not responsible for unauthorized access to Customer account/s. 2.3 Usernames and Passwords. Customer will ensure that it has appropriate security policies, including data archiving, in place and Customer is responsible for the distribution, ongoing management, maintenance, security and proper use of all valid usernames, user IDs and passwords used in connection with the Services. The Customer must keep in an appropriate manner and maintain confidential all identifying codes, keywords and any other confidential information relating to the provision of the Service and must immediately inform the Company regarding any use, even if only suspected, that may violate the security rules of the Service and/or may cause damage, including the loss of data, theft or the unauthorized disclosure of confidential information. 2.4 The Customer (i) shall use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized access to or use of the Service, and notify the Company promptly of any such unauthorized access or use, (ii) shall use the Service only in accordance with the Service Description and shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations, with respect to its activities under the Agreement (iii) shall be responsible for Users' compliance with the Agreement and Service Description and (iv) shall not (a) make the Service available to any third party other than Users, (b) sell, resell, rent or lease the Service, (c) use the Service to store or transmit infringing, libelous, or otherwise defamatory or tortuous material, including material that is harmful to children or violates third party privacy or other rights, (d) record, consult, transmit or render available any content, material or anything else that constitutes or encourages the committing of any crimes, the violation of any patents, trademarks, design rights, copyright or any other right to industrial or intellectual property or any similar right that might be recognized by the laws of any applicable jurisdiction; (e) use the Proposal: Q-00360994 www.technogym.com 59 13/19 Customer Code: AC-366319 ECH 2LiyM The wellness Company Service to store or transmit malicious code (malicious code being any viruses, worms, time bombs, Trojan horses and other harmful or malicious code, files, scripts, agents or programs), (f) interfere with or disrupt the integrity or performance of the Service or third -party data contained therein, (g) send spam or otherwise duplicative or unsolicited messages in violation of applicable laws or (h) attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Service or their related systems or networks. 3. CUSTOMER CONTENT. 3.1 When uploading or creating content into the Service (the "Customer Content', Customer represents and warrants that (i) it owns all rights in and to the Content, or, if the Content is subject to third party proprietary rights, including, for example, materials protected by copyright, trademark, patent or trade secret law or other proprietary rights laws, it has all necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions to use and display the Customer Content, including permission from all person(s) appearing in the Customer Content; (ii) it is legally entitled to post the Customer Content, and (iv) the Customer Content is not libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, abusive, indecent, threatening, harassing, hateful, or offensive and the Company's use of Customer Content as described herein will not violate any other law. Customer hereby releases, discharges and agrees to hold the Company, Technogym, and any person acting on their behalf, harmless from any liability related in any way to the use of the Customer Content. 3.2 Customer will ensure that Customer Content and Customer's and/or Users' use of Customer Content or the Service will not violate any applicable policies or any law. Customer is solely responsible for the development, content, operation, maintenance, and use of Customer Content. 3.3 Any Customer Content howsoever added or used in connection with the Service that is considered inappropriate may be removed by the Company without notice. The Company may, on the basis of a legitimate order to do so, make the Customer Content available to any competent authorities. 4. DATA PROCESSING. 4.1 "Customer Data" means all Customer Content, electronic data or information available via the Service as inputted by the Customer and/or by the Users or collected via the Service in any manner whatsoever. "Personal Data" means those of the Customer Data that fall within the definition of "personal data" under the European Union Regulation 2016/679 ("GDPR") and processed by Technogym and/or the Company for the provision to the Customer of the Services and/or the Additional Services respectively. The terms 'controller', 'data subjects', 'personal data', 'processor' and 'process' shall have the meaning given to them by the GDPR. 4.2 Customer shall be the data controller with respect to the processing of Personal Data when using the Service under the Agreement. The Service will allow collection of Personal Data only when a facility director - being the person identified by the Customer, as the administrator of the Service - is registered in the pro.mywellness.com (the "Facility Director'. 4.3 Technogym will process Personal Data on the Customer's behalf as data processor, Mccordance with the Data Processing Agreement. The Data Processing Agreement is available at the link mentioned in the Purchase Order and forms an integral and substantial part of this Agreement. 4.4 The Company may process Personal Data on the Customer's behalf as data processor, limited to the performance of Additional Services, and in accordance with the following: 4.4.1 Personal Data will not be transferred by the Company outside the country where the Site is located, without prejudice to what indicated in the data processing agreement executed between Service Supplier and Customer; 4.4.2 The Company will only process Personal Data on documented instructions fron*Customer and will not process any such Personal Data for any purpose except to carry out Additional Services. IN 4.4.3 The Company will implement appropriate technical and organizational security measures (including conilEbntiality obligations applicable to its personnel) to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risks that are presented by the processing of Personal Data. In case of a personal data breach which may affect Personal Data, the Company will notify the Customer without undue delay after becoming aware of it. 4.4.4 The Company will use commercially reasonable efforts to: (1) assist the Customer in ensuring compliance with its obligation to respond to requests for exercising data subject's rights under applicable data protection laws; and (2) make available all information necessary to demonstrate compliance with applicable data protection laws. 4.4.5 The Company will, at Customer's request, delete or return all Personal Data after termina f the Agreement unless otherwise provided by law. 4.4.6 The Company will not sub -contract the obligations arising from the provision of o ional Services to other third parties as sub -processors, unless authorized in writing by the 4stomer. 4.5 The Customer shall (i) be solely responsible for the accuracy, quality, integrity and legality of Personal Data and of the means by which it acquired Personal Data and shall ensure that all instructions given by it to the Company in respect of the Personal Data will be in compliance with applicable data protection legislation and (ii) use the Service only in accordance with the applicable data protection laws. 4.6 Service Improvements. Technogym may monitor and aggregate data and information related to the performance, operation and use of the Services to create statistical analyses, to perform benchmarking, to perform research and development and to perform other similar activities ("Service Improvements'). Technogym will not incorporate Customer Data in Service Improvements in a form that could identify the Customer or Users and Technogym will use industry standard techniques to anonymize Customer Data prior to performing Service Improvements. Technogym retains all intellectual property rights in Service Improvements and may make them publicly available. \ S. AUDITS AND CERTIFI ONS. 5.1 Upon Customer's re nd subject to the confidentiality obligations set forth in the Agreement, the Company shall make available to Customer that is not a competitor of Technogy stomer's independent, third -party auditor that is not a competitor of Technogym) the Technogym's ISO 27001 certification. 5.2 Customer may contact the y in accordance with the Section 18.2 ("Notices' to request an on-line audit of the architecture, systems and procedures subject to confidentiality obligations unde licable Non -Disclosure Agreement. 5.3 Customer shall reimburse Techno d/or the Company for any time expended by them or their third -party sub -processors for any such audit at Technogym's then - current professional services rates, shall be made available to Customer upon request. Before the commencement of any such audit, Customer and Technogym shall mutually agree upon the scope, ti ing, and duration of the audit in addition to the reimbursement rate for which Customer shall be responsible. All reimbursement rates shall be reasonable, taking into account the resources expended by Technogym, or its third -party sub -processors. Customer shall promptly notify Technogym and/or the Company with information regarding any non-compliance discovered during the course of an audit which shall be considered Technogym Confidential Information. 6. SERVICE FEES AND PAYMENT. 6.1 Service Fees. In consideration of the provision of the Services (with the exception of the Connected Equipment Pack, as referenced hereinafter or beta Applications referenced under section 1.9) and of the Additional Services hereunder, the Customer shall pay to the Company the Service Fees as determined in the Purchase Order (the "Service Fees"). 6.2 Service Fees are typically based on the Bundle and Size selected in the Purchase Order for a Site, and not on actual usage. The "Bundle" is intended as a pre -defined package of Applications and the Customer may subscribe to Applications in addition which are not included in the Bundle (the "Add-on/s'�. The Add-on/s which are purchased during the Subscription Term will be co -terminus with the Bundle's Subscription Term. The "Size of a Bundle" or "Size" is determined by the number of Contacts registered in a Site. 6.3 The Service Fees for certain other Applications may be based (i) on the number of connected equipment or (ii) on Active Users, an "Active User" being a User who accessed the Customer Content at least once in a month. 6.4 In the event Service Fees are based on the Size, at the end of the billing period, if the number of Contacts exceeds the maximum permitted by the Size, the Company reserves the right to invoice the Customer for the difference on the Service Fees for the Size corresponding to the actual number of Contacts calculated from the date of when the number of Contacts exceed the Size until the end of the upcoming billing period. From that date onwards the higher Size applies until the end of the Subscription Term. Proposal: Q-00360994 www.technogym.com 60 14/19 Customer Code: AC-366319 ECH 2UyM The wellness Company 6.5 For Applications based on Active Users, the Company will send to the Customer a report with the number of Active Users at the end of each month along with the related invoice which shall be paid as detailed in the Purchase Order. 6.6 Payment obligations may not be cancelled and paid Service Fees are not refundable. 6.7 Service Fees remain unchanged for the Subscription Term (as hereinafter defined under Section 7.2). At the expiry date of the Subscription Term, Service Fees will be applied based on the price list applicable to the referenced Application/s at the renewal date. 6.8 Service Fees will be invoiced according to the payment method and scheduling set forth under the relevant Purchase Order. 6.9 Unless otherwise stated, Service Fees do not include any taxes, duties or any other governmental imposition of any other nature, including but not limited to any value added taxes, sales and use, withholding, determined or determinable by the local, state, provincial, federal or foreign jurisdiction (collectively the "Taxes"). The Customer is responsible for paying the Taxes associated with purchases made under the Agreement. If the Company has a legal obligation to pay or collect Taxes for which the Customer is liable pursuant to this paragraph, the relative amounts will be billed and paid by the Customer, unless the Customer provides the Company a valid certificate of exemption issued by the competent tax authority. 6.10 Service Fees not paid when due are subject to the lesser of (a) seven percent (7%) per annum finance charge or (b) the maximum late payment penalty amount determined by law. 6.11 If the Customer has not paid any amount at the due date, the Company shall have the right to suspend the Services and/or Additional Services, without prejudice to the Company's right to charge default interest as described in Clause 6.5 and without prejudice to any other rights or remedies laid down by the law or the Agreement. In the event of reactivation of the Services and/or the Additional Services (i.e. at the Company's discretion and subject to payment in full of all outstanding amounts), the Company may charge the Customer a fee equal to 10% of the outstanding amount that was due, which the parties hereby agree represents liquidated damages that are a reasonable estimate of the Company's losses and costs in the event of the suspension andlctivation of the Services and/or the Additional Services. 7. DURATION. EFFECTS OF THE EXPIRY OF THE SUBSCRIPTION TERM. 7.1 The Agreement comes into force with effect from the date the Customer receives from the Company the written order confirmation of the Purchase Order and — with the only exception under Section 7.3 - continues until any relevant Subscription Term has expired or been terminated. 7.2 "Subscription Term" means a minimum term of 12 months or any multiple of 12 months which is stated in the Purchase Order and which starts at the date identified in the Purchase Order for the activation of the Services and that renews automatically for additional subsequent periods of 12 months, unless either party gives the other notice in writing of non -renewal at least ninety (90) days before the end of Subscription Term or any anniversary thereof. 7.3 Upon expiry of the Subscription Term, the Service will be reduced to the Connected Equipment Pack Application. As a consequence, sections 1.13, 1.14, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, Error! Reference source not found., 16.4, 18 will continue di apply until the Customer sends a notice of withdrawal to technicalsupport(cbtechnogym.com with a prior notice of 60 days. Upon withdrawal as per this section 7.3, section 9 will apply. 8. TERMINATION FOR CAUSE. 8.1 Termination for Cause. Either Party may terminate the Agreement for cause (i) if the other party mmits a material breach of the Agreement and (if such breach is remediable) fails to remedy that breach within 30 days after receipt of notice in writing of the br h; or (ii) if the other party suspends or threatens to suspend payment of its debts or is unable to pay its debts as they fall due or (being an individual) is declared bankrupt or (being a company) is subject to administration, liquidation, receivership or a proposal for voluntary arrangement or any other form of composition or arrangement with its creditors whether in whole or in part, in so far as it is permitted by applicable law. 8.2 If the Customer has not paid any amount at the due date and has not recovered the default within a term of thirty (30) days as of the payment due date, the Company shall have the right to terminate the Agreement without prejudice to the Company's right to bill in its entirety the whole amount which would had been invoiced until the end of the Subscription Term and charge default interests as described above and without prejudice to any other rights or measure laid down by the law or the Agreement. 8.3 In addition to any other provision in this MSA or in a Purchase Order hereto providing for the right of termination of the Agreement by the Company, in the event of the breach of any one of the obligations assumed by the Customer or its Users under the following clauses in the Agreement: 2, 3, 4, Error! Reference source not found., 6, 11, Error! Reference source not found., 18 the Company shall have the right to terminate the Agreement immediately subject to sending a written communication by recorded delivery leNri ommercial courier to the Customer at its registered office (if a company) or (in any other case) its principal place of business and both, and each of, the Co Technogym shall be entitled to be kept harmless and indemnified by the Customer from and against any prejudicial consequence. 8.4 In the event of termination, the Customo receive the Service shall teas ediately. 8.5 The termination of the Agreement shall not affect or prejudice the obligati ns, r or liabilities, of the parties that have accrued up to the date of termination, including the Company's right to receipt of the Service Fees paid and payab�e ustomer which existed at or before the date of termination and, in any case, the Company's right to compensation for damages. 8.6 Refund or Payment ui)on Termination. As an exclusive remedy for the Customer, upon termination for cause by Customer, the Company shall refund Customer pro-rata for any prepaid Ser\otherwise ting to Services and/or Additional Services not already provided at the termination date. Upon any termination for cause by the Company, Customery Service Fees covering the remainder of the Subscription Term. In no event shall any termination relieve the Customer of the obligation to pay any payable to the Company for the period prior to the effective date of termination. 8.7 Return of Customer ice includes a specific tool created to export Customer Data. The export created with this tool may be subject to limitations. Up and until the Service is tustomer may export the Customer Data using the afore -mentioned tool. Upon expiry of the Service, neither the Company nor Technogym shall havi aintain or provide any Customer Data and shall thereafter, unless legally prohibited, delete or make anonymous all Customer Data in their systems in ossession or under their control, unless alternative legal basis for processing exists. 9. EFFECTS OF TERMINATION. 9.1 Notwithstanding the termination of the Agreement, it is acknowledged and agreed that those rights and obligations of the MSA which by their nature are intended to survive such expiration or earlier termination sl}dfl survive including, without limiting the foregoing, Sections 4, 11, 15, Error! Reference source not found., 16.4, 18 for as long as required by the appropriate Section or Clause. 10. MODIFICATIONS. 10.1 The Company may at any time change this MSA subject to sending a prior notice by e-mail to the account of the Facility Director. Provided that the Customer has not withdrawn from the MSA in a term of 30 days as of receipt of the notice of modifications, the new terms and conditions shall be effective as from the thirtieth day after the notice communicated to the Customer. 10.2 In the event the Customer withdraws from the MSA because of the change in the MSA, the conditions of this MSA as they were before the change proposed by the Company will continue to apply until the end of the Subscription Term (excluding any automatic renewal) at which point this MSA will automatically terminate. 11. CONFIDENTIALITY. 11.1 Parties and Exceptions. For purposes of this MSA, the party disclosing Confidential Information is referred to as the "Discloser" and the party receiving Confidential Information is referred to as the "Recipient". "Confidential Information" means proprietary information of Discloser, or third -party proprietary information disclosed to Discloser, that is provided to Recipient. Recipient's obligations to protect Discloser's Confidential Information does not apply to information that: (i) is or becomes, through no act or omission of Recipient, publicly available; (ii) is known by Recipient at the time of receipt, as shown by Recipient's contemporaneous written records; (iii) is subsequently and rightfully provided to Recipient by a third party, without restriction on disclosure; or (iv) is independently developed by Recipient without use of or access to Discloser's Confidential Information. 11.2 Confidentiality. Recipient will safeguard the confidentiality of Discloser's Confidential Information, including at a minimum, the precautions taken by Recipient to protect its own Confidential Information but in any event no less than reasonable precautions. Recipient will: (a) not disclose or use Discloser's Confidential Information Proposal: Q-00360994 www.technogym.com 61 15/19 Customer Code: AC-366319 ECH 2UyM The Wellness Company for any purpose other than as contemplated by, and consistent with, the terms of this Agreement, (b) limit access to Discloser's Confidential Information only to its employees and agents who have a need to know such information and who are bound by written confidentiality obligations at least as protective as the requirements of this MSA, and (c) not sell, transfer, disclose or otherwise make available Discloser's Confidential Information to any third party without the other party's prior written consent. If Recipient is required to disclose Discloser's Confidential Information under the terms of a subpoena, court order, governmental rule or regulation or other judicial requirement, unless legally prohibited from doing so, Recipient will promptly notify Discloser of the existence, terms and circumstances surrounding such a request or requirement so that Discloser may seek an appropriate protective order. If Discloser seeks a protective order, Recipient will reasonably cooperate in such effort at Discloser's expense. Subject to Recipient's compliance with the foregoing notice and cooperation obligations, Recipient will be allowed to make the required disclosure. 11.3 Return of Confidential Information. The Recipient will return any tangible materials containing Confidential Information, and any copies or reproductions thereof, to the Discloser within thirty (30) days after the Discloser's written request. Recipient agrees to undertake whatever action is reasonably necessary to remedy any breach of Recipient's confidentiality obligations or any other unauthorized disclosure or use of the Confidential Information by Recipient, its employees, its agents, or contractors. The Recipient acknowledges that monetary damages may not be a sufficient remedy for unauthorized disclosure of Confidential Information and that the Discloser Party will be entitled, without waiving any other rights or remedies, to such injunctive or equitable relief as may be deemed proper by a court of competent jurisdiction without the necessity of posting any bond. 12. THIRD PARTY APPLICATIONS AND THIRD PARTY PROVIDERS. 12.1 If the Customer installs or enables Third -Party Applications for use integrated with the Applications being part of the Service, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that those providers of Third -Party Applications may be able to access and/or modify the Customer Data when providing services to Customer. For the purposes of this Section 12, "Third -Party Applications" shall mean any online, web -based applications and oj&e software products that are provided by third parties that interoperate with the Service via API. 12.2 The Customer agrees that the Service Supplier may allow providers of those Third -Party Applications to access Customer Data, including Personal Data under the Customer's control, as required for the interoperation of such Third -Party Applications with the Services. This may include pulling and/or writing data within the Service and Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Company and/or Technogym shall not be responsible for any or all disclosure, modification, corruption, loss or deletion of Customer Data resulting from any such access by Third -Party Applications and the Company and Service Supplier make no representation or commitment and shall have no liability or obligation whatsoever in relation to the content or use of or correspondence of any transactions completed with any such third party. 13. SERVICE WARRANTY 13.1 Service Warranty. With the exception of the Connected Equipment Pack — which is not assisted by any warranty - the Company warrants that the Service will be made available with all the active Applications in a certain Site at 99.00% for twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days per week, three hundred sixty-five (365) days per year (the "Cumulative Service Level" or "Overall Service Level"). This consists on eighty-seven (87) hours and thirty-six (36) minutes of unplanned interruption of electricity in 1 year of the Subscription Term in a certain Site. 13.2 If the Overall Service Level falls below 99.00% in a Site during the Subscription Term or in its renewal,, the Company will recognize to the Customer a credit in order to use the Service to be used during the Subscription Term following that in which the interrupting event has occurred, according to the following schedule: 13.2.1 98% - 98.9% Service Availability - one (1) month of free use of the Service * 13.2.2 95% - 97.9% Service Availability - two (2) months of free use of the Service *; 13.2.3 90% - 94.9% Service Availability - six (6) months of free use of the Service * 13.2.4 Less than 90% Service Availability - twelve (12) months of free use of the Service *. 13.3 The value of the Service to be credited will be determined based on the following formula: no. 1 free month of the Service all Service Fees paid by the Customer in a 12 months period for the Site concerned 12 13.4 In order to receive credit for the free Services and Additional Services on the basis of Section 13.2 indicated above, the Customer must give notice in writing to the Company not later than five (5) rking days after the Services has fallen below the guaranteed level that he intends to use the credit for free Service connected with the reported lack for the next Subs ription Term. If the Company does not receive the communication from the Customer as provided in this paragraph, • the Company is no lonWr under any obligation to procure the provision of free Services and Additional Services to the Customer; and • it will be considered that the Customer has waived and released the Company and/or Technogym from any claims relating to the use or non-use of the Service during the Subscription Term. 13.5 The Customer will not be entitled to receive any credit with reference to Section 13.2 in relation to those shortcomings or deficiencies caused by or associated with one of the following circumstances: • Circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Company, including but not limited to, war, insurrection, sabotage, terrorism, armed conflict, embargo, fire, flood, earthquake, Internet viruses, or failure of internet service; • Relev t faults to the telecommunications system or to Internet network outside the Company's control; • Acts ssions of Customer, its employees, its agents, including, without limitation, custom scripting or coding, any negligence, willful act, or use of the Se d/or Additional Services beyond the yApe of the Agreement; and • any other n described under Section 1.14. 13.6 If the Customer becomes a any default relating to the supply of the Service it shall notify the Company by email at tech nicalsurmort(atechnoavm.com immediately and in any event in 2 (two) days thereof, providing full particulars of such default. The Company and/or Technogym shall not be liable to the Customer in relation to any default relating to the supply of the Service which is not notified to the Company by the Customer in accordance with this Section 10.6. 14. DISCLAIMER OF FURTHER WARRANTIES 14.1 With the exception of what expressly provided in this MSA and/or in any relevant Purchase Order, the Service is provided "as is" and with all its faults. No warranty or assurance, express, implied or statutory, is g1W by the Company and/or Technogym with respect to the Service and/or the Additional Services, or any other matter, including, without limitation (and the company expressly disclaims) any warranties of title, merchantability, suitability or fitness for a particular purpose, non - infringement, lack of viruses, negligence or lack of report by the Company and/or Technogym. 14.2 The Company and/or Technogym will not be responsible for suspension, interruption or other failure of the Service and/or the Additional Services caused by another company and/or technical problems caused by the Customers' suppliers. 14.3 With the exception of what expressly provided in this clause 14, the Company and/or Technogym will not be liable to the Customer for any damages caused by the unavailability or non-performance of Services and/or Additional Services/for the loss of opportunities including business/customers/start- up/revenues/incomes/anticipated savings, or indirect or unpredictable losses, or punitive, special or consequential losses. 14.4 The Company and/or Technogym will not be responsible for damages caused to the Customer or to any third party due to the failure in the activation, suspension, interruption, or poor functioning of the Service caused by the Customer's or third parties' actions or due to change or force majeure. For example, the Company and/or Technogym will not be liable for damages caused by the alteration of Services operations carried out by the Customer, or third parties, not authorized by the Company, for the poor functioning, for the total or partial interruption of connections provided by other telecommunications operators, by the Customer's breach of the applicable laws or regulations (including laws and regulations on safety, fire or accidents prevention), by activities and/or government decisions and/or administrative public sector (e.g. delay in the issue of permits and/or authorizations), legislative decree or regulations that prevent the availability of the Service or the suspension or retraction of license, from expiration or bankruptcy of dealers or other operators (including those in the public sector) necessary for the availability of Service. The Customer shall be solely liable for the data processing related to the equipment, hardware that he, she, they use in order to receive the Service and/or Additional Proposal: Q-00360994 www.technogym.com 62 16/19 Customer Code: AC-366319 ECH 2UyM The Wellness Company Services, that must be consistent with and have all the technical specifications and functionalities required by the Service Description. The Company and/or Technogym shall not be liable for any damages related to the Customer's hardware or equipment. 15. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY 15.1 The following provisions set out the entire financial liability of the Company and/or of Technogym (including without limitation any liability for the acts or omissions of its employees, agents and sub -contractors) to the Customer in respect of: 15.1.1 any breach of the Agreement howsoever arising; 15.1.2 any use made by the Customer of the Service and/or Additional Services, the Applications and/or the Third -Party Applications or any part of them; and 15.1.3 any representations, misrepresentations (whether innocent or negligent), statement or tortious act or omission (including without limitation negligence) arising under or in connection with the Agreement. 15.2 All warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common law are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded from the Agreement. 15.3 Nothing in these conditions excludes the liability of the Company: 15.3.1 for death or personal injury caused by the company's negligence; or 15.3.2 for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation. 15.4 Subject to Sections 15.2 and 15.3: 15.4.1 the Company and/or Technogym shall not in any circumstances be liable, whether in tort (including without limitation for negligence or breach of statutory duty howsoever arising), contract, misrepresentation (whether innocent or negligent) or otherwise for: loss of profits; loss of business; depletion of goodwill or similar losses; loss of anticipated savings; loss of use; loss or corruption of data or information; or any special, indirect, consequential or pure economic loss, costs, damages, charges o ses. 15.4.2 The Company's and/or Technogym's total liability in contract, tort (including without n negligence or breach of statutory duty howsoever arising), misrepresentation (whether innocent or negligent), restitution or otherwise, arising in conne the performance or contemplated performance of the Agreement shall be limited to the total amount of the Service Fees payable and paid by the Customer Company for the Subscription Term in which the claim arises. 15.4.3 Company's pricing reflects this allocation of risks and the limitation of liability spe ' d herein. 16. TECHNOGYM CONTENT, TECHNOLOGY AND TRADEMARKS. 16.1 Any right, title, and interest in and to: • The Service (with the inclusion of any lications, database, interfaces, imag s, photographs, drawings, I uts, animations, video, audio, music, text, and applets); • All derivatives, modifications and enhancements thereof (including ownership of all trade secrets, know-how, trademarks, trade names, domain names, anonymized derived data, and copyrights and other intellectual property rights pertaining thereto), with the exception of rights and privileges expressly granted to the Customer by the Company on the basis of this MSA, • The content uploaded and made available by Technogym within the Service (which may include pre-recorded routines, outdoor videos, fitness programs, pre-recorded classes, and any other fitness content) are owned by and shall remain the exclusive property of Technogym or are licensed to Technogym by their legitimate owners, which has liceior sub -licensed the rights to the Company solely for the purpose of performing the MSA. 16.2 The MSA does not give to the Customer title or ownership of the Servic d/or the Applications, the database (excluding Customer Data), or any part thereof, but the Company sub -licensed such rights of limited use as specified in Clause 1 d in the Service Description to the Customer for the purposes envisaged by the MSA. This sub -license automatically terminates on termination of the MSA. 16.3 License Restrictions. Neither Customer nor any User will use the Service in any manner or for any purpose other than as expressly permitted by this MSA. Neither Customer nor any User will, or will attempt to (a) modify, distribut,,e, alter, tamper with, repair, or otherwise create derivative works of any Content included in the Service (except to the extent Content included in the Service is provided to you under a separate license that expressly permits the creation of derivative works), (b) reverse engineer, disassemble, or decompile the Service or apply any other process or procedure to derive the source code of any software included in the Service (except to the extent applicable law doesn't allow this restriction), (c) access or use the Service in a way intended to avoid incurring fees or exceeding usage limits or quotas, or (d) resell or sublicense the Service. Customer will not misrepresent or embellish the relationship between Technogym and Customer (including by expressing or implying that we support, sponsor, endorse, or contribute to Customer's business endeavors). Customer will not imply any relationship or affiliation between Technogym and CusUbLexcept as expressly permitted by this MSA. 16.4 Indemnification. Te m will defend, at its own expense, any claim, suit or proceeding brought against the Customer to the extent it is based upon a claim that unmodified Technogym- ry code used to provide the Service and/or licensed to the Customer pursuant to the MSA infringes upon any third parry's intellectual property rights. The Custom es that it shall promptly notify the Company and Technogym in writing of any such claim or action and give Technogym information and reasonable assistance in co n therewith. Technogym shall have the sole right to control the defense of any such claim or action and the sole right to settle or compromise any such claim or acts hnogym will pay all damages, costs and expenses finally awarded to third parties against the Customer in such action. If the Service is, or in Technogym's opinion be, held to infringe, Technogym may, at its option, replace or modify such portion of the Service or the Service in full so as to avoid infringement, or procure the right for the 'Customer to continue the use of the Service. If neither of such alternatives is, in the Technogym's opinion, commercially reasonable, the infringing Service shall be discontinued and the Technogym's sole liability, in addition to its obligation to reimburse finally awarded damages, costs and expenses set forth above, shall be a credit to the Customer of Service fees paid to the Company under the MSA, as related to the unused portion of the Service which had been paid in advance. Technogym will have no liability for any claim of infringement arising as a result of a) Customer's use of the Service in combination with any items not supplied by Technogym where such combination is the basis of the infringement claim; b) any modification of the Service by the Customer, the Company or third parties; c) use of the Service outside the scope of the license granted hereunder. THE FOREGOING STATES THE ENTIRE LIABILITY OF TECHNOGYM TO THE CUSTOMER CONCERNING INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PATENT, COPYRIGHT AND TRADE SECRET RIGHTS. 17. APPLICABLE LAW. EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION. 17.1 In case of conflict between the provisions contained in the MSA and those within any relevant Purchase Order as accepted by the Company, the latter shall prevail. This MSA and any relevant Purchase Order and their attachments are governed by the laws of New York without reference to the provisions relating to conflicts of law and further excluding the application of the UN Convention on Movable Goods. Parties irrevocably agree that all claims and disputes will be heard exclusively in the Federal and State courts of New York, and they consent and submit themselves to the exclusive jurisdiction of these courts. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties agree that (a) the Company shall be entitled to sue for all amounts due as set in this MSA and in any applicable Purchase Order in any jurisdiction in which the Customer operates or owns properties and (b) the Company and/or Technogym may pursue legal action in any jurisdiction in connection with the performance or the protection of its intellectual property rights and/or intellectual property rights in the Service or otherwise owned by or licensed to the Company. 18. GENERAL Proposal: Q-00360994 www.technogym.com 63 17/19 Customer Code: AC-366319 ECH 2UyM The wellness Company 18.1 ASSIGNMENT. The MSA may not be assigned by the Customer without the prior written consent of the Company, which may be withheld at the Company's sole discretion. The Company may require any proposed assignee of the MSA to enter into a new written agreement with the Company. The Company may assign, transfer, charge or sub -contract the MSA to any person or entity, and thereafter be relieved of all liability hereunder. 18.2 NOTICES. All notices, requests, demands, and other communications shall be validly given if delivered in person, sent by electronic mail, or forwarded by registered or certified mail addressed to: FOR THE COMPANY: TECHNOGYM USA CORP. 700 US Highway 46 East, Fairfield NJ 07004 FOR THE CUSTOMER: at the address provided in the identification block of the Purchase Order, unless such party has notified the other party of a substitute contact information in writing pursuant to this article. Notices delivered in person or by electronic mail during normal business hours shall be deemed to be received on the same date. Notices forwarded by registered or certified mail shall be deemed to be delivered three (3) days after such notice was mailed. 18.3 RELATIONSHIP. The parties shall do business at their own risk and for their own profit. Nothing in the MSA shall constitute a partnership or agency relationship between Customer and the Company or authorize either party to make any representation on behalf of or in any way to bind the other party to any obligation of any kind, express or implied, to any third party, or to incur any liability on behalf of the other party. 18.4 COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS. Company and Technogym provide the Services in accordance with laws and government regulations applicable to the Company and Technogym provision of the Services to its customers generally (i.e., without regard for Customer's particular use of the Services), and subject to Customer's use of the Services in accordance with this MSA, the Service Description and the applicable Purchase Order. Each party will comply with all laws, statutes, rules, regulations, ordinances and other pronouncements having the effect of law (collectively "Laws") as applicable to a party and, in the case of Customer, applicable to its use of the Service. In no event will the Company and/or Technogym be responsible for providing, implementing, configuring, or coding the Service in a manner that complies with any Laws that apply to the Customer business or industry ("Customer Specific Laws'. Customer will comply with Customer Specific Laws, and in no event will the Company, Technogym, Technogym's business partners, licensors or suppliers be liable for any claim or action arising from or related to Customer's failure to comply with any Customer Specific Laws it being understood that Customer is solely liable for any such failure(s) and resulting claims or actions. 18.5 SEVERABILITY. If any of the provisions of the MSA shall be held by a court or other tribunal of cor etent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, the other portions of the MSA shall remain in full force and effect. 116 18.6 FORCE MAJEURE. No liability hereunder shall result to a party by reason of delay in performance caused by force majeure, tha ircumstances beyond the reasonable control of the party, including, without limitation, acts of God, fire, flood, war, terrorist attack, failure of a utility service, malicious damage, compliance with any law or governmental order, rule, regulation or direction, accident, civil unrest, labor unrest, or shortage of or inability to obtain material as equipment. 18.7 The failure of either party to enforce at any time or for any period of time, the provisions hereof in accordance with their terms will not be construed to be a waiver of such provisions or of the right of such party thereafter to enforce each and every such provision. 1 18.8 LANGUAGE. This MSA is drafted in English. I e MSA is translated into any other language, the English language version shall prevail. Version: 2023.01.11 % Proposal: Q-00360994 www.technogym.com 64 18/19 Customer Code: AC-366319 ECH 2UyM The wellness Company THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN TECHNOGYM'S PRODUCTS AND SOLUTIONS. JOIN OUR WELLNESS COMMUNITY a 0[qG 0@0 1w '91111011N 1w #TECHNOGYM OVEFORABETTERWORLD TECHNOGYM USA 700 Route 46 East 2nd Floor Fairfield, NJ 07004 Toll free: 800-804-0952 Fax:206-623-1898 Email: info@technogymusa.com Proposal: Q-00360994 www.technogym.com 65 19/19 Customer Code: AC-366319 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 9 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 19, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE ADVERTISING AGREEMENT WITH ALPHA MEDIA FOR MARKETING SERVICES FOR IRONMAN 70.3 EVENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023/24 RECOMMENDATION Approve Advertising Agreement with Alpha Media for Marketing Services for Fiscal Year 2023/24. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Alpha Media is a broadcast company providing media, entertainment, and digital marketing solutions. • The City has utilized Alpha Media's services for radio and digital advertising to educate and inform the community on IRONMAN 70.3 event notification annually as part of the outreach plan. FISCAL IMPACT The cost for Alpha Media's IRONMAN campaign for fiscal year (FY) 2023/24 is $26,475, which is the same amount as FY 2022/23 IRONMAN campaign. Funds are available in FY 2023/24 Community Experiences Account (101-3003-60149). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On July 18, 2023, Council approved an advertising agreement with Alpha Media for $57,000 for radio and digital marketing services to educate the community on recycling information. The promotion of this information fulfills the City's required obligation per CalRecycle state mandates. The proposed advertising agreement (Attachment 1) for the IRONMAN campaign will continue the annual marketing outreach to residents to ensure notification of the event and road closures associated with the event. The plan agreement for the City's radio and digital services with Alpha Media will include 215 radio ads per week across all channels on Alpha Media. Additionally, the City will receive digital ads on Alpha Media radio station websites. This campaign will start late September 2023 and will continue through race day for the IRONMAN event, scheduled for December 3, 2023. rA ALTERNATIVES Staff does not recommend an alternative action. Prepared by: Marcie Graham, Marketing Manager Approved by: Gilbert Villalpando, Director Attachment: 1. Alpha Media Advertising Proposal for IRONMAN 70.3 ATTACHMENT 1 PRESENTED BY Dayna Smith July 26th, 2023 Radio Schedule: 09/18 -10/1, 10/09 - 10/29 and 11/13 - 12/3 (Monday - Sunday 7A-8P) • 25 Thirty second commercials per week on 93.7 KCLB • 25 Thirty second commercials per week on 98.5 The Bull • 25 Thirty second commercials per week on 107.3 MOD • 25 Thirty second commercials per week on 106.9 The Eagle • 25 Thirty second commercials per week on U92.7 • 25 Thirty second commercials per week on 103.9 ESPN • 25 Thirty second commercials per week on 94.3 KNWZ • 25 Thirty second commercials per week on Mix 100.5 • 15 Fifteen second PSA's per week per station reminding people to check the map online for road closures and upcoming date of event • On air interview Digital Schedule: 09/04 - 12/03 • Rotating banner ads on all Alpha Media station websites with link to URL and map posted with Iron man route • Mobile campaign - Mobile to social and targeted display advertising o polygon select gyms, athlete races, other fitness competitions pull a lookback on all locations o create lookalike audience from captured device ID's o Utilize fitness/health & wellness audiences in the Coachella Valley o Mobile retargeting o Social strategy - upload captured device ID list into FaceBook and Instagram, reach those individuals through their social profiles o Target audience on social - fitness junky, ironman, marathons, racing, crossfit, extreme sports, cycling, healthy lifestyle, active lifestyle, etc. o Place a FaceBook retargeting pixel TOTAL INVESTMENT: $26,475 Approved Business Address Start date Date City StateZip End date Advertiser may cancel this agreement upon 14 days prior notice. This agreement is confidential. ion SAO K�9N�1U�S H ==rll 1 ! CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 10 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 19, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITL : APPROVE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE TO PROVIDE ONSITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS REGULATION RECOMMENDATION Approve a Memorandum of Understanding with the County of Riverside Department of Environmental Health to provide onsite wastewater treatment systems regulation; and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Under California law, Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) must be regulated by an approved Local Agency Management Program (LAMP). • The County of Riverside Department of Environmental Health (County) has an approved LAMP, while the City does not. • The current five-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will expire in October 2023. • The proposed MOU will allow the County to continue to provide plan review of OWTS for commercial and residential applications within the City. FISCAL IMPACT There will be no fiscal impact to the City as the County will collect any applicable fees. BACKG KUy N u/ANALYSIS There are many residential properties in La Quinta connected to private OWTS, more commonly known as septic systems, that cannot feasibly be connected to the sanitary sewer system. In 1992, the City Council adopted an ordinance adding Chapter 6.14 of its Health and Sanitation Code by "adopting by reference" the County Ordinance 712. When the City receives a request for a proposed new septic system or the repair of an existing system, the process has been to direct the applicant to the County for approval of their location and design. 71 In 2012, the State Water Resources Control Board established new minimum requirements for the installation, performance and maintenance of OWTS, or septic systems which went into effect in May 2018, and made the installation of septic systems more restrictive. Local agencies could either adopt the statewide minimum standards or propose their own LAMP to the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Staff determined that a cost-effective strategy was to contract with the County and utilize the County of Riverside's LAMP, which the Board adopted in November 2016. On September 18, 2018 City Council adopted the County of Riverside's OWTS ordinance by reference. The current five-year MOU is set to expire at the end of October 2023. Under the proposed five-year MOU, the County will continue to provide plan review of OWTS for commercial and residential applications within the City and ensure compliance with the County LAMP. Requests for an OWTS must be accompanied by a City application for a building permit, and the project proponent will be responsible for applicable fees. ALTERNATIVES Staff does not recommend an alternative. Prepared by: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst Approved by: Bryan McKinney, Public Works Director/City Engineer Attachment: 1. MOU with Riverside County Department of Environmental Health for OWTS regulation 72 ATTACHMENT 1 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN RIVERSIDE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND THE CITY OF LA QUINTA This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA, hereinafter referred to as "CITY" and the COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY", to be effective on the date approved by both parties. I. RECITALS WHEREAS, CITY desires Environmental Planning review, Technical Assistance, and Plan Review for Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) in accordance with the Riverside County Local Agency Management Program (LAMP) and; WHEREAS, CITY does not have an approved LAMP and; WHEREAS, COUNTY's LAMP was approved by the Regional Water Quality Control Board and; WHEREAS, CITY desires to abide by the Riverside County LAMP and; WHEREAS, CITY agrees to rescind any and all existing OWTS ordinances, rules and regulations, if applicable, prior to COUNTY'S review to avoid conflicting and duplicative rules and regulations and; WHEREAS, CITY agrees to allow for billing of permit fees by COUNTY for services to be rendered, according to County of Riverside Ordinance No. 640 and; 1 73 WHEREAS, COUNTY has personnel with sufficient training and expertise to provide such services in accordance with the LAMP and; WHEREAS, COUNTY is prepared to provide such services under the terms and conditions set forth in this Memorandum of Understanding; and WHEREAS, CITY and COUNTY agree to now enter into this Memorandum of Understanding for a period of five (5) years; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants and conditions contained herein, the parties mutually agree as follows: 11. TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. SUMMARY The CITY requires professional services as described herein from the COUNTY for review of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS). B. TERM The term of this MOU shall be effective on the date it is signed by both parties. The MOU shall continue in effect for up to five (5) years, or until terminated as outlined in Section IV below. C. SERVICES TO BE RENDERED Plan Review Services: COUNTY will provide plan review of OWTS for commercial and residential applications within the CITY. This review will include inspections of the property and technical review of the soil percolation study to ensure compliance with the 2 74 Riverside County LAMP. Requests for an OWTS shall be accompanied by a City application and/or building permit and shall be submitted in an acceptable format by the project proponent to a County Environmental Health office for their review. The project proponent shall be responsible for the payment of any applicable fees, as established in County Ordinance 640 and codified in Riverside County Code, Ch. 4.52 for the type of review requested at the time of submission of the request, to cover the cost of services provided. All such review shall be provided within fifteen (15) working days of submittal of a completed application. Planning Review: COUNTY will provide environmental planning review to the City for all residential and commercial projects proposing OWTS, to ensure compliance with Riverside County LAMP. The project proponent shall be responsible for the payment of any applicable fees, at the current hourly rate established in County Ordinance 640 as codified in Riverside County Code, Ch. 4.52, to cover the cost of services provided. All such reviews shall be provided within (20) twenty working days of request for such services. Inspection/Review of Annual Evaluation for Advanced Treatment Systems (ATS): COUNTY will provide inspection and/or review of the annual evaluation report for ATSs as required in the LAMP. The project proponent and/or property owner shall be responsible for the payment of any applicable fees, as established in County Ordinance 640 and codified in Riverside County Code, Ch. 4.52, to cover the cost of services provided. Services to be rendered specifically exclude COUNTY response to and enforcement of any complaints regarding malfunction or failure of an OWTS. CITY agrees to enact any ordinances or regulations necessary to enforce the correction of any failure of any OWTS, and to enforce in a manner consistent with the LAMP. CITY shall enact any necessary ordinances to allow for COUNTY to directly bill any 3 75 applicant. CITY shall rescind, or suspend for the duration of this MOU and any subsequent renewals, any and all ordinances, regulations or other mandatory laws regarding OWTS systems within the CITY to avoid duplication of laws or conflicting laws. CITY shall also enact necessary implementation ordinances, regulations or other laws that would allow the provisions of the LAMP to control within the CITY's border and also that would allow COUNTY to provide services under the LAMP. D. PERSONNEL The services provided by the COUNTY shall be performed by COUNTY personnel under the control and direction of COUNTY. To the extent that CITY personnel may also participate in any of the activities herein provided for, CITY agrees to conduct those activities in accordance with the COUNTY LAMP, and any expenses by the CITY in this process shall be borne by CITY. E. MUTUAL HOLD HARMLESS/INDEMNIFICATION 1) CITY agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless COUNTY, its directors, officers, agents, Board of Supervisors, elected and appointed officials, employees, and representatives from and against any liability, damages, costs, losses, claims and expenses, based or asserted upon any services of COUNTY, its officers, employees, subcontractors, agents or representatives arising out of or in any way relating to this MOU, including but not limited to property damage, bodily injury, or death or any other element of any kind or nature whatsoever and resulting from any reason whatsoever arising from the performance of COUNTY under this MOU, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, agents or representatives. 0 rR 2) In the event there is conflict between this foregoing clause and California Civil Code Section 2782, this clause shall be interpreted to comply with Civil Code 2782. Such interpretation shall not relieve CITY from indemnifying the COUNTY to the fullest extent allowed by law. 3) With respect to any action or claim subject to indemnification herein by CITY, CITY shall, at their sole cost, have the right to use counsel of their own choice, subject to approval of COUNTY, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, and shall have the right to adjust, settle, or compromise any such action or claim without the prior consent of COUNTY provided, however, that any such adjustment, settlement or compromise in no manner whatsoever limits or circumscribes CITY'S indemnification to COUNTY as set forth herein. CITY'S obligation to defend, indemnify and hold harmless COUNTY shall be subject to COUNTY having given CITY written notice within a reasonable period of time of the claim or of the commencement of the related action as the case may be, and information and reasonable assistance, at COUNTY'S expense, for the defense or settlement thereof. CITY'S obligation hereunder shall be satisfied when CITY has provided to COUNTY the appropriate form of dismissal relieving COUNTY from any liability for the action or claim involved. 4) COUNTY agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless CITY, its directors, officers, agents, City Council, elected and appointed officials, employees, and representatives from and against any liability, damages, costs, losses, claims and expenses, based or asserted upon any services of CITY, its officers, employees, subcontractors, agents or representatives arising out of or in any way relating to this MOU, including but not limited to property damage, bodily injury, or death or any other element of any kind or nature whatsoever and resulting from any reason whatsoever arising from the performance of CITY under this MOU, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, agents or representatives. 5 77 5) In the event there is conflict between this foregoing clause and California Civil Code Section 2782, this clause shall be interpreted to comply with Civil Code 2782. Such interpretation shall not relieve COUNTY from indemnifying the CITY to the fullest extent allowed by law. 6) With respect to any action or claim subject to indemnification herein by COUNTY, COUNTY shall, at their sole cost, have the right to use counsel of their own choice, subject to approval of CITY, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, and shall have the right to adjust, settle, or compromise any such action or claim without the prior consent of CITY provided, however, that any such adjustment, settlement or compromise in no manner whatsoever limits or circumscribes COUNTY'S indemnification to CITY as set forth herein. COUNTY'S obligation to defend, indemnify and hold harmless CITY shall be subject to CITY having given COUNTY written notice within a reasonable period of time of the claim or of the commencement of the related action as the case may be, and information and reasonable assistance, at CITY'S expense, for the defense or settlement thereof. COUNTY'S obligation hereunder shall be satisfied when COUNTY has provided to CITY the appropriate form of dismissal relieving CITY from any liability for the action or claim involved. III. AMENDMENTS Any amendment, modification, or variation from the terms of this MOU shall be in writing and shall be effective only upon mutual approval by the authorized parties. IV. TERMINATION Either CITY or COUNTY may terminate this MOU at any time by giving (30) days written C. 78 notice with or without cause to the designated contacts. Upon receipt of any notice of termination on the agreed upon effective date of termination services shall cease thereafter. Upon termination of this MOU, any OWTS under permit and subject to annual inspection shall revert to the CITY for inspection and permitting. Any fees paid to the COUNTY for an annual permit prior to notification of termination, shall not be refunded by the COUNTY. V. COMPLETE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This written MOU, including all writings specifically incorporated hereby in reference, shall constitute the complete MOU between the parties hereto. No oral agreement or representation not reduced to writing and specifically incorporated herein shall be of any force or effect, nor shall any such oral agreement or representation be binding upon the parties hereto. Any previous agreements between the CITY and COUNTY, whether oral or written, with regards to the activities outlined in Section II.0 of this MOU, shall be supplanted by this MOU. Other agreements or contracts between the CITY and COUNTY, not involving OWTS, shall be unaffected by this MOU. VI. JURISDICTION/VENUE This MOU shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of California. CITY agrees and consents to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of California for all purposes regarding this MOU and further agrees and consents that venue of any action brought hereunder shall be exclusively in the County of Riverside. 7 79 VII. NOTICE All written notices to the parties hereto shall be sent by United States mail, postage prepaid by registered or certified mail addressed as follows: CITY: COUNTY: City of La Quinta County of Riverside Public Works Department Department of Environmental Health 78495 Calle Tampico 4065 County Circle Drive La Quinta, CA 92253 Riverside, CA 92503 Vill. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Both CITY and COUNTY do covenant to each individual executing this MOU on behalf of each party is a person duly authorized. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed CITY OF LA QUINTA Jon McMillen, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: Bill H. Irhke, City Attorney Monika Radeva, City Clerk Rl Dated: Dated: Dated: :rs, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Jeff Johnson, Director of Environmental Health APPROVED AS TO FORM Minh C. Tran County Counsel Dated: Dated: Dated: Caroline K. Monroy, Deputy County Counsel M 81 E:T: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 11 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 19, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ACCEPT OFF -SITE IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FLORESTA RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, TRACT MAP NO. 36762, LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 52 AND JEFFERSON STREET RECOMMENDATION Accept the off -site improvements associated with Tract Map No. 36762, Floresta; authorize staff to release performance securities upon receipt of warranty bond and landscape inspection approval; and direct staff to release the labor and materials security 90 days after City Council acceptance of the improvements. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Floresta is a residential project located on the northwest corner of Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street (Attachment 1). • Beazer Homes Holdings Corp (Developer) has requested release of the performance, labor and materials securities. • Since all off -site improvements have been completed, staff recommends acceptance, and release of the performance, labor and materials securities. FISCAL IMPACT — None. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Developer has completed all off -site improvements required by Tract Map No. 36762. The improvements include pavement, signing and striping, driveways, sidewalk, and landscaping. Staff inspected the off -site improvements except the perimeter landscaping and verified they meet City -approved plans and standards. Planning staff will be inspecting the perimeter landscaping improvements. The performance securities will not be released until the landscape inspection is approved and warranty bond is received. ALTERNATIVES Accepting improvements is a ministerial action necessary for the release of the improvement securities. Since the improvements have been inspected and meet City standards, staff does not recommend an alternative action. 83 Prepared by: Amy Yu, Associate Engineer Approved by: Bryan McKinney, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer Attachment: 1. Vicinity Map 84 F-11 a f-IT91 : I M 14kikm TM 36762 FLORESTA 50TH AVE. w SITE Z O Z 52ND AVE. Q 3 VICINITY NOT TO SCALE W w z 0 V) ly- Lv w 53RD AVE. M WIM11 85 M. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 12 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 19, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ADOPT RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF FINAL PARCEL MAP NO. 38668 AND ASSOCIATED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR A MIXED -USE PROJECT LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND DUNE PALMS ROAD; PROJECT — DUNE PALMS MIXED -USED PROJECT RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution granting conditional approval of the Final Parcel Map and Subdivision Improvement Agreement associated with Parcel Map No. 38668; and authorize the City Manager to execute said agreement. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Blackpoint Properties, LLC (Applicant) requests conditional approval of Final Parcel Map No. 38668. • This is a ministerial action that occurs when the conditions of approval have been met or secured through an agreement. Passing technical review and obtaining signatures on the final map and submitting securities for the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) are the outstanding items. The Developer has 30 days to complete these items. FISCAL IMPACT — None BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Final Parcel Map 38668 is a 9.4-acre vacant site located on the northeast corner of Highway 111 and Dune Palms Road (Attachment 1). The Final Parcel Map creates three parcels with commercial uses, a Chick-Fil-A drive thru restaurant and Quick Quack car wash on the front two parcels. The third parcel is proposed to be developed as a multifamily residential development at a later time by a third party. Tentative Parcel Map 38668 was approved by the Planning Commission at a duly noticed public hearing held on August 22, 2023 via Planning Commission Resolution No. 2023- 015. The Final Parcel Map (Attachment 2) is currently under technical review by the City Surveyor. The Applicant has signed the SIA (Attachment 3). The Applicant seeks conditional approval of the Final Parcel Map. Thereafter, the Applicant has 30 days to RVA obtain all necessary signatures on the map and submit performance, and labor and materials securities. If the Developer fails to obtain all necessary signatures and submit the securities within 30 days, the map will be rescheduled for Council consideration only after all items are complete. ALTERNATIVES Council could deny conditional approval and require the Owner to complete all items; however, this would unnecessarily delay development, thus, not recommended. Prepared by: Amy Yu, Associate Engineer Approved by: Bryan McKinney, P.E., Public Works Director / City Engineer Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Parcel Map 38668 3. Subdivision Improvement Agreement :: RESOLUTION NO. 2023 - XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF FINAL TRACT MAP AND SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ASSOCIATED WITH PARCEL MAP NO. 38668 AND AUTHORIZING A TIME EXTENSION FOR SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF THE CONDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS TO VALIDATE THE APPROVAL WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map No. 38668 was approved by the Planning Commission at a duly noticed public hearing held on August 22, 2023, via Planning Commission Resolution No. 2023-015, as permitted under the Subdivision Map Act, subject to conditions of approval; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducts only two regular meetings per month and the time interval between these meetings occasionally creates an undue hardship for business enterprises and individuals seeking approval of subdivision maps; and WHEREAS, the City Council, as a matter of policy, allows a subdivider to have City staff present a map for consideration of approval when the requisite items necessary for a final map approval are nearly, but not completely, finished; thus, yielding to the subdivider additional production time for preparation of those items; and WHEREAS, the subdivider has demonstrated to City staff and the City Council that it has made sufficient progress with items required for final map approval, and it is reasonable to expect the subdivider to satisfactorily complete the items, including City staff review time, within thirty (30) days without adversely impacting other ongoing work commitments of City staff; and WHEREAS, Section 66458(b) of the Subdivision Map Act grants the City Council broad authority to authorize time extensions regarding final map approval, or disapproval, upon receiving it for consideration; and WHEREAS, the City Council relies on City staff to review all required items for conformance with relevant requirements, and it is therefore appropriate for the City Council to approve the final map subject to review and confirmation of the required items by City staff within a reasonable period of time. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. The Final Parcel Map No. 38668 is conditionally approved provided the subdivider submits all required item(s) on or before October 19, 2023. :• Resolution No. 2023-XXX Conditional Approval of Parcel Map No. 38668; Dune Palms Mixed -Used Project Adopted: September 19, 2023 Page 2 of 3 SECTION 2. The City Council's approval of the final map shall not be considered valid until the City Engineer has signed the map indicating that it conforms to the tentative tract map, the Subdivision Map Act, and all ordinances of the City. SECTION 3. The City Engineer shall withhold his signature from the map until the subdivider has completed the following requirement and any other requirements not expressly described here to the City Engineer's satisfaction: A. Finalize the final tract map and obtain all necessary signatures. B. Submit performance and labor and materials securities for Subdivision Improvement Agreement. SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall withhold affixing the City Seal to the map title page, along with her attesting signature, until the City Engineer has signed the map. SECTION 5. The time extension for satisfying the requirements of the conditional approval for this final map shall expire when City offices close for regular business on October 19, 2023. If the subdivider has not satisfied the requirements in Section 3, herein, by the expiration deadline, the final map shall be considered disapproved. Disapproval does not deny any rights the subdivider may have under the Subdivision Map Act to resubmit the final map for approval, or disapproval. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 19th day of September 2023, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta, California .o Resolution No. 2023-XXX Conditional Approval of Parcel Map No. 38668; Dune Palms Mixed -Used Project Adopted: September 19, 2023 Page 3 of 3 ATTEST: MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 91 WA ATTACHMENT 1 PARCEL MAP NO. 38668 FRED WARING DR. VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE 93 94 ATTACHMENT 2 NUMBERED PARCELS: 3 IN THE CITY OF LA OUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA sHffr 1 or a sHfcrs GROSS AREA: fO.025 ACRES Q%�%�Q PARCEL MAP NO. 3866 RECORDERS STATEMENT: FILED THIS DAY OF 20- AT .M. IN BOOK OF PARCEL MAPS AT BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THAT PORTION OF THE WEST HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF THE PAGES AT THE REQUEST OF THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO NO. BASE AND MERIDIAN, LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY FEE STORM WATER CHANNEL, AS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, PETER ALDANA, ASSESSOR -COUNTY CLERK -RECORDER RECORDED OCTOBER 6, 1923 IN BOOK 591, PAGE 223 OF DEEDS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE BY DEPUTY COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE: FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY JOSEPH C. TRUXAW AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ORDER NO.. NCS-1141J48-ONTI MICHAEL P. HERNANDEZ, P.L.S. 9281 JULY 2023 OWNER'S STATEMENT WE HEREBY STATE THAT WE ARE THE OWNERS OF THE LAND INCLUDED WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION SHOWN HEREON: THAT WE ARE THE ONLY PERSONS WHOSE CONSENT IS NECESSARY TO PASS A CLEAR 777LE TO SAID LAND; THAT WE CONSENT TO THE MAKING AND RECORDING OF THIS SUBDIVISION MAP AS SHOWN WITHIN THE DISTINS 77VE BORDER LINE WE HEREBY DEDICATE TO PUBLIC USE FOR STREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES LOTS A" (DUNE PALMS ROAD) AND "B" (HIGHWAY 111) AS SHOWN WITHIN THIS MAP. WE HEREBY RESERVE A PERMANENT, NON-EXCLUSIVE, RECIPROCAL EASEMENT FOR PURPOSES OF INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER AND ACROSS PARCEL 1 FOR THE BENEFIT OF PARCELS 2 AND 3 FOR THE SOLE BENEFIT OF OURSELVES OUR SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNEES AND PARCEL OWNERS WITHIN THIS PARCEL MAP. WE HEREBY OFFER FOR DEDICATION IN FAVOR OF COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT AN EASEMENT FOR: SANITARY SEWER AND DOMESTIC WATER PURPOSES, THE EASEMENT SO DEDICATED INCLUDES THE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON SAID LANDS TO SURVEY, CONSTRUCT, RECONSTRUCT, LAY, RELAY, MAINTAIN, OPERATE, CONTROL USE AND REMOVE PIPELINES FIXTURES AND APPURTENANCES AND TO REMOVE OBJECTS INTERFERING WITH THE CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE THEREOF. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN SAID EASEMENT IN THE EVENT THAT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES RESULT IN DAMAGE OR REMOVAL OF SAID IMPRO VEMEN IS. DWCG1, LLC (awn (PRINT NAME) (TIRE) (PRINT NAME) (TITLE) NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT A NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTHER OFFICER COMPLETING THIS CERTIFICA 7E VERIFIES ONLY THE IOEN77TY OF THE INDIVIDUAL WHO SIGNED THE DOCUMENT TO WHICH THIS CER77FICA 7E IS ATTACHED, AND NOT TO THE TRUTHFULNESS, ACCURACY, OR VALIDITY OF THAT DOCUMENT: STATE OF SS COUNTY OF ON BEFORE ME, NOTARY PUBLIC, PERSONALLY APPEARED AND WHO PROVED TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHOSE NAME(S) IS/ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE/SHE/THEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN HIS/HER THEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACITY(IES), AND THAT BY HIS/HER/THEIR SIGNATURE(S) ON THE INSTRUMENT THE PERSON(S), OR THE ENTITY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(S) ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THAT THE FOREGOING PARAGRAPH IS TRUE AND CORRECT. WITNESS MY HAND: SIGNATURE (PRINT NAME) MY PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IS IN COUNTY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: TAX COLLECTOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ACCORDING TO THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE, AS OF THIS DATE, THERE ARE NO LIENS AGAINST THE PROPERTY SHOWN ON THE WITHIN MAP FOR UNPAID STATE, COUNTY, MUNICIPAL OR LOCAL TAXES OR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS COLLECTED AS TAXES, EXCEPT TAXES OR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS COLLECTED AS TAXES NOW A LIEN, BUT NOT YET PAYABLE, WHICH ARE ESTIMATED TO BE $ . DATED: 20 MATTHEW JENNINGS, COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR BY, . DEPUTY I HEREBY CER77FY THAT A BOND IN THE SUM OF $ HAS BEEN EXECUTED AND FILED WITH THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA, CONDITIONED UPON THE PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES, STATE, COUNTY, MUNICIPAL, OR LOCAL AND ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS COLLECTED AS TAXES WHICH AT THE 77HE OF FILING OF THIS MAP WITH THE COUNTY RECORDER ARE A LIEN AGAINST SAID PROPERTY BUT NOT YET PAYABLE, AND SAID BOND HAS BEEN DULY APPROVED BY SAID BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. DATED: 20 . CASH OR SURETY TAX BOND MA [THEW JENNINGS COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR BY.. DEPUTY CITY CLERK'S STATEMENT 1, MONIKA RADEVA, CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, DO HEREBY STATE THAT THIS MAP WAS PRESENTED TO THE COUNCIL OF SAID CITY OF LA QUINTA AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON - - - 202_ AND THEREUPON SAID CITY COUNCIL DID NY AN ORDER DULY PASSED, APPROVED SAID MAP. WE ALSO ACCEPTED THE OFFERS OF DEDICA 77ON OF LOTS "A" AND "B" FOR PUBLIC STREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES SUBJECT TO IMPROVEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WTH THE CITY STANDARDS. DATED: MONIKA RADEVA, CITY CLERK SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT THIS MAP CONSISTING OF FOUR (4) SHEETS WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY SUPERVISION AND IS BASED UPON A FIELD SURVEY IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT AND LOCAL ORDINANCE AT THE REQUEST OF BLACKPOINT PROPERTIES, LLC ON OCTOBER 2022. I HEREBY STATE THAT ALL MONUMENTS ARE OF THE CHARACTER AND OCCUPY THE POS177ONS INDICATED OR THAT THEY WILL BE SET IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THE MONUMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE MAP. SAID MONUMENTS WILL BE SUFFICIENT TO ENABLE THE SURVEY TO BE RETRACED. I HEREBY STATE THAT THIS MAP SUBSTANTIALLY CONFORMS TO THE APPROVED OR CONDITIONALLY APPROVED TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP. DATE July 31 202$ 2Q�lANO �S�P` / HQdlMD 'c 9281 A= MICHAEL P. HERN DEZ 5 s ELS 9281 CITY ENGINEER'S STATEMENT I HEREBY STATE THAT l HAVE EXAMINED THE WTHIN MAP OF PARCEL MAP NO.. 38668 CONSISTING OF FOUR (4) SHEETS, THAT THE SUBDIVISION SHOWN THEREON IS SUBSTANTIALLY THE SAME AS /T APPEARED ON THE 7ENTA77VE MAP, AND APPROVED ALTERATIONS THEREOF, THAT ALL PROVISIONS OF THE SUBDI NEON MAP ACT AND ANY LOCAL ORDINANCES HAVE BEEN COMPLIED WITH. DATE 20 HY BRYAN MCKINNEY, RCE 49478 EXPIRATION DATE.. 9/30/2024 CITY ENGINEER C.V.W.D. CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE l HEREBY CERTIFY THAT UNDER AUTHORITY GRANTED TO ME BY RESOLUTIONS NO.. 2015-23, DATED FEBRUARY 10, 2015 , l ACCEPT ON BEHALF OF COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT THE DEDICATION AS OFFERED HEREON. DATED: 20_ BY. J M. BARRETT,, GENERAL MANAGER COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 710,1%4f SEE SHEET 2 FOR VICINITY MAP, SIGNATURE OMISSIONS RECORD DATA NOTES AND MONUMENT NOTES. SEE SHEET 3 FOR DETAILS OF PARCELS 1, 2 AND J. SEE SHEET 4 FOR PLOT77NG OF EXIS77NG AND PROPOSED EASEMENTS. 95 NUMBERED PARCELS: 3 GROSS AREA: 10.025 ACRES 4 7DR. CJTY j0 io FRED WARING MILES AVE. N L\JDJD 1ii a c o o HIGHWAY NO. 111 )'UJI\JTA AVE. 48 VICINITY MAP LA NOT TO SCALE 3 SIGNATURE OMISSIONS: IN THE CITY OF LA OUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA PARCEL MAP NO. 38668 BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THAT PORTION OF THE WEST HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY STORM WATER CHANNEL, AS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, RECORDED OCTOBER 6, 1923 IN BOOK 591, PAGE 223 OF DEEDS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. JOSEPH C. TRUXAW AND ASSOCIATES, INC. MICHAEL P. HERNANDEZ, P.L.S. 9281 JULY 2023 PURSUANT TO SECTION 66436 OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT, THE SIGNATURES OF THE FOLLOWING OWNERS OF EASEMENTS AND/OR OTHER INTEREST HAVE BEEN OMITTED: COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ROAD, UTILITY AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED MAY 24, 1933 AS BOOK 122, PAGE 374 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR SLOPE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, RECORDED SEPTEMBER 12, 1968 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 87898 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. (THE LOCA77ON OF THE EASEMENT CANNOT BE DETERMINED FROM RECORD INFORMA 77ON). COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR PIPELINE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, RECORDED FEBRUARY 10, 2006 AS INSTRUMENT NO.. 2006-703470 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. THE DUNES BUSINESS PARK, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AND ESF CAPITAL, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMI7ED LIABILITY COMPANY, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR ACCESS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, RECORDED MARCH 28, 2006 AS INSTRUMENT NO.. 2006-219365 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR PIPELINE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, RECORDED MARCH 29, 2006 AS INSTRUMENT NO.. 2006-0224094 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. CITY OF LA OUINTA, A CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR HIGHWAY 111 WIDENING (RETENTION BASIN) AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED FEBRUARY 01, 2007 AS INSTRUMENT NO 2007-76267 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AND RE RECORDED FEBRUARY 26, 2007 IN/AS IN57RUMENT NO 2007-130623 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC U77LITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, RECORDED MAY 70, 2007 AS INSTRUMENT NO.. 2007-312586 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. CITY OF LA OUINTA, A CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY AND PUBLIC U7I1I7IES, SLOPE EASEMENT AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED MARCH 37, 2022 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2022-154402 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. MONUMENT NOTES: 22 FOUND PUNCHED 1-114" BRASS DISK, STAMPED "RCE 25658, PER (R3), ACCEPTED AS NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SEC77ON 29, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, FLUSH IN ASPHALT 24 FOUND I- IRON PIPE, OPEN, NO REFERENCE, ACCEPTED AS NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, FLUSH IN ASPHALT 28 FOUND i" IRON PIPE, PLASTIC CAP ILLEGIBLE, NO REFERENCE. ACCEPTED AS EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SEC77ON 29, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, FLUSH (SEE DETAIL "A" HEREON) 32 FOUND 2" IRON PIPE, OPEN, NO REFERENCE, ACCEPTED AS POINT ON CENTERLINE OF STATE HIGHWAY III AND BEGINNING OF CURVE, DOWN 02' IN ASPHALT. 33 FOUND I- IRON PIPE, OPEN, NO REFERENCE, ACCEPTED AS CENTER OF SEC77ON 29, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, DOWN 0.2' IN ASPHALT. 37 FOUND LEAD, TACK AND TAG, "STAMPED 26926" PER (R), ON LINE OF WEST HALF OF WEST HALF OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST. SOO'08'46"W 0.07, FROM PROPERTY CORNER, FLUSH IN CONCRETE. 41 FOUND 1" IRON PIPE, NAIL AND TAG, STAMPED "RCE 26926", PER (R), ON LINE OF WEST HALF OF WEST HALF OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 WEST, DOWN 0.1' IN ASPHALT. 43 FOUND 1- IRON PIPE, NAIL AND TAG, STAMPED "RCE 26926", PER (R), ON LINE OF WEST HALF OF WEST HALF OF SEC77ON 29, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 WEST AND ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF GRANT DEED TO COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, RECORDED MARCH 6, 1962 AS INSTRUMENT NO.. 20717 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS DOWN 0.2' IN DIRT. 44 FOUND PUNCHED 1-114" BRASS DISK, STAMPED "RCE 25658, NO REFERENCE ACCEPTED AS THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF DUNE PALMS ROAD AND CORPORATE CENTRE DRIVE, FLUSH IN ASPHALT 46 FOUND PUNCHED 2" BRASS CAP, STAMPED "___ HWYS ___'; ACCEPTED AS CENTERLINE INTERSEC77ON OF STATE HIGHWAY III AND JEFFERSON STREET PER (RI). FLUSH IN ASPHALT. (SEE DETAIL "A" HEREON) 1508 FOUND 1" IRON PIPE, PLASTIC CAP ILLEGIBLE. NO REFERENCE. ACCEPTED MONUMENT BEING ON THE MIDPOINT OF SOUTH LINE OF NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SEC77ON 29, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST. SHEET 2 OF 4 SHEETS } h DETAIL A" e NOT TO SCALE 3 w 0o i o r N89-58'03"E 2831.93' (2831.69' R)x 1988.43' N88'41'S'1325.30'0.40N89'39'14"E 2650,60' (2650.17' R) (L 42' R) STATE HIGHWAY 111 NOTE: SEE SHEET 3 FOR DETAILS OF PARCELS 1. 2 AND J. SEE SHEET 4 FOR PLOT77NG OF EXIS77NG AND PROPOSED EASEMENTS. LEGEND: B.C. - BEGINNING OF CURVE EC. - END OF CURVE P R C - POINT OF REVERSE CURVE SET MONUMENT NOT 2" IRON PIPE WITH CEMENT PLUG, TACK AND TAG STAMPED "P.L.S. 9281", SPIKE AND WASHER, STAMPED 'RES 9281" OR LEAD, TACK AND TAG, STAMPED "PPS. 9281" TO BE SET AT EXTERIOR BOUNDARY CORNERS (BEGINNING AND END OF CURVES AND ANGLE POINTS) AND INTERIOR PARCEL CORNERS (BEGINNING AND END OF CURVES AND ANGLE POINTS) OR AS NOTED, RECORD DATA (R) = PARCEL MAP NO. 31143, BOOK 216, PAGES 69 THROUGH 71, INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL MAPS. (71) = CORNER RECORD 08-0132, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE (R2) = PARCEL MAP NO, 33588, BOOK 214, PAGES 24 THROUGH 27, INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL MAPS. (R3) = PARCEL MAP NO, 31172, BOOK 206, PAGES 92 AND 93 OF PARCEL MAPS. (R4) = PARCEL MAP NO. 34123, BOOK 220, PAGES 41 AND 42 OF PARCEL MAPS. (R5) = GRANT DEED TO CITY OF LA QUINTA RECORDED FEBRUARY 26, 2007 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2007-0130621 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. Ki. NUMBERED PARCELS., 3 GROSS AREA: 10.025 ACRES N GRAPHIC SCALE n IN FEET ) tich=too n. BOUNDARY NOTES. �1 SOUTHERLY LINE OF GRANT DEED TO COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, RECORDED MARCH 6, 1962 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 20717 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS ESTABLISHED FROM FOUND MONUMENT ALONG THE ARC (3,164.93J AND THROUGH EASTERLY LINE OF WEST HALF OF WEST HALF OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST SAN BERNARDINO BASE MERIDIAN. �2 WESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL MAP NO. 37143, BOOK 216, PAGES 69 THROUGH 71, INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL MAPS. ESTABLISHED BY FOUND MONUMENTS. Q CENTER SECTION LINE OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST SAN BERNARDINO BASE MERIDIAN AND CENTERLINE OF DUNE PALMS ROAD. ESTABLISHED BY FOUND MONUMENTS. 4 SOUTH LINE OF NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST SAN BERNARDINO BASE MERIDIAN AND CENTERLINE OF DUNE PALMS ROAD. ESTABLISHED BY FOUND MONUMENTS �5 THAT LAND AS DESCRIBED IN GRANT DEED TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA RECORDED FEBRUARY 26, 2007 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2007-0130622 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. © NORTHERLY LINE OF THAT LAND AS DESCRIBED IN GRANT DEED TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA RECORDED FEBRUARY 26, 2007 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2007-0130621 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. �7 NORTHERLY LINE OF GRANT DEED TO COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, RECORDED MARCH 6, 1962 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 20717 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. ESTABLISHED 100' NORTHERLY OF SOUTHERLY LINE AS ESTABLISHED HEREON. ® NORTH LINE OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST SAN BERNARDINO BASE MERIDIAN. ESTABLISHED FROM FOUND MONUMENTS. 99 EAST LINE OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST SAN BERNARDINO BASE MERIDIAN. ESTABLISHED FROM FOUND MONUMENTS MONUMENTATION NOTES. • INDICATES FOUND MONUMENT, AS NOTED. O INDICATES SEARCHED FOUND NOTHING. AO INDICATES SET MONUMENTS AS NOTED. NOTE,' SEE SHEET 2 FOR MONUMENT N07ES SEE SHEET 4 FOR PLOT77NG OF £N7S77NG AND PROPOSED EASEMENTS. IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA PARCEL MAP NO. 38668 BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THAT PORTION OF THE WEST HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY STORM WATER CHANNEL, AS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, RECORDED OCTOBER 6, 1923 IN BOOK 591, PAGE 223 OF DEEDS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. JOSEPH C. TRUXAW AND ASSOCIATES, INC. MICHAEL A HERNANDEZ, P.L.S. 9281 JULY 2023 22 N8917'08'E 2654.43' (2654.55' R) ------------------ WESTWARD HO 6 53' WIDE 0 51 CORPORATE CENTRE DRIVE .A 30.00 30.00' _ 180 94' - (14.60 R2) 33 C. I/ _ 4101.0433 STORMB,.4TER o 14 g3' ^ C//ANiVEG 51' WIDE LINE DATA TABLE LINE 1 BEARING 1 D/STANCE Ll I N45-05'59"W 1 3743" CURVE DATA TABLE CURVE 1 DELTA RADIUS LENGTH C1 073742 439.99 5858 C2 073742" 4639961.78' C3 0056'01" 439.99' 7.17' 30'ADIALJ l FLIRT, OF N.E. 7/9, SECTION 29, T.SS- R.7E., Sb,M. h PARCEL 4 `pO a PARCEL l=24'06'18' 0 5.738 ACRES (GROSS) R=100.00' h 5.199 ACRES (NET) L=42.07' 2 2 aARCEL 1LlAa NO. 37743 N89'S8'03"E 435.11' ,V _fN89 o nn, "E 345.82' so .00 37 0=24'06'1B" , P,lYL9, 27E / 09-77 o R=100.00' m 3 0 PARCEL 2 h M PARCELS PARCEL > 2.623 ACRES (CROSS) 0 1.664 ACRES (GROSS) 2.355 ACRES (NET) c 0.000 ACRES (NET) = 2 NN 2' WlON45'05'59"W S0_6°39'44"W 2' WIDE e i 29.60' C3 i (RADIAL) N89°58'03"f 377.99' 2.00' 105.50'- 266.49'467 150.00' C2 i C1+�- N89°58'03"E 320.70' __-__----------__- N89°58'03"E 6 L 320.75' RS N 37 Al BASIS OF BEARINGS) N07°3_5'45"E_ n ( ) N89'S8'03"E 283/.93' (283/.69' R) P.R.C. (RADIAL) 662.56 - -� 1988.43' /315.30' N89'39'14"E 2650.60' (2650.17' R) STATE HIGHWAY M SHEET 3 OF 4 SHEETS SEE DETAIL ON SH££T 2. 1. O 28 1508 46 97 NUMBERED PARCELS: 3 GROSS AREA: 10.025 ACRES N GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET ) 1 inch = 100 ft. IN THE CITY OF LA OUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA PARCEL MAP NO. 38668 BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THAT PORTION OF THE WEST HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY STORM WATER CHANNEL, AS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, RECORDED OCTOBER 6, 1923 IN BOOK 591, PAGE 223 OF DEEDS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. JOSEPH C. TRUXAW AND ASSOCIATES, INC. MICHAEL P. HERNANDEZ, P.L.S. 9281 JULY 2023 PLOTTED EASEMENTS: O3 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ROAD, UTILITY AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED MAY 24, 1933 AS BOOK 122, PAGE 374 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. OS COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR PIPELINE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED FEBRUARY 10, 2006 AS INSTRUMENT N0. 2006-103470 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. OEASEMENT CONTAINED IN DOCUMENT ENTITLED "RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AND ACCESS AGREEMENT" RECORDED MARCH 28, 2006 AS INSTRUMENT NO.. 2006-219365 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. 0 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR PIPELINE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, RECORDED MARCH 29, 2006 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2006-0224094 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. OCITY OF LA QUINTA, A CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL CORPORA RON, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR HIGHWAY III WIDENING (RETENTION BASIN) AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, RECORDED FEBRUARY 01, 2007 AS INSTRUMENT NO.. 2007-76267 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AND RE RECORDED FEBRUARY 26, 20071N/AS INSTRUMENT NO.. 2007 IJ0623 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. OSOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED MAY 10, 2007 AS INSTRUMENT NO 2007-312586 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. 13 CITY OF LA QUINTA, A CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY AND PUBLIC UTILITIES, SLOPE EASEMENT AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED MARCH 31, 2022 AS INSTRUMENT NO 2022-154402 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS DENOTES PLOTTED EASEMENT HEREON. PROPOSED EASEMENTS: OPROPOSED 26' WDE RECIPROCAL ACCESS EASEMENT (OVER AND ACROSS PARCEL 1 FOR THE BENEFIT OF PARCELS 2 AND 3) TO BE RECORDED BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT. bO PROPOSED BMP EASEMENT TO BE RECORDED BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT. cO PROPOSED STORM DRAIN EASEMENT TO BE RECORDED BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT. OPROPOSED 20' WIDE ELECTRICAL EASEMENT TO BE RECORDED BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT. O2' WIDE EASEMENT IN FEE' ALONG LOT "A" (HIGHWAY 171) TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA FOR STREET AND HIGHWAY PURPOSES. SEE SHEET 3 FOR DELINEATION. OEASEMENT IN 'FEE' ALONG LOT "B" (DUNE PALMS ROAD) TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA FOR STREET AND HIGHWAY PURPOSES 313 5' WIDE T.C.E. � �� %' 13 STORMIV4TFR PERMANENT \ CNANNAi I TE HIGHWAY M ACCESS EASEMENT SHEET 4 OF 4 SHEETS ATTACHMENT 3 CITY OF LA QUINTA SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT PARCEL MAP NO. 38668 OFF- SITE AND ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS THIS SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into this by and between DWCG1, "Subdivider," and the City of referred to as "City." RECITALS: day of 20 LLC, a California limited liability company, hereinafter referred to as La Quinta, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter A. Subdivider has prepared and submitted to City for final approval and recordation a final map or Tract map (the "Map") of a unit of land in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, which unit of land is known as Parcel Map No. 38668 (the "Tract") pursuant to the provisions of Section 66410, et seq. of the California Government Code (the "Subdivision Map Act"). The Subdivision Map Act and City ordinances and regulations relating to the filing, approval and recordation of subdivision maps are sometimes collectively referred to in this Agreement as the "Subdivision Laws." B. A tentative map of the Tract has been approved subject to the Subdivision Laws and to the requirements and conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 2023-0001 (the "Resolution of Approval"). The Resolution of Approval is on file in the office of the City Clerk and is incorporated into this Agreement by reference. C. Prior to approval of the Map, Subdivider is required to install or agree to install certain public and private improvements (the "Improvements"). D. The Improvements have not been installed and accepted at this time. L AV E. It is therefore necessary that Subdivider and City enter into an agreement for the installation of the Improvements as provided in Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act. In consideration of approval of a final map for the Tract by the City Council, Subdivider desires to enter into this Agreement, whereby Subdivider promises to install and complete, at Subdivider's own expense, all the public improvement work required by City in connection with the proposed Tract. Subdivider has secured this Agreement by improvement security required by the Subdivision Laws and approved by the City. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: 1. Improvement Plans. Prior to submittal of the Map for approval by the City Council, Subdivider shall furnish complete original improvement plans for the construction, installation and completion of the Improvements meeting the requirements of the City Engineer. The Improvement Plans for the Tract shall be maintained on file in the office of the City Engineer and shall be incorporated into this Agreement by reference. All references in this Agreement to the Improvement Plans shall include reference to any specifications for the Improvements as approved by the City Engineer. 2. Improvements. Subdivider shall construct the Improvements required to be constructed or agreed to be constructed under the Resolution of Approval and this Agreement as more specifically described in Exhibit "A." attached hereto and expressly made a part hereof by this reference, and shall bear the full cost thereof. The methods, standards, specifications, sequence, and scheduling of construction shall be as approved by the City Engineer. 3. Improvement Security. Subdivider shall at all times guarantee Subdivider's performance of this Agreement by furnishing to City, and maintaining, good and sufficient security as required by the Subdivision Laws on forms and in the amounts approved by City for the purposes as follows: A. One class of security to be provided by Subdivider, hereinafter referred to as "performance security," shall assure the faithful performance of this Agreement including construction of the Improvements, payment of Subdivider's fair share of Improvements which have been or will be constructed by others ("Participatory Improvements"), and payment of plan check and permit gg 1 of 9 fees. The performance security shall also include good and sufficient security in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the estimated cost of setting subdivision monuments as stated hereafter in this Agreement ("Monumentation Security"). A second class of security to be provided by Subdivider, hereinafter referred to as "payment security," shall assure the payment of the cost of labor, equipment and materials supplied to construct the Improvements. A third class of security to be provided by Subdivider, hereinafter referred to as "warranty security," shall serve as a guarantee and warranty of the Improvements for a period of one year following the completion and acceptance of the Improvements. Subdivider shall furnish performance and payment security prior to and as a condition precedent to City Council approval of the Map. Subdivider shall provide warranty security after Improvements are complete and accepted by the City Council and prior to or concurrently with the final release of performance security. Warranty security shall not be required for Monumentation or Participatory Improvements. However, the City may utilize Monumentation Security for performance of or payment for the work in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act. As part of the obligation secured by each of the performance security, payment security and warranty security, and in addition to the face amount of each such security, each such security shall include and assure the payment of costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by City in successfully enforcing the obligations thereby secured. B. Improvement security shall conform with Section 66499 of the California Government Code and may be one or more of the following: 1) A cash deposit with City or a responsible escrow agent or trust company, at City's option. 2) Surety bonds, of the form specified in subsection 66499.2 of the California Government Code, issued by a surety or sureties listed in the U.S. Department of Treasury Circular 570 (latest version). 3) Certificates of deposit, in City's name, from one or more financial institutions subject to regulation by the state or federal government and having a financial quality rating of "A" or better and a commitment reliability rating of "R-2" or better on the Investment Data Exchange (of the Los Angeles County Treasurer's office). 4) Irrevocable letters of credit, in a form acceptable to and approved by the City Attorney, issued by one or more financial institutions meeting the requirements of Paragraph (3), pledging that the funds necessary to carry out the completion of the Improvements are on deposit, guaranteed for payment, and constitute a trust fund which is not subject to levy or attachment by any creditor of the depositor until released by City. Letters of credit shall guarantee that all or any portion of the funds available pursuant to the letters of credit will be paid upon the written demand of City and that such written demand need not present documentation of any type as a condition of payment, including proof of loss. The duration of any such letter of credit shall be for a period of not less than one year from the execution of the agreement with which it is provided and shall state, on its face, that the letter of credit will be automatically renewed until such time that City authorizes its expiration or until sixty (60) days after City receives notice from the financial institution of intent to allow expiration of the letter of credit. 5) A lien upon the subdivided property, if City finds that it would not be in the public interest to require the installation of the Improvements sooner than two (2) years after recordation of the final map or Tract map for which the Improvements are required. The lien shall provide a collateral value of three (3) times the estimated cost of the Improvements and shall include the power of sale of the real property, all buildings and improvements thereon, or that may be erected upon or made thereto, together with all hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the reservations, remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof. The collateral value of the property shall be established at Subdivider's expense through an appraisal approved by City. 6) An instrument of credit from an agency of the state, federal or local government, when any agency of the state, federal, or local government provides at least twenty percent (20%) of the financing for the Improvements. 100 2 of 9 7) When Subdivider is a non-profit organization, security may be negotiable bonds, of the kind approved for securing deposits of public moneys with City or in favor of City, as specified in Section 16430 of the California Government Code, deposited, at City's option, with City or a responsible escrow agent or trust company. C. All securities shall be furnished in accordance with the provisions of Exhibit A. The amount of the performance security shall equal one hundred percent (100%) of the estimated cost of constructing the Improvements, including payment of plan check and permit fees, as estimated by the City Engineer or a duly authorized representative of the City Engineer. The amount of Payment security shall equal the amount of the amount of performance security, except as otherwise set forth in Exhibit A, and shall be furnished as a separate security. Warranty security shall equal Ten Percent (10%) of the amount of performance security except as otherwise set forth in Exhibit A. The securities required by this Agreement shall be kept on file with the City Clerk. The terms of the security documents specified in this Agreement are incorporated into this Agreement by this reference. If any security is replaced by another approved security, the replacement shall be filed with the City Clerk and, upon filing, shall be deemed to have been made a part of and incorporated into this Agreement. Upon filing of a replacement security with the City Clerk, the former security may be released. The City Engineer shall approve replacement of security. D. At the time of submittal of security, Subdivider shall pay to City administrative fees applicable to the form of security provided. Administrative fees shall apply to the subdivision (final map, Tract map or waiver of Tract map) rather than to individual security instruments. The fees shall be paid separately for each different form and/or source (surety or financial institution) of security initially submitted and for substitution of securities but shall not be required for submittal of warranty security if the warranty security is of the same form and from the same source as the performance security it replaces. Administrative fees for security shall be as follows: 1) For certificates of deposit, bonds and letters of credit as described in Paragraphs 2), 3) and 4) of SECTION 3.B., which require the establishment of evidence of the reliability of the surety or financial institution, the administrative fee shall be One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00). 2) For liens on real property as described in Paragraph 5) of SECTION 3.B., for which City will prepare lien agreements and subordination agreements, administer valuation of the real property and administer the agreements over the life of the lien, all of which require legal assistance and financial advice, Subdivider shall pay to City an administration fee of One Half of One Percent (0.5%) of the estimated cost of the improvements secured but not less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) nor more than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). 3) For other forms of security listed in Section 3 B, above, there will be no administrative fee. E. Participatory Improvements, if any, are identified in Exhibit A. Security for Participatory Improvements shall remain in place until the Participatory Improvements are constructed and actual costs are known and paid by Subdivider, or until Subdivider pays to City the estimated cost of the Participatory Improvements, and shall guarantee the reimbursement by Subdivider of Subdivider's share of the cost of the Participatory Improvements. Payment security and warranty security shall not be required for Participatory Improvements. Upon written demand from City, Subdivider shall deposit cash with City in lieu of or in replacement of security guaranteeing Participatory Improvements. If Subdivider fails to deposit said cash within 30 days of the date of the written demand from City, City may present a written demand to Subdivider's Surety for payment of said cash and Subdivider's Surety shall pay to City the lesser of: 1) the amount demanded, or 2) the amount of the security. F. Security shall not expire, be reduced or become wholly or partially invalid for any reason, including non-payment of premiums, modifications of this Agreement and/or expiration of the time for performance stated in this Agreement. G. Security shall be released in the following manner: 3 of 9 101 1) Performance security shall be released upon the final completion and acceptance or approval, by the City Council of the Improvements subject to the provisions of Section 10 of this Agreement. 2) The City Engineer may authorize partial reduction of performance security as work progresses, upon application by Subdivider. However, no such reduction shall be for an amount less than Ten Percent (10%) of the total performance security provided for the faithful performance of the act or work. In no event shall security be reduced below that required to guarantee the completion of the act or work or obligation secured, plus Ten Percent (10%). The City Engineer shall not allow more than two partial reductions of security furnished for any improvement agreement. 3) Participatory Improvement security shall be released upon payment by Subdivider of Subdivider's share of the cost or estimated cost of the Participatory Improvements. 4) If City receives no notice of recorded claims of lien, labor and materials security shall be released in full 90 days after final acceptance and/or approval by the City Council, of the Improvements. If City receives notice of any recorded lien, the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act shall apply. 5) No security given for the guarantee or warranty of work shall be released until the expiration of the warranty period and until any claims filed during the warranty period have been settled. As provided in paragraph 13 of this Agreement, the warranty period shall not commence until final acceptance of all the work and improvements by the City pursuant to Paragraph 10. Warranty security not utilized during the warranty period shall be released one year after final acceptance or approval by the City Council of all Improvements. However, if at the end of the one-year warranty period, there are one or more outstanding requests by City for performance of work or provision of materials under the terms of the warranty, warranty security shall be retained until the outstanding requests are satisfied or until Subdivider has made other arrangements satisfactory to the City Engineer. 6) City may retain from any security released an amount sufficient to cover costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorneys' fees. 4. Permits Required. Prior to commencing any phase of work, Subdivider shall obtain all permits required for that phase of work and pay all required fees. Work performed under a permit or permits shall comply with all provisions of the required permits. 5. Off -site Improvements. When the construction of one or more of the Improvements requires or necessitates the acquisition of real property not owned by Subdivider or City, Subdivider shall use its best efforts purchase such real property at a reasonable price. In the event that Subdivider is unsuccessful, despite its best efforts, to acquire such real property at a reasonable price, Subdivider may request in writing that City attempt to acquire such real property. City may, but is not required to, agree to attempt to acquire such real property on behalf of Subdivider. If City so agrees, City and Subdivider shall enter a separate written agreement in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. Said separate agreement shall provide that Subdivider advance to City One Hundred Fifty Percent (150%) of the appraised fair market value of the real property. Any unexpended portion of said advance shall be refunded to Subdivider. Any additional funds required for acquisition of the real property shall be paid by Subdivider to City upon the conveyance of said real property to Subdivider. In no event shall the failure of Subdivider or City to acquire such real property excuse, waive, or otherwise terminate Subdivider's obligation to construct the applicable improvement pursuant to this Agreement or the Conditions of Approval. 6. Completion of Improvements; Inspection. 6.1 Construction of Improvements. Subdivider shall begin construction of the Improvements within one hundred eighty (180) days and shall complete construction within twelve (12) months after the approval of this Agreement. Portions of the Improvements may be completed at a later date, as determined by the City Engineer or as set forth in Exhibit A. Failure by Subdivider to begin or complete construction of the Improvements within the specified time periods shall constitute cause for 102 4 of 9 City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare Subdivider in default of this agreement, to revise improvement security requirements as necessary to ensure completion of the improvements, and/or to require modifications in the standards or sequencing of the Improvements in response to changes in standards or conditions affecting or affected by the Improvements. Said failure shall not otherwise affect the validity of this agreement or Subdivider's obligations hereunder. 6.2 Inspection. Subdivider shall at all times maintain proper facilities and safe access for inspection of the public improvements by City and to the shops wherein any work is in preparation. Upon completion of the work, the Subdivider may request a final inspection by the City Engineer or the City Engineer's authorized representative. If the City Engineer or the designated representative determines that the work has been completed in accordance with this Agreement, then the City Engineer shall certify the completion of the public improvements to the City Council. No improvements shall be finally accepted unless all aspects of the work have been inspected and determined to have been completed in accordance with the Improvement Plans and City standards and accepted by the City as described in Paragraph 10 of this Agreement. Subdivider shall bear all costs of plan check, inspection and certification. 7. Force Maieure. In the event that Subdivider is unable to perform within the time limits herein due to strikes, act of God, or other events beyond Subdivider's control, the time limits for obligations affected by such events will be extended by the period of such events. 8. Time Extension. Subdivider may make application in writing to the City Council for an extension of time for completion of the Improvements. The City Council, in its sole and absolute discretion, may approve or deny the request or conditionally approve the extension with additions or revisions to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. As a condition of the time extension, Subdivider shall furnish securities, similar in form and substance to those required in SECTION 3 hereinabove, to cover the period of extension. The value of the securities shall be sufficient to ensure the performance of and payment for Improvements that remain incomplete at the time of the extension, and to provide warranty security on completed Improvements. 9. Survey Monuments. Before final approval of street improvements, Subdivider shall place survey monuments in accordance with the provisions of Sections 66495, et sec. of the Subdivision Map Act and of the La Quinta Municipal Code. Subdivider shall provide the City Engineer written proof that the monuments have been set, evidence of payment and receipt thereof by the engineer or surveyor setting the monuments, and intersection monument tie -outs for monuments set in public streets. 10. Final Acceptance of Improvements. At the completion of construction and prior to acceptance of the Improvements by City, Subdivider shall submit a request for final approval by City. The request shall be accompanied by any required certifications from Subdivider's engineers or surveyors, approval letters from other agencies having jurisdiction over and approval authority for improvements required by this Agreement or the Conditions of Approval, and any required construction quality documentation not previously submitted. Upon receipt of said request, the City Engineer or a duly -authorized representative will review the required documentation and will inspect the Improvements. If the Improvements are determined to be in accordance with applicable City standards and specifications, and as provided herein, obligations required by the Conditions set forth in the Resolution of Approval and this Agreement have been satisfied, and Subdivider has provided revised plans as required in Paragraph 12, hereinafter, the City Engineer shall recommend acceptance of the Improvements by the City Council. 11. Iniury to Improvements. Until such time as the Improvements are accepted by City in accordance with Paragraph 10, Subdivider shall be responsible for and bear the risk of loss to any of the improvements constructed or installed. Until such time as all Improvements required by this Agreement are fully completed and accepted by City, Subdivider will be responsible for the care, maintenance of, and any damage to such improvements. City shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage, regardless of cause, happening or occurring to the work or improvements specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the work or improvements. All such risks shall be the responsibility of and are hereby assumed by Subdivider. 103 5 of 9 12. Revisions to Plans. When the Improvements have been inspected and approved by the City Engineer, Subdivider shall make any necessary revisions to the original plans held by City so the plans depict the actual Improvements constructed. When necessary revisions have been made, each separate sheet of the plans shall be clearly marked with the words As -Built, As -Constructed, or Record Drawing, the marking shall be stamped by an engineer or surveyor, as appropriate for the improvements thereon, who is licensed to practice in California, and the plans shall be resubmitted to the City engineer. 13. Improvement Warranty. Subdivider hereby guarantees the Improvements to City for a period of one (1) year, beginning on the date of final acceptance of the Improvements by the City Council, against any defective work or labor done, or defective materials furnished, and shall repair or replace such defective work or materials. If within the warranty period any work or improvement or part of any work or improvement done, furnished, installed, constructed or caused to be done, furnished, installed or constructed by Subdivider fails to fulfill any of the requirements of this Agreement or the improvement plans and specifications referred to herein, Subdivider shall without delay and without any cost to City, repair or replace or reconstruct any defective or otherwise unsatisfactory part or parts of the work or structure. Should Subdivider fail to act promptly or in accordance with this requirement, Subdivider hereby authorizes City, at City's sole option, to perform the work twenty (20) days after mailing written notice of default to Subdivider and to Subdivider's Surety, and agrees to pay the cost of such work by City. Should City determine that an urgency requires repairs or replacements to be made before Subdivider can be notified, City may, in its sole discretion, make the necessary repairs or replacement or perform the necessary work and Subdivider shall pay to City the cost of such repairs. 14. Release of Security. City shall retain and release securities in accordance with the provisions of Section 3 of this agreement. Prior to the release of payment security, the City Engineer may require Subdivider to provide a title report or other evidence sufficient to show claims of lien, if any, that may affect the amount of payment security released. 15. City Right to Cure. If Subdivider fails to perform any obligation hereunder and such obligation has not been performed, or commenced and diligently pursued, within sixty (60) days after written notice of default from City, then City may perform the obligation, and Subdivider shall pay the entire cost of such performance by City including costs of suit and reasonable attorney's fees incurred by City in enforcing such obligation. In cases of emergency or compelling public interest, as determined by the City Engineer, the requirement for written notice of default and/or the passage of sixty (60) days shall be deemed waived and all other provisions of this Article shall remain in effect. 16. Iniury to Public Improvements, Public Property or Public Utility Facilities. Subdivider shall replace or have replaced, or repair or have repaired, as the case may be, all public improvements, public utilities facilities and surveying or subdivision monuments which are destroyed or damaged as a result of any work performed under this Agreement. Subdivider shall bear the entire cost of replacement or repairs of any and all public or public utility property damaged or destroyed by reason of any work done under this Agreement, whether such property is owned by the United States or any agency thereof, or the State of California, or any agency or political subdivision thereof, or by City or any public or private utility corporation or by any combination of such owners. Any repair or replacement shall be to the satisfaction, and subject to the approval, of the City Engineer. 17. Indemnification. a. Neither City nor any and all of its officials, employees and agents ("Indemnified Parties") shall not be liable for any injury to persons or property occasioned by reason of the acts or omissions of Subdivider, its agents or employees in the performance of this Agreement. Subdivider further agrees to protect and hold harmless Indemnified Parties form any and all claims, demands, causes of action, liability or loss of any sort, including, but not limited to, attorney fees and litigation expenses, because of, or arising out of, acts or omissions of Subdivider, its agents or employees in the performance of this Agreement, including all claims, demands, causes of action, liability, or loss because of, or arising out of, in whole or in part, the design of construction of the Improvements. This indemnification and agreement to hold harmless shall extend to injuries to persons and damages or taking of property resulting from the design or construction of said subdivision, and the public improvements as provided herein, and in addition, to adjacent property owners as a consequence of the diversion of 104 6 of 9 waters from the design or construction of public drainage systems, streets and other public improvements. b. Acceptance by City of the Improvements shall not constitute an assumption by City of any responsibility for any damage or taking covered by this paragraph. City shall not be responsible for the design or construction of the subdivision or the improvements pursuant to the approved Improvement Plans or map, regardless of any negligent action or inaction taken by City in approving the plans or map, unless the particular improvement design was specifically required by City over written objection by Subdivider submitted to the City Engineer before approval of the particular improvement design, which objection indicated that the particular improvement design was dangerous or defective and suggested an alternative safe and feasible design. Except as may be provided above, City shall not be liable for any negligence, nonfeasance, misfeasance or malfeasance in approving, reviewing, checking, or correcting any plans or specifications or in approving, reviewing or inspecting any work or construction. Nothing contained in this paragraph is intended to or shall be deemed to limit or waive any protections or immunities afforded by law to City or any and all of its officials, employees and agents ("Indemnified Parties"), by virtue of city's approval of the plan or design of the Improvements, including without limitation the protections and immunities afforded by Government Code Section 830.6. After acceptance of the improvements, Subdivider shall remain obligated to eliminate any defect in design or dangerous condition caused by the design or construction defect; however, Subdivider shall not be responsible for routine maintenance. Provisions of this paragraph shall remain in full force and effect for ten (10) years following the acceptance by City of the Improvements. It is the intent of this paragraph that Subdivider shall be responsible for all liability for design and construction of the Improvements installed or work done pursuant to this Agreement and that city shall not be liable for any negligence, nonfeasance, misfeasance or malfeasance in approving, reviewing, checking, or correcting any plans or specifications or in approving, reviewing or inspecting any work or construction. The Improvement Security shall not be required to cover the provisions of this paragraph. 18. No Modification of Conditions. This Agreement shall in no respect act to modify or amend any provision of the Conditions of Approval. In the event that any requirement or condition of this Agreement is inconsistent with or fails to include one or more provisions of the Conditions of Approval, which document(s) is (are) incorporated herein by reference, the provisions in the Conditions of Approval shall remain in effect and shall control. 19. Severability. In the event that a court of competent jurisdiction determines that any provision or provisions of this Agreement are unenforceable, all provisions not so held shall remain in full force and effect. 20. Subdivider No Agent of City. Neither Subdivider nor any of Subdivider's agents, employees, or contractors are or shall be considered to be agents of City in connection with the performance of Subdivider's obligations under this Agreement. 21. General Provisions. A. All notices pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be personally delivered or sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the parties at their respective addresses indicated hereon. Notices personally delivered shall be effective upon delivery. Notices mailed as provided herein and sent postage prepaid shall be effective upon the date of delivery or refusal indicated on the return receipt. Either party may change its address for notices hereunder by notice to the other given in the manner provided in this subparagraph. B. The terms, conditions, covenants, and agreements set forth herein shall apply to and bind the heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, and successors of the parties hereto. C. Neither party to this Agreement relies upon any warranty or representation not contained in this Agreement. D. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted with respect to the laws of the State of California. 105 7 of 9 E. In the event of any dispute between the parties with respect to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to prompt payment of its reasonable attorneys' fees from the non -prevailing party. F. Any failure or delay by either party in asserting any of its rights and remedies as to any default shall not operate as a waiver of any default or of any such rights or remedies provided for hereunder. G. Time is of the essence in the performance of each and every provision of this Agreement. H. The Recitals to this Agreement are hereby incorporated into and expressly made a part of the terms of this Agreement. I. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter. All modifications, amendments, or waivers of the terms of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by the appropriate representatives of the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written above. CITY: City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 760/777-7075 Jon McMillen, City Manager Date ATTEST: Monika Radeva, City Clerk DWCG1, LLC, a California limited lia "' ompany By: Print Name and Title: By: Print Name and Title: Reviewed and Approved: Bryan McKinney, City Engineer Date Approved as to Form: William H. Ihrke, City Attorney Date Date Date 106 8 of 9 Exhibit A SECURITY — PARCEL MAP NO. 38668 OFF -SITE AND ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS Improvements designated as "Participatory" have been or will be constructed by others. Security for Participatory Improvements shall remain in place indefinitely until called upon or released by City. Monumentation security shall guarantee performance of or payment for the work and shall be utilized or released as specified in Chapter 4, Article 9 of the Subdivision Map Act. As elements of the work are completed, Subdivider may request a maximum of two partial releases of performance security. Partial releases shall be for not less than ten percent (10%) of the total performance security for the Tract and shall not reduce total performance security below the amount necessary to complete the Improvements plus ten percent (10%) of the original amount. Partial releases of performance security will be evaluated and may be granted, in whole or in part, by the City Engineer. Requests for partial releases, setting forth in detail the amount of work completed and the value thereof, shall be made in writing to the City Engineer. Labor & materials security shall remain in place until 90 days after all required Tract improvements are complete and accepted by the City Council. Improvement Description Performance Labor & Materials Street / Access Road $ 158,332 $ 158,332 Storm Drain $ 97,590 $ 97,590 Sidewalk $ 42,350 $ 42,350 Retention Basins $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Perimeter Landscaping $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Monumentation $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Totals $ 328,272 $ 328,272 Standard 10% Contingency $ 32,827 $ 32,827 No Plans Contingency 10% $ 32,827 $ 32,827 Professional Fees, Design 10% $ 32,827 $ 32,827 Professional Fees, Const 10% $ 32,827 $ 32,827 Bond Amount $ 459,580 $ 459,580 107 9 of 9 108 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 13 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 19, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ADOPT RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY ABANDONED VEHICLE ABATEMENT PROGRAM RECOMMENDATION Adopt a Resolution to extend the Riverside County Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Program. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • In 1990, the State enacted legislation allowing for the creation of county -based vehicle service authorities pursuant to the provisions of Section 22710 of the California Vehicle Code. • In June 1994, the Riverside County Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Service Authority (AVA) Program was formed and imposed a one -dollar annual vehicle registration fee on vehicles registered to an owner with an address in the County of Riverside. • The City has participated in this Program since 1994. The current Resolution No. 2013-005 is set to expire on May 31, 2024. • The State of California has requested that Riverside County AVA Program and participating cities adopt a new resolution by October 1, 2023, extending the Program through May 31, 2034. FISCAL IMPACT This program qualifies the City to continue to receive AVA disbursements based upon the City's population and number of vehicles abated. Since the program's inception in 1994, the City has received approximately $800,000 in disbursements to help fund the cost of abating vehicles. On average, the City receives about $30,000 in AVA funds per year. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In 1990, the California State Legislature enacted legislation allowing for the creation of county -based vehicle service authorities. In June 1994, the Riverside County Abandoned 109 Vehicle Abatement Service Authority was formed and imposed a one -dollar annual vehicle registration fee on vehicles registered in Riverside County. Vehicle registration fees are collected by the Department of Motor Vehicles and allocated to the Riverside County Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Service Authority. Fees are then allocated to participating entities based upon their geographical area and population in relation to the total size and population of Riverside County and based on the percentage of vehicles abated by each entity in relation to the total vehicles abated by the Riverside County Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Service Authority as a whole. Since the inception of the program, the Riverside County Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Service Authority has received approximately $35,128,331, which has allowed the abatement of approximately 189,776 abandoned, wrecked, dismantled or inoperable vehicles. AL I tKNA I IVtS Council may elect not to adopt the supporting resolution, which would disqualify the City from collecting future disbursements from the AVA program. Prepared by: Martha Mendez, Public Safety Deputy Director Approved by: Jon McMillen, City Manager 110 RESOLUTION NO. 2023 — XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXTENSION OF THE SERVICE FEE COLLECTED ON BEHALF OF THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY ABANDONED VEHICLE ABATEMENT SERVICE AUTHORITY UNTIL MAY 2034 WHEREAS, the Riverside County Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Service Authority was formed on or about June 1, 1994, pursuant to the provisions of California Vehicle Code §§ 9950.7 and 22710 enacted by the Legislature in 1990 which authorize the establishment of a service authority and imposition of a service fee on all registered motor vehicles located within a county; and WHEREAS, beginning in June 1994 and continuing to the present, the Riverside County Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Service Authority has been the recipient of service fees collected on its behalf by the California Department of Motor Vehicles; and WHEREAS, the service fees received by the Riverside County Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Service Authority are used to reimburse local governmental agencies for a portion of their costs incurred as a result of the abatement, removal and disposal as public nuisances of any abandoned, wrecked, dismantled, or inoperative vehicles or parts thereof; and WHEREAS, the Riverside County Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Service Authority apportions and distributes service fee proceeds to each member agency according to the formula set forth in California Vehicle Code §§ 22710; and WHEREAS, since the establishment of the Abandoned Vehicle Abatement program in June 1994, it has disbursed $35,128,331 in service fee proceeds to member agencies and caused the abetment of approximately 189,776 abandoned, wrecked, dismantled, or inoperative vehicles located in various cities and the unincorporated area of Riverside County; and WHEREAS, the service fee collected as part of the Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Service Authority program is set to expire in May 2024; and WHEREAS, the Legislature amended California Vehicle Code § 9250.7 to allow for an extension of the service fee collected as part of the Abandoned Vehicle Abatement program in increments of up to 10 years each if the board of supervisors of the county, by a two-thirds vote, and a majority of the cities comprising a majority of the population of the incorporated areas within the county adopt resolutions providing for the extension of the service fee; and 111 Resolution No. 2023-xxx Vehicle Abatement Program Adopted: September 19, 2023 Page 2 of 2 WHEREAS, it is desirable to the City of La Quinta to have the Abandoned Vehicle Abatement program continue beyond its current termination date of May 31, 2024. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California approves the extension of the service fee collected on behalf of the Riverside County Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Service Authority until May 31, 2034. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 19th day of September 2023, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 112 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 14 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 19, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: RECEIVE AND FILE FOURTH QUARTER FISCAL YEAR 2022/23 TREASURY REPORTS FOR APRIL, MAY, AND JUNE 2023 RECOMMENDATION Receive and file the fourth quarter fiscal year 2022/23 Treasury Reports for April, May, and June 2023. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Commentary and Summary of Significant Activity The total book value of the portfolio increased $29.3 million, from $217.3 million at the end of March to $246.6 million at the end of June. The increase reflects operational activity throughout the quarter. The portfolio is within policy limits for investment types and total allocation by type (see chart below) and is also within policy guidelines for investment ratings. Portfolio Allocations Max Investment Type April May June Allowed Bank Accounts 7.44% 6.43% 2.94% 100% Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) City 8.63% 13.91 % 13.81 % (1) Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) Housing 0.93% 0.84% 0.83% (1)(2) Money Market Pool Accounts -CAMP 19.41 % 17.59% 19.97% N/A Federal Agency Coupons & Discount Notes 21.07% 19.41 % 19.68% 100% Treasury Coupons & Discount Notes 23.01 % 23.13% 23.37% 100% Certificates of Deposit (CD's) 15.89% 15.45% 15.74% 30% Corporate Notes 0.40% 0.36% 0.75% 30% Money Market with Fiscal Agent 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% (2) CERBT- OPEB Trust 0.83% 0.75% 0.75% (3) PARS Pension Trust 2.39% 2.14% 2.16% (3) Total 100% 100% 100% (') LAIF is subject to maximum dollar amount not a percentage of the portfolio (2) Funds held by fiscal agent and the LAIF Housing funds are governed by bond indentures and not subject to City Imestment Policy (3) OPEB and pension trusts are fiduciary accounts and not subject to City Investment Policy 113 The fiscal year annual effective rate of return was 2.09% as of June, which was a 28 basis point (bps) increase since March. Total earnings for the quarter of $1.65 million was $1.18 million above last year, when the annual effective rate was only 0.79%. City staff is continuing to evaluate liquidity needs and reinvesting money in short-term United States treasuries and the California Asset Management Program (CAMP) which are yielding more than the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF). Average Days Effective Rate Total Earnings to Maturity of Return YTD April $ 547,364 471 1.93% May $ 502,920 448 2.00% June $ 595,986 465 2.09% Quarter 2 $ 1,646,269 461 2.01 % Throughout the quarter, one agency bond, six treasuries, and eight CDs matured; five agency bonds, ten treasuries, and twenty-two CDs were purchased. There were no sales or calls. Maturities and purchases are listed in detail in the attached reports. Year -End Summary For fiscal year 2022/23, the City had earnings of nearly $4.6 million, or a 2.09% rate of return, which was $3.1 million and 130 bps better than fiscal 2021/22. As the Federal Open Market Committee (the Fed) steadily raised the federal funds rate throughout the year, staff continually monitored the financial markets and made decisions that would increase yield while still maintaining safety of principal and adequate liquidity. As noted above, rates for the CAMP pool increased at a faster rate than the state -run LAIF and therefore more money was transferred to CAMP as the year progressed. Additionally, staff took advantage of the increasing short-term treasury rates by purchasing treasuries with 3-9 month maturities that were out -yielding both CAMP and LAIF; these were continually rolled -over as they matured, however funds remained highly liquid. We also put additional money into longer -term investments to lock in the rates for longer periods. Although market rates may begin to fall in 2024 as some economists predict, the decisions made this fiscal year will continue to benefit the City over the next few years. By generating additional cash flow, the City can maintain its financial stability and continue to use funds on vital services for our citizens. It is important to note that the Effective Rate of Return is a look -back metric; to gauge the potential for earnings going forward, the Yield to Maturity (YTM) number is more forward -looking. As of June, the City's YTM is 3.19%, inclusive of cash. 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 Average Daily Balance $141,628,303 $152,994,488 $160,732,266 $ 191,565,121 $220,315,036 Total Earnings $ 2,894,323 $ 2,798,779 $ 1,533,546 $ 1,508,983 $ 4,595,739 Effective Rate of Return 2.04% 1.82% 0.95% 0.79% 2.09% 114 Other Notes Money market funds with the fiscal agent are bond proceeds subject to bond indentures, not the City's investment policy. Successor Agency (SA) funds cannot be invested long- term; therefore SA funds are only invested in LAIF. Looking Ahead The Treasurer follows a "buy and hold" Investment Policy unless it is fiscally advantageous to actively trade outside of maturity dates. In the short term, the Treasurer will invest in CAMP, LAIF, and U.S. Treasuries as needed. Longer term investments may include Government Sponsored Enterprise (agencies) securities, U.S. Treasuries, Corporate Notes, and Negotiable Certificates of Deposits. All investments recognize both immediate and long-term cash flow needs, and there is sufficient liquidity in the portfolio to meet expenditure requirements for the next six months. ALTERNATIVES — None Prepared by: Rosemary Hallick, Principal Management Analyst Approved by: Claudia Martinez, Finance Director/City Treasurer Attachment: 1. Treasurer's Report for April 1, 2023 to June 30, 2023 115 116 t(v OW K r(V GEM of the DESERT Investments City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Summary April 30, 2023 Per Market Value Value Book % of Value Portfolio Term ATTACHMENT 1 City of La Quinta [lays to YTM Maturity 365 Equiv. Bank Accounts 16.438.848.57 16,438,849-57 13,438,848.57 7.44 1 1 0.000 Local Agency Investment Fund -City 19,065,011.99 18,645,096.66 19,065,011.99 8.63 1 1 2.870 Local Agency Invstmnt Fund -housing 2,049,939.66 2,024,058.81 2,049,939.66 0.93 1 1 2.870 Money Market Accounts • CAMP 42,865,279.01 42,865r279.01 42,865,279.01 19.41 1 1 4.970 Federal Agency Coupon Securi8es 46,750,000.00 44,185r548.00 46,530,847.05 21.07 1,545 939 2.003 Treasury Coupon Securities 36.750.000.00 35.200.210-00 36,123,303.62 16.36 1,222 796 2.389 Treasury Diseaunt Notes 15,000,000.00 14.811.470.00 14,685,807.94 8.65 158 92 5.015 Certificate of Deposits 35,102,000.00 34,034r313.35 35,101,377.50 15.89 1,668 839 2.428 Corporate Notes 900,000.00 850.165.00 875,660,00 0.40 1.797 629 1.738 Money Market with Fiscal Agent 1,580.39 1,560.39 1,560.39 0.00 1 1 0.000 CERST - ❑PEB Trust 1,828,332.91 1,828r332.91 1,828,332.91 0.83 1 1 0.000 PARS Pension Trust 5,289,313.45 5,289,313.46 5,289,313.46 2.39 1 1 0.000 222,040,285.99 2M,174,196.16 220,855,082.10 100.00% 808 471 2.778 Investments Total Earnings April 30 Month Ending Fiscal Year To Hate Current Year 547,363.91 3,496,833.95 Average Daily Balance 218,742,801.97 217,581,264.05 Effective Date of Return 3.04% 1.93% 1 certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with the California Government Code and the City Investment Policy. As Treasurer of the City of La Quinta, I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet the City's expenditure requirements for the next six months. The City of La Quinta used the monthly account statements issued by our fine ' t institutions to determine the fair market value of investments at month end. Claudia Martinez, Finance DirectodCi y Treasurer Reporting period 0410112023-0413012023 Run Date: 07124/2023 -15:33 Portfolio CITY CP PM [ PRF_PM7 ] 7.3 0 ReportWr. 117 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments April 30, 2023 Page 1 Average Purchase Stated Days to YTM Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Maturity 365 Date Bank Accounts SYS1293 1293 Bank of New York 09/01/2020 8,686,810.74 8,686,810.74 8,686,810.74 1 1 0.000 059731851 1228 Bank of the West 08/20/2019 6,794,667.50 6,794,667.50 6,794,667.50 1 1 0.000 SYS1059 1059 City Petty Cash 07/01/2016 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 1 1 0.000 SYS1318 1318 Dune Palms Mobile Estates 03/09/2021 771,119.35 771,119.35 771,119.35 1 1 0.000 SYS1062 1062 La Quinta Palms Realty 07/01/2016 182,950.98 182,950.98 182,950.98 1 1 0.000 Subtotal and Average 12,930,571.92 16,438,848.57 16,438,848.57 16,438,848.57 1 1 0.000 Local Agency Investment Fund -City 98-33-434 1055 Local Agency Inv Fund Subtotal and Average 19,009,706.16 19,065,011.99 19,065,011.99 18,645,096.66 18,645,096.66 19,065,011.99 2.870 19,065,011.99 1 1 2.870 1 1 2.870 Local Agency Invstmnt Fund -Housing 25-33-005 1113 Local Agency Inv Fund 2,049,939.66 2,024,058.81 2,049,939.66 2.870 1 1 2.870 Subtotal and Average 2,043,992.69 2,049,939.66 2,024,058.81 2,049,939.66 1 1 2.870 Money Market Accounts - CAMP SYS1153 1153 California Asset Management Pr 09/26/2018 42,865,279.01 42,865,279.01 42,865,279.01 4.970 1 1 4.970 Subtotal and Average 40,438,779.53 42,865,279.01 42,865,279.01 42,865,279.01 1 1 4.970 Federal Agency Coupon Securities 3133EKZK5 1223 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/12/2019 500,000.00 495,050.00 499,400.00 1.600 1,432 105 1.632 08/14/2023 3133EJYL7 1158 Federal Farm Credit Bank 10/15/2018 250,000.00 247,895.00 247,275.00 2.800 1,786 127 3.041 09/05/2023 3133EK4X1 1234 Federal Farm Credit Bank 11/01/2019 1,000,000.00 982,820.00 996,900.00 1.600 1,461 184 1.680 11/01/2023 3130AFW94 1177 Federal Home Loan Bank 03/01/2019 500,000.00 490,495.00 498,550.00 2.500 1,810 288 2.563 02/13/2024 3133ELNEO 1246 Federal Farm Credit Bank 02/14/2020 1,000,000.00 973,270.00 999,000.00 1.430 1,461 289 1.456 02/14/2024 3135GAGK1 1482 Federal National Mtg Assn 04/12/2023 3,000,000.00 2,996,250.00 3,000,000.00 5.050 366 347 5.050 04/12/2024 3133ENYH7 1401 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/10/2022 500,000.00 488,785.00 499,080.00 2.625 731 406 2.720 06/10/2024 3135GOV75 1206 Federal National Mtg Assn 07/15/2019 500,000.00 483,785.00 495,950.00 1.750 1,814 428 1.922 07/02/2024 3133EKWV4 1212 Federal Farm Credit Bank 08/02/2019 500,000.00 481,620.00 499,500.00 1.850 1,820 452 1.871 07/26/2024 3135GAGA3 1480 Federal National Mtg Assn 04/03/2023 2,000,000.00 1,997,480.00 2,000,000.00 5.200 484 456 5.206 07/30/2024 3133EKP75 1224 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/17/2019 500,000.00 480,875.00 498,750.00 1.600 1,827 505 1.652 09/17/2024 3133ELEA8 1242 Federal Farm Credit Bank 12/17/2019 1,000,000.00 963,030.00 998,600.00 1.700 1,736 505 1.731 09/17/2024 3135GO6E8 1291 Federal National Mtg Assn 11/18/2020 500,000.00 467,975.00 499,250.00 0.420 1,461 567 0.458 11/18/2024 3133ENGN4 1355 Federal Farm Credit Bank 12/09/2021 1,000,000.00 942,950.00 1,000,000.00 0.970 1,096 588 0.970 12/09/2024 3135GAAW1 1300 Federal National Mtg Assn 12/30/2020 500,000.00 466,265.00 500,000.00 0.400 1,461 609 0.400 12/30/2024 3130AP2U8 1353 Federal Home Loan Bank 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 932,570.00 987,100.00 0.550 1,127 617 0.976 01/07/2025 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 07/24/2023 - 15:33 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 118 Report Ver. City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments April 30, 2023 Page 2 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM Maturity 365 Date Federal Agency Coupon Securities 3130AQWY5 1374 Federal Home Loan Bank 02/25/2022 1,000,000.00 948,830.00 1,000,000.00 1.700 1,095 665 1.700 02/24/2025 3135G03U5 1365 Federal National Mtg Assn 01/28/2022 500,000.00 466,145.00 487,790.00 0.625 1,180 722 1.400 04/22/2025 3134GVYG7 1279 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 05/27/2020 1,000,000.00 929,150.00 1,000,000.00 0.625 1,826 757 0.625 05/27/2025 3133ELH23 1280 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/09/2020 500,000.00 463,835.00 499,850.00 0.500 1,826 770 0.506 06/09/2025 3133ELH80 1282 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/10/2020 500,000.00 463,165.00 500,000.00 0.680 1,826 771 0.680 06/10/2025 3130AJKW8 1281 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/03/2020 500,000.00 463,945.00 499,850.00 0.500 1,836 774 0.506 06/13/2025 3130AJRP6 1283 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/30/2020 300,000.00 277,452.00 300,000.00 0.680 1,826 791 0.680 06/30/2025 3137EAEU9 1297 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 12/07/2020 1,000,000.00 921,340.00 997,300.00 0.375 1,687 812 0.434 07/21/2025 3137EAEU9 1361 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 01/05/2022 500,000.00 460,670.00 487,090.00 0.375 1,293 812 1.120 07/21/2025 3135G05S8 1288 Federal National Mtg Assn 08/14/2020 500,000.00 459,065.00 500,000.00 0.500 1,826 836 0.500 08/14/2025 3136G4M75 1290 Federal National Mtg Assn 08/28/2020 500,000.00 461,305.00 499,750.00 0.520 1,816 840 0.530 08/18/2025 3136G4N74 1289 Federal National Mtg Assn 08/21/2020 1,000,000.00 918,910.00 1,000,000.00 0.560 1,826 843 0.560 08/21/2025 3137EAEX3 1307 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 02/23/2021 500,000.00 457,925.00 495,999.50 0.375 1,673 876 0.552 09/23/2025 3137EAEX3 1310 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 03/30/2021 1,000,000.00 915,850.00 983,940.00 0.375 1,638 876 0.740 09/23/2025 3130ARGJ4 1385 Federal Home Loan Bank 04/14/2022 500,000.00 481,855.00 500,000.00 2.500 1,279 897 2.500 10/14/2025 3134GW5R3 1362 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 01/05/2022 400,000.00 366,560.00 391,360.00 0.650 1,391 910 1.232 10/27/2025 3135G06G3 1354 Federal National Mtg Assn 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 917,720.00 976,300.00 0.500 1,431 921 1.120 11/07/2025 3135GA2Z3 1292 Federal National Mtg Assn 11/17/2020 500,000.00 456,545.00 499,250.00 0.560 1,826 931 0.590 11/17/2025 3130AKFA9 1298 Federal Home Loan Bank 12/07/2020 500,000.00 455,875.00 497,400.00 0.375 1,831 956 0.480 12/12/2025 3135GA7D7 1299 Federal National Mtg Assn 12/23/2020 500,000.00 454,885.00 500,000.00 0.600 1,826 967 0.600 12/23/2025 3134GXGZ1 1301 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 12/30/2020 500,000.00 457,500.00 500,000.00 0.550 1,826 974 0.550 12/30/2025 3130AKMZ6 1302 Federal Home Loan Bank 01/14/2021 500,000.00 452,625.00 500,000.00 0.510 1,826 989 0.510 01/14/2026 313OAKN28 1304 Federal Home Loan Bank 01/29/2021 500,000.00 452,630.00 500,000.00 0.550 1,826 1,004 0.550 01/29/2026 3130ALV92 1312 Federal Home Loan Bank 03/30/2021 500,000.00 461,460.00 500,000.00 1.050 1,826 1,064 0.938 03/30/2026 3130AMFS6 1324 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/17/2021 1,000,000.00 910,130.00 993,420.00 0.750 1,821 1,138 0.885 06/12/2026 3133EM2C5 1330 Federal Farm Credit Bank 08/10/2021 500,000.00 447,385.00 498,000.00 0.710 1,826 1,197 0.792 08/10/2026 3133EM4X7 1338 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/28/2021 1,000,000.00 903,210.00 991,080.00 0.800 1,808 1,228 0.985 09/10/2026 3130APBM6 1337 Federal Home Loan Bank 09/30/2021 1,000,000.00 899,350.00 999,000.00 1.000 1,826 1,248 1.021 09/30/2026 3130APB46 1339 Federal Home Loan Bank 10/13/2021 1,000,000.00 897,040.00 998,250.00 0.950 1,826 1,261 0.986 10/13/2026 3134GW6C5 1359 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 01/05/2022 500,000.00 445,685.00 486,000.00 0.800 1,757 1,276 1.403 10/28/2026 3133ENCQ1 1344 Federal Farm Credit Bank 11/02/2021 1,000,000.00 902,840.00 1,000,000.00 1.270 1,826 1,281 1.270 11/02/2026 3130APTV7 1347 Federal Home Loan Bank 11/24/2021 500,000.00 459,210.00 499,500.00 0.700 1,826 1,303 1.489 11/24/2026 3130AQF65 1358 Federal Home Loan Bank 12/22/2021 1,000,000.00 914,920.00 999,750.00 1.250 1,825 1,330 1.255 12/21/2026 3134GWUQ7 1366 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 02/10/2022 1,000,000.00 881,810.00 945,570.00 0.700 1,784 1,339 1.870 12/30/2026 3130AQJR5 1364 Federal Home Loan Bank 01/27/2022 1,000,000.00 909,900.00 1,000,000.00 1.500 1,826 1,367 1.500 01/27/2027 3130AQSA2 1367 Federal Home Loan Bank 02/10/2022 1,000,000.00 919,290.00 1,000,000.00 1.830 1,826 1,381 1.830 02/10/2027 Run Date: 07/24/2023 - 15:33 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 119 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments April 30, 2023 Page 3 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM Maturity 365 Date Federal Agency Coupon Securities 3130ARGY1 1387 Federal Home Loan Bank 04/19/2022 1,000,000.00 948,580.00 1,000,000.00 2.700 1,826 1,449 2.700 04/19/2027 3130ASDV8 1409 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/28/2022 300,000.00 288,681.00 300,000.00 3.300 1,826 1,519 3.300 06/28/2027 3133ENL99 1426 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/15/2022 1,000,000.00 982,610.00 997,492.55 3.375 1,826 1,598 3.430 09/15/2027 3133ENQ29 1433 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/30/2022 1,000,000.00 1,007,250.00 996,400.00 4.000 1,825 1,612 4.080 09/29/2027 3133EN3H1 1441 Federal Farm Credit Bank 11/29/2022 1,000,000.00 1,007,980.00 998,650.00 4.000 1,826 1,673 4.030 11/29/2027 3133EN3S7 1446 Federal Farm Credit Bank 12/07/2022 1,000,000.00 997,550.00 998,000.00 3.750 1,826 1,681 3.794 12/07/2027 3133EPAV7 1464 Federal Farm Credit Bank 02/15/2023 1,000,000.00 1,008,390.00 995,400.00 3.875 1,825 1,750 3.977 02/14/2028 3134GYPJ5 1484 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 04/24/2023 1,000,000.00 997,380.00 999,100.00 5.200 1,820 1,813 5.220 04/17/2028 Subtotal and Average 44,980,638.89 46,750,000.00 44,185,548.00 46,530,847.05 1,545 939 2.003 Treasury Coupon Securities 91282CCD1 1350 U.S. Treasury 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 996,340.00 995,468.75 0.125 540 30 0.432 05/31/2023 912828R69 1443 U.S. Treasury 12/02/2022 4,000,000.00 3,990,200.00 3,944,075.80 1.625 180 30 4.515 05/31/2023 91282CCK5 1452 U.S. Treasury 01/04/2023 2,000,000.00 1,984,200.00 1,956,875.00 0.125 177 60 4.635 06/30/2023 91282CCN9 1341 U.S. Treasury 10/22/2021 500,000.00 493,830.00 497,792.97 0.125 647 91 0.375 07/31/2023 9128284X5 1462 U.S. Treasury 02/07/2023 1,000,000.00 992,540.00 988,900.00 2.750 205 122 4.787 08/31/2023 912828T26 1217 U.S. Treasury 08/21/2019 500,000.00 492,715.00 499,300.00 1.375 1,501 152 1.410 09/30/2023 91282CBA8 1351 U.S. Treasury 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 971,130.00 990,000.00 0.125 738 228 0.623 12/15/2023 91282CBEO 1342 U.S. Treasury 10/22/2021 1,000,000.00 966,910.00 991,000.00 0.125 815 259 0.531 01/15/2024 91282CBR1 1352 U.S. Treasury 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 961,020.00 989,800.00 0.250 829 319 0.704 03/15/2024 91282CBV2 1360 U.S. Treasury 01/05/2022 500,000.00 479,280.00 494,882.81 0.375 831 350 0.830 04/15/2024 912828XT2 1418 U.S. Treasury 05/04/2022 1,000,000.00 970,470.00 985,240.00 2.000 758 396 2.736 05/31/2024 9128282U3 1400 U.S. Treasury 06/09/2022 500,000.00 482,930.00 490,850.00 1.875 814 488 2.727 08/31/2024 91282CDB4 1343 U.S. Treasury 10/22/2021 1,000,000.00 946,600.00 996,320.00 0.625 1,089 533 0.750 10/15/2024 9128283DO 1390 U.S. Treasury 05/03/2022 1,000,000.00 968,790.00 985,190.00 2.250 912 549 2.870 10/31/2024 912828YV6 1241 U.S. Treasury 12/16/2019 1,000,000.00 956,880.00 989,687.50 1.500 1,811 579 1.718 11/30/2024 91282CAT8 1311 U.S. Treasury 03/30/2021 1,000,000.00 913,830.00 977,500.00 0.250 1,676 914 0.750 10/31/2025 91282CAZ4 1315 U.S. Treasury 04/22/2021 500,000.00 457,365.00 492,187.50 0.375 1,683 944 0.720 11/30/2025 91282CBC4 1303 U.S. Treasury 01/07/2021 500,000.00 457,090.00 498,632.81 0.375 1,819 975 0.431 12/31/2025 91282CBH3 1309 U.S. Treasury 02/23/2021 500,000.00 455,295.00 495,100.00 0.375 1,803 1,006 0.577 01/31/2026 91282CBQ3 1319 U.S. Treasury 05/28/2021 500,000.00 455,920.00 494,165.00 0.500 1,737 1,034 0.750 02/28/2026 91282CBQ3 1382 U.S. Treasury 03/23/2022 750,000.00 683,880.00 698,025.00 0.500 1,438 1,034 2.353 02/28/2026 91282CBT7 1320 U.S. Treasury 05/28/2021 500,000.00 458,985.00 499,525.00 0.750 1,768 1,065 0.770 03/31/2026 91282CBT7 1322 U.S. Treasury 06/17/2021 500,000.00 458,985.00 498,450.00 0.750 1,748 1,065 0.816 03/31/2026 9128286S4 1383 U.S. Treasury 03/23/2022 1,000,000.00 960,660.00 999,010.00 2.375 1,499 1,095 2.400 04/30/2026 91282CCF6 1321 U.S. Treasury 06/01/2021 1,000,000.00 912,810.00 997,060.00 0.750 1,825 1,126 0.810 05/31/2026 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 07/24/2023 - 15:33 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 120 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments April 30, 2023 Page 4 Average Purchase Stated Days to YTM Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Maturity 365 Date Treasury Coupon Securities 91282CCF6 1323 U.S. Treasury 06/17/2021 500,000.00 456,405.00 497,095.00 0.750 1,809 1,126 0.870 05/31/2026 91282CCP4 1335 U.S. Treasury 09/29/2021 1,000,000.00 905,660.00 983,750.00 0.625 1,766 1,187 0.970 07/31/2026 91282CCW9 1336 U.S. Treasury 09/29/2021 1,000,000.00 907,420.00 988,500.00 0.750 1,797 1,218 0.990 08/31/2026 91282CCW9 1380 U.S. Treasury 03/22/2022 500,000.00 453,710.00 466,454.17 0.750 1,623 1,218 2.350 08/31/2026 91282CDG3 1381 U.S. Treasury 03/22/2022 500,000.00 458,010.00 473,396.82 1.125 1,684 1,279 2.350 10/31/2026 912828Z78 1369 U.S. Treasury 02/10/2022 1,000,000.00 924,490.00 986,700.00 1.500 1,816 1,371 1.781 01/31/2027 91282CEF4 1391 U.S. Treasury 05/03/2022 1,000,000.00 958,130.00 976,860.00 2.500 1,793 1,430 3.010 03/31/2027 91282CEN7 1398 U.S. Treasury 06/08/2022 500,000.00 483,280.00 495,000.00 2.750 1,787 1,460 2.971 04/30/2027 912828X88 1397 U.S. Treasury 06/07/2022 1,000,000.00 953,200.00 969,687.50 2.375 1,803 1,475 3.041 05/15/2027 91282CET4 1399 U.S. Treasury 06/08/2022 500,000.00 480,820.00 491,842.18 2.625 1,818 1,491 2.980 05/31/2027 91282CEW7 1465 U.S. Treasury 02/15/2023 1,000,000.00 985,160.00 967,220.00 3.250 1,596 1,521 4.075 06/30/2027 91282CFB2 1417 U.S. Treasury 08/15/2022 1,000,000.00 965,740.00 989,460.00 2.750 1,811 1,552 2.980 07/31/2027 91282CFB2 1422 U.S. Treasury 08/29/2022 1,000,000.00 965,740.00 979,645.67 2.750 1,797 1,552 3.200 07/31/2027 9128282RO 1439 U.S. Treasury 11/18/2022 1,000,000.00 946,410.00 927,110.00 2.250 1,731 1,567 3.950 08/15/2027 91282CFH9 1456 U.S. Treasury 01/24/2023 500,000.00 490,350.00 489,175.00 3.125 1,680 1,583 3.640 08/31/2027 91282CGH8 1460 U.S. Treasury 02/02/2023 1,000,000.00 997,030.00 996,369.14 3.500 1,824 1,736 3.580 01/31/2028 Subtotal and Average 36,123,303.62 36,750,000.00 35,200,210.00 36,123,303.62 1,222 798 2.389 Treasury Discount Notes 912796ZR3 1453 U.S. Treasury 01/04/2023 3,000,000.00 2,975,940.00 2,932,950.00 4.572 176 59 4.807 06/29/2023 912797FR3 1468 U.S. Treasury 03/07/2023 3,000,000.00 2,973,660.00 2,951,790.00 4.821 120 65 5.037 07/05/2023 912796Y37 1463 U.S. Treasury 02/07/2023 2,000,000.00 1,973,720.00 1,954,412.92 4.636 177 94 4.877 08/03/2023 912797GF8 1481 U.S. Treasury 04/11/2023 2,000,000.00 1,972,560.00 1,968,951.36 4.696 119 99 4.904 08/08/2023 912796Z51 1471 U.S. Treasury 03/09/2023 3,000,000.00 2,950,290.00 2,927,220.00 4.991 175 122 5.258 08/31/2023 912796YH6 1470 U.S. Treasury 03/09/2023 2,000,000.00 1,965,300.00 1,950,283.66 4.917 182 129 5.184 09/07/2023 Subtotal and Average 19,967,505.12 15,000,000.00 14,811,470.00 14,685,607.94 158 92 5.015 Certificate of Deposits 32117BCX4 1179 First National Bank 03/05/2019 248,000.00 247,889.24 248,000.00 2.800 1,522 4 2.802 05/05/2023 725404AB3 1194 Pittsfield Cooperative Bank 06/07/2019 245,000.00 244,285.32 245,000.00 2.500 1,461 37 2.502 06/07/2023 619165JD6 1173 Morton Community 03/20/2019 248,000.00 247,149.99 248,000.00 2.750 1,553 50 2.753 06/20/2023 74934YAH4 1144 RCB Bank 06/20/2018 245,000.00 244,303.67 245,000.00 3.150 1,826 50 3.152 06/20/2023 02616AAH2 1285 American First CU 06/26/2020 248,000.00 246,085.43 248,000.00 0.350 1,095 56 0.350 06/26/2023 02772JBD1 1205 American National Bank 07/19/2019 248,000.00 246,211.83 248,000.00 2.000 1,461 79 2.001 07/19/2023 32110YLK9 1147 First National Bank of America 07/20/2018 245,000.00 243,856.32 245,000.00 3.150 1,826 80 3.152 07/20/2023 06426KAN8 1151 Bank of New England 07/31/2018 249,000.00 247,659.79 249,000.00 3.250 1,826 91 3.252 07/31/2023 Run Date: 07/24/2023 - 15:33 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 121 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments April 30, 2023 Page 5 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM 365 Maturity Date Certificate of Deposits 75472RAD3 1218 Raymond James Bank 08/23/2019 244,000.00 241,389.59 244,000.00 1.950 1,461 114 1.951 08/23/2023 89579NCD3 1262 Triad Bank 03/30/2020 248,000.00 243,782.87 248,000.00 1.350 1,278 151 1.352 09/29/2023 57116ARV2 1155 Cache Valley BK F/K/A Marlin 10/17/2018 248,000.00 245,582.98 248,000.00 3.300 1,826 169 3.302 10/17/2023 625925AR3 1160 Municipal Trust and Savings 10/17/2018 245,000.00 242,496.93 245,000.00 3.200 1,826 169 3.202 10/17/2023 90348JEJ5 1161 UBS Bank USA 10/17/2018 245,000.00 242,669.87 245,000.00 3.350 1,826 169 3.352 10/17/2023 474067AQ8 1154 Jefferson Financial CU 10/19/2018 245,000.00 242,663.31 245,000.00 3.350 1,826 171 3.352 10/19/2023 20143PDV9 1162 Commercial Bank 11/15/2018 248,000.00 245,304.21 248,000.00 3.400 1,826 198 3.402 11/15/2023 67054NAN3 1164 Numerica Credit Union 11/28/2018 248,000.00 245,360.88 248,000.00 3.550 1,826 211 3.552 11/28/2023 48115LAD6 1396 Jovia Financial Credit Union 06/07/2022 248,000.00 243,668.03 248,000.00 2.500 548 220 2.502 12/07/2023 635573AL2 1170 National Cooperative Bank, N.A 12/21/2018 245,000.00 241,884.29 245,000.00 3.400 1,826 234 3.402 12/21/2023 066851 WJ1 1172 Bar Harbor Bank and Trust 12/31/2018 248,000.00 244,675.97 248,000.00 3.350 1,824 242 3.352 12/29/2023 89269FDP7 1415 Tradition Capital 07/20/2022 246,000.00 241,757.34 246,000.00 3.000 551 266 3.008 01/22/2024 51210SQU4 1208 Lakeside Bank 07/30/2019 248,000.00 241,751.14 248,000.00 2.000 1,644 273 2.003 01/29/2024 77579ADFO 1251 Rollstone B&T 02/12/2020 245,000.00 237,900.53 245,000.00 1.650 1,461 287 1.651 02/12/2024 66736ABP3 1181 Northwest Bank 02/13/2019 248,000.00 243,281.49 248,000.00 2.950 1,826 288 2.951 02/13/2024 949763XY7 1174 Wells Fargo 02/27/2019 248,000.00 243,162.92 248,000.00 3.000 1,826 302 3.001 02/27/2024 50625LAW3 1384 Lafayette FCU 03/30/2022 248,000.00 240,556.23 248,000.00 2.050 729 332 2.053 03/28/2024 882213AB7 1260 Texas Bank Financial 03/31/2020 245,000.00 235,626.51 245,000.00 1.100 1,458 332 1.101 03/28/2024 472382AQ3 1272 The Jefferson Bank 04/15/2020 248,000.00 238,275.01 248,000.00 1.250 1,461 350 1.251 04/15/2024 08016PDQ9 1270 Belmont Bank and Trust 04/16/2020 248,000.00 238,248.20 248,000.00 1.250 1,461 351 1.251 04/16/2024 69506YRH4 1269 Pacific Western Bank 04/16/2020 245,000.00 235,580.78 245,000.00 1.300 1,461 351 1.301 04/16/2024 56065GAG3 1188 Main Street Bank 04/26/2019 248,000.00 241,268.37 248,000.00 2.600 1,827 361 2.603 04/26/2024 33640VDD7 1231 First Service Bank 11/15/2019 248,000.00 238,618.30 248,000.00 1.700 1,643 380 1.701 05/15/2024 48128HXU7 1185 JP Morgan Chase 05/16/2019 245,000.00 239,655.24 245,000.00 3.250 1,827 381 3.254 05/16/2024 46256YAZ2 1186 Iowa State Bank 05/23/2019 245,000.00 237,417.97 245,000.00 2.400 1,827 388 2.403 05/23/2024 538036GVO 1238 Live Oak Bank 11/27/2019 248,000.00 238,791.77 248,000.00 1.800 1,644 393 1.802 05/28/2024 156634AK3 1184 Century Next Bank 05/29/2019 248,000.00 240,846.55 248,000.00 2.500 1,827 394 2.503 05/29/2024 72651LCL6 1195 Plains Commerce Bank 06/07/2019 245,000.00 237,744.03 245,000.00 2.550 1,827 403 2.553 06/07/2024 299547AQ2 1196 Liberty FCU F/K/A Evansville T 06/12/2019 248,000.00 240,645.88 248,000.00 2.600 1,827 408 2.603 06/12/2024 524661CB9 1197 Legacy Bank 06/19/2019 248,000.00 239,967.19 248,000.00 2.400 1,827 415 2.403 06/19/2024 176688CP2 1199 Citizens State Bank 06/21/2019 248,000.00 239,930.04 248,000.00 2.400 1,827 417 2.403 06/21/2024 20416TAQ5 1202 Communitywide FCU 06/28/2019 248,000.00 239,610.91 248,000.00 2.250 1,827 424 2.253 06/28/2024 761402BY1 1203 Revere Bank 06/28/2019 247,000.00 238,846.12 247,000.00 2.300 1,827 424 2.303 06/28/2024 00257TBD7 1207 Abacus Federal Savings 07/26/2019 248,000.00 238,170.23 248,000.00 1.950 1,827 452 1.952 07/26/2024 33625CCP2 1209 First Security Bank of WA 07/30/2019 248,000.00 238,744.78 248,000.00 2.000 1,827 456 2.002 07/30/2024 710571DS6 1210 People's Bank 07/31/2019 248,000.00 238,725.30 248,000.00 2.000 1,827 457 2.002 07/31/2024 Run Date: 07/24/2023 - 15:33 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 122 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments April 30, 2023 Page 6 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM 365 Maturity Date Certificate of Deposits 740367HP5 1213 Preferred Bank 08/16/2019 249,000.00 239,109.71 249,000.00 2.000 1,827 473 2.002 08/16/2024 33766LAJ7 1216 FirsTier Bank 08/23/2019 249,000.00 238,808.40 249,000.00 1.950 1,827 480 1.952 08/23/2024 938828BH2 1215 Washington Federal 08/23/2019 248,000.00 238,009.78 248,000.00 2.000 1,827 480 2.002 08/23/2024 336460CX6 1222 First State Bk DeQueen 08/30/2019 248,000.00 237,757.01 248,000.00 1.800 1,827 487 1.802 08/30/2024 334342CD2 1221 First Natl Bk of Syracuse 08/30/2019 249,000.00 238,879.26 249,000.00 1.850 1,827 487 1.852 08/30/2024 15118RRH2 1220 Celtic Bank 08/30/2019 248,000.00 237,919.90 248,000.00 1.850 1,827 487 1.852 08/30/2024 05580AD50 1333 BMW Bank 09/10/2021 245,000.00 230,741.87 245,000.00 0.650 1,096 498 0.651 09/10/2024 06652CHBO 1227 BankWest Inc 09/27/2019 248,000.00 236,567.04 248,000.00 1.700 1,827 515 1.702 09/27/2024 84223QAN7 1286 Southern Bancorp Bk 06/26/2020 248,000.00 231,928.16 248,000.00 0.500 1,582 543 0.500 10/25/2024 804375DL4 1235 Sauk Valley B&T Co 11/07/2019 248,000.00 236,305.28 248,000.00 1.700 1,827 556 1.702 11/07/2024 61690UNX4 1237 Morgan Stanley Bank 11/20/2019 245,000.00 234,219.11 245,000.00 1.950 1,827 569 1.952 11/20/2024 61760A3B3 1236 Morgan Stanley Private Bk, NA 11/20/2019 245,000.00 234,034.07 245,000.00 1.900 1,827 569 1.902 11/20/2024 064520BG3 1287 Bank Princeton 06/30/2020 248,000.00 231,384.44 248,000.00 0.500 1,644 609 0.500 12/30/2024 80865MAB3 1454 Scient FCU 01/13/2023 248,000.00 247,833.72 248,000.00 4.650 731 623 4.656 01/13/2025 89388CEYO 1328 Transportation Alliance Bk TAB 07/23/2021 248,000.00 229,995.76 248,000.00 0.400 1,280 633 0.401 01/23/2025 06417NZQ9 1329 Bank OZK 07/29/2021 248,000.00 230,521.66 248,000.00 0.400 1,280 639 0.401 01/29/2025 90983WBT7 1249 United Community 02/07/2020 248,000.00 235,307.87 248,000.00 1.650 1,827 648 1.652 02/07/2025 32114VBT3 1250 First National Bank Michigan 02/14/2020 248,000.00 235,176.96 248,000.00 1.650 1,827 655 1.652 02/14/2025 35637RDC8 1248 Freedom Financial 02/14/2020 248,000.00 234,743.04 248,000.00 1.550 1,827 655 1.552 02/14/2025 029728BC5 1255 American State 02/21/2020 248,000.00 234,827.25 248,000.00 1.600 1,827 662 1.602 02/21/2025 17286TAGO 1252 Citadel FCU 02/27/2020 248,000.00 234,934.82 248,000.00 1.650 1,827 668 1.652 02/27/2025 00435JBH5 1256 Access Bank 03/13/2020 248,000.00 234,815.92 248,000.00 1.600 1,826 682 1.601 03/13/2025 49306SJ56 1475 Kay Bank, N.A. 03/15/2023 244,000.00 246,095.79 244,000.00 5.000 733 686 5.008 03/17/2025 909557KQ2 1477 United Bankers Bank 03/16/2023 248,000.00 250,173.12 248,000.00 5.000 732 686 4.823 03/17/2025 849430BF9 1257 Spring Bank 03/20/2020 248,000.00 234,231.34 248,000.00 1.500 1,826 689 1.501 03/20/2025 05465DAE8 1258 Axos Bank 03/26/2020 248,000.00 234,806.70 248,000.00 1.650 1,826 695 1.651 03/26/2025 020080BX4 1267 Alma Bank 03/30/2020 248,000.00 233,998.51 248,000.00 1.400 1,824 697 1.399 03/28/2025 2027506M2 1268 Commonwealth Business Bk 03/31/2020 248,000.00 233,623.25 248,000.00 1.250 1,826 700 1.251 03/31/2025 654062JZ2 1266 Nicolet Natl Bank 03/31/2020 248,000.00 234,318.44 248,000.00 1.400 1,826 700 1.401 03/31/2025 14042TDD6 1271 Capital One USA FDIC33954 04/08/2020 245,000.00 231,993.04 245,000.00 1.600 1,826 708 1.601 04/08/2025 02007GPX5 1388 Ally Bank Midvale 04/21/2022 245,000.00 236,200.61 245,000.00 2.550 1,096 721 2.550 04/21/2025 52168UHY1 1389 Leader Bank 04/22/2022 245,000.00 236,189.46 245,000.00 2.550 1,096 722 2.552 04/22/2025 32112UDR9 1274 First Natl Bk McGregor 04/28/2020 248,000.00 233,556.74 248,000.00 1.350 1,826 728 1.351 04/28/2025 32027BALl 1273 First Freedom Bank 04/29/2020 249,000.00 233,913.04 249,000.00 1.200 1,826 729 1.201 04/29/2025 33847E3A3 1276 Flagstar 04/30/2020 248,000.00 233,322.02 248,000.00 1.250 1,826 730 1.251 04/30/2025 32056GDJ6 1278 1st Internet Bank 05/11/2020 248,000.00 231,577.14 248,000.00 1.000 1,827 742 0.985 05/12/2025 Run Date: 07/24/2023 - 15:33 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 123 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments April 30, 2023 Page 7 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM 365 Maturity Date Certificate of Deposits 95960NKD8 1277 Western State Bank 05/13/2020 245,000.00 228,891.10 245,000.00 1.000 1,826 743 1.001 05/13/2025 254673E69 1392 Discover Bank Greenwood DE CIF 05/24/2022 245,000.00 238,864.02 245,000.00 3.100 1,099 757 3.103 05/27/2025 169894AS1 1284 Chippewa Valley Bk 06/24/2020 248,000.00 228,774.79 248,000.00 0.600 1,826 785 0.600 06/24/2025 307811DF3 1363 Farmers & Merch 01/14/2022 249,000.00 230,994.22 249,000.00 0.900 1,277 805 0.900 07/14/2025 70962LAF9 1331 Pentagon FCU 09/01/2021 249,000.00 229,171.01 249,000.00 0.700 1,462 855 0.687 09/02/2025 914242AAO 1429 University Credit Union 09/26/2022 248,000.00 246,743.52 248,000.00 4.000 1,096 879 3.891 09/26/2025 51507LCC6 1305 Landmark Community Bank 01/22/2021 248,000.00 224,697.01 248,000.00 0.500 1,826 997 0.500 01/22/2026 84229LBA9 1434 Southern Bank Sardis GA 10/28/2022 244,000.00 245,244.85 244,000.00 4.250 1,188 1,003 4.254 01/28/2026 87270LDL4 1306 TIAA FKA EverBank 02/12/2021 245,000.00 221,901.48 245,000.00 0.500 1,826 1,018 0.500 02/12/2026 64034KAZ4 1376 Nelnet Bank 03/02/2022 245,000.00 230,323.59 245,000.00 1.800 1,461 1,036 1.801 03/02/2026 59524LAA4 1474 Mid Carolina Credit Union 03/13/2023 248,000.00 253,675.92 248,000.00 4.850 1,096 1,047 4.855 03/13/2026 39573LBC1 1313 Greenstate FCU 04/16/2021 249,000.00 227,597.13 249,000.00 0.950 1,826 1,081 0.951 04/16/2026 89235MKY6 1314 Toyota Financial Savings Bank 04/22/2021 245,000.00 223,649.26 245,000.00 0.900 1,826 1,087 0.900 04/22/2026 14622LAAO 1316 Carter FCU 04/27/2021 248,000.00 225,061.33 248,000.00 0.750 1,826 1,092 0.750 04/27/2026 62384RAT3 1485 Mountain America Federal CU 04/28/2023 248,000.00 253,327.06 248,000.00 4.700 1,096 1,093 4.705 04/28/2026 31617CAV5 1317 Fidelity Homestead 04/30/2021 248,000.00 224,991.32 248,000.00 0.700 1,826 1,095 0.711 04/30/2026 501798RP9 1356 LCA Bank Corp 12/27/2021 248,000.00 226,265.72 248,000.00 1.000 1,642 1,152 1.000 06/26/2026 92559TAJ7 1325 Vibrant Credit Union 07/02/2021 249,000.00 225,696.23 248,377.50 0.800 1,824 1,156 0.852 06/30/2026 300185LM5 1457 Evergreen Bank Group 01/27/2023 248,000.00 247,502.45 248,000.00 3.850 1,277 1,183 3.849 07/27/2026 38149MXK4 1326 Goldman Sachs 07/28/2021 248,000.00 225,952.10 248,000.00 1.000 1,826 1,184 1.001 07/28/2026 795451AFO 1327 Sallie Mae Bank Salt Lake City 07/28/2021 248,000.00 225,952.10 248,000.00 1.000 1,826 1,184 1.001 07/28/2026 87165ET98 1332 Synchrony Bank Retail 09/03/2021 245,000.00 221,944.56 245,000.00 0.900 1,826 1,221 0.900 09/03/2026 20786ADL6 1334 Connect One 09/24/2021 248,000.00 223,317.19 248,000.00 0.800 1,826 1,242 0.800 09/24/2026 59013KPNO 1345 Merrick Bank 11/09/2021 249,000.00 226,137.91 249,000.00 1.100 1,826 1,288 1.101 11/09/2026 14042RQBO 1346 Capital One Natl Assn FDIC4297 11/17/2021 248,000.00 225,264.86 248,000.00 1.100 1,826 1,296 1.101 11/17/2026 20825WAR1 1357 Connexus CU 12/23/2021 249,000.00 226,849.16 249,000.00 1.250 1,826 1,332 1.250 12/23/2026 89786MAF1 1368 True Sky FCU 02/04/2022 245,000.00 226,019.96 245,000.00 1.600 1,826 1,375 1.601 02/04/2027 02357QAQO 1372 Amerant Bank 02/14/2022 245,000.00 225,867.08 245,000.00 1.600 1,828 1,387 1.601 02/16/2027 07371AYE7 1370 Beal Bank TX 02/23/2022 245,000.00 228,471.81 245,000.00 1.900 1,820 1,388 1.901 02/17/2027 073710E88 1371 Beal Bank USA 02/23/2022 245,000.00 228,471.81 245,000.00 1.900 1,820 1,388 1.901 02/17/2027 59161YAP1 1373 Metro Credit Union 02/18/2022 249,000.00 230,292.76 249,000.00 1.700 1,826 1,389 1.701 02/18/2027 24773RCR4 1377 Delta Natl B&T 03/09/2022 245,000.00 229,261.52 245,000.00 2.000 1,814 1,396 2.001 02/25/2027 27004PCM3 1375 Eaglemark Savings 03/02/2022 245,000.00 229,353.66 245,000.00 2.000 1,826 1,401 2.001 03/02/2027 91139LAB2 1378 United Roosevelt Savings 03/11/2022 248,000.00 231,061.15 248,000.00 1.900 1,826 1,410 1.901 03/11/2027 064860MCO 1476 Bank of the Sierra 03/15/2023 244,000.00 251,279.91 244,000.00 4.600 1,461 1,414 4.604 03/15/2027 565819AG4 1379 Marathon Bnak 03/16/2022 248,000.00 230,099.22 248,000.00 1.800 1,826 1,415 1.801 03/16/2027 Run Date: 07/24/2023 - 15:33 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 124 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments April 30, 2023 Page 8 Average Purchase Stated Days to YTM Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Maturity 365 Date Certificate of Deposits 108622NJ6 1479 Bridgewater Bank 03/29/2023 248,000.00 258,152.88 248,000.00 4.850 1,461 1,428 4.767 03/29/2027 20033A3A2 1386 Comenity Capital Bank 04/14/2022 248,000.00 237,772.51 248,000.00 2.650 1,826 1,444 2.652 04/14/2027 397417AQ9 1419 Greenwoods State Bank 05/17/2022 248,000.00 241,488.24 248,000.00 3.050 1,826 1,477 3.052 05/17/2027 02589ADH2 1421 American Express, NB 08/29/2022 245,000.00 242,368.98 245,000.00 3.450 1,793 1,548 3.067 07/27/2027 88413QDN5 1420 Third Federal Savings and Loan 08/19/2022 245,000.00 240,962.01 245,000.00 3.300 1,826 1,571 3.302 08/19/2027 89789AAG2 1473 Truliant FCU 03/10/2023 248,000.00 258,125.03 248,000.00 4.700 1,645 1,593 4.707 09/10/2027 732329BD8 1425 Ponce Bank 09/15/2022 248,000.00 245,968.47 248,000.00 3.500 1,826 1,598 3.502 09/15/2027 052392BT3 1427 Austin Telco FCU 09/21/2022 248,000.00 249,018.56 248,000.00 3.800 1,826 1,604 3.770 09/21/2027 22258JAB7 1430 County Schools FCU 09/30/2022 248,000.00 255,367.19 248,000.00 4.400 1,826 1,613 4.325 09/30/2027 34520LATO 1435 Forbright Bank 11/02/2022 248,000.00 257,592.94 248,000.00 4.600 1,826 1,646 4.602 11/02/2027 25460FDW3 1438 Direct FCU 11/07/2022 248,000.00 259,719.42 248,000.00 4.800 1,827 1,652 4.735 11/08/2027 914098DJ4 1442 University Bank 11/30/2022 249,000.00 254,739.63 249,000.00 4.200 1,826 1,674 4.202 11/30/2027 25844MAK4 1447 Dort Financial CU 12/16/2022 247,000.00 255,800.55 247,000.00 4.500 1,826 1,690 4.503 12/16/2027 01664MAB2 1448 All In FCU 12/20/2022 248,000.00 255,814.09 248,000.00 4.400 1,826 1,694 4.402 12/20/2027 51828MAC8 1449 Latino Comm. CU 12/21/2022 248,000.00 256,890.88 248,000.00 4.500 1,826 1,695 4.503 12/21/2027 45157PAZ3 1450 Ideal CU 12/29/2022 248,000.00 257,149.34 248,000.00 4.500 1,826 1,703 4.502 12/29/2027 01882MAC6 1451 AlliantCU 12/30/2022 247,000.00 261,486.75 247,000.00 5.000 1,826 1,704 5.003 12/30/2027 78472EABO 1455 SPCO Credit Union 01/20/2023 249,000.00 256,540.77 249,000.00 4.350 1,826 1,725 4.352 01/20/2028 82671DAB3 1458 Signature FCU 01/31/2023 248,000.00 256,326.03 248,000.00 4.400 1,826 1,736 4.402 01/31/2028 79772FAG1 1459 San Francisco FCU 02/03/2023 248,000.00 255,677.91 248,000.00 4.350 1,826 1,739 4.352 02/03/2028 530520AH8 1466 Liberty First CU 02/21/2023 248,000.00 257,418.47 248,000.00 4.500 1,827 1,758 4.504 02/22/2028 09582YAF9 1467 Blue Ridge Bank 02/28/2023 244,000.00 250,060.18 244,000.00 4.200 1,826 1,764 4.202 02/28/2028 011852AEO 1469 Alaska USA/Global FCU 03/08/2023 248,000.00 258,723.98 248,000.00 4.600 1,827 1,773 4.606 03/08/2028 92891CCZ3 1472 VystarCU 03/10/2023 248,000.00 258,175.24 248,000.00 4.550 1,827 1,775 4.555 03/10/2028 00833JAQ4 1478 Affinity Bank 03/17/2023 248,000.00 262,143.97 248,000.00 4.900 1,827 1,782 4.906 03/17/2028 724468AC7 1483 Pitney Bowes Bank 04/14/2023 244,000.00 251,996.98 244,000.00 4.350 1,826 1,809 4.355 04/13/2028 Subtotal and Average 35,285,044.17 35,102,000.00 34,034,313.35 35,101,377.50 1,668 839 2.428 Corporate Notes 594918BQ6 1157 Microsoft Corporation 10/15/2018 400,000.00 397,180.00 378,360.00 2.000 1,758 99 3.222 08/08/2023 45950VPS9 1308 International Finance Corp. 02/26/2021 500,000.00 452,985.00 497,300.00 0.500 1,826 1,032 0.610 02/26/2026 Subtotal and Average 875,660.00 900,000.00 850,165.00 875,660.00 1,797 629 1.738 Money Market with Fiscal Agent SYS1058 1058 US Bank 07/01/2016 1,560.39 1,560.39 1,560.39 1 1 0.000 Run Date: 07/24/2023 - 15:33 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 125 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Page Portfolio Details - Investments April 30, 2023 Average Purchase Stated Days to YTM Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Maturity 365 Date Subtotal and Average 1,555.43 1,560.39 1,560.39 1,560.39 1 1 0.000 CERBT - OPEB Trust SYS1114 1114 CaIPERS CERBT Plan 07/01/2022 1,828,332.91 1,828,332.91 1,828,332.91 1 1 0.000 Subtotal and Average 1,828,332.91 1,828,332.91 1,828,332.91 1,828,332.91 1 1 0.000 PARS Pension Trust SYS1230 1230 Pblc Agncy Rtrmnt Sery 5,289,313.46 5,289,313.46 5,289,313.46 1 1 0.000 Subtotal and Average 5,257,711.53 5,289,313.46 5,289,313.46 5,289,313.46 1 1 0.000 Total and Average 218,742,801.97 Run Date: 07/24/2023 - 15:33 222,040,285.99 216,174,196.16 220,855,082.10 808 471 2.778 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 126 t(v Qa City of La Quinta Total Earnings GEMoftheDESERT - Sorted by Fund - Fund April 1, 2023 - April 30, 2023 City of La Quinta CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 98-33-434 1055 101 LAIF 19,065,011.99 18,937,383.16 19,065,011.99 2.870 3.164 49,251.33 0.00 0.00 49,251.33 SYS1059 1059 101 CITYPC 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SYS1114 1114 101 CALPRS 1,828,332.91 1,828,332.91 1,828,332.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17312QJ26 1123 101 CITINA 0.00 245,000.00 0.00 2.900 2.900 194.66 0.00 0.00 194.66 29278TAY6 1125 101 ENER 0.00 240,000.00 0.00 2.950 2.950 543.12 0.00 0.00 543.12 74934YAH4 1144 101 RCB 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.150 3.150 634.32 0.00 0.00 634.32 32110YLK9 1147 101 1STNBA 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.150 3.150 634.32 0.00 0.00 634.32 06426KAN8 1151 101 NWENGL 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 3.250 3.250 665.14 0.00 0.00 665.14 SYS1153 1153 101 CAMP 42,865,279.01 38,699,934.72 42,865,279.01 4.970 5.198 165,344.29 0.00 0.00 165,344.29 474067AQ8 1154 101 JEFF 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.350 3.350 674.59 0.00 0.00 674.59 57116ARV2 1155 101 MARBUS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.300 3.300 672.66 0.00 0.00 672.66 594918BQ6 1157 101 MCRSFT 400,000.00 378,360.00 378,360.00 2.000 2.144 666.66 0.00 0.00 666.66 3133EJYL7 1158 101 FFCB 250,000.00 247,275.00 247,275.00 2.800 2.870 583.33 0.00 0.00 583.33 625925AR3 1160 101 MUNTRS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.200 3.200 644.38 0.00 0.00 644.38 90348JEJ5 1161 101 UBS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.350 3.350 674.59 0.00 0.00 674.59 20143PDV9 1162 101 COMMBK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.400 3.400 693.04 0.00 0.00 693.04 67054NAN3 1164 101 NMRCA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.550 3.550 723.62 0.00 0.00 723.62 635573AL2 1170 101 NLCOOP 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.400 3.400 684.66 0.00 0.00 684.66 066851WJ1 1172 101 BARHAR 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.350 3.350 682.85 0.00 0.00 682.85 619165JD6 1173 101 MORTN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.750 2.750 560.55 0.00 0.00 560.55 949763XY7 1174 101 WELLS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.000 3.000 611.51 0.00 0.00 611.51 3130AFW94 1177 101 FHLB 500,000.00 498,550.00 498,550.00 2.500 2.542 1,041.66 0.00 0.00 1,041.66 32117BCX4 1179 101 1STNBK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.800 2.800 570.74 0.00 0.00 570.74 66736ABP3 1181 101 NRTHWS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.950 2.950 601.32 0.00 0.00 601.32 156634AK3 1184 101 CENTNX 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.500 2.500 509.60 0.00 0.00 509.60 48128HXU7 1185 101 JPMORG 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.250 3.250 654.45 0.00 0.00 654.45 46256YAZ2 1186 101 IOWAST 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.400 2.400 483.29 0.00 0.00 483.29 56065GAG3 1188 101 MAINST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.600 2.600 529.97 0.00 0.00 529.97 20726ABA5 1189 101 CONGRS 0.00 248,000.00 0.00 2.500 2.500 475.61 0.00 0.00 475.61 725404AB3 1194 101 PITTS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.500 2.500 503.43 0.00 0.00 503.43 Run Date: 07/24/2023 - 16:17 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Report Ver. 127 City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 2 April 1, 2023-April 30, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 72651LCL6 1195 101 PLAINS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.550 2.550 513.49 0.00 0.00 513.49 299547AQ2 1196 101 EVNSCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.600 2.600 529.97 0.00 0.00 529.97 524661CB9 1197 101 LEGCY 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.400 2.400 489.21 0.00 0.00 489.21 176688CP2 1199 101 CTZNST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.400 2.400 489.20 0.00 0.00 489.20 20416TAQ5 1202 101 COMMW 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.250 2.250 458.63 0.00 0.00 458.63 761402BY1 1203 101 REVER 247,000.00 247,000.00 247,000.00 2.300 2.300 466.94 0.00 0.00 466.94 02772JBD1 1205 101 AMRNTL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 407.67 0.00 0.00 407.67 3135GOV75 1206 101 FNMA 500,000.00 495,950.00 495,950.00 1.750 1.789 729.17 0.00 0.00 729.17 00257TBD7 1207 101 ABACUS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.950 1.950 397.48 0.00 0.00 397.48 51210SQU4 1208 101 LKSIDE 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 407.67 0.00 0.00 407.67 33625CCP2 1209 101 1STSEC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 407.67 0.00 0.00 407.67 710571 DS6 1210 101 PEOPLE 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 407.67 0.00 0.00 407.67 3133EKWV4 1212 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,500.00 499,500.00 1.850 1.878 770.83 0.00 0.00 770.83 740367HP5 1213 101 PREFRD 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 2.000 2.000 409.32 0.00 0.00 409.32 938828131-12 1215 101 WSHFED 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 407.67 0.00 0.00 407.67 33766LAJ7 1216 101 1STIER 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.950 1.950 399.08 0.00 0.00 399.08 912828T26 1217 101 USTR 500,000.00 499,300.00 499,300.00 1.375 1.373 563.53 0.00 0.00 563.53 75472RAD3 1218 101 RAYJAM 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 1.950 1.950 391.07 0.00 0.00 391.07 15118RRH2 1220 101 CELTIC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.850 1.850 377.10 0.00 0.00 377.10 334342CD2 1221 101 1STNBS 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.850 1.850 378.62 0.00 0.00 378.62 336460CX6 1222 101 1STDQN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.800 1.800 366.90 0.00 0.00 366.90 3133EKZK5 1223 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,400.00 499,400.00 1.600 1.624 666.67 0.00 0.00 666.67 3133EKP75 1224 101 FFCB 500,000.00 498,750.00 498,750.00 1.600 1.626 666.67 0.00 0.00 666.67 06652CHB0 1227 101 BNKWST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.700 1.700 346.52 0.00 0.00 346.52 059731851 1228 101 BOTW 6,794,667.50 7,709,850.66 6,794,667.50 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 SYS1230 1230 101 PARS 5,289,313.46 5,256,621.81 5,289,313.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33640VDD7 1231 101 1STSER 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.700 1.700 346.52 0.00 0.00 346.52 3133EK4X1 1234 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 996,900.00 996,900.00 1.600 1.627 1,333.33 0.00 0.00 1,333.33 804375DL4 1235 101 SAUKVL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.700 1.700 346.52 0.00 0.00 346.52 61760A363 1236 101 MSPRIV 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.900 1.900 382.60 0.00 0.00 382.60 61690UNX4 1237 101 MORGST 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.950 1.950 392.67 0.00 0.00 392.67 538036GV0 1238 101 LIVEOK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.800 1.800 366.90 0.00 0.00 366.90 912828YV6 1241 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 989,687.50 989,687.50 1.500 1.520 1,236.27 0.00 0.00 1,236.27 3133ELEA8 1242 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 998,600.00 998,600.00 1.700 1.726 1,416.67 0.00 0.00 1,416.67 3133ELNE0 1246 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 999,000.00 999,000.00 1.430 1.451 1,191.67 0.00 0.00 1,191.67 35637RDC8 1248 101 FRDMFI 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.550 1.550 315.95 0.00 0.00 315.95 90983WBT7 1249 101 UNTDCM 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.650 1.650 336.33 0.00 0.00 336.33 Run Date: 07/24/2023 - 16:17 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 12rt Ver. City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 3 April 1, 2023-April 30, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 32114VBT3 1250 101 1STNMI 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.650 1.650 336.33 0.00 0.00 336.33 77579ADF0 1251 101 RLLSTN 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.650 1.650 332.26 0.00 0.00 332.26 17286TAGO 1252 101 CITADL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.650 1.650 336.33 0.00 0.00 336.33 029728BC5 1255 101 AMERST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.600 1.600 326.14 0.00 0.00 326.14 00435J131-15 1256 101 ACCSS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.600 1.600 326.14 0.00 0.00 326.14 849430BF9 1257 101 SPRING 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.500 1.500 305.76 0.00 0.00 305.76 05465DAE8 1258 101 AXOS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.650 1.650 336.33 0.00 0.00 336.33 882213AB7 1260 101 TEXAS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.100 1.100 221.51 0.00 0.00 221.51 89579NCD3 1262 101 TRIAD 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.350 1.350 275.18 0.00 0.00 275.18 654062JZ2 1266 101 NCOLET 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.400 1.400 285.37 0.00 0.00 285.37 020080BX4 1267 101 ALMABK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.400 1.400 285.37 0.00 0.00 285.37 2027506M2 1268 101 CMWBUS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.250 1.250 254.79 0.00 0.00 254.79 69506YRH4 1269 101 PACWST 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.300 1.300 261.78 0.00 0.00 261.78 08016PDQ9 1270 101 BELB&T 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.250 1.250 254.79 0.00 0.00 254.79 14042TDD6 1271 101 CAPONE 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.600 1.600 322.19 0.00 0.00 322.19 472382AQ3 1272 101 THEJEF 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.250 1.250 254.80 0.00 0.00 254.80 32027BALl 1273 101 1STFDM 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.200 1.200 245.60 0.00 0.00 245.60 32112UDR9 1274 101 1STMCG 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.350 1.350 275.18 0.00 0.00 275.18 33847E3A3 1276 101 FLGSTR 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.250 1.250 254.79 0.00 0.00 254.79 95960NKD8 1277 101 WSTRNS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.000 1.000 201.37 0.00 0.00 201.37 32056GDJ6 1278 101 1STINT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.000 1.000 203.84 0.00 0.00 203.84 3134GVYG7 1279 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.625 0.634 520.83 0.00 0.00 520.83 3133ELH23 1280 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,850.00 499,850.00 0.500 0.507 208.33 0.00 0.00 208.33 3130AJKW8 1281 101 FHLB 500,000.00 499,850.00 499,850.00 0.500 0.507 208.33 0.00 0.00 208.33 3133ELH80 1282 101 FFCB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.680 0.689 283.34 0.00 0.00 283.34 3130AJRP6 1283 101 FHLB 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 0.680 0.689 170.00 0.00 0.00 170.00 169894AS1 1284 101 CHIPVA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.600 0.600 122.30 0.00 0.00 122.30 02616AAH2 1285 101 AMR1ST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.350 0.350 71.34 0.00 0.00 71.34 84223QAN7 1286 101 STHRNB 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.500 0.500 101.92 0.00 0.00 101.92 064520BG3 1287 101 BKPRNC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.500 0.500 101.92 0.00 0.00 101.92 3135G05S8 1288 101 FNMA 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.500 0.507 208.33 0.00 0.00 208.33 3136G4N74 1289 101 FNMA 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.560 0.568 466.67 0.00 0.00 466.67 3136G4M75 1290 101 FNMA 500,000.00 499,750.00 499,750.00 0.520 0.527 216.66 0.00 0.00 216.66 3135G06E8 1291 101 FNMA 500,000.00 499,250.00 499,250.00 0.420 0.426 175.00 0.00 0.00 175.00 3135GA2Z3 1292 101 FNMA 500,000.00 499,250.00 499,250.00 0.560 0.569 233.34 0.00 0.00 233.34 SYS1293 1293 101 BNY 8,686,810.74 8,914,873.21 8,686,810.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3137EAEU9 1297 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 997,300.00 997,300.00 0.375 0.381 312.50 0.00 0.00 312.50 Run Date: 07/24/2023 - 16:17 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 1♦�rt Ver. City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 4 April 1, 2023-April 30, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 3130AKFA9 1298 101 FHLB 500,000.00 497,400.00 497,400.00 0.375 0.382 156.25 0.00 0.00 156.25 3135GA7D7 1299 101 FNMA 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.600 0.608 250.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 3135GAAW1 1300 101 FNMA 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.400 0.406 166.66 0.00 0.00 166.66 3134GXGZ1 1301 101 FHLMC 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.550 0.558 229.17 0.00 0.00 229.17 3130AKMZ6 1302 101 FHLB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.510 0.517 212.50 0.00 0.00 212.50 91282CBC4 1303 101 USTR 500,000.00 498,632.81 498,632.81 0.375 0.379 155.39 0.00 0.00 155.39 3130AKN28 1304 101 FHLB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.550 0.558 229.17 0.00 0.00 229.17 51507LCC6 1305 101 LNDMRK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.500 0.500 101.92 0.00 0.00 101.92 87270LDL4 1306 101 EVRBA 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.500 0.500 100.68 0.00 0.00 100.68 3137EAEX3 1307 101 FHLMC 500,000.00 495,999.50 495,999.50 0.375 0.383 156.25 0.00 0.00 156.25 45950VPS9 1308 101 IFC 500,000.00 497,300.00 497,300.00 0.500 0.507 207.18 0.00 0.00 207.18 91282CBH3 1309 101 USTR 500,000.00 495,100.00 495,100.00 0.375 0.382 155.39 0.00 0.00 155.39 3137EAEX3 1310 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 983,940.00 983,940.00 0.375 0.386 312.50 0.00 0.00 312.50 91282CAT8 1311 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 977,500.00 977,500.00 0.250 0.258 207.07 0.00 0.00 207.07 3130ALV92 1312 101 FHLB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 1.050 1.065 437.50 0.00 0.00 437.50 39573LBC1 1313 101 GRNST 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 0.950 0.950 194.42 0.00 0.00 194.42 89235MKY6 1314 101 TOYFSB 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.900 0.900 181.23 0.00 0.00 181.23 91282CAZ4 1315 101 USTR 500,000.00 492,187.50 492,187.50 0.375 0.382 154.54 0.00 0.00 154.54 14622LAA0 1316 101 CARTER 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.750 0.750 152.88 0.00 0.00 152.88 31617CAV5 1317 101 FIDHMS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.700 0.700 142.68 0.00 0.00 142.68 SYS1318 1318 101 DPME 771,119.35 744,415.70 771,119.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 91282CBQ3 1319 101 USTR 500,000.00 494,165.00 494,165.00 0.500 0.502 203.81 0.00 0.00 203.81 91282CBT7 1320 101 USTR 500,000.00 499,525.00 499,525.00 0.750 0.749 307.37 0.00 0.00 307.37 91282CCF6 1321 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 997,060.00 997,060.00 0.750 0.754 618.13 0.00 0.00 618.13 91282CBT7 1322 101 USTR 500,000.00 498,450.00 498,450.00 0.750 0.750 307.37 0.00 0.00 307.37 91282CCF6 1323 101 USTR 500,000.00 497,095.00 497,095.00 0.750 0.756 309.06 0.00 0.00 309.06 3130AMFS6 1324 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 993,420.00 993,420.00 0.750 0.765 625.00 0.00 0.00 625.00 92559TAJ7 1325 101 VIBRNT 249,000.00 248,377.50 248,377.50 0.800 0.802 163.73 0.00 0.00 163.73 38149MXK4 1326 101 GLDMAN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.000 1.000 203.83 0.00 0.00 203.83 795451AF0 1327 101 SALMAE 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.000 1.000 203.83 0.00 0.00 203.83 89388CEYO 1328 101 TABBK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.400 0.400 81.53 0.00 0.00 81.53 06417NZQ9 1329 101 BKOZK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.400 0.400 81.53 0.00 0.00 81.53 3133EM2C5 1330 101 FFCB 500,000.00 498,000.00 498,000.00 0.710 0.723 295.83 0.00 0.00 295.83 70962LAF9 1331 101 PENTGN 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 0.700 0.700 143.26 0.00 0.00 143.26 87165ET98 1332 101 SYNCHR 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.900 0.900 181.23 0.00 0.00 181.23 05580AD50 1333 101 BMW 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.650 0.650 130.89 0.00 0.00 130.89 20786ADL6 1334 101 CONNEC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.800 0.800 163.06 0.00 0.00 163.06 Run Date: 07/24/2023 - 16:17 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 10&rt Ver. City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 5 April 1, 2023-April 30, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 91282CCP4 1335 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 983,750.00 983,750.00 0.625 0.641 517.96 0.00 0.00 517.96 91282CCW9 1336 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 988,500.00 988,500.00 0.750 0.753 611.42 0.00 0.00 611.42 3130APBM6 1337 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 999,000.00 999,000.00 1.000 1.015 833.33 0.00 0.00 833.33 3133EM4X7 1338 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 991,080.00 991,080.00 0.800 0.818 666.66 0.00 0.00 666.66 3130APB46 1339 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 998,250.00 998,250.00 0.950 0.965 791.67 0.00 0.00 791.67 3133EMX64 1340 101 FFCB 0.00 499,002.04 0.00 0.170 2.876 63.75 0.00 997.96 1,061.71 91282CCN9 1341 101 USTR 500,000.00 497,792.97 497,792.97 0.125 0.127 51.80 0.00 0.00 51.80 91282CBEO 1342 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 991,000.00 991,000.00 0.125 0.127 103.59 0.00 0.00 103.59 91282CDB4 1343 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 996,320.00 996,320.00 0.625 0.627 513.60 0.00 0.00 513.60 3133ENCQ1 1344 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.270 1.288 1,058.33 0.00 0.00 1,058.33 59013KPNO 1345 101 MRRCK 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.100 1.100 225.12 0.00 0.00 225.12 14042RQB0 1346 101 CAPINA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.100 1.100 224.22 0.00 0.00 224.22 3130APTV7 1347 101 FHLB 500,000.00 499,500.00 499,500.00 0.700 0.710 291.67 0.00 0.00 291.67 91282CCD1 1350 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 995,468.75 995,468.75 0.125 0.126 103.02 0.00 0.00 103.02 91282CBA8 1351 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 990,000.00 990,000.00 0.125 0.127 103.02 0.00 0.00 103.02 91282CBR1 1352 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 989,800.00 989,800.00 0.250 0.251 203.80 0.00 0.00 203.80 3130AP21-18 1353 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 987,100.00 987,100.00 0.550 0.565 458.34 0.00 0.00 458.34 3135G06G3 1354 101 FNMA 1,000,000.00 976,300.00 976,300.00 0.500 0.519 416.67 0.00 0.00 416.67 3133ENGN4 1355 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.970 0.983 808.33 0.00 0.00 808.33 501798RP9 1356 101 LCA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.000 1.000 203.83 0.00 0.00 203.83 20825WAR1 1357 101 CNNXS 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.250 1.250 255.82 0.00 0.00 255.82 3130AQF65 1358 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 999,750.00 999,750.00 1.250 1.268 1,041.67 0.00 0.00 1,041.67 3134GW6C5 1359 101 FHLMC 500,000.00 486,000.00 486,000.00 0.800 0.834 333.33 0.00 0.00 333.33 91282CBV2 1360 101 USTR 500,000.00 494,882.81 494,882.81 0.375 0.379 154.09 0.00 0.00 154.09 3137EAEU9 1361 101 FHLMC 500,000.00 487,090.00 487,090.00 0.375 0.390 156.25 0.00 0.00 156.25 3134GW5R3 1362 101 FHLMC 400,000.00 391,360.00 391,360.00 0.650 0.674 216.67 0.00 0.00 216.67 307811DF3 1363 101 FARMER 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 0.900 0.900 184.19 0.00 0.00 184.19 3130AQJR5 1364 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.500 1.521 1,250.00 0.00 0.00 1,250.00 3135G03U5 1365 101 FNMA 500,000.00 487,790.00 487,790.00 0.625 0.650 260.42 0.00 0.00 260.42 3134GWUQ7 1366 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 945,570.00 945,570.00 0.700 0.751 583.34 0.00 0.00 583.34 3130AQSA2 1367 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.830 1.855 1,525.00 0.00 0.00 1,525.00 89786MAF1 1368 101 TRUSKY 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.600 1.600 322.20 0.00 0.00 322.20 912828Z78 1369 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 986,700.00 986,700.00 1.500 1.533 1,243.09 0.00 0.00 1,243.09 07371AYE7 1370 101 BEALTX 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.900 1.900 382.60 0.00 0.00 382.60 073710E88 1371 101 BEALUS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.900 1.900 382.60 0.00 0.00 382.60 02357QAQO 1372 101 AMRNT 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.600 1.600 322.19 0.00 0.00 322.19 59161YAP1 1373 101 METRO 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.700 1.700 347.92 0.00 0.00 347.92 Run Date: 07/24/2023 - 16:17 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 Jfiggort Ver. City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 6 April 1, 2023-April 30, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 3130AQWY5 1374 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.700 1.724 1,416.67 0.00 0.00 1,416.67 27004PCM3 1375 101 EGLMRK 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.000 2.000 402.74 0.00 0.00 402.74 64034KAZ4 1376 101 NELNET 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.800 1.800 362.46 0.00 0.00 362.46 24773RCR4 1377 101 DELTA 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.000 2.000 402.74 0.00 0.00 402.74 91139LAB2 1378 101 URSVLT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.900 1.900 387.29 0.00 0.00 387.29 565819AG4 1379 101 MRTHON 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.800 1.800 366.90 0.00 0.00 366.90 91282CCW9 1380 101 USTR 500,000.00 466,454.17 466,454.17 0.750 0.797 305.70 0.00 0.00 305.70 91282CDG3 1381 101 USTR 500,000.00 473,396.82 473,396.82 1.125 1.197 465.91 0.00 0.00 465.91 91282CBQ3 1382 101 USTR 750,000.00 698,025.00 698,025.00 0.500 0.533 305.70 0.00 0.00 305.70 9128286S4 1383 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 999,010.00 999,010.00 2.375 2.396 1,967.16 0.00 0.00 1,967.16 50625LAW3 1384 101 LFYTT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.050 2.050 417.86 0.00 0.00 417.86 3130ARGJ4 1385 101 FHLB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 2.500 2.535 1,041.67 0.00 0.00 1,041.67 20033A3A2 1386 101 CCBA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.650 2.650 540.17 0.00 0.00 540.17 3130ARGY1 1387 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 2.700 2.738 2,250.00 0.00 0.00 2,250.00 02007GPX5 1388 101 ALLY 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.550 2.550 513.49 0.00 0.00 513.49 52168UHY1 1389 101 LEADR 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.550 2.550 513.49 0.00 0.00 513.49 9128283D0 1390 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 985,190.00 985,190.00 2.250 2.302 1,863.63 0.00 0.00 1,863.63 91282CEF4 1391 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 976,860.00 976,860.00 2.500 2.552 2,049.18 0.00 0.00 2,049.18 254673E69 1392 101 DISCOV 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.100 3.100 624.25 0.00 0.00 624.25 48115LAD6 1396 101 JOVIA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.500 2.500 509.60 0.00 0.00 509.60 912828X88 1397 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 969,687.50 969,687.50 2.375 2.470 1,968.23 0.00 0.00 1,968.23 91282CEN7 1398 101 USTR 500,000.00 495,000.00 495,000.00 2.750 2.799 1,138.88 0.00 0.00 1,138.88 91282CET4 1399 101 USTR 500,000.00 491,842.18 491,842.18 2.625 2.676 1,081.73 0.00 0.00 1,081.73 91282821.13 1400 101 USTR 500,000.00 490,850.00 490,850.00 1.875 1.894 764.26 0.00 0.00 764.26 3133ENYH7 1401 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,080.00 499,080.00 2.625 2.666 1,093.75 0.00 0.00 1,093.75 3130ASDV8 1409 101 FHLB 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 3.300 3.346 825.00 0.00 0.00 825.00 89269FDP7 1415 101 TRADCP 246,000.00 246,000.00 246,000.00 3.000 3.000 606.58 0.00 0.00 606.58 91282CFB2 1417 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 989,460.00 989,460.00 2.750 2.802 2,279.01 0.00 0.00 2,279.01 912828XT2 1418 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 985,240.00 985,240.00 2.000 2.036 1,648.35 0.00 0.00 1,648.35 397417AQ9 1419 101 GRNWDS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.050 3.050 621.69 0.00 0.00 621.69 88413QDN5 1420 101 3RD 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.300 3.300 664.52 0.00 0.00 664.52 02589ADH2 1421 101 AMEXNB 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.450 3.450 694.73 0.00 0.00 694.73 91282CFB2 1422 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 979,645.67 979,645.67 2.750 2.830 2,279.01 0.00 0.00 2,279.01 732329BD8 1425 101 PONCE 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.500 3.500 713.42 0.00 0.00 713.42 3133ENL99 1426 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 997,492.55 997,492.55 3.375 3.430 2,812.50 0.00 0.00 2,812.50 052392BT3 1427 101 AUSTEL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.800 3.800 774.58 0.00 0.00 774.58 914242AA0 1429 101 UNIVCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.000 4.000 815.34 0.00 0.00 815.34 Run Date: 07/24/2023 - 16:17 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 JRgj%rt Ver. City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 7 April 1, 2023-April 30, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 22258JAB7 1430 101 CNTYSC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.400 4.400 896.87 0.00 0.00 896.87 3133ENQ29 1433 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 996,400.00 996,400.00 4.000 4.070 3,333.34 0.00 0.00 3,333.34 84229LBA9 1434 101 STHBNK 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 4.250 4.250 852.33 0.00 0.00 852.33 34520LAT0 1435 101 FORBRT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.600 4.600 937.64 0.00 0.00 937.64 912796YV5 1436 101 USTR 0.00 4,893,349.12 0.00 4.363 30.597 0.00 0.00 106,650.88 106,650.88 912796YV5 1437 101 USTR 0.00 1,958,436.61 0.00 4.375 29.793 0.00 0.00 41,563.39 41,563.39 25460FDW3 1438 101 DIRFCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.800 4.800 978.40 0.00 0.00 978.40 9128282R0 1439 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 927,110.00 927,110.00 2.250 2.447 1,864.64 0.00 0.00 1,864.64 3133EN31-11 1441 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 998,650.00 998,650.00 4.000 4.061 3,333.33 0.00 0.00 3,333.33 914098DJ4 1442 101 UNIVBK 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 4.200 4.200 859.56 0.00 0.00 859.56 912828R69 1443 101 USTR 4,000,000.00 3,944,075.80 3,944,075.80 1.625 1.653 5,357.15 0.00 0.00 5,357.15 3133EN3S7 1446 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 998,000.00 998,000.00 3.750 3.810 3,125.00 0.00 0.00 3,125.00 25844MAK4 1447 101 DORTCU 247,000.00 247,000.00 247,000.00 4.500 4.500 913.56 0.00 0.00 913.56 01664MAB2 1448 101 ALL IN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.400 4.400 896.88 0.00 0.00 896.88 51828MAC8 1449 101 LATCOM 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.500 4.500 917.27 0.00 0.00 917.27 45157PAZ3 1450 101 IDEAL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.500 4.500 917.26 0.00 0.00 917.26 01882MAC6 1451 101 ALIANT 247,000.00 247,000.00 247,000.00 5.000 5.000 1,015.06 0.00 0.00 1,015.06 91282CCK5 1452 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 1,956,875.00 1,956,875.00 0.125 0.129 207.19 0.00 0.00 207.19 912796ZR3 1453 101 USTR 3,000,000.00 2,932,950.00 2,932,950.00 4.572 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80865MAB3 1454 101 SCIENT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.650 4.650 947.84 0.00 0.00 947.84 78472EAB0 1455 101 SPCOCU 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 4.350 4.350 890.26 0.00 0.00 890.26 91282CFH9 1456 101 USTR 500,000.00 489,175.00 489,175.00 3.125 3.168 1,273.77 0.00 0.00 1,273.77 300185LM5 1457 101 EVRGRN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.850 3.850 784.77 0.00 0.00 784.77 82671DAB3 1458 101 SIGFCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.400 4.400 896.88 0.00 0.00 896.88 79772FAG1 1459 101 SF FCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.350 4.350 886.68 0.00 0.00 886.68 91282CGH8 1460 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 996,369.14 996,369.14 3.500 3.542 2,900.56 0.00 0.00 2,900.56 9128284X5 1462 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 988,900.00 988,900.00 2.750 2.758 2,241.85 0.00 0.00 2,241.85 912796Y37 1463 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 1,954,412.92 1,954,412.92 4.636 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3133EPAV7 1464 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 995,400.00 995,400.00 3.875 3.947 3,229.16 0.00 0.00 3,229.16 91282CEW7 1465 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 967,220.00 967,220.00 3.250 3.388 2,693.37 0.00 0.00 2,693.37 530520AH8 1466 101 LBRTY1 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.500 4.500 917.26 0.00 0.00 917.26 09582YAF9 1467 101 BLURDG 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 4.200 4.200 842.30 0.00 0.00 842.30 912797FR3 1468 101 USTR 3,000,000.00 2,951,790.00 2,951,790.00 4.821 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 011852AE0 1469 101 ALASKA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.600 4.600 937.64 0.00 0.00 937.64 912796YH6 1470 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 1,950,283.66 1,950,283.66 4.917 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 912796Z51 1471 101 USTR 3,000,000.00 2,927,220.00 2,927,220.00 4.991 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 92891CCZ3 1472 101 VYSTAR 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.550 4.550 927.45 0.00 0.00 927.45 Run Date: 07/24/2023 - 16:17 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 JR9&rt Ver. City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 8 April 1, 2023-April 30, 2023 Adjusted Interest Earnings Ending Beginning Ending Current Annualized Interest Amortization/ Realized Adjusted Interest CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Par Value Book Value Book Value Rate Yield Earned Accretion Gainl/Loss Earnings Fund: General Fund 89789AAG2 1473 101 TRUFCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.700 4.700 958.03 0.00 0.00 958.03 59524LAA4 1474 101 MIDCAR 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.850 4.850 988.61 0.00 0.00 988.61 49306SJ56 1475 101 KEYBNK 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 5.000 5.000 1,002.74 0.00 0.00 1,002.74 064860MC0 1476 101 BKSIER 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 4.600 4.600 922.52 0.00 0.00 922.52 909557KQ2 1477 101 UNBKRS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 5.000 5.000 1,019.18 0.00 0.00 1,019.18 00833JAQ4 1478 101 AFFNTY 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.900 4.900 998.79 0.00 0.00 998.79 108622NJ6 1479 101 BRIDWA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.850 4.850 988.60 0.00 0.00 988.60 3135GAGA3 1480 101 FNMA 2,000,000.00 0.00 2,000,000.00 5.200 5.272 8,088.89 0.00 0.00 8,088.89 912797GF8 1481 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 0.00 1,968,951.36 4.696 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3135GAGK1 1482 101 FNMA 3,000,000.00 0.00 3,000,000.00 5.050 5.120 7,995.83 0.00 0.00 7,995.83 724468AC7 1483 101 PITBOW 244,000.00 0.00 244,000.00 4.350 4.350 494.35 0.00 0.00 494.35 3134GYPJ5 1484 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 0.00 999,100.00 5.200 5.277 1,011.11 0.00 0.00 1,011.11 62384RAT3 1485 101 MTNAMR 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.700 4.700 63.87 0.00 0.00 63.87 Subtotal 219,805,834.96 215,035,244.69 218,620,631.07 3.007 392,850.87 0.00 149,212.23 542,063.10 Fund: Fiscal Agent SYS1058 1058 231 USBANK 1,560.39 1,555.26 1,560.39 4.013 5.13 0.00 0.00 5.13 Subtotal 1,560.39 1,555.26 1,560.39 4.013 5.13 0.00 0.00 5.13 Fund: Housing Authority: WSA and LQ SYS1062 1062 241 LQPR 182,950.98 209,195.24 182,950.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Subtotal 182,950.98 209,195.24 182,950.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fund: SA Low/Mod Bond Fund 25-33-005 1113 249 LAIF 2,049,939.66 2,036,215.89 2,049,939.66 2.870 3.164 5,295.68 0.00 0.00 5,295.68 Subtotal 2,049,939.66 2,036,215.89 2,049,939.66 3.164 5,295.68 0.00 0.00 5,295.68 Total 222,040,285.99 217,282,211.08 220,855,082.10 3.005 398,151.68 0.00 149,212.23 547,363.91 Run Date: 07/24/2023 - 16:17 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 JFS#rt Ver. k1a Qaiifta GEM ofrheDESERT City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Summary May 31, 2023 City of La Quinta Investments Par Par Market Value Book Value °% of Portfolio Term Days to Maturity YTM 365 Equiv. Bank Accounts 15,731,488.11 15,731,488.11 15,731,488.11 6.43 1 1 0.000 Local Agency Investment Fund -City 34,065,011.99 33,645,096.65 34,065,011.99 13.91 1 1 2.993 Local Agency Invstmnt Fund -Housing 2,049,939.66 2,024,068.81 2,049,939.66 0.84 1 1 2.993 Money Market Accounts - CAMP 43,053,174.78 43, 053,174-78 43,053,174.78 17.59 1 1 5.160 Federal Agency Coupon Securities 46,750,000.00 43,942,524.50 46,530,847-05 19.01 1,545 908 2.003 FedemlAgency ❑iscount 1,000,0D0.00 985.790.00 982,351.39 0.40 131 102 5.075 Treasury Coupon Securities 33.760,000-00 32,060,452.50 33.168.759.07 13.54 1,400 942 2.281 Treasury Discount Notes 24,00,000.00 23,675,250.00 23,479,068.78 9,59 161 94 5-094 Certificate of Deposits 37,826000.00 36,669,274.78 37,825,377.50 15A5 1,669 580 2.576 Corporate Notes 900,0D0.00 848,783.00 875,680.00 0-36 1,797 598 1.738 Money Market with Fiscal Agent 1,565.80 1.565.80 1,565.60 0,00 1 1 0.000 CERST - OPE B Trust 1,828,332.91 1,828,332,91 1,828,332.91 0.75 1 1 0.000 PARS Pension Trust 5,237,081.17 5,237,061.17 5,237,o61.17 2.14 1 1 0.000 246,192,574.42 239,702,863.01 244,818,638.21 100.00°% 764 2.952 Investments Total Earnings Current Year Fiscal Year To Date 3,999,753.51 Average Daily Balance 222,830,422.62 218,067,007.08 Effective Rate of Return 2.66°% 2.00% 1 certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with the California Government Code and the City Investment Policy- As Treasurer of the City of La Quinta, I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet the City's expenditure requirements for the next six months. The City of La Quinta used the monthly account statements issued by our financial institutimns to determine the fair market value of investments at month end. C—U I — �11 Claudia Martinez, Finance orJCity Tre urer Reporting period 0510112023-0513112023 Run pale: 07/25/2023 - 17:41 May 31 Month Ending 502,919.56 Portfolio CITY CP P F. ROF ,73.61 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments May 31, 2023 Page 1 Average Purchase Stated Days to YTM Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Maturity 365 Date Bank Accounts SYS1293 1293 Bank of New York 09/01/2020 4,203,008.47 4,203,008.47 4,203,008.47 1 1 0.000 059731851 1228 Bank of the West 08/20/2019 10,687,259.93 10,687,259.93 10,687,259.93 1 1 0.000 SYS1059 1059 City Petty Cash 07/01/2016 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 1 1 0.000 SYS1318 1318 Dune Palms Mobile Estates 03/09/2021 797,129.78 797,129.78 797,129.78 1 1 0.000 SYS1062 1062 La Quinta Palms Realty 07/01/2016 40,789.93 40,789.93 40,789.93 1 1 0.000 Subtotal and Average 10,619,540.31 15,731,488.11 15,731,488.11 15,731,488.11 1 1 0.000 Local Agency Investment Fund -City 98-33-434 1055 Local Agency Inv Fund Subtotal and Average 20,032,753.93 34,065,011.99 34,065,011.99 33,645,096.65 33,645,096.65 34,065,011.99 2.993 34,065,011.99 1 1 2.993 1 1 2.993 Local Agency Invstmnt Fund -Housing 25-33-005 1113 Local Agency Inv Fund 2,049,939.66 2,024,058.81 2,049,939.66 2.993 1 1 2.993 Subtotal and Average 2,049,939.66 2,049,939.66 2,024,058.81 2,049,939.66 1 1 2.993 Money Market Accounts - CAMP SYS1153 1153 California Asset Management Pr 09/26/2018 43,053,174.78 43,053,174.78 43,053,174.78 5.160 1 1 5.160 Subtotal and Average 42,871,340.16 43,053,174.78 43,053,174.78 43,053,174.78 1 1 5.160 Federal Agency Coupon Securities 3133EKZK5 1223 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/12/2019 500,000.00 496,275.00 499,400.00 1.600 1,432 74 1.632 08/14/2023 3133EJYL7 1158 Federal Farm Credit Bank 10/15/2018 250,000.00 248,462.50 247,275.00 2.800 1,786 96 3.041 09/05/2023 3133EK4X1 1234 Federal Farm Credit Bank 11/01/2019 1,000,000.00 984,220.00 996,900.00 1.600 1,461 153 1.680 11/01/2023 3130AFW94 1177 Federal Home Loan Bank 03/01/2019 500,000.00 490,475.00 498,550.00 2.500 1,810 257 2.563 02/13/2024 3133ELNEO 1246 Federal Farm Credit Bank 02/14/2020 1,000,000.00 974,640.00 999,000.00 1.430 1,461 258 1.456 02/14/2024 3135GAGK1 1482 Federal National Mtg Assn 04/12/2023 3,000,000.00 2,983,380.00 3,000,000.00 5.050 366 316 5.050 04/12/2024 3133ENYH7 1401 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/10/2022 500,000.00 488,155.00 499,080.00 2.625 731 375 2.720 06/10/2024 3135GOV75 1206 Federal National Mtg Assn 07/15/2019 500,000.00 483,885.00 495,950.00 1.750 1,814 397 1.922 07/02/2024 3133EKWV4 1212 Federal Farm Credit Bank 08/02/2019 500,000.00 481,190.00 499,500.00 1.850 1,820 421 1.871 07/26/2024 3135GAGA3 1480 Federal National Mtg Assn 04/03/2023 2,000,000.00 1,987,820.00 2,000,000.00 5.200 484 425 5.206 07/30/2024 3133EKP75 1224 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/17/2019 500,000.00 479,435.00 498,750.00 1.600 1,827 474 1.652 09/17/2024 3133ELEA8 1242 Federal Farm Credit Bank 12/17/2019 1,000,000.00 961,450.00 998,600.00 1.700 1,736 474 1.731 09/17/2024 3135GO6E8 1291 Federal National Mtg Assn 11/18/2020 500,000.00 466,150.00 499,250.00 0.420 1,461 536 0.458 11/18/2024 3133ENGN4 1355 Federal Farm Credit Bank 12/09/2021 1,000,000.00 938,920.00 1,000,000.00 0.970 1,096 557 0.970 12/09/2024 3135GAAW1 1300 Federal National Mtg Assn 12/30/2020 500,000.00 464,385.00 500,000.00 0.400 1,461 578 0.400 12/30/2024 3130AP2U8 1353 Federal Home Loan Bank 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 928,850.00 987,100.00 0.550 1,127 586 0.976 01/07/2025 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 07/25/2023 - 17:41 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 136 Report Ver. City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments May 31, 2023 Page 2 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM Maturity 365 Date Federal Agency Coupon Securities 3130AQWY5 1374 Federal Home Loan Bank 02/25/2022 1,000,000.00 943,510.00 1,000,000.00 1.700 1,095 634 1.700 02/24/2025 3135G03U5 1365 Federal National Mtg Assn 01/28/2022 500,000.00 465,100.00 487,790.00 0.625 1,180 691 1.400 04/22/2025 3134GVYG7 1279 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 05/27/2020 1,000,000.00 925,220.00 1,000,000.00 0.625 1,826 726 0.625 05/27/2025 3133ELH23 1280 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/09/2020 500,000.00 462,430.00 499,850.00 0.500 1,826 739 0.506 06/09/2025 3133ELH80 1282 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/10/2020 500,000.00 460,320.00 500,000.00 0.680 1,826 740 0.680 06/10/2025 3130AJKW8 1281 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/03/2020 500,000.00 462,510.00 499,850.00 0.500 1,836 743 0.506 06/13/2025 3130AJRP6 1283 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/30/2020 300,000.00 275,685.00 300,000.00 0.680 1,826 760 0.680 06/30/2025 3137EAEU9 1297 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 12/07/2020 1,000,000.00 917,100.00 997,300.00 0.375 1,687 781 0.434 07/21/2025 3137EAEU9 1361 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 01/05/2022 500,000.00 458,550.00 487,090.00 0.375 1,293 781 1.120 07/21/2025 3135G05S8 1288 Federal National Mtg Assn 08/14/2020 500,000.00 456,085.00 500,000.00 0.500 1,826 805 0.500 08/14/2025 3136G4M75 1290 Federal National Mtg Assn 08/28/2020 500,000.00 459,590.00 499,750.00 0.520 1,816 809 0.530 08/18/2025 3136G4N74 1289 Federal National Mtg Assn 08/21/2020 1,000,000.00 912,800.00 1,000,000.00 0.560 1,826 812 0.560 08/21/2025 3137EAEX3 1307 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 02/23/2021 500,000.00 456,405.00 495,999.50 0.375 1,673 845 0.552 09/23/2025 3137EAEX3 1310 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 03/30/2021 1,000,000.00 912,810.00 983,940.00 0.375 1,638 845 0.740 09/23/2025 3130ARGJ4 1385 Federal Home Loan Bank 04/14/2022 500,000.00 479,065.00 500,000.00 2.500 1,279 866 2.500 10/14/2025 3134GW5R3 1362 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 01/05/2022 400,000.00 363,904.00 391,360.00 0.650 1,391 879 1.232 10/27/2025 3135G06G3 1354 Federal National Mtg Assn 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 912,170.00 976,300.00 0.500 1,431 890 1.120 11/07/2025 3135GA2Z3 1292 Federal National Mtg Assn 11/17/2020 500,000.00 453,390.00 499,250.00 0.560 1,826 900 0.590 11/17/2025 3130AKFA9 1298 Federal Home Loan Bank 12/07/2020 500,000.00 453,705.00 497,400.00 0.375 1,831 925 0.480 12/12/2025 3135GA7D7 1299 Federal National Mtg Assn 12/23/2020 500,000.00 451,365.00 500,000.00 0.600 1,826 936 0.600 12/23/2025 3134GXGZ1 1301 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 12/30/2020 500,000.00 455,170.00 500,000.00 0.550 1,826 943 0.550 12/30/2025 3130AKMZ6 1302 Federal Home Loan Bank 01/14/2021 500,000.00 449,190.00 500,000.00 0.510 1,826 958 0.510 01/14/2026 313OAKN28 1304 Federal Home Loan Bank 01/29/2021 500,000.00 449,095.00 500,000.00 0.550 1,826 973 0.550 01/29/2026 3130ALV92 1312 Federal Home Loan Bank 03/30/2021 500,000.00 458,515.00 500,000.00 1.050 1,826 1,033 0.938 03/30/2026 3130AMFS6 1324 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/17/2021 1,000,000.00 904,470.00 993,420.00 0.750 1,821 1,107 0.885 06/12/2026 3133EM2C5 1330 Federal Farm Credit Bank 08/10/2021 500,000.00 443,790.00 498,000.00 0.710 1,826 1,166 0.792 08/10/2026 3133EM4X7 1338 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/28/2021 1,000,000.00 897,380.00 991,080.00 0.800 1,808 1,197 0.985 09/10/2026 3130APBM6 1337 Federal Home Loan Bank 09/30/2021 1,000,000.00 891,710.00 999,000.00 1.000 1,826 1,217 1.021 09/30/2026 3130APB46 1339 Federal Home Loan Bank 10/13/2021 1,000,000.00 889,310.00 998,250.00 0.950 1,826 1,230 0.986 10/13/2026 3134GW6C5 1359 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 01/05/2022 500,000.00 441,810.00 486,000.00 0.800 1,757 1,245 1.403 10/28/2026 3133ENCQ1 1344 Federal Farm Credit Bank 11/02/2021 1,000,000.00 895,510.00 1,000,000.00 1.270 1,826 1,250 1.270 11/02/2026 3130APTV7 1347 Federal Home Loan Bank 11/24/2021 500,000.00 455,730.00 499,500.00 0.700 1,826 1,272 1.489 11/24/2026 3130AQF65 1358 Federal Home Loan Bank 12/22/2021 1,000,000.00 911,220.00 999,750.00 1.250 1,825 1,299 1.255 12/21/2026 3134GWUQ7 1366 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 02/10/2022 1,000,000.00 873,670.00 945,570.00 0.700 1,784 1,308 1.870 12/30/2026 3130AQJR5 1364 Federal Home Loan Bank 01/27/2022 1,000,000.00 901,210.00 1,000,000.00 1.500 1,826 1,336 1.500 01/27/2027 3130AQSA2 1367 Federal Home Loan Bank 02/10/2022 1,000,000.00 911,270.00 1,000,000.00 1.830 1,826 1,350 1.830 02/10/2027 Run Date: 07/25/2023 - 17:41 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 137 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments May 31, 2023 Page 3 Average Purchase Stated Days to YTM Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Maturity 365 Date Federal Agency Coupon Securities 3130ARGY1 1387 Federal Home Loan Bank 04/19/2022 1,000,000.00 941,130.00 1,000,000.00 2.700 1,826 1,418 2.700 04/19/2027 3130ASDV8 1409 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/28/2022 300,000.00 286,488.00 300,000.00 3.300 1,826 1,488 3.300 06/28/2027 3133ENL99 1426 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/15/2022 1,000,000.00 974,420.00 997,492.55 3.375 1,826 1,567 3.430 09/15/2027 3133ENQ29 1433 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/30/2022 1,000,000.00 1,002,810.00 996,400.00 4.000 1,825 1,581 4.080 09/29/2027 3133EN3H1 1441 Federal Farm Credit Bank 11/29/2022 1,000,000.00 999,280.00 998,650.00 4.000 1,826 1,642 4.030 11/29/2027 3133EN3S7 1446 Federal Farm Credit Bank 12/07/2022 1,000,000.00 989,100.00 998,000.00 3.750 1,826 1,650 3.794 12/07/2027 3133EPAV7 1464 Federal Farm Credit Bank 02/15/2023 1,000,000.00 999,700.00 995,400.00 3.875 1,825 1,719 3.977 02/14/2028 3134GYPJ5 1484 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 04/24/2023 1,000,000.00 981,140.00 999,100.00 5.200 1,820 1,782 5.220 04/17/2028 Subtotal and Average 46,530,847.05 46,750,000.00 43,942,524.50 46,530,847.05 1,545 908 2.003 Federal Agency Discount 313384LP2 1490 Federal Home Loan Bank 05/03/2023 1,000,000.00 985,790.00 982,351.39 4.850 131 102 5.075 09/11/2023 Subtotal and Average 918,973.88 1,000,000.00 985,790.00 982,351.39 131 102 5.075 Treasury Coupon Securities 91282CCK5 1452 U.S. Treasury 01/04/2023 2,000,000.00 1,991,820.00 1,956,875.00 0.125 177 29 4.635 06/30/2023 91282CCN9 1341 U.S. Treasury 10/22/2021 500,000.00 495,685.00 497,792.97 0.125 647 60 0.375 07/31/2023 9128284X5 1462 U.S. Treasury 02/07/2023 1,000,000.00 993,670.00 988,900.00 2.750 205 91 4.787 08/31/2023 912828T26 1217 U.S. Treasury 08/21/2019 500,000.00 493,420.00 499,300.00 1.375 1,501 121 1.410 09/30/2023 91282CBA8 1351 U.S. Treasury 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 972,620.00 990,000.00 0.125 738 197 0.623 12/15/2023 91282CBEO 1342 U.S. Treasury 10/22/2021 1,000,000.00 968,240.00 991,000.00 0.125 815 228 0.531 01/15/2024 91282CBR1 1352 U.S. Treasury 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 961,800.00 989,800.00 0.250 829 288 0.704 03/15/2024 91282CBV2 1360 U.S. Treasury 01/05/2022 500,000.00 479,355.00 494,882.81 0.375 831 319 0.830 04/15/2024 912828XT2 1418 U.S. Treasury 05/04/2022 1,000,000.00 968,830.00 985,240.00 2.000 758 365 2.736 05/31/2024 91282821.13 1400 U.S. Treasury 06/09/2022 500,000.00 481,385.00 490,850.00 1.875 814 457 2.727 08/31/2024 91282CDB4 1343 U.S. Treasury 10/22/2021 1,000,000.00 944,260.00 996,320.00 0.625 1,089 502 0.750 10/15/2024 9128283DO 1390 U.S. Treasury 05/03/2022 1,000,000.00 965,040.00 985,190.00 2.250 912 518 2.870 10/31/2024 912828YV6 1241 U.S. Treasury 12/16/2019 1,000,000.00 953,320.00 989,687.50 1.500 1,811 548 1.718 11/30/2024 91282CAT8 1311 U.S. Treasury 03/30/2021 1,000,000.00 909,960.00 977,500.00 0.250 1,676 883 0.750 10/31/2025 91282CAZ4 1315 U.S. Treasury 04/22/2021 500,000.00 455,370.00 492,187.50 0.375 1,683 913 0.720 11/30/2025 91282CBC4 1303 U.S. Treasury 01/07/2021 500,000.00 454,805.00 498,632.81 0.375 1,819 944 0.431 12/31/2025 91282CBH3 1309 U.S. Treasury 02/23/2021 500,000.00 453,280.00 495,100.00 0.375 1,803 975 0.577 01/31/2026 91282CBQ3 1319 U.S. Treasury 05/28/2021 500,000.00 453,635.00 494,165.00 0.500 1,737 1,003 0.750 02/28/2026 91282CBQ3 1382 U.S. Treasury 03/23/2022 750,000.00 680,452.50 698,025.00 0.500 1,438 1,003 2.353 02/28/2026 91282CBT7 1320 U.S. Treasury 05/28/2021 500,000.00 456,465.00 499,525.00 0.750 1,768 1,034 0.770 03/31/2026 91282CBT7 1322 U.S. Treasury 06/17/2021 500,000.00 456,465.00 498,450.00 0.750 1,748 1,034 0.816 03/31/2026 Run Date: 07/25/2023 - 17:41 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 138 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments May 31, 2023 Page 4 Average Purchase Stated Days to YTM Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Maturity 365 Date Treasury Coupon Securities 9128286S4 1383 U.S. Treasury 03/23/2022 1,000,000.00 954,220.00 999,010.00 2.375 1,499 1,064 2.400 04/30/2026 91282CCF6 1321 U.S. Treasury 06/01/2021 1,000,000.00 908,010.00 997,060.00 0.750 1,825 1,095 0.810 05/31/2026 91282CCF6 1323 U.S. Treasury 06/17/2021 500,000.00 454,005.00 497,095.00 0.750 1,809 1,095 0.870 05/31/2026 91282CCP4 1335 U.S. Treasury 09/29/2021 1,000,000.00 900,350.00 983,750.00 0.625 1,766 1,156 0.970 07/31/2026 91282CCW9 1336 U.S. Treasury 09/29/2021 1,000,000.00 901,800.00 988,500.00 0.750 1,797 1,187 0.990 08/31/2026 91282CCW9 1380 U.S. Treasury 03/22/2022 500,000.00 450,900.00 466,454.17 0.750 1,623 1,187 2.350 08/31/2026 91282CDG3 1381 U.S. Treasury 03/22/2022 500,000.00 454,960.00 473,396.82 1.125 1,684 1,248 2.350 10/31/2026 912828Z78 1369 U.S. Treasury 02/10/2022 1,000,000.00 917,310.00 986,700.00 1.500 1,816 1,340 1.781 01/31/2027 91282CEF4 1391 U.S. Treasury 05/03/2022 1,000,000.00 950,000.00 976,860.00 2.500 1,793 1,399 3.010 03/31/2027 91282CEN7 1398 U.S. Treasury 06/08/2022 500,000.00 478,965.00 495,000.00 2.750 1,787 1,429 2.971 04/30/2027 912828X88 1397 U.S. Treasury 06/07/2022 1,000,000.00 944,730.00 969,687.50 2.375 1,803 1,444 3.041 05/15/2027 91282CET4 1399 U.S. Treasury 06/08/2022 500,000.00 476,485.00 491,842.18 2.625 1,818 1,460 2.980 05/31/2027 91282CEW7 1465 U.S. Treasury 02/15/2023 1,000,000.00 975,740.00 967,220.00 3.250 1,596 1,490 4.075 06/30/2027 91282CFB2 1417 U.S. Treasury 08/15/2022 1,000,000.00 956,600.00 989,460.00 2.750 1,811 1,521 2.980 07/31/2027 91282CFB2 1422 U.S. Treasury 08/29/2022 1,000,000.00 956,600.00 979,645.67 2.750 1,797 1,521 3.200 07/31/2027 9128282RO 1439 U.S. Treasury 11/18/2022 1,000,000.00 937,730.00 927,110.00 2.250 1,731 1,536 3.950 08/15/2027 91282CFH9 1456 U.S. Treasury 01/24/2023 500,000.00 485,450.00 489,175.00 3.125 1,680 1,552 3.640 08/31/2027 91282CGH8 1460 U.S. Treasury 02/02/2023 1,000,000.00 986,640.00 996,369.14 3.500 1,824 1,705 3.580 01/31/2028 91282CGT2 1524 U.S. Treasury 05/31/2023 1,000,000.00 992,580.00 990,000.00 3.625 1,766 1,765 3.853 03/31/2028 91282CHA2 1525 U.S. Treasury 05/31/2023 1,000,000.00 987,500.00 985,000.00 3.500 1,796 1,795 3.837 04/30/2028 Subtotal and Average 36,027,673.15 33,750,000.00 32,060,452.50 33,158,759.07 1,400 942 2.281 Treasury Discount Notes 912796ZR3 1453 U.S. Treasury 01/04/2023 3,000,000.00 2,988,210.00 2,932,950.00 4.572 176 28 4.807 06/29/2023 912797FR3 1468 U.S. Treasury 03/07/2023 3,000,000.00 2,986,230.00 2,951,790.00 4.821 120 34 5.037 07/05/2023 912796Y37 1463 U.S. Treasury 02/07/2023 2,000,000.00 1,981,940.00 1,954,412.92 4.636 177 63 4.877 08/03/2023 912797GF8 1481 U.S. Treasury 04/11/2023 2,000,000.00 1,981,220.00 1,968,951.36 4.696 119 68 4.904 08/08/2023 912797GJO 1489 U.S. Treasury 05/03/2023 1,000,000.00 987,210.00 984,010.00 4.878 118 89 5.096 08/29/2023 912796Z51 1471 U.S. Treasury 03/09/2023 3,000,000.00 2,960,130.00 2,927,220.00 4.991 175 91 5.258 08/31/2023 912796YH6 1470 U.S. Treasury 03/09/2023 2,000,000.00 1,972,500.00 1,950,283.66 4.917 182 98 5.184 09/07/2023 912797FAO 1488 U.S. Treasury 05/03/2023 3,000,000.00 2,941,620.00 2,935,470.00 4.780 162 133 5.022 10/12/2023 912796YTO 1487 U.S. Treasury 05/03/2023 1,000,000.00 977,750.00 975,854.17 4.750 183 154 5.003 11/02/2023 912797FL6 1502 U.S. Treasury 05/31/2023 4,000,000.00 3,898,440.00 3,898,126.67 5.180 177 176 5.464 11/24/2023 Subtotal and Average 19,390,860.12 24,000,000.00 23,675,250.00 23,479,068.78 161 94 5.094 Run Date: 07/25/2023 - 17:41 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 139 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments May 31, 2023 Page 5 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM Maturity 365 Date Certificate of Deposits 725404AB3 1194 Pittsfield Cooperative Bank 06/07/2019 245,000.00 244,867.53 245,000.00 2.500 1,461 6 2.502 06/07/2023 619165JD6 1173 Morton Community 03/20/2019 248,000.00 247,660.07 248,000.00 2.750 1,553 19 2.753 06/20/2023 74934YAH4 1144 RCB Bank 06/20/2018 245,000.00 244,718.38 245,000.00 3.150 1,826 19 3.152 06/20/2023 02616AAH2 1285 American First CU 06/26/2020 248,000.00 247,130.96 248,000.00 0.350 1,095 25 0.350 06/26/2023 02772JBD1 1205 American National Bank 07/19/2019 248,000.00 246,918.48 248,000.00 2.000 1,461 48 2.001 07/19/2023 32110YLK9 1147 First National Bank of America 07/20/2018 245,000.00 244,298.81 245,000.00 3.150 1,826 49 3.152 07/20/2023 06426KAN8 1151 Bank of New England 07/31/2018 249,000.00 248,111.61 249,000.00 3.250 1,826 60 3.252 07/31/2023 75472RAD3 1218 Raymond James Bank 08/23/2019 244,000.00 242,061.11 244,000.00 1.950 1,461 83 1.951 08/23/2023 89579NCD3 1262 Triad Bank 03/30/2020 248,000.00 244,604.78 248,000.00 1.350 1,278 120 1.352 09/29/2023 57116ARV2 1155 Cache Valley BK F/K/A Marlin 10/17/2018 248,000.00 245,881.67 248,000.00 3.300 1,826 138 3.302 10/17/2023 625925AR3 1160 Municipal Trust and Savings 10/17/2018 245,000.00 242,813.93 245,000.00 3.200 1,826 138 3.202 10/17/2023 90348JEJ5 1161 UBS Bank USA 10/17/2018 245,000.00 242,953.98 245,000.00 3.350 1,826 138 3.352 10/17/2023 474067AQ8 1154 Jefferson Financial CU 10/19/2018 245,000.00 242,922.81 245,000.00 3.350 1,826 140 3.352 10/19/2023 20143PDV9 1162 Commercial Bank 11/15/2018 248,000.00 245,514.26 248,000.00 3.400 1,826 167 3.402 11/15/2023 67054NAN3 1164 Numerica Credit Union 11/28/2018 248,000.00 245,509.42 248,000.00 3.550 1,826 180 3.552 11/28/2023 48115LAD6 1396 Jovia Financial Credit Union 06/07/2022 248,000.00 244,010.42 248,000.00 2.500 548 189 2.502 12/07/2023 635573AL2 1170 National Cooperative Bank, N.A 12/21/2018 245,000.00 242,019.07 245,000.00 3.400 1,826 203 3.402 12/21/2023 066851 WJ1 1172 Bar Harbor Bank and Trust 12/31/2018 248,000.00 244,774.85 248,000.00 3.350 1,824 211 3.352 12/29/2023 89269FDP7 1415 Tradition Capital 07/20/2022 246,000.00 241,905.08 246,000.00 3.000 551 235 3.008 01/22/2024 51210SQU4 1208 Lakeside Bank 07/30/2019 248,000.00 242,094.78 248,000.00 2.000 1,644 242 2.003 01/29/2024 77579ADFO 1251 Rollstone B&T 02/12/2020 245,000.00 238,279.76 245,000.00 1.650 1,461 256 1.651 02/12/2024 66736ABP3 1181 Northwest Bank 02/13/2019 248,000.00 243,380.99 248,000.00 2.950 1,826 257 2.951 02/13/2024 949763XY7 1174 Wells Fargo 02/27/2019 248,000.00 243,227.75 248,000.00 3.000 1,826 271 3.001 02/27/2024 50625LAW3 1384 Lafayette FCU 03/30/2022 248,000.00 240,781.60 248,000.00 2.050 729 301 2.053 03/28/2024 882213AB7 1260 Texas Bank Financial 03/31/2020 245,000.00 236,043.29 245,000.00 1.100 1,458 301 1.101 03/28/2024 472382AQ3 1272 The Jefferson Bank 04/15/2020 248,000.00 238,571.66 248,000.00 1.250 1,461 319 1.251 04/15/2024 08016PDQ9 1270 Belmont Bank and Trust 04/16/2020 248,000.00 238,542.93 248,000.00 1.250 1,461 320 1.251 04/16/2024 69506YRH4 1269 Pacific Western Bank 04/16/2020 245,000.00 235,848.35 245,000.00 1.300 1,461 320 1.301 04/16/2024 56065GAG3 1188 Main Street Bank 04/26/2019 248,000.00 241,249.01 248,000.00 2.600 1,827 330 2.603 04/26/2024 33640VDD7 1231 First Service Bank 11/15/2019 248,000.00 238,684.77 248,000.00 1.700 1,643 349 1.701 05/15/2024 48128HXU7 1185 JP Morgan Chase 05/16/2019 245,000.00 239,387.03 245,000.00 3.250 1,827 350 3.254 05/16/2024 46256YAZ2 1186 Iowa State Bank 05/23/2019 245,000.00 237,331.37 245,000.00 2.400 1,827 357 2.403 05/23/2024 538036GVO 1238 Live Oak Bank 11/27/2019 248,000.00 238,591.69 248,000.00 1.800 1,644 362 1.802 05/28/2024 156634AK3 1184 Century Next Bank 05/29/2019 248,000.00 240,268.45 248,000.00 2.500 1,827 363 2.503 05/29/2024 72651LCL6 1195 Plains Commerce Bank 06/07/2019 245,000.00 237,299.24 245,000.00 2.550 1,827 372 2.553 06/07/2024 299547AQ2 1196 Liberty FCU F/K/A Evansville T 06/12/2019 248,000.00 240,142.08 248,000.00 2.600 1,827 377 2.603 06/12/2024 Run Date: 07/25/2023 - 17:41 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 140 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments May 31, 2023 Page 6 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM 365 Maturity Date Certificate of Deposits 524661CB9 1197 Legacy Bank 06/19/2019 248,000.00 239,487.66 248,000.00 2.400 1,827 384 2.403 06/19/2024 176688CP2 1199 Citizens State Bank 06/21/2019 248,000.00 239,444.86 248,000.00 2.400 1,827 386 2.403 06/21/2024 20416TAQ5 1202 Communitywide FCU 06/28/2019 248,000.00 238,901.73 248,000.00 2.250 1,827 393 2.253 06/28/2024 761402BY1 1203 Revere Bank 06/28/2019 247,000.00 238,154.02 247,000.00 2.300 1,827 393 2.303 06/28/2024 00257TBD7 1207 Abacus Federal Savings 07/26/2019 248,000.00 237,689.72 248,000.00 1.950 1,827 421 1.952 07/26/2024 33625CCP2 1209 First Security Bank of WA 07/30/2019 248,000.00 237,737.22 248,000.00 2.000 1,827 425 2.002 07/30/2024 710571DS6 1210 People's Bank 07/31/2019 248,000.00 237,972.25 248,000.00 2.000 1,827 426 2.002 07/31/2024 740367HP5 1213 Preferred Bank 08/16/2019 249,000.00 238,566.29 249,000.00 2.000 1,827 442 2.002 08/16/2024 33766LAJ7 1216 FirsTier Bank 08/23/2019 249,000.00 238,257.26 249,000.00 1.950 1,827 449 1.952 08/23/2024 938828BH2 1215 Washington Federal 08/23/2019 248,000.00 237,449.82 248,000.00 2.000 1,827 449 2.002 08/23/2024 336460CX6 1222 First State Bk DeQueen 08/30/2019 248,000.00 236,685.32 248,000.00 1.800 1,827 456 1.802 08/30/2024 334342CD2 1221 First Natl Bk of Syracuse 08/30/2019 249,000.00 237,791.97 249,000.00 1.850 1,827 456 1.852 08/30/2024 15118RRH2 1220 Celtic Bank 08/30/2019 248,000.00 236,836.99 248,000.00 1.850 1,827 456 1.852 08/30/2024 05580AD50 1333 BMW Bank 09/10/2021 245,000.00 230,445.78 245,000.00 0.650 1,096 467 0.651 09/10/2024 06652CHBO 1227 BankWest Inc 09/27/2019 248,000.00 235,983.78 248,000.00 1.700 1,827 484 1.702 09/27/2024 84223QAN7 1286 Southern Bancorp Bk 06/26/2020 248,000.00 231,549.04 248,000.00 0.500 1,582 512 0.500 10/25/2024 804375DL4 1235 Sauk Valley B&T Cc 11/07/2019 248,000.00 235,633.11 248,000.00 1.700 1,827 525 1.702 11/07/2024 61690UNX4 1237 Morgan Stanley Bank 11/20/2019 245,000.00 233,489.03 245,000.00 1.950 1,827 538 1.952 11/20/2024 61760A363 1236 Morgan Stanley Private Bk, NA 11/20/2019 245,000.00 233,314.93 245,000.00 1.900 1,827 538 1.902 11/20/2024 064520BG3 1287 Bank Princeton 06/30/2020 248,000.00 230,200.44 248,000.00 0.500 1,644 578 0.500 12/30/2024 80865MAB3 1454 Scient FCU 01/13/2023 248,000.00 246,364.03 248,000.00 4.650 731 592 4.656 01/13/2025 89388CEYO 1328 Transportation Alliance Bk TAB 07/23/2021 248,000.00 229,447.12 248,000.00 0.400 1,280 602 0.401 01/23/2025 06417NZQ9 1329 Bank OZK 07/29/2021 248,000.00 229,270.61 248,000.00 0.400 1,280 608 0.401 01/29/2025 90983WBT7 1249 United Community 02/07/2020 248,000.00 234,458.86 248,000.00 1.650 1,827 617 1.652 02/07/2025 32114VBT3 1250 First National Bank Michigan 02/14/2020 248,000.00 234,311.80 248,000.00 1.650 1,827 624 1.652 02/14/2025 35637RDC8 1248 Freedom Financial 02/14/2020 248,000.00 233,900.16 248,000.00 1.550 1,827 624 1.552 02/14/2025 029728BC5 1255 American State 02/21/2020 248,000.00 233,957.14 248,000.00 1.600 1,827 631 1.602 02/21/2025 17286TAGO 1252 Citadel FCU 02/27/2020 248,000.00 234,039.84 248,000.00 1.650 1,827 637 1.652 02/27/2025 00435JBH5 1256 Access Bank 03/13/2020 248,000.00 233,914.58 248,000.00 1.600 1,826 651 1.601 03/13/2025 49306SJ56 1475 Kay Bank, N.A. 03/15/2023 244,000.00 244,455.30 244,000.00 5.000 733 655 5.008 03/17/2025 909557KQ2 1477 United Bankers Bank 03/16/2023 248,000.00 248,503.80 248,000.00 5.000 732 655 4.823 03/17/2025 849430BF9 1257 Spring Bank 03/20/2020 248,000.00 233,336.65 248,000.00 1.500 1,826 658 1.501 03/20/2025 05465DAE8 1258 Axos Bank 03/26/2020 248,000.00 233,865.11 248,000.00 1.650 1,826 664 1.651 03/26/2025 020080BX4 1267 Alma Bank 03/30/2020 248,000.00 232,728.50 248,000.00 1.400 1,824 666 1.399 03/28/2025 2027506M2 1268 Commonwealth Business Bk 03/31/2020 248,000.00 232,398.28 248,000.00 1.250 1,826 669 1.251 03/31/2025 654062JZ2 1266 Nicolet Natl Bank 03/31/2020 248,000.00 233,059.37 248,000.00 1.400 1,826 669 1.401 03/31/2025 Run Date: 07/25/2023 - 17:41 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 141 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments May 31, 2023 Page 7 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM 365 Maturity Date Certificate of Deposits 14042TDD6 1271 Capital One USA FDIC33954 04/08/2020 245,000.00 231,067.53 245,000.00 1.600 1,826 677 1.601 04/08/2025 02007GPX5 1388 Ally Bank Midvale 04/21/2022 245,000.00 235,032.74 245,000.00 2.550 1,096 690 2.550 04/21/2025 52168UHY1 1389 Leader Bank 04/22/2022 245,000.00 235,019.32 245,000.00 2.550 1,096 691 2.552 04/22/2025 32112UDR9 1274 First Natl Bk McGregor 04/28/2020 248,000.00 232,234.10 248,000.00 1.350 1,826 697 1.351 04/28/2025 32027BALl 1273 First Freedom Bank 04/29/2020 249,000.00 232,457.78 249,000.00 1.200 1,826 698 1.201 04/29/2025 33847E3A3 1276 Flagstar 04/30/2020 248,000.00 231,874.18 248,000.00 1.250 1,826 699 1.251 04/30/2025 32056GDJ6 1278 1st Internet Bank 05/11/2020 248,000.00 230,711.11 248,000.00 1.000 1,827 711 0.985 05/12/2025 95960NKD8 1277 Western State Bank 05/13/2020 245,000.00 228,050.54 245,000.00 1.000 1,826 712 1.001 05/13/2025 254673E69 1392 Discover Bank Greenwood DE CIF 05/24/2022 245,000.00 237,539.21 245,000.00 3.100 1,099 726 3.103 05/27/2025 169894AS1 1284 Chippewa Valley Bk 06/24/2020 248,000.00 228,180.24 248,000.00 0.600 1,826 754 0.600 06/24/2025 307811DF3 1363 Farmers & Merch 01/14/2022 249,000.00 230,302.77 249,000.00 0.900 1,277 774 0.900 07/14/2025 70962LAF9 1331 Pentagon FCU 09/01/2021 249,000.00 228,444.28 249,000.00 0.700 1,462 824 0.687 09/02/2025 914242AAO 1429 University Credit Union 09/26/2022 248,000.00 245,241.04 248,000.00 4.000 1,096 848 3.891 09/26/2025 51507LCC6 1305 Landmark Community Bank 01/22/2021 248,000.00 223,806.55 248,000.00 0.500 1,826 966 0.500 01/22/2026 84229LBA9 1434 Southern Bank Sardis GA 10/28/2022 244,000.00 243,328.51 244,000.00 4.250 1,188 972 4.254 01/28/2026 87270LDL4 1306 TIAA FKA EverBank 02/12/2021 245,000.00 221,017.79 245,000.00 0.500 1,826 987 0.500 02/12/2026 64034KAZ4 1376 Nelnet Bank 03/02/2022 245,000.00 229,120.30 245,000.00 1.800 1,461 1,005 1.801 03/02/2026 59524LAA4 1474 Mid Carolina Credit Union 03/13/2023 248,000.00 251,734.25 248,000.00 4.850 1,096 1,016 4.855 03/13/2026 39573LBC1 1313 Greenstate FCU 04/16/2021 249,000.00 226,496.52 249,000.00 0.950 1,826 1,050 0.951 04/16/2026 89235MKY6 1314 Toyota Financial Savings Bank 04/22/2021 245,000.00 222,579.50 245,000.00 0.900 1,826 1,056 0.900 04/22/2026 14622LAAO 1316 Carter FCU 04/27/2021 248,000.00 223,994.01 248,000.00 0.750 1,826 1,061 0.750 04/27/2026 62384RAT3 1485 Mountain America Federal CU 04/28/2023 248,000.00 251,112.14 248,000.00 4.700 1,096 1,062 4.705 04/28/2026 31617CAV5 1317 Fidelity Homestead 04/30/2021 248,000.00 223,586.38 248,000.00 0.700 1,826 1,064 0.711 04/30/2026 35089LAFO 1491 Four Points FCU 05/10/2023 248,000.00 250,349.41 248,000.00 4.550 1,097 1,075 4.443 05/11/2026 87868YAQ6 1501 Technology Credit Union 05/30/2023 248,000.00 253,564.97 248,000.00 5.000 1,095 1,093 5.005 05/29/2026 501798RP9 1356 LCA Bank Corp 12/27/2021 248,000.00 225,199.66 248,000.00 1.000 1,642 1,121 1.000 06/26/2026 92559TAJ7 1325 Vibrant Credit Union 07/02/2021 249,000.00 224,392.56 248,377.50 0.800 1,824 1,125 0.852 06/30/2026 300185LM5 1457 Evergreen Bank Group 01/27/2023 248,000.00 245,720.29 248,000.00 3.850 1,277 1,152 3.849 07/27/2026 38149MXK4 1326 Goldman Sachs 07/28/2021 248,000.00 224,718.05 248,000.00 1.000 1,826 1,153 1.001 07/28/2026 795451AFO 1327 Sallie Mae Bank Salt Lake Clty 07/28/2021 248,000.00 224,718.05 248,000.00 1.000 1,826 1,153 1.001 07/28/2026 87165ET98 1332 Synchrony Bank Retail 09/03/2021 245,000.00 220,821.30 245,000.00 0.900 1,826 1,190 0.900 09/03/2026 20786ADL6 1334 Connect One 09/24/2021 248,000.00 222,158.50 248,000.00 0.800 1,826 1,211 0.800 09/24/2026 59013KPNO 1345 Merrick Bank 11/09/2021 249,000.00 224,849.51 249,000.00 1.100 1,826 1,257 1.101 11/09/2026 14042RQBO 1346 Capital One Natl Assn FDIC4297 11/17/2021 248,000.00 223,992.05 248,000.00 1.100 1,826 1,265 1.101 11/17/2026 20825WAR1 1357 Connexus CU 12/23/2021 249,000.00 225,470.10 249,000.00 1.250 1,826 1,301 1.250 12/23/2026 89786MAF1 1368 True Sky FCU 02/04/2022 245,000.00 224,552.86 245,000.00 1.600 1,826 1,344 1.601 02/04/2027 Run Date: 07/25/2023 - 17:41 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 142 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments May 31, 2023 Page 8 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM 365 Maturity Date Certificate of Deposits 02357QAQO 1372 Amerant Bank 02/14/2022 245,000.00 224,383.00 245,000.00 1.600 1,828 1,356 1.601 02/16/2027 07371AYE7 1370 Beal Bank TX 02/23/2022 245,000.00 226,916.06 245,000.00 1.900 1,820 1,357 1.901 02/17/2027 073710E88 1371 Beal Bank USA 02/23/2022 245,000.00 226,916.06 245,000.00 1.900 1,820 1,357 1.901 02/17/2027 59161YAP1 1373 Metro Credit Union 02/18/2022 249,000.00 228,739.71 249,000.00 1.700 1,826 1,358 1.701 02/18/2027 24773RCR4 1377 Delta Natl B&T 03/09/2022 245,000.00 227,670.88 245,000.00 2.000 1,814 1,365 2.001 02/25/2027 27004PCM3 1375 Eaglemark Savings 03/02/2022 245,000.00 227,767.61 245,000.00 2.000 1,826 1,370 2.001 03/02/2027 91139LAB2 1378 United Roosevelt Savings 03/11/2022 248,000.00 229,452.11 248,000.00 1.900 1,826 1,379 1.901 03/11/2027 064860MCO 1476 Bank of the Sierra 03/15/2023 244,000.00 249,072.06 244,000.00 4.600 1,461 1,383 4.604 03/15/2027 565819AG4 1379 Marathon Bnak 03/16/2022 248,000.00 228,507.12 248,000.00 1.800 1,826 1,384 1.801 03/16/2027 108622NJ6 1479 Bridgewater Bank 03/29/2023 248,000.00 255,497.53 248,000.00 4.850 1,461 1,397 4.767 03/29/2027 20033A3A2 1386 Comenity Capital Bank 04/14/2022 248,000.00 235,945.60 248,000.00 2.650 1,826 1,413 2.652 04/14/2027 60425SKB4 1486 Minnwest Bank 05/01/2023 248,000.00 250,543.37 248,000.00 4.250 1,463 1,432 4.254 05/03/2027 397417AQ9 1419 Greenwoods State Bank 05/17/2022 248,000.00 239,526.97 248,000.00 3.050 1,826 1,446 3.052 05/17/2027 02589ADH2 1421 American Express, NB 08/29/2022 245,000.00 240,349.89 245,000.00 3.450 1,793 1,517 3.067 07/27/2027 88413QDN5 1420 Third Federal Savings and Loan 08/19/2022 245,000.00 238,943.12 245,000.00 3.300 1,826 1,540 3.302 08/19/2027 89789AAG2 1473 Truliant FCU 03/10/2023 248,000.00 255,710.29 248,000.00 4.700 1,645 1,562 4.707 09/10/2027 732329BD8 1425 Ponce Bank 09/15/2022 248,000.00 243,835.09 248,000.00 3.500 1,826 1,567 3.502 09/15/2027 052392BT3 1427 Austin Telco FCU 09/21/2022 248,000.00 246,805.44 248,000.00 3.800 1,826 1,573 3.770 09/21/2027 22258JAB7 1430 County Schools FCU 09/30/2022 248,000.00 252,800.87 248,000.00 4.400 1,826 1,582 4.325 09/30/2027 34520LATO 1435 Forbright Bank 11/02/2022 248,000.00 255,148.11 248,000.00 4.600 1,826 1,615 4.602 11/02/2027 25460FDW3 1438 Direct FCU 11/07/2022 248,000.00 257,218.35 248,000.00 4.800 1,827 1,621 4.735 11/08/2027 914098DJ4 1442 University Bank 11/30/2022 249,000.00 252,130.55 249,000.00 4.200 1,826 1,643 4.202 11/30/2027 25844MAK4 1447 Dort Financial CU 12/16/2022 247,000.00 253,338.33 247,000.00 4.500 1,826 1,659 4.503 12/16/2027 01664MAB2 1448 All In FCU 12/20/2022 248,000.00 253,352.63 248,000.00 4.400 1,826 1,663 4.402 12/20/2027 51828MAC8 1449 Latino Comm. CU 12/21/2022 248,000.00 254,403.77 248,000.00 4.500 1,826 1,664 4.503 12/21/2027 45157PAZ3 1450 Ideal CU 12/29/2022 248,000.00 254,432.33 248,000.00 4.500 1,826 1,672 4.502 12/29/2027 01882MAC6 1451 AlliantCU 12/30/2022 247,000.00 258,655.53 247,000.00 5.000 1,826 1,673 5.003 12/30/2027 78472EABO 1455 SPCO Credit Union 01/20/2023 249,000.00 254,049.58 249,000.00 4.350 1,826 1,694 4.352 01/20/2028 82671DAB3 1458 Signature FCU 01/31/2023 248,000.00 253,715.09 248,000.00 4.400 1,826 1,705 4.402 01/31/2028 79772FAG1 1459 San Francisco FCU 02/03/2023 248,000.00 253,187.00 248,000.00 4.350 1,826 1,708 4.352 02/03/2028 530520AH8 1466 Liberty First CU 02/21/2023 248,000.00 254,866.39 248,000.00 4.500 1,827 1,727 4.504 02/22/2028 09582YAF9 1467 Blue Ridge Bank 02/28/2023 244,000.00 247,515.29 244,000.00 4.200 1,826 1,733 4.202 02/28/2028 011852AEO 1469 Alaska USA/Global FCU 03/08/2023 248,000.00 256,125.32 248,000.00 4.600 1,827 1,742 4.606 03/08/2028 92891CCZ3 1472 VystarCU 03/10/2023 248,000.00 255,586.32 248,000.00 4.550 1,827 1,744 4.555 03/10/2028 00833JAQ4 1478 Affinity Bank 03/17/2023 248,000.00 259,459.66 248,000.00 4.900 1,827 1,751 4.906 03/17/2028 724468AC7 1483 Pitney Bowes Bank 04/14/2023 244,000.00 249,467.28 244,000.00 4.350 1,826 1,778 4.355 04/13/2028 Run Date: 07/25/2023 - 17:41 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 143 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Page Portfolio Details - Investments May 31, 2023 Average Purchase Stated Days to YTM Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Maturity 365 Date Certificate of Deposits 062119BT8 1492 Bank Five Nine 05/12/2023 248,000.00 252,682.56 248,000.00 4.250 1,827 1,807 4.255 05/12/2028 152577BN1 1493 Central Bank 05/12/2023 248,000.00 249,854.54 248,000.00 4.000 1,827 1,807 4.005 05/12/2028 23248UAB3 1494 Cy -Fair FCU 05/12/2023 248,000.00 255,510.59 248,000.00 4.500 1,827 1,807 4.505 05/12/2028 91527PBY2 1495 Univest Bank & Trust 05/12/2023 248,000.00 253,813.77 248,000.00 4.350 1,827 1,807 4.355 05/12/2028 92834ABT2 1496 VisionBank 05/12/2023 248,000.00 250,420.15 248,000.00 4.050 1,827 1,807 4.055 05/12/2028 12547CBJ6 1497 CIBC Bank USA 05/16/2023 244,000.00 249,683.09 244,000.00 4.350 1,827 1,811 4.355 05/16/2028 843383CS7 1498 Southern Bank Poplar MO 05/17/2023 248,000.00 252,127.26 248,000.00 4.200 1,827 1,812 4.205 05/17/2028 06610RCA5 1499 Bankers Bank 05/24/2023 248,000.00 251,572.90 248,000.00 4.150 1,827 1,819 4.155 05/24/2028 90352RDB8 1500 US Alliance FCU 05/26/2023 248,000.00 256,133.17 248,000.00 4.550 1,827 1,821 4.555 05/26/2028 Subtotal and Average 36,395,312.98 37,826,000.00 36,669,274.78 37,825,377.50 1,669 880 2.576 Corporate Notes 594918BQ6 1157 Microsoft Corporation 10/15/2018 400,000.00 398,068.00 378,360.00 2.000 1,758 68 3.222 08/08/2023 45950VPS9 1308 International Finance Corp. 02/26/2021 500,000.00 450,715.00 497,300.00 0.500 1,826 1,001 0.610 02/26/2026 Subtotal and Average 875,660.00 900,000.00 848,783.00 875,660.00 1,797 598 1.738 Money Market with Fiscal Agent SYS1058 1058 US Bank 07/01/2016 1,565.80 1,565.80 1,565.80 1 1 0.000 Subtotal and Average 1,560.56 1,565.80 1,565.80 1,565.80 1 1 0.000 CERBT - OPEB Trust SYS1114 1114 CalPERS CERBT Plan 07/01/2022 1,828,332.91 1,828,332.91 1,828,332.91 1 1 0.000 Subtotal and Average 1,828,332.91 1,828,332.91 1,828,332.91 1,828,332.91 1 1 0.000 PARS Pension Trust SYS1230 1230 Pblc Agncy Rtrmnt Sery 5,237,061.17 5,237,061.17 5,237,061.17 1 1 0.000 Subtotal and Average 5,287,627.90 5,237,061.17 5,237,061.17 5,237,061.17 1 1 0.000 Total and Average 222,830,422.62 Run Date: 07/25/2023 - 17:41 246,192,574.42 239,702,853.01 244,818,638.21 764 448 2.952 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 144 t(vQ�� GEM of the DESERT - City of La Quinta Total Earnings Sorted by Fund - Fund May 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023 City of La Quinta CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 98-33-434 1055 101 LAIF 34,065,011.99 19,065,011.99 34,065,011.99 2.993 3.312 53,631.96 0.00 0.00 53,631.96 SYS1059 1059 101 CITYPC 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SYS1114 1114 101 CALPRS 1,828,332.91 1,828,332.91 1,828,332.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 74934YAH4 1144 101 RCB 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.150 3.150 655.46 0.00 0.00 655.46 32110YLK9 1147 101 1STNBA 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.150 3.150 655.46 0.00 0.00 655.46 06426KAN8 1151 101 NWENGL 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 3.250 3.250 687.31 0.00 0.00 687.31 SYS1153 1153 101 CAMP 43,053,174.78 42,865,279.01 43,053,174.78 5.160 5.161 187,895.77 0.00 0.00 187,895.77 474067AQ8 1154 101 JEFF 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.350 3.350 697.07 0.00 0.00 697.07 57116ARV2 1155 101 MARBUS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.300 3.300 695.08 0.00 0.00 695.08 594918BQ6 1157 101 MCRSFT 400,000.00 378,360.00 378,360.00 2.000 2.075 666.67 0.00 0.00 666.67 3133EJYL7 1158 101 FFCB 250,000.00 247,275.00 247,275.00 2.800 2.778 583.33 0.00 0.00 583.33 625925AR3 1160 101 MUNTRS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.200 3.200 665.86 0.00 0.00 665.86 90348JEJ5 1161 101 UBS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.350 3.350 697.08 0.00 0.00 697.08 20143PDV9 1162 101 COMMBK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.400 3.400 716.14 0.00 0.00 716.14 67054NAN3 1164 101 NMRCA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.550 3.550 747.74 0.00 0.00 747.74 635573AL2 1170 101 NLCOOP 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.400 3.400 707.48 0.00 0.00 707.48 066851WJ1 1172 101 BARHAR 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.350 3.350 705.61 0.00 0.00 705.61 619165JD6 1173 101 MORTN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.750 2.750 579.23 0.00 0.00 579.23 949763XY7 1174 101 WELLS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.000 3.000 631.89 0.00 0.00 631.89 3130AFW94 1177 101 FHLB 500,000.00 498,550.00 498,550.00 2.500 2.460 1,041.67 0.00 0.00 1,041.67 32117BCX4 1179 101 1STNBK 0.00 248,000.00 0.00 2.800 2.800 95.12 0.00 0.00 95.12 66736ABP3 1181 101 NRTHWS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.950 2.950 621.36 0.00 0.00 621.36 156634AK3 1184 101 CENTNX 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.500 2.500 526.57 0.00 0.00 526.57 48128HXU7 1185 101 JPMORG 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.250 3.250 676.27 0.00 0.00 676.27 46256YAZ2 1186 101 IOWAST 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.400 2.400 499.40 0.00 0.00 499.40 56065GAG3 1188 101 MAINST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.600 2.600 547.64 0.00 0.00 547.64 725404AB3 1194 101 PITTS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.500 2.500 520.21 0.00 0.00 520.21 72651LCL6 1195 101 PLAINS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.550 2.550 530.61 0.00 0.00 530.61 299547AQ2 1196 101 EVNSCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.600 2.600 547.64 0.00 0.00 547.64 524661CB9 1197 101 LEGCY 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.400 2.400 505.51 0.00 0.00 505.51 Run Date: 07/25/2023 - 17:01 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 JF4&rt Ver. City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 2 May 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 176688CP2 1199 101 CTZNST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.400 2.400 505.52 0.00 0.00 505.52 20416TAQ5 1202 101 COMMW 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.250 2.250 473.92 0.00 0.00 473.92 761402BY1 1203 101 REVER 247,000.00 247,000.00 247,000.00 2.300 2.300 482.49 0.00 0.00 482.49 02772JBD1 1205 101 AMRNTL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 421.26 0.00 0.00 421.26 3135GOV75 1206 101 FNMA 500,000.00 495,950.00 495,950.00 1.750 1.731 729.17 0.00 0.00 729.17 00257TBD7 1207 101 ABACUS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.950 1.950 410.73 0.00 0.00 410.73 51210SQU4 1208 101 LKSIDE 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 421.26 0.00 0.00 421.26 33625CCP2 1209 101 1STSEC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 421.26 0.00 0.00 421.26 710571 DS6 1210 101 PEOPLE 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 421.26 0.00 0.00 421.26 3133EKWV4 1212 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,500.00 499,500.00 1.850 1.817 770.84 0.00 0.00 770.84 740367HP5 1213 101 PREFRD 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 2.000 2.000 422.96 0.00 0.00 422.96 938828131-12 1215 101 WSHFED 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 421.26 0.00 0.00 421.26 33766LAJ7 1216 101 1STIER 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.950 1.950 412.38 0.00 0.00 412.38 912828T26 1217 101 USTR 500,000.00 499,300.00 499,300.00 1.375 1.373 582.31 0.00 0.00 582.31 75472RAD3 1218 101 RAYJAM 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 1.950 1.950 404.10 0.00 0.00 404.10 15118RRH2 1220 101 CELTIC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.850 1.850 389.67 0.00 0.00 389.67 334342CD2 1221 101 1STNBS 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.850 1.850 391.24 0.00 0.00 391.24 336460CX6 1222 101 1STDQN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.800 1.800 379.13 0.00 0.00 379.13 3133EKZK5 1223 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,400.00 499,400.00 1.600 1.572 666.67 0.00 0.00 666.67 3133EKP75 1224 101 FFCB 500,000.00 498,750.00 498,750.00 1.600 1.574 666.66 0.00 0.00 666.66 06652CHB0 1227 101 BNKWST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.700 1.700 358.07 0.00 0.00 358.07 059731851 1228 101 BOTW 10,687,259.93 6,794,667.50 10,687,259.93 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 SYS1230 1230 101 PARS 5,237,061.17 5,289,313.46 5,237,061.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33640VDD7 1231 101 1STSER 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.700 1.700 358.07 0.00 0.00 358.07 3133EK4X1 1234 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 996,900.00 996,900.00 1.600 1.575 1,333.33 0.00 0.00 1,333.33 804375DL4 1235 101 SAUKVL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.700 1.700 358.07 0.00 0.00 358.07 61760A3133 1236 101 MSPRIV 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.900 1.900 395.36 0.00 0.00 395.36 61690UNX4 1237 101 MORGST 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.950 1.950 405.76 0.00 0.00 405.76 538036GV0 1238 101 LIVEOK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.800 1.800 379.13 0.00 0.00 379.13 912828YV6 1241 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 989,687.50 989,687.50 1.500 1.520 1,277.24 0.00 0.00 1,277.24 3133ELEA8 1242 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 998,600.00 998,600.00 1.700 1.670 1,416.66 0.00 0.00 1,416.66 3133ELNE0 1246 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 999,000.00 999,000.00 1.430 1.404 1,191.67 0.00 0.00 1,191.67 35637RDC8 1248 101 FRDMFI 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.550 1.550 326.48 0.00 0.00 326.48 90983WBT7 1249 101 UNTDCM 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.650 1.650 347.54 0.00 0.00 347.54 32114VBT3 1250 101 1STNMI 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.650 1.650 347.54 0.00 0.00 347.54 77579ADF0 1251 101 RLLSTN 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.650 1.650 343.33 0.00 0.00 343.33 17286TAG0 1252 101 CITADL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.650 1.650 347.54 0.00 0.00 347.54 Run Date: 07/25/2023 - 17:01 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 JF?&rt Ver. City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 3 May 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 029728BC5 1255 101 AMERST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.600 1.600 337.01 0.00 0.00 337.01 00435JBH5 1256 101 ACCSS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.600 1.600 337.01 0.00 0.00 337.01 849430BF9 1257 101 SPRING 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.500 1.500 315.94 0.00 0.00 315.94 05465DAE8 1258 101 AXOS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.650 1.650 347.54 0.00 0.00 347.54 882213AB7 1260 101 TEXAS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.100 1.100 228.89 0.00 0.00 228.89 89579NCD3 1262 101 TRIAD 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.350 1.350 284.35 0.00 0.00 284.35 654062JZ2 1266 101 NCOLET 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.400 1.400 294.88 0.00 0.00 294.88 020080BX4 1267 101 ALMABK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.400 1.400 294.88 0.00 0.00 294.88 2027506M2 1268 101 CMWBUS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.250 1.250 263.29 0.00 0.00 263.29 69506YRH4 1269 101 PACWST 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.300 1.300 270.51 0.00 0.00 270.51 08016PDQ9 1270 101 BELB&T 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.250 1.250 263.29 0.00 0.00 263.29 14042TDD6 1271 101 CAPONE 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.600 1.600 332.94 0.00 0.00 332.94 472382AQ3 1272 101 THEJEF 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.250 1.250 263.28 0.00 0.00 263.28 32027BALl 1273 101 1STFDM 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.200 1.200 253.77 0.00 0.00 253.77 32112UDR9 1274 101 1STMCG 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.350 1.350 284.35 0.00 0.00 284.35 33847E3A3 1276 101 FLGSTR 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.250 1.250 263.29 0.00 0.00 263.29 95960NKD8 1277 101 WSTRNS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.000 1.000 208.08 0.00 0.00 208.08 32056GDJ6 1278 101 1STINT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.000 1.000 210.63 0.00 0.00 210.63 3134GVYG7 1279 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.625 0.613 520.83 0.00 0.00 520.83 3133ELH23 1280 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,850.00 499,850.00 0.500 0.491 208.33 0.00 0.00 208.33 3130AJKW8 1281 101 FHLB 500,000.00 499,850.00 499,850.00 0.500 0.491 208.34 0.00 0.00 208.34 3133ELH80 1282 101 FFCB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.680 0.667 283.33 0.00 0.00 283.33 3130AJRP6 1283 101 FHLB 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 0.680 0.667 170.00 0.00 0.00 170.00 169894AS1 1284 101 CHIPVA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.600 0.600 126.38 0.00 0.00 126.38 02616AAH2 1285 101 AMR1ST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.350 0.350 73.72 0.00 0.00 73.72 84223QAN7 1286 101 STHRNB 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.500 0.500 105.32 0.00 0.00 105.32 064520BG3 1287 101 BKPRNC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.500 0.500 105.32 0.00 0.00 105.32 3135G05S8 1288 101 FNMA 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.500 0.491 208.34 0.00 0.00 208.34 3136G4N74 1289 101 FNMA 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.560 0.549 466.67 0.00 0.00 466.67 3136G4M75 1290 101 FNMA 500,000.00 499,750.00 499,750.00 0.520 0.510 216.67 0.00 0.00 216.67 3135G06E8 1291 101 FNMA 500,000.00 499,250.00 499,250.00 0.420 0.413 175.00 0.00 0.00 175.00 3135GA2Z3 1292 101 FNMA 500,000.00 499,250.00 499,250.00 0.560 0.550 233.33 0.00 0.00 233.33 SYS1293 1293 101 BNY 4,203,008.47 8,686,810.74 4,203,008.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3137EAEU9 1297 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 997,300.00 997,300.00 0.375 0.369 312.50 0.00 0.00 312.50 3130AKFA9 1298 101 FHLB 500,000.00 497,400.00 497,400.00 0.375 0.370 156.25 0.00 0.00 156.25 3135GA7D7 1299 101 FNMA 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.600 0.589 250.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 3135GAAW1 1300 101 FNMA 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.400 0.392 166.67 0.00 0.00 166.67 Run Date: 07/25/2023 - 17:01 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 JF47ort Ver. City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 4 May 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 3134GXGZ1 1301 101 FHLMC 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.550 0.540 229.16 0.00 0.00 229.16 3130AKMZ6 1302 101 FHLB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.510 0.500 212.50 0.00 0.00 212.50 91282CBC4 1303 101 USTR 500,000.00 498,632.81 498,632.81 0.375 0.379 160.56 0.00 0.00 160.56 3130AKN28 1304 101 FHLB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.550 0.540 229.16 0.00 0.00 229.16 51507LCC6 1305 101 LNDMRK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.500 0.500 105.32 0.00 0.00 105.32 87270LDL4 1306 101 EVRBA 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.500 0.500 104.04 0.00 0.00 104.04 3137EAEX3 1307 101 FHLMC 500,000.00 495,999.50 495,999.50 0.375 0.371 156.25 0.00 0.00 156.25 45950VPS9 1308 101 IFC 500,000.00 497,300.00 497,300.00 0.500 0.507 214.09 0.00 0.00 214.09 91282CBH3 1309 101 USTR 500,000.00 495,100.00 495,100.00 0.375 0.382 160.57 0.00 0.00 160.57 3137EAEX3 1310 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 983,940.00 983,940.00 0.375 0.374 312.50 0.00 0.00 312.50 91282CAT8 1311 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 977,500.00 977,500.00 0.250 0.254 210.60 0.00 0.00 210.60 3130ALV92 1312 101 FHLB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 1.050 1.030 437.50 0.00 0.00 437.50 39573LBC1 1313 101 GRNST 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 0.950 0.950 200.91 0.00 0.00 200.91 89235MKY6 1314 101 TOYFSB 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.900 0.900 187.27 0.00 0.00 187.27 91282CAZ4 1315 101 USTR 500,000.00 492,187.50 492,187.50 0.375 0.382 159.65 0.00 0.00 159.65 14622LAA0 1316 101 CARTER 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.750 0.750 157.97 0.00 0.00 157.97 31617CAV5 1317 101 FIDHMS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.700 0.700 147.44 0.00 0.00 147.44 SYS1318 1318 101 DPME 797,129.78 771,119.35 797,129.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 91282CBQ3 1319 101 USTR 500,000.00 494,165.00 494,165.00 0.500 0.502 210.59 0.00 0.00 210.59 91282CBT7 1320 101 USTR 500,000.00 499,525.00 499,525.00 0.750 0.749 317.63 0.00 0.00 317.63 91282CCF6 1321 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 997,060.00 997,060.00 0.750 0.754 638.62 0.00 0.00 638.62 91282CBT7 1322 101 USTR 500,000.00 498,450.00 498,450.00 0.750 0.750 317.63 0.00 0.00 317.63 91282CCF6 1323 101 USTR 500,000.00 497,095.00 497,095.00 0.750 0.756 319.32 0.00 0.00 319.32 3130AMFS6 1324 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 993,420.00 993,420.00 0.750 0.741 625.00 0.00 0.00 625.00 92559TAJ7 1325 101 VIBRNT 249,000.00 248,377.50 248,377.50 0.800 0.802 169.18 0.00 0.00 169.18 38149MXK4 1326 101 GLDMAN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.000 1.000 210.63 0.00 0.00 210.63 795451AF0 1327 101 SALMAE 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.000 1.000 210.63 0.00 0.00 210.63 89388CEYO 1328 101 TABBK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.400 0.400 84.25 0.00 0.00 84.25 06417NZQ9 1329 101 BKOZK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.400 0.400 84.25 0.00 0.00 84.25 3133EM2C5 1330 101 FFCB 500,000.00 498,000.00 498,000.00 0.710 0.699 295.83 0.00 0.00 295.83 70962LAF9 1331 101 PENTGN 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 0.700 0.700 148.04 0.00 0.00 148.04 87165ET98 1332 101 SYNCHR 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.900 0.900 187.28 0.00 0.00 187.28 05580AD50 1333 101 BMW 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.650 0.650 135.25 0.00 0.00 135.25 20786ADL6 1334 101 CONNEC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.800 0.800 168.51 0.00 0.00 168.51 91282CCP4 1335 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 983,750.00 983,750.00 0.625 0.641 535.22 0.00 0.00 535.22 91282CCW9 1336 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 988,500.00 988,500.00 0.750 0.753 631.79 0.00 0.00 631.79 3130APBM6 1337 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 999,000.00 999,000.00 1.000 0.982 833.33 0.00 0.00 833.33 Run Date: 07/25/2023 - 17:01 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 14rt Ver. City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 5 May 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 3133EM4X7 1338 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 991,080.00 991,080.00 0.800 0.792 666.67 0.00 0.00 666.67 3130APB46 1339 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 998,250.00 998,250.00 0.950 0.934 791.67 0.00 0.00 791.67 91282CCN9 1341 101 USTR 500,000.00 497,792.97 497,792.97 0.125 0.127 53.52 0.00 0.00 53.52 91282CBEO 1342 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 991,000.00 991,000.00 0.125 0.127 107.05 0.00 0.00 107.05 91282CDB4 1343 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 996,320.00 996,320.00 0.625 0.626 529.38 0.00 0.00 529.38 3133ENCQ1 1344 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.270 1.246 1,058.34 0.00 0.00 1,058.34 59013KPNO 1345 101 MRRCK 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.100 1.100 232.63 0.00 0.00 232.63 14042RQB0 1346 101 CAP1NA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.100 1.100 231.69 0.00 0.00 231.69 3130APTV7 1347 101 FHLB 500,000.00 499,500.00 499,500.00 0.700 0.688 291.67 0.00 0.00 291.67 91282CCD1 1350 101 USTR 0.00 995,468.75 0.00 0.125 5.664 103.02 0.00 4,531.25 4,634.27 91282CBA8 1351 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 990,000.00 990,000.00 0.125 0.127 106.45 0.00 0.00 106.45 91282CBR1 1352 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 989,800.00 989,800.00 0.250 0.251 210.60 0.00 0.00 210.60 3130AP21-18 1353 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 987,100.00 987,100.00 0.550 0.547 458.33 0.00 0.00 458.33 3135G06G3 1354 101 FNMA 1,000,000.00 976,300.00 976,300.00 0.500 0.502 416.66 0.00 0.00 416.66 3133ENGN4 1355 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.970 0.952 808.33 0.00 0.00 808.33 501798RP9 1356 101 LCA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.000 1.000 210.63 0.00 0.00 210.63 20825WAR1 1357 101 CNNXS 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.250 1.250 264.35 0.00 0.00 264.35 3130AQF65 1358 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 999,750.00 999,750.00 1.250 1.227 1,041.67 0.00 0.00 1,041.67 3134GW6C5 1359 101 FHLMC 500,000.00 486,000.00 486,000.00 0.800 0.808 333.34 0.00 0.00 333.34 91282CBV2 1360 101 USTR 500,000.00 494,882.81 494,882.81 0.375 0.378 158.81 0.00 0.00 158.81 3137EAEU9 1361 101 FHLMC 500,000.00 487,090.00 487,090.00 0.375 0.378 156.25 0.00 0.00 156.25 3134GW5R3 1362 101 FHLMC 400,000.00 391,360.00 391,360.00 0.650 0.652 216.67 0.00 0.00 216.67 307811 DF3 1363 101 FARMER 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 0.900 0.900 190.33 0.00 0.00 190.33 3130AQJR5 1364 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.500 1.472 1,250.00 0.00 0.00 1,250.00 3135G03U5 1365 101 FNMA 500,000.00 487,790.00 487,790.00 0.625 0.629 260.41 0.00 0.00 260.41 3134GWUQ7 1366 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 945,570.00 945,570.00 0.700 0.726 583.33 0.00 0.00 583.33 3130AQSA2 1367 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.830 1.796 1,525.00 0.00 0.00 1,525.00 89786MAF1 1368 101 TRUSKY 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.600 1.600 332.93 0.00 0.00 332.93 912828Z78 1369 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 986,700.00 986,700.00 1.500 1.533 1,284.53 0.00 0.00 1,284.53 07371AYE7 1370 101 BEALTX 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.900 1.900 395.36 0.00 0.00 395.36 073710E88 1371 101 BEALUS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.900 1.900 395.36 0.00 0.00 395.36 02357QAQO 1372 101 AMRNT 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.600 1.600 332.93 0.00 0.00 332.93 59161YAP1 1373 101 METRO 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.700 1.700 359.52 0.00 0.00 359.52 3130AQWY5 1374 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.700 1.668 1,416.67 0.00 0.00 1,416.67 27004PCM3 1375 101 EGLMRK 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.000 2.000 416.17 0.00 0.00 416.17 64034KAZ4 1376 101 NELNET 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.800 1.800 374.55 0.00 0.00 374.55 24773RCR4 1377 101 DELTA 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.000 2.000 416.16 0.00 0.00 416.16 Run Date: 07/25/2023 - 17:01 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 149)rt Ver. City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 6 May 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 91139LAB2 1378 101 URSVLT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.900 1.900 400.20 0.00 0.00 400.20 565819AG4 1379 101 MRTHON 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.800 1.800 379.13 0.00 0.00 379.13 91282CCW9 1380 101 USTR 500,000.00 466,454.17 466,454.17 0.750 0.797 315.90 0.00 0.00 315.90 91282CDG3 1381 101 USTR 500,000.00 473,396.82 473,396.82 1.125 1.179 473.84 0.00 0.00 473.84 91282CBQ3 1382 101 USTR 750,000.00 698,025.00 698,025.00 0.500 0.533 315.90 0.00 0.00 315.90 912828654 1383 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 999,010.00 999,010.00 2.375 2.358 2,000.68 0.00 0.00 2,000.68 50625LAW3 1384 101 LFYTT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.050 2.050 431.79 0.00 0.00 431.79 3130ARGJ4 1385 101 FHLB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 2.500 2.453 1,041.66 0.00 0.00 1,041.66 20033A3A2 1386 101 CCBA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.650 2.650 558.16 0.00 0.00 558.16 3130ARGY1 1387 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 2.700 2.649 2,250.00 0.00 0.00 2,250.00 02007GPX5 1388 101 ALLY 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.550 2.550 530.61 0.00 0.00 530.61 52168UHY1 1389 101 LEADR 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.550 2.550 530.61 0.00 0.00 530.61 9128283D0 1390 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 985,190.00 985,190.00 2.250 2.265 1,895.38 0.00 0.00 1,895.38 91282CEF4 1391 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 976,860.00 976,860.00 2.500 2.552 2,117.48 0.00 0.00 2,117.48 254673E69 1392 101 DISCOV 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.100 3.100 645.06 0.00 0.00 645.06 48115LAD6 1396 101 JOVIA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.500 2.500 526.57 0.00 0.00 526.57 912828X88 1397 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 969,687.50 969,687.50 2.375 2.447 2,015.66 0.00 0.00 2,015.66 91282CEN7 1398 101 USTR 500,000.00 495,000.00 495,000.00 2.750 2.755 1,158.29 0.00 0.00 1,158.29 91282CET4 1399 101 USTR 500,000.00 491,842.18 491,842.18 2.625 2.675 1,117.59 0.00 0.00 1,117.59 91282821.13 1400 101 USTR 500,000.00 490,850.00 490,850.00 1.875 1.894 789.75 0.00 0.00 789.75 3133ENYH7 1401 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,080.00 499,080.00 2.625 2.580 1,093.75 0.00 0.00 1,093.75 3130ASDV8 1409 101 FHLB 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 3.300 3.238 825.00 0.00 0.00 825.00 89269FDP7 1415 101 TRADCP 246,000.00 246,000.00 246,000.00 3.000 3.000 626.79 0.00 0.00 626.79 91282CFB2 1417 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 989,460.00 989,460.00 2.750 2.802 2,354.97 0.00 0.00 2,354.97 912828XT2 1418 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 985,240.00 985,240.00 2.000 2.035 1,702.99 0.00 0.00 1,702.99 397417AQ9 1419 101 GRNWDS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.050 3.050 642.43 0.00 0.00 642.43 88413QDN5 1420 101 3RD 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.300 3.300 686.67 0.00 0.00 686.67 02589ADH2 1421 101 AMEXNB 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.450 3.450 717.88 0.00 0.00 717.88 91282CFB2 1422 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 979,645.67 979,645.67 2.750 2.830 2,354.97 0.00 0.00 2,354.97 732329BD8 1425 101 PONCE 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.500 3.500 737.21 0.00 0.00 737.21 3133ENL99 1426 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 997,492.55 997,492.55 3.375 3.320 2,812.50 0.00 0.00 2,812.50 052392BT3 1427 101 AUSTEL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.800 3.800 800.39 0.00 0.00 800.39 914242AA0 1429 101 UNIVCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.000 4.000 842.52 0.00 0.00 842.52 22258JAB7 1430 101 CNTYSC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.400 4.400 926.78 0.00 0.00 926.78 3133ENQ29 1433 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 996,400.00 996,400.00 4.000 3.939 3,333.33 0.00 0.00 3,333.33 84229LBA9 1434 101 STHBNK 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 4.250 4.250 880.74 0.00 0.00 880.74 34520LAT0 1435 101 FORBRT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.600 4.600 968.90 0.00 0.00 968.90 Run Date: 07/25/2023 - 17:01 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 JFWrt Ver. City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 7 May 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 25460FDW3 1438 101 DIRFCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.800 4.800 1,011.03 0.00 0.00 1,011.03 9128282R0 1439 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 927,110.00 927,110.00 2.250 2.447 1,926.80 0.00 0.00 1,926.80 3133EN31-11 1441 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 998,650.00 998,650.00 4.000 3.930 3,333.33 0.00 0.00 3,333.33 914098DJ4 1442 101 UNIVBK 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 4.200 4.200 888.21 0.00 0.00 888.21 912828R69 1443 101 USTR 0.00 3,944,075.80 0.00 1.625 18.904 5,357.14 0.00 55,924.20 61,281.34 3133EN3S7 1446 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 998,000.00 998,000.00 3.750 3.687 3,125.00 0.00 0.00 3,125.00 25844MAK4 1447 101 DORTCU 247,000.00 247,000.00 247,000.00 4.500 4.500 944.02 0.00 0.00 944.02 01664MAB2 1448 101 ALL IN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.400 4.400 926.77 0.00 0.00 926.77 51828MAC8 1449 101 LATCOM 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.500 4.500 947.83 0.00 0.00 947.83 45157PAZ3 1450 101 IDEAL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.500 4.500 947.84 0.00 0.00 947.84 01882MAC6 1451 101 ALIANT 247,000.00 247,000.00 247,000.00 5.000 5.000 1,048.91 0.00 0.00 1,048.91 91282CCK5 1452 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 1,956,875.00 1,956,875.00 0.125 0.129 214.08 0.00 0.00 214.08 912796ZR3 1453 101 USTR 3,000,000.00 2,932,950.00 2,932,950.00 4.572 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80865MAB3 1454 101 SCIENT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.650 4.650 979.43 0.00 0.00 979.43 78472EAB0 1455 101 SPCOCU 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 4.350 4.350 919.94 0.00 0.00 919.94 91282CFH9 1456 101 USTR 500,000.00 489,175.00 489,175.00 3.125 3.168 1,316.24 0.00 0.00 1,316.24 300185LM5 1457 101 EVRGRN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.850 3.850 810.93 0.00 0.00 810.93 82671DAB3 1458 101 SIGFCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.400 4.400 926.77 0.00 0.00 926.77 79772FAG1 1459 101 SF FCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.350 4.350 916.24 0.00 0.00 916.24 91282CGH8 1460 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 996,369.14 996,369.14 3.500 3.542 2,997.24 0.00 0.00 2,997.24 9128284X5 1462 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 988,900.00 988,900.00 2.750 2.758 2,316.58 0.00 0.00 2,316.58 912796Y37 1463 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 1,954,412.92 1,954,412.92 4.636 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3133EPAV7 1464 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 995,400.00 995,400.00 3.875 3.820 3,229.17 0.00 0.00 3,229.17 91282CEW7 1465 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 967,220.00 967,220.00 3.250 3.388 2,783.15 0.00 0.00 2,783.15 530520AH8 1466 101 LBRTY1 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.500 4.500 947.84 0.00 0.00 947.84 09582YAF9 1467 101 BLURDG 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 4.200 4.200 870.38 0.00 0.00 870.38 912797FR3 1468 101 USTR 3,000,000.00 2,951,790.00 2,951,790.00 4.821 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 011852AE0 1469 101 ALASKA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.600 4.600 968.90 0.00 0.00 968.90 912796YH6 1470 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 1,950,283.66 1,950,283.66 4.917 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 912796Z51 1471 101 USTR 3,000,000.00 2,927,220.00 2,927,220.00 4.991 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 92891CCZ3 1472 101 VYSTAR 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.550 4.550 958.36 0.00 0.00 958.36 89789AAG2 1473 101 TRUFCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.700 4.700 989.96 0.00 0.00 989.96 59524LAA4 1474 101 MIDCAR 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.850 4.850 1,021.55 0.00 0.00 1,021.55 49306SJ56 1475 101 KEYBNK 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 5.000 5.000 1,036.16 0.00 0.00 1,036.16 064860MC0 1476 101 BKSIER 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 4.600 4.600 953.28 0.00 0.00 953.28 909557KQ2 1477 101 UNBKRS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 5.000 5.000 1,053.15 0.00 0.00 1,053.15 00833JAQ4 1478 101 AFFNTY 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.900 4.900 1,032.09 0.00 0.00 1,032.09 Run Date: 07/25/2023 - 17:01 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 JF51ort Ver. City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 8 May 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023 Adjusted Interest Earnings Ending Beginning Ending Current Annualized Interest Amortization/ Realized Adjusted Interest CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Par Value Book Value Book Value Rate Yield Earned Accretion Gainl/Loss Earnings Fund: General Fund 108622NJ6 1479 101 BRIDWA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.850 4.850 1,021.56 0.00 0.00 1,021.56 3135GAGA3 1480 101 FNMA 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 5.200 5.102 8,666.67 0.00 0.00 8,666.67 912797GF8 1481 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 1,968,951.36 1,968,951.36 4.696 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3135GAGK1 1482 101 FNMA 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 5.050 4.955 12,625.00 0.00 0.00 12,625.00 724468AC7 1483 101 PITBOW 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 4.350 4.350 901.46 0.00 0.00 901.46 3134GYPJ5 1484 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 999,100.00 999,100.00 5.200 5.107 4,333.34 0.00 0.00 4,333.34 62384RAT3 1485 101 MTNAMR 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.700 4.700 989.96 0.00 0.00 989.96 60425SKB4 1486 101 MINWST 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.250 4.250 866.30 0.00 0.00 866.30 912796YT0 1487 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 0.00 975,854.17 4.750 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 912797FA0 1488 101 USTR 3,000,000.00 0.00 2,935,470.00 4.780 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 912797GJ0 1489 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 0.00 984,010.00 4.878 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 313384LP2 1490 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 0.00 982,351.39 4.850 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35089LAF0 1491 101 FRPNTS 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.550 4.550 649.22 0.00 0.00 649.22 062119BT8 1492 101 BANK59 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.250 4.250 548.66 0.00 0.00 548.66 152577BN1 1493 101 CENTRL 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.000 4.000 516.38 0.00 0.00 516.38 23248UAB3 1494 101 CYFAIR 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.500 4.500 580.93 0.00 0.00 580.93 91527PBY2 1495 101 UNIVST 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.350 4.350 561.57 0.00 0.00 561.57 92834ABT2 1496 101 VISION 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.050 4.050 522.84 0.00 0.00 522.84 12547CBJ6 1497 101 CIBCBK 244,000.00 0.00 244,000.00 4.350 4.350 465.27 0.00 0.00 465.27 843383CS7 1498 101 SBPOPM 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.200 4.200 399.52 0.00 0.00 399.52 06610RCA5 1499 101 BANKRS 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.150 4.150 197.38 0.00 0.00 197.38 90352RDB8 1500 101 USAFCU 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.550 4.550 154.58 0.00 0.00 154.58 87868YAQ6 1501 101 TECHCU 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 5.000 5.000 33.97 0.00 0.00 33.97 912797FL6 1502 101 USTR 4,000,000.00 0.00 3,898,126.67 5.180 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 91282CGT2 1503 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 0.00 1,000,000.00 3.625 3.615 99.04 0.00 0.00 99.04 91282CHA2 1504 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 0.00 1,000,000.00 3.500 3.472 95.11 0.00 0.00 95.11 Subtotal 244,100,279.03 218,620,631.07 242,751,342.82 2.598 436,970.57 0.00 60,455.45 497,426.02 Fund: Fiscal Agent SYS1058 1058 231 USBANK 1,565.80 1,560.39 1,565.80 4.082 5.41 0.00 0.00 5.41 Subtotal 1,565.80 1,560.39 1,565.80 4.082 5.41 0.00 0.00 5.41 Fund: Housing Authority : WSA and LQ SYS1062 1062 241 LQPR 40,789.93 182,950.98 40,789.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Subtotal 40,789.93 182,950.98 40,789.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 07/25/2023 - 17:01 TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 JFSL%rt Ver. City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 9 May 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023 Adjusted Interest Earnings Ending Beginning Ending Current Annualized Interest Amortization/ Realized Adjusted Interest CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Par Value Book Value Book Value Rate Yield Earned Accretion Gainl/Loss Earnings Fund: SA Low/Mod Bond Fund 25-33-005 1113 249 LAIF 2,049,939.66 2,049,939.66 2,049,939.66 2.993 3.152 5,488.13 0.00 0.00 5,488.13 Subtotal 2,049,939.66 2,049,939.66 2,049,939.66 3.152 5,488.13 0.00 0.00 5,488.13 Total 246,192,574.42 220,855,082.10 244,843,638.21 2.601 442,464.11 Run Date: 07/25/2023 - 17:01 0.00 60,455.45 502,919.56 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 JF5&rt Ver. W GEM afthr DESERT -- City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Summary June 30, 2023 City of La Quinta Par Market Book % of Oays to YTM Investments Value Value Value Portfolio Term Maturity 365 Equiv- Bank Accounts 7,253,223.97 7,253,223.97 7,253,223.97 2,94 1 1 0.000 Local Agency Investment Fund-C ty 34,065,011.99 33,645,098.65 34,065,011.99 13.81 1 1 3.157 Local Agency Invstmnt Fund -Housing 2,049.939,66 2,024,058,81 2,049,939.66 0.83 1 1 3.167 Money Market Accounts - CAMP 49,242,189.95 49,242,189.95 49,242,189.95 19.97 1 1 5.240 Federal Agency Coupon Securities 47,750,000.00 44,782,396.50 47,529,037.05 19.28 1.551 897 2.043 Federal Agency Discount 1,000,000.00 990,450.00 982.351.39 0.40 131 72 5.075 Treasury Coupon Securities 34,750,000.00 32,754,66250 34,150,884.07 13,85 1,412 946 2.373 Treasury Discount Notes 24,000,000.00 23,705,680.00 23,467,052.10 9,52 162 87 5.184 Certificate ofDeposits 38,821,000.00 37,410,002.69 36,020,377.50 15,74 1.660 905 2.691 Corporate Notes 1,900,000,00 1,811,650.00 1,84a,770.00 0.75 1,813 1,228 3.089 Money Market with Fiscal Agent 1, 548-62 1, 548.62 1,548,62 0.00 1 1 0,000 CERBT- OPEBTrust 1,855,123,49 1,855,123.49 1,855,123.49 0.75 1 1 0.000 PARS Pension Trust 5,317,487.02 5,317,487.02 5,317,487.02 2.16 1 1 0.000 248,005,524.70 240,793,770.40 246,583,026,81 100.00% 787 465 3.193 Investments Total Earnings June 30 Month Ending Fiscal Year To Date Fiscal Year Ending Current Year 595.985,84 4,595,739.35 4,595,739.35 Average Daily Balance 245,418,022.50 220,315,035.74 . Effective Rate of Return 2.96% 2.09°% 1 certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with the California Government Code and the City Investment Policy. As Treasurer of the City of La Quinta, I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet the City's expenditure requirements for the next six months. The City of La Quinta used the monthly account statements issued by our fiWcial institutions to determine the fair market value of investments at month end. ®►�lr a411HOWIM, Claudia Martinez, Finance DirectorlCity Treasurer Reporting period 0610112023-0613012023 Run Dale: 08/0112023 -14 03 Portfolio CITY CP PM (PRF PM1) 7.3.0 Rep400r. 7 3.6 1 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments June 30, 2023 Page 1 Average Purchase Stated Days to YTM Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Maturity 365 Date Bank Accounts SYS1293 1293 Bank of New York 09/01/2020 273,521.42 273,521.42 273,521.42 1 1 0.000 059731851 1228 Bank of the West 08/20/2019 6,155,663.56 6,155,663.56 6,155,663.56 1 1 0.000 SYS1059 1059 City Petty Cash 07/01/2016 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 1 1 0.000 SYS1318 1318 Dune Palms Mobile Estates 03/09/2021 773,523.40 773,523.40 773,523.40 1 1 0.000 SYS1062 1062 La Quinta Palms Realty 07/01/2016 47,215.59 47,215.59 47,215.59 1 1 0.000 Subtotal and Average 13,991,228.31 7,253,223.97 7,253,223.97 7,253,223.97 1 1 0.000 Local Agency Investment Fund -City 98-33-434 1055 Local Agency Inv Fund Subtotal and Average 34,065,011.99 34,065,011.99 34,065,011.99 33,645,096.65 33,645,096.65 34,065,011.99 3.167 34,065,011.99 1 1 3.167 1 1 3.167 Local Agency Invstmnt Fund -Housing 25-33-005 1113 Local Agency Inv Fund 2,049,939.66 2,024,058.81 2,049,939.66 3.167 1 1 3.167 Subtotal and Average 2,049,939.66 2,049,939.66 2,024,058.81 2,049,939.66 1 1 3.167 Money Market Accounts - CAMP SYS1153 1153 California Asset Management Pr 09/26/2018 49,242,189.95 49,242,189.95 49,242,189.95 5.240 1 1 5.240 Subtotal and Average 43,859,475.29 49,242,189.95 49,242,189.95 49,242,189.95 1 1 5.240 Federal Agency Coupon Securities 3133EKZK5 1223 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/12/2019 500,000.00 497,725.00 499,400.00 1.600 1,432 44 1.632 08/14/2023 3133EJYL7 1158 Federal Farm Credit Bank 10/15/2018 250,000.00 248,902.50 247,275.00 2.800 1,786 66 3.041 09/05/2023 3133EK4X1 1234 Federal Farm Credit Bank 11/01/2019 1,000,000.00 987,150.00 996,900.00 1.600 1,461 123 1.680 11/01/2023 3130AFW94 1177 Federal Home Loan Bank 03/01/2019 500,000.00 491,245.00 498,550.00 2.500 1,810 227 2.563 02/13/2024 3133ELNEO 1246 Federal Farm Credit Bank 02/14/2020 1,000,000.00 975,200.00 999,000.00 1.430 1,461 228 1.456 02/14/2024 3135GAGK1 1482 Federal National Mtg Assn 04/12/2023 3,000,000.00 2,983,260.00 3,000,000.00 5.050 366 286 5.050 04/12/2024 3133ENYH7 1401 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/10/2022 500,000.00 487,175.00 499,080.00 2.625 731 345 2.720 06/10/2024 3135GOV75 1206 Federal National Mtg Assn 07/15/2019 500,000.00 482,155.00 495,950.00 1.750 1,814 367 1.922 07/02/2024 3133EKWV4 1212 Federal Farm Credit Bank 08/02/2019 500,000.00 481,210.00 499,500.00 1.850 1,820 391 1.871 07/26/2024 3135GAGA3 1480 Federal National Mtg Assn 04/03/2023 2,000,000.00 1,987,560.00 2,000,000.00 5.200 484 395 5.206 07/30/2024 3133EKP75 1224 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/17/2019 500,000.00 478,200.00 498,750.00 1.600 1,827 444 1.652 09/17/2024 3133ELEA8 1242 Federal Farm Credit Bank 12/17/2019 1,000,000.00 958,790.00 998,600.00 1.700 1,736 444 1.731 09/17/2024 3135GO6E8 1291 Federal National Mtg Assn 11/18/2020 500,000.00 466,850.00 499,250.00 0.420 1,461 506 0.458 11/18/2024 3133ENGN4 1355 Federal Farm Credit Bank 12/09/2021 1,000,000.00 938,980.00 1,000,000.00 0.970 1,096 527 0.970 12/09/2024 3135GAAW1 1300 Federal National Mtg Assn 12/30/2020 500,000.00 464,465.00 500,000.00 0.400 1,461 548 0.400 12/30/2024 3130AP2U8 1353 Federal Home Loan Bank 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 930,730.00 987,100.00 0.550 1,127 556 0.976 01/07/2025 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 08/01/2023 - 14:03 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 155 Report Ver. City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments June 30, 2023 Page 2 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM Maturity 365 Date Federal Agency Coupon Securities 3130AQWY5 1374 Federal Home Loan Bank 02/25/2022 1,000,000.00 943,680.00 1,000,000.00 1.700 1,095 604 1.700 02/24/2025 3135G03U5 1365 Federal National Mtg Assn 01/28/2022 500,000.00 462,325.00 487,790.00 0.625 1,180 661 1.400 04/22/2025 3134GVYG7 1279 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 05/27/2020 1,000,000.00 921,080.00 1,000,000.00 0.625 1,826 696 0.625 05/27/2025 3133ELH23 1280 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/09/2020 500,000.00 459,715.00 499,850.00 0.500 1,826 709 0.506 06/09/2025 3133ELH80 1282 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/10/2020 500,000.00 457,585.00 500,000.00 0.680 1,826 710 0.680 06/10/2025 3130AJKW8 1281 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/03/2020 500,000.00 457,305.00 499,850.00 0.500 1,836 713 0.506 06/13/2025 3130AJRP6 1283 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/30/2020 300,000.00 275,385.00 300,000.00 0.680 1,826 730 0.680 06/30/2025 3137EAEU9 1297 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 12/07/2020 1,000,000.00 912,200.00 997,300.00 0.375 1,687 751 0.434 07/21/2025 3137EAEU9 1361 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 01/05/2022 500,000.00 456,100.00 487,090.00 0.375 1,293 751 1.120 07/21/2025 3135G05S8 1288 Federal National Mtg Assn 08/14/2020 500,000.00 455,420.00 500,000.00 0.500 1,826 775 0.500 08/14/2025 3136G4M75 1290 Federal National Mtg Assn 08/28/2020 500,000.00 456,640.00 499,750.00 0.520 1,816 779 0.530 08/18/2025 3136G4N74 1289 Federal National Mtg Assn 08/21/2020 1,000,000.00 911,450.00 1,000,000.00 0.560 1,826 782 0.560 08/21/2025 3137EAEX3 1307 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 02/23/2021 500,000.00 453,580.00 495,999.50 0.375 1,673 815 0.552 09/23/2025 3137EAEX3 1310 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 03/30/2021 1,000,000.00 907,160.00 983,940.00 0.375 1,638 815 0.740 09/23/2025 3130ARGJ4 1385 Federal Home Loan Bank 04/14/2022 500,000.00 474,070.00 500,000.00 2.500 1,279 836 2.500 10/14/2025 3134GW5R3 1362 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 01/05/2022 400,000.00 363,276.00 391,360.00 0.650 1,391 849 1.232 10/27/2025 3135G06G3 1354 Federal National Mtg Assn 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 906,100.00 976,300.00 0.500 1,431 860 1.120 11/07/2025 3135GA2Z3 1292 Federal National Mtg Assn 11/17/2020 500,000.00 453,025.00 499,250.00 0.560 1,826 870 0.590 11/17/2025 3130AKFA9 1298 Federal Home Loan Bank 12/07/2020 500,000.00 448,690.00 497,400.00 0.375 1,831 895 0.480 12/12/2025 3135GA7D7 1299 Federal National Mtg Assn 12/23/2020 500,000.00 451,150.00 500,000.00 0.600 1,826 906 0.600 12/23/2025 3134GXGZ1 1301 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 12/30/2020 500,000.00 451,640.00 500,000.00 0.550 1,826 913 0.550 12/30/2025 3130AKMZ6 1302 Federal Home Loan Bank 01/14/2021 500,000.00 448,950.00 500,000.00 0.510 1,826 928 0.510 01/14/2026 313OAKN28 1304 Federal Home Loan Bank 01/29/2021 500,000.00 448,820.00 500,000.00 0.550 1,826 943 0.550 01/29/2026 3130ALV92 1312 Federal Home Loan Bank 03/30/2021 500,000.00 452,360.00 500,000.00 1.050 1,826 1,003 0.938 03/30/2026 3130AMFS6 1324 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/17/2021 1,000,000.00 891,570.00 993,420.00 0.750 1,821 1,077 0.885 06/12/2026 3133EM2C5 1330 Federal Farm Credit Bank 08/10/2021 500,000.00 443,300.00 498,000.00 0.710 1,826 1,136 0.792 08/10/2026 3133EM4X7 1338 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/28/2021 1,000,000.00 888,860.00 991,080.00 0.800 1,808 1,167 0.985 09/10/2026 3130APBM6 1337 Federal Home Loan Bank 09/30/2021 1,000,000.00 891,930.00 999,000.00 1.000 1,826 1,187 1.021 09/30/2026 3130APB46 1339 Federal Home Loan Bank 10/13/2021 1,000,000.00 891,280.00 998,250.00 0.950 1,826 1,200 0.986 10/13/2026 3134GW6C5 1359 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 01/05/2022 500,000.00 442,895.00 486,000.00 0.800 1,757 1,215 1.403 10/28/2026 3133ENCQ1 1344 Federal Farm Credit Bank 11/02/2021 1,000,000.00 899,690.00 1,000,000.00 1.270 1,826 1,220 1.270 11/02/2026 3130APTV7 1347 Federal Home Loan Bank 11/24/2021 500,000.00 458,135.00 499,500.00 0.700 1,826 1,242 1.489 11/24/2026 3130AQF65 1358 Federal Home Loan Bank 12/22/2021 1,000,000.00 899,320.00 999,750.00 1.250 1,825 1,269 1.255 12/21/2026 3134GWUQ7 1366 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 02/10/2022 1,000,000.00 878,600.00 945,570.00 0.700 1,784 1,278 1.870 12/30/2026 3130AQJR5 1364 Federal Home Loan Bank 01/27/2022 1,000,000.00 900,640.00 1,000,000.00 1.500 1,826 1,306 1.500 01/27/2027 3130AQSA2 1367 Federal Home Loan Bank 02/10/2022 1,000,000.00 909,820.00 1,000,000.00 1.830 1,826 1,320 1.830 02/10/2027 Run Date: 08/01/2023 - 14:03 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 156 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments June 30, 2023 Page 3 Average Purchase Stated Days to YTM Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Maturity 365 Date Federal Agency Coupon Securities 3130ARGY1 1387 Federal Home Loan Bank 04/19/2022 1,000,000.00 939,790.00 1,000,000.00 2.700 1,826 1,388 2.700 04/19/2027 3130ASDV8 1409 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/28/2022 300,000.00 286,413.00 300,000.00 3.300 1,826 1,458 3.300 06/28/2027 3133ENL99 1426 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/15/2022 1,000,000.00 962,080.00 997,492.55 3.375 1,826 1,537 3.430 09/15/2027 3133ENQ29 1433 Federal Farm Credit Bank 09/30/2022 1,000,000.00 989,600.00 996,400.00 4.000 1,825 1,551 4.080 09/29/2027 3133EN3H1 1441 Federal Farm Credit Bank 11/29/2022 1,000,000.00 985,980.00 998,650.00 4.000 1,826 1,612 4.030 11/29/2027 3133EN3S7 1446 Federal Farm Credit Bank 12/07/2022 1,000,000.00 976,060.00 998,000.00 3.750 1,826 1,620 3.794 12/07/2027 3133EPAV7 1464 Federal Farm Credit Bank 02/15/2023 1,000,000.00 986,300.00 995,400.00 3.875 1,825 1,689 3.977 02/14/2028 3134GYPJ5 1484 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 04/24/2023 1,000,000.00 984,140.00 999,100.00 5.200 1,820 1,752 5.220 04/17/2028 3133EPME2 1505 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/08/2023 1,000,000.00 988,690.00 998,190.00 3.875 1,827 1,804 3.915 06/08/2028 Subtotal and Average 47,296,126.05 47,750,000.00 44,782,396.50 47,529,037.05 1,551 897 2.043 Federal Agency Discount 313384LP2 1490 Federal Home Loan Bank 05/03/2023 1,000,000.00 990,450.00 982,351.39 4.850 131 72 5.075 09/11/2023 Subtotal and Average 982,351.39 1,000,000.00 990,450.00 982,351.39 131 72 5.075 Treasury Coupon Securities 91282CCN9 1341 U.S. Treasury 10/22/2021 500,000.00 498,075.00 497,792.97 0.125 647 30 0.375 07/31/2023 9128284X5 1462 U.S. Treasury 02/07/2023 1,000,000.00 995,900.00 988,900.00 2.750 205 61 4.787 08/31/2023 912828T26 1217 U.S. Treasury 08/21/2019 500,000.00 495,250.00 499,300.00 1.375 1,501 91 1.410 09/30/2023 91282CBA8 1351 U.S. Treasury 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 977,230.00 990,000.00 0.125 738 167 0.623 12/15/2023 91282CBEO 1342 U.S. Treasury 10/22/2021 1,000,000.00 972,620.00 991,000.00 0.125 815 198 0.531 01/15/2024 912828V80 1516 U.S. Treasury 06/30/2023 2,000,000.00 1,963,680.00 1,964,400.00 2.250 215 214 5.374 01/31/2024 91282CBR1 1352 U.S. Treasury 12/07/2021 1,000,000.00 964,650.00 989,800.00 0.250 829 258 0.704 03/15/2024 91282CBV2 1360 U.S. Treasury 01/05/2022 500,000.00 480,585.00 494,882.81 0.375 831 289 0.830 04/15/2024 912828XT2 1418 U.S. Treasury 05/04/2022 1,000,000.00 969,490.00 985,240.00 2.000 758 335 2.736 05/31/2024 91282821.13 1400 U.S. Treasury 06/09/2022 500,000.00 480,295.00 490,850.00 1.875 814 427 2.727 08/31/2024 91282CDB4 1343 U.S. Treasury 10/22/2021 1,000,000.00 941,910.00 996,320.00 0.625 1,089 472 0.750 10/15/2024 9128283DO 1390 U.S. Treasury 05/03/2022 1,000,000.00 960,900.00 985,190.00 2.250 912 488 2.870 10/31/2024 912828YV6 1241 U.S. Treasury 12/16/2019 1,000,000.00 949,260.00 989,687.50 1.500 1,811 518 1.718 11/30/2024 91282CAT8 1311 U.S. Treasury 03/30/2021 1,000,000.00 902,420.00 977,500.00 0.250 1,676 853 0.750 10/31/2025 91282CAZ4 1315 U.S. Treasury 04/22/2021 500,000.00 451,250.00 492,187.50 0.375 1,683 883 0.720 11/30/2025 91282CBC4 1303 U.S. Treasury 01/07/2021 500,000.00 450,585.00 498,632.81 0.375 1,819 914 0.431 12/31/2025 91282CBH3 1309 U.S. Treasury 02/23/2021 500,000.00 448,830.00 495,100.00 0.375 1,803 945 0.577 01/31/2026 91282CBQ3 1319 U.S. Treasury 05/28/2021 500,000.00 449,065.00 494,165.00 0.500 1,737 973 0.750 02/28/2026 91282CBQ3 1382 U.S. Treasury 03/23/2022 750,000.00 673,597.50 698,025.00 0.500 1,438 973 2.353 02/28/2026 91282CBT7 1320 U.S. Treasury 05/28/2021 500,000.00 451,815.00 499,525.00 0.750 1,768 1,004 0.770 03/31/2026 Run Date: 08/01/2023 - 14:03 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 157 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments June 30, 2023 Page 4 CUSIP Investment # Issuer Average Purchase Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM Maturity 365 Date Treasury Coupon Securities 91282CBT7 1322 U.S. Treasury 06/17/2021 500,000.00 451,815.00 498,450.00 0.750 1,748 1,004 0.816 03/31/2026 9128286S4 1383 U.S. Treasury 03/23/2022 1,000,000.00 942,810.00 999,010.00 2.375 1,499 1,034 2.400 04/30/2026 91282CCF6 1321 U.S. Treasury 06/01/2021 1,000,000.00 897,970.00 997,060.00 0.750 1,825 1,065 0.810 05/31/2026 91282CCF6 1323 U.S. Treasury 06/17/2021 500,000.00 448,985.00 497,095.00 0.750 1,809 1,065 0.870 05/31/2026 91282CCP4 1335 U.S. Treasury 09/29/2021 1,000,000.00 890,660.00 983,750.00 0.625 1,766 1,126 0.970 07/31/2026 91282CCW9 1336 U.S. Treasury 09/29/2021 1,000,000.00 891,640.00 988,500.00 0.750 1,797 1,157 0.990 08/31/2026 91282CCW9 1380 U.S. Treasury 03/22/2022 500,000.00 445,820.00 466,454.17 0.750 1,623 1,157 2.350 08/31/2026 91282CDG3 1381 U.S. Treasury 03/22/2022 500,000.00 449,435.00 473,396.82 1.125 1,684 1,218 2.350 10/31/2026 912828Z78 1369 U.S. Treasury 02/10/2022 1,000,000.00 905,550.00 986,700.00 1.500 1,816 1,310 1.781 01/31/2027 91282CEF4 1391 U.S. Treasury 05/03/2022 1,000,000.00 936,840.00 976,860.00 2.500 1,793 1,369 3.010 03/31/2027 91282CEN7 1398 U.S. Treasury 06/08/2022 500,000.00 472,150.00 495,000.00 2.750 1,787 1,399 2.971 04/30/2027 912828X88 1397 U.S. Treasury 06/07/2022 1,000,000.00 930,940.00 969,687.50 2.375 1,803 1,414 3.041 05/15/2027 91282CET4 1399 U.S. Treasury 06/08/2022 500,000.00 469,630.00 491,842.18 2.625 1,818 1,430 2.980 05/31/2027 91282CEW7 1465 U.S. Treasury 02/15/2023 1,000,000.00 961,450.00 967,220.00 3.250 1,596 1,460 4.075 06/30/2027 91282CFB2 1417 U.S. Treasury 08/15/2022 1,000,000.00 942,380.00 989,460.00 2.750 1,811 1,491 2.980 07/31/2027 91282CFB2 1422 U.S. Treasury 08/29/2022 1,000,000.00 942,380.00 979,645.67 2.750 1,797 1,491 3.200 07/31/2027 9128282RO 1439 U.S. Treasury 11/18/2022 1,000,000.00 924,060.00 927,110.00 2.250 1,731 1,506 3.950 08/15/2027 91282CFH9 1456 U.S. Treasury 01/24/2023 500,000.00 478,030.00 489,175.00 3.125 1,680 1,522 3.640 08/31/2027 91282CGH8 1460 U.S. Treasury 02/02/2023 1,000,000.00 970,700.00 996,369.14 3.500 1,824 1,675 3.580 01/31/2028 91282CGT2 1508 U.S. Treasury 06/15/2023 1,000,000.00 976,480.00 984,600.00 3.625 1,751 1,735 3.980 03/31/2028 91282CGT2 1524 U.S. Treasury 05/31/2023 1,000,000.00 976,480.00 990,000.00 3.625 1,766 1,735 3.853 03/31/2028 91282CHA2 1525 U.S. Treasury 05/31/2023 1,000,000.00 971,250.00 985,000.00 3.500 1,796 1,765 3.837 04/30/2028 Subtotal and Average 33,684,129.90 34,750,000.00 32,754,862.50 34,150,884.07 1,412 948 2.373 Treasury Discount Notes 912797FR3 1468 U.S. Treasury 03/07/2023 3,000,000.00 2,999,190.00 2,951,790.00 4.821 120 4 5.037 07/05/2023 912796Y37 1463 U.S. Treasury 02/07/2023 2,000,000.00 1,991,220.00 1,954,412.92 4.636 177 33 4.877 08/03/2023 912797GF8 1481 U.S. Treasury 04/11/2023 2,000,000.00 1,989,740.00 1,968,951.36 4.696 119 38 4.904 08/08/2023 912797GJO 1489 U.S. Treasury 05/03/2023 1,000,000.00 991,830.00 984,010.00 4.878 118 59 5.096 08/29/2023 912796Z51 1471 U.S. Treasury 03/09/2023 3,000,000.00 2,974,620.00 2,927,220.00 4.991 175 61 5.258 08/31/2023 912796YH6 1470 U.S. Treasury 03/09/2023 2,000,000.00 1,981,100.00 1,950,283.66 4.917 182 68 5.184 09/07/2023 912797FAO 1488 U.S. Treasury 05/03/2023 3,000,000.00 2,956,320.00 2,935,470.00 4.780 162 103 5.022 10/12/2023 912796YTO 1487 U.S. Treasury 05/03/2023 1,000,000.00 982,340.00 975,854.17 4.750 183 124 5.003 11/02/2023 912797FL6 1502 U.S. Treasury 05/31/2023 4,000,000.00 3,917,080.00 3,898,126.67 5.180 177 146 5.464 11/24/2023 912796ZN2 1517 U.S. Treasury 06/30/2023 3,000,000.00 2,922,240.00 2,920,963.32 5.240 181 180 5.532 12/28/2023 Run Date: 08/01/2023 - 14:03 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 158 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments June 30, 2023 Page 5 CUSIP Average Investment # Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM Maturity 365 Date Subtotal and Average 23,380,904.22 24,000,000.00 23,705,680.00 23,467,082.10 162 87 5.184 Certificate of Deposits 02772JBD1 1205 American National Bank 07/19/2019 248,000.00 247,581.89 248,000.00 2.000 1,461 18 2.001 07/19/2023 32110YLK9 1147 First National Bank of America 07/20/2018 245,000.00 244,721.16 245,000.00 3.150 1,826 19 3.152 07/20/2023 06426KAN8 1151 Bank of New England 07/31/2018 249,000.00 248,539.01 249,000.00 3.250 1,826 30 3.252 07/31/2023 75472RAD3 1218 Raymond James Bank 08/23/2019 244,000.00 242,806.72 244,000.00 1.950 1,461 53 1.951 08/23/2023 89579NCD3 1262 Triad Bank 03/30/2020 248,000.00 245,477.83 248,000.00 1.350 1,278 90 1.352 09/29/2023 57116ARV2 1155 Cache Valley BK F/K/A Marlin 10/17/2018 248,000.00 246,408.90 248,000.00 3.300 1,826 108 3.302 10/17/2023 625925AR3 1160 Municipal Trust and Savings 10/17/2018 245,000.00 243,354.75 245,000.00 3.200 1,826 108 3.202 10/17/2023 90348JEJ5 1161 UBS Bank USA 10/17/2018 245,000.00 243,464.84 245,000.00 3.350 1,826 108 3.352 10/17/2023 474067AQ8 1154 Jefferson Financial CU 10/19/2018 245,000.00 243,420.14 245,000.00 3.350 1,826 110 3.352 10/19/2023 20143PDV9 1162 Commercial Bank 11/15/2018 248,000.00 246,093.43 248,000.00 3.400 1,826 137 3.402 11/15/2023 67054NAN3 1164 Numerica Credit Union 11/28/2018 248,000.00 246,070.63 248,000.00 3.550 1,826 150 3.552 11/28/2023 48115LAD6 1396 Jovia Financial Credit Union 06/07/2022 248,000.00 244,858.88 248,000.00 2.500 548 159 2.502 12/07/2023 635573AL2 1170 National Cooperative Bank, N.A 12/21/2018 245,000.00 242,698.05 245,000.00 3.400 1,826 173 3.402 12/21/2023 066851WJ1 1172 Bar Harbor Bank and Trust 12/31/2018 248,000.00 245,482.37 248,000.00 3.350 1,824 181 3.352 12/29/2023 89269FDP7 1415 Tradition Capital 07/20/2022 246,000.00 242,770.53 246,000.00 3.000 551 205 3.008 01/22/2024 51210SQU4 1208 Lakeside Bank 07/30/2019 248,000.00 243,172.10 248,000.00 2.000 1,644 212 2.003 01/29/2024 77579ADFO 1251 Rollstone B&T 02/12/2020 245,000.00 239,407.94 245,000.00 1.650 1,461 226 1.651 02/12/2024 66736ABP3 1181 Northwest Bank 02/13/2019 248,000.00 244,274.93 248,000.00 2.950 1,826 227 2.951 02/13/2024 949763XY7 1174 Wells Fargo 02/27/2019 248,000.00 244,132.61 248,000.00 3.000 1,826 241 3.001 02/27/2024 50625LAW3 1384 Lafayette FCU 03/30/2022 248,000.00 241,893.40 248,000.00 2.050 729 271 2.053 03/28/2024 882213AB7 1260 Texas Bank Financial 03/31/2020 245,000.00 237,306.30 245,000.00 1.100 1,458 271 1.101 03/28/2024 472382AQ3 1272 The Jefferson Bank 04/15/2020 248,000.00 239,904.34 248,000.00 1.250 1,461 289 1.251 04/15/2024 08016PDQ9 1270 Belmont Bank and Trust 04/16/2020 248,000.00 239,877.03 248,000.00 1.250 1,461 290 1.251 04/16/2024 69506YRH4 1269 Pacific Western Bk/Banc of CA 04/16/2020 245,000.00 237,133.40 245,000.00 1.300 1,461 290 1.301 04/16/2024 56065GAG3 1188 Main Street Bank 04/26/2019 248,000.00 242,335.41 248,000.00 2.600 1,827 300 2.603 04/26/2024 33640VDD7 1231 First Service Bank 11/15/2019 248,000.00 239,602.15 248,000.00 1.700 1,643 319 1.701 05/15/2024 48128HXU7 1185 JP Morgan Chase 05/16/2019 245,000.00 239,987.74 245,000.00 3.250 1,827 320 3.254 05/16/2024 46256YAZ2 1186 Iowa State Bank 05/23/2019 245,000.00 238,078.95 245,000.00 2.400 1,827 327 2.403 05/23/2024 538036GVO 1238 Live Oak Bank 11/27/2019 248,000.00 239,493.43 248,000.00 1.800 1,644 332 1.802 05/28/2024 156634AK3 1184 Century Next Bank 05/29/2019 248,000.00 241,034.41 248,000.00 2.500 1,827 333 2.503 05/29/2024 72651LCL6 1195 Plains Commerce Bank 06/07/2019 245,000.00 237,645.76 245,000.00 2.550 1,827 342 2.553 06/07/2024 299547AQ2 1196 Liberty FCU F/K/A Evansville T 06/12/2019 248,000.00 240,492.39 248,000.00 2.600 1,827 347 2.603 06/12/2024 524661CB9 1197 Legacy Bank 06/19/2019 248,000.00 239,871.55 248,000.00 2.400 1,827 354 2.403 06/19/2024 176688CP2 1199 Citizens State Bank 06/21/2019 248,000.00 239,827.16 248,000.00 2.400 1,827 356 2.403 06/21/2024 20416TAQ5 1202 Communitywide FCU 06/28/2019 248,000.00 239,307.78 248,000.00 2.250 1,827 363 2.253 06/28/2024 Portfolio CITY CID Run Date: 08/01/2023 - 14:03 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 159 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments June 30, 2023 Page 6 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM Maturity 365 Date Certificate of Deposits 761402BY1 1203 Revere Bank 06/28/2019 247,000.00 238,562.77 247,000.00 2.300 1,827 363 2.303 06/28/2024 00257TBD7 1207 Abacus Federal Savings 07/26/2019 248,000.00 237,333.90 248,000.00 1.950 1,827 391 1.952 07/26/2024 33625CCP2 1209 First Security Bank of WA 07/30/2019 248,000.00 237,566.49 248,000.00 2.000 1,827 395 2.002 07/30/2024 710571DS6 1210 People's Bank 07/31/2019 248,000.00 237,744.92 248,000.00 2.000 1,827 396 2.002 07/31/2024 740367HP5 1213 Preferred Bank 08/16/2019 249,000.00 238,088.93 249,000.00 2.000 1,827 412 2.002 08/16/2024 33766LAJ7 1216 FirsTier Bank 08/23/2019 249,000.00 237,770.66 249,000.00 1.950 1,827 419 1.952 08/23/2024 938828BH2 1215 Washington Federal 08/23/2019 248,000.00 236,955.16 248,000.00 2.000 1,827 419 2.002 08/23/2024 336460CX6 1222 First State Bk DeQueen 08/30/2019 248,000.00 236,429.68 248,000.00 1.800 1,827 426 1.802 08/30/2024 334342CD2 1221 First Natl Bk of Syracuse 08/30/2019 249,000.00 237,525.32 249,000.00 1.850 1,827 426 1.852 08/30/2024 15118RRH2 1220 Celtic Bank 08/30/2019 248,000.00 236,571.40 248,000.00 1.850 1,827 426 1.852 08/30/2024 05580AD50 1333 BMW Bank 09/10/2021 245,000.00 230,135.35 245,000.00 0.650 1,096 437 0.651 09/10/2024 06652CHBO 1227 BankWest Inc 09/27/2019 248,000.00 235,397.09 248,000.00 1.700 1,827 454 1.702 09/27/2024 84223QAN7 1286 Southern Bancorp Bk 06/26/2020 248,000.00 231,067.24 248,000.00 0.500 1,582 482 0.500 10/25/2024 804375DL4 1235 Sauk Valley B&T Cc 11/07/2019 248,000.00 234,815.16 248,000.00 1.700 1,827 495 1.702 11/07/2024 61690UNX4 1237 Morgan Stanley Bank 11/20/2019 245,000.00 232,597.80 245,000.00 1.950 1,827 508 1.952 11/20/2024 61760A3B3 1236 Morgan Stanley Private Bk, NA 11/20/2019 245,000.00 232,433.87 245,000.00 1.900 1,827 508 1.902 11/20/2024 064520BG3 1287 Bank Princeton 06/30/2020 248,000.00 229,686.29 248,000.00 0.500 1,644 548 0.500 12/30/2024 80865MAB3 1454 Scient FCU 01/13/2023 248,000.00 244,618.77 248,000.00 4.650 731 562 4.656 01/13/2025 89388CEYO 1328 Transportation Alliance Bk TAB 07/23/2021 248,000.00 228,543.16 248,000.00 0.400 1,280 572 0.401 01/23/2025 06417NZQ9 1329 Bank OZK 07/29/2021 248,000.00 228,348.77 248,000.00 0.400 1,280 578 0.401 01/29/2025 90983WBT7 1249 United Community 02/07/2020 248,000.00 233,184.86 248,000.00 1.650 1,827 587 1.652 02/07/2025 32114VBT3 1250 First National Bank Michigan 02/14/2020 248,000.00 233,016.12 248,000.00 1.650 1,827 594 1.652 02/14/2025 35637RDC8 1248 Freedom Financial 02/14/2020 248,000.00 232,625.13 248,000.00 1.550 1,827 594 1.552 02/14/2025 029728BC5 1255 American State 02/21/2020 248,000.00 232,650.21 248,000.00 1.600 1,827 601 1.602 02/21/2025 17286TAGO 1252 Citadel FCU 02/27/2020 248,000.00 232,704.13 248,000.00 1.650 1,827 607 1.652 02/27/2025 00435JBH5 1256 Access Bank 03/13/2020 248,000.00 232,479.06 248,000.00 1.600 1,826 621 1.601 03/13/2025 49306SJ56 1475 Kay Bank, N.A. 03/15/2023 244,000.00 242,349.72 244,000.00 5.000 733 625 5.008 03/17/2025 909557KQ2 1477 United Bankers Bank 03/16/2023 248,000.00 246,347.74 248,000.00 5.000 732 625 4.823 03/17/2025 849430BF9 1257 Spring Bank 03/20/2020 248,000.00 231,899.98 248,000.00 1.500 1,826 628 1.501 03/20/2025 05465DAE8 1258 Axos Bank 03/26/2020 248,000.00 232,378.42 248,000.00 1.650 1,826 634 1.651 03/26/2025 020080BX4 1267 Alma Bank 03/30/2020 248,000.00 231,287.71 248,000.00 1.400 1,824 636 1.399 03/28/2025 2027506M2 1268 Commonwealth Business Bk 03/31/2020 248,000.00 231,230.42 248,000.00 1.250 1,826 639 1.251 03/31/2025 654062JZ2 1266 Nicolet Natl Bank 03/31/2020 248,000.00 231,860.54 248,000.00 1.400 1,826 639 1.401 03/31/2025 14042TDD6 1271 Capital One USA FDIC33954 04/08/2020 245,000.00 229,518.75 245,000.00 1.600 1,826 647 1.601 04/08/2025 02007GPX5 1388 Ally Bank Midvale 04/21/2022 245,000.00 233,240.58 245,000.00 2.550 1,096 660 2.550 04/21/2025 52168UHY1 1389 Leader Bank 04/22/2022 245,000.00 233,223.84 245,000.00 2.550 1,096 661 2.552 04/22/2025 Run Date: 08/01/2023 - 14:03 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 160 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments June 30, 2023 Page 7 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM 365 Maturity Date Certificate of Deposits 32112UDR9 1274 First Natl Bk McGregor 04/28/2020 248,000.00 230,632.28 248,000.00 1.350 1,826 667 1.351 04/28/2025 32027BALl 1273 First Freedom Bank 04/29/2020 249,000.00 230,878.04 249,000.00 1.200 1,826 668 1.201 04/29/2025 33847E3A3 1276 Flagstar 04/30/2020 248,000.00 230,640.98 248,000.00 1.250 1,826 669 1.251 04/30/2025 32056GDJ6 1278 1st Internet Bank 05/11/2020 248,000.00 229,067.05 248,000.00 1.000 1,827 681 0.985 05/12/2025 95960NKD8 1277 Western State Bank 05/13/2020 245,000.00 226,446.16 245,000.00 1.000 1,826 682 1.001 05/13/2025 254673E69 1392 Discover Bank Greenwood DE CIF 05/24/2022 245,000.00 235,438.07 245,000.00 3.100 1,099 696 3.103 05/27/2025 169894AS1 1284 Chippewa Valley Bk 06/24/2020 248,000.00 226,404.04 248,000.00 0.600 1,826 724 0.600 06/24/2025 307811DF3 1363 Farmers & Merch 01/14/2022 249,000.00 228,585.97 249,000.00 0.900 1,277 744 0.900 07/14/2025 70962LAF9 1331 Pentagon FCU 09/01/2021 249,000.00 226,609.17 249,000.00 0.700 1,462 794 0.687 09/02/2025 914242AAO 1429 University Credit Union 09/26/2022 248,000.00 242,624.65 248,000.00 4.000 1,096 818 3.891 09/26/2025 51507LCC6 1305 Landmark Community Bank 01/22/2021 248,000.00 221,580.24 248,000.00 0.500 1,826 936 0.500 01/22/2026 84229LBA9 1434 Southern Bank Sardis GA 10/28/2022 244,000.00 240,327.99 244,000.00 4.250 1,188 942 4.254 01/28/2026 87270LDL4 1306 TIAA F/K/A EverBank 02/12/2021 245,000.00 218,795.70 245,000.00 0.500 1,826 957 0.500 02/12/2026 64034KAZ4 1376 Nelnet Bank 03/02/2022 245,000.00 226,538.94 245,000.00 1.800 1,461 975 1.801 03/02/2026 59524LAA4 1474 Mid Carolina Credit Union 03/13/2023 248,000.00 248,355.15 248,000.00 4.850 1,096 986 4.855 03/13/2026 39573LBC1 1313 Greenstate FCU 04/16/2021 249,000.00 223,890.36 249,000.00 0.950 1,826 1,020 0.951 04/16/2026 89235MKY6 1314 Toyota Financial Savings Bank 04/22/2021 245,000.00 220,047.21 245,000.00 0.900 1,826 1,026 0.900 04/22/2026 14622LAAO 1316 Carter FCU 04/27/2021 248,000.00 221,413.36 248,000.00 0.750 1,826 1,031 0.750 04/27/2026 62384RAT3 1485 Mountain America Federal CU 04/28/2023 248,000.00 247,614.68 248,000.00 4.700 1,096 1,032 4.705 04/28/2026 31617CAV5 1317 Fidelity Homestead 04/30/2021 248,000.00 221,234.41 248,000.00 0.700 1,826 1,034 0.711 04/30/2026 35089LAFO 1491 Four Points FCU 05/10/2023 248,000.00 246,843.15 248,000.00 4.550 1,097 1,045 4.443 05/11/2026 87868YAQ6 1501 Technology Credit Union 05/30/2023 248,000.00 249,898.22 248,000.00 5.000 1,095 1,063 5.005 05/29/2026 16141BAC5 1506 Chartway FCU 06/09/2023 248,000.00 249,475.37 248,000.00 4.900 1,096 1,074 4.905 06/09/2026 01025RAG4 1510 Alabama Credit Union 06/20/2023 248,000.00 250,189.60 248,000.00 5.000 1,098 1,087 5.005 06/22/2026 501798RP9 1356 LCA Bank Corp 12/27/2021 248,000.00 222,432.13 248,000.00 1.000 1,642 1,091 1.000 06/26/2026 92559TAJ7 1325 Vibrant Credit Union 07/02/2021 249,000.00 221,835.88 248,377.50 0.800 1,824 1,095 0.852 06/30/2026 300185LM5 1457 Evergreen Bank Group 01/27/2023 248,000.00 242,249.15 248,000.00 3.850 1,277 1,122 3.849 07/27/2026 38149MXK4 1326 Goldman Sachs 07/28/2021 248,000.00 221,967.85 248,000.00 1.000 1,826 1,123 1.001 07/28/2026 795451AFO 1327 Sallie Mae Bank Salt Lake City 07/28/2021 248,000.00 221,967.85 248,000.00 1.000 1,826 1,123 1.001 07/28/2026 87165ET98 1332 Synchrony Bank Retail 09/03/2021 245,000.00 218,083.61 245,000.00 0.900 1,826 1,160 0.900 09/03/2026 20786ADL6 1334 Connect One 09/24/2021 248,000.00 219,311.35 248,000.00 0.800 1,826 1,181 0.800 09/24/2026 59013KPNO 1345 Merrick Bank 11/09/2021 249,000.00 221,853.69 249,000.00 1.100 1,826 1,227 1.101 11/09/2026 14042RQBO 1346 Capital One Natl Assn FDIC4297 11/17/2021 248,000.00 221,025.50 248,000.00 1.100 1,826 1,235 1.101 11/17/2026 20825WAR1 1357 Connexus CU 12/23/2021 249,000.00 222,357.30 249,000.00 1.250 1,826 1,271 1.250 12/23/2026 89786MAF1 1368 True Sky FCU 02/04/2022 245,000.00 221,403.81 245,000.00 1.600 1,826 1,314 1.601 02/04/2027 02357QAQO 1372 Amerant Bank 02/14/2022 245,000.00 221,202.89 245,000.00 1.600 1,828 1,326 1.601 02/16/2027 Run Date: 08/01/2023 - 14:03 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 161 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments June 30, 2023 Page 8 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM 365 Maturity Date Certificate of Deposits 07371AYE7 1370 Beal Bank TX 02/23/2022 245,000.00 223,658.27 245,000.00 1.900 1,820 1,327 1.901 02/17/2027 073710E88 1371 Beal Bank USA 02/23/2022 245,000.00 223,658.27 245,000.00 1.900 1,820 1,327 1.901 02/17/2027 59161YAP1 1373 Metro Credit Union 02/18/2022 249,000.00 225,431.18 249,000.00 1.700 1,826 1,328 1.701 02/18/2027 24773RCR4 1377 Delta Natl B&T 03/09/2022 245,000.00 224,367.11 245,000.00 2.000 1,814 1,335 2.001 02/25/2027 27004PCM3 1375 Eaglemark Savings 03/02/2022 245,000.00 224,483.97 245,000.00 2.000 1,826 1,340 2.001 03/02/2027 91139LAB2 1378 United Roosevelt Savings 03/11/2022 248,000.00 226,089.38 248,000.00 1.900 1,826 1,349 1.901 03/11/2027 064860MCO 1476 Bank of the Sierra 03/15/2023 244,000.00 245,114.40 244,000.00 4.600 1,461 1,353 4.604 03/15/2027 565819AG4 1379 Marathon Bnak 03/16/2022 248,000.00 225,157.05 248,000.00 1.800 1,826 1,354 1.801 03/16/2027 108622NJ6 1479 Bridgewater Bank 03/29/2023 248,000.00 251,348.68 248,000.00 4.850 1,461 1,367 4.767 03/29/2027 20033A3A2 1386 Comenity Capital Bank 04/14/2022 248,000.00 232,337.15 248,000.00 2.650 1,826 1,383 2.652 04/14/2027 60425SKB4 1486 Minnwest Bank 05/01/2023 248,000.00 246,519.45 248,000.00 4.250 1,463 1,402 4.254 05/03/2027 397417AQ9 1419 Greenwoods State Bank 05/17/2022 248,000.00 235,771.76 248,000.00 3.050 1,826 1,416 3.052 05/17/2027 85279AAC6 1509 St Vincent Med Center FCU 06/16/2023 248,000.00 249,887.46 248,000.00 4.600 1,461 1,446 4.604 06/16/2027 38120MCA2 1511 Golden State Business Bank 06/22/2023 249,000.00 249,523.39 249,000.00 4.450 1,461 1,452 4.453 06/22/2027 472312AA5 1514 Jeep Country FCU 06/29/2023 248,000.00 250,823.41 248,000.00 4.700 1,461 1,459 4.704 06/29/2027 02589ADH2 1421 American Express, NB 08/29/2022 245,000.00 236,548.33 245,000.00 3.450 1,793 1,487 3.067 07/27/2027 88413QDN5 1420 Third Federal Savings and Loan 08/19/2022 245,000.00 235,163.43 245,000.00 3.300 1,826 1,510 3.302 08/19/2027 89789AAG2 1473 Truliant FCU 03/10/2023 248,000.00 251,464.66 248,000.00 4.700 1,645 1,532 4.707 09/10/2027 732329BD8 1425 Ponce Bank 09/15/2022 248,000.00 239,889.31 248,000.00 3.500 1,826 1,537 3.502 09/15/2027 052392BT3 1427 Austin Telco FCU 09/21/2022 248,000.00 242,767.31 248,000.00 3.800 1,826 1,543 3.770 09/21/2027 22258JAB7 1430 County Schools FCU 09/30/2022 248,000.00 248,730.76 248,000.00 4.400 1,826 1,552 4.325 09/30/2027 34520LATO 1435 Forbright Bank 11/02/2022 248,000.00 250,880.85 248,000.00 4.600 1,826 1,585 4.602 11/02/2027 25460FDW3 1438 Direct FCU 11/07/2022 248,000.00 252,884.05 248,000.00 4.800 1,827 1,591 4.735 11/08/2027 914098DJ4 1442 University Bank 11/30/2022 249,000.00 248,036.91 249,000.00 4.200 1,826 1,613 4.202 11/30/2027 25844MAK4 1447 Dort Financial CU 12/16/2022 247,000.00 249,069.37 247,000.00 4.500 1,826 1,629 4.503 12/16/2027 01664MAB2 1448 All In FCU 12/20/2022 248,000.00 249,071.38 248,000.00 4.400 1,826 1,633 4.402 12/20/2027 51828MAC8 1449 Latino Comm. CU 12/21/2022 248,000.00 250,093.61 248,000.00 4.500 1,826 1,634 4.503 12/21/2027 45157PAZ3 1450 Ideal CU 12/29/2022 248,000.00 250,103.47 248,000.00 4.500 1,826 1,642 4.502 12/29/2027 01882MAC6 1451 AlliantCU 12/30/2022 247,000.00 254,364.90 247,000.00 5.000 1,826 1,643 5.003 12/30/2027 78472EABO 1455 SPCO Credit Union 01/20/2023 249,000.00 249,729.46 249,000.00 4.350 1,826 1,664 4.352 01/20/2028 82671DAB3 1458 Signature FCU 01/31/2023 248,000.00 249,579.24 248,000.00 4.400 1,826 1,675 4.402 01/31/2028 79772FAG1 1459 San Francisco FCU 02/03/2023 248,000.00 248,900.29 248,000.00 4.350 1,826 1,678 4.352 02/03/2028 530520AH8 1466 Liberty First CU 02/21/2023 248,000.00 250,495.98 248,000.00 4.500 1,827 1,697 4.504 02/22/2028 09582YAF9 1467 Blue Ridge Bank 02/28/2023 244,000.00 243,312.86 244,000.00 4.200 1,826 1,703 4.202 02/28/2028 011852AEO 1469 Alaska USA/Global FCU 03/08/2023 248,000.00 251,743.45 248,000.00 4.600 1,827 1,712 4.606 03/08/2028 92891CCZ3 1472 VystarCU 03/10/2023 248,000.00 251,213.41 248,000.00 4.550 1,827 1,714 4.555 03/10/2028 Run Date: 08/01/2023 - 14:03 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 162 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments June 30, 2023 Page 9 Average Purchase Stated Days to YTM Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Maturity 365 Date Certificate of Deposits 00833JAQ4 1478 Affinity Bank 03/17/2023 248,000.00 254,976.25 248,000.00 4.900 1,827 1,721 4.906 03/17/2028 724468AC7 1483 Pitney Bowes Bank 04/14/2023 244,000.00 245,203.63 244,000.00 4.350 1,826 1,748 4.355 04/13/2028 062119BT8 1492 Bank Five Nine 05/12/2023 248,000.00 248,341.47 248,000.00 4.250 1,827 1,777 4.255 05/12/2028 152577BN1 1493 Central Bank 05/12/2023 248,000.00 245,581.79 248,000.00 4.000 1,827 1,777 4.005 05/12/2028 23248UAB3 1494 Cy -Fair FCU 05/12/2023 248,000.00 251,101.14 248,000.00 4.500 1,827 1,777 4.505 05/12/2028 91527PBY2 1495 Univest Bank & Trust 05/12/2023 248,000.00 249,445.34 248,000.00 4.350 1,827 1,777 4.355 05/12/2028 92834ABT2 1496 VisionBank 05/12/2023 248,000.00 246,133.72 248,000.00 4.050 1,827 1,777 4.055 05/12/2028 12547CBJ6 1497 CIBC Bank USA 05/16/2023 244,000.00 245,393.35 244,000.00 4.350 1,827 1,781 4.355 05/16/2028 843383CS7 1498 Southern Bank Poplar MO 05/17/2023 248,000.00 247,788.98 248,000.00 4.200 1,827 1,782 4.205 05/17/2028 06610RCA5 1499 Bankers Bank 05/24/2023 248,000.00 247,233.22 248,000.00 4.150 1,827 1,789 4.155 05/24/2028 90352RDB8 1500 US Alliance FCU 05/26/2023 248,000.00 251,679.34 248,000.00 4.550 1,827 1,791 4.555 05/26/2028 23204HPB8 1507 Customers Bank 06/14/2023 244,000.00 247,234.73 244,000.00 4.500 1,827 1,810 4.505 06/14/2028 910286GN7 1513 United Fidelity Bank 06/29/2023 248,000.00 251,347.77 248,000.00 4.500 1,827 1,825 4.505 06/29/2028 31911KAK4 1515 First Bank Elk River 06/30/2023 248,000.00 250,388.55 248,000.00 4.400 1,827 1,826 4.405 06/30/2028 Subtotal and Average 38,000,477.50 38,821,000.00 37,410,002.89 38,820,377.50 1,666 905 2.691 Corporate Notes 594918BQ6 1157 45950VPS9 1308 931142EE9 1512 Microsoft Corporation International Finance Corp Wal-Mart Stores, Inc Subtotal and Average Money Market with Fiscal Agent SYS1058 1058 US Bank Subtotal and Average CERBT - OPEB Trust SYS1114 1114 CalPERS CERBT Plan Subtotal and Average PARS Pension Trust SYS1230 1230 Pblc Agncy Rtrmnt Sery Subtotal and Average Run Date: 08/01/2023 - 14:03 1,037,845.00 1,565.23 1,829,225.93 5,239, 742.03 10/15/2018 400,000.00 398,820.00 02/26/2021 500,000.00 446,340.00 06/26/2023 1,000,000.00 966,490.00 1,900,000.00 1, 811, 650.00 07/01 /2016 1,548.62 1,548.62 07/01 /2022 1,855,123.49 1,855,123.49 1,548.62 1,548.62 1,855,123.49 1,855,123.49 378,360.00 2.000 1,758 38 3.222 08/08/2023 497,300.00 0.500 1,826 971 0.610 02/26/2026 973,110.00 3.700 1,827 1,822 4.303 06/26/2028 1,848,770.00 1,813 1,228 3.089 1,548.62 1,548.62 1,855,123.49 1,855,123.49 5,317,487.02 5,317,487.02 5,317,487.02 5,317,487.02 5,317,487.02 5,317,487.02 1 1 0.000 1 1 0.000 1 1 0.000 1 1 0.000 1 1 0.000 1 1 0.000 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 163 City of La Quinta Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments June 30, 2023 Average Purchase Stated Daysto YTM CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Maturity 365 Run Date: 08/01/2023 - 14:03 Total and Average 245,418,022.50 248,005,524.70 240,793,770.40 246,583,026.81 787 465 3.193 Page 10 Portfolio CITY CID PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 164 t(v Qa City of La Quinta Total Earnings GEMoftheDESERT - Sorted by Fund - Fund June 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 City of La Quinta CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 98-33-434 1055 101 LAIF 34,065,011.99 34,065,011.99 34,065,011.99 3.167 3.152 88,257.40 0.00 0.00 88,257.40 SYS1059 1059 101 CITYPC 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SYS1114 1114 101 CALPRS 1,855,123.49 1,828,332.91 1,855,123.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 74934YAH4 1144 101 RCB 0.00 245,000.00 0.00 3.150 3.150 422.88 0.00 0.00 422.88 32110YLK9 1147 101 1STNBA 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.150 3.150 634.32 0.00 0.00 634.32 06426KAN8 1151 101 NWENGL 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 3.250 3.250 665.14 0.00 0.00 665.14 SYS1153 1153 101 CAMP 49,242,189.95 43,053,174.78 49,242,189.95 5.240 5.341 189,015.17 0.00 0.00 189,015.17 474067AQ8 1154 101 JEFF 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.350 3.350 674.59 0.00 0.00 674.59 57116ARV2 1155 101 MARBUS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.300 3.300 672.66 0.00 0.00 672.66 594918BQ6 1157 101 MCRSFT 400,000.00 378,360.00 378,360.00 2.000 2.144 666.67 0.00 0.00 666.67 3133EJYL7 1158 101 FFCB 250,000.00 247,275.00 247,275.00 2.800 2.870 583.34 0.00 0.00 583.34 625925AR3 1160 101 MUNTRS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.200 3.200 644.38 0.00 0.00 644.38 90348JEJ5 1161 101 UBS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.350 3.350 674.59 0.00 0.00 674.59 20143PDV9 1162 101 COMMBK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.400 3.400 693.04 0.00 0.00 693.04 67054NAN3 1164 101 NMRCA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.550 3.550 723.62 0.00 0.00 723.62 635573AL2 1170 101 NLCOOP 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.400 3.400 684.66 0.00 0.00 684.66 066851WJ1 1172 101 BARHAR 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.350 3.350 682.85 0.00 0.00 682.85 619165JD6 1173 101 MORTN 0.00 248,000.00 0.00 2.750 2.750 373.70 0.00 0.00 373.70 949763XY7 1174 101 WELLS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.000 3.000 611.51 0.00 0.00 611.51 3130AFW94 1177 101 FHLB 500,000.00 498,550.00 498,550.00 2.500 2.542 1,041.67 0.00 0.00 1,041.67 66736ABP3 1181 101 NRTHWS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.950 2.950 601.32 0.00 0.00 601.32 156634AK3 1184 101 CENTNX 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.500 2.500 509.60 0.00 0.00 509.60 48128HXU7 1185 101 JPMORG 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.250 3.250 654.45 0.00 0.00 654.45 46256YAZ2 1186 101 IOWAST 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.400 2.400 483.28 0.00 0.00 483.28 56065GAG3 1188 101 MAINST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.600 2.600 529.97 0.00 0.00 529.97 725404AB3 1194 101 PITTS 0.00 245,000.00 0.00 2.500 2.500 100.68 0.00 0.00 100.68 72651LCL6 1195 101 PLAINS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.550 2.550 513.49 0.00 0.00 513.49 299547AQ2 1196 101 EVNSCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.600 2.600 529.97 0.00 0.00 529.97 524661CB9 1197 101 LEGCY 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.400 2.400 489.21 0.00 0.00 489.21 176688CP2 1199 101 CTZNST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.400 2.400 489.20 0.00 0.00 489.20 Run Date: 08/01/2023 - 14:27 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 1%ort Ver. City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 2 June 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 20416TAQ5 1202 101 COMMW 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.250 2.250 458.63 0.00 0.00 458.63 761402BY1 1203 101 REVER 247,000.00 247,000.00 247,000.00 2.300 2.300 466.93 0.00 0.00 466.93 02772JBD1 1205 101 AMRNTL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 407.67 0.00 0.00 407.67 3135GOV75 1206 101 FNMA 500,000.00 495,950.00 495,950.00 1.750 1.789 729.16 0.00 0.00 729.16 00257TBD7 1207 101 ABACUS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.950 1.950 397.48 0.00 0.00 397.48 51210SQU4 1208 101 LKSIDE 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 407.67 0.00 0.00 407.67 33625CCP2 1209 101 1STSEC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 407.67 0.00 0.00 407.67 710571 DS6 1210 101 PEOPLE 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 407.67 0.00 0.00 407.67 3133EKWV4 1212 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,500.00 499,500.00 1.850 1.878 770.83 0.00 0.00 770.83 740367HP5 1213 101 PREFRD 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 2.000 2.000 409.32 0.00 0.00 409.32 938828131-12 1215 101 WSHFED 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.000 2.000 407.67 0.00 0.00 407.67 33766LAJ7 1216 101 1STIER 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.950 1.950 399.08 0.00 0.00 399.08 912828T26 1217 101 USTR 500,000.00 499,300.00 499,300.00 1.375 1.373 563.52 0.00 0.00 563.52 75472RAD3 1218 101 RAYJAM 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 1.950 1.950 391.07 0.00 0.00 391.07 15118RRH2 1220 101 CELTIC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.850 1.850 377.10 0.00 0.00 377.10 334342CD2 1221 101 1STNBS 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.850 1.850 378.62 0.00 0.00 378.62 336460CX6 1222 101 1STDQN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.800 1.800 366.90 0.00 0.00 366.90 3133EKZK5 1223 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,400.00 499,400.00 1.600 1.624 666.66 0.00 0.00 666.66 3133EKP75 1224 101 FFCB 500,000.00 498,750.00 498,750.00 1.600 1.626 666.67 0.00 0.00 666.67 06652CHB0 1227 101 BNKWST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.700 1.700 346.52 0.00 0.00 346.52 059731851 1228 101 BOTW 6,155,663.56 10,687,259.93 6,155,663.56 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 SYS1230 1230 101 PARS 5,317,487.02 5,237,061.17 5,317,487.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33640VDD7 1231 101 1STSER 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.700 1.700 346.52 0.00 0.00 346.52 3133EK4X1 1234 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 996,900.00 996,900.00 1.600 1.627 1,333.34 0.00 0.00 1,333.34 804375DL4 1235 101 SAUKVL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.700 1.700 346.52 0.00 0.00 346.52 61760A363 1236 101 MSPRIV 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.900 1.900 382.60 0.00 0.00 382.60 61690UNX4 1237 101 MORGST 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.950 1.950 392.67 0.00 0.00 392.67 538036GV0 1238 101 LIVEOK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.800 1.800 366.90 0.00 0.00 366.90 912828YV6 1241 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 989,687.50 989,687.50 1.500 1.511 1,229.51 0.00 0.00 1,229.51 3133ELEA8 1242 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 998,600.00 998,600.00 1.700 1.726 1,416.67 0.00 0.00 1,416.67 3133ELNE0 1246 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 999,000.00 999,000.00 1.430 1.451 1,191.66 0.00 0.00 1,191.66 35637RDC8 1248 101 FRDMFI 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.550 1.550 315.95 0.00 0.00 315.95 90983WBT7 1249 101 UNTDCM 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.650 1.650 336.33 0.00 0.00 336.33 32114VBT3 1250 101 1STNMI 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.650 1.650 336.33 0.00 0.00 336.33 77579ADF0 1251 101 RLLSTN 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.650 1.650 332.26 0.00 0.00 332.26 17286TAG0 1252 101 CITADL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.650 1.650 336.33 0.00 0.00 336.33 029728BC5 1255 101 AMERST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.600 1.600 326.14 0.00 0.00 326.14 Run Date: 08/01/2023 - 14:27 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 JFWrt Ver. City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 3 June 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 00435J131-15 1256 101 ACCSS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.600 1.600 326.14 0.00 0.00 326.14 849430BF9 1257 101 SPRING 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.500 1.500 305.76 0.00 0.00 305.76 05465DAE8 1258 101 AXOS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.650 1.650 336.33 0.00 0.00 336.33 882213AB7 1260 101 TEXAS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.100 1.100 221.51 0.00 0.00 221.51 89579NCD3 1262 101 TRIAD 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.350 1.350 275.18 0.00 0.00 275.18 654062JZ2 1266 101 NCOLET 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.400 1.400 285.37 0.00 0.00 285.37 020080BX4 1267 101 ALMABK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.400 1.400 285.37 0.00 0.00 285.37 2027506M2 1268 101 CMWBUS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.250 1.250 254.79 0.00 0.00 254.79 69506YRH4 1269 101 PACWST 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.300 1.300 261.78 0.00 0.00 261.78 08016PDQ9 1270 101 BELB&T 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.250 1.250 254.79 0.00 0.00 254.79 14042TDD6 1271 101 CAPONE 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.600 1.600 322.19 0.00 0.00 322.19 472382AQ3 1272 101 THEJEF 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.250 1.250 254.80 0.00 0.00 254.80 32027BALl 1273 101 1STFDM 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.200 1.200 245.60 0.00 0.00 245.60 32112UDR9 1274 101 1STMCG 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.350 1.350 275.18 0.00 0.00 275.18 33847E3A3 1276 101 FLGSTR 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.250 1.250 254.80 0.00 0.00 254.80 95960NKD8 1277 101 WSTRNS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.000 1.000 201.37 0.00 0.00 201.37 32056GDJ6 1278 101 1STINT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.000 1.000 203.84 0.00 0.00 203.84 3134GVYG7 1279 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.625 0.634 520.84 0.00 0.00 520.84 3133ELH23 1280 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,850.00 499,850.00 0.500 0.507 208.34 0.00 0.00 208.34 3130AJKW8 1281 101 FHLB 500,000.00 499,850.00 499,850.00 0.500 0.507 208.33 0.00 0.00 208.33 3133ELH80 1282 101 FFCB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.680 0.689 283.33 0.00 0.00 283.33 3130AJRP6 1283 101 FHLB 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 0.680 0.689 170.00 0.00 0.00 170.00 169894AS1 1284 101 CHIPVA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.600 0.600 122.30 0.00 0.00 122.30 02616AAH2 1285 101 AMR1ST 0.00 248,000.00 0.00 0.350 0.350 61.83 0.00 0.00 61.83 84223QAN7 1286 101 STHRNB 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.500 0.500 101.92 0.00 0.00 101.92 064520BG3 1287 101 BKPRNC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.500 0.500 101.92 0.00 0.00 101.92 3135G05S8 1288 101 FNMA 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.500 0.507 208.33 0.00 0.00 208.33 3136G4N74 1289 101 FNMA 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.560 0.568 466.66 0.00 0.00 466.66 3136G4M75 1290 101 FNMA 500,000.00 499,750.00 499,750.00 0.520 0.527 216.67 0.00 0.00 216.67 3135G06E8 1291 101 FNMA 500,000.00 499,250.00 499,250.00 0.420 0.426 175.00 0.00 0.00 175.00 3135GA2Z3 1292 101 FNMA 500,000.00 499,250.00 499,250.00 0.560 0.569 233.33 0.00 0.00 233.33 SYS1293 1293 101 BNY 273,521.42 4,203,008.47 273,521.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3137EAEU9 1297 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 997,300.00 997,300.00 0.375 0.381 312.50 0.00 0.00 312.50 3130AKFA9 1298 101 FHLB 500,000.00 497,400.00 497,400.00 0.375 0.382 156.25 0.00 0.00 156.25 3135GA7137 1299 101 FNMA 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.600 0.608 250.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 3135GAAW1 1300 101 FNMA 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.400 0.406 166.67 0.00 0.00 166.67 3134GXGZ1 1301 101 FHLMC 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.550 0.558 229.17 0.00 0.00 229.17 Run Date: 08/01/2023 - 14:27 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 1fIffort Ver. City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 4 June 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 3130AKMZ6 1302 101 FHLB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.510 0.517 212.50 0.00 0.00 212.50 91282CBC4 1303 101 USTR 500,000.00 498,632.81 498,632.81 0.375 0.379 155.31 0.00 0.00 155.31 3130AKN28 1304 101 FHLB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.550 0.558 229.17 0.00 0.00 229.17 51507LCC6 1305 101 LNDMRK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.500 0.500 101.92 0.00 0.00 101.92 87270LDL4 1306 101 EVRBA 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.500 0.500 100.69 0.00 0.00 100.69 3137EAEX3 1307 101 FHLMC 500,000.00 495,999.50 495,999.50 0.375 0.383 156.25 0.00 0.00 156.25 45950VPS9 1308 101 IFC 500,000.00 497,300.00 497,300.00 0.500 0.507 207.18 0.00 0.00 207.18 91282CBH3 1309 101 USTR 500,000.00 495,100.00 495,100.00 0.375 0.382 155.38 0.00 0.00 155.38 3137EAEX3 1310 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 983,940.00 983,940.00 0.375 0.386 312.50 0.00 0.00 312.50 91282CAT8 1311 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 977,500.00 977,500.00 0.250 0.254 203.81 0.00 0.00 203.81 3130ALV92 1312 101 FHLB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 1.050 1.065 437.50 0.00 0.00 437.50 39573LBC1 1313 101 GRNST 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 0.950 0.950 194.42 0.00 0.00 194.42 89235MKY6 1314 101 TOYFSB 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.900 0.900 181.24 0.00 0.00 181.24 91282CAZ4 1315 101 USTR 500,000.00 492,187.50 492,187.50 0.375 0.380 153.69 0.00 0.00 153.69 14622LAA0 1316 101 CARTER 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.750 0.750 152.88 0.00 0.00 152.88 31617CAV5 1317 101 FIDHMS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.700 0.700 142.68 0.00 0.00 142.68 SYS1318 1318 101 DPME 773,523.40 797,129.78 773,523.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 91282CBQ3 1319 101 USTR 500,000.00 494,165.00 494,165.00 0.500 0.502 203.81 0.00 0.00 203.81 91282CBT7 1320 101 USTR 500,000.00 499,525.00 499,525.00 0.750 0.749 307.37 0.00 0.00 307.37 91282CCF6 1321 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 997,060.00 997,060.00 0.750 0.750 614.76 0.00 0.00 614.76 91282CBT7 1322 101 USTR 500,000.00 498,450.00 498,450.00 0.750 0.750 307.37 0.00 0.00 307.37 91282CCF6 1323 101 USTR 500,000.00 497,095.00 497,095.00 0.750 0.752 307.37 0.00 0.00 307.37 3130AMFS6 1324 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 993,420.00 993,420.00 0.750 0.765 625.00 0.00 0.00 625.00 92559TAJ7 1325 101 VIBRNT 249,000.00 248,377.50 248,377.50 0.800 0.802 163.73 0.00 0.00 163.73 38149MXK4 1326 101 GLDMAN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.000 1.000 203.84 0.00 0.00 203.84 795451AF0 1327 101 SALMAE 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.000 1.000 203.84 0.00 0.00 203.84 89388CEYO 1328 101 TABBK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.400 0.400 81.53 0.00 0.00 81.53 06417NZQ9 1329 101 BKOZK 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.400 0.400 81.53 0.00 0.00 81.53 3133EM2C5 1330 101 FFCB 500,000.00 498,000.00 498,000.00 0.710 0.723 295.84 0.00 0.00 295.84 70962LAF9 1331 101 PENTGN 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 0.700 0.700 143.26 0.00 0.00 143.26 87165ET98 1332 101 SYNCHR 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.900 0.900 181.23 0.00 0.00 181.23 05580AD50 1333 101 BMW 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 0.650 0.650 130.89 0.00 0.00 130.89 20786ADL6 1334 101 CONNEC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 0.800 0.800 163.06 0.00 0.00 163.06 91282CCP4 1335 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 983,750.00 983,750.00 0.625 0.641 517.95 0.00 0.00 517.95 91282CCW9 1336 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 988,500.00 988,500.00 0.750 0.753 611.41 0.00 0.00 611.41 3130APBM6 1337 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 999,000.00 999,000.00 1.000 1.015 833.34 0.00 0.00 833.34 3133EM4X7 1338 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 991,080.00 991,080.00 0.800 0.818 666.67 0.00 0.00 666.67 Run Date: 08/01/2023 - 14:27 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 10&rt Ver. City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 5 June 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 3130APB46 1339 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 998,250.00 998,250.00 0.950 0.965 791.66 0.00 0.00 791.66 91282CCN9 1341 101 USTR 500,000.00 497,792.97 497,792.97 0.125 0.127 51.79 0.00 0.00 51.79 91282CBEO 1342 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 991,000.00 991,000.00 0.125 0.127 103.59 0.00 0.00 103.59 91282CDB4 1343 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 996,320.00 996,320.00 0.625 0.626 512.29 0.00 0.00 512.29 3133ENCQ1 1344 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.270 1.288 1,058.33 0.00 0.00 1,058.33 59013KPNO 1345 101 MRRCK 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.100 1.100 225.12 0.00 0.00 225.12 14042RQB0 1346 101 CAP1NA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.100 1.100 224.22 0.00 0.00 224.22 3130APTV7 1347 101 FHLB 500,000.00 499,500.00 499,500.00 0.700 0.710 291.66 0.00 0.00 291.66 91282CBA8 1351 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 990,000.00 990,000.00 0.125 0.126 102.72 0.00 0.00 102.72 91282CBR1 1352 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 989,800.00 989,800.00 0.250 0.251 203.81 0.00 0.00 203.81 3130AP2U8 1353 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 987,100.00 987,100.00 0.550 0.565 458.33 0.00 0.00 458.33 3135G06G3 1354 101 FNMA 1,000,000.00 976,300.00 976,300.00 0.500 0.519 416.67 0.00 0.00 416.67 3133ENGN4 1355 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.970 0.983 808.34 0.00 0.00 808.34 501798RP9 1356 101 LCA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.000 1.000 203.84 0.00 0.00 203.84 20825WAR1 1357 101 CNNXS 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.250 1.250 255.82 0.00 0.00 255.82 3130AQF65 1358 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 999,750.00 999,750.00 1.250 1.268 1,041.66 0.00 0.00 1,041.66 3134GW6C5 1359 101 FHLMC 500,000.00 486,000.00 486,000.00 0.800 0.834 333.33 0.00 0.00 333.33 91282CBV2 1360 101 USTR 500,000.00 494,882.81 494,882.81 0.375 0.378 153.69 0.00 0.00 153.69 3137EAEU9 1361 101 FHLMC 500,000.00 487,090.00 487,090.00 0.375 0.390 156.25 0.00 0.00 156.25 3134GW5R3 1362 101 FHLMC 400,000.00 391,360.00 391,360.00 0.650 0.674 216.66 0.00 0.00 216.66 307811DF3 1363 101 FARMER 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 0.900 0.900 184.19 0.00 0.00 184.19 3130AQJR5 1364 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.500 1.521 1,250.00 0.00 0.00 1,250.00 3135G03U5 1365 101 FNMA 500,000.00 487,790.00 487,790.00 0.625 0.650 260.42 0.00 0.00 260.42 3134GWUQ7 1366 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 945,570.00 945,570.00 0.700 0.751 583.33 0.00 0.00 583.33 3130AQSA2 1367 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.830 1.855 1,525.00 0.00 0.00 1,525.00 89786MAF1 1368 101 TRUSKY 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.600 1.600 322.19 0.00 0.00 322.19 912828Z78 1369 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 986,700.00 986,700.00 1.500 1.533 1,243.10 0.00 0.00 1,243.10 07371AYE7 1370 101 BEALTX 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.900 1.900 382.60 0.00 0.00 382.60 073710E88 1371 101 BEALUS 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.900 1.900 382.60 0.00 0.00 382.60 02357QAQO 1372 101 AMRNT 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.600 1.600 322.19 0.00 0.00 322.19 59161YAP1 1373 101 METRO 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 1.700 1.700 347.92 0.00 0.00 347.92 3130AQWY5 1374 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.700 1.724 1,416.66 0.00 0.00 1,416.66 27004PCM3 1375 101 EGLMRK 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.000 2.000 402.74 0.00 0.00 402.74 64034KAZ4 1376 101 NELNET 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 1.800 1.800 362.46 0.00 0.00 362.46 24773RCR4 1377 101 DELTA 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.000 2.000 402.74 0.00 0.00 402.74 91139LAB2 1378 101 URSVLT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.900 1.900 387.29 0.00 0.00 387.29 565819AG4 1379 101 MRTHON 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 1.800 1.800 366.90 0.00 0.00 366.90 Run Date: 08/01/2023 - 14:27 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 JFWrt Ver. City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 6 June 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 91282CCW9 1380 101 USTR 500,000.00 466,454.17 466,454.17 0.750 0.797 305.71 0.00 0.00 305.71 91282CDG3 1381 101 USTR 500,000.00 473,396.82 473,396.82 1.125 1.179 458.56 0.00 0.00 458.56 91282CBQ3 1382 101 USTR 750,000.00 698,025.00 698,025.00 0.500 0.533 305.71 0.00 0.00 305.71 912828654 1383 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 999,010.00 999,010.00 2.375 2.358 1,936.14 0.00 0.00 1,936.14 50625LAW3 1384 101 LFYTT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.050 2.050 417.86 0.00 0.00 417.86 3130ARGJ4 1385 101 FHLB 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 2.500 2.535 1,041.67 0.00 0.00 1,041.67 20033A3A2 1386 101 CCBA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.650 2.650 540.17 0.00 0.00 540.17 3130ARGY1 1387 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 2.700 2.738 2,250.00 0.00 0.00 2,250.00 02007GPX5 1388 101 ALLY 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.550 2.550 513.50 0.00 0.00 513.50 52168UHY1 1389 101 LEADR 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 2.550 2.550 513.49 0.00 0.00 513.49 9128283D0 1390 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 985,190.00 985,190.00 2.250 2.265 1,834.24 0.00 0.00 1,834.24 91282CEF4 1391 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 976,860.00 976,860.00 2.500 2.552 2,049.18 0.00 0.00 2,049.18 254673E69 1392 101 DISCOV 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.100 3.100 624.24 0.00 0.00 624.24 48115LAD6 1396 101 JOVIA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 2.500 2.500 509.60 0.00 0.00 509.60 912828X88 1397 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 969,687.50 969,687.50 2.375 2.429 1,936.14 0.00 0.00 1,936.14 91282CEN7 1398 101 USTR 500,000.00 495,000.00 495,000.00 2.750 2.755 1,120.93 0.00 0.00 1,120.93 91282CET4 1399 101 USTR 500,000.00 491,842.18 491,842.18 2.625 2.661 1,075.82 0.00 0.00 1,075.82 9128282U3 1400 101 USTR 500,000.00 490,850.00 490,850.00 1.875 1.894 764.26 0.00 0.00 764.26 3133ENYH7 1401 101 FFCB 500,000.00 499,080.00 499,080.00 2.625 2.666 1,093.75 0.00 0.00 1,093.75 3130ASDV8 1409 101 FHLB 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 3.300 3.346 825.00 0.00 0.00 825.00 89269FDP7 1415 101 TRADCP 246,000.00 246,000.00 246,000.00 3.000 3.000 606.58 0.00 0.00 606.58 91282CFB2 1417 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 989,460.00 989,460.00 2.750 2.802 2,279.00 0.00 0.00 2,279.00 912828XT2 1418 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 985,240.00 985,240.00 2.000 2.024 1,639.35 0.00 0.00 1,639.35 397417AQ9 1419 101 GRNWDS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.050 3.050 621.69 0.00 0.00 621.69 88413QDN5 1420 101 3RD 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.300 3.300 664.52 0.00 0.00 664.52 02589ADH2 1421 101 AMEXNB 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 3.450 3.450 694.72 0.00 0.00 694.72 91282CFB2 1422 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 979,645.67 979,645.67 2.750 2.830 2,279.00 0.00 0.00 2,279.00 732329BD8 1425 101 PONCE 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.500 3.500 713.42 0.00 0.00 713.42 3133ENL99 1426 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 997,492.55 997,492.55 3.375 3.430 2,812.50 0.00 0.00 2,812.50 052392BT3 1427 101 AUSTEL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.800 3.800 774.58 0.00 0.00 774.58 914242AA0 1429 101 UNIVCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.000 4.000 815.34 0.00 0.00 815.34 22258JAB7 1430 101 CNTYSC 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.400 4.400 896.87 0.00 0.00 896.87 3133ENQ29 1433 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 996,400.00 996,400.00 4.000 4.070 3,333.33 0.00 0.00 3,333.33 84229LBA9 1434 101 STHBNK 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 4.250 4.250 852.33 0.00 0.00 852.33 34520LAT0 1435 101 FORBRT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.600 4.600 937.64 0.00 0.00 937.64 25460FDW3 1438 101 DIRFCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.800 4.800 978.40 0.00 0.00 978.40 9128282R0 1439 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 927,110.00 927,110.00 2.250 2.447 1,864.64 0.00 0.00 1,864.64 Run Date: 08/01/2023 - 14:27 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 116&rt Ver. City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 7 June 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Ending Par Value Beginning Book Value Ending Book Value Current Rate Annualized Yield Interest Earned Adjusted Interest Earnings Amortization/ Realized Accretion Gainl/Loss Adjusted Interest Earnings Fund: General Fund 3133EN31-11 1441 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 998,650.00 998,650.00 4.000 4.061 3,333.34 0.00 0.00 3,333.34 914098DJ4 1442 101 UNIVBK 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 4.200 4.200 859.56 0.00 0.00 859.56 3133EN3S7 1446 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 998,000.00 998,000.00 3.750 3.810 3,125.00 0.00 0.00 3,125.00 25844MAK4 1447 101 DORTCU 247,000.00 247,000.00 247,000.00 4.500 4.500 913.56 0.00 0.00 913.56 01664MAB2 1448 101 ALL IN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.400 4.400 896.88 0.00 0.00 896.88 51828MAC8 1449 101 LATCOM 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.500 4.500 917.27 0.00 0.00 917.27 45157PAZ3 1450 101 IDEAL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.500 4.500 917.26 0.00 0.00 917.26 01882MAC6 1451 101 ALIANT 247,000.00 247,000.00 247,000.00 5.000 5.000 1,015.06 0.00 0.00 1,015.06 91282CCK5 1452 101 USTR 0.00 1,956,875.00 0.00 0.125 27.866 200.28 0.00 43,125.00 43,325.28 912796ZR3 1453 101 USTR 0.00 2,932,950.00 0.00 4.572 29.801 0.00 0.00 67,050.00 67,050.00 80865MAB3 1454 101 SCIENT 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.650 4.650 947.84 0.00 0.00 947.84 78472EAB0 1455 101 SPCOCU 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 4.350 4.350 890.26 0.00 0.00 890.26 91282CFH9 1456 101 USTR 500,000.00 489,175.00 489,175.00 3.125 3.168 1,273.78 0.00 0.00 1,273.78 300185LM5 1457 101 EVRGRN 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 3.850 3.850 784.77 0.00 0.00 784.77 82671DAB3 1458 101 SIGFCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.400 4.400 896.88 0.00 0.00 896.88 79772FAG1 1459 101 SF FCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.350 4.350 886.68 0.00 0.00 886.68 91282CGH8 1460 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 996,369.14 996,369.14 3.500 3.542 2,900.55 0.00 0.00 2,900.55 9128284X5 1462 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 988,900.00 988,900.00 2.750 2.758 2,241.85 0.00 0.00 2,241.85 912796Y37 1463 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 1,954,412.92 1,954,412.92 4.636 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3133EPAV7 1464 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 995,400.00 995,400.00 3.875 3.947 3,229.17 0.00 0.00 3,229.17 91282CEW7 1465 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 967,220.00 967,220.00 3.250 3.386 2,691.91 0.00 0.00 2,691.91 530520AH8 1466 101 LBRTY1 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.500 4.500 917.26 0.00 0.00 917.26 09582YAF9 1467 101 BLURDG 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 4.200 4.200 842.30 0.00 0.00 842.30 912797FR3 1468 101 USTR 3,000,000.00 2,951,790.00 2,951,790.00 4.821 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 011852AE0 1469 101 ALASKA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.600 4.600 937.64 0.00 0.00 937.64 912796YH6 1470 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 1,950,283.66 1,950,283.66 4.917 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 912796Z51 1471 101 USTR 3,000,000.00 2,927,220.00 2,927,220.00 4.991 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 92891CCZ3 1472 101 VYSTAR 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.550 4.550 927.45 0.00 0.00 927.45 89789AAG2 1473 101 TRUFCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.700 4.700 958.03 0.00 0.00 958.03 59524LAA4 1474 101 MIDCAR 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.850 4.850 988.61 0.00 0.00 988.61 49306SJ56 1475 101 KEYBNK 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 5.000 5.000 1,002.74 0.00 0.00 1,002.74 064860MC0 1476 101 BKSIER 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 4.600 4.600 922.52 0.00 0.00 922.52 909557KQ2 1477 101 UNBKRS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 5.000 5.000 1,019.18 0.00 0.00 1,019.18 00833JAQ4 1478 101 AFFNTY 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.900 4.900 998.79 0.00 0.00 998.79 108622NJ6 1479 101 BRIDWA 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.850 4.850 988.60 0.00 0.00 988.60 3135GAGA3 1480 101 FNMA 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 5.200 5.272 8,666.66 0.00 0.00 8,666.66 912797GF8 1481 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 1,968,951.36 1,968,951.36 4.696 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Run Date: 08/01/2023 - 14:27 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 JFJ61ort Ver. City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 8 June 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 Adjusted Interest Earnings Ending Beginning Ending Current Annualized Interest Amortization/ Realized Adjusted Interest CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Par Value Book Value Book Value Rate Yield Earned Accretion Gainl/Loss Earnings Fund: General Fund 3135GAGK1 1482 101 FNMA 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 5.050 5.120 12,625.00 0.00 0.00 12,625.00 724468AC7 1483 101 PITBOW 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 4.350 4.350 872.39 0.00 0.00 872.39 3134GYPJ5 1484 101 FHLMC 1,000,000.00 999,100.00 999,100.00 5.200 5.277 4,333.33 0.00 0.00 4,333.33 62384RAT3 1485 101 MTNAMR 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.700 4.700 958.03 0.00 0.00 958.03 60425SKB4 1486 101 MINWST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.250 4.250 866.30 0.00 0.00 866.30 912796YT0 1487 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 975,854.17 975,854.17 4.750 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 912797FA0 1488 101 USTR 3,000,000.00 2,935,470.00 2,935,470.00 4.780 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 912797GJ0 1489 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 984,010.00 984,010.00 4.878 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 313384LP2 1490 101 FHLB 1,000,000.00 982,351.39 982,351.39 4.850 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35089LAF0 1491 101 FRPNTS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.550 4.550 927.45 0.00 0.00 927.45 062119BT8 1492 101 BANK59 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.250 4.250 866.30 0.00 0.00 866.30 152577BN1 1493 101 CENTRL 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.000 4.000 815.34 0.00 0.00 815.34 23248UAB3 1494 101 CYFAIR 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.500 4.500 917.27 0.00 0.00 917.27 91527PBY2 1495 101 UNIVST 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.350 4.350 886.68 0.00 0.00 886.68 92834ABT2 1496 101 VISION 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.050 4.050 825.53 0.00 0.00 825.53 12547CBJ6 1497 101 CIBCBK 244,000.00 244,000.00 244,000.00 4.350 4.350 872.39 0.00 0.00 872.39 843383CS7 1498 101 SBPOPM 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.200 4.200 856.11 0.00 0.00 856.11 06610RCA5 1499 101 BANKRS 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.150 4.150 845.92 0.00 0.00 845.92 90352RDB8 1500 101 USAFCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 4.550 4.550 927.45 0.00 0.00 927.45 87868YAQ6 1501 101 TECHCU 248,000.00 248,000.00 248,000.00 5.000 5.000 1,019.18 0.00 0.00 1,019.18 912797FL6 1502 101 USTR 4,000,000.00 3,898,126.67 3,898,126.67 5.180 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3133EPME2 1505 101 FFCB 1,000,000.00 0.00 998,190.00 3.875 3.936 2,475.69 0.00 0.00 2,475.69 16141BAC5 1506 101 CHRTWY 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.900 4.900 699.15 0.00 0.00 699.15 23204HPB8 1507 101 CUST 244,000.00 0.00 244,000.00 4.500 4.500 511.40 0.00 0.00 511.40 91282CGT2 1508 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 0.00 984,600.00 3.625 3.672 1,584.70 0.00 0.00 1,584.70 85279AAC6 1509 101 STVINC 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.600 4.600 437.57 0.00 0.00 437.57 01025RAG4 1510 101 ALABAM 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 5.000 5.000 339.73 0.00 0.00 339.73 38120MCA2 1511 101 GLDNST 249,000.00 0.00 249,000.00 4.450 4.450 242.86 0.00 0.00 242.86 931142EE9 1512 101 WALMRT 1,000,000.00 0.00 973,110.00 3.700 3.855 513.89 0.00 0.00 513.89 910286GN7 1513 101 UNTFDL 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.500 4.501 30.58 0.00 0.00 30.58 472312AA5 1514 101 JEEPCO 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.700 4.699 31.93 0.00 0.00 31.93 31911KAK4 1515 101 1STELK 248,000.00 0.00 248,000.00 4.400 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 912828V80 1516 101 USTR 2,000,000.00 0.00 1,964,400.00 2.250 2.310 124.31 0.00 0.00 124.31 912796ZN2 1517 101 USTR 3,000,000.00 0.00 2,920,963.32 5.240 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 91282CGT2 1524 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 990,000.00 990,000.00 3.625 3.652 2,971.31 0.00 0.00 2,971.31 91282CHA2 1525 101 USTR 1,000,000.00 985,000.00 985,000.00 3.500 3.524 2,853.26 0.00 0.00 2,853.26 Subtotal 245,906,820.83 242,726,342.82 244,484,322.94 2.942 480,493.77 0.00 110,175.00 590,668.77 Run Date: 08/01/2023 - 14:27 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 �j% JFrt Ver. City of La Quinta Total Earnings Page 9 June 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 Adjusted Interest Earnings Ending Beginning Ending Current Annualized Interest Amortization/ Realized Adjusted Interest CUSIP Investment # Fund Issuer Par Value Book Value Book Value Rate Yield Earned Accretion Gainl/Loss Earnings Fund: Fiscal Agent SYS1058 1058 231 USBANK 1,548.62 1,565.80 1,548.62 4.647 5.98 0.00 0.00 5.98 Subtotal 1,548.62 1,565.80 1,548.62 4.647 5.98 0.00 0.00 5.98 Fund: Housing Authority : WSA and LQ SYS1062 1062 241 LQPR 47,215.59 40,789.93 47,215.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Subtotal 47,215.59 40,789.93 47,215.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fund: SA Low/Mod Bond Fund 25-33-005 1113 249 LAIF 2,049,939.66 2,049,939.66 2,049,939.66 3.167 3.152 5,311.09 0.00 0.00 5,311.09 Subtotal 2,049,939.66 2,049,939.66 2,049,939.66 3.152 5,311.09 0.00 0.00 5,311.09 Total 248,005,524.70 244,818,638.21 246,583,026.81 Run Date: 08/01/2023 - 14:27 2.943 485,810.84 0.00 110,175.00 595,985.84 Portfolio CITY CID TE (PRF_TE) 7.3.6 JT&rt Ver. GEM of tb, DESERT — City of La Quinta Maturity Report Sorted by Maturity Date Amounts due during April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 City of La Quinta Sec. Maturity Purchase Rate Book Value Maturity Net CUSIP Investment # Fund Type Issuer Par Value Date Date at Maturity at Maturity Interest Proceeds Income 17312QJ26 1123 101 MC1 CITINA 245,000.00 04/11/2023 04/11/2018 2.900 245,000.00 3,542.77 248,542.77 3,542.77 912796YV5 1436 101 ATD USTR 5,000,000.00 04/27/2023 11/02/2022 4.363 4,893,349.12 0.00 5,000,000.00 106,650.88 912796YV5 1437 101 ATD USTR 2,000,000.00 04/27/2023 11/07/2022 4.375 1,958,436.61 0.00 2,000,000.00 41,563.39 20726ABA5 1189 101 MC1 CONGRS 248,000.00 04/28/2023 04/30/2019 2.500 248,000.00 492.60 248,492.60 492.60 29278TAY6 1125 101 MC1 ENER 240,000.00 04/28/2023 04/30/2018 2.950 240,000.00 562.52 240,562.52 562.52 3133EMX64 1340 101 FAC FFCB 500,000.00 04/28/2023 10/22/2021 0.170 499,002.04 425.00 500,425.00 1,422.96 32117BCX4 1179 101 MC1 1STNBK 248,000.00 05/05/2023 03/05/2019 2.800 248,000.00 570.74 248,570.74 570.74 91282CCD1 1350 101 TRC USTR 1,000,000.00 05/31/2023 12/07/2021 0.125 995,468.75 625.00 1,000,625.00 5,156.25 912828R69 1443 101 TRC USTR 4,000,000.00 05/31/2023 12/02/2022 1.625 3,944,075.80 32,500.00 4,032,500.00 88,424.20 725404AB3 1194 101 MC1 PITTS 245,000.00 06/07/2023 06/07/2019 2.500 245,000.00 3,054.11 248,054.11 3,054.11 619165JD6 1173 101 MC1 MORTN 248,000.00 06/20/2023 03/20/2019 2.750 248,000.00 579.23 248,579.23 579.23 74934YAH4 1144 101 MC1 RCB 245,000.00 06/20/2023 06/20/2018 3.150 245,000.00 655.46 245,655.46 655.46 02616AAH2 1285 101 MC1 AMR1ST 248,000.00 06/26/2023 06/26/2020 0.350 248,000.00 73.72 248,073.72 73.72 912796ZR3 1453 101 ATD USTR 3,000,000.00 06/29/2023 01/04/2023 4.572 2,932,950.00 0.00 3,000,000.00 67,050.00 91282CCK5 1452 101 TRC USTR 2,000,000.00 06/30/2023 01/04/2023 0.125 1,956,875.00 1,250.00 2,001,250.00 44,375.00 Run Date: 07/24/2023 - 16:16 Total Maturities 19,467,000.00 19,147,157.32 44,331.15 19,511,331.15 364,173.83 Portfolio CITY CID MA (PRF_MA) 7.1.1 1 Deport Ver. GEM ofthe DESERT - City of La Quinta Purchases Report Sorted by Security Type - Fund April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 City of La Quinta Sec. Original Purchase Principal Accrued Interest Rate at Maturity Ending CUSIP Investment # Fund Type Issuer Par Value Date Payment Periods Purchased at Purchase Purchase Date YTM Book Value Federal Agency Coupon Securities 3135GAGA3 1480 101 FAC FNMA 2,000,000.00 04/03/2023 10/03 - 04/03 2,000,000.00 5.200 07/30/2024 5.206 2,000,000.00 3135GAGK1 1482 101 FAC FNMA 3,000,000.00 04/12/2023 10/12 - 04/12 3,000,000.00 5.050 04/12/2024 5.050 3,000,000.00 3134GYPJ5 1484 101 FAC FHLMC 1,000,000.00 04/24/2023 10/17 - 04/17 999,100.00 Received 5.200 04/17/2028 5.220 999,100.00 3133EPME2 1505 101 FAC FFCB 1,000,000.00 06/08/2023 12/08 - 06/08 998,190.00 3.875 06/08/2028 3.915 998,190.00 Subtotal 7,000,000.00 6,997,290.00 0.00 6,997,290.00 Federal Agency Discount 313384LP2 1490 101 AFD FHLB 1,000,000.00 05/03/2023 09/11 -At Maturity 982,351.39 4.850 09/11/2023 5.006 982,351.39 Subtotal 1,000,000.00 982,351.39 0.00 982,351.39 Treasury Coupon Securities 91282CGT2 1503 101 TRC USTR 1,000,000.00 05/31/2023 09/30 - 03/31 1,000,000.00 6,041.67 3.625 03/31/2028 3.624 1,000,000.00 91282CHA2 1504 101 TRC USTR 1,000,000.00 05/31/2023 10/31 - 04/30 1,000,000.00 2,948.37 3.500 04/30/2028 3.500 1,000,000.00 91282CGT2 1508 101 TRC USTR 1,000,000.00 06/15/2023 09/30 - 03/31 984,600.00 Received 3.625 03/31/2028 3.980 984,600.00 912828V80 1516 101 TRC USTR 2,000,000.00 06/30/2023 07/31 - 01/31 1,964,400.00 Received 2.250 01/31/2024 5.374 1,964,400.00 Subtotal 5,000,000.00 4,949,000.00 8,990.04 4,949,000.00 Treasury Discount Notes 912797GF8 1481 101 ATD USTR 2,000,000.00 04/11/2023 08/08 - At Maturity 1,968,951.36 4.696 08/08/2023 4.837 1,968,951.36 912796YTO 1487 101 ATD USTR 1,000,000.00 05/03/2023 11/02 - At Maturity 975,854.17 4.750 11/02/2023 4.935 975,854.17 912797FAO 1488 101 ATD USTR 3,000,000.00 05/03/2023 10/12 - At Maturity 2,935,470.00 4.780 10/12/2023 4.953 2,935,470.00 912797GJO 1489 101 ATD USTR 1,000,000.00 05/03/2023 08/29 - At Maturity 984,010.00 4.878 08/29/2023 5.026 984,010.00 912797FL6 1502 101 ATD USTR 4,000,000.00 05/31/2023 11/24 - At Maturity 3,898,126.67 5.180 11/24/2023 5.389 3,898,126.67 912796ZN2 1517 101 ATD USTR 3,000,000.00 06/30/2023 12/28 - At Maturity 2,920,963.32 5.240 12/28/2023 5.457 2,920,963.32 Subtotal 14,000,000.00 13,683,375.52 0.00 13,683,375.52 Certificate of Deposits 724468AC7 1483 101 MC1 PITBOW 244,000.00 04/14/2023 10/14 - 04/14 244,000.00 4.350 04/13/2028 4.355 244,000.00 62384RAT3 1485 101 MC1 MTNAMR 248,000.00 04/28/2023 06/01 - Monthly 248,000.00 4.700 04/28/2026 4.705 248,000.00 60425SKB4 1486 101 MC1 MINWST 248,000.00 05/01/2023 06/01 - Monthly 248,000.00 4.250 05/03/2027 4.254 248,000.00 35089LAFO 1491 101 MC1 FRPNTS 248,000.00 05/10/2023 06/10 - Monthly 248,000.00 4.550 05/11/2026 4.443 248,000.00 062119BT8 1492 101 MC1 BANK59 248,000.00 05/12/2023 06/12 - Monthly 248,000.00 4.250 05/12/2028 4.255 248,000.00 152577BN1 1493 101 MC1 CENTRL 248,000.00 05/12/2023 06/12 - Monthly 248,000.00 4.000 05/12/2028 4.005 248,000.00 Received = Accrued Interest at Purchase was received by report ending date Run Date: 07/24/2023 - 16:15 Portfolio CITY CP PU (PRF_PU) 7.1.1 1 $sport Ver. City of La Quinta Purchases Report Page 2 April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 Sec. Original Purchase Principal Accrued Interest Rate at Maturity Ending CUSIP Investment # Fund Type Issuer Par Value Date Payment Periods Purchased at Purchase Purchase Date YTM Book Value Certificate of Deposits 23248UAB3 1494 101 MC1 CYFAIR 248,000.00 05/12/2023 06/12 - Monthly 248,000.00 4.500 05/12/2028 4.505 248,000.00 91527PBY2 1495 101 MC1 UNIVST 248,000.00 05/12/2023 06/12 - Monthly 248,000.00 4.350 05/12/2028 4.355 248,000.00 92834ABT2 1496 101 MC1 VISION 248,000.00 05/12/2023 06/12 - Monthly 248,000.00 4.050 05/12/2028 4.055 248,000.00 12547CBJ6 1497 101 MC1 CIBCBK 244,000.00 05/16/2023 11/16 - 05/16 244,000.00 4.350 05/16/2028 4.355 244,000.00 843383CS7 1498 101 MC1 SBPOPM 248,000.00 05/17/2023 06/17 - Monthly 248,000.00 4.200 05/17/2028 4.205 248,000.00 06610RCA5 1499 101 MC1 BANKRS 248,000.00 05/24/2023 06/24 - Monthly 248,000.00 4.150 05/24/2028 4.155 248,000.00 90352RDB8 1500 101 MC1 USAFCU 248,000.00 05/26/2023 06/26 - Monthly 248,000.00 4.550 05/26/2028 4.555 248,000.00 87868YAQ6 1501 101 MC1 TECHCU 248,000.00 05/30/2023 07/01 - Monthly 248,000.00 5.000 05/29/2026 5.005 248,000.00 16141BAC5 1506 101 MC1 CHRTWY 248,000.00 06/09/2023 07/09 - Monthly 248,000.00 4.900 06/09/2026 4.905 248,000.00 23204HPB8 1507 101 MC1 CUST 244,000.00 06/14/2023 12/14 - 06/14 244,000.00 4.500 06/14/2028 4.505 244,000.00 85279AAC6 1509 101 MC1 STVINC 248,000.00 06/16/2023 07/16 - Monthly 248,000.00 4.600 06/16/2027 4.604 248,000.00 01025RAG4 1510 101 MC1 ALABAM 248,000.00 06/20/2023 07/20 - Monthly 248,000.00 5.000 06/22/2026 5.005 248,000.00 38120MCA2 1511 101 MC1 GLDNST 249,000.00 06/22/2023 07/22 - Monthly 249,000.00 4.450 06/22/2027 4.453 249,000.00 472312AA5 1514 101 MC1 JEEPCO 248,000.00 06/29/2023 07/29 - Monthly 248,000.00 4.700 06/29/2027 4.704 248,000.00 910286GN7 1513 101 MC1 UNTFDL 248,000.00 06/29/2023 07/29 - Monthly 248,000.00 4.500 06/29/2028 4.505 248,000.00 31911KAK4 1515 101 MC1 1STELK 248,000.00 06/30/2023 07/30- Monthly 248,000.00 4.400 06/30/2028 4.405 248,000.00 Subtotal 5,445,000.00 5,445,000.00 0.00 5,445,000.00 Corporate Notes 931142EE9 1512 101 MC2 WALMRT 1,000,000.00 06/26/2023 12/26 - 06/26 973,110.00 3.700 06/26/2028 4.303 973,110.00 Subtotal 1,000,000.00 973,110.00 0.00 973,110.00 Total Purchases 33,445,000.00 33,030,126.91 8,990.04 33,030,126.91 Portfolio CITY CP Run Date: 07/24/2023 - 16:15 PU (PRF_PU) 7.1.1 ,� $sport Ver. US Treasury Rates https:Hhome.treasury.gov/resource-center/data-chart-center/interest-rates/TextView?tvpe=daily treasury yield curve&field tdr date value=2023 Effective Effective Date 1 mo 2 mo 3 mo 6 mo 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 5 yr 7 yr 10 yr 20 yr 30 yr Rate of Rate of Return City Return City City Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio (month) (YTD) YTM 4/28/2023 4.35 5.14 5.10 5.06 4.80 4.04 3.75 3.51 3.49 3.44 3.80 3.67 3.04 1.93 2.78 5/31/2023 5.28 5.37 5.52 5.46 5.18 4.40 4.04 3.74 3.69 3.64 4.01 3.85 2.66 2.00 2.95 6/30/2023 5.24 5.39 5.43 5.47 5.40 4.87 4.49 4.13 3.97 3.81 4.06 3.85 2.95 2.09 3.19 TREASURY RATES AND PORTFOLIO RETURNS 1-Yr Treasury f 5-Yr Treasury rEffective Rate of Return City Portfolio (YTD) City Portfolio YTM 5.4 5.15 4.9 4.65 4.4 4.15 - 3.9 3.65 3.4 3.15 2.9 2.65 2.4 2.15 1.9 me 4 1.65 1.4 1.15 0.9 A00- 0.65 0.4 0.15 -0.1�- titi titi titi titi titi titi titi titi titi titi titi titi titi titi titi titi titi titi ti� ti15 ti tilb tit tilb do do do do do do do do �o do ,to ,tdd o do It, o o 1, do do do do do �o do o\ ti\ ti\o\ ti\ o\ � v � do titi titi ti ti 3 � h � � � � do titi titi ti ti 3 a h o 177 178 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 15 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 19, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT DATED JULY 31, 2023 RECOMMENDATION Receive and file revenue and expenditure report dated July 31, 2023. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The report summarizes the City's year-to-date (YTD) revenues and period expenditures for July 2023 (Attachment 1). • These reports are also reviewed by the Financial Advisory Commission. FISCAL IMPACT — None BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Below is a summary of the column headers used on the Revenue and Expenditure Summary Reports: Original Total Budget — represents revenue and expenditure budgets the Council adopted in June 2023 for fiscal year (FY) 2023/24. Current Total Budget — represents original adopted budgets plus any Council approved budget amendments from throughout the year. The FY 2022/23 operating and Capital Improvement Project carryovers to FY 2023/24 will be processed after the year-end audit is completed. Period Activity — represents actual revenues received and expenditures outlaid in the reporting month. Fiscal Activity — represents actual revenues received and expenditures outlaid YTD. Variance Favorable/(Unfavorable) - represents the dollar difference between YTD collections/expenditures and the current budgeted amount. Percent Used— represents the percentage activity as compared to budget YTD. 179 July 2023 Revenues Comparison to 2022 Percent of Percent of MTD YTD Budget YTD Budget General Fund (GF) $ 608,220 $ 608,220 0.78% $ 403,605 0.59% All Funds $ 1,572,521 $ 1,572,521 1.27% $ 1,356,929 1.28% July 2023 Expenditures Comparison to 2022 Percent of Percent of MTD YTD Budget YTD Budget General Fund $ 1,209,477 $ 1,209,477 1.66% $ 611,972 0.95% Payroll (GF) $ 822,505 $ 822,505 6.14% $ 358,965 2.60% All Funds $ 3,312,057 $ 3,312,057 2.80% $ 2,677,657 2.60% Top Five Revenue/Income Sources for Jul General Fund Non -General Fund Zoning Change Mitigation Fees $ 117,235 Allocated Interest $ 405,663 STVR Registration Fee $ 75,500 SilverRock Green Fees $ 91,813 Burrtec Admin Cost Reimbursement $ 66,614 Housing Authority Rent Revenue $ 91,706 Building Plan Check Fees $ 39,684 Non -allocated Interest (Pension Trust) $ 59,725 Administrative Citations $ 31,808 1 Second Trust Deed Payments $ 52,119 jop Five Expenditures/Outlays for Jul General Fund Non -General Fund Visit Greater Palm Springs $ 97,348 Liability Insurance $ 395,165 Membership Dues(') $ 90,036 Workers Comp Insurance $ 269,483 Parks Landscape Maintenance $ 72,154 Earthquake Insurance $ 242,000 Parks Utilities - Water $ 12,695 Property Insurance $ 187,527 Credit Card Fees $ 11,953 Housinq Authority Rental Expenses $ 167,167 (')Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG), Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), LAFCO, and Costar commercial real estate analytics. The revenue report includes revenues and transfers into funds from other funds (income items). Revenues are not received uniformly throughout the year, resulting in peaks and valleys. For example, large property tax payments are usually received in December and May. Similarly, Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund payments are typically received in January and June. Any timing imbalance of revenue receipts versus expenditures is funded from the City's cash flow reserve. The expenditure report includes expenditures and transfers out to other funds. Unlike revenues, expenditures are more likely to be consistent from month to month. However, large debt service payments or CIP expenditures can cause swings. Prepared by: Rosemary Hallick, Principal Management Analyst Approved by: Claudia Martinez, Finance Director Attachment: 1. Revenue and Expenditure Report for July 31, 2023 180 �I I W CALIFORNIA Fund 101-GENERAL FUND 105 - DISASTER RECOVERY FUND 201- GAS TAX FUND 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 203 - PUBLIC SAFETY FUND (MEAS 210 - FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING F 220 - QUIMBY FUND 221- AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 223 - MEASURE A FUND 225 - INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 226 - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 227 - STATE HOMELAND SECURIT) 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 231- SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 RORF 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUN 241- HOUSING AUTHORITY 243 - RDA LOW -MOD HOUSING FL 247 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FI 250 - TRANSPORTATION DIF FUNC 251- PARKS & REC DIF FUND 252 - CIVIC CENTER DIF FUND 253 - LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT DIF 254 - COMMUNITY & CULTURAL C 255 - STREET FACILITY DIF FUND 256 - PARK FACILITY DIF FUND 257 - FIRE PROTECTION DIF 259 - MAINTENANCE FACILITIES D 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUNC 275 - LQ PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER 299 - INTEREST ALLOCATION FUN[ 310 - LQ FINANCE AUTHORITY DEE 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PR( 405 - SA PA 1 CAPITAL IMPRV FUN 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEM 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOG' 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUN 504 - INSURANCE FUND 601- SILVERROCK RESORT 602 - SILVERROCK GOLF RESERVE 760 -SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION PL 761- CERBT OPEB TRUST 762 - PARS PENSION TRUST Report Total: ATTACHMENT 1 For Fiscal: 2023/24 Period Ending: 07/31/2023 Revenue Summary Variance Original Current Period Fiscal Favorable Percent Total Budget Total Budget Activity Activity (Unfavorable) Used 78,478,100 78,478,100 608,220 608,220 -77,869,880 0.78% 15,000 15,000 0 0 -15,000 0.00% 2,458,600 2,458,600 0 0 -2,458,600 0.00% 2,922,000 2,922,000 300 300 -2,921,700 0.01% 2,500 2,500 0 0 -2,500 0.00% 156,000 156,000 0 0 -156,000 0.00% 101,500 101,500 0 0 -101,500 0.00% 2,992,000 2,992,000 0 0 -2,992,000 0.00% 50,000 50,000 0 0 -50,000 0.00% 70,000 70,000 0 0 -70,000 0.00% 2,028,000 2,028,000 0 0 -2,028,000 0.00% 500 500 0 0 -500 0.00% 12,500 12,500 0 0 -12,500 0.00% 5,000 5,000 0 0 -5,000 0.00% 20,500 20,500 1,392 1,392 -19,108 6.79% 0 0 53 53 53 0.00% 55,000 55,000 0 0 -55,000 0.00% 1,401,500 1,401,500 343,825 343,825 -1,057,675 24.53% 30,000 30,000 0 0 -30,000 0.00% 20,000 20,000 7,901 7,901 -12,099 39.50% 36,000 36,000 0 0 -36,000 0.00% 1,520,000 1,520,000 12,027 12,027 -1,507,973 0.79% 751,500 751,500 6,318 6,318 -745,182 0.84% 501,500 501,500 3,690 3,690 -497,810 0.74% 100,000 100,000 1,191 1,191 -98,809 1.19% 252,500 252,500 2,868 2,868 -249,632 1.14% 1,000 1,000 0 0 -1,000 0.00% 100 100 0 0 -100 0.00% 151,500 151,500 1,107 1,107 -150,393 0.73% 101,000 101,000 939 939 -100,061 0.93% 154,000 154,000 7,000 7,000 -147,000 4.55% 2,500 2,500 0 0 -2,500 0.00% 0 0 405,663 405,663 405,663 0.00% 1,100 1,100 0 0 -1,100 0.00% 17,950,700 17,950,700 0 0 -17,950,700 0.00% 1,500 1,500 0 0 -1,500 0.00% 1,685,000 1,685,000 0 0 -1,685,000 0.00% 2,256,708 2,256,708 2,545 2,545 -2,254,163 0.11% 470,000 470,000 0 0 -470,000 0.00% 1,362,230 1,362,230 0 0 -1,362,230 0.00% 5,277,950 5,277,950 107,757 107,757 -5,170,193 2.04% 87,000 87,000 0 0 -87,000 0.00% 6,000 6,000 0 0 -6,000 0.00% 20,000 20,000 0 0 -20,000 0.00% 100,000 100,000 59,725 59,725 -40,275 59.73% 123,608,488 123,608,488 1,572,521 1,572,521 -122,035,967 1.27% Accounts are subject to adjusting entries and audit. The City's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, published annually, is the best resource for all final audited numbers. Page 1 of 3 181 For Fiscal: 2023/24 Period Ending: 07/31/2023 Expenditure Summary Variance Original Current Period Fiscal Favorable Percent Fund Total Budget Total Budget Activity Activity (Unfavorable) Used 101- GENERAL FUND 72,828,750 72,828,750 1,209,477 1,209,477 71,619,273 1.66% 201- GAS TAX FUND 2,802,400 2,802,400 44,318 44,318 2,758,082 1.58% 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 2,240,160 2,240,160 20,032 20,032 2,220,128 0.89% 210 - FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND 156,300 156,300 0 0 156,300 0.00% 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 100,000 100,000 0 0 100,000 0.00% 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING F 3,186,915 3,186,915 130,346 130,346 3,056,569 4.09% 221- AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 150,000 150,000 2,802 2,802 147,198 1.87% 223 - MEASURE A FUND 1,865,000 1,865,000 0 0 1,865,000 0.00% 226 - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 12,000 12,000 9,750 9,750 2,250 81.25% 227 - STATE HOMELAND SECURITI 5,000 5,000 0 0 5,000 0.00% 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 5,500 5,500 0 0 5,500 0.00% 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUN 54,000 54,000 1,633 1,633 52,367 3.02% 241- HOUSING AUTHORITY 1,596,340 1,596,340 399,142 399,142 1,197,198 25.00% 243 - RDA LOW -MOD HOUSING FL 250,000 250,000 0 0 250,000 0.00% 247 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1 31,500 31,500 1,850 1,850 29,650 5.87% 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FI 250,000 250,000 0 0 250,000 0.00% 250- TRANSPORTATION DIF FUNC 550,000 550,000 0 0 550,000 0.00% 251- PARKS & REC DIF FUND 650,000 650,000 0 0 650,000 0.00% 253 - LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT DIF 15,000 15,000 0 0 15,000 0.00% 259 - MAINTENANCE FACILITIES D 180,000 180,000 0 0 180,000 0.00% 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUNC 233,000 233,000 13,109 13,109 219,891 5.63% 310 - LQ FINANCE AUTHORITY DEE 1,100 1,100 0 0 1,100 0.00% 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PR( 17,950,700 17,950,700 537 537 17,950,163 0.00% 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEM 1,448,750 1,448,750 8,313 8,313 1,440,437 0.57% 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOG' 3,082,620 3,082,620 120,224 120,224 2,962,396 3.90% 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUN 2,242,200 2,242,200 2,788 2,788 2,239,412 0.12% 504 - INSURANCE FUND 1,118,000 1,118,000 1,095,975 1,095,975 22,025 98.03% 601- SILVERROCK RESORT 5,034,993 5,034,993 236,347 236,347 4,798,646 4.69% 760 -SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION PL 12,850 12,850 12,833 12,833 17 99.87% 761- CERBT OPEB TRUST 1,800 1,800 0 0 1,800 0.00% 762 - PARS PENSION TRUST 30,000 30,000 2,579 2,579 27,421 8.60% Report Total: 118,084,878 118,084,878 3,312,057 3,312,057 114,772,821 2.80% Accounts are subject to adjusting entries and audit. The City's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, published annually, is the best resource for all final audited numbers. Page 2 of 3 182 Fund Descriptions Fund # Name Notes 101 General Fund The primary fund of the City used to account for all revenue and expenditures of the City; a broad range of municipal activities are provided through this fund. Accounts for use of one-time federal funding designed to deliver relief to American workers and aid in 105 Disaster Recovery Fund the economic recovery iin the wake of COVID-19. The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) was passed by Congress in 2021 to provide fiscal recovery funds to state and local governments. 201 Gas Tax Fund Gasoline sales tax allocations received from the State which are restricted to street -related expenditures. 202 Library and Museum Fund Revenues from property taxes and related expenditures for library and museum services. 203 Public Safety Fund General Fund Measure G sales tax revenue set aside for public safety expenditures. 210 Federal Assistance Fund Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) received from the federal government and the expenditures of those resources. 212 SLESF (COPS) Fund Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Funds (SLESF) received from the State for law enforcement activities. Also known as Citizen's Option for Public Safety (COPS). 215 Lighting & Landscaping Fund Special assessments levied on real property for city-wide lighting and landscape maintenance/improvements and the expenditures of those resources. 220 Quimby Fund Developer fees received under the provisions of the Quimby Act for park development and improvements. 221 AB939 Fund/Cal Recycle Franchise fees collected from the city waste hauler that are used to reduce waste sent to landfills through recycling efforts. Assembly Bill (AB) 939. 223 Measure A Fund County sales tax allocations which are restricted to street -related expenditures. 224 TUMF Fund Developer -paid Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fees (TUMF) utilized for traffic projects in Riverside Countv. 225 Infrastructure Fund Developer fees for the acquisition, construction or improvement of the City's infrastructure as defined by Resolution 226 Emergency Mgmt. Performance Grant (EMPG) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant for emergency preparedness. 227 State Homeland Security Programs (SHSP) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant for emergency preparedness. 230 CASP Fund, AB1379 / SB1186 Certified Access Specialist (CASp) program fees for ADA Accessibility Improvements; derived from Business License renewals. Assemblv Bill (AB) 1379 and Senate Bill (SB) 1186. Successor Agency (SA) Project Area (PA) 1 Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund (RORF) for 231 Successor Agency PA 1 RORF Fund Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) taxes received for debt service payments on recoanized obligations of the former Redevelopment Aaencv (RDA). 235 SO Coast Air Quality Fund (AB2766, PM10) Contributions from the South Coast Air Quality Management District. Uses are limited to the reduction and control of airborne pollutants. Assembly Bill (AB) 2766. 237 Successor Agency PA 1 Admin Fund Successor Agency (SA) Project Area (PA) 1 for administration of the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) associated with the former Redevelopment Aaencv (RDA). 241 Housing Authority Activities of the Housing Authority which is to promote and provide quality affordable housing. 243 RDA Low -Moderate Housing Fund Activities of the Housing Authority which is to promote and provide quality affordable housing. Accounts for RDA loan rei)avments (20 /o for Housing) and housing programs,. 244 Housing Grants Activites related Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) and SB2 grants for housing planning and development. 247 Economic Development Fund Proceeds from sale of City -owned land and transfers from General Fund for future economic development. 249 SA 2011 Low/Mod Bond Fund Successor Agency (SA) low/moderate housing fund; 2011 bonds refinanced in 2016. 250 Transportation DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - transportation related. 251 Parks & Rec. DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - parks and recreation. 252 Civic Center DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - Civic Center. 253 Library Development DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - library. 254 Community Center DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - community center. 255 Street Facility DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - streets. 256 Park Facility DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - parks. 257 Fire Protection DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - fire protection. 259 Maintenance Facilities DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - maintenance facilities. 270 Art In Public Places Fund Developer fees collected in lieu of art placement; utilized for acquisition, installation and maintenance of public artworks. 275 LQ Public Safety Officer Fund Annual transfer in from General Fund; distributed to public safety officers disabled or killed in the line of duty. 299 Interest Allocation Fund Interest earned on investments. 310 LQ Finance Authority Debt Service Fund Accounted for the debt service the Financing Authority's outstanding debt and any related reporting reauirements. This bond was fully paid in October 2018. 401 Capital Improvement Program Fund Planning, design, and construction of various capital projects throughout the City. 405 SA PA 1 Capital Improvement Fund Successor Agency (SA) Project Area (PA) 1 bond proceeds restricted by the bond indenture covenants. Used for SilverRock infrastructure improvements. 501 Equipment Replacement Fund Internal Service Fund for vehicles, heavy equipment, and related facilities. 502 Information Technology Fund Internal Service Fund for computer hardware and software and phone systems. 503 Park Equipment & Facility Fund Internal Service Fund for park equipment and facilities. 504 Insurance Fund Internal Service Fund for city-wide insurance coverages. 601 SilverRock Resort Fund Enterprise Fund for activities of the city -owned golf course. 602 SilverRock Golf Reserve Fund Enterprise Fund for golf course reserves for capital improvements. 760 Supplemental Pension Plan (PARS Account) Supplemental pension savings plan for excess retiree benefits to general employees of the City. 761 Other Post Benefit Obligation Trust (OPEB) For retiree medical benefits and unfunded liabilities. 762 Pension Trust Benefit (PARS Account) For all pension -related benefits and unfunded liabilities. 183 Page 3 of 3 184 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 16 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 19, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED JULY 28, AUGUST 4, 11, AND 18, 2023 RECOMMENDATION Approve demand registers dated July 28, August 4, 11, and 18, 2023. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY — None FISCAL IMPACT Demand of Cash: City Successor Agency of RDA Housing Authority BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS $ 5,482,651.08 $ 37,735.04 $ 5,520,386.12 Routine bills and payroll must be paid between Council meetings. Attachment 1 details the weekly demand registers for July 28, August 4, 11, and 18, 2023. Warrants Issued: 211513-211577 $ 1,774,291.31 211578-211638 $ 670,866.82 211640-211701 $ 1,040,046.21 211702-211739 $ 738,499.23 Wire Transfers $ 720,278.98 Payroll Tax Transfers $ 106,130.08 Payroll Direct Deposit $ 470,273.49 $ 5,520,386.12 *Check number 211639, payable to Southern California Gas Company, will be reported on a future Demand Register Report. 185 Vendor Riverside County Sheriff Department(') City of Indio Ortiz Enterprises, Inc. East of Madison, LLC. ND LA Quinta Partners, LLC. Account Name Amount Purpose Various $1,156,805.05 June Police Service/FY23/24 CAL ID Member Assessment Contributions to Other $631,169.58 Jefferson Street Slurry Share Agencies Payment (1) Payments were made 7/28/23 & 8/4/23. Construction $613,560.35 Dune Palms Bridge Progress Payment Developer $235,914.00 Developer Deposit Reimbursement Reimbursement Developer $162,893.00 Developer Deposit Reimbursement Reimbursement Wire Transfers: Twenty-five transfers totaled $720,279. Of this amount, $342,177 was to Landmark and $231,912 was to CaIPERS (See Attachment 2 for a complete listing). Investment Transactions: Full details of investment transactions, as well as total holdings, are reported quarterly in the Treasurer's Report. Settle Coupon Transaction Issuer Type Par Value Date Rate YTM Purchase Farmers Insurance Group FCU CD $ 248,000 7/26/2023 5.400% 5.400% Maturity Bank of New England CD $ 249,000 7/31/2023 3.250% 3.250% Maturity United States Treasury Treasury Note $ 500,000 7/31/2023 0.125% 0.374% Purchase Federal Farm Credit Banks Agency $ 1,000,000 7/31/2023 4.250% 4.280% Maturity United States Treasury T-Bill $ 2,000,000 8/3/2023 0.000% 4.810% Maturity Microsoft Corporate Note $ 400,000 8/8/2023 2.000% 3.220% Maturity United States Treasury T-Bill $ 2,000,000 8/8/2023 0.000% 4.850% Purchase United States Treasury Treasury Note $ 2,000,000 8/10/2023 2.125% 5.340% Purchase United States Treasury Treasury Note $ 1,000,000 8/10/2023 2.500% 5.340% Purchase Federal Home Loan Banks Agency $ 1,000,000 8/10/2023 2.125% 5.390% Maturity Federal Farm Credit Banks Agency $ 500,000 8/14/2023 1.600% 1.630% Purchase Federal Farm Credit Banks Agency $ 1,000,000 8/18/2023 4.250% 4.467% Prepared by: Jesse Batres, Account Technician Approved by: Rosemary Hallick, Financial Services Analyst Attachments: 1. Demand Registers 2. Wire Transfers 186 ATTACHMENT 1 Demand Register Q"Cra City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT03542 - 07/28/2023 JB i 11 H- +k\l l - Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount Fund: 101-GENERAL FUND UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 211571 CONTRIBUTION United Way Deductions 101-0000-20981 37.00 UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 211571 CONTRIBUTION United Way Deductions 101-0000-20981 37.00 TOTAL CARE WORK INJURY C... 211568 6/16/2023 & 06/21/2023 PRE -EMPLOY... Recruiting/Pre-Employment 101-1004-60129 180.00 CASC ENGINEERING & CONS... 211517 ON -CALL CASC ENGINEERING & CONSUL... Professional Services 101-7002-60103 925.00 WILLDAN 211577 06/2023 - PW ONCALL PLAN CHECKING ... Map/Plan Checking 101-7002-60183 1,706.25 WILLDAN 211577 06/2023 - PW ONCALL PLAN CHECKING ... Map/Plan Checking 101-7002-60183 735.00 WILLDAN 211577 05/2023 - PW ONCALL PLAN CHECKING ... Map/Plan Checking 101-7002-60183 560.00 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS- 211518 7/5-8/4/23 - FS #32 CABLE/INTERNET (1... Cable/Internet - Utilities 101-2002-61400 10.52 VINTAGE E & S INC 211576 FACILITIES ON -CALL ELECTRICAL SERVIC... Maintenance/Services 101-3008-60691 1,142.48 TOPS' N BARRICADES INC 211567 TAPE MEASURING WHEELS Operating Supplies 101-7002-60420 272.64 THE LOCK SHOP, INC 211565 LOCKS FOR X-PARK Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 717.63 RIVERSIDE COUNTY DEPUTY ... 211558 07/18/23 SPONSORSHIP 4-SOME Travel & Training 101-1001-60320 900.00 JOE A GONSALVES & SON 211539 JULY'23 LOBBYIST SERVICES Contract Services - Administr... 101-1002-60101 3,500.00 JERNIGAN'S, INC 211538 SAFETY BOOTS J.VIZCARRA Safety Gear 101-3008-60427 233.08 JERNIGAN'S, INC 211538 SAFETY BOOTS O.VARGAS Safety Gear 101-3008-60427 157.67 VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 211575 PARKS LANDSCAPING SERVICES Landscape Contract 101-3005-60112 72,154.00 NI GOVERNMENT SERVICES I... 211546 06/2023 SATELLITE PHONE Mobile/Cell Phones/Satellites 101-2002-61304 87.35 CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL STAT.. 211516 FY 22/23 ACFR STATS PACKAGE Subscriptions & Publications 101-1006-60352 650.00 DESERT BUSINESS INTERIORS 211523 7/25/23 WELLNESS CENTER FURNITURE Operating Supplies 101-3002-60420 3,475.57 VAN DERMYDEN MAKUS LA... 211573 06/05-06/29/23 - WORKPLACE CLIMATE... Professional Services 101-1004-60103 1,030.00 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, L... 211549 BATTERIES & HIGHLIGHTER PENS Supplies - Field 101-6004-60425 44.74 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, L... 211549 PENS & TISSUE Office Supplies 101-6004-60400 61.08 DESERT RECREATION DISTRI... 211524 06/2023 - FB POOL OPERATIONS & PRO... Fritz Burns Pool Programming 101-3003-60184 12,063.37 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211563 STAND UP DESK CONVERTER K.MEREDI... Office Supplies 101-6004-60400 342.01 SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 211562 IRRIGATION PARTS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 541.03 MUSCO CORPORATION 211545 SPORTS COMPLEX LIGHTING PARTS & 5... Maintenance/Services 101-3005-60691 7,462.35 MUSCO CORPORATION 211545 SPORTS COMPLEX LIGHTING PARTS & 5... Maintenance/Services 101-3005-60691 2,834.29 USA DRAIN AND PLUMBING... 211572 7/3/23 - WC TOILET REPAIRS Maintenance/Services 101-3008-60691 3,780.00 BIO-TOX LABORATORIES 211515 5/22/23 - BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS Blood/Alcohol Testing 101-2001-60174 254.60 BIO-TOX LABORATORIES 211515 5/5/23 & 5/22/23 - BLOOD ALCOHOL A... Blood/Alcohol Testing 101-2001-60174 895.13 BIO-TOX LABORATORIES 211515 4/18/23 - BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS Blood/Alcohol Testing 101-2001-60174 51.55 JOHNSON CONTROLS FIRE P... 211540 6/23-6/30/23 - FIRE ALARM SYSTEM RE... Maintenance/Services 101-3008-60691 2,056.88 MISSION LINEN SUPPLY 211544 6/16/23 CITY STAFF SHIRTS Operating Supplies 101-6001-60420 379.46 RASA/ERIC NELSON 211556 FY 2324 ON -CALL MAP CHECKING SERVI... Map/Plan Checking 101-7002-60183 650.00 RASA/ERIC NELSON 211556 FY 2324 ON -CALL MAP CHECKING SERVI... Map/Plan Checking 101-7002-60183 525.00 RASA/ERIC NELSON 211556 FY 2324 ON -CALL MAP CHECKING SERVI... Map/Plan Checking 101-7002-60183 780.00 RASA/ERIC NELSON 211556 FY 2324 ON -CALL MAP CHECKING SERVI... Map/Plan Checking 101-7002-60183 535.00 KOOLFOG, INC 211542 FB POOL MIST COOLING SYSTEM MAINT... Fritz Burns Pool Maintenance 101-3005-60184 179.82 KOOLFOG, INC 211542 FB POOL MIST COOLING SYSTEM MAINT... Fritz Burns Pool Maintenance 101-3005-60184 156.93 TRULY NOLEN INC 211569 WC BEE HIVE REMOVAL Pest Control 101-3008-60116 185.00 TRULY NOLEN INC 211569 WC BIRD SERVICE Pest Control 101-3008-60116 500.00 MERCHANTS BUILDING MAI... 211543 05/2023 - BOYS & GIRLS CLUB JANITORI... Janitorial 101-3008-60115 344.37 MERCHANTS BUILDING MAI... 211543 6/28/23 - WC BREAKROOM WATER CLE... Janitorial 101-3008-60115 355.00 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSE... 211513 BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS Blood/Alcohol Testing 101-2001-60174 66.85 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSE... 211513 BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS Blood/Alcohol Testing 101-2001-60174 170.16 INTERWEST CONSULTING G... 211537 12/2022 - INSPECTION SERVICES Plan Checks 101-6003-60118 26,690.00 INTERWEST CONSULTING G... 211537 04/2023 - INSPECTION SERVICES Plan Checks 101-6003-60118 30,989.00 INTERWEST CONSULTING G... 211537 05/2023 - INSPECTION SERVICES Plan Checks 101-6003-60118 37,739.67 ESGIL CORPORATION 211526 06/2023 - ONCALL PLAN REVIEW SERVIC... Plan Checks 101-6003-60118 1,695.00 PWLC II, INC 211554 FIRE STATIONS LANDSCAPING SERVICE Landscape Contract 101-2002-60112 1,616.00 DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SE... 211522 06/2023 - ANIMAL SERVICES Animal Shelter Contract Servi.., 101-6004-60197 29,882.89 INTERWEST CONSULTING G... 211537 04/2023 - ONCALL BUILDING & SAFETY ... Plan Checks 101-6003-60118 15,193.75 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211535 7/25/23 - ELECTRICITY SVCS Electricity -Utilities 101-2002-61101 2,685.35 8/28/2023 3:45:02 PM Page 1 of 7 187 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03542 - 07/28/2023 JB Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211535 7/25/23 - ELECTRICITY SVCS Electric - Civic Center Park - U.. 101-3005-61103 3,645.69 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211535 7/25/23 - ELECTRICITY SVCS Electric - Fritz Burns Park - Uti.. 101-3005-61105 1,428.38 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211535 7/25/23 - ELECTRICITY SVCS Electricity - Utilities 101-3008-61101 4,387.12 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211519 7/12/23 - WATER SVCS Water - Utilities 101-2002-61200 125.09 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211519 7/12/23 - WATER SVCS Water -Pioneer Park - Utilities 101-3005-61207 1,646.08 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211519 7/12/23 - WATER SVCS Water -Seasons Park - Utilities 101-3005-61208 27.05 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211519 7/12/23 - WATER SVCS Water -Community Park - Util.. 101-3005-61209 202.95 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211519 7/12/23 - WATER SVCS Water - Utilities 101-3008-61200 24.71 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211519 7/19/23 WATER SVCS Water - Utilities 101-2002-61200 712.99 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211519 7/19/23 WATER SVCS Water -Monticello Park - Utili... 101-3005-61201 4,028.83 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211519 7/19/23 WATER SVCS Water -Fritz Burns Park - Utili... 101-3005-61204 277.76 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211519 7/19/23 WATER SVCS Water - Utilities 101-3008-61200 66.62 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211519 7/25/23 WATER SVCS Water - Civic Center Park - Uti- 101-3005-61202 4,443.24 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211519 7/25/23 WATER SVCS Water -Community Park - Util.. 101-3005-61209 12,491.65 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211519 7/25/23 WATER SVCS PM 10 - Dust Control 101-7006-60146 125.00 FIRST CHOICE A/C & HEATING.. 211529 WC HVAC BLOWER MOTOR REPLACEM... HVAC 101-3008-60667 2,006.00 PACIFIC WEST AIRCONDITIO... 211551 6/6-6/22/23 - CH HVAC REPAIR HVAC 101-3008-60667 845.00 PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITIO... 211551 06/22/23 - CH HVAC REPAIR HVAC 101-3008-60667 169.00 PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITIO... 211551 07/01/23 - CH WATER TREATMENT HVAC 101-3008-60667 125.00 SANCHEZ, STEVE 211560 07/10/23 - LEAGUE OF CA MEETING S.S... Travel & Training 101-1001-60320 64.84 SANCHEZ, STEVE 211560 06/22/23 - LEAGUE OF CA MEETING S.S... Travel & Training 101-1001-60320 136.29 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIO... 211531 07/2023 - LQ PARK PHONE Telephone - Utilities 101-3005-61300 47.92 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/22/2023 - SPRAY PAINT FOR FS #93 Fire Station 101-2002-60670 49.60 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/13/2023 - SUPPLIES FOR FS #70 Fire Station 101-2002-60670 713.86 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/26/23 - RETURN STORAGE SUPPLIES ... Fire Station 101-2002-60670 -151.86 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/14/23 - RETURN STORAGE HANGER ... Fire Station 101-2002-60670 -17.36 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/14/2023 - STORAGE BINS & HANGER... Fire Station 101-2002-60670 161.64 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/12/2023 - STAKES AND NAILS FOR P... Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 602.57 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/06/2023 - MASON LINE & MICROFIB... Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 64.05 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/07/2023 - SAFETY BARRIER FENCE & ... Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 279.38 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/20/23 - STEEL STAKES & HARDWARD Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 298.16 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/15/2023 - NAILS & CONTRACTOR AP... Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 140.88 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/16/2023 - EXTENSION POLE & ADHES.. Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 75.49 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/20/2023 - WORK GLOVES Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 7.04 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/20/2023 - BENCH VISE Tools/Equipment 101-3005-60432 140.29 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/12/23 -TOILET PLUNGERS FOR WC Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 147.75 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/07/23 - LIGTH BULBS & PEST TRAPS Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 64.88 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/12/23 - ELECTRICAL OUTLETS FOR WC Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 64.77 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/12/2023 - BATTERIES & ELECTRICAL ... Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 73.46 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/13/2023 - LED FLOOD LIGHTS FOR CH Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 217.37 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/15/2023 - PARTS FOR COVE RESTRO... Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 54.40 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/27/23 -TOILET PLUNGER & SUPPLIES... Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 92.18 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/06/2023 - CH WEST WING ICE MACH... Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 715.58 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/21/23 - SUPPLIES Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 184.02 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/13/2023 - MASONARY BRUSHES Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 46.65 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/26/2023 - SUPPLIES Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 74.99 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/26/23 - RETURN WATER HOSE Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 -86.98 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/01/2023 - RAGS & TRASH BAGS Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 93.92 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/26/2023 - WATER HOSE Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 86.98 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/26/23 - RETURN WATER HOSE Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 -86.98 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/14/2023 - HARDWARE TO INSTALL B... Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 48.40 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/05/2023 -TAPE MEASURE Tools/Equipment 101-7003-60432 40.17 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/08/2023 - SMALL TOOLS Tools/Equipment 101-7003-60432 172.71 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 06/20/2023 - POWER TOOLS Tools/Equipment 101-7003-60432 680.69 RIVERSIDE ASSESSOR 211557 06/2023 RECORDING FEES Technical 101-6004-60108 20.00 INTERWEST CONSULTING G... 211537 03/2023 - ONCALL BUILDING & SAFETY ... Plan Checks 101-6003-60118 16,768.75 OCEAN SPRINGS TECH INC 211548 FB WADING POOL CHLORINATOR HOSE ... Fritz Burns Pool Maintenance 101-3005-60184 196.36 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211535 07/25/23 ELECTRICITY SVCS Electric - SilverRock Event Sit... 101-3005-61115 4,051.18 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211519 7/12/23 - WATER SVCS Water -Desert Pride - Utilities 101-3005-61206 2,840.45 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211519 7/19/23 - WATER SVCS PM 10 - Dust Control 101-7006-60146 40.80 8/28/2023 3:45:02 PM Page 2 of 7 188 Demand Register Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211519 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211519 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211519 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 211541 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF ... 211559 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF ... 211559 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF ... 211559 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF ... 211559 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF ... 211559 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF ... 211559 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF ... 211559 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF ... 211559 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF ... 211559 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF ... 211559 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF ... 211559 TERRA NOVA PLANNING & R... 211564 QUINN COMPANY 211555 Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211535 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 211575 VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 211575 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211535 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211535 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211519 PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITIO... 211551 PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITIO... 211551 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 Fund: 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF ... 211559 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND VI NTAG E ASSOCIATES 211575 CREATIVE LIGHTING & ELECT... 211521 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211563 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211563 SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 211562 SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 211562 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. 211566 PWLC II, INC 211554 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211535 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211535 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211535 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211535 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211535 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211535 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211519 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211519 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211519 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211535 Packet: APPKT03542 - 07/28/2023 JB Account Name Account Number Amount 7/25/23 - WATER SVCS Water - Utilities 101-2002-61200 7/25/23 - WATER SVCS Water -Eisenhower Park - Util.. 101-3005-61203 7/25/23 - WATER SVCS Water -Velasco Park - Utilities 101-3005-61205 PLASTIC DRAIN PAN FOR CH HVAC Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 06/01-06/30/23 - BP #13 POLICE SERVICE Sheriff Patrol 101-2001-60161 06/01-06/30/23 - BP #13 POLICE SERVICE Police Overtime 101-2001-60162 06/01-06/30/23 - BP #13 POLICE SERVICE Target Team 101-2001-60163 06/01-06/30/23 - BP #13 POLICE SERVICE Community Services Officer 101-2001-60164 06/01-06/30/23 - BP #13 POLICE SERVICE Gang Task Force 101-2001-60166 06/01-06/30/23 - BP #13 POLICE SERVICE Narcotics Task Force 101-2001-60167 06/01-06/30/23 - BP #13 POLICE SERVICE Motor Officer 101-2001-60169 06/01-06/30/23 - BP #13 POLICE SERVICE Dedicated Sargeants 101-2001-60170 06/01-06/30/23 - BP #13 POLICE SERVICE Dedicated Lieutenant 101-2001-60171 06/01-06/30/23 - BP #13 POLICE SERVICE Sheriff - Mileage 101-2001-60172 06/01-06/30/23 - BP #13 POLICE SERVICE Special Enforcement Funds 101-2001-60175 04/01-06/30/23 - ONCALL PLANNING SE... Professional Services 101-6002-60103 6/29/23 - WC GENERATOR REPAIRS Machinery & Equipment 101-2002-80101 Fund 101- GENERAL FUND Total 07/25/23 ELECTRICITY SVCS LIBRARY LANDSCAPE SERVICES MUSEUM LANDSCAPE SERVICES 7/25/23 - ELECTRICITY SVCS 7/25/23 - ELECTRICITY SVCS 7/12/23 - WATER SVCS 6/22/23 - LIBRARY HVAC REPAIRS 07/2023- LIBRARY WATER TREATMENT 06/21/2023 - LIGHTS FOR LIBRARY 06/14/2023 - BIRD SPIKES FOR MUSEUM Electricity - Utilities 201-7003-61101 Fund 201- GAS TAX FUND Total: Landscape Contract 202-3004-60112 Landscape Contract 202-3006-60112 Electricity - Utilities 202-3004-61101 Electricity - Utilities 202-3006-61101 Water - Utilities 202-3006-61200 HVAC 202-3004-60667 HVAC 202-3004-60667 Maintenance/Services 202-3004-60691 Maintenance/Services 202-3006-60691 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total 06/01-06/30/23 - BP #13 POLICE SERVICE COPS Burglary/Theft Prevent... 212-0000-60179 Fund 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND Total: LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING SERVICES Landscape Contract 215-7004-60112 07/2023 MONTHLY L&L LIGHTING SERVI... Consultants 215-7004-60104 HYDRATION PACKS Operating Supplies 215-7004-60420 OFFICE SUPPLIES Operating Supplies 215-7004-60420 STRAW HAT Safety Gear 215-7004-60427 VALVE BOX Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 PAINT FOR GRAFFITI REMOVAL Supplies -Graffiti and Vandali... 215-7004-60423 LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING Landscape Contract 215-7004-60112 06/08/2023 - PAINT ROLLERS & HOSE A... Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Utilities 215-7004-61116 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Medians - Utilities 215-7004-61117 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Utilities 215-7004-61116 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Medians - Utilities 215-7004-61117 07/25/23 ELECTRICITY SVCS Electric - Utilities 215-7004-61116 07/25/23 ELECTRICITY SVCS Electric - Medians - Utilities 215-7004-61117 7/12/23 - WATER SVCS Water - Medians - Utilities 215-7004-61211 7/19/23 - WATER SVCS Water - Medians - Utilities 215-7004-61211 7/25/23 - WATER SVCS Water - Medians - Utilities 215-7004-61211 07/25/23 ELECTRICITY SVC Electric - Utilities 215-7004-61116 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total 174.94 552.92 285.08 57.50 654,285.74 21,806.86 158,475.87 59,827.20 19,294.20 17,150.40 82,059.86 42,911.87 27,089.50 31,994.88 3,130.19 9,695.98 1,503.19 1,466,507.10 915.93 915.93 930.00 194.00 6,673.57 2,092.36 386.09 1,075.99 125.00 237.38 453.17 12,167.56 918.48 918.48 12,124.00 6,488.42 49.18 196.22 23.38 16.64 176.07 62,674.00 52.57 118.10 13.65 411.96 24.68 2,193.81 1,240.90 1,798.05 2,830.02 8,701.96 121.03 99,254.64 8/28/2023 3:45:02 PM 189 Page 3 of 7 Demand Register Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Fund: 221- AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND ANOVA FURNISHINGS, INC 211514 7/6/23 RECYCLE/WASTE CONTAINERS Fund: 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211535 07/25/23 ELECTRICITY SVCS Fund: 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2016) Packet: APPKT03542 - 07/28/20231B Account Name Account Number Amount AB 939 Recycling Solutions 221-0000-60127 2,802.00 Fund 221- AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND Total: 2,802.00 Electricity -Utilities 235-0000-61101 1,632.85 Fund 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND Total: 1,632.85 NV5 211547 01/2023 - MANINO PROPERTY SURVEY &.. Affordable Housing Project D... 249-0000-80050 2,400.00 NV5 211547 5/28-7/1/23 - MANINO PROPERTY SURV... Affordable Housing Project D... 249-0000-80050 555.00 Fund 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2016) Total: 2,955.00 Fund: 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND SIGNATURE SCULPTURE 211561 SIGNATURE SCULPTURE ART MAINTEN... APP Maintenance 270-0000-60683 13,109.00 Fund 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND Total: 13,109.00 Fund: 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS GHD INC. 211532 04/2023 - HWY 111 CORRIDOR PLANNI... GHD INC. 211532 05/2023 - HWY 111 CORRIDOR PLANNI... PLANIT REPROGRAPHICS SYS... 211553 PMP SLURRY SEAL IMPROVEMENTS CO... PLANIT REPROGRAPHICS SYS... 211553 AVE 50 & 52 PAVEMENT REHAB CONST... Fund: 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT FIESTA FORD LINCOLN MERC... 211528 ENTERPRISE FM TRUST 211525 PACIFIC MOBILE STRUCTURES.. 211550 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TYLERTECH NOLOGIES 211570 TYLERTECH NOLOGIES 211570 TYLERTECH NOLOGIES 211570 PLACER LABS, INC. 211552 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. 211536 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. 211536 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. 211536 FISHER INTEGRATED INC 211530 FISHER INTEGRATED INC 211530 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIO... 211531 VERMONT SYSTEMS INC 211574 Fund: 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND COURTMASTER SPORTS, INC. 211520 Fund: 601- SILVERROCK RESORT FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC 211527 FIRST CHOICE A/C & HEATING.. 211529 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211533 2018 FORD CHASSIS MAINTENANCE 07/2023 - FLEET LEASES 07/2023 - PW TRAILER RENTAL Design 401-0000-60185 Design 401-0000-60185 Construction 401-0000-60188 Construction 401-0000-60188 Fund 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total Vehicle Repair & Maintenan... 501-0000-60676 Vehicles, Rentals & Leases 501-0000-71030 Building Leases 501-0000-71032 Fund 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total 22,207.51 22,721.95 315.93 221.56 45,466.95 160.49 3,879.65 3,088.51 7,128.65 4/21/21 SAAS SUBSCRIPTION FEES CRED... Software Licenses 502-0000-60301 -17,372.83 7/1/23-8/31/23 HR/FINANCE SOFTWARE Software Licenses 502-0000-60301 15,270.68 FY 21/22 IMPLEMENTATION COSTS Software Implementation/E... 502-0000-71049 22,773.75 FY2023-24 VENUE ANALYTICS PLATFORM Software Licenses 502-0000-60301 30,850.00 CITY IPHONES REPLACEMENTS (26) Machinery & Equipment 502-0000-80100 18,954.00 CITY IPHONE REPLACEMENTS TAX Machinery & Equipment 502-0000-80100 1,658.48 CITY IPHONE REPLACEMENTS FREIGHT Machinery & Equipment 502-0000-80100 105.00 06/2023 - CC VIDEO STREAMING Consultants 502-0000-60104 1,800.00 06/2023 - MONTHLY FEE Consultants 502-0000-60104 1,100.00 07/2023 - 2ND CITY INTERNET LINE Cable/Internet - Utilities 502-0000-61400 2,618.99 7/18/23 - 6/30/24 PAYTRAC MONTHLY ... Software Licenses 502-0000-60301 1,200.00 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total: 78,958.07 FB PARK TENNIS COURTS TO PICKLE BAL... Parks 503-0000-71060 36,000.00 Fund 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND Total: 36,000.00 SINK FAUCET FOR SRR Repair & Maintenance 601-0000-60660 142.93 SRR YARD HVAC REPLACEMENT Repair & Maintenance 601-0000-60660 5,792.00 05/31/2023 - INTERIOR DOOR FR SRR Repair & Maintenance 601-0000-60660 170.60 05/31/2023 - SPRAY PAINT FOR SRR Repair & Maintenance 601-0000-60660 121.00 05/30/23 - MAX LIFTING TOOL & LED LI... Repair & Maintenance 601-0000-60660 99.95 06/21/2023 - THERMOSTAT FOR SRR Repair & Maintenance 601-0000-60660 69.47 06/01/2023 - SPRAY PAINT & PAINTING ... Repair & Maintenance 601-0000-60660 79.13 Fund 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT Total: 6,475.08 Grand Total: 1,774,291.31 8/28/2023 3:45:02 PM 190 Page 4 of 7 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03542 - 07/28/2023 JB Fund Summary Fund 101-GENERAL FUND 201- GAS TAX FUND 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 221- AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 20... 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 601- SILVERROCK RESORT Account Number 101-0000-20981 101-1001-60320 101-1002-60101 101-1004-60103 101-1004-60129 101-1006-60352 101-2001-60161 101-2001-60162 101-2001-60163 101-2001-60164 101-2001-60166 101-2001-60167 101-2001-60169 101-2001-60170 101-2001-60171 101-2001-60172 101-2001-60174 101-2001-60175 101-2002-60112 101-2002-60670 101-2002-61101 101-2002-61200 101-2002-61304 101-2002-61400 101-2002-80101 101-3002-60420 101-3003-60184 101-3005-60112 101-3005-60184 101-3005-60431 101-3005-60432 101-3005-60691 101-3005-61103 101-3005-61105 101-3005-61115 101-3005-61201 101-3005-61202 101-3005-61203 101-3005-61204 101-3005-61205 101-3005-61206 Grand Total: Account Summary Account Name United Way Deductions Travel & Training Contract Services - Admi... Professional Services Recruiting/Pre-Employm... Subscriptions & Publicat... Sheriff Patrol Police Overtime Target Team Community Services Offi... Gang Task Force Narcotics Task Force Motor Officer Dedicated Sargeants Dedicated Lieutenant Sheriff - Mileage Blood/Alcohol Testing Special Enforcement Fu... Landscape Contract Fire Station Electricity - Utilities Water - Utilities Mobile/Cell Phones/Sate... Cable/Internet - Utilities Machinery & Equipment Operating Supplies Fritz Burns Pool Progra... Landscape Contract Fritz Burns Pool Mainten... Materials/Supplies Tools/Equipment Maintenance/Services Electric - Civic Center Pa... Electric - Fritz Burns Park... Electric - SilverRock Even... Water -Monticello Park -... Water - Civic Center Park.. Water -Eisenhower Park ... Water -Fritz Burns Park-... Water -Velasco Park - Uti.. Water -Desert Pride - Util.. Expense Amount 1,466,507.10 915.93 12,167.56 918.48 99,254.64 2,802.00 1,632.85 2,955.00 13,109.00 45,466.95 7,128.65 78,958.07 36,000.00 6,475.08 1,774,291.31 Expense Amount 74.00 1,101.13 3,500.00 1,030.00 180.00 650.00 654,285.74 21,806.86 158,475.87 59,827.20 19,294.20 17,150.40 82,059.86 42,911.87 27,089.50 31,994.88 1,438.29 3,130.19 1,616.00 755.88 2,685.35 1,013.02 87.35 10.52 1,503.19 3,475.57 12,063.37 72,154.00 533.11 2,008.60 140.29 10,296.64 3,645.69 1,428.38 4,051.18 4,028.83 4,443.24 552.92 277.76 285.08 2,840.45 8/28/2023 3:45:02 PM 191 Page 5 of 7 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03542 - 07/28/2023 JB Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-3005-61207 Water -Pioneer Park - Uti.. 1,646.08 101-3005-61208 Water -Seasons Park - Ut.. 27.05 101-3005-61209 Water -Community Park... 12,694.60 101-3005-61300 Telephone - Utilities 47.92 101-3008-60115 Janitorial 699.37 101-3008-60116 Pest Control 685.00 101-3008-60427 Safety Gear 390.75 101-3008-60431 Materials/Supplies 2,205.52 101-3008-60667 HVAC 3,145.00 101-3008-60691 Maintenance/Services 6,979.36 101-3008-61101 Electricity - Utilities 4,387.12 101-3008-61200 Water - Utilities 91.33 101-6001-60420 Operating Supplies 379.46 101-6002-60103 Professional Services 9,695.98 101-6003-60118 Plan Checks 129,076.17 101-6004-60108 Technical 20.00 101-6004-60197 Animal Shelter Contract ... 29,882.89 101-6004-60400 Office Supplies 403.09 101-6004-60425 Supplies - Field 44.74 101-7002-60103 Professional Services 925.00 101-7002-60183 Map/Plan Checking 5,491.25 101-7002-60420 Operating Supplies 272.64 101-7003-60420 Operating Supplies 361.00 101-7003-60432 Tools/Equipment 893.57 101-7006-60146 PM 10 - Dust Control 165.80 201-7003-61101 Electricity - Utilities 915.93 202-3004-60112 Landscape Contract 930.00 202-3004-60667 HVAC 1,200.99 202-3004-60691 Maintenance/Services 237.38 202-3004-61101 Electricity - Utilities 6,673.57 202-3006-60112 Landscape Contract 194.00 202-3006-60691 Maintenance/Services 453.17 202-3006-61101 Electricity - Utilities 2,092.36 202-3006-61200 Water - Utilities 386.09 212-0000-60179 COPS Burglary/Theft Pre... 918.48 215-7004-60104 Consultants 6,488.42 215-7004-60112 Landscape Contract 74,798.00 215-7004-60420 Operating Supplies 245.40 215-7004-60423 Supplies -Graffiti and Va... 176.07 215-7004-60427 Safety Gear 23.38 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 69.21 215-7004-61116 Electric - Utilities 2,844.90 215-7004-61117 Electric - Medians - Utilit... 1,279.23 215-7004-61211 Water - Medians - Utiliti... 13,330.03 221-0000-60127 AB 939 Recycling Solutio... 2,802.00 235-0000-61101 Electricity - Utilities 1,632.85 249-0000-80050 Affordable Housing Proj... 2,955.00 270-0000-60683 APP Maintenance 13,109.00 401-0000-60185 Design 44,929.46 401-0000-60188 Construction 537.49 501-0000-60676 Vehicle Repair & Maint... 160.49 501-0000-71030 Vehicles, Rentals & Leas... 3,879.65 501-0000-71032 Building Leases 3,088.51 502-0000-60104 Consultants 2,900.00 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 29,947.85 502-0000-61400 Cable/Internet - Utilities 2,618.99 502-0000-71049 Software Implementatio... 22,773.75 502-0000-80100 Machinery & Equipment 20,717.48 8/28/2023 3:45:02 PM 192 Page 6 of 7 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03542 - 07/28/20231B Account Number 503-0000-71060 601-0000-60660 Project Account Key **None** 201905D 202108CT 202201CT 202229E CSA152E XPARKE Account Summary Account Name Parks Repair & Maintenance Grand Total: Project Account Summary Project Account Name **None** Design Expense Construction Expense Construction Expense Fritz Burns Park Pickleball Convers... CSA 152 Expenses X Park Expenses Grand Total: Expense Amount 36,000.00 6,475.08 1,774,291.31 Project Name **None** Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan I FY 21/22 PMP Slurry Seal Improv Avenue 50 Pavement Rehab (Wa Fritz Burns Park Pickleball Convey CSA 152 Project Tracking X Park 1,774,291.31 Expense Amount 1,691,181.73 44,929.46 315.93 221.56 36,000.00 925.00 717.63 "Project codes are generally used to track Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects, other large public works projects, developer deposits, or city-wide events. Normal operational expenditures are not project coded and, therefore, will report as "none" in this section. 8/28/2023 3:45:02 PM 193 Page 7 of 7 Demand Register City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT03550 - 08/04/2023 JB Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount Fund: 101-GENERAL FUND TUVELL, TAYLOR FLOYD 211629 GARNISHMENT REFUND Garnishments Payable 101-0000-20985 719.07 UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 211630 CONTRIBUTION United Way Deductions 101-0000-20981 37.00 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS- 211584 07/16-08/15/23 - FS #70 CABLE (1860) Cable/Internet - Utilities 101-2002-61400 41.76 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS- 211584 07/16-08/15/23 - FS #32 CABLE (8152) Cable/Internet - Utilities 101-2002-61400 94.55 VINTAGE E & S INC 211636 05/24/23 - WC POWER FOR NEW CEILI... Maintenance/Services 101-3008-60691 555.85 VINTAGE E & S INC 211636 05/24/23 - CH RECESSED LIGHTS REPLA... Maintenance/Services 101-3008-60691 1,097.40 ALARM MONITORING SERVI... 211578 7/1-9/30/23 - ALARM MONITORING SVCS Security & Alarm 101-3008-60123 660.00 ALARM MONITORING SERVI... 211578 7/1-9/30/23 - FIRE ALARM MONITORING.. Security & Alarm 101-2002-60123 510.00 ALARM MONITORING SERVI... 211578 7/1-9/30/23 - FIRE ALARM MONITORING.. Security & Alarm 101-3008-60123 510.00 ALARM MONITORING SERVI... 211578 7/1-9/30/23 - LUMBER YARD ALARM M... Security & Alarm 101-3008-60123 165.00 ALARM MONITORING SERVI... 211578 7/1-9/30/23 - SRR EVENT BLDG ALARM... Security & Alarm 101-3008-60123 162.00 ALARM MONITORING SERVI... 211578 7/1-9/30/23 - X-PARK ALARM MONITOR... Security & Alarm 101-3008-60123 162.00 TRI-STATE MATERIALS INC 211628 BASE ROCK FOR SRR EVENT PARK Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 491.05 CACEO 211582 09/05/23 - CACEO WEBINAR M.SALAS Travel & Training 101-6004-60320 54.00 CACEO 211582 09/19/23 - CACEO WEBINAR M.SALAS Travel & Training 101-6004-60320 36.00 MADDEN MEDIA 211601 07/2023 - MEDIA SERVICES Marketing & Tourism Promot.. 101-3007-60461 28,221.34 MCDOWELL AWARDS 211603 CITY COUNCIL, BOARDS & COMMISSION... Operating Supplies 101-1001-60420 100.00 MCDOWELL AWARDS 211603 CITY COUNCIL, BOARDS & COMMISSION... Operating Supplies 101-1005-60420 100.00 MCDOWELL AWARDS 211603 CITY COUNCIL, BOARDS & COMMISSION... Office Supplies 101-3001-60400 100.00 MCDOWELL AWARDS 211603 CITY COUNCIL, BOARDS & COMMISSION... Operating Supplies 101-6001-60420 187.25 MCDOWELL AWARDS 211603 CLERK EMPLOYEE NAME PLATES Operating Supplies 101-1005-60420 97.88 VERITAS TECHNOLOGIES LLC 211633 06/2023 DATA BACK UP FOR LASERFICHE Professional Services 101-1005-60103 1,110.96 JENSEN, SHARLA W 211600 07/2023 PERSONAL TRAINING 3 SESSIO... Instructors 101-3002-60107 132.00 SHIRY, TERESA 211622 07/2023 - BALLROOM BEGINNING DI Instructors 101-3002-60107 63.00 VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 211635 07/3-07/7/23 - SRR EVENT PARK LANDS... Maintenance/Services 101-3005-60691 2,520.00 ALL PRO BEVERAGE INC 211579 LOBBY COFFEE SUPPLIES Citywide Supplies 101-1007-60403 164.07 USA DRAIN AND PLUMBING... 211632 11/09/22 - CH TOILET REPAIR Maintenance/Services 101-3008-60691 1,275.00 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, L... 211609 OFFICE SUPPLIES Office Supplies 101-1006-60400 139.48 USA DRAIN AND PLUMBING... 211632 12/02/22 - FB PARK TOILET REPAIR Maintenance/Services 101-3008-60691 3,950.00 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211624 DIVIDER TABS & ERASER Office Supplies 101-7001-60400 36.36 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211624 LIGHTNING CABLES Office Supplies 101-7001-60400 61.37 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211624 OFFICE SUPPLIES Office Supplies 101-7001-60400 41.48 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211624 RETURN OFFICE SUPPLIES Office Supplies 101-7001-60400 -19.75 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211624 ORGANIZERS FOR DRAWERS Office Supplies 101-7001-60400 48.48 USA DRAIN AND PLUMBING... 211632 02/27/23 - WC SEWER MAIN CLEANING Maintenance/Services 101-3008-60691 975.00 USA DRAIN AND PLUMBING... 211632 03/20/23 - CH TOILET REPAIR Maintenance/Services 101-3008-60691 675.00 USA DRAIN AND PLUMBING... 211632 04/07/23 - PW YARD SEWER CLEANING Maintenance/Services 101-3008-60691 3,250.00 USA DRAIN AND PLUMBING... 211632 4/17/23 - FS #70 WATER MAIN LEAK DE... Maintenance/Services 101-2002-60691 395.00 SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 211623 IRRIGATION PARTS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 64.80 SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 211623 IRRIGATION VALVE BOX Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 141.83 SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 211623 IRRIGATION PARTS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 173.13 USA DRAIN AND PLUMBING... 211632 5/11/23 - WC WATER LEAK & FILTER SYS... Maintenance/Services 101-3008-60691 1,250.00 PRYOR LEARNING, INC. 211616 FY 23/24 FRED PRYOR MEMBERSHIP M.... Travel & Training 101-6006-60320 199.00 PRYOR LEARNING, INC. 211616 FY 23/24 FRED PRYOR MEMBERSHIP E.... Travel & Training 101-6006-60320 199.00 PRYOR LEARNING, INC. 211616 FY 23/24 FRED PRYOR MEMBERSHIP T.S... Travel & Training 101-6006-60320 199.00 ROBERT HALF 211620 07/14/23 - TEMP AGENCY SVCS A.MART... Temporary Agency Services 101-6006-60125 1,575.00 ROBERT HALF 211620 07/21/23 - TEMP AGENCY SVCS A.MART... Temporary Agency Services 101-6006-60125 1,575.00 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 211588 06/2023 BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS Blood/Alcohol Testing 101-2001-60174 175.00 MERCHANTS BUILDING MAI... 211604 06/2023 JANITORIAL SERVICES Janitorial 101-3008-60115 14,072.40 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSE... 211580 BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS Blood/Alcohol Testing 101-2001-60174 165.00 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSE... 211580 BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS Blood/Alcohol Testing 101-2001-60174 61.22 HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC 211599 IRRIGATION PARTS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 615.01 HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC 211599 IRRIGATION PARTS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 36.89 8/28/2023 3:45:23 PM Page 1 of 6 194 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03550 - 08/04/2023 JB Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC 211599 IRRIGATION PARTS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 822.98 HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC 211599 IRRIGATION PARTS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 1,161.67 HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC 211599 IRRIGATION PARTS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 180.56 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSE... 211580 BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS Blood/Alcohol Testing 101-2001-60174 66.85 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSE... 211580 BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS Blood/Alcohol Testing 101-2001-60174 66.85 FEDEX 211592 07/03/23 - OVERNIGHT MAIL Postage 101-1007-60470 49.68 FEDEX 211592 07/13/23 - OVERNIGHT MAIL Postage 101-1007-60470 13.85 DAIOHS FIRST CHOICE SERVI... 211587 LOBBY COFFEE SUPPLIES Citywide Supplies 101-1007-60403 339.45 GRAINGER 211597 FLANGE RELAY FOR CH Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 43.37 VERIZON WIRELESS 211634 06/14-07/13/23 - EOC CELL (7813) Mobile/Cell Phones/Satellites 101-2002-61304 239.82 THE LOCK SHOP, INC 211625 LOCK FOR FLEET GARAGE Maintenance/Services 101-3008-60691 44.12 MARTINEZ, CLAUDIA 211602 FY 22/23 ANNUAL WELLNESS DOLLARS ... Annual Wellness Dollar Reim... 101-1004-50252 175.95 RUTAN & TUCKER 211621 966753 - 02/2023 REIMBURSEMENT M... Developer Deposits 101-0000-22810 4,816.00 RUTAN & TUCKER 211621 966742 - 02/2023 GENERAL ACCOUNT Attorney 101-1003-60153 3,237.04 RUTAN & TUCKER 211621 966743 - 02/2023 PERSONNEL GENERAL Attorney 101-1003-60153 1,056.00 RUTAN & TUCKER 211621 966745 - 02/2023 CODE ENFORCEMENT Attorney 101-1003-60153 2,816.50 RUTAN & TUCKER 211621 966748 - 02/2023 SRR Attorney 101-1003-60153 216.00 RUTAN & TUCKER 211621 966747 - 02/2023 RETAINER MATTER Attorney 101-1003-60153 11,000.00 RUTAN & TUCKER 211621 966749 - 02/2023 TELECOMMUNICATI... Attorney 101-1003-60153 830.00 RUTAN & TUCKER 211621 966754 - 02/2023 POWER TO THE PEOP... Attorney 101-1003-60153 1,680.00 RUTAN & TUCKER 211621 966752 - 02/2023 COVID 19 ADVICE Attorney 101-1003-60153 504.00 RUTAN & TUCKER 211621 966751- 02/2023 RESPONSES FOR PUBL.. Attorney 101-1003-60153 360.00 RUTAN & TUCKER 211621 966750 - 02/2023 DUNE PALMS ROW Attorney 101-1003-60153 1,827.69 RUTAN & TUCKER 211621 966744 - 02/2023 - LITIGATION GENERAL Attorney/Litigation 101-1003-60154 7,701.50 PETRA-1, LP 211612 WC GYM WIPES 4 CASES Operating Supplies 101-3002-60420 671.26 GOVOS, INC. 211596 08/2023 - STVR PERMITTING SOFTWARE Professional Services 101-1005-60103 3,820.00 MIGNOGNA, JULIE 211605 FY 23/24 ANNUAL WELLNESS DOLLARS ... Annual Wellness Dollar Reim... 101-1004-50252 200.00 QUADIENT FINANCE USA, INC. 211617 7/6/23 & 7/16/23 - CITYWIDE POSTAGE... Postage 101-1007-60470 4,524.83 RUTAN & TUCKER 211621 966963 - 03/2023 REIMBURSEMENT M... Developer Deposits 101-0000-22810 2,171.50 RUTAN & TUCKER 211621 966958 - 03/2023 RETAINER MATTER Attorney 101-1003-60153 11,000.00 RUTAN &TUCKER 211621 966960-03/2023TELECOMMUNICATI... Attorney 101-1003-60153 1,329.00 RUTAN & TUCKER 211621 966961- 03/2023 DUNE PALMS ROW Attorney 101-1003-60153 1,043.00 RUTAN & TUCKER 211621 966959 - 03/2023 SRR Attorney 101-1003-60153 216.00 RUTAN & TUCKER 211621 966956 - 03/2023 CODE ENFORCEMENT Attorney 101-1003-60153 903.00 RUTAN & TUCKER 211621 966954 - 03/2023 PERSONNEL GENERAL Attorney 101-1003-60153 408.00 RUTAN & TUCKER 211621 966962 - 03/2023 RESPONSES FOR PUBL.. Attorney 101-1003-60153 8,775.00 RUTAN & TUCKER 211621 966953 - 03/2023 GENERAL ACCOUNT Attorney 101-1003-60153 8,886.04 RUTAN & TUCKER 211621 966955 - 03/2023 LITIGATION GENERAL Attorney/Litigation 101-1003-60154 4,544.50 ROADPOST USA INC. 211619 07/23-08/22/23 - EOC SATELLITE PHON... Mobile/Cell Phones/Satellites 101-2002-61304 200.85 DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 211590 CONCRETE BOX & ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 280.28 CV PIPELINE CORP 211586 07/19/23 - EMERGENCY CATCH BASIN C... Professional Services 101-7003-60103 1,260.00 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF ... 211618 FY 23/24 CAL ID MEMBER ASSESSMENT Sheriff - Other 101-2001-60176 37,860.00 Fund 101- GENERAL FUND Total: 196,765.02 Fund: 201- GAS TAX FUND ZUMAR INDUSTRIES INC 211638 STREET SIGNS Traffic Control Signs 201-7003-60429 459.53 Fund 201- GAS TAX FUND Total: 459.53 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND ALARM MONITORING SERVI... 211578 7/1-9/30/23 - ALARM MONITORING SVCS Security & Alarm 202-3004-60123 165.00 ALARM MONITORING SERVI... 211578 7/1-9/30/23 - ALARM MONITORING SVCS Security & Alarm 202-3006-60123 165.00 ALARM MONITORING SERVI... 211578 7/1-9/30/23 - FIRE ALARM MONITORING.. Security & Alarm 202-3004-60123 255.00 ALARM MONITORING SERVI... 211578 7/1-9/30/23 - FIRE ALARM MONITORING.. Security & Alarm 202-3006-60123 255.00 CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY 211585 MUSEUM FIRST AID SERVICES Operating Supplies 202-3006-60420 46.86 CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY 211585 LIBRARY FIRST AID SERVICES Operating Supplies 202-3004-60420 48.77 MERCHANTS BUILDING MAI... 211604 06/2023 JANITORIAL SERVICES Janitorial 202-3004-60115 2,844.14 MERCHANTS BUILDING MAI... 211604 06/2023 JANITORIAL SERVICES Janitorial 202-3006-60115 885.93 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. 211626 PAINT FOR MUSEUM Maintenance/Services 202-3006-60691 426.55 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. 211626 RETURN PAINT FOR MUSEUM Maintenance/Services 202-3006-60691 -127.72 PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITIO... 211611 05/15/23 & 06/27/23 - HVAC MUSEUM ... HVAC 202-3006-60667 3,274.55 8/28/2023 3:45:23 PM Page 2 of 6 195 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03550 - 08/04/20231B Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITIO... 211611 06/30/23 - LIBRARY HVAC REPAIRS HVAC 202-3004-60667 1,083.60 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total: 9,322.68 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211624 COOLING TOWEL Safety Gear 215-7004-60427 50.72 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIO... 211594 07/07-08/06/23 - PHONE SVC Electric - Utilities 215-7004-61116 143.25 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIO... 211594 07/10-08/09/23 - PHONE SVC Electric - Utilities 215-7004-61116 55.39 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total: 249.36 Fund: 241- HOUSING AUTHORITY CAHA, BECKY 211583 07/2023 - HOUSING CONSULTANT SERV... Professional Services 241-9101-60103 6,120.00 MCDOWELL AWARDS 211603 CITY COUNCIL, BOARDS & COMMISSION... Operating Supplies 241-9101-60420 100.00 RUTAN & TUCKER 211621 966746 - 02/2023 HOUSING AUTHORITY Attorney 241-9101-60153 336.00 RUTAN & TUCKER 211621 966957 - 03/2023 HOUSING AUTHORITY Attorney 241-9101-60153 312.00 Fund 241- HOUSING AUTHORITY Total: 6,868.00 Fund: 250 - TRANSPORTATION DIF FUND ND LA QUINTA PARTNERS LLC 211608 FY 23/24 DIF REIMB PAYMENT NO #7 A... Developer Reimbursements 250-0000-80105 101,106.00 EAST OF MADISON LLC 211591 FY 23/24 DIF REIMB PAYMENT #7 AVE 5... Developer Reimbursements 250-0000-80105 95,489.00 WALMART STORES, INC C/O ... 211637 FY 23/24 DIF REIMB PAYMENT #7 DUNE... Developer Reimbursements 250-0000-80105 1,193.00 EAST OF MADISON LLC 211591 FY 23/24 DIF REIMB PAYMENT #7 MADI... Developer Reimbursements 250-0000-80105 61,787.00 ND LA QUINTA PARTNERS LLC 211608 FY 23/24 DIF REIMB PAYMENT NO #7 M... Developer Reimbursements 250-0000-80105 61,787.00 EAST OF MADISON LLC 211591 FY 23/24 DIF REIMB PAYMENT #7 AVE 5... Developer Reimbursements 250-0000-80105 78,638.00 Fund 250 - TRANSPORTATION DIF FUND Total: 400,000.00 Fund: 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS UNIVERSAL CONSTRUCTION ... 211631 7/12/23 - CITYWIDE MISC ADA IMPROV... Retention Payable 401-0000-20600 -163.53 UNIVERSAL CONSTRUCTION ... 211631 7/12/23 - CITYWIDE MISC ADA IMPROV... Construction 401-0000-60188 3,270.60 Fund 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total: 3,107.07 Fund: 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT PLAZA TOWING 211614 TOW BACKHOE Vehicle Repair & Maintenan... 501-0000-60676 437.50 MOWERS PLUS INC 211606 TRASH PUMP REPAIR Vehicle Repair & Maintenan... 501-0000-60676 157.66 MOWERS PLUS INC 211606 TRASH PUMP REPAIR Vehicle Repair & Maintenan... 501-0000-60676 163.76 AUTOZONE 211581 VEHICLE BATTERY CHARGER Parts, Accessories, and Upfits 501-0000-60675 86.99 PLANIT REPROGRAPHICS SYS... 211613 VEHICLE DECALS Parts, Accessories, and Upfits 501-0000-60675 388.00 TOWER ENERGY GROUP 211627 07/01-07/15/23 - FUEL Fuel & Oil 501-0000-60674 3,340.41 PACIFIC MOBILE STRUCTURES.. 211610 08/2023 - PW TRAILER RENTAL Building Leases 501-0000-71032 3,088.51 DESERT BUSINESS INTERIORS 211589 REMAINING BALANCE FOR COUNCIL CH... Furniture 501-0000-71020 8,366.94 POWERPLAN BF 211615 BACKHOE REPAIRS Vehicle Repair & Maintenan... 501-0000-60676 1,037.37 POWERPLAN BF 211615 BACKHOE REPAIRS Vehicle Repair & Maintenan... 501-0000-60676 1,815.59 Fund 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total: 18,882.73 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS- 211584 06/15-07/14/23 - WC CABLE (8105) Cable/Internet - Utilities 502-0000-61400 154.66 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS- 211584 07/10-08/09/23 - CH INTERNET (2546) Cable/Internet - Utilities 502-0000-61400 2,079.00 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS- 211584 07/12-08/11/23 - CITY YARD CABLE (408... Cable/Internet - Utilities 502-0000-61400 81.77 GRANICUS 211598 FY 23/24 CITY WEBSITE HOSTING/GRAP... Software Licenses 502-0000-60301 25,140.77 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211624 BINDING MACHINE Machinery & Equipment 502-0000-80100 611.11 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIO... 211594 07/12-08/11/23 - X-PARK INTERNET Cable/Internet - Utilities 502-0000-61400 890.00 NATIX, INC. 211607 10.9" IPAD 10TH GEN WIFI+ CELLULAR 2... Machinery & Equipment 502-0000-80100 4,269.30 NATIX, INC. 211607 IPAD TAXES Machinery & Equipment 502-0000-80100 373.56 NATIX, INC. 211607 CA E-WASTE FEE Machinery & Equipment 502-0000-80100 24.00 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total: 33,624.17 Fund: 504 - INSURANCE FUND CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY 211585 LANDSCAPE MAINT FIRST AID SERVICES Operating Supplies 504-1010-60420 29.67 CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY 211585 PW YARD FIRST AID SERVICES Operating Supplies 504-1010-60420 45.29 CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY 211585 CH FIRST AID SERVICES Operating Supplies 504-1010-60420 207.14 CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY 211585 WC FIRST AID SERVICES Operating Supplies 504-1010-60420 55.13 CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY 211585 FB POOL FIRST AID SERVICES Operating Supplies 504-1010-60420 118.73 Fund 504 - INSURANCE FUND Total: 455.96 Fund: 601- SILVERROCK RESORT GARDAWORLD 211595 07/2023 SRR ARMORED SVCS Bank Fees 601-0000-60455 725.11 GARDAWORLD 211595 06/2023 SRR ARMORED EXCESS PREMIS... Bank Fees 601-0000-60455 7.28 8/28/2023 3:45:23 PM 196 Page 3 of 6 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03550 - 08/04/20231B Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC 211593 SINK FOR SRR Repair & Maintenance 601-0000-60660 198.70 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC 211593 PLUMBING PARTS FOR SRR Repair & Maintenance 601-0000-60660 159.17 GARDAWORLD 211595 06/2023 SRR ARMORED SVC TIER PRICI... Bank Fees 601-0000-60455 42.04 Fund 601- SILVERROCK RESORT Total: 1,132.30 Grand Total: 670,866.82 8/28/2023 3:45:23 PM 197 Page 4 of 6 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03550 - 08/04/2023 JB Fund Summary Fund 101-GENERAL FUND 201- GAS TAX FUND 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 241- HOUSING AUTHORITY 250 - TRANSPORTATION DIF FUND 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 504 - INSURANCE FUND 601- SILVERROCK RESORT Account Number 101-0000-20981 101-0000-20985 101-0000-22810 101-1001-60420 101-1003-60153 101-1003-60154 101-1004-50252 101-1005-60103 101-1005-60420 101-1006-60400 101-1007-60403 101-1007-60470 101-2001-60174 101-2001-60176 101-2002-60123 101-2002-60691 101-2002-61304 101-2002-61400 101-3001-60400 101-3002-60107 101-3002-60420 101-3005-60431 101-3005-60691 101-3007-60461 101-3008-60115 101-3008-60123 101-3008-60431 101-3008-60691 101-6001-60420 101-6004-60320 101-6006-60125 101-6006-60320 101-7001-60400 101-7003-60103 101-7003-60420 201-7003-60429 202-3004-60115 202-3004-60123 202-3004-60420 202-3004-60667 202-3006-60115 202-3006-60123 202-3006-60420 202-3006-60667 Grand Total: Account Summary Account Name United Way Deductions Garnishments Payable Developer Deposits Operating Supplies Attorney Attorney/Litigation Annual Wellness Dollar ... Professional Services Operating Supplies Office Supplies Citywide Supplies Postage Blood/Alcohol Testing Sheriff - Other Security & Alarm Maintenance/Services Mobile/Cell Phones/Sate... Cable/Internet - Utilities Office Supplies Instructors Operating Supplies Materials/Supplies Maintenance/Services Marketing & Tourism Pr... Janitorial Security & Alarm Materials/Supplies Maintenance/Services Operating Supplies Travel & Training Temporary Agency Servi... Travel & Training Office Supplies Professional Services Operating Supplies Traffic Control Signs Janitorial Security & Alarm Operating Supplies HVAC Janitorial Security & Alarm Operating Supplies HVAC Expense Amount 196,765.02 459.53 9,322.68 249.36 6,868.00 400,000.00 3,107.07 18,882.73 33,624.17 455.96 1,132.30 670,866.82 Expense Amount 37.00 719.07 6,987.50 100.00 56,087.27 12,246.00 375.95 4,930.96 197.88 139.48 503.52 4,588.36 534.92 37,860.00 510.00 395.00 440.67 136.31 100.00 195.00 671.26 3,687.92 2,520.00 28,221.34 14,072.40 1,659.00 43.37 13,072.37 187.25 90.00 3,150.00 597.00 167.94 1,260.00 280.28 459.53 2,844.14 420.00 48.77 1,083.60 885.93 420.00 46.86 3,274.55 8/28/2023 3:45:23 PM 198 Page 5 of 6 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03550 - 08/04/2023 JB Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 202-3006-60691 Maintenance/Services 298.83 215-7004-60427 Safety Gear 50.72 215-7004-61116 Electric - Utilities 198.64 241-9101-60103 Professional Services 6,120.00 241-9101-60153 Attorney 648.00 241-9101-60420 Operating Supplies 100.00 250-0000-80105 Developer Reimbursem... 400,000.00 401-0000-20600 Retention Payable -163.53 401-0000-60188 Construction 3,270.60 501-0000-60674 Fuel& Oil 3,340.41 501-0000-60675 Parts, Accessories, and ... 474.99 501-0000-60676 Vehicle Repair & Maint... 3,611.88 501-0000-71020 Furniture 8,366.94 501-0000-71032 Building Leases 3,088.51 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 25,140.77 502-0000-61400 Cable/Internet - Utilities 3,205.43 502-0000-80100 Machinery & Equipment 5,277.97 504-1010-60420 Operating Supplies 455.96 601-0000-60455 Bank Fees 774.43 601-0000-60660 Repair & Maintenance 357.87 Grand Total: 670,866.82 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Project Account Name Project Name Expense Amount **None** **None** **None** 256,448.25 201702DEV Developer Payment Developer Reimbursement for DI 400,000.00 202208CT Construction Expense Citywide Miscellaneous ADA Imp 3,270.60 202208RP Retention Payable Citywide Miscellaneous ADA Imp -163.53 22006E GTGF LLC EXPENSE GTGF, LLC/Build to Stay 6,987.50 CORONANR Corona Non Reimbursable Corona Virus Emergency Respon! 504.00 STVRE Short Term Vacation Rental Expen... Short Term Vacation Rental Tracl 3,820.00 Grand Total: 670,866.82 *Project codes are generally used to track Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects, other large public works projects, developer deposits, or city-wide events. Normal operational expenditures are not project coded and, therefore, will report as "none" in this section. 8/28/2023 3:45:23 PM 199 Page 6 of 6 Demand Register City of La Quinta -vu„4�it- Packet: APPKT03559 - 08/11/2023 Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount Fund: 101-GENERAL FUND CENTRAL COMMUNICATIONS 211646 07/2023 - STVR HOTLINE Professional Services 101-6004-60103 623.00 SERVICEWEAR APPAREL 211685 UNIFORMS FOR MAINT & OPERATIONS ... Sales Taxes Payable 101-0000-20304 -252.04 SERVICEWEAR APPAREL 211685 UNIFORMS FOR MAINTENANCE & OPER... Uniforms 101-3005-60690 522.00 SERVICEWEAR APPAREL 211685 UNIFORMS FOR MAINTENANCE & OPER... Uniforms 101-3008-60690 626.40 SERVICEWEAR APPAREL 211685 UNIFORMS FOR STREETS DEPARTMENT ... Sales Taxes Payable 101-0000-20304 -4.53 GALLS LLC 211657 RETURN CODE UNIFORM Uniforms 101-6004-60690 -114.54 GALLS LLC 211657 CODE UNIFORMS B.RODRIGUEZ Uniforms 101-6004-60690 193.73 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS- 211647 07/24-08/23/23 - FS #93 CABLE (2415) Cable/Internet - Utilities 101-2002-61400 113.90 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS- 211647 07/29-08/28/23 - FS #32 INTERNET (649... Cable/Internet - Utilities 101-2002-61400 99.99 VINTAGE E & S INC 211700 01/13/23 - FS #70 REPLACED LED LIGHT ... Maintenance/Services 101-2002-60691 506.49 VINTAGE E & S INC 211700 REPAIRED TWO FB PARK LIGHT POLES Maintenance/Services 101-3005-60691 714.47 VINTAGE E & S INC 211700 7/24-7/28/23 POWER LINES FOR XPARK ... Maintenance/Services 101-3005-60691 10,887.43 YOUR VERY FAVORITE LLC 211701 50% DEPOSIT FOR ILLUSTRATION AND P... Sales Taxes Payable 101-0000-20304 -1,706.25 MOTOPORT USA 211679 RSO UNIFORMS TELLES Special Enforcement Funds 101-2001-60175 2,820.13 MARKETPLACE CITY INC 211677 FY 23/24 SOURCING, EVALUATION, AND... Contract Services - Administr... 101-1002-60101 20,000.00 SIGNATURE TINT 211686 SIGNAGE FOR PICKLEBALL COURTS Maintenance/Services 101-3005-60691 120.00 SIGNATURE TINT 211686 SIGNAGE FOR SPLASH PAD Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 473.25 LOGIC COMPENSATION GRO... 211675 06/2023 JOB DESCRIPTIONS/CLASSIFICA ... Professional Services 101-1004-60103 1,350.00 SPARKLETTS 211688 7/12/23 & 7/26/23 & 8/2/23 CITYWIDE ... Citywide Supplies 101-1007-60403 190.85 TPX COMMUNICATIONS 211693 07/23-08/22/23 - EOC PHONE LINE SVC Telephone - Utilities 101-2002-61300 1,794.98 VALLEY LOCK & SAFE 211697 KEYS FOR CH Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 12.83 MADDEN MEDIA 211676 07/2023 - MEDIA SERVICES/WEBSITE D... Marketing & Tourism Promot.. 101-3007-60461 7,857.14 IRC CORPORATION 211669 07/2023 PRE EMPLOYMENT BACKGRO... Recruiting/Pre-Employment 101-1004-60129 184.70 VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 211699 CONCRETE REPAIR/INSTALLATION FRITZ... Maintenance/Services 101-3005-60691 5,905.00 ANSAFONE CONTACT CENTE... 211642 08/2023 PM 10 ANSWERING SERVICE PM 10 - Dust Control 101-7006-60146 313.28 THE CHAMBER 211692 06/29/23 - INSTALLATION & BUSINESS ... Marketing & Tourism Promot.. 101-3007-60461 850.00 ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC TR... 211643 FY 23/24 APT US & CAN MEMBERSHIP R... Membership Dues 101-1006-60351 199.00 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITI... 211674 07/10/23 - LEAGUE OF CA CITIES MEETI... Travel & Training 101-1001-60320 40.00 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITI... 211674 07/10/23 - LEAGUE OF CA CITIES MEETI... Travel & Training 101-1001-60320 40.00 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211689 MESH FILE ORGANIZER Office Supplies 101-7001-60400 40.22 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211689 PRINTER TONER CARTRIDGE & SCISSORS Office Supplies 101-7001-60400 101.20 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211689 MARKERS Office Supplies 101-7001-60400 26.96 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211689 CANON MAINTENANCE CARTRIDGE Office Supplies 101-7001-60400 76.11 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211689 HAND MAGNIFIERS (2) Office Supplies 101-7001-60400 24.77 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211689 DRY ERASE BOARD Office Supplies 101-7001-60400 73.94 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211689 OFFICE SUPPLIES Office Supplies 101-3001-60400 226.53 THE CHAMBER 211692 07/2023-GEM PUBLICATION Marketing &Tourism Promot.. 101-3007-60461 14,465.75 THE CHAMBER 211692 08/2023-GEM PUBLICATION Marketing &Tourism Promot.. 101-3007-60461 14,465.75 MISSION LINEN SUPPLY 211678 UNIFORMS FOR MAINTENANCE & OPER... Uniforms 101-3005-60690 102.00 MISSION LINEN SUPPLY 211678 UNIFORMS FOR MAINTENANCE & OPER... Operating Supplies 101-7001-60420 341.39 MISSION LINEN SUPPLY 211678 UNIFORMS FOR MAINTENANCE & OPER... Uniforms 101-3005-60690 202.45 MISSION LINEN SUPPLY 211678 UNIFORMS FOR MAINTENANCE & OPER... Uniforms 101-3008-60690 121.47 SOUTHWEST BOULDER & ST... 211687 CRUSH ROCK FOR GRAVEL PROGRAM Lot Cleaning/Gravel Program 101-6004-60120 849.11 HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC 211664 IRRIGATION V-BOX Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 21.34 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSE... 211641 BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS Blood/Alcohol Testing 101-2001-60174 66.85 STERICYCLE, INC 211690 06/23/23 - POLICE SHRED LQ Police Volunteers 101-2001-60109 19.25 VERIZON WIRELESS 211698 06/26-07/25/23 - LQPD CELL (6852) Telephone - Utilities 101-2001-61300 887.86 CALIFORNIA WEST COMMUN... 211645 DUST CONTROL DEPOSIT REFUND NO 3... Developer Deposits 101-0000-22810 10,150.00 GRAHAM, MARCIE 211659 FY 23/24 ANNUAL WELLNESS DOLLARS ... Annual Wellness Dollar Reim... 101-1004-50252 195.74 FLORES, CHERI 211655 PLANNING DIVISION MEETING/TRAININ... Travel & Training 101-6002-60320 67.60 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIO... 211656 07/26-08/25/23 - POLICE INTERNET Cable/Internet - Utilities 101-2001-61400 528.94 DISH NETWORK 211653 07/22-08/21/23 - EOC CABLE Cable/Internet - Utilities 101-2002-61400 100.70 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211666 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electricity - Utilities 101-2002-61101 2,309.31 8/28/2023 3:45:49 PM Page 1 of 5 200 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03559 - 08/11/2023 Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211666 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Monticello Park - Uti.. 101-3005-61102 13.94 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211666 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Sports Complex - Uti.. 101-3005-61106 2,245.51 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211666 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Colonel Paige - Utilit.. 101-3005-61108 12.34 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211666 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Community Park - U... 101-3005-61109 4,744.20 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211666 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Adams Park - Utiliti... 101-3005-61110 49.51 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211666 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Velasco Park - Utiliti... 101-3005-61111 14.89 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211666 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Eisenhower Park - U.- 101-3005-61113 18.41 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211666 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Desert Pride - Utiliti... 101-3005-61114 13.45 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211666 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electricity - Utilities 101-3008-61101 18,834.73 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211649 WATER SERVICE Water -Pioneer Park - Utilities 101-3005-61207 1,281.74 DESERT RESORT MANAGEM... 211652 07/2023 - SECURITY PATROL SERVICES Professional Services 101-6004-60103 4,018.43 HUMANITY 211665 FY 23/24 HUMANITY SUBSCRIPTION 13 ... Operating Supplies 101-3002-60420 1,200.00 OLD TOWN LA QUINTA, LLC 211682 FY 23/24 ART ON MAIN STREET EVENTS ... Community Experiences 101-3003-60149 10,000.00 INTERWEST CONSULTING G... 211668 06/2023 ONCALL BUILDING & SAFETY P... Plan Checks 101-6003-60118 17,531.25 KILEY & ASSOCIATES 211673 07/2023 FEDERAL LOBBYIST SERVICES Contract Services - Administr... 101-1002-60101 3,500.00 INTERWEST CONSULTING G... 211668 05/2023 ONCALL BUILDING & SAFETY P... Plan Checks 101-6003-60118 16,231.25 OCEAN SPRINGS TECH INC 211681 08/2023 - FB POOL CAT 5000 COMPUTE... Fritz Burns Pool Maintenance 101-3005-60184 240.00 QUADIENT FINANCE USA, INC. 211684 FY 23/24 POSTAGE MACHINE LEASE PR... Postage Machine 101-1007-60661 321.87 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211649 WATER SERVICE Water -Fritz Burns Park - Utili... 101-3005-61204 2,616.45 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211649 WATER SERVICE Water - Utilities 101-3008-61200 705.75 GUILBAULT, LOUIS 211662 REFUND BUSINESS LICENSE OVERPAYM... Over Payments, AR Policy 101-0000-20330 50.00 JERRY FISHER CEMENT INC 211671 REFUND BUSINESS LICENSE OVERPAYM... Over Payments, AR Policy 101-0000-20330 50.00 GREENS FINANCIAL SERVICES 211661 REFUND PERMIT FEES OVERPAYMENTS... Over Payments, AR Policy 101-0000-20330 20.00 DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 211651 FINANCE CHARGE FOR INV S3090749.001 Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 15.66 HDL COREN & CONE 211663 07/01-09/30/23 - PROPERTY TAX CONT... Consultants 101-1006-60104 5,175.00 Fund 101- GENERAL FUND Total: 188,730.83 Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND SERVICEWEAR APPAREL 211685 UNIFORMS FOR MAINTENANCE & OPER... Uniforms 201-7003-60690 1,462.08 SERVICEWEAR APPAREL 211685 UNIFORMS FOR STREETS DEPARTMENT Uniforms 201-7003-60690 56.33 JERNIGAN'S, INC 211670 FY 23/24 SAFETY BOOTS R.CASTANEDA Safety Gear 201-7003-60427 168.55 SUMMIT SAFETY LLC 211691 SAFETY GEAR FOR STREET & PARK MAIN... Safety Gear 201-7003-60427 3,081.38 MISSION LINEN SUPPLY 211678 UNIFORMS FOR MAINTENANCE & OPER... Uniforms 201-7003-60690 284.51 UNDERGROUND SERVICE AL... 211695 08/01/23 - DIG ALERT SERVICES Materials/Supplies 201-7003-60431 73.00 Fund 201- GAS TAX FUND Total: 5,125.85 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND FIRST CHOICE A/C & HEATING.. 211654 MUSEUM HVAC REPAIRS HVAC 202-3006-60667 2,517.00 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIO... 211656 07/13-08/12/23 - MUSEUM Telephone - Utilities 202-3006-61300 123.72 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total: 2,640.72 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND SERVICEWEAR APPAREL 211685 UNIFORMS FOR MAINTENANCE & OPER... Uniforms 215-7004-60690 522.00 SUMMIT SAFETY LLC 211691 SAFETY GEAR FOR STREET & PARK MAIN... Safety Gear 215-7004-60427 800.00 MISSION LINEN SUPPLY 211678 UNIFORMS FOR MAINTENANCE & OPER... Uniforms 215-7004-60690 102.75 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211666 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Utilities 215-7004-61116 3,115.03 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211666 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Medians - Utilities 215-7004-61117 1,332.63 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211649 WATER SERVICE Water - Medians - Utilities 215-7004-61211 11,376.68 DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 211651 LED LAMPS (24) Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 1,566.00 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211666 TRAFFIC LIGHTS Electric - Utilities 215-7004-61116 822.06 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total: 19,637.15 Fund: 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND YOUR VERY FAVORITE LLC 211701 50% DEP ILLUSTRATION AND PRINTING ... AB 939 Recycling Solutions 221-0000-60127 1,706.25 YOUR VERY FAVORITE LLC 211701 50% DEPOSIT FOR ILLUSTRATION AND P... AB 939 Recycling Solutions 221-0000-60127 20,000.00 Fund 221- AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND Total: 21,706.25 Fund: 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 1TB SUPPLY CO., INC. 211672 TRAFFIC REPLACEMENT PANELS Construction 401-0000-60188 1,705.10 IN -SITE LANDSCAPE ARCHITE... 211667 MASTER PLANNING SERVICES FOR FRITZ... Design 401-0000-60185 5,413.62 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION C... 211660 7/2023 AVE 50 & AVE 52 PAVEMENT RE... Construction 401-0000-60188 -4,573.68 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION C... 211660 7/2023 AVE 50 & AVE 52 PAVEMENT RE... Construction 401-0000-60188 91,473.54 URBAN HABITAT 211696 05/2023 LQ LANDSCAPE RENOVATION ... Retention Payable 401-0000-20600 -209.54 URBAN HABITAT 211696 05/2023 LQ LANDSCAPE RENOVATION ... Construction 401-0000-60188 4,190.87 8/28/2023 3:45:49 PM Page 2 of 5 201 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03559 - 08/11/2023 Vendor Name Payment Number NEXTECH SYSTEMS, INC. 211680 NEXTECH SYSTEMS, INC. 211680 NEXTECH SYSTEMS, INC. 211680 CITY OF INDIO 211648 Fund: 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT VINTAGE E & S INC 211700 BMW MOTORCYCLES OF RIV... 211644 PLANIT REPROGRAPHICS SYS... 211683 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACORN TECHNOLOGY SERVI... 211640 DELL MARKETING LP 211650 TPX COMMUNICATIONS 211693 GOGOV APPS, INC. 211658 TRITON TECHNOLOGY SOLUT... 211694 TRITON TECHNOLOGY SOLUT... 211694 Fund: 601- SILVERROCK RESORT FIRST CHOICE A/C & HEATING.. 211654 Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount Nextech System - Blackout No right turn... Construction 401-0000-60188 4,622.50 Nextech System - Taxes Construction 401-0000-60188 404.47 Nextech System - Estimated Shipping Construction 401-0000-60188 450.00 JEFFERSON ST SLURRY REIMB CITY OF I... Contributions to Other Agenc.. 401-0000-60480 631,169.58 Fund 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total: 734,646.46 TWO EV CHARGING STATIONS INSTALLE... City Bldg Repl/Repair 501-0000-71103 6,028.00 MOTORCYCLE REPAIR A1155 Motorcycle Repair & Mainte... 501-0000-60679 1,266.44 VEHICLE DECALS Parts, Accessories, and Upfits 501-0000-60675 _ 51.72 Fund 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total: 7,346.16 08/2023 - IT SERVICES Consultants 502-0000-60104 28,390.00 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT Machinery & Equipment 502-0000-80100 1,853.95 07/23-08/22/23 - PHONE LINE SVC Telephone - Utilities 502-0000-61300 3,786.84 FY 23/24 GO ENFORCE & GO REQUEST ... Software Licenses 502-0000-60301 17,352.00 7/1-9/30/23 CHAMBER AV SYSTEM MAI... Maintenance Agreements 502-0000-60300 2,250.00 CHAMBER AV EQUIP MAINT & SUPPORT... Maintenance Agreements 502-0000-60300 1,800.00 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total: 55,432.79 INSTALL CONDENSER AT SRR Repair & Maintenance 601-0000-60660 4,780.00 Fund 601- SILVERROCK RESORT Total: 4,780.00 Grand Total: 1,040,046.21 8/28/2023 3:45:49 PM 202 Page 3 of 5 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03559 - 08/11/2023 Fund Summary Fund 101-GENERAL FUND 201- GAS TAX FUND 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 221- AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 601- SILVERROCK RESORT Account Number 101-0000-20304 101-0000-20330 101-0000-22810 101-1001-60320 101-1002-60101 101-1004-50252 101-1004-60103 101-1004-60129 101-1006-60104 101-1006-60351 101-1007-60403 101-1007-60661 101-2001-60109 101-2001-60174 101-2001-60175 101-2001-61300 101-2001-61400 101-2002-60691 101-2002-61101 101-2002-61300 101-2002-61400 101-3001-60400 101-3002-60420 101-3003-60149 101-3005-60184 101-3005-60431 101-3005-60690 101-3005-60691 101-3005-61102 101-3005-61106 101-3005-61108 101-3005-61109 101-3005-61110 101-3005-61111 101-3005-61113 101-3005-61114 101-3005-61204 101-3005-61207 101-3007-60461 101-3008-60431 101-3008-60690 101-3008-61101 101-3008-61200 101-6002-60320 101-6003-60118 101-6004-60103 Grand Total: Account Summary Account Name Sales Taxes Payable Over Payments, AR Policy Developer Deposits Travel & Training Contract Services - Admi... Annual Wellness Dollar ... Professional Services Recruiting/Pre-Employm... Consultants Membership Dues Citywide Supplies Postage Machine LQ Police Volunteers Blood/Alcohol Testing Special Enforcement Fu... Telephone - Utilities Cable/Internet - Utilities Maintenance/Services Electricity - Utilities Telephone - Utilities Cable/Internet - Utilities Office Supplies Operating Supplies Community Experiences Fritz Burns Pool Mainten... Materials/Supplies Uniforms Maintenance/Services Electric - Monticello Park... Electric - Sports Complex... Electric - Colonel Paige -... Electric - Community Par... Electric - Adams Park - Ut.. Electric - Velasco Park - ... Electric - Eisenhower Par... Electric - Desert Pride - U.. Water -Fritz Burns Park-... Water -Pioneer Park - Uti.. Marketing & Tourism Pr... Materials/Supplies Uniforms Electricity - Utilities Water - Utilities Travel & Training Plan Checks Professional Services Expense Amount 188,730.83 5,125.85 2,640.72 19,637.15 21,706.25 734,646.46 7,346.16 55,432.79 4,780.00 1,040,046.21 Expense Amount -1,962.82 120.00 10,150.00 80.00 23,500.00 195.74 1,350.00 184.70 5,175.00 199.00 190.85 321.87 19.25 66.85 2,820.13 887.86 528.94 506.49 2,309.31 1,794.98 314.59 226.53 1,200.00 10,000.00 240.00 494.59 826.45 17,626.90 13.94 2,245.51 12.34 4,744.20 49.51 14.89 18.41 13.45 2,616.45 1,281.74 37,638.64 12.83 747.87 18,834.73 705.75 67.60 33,762.50 4,641.43 8/28/2023 3:45:49 PM 203 Page 4 of 5 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03559 - 08/11/2023 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-6004-60120 Lot Cleaning/Gravel Prog.. 849.11 101-6004-60690 Uniforms 79.19 101-7001-60400 Office Supplies 343.20 101-7001-60420 Operating Supplies 341.39 101-7003-60420 Operating Supplies 15.66 101-7006-60146 PM 10 - Dust Control 313.28 201-7003-60427 Safety Gear 3,249.93 201-7003-60431 Materials/Supplies 73.00 201-7003-60690 Uniforms 1,802.92 202-3006-60667 HVAC 2,517.00 202-3006-61300 Telephone - Utilities 123.72 215-7004-60427 Safety Gear 800.00 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 1,566.00 215-7004-60690 Uniforms 624.75 215-7004-61116 Electric - Utilities 3,937.09 215-7004-61117 Electric - Medians - Utilit... 1,332.63 215-7004-61211 Water - Medians - Utiliti... 11,376.68 221-0000-60127 AB 939 Recycling Solutio... 21,706.25 401-0000-20600 Retention Payable -209.54 401-0000-60185 Design 5,413.62 401-0000-60188 Construction 98,272.80 401-0000-60480 Contributions to Other A... 631,169.58 501-0000-60675 Parts, Accessories, and ... 51.72 501-0000-60679 Motorcycle Repair & Ma... 1,266.44 501-0000-71103 City Bldg Repl/Repair 6,028.00 502-0000-60104 Consultants 28,390.00 502-0000-60300 Maintenance Agreements 4,050.00 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 17,352.00 502-0000-61300 Telephone - Utilities 3,786.84 502-0000-80100 Machinery & Equipment 1,853.95 601-0000-60660 Repair & Maintenance 4,780.00 Grand Total: 1,040,046.21 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Project Account Name Project Name Expense Amount **None** **None** **None** 910,890.47 14-021E RREF II - CWC LAQ EXP RREF II - CWC LAQ LLC 10,150.00 201603CT Construction Expense La Quinta Landscape Renovation 4,190.87 201603RP Retention Payable La Quinta Landscape Renovation -209.54 202102D Design Expense Fritz Burns Park Improvements 5,413.62 202201CT Construction Expense Avenue 50 Pavement Rehab (Wa 91,473.54 202201RP Retention Payable Avenue 50 Pavement Rehab (Wa -4,573.68 2223TMICT Construction Expense FY22/23 Traffic Maintenance ImF 5,476.97 2324TMICT Construction Expense FY23/24Traffic Maintenance ImF 1,705.10 STVRE Short Term Vacation Rental Expen... Short Term Vacation Rental Tracl 4,641.43 XPARKE X Park Expenses X Park 10,887.43 Grand Total: 1,040,046.21 *Project codes are generally used to track Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects, other large public works projects, developer deposits, or city-wide events. Normal operational expenditures are not project coded and, therefore, will report as "none" in this section. 8/28/2023 3:45:49 PM 204 Page 5 of 5 Demand Register City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT03566 - 08/18/2023 JB Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount Fund: 101-GENERAL FUND CENTRAL COMMUNICATIONS 211708 08/2023 - STVR HOTLINE Professional Services 101-6004-60103 623.00 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS- 211709 08/05-09/04/23 - FS #32 CABLE/INTERN... Cable/Internet - Utilities 101-2002-61400 10.52 GALLS LLC 211718 07/28/23 CODE UNIFORMS Uniforms 101-6004-60690 33.94 ERIC OR LINDSEY DEWEY 211714 07/20/23 CITATION DISMISS REFUND L... Administrative Citations 101-0000-42700 1,000.00 BACHNER, BRANDON S. 211703 05/31/23 CITATION DISMISSED REFUND... Administrative Citations 101-0000-42700 3,100.00 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS- 211709 08/03-09/02-23 - FS #93 INTERNET (351... Cable/Internet - Utilities 101-2002-61400 99.99 VILLANUEVA, CELESTE 211739 07/04/23 FY 23/24 WELLNESS DOLLARS Annual Wellness Dollar Reim... 101-1004-50252 200.00 SANCHEZ, STEVE 211729 07/19/23 CJPIA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Travel & Training 101-1001-60320 74.76 SOUTHWEST AQUATICS INC 211731 07/2023 - LAKE MAINTENANCE SERVICE Civic Center Lake Maintenan... 101-3005-60117 1,350.00 SOUTHWEST AQUATICS INC 211731 07/2023 - LAKE MAINTENANCE SERVICE SilverRock Lake Maintenance 101-3005-60189 1,350.00 SANCHEZ, STEVE 211729 07/20-07/21/23 LEAGUE OF CA CIVIC LE... Travel & Training 101-1001-60320 25.15 TRI-STATE MATERIALS INC 211735 7/11/23 - BASE ROCK FOR SRR EVENT P... Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 159.73 GARDAWORLD 211719 08/2023 ARMORED SVCS Professional Services 101-1006-60103 297.11 FERRELLGAS, LP 211716 FS #70 PROPANE GAS Gas - Utilities 101-2002-61100 423.66 POWERS AWARDS INC 211726 08/09/23 GOLF EXPERIENCE AWARDS Community Experiences 101-3003-60149 452.55 CACEO 211707 9/5/23 TRAINING WEBINAR - C.WOODS Travel & Training 101-6004-60320 54.00 CACEO 211707 9/19/23TRAINING WEBINAR-C.WOODS Travel & Training 101-6004-60320 36.00 VERITAS TECHNOLOGIES LLC 211737 07/2023 DATA BACK UP FOR LASERFICHE Professional Services 101-1005-60103 1,149.18 THE CHAMBER 211733 ALL VALLEY MAYORS LUNCHEON Travel & Training 101-1001-60320 900.00 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, L... 211724 07/19/23 CITY-WIDE CUPS Citywide Supplies 101-1007-60403 65.04 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, L... 211724 08/02/23 OFFICE SUPPLIES Office Supplies 101-1006-60400 37.51 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, L... 211724 08/02/23 CITY-WIDE COFFEE Citywide Supplies 101-1007-60403 23.73 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211732 06/29/23 NOTE PADS Office Supplies 101-3005-60400 19.56 SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 211730 07/28/23 LQ PARK SPLASHPAD MATERI... Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 1,080.81 US FLEET TRACKING LLC 211736 07/1/23-06/30/24 POLICE GPS DEVICES... Operating Supplies 101-2001-60420 1,438.20 RASA/ERIC NELSON 211727 TPM 2023-0001 ONCALL MAP CHECKING.. Map/Plan Checking 101-7002-60183 700.00 ROBERT HALF 211728 07/28/23 - TEMP AGENCY SVCS A.MART... Temporary Agency Services 101-6006-60125 1,575.00 FEDEX 211715 7/20/23 OVERNIGHT MAIL Postage 101-1007-60470 22.04 INTERWEST CONSULTING G... 211722 1/1/-1/10/23 ONCALL BUILDING & SAFE... Plan Checks 101-6003-60118 550.00 INTERWEST CONSULTING G... 211722 1/1/-1/11/23 ONCALL BUILDING & SAFE... Plan Checks 101-6003-60118 550.00 THE LOCK SHOP, INC 211734 07/14/23 PADLOCK/MATERIALS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 230.41 THE LOCK SHOP, INC 211734 07/17/23 GATE LOCK MATERIALS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 123.44 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIO... 211717 08/2023 LQ PARK PHONE Telephone - Utilities 101-3005-61300 47.92 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIO... 211717 07/28-08/27/23 SPORTS COMPLEX PHO... Telephone - Utilities 101-3005-61300 38.61 EIDE BAILLY LLP 211713 FY 21/22 GASB 87 LEASE ACCOUNTING ... Professional Services 101-1006-60103 19,500.00 EIDE BAILLY LLP 211713 FY 21/22 ACFR AUDIT SERVICES Auditors 101-1006-60106 11,640.00 COACHELLA VALLEY CONSER... 211711 07/2023 MSHCP FEES MSHCP Mitigation Fee 101-0000-20310 2,975.00 COACHELLA VALLEY CONSER... 211711 07/2023 MSHCP FEES CVMSHCP Admin Fee 101-0000-43631 -29.75 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/1/23-06/30/24 BOTW COSTCO CARD... Credit Card Fees 101-1006-60122 45.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 06/29/23 NAFA REFUND Travel & Training 101-3008-60320 -551.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 06/21/23 RETURN WORK BOOTS Uniforms 101-7006-60690 -201.18 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/18/23 TRAFFIC CONTROL BOOKS Subscriptions & Publications 101-7006-60352 53.91 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/13/23 SR PLANNER INTERVIEW PANE.., Recruiting/Pre-Employment 101-1004-60129 79.20 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/20/23 CALPERS FORUM 2023-C.TRIP... Travel & Training 101-1004-60320 449.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/24/23 ALL HANDS MTG FOOD Travel & Training 101-1004-60320 112.99 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/24/23 ALL HANDS MTG FOOD Travel & Training 101-1004-60320 995.14 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/20/23 CALPERS FORUM 2023-L.CHA... Travel & Training 101-1004-60320 449.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/20/23 CALPERS FORUM 2023-T.MAR... Travel & Training 101-1004-60320 449.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/03/23 SHIPPING SUPPLIES Postage 101-1007-60470 26.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/06/23 DESERT SUN SUBSCRIPTION -... Subscriptions & Publications 101-3002-60352 437.27 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/03/23 ACTIVITY SUPPLIES-CORN HOLE Operating Supplies 101-3002-60420 111.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 FY 21/22 ACFR CERTIFICATE REVIEW Subscriptions & Publications 101-1006-60352 530.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/05/23 - ENERGY DRINKS FOR COUNC... Travel & Training 101-1001-60320 78.28 8/28/2023 3:46:10 PM Page 1 of 5 205 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03566 - 08/18/2023 JB Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/12/23 -TAB BINDER DIVIDERS Office Supplies 101-1005-60400 43.48 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/26/23 - DESK FANS Office Supplies 101-1005-60400 41.52 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 FY 23/24 SAM GOV REGISTRATION REN... Administration 101-1006-60102 549.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 2023 CALPERS EDUCATIONAL FORUM Travel & Training 101-1006-60320 449.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/13/23 - STORAGE ORGANIZERS Office Supplies 101-1006-60400 103.88 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/19/23 - RETURN STORAGE ORGANIZ... Office Supplies 101-1006-60400 -19.56 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/17/23 - STORAGE ORGANIZERS Office Supplies 101-1006-60400 19.56 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/19/23 - STORAGE OGRANIZERS Office Supplies 101-1006-60400 15.21 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/19/23 - RETURN STORAGE ORGANIZ... Office Supplies 101-1006-60400 -21.74 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/19/23 - STORAGE ORGANIZERS Office Supplies 101-1006-60400 20.83 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/19/23 - AIR PURIFIER FILTER Office Supplies 101-1006-60400 32.61 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/20/23 -STORAGE ORGANIZER Office Supplies 101-1006-60400 16.30 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/13/23 - STORAGE ORGANIZERS Office Supplies 101-1006-60400 48.79 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/26/23 - RETURN STORAGE ORGANIZ... Office Supplies 101-1006-60400 -20.83 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/17/23 -STORAGE ORGANIZERS Office Supplies 101-1006-60400 19.56 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 9/1/23-8/31/24 - COSTCO MEMBERSHIP Membership Dues 101-1007-60351 120.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/10/23 - GOLF TOUR RAFFLE ITEMS Community Experiences 101-3003-60149 54.36 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/10/23 - GOLF TOUR RAFFLE ITEMS Community Experiences 101-3003-60149 386.49 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 FY 23/24 DROPBOX SUBSCRIPTION Membership Dues 101-3007-60351 119.88 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 08/2023 - APPLE MUSIC/STORAGE Membership Dues 101-3007-60351 22.95 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 FY 23/24 GOOGLE STORAGE Membership Dues 101-3007-60351 29.99 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/2023 - MAILCHIMP Membership Dues 101-3007-60351 193.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/19/23 - ELECTRICAL RELAY FOR COU... Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 46.05 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/2023 DESERT SUN Subscriptions & Publications 101-6001-60352 11.98 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 06/29/23 - INSPECTOR FIELD SUPPLIES Supplies - Field 101-6003-60425 589.61 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/18/23 - 2023 APA CONFERENCE D.C... Travel & Training 101-6001-60320 625.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/18/23 - 2023 APA CONFERENCE C.FL... Travel & Training 101-6002-60320 625.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/18/23 - 2023 APA CONFERENCE S.FE... Travel & Training 101-6002-60320 200.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/26-07/28 CPSI COURSE & EXAM-J.A... Travel & Training 101-3005-60320 695.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/26-07/28 CPSI COURSE & EXAM - B.T... Travel & Training 101-3005-60320 695.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 FY 23/24 CPRS MEMBERSHIP-J.AGUIRRE Membership Dues 101-3005-60351 145.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/11/23 REPAIR SERVICES FOR LOBBY ... Citywide Supplies 101-1007-60403 1,077.09 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/20/23-07/20/24 SOUNDSTRIPE ME... Membership Dues 101-3007-60351 239.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/19/23 - CALPERS EDUCATIONAL FOR... Travel & Training 101-1006-60320 449.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/19/23 - CALPERS EDUCATIONAL FOR... Travel & Training 101-1006-60320 449.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 FY 23/24 CDFA MEMBERSHIP Membership Dues 101-1006-60351 675.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/28/23 - STORAGE BINS FOR FINANCE Office Supplies 101-1006-60400 57.44 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 06/21/23 - EOC FOOD BARS DISCOUNT Disaster Prep Supplies 101-2002-60406 -15.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/10/23 - FCC RADIO LICENSE Repair & Maintenance - EOC 101-2002-60671 110.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 06/30/23 SPECIAL COUNCIL MTG DINNER Travel & Training 101-1001-60320 162.90 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 9/20-9/22/23 - LEAGUE OF CA CONF FLI... Travel & Training 101-1001-60320 199.96 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/18/23 - COUNCIL MEETING DESSERT Travel & Training 101-1001-60320 30.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 7/18/23 - COUNCIL MEETING DINNER Travel & Training 101-1001-60320 210.80 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/07/23 - COUNCIL MEETING SNACKS Travel & Training 101-1001-60320 85.53 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 8/30-09/01/23 - HOTEL FOR CJPIA FOR... Travel & Training 101-1001-60320 667.80 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 9/20-9/22/23 - LEAGUE OF CA CONF FLI... Travel & Training 101-1001-60320 199.96 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 8/30-09/01/23 - HOTEL FOR CJPIA FOR... Travel & Training 101-1001-60320 667.80 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/12/23 - RUSH CARD DELIVERY FEE Credit Card Fees 101-1006-60122 20.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 08/28/23 - PWX CONFERENCE Travel & Training 101-7003-60320 28.52 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/21/23 CA LEAGUE TRAINING-O.MOJI... Travel & Training 101-1005-60320 50.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/21/23 CA LEAGUE TRAINING-L.MCGI... Travel & Training 101-1005-60320 50.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/21/23 CA LEAGUE TRAINING-M.RAD... Travel & Training 101-1005-60320 50.00 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE PUBIL 211712 11/2022 RADIO MAINTENANCE Operating Supplies 101-2001-60420 310.68 HDL COREN & CONE 211721 FY 22/23 ACFR STATS PACKAGE Subscriptions & Publications 101-1006-60352 695.00 Fund 101- GENERAL FUND Total: 67,318.12 Fund: 201- GAS TAX FUND BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/19/23 - REFUND ROTARY MIXER DE... Materials/Supplies 201-7003-60431 -440.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/19/23 - REFUND ROTARY MIXER DE... Materials/Supplies 201-7003-60431 -440.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/19/23 - CONCRETE & ROTARY MIXER Materials/Supplies 201-7003-60431 722.31 8/28/2023 3:46:10 PM Page 2 of 5 206 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03566 - 08/18/202316 Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/27/23 - CONCRETE & ROTARY MIXER Materials/Supplies 201-7003-60431 722.31 Fund 201- GAS TAX FUND Total: 564.62 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/25/23 - HAND SANITIZER WIPES Operating Supplies 215-7004-60420 135.90 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/17/23 - 2 GALLON COOLER Safety Gear 215-7004-60427 55.44 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/25/23 - VISOR HAT Safety Gear 215-7004-60427 23.91 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/17/23 - PORTABLE COOLER FOR PW Safety Gear 215-7004-60427 75.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/07/23 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 149.70 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total: 439.95 Fund: 224 - TUMF FUND COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOC 0... 211710 07/2023 -TUMF FEES TUMF Payable to CVAG 224-0000-20320 7,650.00 Fund 224 - TUMF FUND Total: 7,650.00 Fund: 247 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND HAMMEL, GREEN, AND ABIR 211720 07/2023 ENTRY MONUMENT DESIGN Marketing & Tourism Promot.., 247-0000-60461 3,634.00 Fund 247 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND Total: 3,634.00 Fund: 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS ORTIZ ENTERPRISES INC. 211725 07/2023 - DUNE PALMS BRIDGE PROGR... Retention Payable 401-0000-20600 -32,292.65 ORTIZ ENTERPRISES INC. 211725 07/2023 - DUNE PALMS BRIDGE PROGR... Construction 401-0000-60188 645,853.00 AMERICAN BUSINESS BANK 211702 07/2023 DUNE PALMS BRIDGE RETENTI... Retention Payable 401-0000-20600 32,292.65 LANDMARK CONSULTANTS, ... 211723 7/20-8/2/23 AVE 50/AVE 52 PAVEMENT... Technical 401-0000-60108 1,520.40 Fund 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total: 647,373.40 Fund: 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/12/23 - DUMP TRUCK REPAIRS Vehicle Repair & Maintenan... 501-0000-60676 254.88 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/06/23 - TRUCK FLOOR MATS Parts, Accessories, and Upfits 501-0000-60675 896.99 Fund 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total: 1,151.87 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS- 211709 07/24-08/23/23 WC CABLE (4601) Cable/Internet - Utilities 502-0000-61400 289.70 VERIZON WIRELESS 211738 07/02-01/23 BACKUP SERVER SVC (2183) Cable/Internet - Utilities 502-0000-61400 66.17 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIO... 211717 07/25-08/24/23 - CH INTERNET Cable/Internet - Utilities 502-0000-61400 100.09 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIO... 211717 07/27-08/26/23 BLACKHAWK/LQ PARK ... Cable/Internet - Utilities 502-0000-61400 80.98 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/2023 EMAIL SPAM PROTECTION SOF... Software Licenses 502-0000-60301 449.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 FY 23/24 LQ ART CELEBRATION DOMAIN.. Software Licenses 502-0000-60301 44.34 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/15/23 - BASECAMP SOFTWARE Software Licenses 502-0000-60301 999.00 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 06/29/23 - IT ITEMS FOR STOCK Operating Supplies 502-0000-60420 1,699.09 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 07/06/23 - ISB C WALL CHARGER AND C... Operating Supplies 502-0000-60420 147.75 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 08/2023 - HULU SUBSCRIPTION Cable/Internet - Utilities 502-0000-61400 74.99 BANK OF THE WEST 211704 7/27/23 - NIKON D580 CAMERA FOR M... Machinery & Equipment 502-0000-80100 5,558.05 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total: 9,509.16 Fund: 504 - INSURANCE FUND BANK OF THE WEST 211704 Fund: 601- SILVERROCK RESORT GARDAWORLD 211719 GARDAWORLD 211719 06/21/23 - ERGO MOUSE #371 Operating Supplies 08/2023 SRR ARMORED SVCS Bank Fees 07/2023 SRR ARMORED SVCS - EXCHAN... Bank Fees 504-1010-60420 76.11 Fund 504 - INSURANCE FUND Total: 76.11 601-0000-60455 725.11 601-0000-60455 56.89 Fund 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT Total: 782.00 Grand Total: 738,499.23 8/28/2023 3:46:10 PM 207 Page 3 of 5 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03566 - 08/18/2023 JB Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 101- GENERAL FUND 67,318.12 201- GAS TAX FUND 564.62 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 439.95 224 - TUMF FUND 7,650.00 247 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND 3,634.00 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 647,373.40 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 1,151.87 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 9,509.16 504 - INSURANCE FUND 76.11 601- SILVERROCK RESORT 782.00 Grand Total: 738,499.23 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-0000-20310 MSHCP Mitigation Fee 2,975.00 101-0000-42700 Administrative Citations 4,100.00 101-0000-43631 CVMSHCP Admin Fee -29.75 101-1001-60320 Travel & Training 3,302.94 101-1004-50252 Annual Wellness Dollar... 200.00 101-1004-60129 Recruiting/Pre-Employm... 79.20 101-1004-60320 Travel & Training 2,455.13 101-1005-60103 Professional Services 1,149.18 101-1005-60320 Travel & Training 150.00 101-1005-60400 Office Supplies 85.00 101-1006-60102 Administration 549.00 101-1006-60103 Professional Services 19,797.11 101-1006-60106 Auditors 11,640.00 101-1006-60122 Credit Card Fees 65.00 101-1006-60320 Travel & Training 1,347.00 101-1006-60351 Membership Dues 675.00 101-1006-60352 Subscriptions & Publicat... 1,225.00 101-1006-60400 Office Supplies 309.56 101-1007-60351 Membership Dues 120.00 101-1007-60403 Citywide Supplies 1,165.86 101-1007-60470 Postage 48.04 101-2001-60420 Operating Supplies 1,748.88 101-2002-60406 Disaster Prep Supplies -15.00 101-2002-60671 Repair & Maintenance -... 110.00 101-2002-61100 Gas - Utilities 423.66 101-2002-61400 Cable/Internet - Utilities 110.51 101-3002-60352 Subscriptions & Publicat... 437.27 101-3002-60420 Operating Supplies 111.00 101-3003-60149 Community Experiences 893.40 101-3005-60117 Civic Center Lake Maint... 1,350.00 101-3005-60189 SilverRock Lake Mainten... 1,350.00 101-3005-60320 Travel & Training 1,390.00 101-3005-60351 Membership Dues 145.00 101-3005-60400 Office Supplies 19.56 101-3005-60431 Materials/Supplies 1,594.39 101-3005-61300 Telephone - Utilities 86.53 101-3007-60351 Membership Dues 604.82 101-3008-60320 Travel & Training -551.00 101-3008-60431 Materials/Supplies 46.05 101-6001-60320 Travel & Training 625.00 101-6001-60352 Subscriptions & Publicat... 11.98 101-6002-60320 Travel & Training 825.00 101-6003-60118 Plan Checks 1,100.00 101-6003-60425 Supplies - Field 589.61 101-6004-60103 Professional Services 623.00 8/28/2023 3:46:10 PM 208 Page 4 of 5 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03566 - 08/18/202316 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-6004-60320 Travel & Training 90.00 101-6004-60690 Uniforms 33.94 101-6006-60125 Temporary Agency Servi... 1,575.00 101-7002-60183 Map/Plan Checking 700.00 101-7003-60320 Travel & Training 28.52 101-7006-60352 Subscriptions & Publicat... 53.91 101-7006-60690 Uniforms -201.18 201-7003-60431 Materials/Supplies 564.62 215-7004-60420 Operating Supplies 135.90 215-7004-60427 Safety Gear 154.35 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 149.70 224-0000-20320 TUMF Payable to CVAG 7,650.00 247-0000-60461 Marketing & Tourism Pr... 3,634.00 401-0000-20600 Retention Payable 0.00 401-0000-60108 Technical 1,520.40 401-0000-60188 Construction 645,853.00 501-0000-60675 Parts, Accessories, and ... 896.99 501-0000-60676 Vehicle Repair & Maint... 254.88 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 1,492.34 502-0000-60420 Operating Supplies 1,846.84 502-0000-61400 Cable/Internet - Utilities 611.93 502-0000-80100 Machinery & Equipment 5,558.05 504-1010-60420 Operating Supplies 76.11 601-0000-60455 Bank Fees 782.00 Grand Total: 738,499.23 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Project Account Name Project Name Expense Amount **None** **None** **None** 85,975.43 111205CT Construction Expense Dune Palms Bridge Imp/BRLKS-5� 645,853.00 111205RP Retention Payable Dune Palms Bridge Imp/BRLKS-5� 0.00 202203T Technical Expense Fred Waring Drive Pavement Reh 1,520.40 202319E Entry Monument Project expense Entry Monuments project 3,634.00 GOLFE Golf Tour Expense Golf Tour 893.40 STVRE Short Term Vacation Rental Expen... Short Term Vacation Rental Tracl 623.00 Grand Total: 738,499.23 *Project codes are generally used to track Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects, other large public works projects, developer deposits, or city-wide events. Normal operational expenditures are not project coded and, therefore, will report as "none" in this section. 8/28/2023 3:46:10 PM 209 Page 5 of 5 ATTACHMENT 2 City of La Quinta Bank Transactions 7/24/2023 — 8/18/2023 Wire Transaction Listed below are the wire transfers from 7/24/2023— 8/18/2023. Wire Transfers: 07/24/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALIPERS 07/24/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALIPERS 07/24/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALIPERS 07/24/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - J&H ASSET PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, INC 07/25/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - STERLING 07/25/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - J&H ASSET PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, INC 07/31/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - AMERITAS 07/31/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - AMERITAS 07/31/2023 -WIRE TRANSFER-AMERITAS 07/31/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - AMERITAS 07/31/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - COLONIAL LIFE 08/04/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - LQCEA 08/04/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - MISSION SQUARE 08/04/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - MISSION SQUARE 08/04/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - LANDMARK 08/07/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALIPERS 08/07/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALIPERS 08/07/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALIPERS 08/08/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - STERLING HEALTH 08/09/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALIPERS 08/09/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALIPERS 08/18/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - LQCEA 08/18/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - MISSION SQUARE 08/18/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - MISSION SQUARE 08/18/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - LANDMARK TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS OUT $5,975.26 $15,569.53 $30,092.92 $50,000.00 $1,460.39 $47,757.17 $44.98 $207.48 $954.93 $6,092.20 $8,531.56 $477.00 $3,825.00 $10,276.28 $158,556.99 $5,476.67 $15,606.61 $29,888.69 $1,460.39 $1,050.00 $128,252.09 $477.00 $3,875.00 $10,751.28 $183,619.56 $720,278.98 210 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 17 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 19, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED AUGUST 25, SEPTEMBER 1 AND 8, 2023 RECOMMENDATION Approve demand registers dated August 25, September 1 and 8, 2023. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY — None FISCAL IMPACT Demand of Cash: City Successor Agency of RDA Housing Authority BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS $ 19,341,351.33 $ 21,846.31 $ 19,363,197.64 Routine bills and payroll must be paid between Council meetings. Attachment 1 details the weekly demand registers for August 25, September 1 and 8, 2023. Warrants Issued: 211740-211817 $ 1,204,407.74 211819-211858 $ 2,102,686.29 211859-211905 $ 339,016.37 Wire Transfers $ 15,412,981.18 Payroll Tax Transfers $ 54,645.18 Payroll Direct Deposit $ 249,460.88 $ 19,363,197.64 "Check number 211818, payable to Southern California Gas Company, will be reported on a future Demand Register Report. 211 Vendor Account Name Amount Purpose Granite Construction Company Coachella Valley Association of Government(') Coachella Valley Conservation Commission PWLC II, Inc. Construction Various MSHCP Mitigation Fee Various Burrtec Waste & Various Recycling Services (1) Payments were made 8/25/23 & 9/1/23. $1,599,112.56 Ave 50 & Ave 52 Pavement Rehabilitation Progress Payment $353,626.36 June TUMF Fees & FY23/24 Homeless Bus Pass Program $147,663.45 June MSHCP Fees $140,000.00 July L&L Maintenance & City Parks Sports Field Leveling $114,227.60 FY22/23 Property Tax Payment SS3 Wire Transfers: Twenty-one transfers totaled $15,412,981. Of this amount, $14,998,883 was to US Bank Trust for bond debt service payment and $236,676 was to CaIPERS (See Attachment 2 for a complete listing). Investment Transactions: Full details of investment transactions, as well as total holdings, are reported quarterly in the Treasurer's Report. Settle Coupon Transaction Issuer Type Par Value Date Rate YTM Maturity Raymond James Bank CD $ 244,000 8/23/2023 1.950% 1.950% Purchase Knoxville TVA FCU CD $ 248,000 8/25/2023 4.850% 4.850% Maturity United States Treasury T-Bill $ 1,000,000 8/29/2023 0.000% 5.040% Maturity United States Treasury T-Bill $ 3,000,000 8/31/2023 0.000% 5.200% Maturity United States Treasury Treasury Note $ 1,000,000 8/31/2023 2.750% 4.790% Maturity Federal Farm Credit Banks Agency $ 250,000 9/5/2023 2.800% 3.040% Purchase BNY Mellon CD $ 244,000 9/7/2023 4.500% 4.500% Maturity United States Treasury T-Bill $ 2,000,000 9/7/2023 0.000% 0.000% Purchase United States Treasury Treasury Note $ 3,000,000 9/7/2023 1.875% 5.440% Purchase Federal Home Loan Banks Agency Discoun $ 2,000,000 9/7/2023 0.000% 5.472% Purchase United States Treasury Treasury Note $ 2,000,000 9/7/2023 2.125% 5.430% Purchase Tucson Federal Credit Union CD $ 248,000 9/8/2023 5.000% 5.000% Prepared by: Jesse Batres, Account Technician Approved by: Rosemary Hallick, Financial Services Analyst Attachments: 1. Demand Registers 2. Wire Transfers 212 ATTACHMENT 1 Demand Register City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT03577 - 08/25/2023 JB Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 211807 CONTRIBUTION United Way Deductions 101-0000-20981 37.00 DESERT SUN PUBLISHING, LLC 211764 06/02/23 - PC PHC LA VILLETTA Advertising 101-6002-60450 420.00 DESERT SUN PUBLISHING, LLC 211764 06/02/23 - LA VILLETTA NOI Advertising 101-6002-60450 420.00 DESERT SUN PUBLISHING, LLC 211764 6/4/-6/11/23 - PHN STREET VACTION L... Advertising 101-7002-60450 840.00 DESERT SUN PUBLISHING, LLC 211764 06/07/23 - FY 23/24 CIP PHN Advertising 101-7002-60450 182.60 TOTAL CARE WORK INJURY C... 211804 06/30-07/28/23 - PRE EMPLOYMENT PH... Recruiting/Pre-Employment 101-1004-60129 360.00 WILLDAN 211815 06/2023 ONCALL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING... Contract Traffic Engineer 101-7006-60144 21,348.50 WILLDAN 211815 07/2023 ONCALL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING... Contract Traffic Engineer 101-7006-60144 3,850.00 ESPINOZA, DAVID C. 211768 08/26/23 - CHARIS FOR H.LOPEZ VIGIL Community Experiences 101-3003-60149 460.00 DECKARD TECHNOLOGIES, I... 211760 06/2023 - RENTALSCAPE Professional Services 101-1005-60103 3,750.00 CACEO 211748 09/27/23 - CACEO WEBINAR K.MEREDI... Travel & Training 101-6004-60320 108.00 EAGLE AERIAL SOLUTIONS 211766 WALL MURAL PRINT & MOUNTING Contingency for Operations 101-1002-60510 5,024.66 WELLNESS WORKS 211812 07/2023 - EAP SERVICES Consultants/Employee Servic... 101-1004-60104 396.00 NI GOVERNMENT SERVICES I... 211786 07/2023 - SATELLITE PHONES Mobile/Cell Phones/Satellites 101-2002-61304 87.35 JENSEN, SHARLA W 211781 1 DAY SESSION CLASS Instructors 101-3002-60107 96.00 JENSEN, SHARLA W 211781 PERSONAL TRAINING 3 SESSIONS CLASS Instructors 101-3002-60107 132.00 JENSEN, SHARLA W 211781 PERSONAL TRAINING 6 SESSIONS CLASS... Instructors 101-3002-60107 792.00 SHIRY, TERESA 211795 BALLROOM BEGINNING CLASSES Instructors 101-3002-60107 138.25 WILLIAMS, BILLEE 211817 PILATES CLASS Instructors 101-3002-60107 84.00 WILLIAMS, BILLEE 211817 GENTLE YOGA FRIDAY CLASS Instructors 101-3002-60107 84.00 41MPRINT 211741 SABER SPACE SWORDS FOR H.LOPEZ M... Promotional Items 101-3007-60134 2,457.78 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC 211770 NATURAL GAS VALVE FOR FS #70 Maintenance/Services 101-2002-60691 426.75 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC 211770 NATURAL GAS VALVE FOR FS #70 Maintenance/Services 101-2002-60691 563.11 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, L... 211788 OFFICE SUPPLIES Office Supplies 101-1002-60400 203.66 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, L... 211788 FORKS FOR COUNCIL DAYS Office Supplies 101-1002-60400 16.30 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, L... 211788 BATTERIES, DESK CALENDAR, & TOWEL ... Office Supplies 101-1002-60400 41.07 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, L... 211788 NAPKINS Office Supplies 101-1002-60400 9.41 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, L... 211788 SCOTCH TAPE Office Supplies 101-1002-60400 14.13 THE GOLF CLUB AT TERRA L... 211801 2023 SEASON GOLF EXPERIENCE BANQ... Community Experiences 101-3003-60149 1,131.38 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211798 CITYWIDE PRINTING PAPER Forms, Copier Paper 101-1007-60402 553.35 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211798 WATER FOR SPLASH PAD OPENING Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 36.87 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211798 PLANNERS Office Supplies 101-7001-60400 32.60 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211798 TAPE MEASURE Operating Supplies 101-7002-60420 15.30 SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 211796 IRRIGATION PARTS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 15.99 SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 211796 IRRIGATION PARTS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 128.10 SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 211796 IRRIGATION PARTS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 18.49 SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 211796 IRRIGATION PARTS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 330.00 SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 211796 IRRIGATION PARTS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 246.43 BIO-TOX LABORATORIES 211746 BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS Blood/Alcohol Testing 101-2001-60174 387.30 BIO-TOX LABORATORIES 211746 BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS Blood/Alcohol Testing 101-2001-60174 629.73 JOHNSON CONTROLS FIRE P... 211782 TROUBLESHOOT & REPAIR CH MASTER ... Maintenance/Services 101-3008-60691 1,601.20 CALIFORNIA CONSULTING, I... 211750 LWCF GRANT FOR FB PARK PROJECT Contract Services - Administr... 101-1002-60101 5,535.00 ROBERT HALF 211791 08/04/23 - TEMP AGENCY SERVICES A.... Temporary Agency Services 101-6006-60125 1,575.00 ROBERT HALF 211791 08/11/23 - TEMP AGENCY SERVICES A.... Temporary Agency Services 101-6006-60125 1,575.00 FEDEX 211769 08/02/23 OVERNIGHT MAIL Postage 101-1007-60470 13.85 INTERWEST CONSULTING G... 211780 06/2023 - INSPECTIONS SERVICES Plan Checks 101-6003-60118 23,379.45 DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SE... 211761 07/2023 ANIMAL SERVICES Animal Shelter Contract Servi.., 101-6004-60197 30,492.72 RUTAN & TUCKER 211792 968629 -TELECOMMUNICATIONS Attorney 101-1003-60153 1,991.00 RUTAN & TUCKER 211792 968624 - PERSONNEL GENERAL Attorney 101-1003-60153 648.00 RUTAN & TUCKER 211792 968623 - GENERAL ACCOUNT Attorney 101-1003-60153 2,190.78 RUTAN & TUCKER 211792 968628 - SRR RESORT Attorney 101-1003-60153 2,136.00 RUTAN & TUCKER 211792 968626 - CODE ENFORCEMENT Attorney 101-1003-60153 967.50 RUTAN & TUCKER 211792 968627 - RETAINER MATTER Attorney 101-1003-60153 11,000.00 9/11/2023 4:53:49 PM Page 1 of 9 213 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03577 - 08/25/2023 JB Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount RUTAN & TUCKER 211792 968625 - LITIGATION GENERAL Attorney/Litigation 101-1003-60154 792.00 CAMILLE BARBER 211751 CITATION REDUCED LQ200464 Administrative Citations 101-0000-42700 3,100.00 BURRTEC WASTE & RECYCLI... 211747 FY 22/23 PROPERTY TAX PAYMENT SS3 Due to Waste Management 101-0000-20307 127,485.88 THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE.. 211802 08/2023 LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUMS Life Insurance Pay 101-0000-20947 475.20 THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE.. 211802 08/2023 ADD'L LIFE PREMIUMS Add'I Life Insurance Pay 101-0000-20948 451.45 THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE.. 211802 08/2023 STD/LTD PREMIUMS Disability Insurance Pay 101-0000-20955 3,905.13 BURRTEC WASTE & RECYCLI... 211747 FY 22/23 PROPERTY TAX PAYMENT SS3 Franchise Taxes - Burrtec 101-0000-41505 -12,691.95 CAMILLE BARBER 211752 CITATION DISMISSAL LQ200401 Administrative Citations 101-0000-42700 4,100.00 SANCHEZ, TOMMI 211794 SUPPLIES AND SNACKS FOR TYLER TRAIN.. Travel & Training 101-1006-60320 122.56 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC 211770 RETURN NATURAL GAS VALVE FOR FS #... Maintenance/Services 101-2002-60691 -426.75 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211757 WATER SERVICE Water - Utilities 101-2002-61200 830.93 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211757 WATER SERVICE Water -Fritz Burns Park - Utili... 101-3005-61204 258.40 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211757 WATER SERVICE Water -Seasons Park - Utilities 101-3005-61208 26.64 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211757 WATER SERVICE Water -Community Park - Util.. 101-3005-61209 209.68 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211757 WATER SERVICE Water - Utilities 101-3008-61200 97.13 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211757 WATER SERVICE Water -Monticello Park - Utili... 101-3005-61201 4,152.53 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211757 WATER SERVICE Water - Civic Center Park - Uti- 101-3005-61202 7,482.24 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211757 WATER SERVICE Water -Community Park - Util.. 101-3005-61209 16,373.13 COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOC 0... 211755 06/2023 - ARTS AND MUSIC LINE SHARE... Contributions to Other Agenc.. 101-7006-60480 7,406.36 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STAN... 211749 01/01-03/31/22 - BSAS SB 1473 FEES BSAS SB 1473 Fees 101-0000-20306 2,187.00 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STAN... 211749 01/01-03/31/22 - BSAS SB 1473 FEES CBSC Administrative Fees 101-0000-42615 -218.70 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STAN... 211749 04/01-06/30/22 - BSAS SB 1473 FEES BSAS SB 1473 Fees 101-0000-20306 3,069.00 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STAN... 211749 04/01-06/30/22 - BSAS SB 1473 FEES CBSC Administrative Fees 101-0000-42615 -306.90 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STAN... 211749 07/01-09/30/22 - BSAS SB 1473 FEES BSAS SB 1473 Fees 101-0000-20306 1,878.00 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STAN... 211749 07/01-09/30/22 - BSAS SB 1473 FEES CBSC Administrative Fees 101-0000-42615 -187.80 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STAN... 211749 10/01-12/31/22 - BSAS SB 1473 FEES BSAS SB 1473 Fees 101-0000-20306 1,925.00 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVA... 211762 10/01-12/31/22 - SEISMIC HAZARD MA... SMIP Fees Payable 101-0000-20308 4,124.87 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVA... 211762 10/01-12/31/22 - SEISMIC HAZARD MA... SMIP Fees 101-0000-42610 -206.24 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STAN... 211749 10/01-12/31/22 - BSAS SB 1473 FEES CBSC Administrative Fees 101-0000-42615 -192.50 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STAN... 211749 01/01-03/31/23 - BSAS SB 1473 FEES BSAS SB 1473 Fees 101-0000-20306 1,590.00 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STAN... 211749 01/01-03/31/23 - BSAS SB 1473 FEES CBSC Administrative Fees 101-0000-42615 -159.00 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STAN... 211749 04/01-06/30/23 - BSAS SB 1473 FEES BSAS SB 1473 Fees 101-0000-20306 3,440.00 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVA... 211762 04/01-06/30/23 - SEISMIC HAZARD MA... SMIP Fees Payable 101-0000-20308 7,981.16 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVA... 211762 04/01-06/30/23 - SEISMIC HAZARD MA... SMIP Fees 101-0000-42610 -399.05 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STAN... 211749 04/01-06/30/23 - BSAS SB 1473 FEES CBSC Administrative Fees 101-0000-42615 -344.00 PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITIO... 211789 08/2023 CH WATER TREATMENT HVAC 101-3008-60667 125.00 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 211759 8/1/23-7/31/24 - LQ PARK SNACK BAR P... Annual Permits/Inspections 101-3008-60196 156.00 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 211759 8/1/23-7/31/24 - SPORTS COMPLEX SN... Annual Permits/Inspections 101-3008-60196 156.00 SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY 211799 07/2023 SUNLINE PASSES Due to SunLine 101-0000-20305 204.00 SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY 211799 07/2023 SUNLINE PASSES Miscellaneous Revenue 101-0000-42301 -10.00 111 NOTARY SERVICES 211740 06/30/22 - PRE -EMPLOYMENT FINGERP... Recruiting/Pre-Employment 101-1004-60129 15.00 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEME ... 211783 06/29/23- GRAFFITI REMOVAL SUPPLIES Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 118.88 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 06/30/23 - SPRAY PAINT Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 34.71 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 06/29/23 - BRASS FITTINGS Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 59.19 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 06/28/23 - EPDXY Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 115.23 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 06/28/23 - BRASS FITTINGS Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 31.49 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEME... 211783 SRR BOCCE BALL COURT PAVERS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 8,604.30 THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE.. 211802 07/2023 LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUMS Life Insurance Pay 101-0000-20947 464.40 THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE.. 211802 07/2023 ADD'L LIFE PREMIUMS Add'I Life Insurance Pay 101-0000-20948 451.45 THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE.. 211802 07/2023 STD/LTD PREIMUMS Disability Insurance Pay 101-0000-20955 3,194.88 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/10/23 - LIGHT BULBS FOR FS #93 Fire Station 101-2002-60670 265.74 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/11/23 - LED LIGHTS FOR FS #70 Maintenance/Services 101-2002-60691 43.47 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/11/23 - LED LIGHTS FOR FS #70 Maintenance/Services 101-2002-60691 304.27 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEME... 211783 07/21/23 - SUPPLIES FOR WC Operating Supplies 101-3002-60420 135.75 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/03/23 - REBAR & STRAP TIES FOR PA... Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 507.26 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEME... 211783 07/17/23 - ALL PURPOSE SAND BAGS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 331.31 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/06/23 - REBAR & STRAP TIES Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 258.30 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEME... 211783 07/11/23 - WET FLOOR SIGN Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 49.52 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/20/23 - WATER HOSE & KNEE PADS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 201.12 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEME... 211783 07/19/23 - ALL PURPOSE SAND BAGS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 331.31 9/11/2023 4:53:49 PM Page 2 of 9 214 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03577 - 08/25/2023 JB Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEME... 211783 07/18/23 - ALL PURPOSE SAND BAGS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 331.31 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/14/23 - TOWELS & SPRAY PAINT Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 33.13 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/25/23 - GLOVES & BATTERIES Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 92.30 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/06/23 - PVC PIPE FOR MITCHELL PAI... Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 43.17 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEME... 211783 07/20/23 - WET TILE SAW Tools/Equipment 101-3005-60432 1,187.03 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/18/23 -TAPE MEASURES & STAPLERS Tools/Equipment 101-3005-60432 157.49 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 7/26/23 PAINT & PAINT SUPPLIES FOR S... Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 98.90 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/06/23 - PVC PIPE & FITTINGS Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 114.76 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/27/23 - HANDHELD GAS CYLINDERS Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 47.58 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/26/23 - KEYS FOR X-PARK Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 17.27 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/5/23 - RETURN PVC FITTINGS Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 -22.15 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/12/23 - LIGHT BULBS FOR CH Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 119.06 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/27/23 - BATTERIES Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 45.39 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/13/23 - WALL ACCESS DOOR & ABS F... Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 219.62 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 7/19/23 PAINT & PAINT SUPPLIES FOR S... Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 408.76 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/20/23 - MICROFIBER CLOTHS & GLO... Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 48.60 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/26/23 - KEYS Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 25.90 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/03/23 - CONCRETE MIX Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 4.60 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEME... 211783 07/06/23 - MALE STANDARD AERATOR Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 24.71 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEME... 211783 07/19/23 - SHEET METAL Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 106.35 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEME... 211783 07/18/23 - FLOOR FANS Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 340.87 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEME... 211783 07/18/23 - UTILITY PUMP Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 208.50 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEME... 211783 07/13/23 - SILICONE CAULK & SHEET M... Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 39.16 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEME... 211783 07/13/23 - WIRED ROLLED FENCE Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 41.12 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/05/23 - MATERIALS FOR LQ PARK Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 212.72 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/14/23 - GRAB HOOKS Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 21.68 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/18/23 - OUTLET EXTENDERS & EXTE... Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 102.17 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/10/23 - PIPE WRENCH & FOLDING KN.. Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 92.37 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/18/23 - EXTENSION CORDS Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 201.02 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/09/23 - RETURN EARPLUGS Tools/Equipment 101-3008-60432 -6.17 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 06/29/23 - RETURN SAFETY GLASSES Tools/Equipment 101-3008-60432 -14.00 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/14/23 - CLIP CASE HOLSTER & DRIVE... Tools/Equipment 101-3008-60432 35.39 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 06/29/23 - EARPLUGS & SAFETY GLASSES Tools/Equipment 101-3008-60432 20.17 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 06/29/23 - WORKING GLOVES Tools/Equipment 101-3008-60432 21.62 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 06/30/23 - POWER TOOL BATTERY PACK Tools/Equipment 101-3008-60432 238.16 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 06/30/23 - FACE SHIELD Tools/Equipment 101-3008-60432 26.36 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEME... 211783 07/13/23 - STUD FINDER Tools/Equipment 101-3008-60432 36.15 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 06/30/23 - HAMMER DRILL Tools/Equipment 101-3008-60432 162.04 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 06/30/23 - IMPACT WRENCH Tools/Equipment 101-3008-60432 270.79 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEME... 211783 07/05/23 - BRASS FITTINGS Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 9.68 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/25/23 - BUNGEE CORDS & BARREL L... Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 53.76 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/05/23 - NYLON TEE FITTINGS Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 7.98 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/19/23 - SCREWDRIVER SET & SPRAY ... Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 23.85 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEME... 211783 07/21/23 - CONCRETE & CONCRETE TO... Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 60.51 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEME... 211783 07/03/23 - 1 GALLON DRINK CARRIER Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 25.76 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/19/23 - GLOVES & EAR MUFFS & BO... Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 180.64 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEME... 211783 07/13/23 - SHOVEL & GLOVES Tools/Equipment 101-7003-60432 48.51 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/17/23 - SLEDGE HAMMER & BUNGEE.. Tools/Equipment 101-7003-60432 64.64 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 06/27/23 - BOX LEVELS Operating Supplies 101-7006-60420 272.94 RUTAN & TUCKER 211792 06/2023 - RETAINER Attorney 101-1003-60153 11,000.00 COACHELLA VALLEY CONSER... 211756 06/2023 MSHCP FEES MSHCP Mitigation Fee 101-0000-20310 149,155.00 COACHELLA VALLEY CONSER... 211756 06/2023 MSHCP FEES CVMSHCP Admin Fee 101-0000-43631 -1,491.55 ACTION PARK ALLIANCE, INC. 211743 07/01-09/30/23 - X PARK OPERATIONS X Park Programming 101-3003-60190 101,019.50 RUTAN & TUCKER 211792 05/2023 - RETAINER Attorney 101-1003-60153 11,000.00 OCEAN SPRINGS TECH INC 211787 FB POOL EMERGENCY PUMP & MEDIA R... Fritz Burns Pool Maintenance 101-3005-60184 5,687.27 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211757 WATER SERVICE Water -Desert Pride - Utilities 101-3005-61206 2,769.59 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211757 WATER SERVICE PM 10 - Dust Control 101-7006-60146 42.39 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211757 WATER SERVICE Water - Utilities 101-2002-61200 262.14 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211757 WATER SERVICE Water -Eisenhower Park - Util.. 101-3005-61203 239.91 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211757 WATER SERVICE Water -Velasco Park - Utilities 101-3005-61205 255.57 9/11/2023 4:53:49 PM Page 3 of 9 215 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03577 - 08/25/2023 JB Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211757 WATER SERVICE Water -Fritz Burns Park - Utili... 101-3005-61204 3,512.66 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211757 WATER SERVICE Water - Utilities 101-3008-61200 916.59 VITAMIN SHOPPE INDUSTRIE... 211811 REFUND BUSINESS LICENSE OVERPAYM... Over Payments, AR Policy 101-0000-20330 51.00 DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 211763 PANEL LIGHT FIXTURES FOR CH Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 246.48 DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 211763 PANEL LIGHT FIXTURES FOR CH Materials/Supplies 101-3008-60431 985.92 Fund 101- GENERAL FUND Total: 625,008.23 Fund: 201- GAS TAX FUND TOPS' N BARRICADES INC 211803 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS Traffic Control Signs 201-7003-60429 135.72 TOPS' N BARRICADES INC 211803 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS Traffic Control Signs 201-7003-60429 280.58 TOPS' N BARRICADES INC 211803 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS Traffic Control Signs 201-7003-60429 135.94 WHITE CAP CONSTRUCTION ... 211814 MATERIALS & TOOLS Materials/Supplies 201-7003-60431 501.59 WHITE CAP CONSTRUCTION ... 211814 CONCRETE MATERIALS Materials/Supplies 201-7003-60431 483.25 WHITE CAP CONSTRUCTION ... 211814 CONCRETE MATERIALS Materials/Supplies 201-7003-60431 1,489.04 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEME... 211783 07/19/23 - CONCRETE BAGS Materials/Supplies 201-7003-60431 21.86 Fund 201- GAS TAX FUND Total: 3,047.98 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC 211770 ADJUSTABLE WRENCH Maintenance/Services 202-3004-60691 50.39 USA DRAIN AND PLUMBING... 211809 08/09/23 - LIBRARY TOILET REPAIRS Maintenance/Services 202-3004-60691 275.00 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211757 WATER SERVICE Water - Utilities 202-3006-61200 445.00 PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITIO... 211789 08/2023 LIBRARY WATER TREATMENT HVAC 202-3004-60667 125.00 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEME... 211783 07/17/23 -OIL BASED PAINT Maintenance/Services 202-3004-60691 41.93 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/11/23 - KEY LOCKING HASP & ANCH... Maintenance/Services 202-3004-60691 51.47 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total: 988.79 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND DESERT SUN PUBLISHING, LLC 211764 06/29/23 - L&L PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Administration 215-7004-60102 281.60 WILLDAN FINANCIAL SERVIC... 211816 04/01-06/30/23 - LANDSCAPE & LIGHTI... Administration 215-7004-60102 3,700.01 SPARKLETTS 211797 07/12/23 & 07/26/23 - DRINKING WATER Operating Supplies 215-7004-60420 319.30 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211798 COFFEE SUPPLILES Operating Supplies 215-7004-60420 58.59 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIO... 211771 08/07-09/06/23 - PHONE SVC Electric - Utilities 215-7004-61116 143.25 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 06/28/23 - POTTING MIX Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 73.35 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211778 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Utilities 215-7004-61116 426.60 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211778 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Medians - Utilities 215-7004-61117 24.68 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211757 WATER SERVICE Water - Medians - Utilities 215-7004-61211 4,384.14 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211757 WATER SERVICE Water - Medians - Utilities 215-7004-61211 4,084.18 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211757 WATER SERVICE Water - Medians - Utilities 215-7004-61211 18,451.67 DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 211763 ELECTRICAL PARTS Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 704.99 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total: 32,652.36 Fund: 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND ALPHA MEDIA LLC 211744 07/2023 - RECYCLE RADIO ADS AB 939 Recycling Solutions 221-0000-60127 3,500.00 BURRTEC WASTE & RECYCLI... 211747 FY 22/23 PROPERTY TAX PAYMENT SS3 Burrtec AB 939 Fee 221-0000-41506 -566.33 Fund 221- AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND Total: 2,933.67 Fund: 224 - TUMF FUND COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOC 0... 211755 06/2023 -TUMF FEES TUMF Payable to CVAG 224-0000-20320 343,220.00 Fund 224 - TUMF FUND Total: 343,220.00 Fund: 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 DIVISION OF THE STATE ARC... 211765 07/01-09/30/22 - SB 1186 FEES 10% Contributions to State Agency 230-0000-60480 449.00 DIVISION OF THE STATE ARC... 211765 10/01-12/31/22 - SB 1186 FEES 10% Contributions to State Agency 230-0000-60480 491.70 DIVISION OF THE STATE ARC... 211765 01/01-03/31/23 - SB 1186 FEES 10% Contributions to State Agency 230-0000-60480 544.00 DIVISION OF THE STATE ARC... 211765 04/01-06/30/23 - SB 1186 FEES 10% Contributions to State Agency 230-0000-60480 438.40 Fund 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 Total: 1,923.10 Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS DESERT SUN PUBLISHING, LLC 211764 06/21-06/28/23 - FRED WARING DR PA... Construction 401-0000-60188 1,284.80 DESERT SUN PUBLISHING, LLC 211764 06/07-06/14/23 - AVE 50 & AVE 52 PAV... Construction 401-0000-60188 1,276.00 T.Y. LIN INTERNATIONAL 211800 8/15-12/31/22 DUNES PALMS RD BRIDG... Construction 401-0000-60188 18,880.05 NAI CONSULTING INC 211785 07/2023 AVE 50 REHAB (WASHINGTON ... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 3,000.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 211785 07/2023 VILLAGE UNDERGROUNDING P... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 387.50 NAI CONSULTING INC 211785 07/2023 AVE 50 BRIDGE Professional Services 401-0000-60103 1,600.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 211785 07/2023 DUNE PALMS BRIDGE Professional Services 401-0000-60103 3,485.00 9/11/2023 4:53:49 PM Page 4 of 9 216 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03577 - 08/25/2023 JB Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount NAI CONSULTING INC 211785 07/2023 SMART INFRASTRUCTUREIMP... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 362.50 NAI CONSULTING INC 211785 07/2023 LQ LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS Professional Services 401-0000-60103 1,575.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 211785 07/2023 AVE 48 ARTAND MUSIC LINE Professional Services 401-0000-60103 387.50 NAI CONSULTING INC 211785 07/2023 DUNE PALMS ROAD PAVEMENT.. Professional Services 401-0000-60103 112.50 NAI CONSULTING INC 211785 07/2023 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PL... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 9,572.50 NAI CONSULTING INC 211785 07/2023 FRED WARING DRIVE PAVEME... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 1,450.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 211785 07/2023 AVE 52 PAVEMENT REHAB Professional Services 401-0000-60103 2,462.50 NAI CONSULTING INC 211785 07/2023 HIGHWAY 111 CORRIDOR Professional Services 401-0000-60103 637.50 NAI CONSULTING INC 211785 07/2023 SPORTS COMPLEX LIGHTING R... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 175.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 211785 07/2023 AVE 50 WIDENING IMPROVEM... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 175.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 211785 07/2023 COVE TRAILS PARKING LOT IM... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 3,367.50 NAI CONSULTING INC 211785 07/2023 SLURRY SEAL PROJECT Professional Services 401-0000-60103 1,587.50 NAI CONSULTING INC 211785 07/2023 CITYWIDE MISC. ADA IMPROV... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 1,025.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 211785 07/2023 CIVIC CENTER ACTIVITIES PRO... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 1,475.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 211785 07/2023 CAMERAS PHASE 2 Professional Services 401-0000-60103 175.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 211785 07/2023 CIVIC CENTER CAMPUS LAKE I... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 175.00 NAI CONSULTING INC 211785 07/2023 JEFFERSON ST & HWY 111 IMP... Professional Services 401-0000-60103 37.50 NAI CONSULTING INC 211785 07/2023 VILLAGE ART/CULTURAL PLAZA Professional Services 401-0000-60103 1,087.50 NAI CONSULTING INC 211785 07/2023 CORPORATE YARD Professional Services 401-0000-60103 175.00 GHD INC. 211774 06/2023 - HWY 111 CORRIDOR PLANNI... Design 401-0000-60185 42,803.21 BENGAL ENGINEERING INC 211745 06/2023 - DUNE PALMS LOW WATER C... Design 401-0000-60185 4,500.22 WESTERN SYSTEMS, INC 211813 TRAFFIC BACK UP BATTERIES Construction 401-0000-60188 1,818.11 URBAN HABITAT 211808 6/2023 LQ LANDSCAPE RENOVATION I... Construction 401-0000-60188 13,742.35 CONVERGINTTECHNOLOGIES-211758 06/2023 CITYWIDE CAMERA SYSTEM MA.. Construction 401-0000-60188 3,521.25 Fund 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total: 122,313.49 Fund: 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT TOWER ENERGY GROUP 211805 07/15-07/31/23 - FUEL Fuel & Oil 501-0000-60674 4,573.98 S&D CARWASH MANAGEME... 211793 07/2023 CAR WASH MEMBERSHIP Vehicle Repair & Maintenan... 501-0000-60676 819.59 GARCIA SANCHEZ, IBAN 211773 VEHICLE WASHES Vehicle Repair & Maintenan... 501-0000-60676 540.00 CHEVROLET CADILLAC 211754 2022 CHEVY COLORADO OIL CHANGE VI... Vehicle Repair & Maintenan... 501-0000-60676 93.24 CHEVROLET CADILLAC 211754 2022 CHEVY TRAVERSE OIL CHANGE VIN... Fuel & Oil 501-0000-60674 93.24 ENTERPRISE FM TRUST 211767 08/2023 FLEET LEASES Vehicles, Rentals & Leases 501-0000-71030 3,903.45 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/06/23 - TRUCK TOOL BOX Parts, Accessories, and Upfits 501-0000-60675 390.41 FUELMAN 211772 07/2023 - FUEL Fuel & Oil 501-0000-60674 565.98 Fund 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total: 10,979.89 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 211806 07/5-07/14/23 - SOFTWARE SERVICES Software Implementation/E... 502-0000-71049 6,646.25 ACORN TECHNOLOGY SERVI... 211742 CYBERSECURITY INCIDENT RESPONSE P... Consultants 502-0000-60104 5,885.77 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. 211779 10.9" IPAD 10TH GEN WIFI+ CELLULAR 2... Machinery & Equipment 502-0000-80100 354.53 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. 211779 10.9" IPAD 10TH GEN WIFI+ CELLULAR 2... Machinery & Equipment 502-0000-80100 24.00 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. 211779 10.9" IPAD 10TH GEN WIFI+ CELLULAR 2... Machinery & Equipment 502-0000-80100 148.55 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. 211779 10.9" IPAD 10TH GEN WIFI+ CELLULAR 2... Machinery & Equipment 502-0000-80100 4,051.74 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES_ 211753 08/2023 CITY PRINTER 07/2023 METER ... Copiers 502-0000-60662 2,874.82 RINCON CONSULTANTS, INC. 211790 07/2023 - GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION ... Software Licenses 502-0000-60301 6,972.25 VERIZON WIRELESS 211810 07/02-08/01/23 - CITY IPADS (5587) Cell/Mobile Phones 502-0000-61301 1,273.83 VERIZON WIRELESS 211810 07/02-08/01/23 - CITY CELL SVC (5496) Cell/Mobile Phones 502-0000-61301 3,166.05 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIO... 211771 08/03-09/02/23 - 2ND CITY INTERNET LI... Cable/Internet - Utilities 502-0000-61400 2,619.57 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIO... 211771 08/04-09/03/23 - DSL SVC Cable/Internet - Utilities 502-0000-61400 422.12 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 211784 7/10-8/09/23 - MS AZURE ONLINE SVCS Software Licenses 502-0000-60301 765.79 GOVERN MENTJOBS.COM INC. 211775 FY22/23 NEOGOV HR CANDIDATE TEXT... Software Licenses 502-0000-60301 165.42 GOVERN MENTJOBS.COM INC. 211775 FY22/23 NEOGOV HR SUBSCRIPTION FEE Software Licenses 502-0000-60301 7,248.66 GOVERN MENTJOBS.COM INC. 211775 FY22/23 NEOGOV HR SUBSCRIPTIONS Software Licenses 502-0000-60301 5,019.40 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total: 47,638.75 Fund: 601- SILVERROCK RESORT USA DRAIN AND PLUMBING... 211809 LIFT STATION REPAIRS AT SRR Repair & Maintenance 601-0000-60660 13,489.00 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/18/23 - AIR FILTERS FOR SRR Repair & Maintenance 601-0000-60660 32.52 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/10/23 - PVC PARTS Repair & Maintenance 601-0000-60660 160.86 9/11/2023 4:53:49 PM Page 5 of 9 217 Demand Register Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC... 211776 07/05/23 - FAUCET HANDLES FOR SRR Packet: APPKT03577-08/25/20231B Account Name Account Number Amount Repair & Maintenance 601-0000-60660 19.10 Fund 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT Total: 13,701.48 Grand Total: 1,204,407.74 9/11/2023 4:53:49 PM 218 Page 6 of 9 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03577 - 08/25/2023 JB Fund Summary Fund 101-GENERAL FUND 201- GAS TAX FUND 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 221- AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 224-TUMFFUND 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 601- SILVERROCK RESORT Account Number 101-0000-20305 101-0000-20306 101-0000-20307 101-0000-20308 101-0000-20310 101-0000-20330 101-0000-20947 101-0000-20948 101-0000-20955 101-0000-20981 101-0000-41505 101-0000-42301 101-0000-42610 101-0000-42615 101-0000-42700 101-0000-43631 101-1002-60101 101-1002-60400 101-1002-60510 101-1003-60153 101-1003-60154 101-1004-60104 101-1004-60129 101-1005-60103 101-1006-60320 101-1007-60402 101-1007-60470 101-2001-60174 101-2002-60670 101-2002-60691 101-2002-61200 101-2002-61304 101-3002-60107 101-3002-60420 101-3003-60149 101-3003-60190 101-3005-60184 101-3005-60431 101-3005-60432 101-3005-61201 101-3005-61202 101-3005-61203 101-3005-61204 101-3005-61205 Grand Total: Account Summary Account Name Due to SunLine BSAS SB 1473 Fees Due to Waste Managern SMIP Fees Payable MSHCP Mitigation Fee Over Payments, AR Policy Life Insurance Pay Add'I Life Insurance Pay Disability Insurance Pay United Way Deductions Franchise Taxes - Burrtec Miscellaneous Revenue SMIP Fees CBSC Administrative Fees Administrative Citations CVMSHCP Admin Fee Contract Services - Admi... Office Supplies Contingency for Operati... Attorney Attorney/Litigation Consultants/Employee 5... Recruiting/Pre-Employm... Professional Services Travel & Training Forms, Copier Paper Postage Blood/Alcohol Testing Fire Station Maintenance/Services Water - Utilities Mobile/Cell Phones/Sate.., Instructors Operating Supplies Community Experiences X Park Programming Fritz Burns Pool Mainten... Materials/Supplies Tools/Equipment Water -Monticello Park -... Water - Civic Center Park.. Water -Eisenhower Park ... Water -Fritz Burns Park-... Water -Velasco Park - Uti.. Expense Amount 625,008.23 3,047.98 988.79 32,652.36 2,933.67 343,220.00 1,923.10 122,313.49 10,979.89 47,638.75 13,701.48 1,204,407.74 Expense Amount 204.00 14,089.00 127,485.88 12,106.03 149,155.00 51.00 939.60 902.90 7,100.01 37.00 -12,691.95 -10.00 -605.29 -1,408.90 7,200.00 -1,491.55 5,535.00 284.57 5,024.66 40,933.28 792.00 396.00 375.00 3,750.00 122.56 553.35 13.85 1,017.03 265.74 910.85 1,093.07 87.35 1,326.25 135.75 1,591.38 101,019.50 5,687.27 11,558.91 1,344.52 4,152.53 7,482.24 239.91 3,771.06 255.57 9/11/2023 4:53:49 PM 219 Page 7 of 9 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03577 - 08/25/2023 JB Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-3005-61206 Water -Desert Pride - Util.. 2,769.59 101-3005-61208 Water -Seasons Park - Ut.. 26.64 101-3005-61209 Water -Community Park... 16,582.81 101-3007-60134 Promotional Items 2,457.78 101-3008-60196 Annual Permits/Inspecti... 312.00 101-3008-60431 Materials/Supplies 3,870.24 101-3008-60432 Tools/Equipment 790.51 101-3008-60667 HVAC 125.00 101-3008-60691 Maintenance/Services 1,601.20 101-3008-61200 Water - Utilities 1,013.72 101-6002-60450 Advertising 840.00 101-6003-60118 Plan Checks 23,379.45 101-6004-60197 Animal Shelter Contract ... 30,492.72 101-6004-60320 Travel & Training 108.00 101-6006-60125 Temporary Agency Servi... 3,150.00 101-7001-60400 Office Supplies 32.60 101-7002-60420 Operating Supplies 15.30 101-7002-60450 Advertising 1,022.60 101-7003-60420 Operating Supplies 602.80 101-7003-60432 Tools/Equipment 113.15 101-7006-60144 Contract Traffic Engineer 25,198.50 101-7006-60146 PM 10 - Dust Control 42.39 101-7006-60420 Operating Supplies 272.94 101-7006-60480 Contributions to Other A... 7,406.36 201-7003-60429 Traffic Control Signs 552.24 201-7003-60431 Materials/Supplies 2,495.74 202-3004-60667 HVAC 125.00 202-3004-60691 Maintenance/Services 418.79 202-3006-61200 Water - Utilities 445.00 215-7004-60102 Administration 3,981.61 215-7004-60420 Operating Supplies 377.89 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 778.34 215-7004-61116 Electric - Utilities 569.85 215-7004-61117 Electric - Medians - Utilit... 24.68 215-7004-61211 Water - Medians - Utiliti... 26,919.99 221-0000-41506 Burrtec AB 939 Fee -566.33 221-0000-60127 AB 939 Recycling Solutio... 3,500.00 224-0000-20320 TUMF Payable to CVAG 343,220.00 230-0000-60480 Contributions to State A... 1,923.10 401-0000-60103 Professional Services 34,487.50 401-0000-60185 Design 47,303.43 401-0000-60188 Construction 40,522.56 501-0000-60674 Fuel & Oil 5,233.20 501-0000-60675 Parts, Accessories, and ... 390.41 501-0000-60676 Vehicle Repair & Maint... 1,452.83 501-0000-71030 Vehicles, Rentals & Leas... 3,903.45 502-0000-60104 Consultants 5,885.77 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 20,171.52 502-0000-60662 Copiers 2,874.82 502-0000-61301 Cell/Mobile Phones 4,439.88 502-0000-61400 Cable/Internet - Utilities 3,041.69 502-0000-71049 Software Implementatio... 6,646.25 502-0000-80100 Machinery & Equipment 4,578.82 601-0000-60660 Repair & Maintenance 13,701.48 Grand Total: 1,204,407.74 9/11/2023 4:53:49 PM 220 Page 8 of 9 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03577 - 08/25/2023 JB Project Account Key **None** 111205CT 111205D 111205P 201603CT 201603P 201606P 201805P 201901P 201902P 201905D 201905P 202003CT 202008CB 202008P 202101P 202108P 202201CT 202201P 202203CT 202203P 202204P 202205P 202206P 202207P 202208P 202212P 202213P 202214P 202227P 202230P 202315P 2223TMICT GOLFE STVRE Project Account Summary Project Account Name **None** Construction Expense Design Expense Professional Expense Construction Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Design Expense Professional Expense Construction Expense Contribution Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Construction Expense Professional Expense Construction Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Professional Expense Construction Expense Golf Tour Expense Short Term Vacation Rental Expen... Grand Total: Project Name **None** Dune Palms Bridge Imp/BRLKS-52 Dune Palms Bridge Imp/BRLKS-52 Dune Palms Bridge Imp/BRLKS-52 La Quinta Landscape Renovation La Quinta Landscape Renovation Civic Center Campus Lake/Irrigati Corporate Yard Admin Offices & 1 Village Art Plaza Promenade & Ci Avenue 50 Bridge Spanning the E Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan I Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan I Citywide Public Safety Camera Sy Avenue 48 Art and Music Line Pr Avenue 48 Art and Music Line Pr Dune Palms Rd Pavement Rehab- FY 21/22 PMP Slurry Seal Improv Avenue 50 Pavement Rehab (Wa Avenue 50 Pavement Rehab (Wa Fred Waring Drive Pavement Reh Fred Waring Drive Pavement Reh Sports Complex Lighting Replacei Avenue 50 Widening Improveme Village Utilities Undergrounding I Highway 111 at Jefferson Street I Citywide Miscellaneous ADA Imp Phase II Camera System Smart Infrastructure Improvemei Avenue 52 Pavement Rehabilitate Civic Center Activities Promenadi Cove Trails Parking Lot Improver FY22/23 Pavement Management FY22/23 Traffic Maintenance Imf Golf Tour Short Term Vacation Rental Tracl 1,204,407.74 Expense Amount 1,069,806.51 18,880.05 4,500.22 3,485.00 13,742.35 1,575.00 175.00 175.00 1,087.50 1,600.00 42,803.21 637.50 3,521.25 7,406.36 387.50 112.50 1,587.50 1,276.00 3,000.00 1,284.80 1,450.00 175.00 175.00 387.50 37.50 1,025.00 175.00 362.50 2,462.50 1,475.00 3,367.50 9,572.50 1,818.11 1,131.38 3,750.00 *Project codes are generally used to track Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects, other large public works projects, developer deposits, or city-wide events. Normal operational expenditures are not project coded and, therefore, will report as "none" in this section. 9/11/2023 4:53:49 PM 221 Page 9 of 9 Demand Register City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT03582 - 9/1/23 JD Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount Fund: 101-GENERAL FUND THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. 211852 PAINT Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 208.69 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. 211852 PAINT SUPPLIES Operating Supplies 101-7003-60420 212.62 SAFECHECKS 211845 AP CHECK STOCK 31001-33000 Printing 101-1006-60410 644.59 PALMS TO PINES PRINTING 211838 CITY BUSINESS CARDS Printing 101-3007-60410 296.88 VINTAGE E & S INC 211858 INSTALLED ELECTRICAL CONDUIT FOR X... Maintenance/Services 101-3005-60691 3,276.76 VINTAGE E & S INC 211858 X-PARK SHADE STRUCTURE LIGHTING 5... Maintenance/Services 101-3005-60691 7,764.91 PALMS TO PINES PRINTING 211838 CITY COASTERS (250) Promotional Items 101-3007-60134 971.67 SOUTHWEST AQUATICS INC 211846 08/2023 - LAKE MAINTENANCE SERVICE Civic Center Lake Maintenan... 101-3005-60117 1,350.00 SOUTHWEST AQUATICS INC 211846 08/2023 - LAKE MAINTENANCE SERVICE SilverRock Lake Maintenance 101-3005-60189 1,350.00 BOX OF KITTENS 211820 STATE OF CITY VIDEOS PAYMENT NO 1 Community Special Events 101-1001-60137 4,000.00 DECKARD TECHNOLOGIES, I... 211825 07/2023 - RENTALSCAPE Professional Services 101-1005-60103 3,750.00 DECKARD TECHNOLOGIES, I... 211825 08/2023 - RENTALSCAPE Professional Services 101-1005-60103 3,750.00 DATATICKET, INC. 211824 07/2023 POLICE CITATION PROCESSING Administrative Citation Servi... 101-6004-60111 150.00 JOE A GONSALVES & SON 211831 08/2023 - LOBBYIST SERVICES Contract Services - Administr... 101-1002-60101 3,500.00 JOE A GONSALVES & SON 211831 09/2023 - LOBBYIST SERVICES Contract Services - Administr... 101-1002-60101 3,500.00 MADDEN MEDIA 211832 08/2023 - MEDIA SERVICES Marketing & Tourism Promot.. 101-3007-60461 31,584.98 PAX FITNESS REPAIR 211839 FITNESS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS Operating Supplies 101-3002-60420 141.70 PAX FITNESS REPAIR 211839 08/2023 - FITNESS EQUIPMENT MAINT... Operating Supplies 101-3002-60420 500.00 DESERT CONCEPTS CONSTR... 211827 LQ PARK TUBE SLIDE REPAIR Maintenance/Services 101-3005-60691 2,200.00 DESERT CONCEPTS CONSTR... 211827 FB PARK CONCRETE REPAIR Maintenance/Services 101-3005-60691 6,000.00 DESERT CONCEPTS CONSTR... 211827 FB PARK RESET SUNKEN PAVERS AT CO... Maintenance/Services 101-3005-60691 6,400.00 VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 211857 08/2023 - PARK MAINTENANCE Landscape Contract 101-3005-60112 72,154.00 VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 211857 TECOMA STAN BUSHES Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 392.00 ALL PRO BEVERAGE INC 211819 LOBBY COFFEE SUPPLIES Citywide Supplies 101-1007-60403 557.70 ALL PRO BEVERAGE INC 211819 LOBBY COFFEE SUPPLIES Citywide Supplies 101-1007-60403 415.62 ALL PRO BEVERAGE INC 211819 LOBBY COFFEE SUPPLIES Citywide Supplies 101-1007-60403 90.70 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211849 RETURN TAPE MEASURES Operating Supplies 101-7002-60420 -15.30 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211849 FATMAX TAPE Operating Supplies 101-7002-60420 121.98 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 211849 COLOR COPY PAPER & PAPER PLATES Office Supplies 101-1002-60400 48.05 THE CHAMBER 211850 09/2023 - GEM PUBLICATION Marketing & Tourism Promot.. 101-3007-60461 14,465.75 SOUTHWEST BOULDER & ST... 211847 SAND FOR SANDBAGS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 54.55 RASA/ERIC NELSON 211843 PARCEL 38668 ONCALL MAP CHECKING ... Map/Plan Checking 101-7002-60183 2,795.00 RASA/ERIC NELSON 211843 PARCEL 38668 EASEMENTS MAP CHECK... Map/Plan Checking 101-7002-60183 700.00 RASA/ERIC NELSON 211843 LLA 2023-0005 ONCALL MAP CHECKING ... Map/Plan Checking 101-7002-60183 420.00 ROBERT HALF 211844 06/23/23 - TEMP AGENCY SERVICES A.... Temporary Agency Services 101-6006-60125 1,575.00 ROBERT HALF 211844 08/18/23 - TEMP AGENCY SERIVCES A.... Temporary Agency Services 101-6006-60125 1,575.00 MERCHANTS BUILDING MAI... 211834 07/2023 CITYWIDE JANITORIAL SERVICES Janitorial 101-3008-60115 14,926.93 PWLC II, INC 211842 08/2023 - L&L MONTHLY MAINTENANCE Landscape Contract 101-2002-60112 1,616.00 PWLC II, INC 211842 LQ PARK SOD INSTALLATION & IRRIGAT... Maintenance/Services 101-3005-60691 13,520.00 PWLC II, INC 211842 LQ PARK SPORTS FIELD LEVELING Maintenance/Services 101-3005-60691 22,534.00 PWLC II, INC 211842 SPORTS COMPLEX SPORTS FIELD LEVELI... Maintenance/Services 101-3005-60691 22,307.00 PWLC II, INC 211842 COLONEL MITCHEL PAIGE SPORTS FIELD... Maintenance/Services 101-3005-60691 17,349.00 VERIZON WIRELESS 211856 07/14-08/13/23 - EOC CELL (7813) Mobile/Cell Phones/Satellites 101-2002-61304 239.82 THE LOCK SHOP, INC 211851 KEYS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 86.59 DESERT CHEYENNE INC 211826 REFUND DUST CONTROL DEPOSITTRACT.. Developer Deposits 101-0000-22810 6,250.00 MAGALLANEZ, LUIS 211833 FY 23/24 ANNUAL WELLNESS DOLLARS ... Annual Wellness Dollar Reim... 101-1004-50252 200.00 COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOC 0... 211821 FY 23/24 HOMELESS BUS PASS PROGR... Homeless Bus Passes 101-3001-60531 3,000.00 PETRA-1, LP 211840 WC GYM WIPES 4 CASES Operating Supplies 101-3002-60420 671.41 MR GENARO DE LA ROSA SO... 211835 REFUND BUSINESS LICENSE OVEPAYME... Over Payments, AR Policy 101-0000-20330 50.00 INTERFRESH 211830 REFUND BUSINESS LICENSE OVERPAYM... Over Payments, AR Policy 101-0000-20330 1,125.00 Fund 101- GENERAL FUND Total: 280,778.60 Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND TOPS' N BARRICADES INC 211853 SAFETY GEAR -BRIGHT LIME WEATHERSU.. Safety Gear 201-7003-60427 166.71 9/11/2023 4:52:56 PM Page 1 of 4 222 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03582 - 9/1/23 JD Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount TOPS' N BARRICADES INC 211853 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS -FLOODED Traffic Control Signs 201-7003-60429 40.00 TOPS' N BARRICADES INC 211853 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS-RIVETS&POSTS Traffic Control Signs 201-7003-60429 2,436.87 TOPS' N BARRICADES INC 211853 36" LT ARROW Traffic Control Signs 201-7003-60429 126.26 TOPS' N BARRICADES INC 211853 36"x45" SPEED LIMIT Traffic Control Signs 201-7003-60429 462.46 GOLDSTAR ASPHALT PRODU... 211828 BIKE LANE PAINT AND DECALS Paint/Legends 201-7003-60433 3,492.17 SOUTHWEST BOULDER & ST... 211847 SAND FOR SANDBAGS Materials/Supplies 201-7003-60431 210.93 SOUTHWEST BOULDER & ST... 211847 SAND FOR SANDBAGS Materials/Supplies 201-7003-60431 88.24 SOUTHWEST BOULDER & ST... 211847 SAND FOR SANDBAGS Materials/Supplies 201-7003-60431 113.49 SOUTHWEST BOULDER & ST... 211847 SAND FOR SANDBAGS Materials/Supplies 201-7003-60431 268.35 SOUTHWEST BOULDER & ST... 211847 SAND FOR SANDBAGS Materials/Supplies 201-7003-60431 877.77 CRAFCO, INC 211822 SAFETY GLASSES AND HARD HATS Safety Gear 201-7003-60427 1,472.12 Fund 201- GAS TAX FUND Total: 9,755.37 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 211857 08/2023 - PARK MAINTENANCE Landscape Contract 202-3004-60112 930.00 VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 211857 08/2023 - PARK MAINTENANCE Landscape Contract 202-3006-60112 194.00 MERCHANTS BUILDING MAI... 211834 07/2023 LIBRARY JANITORIAL SERVICES Janitorial 202-3004-60115 3,264.32 MERCHANTS BUILDING MAI... 211834 07/2023 MUSEUM JANITORIAL SERVICES Janitorial 202-3006-60115 989.54 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total: 5,377.86 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 211857 08/2023 - PARK MAINTENANCE Landscape Contract 215-7004-60112 12,124.00 CREATIVE LIGHTING & ELECT... 211823 08/2023 LIGHTING MAINTENANCE SERV... Consultants 215-7004-60104 6,488.42 SOUTHWEST BOULDER & ST... 211847 SAND FOR SANDBAGS Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 98.00 SOUTHWEST BOULDER & ST... 211847 SAND FOR SANDBAGS Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 84.21 SOUTHWEST BOULDER & ST... 211847 SAND FOR SANDBAGS Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 92.63 SOUTHWEST BOULDER & ST... 211847 SAND FOR SANDBAGS Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 65.45 SOUTHWEST BOULDER & ST... 211847 SAND FOR SANDBAGS Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 145.70 SOUTHWEST BOULDER & ST... 211847 SAND FOR SANDBAGS Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 90.72 SOUTHWEST BOULDER & ST... 211847 SAND FOR SANDBAGS Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 101.44 SOUTHWEST BOULDER & ST... 211847 SAND FOR SANDBAGS Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60431 68.71 PWLC II, INC 211842 08/2023 - L&L MONTHLY MAINTENANCE Landscape Contract 215-7004-60112 62,674.00 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total: 82,033.28 Fund: 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS ST. FRANCIS ELECTRIC, LLC 211848 07/2023 - ONCALL TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAI... Construction 401-0000-60188 1,682.00 UNIVERSAL CONSTRUCTION ... 211855 CITYWIDE MISC ADA IMPROVEMENT RE... Retention Payable 401-0000-20600 9,327.69 UNIVERSAL CONSTRUCTION ... 211855 CIVIC CENTER ACTIVITIES PROJECT PRO... Retention Payable 401-0000-20600 -2,480.56 UNIVERSAL CONSTRUCTION ... 211855 CIVIC CENTER ACTIVITIES PROJECT PRO... Construction 401-0000-60188 49,611.25 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION C... 211829 2022-01&2022-14 Progress Payment 2 ... Retention Payable 401-0000-20600 -84,163.82 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION C... 211829 2022-01 & 2022-14 PROGRESS PAYMEN... Construction 401-0000-60188 1,683,276.38 NV5 211836 07/2023 - DESERT CLUB DRIVE ONCALL ... Technical 401-0000-60108 2,045.00 PLANIT REPROGRAPHICS SYS... 211841 FRED WARING DR PAVEMENT REHAB C... Construction 401-0000-60188 214.13 Fund 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total: 1,659,512.07 Fund: 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT PACIFIC MOBILE STRUCTURES.. 211837 09/2023 Public Works Yard Trailer Lease Building Leases 501-0000-71032 3,088.51 Fund 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total: 3,088.51 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 211854 FY 23/24 AR MODULE MAINTENANCE Software Licenses 502-0000-60301 5,364.95 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 211854 04/01/23-03/20/24 - PAYMENT HARDW... Operating Supplies 502-0000-60420 1,271.33 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 211854 07/03-07/07/23 - SOFTWARE SERVICES Software Implementation/E... 502-0000-71049 1,896.25 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 211854 07/17-07/21/23 - SOFTWARE SERVICES Software Implementation/E... 502-0000-71049 5,411.25 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 211854 07/24-07/31/23 - SOFTWARE SERVICES Software Implementation/E... 502-0000-71049 8,486.25 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 211854 08/01-08/04/23 - SOFTWARE SERVICES Software Implementation/E... 502-0000-71049 8,653.75 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 211854 08/07-08/11/23 - SOFTWARE SERVICES Software Implementation/E... 502-0000-71049 7,076.25 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 211854 08/10-08/19/23 - SOFTWARE SERIVCES Software Implementation/E... 502-0000-71049 23,980.57 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total: 62,140.60 Grand Total: 2,102,686.29 9/11/2023 4:52:56 PM Page 2 of 4 223 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03582 - 9/1/23 JD Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 101- GENERAL FUND 280,778.60 201- GAS TAX FUND 9,755.37 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 5,377.86 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 82,033.28 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 1,659,512.07 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 3,088.51 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 62,140.60 Grand Total: 2,102,686.29 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-0000-20330 Over Payments, AR Policy 1,175.00 101-0000-22810 Developer Deposits 6,250.00 101-1001-60137 Community Special Even... 4,000.00 101-1002-60101 Contract Services - Admi... 7,000.00 101-1002-60400 Office Supplies 48.05 101-1004-50252 Annual Wellness Dollar ... 200.00 101-1005-60103 Professional Services 7,500.00 101-1006-60410 Printing 644.59 101-1007-60403 Citywide Supplies 1,064.02 101-2002-60112 Landscape Contract 1,616.00 101-2002-61304 Mobile/Cell Phones/Sate.., 239.82 101-3001-60531 Homeless Bus Passes 3,000.00 101-3002-60420 Operating Supplies 1,313.11 101-3005-60112 Landscape Contract 72,154.00 101-3005-60117 Civic Center Lake Maint... 1,350.00 101-3005-60189 SilverRock Lake Mainten... 1,350.00 101-3005-60431 Materials/Supplies 741.83 101-3005-60691 Maintenance/Services 101,351.67 101-3007-60134 Promotional Items 971.67 101-3007-60410 Printing 296.88 101-3007-60461 Marketing & Tourism Pr... 46,050.73 101-3008-60115 Janitorial 14,926.93 101-6004-60111 Administrative Citation ... 150.00 101-6006-60125 Temporary Agency Servi... 3,150.00 101-7002-60183 Map/Plan Checking 3,915.00 101-7002-60420 Operating Supplies 106.68 101-7003-60420 Operating Supplies 212.62 201-7003-60427 Safety Gear 1,638.83 201-7003-60429 Traffic Control Signs 3,065.59 201-7003-60431 Materials/Supplies 1,558.78 201-7003-60433 Paint/Legends 3,492.17 202-3004-60112 Landscape Contract 930.00 202-3004-60115 Janitorial 3,264.32 202-3006-60112 Landscape Contract 194.00 202-3006-60115 Janitorial 989.54 215-7004-60104 Consultants 6,488.42 215-7004-60112 Landscape Contract 74,798.00 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 746.86 401-0000-20600 Retention Payable -77,316.69 401-0000-60108 Technical 2,045.00 401-0000-60188 Construction 1,734,783.76 501-0000-71032 Building Leases 3,088.51 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 5,364.95 502-0000-60420 Operating Supplies 1,271.33 502-0000-71049 Software Implementatio... 55,504.32 Grand Total: 2,102,686.29 9/11/2023 4:52:56 PM 224 Page 3 of 4 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03582 - 9/1/23 JD Project Account Key **None** 202108T 202201CT 202201RP 202203CT 202208RP 202215E 202216E 202227CT 202227RP 202228E 202320E 2324TMICT 261-136E STVRE Project Account Summary Project Account Name **None** Technical Expense Construction Expense Retention Payable Construction Expense Retention Payable Landscape Maintenance Refurbis... General PW Maint - Desert Concep... Construction Expense Retention Payable X Park Shade Structure Tropical Cyclone Hilary FEMA Rei... Construction Expense DESERT CHEYENNE EXP Short Term Vacation Rental Expen... Grand Total: Project Name **None** FY 21/22 PMP Slurry Seal Improv Avenue 50 Pavement Rehab (Wa Avenue 50 Pavement Rehab (Wa Fred Waring Drive Pavement Reh Citywide Miscellaneous ADA Imp Landscape Maint Refurbishment - General PW Maintenance - Desei Civic Center Activities Promenadi Civic Center Activities Promenadi X Park Shade Structure Tropical Cyclone Hilary FY23/24Traffic Maintenance Imf DESERT CHEYENNE INC Short Term Vacation Rental Tracl 2,102,686.29 Expense Amount 325,672.36 2,045.00 1,683,276.38 -84,163.82 214.13 9,327.69 75,710.00 14,600.00 49,611.25 -2,480.56 11,041.67 2,400.19 1,682.00 6,250.00 7,500.00 *Project codes are generally used to track Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects, other large public works projects, developer deposits, or city-wide events. Normal operational expenditures are not project coded and, therefore, will report as "none" in this section. 9/11/2023 4:52:56 PM 225 Page 4 of 4 Demand Register City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT03588 - 09/08/2023 JB Vendor Name Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount Fund: 101-GENERAL FUND UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 211903 CONTRIBUTION United Way Deductions 101-0000-20981 37.00 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS- 211865 8/16-9/15/23 FS#70 (1860) Cable/Internet - Utilities 101-2002-61400 41.76 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS- 211865 8/16-9/15/23 FS#32 CABLE (8152) Cable/Internet - Utilities 101-2002-61400 94.55 ELIZALDE, MANUEL 211876 07/11, 07/15 & 7/22/23 MILEAGE REIM... Travel & Training 101-3002-60320 31.11 TRIPLETT, ALCADIA 211901 8/20/23 NATURAL DISASTER/EOC ACTIV... Natural Disaster/EOC Activat... 101-2002-60195 129.36 CHARLES J SINDELAR OR NA... 211864 08/25/23 FALSE ALARM REFUND Administrative Citation Servi... 101-6004-60111 60.00 CHEW, TIFFANY R. 211866 8/29/23 CITATION DISMISSAL LQ200502 Administrative Citations 101-0000-42700 3,100.00 DRH INC. 211874 DUST CONTROL DEPOSIT TRACT NO.318... Developer Deposits 101-0000-22810 5,300.00 ESPINOZA, DAVID C. 211877 09/11/23 - CHAIRS RENTAL FOR 9/11 VI... Community Experiences 101-3003-60149 210.00 COACHELLA HORSE PARK LLC 211868 FY 23/24 HORSE PARK SPONSORSHIP Sponsorships/Advertising 101-3007-60450 25,000.00 SIGNATURE TINT 211896 9/1/23 Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 113.14 SIGNATURE TINT 211896 9/1/23 (10) METAL SIGNS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 377.13 SIGNATURE TINT 211896 9/1/23 (20) DOG SIGNS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 1,077.50 DECKARD TECHNOLOGIES, I... 211870 08/2023 - RENTALSCAPE Professional Services 101-1005-60103 3,750.00 SPARKLETTS 211897 8/9/23 & 8/23/23 CITYWIDE DRINKING... Citywide Supplies 101-1007-60403 251.31 MADDEN MEDIA 211890 08/2023 - MEDIA SERIVCES/WEBSITE D... Marketing & Tourism Promot.. 101-3007-60461 7,857.14 NEW LIFE COMMUNITY 211891 07/18/23 RENTAL REFUND Facility Rentals 101-0000-42212 787.50 XPRESS GRAPHICS 211904 8/29/23 SIGNAGE FOR PING PONG/COR... Community Experiences 101-3003-60149 162.44 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC 211879 7/31/23 LQ PARK MATERIALS Materials/Supplies 101-3005-60431 982.31 LH PRODUCTIONS 211889 08/26/23 - HUNTER LOPEZ VIGIL AV SER... Community Experiences 101-3003-60149 4,706.83 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, L... 211892 08/16/23 RETURN Office Supplies 101-6004-60400 -32.61 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, L... 211892 08/16/23 RETURN Office Supplies 101-6004-60400 -32.61 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, L... 211892 08/16/23 TISSUE & PENS Office Supplies 101-1005-60400 121.78 DESERT RECREATION DISTRI... 211871 07/2023 - FB POOL OPERATIONS & PRO... Fritz Burns Pool Programming 101-3003-60184 25,420.77 ROBERT HALF 211895 08/25/23 TEMP SVCS- A.MARTIN Temporary Agency Services 101-6006-60125 1,575.00 STERICYCLE, INC 211899 7/21/23 POLICE SHRED LQ Police Volunteers 101-2001-60109 19.25 FEDEX 211878 08/15/23 OVERNIGHT MAIL Postage 101-1007-60470 11.64 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211884 8/30/23 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electricity - Utilities 101-2002-61101 5,225.68 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211884 8/30/23 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Monticello Park - Uti.. 101-3005-61102 13.46 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211884 8/30/23 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Civic Center Park - U.. 101-3005-61103 3,826.14 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211884 8/30/23 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Fritz Burns Park - Uti.. 101-3005-61105 1,315.43 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211884 8/30/23 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Sports Complex - Uti.. 101-3005-61106 1,168.23 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211884 8/30/23 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Colonel Paige - Utilit.. 101-3005-61108 12.34 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211884 8/30/23 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Community Park - U... 101-3005-61109 5,956.96 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211884 8/30/23 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Adams Park - Utiliti... 101-3005-61110 45.10 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211884 8/30/23 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Velasco Park - Utiliti... 101-3005-61111 13.95 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211884 8/30/23 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Eisenhower Park - U... 101-3005-61113 18.12 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211884 8/30/23 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Desert Pride - Utiliti... 101-3005-61114 13.30 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211884 8/30/23 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electricity - Utilities 101-3008-61101 24,029.62 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211869 8/30/23 WATER SERVICES Water -Pioneer Park - Utilities 101-3005-61207 1,176.64 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER D.. 211869 8/30/23 WATER SERVICES PM 10 - Dust Control 101-7006-60146 136.07 DESERT RESORT MANAGEM... 211872 08/2023 - SECURITY PATROL SERVICES Professional Services 101-6004-60103 4,018.43 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPA... 211898 8/3/23 MUSEUM ELEVATOR PERMIT Annual Permits/Inspections 101-3008-60196 225.00 GOVOS, INC. 211883 09/2023 - STVR PERMITTING SOFTWARE Professional Services 101-1005-60103 3,820.00 EISENHOWER MEDICAL CEN... 211875 7/2 & 7/13/23 EXAMS LA231820044 & ... Sexual Assault Exam Fees 101-2001-60193 1,600.00 KILEY & ASSOCIATES 211886 08/2023 - FEDERAL LOBBYIST SERVICES Contract Services - Administr... 101-1002-60101 3,500.00 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211884 8/30/23 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - SilverRock Event Sit... 101-3005-61115 3,691.92 YOCKEY, JENNIFER LYNNE 211905 STRETCHING CLASS FOR WELLNESS MO... Consultants/Employee Servic... 101-1004-60104 100.00 DISH NETWORK 211873 08/22-09/21/23 EOC CABLE Cable/Internet - Utilities 101-2002-61400 100.70 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF ... 211894 06/25-07/24/23 COP FUEL Sheriff - Other 101-2001-60176 304.04 Fund 101- GENERAL FUND Total: 141,463.43 9/11/2023 4:52:30 PM Page 1 of 5 226 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03588 - 09/08/20231B Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount Fund: 201- GAS TAX FUND IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211884 8/30/23 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electricity - Utilities 201-7003-61101 1,146.04 Fund 201- GAS TAX FUND Total: 1,146.04 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND KLUZ INTERNATIONAL CORP... 211887 8/31/23 MAKERSPACE EQUIPMENT SVC Machinery & Equipment 202-3009-80100 1,769.94 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIO... 211880 8/13-9/12/23 MUSEUM PHONE Telephone - Utilities 202-3006-61300 137.83 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211884 8/30/23 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electricity - Utilities 202-3004-61101 8,668.67 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211884 8/30/23 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electricity - Utilities 202-3006-61101 2,028.73 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total: 12,605.17 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND FRONTIER COMMUNICATIO... 211880 8/10-9/9/23 PHONE SVC- 50041 EISEN... Electric- Utilities 215-7004-61116 55.39 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211884 8/30/23 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Utilities 215-7004-61116 5,425.64 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211884 8/30/23 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Medians - Utilities 215-7004-61117 2,489.19 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211884 8/30/23 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Utilities 215-7004-61116 961.34 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211884 8/30/23 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electric - Medians - Utilities 215-7004-61117 78.78 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total: 9,010.34 Fund: 221- AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND ALPHA MEDIA LLC 211860 08/2023 - RECYCLE RADIO ADS MIX 100.5 AB 939 Recycling Solutions 221-0000-60127 3,500.00 Fund 221- AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND Total: 3,500.00 Fund: 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 211884 8/30/23 ELECTRICITY SERVICE Electricity - Utilities 235-0000-61101 1,658.64 Fund 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND Total: 1,658.64 Fund: 241- HOUSING AUTHORITY CAHA, BECKY 211863 08/2023 - HOUSING CONSULTANT SERV... Professional Services 241-9101-60103 6,475.00 Fund 241- HOUSING AUTHORITY Total: 6,475.00 Fund: 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND POWERS AWARDS INC 211893 8/29/23 SIGNAGE FOR 9/11 MEMORIAL Operating Supplies 270-0000-60482 32.70 Fund 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND Total: 32.70 Fund: 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS CHRISP COMPANY 211867 8/28/23 2021-04 RETENTION Retention Payable 401-0000-20600 13,947.50 GHD INC. 211881 07/2023 HWY 111 CORRIDOR PLANNIN... Design 401-0000-60185 49,312.65 LANDMARK CONSULTANTS, ... 211888 8/3-8/16/23 AVE 50/AVE 52 PAVEMENT... Technical 401-0000-60108 1,063.20 Fund 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total: 64,323.35 Fund: 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT JIFFY LUBE INTERNATIONAL I... 211885 8/18/23 OIL CHANGE VIN #44342 Fuel & Oil 501-0000-60674 182.20 AUTOZONE 211862 8/9/23 (3) WIPER BLADES Parts, Accessories, and Upfits 501-0000-60675 17.37 AUTOZONE 211862 8/18/23 (2) DURALAST BATERIES Parts, Accessories, and Upfits 501-0000-60675 410.70 AUTOZONE 211862 8/18/23 (2) DURALAST BATERIES CORE ... Parts, Accessories, and Upfits 501-0000-60675 -44.00 AUTOZONE 211862 8/23/23 DURALAST BATTERY CHARGER Parts, Accessories, and Upfits 501-0000-60675 93.95 TOWER ENERGY GROUP 211900 8/1-8/15/23 FUEL Fuel & Oil 501-0000-60674 5,429.93 Fund 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total: 6,090.15 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS- 211865 0715-8/14/23 WC CABLE (8105) Cable/Internet - Utilities 502-0000-61400 154.66 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS- 211865 7/20-8/19/23 & 8/20-9/19/23 WC CABLE.. Cable/Internet - Utilities 502-0000-61400 23.18 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 211902 08/21-08/25/23 - SOFTWARE SERVICES Software Implementation/E... 502-0000-71049 15,817.50 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS- 211865 8/10-9/9/23 CH INTERNET (2546) Cable/Internet - Utilities 502-0000-61400 2,079.00 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS- 211865 8/12-9/11/23 CITY YARD CABLE (4080) Cable/Internet - Utilities 502-0000-61400 81.77 ACORN TECHNOLOGY SERVI... 211859 BUSINESS CONTINUITY & DISASTER REC... Consultants 502-0000-60104 8,531.25 ACORN TECHNOLOGY SERVI... 211859 BITDEFENDER LICENSES Consultants 502-0000-60104 1,871.25 ACORN TECHNOLOGY SERVI... 211859 09/2023 - IT SERVICES Consultants 502-0000-60104 28,580.00 ACORN TECHNOLOGY SERVI... 211859 LAQ ARC GIS UPGRADE Consultants 502-0000-60104 7,500.00 ACORN TECHNOLOGY SERVI... 211859 MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 & HEXNODE LIC... Consultants 502-0000-60104 10,875.00 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIO... 211880 8/12-9/11/23 X-PARK INTERNET Cable/Internet - Utilities 502-0000-61400 904.11 GOVERNMENTJOBS.COM INC. 211882 FY 23/24 HR SOFTWARE Software Licenses 502-0000-60301 13,293.11 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total: 89,710.83 Fund: 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND ANOVA FURNISHINGS, INC 211861 SHIPPING AND HANDLING Parks 503-0000-71060 469.28 9/11/2023 4:52:30 PM Page 2 of 5 227 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03588 - 09/08/20231B Vendor Name Payment Number Description (Item) Account Name Account Number Amount ANOVA FURNISHINGS, INC 211861 SRR EVENT PARK BENCH Parks 503-0000-71060 2,290.00 ANOVA FURNISHINGS, INC 211861 SRR EVENT PARK BENCHES TAXES Parks 503-0000-71060 241.44 Fund 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND Total: 3,000.72 Grand Total: 339,016.37 9/11/2023 4:52:30 PM 228 Page 3 of 5 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03588 - 09/08/2023 JB Fund Summary Fund 101-GENERAL FUND 201- GAS TAX FUND 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 221- AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 241- HOUSING AUTHORITY 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND Account Number 101-0000-20981 101-0000-22810 101-0000-42212 101-0000-42700 101-1002-60101 101-1004-60104 101-1005-60103 101-1005-60400 101-1007-60403 101-1007-60470 101-2001-60109 101-2001-60176 101-2001-60193 101-2002-60195 101-2002-61101 101-2002-61400 101-3002-60320 101-3003-60149 101-3003-60184 101-3005-60431 101-3005-61102 101-3005-61103 101-3005-61105 101-3005-61106 101-3005-61108 101-3005-61109 101-3005-61110 101-3005-61111 101-3005-61113 101-3005-61114 101-3005-61115 101-3005-61207 101-3007-60450 101-3007-60461 101-3008-60196 101-3008-61101 101-6004-60103 101-6004-60111 101-6004-60400 101-6006-60125 101-7006-60146 201-7003-61101 202-3004-61101 Grand Total: Account Summary Account Name United Way Deductions Developer Deposits Facility Rentals Administrative Citations Contract Services - Admi... Consultants/Employee 5... Professional Services Office Supplies Citywide Supplies Postage LQ Police Volunteers Sheriff - Other Sexual Assault Exam Fees Natural Disaster/EOC Act.. Electricity - Utilities Cable/Internet - Utilities Travel & Training Community Experiences Fritz Burns Pool Progra... Materials/Supplies Electric - Monticello Park... Electric - Civic Center Pa... Electric - Fritz Burns Park... Electric - Sports Complex... Electric - Colonel Paige -... Electric - Community Par... Electric - Adams Park - Ut.. Electric - Velasco Park - ... Electric - Eisenhower Par... Electric - Desert Pride - U.. Electric - SilverRock Even... Water -Pioneer Park - Uti.. Sponsorships/Advertising Marketing & Tourism Pr... Annual Permits/Inspecti... Electricity - Utilities Professional Services Administrative Citation ... Office Supplies Temporary Agency Servi... PM 10 - Dust Control Electricity - Utilities Electricity - Utilities Expense Amount 141,463.43 1,146.04 12,605.17 9,010.34 3,500.00 1,658.64 6,475.00 32.70 64,323.35 6,090.15 89,710.83 3,000.72 339,016.37 Expense Amount 37.00 5,300.00 787.50 3,100.00 3,500.00 100.00 7,570.00 121.78 251.31 11.64 19.25 304.04 1,600.00 129.36 5,225.68 237.01 31.11 5,079.27 25,420.77 2,550.08 13.46 3,826.14 1,315.43 1,168.23 12.34 5,956.96 45.10 13.95 18.12 13.30 3,691.92 1,176.64 25,000.00 7,857.14 225.00 24,029.62 4,018.43 60.00 -65.22 1,575.00 136.07 1,146.04 8,668.67 9/11/2023 4:52:30 PM 229 Page 4 of 5 Demand Register Packet: APPKT03588 - 09/08/2023 JB Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 202-3006-61101 Electricity - Utilities 2,028.73 202-3006-61300 Telephone - Utilities 137.83 202-3009-80100 Machinery & Equipment 1,769.94 215-7004-61116 Electric - Utilities 6,442.37 215-7004-61117 Electric - Medians - Utilit... 2,567.97 221-0000-60127 AB 939 Recycling Solutio... 3,500.00 235-0000-61101 Electricity - Utilities 1,658.64 241-9101-60103 Professional Services 6,475.00 270-0000-60482 Operating Supplies 32.70 401-0000-20600 Retention Payable 13,947.50 401-0000-60108 Technical 1,063.20 401-0000-60185 Design 49,312.65 501-0000-60674 Fuel & Oil 5,612.13 501-0000-60675 Parts, Accessories, and ... 478.02 502-0000-60104 Consultants 57,357.50 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 13,293.11 502-0000-61400 Cable/Internet - Utilities 3,242.72 502-0000-71049 Software Implementatio... 15,817.50 503-0000-71060 Parks 3,000.72 Grand Total: 339,016.37 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Project Account Name Project Name Expense Amount **None** **None** **None** 257,432.53 201905D Design Expense Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan I 49,312.65 202104RP Retention Payable Citywide Striping Refresh 13,947.50 202203T Technical Expense Fred Waring Drive Pavement Reh 1,063.20 202320E Tropical Cyclone Hilary FEMA Rei... Tropical Cyclone Hilary 129.36 21-005E DRH INC EXPENSE DRH INC 5,300.00 9/11E September 11 Vigil Expense September 11 Vigil 242.70 STVRE Short Term Vacation Rental Expen... Short Term Vacation Rental Tracl 11,588.43 Grand Total: 339,016.37 *Project codes are generally used to track Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects, other large public works projects, developer deposits, or city-wide events. Normal operational expenditures are not project coded and, therefore, will report as "none" in this section. 9/11/2023 4:52:30 PM 230 Page 5 of 5 ATTACHMENT 2 City of La Quinta Bank Transactions 8/21/2023 — 9/8/2023 Wire Transaction Listed below are the wire transfers from 8/21/2023— 9/8/2023. Wire Transfers: 08/21/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALPERS $451.90 08/21/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALPERS $5,476.67 08/21/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALPERS $15,560.13 08/21/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALPERS $29,851.66 08/22/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - STERLING HEALTH $1,460.39 08/24/2023 -WIRE TRANSFER - AMERITAS $44.98 08/24/2023 -WIRE TRANSFER - AMERITAS $103.74 08/24/2023 -WIRE TRANSFER - AMERITAS $989.53 08/24/2023 -WIRE TRANSFER - AMERITAS $6,242.46 08/24/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - US BANK TRUST $14,998,882.75 08/30/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - MIDAMERICA $16,146.30 09/05/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - STERLING HEALTH $1,460.39 09/05/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER- LANDMARK $1,413.37 09/06/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALPERS $5,476.66 09/06/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALPERS $15,588.35 09/06/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALPERS $30,339.29 09/06/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - CALPERS $133,931.68 09/08/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - STANDARD OF OREGON $1,503.68 09/08/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - COLONIAL LIFE $8,531.56 09/08/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER- LANDMARK $131,848.09 09/08/2023 - WIRE TRANSFER - LANDMARK $7,677.60 TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS OUT $15,412,981.18 231 232 BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 19, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITL : APPROVE FRITZ BURNS PARK IMPROVEMENTS DRAFT MASTER PLAN, AUTHORIZE THE DESIGN PHASE, AND APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO THE AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH INSITE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE FRITZ BURNS PARK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 2021-02 RECOMMENDATION Approve Fritz Burns Park Improvements Draft Master Plan, authorize the design phase, approve Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement for Contract Services with INSITE Landscape Architecture to provide engineering design services for the Fritz Burns Park Improvements Project No. 2021-02; and authorize the City Manager to execute the amendment. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Fritz Burns Park (Park) is located on the corner of Avenue 52 and Avenida Bermudas (Attachment 1) and currently contains: o Swimming pool o Children's play area o Picnic tables and benches o Restrooms 0 4 tennis courts 0 16 pickle ball courts o Skate park o Dog park o Parking lot and off-street parking • The La Quinta community identified additional amenities at the Park as a priority during the 2021 annual Community Workshop. • On March 7, 2023, Council considered the Fritz Burns Park Draft Master Plan (Draft Plan) and provided direction to continue community outreach efforts for the Draft Plan. • Staff conducted additional community outreach, including an online survey and in - person community meeting on May 22, 2023. • The initial phase of the Draft Plan to replace shade structures and convert two tennis courts to pickleball courts, was implemented in June 2023. • The updated Draft Plan identifies three (3) remaining phases to implement additional Park amenities. (Attachment 1) 233 FISCAL IMPACT The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) currently includes funding for this project in the amount of $6,350,000. A grant application for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) has been submitted requesting $3,000,000 of funding for the project and is included in the project budget. There is funding available in the project budget (401-0000- 60185 2021-02D) for the proposed amendment in the amount of $361,235 for engineering design and construction support services, in addition to the existing master planning agreement amount of $79,375, for a total contract amount of $440,610. The cost estimate per construction phase is: Construction Phase Cost Estimate Phase 1 $3,672,539 Phase 2 $390,517 Phase 3 $1,367,126 TOTAL $5,430,182 The proposed project budget is as follows: Proposed Budget Master Plan / Design $440,610 Project Management $60,000 Construction $5,430,182 Inspection/Testing/Survey $75,000 Contingency $344,208 TOTAL $6,350,000 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The total project area is 7.5 acres, located on the southeast corner of Avenue 52 and Avenida Bermudas. The Fritz Burns property was donated to the City to serve as noncommercial public space. The property currently has a regional Park and is adjacent to the City's Corporate Yard and Fire Station No. 32. The Park contains a swimming pool, children's play area, picnic tables and benches, restrooms, four (4) tennis courts, sixteen (16) pickle ball courts, a skate park, a dog park, parking lot and off-street parking. The La Quinta community identified additional amenities at the Park as a priority during the 2021 annual Community Workshop. Subsequently, funding was included in the fiscal year (FY) 2021/22 CIP to provide master planning services, in FY 2022/23 CIP to provide design services, and in FY 2023/24 for the construction phase. Following a request for proposals in 2022, IN -SITE Landscape Architecture, Inc. (INSITE) was selected to provide master planning services for this project and the Draft Plan was prepared. The Draft Plan proposes keeping most of the existing Park amenities, including courts, skate park, playground, pool, and pool building. 234 In March 2023, council provided direction to continue outreach efforts and seek community feedback on the proposed master plan and amenities. A survey was developed and was available online in both English and Spanish for a 2-month period. An in -person community meeting was held at Fritz Burns Park on May 22, 2023, which yielded over 30 attendees. Residents' input and comments regarding the proposed amenities were incorporated in the proposed draft Master Plan. The Draft Plan identified four (4) phases to implement additional amenities, the first phase included the conversion of two (2) tennis courts to eight (8) pickleball courts, and replacement of the existing shade structures over the pickleball and tennis courts. This first phase was completed as a maintenance project in June 2023. The improvements proposed for the three (3) remaining phases are outlined below: Phase 1: Phase 2: Phase 3: ✓ Plaza with public art play element, seating, and shade; ✓ Expanded playground with new equipment, shade, lighting, and drinking fountains; ✓ Restroom building; ✓ Tree lined promenade with seating and picnic tables; ✓ Bicycle racks and tune-up station. ✓ Modified existing parking lot; ✓ New parking lot with tree (3) islands; ✓ Electric Vehicle charging stations. ✓ New water playground with wading pool; ✓ Expanded pool deck with shade and seating; ✓ Expanded pool equipment area. The next step in the project development process is the design phase. The proposed amendment with INSITE would allow for engineering design and construction support for the three remaining phases (Attachment 2). Each phase will have its own construction ready plan set and specifications, to ensure each phase can be constructed independently. Staff will seek additional Council direction for the construction phasing during the project development process. ALTERNATIVES Council may elect to amend or not to approve Amendment No. 2. Prepared by: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst Approved by: Bryan McKinney, Public Works Director/City Engineer Attachments: 1. Revised Draft Master Plan and Phasing 2. Amendment No. 2 with INSITE Landscape Architecture 235 236 ATTACHMENT 1 ITz BURNS PARK MASTER PLAN — GEM ofrhr DESERT — — FIE -77 'Pis i y ' • ------ ' y 7 TEMPORARY PARKING - (+/ 54 SPACES) ` r ' —a - - '■ .1 �.: c „r r-a .. ,. .+ ,I it � - �, PreliminaryIdea of the Tree -lined promenade with seating _ g Preliminary Idea of the eight additional pickleball courts Il4 _� - *• .I .aid''-k _ .- • -� _ _ _ - - - •, r :w�_�;: r•.. .N ?a5',�; y5llI , r� r- 44 -------- _ ---� ---- CDM ' % °r • %:. -_ ■ _ EXISTING STORM WATER QUALITY BASIN i I NE SHADE STRUCTURES .- i Preliminary Idea of the Expanded Playground with Shade and Lighting Preliminary Idea of the Pool expansion with Water Playground 1 a A:V_ •-•.,,,, • y p yg g g +4'tt � .. ., ,. �. � a - 1 _ � - * 1-�.—a--....--o---p...4• � 50 - t - 3 Fire Station loss �Y I J. �., in mid I�rrw I�rlrl.rwlwl.r „ „ _ rrr r� - _ rrrr�w�. �.... '� . 1 L �$' I l� .,I =a C' C' C` ��r� M.Nlgwr+r• • ° +t I��11 I H . of rrrr�lr�rl�rlss� �. r= f1 1 I fl — I ill • �J — a I I „ „ .� �_ „ „ .IIII � - •�' � ■�IIIII 3 -1 1111l1 „ „ „ f1ill..�.' ACCESS GATE IIIII ' ki- 77IIII! ,IIIII _. ._ .. . -__--_-I#III _ .� •,�q�R ACCESS 111I _ �� NEWS AIDE STRURC •.. . ;g•� __ i fr r - PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY TO F^ _ . I, t I I1111 Preliminary Idea of new plaza with public art play element r IIIII ADDITIONAL PARKING Option to add a new Tennis Court or Pickleballl Courts NEW SHADE STRUCTURE IIIII = :-- _ __ _ _ Into City of La Quinta Operations and Maintenance Yard a- , _ .ter. - - h � - ■ • - I rrrr- EXISTING ... • I I POOLA Al t. r r City of La Quinta - Operations and Maintenance _ _ .. • `` ' _ Option to Keep the Existing i I , EXISTING POOL BUILDING "'�' ■- � ' � f� � o I ` 3 • RENOVATED PLAYGROUND • ff` EXISTING TREE - - -.. / iTYPICAL1 .'• - - T " 4 _ I: I. K�..� _ � �=-�- , . WITH SHADING AND LIGHTING � , � Dog Park and not Expand EXPANDED POOL. .. r a y °I EQUIPMENTAREA ', m+'' " NEW PARKING L T EXISTING the Parkin Lot CELL TO - g TREE ISLAND --- - - _ ---- fir. I I � � r -�• • �.. • • - `"• J�i- � + .� �► - - - — �t -- I } s 4th UN BIKE RACKS AND '. } • `�„ t -'� :. . a I. "�• I' YUNE UP STATION • ' - - _ $ '}4'" - s + - x. �� -, i 1 Preliminary Idea of new plaza with public art play element I �D NTAIN(TYPICALSYMBO) '•' POTENTIAL �~- EV CHARGERS NEW PLAZA WITH SCULPTURAL` r ? a (FU PLAY ELM T, SEATING AND S AIDETURE TROLLEY - i -w.`�^- '- - - - •' . �� '.,f~' ®` EXISTING TREE STOP �. � = (TYPICAL) y _„ I a * • • • EXISTING SHADE STRUCTURE ` r I j - ING 5H _MP[I Option to Remove Skate Park - - _ _ `tr i I �`•±. i - �; �.. EXISTING and Expand Parking Lot k ' CELL TOWER r; ++.. + NEW PARKING LOT _ II .-. . .- . I. MODIFIED EXISTING PARKING LOT (85 SPACES) TREE ISLANDS (TYPICAL)EXISTING SKATEPARK _ NEW PARKING LOTIOU ...... _ _ vim_ +� .. • — - __ _ t 1 (L I ' it Q,. I i - - EXISTIN DATE PALM EXISTING CELL TOWER CABINET EXISTING PARKING Preliminary Idea of enhanced shading and landscaping of parking II Preliminary Ideas are subject to change) IN—SI, E LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, INC. , 237 ITz BURNS PARK MASTER PLAN �CvCl�Cv — GEM ofrhr DESERT — — I f ' � � � I •I 1 -P - - - - - _ _ /Ih •4� , - i"� FIE Pit r1 - _ate 1 1 I K y r 4 TEMPORARY PARKING 54 SPACES) Preliminary Idea of the Tree -lined promenade with seating , ®II"" - -'ram ___ - __-- _=_==- - Preliminary Idea of the eight additional pickleball courts 40 r- �= l - !~. ! - _ - - r______ __ __ - R - = —. C). `•f',' .. r f _ qH,--:.-?•'�� '�•G.• 1 ---ti -----_ — — - -- --__ ___________ �1?" r ` fir- - •':: 14 va � •� ce rj•{ _ r•- I -i 91 Jn =1� CD - V � + EXISTING STORM WATER QUALITY BASIN Preliminary Idea of the Pool expansion with Water Playground y p yg I NE SHADE STRUCTURES •..,,,; Preliminary Idea of the Expanded Playground with Shade and Lighting Fire Station ` !-�� „ IBM -_ - } � r mac`' � � - - - - - - „ ' .• � �' � - • i• ~"`N � • � _lam=r'J'�ili ir►,..R '- ____=�w■.�a�••�•�*: „ „ fat■■ 1 I AWL : ` : ' : ` ____ M N 1117� ry r • • °: �iJIl1I NEER 'II111 Y • - . . 11111 : j y _ , IIIIf JIlI1i - -. • . - .. - •. .'IIl1I IIIII SOON �11111 :� ::_ . •.::=� � �,;, - .. - _ _ • . � _ � f _ �, „ ,� ,� �� f1i11 • �"�. ACCESS GATE Hill 10, �I �II111 11111 a, L:...; •.. // II#III 11111 ACCESS G� 1I111 _ NEWS ADE STRUCTURE - II11 F'^ - — IIIII PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY TO PreliminaryIdea of new plaza with public art la element ■ ! 11111 ADDITIONAL PARKING Option to add a new Tennis Court or Pickleballl Courts play , _ NEW SHADE STRUCTURE .=. JIIIII p I; 3: _. _ _ ■ L'� 1� Into City of La Quinta Operations and Maintenance Yard ` fi EXISTING— r-:: I POOLPHASE 3 ;' n- - # ■ ■ City of La Quinta - Operations and Maintenance EXISTING POOL BUILDING or f V , Option to Keep the Existing I 3 RENOVATED PLAYGROUND . f` EXISTING TREE (TYPICAL) Do Park and not Expand L L - EXPANDED POOL g p - � � ` $ WITH SHADING AND LIGHTING `_. EXISTING EQUIPMENT AREA .I - � NEW RKING LOT`' CELL TOWER— PA-~ the Parking Lot ISLAND - . � � I � x - - • � 4 . • : :. , .{ . :.-� , TREE ----. �-- — � PHASE 1 I ___ , , _ , . • � .. � I � _ . �� . . -• � _ _ __ _�w �s _ BIKE RACKS AND UPS j.. - t . - ■ `R—AM=" I �D NTAIN (TYPICAL B Preliminary Idea of new plaza with public art play element y_ 1 POTENTIAL -"f' EVCHARGERS " < __ _ • PLAY ELM T, SEATING AND SHADE i • TURE TROLLEY. k EXISTING TREE `' :�'. •, r STOP + -1 (TYPICAL) r �I - r= y - - ; 7 ,.y '• EXISTING SHADE STRUCTURE : - I _ ;w t. :- ING SH �i• _ ly • _ • �� • • ;_; -_ �_ Option to Remove Skate Park PHASE 2 XISTING ±; �- and Expand Parking Lot - ` I �'�• E' mot CELL TOWER I ;r MODIFIED EXISTING PARKING LOT (85 SPACES) NEW PARKING LOT TREE ISLANDS (TYPICAL) EXISTING SKATEPARK Inn— NEW PARKING LOT - - _ 4- EXISTING DATE PALM EXISTING CELL TOWER CABINET EXISTING PARKING f Preliminary Idea of enhanced shading and landscaping of parking . , - T #.�' • r 3 « • +p (All Preliminary Ideas are subject to change) IN—SI, E LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, INC. , 238 ATTACHMENT 2 AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES WITH INSITE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (CONTRACTING PARTY) This Amendment No. 2 ("Amendment 2") to Agreement for Contract Services ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of the 20t" day of September, 2023, ("Effective Date") by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA ("City"), a California municipal corporation and IN -SITE Landscape Architecture, a California Corporation ("Contracting Party"). RECITALS WHEREAS, on or about May 4, 2022, the City and Contracting Party entered into an Agreement to provide Master Planning for Fritz Burns Park Improvement Project No. 2021-02, for a total not to exceed amount of $79,375. The Initial Term of the Agreement expired on June 30, 2023; and WHEREAS, on or about June 27, 2023, the City and Contracting Party executed Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement and mutually agreed to amend Section 3.4 Term, to extend the term of the Agreement for one additional two-year term from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2025 ("Extended Term"); and WHEREAS, City and Contracting Party mutually agree to amend Section 1.1, Scope of Services, of the Agreement to include preliminary engineering and construction support services as identified in Exhibit A, included in this Amendment No. 2; and WHEREAS, The City and contracting Party mutually agree to amend Section 2.1 Contract Sum of the Agreement and increase the total compensation by an additional amount of $361,235 for the additional engineering design and construction services, included in this Amendment No. 2 as Exhibit B, for a grand total not to exceed amount of $440,610. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenant herein contained, the parties agree as follows: AMENDMENT In consideration of the foregoing Recitals and the covenants and promises hereinafter contained, and for good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Section 1.1 is amended to read as follows: Section 1.1 — Scope of Services. In compliance with all terms and conditions of this Agreement, Contracting Party shall provide those services related to the Master Planning for Fritz Burns Park Improvements Project No. 2021-02 as well as engineering 239 design and construction support, as detailed in "Exhibit A" Scope of Services, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Services"). 2. Section 2.1 is amended to read as follows: Section 2.1 Contract Sum. For the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement, Contracting Party shall be compensated in accordance with "Exhibit B" (the "Schedule of Compensation") in a total amount not to exceed Four Hundred Forty Thousand Six Hundred and Ten Dollars ($440,610) (the "Contract Sum"), except as provided in Section 1.7. The method of compensation set forth in the Schedule of Compensation may include a lump sum payment upon completion, payment in accordance with the percentage of completion of the Services, payment for time and materials based upon Contracting Party's rate schedule, but not exceeding the Contract Sum, or such other reasonable methods as may be specified in the Schedule of Compensation. The Contract Sum shall include the attendance of Contracting Party at all project meetings reasonably deemed necessary by City; Contracting Party shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for attending said meetings. Compensation may include reimbursement for actual and necessary expenditures for reproduction costs, transportation expense, telephone expense, and similar costs and expenses when and if specified in the Schedule of Compensation. Regardless of the method of compensation set forth in the Schedule of Compensation, Contracting Party's overall compensation shall not exceed the Contract Sum, except as provided in Section 1.7 of this Agreement. In all other respects, the original Agreement shall remain in effect. 240 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and Contracting Party have executed this Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement on the respective dates set forth below. CITY OF LA QUINTA a California municipal corporation JON McMILLEN, City Manager City of La Quinta, California Dated: ATTEST: MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California INSIGHT Landscape Architecture Tim Jachlewski President Dated: 241 Exhibit A Scope of Services Project Understandin. The City of La Quinta (City) reserves the right to negotiate final pricing with In -Site Landscape Architecture, Inc. (Consultant). Pricing shall remain firm for the entire initial term of the agreement. The total project area is 7.5 acres, located on the corner of Avenue 52 and Avenida Bermudas. The Fritz Burns property was donated to the City of La Quinta to serve as noncommercial public space. The property currently has a regional park and is adjacent to the City's Corporate Yard and Fire Station #32; which sit on an additional four (4) acres. The park contains a swimming pool, children's play area, picnic tables & benches, men's and women's restrooms, 6 tennis courts, 8 pickle ball courts, a water feature, a skate park, a dog park, parking lot and off-street parking. The City is proposing to keep all existing park program elements; including courts, dog parks, skate park, playground, and pool and pool building. The potential re -configuration should be considered in the Master Plan and should consider constructing additional park amenities such as but not limited to: pickle ball courts, parking, shade and misting, spectator seating, seating, pedestrian lighting, updated and increased bathrooms, fencing, a splash fountain, and location for trash collection for larger events that can be secured. The City wants to limit turf removal as much as possible. The tear drop property north of the park is to be incorporated for the improvements. Scope of Services: Task 1- Pre -Design Phase a) Consultant shall review the City's existing data, reports, record drawings and studies concerning the project. b) Consultant shall attend a kickoff meeting with the City to discuss the goals and objectives for the project. The Consultant and City shall also review the preliminary programming, preliminary plan, and preliminary 3D renderings (prepared as part of the Consultant's RFP response) to receive initial City feedback and direction if the City feels any of the preliminary ideas are desirable for the Master Plan. Consultant recommends conducting one overall meeting with each of the following City Departments to ensure Department goals and interests do not conflict with each other. • Meeting/Interview with Public Works Director, Maintenance Services Division Manager, Engineering Services/CIP Division Manager and Project Manager; • Meeting/interview with Maintenance Services Division Manager and key staff members; • Meeting/interviews with other stakeholders (i.e. Community Services Department, Building & Safety Department, Code Enforcement). c) Consultant shall conduct a site visit in association with the City and assess the project's existing conditions, opportunities, and challenges. (This meeting may be combined with the above meeting). Deliverable: Memorandum identifying existing park amenities to remain, existing park amenities to be enhanced, existing park amenities to be relocated, and new park amenities and City's goals and objectives for the project. Preliminary programming, preliminary plan, and preliminary 3D renderings (PowerPoint as presented in the RFP interview). Deliverable: Meeting minutes. Task 2 - Aerial Topographic Map Exhibit A Page 1of11 242 a) Subconsultant (MBI) shall prepare an Aerial Topographic Map of the project site, at a scale of 1" = 40', with one foot contour intervals and shall provide the completed Aerial Topographic Map in an AutoCAD digital format. The work will include the following tasks: 1. Preparation of a flight plan and layout of ground control targets; 2. Field surveying services to set ground control panels and survey their precise positions on the appropriate coordinate system basis; 3. Establishment of horizontal and vertical geodetic control on appropriate published datum; 4. Aerial photogrammetric and aero triangulation services; S. Compilation of plannimetric and topographic features to digital medium; 6. Completion of field survey check profile observations and office analysis of said observations to check ground truth of the compiled map. EXCLUSIONS: 1. Potholing or underground exploration of utilities 2. Record of Survey Mapping 3. Anything else not specifically included in the Scope of Services above Optional Task Deliverable: CAD drafted aerial topographic map Task 3- Draft Site Master Plan a) Consultant shall prepare a Prioritized Phased Master Plan for Fritz Burns Park. It shall be based on the City goals and objectives in combination with the proposed programming and the results of the site opportunities and constraints analysis. It shall include the general layout of areas such as pathways, parking, park amenities, light standards, planting areas, turf areas, and key landscape elements. The Master plan shall identify existing park amenities to remain, existing park amenities to be enhanced, existing park amenities to be relocated, and new park amenities. (It is assumed that the preliminary skate park design included in the proposal response will be sufficient for the project or that the existing skate park will remain as -is. A new detailed skate park master plan is not included.) b) Consultant shall prepare a conceptual 3D computer model of the proposed plan and prepare at ten still frame views of the proposed design. Deliverable: Draft Site Master Plan Deliverable: Draft Site Master Plan incorporating City Staff feedback Deliverable: Draft Site Master Plan incorporating Community feedback Deliverable: 3D Renderings (ten views) Deliverable: Phasing Plan and or options Task 4 - Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Estimate a) Consultant shall prepare an opinion of probable construction cost estimate for each phase and option. Deliverable: Opinion of probable construction cost estimate for each phase and option. Task 5 - Meetings a) Consultant shall prepare for and attend Monthly PDT Meetings with all Stakeholders. b) Consultant shall prepare for and present at two (2) City Council Study Sessions and one (1) Community Services Commission Meeting. Exhibit A Page 2 of 11 243 Deliverable: Meeting minutes for each meeting. PowerPoint presentation for City Council and Commission Meetings. Task 6 - City Approval of Master Plan a) Consultant shall submit twelve (12) copies and one (1) electronic copy of the draft master plan for review and comment by City staff. b) Based upon comments received from the City, consultant will revise the draft master plan and resubmit twenty (20) copies. c) Staff approved master plan will be presented to the City Council as a study session item for review and comment and Community Services Commission Meeting. d) Consultant will make final changes and submit twenty (20) copies of the final version of the master plan. Consultant will provide electronic version compatible with existing City software. OPTIONAL Task 7- Community Outreach a) Consultant shall attend and assist City with two community meetings. (It is assumed the City will provide the venue and invite the public to the meetings). b) The first meeting shall present the existing site conditions, City's goals for the project, and initial park programming and will provide the opportunity for the community to provide feedback on each of the above. c) The second meeting will present the results of the first meeting and the draft park master plan for community feedback. Deliverable: Community Meeting #1 memorandum of results. Deliverable: Community Meeting #2 memorandum of results. Exclusions: a) Construction Documents b) Architectural plans c) Grading and drainage plans d) Hydrology and drainage reports e) Lighting and electrical plans f) Structural engineering and calculations g) Geotechnical studies and pavement recommendations h) Splash Park mechanical, electrical, and plumbing plans i) Permitting j) Agencies fees k) Phase 2 or Phase 3 Environmental Audits 1) Anything else not specifically included in the Scope of Services above Exhibit A Page 3of11 244 Description of Additional Services to be completed: Task 1 - Project Manager Meetings and Coordination a) Consultant shall attend a web -based kickoff meeting with the Client to discuss the goals and objectives for the project. b) Consultant shall attend periodic web -based meetings with the Client to coordinate the project. (A total of six meetings are budgeted for this project.) c) Consultant shall coordinate the project with the City of LaQuinta and its sub -consultants. Task 2 - Landscape Architectural Design Development a) Consultant shall prepare landscape architectural design development documents based on the Master Plan. Design development documents shall serve as the guideline for construction documents. They shall include further refinement of the master plan and additional information regarding landscape construction items, product selections, colors, finishes, plant palette, and irrigation methods. Task 3 - Site Demolition Plan a) Consultant shall prepare a site demolition plan that identifies items to be removed and disposed of or removed and salvaged. Task 4 - Civil Engineering a) Consultant shall retain a civil engineer sub -consultant (Dudek) to complete the project civil engineering. The following is the scope of work that Dudek will provide for the improvements described above. For the purposes of this proposal, Dudek has assumed the following: • The City will provide all necessary surveying data and services including topographic data illustrating existing contours and surface features, and field survey data such as spot elevations for connecting proposed facilities with existing. • The City will provide a geotechnical report and recommendations for the proposed improvements, including percolation testing for any stormwater management facilities. • The existing retention basin located along Avenue 52 is sufficient for stormwater management related to the park improvements. Dudek will assist the client with the design of drainage facilities to maintain the existing flow patterns within the park, but a detailed hydrology and hydraulic analysis as well as a water quality management plan will not be required for the proposed park improvements. • No off -site street improvements are required. • No new CVWD water service connection is required to provide potable water for any new facilities, including drinking fountains, restroom, etc. All proposed improvements will connect to existing water service(s) already serving the park. • A new sewer lateral may be required for the proposed pre -fabricated restroom building. Dudek's scope includes design of a new sewer lateral to connect with (presumed) existing sewer infrastructure located in Avenida Bermudas. Dudek has assumed there is adequate depth within any existing sewer main to allow for gravity flow and no pumped facilities are required. • Any required retaining structures required as part of the grading improvements will be limited in height to no more than five feet (5') in retained height. Any retaining structures Exhibit A Page 4 of 11 245 outside this limit will require design by a structural engineer and is not included in the civil scope of work. • Structural engineering for any shade structures will be provided by others (the structure manufacturers) and is excluded from the civil scope of work. • All dry utility infrastructure design, including gas and electricity, will be provided by others and is excluded from the civil scope of work. • Any pool equipment design required for the water playground/wading pool will be provided by others (Water Ventures) and is excluded from the civil scope of work. • Any fugitive dust (PM-10) mitigation plan and or Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be the responsibility of the contractor selected to construct the proposed improvements and is excluded from the civil scope of work. b) Civil Project Management and Meetings. Research i) Dudek will begin the design related work through attendance at a pre -design kick-off meeting with the design team to formalize the design approach. The meeting will be a review of project technical requirements, project limits, design parameters, timelines, contract management, schedules and milestones. ii) Dudek will meet with the client during the development of the design and specifically request meetings at 60% completion and 90% completion. At the 60% completion meeting, we will perform a field inspection with draft design plans in hand to mark repair areas in the field with paint and discuss any special construction conditions, treatments, or conflicts. iii) Dudek will perform an initial field reconnaissance site visit to verify the existing improvements within the project limits. Existing surface and underground facilities (including meter boxes, existing survey monuments, manholes, valve covers, power poles, etc.) which may be affected by the project construction will be field verified. Research will include review of existing as -built data (street plans, utility plans, etc.) Using available utility maps obtained from agencies servicing the project area and as -built records from the City. c) Civil Engineering Construction Documents i) Using the basemap and topographic information acquired from the City and Landscape Architect, Dudek will prepare a grading and drainage plan at 1"=20' scale on Arch D (24" x 36") plan sheets. The plans will include the limits of demolition, reconstruction layouts and elevations, details of construction, and signage and striping improvements. Existing areas of deficient drainage identified by the survey and site walk will be discussed and potentially addressed in the improvement plans. ii) Handicap ramps and driveways will be designed as needed to meet current ADA requirements. iii) General drawings will be prepared including typical coversheet, general notes, abbreviations and symbols, general details, and signing/striping plans. iv) All hardscape and site construction elements will be delineated on the civil plans for dimensional and horizontal control information. Grading improvements on the site will depict existing and proposed contours, vertical design (finished surface elevations, high and low points, grade breaks, etc.), and drainage patterns and features (swale location, slope, etc.) All hardscape improvements designed for pedestrian access will consider Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility limitations and requirements for slope, finished surface roughness, etc. Exhibit A Page 5of11 246 v) Preparation of Deliverables includes internal QA/QC prior to each submittal. The project manager will carry out a detailed review of the project team's work including any sub - consultant work. Deliverables at 60%, 90% (design development), and 100% (construction development) progress submittals will include up to three (3) full-size sets of progress prints (24" x 36"), three (3) sets of technical specifications, and three (3) copies of the current cost estimate. vi) Any comments from the review meetings will be incorporated into the subsequent submittal and the final submittal will include one copy of signed mylars, final technical specifications, and a copy of the final cost estimate. vii) Electronic copies of the drawings in AutoCAD format, the project specifications in Word, and the engineers estimate in Excel will be provided. viii) Plans will be reviewed and processed through the City of La Quinta. Final plans will be provided in PDF format for use in bidding and constructing the improvements. Task 5 - Landscape Construction Plans a) Consultant shall prepare landscape construction plans at a scale suitable to communicate design intent that identifies proposed construction elements identified in the project Master Plan. (Structural Calculations and Shop Drawings shall be provided by the respective manufacturers of the shade structures and playground equipment.) b) Consultant shall prepare applicable landscape construction notes, details and specifications. c) Consultant shall coordinate the design with the architect, civil engineer, structural engineer, mechanical/electrical/ plumbing consultant, manufacturers, and other consultants during this phase. d) Consultant shall coordinate with the pre -fabricated restroom manufacturer and City regarding the pre -fabricated restroom design, site location, and permitting process. a) Consultant shall revise plans and respond to comments from the permitting municipality as required for plan check and final permitting for areas concerning landscape architecture including CVWD approvals and rebate applications. Task 6 -Planting Plans a) Consultant shall prepare planting plans at a scale suitable to communicate design intent that identifies proposed trees, shrubs, groundcovers, and mulch. Plans shall conform to the State of California Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance or locally adopted ordinance. b) Consultant shall prepare a landscape planting legend (schedule) including plant genus, species, common name, quantity, size, water use, and remarks using the City Standards and plant palette. c) Consultant shall prepare applicable planting notes, details and specifications. d) Consultant shall revise plans and respond to comments from the permitting municipality as required for plan check and final permitting for areas concerning landscape architecture including CVWD approvals and rebate applications. Task 7 -Irrigation Plans a) Consultant shall prepare irrigation plans at a scale suitable to communicate design intent that identifies proposed irrigation equipment. Plans shall conform to the State of California Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance or locally adopted ordinance. b) Consultant shall prepare an irrigation legend including manufacturer and model numbers of proposed equipment. c) Consultant shall prepare applicable irrigation notes, details and specifications. d) Consultant shall prepare irrigation Water Use Calculations. Exhibit A Page 6of11 247 e) Consultant shall revise plans and respond to comments from the permitting municipality as required for plan check and final permitting for areas concerning landscape architecture including CVWD approvals and rebate applications. Task 8- Site Lighting and Electrical Engineering Consultant shall retain an electrical engineer sub -consultant (Visual Concepts Lighting, Inc.) to complete the project site lighting and electrical engineering. The following is the scope of work that Visual Concepts will provide for the improvements described above: a) Site Lighting and Electrical Engineering Construction Documents 30% i) Provide a photometric lighting plan to demonstrate adequate lighting for all pedestrian walkways, central plaza, playgrounds, picnic structures, and parking lot. Provide lighting for palms and canopy trees. Plans shall be delivered during the 30% deliverable to show design intent and design product concept. ii) Parking lot lights shall be upgraded to new LED with exiting pole locations staying as per plan. iii) Coordinate with city as -build electrical plans to see if existing pedestrian poles can be used. iv) Coordinate with the team for theming and selections/placements of lighting and electrical components. v) Coordinate with City for lighting specifications prior to conceptual design. vi) Web -based team meetings b) Site Lighting and Electrical Engineering Construction Documents 60% i) Provide electrical plans for the installation of electrical and lighting for the following features and at the following deliverable phases: Pedestrian walkways, central plaza, playgrounds, picnic structures tree up -lights and parking lot. Provide electrical circuitry for irrigation controllers and Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS) locations as identified on plans. This will be for EV "Capable" and `Ready' spaces. Provide conduit stubs to future Phase 2 electrical needs. Plans shall include all conduit and circuitry installation details, specifications, lighting and panel schedules, voltage drop calculations and Title-24 energy calculations. Reuse existing electrical circuitry as possible per as -built plans and conditions. (Specifications shall be on plans.) ii) The lighting shall be confirmed further by revised photometric studies for safety and security as directed by the client. iii) Coordinate with utility consultant if a new metered service for site power is required. Have utility consultant request electrical demand readings for 1 year on the existing electrical panel to see if capacity remains. iv) Coordinate with the landscape architect and civil engineer for location of all lights on site. v) All plan check comments to be addressed and responded to as well as plan revisions per these comments. vi) Web -based team meetings. c) Site Lighting and Electrical Engineering Construction Documents 90% i) Further completion of electrical details, circuitry, calculations and sheet specifications. ii) Lighting shall be confirmed further by revised photometric studies for safety and security. iii) Coordinate with utility consultant for installation of a new metered service for site power as required. iv) Coordinate with the landscape architect for location of all lights on site. Exhibit A Page 7 of 11 248 v) All plan check comments to be addressed and responded to as well as plan revisions per these comments. vi) Web -based team meetings. d) Site Lighting and Electrical Engineering Construction Documents 100% i) Further completion of electrical details, circuitry, calculations and sheet specifications. ii) Title-24 mandatory measures. iii) Structural pole base calculations iv) All plan check comments to be addressed and responded to as well as plan revisions per these comments. v) Web -based team meetings. Task 9 - Aquatic Design Services 1) Consultant shall retain an Aquatic Design sub -consultant (Water Ventures) to complete the wading pool/ water playground and existing pool equipment design, consulting and engineering. It is understood that the proposed project shall include the addition of a skimmer -type wading pool with a play structure, water features, beach entry and associated piping, recirculation, and filtration systems required for typical swimming pool operation. Water Ventures will recommend specific play features in addition to the central Water Structure to maximize the play value for the pool area. They will provide options and color choices as well. A color rendering will be provided. The Project shall be designed to conform to the 2022 CBC Title 24, Chapter 31B (Public Swimming Pools) and other applicable codes. It is understood that the Project shall follow a Design -Bid -Build delivery method. a) The aspects and components of the project in Water Ventures' scope will include the following items: i) Swimming Pool (Splash Pad)design & engineering including structures, finishes, piping, and features necessary to provide a functional wading pool; ii) Swimming Pool (Splash Pad) mechanical equipment including recirculation, filtration, heating, and chemical delivery systems for the proposed wading pool. b) Water Ventures will provide utility demand information to the Client for the following items: i) Sanitary sewer and gas service connections for the wading pool equipment room; ii) Mechanical venting, heating, conditioning, and gas service for the wading pool equipment room and chemical rooms; iii) Electrical service for the wading pool equipment; Domestic water service for the wading pool equipment; iv) Overall sizing and layout of the wading pool equipment room and chemical rooms, and assessing the existing structure; v) General information and recommendations regarding requirements for the wading pool site including pool area enclosure, restrooms, locker rooms, auxiliary rooms, and general function and programming of the site and facility. c) Water Ventures will provide the above services through the following phases: i) Schematic Design Phase Services (1) Water Ventures shall perform a non-invasive visual aquatic, architectural, and engineering assessment of the existing swimming pool, deck, pool equipment room, support spaces, and building mechanical room and review requirements for the intended scope. Exhibit A Page 8 of 11 249 (2) Water Ventures shall review the project program furnished by the Client to ascertain the requirements of the project and shall arrive at a mutual understanding of such requirements with the Client. (3) Water Ventures shall review with the Client alternative approaches to the design and construction of the Project including various types of water features. (4) Water Ventures shall prepare schematic plans and cross -sections for the wading pool showing critical finish dimensions and features. Water Ventures shall review the physical characteristics and requirements identified for the pool based on the agreed upon program with the Client. Schematic Design drawings shall include the following: • Wading Pool structures and finishes; • Wading Pool deck area and limits; • Site Path of Travel and egress; • Support spaces; • Activity program use and course/event configurations; • Geotechnical issues influencing pool structures (if any). ii) Design Development Phase Services (1) Water Ventures shall attend a Design Review meeting with the Architect and Owner, if necessary, to review the Schematic Design documents in an effort to finalize design parameters to complete documents. (2) Based on the approved Schematic Design Documents and any adjustments authorized by the Client in the project program or schedule, Water Ventures shall prepare, for approval by the Client, Design Development Documents consisting of drawings and other documents to fix and describe the size and character of the Project as to aquatic, structural, mechanical, and electrical systems, materials and such other elements as may be appropriate. Design Development drawings shall include the following: • Wading Pool sections and markings; • Wading Pool Equipment Room sections and equipment; • Building sections and elevations. iii) Construction Document Phase Services (1) Based on the approved Design Development Documents and any further requested adjustments in the scope or quality of the Project or the construction budget authorized by the Client, Water Ventures shall prepare, for approval by the Client, Construction Documents consisting of Drawings and Technical Specifications set forth in detail the requirements for the construction of the Project. iv) Agency Review Phase Services (1) All permits from governmental agencies shall be obtained by the Client/Contractor. (2) Water Ventures shall assist the Client in filing the construction documents required for the approval of governmental agencies having jurisdiction over the Project. (3) Water Ventures shall provide response revisions to address comments from the Health Department agencies. If an agency provides additional comments unrelated to its initial comments which necessitate further responses from Water Ventures or revisions to the previously prepared documents, such services shall be additional services at an agreed - upon fee for such services. Exhibit A Page 9 of 11 250 v) Exclusions / Provided by Others (1) The following services are specifically excluded from Water Ventures' scope of services as outlined above. Such services can be provided as Additional Services upon written authorization by the Client. • Fire protection engineering services (provided on a design -build basis by the general contractor); • Hazardous waste testing, monitoring and/or contingency plan for both site and building demolition work; • Temporary or permanent shoring documents or coordination for any existing structures other than indication on construction documents. • Special Testing/Inspections; • Legal work, i.e.: parcel map, easements, lot line removal, radius maps, etc.; • Cost of all permits, plan check fees and any/all other related fees; • Environmental approvals. vi) Accessibility Compliance (1) For the purposes of this Proposal, it shall be understood that the facility provides a code - compliant accessible path of travel from the public way, the parking area serving the pool, as well as from any associated locker room and toilet facilities to the pool deck. Path of travel will be provided on the civil engineering plans. vii) Plumbing Fixture Compliance (1) For the purposes of this Proposal, it shall be understood that the existing facility provides the required quantity of plumbing fixtures (toilets, urinals, lavatories, and showers) as required by the applicable California Building and Plumbing Codes. Should confirmation or verification, or design services be required to provide the required number of fixtures, such services shall be considered Additional Services. Task 10 - Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Estimate a) Consultant shall prepare an opinion of probable construction cost based on the construction documents. Task 11- Construction Support a) Consultant(s) shall respond to Contractor requests for information and prepare addendums and clarifications per phase. b) Consultant(s) shall review Contractor submittals and shop drawings per phase. c) Consultant(s) shall provide field observation at the appropriate stages of construction as requested by the City. d) Consultant(s) shall review completed project and prepare a punch list of outstanding items related to landscape (one site visit per phase). e) Consultant(s) shall review the completed punch list items and provide a letter of substantial completion (one site visit per phase). f) Consultant shall review the completed project after the 90-maintenance period and prepare a punch list of outstanding items related to the 90-maintenance of the project. (one site visit per phase). g) Consultant shall review the completed post 90-maintenance punch list items and provide a letter of substantial completion to the City (one site visit per phase). Exhibit A Page 10 of 11 251 h) Consultant(s) shall provide record drawings based on general contractors redlines per phase. Construction support services shall be invoiced on a time and materials basis. Although the Consultant may observe and discuss potential problems with the Client/ Owner or the Client/ Owner's contractor(s), the site visits are not construction inspections or a guarantee that there will not be construction deficiencies. Contractor submittals, such as shop drawings and samples are reviewed by the Consultant only to determine if they conform to the Consultant's design intent. Consultant's review of submittals shall not constitute approval of safety precautions or construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures. Consultant's review of Contractor's payment applications to determine if the amount of work represented as complete is generally consistent with the Consultant's observations during its site visits shall be subject to any noted qualifications by the Consultant. Client understands that the frequency of the Consultant's site visits may limit Consultant's ability to review certain payment applications. Consultant's review shall not be a representation that Consultant has supervised the work, or that Consultant has reviewed how or for what purpose Contractor has used or intends to use Owner's payments. Exhibit A Page 11of11 252 Exhibit B Schedule of Compensation With the exception of compensation for Additional Services, provided for in Section 2.3 of this Agreement, the maximum total compensation to be paid to Contracting Party under this Agreement is not to exceed Four Hundred Forty -Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Four Dollars ($440,610) (the "Contract Sum"), comprised of $79,375 for Master Planning services as detailed in Exhibit B of the Agreement, and $361,235 for additional engineering design and construction services as detailed in enclosed Exhibit B to this Amendment No. 2. The Contract Sum shall be paid to Contracting Party in installment payments made on a monthly basis and in an amount identified in Contracting Party's schedule of compensation attached hereto for the work tasks performed and properly invoiced by Contracting Party in conformance with Section 2.2 of this Agreement. Exhibit B Page 1 of 4 253 Compensation for Additional Services PHASES 1, 2, 3 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AS A COMBINED PROJECT, BUT THREE SEPARATE PLAN SETS FOR BIDDING AND CONSTRUCTION: PHASE 1,2,3 PHASE 1,2,3 (concurrently) (concurrently) SUBTOTALS TASK TOTAL Task 1 — Project Management 1.01 - Kickoff Meeting $500 1.02 - Meetings $2,500 1.03 - Coordination $9,450 $12,450 Task 2 — Landscape Architectural Design Development 2.01 - Landscape Architectural Design Development $14,850 $14,850 Task 3 — Site Demolition Plan 3.01 - Site Demolition Plan $9,900 $9,900 Task 4 - Civil Engineering 4.01 - Kick Off Meeting $583 4.02 - Meetings (3) $5,247 4.03 - Field Review $2,024 4.04 - Civil Project Management $5,830 4.05 - Utility Research $1,562 4.06 - Grading and Drainage Plan $69,553 4.07 - Specifications $9,504 4.08 - Civil Cost Estimate $11,462 $105,765 Task 5 — Landscape Construction Plans 5.01 - Landscape Construction Plans $39,600 $39,600 Task 6 — Planting Plans 6.01 - Planting Plans $20,700 $20,700 Exhibit B Page 2 of 4 254 Task 7 - Irrigation Plans 7.01 - Irrigation Plans $20,700 $20,700 Task 8- Site Lighting and Electrical Engineering 8.01 - Site Lighting and Electrical Engineering $29,370 $29,370 Task 9 - Aquatic Design Services 9.01 - Aquatic Design Services Schematic Phase $10,450 9.02 - Aquatic Design Services Design Development $11,550 9.03 - Aquatic Design Services CD's $14,850 9.04 - Aquatic Design Services Agency Reviews $6,050 $42,900 Task 10 - Opinion of Probable Cost Estimate 10.01 - Opinion of Probable Construction Costs $8,000 $8,000 Task 11 - Construction Support Services 11.01 - Construction Support Services $40,000 SUB -TOTAL $344,235 Reimbursable Expenses $17,000.00 TOTAL $361,235 Additional fees - Reimbursable Expenses: Pre -fabricated manufacturer structural engineering Cost plus 10% Printing, Shipping, Delivery: Cost plus 20% Mileage Reimbursement: $0.655 per mile (or current Federal Rate) Fee Escalation Due to City Delays in Contracting or Construction - The fees and hourly rates included in this proposal are valid through January 1, 2025. If the City delays portions of the construction documents or construction administration beyond January 1, 2025, fees and hourly rates shall be adjusted based on the rate of inflation between January 1, 2025 and the date the City authorizes the Consultant's work to commence. Exhibit B Page 3 of 4 255 Supplemental Services - Supplemental Services when requested by Client, shall be compensated on an hourly basis at the rates provided below or on the basis of a negotiated fee provided in an amendment to this Agreement. Supplemental Plan Revisions - Reasonable (limited) revisions are included in this scope of work due to Client changes, and Municipal plan check comments per phase of work. Excessive revisions due Client changes, or excessive Municipal comments (major plan changes) after construction documents are complete per phase of work, are not included and will be billed as additional services based on mutual agreement with Client. Hourlv Rate Schedule: In -Site Landscape Architecture. Inc. Principal Landscape Architect: $170.00 per hour Senior Landscape Architect: $150.00 per hour Landscape Architect: $125.00 per hour Director of Irrigation: $125.00 per hour Landscape Designer: $100.00 per hour Dudek Principal Engineer II $265.00 per hour Senior Engineer III $230.00 per hour Project Engineer I/ Technician I $160.00 per hour Visual Concerts. Inc. President/Team Leader $180.00 per hour Professional Engineer $150.00 per hour Sr. Project Manager $150.00 per hour Project Manager $110.00 per hour Electrical Designer/Lighting Designer $90.00 per hour Drafter $70.00 per hour Water Ventures Principal $275.00 per hour Associate $240.00 per hour Project Architect $220.00 per hour Project Engineer $220.00 per hour Senior Project Manager $185.00 per hour Project Manager $175.00 per hour Job Captain $155.00 per hour Staff Engineer/Architect $135.00 per hour Designer/Drafter $135.00 per hour Administration $150.00 per hour Office Aide $100.00 per hour Entitlement Presentations $300.00 per hour Exclusions: a) Architectural plans (beyond coordination with pre -fabricated manufacturers) Exhibit B Page 4 of 4 256 STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 19, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: DISCUSS THE VILLAGE UNDERGROUNDING FEASIBILITY STUDY PROJECT NO. 2022-06 RECOMMENDATION Discuss the Village Undergrounding Feasibility Study Project No. 2022-06. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • In 2010, a feasibility study was prepared to assess the undergrounding of utilities citywide. • Undergrounding of utilities in the Village was identified as a priority at the 2021 and 2022 annual Community Workshops and funding was appropriated to update the feasibility study in the fiscal year (FY) 2022/23 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). • A request for proposals (RFP) to prepare a Village Undergrounding Feasibility Study was issued in both August and October 2022 and NV5, Inc. was selected as the most qualified firm to provide the requested services. • A draft of the Village Undergrounding Feasibility Study (Undergrounding Study) has been developed by the consultant and project team (Attachment 1). • Additional financial analysis and finance options will be presented after feedback is provided for the Undergrounding Study. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact to the City at this time. The Undergrounding Study provides estimated costs for undergrounding utilities in the various study areas. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In 2010, a citywide Undergrounding Feasibility Study was prepared. This Study included the assessment of costs to underground overhead utilities within six areas in the city. The costs prepared for this Study were out of date and needed to be reassessed. A phasing plan was also needed to prioritize the undergrounding of the Village's commercial area and Francis Hack Lane. 257 During the 2021 and 2022 annual Community Workshops, undergrounding utilities in the La Quinta Village was identified as a community priority. Subsequently, funding was included in the FY 2022/23 CIP to update the Undergrounding Study, and Council approved an agreement with NV5, Inc. in December 2022 to provide these services. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of undergrounding the existing overhead utilities in La Quinta. Specifically, the Undergrounding Study seeks to identify areas for the undergrounding of utilities, estimate the potential overall costs for undergrounding the utilities, and provide a planning -level cost estimate for each study area based on Imperial Irrigation District (IID) utility standards and recommendations in the following six areas: o Area 1: The Cove o Area 2: Downtown Commercial Area o Area 3: Downtown Residential Area o Area 4: Sagebrush o Area 5: Highland Palms o Area 6: Westward Ho. The Draft Village Undergrounding Feasibility Study includes: o Project Overview o Description of Study Areas o Construction phasing and community impacts o Study Area Reviews & Detailed Cost Estimates Review of Rules, Regulations, & Franchise Agreements The project scope also provides for additional financial analysis and includes specific financing options for undergrounding the existing overhead utilities within the Village. Preliminary cost estimate options per area for average parcels will be provided and a separate "Financial Options" City Council session will be conducted. Prepared by: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst Approved by: Bryan McKinney, Public Works Director/City Engineer Attachment: 1. Draft Village Undergrounding Feasibility Study 258 ATTACHMENT 1 City of a 0CALIFORNIAcQwkra Undergrounding Feasibility Study Project Overview Description of Study Areas Construction phasing and community impacts Study Area Reviews & Detailed Cost Estimates Review of Rules, Regulations, & Franchises Agreements Presented by Oscar Lazaro Project Overview and Focus I �ryR ri !1� The purpose of this study is to evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of undergrounding the existing overhead utilities in La Quinta. Specifically, the study seeks to identify the undergrounding of the utilities in each of the proposed six study areas, estimate the potential overall costs for undergrounding the utilities, and provide a planning - level cost estimate for each study area based on Imperial Irrigation District utility standards and recommendations. The study will focus on 6 identify areas in City of La Quinta. Area 1 - The Cove Area 2 - Downtown Commercial Area Area 3 - Downtown Residential Area Area 4 - Sagebrush Area 5 - Highland Palms Area 6 - Westward Ho. The existing overhead utilities involved in the study include: Imperial Irrigation District — Electric Utility. Verizon —Telephone Utility. Spectrum / Time Warner — Cable Television Utility. SoCal Gas is not included in this Study or any Gas Extension. 260 Project Overview : Project Scope ■ The study will evaluate the technical feasibility of undergrounding the existing overhead utilities in each of the study areas, including the assessment of potential impacts on the community. ■ The study will also assess the economic feasibility of the project, including the estimated cost of undergrounding the utilities and the potential benefits to the community. ■ The study will provide planning -level cost estimates for each study area and recommendations for a construction phasing, potential funding sources and stakeholder engagement. \f �4 ,' yy E-VESE k� Project Overview: Potential Impacts ■ Undergrounding power lines on the street can be challenging and disruptive. ■ The excavation process can require road closures, detours, and disruptions to traffic and businesses in the area. ■ The installation process may impact street parking and drainage patterns temporarily. ■ Undergrounding behind the curb it may present a challenge having to manage each individual customer at franchise and private property when trenching at their properties. k� Project Overview : Potential Benefits Safety: When power lines are undergrounded on the street, it eliminates the risk of people coming into contact with live electrical wires. This is particularly important in high traffic areas or back yards, where there is a greater risk of accidental contact with overhead lines. Aesthetics: Overhead power lines can detract from the beauty of a neighborhood or street. Undergrounding the lines eliminates the unsightly poles and wires that can be an eyesore and potentially decrease property values. Reliability: Overhead power lines are vulnerable to weather -related outages, such as those caused by high winds. By placing the lines underground, they are less susceptible to these types of disruptions. Future Expansion: Undergrounding power lines also allows for easier expansion of the power grid in the future. This is because the underground cables can be more easily replaced or upgraded without disrupting the surrounding area or requiring the construction of additional infrastructure. _ A ESo - _ Project Overview: Underground Vs Overhead Material Cost Labor Cost Maintenance Cost Aesthetics Environmental Impact Reliability Accessibility Safety Underground Power line Higher cost for cables and conduits Higher cost for excavation and installation Lower cost for regular maintenance and repairs Improved visual appearance of the area Lower risk of storm damage and power outages Generally, more reliable Easier access for maintenance and repair work Underground lines are less likely to cause accidents or injuries Overhead Power line Lower cost for cables and poles Lower cost for installation Higher cost for regular maintenance and repairs Poles and wires may be unsightly or interfere with views Higher risk of storm damage and power outages More susceptible to weather and external Limited access for maintenance and repair work Overhead lines may pose a risk of electrocution or contact with vehicles or structures -�� � . e (ice f. •�. ��=f \ �.�5 .i� _ � YYY E-VS,�, Project Overview: Project Implementation Plan The project started with an assessment of the existing infrastructure using IID system maps, identifying any conflicts or obstacles. A virtual map was created, depicting the six study areas and their respective construction phases, with key locations represented by pictures of poles or utilities. The impacts of construction phasing and potential underground layout were carefully considered for each area. To estimate the project's cost, utility and contractor rates were determined for each undergrounding phase, including Trench & Conduit, Cable & Connections, Cable Poles, and retiring existing Overhead Lines. The cost breakdown focused on various factors such as trench type, materials, labor, equipment, traffic control, street repair, and franchise repair. Design & engineering, project management, permits, inspections, and right-of-way acquisition costs were consolidated into a single line item. A contingency and Gas distribution system was not included in the cost estimate. Unforeseen risks or contingencies that might arise during the construction process should be captured and discussed. • 11II! �" 5.. t i� AEVESprp k� Area # Area #5 Area#6 �� ..i ( rr p Area �J J ..OEM ip...,: ilion NIVIS Description of Study Areas : Area 1- The Cove Area This study area assesses the existing conditions, overall costs, and issues associated with the conversion of the overhead utilities within the residential area of The Cove. Study Area 1 is bordered by Avenida Montezuma to the west, Avenida Bermudas to the east, Calle Tampico to the north, and Calle Tecate to the south. ■ There are approximately 4600 single family homes in this area. ■ There are 266 vacant lots that will require a 3" PVC stub to the empty lot. ■ The homes in this area are served overhead mostly at the back of the properties. ■ Most of the Service Panels are rated between 100 — 200 amp. ■ Some services are already undergrounded from the pole to the panel ( 3" PVC ). ■ The streets have curb and gutter, there are no side walks, and the R/W area is approximately 10 ft or more. ■ Easements might be needed for any existing overhead special equipment that will be pad mounted on the Under Ground conversion. For example: fuses, capacitors, switches, regulators. 267 Construction Phasing: The Cove Area #1 '.f . _Ri... n'ti •. :' iix1VY. �` all, .F,orxrii: rt�:: FLBB kigLWAQt a Emig-, MIN �1 t?!�afraxl�t�l=fit. 6bR�1lf�l�� R$' NZ��iM1i�6 ■ Each colored area represents a construction phase. ■ There are approximately 300 residences per each construction phase. ■ The construction sequence of the colored areas should start after the backbone conversion at Eisenhower Dr is completed. ■ The undergrounding should start at Calle Tampico and move north to south. �`' 'r ■ There are 1829 poles, 407 transformers and 90,102 i Linear Ft of over head wire. ■ IID trench requirements: 4-5 ft deep trench based on the 42" min cover to the top of the electric conduit. 268 Detailed Cost Estimates: The Cove Area #1 Line Item Cast Eisenhower Dr Area #1 on ST Area #1 on Pkwy Trench and Conduit Backbone - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 $ 1,757,923 Trench and Conduit Distribution - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 $ Cable and Connections Backbone - IID $ 187 $ 1,837,777 Cable and Connections ❑istribution - IID $ 168 $ Cable Pales - IID $ 51,610 $ 103,220 $ Service Trench - includes cast of CC, Driveway or Plant Repair $ 5,150 $ 1,390,500 $ New Underground Service $ 2,455 $ 736,500 $ New 3 Phase Underground Service $ 9,510 Intercept Existing Underground Services $ 3,745 $ 112,350 $ Removal of Existing Pales ( Including Eisenhower) $ 1,230 $ Removal of OH Transformer ( Including Eisenhower) $ 1,995 $ Removal of Existing Wire ( Including Eisenhower) $ 5 $ Removal of Existing Services ( Including Eisenhower) $ 430 $ 129,0D0 $ Streetlights ( Not included ) $ 2,500 Intercept Existing Meter Pedestals ( Estimated 10 pedestals) $ 3,745 $ Traffic Control $ 4 $ 35,158 $ Street Repair $ 76 $ 747,608 $ Sidewalk Repair 320 Landscape Repair $ 20D Electric Total $ 6,850,037 $ Telco Trench, Conduit and Cable - Verizon $ 10 $ 98,208 $ Telco New Service $ 950 $ 285,000 $ CATV Trench, Conduit and Cable -Spectrum $ 10 $ 98,208 $ CATV New Service $ 950 $ 285,000 $ TelcofCATVTotal $ 766,416 $ Project Area #1 Totals $ 7,616,453 $ Construction Total with Eisenhower Dr $ Engineering & Design, Permits & Approvals, Utility Coordination, Easements, Admin. $ Total $ 34,846,574 $ 32,691,051 $ 1,393,470 $ 22,145,04D $ 9,500,850 $ 1,610,350 $ 2,249,670 $ 811,965 $ 450,51D $ 1,849,000 $ 37,450 $ 696,931 $ 14,919,528 123,102,350 $ 1,946,736 $ 4,085,00D $ 1,946,736 $ 4,085,000 $ 12,063,472 $ 135,165,822 $ 142,782,274 $ 4,283,468 $ 147,065,743 $ 34,846,574 32,691,051 1,393,47D 22,145,000 9,500,850 1,610,350 2,249,670 811,965 450,510 1, 849, DDa 37,450 696,931 38,934,720 147,217,542 1,946,736 4, 085, 000 1,946,736 4,085,000 12,063,472 159,281,014 166,897,467 5,006,924 171,904,391 The Cove North to South Trenching in Miles Ave. Bermuda 2.12 Ave. Navarro 1.48 Ave. Villa 1.38 Ave. Mendoza 1.47 Ave. Martinez 1.58 Eisenhower Dr 1.86 Ave. Velasco 1.9 Ave. Herrera 1.97 Ave. Vallejo 2 Ave. Ramirez 2 Ave. Carranza 2 Ave. Obregon 1.9 Ave. Alvarado 1.75 Ave. Rubio 1.85 Ave. Diaz 1.85 Ave.Juarez 1.65 Ave. Madero 1.4 Ave. Cortez 0.59 Ave. Montezuma 2.2 The Cove East to West Trenching in Miles Calle Hidalgo 0.53 Calle Sinaloa 0.9 Calle Sonora 0.46 Calle Nogales 0.75 Calle Monterrey 0.83 Calle Arroba 0.9 Calle Madrid 0.7 Calle Potrero 0.53 Calle Yucatan 0.18 Total Trench Milage Total Trench in Linear Ft 38.7269 204,494 410 Detailed Cost Estimates: The Cove Area #1 ROW & Private Systems Jkine Jtem Cost Eisenhower Al Area #1 on ST Area #1 on Pkwy Trench and Conduit Backbone - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 $ 1,757,923 Trench and Conduit Distribution - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 $ 34,346,574 $ 34,846,574 Cable and Connections Backbone - II❑ $ 187 $ 1,837,777 Cable and Connections Distribution - IID $ 168 $ 32,691,D51 $ 32,691,D51 Cable Poles - IID $ 51,61D $ iD3,226 $ 1,393,470 $ 1,393,470 Removal of Existing Pales ( Including Eisenhower j $ 1,23D $ 2,249,670 $ 2,249,670 Removal of OH Transformer ( Including Eisenhower) $ 1,995 $ 811,965 $ 811,965 Removal of Existing Wire ( Including Eisenhower) $ 5 $ 45D,51D $ 45D,51D Removal of Existing Services ( Including Eisenhower j $ 430 $ 129,DD6 $ 1,849,6D6 $ 1,849,DD6 Streetlights ( Not included ) $ 2,56D Intercept Existing Meter Pedestals ( Estimated 1D pedestals) $ 3,745 $ 37,45D $ 37,45D Traffic Control $ 4 $ 35,158 $ 696,931 $ 696,931 Street Repair $ 76 $ 747,608 $ 14,819,528 Sidewalk Repair $ 320 Landscape Repair $ 200 $ 38,934,72D Telco Trench, Conduit and Cable - Verizon $ 10 $ 98,2D8 $ 1,946,736 $ 1,946,736 CATV Trench, Conduit and Cable - Spectrum $ 10 $ 98,208 $ 1,946,736 $ 1,946,736 Backbone & Distribution System Total $ 4,807,103 $ 93,739,622 $ 117,854,814 Backbone & Distribution Total with Eisenhower Dr $ 98,546,724 $ 122,661,917 Service Trench - includes cost of CC, Driveway or Plant Repair $ 5,15D $ 1,39D,506 $ 22,145,600 $ 22,145,006 New Underground Service $ 2,455 $ 736,500 $ 9,500,850 $ 9,500,850 New 3 Phase Underground Service $ 9,51D Intercept Existing Underground Services $ 3,745 $ 112,350 $ 1,610,350 $ 1,610,350 Telco New Service $ 950 $ 285,D00 $ 4,085,D00 $ 4,085,600 CATV New Service $ 950 $ 285,000 $ 4,085,000 $ 4,085,000 Service System Total $ 2,809,350 $ 41,426,200 $ 41,426,200 Service System Total with Eisenhower Dr $ 44,235,550 $ 44,235,550 Sub -Total $ 142,782,274 $ 166,897,467 Engineering & Design, Permits & Approvals, Utility Coordination, Easements, Admin. $ 4,283,468 $ 5,006,924 Total $ 147,065,743 $ 171,904,391 The Cove North to South Trenching in Miles Ave. Bermuda 2.12 Ave. Navarro 1.48 Ave. Villa 1.38 Ave. Mendoza 1.47 Ave. Martinez 1.58 Eisenhower Dr 1.86 Ave. Velasco 1.9 Ave. Herrera 1.97 Ave. Vallejo 2 Ave. Ramirez 2 Ave. Carranza 2 Ave. Obregon 1.9 Ave. Alvarado 1.75 Ave. Rubio 1.85 Ave. Diaz 1.85 Ave. Juarez 1.65 Ave. Madero 1.4 Ave. Cortez 0.59 Ave. Montezuma 2.2 The Cove East to West Trenching in Miles Calle Hidalgo 0.53 Calle Sinaloa 0.9 Calle Sonora 0.46 Calle Nogales 0.75 Calle Monterrey 0.83 Calle Arroba 0.9 Calle Madrid 0.7 Calle Potrero 0.53 Calle Yucatan 0.18 Total Trench Milage Total Trench in Linear Ft 38.370 204,494 Area 2 - Downtown Commercial Area: This study area assesses the existing conditions, overall costs, and issues associated with the conversion of the overhead utilities within the downtown commercial area. The downtown area has both commercial and residential customers. Study Area 2 is bordered by Avenida Bermudas to the west, Calle Guatemala to the east, Avenida La Fonda to the north and Calle Amigo to the south. Aa ML. -XI A. ztll� It? fir,: ■ There are approximately 33 single family homes in this area. Services are 200Amp. ■ There are 7 residential vacant lots that will require a 3" PVC stub to the empty lot. ■ There are 21 Commercial locations and 19 empty lots ■ There are 23 streetlights already undergrounded and 5-meter pedestals. ■ The homes in this area are served overhead mostly at the back of the properties. ■ The commercial Service Panels will range from 400— 1200 Amp 3 phase. ■ All commercial services are already undergrounded from the pole to the panel. ■ The streets have curb, gutter and sidewalk in the commercial areas and curb at the residential areas, there are no side walks, and the R/W area is approximately 10 ft. ■ Easements might be needed for any existing overhead special equipment that will be pad mounted on the Under Ground conversion. For example: fuses, capacitors, switches, regulators. 271 rTffM . V, A." op 4� • F R Construction Phasing: The Downtown Commercial Area #2 r j7. IMP ll = A ■ Each colored area represents a proposed construction phase. ■ The construction sequence of the colored areas should start after the backbone conversion at Desert Club Dr is completed. We recommend undergrounding an additional 460 linear feet of the existing overhead system, located north of Ave. La Fonda but outside the designated undergrounding zone. ■ There are about 33 residences in the first construction phase ( green ). ■ The pink phase is mostly commercial, only 2 residences and approximately 19 vacant commercial lots. ■ The undergrounding should start at Calle Guatemala and continue to move west. ■ There are 41 poles, 19 transformers and 4,500 Linear Ft of over head wire. ■ IID trench requirements: 5 ft deep trench based on the 42" min cover to the top of the electric conduit. 272 Detailed Cost Estimates: Downtown Commercial Area #2 Line Item Coat Dessert Club Dr Area #2 Streets Area #2 Pkwy Trench and Conduit Backbone - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 $ 361,580 Trench and Conduit Distribution - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 $ 1,020,730 $ 1,020,730 Cable and Connections Backbone - IID $ 187 $ 378,005 Area #2 Commercial in Linear Ft Cable and Connections Distribution - IID $ 168 $ 957,590 $ 957,590 Cable Pales - IID $ 51,610 Dessert Club Drive 2020 Service Trench - includes cast of CC, Driveway or Plant Repair $ 5,150 $ 206,000 $ 206,000 Ave. La Fonda Res 850 New Underground Service $ 2,455 $ 81,015 $ 81,015 Calle Cadiz y Fortuna 1613 New 3 Phase Underground Service $ 9,510 Calle Estado 636 Intercept Existing Underground Services $ 3,745 $ 78,645 $ 78,645 Calle Cadiz Commercial 670 Removal of Existing Pales ( Including Dessert Club Dr) $ 1,230 $ 50,43D $ 50,430 Calle Barcelona 640 Removal of CH Transformer ( Including Dessert Club Dr ) $ 1,995 $ 37,905 $ 37,905 Calle Amigo 635 Removal of Existing Wire ( Including Dessert Club Dr ) $ 5 $ 22,69D $ 22,690 Removal of Existing Services ( Including Dessert Club Dr ) $ 430 $ 23,22D $ 23,22D Ave. La Fonda Commercial 640 Streetlights ( Not included ) $ 2,500 Intercept Existing Meter Pedestals $ 3,745 $ 18,725 $ 18,725 Total Trench Milage 1.46 Traffic Control $ 4 $ 7,232 $ 20,415 $ 20,415 Total Trench in Linear Ft 7,704 Street Repair $ 76 $ 153,773 $ 434,095 Dessert Club Dr includes 460 Linear Ft beyond the Sidewalk Repair $ 32D $ 121,600 boundary to completely remove the overhead line Landscape Repair $ 200 $ 1,140,480 Electric Total $ 900,589 $ 2,951,459 $ 3,779,444 Telco Trench, Conduit and Cable - Verizon $ 10 $ 20,200 $ 57,024 $ 57,024 Telco New Service $ 950 $ 51,300 $ 51,300 CAN Trench, Conduit and Cable -Spectrum $ 10 $ 20,200 $ 57,024 $ 57,024 CAN New Service $ 950 $ 51,300 $ 51,300 Telco/CATV Total $ 40,400 $ 216,64S $ 216,648 Project Area #2 Totals $ 940,989 $ 3,168,107 $ 3,996,092 Construction Total with Dessert Club Dr $ 4,109,096 $ 4,937,081 Engineering & Design, Permits & Approvals, Utilit-y Coordination, Easements, Admin. $ 410,910 $ 493,708 273 r Total $ 4,520,006 $ 5,430,789 Detailed Cost Estimates: Downtown Commercial Area #2 ROW & Private Systems Line Item CQaL. Dessert Club Dr Area #2 Streets ■ Trench and Conduit Backbone - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 y 361,580 Trench and Conduit Distribution - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 $ Cable and Connections Backbone - IID $ 187 $ 378,005 Cable and Connections Distribution - IID $ 168 $ Cable Poles - IID $ 51,610 Removal of Existing Pales ( Including Dessert Club Dr) $ 1,230 $ Removal of OH Transformer ( Including Dessert Club ❑r) $ 1,995 $ Removal of Existing Wire ( Including Dessert Club Dr ) $ 5 $ Removal of Existing Services ( Including Dessert Club Dr) $ 430 $ Streetlights ( Not included ) $ 2,500 Intercept Existing Meter Pedestals $ 3,745 $ Traffic Control $ 4 $ 7,232 $ Street Repair $ 76 153,773 $ Sidewalk Repair $ 32D Landscape Repair $ 200 Telco Trench, Conduit and Cable - Verizon $ 10 $ 20,200 $ CATV Trench, Conduit and Cable -Spectrum $ 10 $ 20,200 $ Backbone & Distribution System Total $ 940,989 $ Backbone & Distribution Total with Dessert Club Dr $ Service Trench - includes cast of CC, Driveway or Plant Repair $ 5,150 $ New Underground Service $ 2,455 $ New 3 Phase Underground Service $ 9,510 Area #2 Pkjy 1,020,730 $ 1,D20,73D Area #2 Commercial in Linear Ft 957,590 $ 957,59D Dessert Club Drive 2020 5D,430 $ 5D,43D Ave. La Fonda Res 850 37,905 $ 37,905 Calle Cadiz y Fortuna 1613 22,690 $ 22,690 Calle Estado 636 23,220 $ 23,22D Calle Cadiz Commercial 670 18,725 $ 18,725 Calle Barcelona 640 20,415 $ 20,415 Calle Amigo 635 434,095 Ave. La Fonda Commercial 640 $ 121,60D $ 1,140,480 Total Trench Milage 1.46 57,024 $ 57,024 Total Trench in Linear Ft 7,704 57,024 $ 57,024 Dessert Club Dr includes 460 Linear Ft beyond the 2,699,347 $ 3,527,832 boundary to completely remove the overhead line 3,640,836 $ 4,468,821 206,000 $ 206,000 81,D15 $ 81,015 Intercept Existing Underground Services $ 3,745 $ 78,645 $ Telco New Service $ 950 $ 51,300 $ CATV New Service $ 950 $ 51,300 $ Service System Total with Dessert Club Dr $ - $ 468,260 $ Sub -Total $ 4,109,096 $ Engineering & Design, Permits & Approvals, Utility Coordination, Easements, Admin. $ 410,91D mro -- 4,520,006 $ 78,645 51,300 51,3D0 468,260 4,937,081 493,708 274 5,430,789 Area 3 - Downtown Residential Area: This study area assesses the existing conditions, overall costs, and issues associated with the conversion of the overhead utilities within the downtown residential area. The western portion of Study Area 3 is bordered by Calle Guatemala to the west, Washington Street to the east, Avenida La Fonda to the north and Avenida Nuestra to the south. The eastern portion of Study Area 3 is bordered by Washington Street to the west, Calle Rondo to the east, Avenida Ultimo to the north, and Avenida Nuestra to the south. ■ There are approximately 262 single family homes in this area. ■ There are 26 residential vacant lots that will require a 3" PVC stub to the empty lot. ■ The homes in this area are served overhead mostly at the back of the properties. iJ ■ Most of the Service Panels are rated between 100 — 200 amp. r ■ Some services are already undergrounded from the pole to the panel ( 3" PVC ). The streets have curb and gutter, are side walks at Calle Tampico, and the R/W area is =:,SE approximately 10 ft or more. -� Easements might be needed for any existing overhead special equipment that will be pad mounted on the Under Ground conversion. For example: fuses, capacitors, switches, ^1IFregulators. pro, 275 Construction Phasing: The Downtown Residential Area #3 Ar •E' — -- �G R'Ac i�V.W� - 1 P4; rg r"?o ■ Each colored area represents a proposed construction phase. ■ The construction sequence of the colored areas should start after the extension from existing UG system at Washington St into Calle Tampico is completed. ■ There are about 100 residences or less in each construction phase. ■ The undergrounding should start at Ave Nuestra and continue to move East and north. ■ There are 113 poles, 47 transformers and 12,600 Linear Ft of over head wire. ■ IID trench requirements: 5 ft deep trench based on the 42" min cover to the top of the electric conduit. _j ;; it .�'� �' �". • :�. ; l', 276 Detailed Cost Estimates: Downtown Residential Area #3 Line Item Cost Calle Tampico Area #3 Streets Area #3 Pkwy Trench and Conduit Backbone - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 $ 243,619 Trench and Conduit Distribution - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 $ 3,383,637 $ 3,383,637 Cable and Connections Backbone - IID $ 187 $ 254,685 Area #3 Downtown Residential in linear Ft Cable and Connections Distribution - IID $ 168 $ 3,174,334 $ 3,174,334 Cable Pales - IID $ 51,610 Calle Tampico 1361 Service Trench - includes cost of CC, Driveway or Plant Repair $ 5,150 $ 56,650 $ 885,800 $ 885,800 Calle Kalima and Ave. Nuestra 1645 New Underground Service $ 2,455 $ 27,005 $ 422,260 $ 422,260 Calle Guatemala 602 New 3 Phase Underground Service $ 9,510 Calle Hueneme 602 Intercept Existing Underground Services $ 3,745 $ 295,855 $ 295,855 Calle Lloilo 602 Removal of Existing Poles ( Including Calle Tampico ] $ 1,230 $ 138,990 $ 138,990 Calle Jacumba 602 Removal of OH Transformer ( Including Calle Tampico ) $ 1,995 $ 93,765 $ 93,765 Removal of Existing Wire ( Including Calle Tampico ) $ 5 $ 63,165 $ 63,165 Ave. Ultimo, Calle Rondo and Ave. Nuesta 4963 Removal of Existing Services ( Including Calle Tampico ) $ 43D $ 112,660 $ 112,660 Ave. Tujunga 365 Streetlights ( Not included ) $ 2,500 Calle Quito 2664 Intercept Existing Meter Pedestals $ 3,745 Calle Paloma 2365 Traffic Control $ 4 $ 4,872 $ 67,673 $ 67,673 Calle Guaymas 635 Street Repair $ 76 $ 103,606 $ 1,438,991 Ave. Naranja 495 Sidewalk Repair $ 32D $ 87,104 Paloma Ct 285 Landscape Repair $ 200 $ 3,780,600 Calle Obispo 706 Electric Total $ 690,438 $ 10,077,129 $ 12,505,842 Ave. Las Torres 628 Telco Trench, Conduit and Cable - Veriaon $ 10 $ 13,610 $ 189,030 $ 189,030 Ave. La Jarita 500 Telco New Service $ 95D $ 10,450 $ 163,400 $ 163,400 Total Trench Milage 3.84 CATV Trench, Conduit and Cable -Spectrum $ 10 $ 13,610 $ 189,030 $ 189,030 GATV New Service $ 950 $ 10,450 $ 163,400 $ 163,400 Total Trench in Linear Ft 20,264 Telco/CATV Total $ 48,120 $ 704,86O $ 704,860 Project Area #3 Totals $ 738,558 $ 113,781,989 13,210,702 Construction Total with Calle Tampicq $ 11,520,547 23,949,260 Engineering & Design, Permits & Approvals, Utility Coordination, Easements, Adminj $ 1,152,055 r 1,394,926 277 Tot4E 12,672,602 71 25,344,186 Detailed Cost Estimates: Downtown Residential Area #3 ROW & Private Systems Line Item %mk Calle Tampico Area #3 Streets Area #3 Pkwy Trench and Conduit Backbone - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 $ 243,619 Trench and Conduit Distribution - 5 Ft depth by 18" wic: e $ 179 $ Cable and Connections Backbone - IID $ 187 $ 254,685 Cable and Connections Distribution - IID $ 168 $ Cable Poles - IID $ 51,610 Removal of Existing Poles ( Including Calle Tampico j $ 1,230 $ Removal of GH Transformer ( Including Calle Tampico J $ 1,995 $ Removal of Existing Wire ( Including Calle Tampico) $ 5 $ Removal of Existing Services ( Including Calle Tampico) $ 43D $ Streetlights ( Not included ) $ 2,500 Intercept Existing Meter Pedestals $ 3,745 Traffic Control $ 4 $ 4,872 $ Street Repair $ 76 $ 103,606 $ Sidewalk Repair $ 32D Landscape Repair $ 20D Telco Trench, Conduit and Cable - Verizon $ 10 $ 13,610 $ CATV Trench, Conduit and Cable - Spectrum $ 10 $ 13,610 $ Backbone &. Distribution System Total $ 634,003 $ Backbone & Distribution Total with Calle Tampico $ Service Trench - includes cost of CC, Driveway or Plant Repair $ 5,15D $ 56,65D $ New Underground Service $ 2,455 $ 27,DD5 $ New 3 Phase Underground Service $ 9,51D Intercept Existing Underground Services $ 3,745 $ Telco New Service $ 95D $ 10,45D $ CATV New Service $ 95D $ 10,45D $ Service System Total $ 104,555 $ Service System Total with Calle Tampico $ r �1 Sub -Total i Engineering & Design, Permits & Approval tion, Easements, Admin. I Tots I A 3,383,637 $ 3,383,637 Area #3 Downtown Residential in linear Ft 3,174,334 $ 3,174,334 Calle Tampico 1361 193,765 $ 193,760 Calle Kalima and Ave. Nuestra 1645 93,}65 $ 93,}65 63,165 $ 63,165 Calle Guatemala 602 112,660 $ 112,660 Calle Hueneme 602 Calle Lloilo 602 Calle Jacumba 602 67,673 $ 67,673 Ave. Ultimo, Calle Rondo and Ave. Nuesta 4963 1,438,991 Ave. Tujunga 365 $ 87,104 Calle Quito 2664 $ 3,780,600 189,030 $ 189,030 Calle Paloma 2365 189,D30 $ 189,030 Calle Guaymas 635 8,851,274 $ 11,279,987 Ave. Naranja 495 9,485,277 $ 11,913,990 Paloma Ct 285 Calle Obispo 706 885,800 $ 885,800 422,260 $ 422,260 Ave. Las Torres 628 Ave. La Jarita 500 295,855 $ 295,855 Total Trench Milage 3.84 163,400 $ 163,400 Total Trench in Linear Ft 20,264 163,400 $ 163,400 1,930,715 $ 1,930,715 2,035,270 $ 2,035,270 11,520,547 13,949,260 1,152,055 1,394,926 278 12,672,602 M 15,344,186 Area 4 - Sagebrush: This study area assesses the existing conditions, overall costs, and issues associated with the conversion of the overhead utilities within the residential area of Sagebrush. Study Area 4 is bordered by Washington Street to the west, Date Palm Drive to the east, Sagebrush Avenue to the north, and Saguaro Road to the south. Area 4 also includes the eastern side of Washington Street between Saguaro Road and 50th Avenue. ■ There are approximately 105 single family homes in this area. ■ There are 10 residential vacant lots that will require a 3" PVC stub to the empty lot. ■ The homes in this area are served overhead mostly at the back of the properties. ■ Most of the Service Panels are rated between 100 — 200 amp. ■ Most services are already undergrounded from the pole to the panel ( 3" PVC ). ■ The streets have curb and gutter, there are no side walks, and the R/W area is approximately 10 ft or more. ■ No Easements might be needed. Distribution equipment can be pad mounted on Franchise. 279 Construction Phasing: Sagebrush Area #4 M&MMDY ] �•, �•, _•�., _�> �3 :_'gip �'µ� ��••-_•. nJs .. _ i E! > c r - ■ Each colored area represents a proposed construction phase. This area would be ideal to pilot the undergrounding of a residential area. ■ The construction sequence of the colored areas could start at the existing UG system at Sagebrush Ave and move south. ■ There are about 22 residences on the first phase, 44 on the middle phase and 39 on the last phase. ■ The undergrounding should start at Sagebrush Ave and continue to move south. ■ There are 38 poles, 26 transformers and 4,200 Linear Ft of over head wire. ■ IID trench requirements: 5 ft deep trench based on the 42" min cover to the top of the electric conduit. 280 Detailed Cost Estimates: Sagebrush Area #4 Line ltem Cost. Area #4 Streets Trench and Conduit Backbone - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 Trench and Conduit Distribution - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 $ Cable and Connections Backbone - IID $ 187 Cable and Connections Distribution - IID $ 168 $ Cable Poles - IID $ 51,610 Service Trench - includes cost of CC, Driveway ❑r Plant Repair $ 5,150 $ New Underground Service $ 2,455 $ New 3 Phase Underground Service $ 9,510 Intercept Existing Underground Services $ 3,745 $ Removal of Existing Pales $ 1,230 $ Removal of OH Transformer $ 1,995 $ Removal of Existing Wire $ 5 $ Removal of Existing Services $ 430 $ Streetlights $ 2,500 Intercept Existing Meter Pedestals $ 3,745 Traffic Control 4 Street Repair 76 $ Sidewalk Repair $ 320 Landscape Repair $ 200 Electric Total $ Telco Trench, Conduit and Cable - Verizon 10 $ Telco New Service $ 95D $ CATV Trench, Conduit and Cable - Spectrum $ 10 $ CATV New Service $ 95D $ Telco/CATV Total $ Project Area #4 Totals $ Engineering & Design, Permits & Approvals, Utility Coordination, $ Total $ 771,132 $ 723,432 $ 540,750 135,D25 $ Area #4 Pkwy 771,132 723,432 540,750 135,D25 187,250 187,25D 46,740 46,740 51,870 $ 51,870 21,000 $ 21,DD4 45,150 $ 45,150 15,423 15,423 327,947 $ 361,600 2A 5,718 $ 3,399,371 43,080 $ 43,080 99,750 $ 99,750 43,080 $ 43,080 99,750 $ 99,750 285,660 285,660 3,151,378 $ 3,685,031 315,138 368,503 3,466,516 $ 4,053,534 Area #4 Sagebrush in linear Ft Saguaro Rd, Date Palm Dr, Sagebrush Ave Bottlebrush Dr Total Trench Milage Total Trench in Linear Ft 3060 1248 .81 4,308 281 Detailed Cost Estimates: Sagebrush Area #4 ROW & Private Systems �e Item MI Area #4 Streets Trench and Conduit Backbone - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 Trench and Conduit Distribution - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 77' ,' 32 Cable and Connections Backbone - IID $ 187 Cable and Connections Distribution - IID $ 168 $ 723,432 Cable Pales - IID $ 51,61D Removal of Existing Pales $ 1,230 $ 46,74D Removal of OH Transformer $ 1,995 $ 51,870 Removal of Existing Wire $ 5 $ 21,D00 Removal of Existing Services $ 430 $ 45,150 Streetlights $ 2,50D Intercept Existing Meter Pedestals $ 3,745 Traffic Control $ 4 $ 15,423 Street Repair $ 76 $ 327,947 Sidewalk Repair $ 32D Landscape Repair $ 200 Telco Trench, Conduit and Cable - Verizon $ 10 $ 43,D8D CATV Trench, Conduit and Cable - Spectrum $ 10 $ 43,D8D Backbone & Distribution System Total $ 2,088,953 Service Trench - includes cost of CC, Driveway or Plant Repair $ 5,15D $ 54D,75D New Underground Service $ 2,455 $ 135,D25 New 3 Phase Underground Service $ 9,510 Intercept Existing Underground Services $ 3,745 $ 187,250 Telco New Service $ 950 $ 99,750 CATV New Service $ 950 $ 99,750 Service System Total $ 1,062,525 Sub -Total $ 3,151,378 Engineering & Design, Permits & Approvals, Utility Coordination, A_ 315,138 Total $ ' 3,466,516 Area #4 Pkwy , 23,432 Area #4 Sagebrush in linear Ft $ 46,740 Saguaro Rd, Date Palm Dr, Sagebrush Ave 3060 5+,870 Bottlebrush Dr 1248 2±,000 Total Trench Milage .81 45,150 Total Trench in Linear Ft 4,308 $ 15,423 $ 861,600 $ 43,080 $ 43,080 $ 2,622,506 $ 540,750 $ 135,025 187,250 99,750 99,750 1,062,525 3,685,031 368,503 4,053,534 282 Area 5 - Highland Palms: This study area assesses the existing conditions, overall costs, and issues associated with the conversion of the overhead utilities within the residential area of Highland Palms. Study Area 5 is bordered by Highland Palms Drive to the west and south, Washington Street to the east, and Singing Palms Drive to the north ■ There are approximately 92 single family homes in this area. ■ There is 1 residential vacant lot that will require a 3" PVC stub to the empty lot. ■ The homes in this area are served overhead mostly at the back of the properties. ■ Most of the Service Panels are rated between 100 — 200 amp. ■ Some services are already undergrounded from the pole to the panel ( 3" PVC ). ■ The streets have curb and gutter, there are no side walks, and the R/W area is approximately 10 ft or more. ■ No Easements might be needed. Distribution equipment can be pad mounted on Franchise. 283 Construction Phasing: Highland Palms Area #5 IThis area would be ideal to pilot the undergrounding of a residential area. The construction on this area will be the most reasonable to approach as there is only 92 residences. i The undergrounding should start at Highlands Palms Dr and continue to move north. F ■ There are 49 poles, 22 transformers and 4,800 Linear Ft of over head wire. IID trench requirements: 5 ft deep trench based on the 42" min cover to the top of the electric conduit. oil[ 284 Detailed Cost Estimates: Highland Palms Area #5 Line Item Cost Area #5 Streets Area #5 Pkwy Trench and Conduit Backbone - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 Trench and Conduit Distribution - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 $ 1,351,629 $ 1,351,629 Cable and Connections Backbone - IID $ 187 Cable and Connections Distribution - IID $ 168 1,268,021 $ 1,268,021 Area #5 Highland Palms in linear Ft Cable Poles - IID $ 51,610 Service Trench - includes cost of CC, Driveway or Plant Repair $ 5,150 473,800 473,800 Cameo Palm Dr 1778 New Underground Service $ 2,455 115,385 115,385 Singing Palms Dr 366 New 3 Phase Underground Service $ 9,510 Culc de Sacs 591 Intercept Existing Underground Services $ 3,745 $ 168,525 168,525 Crest View Terrace 479 Removal of Existing Poles $ 1,230 $ 60,270 60,270 Bradshaw Trail 1440 Removal of OH Transformer $ 1,995 $ 43,890 $ 43,890 Highland Palms Dr 1115 Removal of Existing Wire $ 5 $ 24,000 24,000 Washington St 1782 Removal of Existing Services $ 430 $ 39,560 39,560 Total Trench Milage 1.43 Streetlights 2,50Q Total Trench in Linear Ft 7,551 Intercept Existing Meter Pedestals $ 3,745 Traffic Control $ 4 $ 27,033 27,D33 Street Repair $ 76 $ 574,820 Sidewalk Repair $ 320 Landscape Repair $ 200 $ 1,510,200 Electric TotJM 4,146,932 $ 5,082,312 Telco Trench, Conduit and Cable - Verizon $ 10 $ 75,510 75,510 Telco New Service $ 95D $ 87,400 $ 87,400 CAN Trench, Conduit and Cable -Spectrum $ 10 $ 75,510 $ 75,510 CATV New Service $ 95D $ 87,400 $ 87,400 Telco/CATV Total t 325,820 $ 325,820 Project Area #5 Totals $ 4,472,752 $ 5,408,132 _ Engineering & Design, Permits & Approvals, Utility Coordinations 447,275 $ 540,813 285 _ T._ 4,920,027 $ 5,948,945 Detailed Cost Estimates: Highland Palms Area #5 ROW & Private Systems e Item I Area #5 Streets Trench and Conduit Backbone - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 Trench and Conduit Distribution - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide 179 $ 1,351,629 Cable and Connections Backbone - IID 187 Cable and Connections Distribution - IID $ 168 $ 1,268,021 Cable Poles - IID $ 51,610 Removal of Existing Poles $ 1,230 $ 60,27D Removal of OH Transformer $ 1,995 $ 43,890 Removal of Existing Wire $ 5 24,000 Removal of Existing Services $ 43D $ 39,560 Streetlights $ 2,5DD Intercept Existing Meter Pedestals $ 3,745 Traffic Control $ 4 $ 27,033 Street Repair 76 $ 574,82D Sidewalk Repair 320 Landscape Repair $ 200 Telco Trench, Conduit and Cable - Verizon $ 10 $ 75,510 CATV Trench, Conduit and Cable - Spectrum $ 10 75,51D Backbone & Distribution System Total $ 3,540,242 Service Trench - includes cost of CC, Driveway or Plant Repair $ 5,150 $ 473,80D New Underground Service $ 2,455 $ 115,385 New 3 Phase Underground Service 9,510 Area #5 Pkwy $ 1,351,629 $ 1,268,021 Intercept Existing Underground Services 3,745 $ 168,525 $ Telco New Service $ 950 $ 87,400 $ CATV New Service $ 950 $ 87,400 $ Service System Total $ 932,510 $ Sub -Total $ 4,472,752 $ Engineering & Design, Permits & Approvals, Utility Coordination, $ 447,275 $ Total $ 4,920,027 $ Area #5 Highland Palms in linear Ft 60,270 Cameo Palm Dr 43,890 Singing Palms Dr 24,000 Culc de Sacs 39,560 Crest View Terrace Bradshaw Trail Highland Palms Dr 27,033 Washington St 1,510,2DD 75,510 75,510 4,475,622 473,800 115,385 168,525 87,400 87,400 932,510 5,408,132 540,813 5,948,945 1778 366 591 479 1440 1115 1782 Total Trench Milage 1.43 Total Trench in Linear Ft 7,551 286 Area 6 - Westward Ho: This study area assesses the existing conditions, overall costs, and issues associated with the conversion of the overhead utilities within the residential area of Westward Ho. Study Area 6 is bordered by Roudel Lane to the west, Jefferson Street to the east, Westward Ho Drive to the north, and Cortez Lane and Fiesta Drive to the south. Study Area 6 also includes the eastern side of Dune Palms Road between Westward Ho Drive and the flood channel. ■ There are approximately 117 single family homes in this area. ■ There is 1 residential vacant lot that will require a 3" PVC stub to the empty lot. ■ The homes in this area are served overhead mostly at the back of the properties. ■ Most of the Service Panels are rated between 100 — 200 amp. ■ Some services are already undergrounded from the pole to the panel ( 3" PVC ). ■ The streets have curb and gutter, there are no side walks, and the R/W area is approximately 10 ft or more. ■ No Easements might be needed. Distribution equipment can be pad mounted on Franchise. 287 ,4_ er Construction Phasing: Westward Ho Area #6 This area would also be ideal to pilot the undergrounding of a residential area. � Ifr 1 1LL 1 % r4-L- i ■ The construction on this area will be the most reasonable to approach as there is only 117 residences. ■ The undergrounding should start at West ward Ho Dr and continue to move south. ■ There are 46 poles, 21 transformers and 6,400 Linear Ft of over head wire. F ■ HD trench requirements: 5 ft deep trench based on the 42" min cover to the top of the electric conduit. 1 7''_ ALL 1 288 - Detailed Cost Estimates: Westward Ho Area #6 Line Item Cost Area #6 Streets Trench and Conduit Backbone - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 Trench and Conduit Distribution - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 $ Cable and Connections Backbone - IID $ 187 Cable and Connections Distribution - IID $ 168 $ Cable Pales - IID $ 51,610 Service Trench - includes cost of CC, Driveway or Plant Repair $ 5,150 $ New Underground Service $ 2,455 $ New 3 Phase Underground Service $ 9,510 Intercept Existing Underground Services $ 3,745 $ Removal of Existing Poles $ 1,230 $ Removal of OH Transformer $ 1,995 $ Removal of Existing Wire $ 5 $ Removal of Existing Services $ 430 $ Streetlights $ 2,500 Intercept Existing Meter Pedestals $ 3,745 Traffic Control $ 4 $ Street Repair $ 76 $ Sidewalk Repair $ 320 Landscape Repair $ 200 Electric Total $ Telco Trench, Conduit and Cable - Verizon $ 10 $ Telco New Service $ 950 $ CATV Trench, Conduit and Cable - Spectrum $ 10 $ CATV New Service $ 95D $ TelcofCATVTotal S Project Area #6 Totals $ Engineering & Design, Permits & Approvals, Utility Coordination, $ Total $ 1,222,570 $ Area #6 Pkwy 1,222,570 1,146,945 $ 1,146,945 Area #6 Highland Palms in linear Ft 303,850 $ 303,850 Roadrunner Ln 1197 287,235 $ 287,235 HorseShoe Rd 978 Roudel Ln 1334 217,210 $ 217,210 Cortez Ln 545 60,270 $ 60,270 Fiesta Dr 1449 43,890 $ 43,890 Westward Ho Dr 1327 24,000 $ 24,000 Total Trench Milage 1.29 50,310 $ 50,310 Total Trench in Linear Ft 6,830 24,451 $ 24,451 519,934 $ 1,366,000 3,900,665 $ 4,746,731 68,300 $ 68,300 111,150 $ 111,150 68300 $ 68,300 111,150 $ 111,150 358,90 $ 358,900 4,259,565 $ 5,105,631 425,956 $ 510,563 4,685,521 $ 5,616,194 289 Detailed Cost Estimates: Westward Ho Area #6 line Item eea #6 Streets Area #6 Pkw� Trench and Conduit Backbone - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 Trench and Conduit Distribution - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 1,222,570 $ 1,222,570 Cable and Connections Backbone - IID $ 197 Cable and Connections Distribution - IID $ 168 $ 1,146,945 $ 1,146,945 Area #6 Highland Palms in linear Ft Cable Poles - IID $ 51,61D Removal of Existing Poles $ 1,23D $ 60,270 $ 60,270 Roadrunner Ln 1197 Removal of CH Transformer $ 1,995 $ 43,890 $ 43,890 HorseShoe Rd 978 Removal of Existing Wire $ 5 $ 24,000 $ 24,000 Roudel Ln 1334 Removal of Existing Services $ 43D $ 50,310 $ 50,310 Cortez Ln 545 Streetlights $ 2,5DD Fiesta Dr 1449 Intercept Existing Meter Pedestals $ 3,745 Westward Ho Dr 1327 Traffic Control $ 4 $ 24,451 $ 24,451 Total Trench Milage 1.29 Street Repair $ 76 $ 519,934 Sidewalk Repair $ 32D Total Trench in Linear Ft 6,830 Landscape Repair $ 200 $ 1,366,0DD Telco Trench, Conduit and Cable - Verizon $ 1D $ 68,300 $ 68,300 CATV Trench, Conduit and Cable - Spectrum $ 10 $ 68,300 $ 68,300 Backbone & Distribution System Total $ 3,228,970 $ 4,075,036 Service Trench - includes cost of CC, Driveway or Plant Repair $ 5,15D $ 303,85D $ 303,950 New Underground Service $ 2,455 $ 287,235 $ 287,235 New 3 Phase Underground Service $ 9,510 Intercept Existing Underground Services $ 3,745 $ 217,21D $ 217,21D Telco New Service $ 950 $ 111,15D $ 111,150 CATV New Service $ 950 $ 111,15D $ 111,150 Service System Total $ 1,030,595 $ 1,030,595 Sub -Total $ 4,259,565 $ 5,105,631 Engineering & Design, Permits & Approvals, Utility Coordination, $ 425,956 $ 510,563 290 Total $ 4,685,521 $ 5,616,194 Total Cost Estimate This cost estimate represents the overall costs on a shared trench system between IID, Time Warner and Verizon. Based on undergrounding the existing Over head distribution system on the areas of study and does not consider any system updates proposed by IID or considerations on residents adding EV, new loads and panels upgrades to the system. RIGHT OF WAY ( FRANCHISE ) ON STREET ELECTRICTOTAL $ TE LCO f CATV TOTAL $ SUB TOTALS $ Engineering & Design, Permits & Approvals, Utility $ FINANCING TOTAL $ RIGHT OF WAY (FRANCHISE) ON PKwY ELECTRICTOTAL $ TELCOfCATV TOTAL $ SUB TOTALS $ Engineering & Design, Permits &, Approvals, Utility $ FINANCING TOTAL $ Area #1 Area #2 Area #3 Area #4 Area #5 129,952,386 $ 3,852,048 $ 10,767,567 $ 2,865,718 $ 4,146,932 $ 12,829,888 $ 257,048 $ 752,980 $ 285,660 $ 325,820 $ 142,782,274 $ 4,109,096 $ 11,520,547 $ 3,151,378 $ 4,472,752 $ 4,283,468 $ 410,910 $ 1,152,055 $ 315,138 $ 447,275 $ 147,065,743 $ 4,520,006 $ 12,672,602 $ 3,466,516 $ 4,920,027 $ 4,685,5211 Area #1 Area #2 Area #3 Area #4 Area #5 Area #6 154,067,579 $ 4,680,033 $ 13,196,280 $ 3,399,371 $ 5,082,312 $ 4,746,7311 12,829,888 $ 257,048 $ 752,980 $ 285,660 $ 325,820 $ 358,900� 166,897,467 4,937,081 $ 13,949,260 $ 3,685,031 M 5,408,132 $ 5,105,631 5,006,924 $ 493,708 $ 1,394,926 $ 368,503 $ 540,813 $ 510,563 171,904,391 $ 5,430,789 $ 15,344,186 $ 4,053,534 $ 5,948,945 $ 5,616,194' TOTALS $ 155,495,316 $ 14,810,296 $ 170,295,612 $ 7,034,902 291 Total Cost Estimate with breakdown between Backbone / Distribution and Service system This cost estimate represents a breakdown between the Backbone/Distribution system and the Service work at private property. RIGHT OF WAY [ FRANCHISE ] ON STREET Area #1 Backbone & Distribution Total $ 98,546,724 $ Service System Total $ 44,235,550 $ SUB TOTALS $ 142,782,274 $ Engineering & Design, Permits & Approvals, Utility $ 4,283,468 $ FINANCING TOTAL $ 147,065,743 $ RIGHT OF WAY (FRANCHISE) ON PI€WY Area #1 Backbone & Distribution Total $ 122,661,917 $ Service System Total $ 44,235,550 $ SUB TOTALS $ 166,897,467 $ Engineering & Design, Permits & Approvals, Utility $ 5,006,924 $ FINANCING TOTAL $ 171,904,391 $ Area #2 Area #3 Area #4 Area #5 Area #6 + 3,640,836 $ 9,485,277 $ 2,088,853 $ 3,540,242 $ 3,228,970 $ 120,530,902 468,260 $ 2,035,270 $ 1,062,525 $ 932,510 $ 1,030,595 $ 49,764,710 4,109,096 $ 11,520,547 $ 3,151,378 $ 4,472,752 $ 4,259,565 . 410,910 $ 1,152,055 $ 315,138 $ 447,275 $ 425,956.1 : 4,520,006 $ 12,672,602 $ 3,466,516 $ 4,920,027 $ 4,685,52:@ Area #2 Area #3 Area #4 Area #5 Area #6 + 4,468,821 $ 11,913,990 $ 2,622,506 $ 4,475,622 $ 4,075,036 $ 15C,217,892 469,260 $ 2,035,270 $ 1,062,525 $ 932,510 $ 1,030,595 $ 49,764,710 4,937,081 $ 13,949,260 '"$ 3,685,031 $ 5,408,132 $ 5,105,6311 . 493,708 $ 1,394,926 $ 368,503 $ 540,813 $ 510,563 5,430,789 $ 15,344,186 $ 4,053,534 $ 5,948,945 $ 5,616jgj, M .: M � � 292 Review of Rules, Regulations, & Franchises Agreements There are different Rules, Regulations, and Franchise Agreements which dictate how each respective utility participates in an undergrounding project. This section address the specifics of each utility's requirements. Imperial Irrigation District: • The city must submit the requested project to IID for consideration and consultation. • It is recommended that The city will hold public hearings and adopt an ordinance to establish an undergrounding district. • IID's financial participation is based upon their annual operating budgets and pre -determined allocations for underground projects. In the event there is no available budget for an undergrounding project the city should be able to verify if IID has any other means of providing financial support of share portion of the cost based on the benefits of undergrounding a portion or the entire system in a particular area. r yri •'� "t9li„V � • wY Review of Rules, Regulations, & Franchises Agreements Verizon: City initiated undergrounding projects are done in accordance with Verizon's General Exchange Tariff Section 2. Section 2 general provisions are: • The city must submit the requested project to Verizon for consideration and consultation. • The city must hold public hearings and adopt an ordinance establish an undergrounding district. • The undergrounding area should be an area extensively used by the public with a heavy volume of pedestrian or vehicle traffic. • Verizon will underground its facilities at the time and to the extent that the overhead electric distribution facilities are replace. • Verizon at its expense, will replace the existing overhead facilities with underground along public streets, roads, or on private land with easements. Review of Rules, Regulations, & Franchises Agreements Time Warner: City initiated undergrounding projects should be in accordance with it's Franchise Agreement with the City. Typically, the cable television provider will participate financially in a similar manor as the incumbent phone company. In reviewing Time Warner's current Franchise Agreement with the City of La Quinta, no provisions for undergrounding were found. It is very likely that Time Warner will cooperate with the City and underground their facilities in conjunction with the other utilities. Overall Recommendations • Commence meetings with the utilities as early as possible once it is determined that the City will proceed with a project in the designated area. • IID typically prepares a budget for major infrastructure projects well over a year in advance. It will be crucial to engage in early collaboration with IID during the initial planning stages to negotiate a mutually acceptable level of participation. • Confirm with Time Warner if they will contribute financially in a manner equivalent to Verizon. • The City will need to seek input from the community, conduct public workshops and hearings, and enact ordinances to establish the undergrounding districts in each respective area. Definitions and Terminology: III) Cable and Connections Electric — These are the direct IID costs associated with this work. These costs include the total installed cost of all cable, connections, and equipment associated with the work. IID Distribution (Local Distribution) - This is the cost associated with the cable to be placed in the street in front of the homes from transformer to transformer. IID Backbone (Backbone) - This is the cost associated with the cable to be placed from the backbone system to the distribution system. IID Overhead Removals - Identifies estimated costs associated with the removal of IID's overhead cable and poles and associated facilities. These fees have been shown as separate line item to show the costs that IID may participate in. IID Service Conversion with Existing Underground (UG) Service- Cost associated with reconnecting existing underground service to the new underground service IID Service Conversion with Existing Overhead (OH) Service - Cost associated with connecting a new underground service to the new underground system. Verizon Telephone - These are the direct utility costs associated with this work. These costs include the total installed cost of all cable, connections, and equipment associated with the work. CATV (Time Warner) - These are the direct utility costs associated with this work. These costs include the total installed cost of all cable, connections, and equipment associated with the work. M.* PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. 1 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 19, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ADOPT RESOLUTIONS TO: 1) ADOPT MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (EA 2021-0006 ), AND 2) APPROVE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2021-0001, ZONE CHANGE 2021-0001, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002 (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) FOR AN 80-UNIT SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004 (TTM 37950); CEQA: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PREPARED A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION CONSISTENT WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT; PROJECT NAME: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58; LOCATION: SOUTH OF AVENUE 58 BETWEEN MADISON STREET AND MONROE STREET RECOMMENDATION • Adopt a resolution to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment 2021-0006. Adopt a resolution to approve General Plan Amendment 2021-0001, Zone Change 2021-0001, Conditional Use Permit 2021-0002 for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Tentative Tract Map 2021-0004 (TTM 37950) for the La Villetta at Avenue 58 project. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The project site (Site) is located on two vacant parcels [Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 764-180-002 and 764-180-003] south of Avenue 58 between Madison Street and Monroe Street (Attachment 1). Applicant is proposing a Planning Unit Development (PUD) of an 80-unit detached single-family residential project, which would require a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change to increase density, a Conditional Use Permit for a PUD to establish design development standards, and a Tentative Tract Map to subdivide the Site into individual lots. The project was heard by the Planning Commission on June 13, 2023. The Commission recommended adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and approval of the General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Conditional Use Permit for a PUD, and Tentative Tract Map. FISCAL IMPACT — None 299 3ACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Applicant is proposing the La Villetta at Avenue 58 Project consisting of 80 single family residential homes. The project would include site improvements including landscaping, utility infrastructure, garage parking, clubhouse, pool, spa, tot lot, and passive park for the residents. The 8.94-acre Site is comprised of two vacant parcels, bordered by an existing single-family home to the west, vacant residential parcels to the east and south, and an existing residential community, Piazza Serena, to the north (Attachment 3). The Site is currently vacant land. A residence occupied the northeastern portion of the property from 1928 until it was demolished in 2015. The remainder of the subject property was developed with a date palm orchard from 1949 to 2002. Remnants of the date palm orchard remain on site. Each of the project's applications is described below, in the procedural order in which they must be considered. General Plan Amendment The project proposes a General Plan Amendment from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Medium and High Density Residential (MHDR) to accommodate a higher density (Exhibit A, General Plan Amendment Resolution). The current LDR designation allows a density of up to four units to the acre. The MHDR designation allows for up to 16 units to the acre. The project proposes nine units to the acre. At the current LDR designation, the Site would be allowed up to 36 units. If changed to a MHDR designation, the Site would be allowed up to 143 units. The Project is proposing 80 detached single-family units, which will be consistent with the MHDR designation. _one Change The project proposes a Zone Change from Low Density Residential (RL) to Medium High Density Residential (RMH) to accommodate a higher density (Exhibit C, Zone Change Resolution). The current RL zone allows a density of two to four units to the acre. The RMH zone allows for eight to twelve units to the acre. The proposed Zone Change would be consistent with the proposed General Plan Amendment because the General Plan land use designation of MHDR allows for up to 16 units to the acre. At the current RL zone, the Site is allowed up to 36 units. If changed to a RMH zone, the Site would be allowed up to 108 units. The Project is proposing 80 detached single-family units which is consistent with the RMH zoning. i entative i ract iviat- The Applicant is proposing TTM 37950 to subdivide 8.94 acres into 80 residential lots and five lettered lots that consists of streets, common area and open space (Attachment 4). Staff has reviewed and ensured consistency with the Subdivision Map Act per the findings (Attachment 2), subject to Conditions of Approval. The proposed residential lot sizes for the project would range from 2,310 square feet (sf) to 4,623 sf with an average lot size of 2,623 sf. 300 Planned Unit Development (PUD) The applicant prepared a PUD to allow for flexibility in design, and encourage the development of a creative, high -quality residential project that provides attractive living environments in a setting that is different from standard single family home development. La Quinta's PUD standards allow for some flexibility from residential zoning development standards if project amenities are included. The PUD covers the use, site design, architectural, and landscaping design of the project (Attachments 5 and 6). 80 single-family detached units are proposed throughout the project site, with three single -story units along Avenue 58 and 77 two-story units throughout the remainder of the site. The two-story buildings are proposed at a height of 26 feet, 7 inches and the one-story homes are up to 18 ft, 3 inches, which both meet the height standards of the underlying zone and image corridor requirements. The project requires a PUD because it does not meet all of the required regulations of the zoning ordinance as outlined below: Regulation Current RL Zoning Proposed RMH Zoning PUD Proposal Compliance with Proposed RMH Zoning Minimum lot area sf 7,200 3,600 2,310 No Lot Frontage ft Minimum 80 Minimum 40 33 No Maximum dwelling units per acre 2-4 du/ac 8-12 du/ac 9.0 du/ac Yes, with proposed Zone Change Front yard setback to house ft Minimum 20 Minimum 20 *3 No Front yard setback to garage (ft) Minimum 20 Minimum 20 *3 No Rear Yard ft Minimum 20 Minimum 15 7.5 No Interior Side Yard min ft. 5 5 3 No Exterior Side Yard 10 10 5 No Lot Coverage Maximum 50% Minimum 60% 66% No Private streets Width no on-streetparking) Minimum 28 Minimum 28 24 No *Planning Commission recommended a condition of approval be added that the front yard setback shall be increased from zero feet to three feet to accommodate the driveways and to provide landscape areas between the street and buildings (COA No. 90). A unit breakdown of the 80 single-family units is as follows: - Plan 1 units: 0 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms 0 1,672 sf o Two stories - Plan 2 units: 0 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms 0 1,815 sf o Two stories 301 - Plan 3 units: 0 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms 0 2,140 sf o Two stories Plan 4 units: 0 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Den 0 1,769 sf o Single story The project is compliant with parking requirements which includes each home containing a two -car garage, and 46 guest parking spaces. The architectural styles are Spanish, Mediterranean, and Santa Barbara, with each building having similar architectural features, incorporating varying roof lines, gables, arcades, swing awnings and other similar features to be used to break up the massing of the homes. The project includes four floor plans, with three elevations and three -color schemes per elevation. (Attachment 6). The PUD standards require that a minimum of four amenities be provided by the project. The project's recreational amenities include a community pool, clubhouse, spa, bocce ball, a tot lot, and an open space retention basin. A line -of -sight exhibit was also provided by the applicant showing the site line view from the street (Attachment 7). Landscaping Landscaping is proposed throughout the project site, including along Avenue 58, and described within the Preliminary Landscape Plan (Attachment 8). The proposed preliminary landscaping plant palette incorporates typical desert compatible species such as Desert Museum Palo Verde, Fruitless Olive, Palo Blanco and Bottle Trees, Date Palms, Agaves, Lantana, Bougainvillea, and various types of Sage. Traffic Circulation/Traffic Impact The project takes full access from Avenue 58. There is a secondary access from Avenue 58 that is to be used as emergency Fire access only. The Applicant prepared a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) with input and review from Staff, including the City's Traffic Engineer. The project is estimated to generate 754 daily trips, with 56 AM Peak Hour Traffic Trips and 75 PM Peak Hour Traffic Trips. The TIA studied the following intersections: • Madison Street at Avenue 58 Via Pasatiempo at Avenue 58 Monroe Street at Avenue 58 The TIA concluded that all analyzed intersections would operate at acceptable Levels of Service (LOS) under project completion conditions. 302 Regarding Vehicles Miles Traveled, Project is presumed to not have a significant transportation related CEQA impact by qualifying for small and local serving projects screening criteria as well as being under the Southern California Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) screening threshold of 3,000 metric tons of COze per year. AGENCY AND PUBLIC REVIEW Public Agency Review All written comments received are on file and available for review with the Design and Development Department. All applicable comments have been adequately addressed and/or incorporated in the recommended conditions of approval. Public Hearinq Notice Project was advertised in The Desert Sun newspaper on August 28, 2023 and distributed to properties within 500 feet of the site. At the time of publication, Staff received two (2) written comment letters from the public stating their opposition, with concerns regarding the proposed parking and the proposed two story component of the project. Staff also received five (5) letters of support regarding the project. Tribal Consultation In accordance with SB18 and AB52, Tribal Consultation was conducted with the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians (ACBCI), who were the only tribe to request consultation. Mitigation was incorporated into the MND as requested by the ACBCI. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Design and Development department prepared a MND consistent with the CEQA (Exhibit A to EA 2021-0006 Resolution) and was circulated for public review from June 8, 2023, through June 28, 2023, as prescribed by the CEQA Guidelines. The department determined that the project would have less than significant effects on the environment, with mitigation measures incorporated. The City received two (2) public comments during the public review period regarding biological and energy concerns. None of the comment letters triggered modifications to the MND. The MND incorporated mitigation measures to reduce impacts to a less than significant level. Prepared by: Sijifredo Fernandez, Associate Planner Approved by: Danny Castro, Design and Development Director Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Findings for Approval 3. Project Information 4. Planned Unit Development 5. Tentative Tract Map 37950 6. Development Plan Set 7. Line of Sight Diagram 8. Preliminary Landscape Plan 9. Written Public Comments Received 303 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 — XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, TO ADOPT A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CONSISTING OF 80 DWELLING UNITS LOCATED SOUTH OF AVENUE 58 BETWEEN MADISON STREET AND MONROE STREET CASE NUMBER: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2021-0006 APPLICANT: ROYAL INVESTORS GROUP LLC WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California did, on September 19, 2023, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider a request by Royal Investors Group LLC, for an 80-unit planned unit development located at south of Avenue 58 between Madison Street and Monroe Street, more commonly described as: Assessor Parcel Numbers 764-180-002 and 764-180-003 WHEREAS, the Design and Development Department published a public hearing notice in The Desert Sun newspaper on August 28, 2023 as prescribed by the Municipal Code. Public hearing notices were also mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did, on June 13, 2023, held a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider as requested and recommended adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment 2022-0001; and WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act to justify approval of said Environmental Assessment [Exhibit A]: 1. The proposed project will not have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of rare or endangered plants or animals, or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory. Potential impacts can be mitigated to be less than significant levels. 2. The proposed project will not result in impacts which are individually limited or cumulatively considerable when considering planned or proposed development in 304 Council Resolution 2023-XXX Environmental Assessment 2021-0006 Project: La Villeta at Avenue 58 Adopted: September 19, 2023 Page 2 of 3 the immediate vicinity. Potential impacts can be mitigated to be less than significant. 3. The proposed project will not have environmental effects that adversely affect the human population, either directly or indirectly. Potential impacts can be mitigated to be less than significant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the Findings of the City Council in this case. SECTION 2. That the City Council hereby does approve adoption of Environmental Assessment 2021-0006 with mitigation measures incorporated [Exhibit A]. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on September 19, 2023, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta, California 305 Council Resolution 2023-XXX Environmental Assessment 2021-0006 Project: La Villeta at Avenue 58 Adopted: September 19, 2023 Page 3 of 3 ATTEST: MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 306 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023-XXX EXHIBIT A RESPONSE TO COMMENTS/ MITIGATION MONITORING REPORTING PROGRAM SCH Number 2023060069 La Villetta at Avenue 58 Environmental Assessment GEM of the DESERT — LEAD AGENCY: City of La Quinta Planning Department 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Contact: Siji Fernandez 760.777.7086 PREPARED BY: VCS Environmental 30900 Rancho Viejo Road, Suite 100 San Juan Capistrano, California 92675 Contact: Dan Bott 949.489.2700 August 2023 307 This document has been setup for double -sided printing in order to conserve natural resources 308 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Purpose 2.0 Responsible/Reviewing Agencies 3.0 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program....................................................................... 35 Draft Final I August 2023 i Table of Contents 309 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 This page intentionally left blank. Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Draft Final I August 2023 Table of Contents 310 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 1.0 PURPOSE In compliance with requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq. and the CEQA Guidelines, the City of La Quinta has prepared a Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (Draft IS/MND) for the La Villetta at Avenue 58 Residential Project (State Clearinghouse No. SCH Number 2023060069). In accordance with Section 15088 of the CEQA Guidelines, the City of La Quinta as the Lead Agency has evaluated the comments received on the La Villetta at Avenue 58 Residential Project Draft IS/MND. The Lead Agency is required to respond to comments that raise significant environmental issues. In accordance with CEQA Guidelines, the City of La Quinta has prepared responses for each comment received. Section 2.0 contains comments from responsible agencies, reviewing agencies and responses from the Lead Agency. Section 3.0 provides Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program for the Final Initial Study/ Mitigated Negative Declaration. Draft Final I August 2023 1 Purpose 311 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration This page intentionally left blank. Draft Final I August 2023 2 Purpose 312 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 2.0 RESPONSIBLE AND REVIEWING AGENCIES The following is a list of Responsible and Reviewing Agencies that submitted comments on the IS/MND during the public review period. The number designations in the responses are correlated to the bracketed and identified portions of each comment letter. Commentil Letter No. Responsible and Reviewing Agency Letter Dated IrJune20, A California Department Fish and Wildlife 2023 B Imperial Irrigation District June 28, 2023 Draft Final I August 2023 3 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 313 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration COMMENT LETTER NO. A State of Caifornia — Natural Resources Agency GAVIN NFWSOM. Goveran ' DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE CHARLTON H. BONHAM, Director Inland Desert Region 3602 Inland Empire Boulevard, Suite C-220 , of PLAAli . Ontario, CA 91764 %c� wwvvwildlife.ca.9ou VIS 1trr�q. June 20, 2023 Sent via email Sijifredo Fernandez Associate Planner City of La Quinta 7a495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 La Villetta at Avenue 58 Project (PROJECT) Mitigated Negative Declaration (MIND) SCH# 2023060069 Dear Sijifredo Fernandez: The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) received a Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MIND) from the City of La Quinta (City) for the Project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and CEQA guidelines. Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments and recommendations regarding those activities involved in the Project that may affect California fish and wildlife. Likewise, we appreciate the opportunity to provide comments regarding those aspects of the Project that CDFW, by law; may be required to carry out or approve through the exercise of its own regulatory authority under the Fish and Game Code. CDFW ROLE CDFW is California's Trustee Agency for fish and wildlife resources and holds those resources in trust by statute for all the people of the State_ (Fish & G. Code, §§ 711.7, subd. (a) & 1802; Pub. Resources Code, § 21070; CEQA Guidelines § 15386, subd_ (a).) CDFW, in its trustee capacity, has jurisdiction over the conservation, protection, and management of fish, wildlife, native planks, and habitat necessary for biologically sustainable populations of those species. (1d., § 1802.) Similarly, for purposes of CEQA, CDFW is charged by law to provide, as available, biological expertise during public agency environmental review efforts, focusing specifically on Projects and related activities that have the potential to adversely affect fish and wildlife resources. 'CEQA is codified in the California Public Resources Code in section 21000 et seq. The "CECA Guidelines' are found in Title 14 ofthe California Code of Regulations, commenting with section 15000. Conserving CaCxfomia's Ui2rrfe Since 1870 Draft Final I August 2023 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 314 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Sijifredo Fernandez, Associate Planner City of La Quinta June 20, 2023 Page 2 CDFW is also submitting comments as a Responsible Agency under CEQA. (Pub. Resources Code, § 21069; CEQA Guidelines, § 15381) CDFW expects that it may need to exercise regulatory authority as provided by the Fish and Game Code_ As proposed, for example, the Project may be subject to GDFW s lake and streambed alteration regulatory authority. {Fish & G. Code, § 1600 et seq.} Likewise, to the extent implementation of the Project as proposed may result in "take" as defined by State law of any species protected under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA) (Fish & G. Code, § 2050 et seq.), the Project proponent may seek related take authorization as provided by the Fish and Game Code. PROJECT DESCRIPTION SUMMARY Proponent: Rodeo Credit Enterprises, LLC Objective: The proposed Project involves a request for approval of a General Plan Amendment from Low Density up to 4 dwelling units per acre to Medium/High Density up to 12 dwelling units per acre, Zone Change from Low Density Residential to Medium/High Density, Tentative Tract Map, and Conditional Use Permit For Planned Unit Development to allow for the development of 80 single-family homes, a recreation area, an open space lot, and retention basinlopen space on approximately 9.7 acres. The Project would consist of mainly two-story homes, along with three one-story plans along Avenue 58. The Project proposes a landscape plan within the Project site and along the Frontage of the property. A total of 66,550 square feet of area will consist of hard and softscape materials. An additional 26,200 square Feet of area in the detention basin will consist of ground cover. A total of 4,540 square feet of landscaping is proposed on the Avenue 58 landscape corridor along the frontage of the Project site. The landscape area includes a combination of trees, shrubs, and groundcover. A meandering multimodal trail is proposed within the landscape. Landscape and/or hardscape treatment is proposed along drive isles, parkways, residential courtyards, recreation building, pool and deck area, and play area. Access to the Project would be through two entrances from Avenue 58. The Project is required to prepare and have an approved Water Quality Management Plan that would demonstrate that there would not be any offsite surface water generated by the Project. The drainage plan, in conjunction with the Project Water Quality Management Plan, would retain and infiltrate all onsite stormwater runoff. The stormwater runoff from the site would be conveyed along private drives that would flow into a catch basin located on the site that would drain into a 26,200 square foot drainage basin where it would infiltrate into the ground. The utilities would be provided to the Project via underground connections from Avenue 58. Water service to the Project site would be provided by the Coachella Valley Water District through an existing 18-inch main water line along the northside of Avenue 56. An 8-inch water line would connect to the main water pipeline along Avenue 58, and 4-inch or smaller laterals would extend through the looped private road and drive areas to service all units. Sewer service to the Project site would be provided by the Coachella Valley Water District through an existing 33-inch sewer main line along Avenue 58. An 8-inch Draft Final I August 2023 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 315 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 5ijifredo Fernandez, Associate Planner City of La Quinta June 20, 2023 Page 3 sewer pipeline would connect to the main sewer pipeline along Avenue 58, and 4-inch to 6-inch laterals would extend through the looped private road and drive areas to service all units. The entirety of the proposed developed area within the Project site would be disturbed during construction of the Project. The Grading Plan shows there is an estimated 2,070 cubic yards of cut and 32,159 cubic yards of fill. To balance the site and support the proposed residential development area, an estimated 30,089 cubic yards of select material is expected to be imported to the Project site. The construction staging and laydown areas would occur within the Project site. The Project site would be fenced during construction, and access would be for construction vehicles only. The number and types of equipment to be used would vary based on the stage of construction; however, typical construction equipment would be used (e.g., concretefindustdal saws, dozers, tractors/loaders/ backhoes, graders, excavators, cranes, forklifts, welders, cement and mortar mixers, pavers and paving equipment, rollers, and air compressors). The construction activities for the proposed Project would occur during the day. Therefore, no artificial nighttime construction lighting would be used. Location: The proposed Project is located south of Avenue 58 between Madison Street and Monroe Street in the City of La Quinta, within Coachella Valley in north -central Riverside County. Assessor Parcel Numbers for the Project site are APNs 764-180-002 and 764-180-N3. Timeframe: The proposed Project is anticipated to start construction in 2024, with an estimated total construction period of 290 days. COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS CDFW hasjurisdiction over the conservation, protection, and management of fish, wildlife, native plants, and habitat necessary for biologically sustainable populations of those species (i.e., biological resources). CDFW offers the comments and recommendations below to assist City of La Quinta in adequately identifying and/or mitigating the Project's significant, or potentially significant, direct and indirect impacts on fish and wildlife (biological) resources. The MND has not adequately identified and disclosed the Projecfs impacts (i.e., direct, indirect, and cumulative) on biological resources and whether those impacts are reduced to lessthan significant. CDFW s comments and recommendations on the MND are explained in greater detail below and summarized here. CDFW is concerned that the MND does not adequately identify or mitigate the Projecfs significant, or potentially significant, impacts to biological resources. CDFW also concludes that the MND lacks sufficient information to facilitate a meaningful review by CDFW, including both a complete and accurate assessment of biological resources on the Project site. CDFW requests that additional information and analyses be added to a revised MND, along with avoidance, Draft Final I August 2023 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 316 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 5ijifredo Fernandez, Associate Planner City of La Quinta ,tune 20, 2023 Page 4 minimization, and mitigation measures that avoid or reduce impacts to less than significant. Project Description Compliance with CEQA is predicated on a complete and acourate description of the proposed Project. Without a complete and accurate Project description, the MIND likely provides an incomplete assessment of Project -related impacts to biological resources. CDFW has identified gaps in information related to the Project description. The MIND lacks a discussion of plans for artificial nighttime lighting. CDFW requests that the MIND is revised to include plans for artificial nighttime lightning and lightning specifications. Artificial nighttime lighting can negatively impact biological resources in a variety of ways as discussed in the Artificial Nighttime Lightning section below. To conduct a meaningful review and provide biological expertise an how to protect fish and wildlife resources, CDFW requires a complete and accurate Project description. Existing Environmental Setting Compliance with CEQA is predicated on a complete and accurate description of the environmental setting that may be affected by the proposed Project. CDFW is concerned that the assessment of the existing environmental setting has not been adequately analyzed in the MND. CDFIN is concerned that without a complete and accurate description of the existing environmental setting, the MIND may provide an incomplete analysis of Project -related environmental impacts. The MIND lacks a recent assessment of biological resources within the Project site and surrounding area_ A recent and accurate assessment of the environmental setting and Project -related impacts to biological resources is needed to both identify appropriate avoidance, minimization, and mitigation measures and demonstrate that these measures reduce Project impacts to less than significant. Mitigation Measures CEQA requires that a MIND include mitigation measures to avoid or reduce significant impacts. CDFW is concerned that the mitigation measures proposed in the MIND are not adequate to avoid or reduce impacts to biological resources to below a level of significance. To support City of La Quinta in ensuring that Project impacts to biological resources are reduced to less than significant, CDFW recommends adding mitigation measures for an assessment of biological resources and artificial nighttime lightning, as well as revising the mitigation measures for burrowing owl (Afhene cunicularia), nesting birds, and bats. zJ Assessment of Biological Resources A-1 Draft Final I August 2023 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 317 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Sijifredo Fernandez, Associate Planner City of La Quints June 20,2023 Page 5 Page 1 of the Project's Biological Technical Report, dated October 2021, indicates that biological surveys were conducted on September 22 and 27, 2021. CDFW generally considers biological field assessments for wildlife to be valid for a one-year period. Section 15125(c) of the CEQA Guidelines states that knowledge of the regional setting of a Project is critical to the assessment of environmental impacts, that special emphasis should be placed on environmental resources that are rare or unique to the region, and that significant environmental impacts of the proposed Project are adequately investigated and discussed. CDFW recommends that the MIND is revised to include the findings of a complete, recent inventory of rare, threatened, endangered, and other sensitive species located within the Project area and within offske areas with the potential to be affected, including California Species of Special Concern (CSSC) and California Fully Protected Species (Fish and Game Code § 3511). Based on findings from a recent biological inventory, CDFV11 recommends that the MND is revised to include an analysis of direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts to biological resources and identification of appropriate avoidance, minimization, and mitigation measures. CDFW recommends that City of La Quinta add in a revised MND the following mitigation measure: Mitigation Measure B10-[A]: Assessment of Biological Resources Prior to Project construction activities, a complete and recent inventory of rare, threatened, endangered, and other sensitive species located within the Project footprint and within offsite areas with the potential to be affected, including California Species of Special Concern (CSSC) and California Fully Protected Species (Fish and Game Code § 3511), will be completed. Species to be addressed should include all those which meet the CEQA definition (CEQA Guidelines § 15380). The inventory should address seasonal variations in use of the Project area and should not be limited to resident species. Focused species -specific surveys, completed by a qualified biologist and conducted at the appropriate time of year and time of day when the sensitive species are active or otherwise identifiable are required. Acceptable species -specific survey procedures should be developed in consultation with CDFW and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, where necessary- Note that CDFW generally considers biological field assessments for wildlife to be valid for a one-year period, and assessments for rare plants may be considered valid for a period of up to three years. Some aspects of the proposed Project may warrant periodic updated surveys for certain sensitive taxa, particularly if the Project is proposed to occur over a protracted time frame, or in phases, or if surveys are completed during periods of drought. 2) Burrowing Owl A-1 A-2 Draft Final I August 2023 8 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 318 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 5ijifredo Fernandez, Associate Planner City of La Quints June 20,2023 Page 6 Burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) is a California Species of Special Concern. Take of individual burrowing owls and their nests is defined by Fish and Game Code section 86, and prohibited by sections 3503, 3503.5, and 3513. Fish and Game Code section 3513 makes it unlawful to take or possess any migratory nongame bird except as provided by rules and regulations adopted by the Secretary of the Interior under provisions of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, as amended (16 U.S.C. § 703 et seq.). Take is defined in Fish and Game Code section 86 as "hunt, pursue, catch, capture or kill, or attempt to hunt, pursue, catch, capture or kill." Page 4.4-8 of the MND indicates that "burrowing owl has low to moderate potential to occur with the Project site. Although no suitable size burrows were observed within the Project site, the areas in the vicinity could provide suitable habitat." Although the MND includes Mitigation Measure BIQ-2 for burrowing owl, CDFW considers the measure to be inadequate in scope and timing to reduce impacts to less than significant. CDFW recommends that City of Le Quinta revise Mitigation Measure 13I0-2, with additions in bold and removals in strikethrsagh: Mitigation Measure BID-2: Burrowing Owl Avoidance Suitable burrowing owl habitat has been confirmed on the Project site and surrounding area; therefore, focused burrowing owl surveys shall be conducted in accordance with the Staff Report on Burrowing Owl Mitigation (2012 or most recent version) prior to vegetation removal or ground -disturbing activities. If burrowing owls are detected during the focused surveys, the qualified biologist and Project Applicant shall prepare a Burrowing Owl Plan that shall be submitted to CDFW for review and approval prior to commencing Project activities. The Burrowing awl Plan shall describe proposed avoidance, minimization, mitigation, and monitoring actions. The Burrowing Owl Plan shall include the number and location of occupied burrow sites, acres of burrowing owl habitat that will be impacted, details of site monitoring, and details on proposed buffers and other avoidance measures if avoidance is proposed. If impacts to occupied burrowing owl habitat or burrow cannot be avoided, the Burrowing Owl Plan shall also describe minimization and relocation actions that will be implemented. Proposed implementation of burrow exclusion and closure should only be considered as a last resort, after all other options have been evaluated as exclusion is not in itself an avoidance, minimization, or mitigation method and has the possibility to result in take. If impacts to occupied burrows cannot be avoided, information shall be provided regarding adjacent or nearby suitable habitat available to owls along with proposed relocation actions. The Project proponent shall implement the Burrowing Owl Plan following CDFW and USFWS review and approval. A-2 Draft Final I August 2023 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 319 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 5ijifredo Fernandez, Associate Planner City of La Quints June 20,2023 Page 7 Preconstruction burrowing owl surveys shall be conducted no less than 14 days prior to the start of Project -related activities and within 24 hours prior to ground disturbance, in accordance with the Staff Report on Burrowing Owl iUfitigation (2012 or most recent version). Preconstruction surveys should be performed by a qualified biologist following the recommendations and guidelines provided in the Staff Report an Burrowing Owl luJGfigation. If the preconstruction surveys confirm occupied burrowing owl habitat, Project activities shall be immediately halted. The qualified biologist shall coordinate with CDFVV and prepare a Burrowing Owl Plan that shall be submitted to CDFW and USFWS for review and approval prior to commencing Project activities.. A p% Qn&t intinr,lnle-aranne bumow' owl survey shall he performed o teide the P�*rd 1:`w:tA for- b ,rmure that sr.i,'g-i L.e ear# by b 49WiAg eWla If the hwrew is daterminerl #n he n ie,J the hiirrni W4011 he Annnerl @Ad n 140f4gn# owl mitinat:nn in Gordonna ix th the rnnar shall he :mnlameptod as follows, It burrompio o*Ar. ore :rlentit:erl ae hei c:r#ent n cite ows, le the hreadinn pnpTr,R;0#8 1 blelegio (permitted by f r1RAi) a allao-'er! pa _oFt Van A-r--five burrow is fbupd dwing the breediRq season, %he burrow shall be rlis#rhe nra durir.q r.rari:r.9 n nc#rugier. Inc#a tln#inr. and r al Q. the f..a..:..,, shall be dopey4th a 140010016al ... attar p ai th the Wildrfe Age er.iec 3) Nesting Birds It is the Project proponents responsibility to comply with all applicable laws related to nesting birds and birds of prey. Fish and Game Code sections 3503, 3503.5, and 3513 afford protective measures as follows: section 3503 states that it is unlawful to take, possess, or needlessly destroy the nest or eggs of any bird, except as otherwise provided by Fish and Game Code or any regulation made pursuant thereto. Fish and Game Code section 3503.5 makes it unlawful to take, possess, or destroy any birds in the orders Falconiformes or 5trigiformes (birds -of -prey) or to take, possess, or destroy the nest or eggs of any such bird except as otherwise provided by Fish and Game Code or any regulation adopted pursuant thereto. Fish and Game Code section 3513 makes it A-2 A•3 Draft Final I August 2023 10 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 320 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Sijifredo Fernandez, Associate Planner City of La Quinta June 20,2023 Page 8 unlawful to take or possess any migratory nongame bird except as provided by rules and regulations adopted by the Secretary of the Interior under provisions of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, as amended (16 U.S.C. § 703 et seq.). Page 4.4-9 indicates that the Project site `has the potential to support various avian species and raptor nests due to the presence of a few shrubs, ground cover, date palm trees and other ornamental trees onsite." The Project site contains, and is located adjacent to, areas with non-native palm trees. Birds like hooded oriole (icterus cucullatus) primarily nest in palm trees and build hanging nests on the undersides of palm fronds.z Mourning doves (Zenaida macroura), owls, greater roadrunner (Geococcyx califomianus), and house finch (Haemorhous mexicanus) frequently nest in the thick skirts of palms.' The MIND includes Mitigation Measure BIO-3, indicating that "any construction activities that occur during the nesting season (February 15 to August 31 for songbirds; January 15 to August 31 for raptors) will require that all suitable habitats be thoroughly surveyed for the presence of nesting birds." CDFW recommends that disturbance of occupied nests of migratory birds and raptors within the Project site and surrounding area be avoided any time birds are nesting on -site. GDFW considers the Mitigation Measure BIO-3 to be insuf€icient in scope and timing to reduce impacts to nesting birds to less than significant. GDFW recommends the City of La Quinta revise Mitigation Measure 610-3, with additions in bold and removals in Vie; Mitigation Measure BIO-3: Nesting Birds Regardless of the time of year, nesting bird surveys shall be performed by a qualified aviary biologist no more than 3 days prior to vegetation removal or ground -disturbing activities. Pre -construction surveys shall focus on both direct and indirect evidence of nesting, including nest locations and nesting behavior. The qualified avian biologist will make every effort to avoid potential nest predation as a result of survey and monitoring efforts. If active nests are found during the pre -construction nesting bird surveys, a qualified biologist shall establish an appropriate nest buffer to be marked an the ground. Nest buffers are species specific and shall be at least 300 feet for passerines and 500 feet for raptors. A smaller or larger buffer may he 2 Garrett, K , and J. Dunn. 1981. Birds of southern California. Los Angeles Audubon Sac., Los Angeles. a Cornett, J. W., How did palm oases get to the California desert? A behind -the -scenes look at these 'tropical islands', Desert Magazine. Sept. 13. 2015. A-3 Draft Final I August 2023 11 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 321 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Sijifredo Fernandez, Associate Planner City of La Quints June 20,2423 Page 9 determined by the qualified biologist familiar with the nesting phenology of the nesting species and based on nest and buffer monitoring results. Established buffers shall remain on site until a qualified biologist determines the young have fledged or the nest is no longer active. Active nests and adequacy of the established buffer distance shall be monitored daily by the qualified biologist until the qualified biologist has determined the young have fledged or the Project has been completed. The qualified biologist has the authority to stop work if nesting pairs exhibit signs of disturbance. sear.G (February, 11i tGk n61966t �! fnr cn gibly4ss jamiapy 15 to August 31f@r ant Of 46g618WA nlOa AN5l..r.-.WAGII diE4Urh An..o If any aeti e songbird neStS Will be delmRe!ated, flagged, and aWid9d U11111 the ne6t!Pq Cycle d sterr mad a riate by the bmolo coral rn mtor to mipirAmaeantr 4) flats Page 4.4-13 of the MND indicates that "due to the potential for bat species, including the pocketed free -tailed and Western yellow bat [(Lasiurus xanthinus; Species of Special Concern, Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (CVMSHCP) Covered Species)] to occur within the Project site and with the potential for these species to roost in untrimmed date palms, project construction could result in impacts to roosting bats." In California, western yellow bats appear to roost exclusively in the skirt of dead fronds of both native and non-native palm trees and appear to be limited in their distribution by availability of palm habitat.4 Westem yellow bats may form small maternity groups in palm trees.5 Some individuals or populations may be migratory, although some individuals appear to be present year-round, even in the northernmost portion of the range including southern California_ As indicated in the Project's Tree Inventory Map 4 Bolster, B.C., Bolster, B.C_, (ed.). 1998. Terrestrial Mammal Species of Special Concem in California. Draft Final Report. May. Sacramento, CA. Prepared by Paul VV. Collins. Prepared for California Department of Fish and Game, Nongame Bird and Mammal Conservation Program, Sacramento, CA. Life History Acoount for Western Yellow Fiat, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, February 2008. A-3 A,4 Draft Final I August 2023 12 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 322 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 5ijifredo Fernandez, Associate Planner City of La Quints June 20,2423 Page 10 (Figure 1 of the Biological Technical Report), the Project site includes more than 15 Mexican fan palms (Washingtonia robusta), many of which have partially untrimmed frond skirts that may support roosting habitat and maternity groups for western yellow bats. Date palms (Phoenix dactylitera) may also provide roosting habitat for western yellow bats and other bat species. Removal of palm trees on -site that contain roosting habitat for bats can subject bats to impacts ranging from permanent loss of day roosts, including maternity roosts, to direct mortality if avoidance, minimization, and mitigation measures are not implemented. Artificial nighttime lightning may also negatively impact bats within open -space areas surrounding the Project site, and additional details on the Project's lighting plans and lightning specifications and appropriate avoidance, minimization, and mitigation measures are needed (see section below on Artificial Nighttime Lighting). Although the MIND contains Mitigation Measure B10-4a regarding surveys for bats, CDFW considers Mitigation Measure 13I0-4a to be insufficient in scope and timing to reduce impacts to bats to less than significant. CDFW recommends that City of La Quinta revise Mitigation Measure 1310-4a, with additions in bold and removals in s+.ili gh: Mitigation Measure BIO-4a: Surveys for Daytime, Nighttime, Wintering (Hibernacula), and Maternity Roosting Sites for Bats Prior to the initiation of Project activities within suitable bat roosting habitat, City of La Quinta shall retain a qualified biologist to conduct focused surveys to determine presence of daytime, nighttime, wintering (hibernacula), and maternity roost sites. Two spring surveys (April through June) and two winter surveys (November through January) shall be performed by qualified biologists. Surveys shall be conducted during favorable weather conditions only. Each survey shall consist of one dusk emergence survey (start one hour before sunset and last for three hours), followed by one pre -dawn re-entry survey {start one hour before sunrise and last for two hours), and one daytime visual inspection of all potential roosting habitat on the Project site- Surveys shall be conducted within one 24-hour period. Visual inspections shall focus on the identification of bat sign (i.e., individuals, guano, urine staining, corpses, feeding remains, scratch marks and bats squeaking and chattering). Bat detectors, bat call analysis, and visual observation shall be used during all dusk emergence and pre -dawn re-entry surveys. If active hibernacula or maternity roosts are identified in the work area or 500 feet extending from the work area during preconstruction surveys, for maternity roosts, Project activities will be initiated between October 1 and A-4 Draft Final I August 2023 13 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 323 5ipfredo Fernandez City of La Quinta June 20, 2023 Page 11 Associate Planner LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration February 28. outside of the maternity roosting season when young bats are present but are not yet ready to fly out of the roost. Maternity roosts shall not be evicted, excluded, removed, or disturbed. A minimum 500-foot no -work buffer shall be provided around hibernacula. The buffer shall not be reduced. Project -related construction and activities shall not occur within 500 feet of or directly under or adjacent to hibernacula. Buffers shall be left in place until a qualified bat biologist determines that the hibernacula are no longer active. Within this buffer, Project -related activities shall not occur between 30 minutes before sunset and 30 minutes after sunrise. Hibernacula roosts shall not be evicted, excluded, removed, or disturbed. If avoidance of a hibernacula is not feasible, the Project Biologist will prepare a relocation plan to remove the hibernacula and provide for construction of an alternative bat roost outside of the work area. A bat roost relocation plan shall be submitted for CIDFW review prior to initiation of Project -related activities. The qualified biologist will implement the relocation plan and new roost sites shall be in place before the commencement of any ground -disturbing activities that will occur within 500 feet of the hibernacula. New roost sites shall be in place prior to the initiation of Project -related activities to allow enough time for bats to relocate. Removal of roosts will be guided by accepted exclusion and deterrent techniques. The City of La Quinta shall compensate no less than 2:1 for permanent impacts to roosting habitat. maternity r n (typ Gaily March 1 to August 31), to aIIGw time t9 prepare ,-.t n 4 SW61SPEG186 Ad the et rat belAy e.d as a aIe n:l„ but nA direr{ rpmoval of Acti ,La r nxAtc will a r a qualified bat lam9legiet chaJl detamwe approlar iata a a:danna rn • in rh:rlw rRay nnlirin r.lornonW%inn of nctn ir•4ian_froa W'Pforo r,d the anti ire r nc+ If SpeGlal_F4aWS hat SP@GmRP OP RmatWRity r OFA Of ar.,, hat ant ' and dipecA ro ..al Of habitat (FOOSt lOr,a 0R) Will f. GWr then a q .al'Ced ba. rieVeInp a mitinotiOR pion to r eate fnr tha IoiJ r not A to ❑arnAyAI of thq r.ct ch?.l1 QWy r, Wbon the R tigatin rtilon hoc bee a rr d by the CA- A-4 Draft Final I August 2023 14 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 324 5ipfredo Fernandez City of La Quinta June 20, 2023 Page 12 Associate Planner LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Additionally, although the MND contains Mitigation Measure BIG-4b and 310-4c regarding the removal of trees that may provide roosting habitat for bats. CDFW considers these measures to be insufficient in scope and timing to reduce impacts to bats to less than significant. CDFW recommends that City of La Quinta revise Mitigation Measures 1310-4b and 1310- 4c, with additions in bold and removals in 64ik@tl;;Gu@I;: Mitigation Measure BI0-4b: Avoidance of Bats during Tree Removal Tree removal work with the potential to house roosting bats shall be performed between September 15 and October 31 to minimize direct impacts to roosting bats. This time period is after young are volant (flying) but before expected onset of torpor (wintering inactivity). Tree removal work may also be conducted between February 16 and March 31, following winter torpor and prior to the start of the maternity season. No tree removals shall occur during the hibernation season, which typically begins in November or December (depending on weather conditions) and continues through mid -February, due to the high }potential for mortality of hibernating bats. Depending on weather conditions and the best professional judgement of a qualified bat biologist approved by CDFW, tree removal work may be performed in November if the forecasted nighttime low temperatures on the evening of removal and the subsequentfour evenings do not drop below 45'F. In November, if weather is cold (i.e., forecasted nighttime low temperatures reach 45'F or less for that evening and the next four eveningsf, then no tree removals shall be performed. All tree removals shall require a two-step removal process and the involvement of a CDFW-approved qualified bat biologist to ensure that no roosting bats are killed during this activity. The following two-step tree removal process shall be implemented over two consecutive days: on Day 1, live palm fronds located above the Frond skirt, and as identified by a qualified A-4 A•5 Draft Final I August 2023 I Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 325 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 5ijifredo Fernandez, Associate Planner City of La Quints June 20, 2423 Page 13 bat biologist, will be removed. On Day 2, the remainder of the tree may be removed without supervision by a qualified bat biologist. Q'^�a- rn natri+tinn a shall hn no-Ad-unted by a clualifled hat hielogist n PA@rQ then @GVYltle6, if He aGtive F096ts are pFeseRt, then trees shall be removed within two _7 r } - - - - 5) Artificial Nighttime Lighting Goal LU-4 (page 4.1-7) indicates that the "Project lighting would be similar to the type and level of existing lighting provided in the Project area and it would comply with the Municipal code lighting requirements should ensure that all exterior lighting would be confined to the property to avoid spillover lighting impacts to adjoining properties.' The MN❑ lacks details on the Project's actual lighting plans and lighting specifications. CDFW requests that the MN❑ is revised to include a discussion of the Project's lightning plans and lightning specifications to be used over long-term operations of the Project to allow GDFVIIto conduct a meaningful review and provide expertise on activities that have the potential to adversely affect fish and wildlife resources. Additionally, because the Project is located adjacent to open -space areas that may support western yellow bat, nesting birds, migratory birds that fly at night, and other nocturnal and crepuscular wildlife, CDFVV recommends the MAID is revised to include an analysis of the direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts of artificial nighttime lighting expected to adversely affect biological resources surrounding the Project site. In general, available research indicates that artificial nighttime lighting alters ecological processes including, but not limited to, the temporal niches of species; the repair and recovery of physiological function; the measurement of time through interference with the detection of cireadian and lunar and seasonal cycles; the detection of resources and A-5 A-6 Draft Final I August 2023 16 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 326 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Sijifredo Fernandez, Associate Planner City of La Quinta ,tune 20, 2023 Page 14 natural predators, and navigation.6 Further, many of the effects of artificial nighttime lighting on population- or ecosystem -level processes are still poorly understood suggesting that a precautionary approach should be taken when identifying and implementing appropriate avoidance and minimization measures concerning artificial nighttjme lighting. To support the City of La Quinta in reducing impacts of artificial nighttime lighting on biological resources to less than significant, CDFW recommends that the City of La Quinta add to a revised MND the following mitigation measure: Mitigation Measure 810-]B]: Artificial Nighttime Lighting Throughout the lifetime operations of the Project, the City of La Quinta shall eliminate all nonessential lighting throughout the Project area and avoid or limit the use of artificial light at night during the hours of dawn and dusk when many wildlife species are most active. The City of La Quinta shall ensure that all lighting for the Project is fully shielded, cast downward, reduced in intensity to the greatest extent, and does not result in lighting trespass including glare into surrounding areas or upward into the night sky (see the International Dark -Sky Association standards at httpWdarksky.orN). The City of La Quinta shall ensure use of LED lighting with a correlated color temperature of 3,000 Kelvins or less, proper disposal of hazardous waste, and recycling of lighting that contains toxic compounds with a qualified recycler, 6) Landscaping Page 4.1-8 of the MND indicates that the Project proposes landscaping that includes "a mix of drought tolerant groundcover, shrubs and trees." The MND Iladcs additional details on the plant species proposed for landscaping. To ameliorate the water demands of this Project, CDFW recommends incorporation of water -wise concepts in any Project landscape design plans. In particular, CDFW recommends xeriscaping with locally native California species and installing water -efficient and targeted irrigation systems (such as drip irrigation). Native plants support butterflies, birds, reptiles, amphibians, small mammals, bees, and other pollinators that evolved with those plants, more information on native plants suitable for the Project location and nearby nurseries is available at CALSCAPE: httos:/Icaiscape.ora/. Local water agencies/districts and resource conservation districts in your area may be able to provide information on plant nursenesthat carry locally native species, and some facilities display drought -tolerant locally native species demonstration gardens. Information on drought -tolerant 6 Gatson, K. J., Bennie, J., Davies, T_, Hopkins, J_ The eccbgical impacts of *hthme light pollution' a mechanistic appraisal. Biological Reviews, 88.4 (2013); 212-227, A-b A-7 Draft Final I August 2023 17 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 327 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Sijifredo Fernandez, Associate Planner City of La Quinta June 20,2023 Page 15 landscaping and water-efficierrt irrigation systems is available on California's Save our Water website: https:llsaveourwater.com/. CDFW also recommends that the DEIS include recommendations regarding landscaping from Section 4.0 of the CVMISHCP A-7 'Table 4-112: Coachella Valley Native Plants Recommended for Landscaping" (pp. 4- 180 to 4-182: https:/Icvmshop.org/plan-dooumentso. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA CEQA requires that information developed in environmental impact reports and negative declarations be incorporated into a database which may be used to make subsequent or supplemental environmental determinations. (Pub. Resources Code, § 21003, subd. (e).) Accordingly, please report any special status species and natural communities detected during Project surveys to the California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB). The CNNDB field survey form can be filled out and submitted online at the following link: https://wildlife.ca.aovlDataICNDDB/5ubmittina-Data. The types of information reported to CNDDB can be found at the following link: https:/Iwww.wildlife.ca.gov./Data/CNDDB/Plants-and-Animals. ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT FILING FEES The Project, as proposed, would have an impact on fish and/or wildlife, and assessment of environmental document filing fees is necessary. Fees are payable upon filing of the Notice of Determination by the Lead Agency and serve to help defray the cost of environmental review by CDFW. Payment of the environmental document filing fee is required in order for the underlying Project approval to be operative, vested, and final. {Cal. Code Regs, tit. 14, § 753.51 Fish & G. Code, § 711.4; Pub. Resources Code, § 21089.) CONCLUSIONS CDFIIV appreciates the opportunity to comment on the MIND to assist City of La Quinta in identifying and mitigating Project impacts to biological resources. CDFW concludes that the MN D does not adequately identify or mitigate the ProjecVs. significant, or potentially significant, impacts to biological resources. CDFW also concludes that the MIND lacks sufficient information for a meaningful review of impacts to biological resources, including a complete project description and recent assessment of biological resources on the Project site. The CEQA Guidelines indicate that recirculation is required when insufficient information in the MIN precludes a meaningful review j§ 15068.5) or when a new significant effect is identified and additional mitigation measures are necessary (§ 15073.5). CDFW recommends that a revised MIND, including a complete Project description including lighting plans and specifications and a recent assessment of impacts to biological resources be recirculated for public comment. CDWF also recommends that revised and additional mitigation measures as described in this letter be added to a revised MIND. Draft Final I August 2023 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 328 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Sijifredo Fernandez, Associate Planner City of La Quinta June 20, 2023 Page 16 CDFW personnel are available for consultation regarding biological resources and strategies to minimize impacts. Questions regarding this letter or further coordination should be directed to Jacob Skaggs, Environmental Scientist, at iacob.skaggsOwiIdIife.ca. aov. Sincerely, nay sbr saFvz�Feer-nzacs... Kim Freeburn Environmental Program Manager Attachment 1: MMRP for CDFW-Proposed Mitigation Measures e c: Heather 6rashear, Senior Environmental Scientist (Supervisor), CDFW Heather. B rashearp,Wild life. ca.gov Office of Planning and Research, State Clearinghouse, Sacramento state.ciearinahouse0oar.ca.aov Rollie White, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service rollie white@Ms.gov Vincent James, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service vncent james65fws.gov ATTACHMENT 1: MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM (MMRP) Mitigation Measures Timing and Responsible Methods Parties Draft Final I August 2023 19 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 329 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 5ijifredo Femandez, Associate Planner City of La Quinta June 20, 2023 Page 17 Mitigation Measure BIO-[A]: Assessment of Timing: Prior to Implementation: Biological Resources Project City of La 0 uiNa construction Prior to Project construction activities, a complete activities Monitoring and and recent inventory of rare, threatened, endangered, Reporting: City of La and other sensitive species located within the Project Methods: See Quinta footprint and within offsite areas with the potential to M itigation he affected, Including California Species of Special Measure Concern ICSSCj and California Fully Protected Species {Fish and Game Code § 3511), will be completed. 5pecles to be addressed should include all those which meet the CEQA definition (CEQA Guidelines § 15380). The inventory should address seasonal variations In use of the Project area and should not be Hn-9ted to resident species. Focused species -specific surveys, completed by a qualified biologist and conducted at the appropriate time of year and time of day when the sensitive species are active or otherwise identlfiable are required. Acceptable species -specific survey procedures should be developed in consultation with CDFW and the U.& Fish and Wildlife Service, where necessary. Note that CDFW generally considers biological field assessments for wildlife to be valid for a one-year period, and assessments for rare plants may be considered vat id for a period of up to three years. Some aspects of the proposed Project maywarrant periodic updated surveys for certain sensitive taxa, particularly if the Project is proposed to occur over a protracted time frame, or in phases, or If surveys are completed during periods of drought. Mitigation Measure B10-2: Burrowing Owl Avoidance Timing Prior to Implementation: the start of Project Appl icard Suitable burrowing owl habitat has been confirmed Project -related on the Project site and surrounding area, thefefore, activities for Monitoring and focused burrowing owl surveys shall be conducted in focused surveys. Reporting City of La accordance with the Staff Report on Burrowing Owl No less than 14 Ot i rte Mitigation (2D12 or most recent version] prior to days prior to the vegetation removal or ground -disturbing activities. If start of Projeot- burrowing owls are detected during the focused related activities surveys, the qualified biologist and Project Applicant and within 24 shall prepare a Burrowing Owl Plan that shall be hours prior to submitted to CDFW for review and approval prior to ground commencing Project activities. The Burrowing Owl disturbance for Plan shall describe proposed avoidance, preconstruction minimization, mitigation, and monitoring actions. The surveys. Burrowing Owl Plan shal I include the number and location of occupied burrow sites, acres of burrowing owl habitat that will be impacted, details of site Draft Final I August 2023 20 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 330 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 5ijifredo Femandez, Associate Planner City of La Quinta June 20, 2023 Page 18 monitoring, and details on proposed buffers and Methods: See other avoidance measures if avoidance is proposed. Mitigation If impacts to occupied burrowriog owl habitat or Measure burrow cannot be avoided, the Burrowing owl Plan shall also describe minimization and relocation actions that will be implemented. Proposed implementation of burrow exclusion and closure should only be considered as a last resort, after ail other options have been evaluated as exclusion is not in itself an avoidance, minimization, or mitigation method and has the possibility to result In take. If impacts to occupied burrows cannot be avoided, information shall be provided regarding adjacent or nearby suitable habitat available to owls along with proposed relocation actions. The Project proponent shall implement the Burrowing Owl Plan following CDFW and USFWS review and approval. Preconstruction burrowing owl surveys shall be conducted no less than 14 days prior to the start of Project -related activities and within 24 hours prior to ground disturbance, in accordance with the Staff Report on Burr Owing awl AlffdgWlon (2012 or most recent version). Preconstruction surveys should be performed by a qualified biologist following the recommendations and guidelines provided in the Staff Report on Burrowing Owl M Ugation. If the preconstruction surveys confirm occupied burrowing owl habitat, Project activities shall be immediately halted. The qualified biologist shall coordinate with CDFW and prepare a Burrowing Owl Plan that shall be submitted to CDFW and USFWS for review and approval prior to commencing Project activities. Mitigation Measure 810-3: Nesting Birds Timing- No more Implementation: than 3 days prior City of La Quinta Regardless of the time of year, nesting bird surveys to vegetation shall be performed by a qualified avian biologist no removal or Monitoring and more than 3 days prior to vegetation removal or ground -disturbing Reporting: City of La ground -disturbing activities. Pre•constructmn activities. Quinta surveys shall focus on both direct and indirect evidence of nesting, including nest locations and Methods: See nesting behavior. The qualified avian biologist will Mitigation make every effort to avoid potential nest predation as Measure a result of survey and monitoring efforts. If active nests are found during the pre -construction nesting bird surveys, a qualified biologist shall establish an appropriate nest buffer to be marked on the ground. Nest buffers are species specific and shall be at least 300 feet for pass eri nes and SOD feet for raptors. A smaller or larger buffer may be determined 6 the Draft Final I August 2023 21 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 331 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 5ijifredo Femandez, Associate Planner City of La Quinta June 20, 2023 Page 19 qualified biologist familiar with the nesting phenologyof the nesting species and based on nest and buffer monitoring results. Established buffers shall remain on site until a qualified biologist determines the young have fledged or the nest Is no longer active. Active nests and adequacy of the established buffer distance shall be monitored daily by the qualified biologist until thequalifled biologist has determi nad the young have fledged or the Project has been completed. The qualified biologist has the authority to stop work If nesting pairs exhibit signs of disturbance. Mitigation Measure 8104a: Surveys for Daytime, Timing: Prior to Implementation Nighttime, Wintering (kibernacula), and Maternity initiation of Project City of La Quinta Roosting Sites for Bats activities Monitoring and Prior to the initiation of Project activities within Methods: See Reporting: City of La suitable bat roosting habitat, City of La Quinta shall Mitigation Quinta retain a qualified biologist to conduct focused Measure surveys to determine presence of daytime, nighttime, wintering (hibernacula), and maternity roost sites. Two spring surveys (April through June) and two winter surveys (November through January) shall be performed by qualified biologists. Surveys shall be conducted during favorable weather conditions only. Each survey shall consist of one dusk emergence survey (start one hour before sunset and last for three hours), followed by one pre -dawn re-entry survey (start one hour before sunrise and last for two hours), and one daytime visual inspection of all potential roosting habitat on the Project site. Surveys shall be conducted within one 24-hour period. Visual inspections shall focus on the identification of bat sign (i.e., individuals, guano, urine staining, corpses, feeding remains, scratch marks and bats squeaking and chattering). Bat detectors, bat call analysis, and visual observation shall be used during all dusk emergence and pre -dawn re-entry surveys. 4 active hibernacula or maternity roosts are Identified in the work area or 60 feet extending from the work area during preconstruction surveys, for maternity roosts, Project activities will be kutiated between October 1 and February 2% outside of the maternity roosting season when young bats are present but are not yet ready to fly otrt of the roost. Maternity roosts shall not he evicted, excluded, removed, or disturbed. A minimum 500-foot no -work buffer shall be provided around hibernacula. The buffer shall not be reduced. Draft Final I August 2023 22 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 332 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 5ijifredo Fernandez, Associate Planner City of La Quinta June 20, 2023 Page 20 occur within 500 feet of or directly under or adjacent to hibernacula. Buffers shall be left in place until a qualified bat biologist determines that the hibernacula are no longer active. Within this buffer, Project -related activities shall not occur between 30 minutes before sunset and 30 minutes after sunrise. Hibernacula roosts shall not be evicted, excluded, removed, or disturbed. If avoidance of a hibernacula is not feasible, the Project Biologist will prepare a relocation plan to remove the hibernacula and provide for construction of an alternative bat roost outside of the work area. A bat roost relocation plan shall be submitted for CDFW review prior to initiation of Project -related activities. The qualified biologist will implement the relocation plan and new roost sites shall be in place before the commencement of any ground -disturbing activities that will occur within BW feet of the hibernacula. New roost sites shall be in place prior to the initiation of Project -related activities to allow enough time for bats to relocate. Removal of roosts will be guided by accepted exclusion and deterrent techniques. The City of La Quinta shall compensate no less than 2:1 for permanent impacts to roosting habitat. Mitigation Measure 13I0-4b: Avoidance of Bats during Timing: During Tree Removal Project activities Tree removal work with the potential to house Methods: See roosting bats shall be performed between September Mitigation 15 and October 31 to minimize direct impacts to Measure roosting bats. Thus time period is after young are volant (flying) but before expected onset of torpor (wintering inactivity). Tree removal work ;•'nay also be conducted totwe" Febioary 15 and March 31, followtng winter torpor and prior to the start of the maternity season, No tree removals shall occur during the hibernation season, which typically begins in November or December (depending on weather conditions) and continues through mki-February, due to the high potential for mortality of hibernating bats. Depending on weather conditions and the best professional judgement of a qualified bat biologist approved by CDFW, tree removal work may be performed in November if the forecasted nighttime low temperatures on the evening of removal and the subsequent four evenings do not drop blow 45'F. In November, if weather is cold (i.e., forecasted nighttime low temperatures reach 45'F or less for that evening and the next four evenings), then rio tree Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Implementation: Project Appl icant Monitoring and Reporting: City of La Qui nta Draft Final I August 2023 ,z Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 333 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 5ijifredo Fernandez, Associate Planner City of La Quinta June 20, 2023 Page 21 removals shall be performed. All tree removals shall require a two-step removal process and the involvement of a CDFW-approved qualified bat biologist to ensure that no roosting bats are killed during this activity. The following two-step tree removal process shall be implemented over two consecutive days: on Day 1, live palm fronds located above the frond skirt, and as identified by a qualified bat biologist, will be removed. On Day 2, the remainder of the tree may be removed without supervision by a qualified bat biologist. Mitigation MeasureBIO-[B]: Artificial Nighttime Timing. Implementation: Lighting Throughout the City of La QuirAa lifetime operations Throughout the lifetime operations of the Project, the oft hL, Project Monitoring and City of La Quirrta shall eliminate all nonessential Reporting; City of La lighting throughout the Project area and avoid or limit Methods: See Quinta the use of artificial light at night during the hours of M itigation dawn and dusk when rmnywildlife species are most Measure active. The City of La Quinta shall ensure that all lighting for the Project is fully shielded, cast downward, reduced in intensity to the greatest extent, and does not result in lighting trespass including glare into surrounding areas or upward into the night sky [see the International Dark -Sky Association standards at htip:11darksky.orgll. The City of La Quinta shall ensure use of LED lighting with a correlated color temperature of 8,000 Keluins or less, proper disposal of hazardous waste, and recycling of lighting that contains toxic compounds with a qualified recycler. Draft Final I August 2023 24 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 334 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Response No. A Kim Freeburn, Environmental Program Manager I Inland Desert Region State of California — Natural Resources Agency I Department of Fish and Wildlife June 20, 2023 Comment A-1: The comment identifies that the biological surveys for the project were completed in September of 2021 and that the CDFW generally considers biological assessments valid for a one-year period and has recommended that that the IS/MND be revised to include the findings of a recent inventory of rare, threatened, endangered and other sensitive species conducted on the project site and on offsite areas that have the potential to be affected by the project. Response: The Lead Agency disagrees with the comment and believes that the biological resources on the project site and on offsite areas were adequately evaluated in the IS/MND, and that the existing biological surveys are still adequate to describe and evaluate impacts on the project site and on offsite areas and the recommended mitigation measure to conduct additional biological surveys is not needed. Comment A-2: The comment identifies that the IS/MND indicates that burrowing owl as low to moderate potential to occur on the project site and that the existing mitigation measure is adequate to reduce impacts to less than significant and that existing Mitigation BIO-2 in the IS/MND be replaced with CDFW recommended mitigation measure. Response: The following is a revised mitigation measure to replace Mitigation Measure BIO-2 in the Final IS/MND: Mitigation Measure BIO-2: Suitable burrowing owl habitat has been confirmed on the Project site and surrounding area; therefore, focused burrowing owl surveys shall be conducted in accordance with the Staff Report on Burrowing Owl Mitigation (2012 or most recent version) prior to vegetation removal or ground -disturbing activities. If burrowing owls are detected during the focused surveys, the qualified biologist and Project Applicant shall prepare a Burrowing Owl Plan. The Burrowing Owl Plan shall describe proposed avoidance, minimization, mitigation, and monitoring actions. The Burrowing Owl Plan shall include the number and location of occupied burrow sites, acres of burrowing owl habitat that will be impacted, details of site monitoring, and details on proposed buffers and other avoidance measures if avoidance is proposed. If impacts to occupied burrowing owl habitat or burrow cannot be avoided, the Burrowing Owl Plan shall also describe minimization and relocation actions that will be implemented. Proposed implementation of burrow exclusion and closure should only be considered as a last resort, after all other options have been evaluated as exclusion is not in itself an avoidance, minimization, or mitigation method and has the possibility to result in take. If impacts to occupied burrows cannot be avoided, information shall be provided regarding adjacent or nearby suitable habitat available to owls along with proposed relocation actions. Preconstruction burrowing owl surveys shall be conducted no less than 14 days prior to the start of Project -related activities and within 24 hours prior to ground disturbance, in accordance with the Staff Report on Burrowing Owl Mitigation (2012 or most recent version). Preconstruction surveys should be Draft Final I August 2023 25 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 335 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration performed by aqua I ified biologist following the recommendations and guidelines provided in the Staff Report on Burrowing Owl Mitigation. Comment A-3: The comment identifies that Mitigation Measure BIO-3 in the IS/MND requires that suitable habitats be thoroughly surveyed for the presence of nesting birds if construction activities occur during the nesting, from February 15 to August 31 for songbirds and from January 15 to August 31 for raptors. The comment recommends that disturbances of occupied nests of migratory birds and raptors within the project site and surrounding area be avoided at all times and that Mitigation Measure BIO-3 in the IS/MND be replaced with CDFW recommended mitigation measure. Response: The following is a revised mitigation measure to replace Mitigation Measure BIO-3 in the Final IS/MND. Mitigation Measure BIO-3: Regardless of the time of year, nesting bird surveys shall be performed by a qualified avian biologist no more than 3 days prior to vegetation removal or ground -disturbing activities. Pre -construction surveys shall focus on both direct and indirect evidence of nesting, including nest locations and nesting behavior. The qualified avian biologist will make every effort to avoid potential nest predation as a result of survey and monitoring efforts. If active nests are found during the pre -construction nesting bird surveys, a qualified biologist shall establish an appropriate nest buffer to be marked on the ground. Nest buffers are species specific and shall be at least 300 feet for passerines and 500 feet for raptors. A smaller or larger buffer may be determined by a qualified biologist familiar with the nesting phenology of the nesting species and based on nest and buffer monitoring results. Established buffers shall remain on site until a qualified biologist determines the young have fledged or the nest is no longer active. Active nests and adequacy of the established buffer distance shall be monitored daily by the qualified biologist until the qualified biologist has determined the young have fledged or the Project has been completed. A qualified biologist has the authority to stop work if nesting pairs exhibit signs of disturbance. Comment A-4: The comment identifies that the IS/MND indicates that "due to the potential for bat species, including the pocketed free -tailed and Western yellow bat [(Lasiurus xanthinus; Species of Special Concern, Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (CVMSHCP) Covered Species)] to occur within the Project site and with the potential for these species to roost in untrimmed date palms, project construction could result in impacts to roosting bats and that CDFW considers Mitigation Measure 131O-4a in the IS/MND to be insufficient to reduce impacts to bats to less than significant and that the existing Mitigation Measure 131O-4a be replaced with CDFW recommended mitigation measure. Response: The following is a revised mitigation measure to replace Mitigation Measure BIO-4 in the Final IS/MND. Mitigation Measure 131O-4a: Prior to the initiation of Project activities within suitable bat roosting habitat, the Applicant shall retain a qualified biologist to conduct focused surveys to determine presence of daytime, nighttime, wintering (hibernacula), and maternity roost sites. Two spring surveys (April through June) and two winter surveys (November through January) shall be performed by qualified biologists. Surveys shall be conducted during favorable weather conditions only. Each survey shall consist of one dusk emergence survey (start one hour before sunset and last for three hours), followed by one pre -dawn re-entry survey (start one hour before sunrise and last for two hours), and Draft Final I August 2023 21 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 336 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration one daytime visual inspection of all potential roosting habitat on the Project site. Surveys shall be conducted within one 24-hour period. Visual inspections shall focus on the identification of bat sign (i.e., individuals, guano, urine staining, corpses, feeding remains, scratch marks and bats squeaking and chattering). Bat detectors, bat call analysis, and visual observation shall be used during all dusk emergence and pre -dawn re-entry surveys. If active hibernacula or maternity roosts are identified in the work area or 500 feet extending from the work area during preconstruction surveys, for maternity roosts, Project activities will be initiated between October 1 and February 28, outside of the maternity roosting season when young bats are present but are not yet ready to fly out of the roost. Maternity roosts shall not be evicted, excluded, removed, or disturbed. A minimum 500-foot no -work buffer shall be provided around hibernacula. The buffer shall not be reduced. Project -related construction and activities shall not occur within 500 feet of or directly under or adjacent to hibernacula. Buffers shall be left in place until a qualified bat biologist determines that the hibernacula are no longer active. Within this buffer, Project -related activities shall not occur between 30 minutes before sunset and 30 minutes after sunrise. Hibernacula roosts shall not be evicted, excluded, removed, or disturbed. If avoidance of hibernacula is not feasible, the Project Biologist will prepare a relocation plan to remove the hibernacula and provide for construction of an alternative bat roost outside of the work area. The qualified biologist will implement the relocation plan and new roost sites shall be in place before the commencement of any ground -disturbing activities that will occur within 500 feet of the hibernacula. New roost sites shall be in place prior to the initiation of Project -related activities to allow enough time for bats to relocate. Removal of roosts will be guided by accepted exclusion and deterrent techniques. The Applicant shall compensate no less than 2:1 for permanent impacts to roosting habitat. Comment A-5: The comment identifies that the IS/MND contains Mitigation Measure BIO-4b and BIO- 4c regarding the removal of trees that may provide roosting habitat for bats and that CDFW considers these measures to be insufficient to reduce impacts to bats to less than significant and recommends the existing Mitigation Measures BIO-4b and BIO-4c be replaced with CDFW recommended mitigation measure. Response: The Lead Agency disagrees with the comment and believes that existing Mitigation Measures BIO-4b and BIO-4c adequately address CDFW concerns regarding potential impacts to bats and that no revisions to the existing Mitigation Measures BIO-4b and BIO-4c are needed. Comment A-6: CDFW requests that the IS/MND be revised to include a discussion of the Project's lightning plans and lightning specifications to be used over long-term operations of the Project and that the revised analysis in the IS/MND evaluate direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts on biological resources from artificial nighttime lighting and that the existing Mitigation Measure BIO-4d be replaced with CDFW recommended Mitigation Measure. Response: The Lead Agency disagrees with the comment and believes that existing analysis adequately evaluates direct, indirect, and cumulative impact on biological resources from artificial nighttime lighting. To ensure that lighting impacts are minimized during the operation of the project, the existing Mitigation BIO-4 has been replaced with the following Mitigation Measure and is incorporated into the Final IS/MND. Draft Final I August 2023 27 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 337 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Mitigation Measure BIO-4d: Throughout the lifetime operations of the Project, the Applicant shall eliminate all nonessential lighting throughout the Project area and avoid or limit the use of artificial light at night during the hours of dawn and dusk when many wildlife species are most active. The City of La Quinta shall ensure that all lighting for the Project is fully shielded, cast downward, reduced in intensity to the greatest extent, and does not result in lighting trespass including glare into surrounding areas or upward into the night sky (see the International Dark -Sky Association standards at http://darksky.org/). The City of La Quinta shall ensure use of LED lighting with a correlated color temperature of 3,000 Kelvins or less, proper disposal of hazardous waste, and recycling of lighting that contains toxic compounds with a qualified recycler. Comment A-7: The comment suggests that the IS/MND lacks additional details on the plant species proposed for landscaping and that the IS/MND include recommendations regarding landscaping from Section 4.0 of the CVMSHCP. Response: The project description in the IS/MND in Conceptual Landscape Plan includes landscape intended to complement the Coachella Valley desert environment. Additionally, the proposed project would be required to comply with Section 8.13 of the City of La Quinta Municipal Code Water Efficient Landscape requirements which is intended to promote water conservation through climate appropriate plant material and efficient irrigation as well as to create a city landscape theme through enhancing and improving the physical and natural environment. Draft Final I August 2023 28 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 338 IID A centr[ y {] f ervicc. .tune 28, 2023 5ijifredo Fernandez Associate Planner Development & Design Department City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration COMMENT LETTER NO. B www3id.com Shice 1911 SUBJECT: NOi to Adopt an MND La Villetta at Avenue 58 Project in La Quinta, CA; EA 2021-0006, GPA 2021-0001, ZC 2021-0001, TTM 2021-0004, CUP 2021- 0002 Dear Mr. Fernandez: On June 19, 2023, the Imperial Irrigation District received from the City of La Quinta Design & Development Deptartment, the Notice of Intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the La Villetta at Avenue 58 project; Environmental Assessment, 2021- 0006, General Plan Amendment 2021-0001, Zone Change 2021-0001, Tentative Tract Map 2021-0004, Conditional Use Permit 2021-0002. The applicant proposes the development of 80 single-family homes on approximately 9.7 gross acres and associated site improvements, including landscaping, utility infrastructure, a clubhouse, pool, and community spaces. The project site is located south of Avenue 58 between Madison Street and Monroe Street in the City of La Quinta, Califomia (APNs 764-180-002 and - 003). The IID has reviewed the project information and has the following comments: 1. Based on the preliminary information provided to IID, the power load requirements to serve the project will require the installation of a new 92/13.2 kV 1-50 MVA transformer bank at the existing Avenue 58 substation, the reconfiguration of 92 kV transmission lines and all additional infrastructure related to the new transformer bank. Applicant will be required to install a double oonduit/vault system from the Avenue 58 substatlon's new bank to the project for a minimum of six distribution backbone feeders. The proposed route for this system is planned to come out of Avenue 58 substation, cross Avenue 58 and continue on the south side of Avenue 58 going west all the way to your project. The whole conduit system will be required to be in place prior to extending the new feeders/backbone line extensions (conduit, cable) from the Avenue 58 substation's new 50 MVA transformer circuit breakers to the project. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION RESTRICT - PO. SOX 437 • INIPERIAL, CA42251 B-1 Draft Final I August 2023 29 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 339 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Sijifredo Femandez June 28, 2023 Page 2 3. Applicant will be required to extend distribution backbone feeders as part of the new substation transformer implementation, which includes the associated backbone cable/terminations from Avenue 58 substation's new 54 MVA transformer circuit breakers to the project load centers. HD will not begin any studies, engineering or estimate costs to provide electrical service to the development project until the applicant submits a customer project application (available at littp://www.iid.Gom/home/showdocument?id=12923 and detailed loading information, panel sizes, project schedule and estimated in- service date. Applicant shall bear all costs associated with providing electrical service to the development project, including but not limited to the construction andlor addition of a 1-50 MVA transformer, new substation facilities and infrastructure, transmission line extensions/reconfiguratians, conduit and vault systems, distribution feeder breakers, feeder backbones and distribution overhead and/or underground line extensions and the re -configuration of distribution lines and related upgrades as well as applicable permits, zoning changes, landscaping (if required by the City) and rights -of -way and easements. The applicant shall bear the cost of the substation infrastructure to serve the project but would be reimbursed for any oversizing required, subject to approval by the HD Board of Directors. The district's ability to provide service from existing infrastructure is based on current available capacity, which may be impacted by future development in the area. The projects must progress toward completion as IID is unable to hold system capacity to the detriment of other customers. It is important to note that a detailed and final study will be developed once a customer project application and loading calculations are received. This detailed information will allow IID to perform an accurate assessment and provide a full report of any potential impacts and mitigation measures. The conditions of service could change as a result of the additional studies. 7. Underground infrastructure that includes trenching, conduits, pull boxes, switch boxes and pads should be installed by the applicant following IID approved plans. Physical field installation of underground infrastructures should be verified and approved by an II❑ inspector prior to cable installation as per HD Developer's Guide (available at https://www.iid.Gom/home/showdocument?id=14229). 8. IID Regulations governing line extensions can be found at: No.2 (http://wvvw.iid.comthome/showdocument?id-2540), No. 13 (htti)://www.iid.comthorne/showdocument?id=2553), No.15 (http://www.iid.eonVhorneishowdocument?id=2555), No. 20 (ham://www.iid.com/home/showdocument?id=2560) and No.23 (hops://www.iid.com/home/showdocument?id=17897). B•1 Draft Final I August 2023 30 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 340 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 5iji#redo Fernandez June 23. 2023 Page 3 9. For additional information regarding electrical service for the projects, the applicant should be advised to contact the III] Energy - La Quinta Division Customer Operations, 81-600 Avenue 58 La Quinta, CA92253, at (760) 398-5841 and speak with the project development planner assigned to the area. 19.it is important to note that IID's policy is to extend its electrical facilities only to those projects that have obtained the approval of a city or county planning commission and such other governmental authority or decision -making body having jurisdiction over said projects. 11.The applicant will be required to provide and bear all costs associated with acquisition of rights of way, easements, and infrastructure relocations deemed necessary to accommodate street or road improvements imposed by the municipality. 12,Any construction or operation on IID property or within its existing and proposed right of way or easements Including but not llmited to: surface improvements such as proposed new streets, driveways, parking lots, landscape; and all water, sewer, storm water, or any other above ground or underground utilities; will require an encroachment permit, or encroachment agreement (depending on the circumstances). A copy of the 1ID encroachment permit application and instructions for its completion are available at https:l/www.iid.corn/about-iid/dei)artment directory/Feal-estate. The HID Real Estate Section should be contacted at (760) 339-9239 for additional information regarding encroachment permits or agreements. 13.Any new, relocated, modified or reconstructed IID facilities required for and by the projects (which can include but is not limited to electrical utility substations, electrical transmission and distribution lines; the acquisition and dedication of real property, rights of way and/or easements for the siting and construction of electrical utility substations, electrical transmission and/or distribution lines and ancillary facilities associated with the conveyance of energy service, etc.) need to be included as part of the project's California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and/or National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation, environmental impact analysis and mitigation. Failure to do so will result in postponement of any construction and/or modification of IID facilities until such time as the environmental documentation is amended and environmental impacts are fully mitigated. Any mitigation necessary as a result of the construction, relocation and/or upgrade of Ii0 facilities is the responsibility of the project proponent. 14. Dividing a project into two or more pieces and evaluating each piece in a separate environmental document (Piecemealing or Segmenting), rather than evaluating the whole of the project in one environmental document, is explicitly forbidden by CEQA, because dividing a project into a number of pieces would allow a Lead B•1 Draft Final I August 2023 31 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 341 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 5ijifredo Femandez June 23, 2023 Page 4 Agency to minimize the apparent environmental impacts of a project by evaluating individual pieces separately, each of which may have a less -than -significant impact on the environment, but which together may result in a significant impact. Segmenting a project may also hinder developing comprehensive mitigation strategies. In general, if an activity or facility is necessary for the operation of a project, or necessary to achieve the project objectives, or a reasonably foreseeable consequence of approving the project, then it should be considered an integral project component that should be analyzed within the environmental analysis. The project description should include all project components, including those that will have to be approved by responsible agencies. The State CEQA Guidelines define a project under CEQA as "the whole of the action" that may result either directly or indirectly in physical changes to the environment. This broad definition is intended to provide the maximum protection of the environment. CE4A case law has established general principles on project segmentation for different project types. For a project requiring construction of offsite infrastructure, the offsite infrastructure must be included in the project description. San Joaquin RaptorlWildllfe Rescue Center v. County of Stanlslaus (1994) 27 Cal.App. 4th 713. 15.Applicant should be advised that landscaping can be dangerous if items are planted too close to IID's electrical equipment. In the event of an outage, or equipment failure, it is vital that IID personnel have immediate and safe access to its equipment to make the needed repairs. For public safety, and that of the electrical workers, it is important to adhere to standards that limit landscaping around electrical facilities. IID landscaping guidelines are available at https:llwww.iid.com/enemyLv_eqetation-mariagemen . Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (760) 482-3609 or at dvargasCa7iid,cam. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this matter. 7aald lly, i rg- Compliance Administrator 11 Sergio ❑uir z - Interim General Managar Mlka Pacheco - Manager, waler kept Jamrefsbury-Ma roger, Energy Dept. Wt4ho%v H Smelsef - Deputy Mgr. Energy Depl- Daryi 94GIUBy - Mgr, of pistHWWri Srvcs. 6 MOM oprtns., Energy Dept Geoff Holbrook. General Counsel M Ichael P. Kemp - Superinlandent General, Fleet Servcces and Reg. & Environ, Compliance Lawn Cervantes. -Supervisor, Real Estate B-1 Draft Final I August 2023 32 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 342 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Response No. B Donald Vargas, Compliance Administrator II Imperial Irrigation District June 28, 2023 Comment B-1: The comment identifies electrical service infrastructure improvements required for the proposed project. Response: The comment does not provide any comments on the IS/MND prepared for the project or identifies new significant impact or introduces new information that would change a less than significant impact determination to a significant impact. No response is required. Draft Final I August 2023 33 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 343 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration This page intentionally left blank. Draft Final I August 2023 34 Responsible and Reviewing Agencies 344 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 3.0 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires that when a public agency completes an environmental document which includes measures to mitigate or avoid significant environmental effects, the public agency must adopt a reporting or monitoring plan. This requirement ensures that environmental impacts found to be significant will be mitigated. The reporting or monitoring plan must be designed to ensure compliance during project implementation (Public Resources Code Section 21081.6),In compliance with Public Resources Code Section 21081.6, Table 7-1, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Checklist, has been prepared for the La Villetta at Avenue 58 (the "project"). This Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Checklist is intended to provide verification that all applicable Conditions of Approval relative to significant environmental impacts are monitored and reported. Monitoring will include: 1) verification that each mitigation measure has been implemented; 2) recordation of the actions taken to implement each mitigation; and 3) retention of records in the City of La Quinta Project file. This Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) delineates responsibilities for monitoring the project, but also allows the City flexibility and discretion in determining how best to monitor implementation. Monitoring procedures will vary according to the type of mitigation measure. Adequate monitoring consists of demonstrating that monitoring procedures took place and that mitigation measures were implemented. This includes the review of all monitoring reports, enforcement actions, and document disposition, unless otherwise noted in the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Checklist (Table 1). If an adopted mitigation measure is not being properly implemented, the designated monitoring personnel shall require corrective actions to ensure adequate implementation. Reporting consists of establishing a record that a mitigation measure is being implemented, and generally involves the following steps: • The City distributes reporting forms to the appropriate entities for verification of compliance. • Departments/agencies with reporting responsibilities will review the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, which provides general background information on the reasons for including specified mitigation measures. • Problems or exceptions to compliance will be addressed to the City as appropriate. • Periodic meetings may be held during project implementation to report on compliance of mitigation measures. • Responsible parties provide the City with verification that monitoring has been conducted and ensure, as applicable, that mitigation measures have been implemented. Monitoring compliance may be documented through existing review and approval programs such as field inspection reports and plan review. • The City prepares a reporting form periodically during the construction phase and an annual report summarizing all project mitigation monitoring efforts. • Appropriate mitigation measures will be included in construction documents and/or conditions of permits/approvals. Draft Final I August 2023 35 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 345 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Minor changes to the MMRP, if required, would be made in accordance with CEQA and would be permitted after further review and approval by the City. Such changes could include reassignment of monitoring and reporting responsibilities, plan redesign to make any appropriate improvements, and/or modification, substitution or deletion of mitigation measures subject to conditions described in CEQA Guidelines Section 15162. No change will be permitted unless the MMRP continues to satisfy the requirements of Public Resources Code Section 21081.6. Draft Final I August 2023 36 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 346 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Mitigation Method of Monitoring Verification of Compliance Number Mitigation Measure Verification Timing Responsibility Initials Date Remarks BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES BIO-1 CVMSCHP Mitigation Fee. The project Impact Fees Prior to City of La proponent shall be required to pay the City of La Receipt ground Quinta Planning Quinta a local development mitigation fee prior disturbance Department to obtaining a building permit. (demolition, grading and/or construction) BIO-2 Suitable burrowing owl habitat has been Submittal of Pre- Prior to City of La confirmed on the Project site and surrounding Construction ground Quinta Planning area; therefore, focused burrowing owl surveys Survey to Planning disturbance Department shall be conducted in accordance with the Staff Staff (demolition, Report on Burrowing Owl Mitigation (2012 or grading most recent version) prior to vegetation and/or removal or ground -disturbing activities. If construction) burrowing owls are detected during the focused surveys, the qualified biologist and Project Applicant shall prepare a Burrowing Owl Plan. The Burrowing Owl Plan shall describe proposed avoidance, minimization, mitigation, and monitoring actions. The Burrowing Owl Plan shall include the number and location of occupied burrow sites, acres of burrowing owl habitat that will be impacted, details of site monitoring, and details on proposed buffers and other avoidance measures if avoidance is proposed. If impacts to occupied burrowing owl habitat or burrow cannot be avoided, the Burrowing Owl Plan shall also describe minimization and relocation actions that will be implemented. Proposed implementation of burrow exclusion and closure should only be considered as a last resort, after all other Draft Final I August 2023 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 347 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Mitigation Method of Monitoring Verification of Compliance Number Mitigation Measur Verification Timing Responsibility Initials Date Remarks options ave een eva uate as exc usion is not in itself an avoidance, minimization, or mitigation method and has the possibility to result in take. If impacts to occupied burrows cannot be avoided, information shall be provided regarding adjacent or nearby suitable habitat available to owls along with proposed relocation actions. Preconstruction burrowing owl surveys shall be conducted no less than 14 days prior to the start of Project -related activities and within 24 hours prior to ground disturbance, in accordance with the Staff Report on Burrowing Owl Mitigation (2012 or most recent version). Preconstruction surveys should be performed by a qualified biologist following the recommendations and guidelines provided in the Staff Report on Burrowing Owl Mitigation. BIO-3 Regardless of the time of year, nesting bird Submittal of Prior to City of La surveys shall be performed by a qualified avian monitoring ground Quinta Planning biologist no more than 3 days prior to contracts, fully disturbance Department vegetation removal or ground -disturbing executed (demolition, activities. Pre -construction surveys shall focus grading on both direct and indirect evidence of nesting, and/or including nest locations and nesting behavior. construction) The qualified avian biologist will make every effort to avoid potential nest predation as a result of survey and monitoring efforts. If active nests are found during the pre -construction nesting bird surveys, a qualified biologist shall establish an appropriate nest buffer to be marked on the ground. Nest buffers are species specific and shall be at least 300 feet for Draft Final I August 2023 �o Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 348 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Mitigation Method of Monitoring Verification of Complianc Number Mitigation Measur Verification Timing Responsibility Initials Date Remarks passerines and 500 feet for raptors. A smaller or larger buffer may be determined by a qualified biologist familiar with the nesting phenology of the nesting species and based on nest and buffer monitoring results. Established buffers shall remain on site until a qualified biologist determines the young have fledged or the nest is no longer active. Active nests and adequacy of the established buffer distance shall be monitored daily by the qualified biologist until the qualified biologist has determined the young have fledged or the Project has been completed. A qualified biologist has the authority to stop work if nesting pairs exhibit signs of disturbance. 131O-4a Prior to the initiation of Project activities within Submittal of Prior to City of La suitable bat roosting habitat, the Applicant shall monitoring ground Quinta Planning retain a qualified biologist to conduct focused contracts, fully disturbance Department surveys to determine presence of daytime, executed (demolition, nighttime, wintering (hibernacula), and grading maternity roost sites. Two spring surveys (April and/or through June) and two winter surveys construction) (November through January) shall be performed by qualified biologists. Surveys shall be conducted during favorable weather conditions only. Each survey shall consist of one dusk emergence survey (start one hour before sunset and last for three hours), followed by one pre -dawn re-entry survey (start one hour before sunrise and last for two hours), and one daytime visual inspection of all potential roosting habitat on the Project site. Surveys shall be conducted within one 24-hour period. Visual inspections shall focus on the identification of bat sign (i.e., Draft Final I August 2023 I9 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 349 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Mitigation Number Mitigation Measure A& Method of Verification Timing Monitoring Responsibility Verification of Compliance Initials Date Remar — individuals, guano, urine staining, corpses, feeding remains, scratch marks and bats squeaking and chattering). Bat detectors, bat call analysis, and visual observation shall be used during all dusk emergence and pre -dawn re-entry surveys. If active hibernacula or maternity roosts are identified in the work area or 500 feet extending from the work area during preconstruction surveys, for maternity roosts, Project activities will be initiated between October 1 and February 28, outside of the maternity roosting season when young bats are present but are not yet ready to fly out of the roost. Maternity roosts shall not be evicted, excluded, removed, or disturbed. A minimum 500-foot no -work buffer shall be provided around hibernacula. The buffer shall not be reduced. Project -related construction and activities shall not occur within 500 feet of or directly under or adjacent to hibernacula. Buffers shall be left in place until a qualified bat biologist determines that the hibernacula are no longer active. Within this buffer, Project -related activities shall not occur between 30 minutes before sunset and 30 minutes after sunrise. Hibernacula roosts shall not be evicted, excluded, removed, or disturbed. If avoidance of hibernacula is not feasible, the Project Biologist will prepare a relocation plan to remove the hibernacula and provide for construction of an alternative bat roost outside of the work area. Draft Final I August 2023 AA Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 350 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Mitigation Method of Monitoring Verification of Compliance Number Mitigation Measure Verification Timing Responsibility Initials Date Remarks The qualified biologist will implement the relocation plan and new roost sites shall be in place before the commencement of any ground -disturbing activities that will occur within 500 feet of the hibernacula. New roost sites shall be in place prior to the initiation of Project -related activities to allow enough time for bats to relocate. Removal of roosts will be guided by accepted exclusion and deterrent techniques. The Applicant shall compensate no less than 2:1 for permanent impacts to roosting habitat. BIO-4b Pre -construction surveys shall be conducted by Submittal of Prior to City of La a qualified bat biologist no more than two weeks monitoring ground Quinta Planning prior to the initiation of vegetation removal and contracts, fully disturbance Department ground disturbing activities. If no active roosts executed (demolition, are present, then trees shall be removed within grading two weeks following the survey. and/or construction) BIO-4c All potential roost trees (including palm trees) Acknowledgement Prior to City of La shall be removed in a manner approved by a by the Applicant ground Quinta Planning qualified bat biologist outside the maternity disturbance Department season (March 15 — August 31 in the Coachella (demolition, Valley which coincides with the bird nesting grading season) to avoid the potential for "take" of and/or nonvolant (flightless) young. construction) Trees and snags that have been identified as confirmed or potential roost sites require a two-step removal process and the involvement of a bat biologist to ensure that no roosting bats are killed during this activity. Consistent with CDFW protocols this two-step removal shall occur over two consecutive days as Draft Final I August 2023 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 351 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Mitigation JL Method of Monitoring Verification of Compliance Number Mitigation Measure A& Verification Timing Responsibility Initials Date Remark follows: on Day 1, branches and limbs not containing cavities, as identified by a qualified bat biologist, will be removed. On Day 2, the remainder of the tree may be removed without supervision by a bat biologist. The disturbance caused by limb removal, followed by an interval of one evening, will allow bats to safely abandon the roost. BIO-4d Throughout the lifetime operations of the Submittal of Operation of City of La Project, the Applicant shall eliminate all Building Permit Project Quinta Planning nonessential lighting throughout the Project Plans/Code Department area and avoid or limit the use of artificial light Enforcement at night during the hours of dawn and dusk when many wildlife species are most active. The City of La Quinta shall ensure that all lighting for the Project is fully shielded, cast downward, reduced in intensity to the greatest extent, and does not result in lighting trespass including glare into surrounding areas or upward into the night sky (see the International Dark -Sky Association standards at http://darksky.org/). The City of La Quinta shall ensure use of LED lighting with a correlated color temperature of 3,000 Kelvins or less, proper disposal of hazardous waste, and recycling of lighting that contains toxic compounds with a qualified recycler. CULTURAL/TRIBAL RESOURCES CUL-1 Based on the data presented, it is Submittal of Prior to City of La recommended that archaeological monitoring monitoring issuance of a Quinta Planning and Native American monitoring (if applicable) contracts, fully grading Department occur during project excavations into alluvial executed permit soils, estimated to occur within near surface soils to a depth of 5 to 10 feet. These Mitigation Draft Final I August 2023 42 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Progran 352 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Mitigation Number Mitigation Measur Method of Verification Timing Monitoring Responsibility Verification of Compliance Initials Date Remarks Measures for the project outline the monitoring protocols. A MMRP to mitigate potential impacts to undiscovered buried cultural resources within the project shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the Lead Agency. This program shall include, but not be limited to, the following actions: 1) Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall provide written verification that a certified archaeologist has been retained to implement the monitoring program. This verification shall be presented in a letter from the project archaeologist to the Lead Agency. 2) The project applicant shall provide Native American monitoring during grading if the Lead Agency determines it is necessary pending results of the AB 52 Consultation process. If applicable, the Native American monitor shall work in concert with the archaeological monitor to observe ground disturbances and search for cultural materials. The Lead Agency shall coordinate with the consulting Tribe(s) to facilitate communications with the project developer/applicant so that all parties can develop a mutually acceptable Tribal Monitoring and Treatment Agreement which includes the scope of monitoring, scheduling of monitors from individual Draft Final I August 2023 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 353 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Mitigation Number Mitigation Measure JL A Method of Verification Timing Monitoring Responsibility Verification of Compliance Initials Date Remar consulting Tribe(s), and the course of action for inadvertent discoveries. 3) The project archaeologist, in consultation with the consulting Tribe(s), the contractor, and the City, shall implement a Cultural Resources Management Plan (CRMP) to address the details, timing and responsibility of all archaeological and cultural activities that will occur on the project site. Details in the plan shall include: a. Project grading and development scheduling. b. The project archaeologist and the Consulting Tribes(s) shall attend the pre - grading meeting with the City, the construction manager and all contractors and will conduct a mandatory Cultural Resources Worker Sensitivity Training to those in attendance. The training will include a brief review of the cultural sensitivity of the project and the surrounding area; what resources could potentially be identified during earthmoving activities; the requirements of the monitoring program; the protocols that apply in the event inadvertent discoveries of cultural resources are identified, including who to contact and appropriate avoidance measures until the find(s) can be Draft Final I August 2023 na Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 354 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Mitigation Number Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing Monitoring Responsibility Verification of Compliance Initials Date Remarks properly evaluated; and any other appropriate protocols. c. The protocols and stipulations that the contractor, City, Consulting Tribe(s) and project archaeologist will follow in the event of inadvertent cultural resources discoveries, including any newly discovered cultural resource deposits that shall be subject to a cultural resource evaluation. 4) During the original cutting of previously undisturbed deposits, the archaeological and Tribal monitors (if applicable) shall be onsite, as determined by the consulting archaeologist, to perform periodic inspections of the excavations. Monitoring is recommended in younger Holocene alluvial soils, estimated to occur within near surface soils to a depth of 5 to 10 feet. The frequency of inspections will depend upon the rate of excavation, the materials excavated, and the presence and abundance of artifacts and features. The consulting archaeologist shall have the authority to modify the monitoring program if the potential for cultural resources appears to be less than anticipated. 5) Isolates and clearly non -significant deposits will be minimally documented in the field so the monitored grading can proceed. Draft Final I August 2023 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 355 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Mitigation Number Mitigation Measur Method of Verification Timing Monitoring Responsibility Verification of Compliance Initials Date Remarks 6) In the event that previously unidentified cultural resources are discovered, the archaeologist shall have the authority to divert or temporarily halt ground disturbance operations in the area of the discovery to allow for the evaluation of potentially significant cultural resources. The archaeologist shall contact the Lead Agency at the time of the discovery. The archaeologist, in consultation with the lead agency, shall determine the significance of the discovered resources. The Lead Agency must concur with the evaluation before construction activities will be allowed to resume in the affected area. For significant cultural resources, a Research Design and Data Recovery Program to mitigate impacts shall be implemented by the consulting archaeologist and approved by the Lead Agency before being carried out, using professional archaeological methods. If any human bones are discovered, the county coroner and lead agency shall be contacted. In the event that the remains are determined to be of Native American origin, the Most Likely Descendant (as identified by the NAHC) shall be contacted in order to determine proper treatment and disposition of the remains. a. Before construction activities are allowed to resume in the affected area, the artifacts shall be recovered, and features recorded using professional Draft Final I August 2023 AL Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 356 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Mitigation Number Mitigation Measure �0& Method of Verification Timing Monitoring Responsibility Verification of Compliance Initials Date Remark archaeological methods. The project archaeologist, in consultation with the consulting Tribe(s), shall determine the amount of material to be recovered for an adequate artifact sample for analysis. b. One or more of the following treatments, in order of preference, shall be used in the event of a discovery: i. Preservation -in -Place. Avoidance, or preservation -in -place, involves leaving a resource where it was found with no development affecting its integrity. Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21083.2(b) avoidance is the preferred method of preservation for archaeological and cultural resources. ii. Reburial on the project site in an area not subject to future disturbance. Reburial of a resource shall include provisions to protect the selected reburial area from any future impacts in perpetuity. Reburial shall not occur until all required cataloging and basic recording have been completed, with the exception of sacred items, burial goods and Native American human remains. Any reburial process shall be culturally appropriate. The listing of contents and the location of the reburial shall Draft Final I August 2023 n7 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 357 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Mitigation Number Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing Monitoring Responsibility Verification of Compliance Initials Date Remar be included in a confidential Phase IV Monitoring Report. c. If Preservation -in -Place or reburial is not feasible, all cultural material collected during the grading monitoring program shall be processed and curated according to the current professional repository standards in a Riverside County curation facility that meets State Resources Department Office of Historic Preservation Guidelines for the Curation of Archaeological Resources (OHP 1993). The collections and associated records shall be transferred, including title and accompanied by payment of the fees necessary for permanent curation. 7) A Phase IV Monitoring Report, documenting the field and analysis results and interpreting the artifact and research data within the research context, shall be completed and submitted to the satisfaction of the Lead Agency prior to the issuance of any building permits. The report will include DPR Primary and Archaeological Site Forms. The Phase IV report shall be filed with the City under a confidential cover and not subject to a Public Records Request and a copy of the report shall be submitted to the consulting Tribe(s). Draft Final I August 2023 48 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 358 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Mitigation Number Mitigation Measur Method of Verification Timing Monitoring Responsibility Verification of Compliance Initials Date Remarks CUL-2 Project related earth disturbance has the Submittal of During ground City of La potential to unearth previously undiscovered monitoring disturbance Quinta Planning human remains, resulting in a potentially contracts, fully (demolition, Department significant impact. Pursuant to Section 7050.5 of executed grading the California Health and Safety Code, if human and/or remains are encountered during excavation construction) activities, all work shall halt, and the County Coroner shall be notified. The Coroner would determine within two working days whether a cause of death investigation is necessary. If the Coroner determines that the remains are Native American, he/she would contact the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) within 24 hours. The NAHC would then, pursuant to Section 5097.98 of the California Public Resources Code, immediately identify the most likely descendant (MLD), who may inspect the remains and site of discovery and make recommendations for the treatment and/or disposition of the remains. The MLD shall make his/her recommendation within 48 hours of being granted access to the site. The MLD's recommendation shall be followed, if feasible, and may include scientific removal and non-destructive analysis of the human remains, preservation in place, and deeding the remains to the MLD for treatment. If no MLD is identified, the MLD fails to make a recommendation, or the landowner rejects the recommendation, the landowner shall rebury the remains with appropriate dignity on the property in a location that would not be subject to further subsurface disturbance. Draft Final I August 2023 49 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 359 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Mitigation Method of Monitoring Verification of Compliance Number Mitigation Measure Verification Timing Responsibility Initials Date Remar GEOLOGY AND SOILS GEO-1 During construction, Grading Plans for the Submittal of the During ground City of La project shall implement fugitive dust control Dust Control Plan disturbance Quinta Public measures and windborne erosion control to Public Works (demolition, Works measures from the Coachella Valley PMZo State Staff grading Department Implementation Plan. and/or construction) GEO-2 Prior to issuance of grading permits, the City of Acknowledgment Prior to City of La La Quinta shall confirm that grading and by the Applicant Grading Quinta Planning construction plans for the project incorporate Permits Department design recommendations provided in the Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared by Bruin Geotechnical Services, Inc., September 2021. The design recommendations shall address site earthwork; remedial grading for building pads; asphalt, pavement, and concrete; fill placement and compaction; soil shrinkage; fill slope stability; imported soils; post grading pad drainage foundation design recommendations; retaining walls and structures; corrosion and chemical attack; excavations; utility trenches and backfill; interior concrete; exterior concrete rigid pavement; pavement design; and construction considerations. PALEO-1 Once earthmoving reaches 3-5 feet below the Acknowledgment During ground City of La original ground surface, excavation shall be by the Applicant disturbance Quinta Planning monitored under the direct guidance of a (demolition, Department qualified paleontologist. grading and/or construction) Draft Final I August 2023 50 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 360 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Mitigation JL Method of Monitoring Verification of Compliance Number Mitigation Measure Verification Timing Responsibility Initials Date Remar PALEO-2 The project paleontologist retained shall review Submittal of During ground City of La the approved development plan and shall monitoring disturbance Quinta Planning conduct any pre -construction work necessary to contracts, fully (demolition, Department render appropriate monitoring and mitigation executed grading requirements as appropriate. These and/or requirements shall be documented by the construction) project paleontologist in a Paleontological Resource Impact Mitigation Program (PRIMP). This PRIMP shall be submitted to the City's Design and Development Department for review and approval prior to issuance of a Grading Permit. Information to be contained in the PRIMP shall meet the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology standards. PALEO-3 If paleontological resources are detected and Provide Planning During ground City of La recovered during monitoring, a report must be Staff a copy of the disturbance Quinta Planning prepared. The following items must be report and finding (demolition, Department presented in the report: recovered specimens grading must be prepared to a point of identification and/or and permanent preservation, including washing construction) of sediments to recover small invertebrates and vertebrates. The recovered fossils must be identified and curated into a professional, fully accredited museum repository with permanent retrievable storage (e.g., WSC). The paleontologist must have a written repository agreement in hand prior to the initiation of mitigation activities. The report and inventory, when submitted to the Lead Agency, will signify completion of the program to mitigate impacts to paleontological resources. Draft Final I August 2023 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 361 LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Mitigation Method of Monitoring Verification of Compliance Number Mitigation Measure Verification Timing Responsibility Initials Date Remark HAZARDS HAZ-1 Prior to issuance of grading permit, a Phase II Provide Planning Prior to City of La investigation will be conducted to assess the Staff a copy of the issuance of Quinta Planning presence or absence of environmentally Phase II Report grading Department persistent agricultural chemicals within near permit surface soils. HYDROLOGY/WATER QUALITY HYDRO-1 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the Submittal of the Prior to City of La applicant will obtain coverage under a General approval letter to issuance of Quinta Public Construction Permit issued from the State Planning Staff grading Works Water Resources Control Board. The General permit Department Construction Permit would require the filing of a Notice of Intent with the State Water Resources Control Board and the preparation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). TRANSPORTATION T-1 The existing striping along Avenue 58, which Submittal of the Prior Issuance City of La includes a center striped median, is Public Building Quinta Public recommended to be modified to create a 60- Improvement Plans Permit Works foot westbound left turn pocket at the main Department project driveway while providing a ±90-foot eastbound left turn pocket at Pasatiempo Court. Draft Final I August 2023 52 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 362 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 — XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT, ZONE CHANGE, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP TO ALLOW A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CONSISTING OF 80 DWELLING UNITS LOCATED SOUTH OF AVENUE 58 BETWEEN MADISON STREET AND MONROE STREET CASE NUMBERS: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2021-0001, ZONE CHANGE 2021-0001, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002, AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004 APPLICANT: ROYAL INVESTORS GROUP WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did, on June 13, 2023, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider a request by Royal Investors Group for approval of a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Conditional Use Permit, and Tentative Tract Map for an 80-unit planned unit development located south of Avenue 58 between Madison Street and Monroe Street, more particularly described as: ` ' � •'��]E:�Ia1Ily_�tL• � I)�:IIa1IlIC? WHEREAS, the Design and Development Department published a public hearing notice in The Desert Sun newspaper on August 28, 2023, as prescribed by the Municipal Code. Public hearing notices were also mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site; and General Plan Amendment 2021-0001 WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings to justify approval of said General Plan Amendment, as conditioned [Exhibits A and B]: 1. Internal General Plan Consistency. The amendment is internally consistent with those goals, objectives and policies of the general plan which are not being amended. The General Plan Amendment would lead to a Medium High Density land use designation which supports up to 16 units to the acre. 2. Public Welfare. Approval of the amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare. As part of the project, 363 Council Resolution 2023 — XXX General Plan Amendment 2021-0001, Zone Change 2021-0001, Conditional Use Permit 2021-0002, Tentative Tract Map 2021-0004 Project: La Villeta at Avenue 58 Adopted: September 19, 2023 Page 2 of 7 a Mitigated Negative Declaration would be adopted to mitigate any potential impacts. 3. General Plan Compatibility. In the case of amendments to the general plan policy diagram, the new designation is compatible with the designations on adjacent properties. The increase in density is being used to create a residential project that will connect with surrounding residential properties to provide housing opportunities that meet the diverse needs of the City's existing and projected population. 4. Property Suitability. In the case of amendments to the general plan policy diagram, the new designation is suitable and appropriate for the subject property, insofar as it will allow the development of single-family homes on a site that is generally flat and rectangular. 5. Change in Circumstances. In the case of amendments to the general plan policy diagram, approval of the amendment is warranted because the situation and the general conditions of the property have substantially changed since the existing designation was imposed. Higher density is required to achieve a single-family home project that meets the market demand. Market conditions have led to needing more units to match increases in costs in building units meanwhile meeting increase in demand for single family residential units for the public. Zone Change 2021-0001 WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings to justify approval of said Zone Change, as conditioned [Exhibit C and D]: 1. The zone map change is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the General Plan, as described above and contained in Exhibit C. The Zone Change would lead to a High -Density Residential zoning designation, consistent with the Medium and High Density Residential General Plan land use designation, which supports 8-12 units per acre residential density and is designed to accommodate a broad range of residential land uses, including single family development. 2. Approval of the zone map change will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare. As part of the project, a Mitigated Negative Declaration would be adopted to mitigate any potential impacts. 3. The new zoning is compatible with the zoning on adjacent properties as it continues residentially zoned properties adjacent to the property and surrounding it. 364 Council Resolution 2023 — XXX General Plan Amendment 2021-0001, Zone Change 2021-0001, Conditional Use Permit 2021-0002, Tentative Tract Map 2021-0004 Project: La Villeta at Avenue 58 Adopted: September 19, 2023 Page 3 of 7 4. The new zoning is suitable and appropriate for the subject property because it is currently zoned for residential and the change is to increase density, consistent with the General Plan Amendment designation. 5. Change in Circumstances. Approval of the zone change is warranted because the situation and the general conditions of the property have substantially changed since the existing zoning was imposed. Higher density is required to achieve a single-family home project that meets the market demand. Market conditions have led to needing more units to match increases in costs in building units meanwhile meeting increase in demand for single family residential units for the public. The zone change is warranted to meet the density allowed under the General Plan land use map. Conditional Use Permit 2021-0002 WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings to justify approval of said Conditional Use Permit, as conditioned [Exhibit E]: 1. The proposed development is consistent with the General Plan land use designation of Medium/High Density Residential. The City's General Plan Medium/High Density Residential designation is designed to accommodate a broad range of residential land uses, including single family residential projects. The City's General Plan policies relating to Medium/High Density Residential encourage a broad range of residential uses within the City, and the proposed use maintains those policies. The proposed project is consistent with the following Goals, Programs, and Policies: • Goal LU-2 as the project consists of high -quality design that complements and enhances the City. The project design uses high -quality Spanish, Mediterranean, and Santa Barbra styles, and utilizes varying roof lines and architectural accent, along with a complementary color palette. • Goal LU-5 as the project provides a broad range of housing types and choices for all residents of the City. The project provides for a small lot single family home residential project, which creates a different housing type and choice for residents within the City. • Policy LU-5.2 in considering changes in market demand in residential product type to meet the needs of current and future residents. The project is changing from a low -density residential project to a planned unit development project to respond to market demand in residential product type to provide residents with smaller lot single family subdivisions. • Goal SC-1 in that it provides a community that provides the best possible quality of life for all its residents by providing alternative housing types within La Quinta meanwhile providing a project that incorporates open space and 365 Council Resolution 2023 — XXX General Plan Amendment 2021-0001, Zone Change 2021-0001, Conditional Use Permit 2021-0002, Tentative Tract Map 2021-0004 Project: La Villeta at Avenue 58 Adopted: September 19, 2023 Page 4 of 7 common area with a pool for its residents, bocce ball court, tot lot, and passive open space. • Goal H-1 in providing housing opportunities that meet the diverse needs of the City's existing and projected population. The single-family home project of this type provides a diverse type of residential product. • Policy H-1.3 to direct new housing development to viable areas where essential public facilities can be provided and employment opportunities, educational facilities, and commercial support are available. The housing development is located in viable area where essential public facilities can be provided and employment opportunities, educational facilities, and commercial support are all available. 2. The proposed development, as conditioned, is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Medium High Density Residential zone as well as the development standards of the City's Zoning Code and in terms of architectural style and landscaping. The project satisfies the zone's intent to provide for the development of high -density neighborhoods with one and two-story single-family dwellings. The project is generally consistent with the residential development standards and permitted use table, except deviations as established within the Planned Unit Development. 3. The Design and Development Department has prepared Environmental Assessment 2021-0006 for this project, in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Department has determined that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect because mitigation measures have been incorporated. 4. The architectural design of the project, including, but not limited to, the architectural style, scale, building mass, materials, colors, architectural details, roof style and other architectural elements are compatible with surrounding development and with the quality of design prevalent in the city. The Spanish, Mediterranean, and Santa Barbara styles utilizes a high -quality design that is compatible with other approved and constructed residential projects within the City. 5. The site design of the project including, but not limited to, project entries, interior circulation, pedestrian and bicycle access, pedestrian amenities, screening of equipment and trash enclosures, exterior lighting, and other site design elements are compatible with surrounding development and with the quality of design prevalent in the city. 6. Project landscaping, including, but not limited to, the location, type, size, color, texture, and coverage of plant materials, has been designed so as to provide visual relief, complement buildings, visually emphasize prominent design elements and vistas, screen undesirable views, provide a harmonious transition between adjacent land uses and between development and open space, and provide an overall unifying influence to enhance the visual continuity of the project. The 366 Council Resolution 2023 — XXX General Plan Amendment 2021-0001, Zone Change 2021-0001, Conditional Use Permit 2021-0002, Tentative Tract Map 2021-0004 Project: La Villeta at Avenue 58 Adopted: September 19, 2023 Page 5 of 7 proposed project is consistent with the landscaping standards and plant palette and implements the standards for landscaping and aesthetics established in the General Plan and Zoning Code. The permanent overall site landscaping utilizes various tree and shrub species to enhance the building architecture and provide adequate relief and screening from Avenue 58. Tentative Tract Map 2021-0004 WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, the Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings to justify approval of said Tentative Tract Map, as conditioned [Exhibit F]: 1. The proposed Tentative Tract Map is consistent with the land use policies and programs of the General Plan, as it allows for development of a Medium High Density Residential project in the Medium/High Density land use designation, which supports up to 16 units per acre residential density and is designed to accommodate a broad range of residential land uses, including single family projects. 2. The design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan, and Planned Unit Development standards with the implementation of recommended conditions of approval to ensure consistency for the homes proposed on the lots created herein. 3. The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage nor substantially injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. The Design and Development Department prepared Environmental Assessment (EA) 2021-0006, in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This approval includes adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration. 4. The design of the subdivision or type of improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems, insofar as the project will be required to comply with all laws, standards and requirements associated with sanitary sewer collection, water quality and other public health issues. 5. The site of the proposed subdivision is physically suitable for the type of development and proposed density of development. The Planned Unit Development allows for creative development with smaller lot subdivision while still providing a quality residential development. 6. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable provisions of Title 13 of the City's Subdivision Regulations Code and the Planned Unit Development, including, but not limited to, minimum lot area requirements, any other 367 Council Resolution 2023 — XXX General Plan Amendment 2021-0001, Zone Change 2021-0001, Conditional Use Permit 2021-0002, Tentative Tract Map 2021-0004 Project: La Villeta at Avenue 58 Adopted: September 19, 2023 Page 6 of 7 applicable provisions of Title 9 of the City's Zoning Code, and the Subdivision Map Act. 7. The design of the subdivision or type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the Findings of the City Council in this case. SECTION 2. That the above project is determined to be consistent with the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the project (EA 2021-0006). SECTION 3. That it City Council hereby approves General Plan Amendment 2021-0001 [Exhibit A], Zone Change 2021-0001 [Exhibit C], Conditional Use Permit 2021- 0002, and, Tentative Tract Map 2021-0004, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval [Exhibits B, D, E, F]. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on September 19, 2023, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta, California 368 Council Resolution 2023 — XXX General Plan Amendment 2021-0001, Zone Change 2021-0001, Conditional Use Permit 2021-0002, Tentative Tract Map 2021-0004 Project: La Villeta at Avenue 58 Adopted: September 19, 2023 Page 7 of 7 ATTEST: MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 369 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023-XXX Existing General Plan Land Use GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATIONS Low Density Residential Source: City of La Quinta General Plan Preferred Land Use Map; May 7, 2012. EXHIBIT A Proposed General Plan Land Use � [-4 . - - or r-LI I ,,!LEL[V a i Project t site GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATIONS Medium/High Density Residential LAVILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 PROJECT Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Existing and Proposed General Plan Land Use Designations 1 VCS Environmental 370 igure 3-4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX EXHIBIT B CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2021-0001 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 1 OF 1 GENERAL The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta ("City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this General Plan Amendment. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. GPA2021-0001 shall comply with all applicable conditions and mitigation measures for the following related approvals: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2021-0001 ZONE CHANGE 2021-0001 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004 In the event of any conflict(s) between approval conditions and/or provisions of these approvals, the Design and Development Director shall adjudicate the conflict by determining the precedence. 371 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023-XXX Existing zoning mom I I �J, RESIDENTIAL Low Density Residential Source: City of La Quinta Official Zoning Map; May 2021. E Proposed Zoning 9;1 mom 0 qns 01040 Project Site RMH ------kE RESIDENTIAL _ Medium High Density Residential I WA: 11 U0] i LA VI LLETTA AT AVENUE 58 PROJECT Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Existing and Proposed Zoning VCS Environmental 372Figure 3-5 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX EXHIBIT D CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED ZONE CHANGE 2021-0001 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 1 OF 1 GENERAL The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta ("City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Zone Change. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. ZC2021-0001 shall comply with all applicable conditions and mitigation measures for the following related approvals: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2021-0006 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2021-0001 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004 In the event of any conflict(s) between approval conditions and/or provisions of these approvals, the Design and Development Director shall adjudicate the conflict by determining the precedence. 373 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX EXHIBIT E CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 1 OF 17 GENERAL The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta ("City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Conditional Use Permit recorded thereunder. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. The Conditional Use Permit shall expire twenty-four (24) months after City Council approval and shall become null and void in accordance with La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.200.080 unless a building permit has been issued. A time extension may be requested per LQMC Section 9.200.080. 3. Prior to the issuance of any grading, construction, or building permit by the City, the applicant shall obtain any necessary clearances and/or permits from the following agencies, if required: • Riverside County Fire Marshal • La Quinta Development Division (Grading Permit, Green Sheet (Public Works Clearance) for Building Permits, Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Exemption Form — Whitewater River Region, Improvement Permit) • La Quinta Design and Development Department • Riverside Co. Environmental Health Department • Coachella Valley Unified School District • Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) • Imperial Irrigation District (IID) • California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) • State Water Resources Control Board • SunLine Transit Agency (SunLine) • South Coast Air Quality Management District Coachella Valley (SCAQMD) The applicant is responsible for all requirements of the permits and/or clearances from the above listed agencies. When these requirements include approval of improvement plans, the applicant shall furnish proof of such approvals when submitting those improvements plans for City approval. 4. Coverage under the State of California General Construction Permit must be obtained by the applicant, who then shall submit a copy of the Regional Water Quality Control Board's ("RWQCB") acknowledgment of the applicant's Notice of Intent ("NOI") and Waste Discharger Identification (WDID) number to the City prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit. 5. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the City's NPDES stormwater discharge permit, LQMC Sections 8.70.010 et seq. (Stormwater Management and Discharge Controls), and 13.24.170 (Clean Air/Clean Water); Riverside County Ordinance 374 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 2 OF 17 No. 457; the California Regional Water Quality Control Board — Colorado River Basin Region Board Order No. R7-2013-0011 and the State Water Resources Control Board's Order No. 2012-0006-DWQ. A. For construction activities including clearing, grading or excavation of land that disturbs one (1) acre or more of land, or that disturbs less than one (1) acre of land, but which is a part of a construction project that encompasses more than one (1) acre of land, the Permittee shall be required to submit a Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan ("SWPPP") to the State Water Resources Control Board. The applicant or design professional can obtain the California Stormwater Quality Association SWPPP template at www.cabmphandbooks.com for use in their SWPPP preparation. B. The applicant shall ensure that the required SWPPP is available for inspection at the project site at all times through and including acceptance of all improvements by the City. C. The applicant's SWPPP shall include provisions for all of the following Best Management Practices ("BMPs") (LQMC Section 8.70.020 (Definitions)): 1) Temporary Soil Stabilization (erosion control). 2) Temporary Sediment Control. 3) Wind Erosion Control. 4) Tracking Control. 5) Non -Storm Water Management. 6) Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control. D. The SWPPP and BMPs shall remain in effect for the entire duration of project construction until all improvements are completed and accepted by the City Council. E. The inclusion in the Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&Rs), a requirement for the perpetual maintenance and operation of all post -construction BMPs as required. 6. Permits issued under this approval shall be subject to the provisions of the Development Impact Fee and Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee programs in effect at the time of issuance of building permit(s). 7. CUP2021-0002 shall comply with all applicable conditions and mitigation measures for the following related approvals: • Tentative Tract Map 2021-0004 • Environmental Assessment 2021-0006 • General Plan Amendment 2021-0001 • Zone Change 2021-0001 375 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 3 OF 17 In the event of any conflict(s) between approval conditions and/or provisions of these approvals, the Design and Development Director shall adjudicate the conflict by determining the precedence. 8. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual attorney's fees incurred by the City Attorney to review, negotiate and/or modify any documents or instruments required by these conditions, if Developer requests that the City modify or revise any documents or instruments prepared initially by the City to affect these conditions. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer's failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. 9. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual consultant's fees incurred by the City for engineering and/or surveying consultants to review and/or modify any documents or instruments required by this project. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer's failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. PROPERTY RIGHTS 10. Prior to issuance of any permit(s), the applicant shall acquire or confer easements and other property rights necessary for the construction or proper functioning of the proposed development. Conferred rights shall include irrevocable offers to dedicate or grant access easements to the City for emergency services and for maintenance, construction and reconstruction of essential improvements. 11. Pursuant to the aforementioned condition, conferred rights shall include approvals from the master developer over easements and other property rights necessary for construction and proper functioning of the proposed development not limited to access rights over proposed and/or existing private streets that access public streets and open space/drainage facilities of the master development. 12. The applicant shall offer for dedication all public street rights -of -way in conformance with the City's General Plan, Municipal Code, applicable specific plans, and/or as required by the City Engineer. 13. The public street right-of-way offers for dedication required for this development include: A. PUBLIC STREETS 1) Avenue 58 (Secondary Arterial) — The standard 51 feet from the centerline of Avenue 58 to the ultimate developed right of way. 14. The applicant shall retain for private use on the Final Map all private street rights -of -way in conformance with the City's General Plan, Municipal Code, applicable specific plans, and/or as required by the City Engineer. 376 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 4 OF 17 15. The private street rights -of -way to be retained for private use required for this development include: A. PRIVATE STREETS 1) Private Residential Streets measured at lot line to lot line shall have a 40- foot travel width. The travel width may be reduced to 24 with prohibited on -street parking with approved Planned Unit Development (PUD) provided there is adequate off-street parking for residents and visitors, and the applicant establishes provisions for ongoing enforcement of the parking restriction in the CC&R's. 16. Dedications shall include additional widths as necessary for dedicated right and left turn lanes, bus turnouts, and other features contained in the approved construction plans. Pursuant to this requirement, the Applicant shall include in the submittal packet containing the draft final map submitted for map checking, an offsite street geometric layout, drawn at 1" equals 40 feet, detailing the following design aspects: median curb line, outside curb line, lane line alignment including lane widths, left turn lanes, deceleration lane(s) and bus stop turnout(s). The geometric layout shall be accompanied with sufficient professional engineering studies to confirm the appropriate length of all proposed turn pockets and auxiliary lanes that may impact the right of way dedication required of the project and the associated landscape setback requirement. 17. When the City Engineer determines that access rights to the proposed street rights -of -way shown on the approved Tentative Tract Map are necessary prior to approval of the Final Map dedicating such rights -of -way, the applicant shall grant the necessary rights -of -way within 60 days of a written request by the City. 18. The applicant shall offer for dedication on the Final Map a ten -foot -wide public utility easement contiguous with, and along both sides of all private streets. Such easement may be reduced to five feet in width with the express written approval of IID. 19. The applicant shall create perimeter landscaping setbacks along all public rights -of -way as follows: A. Avenue 58 (Secondary Arterial) - 10-foot from the R/W-P/L. Where public facilities (e.g., sidewalks) are placed on privately -owned setbacks, the applicant shall offer for dedication blanket easements for those purposes on the Final Map. 20. The applicant shall offer for dedication those easements necessary for the placement of, and access to, utility lines and structures, drainage basins, mailbox clusters, park lands, and common areas on the Final Map. 377 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 5 OF 17 21. Direct vehicular access to Avenue 58 is restricted, except for those access points identified on the tentative tract map, or as otherwise conditioned in these conditions of approval. The vehicular access restriction shall be shown on the recorded final tract map. 22. The applicant shall furnish proof of easements, or written permission, as appropriate, from those owners of all abutting properties on which grading, retaining wall construction, permanent slopes, or other encroachments will occur. 23. The applicant shall cause no easement to be granted, or recorded, over any portion of the subject property between the date of approval of the Tentative Tract Map and the date of recording of any Final Map, unless such easement is approved by the City Engineer. STREET AND TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS 24. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Sections 13.24.060 (Street Improvements), 13.24.070 (Street Design - Generally) & 13.24.100 (Access for Individual Properties and Development) for public streets; and Section 13.24.080 (Street Design - Private Streets), where private streets are proposed. 25. Streets shall have vertical curbs or other approved curb configurations that will convey water without ponding and provide lateral containment of dust and residue during street sweeping operations. If a wedge or rolled curb design is approved, the lip at the flowline shall be near vertical with a 1/8" batter and a minimum height of 0.1'. Unused curb cuts on any lot shall be restored to standard curb height prior to final inspection of permanent building(s) on the lot. 26. The applicant shall construct the following street improvements to conform with the General Plan (street type noted in parentheses.) A. OFF -SITE STREETS 1) Avenue 58 (Secondary Arterial) a. Widen the south side of the street along all frontage adjacent to the Tentative Map boundary to its ultimate width on the south side as specified in the General Plan and the requirements of these conditions. Rehabilitate and/or reconstruct existing roadway pavement as necessary to augment and convert it from a rural county -road design standard to La Quinta's urban arterial design standard. The south curb face shall be located thirty-six feet (36') south of the centerline or as approved by the City Engineer. b. Restripe to provide an eastbound right -turn lane and a westbound left - turn lane at the main project driveway and an eastbound right -turn lane at the emergency access driveway as shown in the Traffic Impact Analysis Report and/or as approved by the City Engineer. Other required improvements in the right-of-way and/or adjacent landscape 378 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 6 OF 17 setback area include: C. All appurtenant components such as, but not limited to curb, gutter, traffic control striping, legends, and signs. d. Multi -Use Path - The applicant shall construct a multi -use path per La Quinta Standard 260 feet along the south side of Avenue 58 frontage within the landscaped setback. The location and design of the path shall be approved by the City. A split rail fence shall be constructed along the roadway side of the multi -use path in accordance with Section 9.140.060 (Item E, 3a) of the Zoning Ordinance. Bonding for the fence to be installed shall be posted prior to final map approval. The multi -use path and fence shall be maintained by the Developer or project's Homeowner's Association as applicable. The applicant shall extend improvements beyond the project boundaries to ensure they safely integrate with existing improvements (e.g., grading; traffic control devices and transitions in alignment, elevation or dimensions of streets and sidewalks). To connect to the west improvements and minimum 20' to the east. B. PRIVATE STREETS 1) Construct internal streets per the approved lay -out shown on the Tentative Tract map and/or as approved by the City Engineer. Minimum street width measured at gutter lot line to gutter w lot line shall have a 40-foot travel width. The travel width may be reduced to 32 foot with pa*iRg KeG;TEted tG GRe side, 28 foot if OR street parking is ppehihited 24 feet with prohibited on -street parking with approved Planned Unit Development (PUD). The applicant shall make provisions for perpetual enforcement of the "No Parking" restrictions in the CC&Rs. 2) The location of driveways shall not be located within the curb return and away from intersections, when possible. 27. The applicant shall design street pavement sections using CalTrans' design procedure for 20-year life pavement, and the site -specific data for soil strength and anticipated traffic loading (including construction traffic). Minimum structural sections shall be as follows: Parking Lot & Aisles (Low Traffic) Parking Lot & Aisles (High Traffic) Residential Secondary Arterial 3.0" a.c./4.5" c.a.b. 4.5" a.c /5.5" c.a.b. 3.0" a.c./4.5" c.a.b. 4.0" a.c./6.0" c.a.b. or the approved equivalents of alternate materials per the City Engineer. 379 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 7 OF 17 28. The applicant shall submit current mix designs (less than two years old at the time of construction) for base, asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete. The submittal shall include test results for all specimens used in the mix design procedure. For mix designs over six months old, the submittal shall include recent (less than six months old at the time of construction) aggregate gradation test results confirming that design gradations can be achieved in current production. The applicant shall not schedule construction operations until mix designs are approved. 29. All gated entries shall provide for a three -car minimum stacking capacity for inbound traffic to be a minimum length of 62 feet from call box to the street; and shall provide for a full turn -around outlet for non -accepted vehicles or as approved by the City Engineer. Where a gated entry is proposed, the applicant shall submit a detailed exhibit at a scale of 1" = 10', demonstrating that those passenger vehicles that do not gain entry into the development can safely make a full turn -around (minimum radius to be 24 feet) out onto the main street from the gated entry. Pursuant to said condition, there shall be a minimum of twenty five feet width provided at the turn -around opening provided. Two lanes of traffic shall be provided on the entry side of each gated entry, one lane shall be dedicated for residents and one lane for visitors. The two travel lanes shall be a minimum of 20 feet of total paved roadway surface or as approved by the Fire Department. Entry drives, main interior circulation routes, standard knuckles, corner cutbacks, bus turnouts, dedicated turn lanes and other features shown on the approved construction plans, may require additional street widths as may be determined by the City Engineer. 30. General access points and turning movements of traffic are limited to the following: Avenue 58 (Primary Entry): Full turn movements in and out are allowed. Avenue 58 (Emergency Access): Emergency access only. No public access allowed. Left turns are restricted. 31. Improvements shall include appurtenances such as traffic control signs, markings and other devices, raised medians if required, street name signs and sidewalks. Mid -block street lighting is not required. 32. Improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with City adopted standards, supplemental drawings and specifications, or as approved by the City Engineer. Improvement plans for streets, access gates and parking areas shall be stamped and signed by qualified engineers. 380 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 8 OF 17 FINAL MAPS 34. Prior to the City's approval of a Final Map, the applicant shall furnish accurate mylars of the Final Map that were approved by the City's map checker on a storage media acceptable to the City Engineer. The Final Map shall be 1" = 40' scale. PARKING 35. The design of parking facilities shall conform to LQMC Chapter 9.150 and in particular the following: A. The parking stall and aisle widths and the double hairpin stripe parking stall design shall conform to LQMC Chapter 9.150. B. Cross slopes should be a maximum of 2% where ADA accessibility is required including accessibility routes between buildings. C. Building access points shall be shown on the Precise Grading Plans to evaluate ADA accessibility issues. D. Accessibility routes to public streets and adjacent development shall be shown on the Precise Grading Plan. E. Parking stall lengths shall be according to LQMC Chapter 9.150 and be a minimum of 17 feet in length with a 2-foot overhang for standard parking stalls and 18 feet with a 2-foot overhang for handicapped parking stall or as approved by the City Engineer. One van accessible handicapped parking stall is required per 8 handicapped parking stalls. Entry drives, main interior circulation routes, corner cutbacks, bus turnouts, dedicated turn lanes, ADA accessibility route to public streets and other features shown on the approved construction plans, may require additional street widths and other improvements as may be determined by the City Engineer. IMPROVEMENT PLANS As used throughout these Conditions of Approval, professional titles such as "engineer," "surveyor," and "architect," refer to persons currently certified or licensed to practice their respective professions in the State of California. 36. Improvement plans shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of qualified engineers and/or architects, as appropriate, and shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.040 (Improvement Plans). 37. The following improvement plans shall be prepared and submitted for review and approval by the Development Services Division. A separate set of plans for each line item specified below shall be prepared. The plans shall utilize the minimum scale specified, unless otherwise authorized by the City Engineer in writing. Plans may be prepared at a larger 381 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 9 OF 17 scale if additional detail or plan clarity is desired. Note, the applicant may be required to prepare other improvement plans not listed here pursuant to improvements required by other agencies and utility purveyors. A. B. C. D. E. F. On -Site Rough Grading Plan 1" = 40' Horizontal PM10 Plan 1" = 40' Horizontal Erosion Control Plan 1" = 40' Horizontal Final WQMP (Plan submitted in Report Form) NOTE: A through D to be submitted concurrently. Off -Site Street Improvement/Storm Drain Plan Off -Site Signing & Striping Plan 1" = 40' Horizontal, 1" = 4' Vertical 1" = 40' Horizontal The Off -Site street improvement plans shall have separate plan sheet(s) (drawn at 20 scale) that show the meandering sidewalk, mounding, and berming design in the combined parkway and landscape setback area. G. On -Site Precise Grading Plan 1" = 30' Horizontal H. On -Site Street Improvements/Signing & Striping/Storm Drain Plan 1" = 40' Horizontal, 1"= 4' Vertical NOTE: E through H to be submitted concurrently. (Separate Storm Drain Plans if applicable) Other engineered improvement plans prepared for City approval that are not listed above shall be prepared in formats approved by the City Engineer prior to commencing plan preparation. All Off -Site Plan & Profile Street Plans and Signing & Striping Plans shall show all existing improvements for a distance of at least 200-feet beyond the project limits, or a distance sufficient to show any required design transitions. All On -Site Signing & Striping Plans shall show, at a minimum; Stop Signs, Limit Lines and Legends, No Parking Signs, Raised Pavement Markers (including Blue RPMs at fire hydrants) and Street Name Signs per Public Works Standard Plans and/or as approved by the Engineering Department. 382 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 10 OF 17 "Rough Grading" plans shall normally include perimeter walls with Top Of Wall & Top Of Footing elevations shown. All footings shall have a minimum of 1-foot of cover, or sufficient cover to clear any adjacent obstructions. "On -Site Precise Grading" plans shall normally include all on -site surface improvements including but not limited to finish grades for curbs & gutters, building floor elevations, wall elevations, parking lot improvements and accessibility requirements. 38. The City maintains standard plans, detail sheets and/or construction notes for elements of construction which can be accessed via the "Plans, Notes and Design Guidance" section of the Public Works Department at the City website (laquintaca.gov). Please navigate to the Public Works Department home page and look for the Standard Drawings hyperlink. 39. The applicant shall furnish a complete set of all approved improvement plans on a storage media acceptable to the City Engineer. 40. Upon completion of construction, and prior to final acceptance of the improvements by the City, the applicant shall furnish the City with reproducible record drawings of all improvement plans which were approved by the City. Each sheet shall be clearly marked "Record Drawing" and shall be stamped and signed by the engineer or surveyor certifying to the accuracy and completeness of the drawings. The applicant shall have all approved mylars previously submitted to the City, revised to reflect the as -built conditions. The applicant shall employ or retain the Engineer Of Record during the construction phase of the project so that the FOR can make site visits in support of preparing "Record Drawing". However, if subsequent approved revisions have been approved by the City Engineer and reflect said "Record Drawing" conditions, the Engineer Of Record may submit a letter attesting to said fact to the City Engineer in lieu of mylar submittal. IMPROVEMENT SECURITY AGREEMENTS 41. Prior to approval of any Final Map, the applicant shall construct all on and off -site improvements and satisfy its obligations for same or shall furnish a fully secured and executed Subdivision Improvement Agreement ("SIA") guaranteeing the construction of such improvements and the satisfaction of its obligations for same, or shall agree to any combination thereof, as may be required by the City. 42. Any Subdivision Improvement Agreement ("SIX) entered into by and between the applicant and the City of La Quinta, for the purpose of guaranteeing the completion of any improvements related to this Tentative Tract Map, shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Chapter 13.28 (Improvement Security). 43. Prior to constructing any off -site improvements, the applicant shall deposit securities equivalent to both a Performance and Labor & Material Bonds each valued at 100% of the cost of the off -site improvements, or as approved by the City Engineer. 383 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 11 OF 17 44. Improvements to be made, or agreed to be made, shall include the removal of any existing structures or other obstructions which are not a part of the proposed improvements; and shall provide for the setting of the final survey monumentation. 45. When improvements are phased through a "Phasing Plan," or an administrative approval (e.g., Site Development Permits), all off -site improvements and common on -site improvements (e.g., backbone utilities, retention basins, perimeter walls, landscaping and gates) shall be constructed, or secured, prior to the issuance of any permits in the first phase of the development, or as otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Improvements and obligations required of each subsequent phase shall either be completed, or secured, prior to the completion of homes or the occupancy of permanent buildings within such latter phase, or as otherwise approved by the City Engineer. In the event the applicant fails to construct the improvements for the development, or fails to satisfy its obligations for the development in a timely manner, pursuant to the approved phasing plan, the City shall have the right to halt issuance of all permits, and/or final inspections, withhold other approvals related to the development of the project, or call upon the surety to complete the improvements. 46. Depending on the timing of the development of this Tentative Tract Map, and the status of the off -site improvements at the time, the applicant may be required to: A. Construct certain off -site improvements. B. Construct additional off -site improvements, subject to the reimbursement of its costs by others. C. Reimburse others for those improvements previously constructed that are considered to be an obligation of this Tentative Tract Map. D. Secure the costs for future improvements that are to be made by others. E. To agree to any combination of these actions, as the City may require. Off -Site Improvements should be completed on a first priority basis. The applicant shall complete Off -Site Improvements in the first phase of construction or by the issuance of the 20 % Building Permit. In the event that any of the improvements required for this development are constructed by the City, the applicant shall, prior to the approval of the Final Map, or the issuance of any permit related thereto, reimburse the City for the costs of such improvements. 47. If the applicant elects to utilize the secured agreement alternative, the applicant shall submit detailed construction cost estimates for all proposed on -site and off -site improvements, including an estimate for the final survey monumentation, for checking and approval by the City Engineer. Such estimates shall conform to the unit cost schedule as approved by the City Engineer. 384 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 12 OF 17 Estimates for improvements under the jurisdiction of other agencies shall be approved by those agencies and submitted to the City along with the applicant's detailed cost estimates. Security will not be required for telephone, natural gas, or Cable T.V. improvements. 48. Should the applicant fail to construct the improvements for the development, or fail to satisfy its obligations for the development in a timely manner, the City shall have the right to halt issuance of building permits, and/or final building inspections, withhold other approvals related to the development of the project, or call upon the surety to complete the improvements. GRADING 49. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.050 (Grading Improvements). 50. Prior to occupancy of the project site for any construction, or other purposes, the applicant shall obtain a grading permit approved by the City Engineer. 51. To obtain an approved grading permit, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of all of the following: A. A grading plan prepared by a civil engineer registered in the State of California, B. A preliminary geotechnical ("soils") report prepared by an engineer registered in the State of California, C. A Fugitive Dust Control Plan prepared in accordance with LQMC Chapter 6.16, (Fugitive Dust Control), and D. A Best Management Practices report prepared in accordance with LQMC Sections 8.70.010 and 13.24.170 (NPDES Stormwater Discharge Permit and Storm Management and Discharge Controls). E. Final WQMP prepared by an appropriate professional registered in the State of California. All grading shall conform with the recommendations contained in the Preliminary Soils Report and shall be certified as being adequate by soils engineer, or engineering geologist registered in the State of California. The applicant shall furnish security, in a form acceptable to the City, and in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the approved Fugitive Dust Control Plan provisions as submitted with its application for a grading permit. Additionally, the applicant shall replenish said security if expended by the City of La Quinta to comply with the Plan as required by the City Engineer. 52. The applicant shall maintain all open graded, undeveloped land in order to prevent wind 385 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 13 OF 17 and/or water erosion of such land. All open graded, undeveloped land shall either be planted with interim landscaping, or stabilized with such other erosion control measures, as were approved in the Fugitive Dust Control Plan. 53. Grading within the perimeter setback and parkway areas shall have undulating terrain and shall conform with the requirements of LQMC Section 9.60.240(F) except as otherwise modified by this condition. The maximum slope shall not exceed 3:1 anywhere in the landscape setback area, except for the backslope (i.e., the slope at the back of the landscape lot) which shall not exceed 2:1 if fully planted with ground cover. The maximum slope in the first six (6) feet adjacent to the curb shall not exceed 4:1 when the nearest edge of sidewalk is within six feet (6) of the curb, otherwise the maximum slope within the right of way shall not exceed 3:1. All unpaved parkway areas adjacent to the curb shall be depressed one and one-half inches (1.5") in the first eighteen inches (18") behind the curb. 54. Building pad elevations on the rough grading plan submitted for City Engineer's approval shall conform with pad elevations shown on the tentative map, unless the pad elevations have other requirements imposed elsewhere in these Conditions of Approval, or as approved by the City Engineer. 55. The applicant shall minimize the differences in elevation between the adjoining properties and the lots within this development. 56. Prior to any site grading or regrading that will raise or lower any portion of the site by more than plus or minus half of a foot (05) from the elevations shown on the approved Tentative Tract Map, the applicant shall submit the proposed grading changes to the City Engineer for a substantial conformance review. 57. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any building lot, the applicant shall provide a lot pad certification stamped and signed by a qualified engineer or surveyor with applicable compaction tests and over excavation documentation. Each pad certification shall list the pad elevation as shown on the approved grading plan, the actual pad elevation, and the difference between the two, if any. Such pad certification shall also list the relative compaction of the pad soil. The data shall be organized by lot number, and listed cumulatively if submitted at different times. DRAINAGE 58. Stormwater handling shall conform with the approved hydrology and drainage report for the La Villetta at Avenue Avenue 58 Townhnmoc project (TTM 37950), or as approved by the City Engineer. Nuisance water shall be disposed of in an approved manner. Nuisance water shall be retained onsite and disposed of via an underground percolation improvement approved by the City Engineer. 386 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 14 OF 17 59. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.120 (Drainage), Retention Basin Design Criteria, Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 — Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems and Engineering Bulletin No. 06-015 - Underground Retention Basin Design Requirements. More specifically, stormwater falling on site during the 100-year storm shall be retained within the development, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The design storm shall be the 1 hour, 3 hour, 6 hour or 24 hour event producing the greatest total run off. 60. Nuisance water shall be retained on site. Nuisance water shall be disposed of per approved methods contained in Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 — Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems and Engineering Bulletin No. 06-015 - Underground Retention Basin Design Requirements. 61. In design of retention facilities, the maximum percolation rate shall be two inches per hour. The percolation rate will be considered to be zero unless the applicant provides site specific data indicating otherwise and as approved by the City Engineer. 62. The project shall be designed to accommodate purging and blowoff water (through underground piping and/or retention facilities) from any on -site or adjacent well sites granted or dedicated to the local water utility authority as a requirement for development of this property. 63. No fence or wall shall be constructed around any retention basin unless approved by the Planning Manager and the City Engineer. 64. For on -site above ground common retention basins, retention depth shall be according to Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 — Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems. Side slopes shall not exceed 3:1 and shall be planted with maintenance free ground cover. Additionally, retention basin widths shall be not less than 20 feet at the bottom of the basin. 65. Stormwater may not be retained in landscaped parkways or landscaped setback lots. Only incidental storm water (precipitation which directly falls onto the setback) will be permitted to be retained in the landscape setback areas. The perimeter setback and parkway areas in the street right-of-way shall be shaped with berms and mounds, pursuant to LQMC Section 9.100.040(B)(7). 66. The design of the development shall not cause any increase in flood boundaries and levels in any area outside the development. 67. The development shall be graded to permit storm flow in excess of retention capacity to flow out of the development through a designated overflow and into the historic drainage relief route. 68. Storm drainage historically received from adjoining property shall be received and retained or passed through into the historic downstream drainage relief route. 69. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions for post construction runoff per the 387 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 15 OF 17 City's NPDES stormwater discharge permit, LQMC Sections 8.70.010 et seq. (Stormwater Management and Discharge Controls), and 13.24.170 (Clean Air/Clean Water); Riverside County Ordinance No. 457; and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board — Colorado River Basin (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. R7-2013-0011. A. For post -construction urban runoff from New Development and Redevelopments Projects, the applicant shall implement requirements of the NPDES permit for the design, construction and perpetual operation and maintenance of BMPs per the approved Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) for the project as required by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board — Colorado River Basin (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. R7-2013-0011. B. The applicant shall implement the WQMP Design Standards per (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. R7-2013-0011 utilizing BMPs approved by the City Engineer. A project specific WQMP shall be provided which incorporates Site Design and Treatment BMPs utilizing first flush infiltration as a preferred method of NPDES Permit Compliance for Whitewater River receiving water, as applicable. C. The developer shall execute and record a Stormwater Management/BMP Facilities Agreement that provides for the perpetual maintenance and operation of stormwater BMPs. UTILITIES 70. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.110 (Utilities). 71. The applicant shall obtain the approval of the City Engineer for the location of all utility lines within any right-of-way, and all above -ground utility structures including, but not limited to, traffic signal cabinets, electric vaults, water valves, and telephone stands, to ensure optimum placement for practical and aesthetic purposes. 72. Existing overhead utility lines within, or adjacent to the proposed development, and all proposed utilities shall be installed underground. 73. The 92 KV transmission power poles and all existing utility lines attached to joint use 92 KV transmission power poles are exempt from the requirement to be placed underground. 74. Underground utilities shall be installed prior to overlying hardscape. For installation of utilities in existing improved streets, the applicant shall comply with trench restoration requirements maintained, or required by the City Engineer. 75. The applicant shall provide certified reports of all utility trench compaction for approval by the City Engineer. Additionally, grease traps and the maintenance thereof shall be located as to not conflict with access aisles/entrances. 388 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 16 OF 17 CONSTRUCTION 76. The City will conduct final inspections of habitable buildings only when the buildings have improved street and (if required) sidewalk access to publicly maintained streets. The improvements shall include required traffic control devices, pavement markings and street name signs. If on -site streets in residential developments are initially constructed with partial pavement thickness, the applicant shall complete the pavement prior to final inspections of the last ten percent of homes within the development or when directed by the City, whichever comes first. LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION 77. The applicant shall comply with LQMC Sections 13.24.130 (Landscaping Setbacks) & 13.24.140 (Landscaping Plans). 78. Landscape and irrigation plans for landscaped lots and setbacks, medians, retention basins, and parks shall be signed and stamped by a licensed landscape architect. 79. All new and modified landscape areas shall have landscaping and permanent irrigation improvements in compliance with the City's Water Efficient Landscape regulations contained in LQMC Section 8.13 (Water Efficient Landscape). 80. Lighting plans shall be submitted with the final landscaping plans for a recommendation to the Planning Manager for his approval. Exterior lighting shall be consistent with LQMC Section 9.100.150 (Outdoor Lighting). All freestanding lighting shall not exceed 18 feet in height and shall be fitted with a visor if deemed necessary by staff to minimize trespass of light off the property. The illuminated carports shall be included in the photometric study as part of the final lighting plan submittal. 81. All water features shall be designed to minimize "splash" and use high efficiency pumps and lighting to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. They shall be included in the landscape plan water efficiency calculations per Municipal Code Chapter 8.13. 82. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be completely screened from view. Utility transformers or other ground mounted mechanical equipment shall be fully screened with a screening wall or landscaping and painted to match the adjacent buildings. 83. The applicant shall submit the final landscape plans for review, processing, and approval to the Community Development Department, in accordance with the Final Landscape Plan application process. Planning Manager approval of the final landscape plans is required prior to issuance of the first building permit unless the Planning Manager determines extenuating circumstances exist which justifies an alternative processing schedule. NOTE: Plans are not approved for construction until signed by the appropriate City official, including the Planning Manager and/or City Engineer. 389 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 17 OF 17 84. The applicant or his agent has the responsibility for proper sight distance requirements per guidelines in the AASHTO "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 5th Edition" or latest, in the design and/or installation of all landscaping and appurtenances abutting and within the private and public street right-of-way. 85. The final design of the perimeter landscaping, particularly the perimeter wall, shall be included with the Final Landscape Plan submittal. PLANNING 86. Architectural styles shall vary throughout the site. Similar architectural styles shall not be plotted on adjacent lots or across the street from one another to the extent possible. 87. Enhanced elevations shall be used for all outside perimeter lots. PUBLIC SERVICES 88. The applicant shall provide public transit improvements if required by SunLine Transit Agency and approved by the City Engineer. MAINTENANCE 89. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.160 (Maintenance). 90. The applicant shall make provisions for the continuous and perpetual maintenance of perimeter landscaping up to the curb, common areas, access drives, sidewalks, multi -use trail, and stormwater BMPs. FEES AND DEPOSITS 91. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.180 (Fees and Deposits). These fees include all deposits and fees required by the City for plan checking and construction inspection. Deposits and fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes application for plan check and permits. 390 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX EXHIBIT F CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 1 OF 17 GENERAL The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta ("City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Tentative Tract Map, or any Final Map recorded thereunder. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. This Tentative Tract Map, and any Final Map recorded thereunder, shall comply with the requirements and standards of Government Code §§ 66410 through 66499.58 (the "Subdivision Map Act"), and Chapter 13 of the La Quinta Municipal Code ("LQMC"). 3. This Tentative Tract Map shall expire 36 months from the approval date and shall become null and void in accordance with La Quinta Municipal Code Section 13.12.150. A time extension may be requested per LQMC Section 13.12.160 4. Prior to the issuance of any grading, construction, or building permit by the City, the applicant shall obtain any necessary clearances and/or permits from the following agencies, if required: • Riverside County Fire Marshal • La Quinta Development Division (Grading Permit, Green Sheet (Public Works Clearance) for Building Permits, Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Exemption Form — Whitewater River Region, Improvement Permit) • La Quinta Design and Development Department • Riverside Co. Environmental Health Department • Coachella Valley Unified School District • Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) • Imperial Irrigation District (IID)California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) • State Water Resources Control Board • SunLine Transit Agency (SunLine) • South Coast Air Quality Management District Coachella Valley (SCAQMD) The applicant is responsible for all requirements of the permits and/or clearances from the above listed agencies. When these requirements include approval of improvement plans, the applicant shall furnish proof of such approvals when submitting those improvements plans for City approval. 5. Coverage under the State of California General Construction Permit must be obtained by the applicant, who then shall submit a copy of the Regional Water Quality Control Board's ("RWQCB") acknowledgment of the applicant's Notice of Intent ("NOI") and Waste Discharger Identification (WDID) number to the City prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit. 391 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 2 OF 17 6. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the City's NPDES stormwater discharge permit, LQMC Sections 8.70.010 et seq. (Stormwater Management and Discharge Controls), and 13.24.170 (Clean Air/Clean Water); Riverside County Ordinance No. 457; the California Regional Water Quality Control Board — Colorado River Basin Region Board Order No. R7-2013-0011 and the State Water Resources Control Board's Order No. 2012-0006-DWQ. A. For construction activities including clearing, grading or excavation of land that disturbs one (1) acre or more of land, or that disturbs less than one (1) acre of land, but which is a part of a construction project that encompasses more than one (1) acre of land, the Permittee shall be required to submit a Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan ("SWPPP") to the State Water Resources Control Board. The applicant or design professional can obtain the California Stormwater Quality Association SWPPP template at www.cabm1)handbooks.com for use in their SWPPP preparation. B. The applicant shall ensure that the required SWPPP is available for inspection at the project site at all times through and including acceptance of all improvements by the City. C. The applicant's SWPPP shall include provisions for all of the following Best Management Practices ("BMPs") (LQMC Section 8.70.020 (Definitions)): 1) Temporary Soil Stabilization (erosion control). 2) Temporary Sediment Control. 3) Wind Erosion Control. 4) Tracking Control. 5) Non -Storm Water Management. 6) Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control. D. The SWPPP and BMPs shall remain in effect for the entire duration of project construction until all improvements are completed and accepted by the City Council. E. The inclusion in the Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&Rs), a requirement for the perpetual maintenance and operation of all post -construction BMPs as required. 7. Permits issued under this approval shall be subject to the provisions of the Development Impact Fee and Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee programs in effect at the time of issuance of building permit(s). 8. CUP2021-0002 shall comply with all applicable conditions and mitigation measures for the following related approvals: • Tentative Tract Map 2021-0004 • Environmental Assessment 2021-0006 • General Plan Amendment 2021-0001 • Zone Change 2021-0001 392 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 3 OF 17 In the event of any conflict(s) between approval conditions and/or provisions of these approvals, the Design and Development Director shall adjudicate the conflict by determining the precedence. 9. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual attorney's fees incurred by the City Attorney to review, negotiate and/or modify any documents or instruments required by these conditions, if Developer requests that the City modify or revise any documents or instruments prepared initially by the City to affect these conditions. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer's failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. 10. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual consultant's fees incurred by the City for engineering and/or surveying consultants to review and/or modify any documents or instruments required by this project. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer's failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. PROPERTY RIGHTS 11. Prior to issuance of any permit(s), the applicant shall acquire or confer easements and other property rights necessary for the construction or proper functioning of the proposed development. Conferred rights shall include irrevocable offers to dedicate or grant access easements to the City for emergency services and for maintenance, construction and reconstruction of essential improvements. 12. Pursuant to the aforementioned condition, conferred rights shall include approvals from the master developer over easements and other property rights necessary for construction and proper functioning of the proposed development not limited to access rights over proposed and/or existing private streets that access public streets and open space/drainage facilities of the master development. 13. The applicant shall offer for dedication all public street rights -of -way in conformance with the City's General Plan, Municipal Code, applicable specific plans, and/or as required by the City Engineer. 14. The public street right-of-way offers for dedication required for this development include: A. PUBLIC STREETS 1) Avenue 58 (Secondary Arterial) — The standard 51 feet from the centerline of Avenue 58 to the ultimate developed right of way. 15. The applicant shall retain for private use on the Final Map all private street rights -of -way in conformance with the City's General Plan, Municipal Code, applicable specific plans, and/or as required by the City Engineer. 393 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 4 OF 17 16. The private street rights -of -way to be retained for private use required for this development include: A. PRIVATE STREETS 1) Private Residential Streets measured at lot line to lot line shall have a 40- foot travel width. The travel width may be reduced to 24 with prohibited on - street parking with approved Planned Unit Development (PUD) provided there is adequate off-street parking for residents and visitors, and the applicant establishes provisions for ongoing enforcement of the parking restriction in the CC&R's. 17. Dedications shall include additional widths as necessary for dedicated right and left turn lanes, bus turnouts, and other features contained in the approved construction plans. Pursuant to this requirement, the Applicant shall include in the submittal packet containing the draft final map submitted for map checking, an offsite street geometric layout, drawn at 1" equals 40 feet, detailing the following design aspects: median curb line, outside curb line, lane line alignment including lane widths, left turn lanes, deceleration lane(s) and bus stop turnout(s). The geometric layout shall be accompanied with sufficient professional engineering studies to confirm the appropriate length of all proposed turn pockets and auxiliary lanes that may impact the right of way dedication required of the project and the associated landscape setback requirement. 18. When the City Engineer determines that access rights to the proposed street rights -of -way shown on the approved Tentative Tract Map are necessary prior to approval of the Final Map dedicating such rights -of -way, the applicant shall grant the necessary rights -of -way within 60 days of a written request by the City. 19. The applicant shall offer for dedication on the Final Map a ten -foot -wide public utility easement contiguous with, and along both sides of all private streets. Such easement may be reduced to five feet in width with the express written approval of IID. 20. The applicant shall create perimeter landscaping setbacks along all public rights -of -way as follows: A. Avenue 58 (Secondary Arterial) - 10-foot from the R/W-P/L. Where public facilities (e.g., sidewalks) are placed on privately -owned setbacks, the applicant shall offer for dedication blanket easements for those purposes on the Final Map. 21. The applicant shall offer for dedication those easements necessary for the placement of, and access to, utility lines and structures, drainage basins, mailbox clusters, park lands, and common areas on the Final Map. 394 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 5 OF 17 22. Direct vehicular access to Avenue 58 is restricted, except for those access points identified on the tentative tract map, or as otherwise conditioned in these conditions of approval. The vehicular access restriction shall be shown on the recorded final tract map. 23. The applicant shall furnish proof of easements, or written permission, as appropriate, from those owners of all abutting properties on which grading, retaining wall construction, permanent slopes, or other encroachments will occur. 24. The applicant shall cause no easement to be granted, or recorded, over any portion of the subject property between the date of approval of the Tentative Tract Map and the date of recording of any Final Map, unless such easement is approved by the City Engineer. STREET AND TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS 25. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Sections 13.24.060 (Street Improvements), 13.24.070 (Street Design - Generally) & 13.24.100 (Access for Individual Properties and Development) for public streets; and Section 13.24.080 (Street Design - Private Streets), where private streets are proposed. 26. Streets shall have vertical curbs or other approved curb configurations that will convey water without ponding and provide lateral containment of dust and residue during street sweeping operations. If a wedge or rolled curb design is approved, the lip at the flowline shall be near vertical with a 1/8" batter and a minimum height of 0.1'. Unused curb cuts on any lot shall be restored to standard curb height prior to final inspection of permanent building(s) on the lot. 27. The applicant shall construct the following street improvements to conform with the General Plan (street type noted in parentheses.) A. OFF -SITE STREETS 1) Avenue 58 (Secondary Arterial) a. Widen the south side of the street along all frontage adjacent to the Tentative Map boundary to its ultimate width on the south side as specified in the General Plan and the requirements of these conditions. Rehabilitate and/or reconstruct existing roadway pavement as necessary to augment and convert it from a rural county -road design standard to La Quinta's urban arterial design standard. The south curb face shall be located thirty-six feet (36') south of the centerline or as approved by the City Engineer. b. Restripe to provide an eastbound right -turn lane and a westbound left - turn lane at the main project driveway and an eastbound right -turn lane at the emergency access driveway as shown in the Traffic Impact Analysis Report and/or as approved by the City Engineer. Other required improvements in the right-of-way and/or adjacent landscape 395 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 6 OF 17 setback area include: C. All appurtenant components such as, but not limited to curb, gutter, traffic control striping, legends, and signs. d. Multi -Use Path - The applicant shall construct a multi -use path per La Quinta Standard 260 feet along the south side of Avenue 58 frontage within the landscaped setback. The location and design of the path shall be approved by the City. A split rail fence shall be constructed along the roadway side of the multi -use path in accordance with Section 9.140.060 (Item E, 3a) of the Zoning Ordinance. Bonding for the fence to be installed shall be posted prior to final map approval. The multi -use path and fence shall be maintained by the Developer or project's Homeowner's Association as applicable. The applicant shall extend improvements beyond the project boundaries to ensure they safely integrate with existing improvements (e.g., grading; traffic control devices and transitions in alignment, elevation or dimensions of streets and sidewalks). To connect to the west improvements and minimum 20' to the east. B. PRIVATE STREETS 1) Construct internal streets per the approved lay -out shown on the Tentative Tract map and/or as approved by the City Engineer. Minimum street width measured at gutter lot line to gutter w lot line shall have a 40-foot travel width. The travel width may be reduced to 32 foot with pa*iRg KeG;TEted tG GRe side, 28 foot if OR street parking is ppehihited 24 feet with prohibited on -street parking with approved Planned Unit Development (PUD). The applicant shall make provisions for perpetual enforcement of the "No Parking" restrictions in the CC&Rs. 2) The location of driveways shall not be located within the curb return and away from intersections, when possible. 28. The applicant shall design street pavement sections using CalTrans' design procedure for 20-year life pavement, and the site -specific data for soil strength and anticipated traffic loading (including construction traffic). Minimum structural sections shall be as follows: Parking Lot & Aisles (Low Traffic) Parking Lot & Aisles (High Traffic) Residential Secondary Arterial 3.0" a.c./4.5" c.a.b. 4.5" a.c /5.5" c.a.b. 3.0" a.c./4.5" c.a.b. 4.0" a.c./6.0" c.a.b. or the approved equivalents of alternate materials per the City Engineer. 396 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 7 OF 17 29. The applicant shall submit current mix designs (less than two years old at the time of construction) for base, asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete. The submittal shall include test results for all specimens used in the mix design procedure. For mix designs over six months old, the submittal shall include recent (less than six months old at the time of construction) aggregate gradation test results confirming that design gradations can be achieved in current production. The applicant shall not schedule construction operations until mix designs are approved. 30. All gated entries shall provide for a three -car minimum stacking capacity for inbound traffic to be a minimum length of 62 feet from call box to the street; and shall provide for a full turn -around outlet for non -accepted vehicles or as approved by the City Engineer. Where a gated entry is proposed, the applicant shall submit a detailed exhibit at a scale of 1" = 10', demonstrating that those passenger vehicles that do not gain entry into the development can safely make a full turn -around (minimum radius to be 24 feet) out onto the main street from the gated entry. Pursuant to said condition, there shall be a minimum of twenty five feet width provided at the turn -around opening provided. Two lanes of traffic shall be provided on the entry side of each gated entry, one lane shall be dedicated for residents and one lane for visitors. The two travel lanes shall be a minimum of 20 feet of total paved roadway surface or as approved by the Fire Department. Entry drives, main interior circulation routes, standard knuckles, corner cutbacks, bus turnouts, dedicated turn lanes and other features shown on the approved construction plans, may require additional street widths as may be determined by the City Engineer. 31. General access points and turning movements of traffic are limited to the following: Avenue 58 (Primary Entry): Full turn movements in and out are allowed. Avenue 58 (Emergency Access): Emergency access only. No public access allowed. Left turns are restricted. 32. Improvements shall include appurtenances such as traffic control signs, markings and other devices, raised medians if required, street name signs and sidewalks. Mid -block street lighting is not required. 33. Improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with City adopted standards, supplemental drawings and specifications, or as approved by the City Engineer. Improvement plans for streets, access gates and parking areas shall be stamped and signed by qualified engineers. 397 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 8 OF 17 FINAL MAPS 35. Prior to the City's approval of a Final Map, the applicant shall furnish accurate mylars of the Final Map that were approved by the City's map checker on a storage media acceptable to the City Engineer. The Final Map shall be 1" = 40' scale. PARKING 36. The design of parking facilities shall conform to LQMC Chapter 9.150 and in particular the following: A. The parking stall and aisle widths and the double hairpin stripe parking stall design shall conform to LQMC Chapter 9.150. B. Cross slopes should be a maximum of 2% where ADA accessibility is required including accessibility routes between buildings. C. Building access points shall be shown on the Precise Grading Plans to evaluate ADA accessibility issues. D. Accessibility routes to public streets and adjacent development shall be shown on the Precise Grading Plan. E. Parking stall lengths shall be according to LQMC Chapter 9.150 and be a minimum of 17 feet in length with a 2-foot overhang for standard parking stalls and 18 feet with a 2-foot overhang for handicapped parking stall or as approved by the City Engineer. One van accessible handicapped parking stall is required per 8 handicapped parking stalls. Entry drives, main interior circulation routes, corner cutbacks, bus turnouts, dedicated turn lanes, ADA accessibility route to public streets and other features shown on the approved construction plans, may require additional street widths and other improvements as may be determined by the City Engineer. IMPROVEMENT PLANS As used throughout these Conditions of Approval, professional titles such as "engineer," "surveyor," and "architect," refer to persons currently certified or licensed to practice their respective professions in the State of California. 37. Improvement plans shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of qualified engineers and/or architects, as appropriate, and shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.040 (Improvement Plans). 38. The following improvement plans shall be prepared and submitted for review and approval by the Development Services Division. A separate set of plans for each line item specified below shall be prepared. The plans shall utilize the minimum scale specified, unless otherwise authorized by the City Engineer in writing. Plans may be prepared at a larger 398 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 9 OF 17 scale if additional detail or plan clarity is desired. Note, the applicant may be required to prepare other improvement plans not listed here pursuant to improvements required by other agencies and utility purveyors. A. B. C. D. E. F. On -Site Rough Grading Plan 1" = 40' Horizontal PM10 Plan 1" = 40' Horizontal Erosion Control Plan 1" = 40' Horizontal Final WQMP (Plan submitted in Report Form) NOTE: A through D to be submitted concurrently. Off -Site Street Improvement/Storm Drain Plan Off -Site Signing & Striping Plan 1" = 40' Horizontal, 1" = 4' Vertical 1" = 40' Horizontal The Off -Site street improvement plans shall have separate plan sheet(s) (drawn at 20 scale) that show the meandering sidewalk, mounding, and berming design in the combined parkway and landscape setback area. G. On -Site Precise Grading Plan 1" = 30' Horizontal H. On -Site Street Improvements/Signing & Striping/Storm Drain Plan 1" = 40' Horizontal, 1"= 4' Vertical NOTE: E through H to be submitted concurrently. (Separate Storm Drain Plans if applicable) Other engineered improvement plans prepared for City approval that are not listed above shall be prepared in formats approved by the City Engineer prior to commencing plan preparation. All Off -Site Plan & Profile Street Plans and Signing & Striping Plans shall show all existing improvements for a distance of at least 200-feet beyond the project limits, or a distance sufficient to show any required design transitions. All On -Site Signing & Striping Plans shall show, at a minimum; Stop Signs, Limit Lines and Legends, No Parking Signs, Raised Pavement Markers (including Blue RPMs at fire hydrants) and Street Name Signs per Public Works Standard Plans and/or as approved by the Engineering Department. 399 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 10 OF 17 "Rough Grading" plans shall normally include perimeter walls with Top Of Wall & Top Of Footing elevations shown. All footings shall have a minimum of 1-foot of cover, or sufficient cover to clear any adjacent obstructions. "On -Site Precise Grading" plans shall normally include all on -site surface improvements including but not limited to finish grades for curbs & gutters, building floor elevations, wall elevations, parking lot improvements and accessibility requirements. 39. The City maintains standard plans, detail sheets and/or construction notes for elements of construction which can be accessed via the "Plans, Notes and Design Guidance" section of the Public Works Department at the City website (laquintaca.gov). Please navigate to the Public Works Department home page and look for the Standard Drawings hyperlink. 40. The applicant shall furnish a complete set of all approved improvement plans on a storage media acceptable to the City Engineer. 41. Upon completion of construction, and prior to final acceptance of the improvements by the City, the applicant shall furnish the City with reproducible record drawings of all improvement plans which were approved by the City. Each sheet shall be clearly marked "Record Drawing" and shall be stamped and signed by the engineer or surveyor certifying to the accuracy and completeness of the drawings. The applicant shall have all approved mylars previously submitted to the City, revised to reflect the as -built conditions. The applicant shall employ or retain the Engineer Of Record during the construction phase of the project so that the FOR can make site visits in support of preparing "Record Drawing". However, if subsequent approved revisions have been approved by the City Engineer and reflect said "Record Drawing" conditions, the Engineer Of Record may submit a letter attesting to said fact to the City Engineer in lieu of mylar submittal. IMPROVEMENT SECURITY AGREEMENTS 42. Prior to approval of any Final Map, the applicant shall construct all on and off -site improvements and satisfy its obligations for same or shall furnish a fully secured and executed Subdivision Improvement Agreement ("SIA") guaranteeing the construction of such improvements and the satisfaction of its obligations for same, or shall agree to any combination thereof, as may be required by the City. 43. Any Subdivision Improvement Agreement ("SIX) entered into by and between the applicant and the City of La Quinta, for the purpose of guaranteeing the completion of any improvements related to this Tentative Tract Map, shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Chapter 13.28 (Improvement Security). 44. Prior to constructing any off -site improvements, the applicant shall deposit securities equivalent to both a Performance and Labor & Material Bonds each valued at 100% of the cost of the off -site improvements, or as approved by the City Engineer. 400 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 11 OF 17 45. Improvements to be made, or agreed to be made, shall include the removal of any existing structures or other obstructions which are not a part of the proposed improvements; and shall provide for the setting of the final survey monumentation. 46. When improvements are phased through a "Phasing Plan," or an administrative approval (e.g., Site Development Permits), all off -site improvements and common on -site improvements (e.g., backbone utilities, retention basins, perimeter walls, landscaping and gates) shall be constructed, or secured, prior to the issuance of any permits in the first phase of the development, or as otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Improvements and obligations required of each subsequent phase shall either be completed, or secured, prior to the completion of homes or the occupancy of permanent buildings within such latter phase, or as otherwise approved by the City Engineer. In the event the applicant fails to construct the improvements for the development, or fails to satisfy its obligations for the development in a timely manner, pursuant to the approved phasing plan, the City shall have the right to halt issuance of all permits, and/or final inspections, withhold other approvals related to the development of the project, or call upon the surety to complete the improvements. 47. Depending on the timing of the development of this Tentative Tract Map, and the status of the off -site improvements at the time, the applicant may be required to: A. Construct certain off -site improvements. B. Construct additional off -site improvements, subject to the reimbursement of its costs by others. C. Reimburse others for those improvements previously constructed that are considered to be an obligation of this Tentative Tract Map. D. Secure the costs for future improvements that are to be made by others. E. To agree to any combination of these actions, as the City may require. Off -Site Improvements should be completed on a first priority basis. The applicant shall complete Off -Site Improvements in the first phase of construction or by the issuance of the 20 % Building Permit. In the event that any of the improvements required for this development are constructed by the City, the applicant shall, prior to the approval of the Final Map, or the issuance of any permit related thereto, reimburse the City for the costs of such improvements. 48. If the applicant elects to utilize the secured agreement alternative, the applicant shall submit detailed construction cost estimates for all proposed on -site and off -site improvements, including an estimate for the final survey monumentation, for checking and approval by the City Engineer. Such estimates shall conform to the unit cost schedule as approved by the City Engineer. 401 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 12 OF 17 Estimates for improvements under the jurisdiction of other agencies shall be approved by those agencies and submitted to the City along with the applicant's detailed cost estimates. Security will not be required for telephone, natural gas, or Cable T.V. improvements. 49. Should the applicant fail to construct the improvements for the development, or fail to satisfy its obligations for the development in a timely manner, the City shall have the right to halt issuance of building permits, and/or final building inspections, withhold other approvals related to the development of the project, or call upon the surety to complete the improvements. GRADING 50. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.050 (Grading Improvements). 51. Prior to occupancy of the project site for any construction, or other purposes, the applicant shall obtain a grading permit approved by the City Engineer. 52. To obtain an approved grading permit, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of all of the following: A. A grading plan prepared by a civil engineer registered in the State of California, B. A preliminary geotechnical ("soils") report prepared by an engineer registered in the State of California, C. A Fugitive Dust Control Plan prepared in accordance with LQMC Chapter 6.16, (Fugitive Dust Control), and D. A Best Management Practices report prepared in accordance with LQMC Sections 8.70.010 and 13.24.170 (NPDES Stormwater Discharge Permit and Storm Management and Discharge Controls). E. Final WQMP prepared by an appropriate professional registered in the State of California. All grading shall conform with the recommendations contained in the Preliminary Soils Report and shall be certified as being adequate by soils engineer, or engineering geologist registered in the State of California. The applicant shall furnish security, in a form acceptable to the City, and in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the approved Fugitive Dust Control Plan provisions as submitted with its application for a grading permit. Additionally, the applicant shall replenish said security if expended by the City of La Quinta to comply with the Plan as required by the City Engineer. 53. The applicant shall maintain all open graded, undeveloped land in order to prevent wind 402 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 13 OF 17 and/or water erosion of such land. All open graded, undeveloped land shall either be planted with interim landscaping, or stabilized with such other erosion control measures, as were approved in the Fugitive Dust Control Plan. 54. Grading within the perimeter setback and parkway areas shall have undulating terrain and shall conform with the requirements of LQMC Section 9.60.240(F) except as otherwise modified by this condition. The maximum slope shall not exceed 3:1 anywhere in the landscape setback area, except for the backslope (i.e., the slope at the back of the landscape lot) which shall not exceed 2:1 if fully planted with ground cover. The maximum slope in the first six (6) feet adjacent to the curb shall not exceed 4:1 when the nearest edge of sidewalk is within six feet (6) of the curb, otherwise the maximum slope within the right of way shall not exceed 3:1. All unpaved parkway areas adjacent to the curb shall be depressed one and one-half inches (1.5") in the first eighteen inches (18") behind the curb. 55. Building pad elevations on the rough grading plan submitted for City Engineer's approval shall conform with pad elevations shown on the tentative map, unless the pad elevations have other requirements imposed elsewhere in these Conditions of Approval, or as approved by the City Engineer. 56. The applicant shall minimize the differences in elevation between the adjoining properties and the lots within this development. 57. Prior to any site grading or regrading that will raise or lower any portion of the site by more than plus or minus half of a foot (05) from the elevations shown on the approved Tentative Tract Map, the applicant shall submit the proposed grading changes to the City Engineer for a substantial conformance review. 58. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any building lot, the applicant shall provide a lot pad certification stamped and signed by a qualified engineer or surveyor with applicable compaction tests and over excavation documentation. Each pad certification shall list the pad elevation as shown on the approved grading plan, the actual pad elevation, and the difference between the two, if any. Such pad certification shall also list the relative compaction of the pad soil. The data shall be organized by lot number, and listed cumulatively if submitted at different times. DRAINAGE 59. Stormwater handling shall conform with the approved hydrology and drainage report for the La Villetta at Avenue Avenue 58 Townhnmoc project (TTM 37950), or as approved by the City Engineer. Nuisance water shall be disposed of in an approved manner. Nuisance water shall be retained onsite and disposed of via an underground percolation improvement approved by the City Engineer. 403 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 14 OF 17 60. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.120 (Drainage), Retention Basin Design Criteria, Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 — Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems and Engineering Bulletin No. 06-015 - Underground Retention Basin Design Requirements. More specifically, stormwater falling on site during the 100-year storm shall be retained within the development, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The design storm shall be the 1 hour, 3 hour, 6 hour or 24 hour event producing the greatest total run off. 61. Nuisance water shall be retained on site. Nuisance water shall be disposed of per approved methods contained in Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 — Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems and Engineering Bulletin No. 06-015 - Underground Retention Basin Design Requirements. 62. In design of retention facilities, the maximum percolation rate shall be two inches per hour. The percolation rate will be considered to be zero unless the applicant provides site specific data indicating otherwise and as approved by the City Engineer. 63. The project shall be designed to accommodate purging and blowoff water (through underground piping and/or retention facilities) from any on -site or adjacent well sites granted or dedicated to the local water utility authority as a requirement for development of this property. 64. No fence or wall shall be constructed around any retention basin unless approved by the Planning Manager and the City Engineer. 65. For on -site above ground common retention basins, retention depth shall be according to Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 — Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems. Side slopes shall not exceed 3:1 and shall be planted with maintenance free ground cover. Additionally, retention basin widths shall be not less than 20 feet at the bottom of the basin. 66. Stormwater may not be retained in landscaped parkways or landscaped setback lots. Only incidental storm water (precipitation which directly falls onto the setback) will be permitted to be retained in the landscape setback areas. The perimeter setback and parkway areas in the street right-of-way shall be shaped with berms and mounds, pursuant to LQMC Section 9.100.040(B)(7). 67. The design of the development shall not cause any increase in flood boundaries and levels in any area outside the development. 68. The development shall be graded to permit storm flow in excess of retention capacity to flow out of the development through a designated overflow and into the historic drainage relief route. 69. Storm drainage historically received from adjoining property shall be received and retained or passed through into the historic downstream drainage relief route. 70. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions for post construction runoff per the 404 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 15 OF 17 City's NPDES stormwater discharge permit, LQMC Sections 8.70.010 et seq. (Stormwater Management and Discharge Controls), and 13.24.170 (Clean Air/Clean Water); Riverside County Ordinance No. 457; and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board — Colorado River Basin (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. R7-2013-0011. A. For post -construction urban runoff from New Development and Redevelopments Projects, the applicant shall implement requirements of the NPDES permit for the design, construction and perpetual operation and maintenance of BMPs per the approved Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) for the project as required by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board — Colorado River Basin (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. R7-2013-0011. B. The applicant shall implement the WQMP Design Standards per (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. R7-2013-0011 utilizing BMPs approved by the City Engineer. A project specific WQMP shall be provided which incorporates Site Design and Treatment BMPs utilizing first flush infiltration as a preferred method of NPDES Permit Compliance for Whitewater River receiving water, as applicable. C. The developer shall execute and record a Stormwater Management/BMP Facilities Agreement that provides for the perpetual maintenance and operation of stormwater BMPs. UTILITIES 71. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.110 (Utilities). 72. The applicant shall obtain the approval of the City Engineer for the location of all utility lines within any right-of-way, and all above -ground utility structures including, but not limited to, traffic signal cabinets, electric vaults, water valves, and telephone stands, to ensure optimum placement for practical and aesthetic purposes. 73. Existing overhead utility lines within, or adjacent to the proposed development, and all proposed utilities shall be installed underground. 74. The 92 KV transmission power poles and all existing utility lines attached to joint use 92 KV transmission power poles are exempt from the requirement to be placed underground. 75. Underground utilities shall be installed prior to overlying hardscape. For installation of utilities in existing improved streets, the applicant shall comply with trench restoration requirements maintained, or required by the City Engineer. 76. The applicant shall provide certified reports of all utility trench compaction for approval by the City Engineer. Additionally, grease traps and the maintenance thereof shall be located as to not conflict with access aisles/entrances. 405 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 16 OF 17 CONSTRUCTION 77. The City will conduct final inspections of habitable buildings only when the buildings have improved street and (if required) sidewalk access to publicly maintained streets. The improvements shall include required traffic control devices, pavement markings and street name signs. If on -site streets in residential developments are initially constructed with partial pavement thickness, the applicant shall complete the pavement prior to final inspections of the last ten percent of homes within the development or when directed by the City, whichever comes first. LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION 78. The applicant shall comply with LQMC Sections 13.24.130 (Landscaping Setbacks) & 13.24.140 (Landscaping Plans). 79. Landscape and irrigation plans for landscaped lots and setbacks, medians, retention basins, and parks shall be signed and stamped by a licensed landscape architect. 80. All new and modified landscape areas shall have landscaping and permanent irrigation improvements in compliance with the City's Water Efficient Landscape regulations contained in LQMC Section 8.13 (Water Efficient Landscape). 81. Lighting plans shall be submitted with the final landscaping plans for a recommendation to the Planning Manager for his approval. Exterior lighting shall be consistent with LQMC Section 9.100.150 (Outdoor Lighting). All freestanding lighting shall not exceed 18 feet in height and shall be fitted with a visor if deemed necessary by staff to minimize trespass of light off the property. The illuminated carports shall be included in the photometric study as part of the final lighting plan submittal. 82. All water features shall be designed to minimize "splash" and use high efficiency pumps and lighting to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. They shall be included in the landscape plan water efficiency calculations per Municipal Code Chapter 8.13. 83. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be completely screened from view. Utility transformers or other ground mounted mechanical equipment shall be fully screened with a screening wall or landscaping and painted to match the adjacent buildings. 84. The applicant shall submit the final landscape plans for review, processing, and approval to the Community Development Department, in accordance with the Final Landscape Plan application process. Planning Manager approval of the final landscape plans is required prior to issuance of the first building permit unless the Planning Manager determines extenuating circumstances exist which justifies an alternative processing schedule. NOTE: Plans are not approved for construction until signed by the appropriate City official, including the Planning Manager and/or City Engineer. 406 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004 PROJECT: LA VILLETTA AT AVENUE 58 ADOPTED: PAGE 17 OF 17 85. The applicant or his agent has the responsibility for proper sight distance requirements per guidelines in the AASHTO "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 5th Edition" or latest, in the design and/or installation of all landscaping and appurtenances abutting and within the private and public street right-of-way. 86. The final design of the perimeter landscaping, particularly the perimeter wall, shall be included with the Final Landscape Plan submittal. PLANNING 87. Architectural styles shall vary throughout the site. Similar architectural styles shall not be plotted on adjacent lots or across the street from one another to the extent possible. 88. Enhanced elevations shall be used for all outside perimeter lots. PUBLIC SERVICES 89. The applicant shall provide public transit improvements if required by SunLine Transit Agency and approved by the City Engineer. MAINTENANCE 90. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.160 (Maintenance). 91. The applicant shall make provisions for the continuous and perpetual maintenance of perimeter landscaping up to the curb, common areas, access drives, sidewalks, multi -use trail, and stormwater BMPs. FEES AND DEPOSITS 92. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.180 (Fees and Deposits). These fees include all deposits and fees required by the City for plan checking and construction inspection. Deposits and fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes application for plan check and permits. 407 Vicinity Map 408 ATTACHMENT 2 FINDINGS Environmental Assessment 2021-0006 1. The proposed project will not have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number, or restrict the range of rare or endangered plants or animals or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory. Potential impacts can be mitigated to be less than significant levels. 2. The proposed project will not result in impacts which are individually limited or cumulatively considerable when considering planned or proposed development in the immediate vicinity. Potential impacts can be mitigated to be less than significant. 3. The proposed project will not have environmental effects that will adversely affect the human population, either directly or indirectly. Potential impacts can be mitigated to be less than significant. General Plan Amendment 2021-0001 1. Internal General Plan Consistency. The amendment is internally consistent with those goals, objectives and policies of the general plan which are not being amended. The General Plan Amendment would lead to a Medium High Density land use designation which supports up to 16 units to the acre. 2. Public Welfare. Approval of the amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare. As part of the project, a Mitigated Negative Declaration would be adopted to mitigate any potential impacts. 3. General Plan Compatibility. In the case of amendments to the general plan policy diagram, the new designation is compatible with the designations on adjacent properties. The increase in density is being used to create a residential project that is creative and will connect with surrounding residential properties to provide housing opportunities that meet the diverse needs of the City's existing and projected population. 4. Property Suitability. In the case of amendments to the general plan policy diagram, the new designation is suitable and appropriate for the subject property, insofar as it will allow the development of single family homes on a site that is generally flat and rectangular. 409 5. Change in Circumstances. In the case of amendments to the general plan policy diagram, approval of the amendment is warranted because the situation and the general conditions of the property have substantially changed since the existing designation was imposed. Higher density is required to achieve a single-family home project that meets the market demand. Market conditions have led to needing more units to match increases in costs in building units meanwhile meeting increase in demand for single family residential units for the public. The General Plan Amendment is warranted to meet the density allowed under the General Plan land use map. Zone Change 2021-0001 1. The zone map change is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the General Plan, as described above and contained in Exhibit C. The Zone Change would lead to a High Density Residential zoning designation, consistent with the Medium and High Density Residential General Plan land use designation, which supports 8-12 units per acre residential density and is designed to accommodate a broad range of residential land uses, including single family development. 2. Approval of the zone map change will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare. As part of the project, a Mitigated Negative Declaration would be adopted to mitigate any potential impacts. 3. The new zoning is compatible with the zoning on adjacent properties as it continues residentially zoned properties adjacent to the property and surrounding it. 4. The new zoning is suitable and appropriate for the subject property because it is currently zoned for residential and the change is to increase density, consistent with the General Plan Amendment designation. 5. Change in Circumstances. Approval of the zone change is warranted because the situation and the general conditions of the property have substantially changed since the existing zoning was imposed. Higher density is required to achieve a single-family home project that meets the market demand. Market conditions have led to needing more units to match increases in costs in building units meanwhile meeting increase in demand for single family residential units for the public. The zone change is warranted to meet the density allowed under the General Plan land use map. 410 Conditional Use Permit 2021-0002 1. The proposed development is consistent with the General Plan land use designation of Medium/High Density Residential. The City's General Plan Medium/High Density Residential designation is designed to accommodate a broad range of residential land uses, including single family residential projects. The City's General Plan policies relating to Medium/High Density Residential encourage a broad range of residential uses within the City, and the proposed use maintains those policies. The proposed project is consistent with the following Goals, Programs, and Policies: • Goal LU-2 as the project consists of high -quality design that complements and enhances the City. The project design uses high - quality Spanish, Mediterranean, and Santa Barbra styles, and utilizes varying roof lines and architectural accent, along with a complementary color palette. • Goal LU-5 as the project provides a broad range of housing types and choices for all residents of the City. The project provides for a single family home residential project, which creates a different housing type and choice for residents within the City. • Policy LU-5.2 in considering changes in market demand in residential product type to meet the needs of current and future residents. The project is changing from a low density residential project to a planned unit development project to respond to market demand in residential product type to provide residents with smaller lot single family subdivisions. • Goal SC-1 in that it provides a community that provides the best possible quality of life for all its residents by providing alternative housing types within La Quinta meanwhile providing a project that incorporates open space and common area with a pool for its residents, bocce ball court, tot lot, and passive open space. • Goal H-1 in providing housing opportunities that meet the diverse needs of the City's existing and projected population. The single-family home project of this type provides a diverse type of residential product. • Policy H-1.3 to direct new housing development to viable areas where essential public facilities can be provided and employment opportunities, educational facilities, and commercial support are available. The housing development is located in viable area where essential public facilities can be provided and employment opportunities, educational facilities, and commercial support are all available. 2. The proposed development, as conditioned, is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Medium High Density Residential zone as well as the development standards of the City's Zoning Code and in terms of architectural style and 411 landscaping. The project satisfies the zone's intent to provide for the development of high density neighborhoods with one and two-story single family dwellings. The project is generally consistent with the residential development standards and permitted use table, except deviations as established within the Planned Unit Development. 3. The Design and Development Department has prepared Environmental Assessment 2021-0006 for this project, in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Department has determined that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect because mitigation measures have been incorporated. 4. The architectural design of the project, including, but not limited to, the architectural style, scale, building mass, materials, colors, architectural details, roof style and other architectural elements are compatible with surrounding development and with the quality of design prevalent in the city. The Spanish, Mediterranean, and Santa Barbara styles utilizes a high -quality design that is compatible with other approved and constructed residential projects within the City. 5. The site design of the project including, but not limited to, project entries, interior circulation, pedestrian and bicycle access, pedestrian amenities, screening of equipment and trash enclosures, exterior lighting, and other site design elements are compatible with surrounding development and with the quality of design prevalent in the city. 6. Project landscaping, including, but not limited to, the location, type, size, color, texture, and coverage of plant materials, has been designed so as to provide visual relief, complement buildings, visually emphasize prominent design elements and vistas, screen undesirable views, provide a harmonious transition between adjacent land uses and between development and open space, and provide an overall unifying influence to enhance the visual continuity of the project. The proposed project is consistent with the landscaping standards and plant palette and implements the standards for landscaping and aesthetics established in the General Plan and Zoning Code. The permanent overall site landscaping utilizes various tree and shrub species to enhance the building architecture and provide adequate relief and screening from Avenue 58. Tentative Tract Map 2021-0004 1. The proposed Tentative Tract Map is consistent with the land use, policies and programs of the General Plan, as it allows for development of a Medium High Density Residential project in the Medium/High Density land use designation, which supports up to 16 units per acre residential density and is designed to accommodate a broad range of residential land uses, including single family projects. 412 2. The design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan, and Planned Unit Development standards with the implementation of recommended conditions of approval to ensure consistency for the homes proposed on the lots created herein. 3. The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage nor substantially injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. The Design and Development Department prepared Environmental Assessment (EA) 2021-0006, in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This approval includes adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration. 4. The design of the subdivision or type of improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems, insofar as the project will be required to comply with all laws, standards and requirements associated with sanitary sewer collection, water quality and other public health issues. 5. The site of the proposed subdivision is physically suitable for the type of development and proposed density of development. The Planned Unit Development allows for creative development with smaller lot subdivision while still providing a quality residential development. 6. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable provisions of Title 13 of the City's Subdivision Regulations Code and the Planned Unit Development, including, but not limited to, minimum lot area requirements, any other applicable provisions of Title 9 of the City's Zoning Code, and the Subdivision Map Act. 7. The design of the subdivision or type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. 413 ATTACHMENT 3 PROJECT INFORMATION CASE NUMBERS: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2021-0001, ZONE CHANGE 2021-0001, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002 (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT), AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004 APPLICANT: ROYAL INVESTORS GROUP REQUEST: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT, ZONE CHANGE, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN 80 UNIT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT, AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 37950 LOCATION: SOUTH OF AVENUE 58 BETWEEN MADISON STREET AND MONROE STREET CEQA: THE LA QUINTA DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS REVIEWED THE PROPOSED PROJECT, HAS DETERMINED THAT ANY POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS CAN BE MITIGATED TO A LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT LEVEL, AND HAS PREPARED A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. GENERALPLAN DESIGNATION: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (EXISTING) ZONING DESIGNATION: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (EXISTING) SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USES: NORTH: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, EXISTING RESIDENTIAL SOUTH: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, VACANT SITE EAST: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, VACANT SITE WEST: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, EXISTING RESIDENTIAL 414 ATTACHMENT 4 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT La Villetta at Avenue 58 Tentative Tract Map 37950 40ca 02"inra GEM of the DESERT May 31, 2023 PREPARED BY: RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES, LLC — Applicant Contact: Kris Pinero, Project Manager 9595 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 708 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 84 8-981-3000 Page 1of10 415 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Applicant, Rodeo Credit Enterprises, LLC (previously Royal Investors Group, LLC) proposes a Planned Unit Development ("PUD") with a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a new Tentative Tract Map Number 37950 consisting of 80 single-family lots, one community recreation center, one open space lot and a retention basin/open space area. The Assessor Parcel Numbers are: 764-180- 002 and 003. The subject location is designated Low Density Residential (4 units/ac) by the General Plan and is zoned (RL) — Low Density Residential; the proposed land use is Medium/High Density Residential (up to 16 per units/ac) and the proposed zoning is (RMH) — Medium High Density Residential. This modification includes a change to the site layout allowing for smaller, cluster or courtyard lots on a conventional site plan with 9.0 dwelling units per acre. The site is relatively flat and square in shape. There will be a total of two entrances into the community from Avenue 58 and the interior streets are depicted as private wherein the project may become gated as determined by the future homebuilder. Page 2 of 10 BUT The community is designed to promote residential amenities and promote flexibility in design as further described below. A higher level of architectural standards will be proposed than what is currently required. The project requires a PUD because it does not meet all of the required regulations of the zoning ordinance as outlined below: Regulation RL RMH PUD Proposal Compliance —Minimum lot Minimum 7,200 sf Minimum Minimum 2,310 sf No area (sf) 3,600 Lot Frontage (ft) Minimum 80 Minimum 40 33 No Maximum Maximum 2-4 Maximum 8-12 9.0 du/ac Yes, with dwelling du/ac du/ac proposed units per acre Zone Change Front yard setback Minimum 20 Minimum 20 3 No to house (ft) Front yard setback Minimum 20 Minimum 20 3 No to garage (ft) Rear Yard (ft) Minimum 20 Minimum 15 7.5 No Interior Side Yard 5 5 3 No Min ft.) Exterior Side 10 10 5 No Yard Lot Coverage Maximum 50% Minimum 60% 66% No Private streets Minimum 28 Minimum 28 24 No Width (No on- streetparking) The minimum lot size proposed is 2,310 square feet. The lots would average approximately 2,623 square feet in size. The courtyard layout of the homes will be designed to achieve visual diversity and interest in the street scene through varying setbacks, articulated building massing or enhanced elevations on residences plotted on corner lots. With the importance in promoting sustainable communities, the interior street widths were reduced from 28' in size to 24' to effectively manage speeds without decreasing safety and thereby reducing the amount of pavement required, which in turn lessens environmental impacts. The plan includes 44 parking spaces within the community. The street widths were approved by the Riverside County Fire Department during the entitlement process. Page 3 of 10 417 LAND USE COMPATABILITY: As you enter the proposed community through its main entrance along Avenue 58, you will see a one-story recreation building to the west, along with a large landscaped open space area along the northern edge of the property that backs up to three one-story homes, which has been carefully designed to comply and promote the City's View Corridor Program. Special consideration was taken during the site planning process to ensure that the important, as well as cherished views would be maintained along Avenue 58 for all residents of La Quinta. Consistent with the City's General Plan, the community proposes Image Corridor enhancements along Avenue 58 such as a 15-foot landscaped setback consisting of a meandering multi -modal trail, trees, shrubs and groundcover to enhance the treasured mountain views. In addition, there is a 10-foot setback along Avenue 58 which restricts construction of any structures or walls as required by the City's Municipal Code Section 13.24.130. The lower architectural elements and open space along the property's northern edge creates a viewshed that is seamless with the northern existing neighborhoods, thereby illustrating a land use compatibility with well -established homes. As shown on the attached Preliminary Site and Landscape Plan, the Corridor View Exhibit (see above) and Recreation Building Architectural Plans, this proposed community has been integrated with open space and well thought out amenities to soften and enhance the views resulting in a beautifully designed new La Quinta neighborhood. The structures have been tapered from one story homes (approximately 18' in height) along the northern edge, to two story homes (approximately 25' in height) as the community transitions to the south. Adjacent land uses to the south, east and west are planned for single family residential homes that are compatible with the proposed community. Page 4 of 10 418 L-a Villetta at Avenue 58 .dingle Family Detached Homes � L��M 1 � �F�rp�w 1.1 rxrd Fla M 1 x i{QrOGM a 1.00 1.6?2 10. XT. tLAH PIA" fkhm 2 PIA" $ :: --. '2 i ILEP4: a HCIu: 3!AI+ r•frr 2.5 LAIn 7='= 3:JMH. L;S . I iQ Fr 1 .41 5 5Q F- 7,B1 . iM M 7, I4-D VD. F1 F[R S 1 FCOOR f'LA N TYFICAL CLUSTER m■ -PLAN 1 PLAN k # IEOt��+ti - 3 b72 313. fr Architectural elements such as windows, gables, arcades, swing awnings and other similar features will be recommended to be used to break up the massing of the homes. The community proposes a minimum of four floor plans, with three elevations and three -color schemes per elevation. No identical single-family detached elevation is permitted side by side and the two houses on either side of a specific lot must use different color schemes than that specific lot. The homes shall be designed so that living activities are oriented towards the street with emphasis on porches, entries and windows. Page 5 of 10 419 Building Design: _1qr JZ2M cOd L 0Xk* � N -PCI bg �ee ,O xOk 70) Oro sr• 10 :0"+ As designed by award winning firm Kevin L. Crook Architect, Inc, the overall community's architecture reflects a Mediterranean/Spanish/Santa Barbara abode design with one and two-story elevations; characteristic elements include windows with pot shelves, shutters, and trim above doors and windows and wrought iron or gable end accents. Combined one- and two-story massing with single story elements and gabled roofs with window accents are classic variations of this style. A total of nine different color schemes are proposed in which the proposed stucco colors are predominately brown, beige, and terracotta. The trim colors could be various shades of taupe, brown, and beige and the proposed shutter colors are brown, blue, green and beige. The fascia, trim and garage doors range could range in colors from beige, to browns and tans. The roof materials will be in shades of brown and shall be varied to create visual interest. Lastly, the proposed homes were designed to be visually compatible with similar architectural elements of Spanish, Mediterranean and Santa Barbara influences that are commonly found in existing La Quinta neighborhoods. Page 6 of 10 420 Typical Characteristics: r ry krr.. s.s,,.+.7.}-iry •Cd.r}� • Rectangular or asymmetrical massing with some recessed second floor elements • Breaks in massing • Concrete tile roof materials • Distinctive trim over entry • Wrought iron window treatment • Shutters • Pot shelves • Decorative gable end tiles Thirty percent of the acreage will be set aside as open space which is proposed to consist of a 24,200 square foot amenity center and tot lot located at the entrance to the community and a 6,600 square foot open space area for passive park enjoyment, which may contain sitting areas, picnic benches with trellis and grass play area that will be maintained by a homeowners association. Conceptual Recreation Center Site i�JIyF D n L L LOLL LL O Plan: 7 r Features may E: RECREATION BUILDING or include: recreation E " _ I-' building, pool E and spa area, tot lot and bocce ball FEI 1 L Page 7 of 10 421 Recreation Building: W, gv?f hL�CbA Mddw.1¢. RdbUd p.d—ruS i—M. imr.mdskk R.A. FRONT The following table summarizes how the project would comply with the proposed Planned Unit Development requirements: DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA RL RMH PROPOSED PUD STANDARDS A. LOT SIZE 1. Minimum lot size (sq ft) 7,200 3,600 2,310 2. Minimum width (ft) 60 40 33 B. BUILDING PLACEMENT 1. Front Yard Setback(ft) 20 20 3 2. Rear Yard (ft) 20 15 7.5 3. Interior Side Yard (ft) 5 5 3 4. Exterior Side Yard (ft) 10 10 5 C. BUILDING SIZE & MASSING 1. Maximum Lot Coverage (%) 50 60 66 2. Maximum Building Height (ft) 28 28 28 D. INTERIOR PRIVATE STREET IDTH City of La Quinta standard (ft) 28 128 24 E. LANDSCAPING 1. Required landscaping (%) 0 130 30 Page 8 of 10 422 DEVELOPMENT RL RMH PROPOSED PUD CRITERIA STANDARDS F. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT 1. Minimum setback (ft) from 5 5 3 property line G. BUILDING ARCHITECTURE AND FORM 1. Articulate building facades by including 1) Provide one story elements (porch, living area, variation in massing, roof form, and wall garages where applicable) on some of the floor plans planes. to allow more variations. 2) Homes with same facades shall be separated by a minimum of one lot when occurring along the same side of the street, and offset homes of same facades when occurring on the opposite side of the street by at least one lot. 3) Articulate all elevations within public view especially on corner homes and the rear elevations of street adjacent homes. 4) Vary roof lines through the use of gables and other roof elements consistent with the architectural style. Change the height and direction of roof ridges to provide variations. 5) Corner lot houses shall address the corner. These shall be designed to be more open and landscaped. :•=i .•- •-_--•--+a•7ti%CGI� �-:-�•;. it-7:.. {.--r.-; ,.• .--rr.:�- �..�r. •. . Page 9 of 10 423 2. Use multiple colors, materials, textures, The community includes 4 floor plans and 3 and applied finishes to help break up elevation styles overall. Each plan includes wall massing. a minimum of 2 elevation styles, and 3 color schemes for each of the 3 styles. Between the variety of floor plans in conjunction with elevation styles each and varying color choices, the community will include a total of 27 unique homes. 3. Provide distinctive entries, porches, 1) All houses shall have an entry feature balconies and window treatment, which can be achieved through an oriented toward the street. architectural element, stepping up the entry way, wrought iron or stucco columns, or a distinctive porch over entry. 2) Provide window treatment on all side windows for corner homes and at the rear windows of street adjacent homes consistent with the architectural style. Examples include: • Window trim and shutters • Shaped frames and sills to enhance openings and add additional relief 4. Residential buildings shall use high- Meet or exceed City Standard quality, tile roofing (concrete, ceramic, etc.), appropriate for withstanding the Cit 's varied climate conditions. 5. Garage doors shall provide aesthetic Meet or exceed the City Standard value to the home. Page 10 of 10 424 AIRPORT BLVD C_ C/) n 0 0 cn z PROJECT SITE 58TH AVENUE D z 50TH AVE Co D r m 0 0 z C~n 60TH AVENUE z Cn w o Cn O 61 TH AVENUE VICINITY MAP N.T.S LEGAL DESCRIPTION TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 37950 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ALL THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER, OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN APN 764-01-012 (TTM 30092) O w B ZONING/GENERAL PLAN: RL/LDR 12 EXISTING USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL - _ _=Q- WATER POINT Q EX. 18 WA OF CONNECTION AVENUE 58 � - __ , - .., Lo - 60' 90' lhe9o EX. 18" SS � � � a' EX. 18" SS o I _� N89° 32 26.07 W �_ J 648.00 - - - - - 0 3 EX. 33 SS M 3 � SEWER POINT L O T A EX. 33" SS 14 OF CONNECTION 51' x 648' 1 N 5 3'QJ J 10' LANDSCAPE OFFER FOR DEDICATION FOR ��,�I � SETBACK _ PUBLIC STREET IMPROVEMENTS �J 1 B .. ... �LTT D•: -61 '�.• ACCESS •FOR FIRE ` CALL BOXML i \ l62' ......................' ACE ----------------------------- _ • OPE,N SP DEPARTMENT ONLY r I PARCEL 1: - -FrR MAIM -607r-L •ALL THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER, OF SECTION L0T C 6ti127, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, AS SHOWN BY � w Q20.00% 27,370 SF UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 29,210 SF�,_ <(-62I 1 COMMON AREA �- '%��s� w N o f I. I RETENTION BASIN OPEN SPACE �_ o' 78 �� 79 1 80 I ACCESS RAMP 20% MAX SLOPE 1 BEGINNING ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER, AT A POINT 841.8 FEET WEST /941 PAD=-60.0 �� Ba J8 ��62J w 4883 SF �� 4204 SF 1� 488 SF OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF. THENCE AT A RIGHT ANGLE SOUTHERLY 651 FEET; 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ 3 64' PAD=-59.8 PAD=-60.0 PAD=-60.2 i MAX. WATER LEVEL THENCE AT A RIGHT ANGLE WESTERLY, 324 FEET; THENCE AT A RIGHT ANGLE NORTHERLY, 651 ° I EXISTING LOT ; 100-YR STORM FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE EASTERLY � -6031 FL LINE -61.75 FL -60.81 TC - - _ -61.25 TC i ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER, 324 FEET TO THE POINT OF ' \ sy '� a 60.0' 60.0' 60.0' 15' 1PAD--66.0 3 d I-------------- I BEGINNING. Two• N � � APN: 764-180-002-2 -6t wa w. - q q �p wq PRIVATA STREET "D" WA N N q wn 0.45% O� 0.45% - b 0.4!- _ p PARCEL2- ITO, 3 I //� -ss ss ��,� o ss ss 6�1. y ss o i� s',c�� Q �� ss - R\ U L 0 T B ALL THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION If=-60.2 ` ` I ` ` N 27, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF �, • • • i Z-61 117,470 SF i �,� 30.0' 40.0' 80.0' 80.0' _�2.0' N w C° LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN BY UNITED STATES I r -60 w PRIVATE �� GOVERNMENT SURVEY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: R� 0 ID�I 75 0rn �DI 0 CD \'� 3 1 +� "' Z 2640 SF 74 z / STREETS . �.'. . . . . . . . 2640 SF . ; m PAD=-59.8 � PAD=-59.3 ., M /� 62.0' `D BEGINNING ON A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION •� •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I 0 77 _ 0 76 25.0' S5.0' 25•0 73 N I `'� . QPEN SPA-CE`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`. &i I- ` 2459 SF 2480 SF o < 1 517.60 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 27; `.PAD=-60.4'.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`. LO w ` "'PAD=-60.3 CoP2480 S .2 - -55.0' 2583 SF ] w Ln - PAD=-59.7 N THENCE AT A RIGHT ANGLE SOUTHERLY 651.00 FEET; THENCE AT A RIGHT ANGLE WESTERLY `•`•`•`•••`•`�• • o �� e 0 I N ,K,,,,,,,,r,� I� 0 2480 SF `D 324.00 FEET; THENCE AT A RIGHT ANGLE NORTHERLY 651.00 FEET TO A NORTHERLY LINE OF ,•,••+•••••�• •�••�'•••�••�•�•�•••�•_ T ai o w PAD=-60.3 0 ___________________� 's 61.86 FL �1 r I u 3 1 SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY •••'••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• N 61.36 TC N o 71 oI 72 o N o w 40.0' 40.0' 2310 SF 2310 SF � N �� _ _ 10.0' 80.0' 84.0' 42.0' d 42.0' LINE 324.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. I � PAD=-60.0 I I PAD=-59.5 // 32.0' 30.0' APN: 764-180-003-3 0 2772 SF - Lw'�U 1 n ,61 FS ` ET- N M - 0.50% -- �� 55.0' �® ® 55.0' �60 0.45% ss �I o D^ I o �q M -61 A �. 0 co -� r �y rri Z V 26 01 SF PAD- 59.8 I . ,�o F 00 F� -wn ;� w -w ` r7 r7 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER' 59.0' 25.0' 3 ,�O��S m, - `1 43 0 42 I 25.0'PAD=-59.3 2604 SF o 40.0' 40.0' 4 N N 764-180-002 764-180-003 GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATIONS: EXISTING: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED: MEDIUM/HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (4-16 UNITS/AC) ZONING: EXISTING: RL PROPOSED: RMH OWNER/DEVELOPER RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES, LLC 9595 WILSHIRE BLVD, SUITE 708 BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90212 ATTN: KRIS PINERO (818)981-3000 CIVIL ENGINEER: D & D ENGINEERING, INC 119 W HYDE PARK BLVD INGLEWOOD, CA 90302 ATTN: HENRIK NAZARIAN (424) 351-6800 LEGEND: - F o 70 0 69 0 2.0 2460 SF 2480 SF PAD=-60.2 a N N �' N ° 55.0' 6� 3 -61.94 FL o 2310 SF 2310 SF 0 00' ZQ PAD=-59.7 PAD=-59.7 w 4 nl o -61.78 FL -61.44 TC _ �i N _60 PAD=-60.0 PAD=-59.5 ai �F`°� -61.28 FL o n 2478 SF N -61.28 TC v N v -60.78 TC N o 40 W o rn � 0 64 0 65 55.0' 55.0' N i� N PAD=-60.0 25.0' 68 N 40.0' 40.0' PAD 10 SF Q C:) in a (D 2480 SF � 2480 SF 25 2604 SF s PAD=-60.4 PAD=-60.2 _ _ r i cD z N 59.0' -61 0.45% o ILo D 66 0 67 PAD=-59.7 s - _SS _SS ss '`� o ,) O Q 0 o N �I 'mil " ,`°�`�5 N �O��5�, z 2640 SF 2640 SF 53 D M I ���'�� wn a 5to 04 55.0' I� PAD=-59.8 PAD 59.3 ,`� F ``� oo. F N w O C 5 D o 42.0' III I 40.0' 1 40.0' 1 _- 80.0' 80.0' 42.0' III Z w � O - - - 40 40.0, 40.0' Z 2478 SF N 1 1 i 61, o 39 0 0 O O o -61.68 FL 12' , 12' I 20' "20' -61.39 FL 0 N 2310 SF Z N \w O Z J PAD 9.0' N -61.18 FL u') ° o z� 61 0 60 I� 0 12' 12' -60.89 TC o; PAD=-59.5 O J Q 59.0' M w 2640 SF , 2640 SF II M N p 0o w 7 o PAD=-59.2 PAD=-59.9 I I I o o O Z J w 25.0' 2604 SF N 0 63 0 62 1 0 I 36 37 J w / CD PAD=-60.1 140' 2480 SF 2480 SF 25.0' S5.0' 55.0' 25.0' 2604 SF N (� I I 2480 SF 2480 SF 25.0' 55`0' OI Q Q (D Q J 0 i 0 PAD=-59.8 PAD=-59.6 `D �+ I PAD=-59.8 PAD=-59.7 00 w w w z� 2772 SF z 20' 20' 0 PAD=-60.3 I 0 ° 38 0 = J Z PAD=-59.8 w I -61.37 FL 11 A r7 Z w ' I -60.87 TC N 0 57 0 0 40' ' 2640 SF '`� I < -i a 58 o N A PAD=-59.3 - -- - - 40.0' 40.0' J 2310 SF 2310 SF _ � N 3 40.0' 1 40.0' 1 r w z Q \w 84.0' 42.0' I N 42.0' I - - CD c/7 '�` PAD=-59.4 PAD=-60.1 - `� I I 1 1 80.0' s z w r 9 Z C� � ED 2772 SF"" �z' it ,�i •i O� L� -CO�0.51% sJ\ O 55.0' I 55.0'� ,� -61-0.45% I 0 V1 33 o Q N ON PAD=-59.3 0 ,0`'��c`' c M WA�60 q �O�F�' -��vI ® ,OF N ih ~ i6 iF� 3 I r7 � I 5 -wn '�`? � � Iw 2640 SF '� Z D PAD=-59.8 z 59.0' 25.0' 8 C � - 35 34 2604 SF 40.0' .0' o 56 01 cD _ 42.0' N I � 2480 SF 2480 SF 25.0' - O z X PAD=-59.7 55 0 w gmaanrmr ' CN -6106 ' i �40 Z V o 2310 SF 1 2310 SF _ 0 yl I PAD .95 FL PAD=-60.2 X Ln -61.19 FL V v 55.0' 0 0 -60.76 TC N PAD=-59.4 PAD=-60.1 N z -61.95 FL y o 10 N LL ,� N N _ N o 32 0 2478 SF 42.0' Off' Q v, 0 50 / 0 51 55.0' 55.0' ,c3; 6. j -61.45 TC z � N N w PAD__59.5 O 2604 SF o 40.0' 40.0' P 2310 SF ��,' 2480 SF 2480 SF 25.0'0�_J25.0' N !A 59.0' R �- s"? 0.45% PAD=-59.7 PAD=-59.6 _ 1 PAD=-60.3 CO ss ss '� s O� N oo �� " I J. I 52 o 53 0 - 0.45% C C 60 F� - n wa-O�• F`� �, - r7 2640 SF � 2640 SF I I �6`O� 3 w N, 55.0' PAD=-59.2 PAD=-59.9 V ,O vF ,�o F E PROPERTY LINE 0 11 0/ / II 20.0' 20.0'_20.0' 20.0' 40.0' - - 20.0_ 22.0' 40.0_ 18.0' \,22.0' 20.0' CD co - Parcel Table Parcel Table Parcel # Area Parcel # Area 1 2480 SF 44 2320 SF 2 2772 SF 45 2320 SF 3 2604 SF 46 2436 SF 4 2478 SF 47 2320 SF 5 2478 SF 48 2320 SF 6 2772 SF 49 2320 SF 7 2604 SF 50 2480 SF 8 2604 SF 51 2480 SF 9 2772 SF 52 2640 SF 10 2478 SF 53 2640 SF 11 2478 SF 54 2604 SF 12 2772 SF 55 2310 SF 13 2677 SF 56 2310 SF 14 4623 SF 57 2310 SF 15 2400 SF 58 2310 SF 16 2400 SF 59 2604 SF 17 2400 SF 60 2640 SF 18 2400 SF 61 2640 SF 19 2400 SF 62 2480 SF 20 2400 SF 63 2480 SF 21 2400 SF 64 2480 SF 22 2400 SF 65 2480 SF 23 2400 SF 66 2640 SF 24 2400 SF 67 2640 SF 25 2400 SF 68 2604 SF 26 2400 SF 69 2310 SF 27 3200 SF 70 2310 SF 28 3300 SF 71 2310 SF 29 2640 SF 72 2310 SF 30 2480 SF 73 2583 SF 31 2310 SF 74 2640 SF 32 2310 SF 75 2640 SF 33 2640 SF 76 2480 SF 34 2480 SF 77 2459 SF 35 2480 SF 78 4883 SF 36 2480 SF 79 4204 SF 37 2480 SF 80 4883 SF 38 2640 SF 39 2310 SF 40 2310 SF 41 2640 SF 42 2480 SF 43 2460 SF LOT ATTACHME.NT 5 LINE 40, LINE 10' 10' PUE PUE 824' 8' RESIDENCE 4•5' PROPOSED PRIVATE DRIVE 4 5' RESIDENCE SIDEWALK AND FIRE LANE SIDEWALK L3J.5' q 3.5' 1 LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE GARAGE TC=FS+0.1' GARAGE STREET SECTION A -A PROPOSED PRIVATE DRIVE AND FIRE LANE NO SCALE NEW NORTH EX SOUTH R/W ' R/W R/W 102 81' 51' 30' 15' 7' 8' EXISTING (MEANDERING 2' 1 SIDEWALK 18' 15'f EX.LANE EX.LANE EX.LANE RESIDENCE *FIRE HYDRANT NOTE KEEP 2' CLEARANCE FROM OBSTRUCTIONS AROUND E HYDRANTS N 2478 SF N I 20.0' �_ I 40.0 31 -60 PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR APN i o 0 PAD=-59.5 �60 I'zv o - 2310 SF 764-18Q 002 I N N 3 N PAD=-60.0 PROP NOTE: PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR 59.0' 1 RETAINING PERIMETER WALLS TO BE EITHER 25.0' L 0 49 o W 48 6 47 0 46 6 45 0 44 0 o '30 WALL DECORATIVE COLORED BLOCK OR STUCCO (-60) EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR 2 o 0 2320 SF � 2320 SF 0,0° 2320 SF 00 2436 SF ' 2320 SF 00 2320 SF °° C (.0 2480 SF 25.0' 55.0' 0FINISHED, PER CITY CODE. -� �� o � ¢ PAD=-60.7 PAD=-60.5 PAD=-60.3 PAD=-60.1 PAD=-59.9 PAD=-59.9 � PAD=-60.2- EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR 2772 SF D 029I-61.29 FL M PAINTED WROUGHT IRON FENCES AROUNDPROP PAD=-59.3 I � IIZLIzA`� ? � `� APN ,'�) 2640 SF \ _ -60.79 .0TIC 764-180-003 40.0' 25.0' THE BASIN ALONG THE STREET FACING SIDE CENTER LINE RETAINING 63.0' 21.0' 40.0' .0' 40.0+ 42.0' 40.0' 40.0' PAD=-59.8 WALL AND INTERIOR SIDE OF THE PROJECT. SS PROPOSED V.C.P SEWER MAIN 3 0 ` ` '-61 ' 3 _ ,60 55.0' MATERIAL, TYPE, AND FINISH OF ALL ss o cc SS - SS N i� ss ss- - ss o 13 0.45% O - 0.45% _ 0.44% - ss 0.45% -� e� FUTURE INTERNAL WALLS AND FENCES PROPOSED SEWER MANHOLE 2677 SF o���5 - w-~ w� o.° �5 - way -o���Q - w N w w� wa w�60 �Q wooON wg -61 w o w�, _ r PAD=-60.0 , , _ _ 5 0 PRIVATE STREET E o - 28 0 MUST BE PER CITY CODE AND OBTAIN CITY RESIDENCE WA PROPOSED WATER MAIN 63.0' �' �� 7.N �`� • oN 6 3300 SF APPROVAL. - - PAD=-59.7 \6 0i�l 0.0 40.0' 40.0' -. 4 .0' 40.0' 40.0' 40.0' 40.0' 40.0' 40.0' 40.0' SD PROPOSED STORM DRAIN 1] 1� /70V �n ^ oNII zlI I�11 I z � I D Z I D o z o D z g4 D y � -60 EXISTING SEWER MAIN 14 �a II z `n CD z �I� z o z N �,= �V A �6 4623 SF 25.0 15 0 0 0 - - - � � - � 25.0' EXISTING WATER MAIN PAD=-59.8 _ 0 16 0 17 0 18 00 19 00 20 0 21 0 22 0 23 0 24 0 25 0 26 0 55.0' 2400 SF 0 2400 SF 0, 2400 SF 0, 2400 SF C) 2400 SF 0, 2400 SF 0 2400 SF CD 2400 SF 0, 2400 SF ( 2400 SF 0, 2400 SF o 2400 SF o TO BE BANDONED 3 o PAD=-60.2 PAD=-60.4 PAD=-60.7 PAD=-60.7 PAD=-60.5 PAD=-60.3 PAD=-60.1 PAD=-59.9 PAD=-60.1 PAD=-60.3 PAD=-60.1 `o PAD=-59.90 Z�I 27 Co - - - - - - - - - - EASEMENT LINE o D u Li L7 1 w 3200 SF PAD=-59.5 RIGHT OF WAY _ � N89° 32' 29.00"W 88.0' 40.0' 40.0' 40.0' 40.0' 40.0' / 40.0' 648.00 40.0' 40.0' 40.0' 40.0' 40.0' 40.0' , �� 80.0' BUILDING SETBACK PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PROP BACK OF WALK APN 764-190-002 EXISTING: VACANT LAND RETAINING ALL ZONING/GENERAL PLAN: RL/LDR APN 764-190-003 _(_64) _ - CROSS GUTTER PROPOSED: 80 RESIDENTIAL LOTS D EXISTING USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING/GENERAL PLAN: RL/LDR 25282 AVERAGE LOT SIZE: 2,623 SF / EXISTING USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL F� PROPOSED FINISH SURFACE ELEVATION MINIMUM LOT SIZE: 2,310 SF ,�01 0.4% PROPOSED SURFACE SLOPE RECREATION AREA: 1 LOT UTILITIES AND SERVICES: EXISTING EASEMENTS: _ OPEN SPACE: 1 LOT PROPOSED A.C. PAVEMENT RETENTION BASIN/OPEN SPACE: 1 LOT ELECTRIC: GAS: PROPOSED CONCRETE GROSS AREA: 8.94 AC. / 389,500 SF TELEPHONE: NET AREA: 4.79 AC. / 208,850 SF CABLE TV: ---- PROPOSED LANDSCAPE REQUIRED OPEN SPACE (30%): 1.44 AC. / 62,655 SF ON -SITE STREETS: 2.70 AC. WATER: PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT LOCATION PUBLIC STREETS: 0.76 AC. SEWER: PROPOSED 6' PERIMETER WALL RECREATION AREA: 0.67 AC. / 29,210 SF SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPOSED WROUGHT IRON FENCE OPEN SPACE LOT: 0.15 AC. / 6,600 SF WASTE DISPOSAL: RETENTION BASIN / OPEN SPACE: 0.63 AC. / 27,370 SF TOTAL OPEN SPACE AREA = 1.45 AC. / 63,180 SF (30.2%) >1.44 AC. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT SOCAL GAS FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT COACHELLA VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT WASTE MANAGEMENT OF THE DESERT 0 3 AN EASEMENT FOR ROADS, PIPELINES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, RECORDED JUNE 6, 1957 AS BOOK 2099, PAGE 304 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. IN FAVOR OF: RUELLA S. SCHAFER 4 AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ROAD AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, RECORDED IN BOOK 2454, PAGE 85 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. IN FAVOR OF: THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE (THE LOCATION OF THE EASEMENT CANNOT BE DETERMINED FROM THE RECORD INFORMATION.) OAN EASEMENT FOR POWER LINES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, RECORDED MARCH 28, 1989 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 89-094143 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. IN FAVOR OF: IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT (AFFECTS THE SOUTH 60.0 FEET OF THE NORTH 90.0 FEET AS SHOWN) EARTHWORK QUANTITY 2,215 C.Y. CUT 24,906 C.Y. FILL 23,000 C.Y. IMPORT 21' 10' DEDICATION LANDSCAPE SETBACK 6 15' 8' 7' PROPOSED MULTIPURPOSE TRAIL L� �J PROPOSED EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS STREET SECTION B-B AVENUE 58 NO SCALE LOT LINE PROPOSED RETAINING WALL MASONRY BLOCK WALL PER CITY CODE LOT 11 BACKYARD PAD EL = -59.9 ADJACENT PARCEL APN: 764-180-001 FG EL = (-62.1) SECTION C-C WEST BOUNDARY NO SCALE LOT LINE PROPOSED RETAINING WALL MASONRY BLOCK WALL PER CITY CODE LOT 17 BACKYARD PAD EL = -60.7 ADJACENT PARCEL APN: 764-190-002 FG EL = -62.5 SECTION D-D SOUTH BOUNDARY NO SCALE LOT LINE PROPOSED RETAINING WALL MASONRY BLOCK WALL PER CITY CODE LOT 31 BACKYARD PAD EL = -60.0 ADJACENT PARCEL APN: 764-180-004 FG EL = -63.3 RESIDENCE I SECTION E-E EAST BOUNDARY NO SCALE 40 0 40 80 scale 1 "= 40' feet RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES, LLC. LA QUINTA, ATTACHMENT 6 Kevin L. Crook Architect Inc 06/20/2023 PLANNING + ARCHITECTURE 426 A-1 TYPICAL CLUSTER A-28 A-2 PLAN 1 - FLOOR PLAN A-30 A-3 PLAN 1A - SPANISH ELEVATIONS A-31 A-4 PLAN 1A - SPANISH ENHANCED ELEVATIONS A-5 PLAN 1B - SANTA BARBARA ELEVATIONS A-32 A-6 PLAN 1B - SANTA BARBARA ENHANCED ELEVATIONS A-33 A-7 PLAN 1 - ROOF PLANS A-34 A-35 A-8 PLAN 2 - FLOOR PLAN A AT Ar" LA QUINTA, CA -m PLAN 4 - FLOOR PLAN PLAN 4B - SANTA BARBARA ELEVATIONS PLAN 4C - MEDITERRANEAN ELEVATIONS PLAN 4 - ROOF PLANS WRITTEN COLOR SCHEMES COLOR BOARDS - "A" SPANISH COLOR BOARDS - "B" SANTA BARBARA COLOR BOARDS - "C" MEDITERRANEAN A-9 PLAN 2A - SPANISH ELEVATIONS A-36 RECREATION CENTER - FLOOR PLAN A-10 PLAN 2A - SPANISH ENHANCED ELEVATIONS A-37 RECREATION CENTER - ELEVATIONS A-11 PLAN 2B - SANTA BARBARA ELEVATIONS A-38 RECREATION CENTER - ROOF PLAN A-12 PLAN 2B - SANTA BARBARA ENHANCED ELEVATIONS A-13 PLAN 2C - MEDITERRANEAN ELEVATIONS A-14 PLAN 2C - MEDITERRANEAN ENHANCED ELEVATIONS A-15 PLAN 2 - ROOF PLANS A-16 PLAN 3 - FLOOR PLAN A-17 PLAN 3A - SPANISH ELEVATIONS A-18 PLAN 3A - SPANISH ENHANCED ELEVATIONS A-19 PLAN 3C - MEDITERRANEAN ELEVATIONS A-20 PLAN 3C - MEDITERRANEAN ENHANCED ELEVATIONS A-21 PLAN 3 - ROOF PLANS A-22 PLAN 3X - FLOOR PLAN A-23 PLAN 3XA - SPANISH ELEVATIONS A-24 PLAN 3XA - SPANISH ENHANCED ELEVATIONS A-25 PLAN 3XC - MEDITERRANEAN ELEVATIONS A-26 PLAN 3XC - MEDITERRANEAN ENHANCED ELEVATIONS A-27 PLAN 3X - ROOF PLANS A-39 RECREATION CENTER - EXTERIOR COLOR SCHEME A-40 RECREATION CENTER - EXTERIOR COLOR BOARD DEVELOPER: RCE, LLC (RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES, LLC) 9595 WILSHIRE BLVD, SUITE 708 BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90212 CONTACT: KRIS PINERO BUSINESS: (661) 621-8912 Kevin L. Crook Architect Inc PLANNING + ARCHITECTURE ARCHITECT: KEVIN L. CROOK ARCHITECT, INC. 1360 REYNOLDS AVE. SUITE 110 IRVINE, CA 92614 CONTACT: JEFF ADDISON BUSINESS: (949) 660-1587 WWW.KLCARCH.COM 427 PLAN 3 4 BEDROOM, 3 BATH, DEN 2, 140 SQ. FT. PLAN 3 4 BEDROOM, 3 BATH, DEN 2, 1 40 SQ. FT. SECOND PLAN 2 3 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 1 815 SQ. FT. FLOOR PLAN 1 3 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 1 ,672 SQ. FT, PLAN 1 3 BEDROOM, 2,5 BATH 1 ,672 SQ. FT. RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. PLAN 2 3 BEDROOM, 2,5 BATH 1 815 SQ. FT. 150'-0" TYPICAL PLAN 2 3 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 1,815 SQ. FT. CLUSTER Av4v u FLA QUINTA, CA PLAN 3 4 BEDROOM, 3 BATH, DEN 2,140 SQ. FT. PLAN 2 3 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 1 ,81 5 SQ. FT. PLAN 1 3 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 1 ,b72 SQ. FT, PLAN 1 3 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH 1 ,672 SQ. FT. SECOND PLAN 3 4 BEDROOM, 3 BATH, DEN 2, 140 SQ, FT. FLOOR 428 SECOND FLOOR PLAN RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. GARAGE 20'-1 "x20'-9" r-r-T-�--r-r-r-� ( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PLAN 1 3 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH ILLS V NU LA QUINTA, CA neo I I I , I I I I I 0/W .J al 00 DINING II I V RANGE El11'-8"xl F-3" 00 KITCHEN 9-2x13-1' I I I I I I F� ----- _ O L — 36" I 39 REF. PANTRY ----- �y N I LIVING RM. I CO ITS 14'-4"x l 3'-6" I II PWDR. II � II I L --- I I I ENTRY I I UP 17R i A/C r FIRST FLOOR PLAN AREA TABULATION CONDITIONED SPACE FIRST FLOOR AREA 606 SQ. FT. SECOND FLOOR AREA 1,066 SQ. FT. TOTAL DWELLING 1,672 SQ. FT. UNCONDITIONED SPACE GARAGE 497 SQ. FT. TOTAL CONDITIONED + UNCONDITIONED SPACE = 2,129 SQ FT ABBREVIATIONS U.N.O - UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 429 2022 Kevin L. Crook Architect, Inc. I:f1.Ii�:Lsl� T.C.P. 07 u7 uQi CV S +I O F.F. CV -' T.O.P. FENCE LINE o• F.F. RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. 0 0 Refer to landscape drawings for wall, tree, and shrub locations FRONT I I I I I I MATERIALS LEGEND (WHERE OCCURS) FRONT DOOR: FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR: METAL SECTIONAL ROOF: CONCRETE "S" TILE FASCIA: 2x6 WOOD BARGE: 2x6 WOOD GABLE END: SIMULATED CLAY TILE WALL: STUCCO WINDOWS: VINYL W/ GRIDS SHUTTERS: SIMULATED WOOD POT SHELF TUBULAR STEEL TRIM: STUCCO OVER RIGID FOAM COLOR SCHEME I PLAN I A SPANISH ELEVATIONS VILLA A V NU LA QUINTA, CA e A v r 0 4 RIGHT LEFT FENCE LINE 430 I:f1.Ii�:Lsl� T.C.P. Ell L I Ir --J-. FENCE LINE U F.F. RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. MATERIALS LEGEND (WHERE OCCURS) FRONT DOOR: FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR: METAL SECTIONAL ROOF: CONCRETE "S" TILE FASCIA: 2x6 WOOD BARGE: 2x6 WOOD GABLE END: SIMULATED CLAY TILE WALL: STUCCO WINDOWS: VINYL W/ GRIDS SHUTTERS: SIMULATED WOOD POT SHELF TUBULAR STEEL TRIM: STUCCO OVER RIGID FOAM COLOR SCHEME 1 PLAN I A SPANISH ENHANCED ELEVATIONS ILLS 'AT AV LA QUINTA, CA NU r E D 0 4 RIGHT FENCE LINE 431 TIA-1 I is • JY mil.° • � .. :.. '.. � j �..' - -- .._ •:4�• ..... r � ��` • ^9 -� k ..� < ;�ii..'.. ..... I� y.. .- .. �:'d .- 5'fisi-i�. �. P✓. 1�'�r� ���i� 2022 Kevin L. Crook Architect, Inc. I:f1.Ii�:Lsll T.O.P. FENCE LINE - ----------------------- i F.F. CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. Refer to landscape drawings for wall, tree, and shrub locations FRONT MATERIALS LEGEND (WHERE OCCURS) FRONT DOOR: FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR: METAL SECTIONAL ROOF: CONCRETE "S" TILE FASCIA: 2x6 WOOD BARGE: 2x6 WOOD GABLE END: DECORATE FOAM WALL: STUCCO WINDOWS: VINYL W/ GRIDS WINDOW BOX: SIMULATED WOOD SHUTTERS: SIMULATED WOOD POT SHELF FOAM TRIM: STUCCO OVER RIGID FOAM COLOR SCHEME 4 PLAN 1 B SANTA BARBARA ELEVATIONS NEILLTTA AT AV U LA QUINTA, CA M RIGHT K 000 000 00� LEFT mv FENCE LINE 432 I:11piem:Cell T.O.P. 1 I � I � I f )fie F.F. RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. MATERIALS LEGEND (WHERE OCCURS) FRONT DOOR: FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR: METAL SECTIONAL ROOF: CONCRETE "S" TILE FASCIA: 2x6 WOOD BARGE: 2x6 WOOD GABLE END: DECORATE FOAM WALL: STUCCO WINDOWS: VINYL W/ GRIDS WINDOW BOX: SIMULATED WOOD SHUTTERS: SIMULATED WOOD POT SHELF FOAM TRIM: STUCCO OVER RIGID FOAM COLOR SCHEME 4 PLAN 1 B SANTA BARBARA ENHANCED ELEVATIONS LT v4v L qw4VW A i Aip LA QUINTA, CA I I I 1 I 1 Ld1 RIGHT FENCE LINE 433 A - SPANISH RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES9 LLC. III B - SANTA BARBARA PLAN 1 ROOF PLANS AT AV N UE LA QUINTA, CA 434 SECOND FLOOR PLAN RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. A/C 29'-6" DINING O 14'-2' x, 1'-11„ III I� I I �, /( I I 1 i39• RE 1--------------FAD = iT 36' KITCHEN PAIM 14'-2"x9'-6° I L n n �O - - - - - - - •30'RWE ------ U U N PLAN 2 3 BEDROOM, 2.5 BATH RA 1"x20 LIVING RM. 15'-2"x 15'-1 " ENTRY FIRST FLOOR PLAN ILLTT XPAV u LA QUINTA, CA !!! UP. 17R O AREA TABULATION CONDITIONED SPACE FIRST FLOOR AREA 753 SQ. FT. SECOND FLOOR AREA 1,062 SQ. FT. TOTAL DWELLING 1,815 SQ. FT. UNCONDITIONED SPACE GARAGE 420 SQ. FT. 435 CD 2022 Kevin L. Crook Architect, Inc. BLDG. HGT. n RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. Refer to landscape drawings for wall, tree, and shrub locations FRONT (MOTOR COURT VIEW) MATERIALS LEGEND (WHERE OCCURS) FRONT DOOR: FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR: METAL SECTIONAL ROOF: CONCRETE "S" TILE FASCIA: 2x6 WOOD BARGE: 2x6 WOOD GABLE END: SIMULATED CLAY TILE WALL: STUCCO WINDOWS: VINYL W/ GRIDS SHUTTERS: SIMULATED WOOD POT SHELF TUBULAR STEEL TRIM: STUCCO OVER RIGID FOAM FENCE LINE L - - _ COLOR SCHEME 2 PLAN 2A SPANISH ELEVATIONS UAL A`. VQUINTA, CA -------------------------- I I f I I I RIGHT LEFT FENCE LINE 436 BLDG. HGT. n RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. MATERIALS LEGEND (WHERE OCCURS) FRONT DOOR: FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR: METAL SECTIONAL ROOF: CONCRETE "S" TILE FASCIA: 2x6 WOOD BARGE: 2x6 WOOD GABLE END: SIMULATED CLAY TILE WALL: STUCCO WINDOWS: VINYL W/ GRIDS SHUTTERS: SIMULATED WOOD POT SHELF TUBULAR STEEL TRIM: STUCCO OVER RIGID FOAM COLOR SCHEME 2 PLAN 2A SPANISH ENHANCED FENCE LINE ELEVATIONS ILLS AT AV LA QUINTA, CA ICI I I f I I I RIGHT LEFT FENCE LINE 437 © 2022 Kevin L. Crook Architect, Inc. BLDG. HGT. T.O.P. F.F. T.O.P. FENCE LINE I- RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. F • T1 rl � - fi� Refer to landscape drawings for wall, tree, and shrub locations FRONT (MOTOR COURT VIEW) u 0- MATERIALS LEGEND (WHERE OCCURS) FRONT DOOR: FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR: METAL SECTIONAL ROOF: CONCRETE "S" TILE FASCIA: 2x6 WOOD BARGE: 2x6 WOOD GABLE END: DECORATE FOAM WALL: STUCCO WINDOWS: VINYL W/ GRIDS WINDOW BOX: SIMULATED WOOD SHUTTERS: SIMULATED WOOD POT SHELF FOAM TRIM: STUCCO OVER RIGID FOAM FENCE' INE COLOR SCHEME 5 PLAN 2B SANTA BARBARA ELEVATIONS I LLqz I -i A AV NU LA QUINTA, CA r----------- I I I I I I RIGHT LEFT FENCE LINE 438 BLDG. HGT. T.O.P. F.F. Cal -' T.O.P. a FENCE LINE I- RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. MATERIALS LEGEND (WHERE OCCURS) FRONT DOOR: FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR: METAL SECTIONAL ROOF: CONCRETE "S" TILE FASCIA: 2x6 WOOD BARGE: 2x6 WOOD GABLE END: DECORATE FOAM WALL: STUCCO WINDOWS: VINYL W/ GRIDS WINDOW BOX: SIMULATED WOOD SHUTTERS: SIMULATED WOOD POT SHELF FOAM TRIM: STUCCO OVER RIGID FOAM FENCE' INE COLOR SCHEME 5 PLAN 2B SANTA BARBARA ENHANCED ELEVATIONS pr A -A Av4v � V---. w if QUINTA, CA RIGHT LEFT 0 439 © 2022 Kevin L. Crook Architect. Inc. ia:■zea:�N RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. •T1 Refer to landscape drawings for wall, tree, and shrub locations FRONT (MOTOR COURT VIEW) MATERIALS LEGEND (WHERE OCCURS) FRONT DOOR: FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR: METAL SECTIONAL ROOF: CONCRETE "S" TILE FASCIA: 2x6 WOOD BARGE: 2x6 WOOD WALL: STUCCO WINDOWS: VINYL W/ GRIDS SHUTTERS: SIMULATED WOOD POT SHELF FOAM TRIM: STUCCO OVER RIGID FOAM COLOR SCHEME 8 PLAN 2C MEDITERRANEAN ELEVATIONS I L Lqzoil A A AV LA QUINTA, CA FENCE LINE r I !III NU RIGHT LEFT LINE 440 1a111ea:p"N } .L',,P. Lei F.F. Cal -' T.O.P. a FENCE LINE I_ RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. MATERIALS LEGEND (WHERE OCCURS) FRONT DOOR: FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR: METAL SECTIONAL ROOF: CONCRETE "S" TILE FASCIA: 2x6 WOOD BARGE: 2x6 WOOD WALL: STUCCO WINDOWS: VINYL W/ GRIDS SHUTTERS: SIMULATED WOOD POT SHELF FOAM TRIM: STUCCO OVER RIGID FOAM COLOR SCHEME 8 PLAN 2C MEDITERRANEAN ENHANCED ELEVATIONS 4L "A LJLIIKrA Av4v u QUINTA, CA RIGHT LEFT 441 A - SPANISH RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES9 LLC. III B - SANTA BAR BARA PLAN 2 ROOF PLANS VI L Lffil FAT AV NUE LA QUINTA, CA C - MEDITERRANEAN LAVL 442 . BEDRM. 15-1"x14'-1" 0 0 M. BATH RDROP•IN6TUB SHE RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. R.A.G. - LINEN - WNW" LAU. z I AA F- F-=J I II WASHER/ - - L - DRYER I II L----- iL---- W.I.C. 27'_2'' L.L. [:D � DN. 17R =E60'x32' HALL u., I I I BEDRM. 2 11,_7„I x10,_1„ 0 I I ------------ Era I I I BATH 2 0 BEDRM. 4 I 10'-4"x 10'-0'' I I I L � SECOND FLOOR PLAN I I I I I I I I I I I I I BEDRM. 3 1 1 -22 x 10--1 " I I I I I I I I I I O N 61 '-0" FIRST FLOOR PLAN PLAN 3 4 BEDROOM, 3 BATH, DEN/ OPT. OFFICE ILL AVE U LA QUINTA, CA AREA TABULATION CONDITIONED SPACE FIRST FLOOR AREA 920 SQ. FT. SECOND FLOOR AREA 1,220 SQ. FT. TOTAL DWELLING 2,140 SQ. FT. UNCONDITIONED SPACE GARAGE 428 SQ. FT. PORCH 42 SQ. FT. TOTAL CONDITIONED + UNCONDITIONED SPACE = 2,610 SQ FT ABBREVIATIONS U.N.O - UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 443 © 2022 Kevin L. Crook Architect, Inc. FRONT (MOTOR COURT VIEW) T.O.P. JHH F�F. T.O.P. REAR (SIDE YARD) RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. III Refer to landscape drawings for wall, tree, and shrub locations MATERIALS LEGEND (WHERE OCCURS) FRONT DOOR: FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR: METAL SECTIONAL ROOF: CONCRETE "S" TILE FASCIA: 2x6 WOOD BARGE: 2x6 WOOD GABLE END: SIMULATED CLAY TILE WALL: STUCCO WINDOWS: VINYL W/ GRIDS SHUTTERS: SIMULATED WOOD POT SHELF TUBULAR STEEL TRIM: STUCCO OVER RIGID FOAM ■ FENCE LINE COLOR SCHEME 3 PLAN 3A SPANISH ELEVATIONS ILLmTA AV N UE LA QUINTA, CA FENCE LINE_ m — — — — — — — — — FENCE LINE O ❑ I � I I I RIGHT (SIDE YARD) LEFT (REAR YARD) 444 T.O.P. to ;o f a F.F. -' T.O.P. RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. MATERIALS LEGEND (WHERE OCCURS) FRONT DOOR: FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR: METAL SECTIONAL ROOF: CONCRETE "S" TILE FASCIA: 2x6 WOOD BARGE: 2x6 WOOD GABLE END: SIMULATED CLAY TILE WALL: STUCCO WINDOWS: VINYL W/ GRIDS SHUTTERS: SIMULATED WOOD POT SHELF TUBULAR STEEL TRIM: STUCCO OVER RIGID FOAM JE1 Ll I L-11 I REAR (SIDE YARD) COLOR SCHEME 3 PLAN 3A SPANISH ENHANCED ELEVATIONS Vl L A\/ QUINTA, CA NUE FENCE LINE_ 5.00 Lol LEFT (REAR YARD) 445 2020 Kevin L. Crook Architect, Inc. BLDG. HGT. T.O.P. ---------------------- RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. FRONT (MOTOR COURT VIEW) Refer to landscape drawings for wall, tree, and shrub locations MATERIALS LEGEND (WHERE OCCURS) FRONT DOOR: FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR: METAL SECTIONAL ROOF: CONCRETE "S" TILE FASCIA: 2x6 WOOD BARGE: 2x6 WOOD WALL: STUCCO WINDOWS: VINYL W/ GRIDS SHUTTERS: SIMULATED WOOD POT SHELF FOAM TRIM: STUCCO OVER RIGID FOAM FENCE LINE REAR (SIDE YARD) COLOR SCHEME 9 PLAN 3C MEDITERRANEAN ELEVATIONS ILLqzl _1A Ai AV LA QUINTA, CA NU RIGHT (SIDE YARD) JFH LEFT (REAR YARD) 446 BLDG. HGT. T.O.P. RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. MATERIALS LEGEND (WHERE OCCURS) FRONT DOOR: FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR: METAL SECTIONAL ROOF: CONCRETE "S" TILE FASCIA: 2x6 WOOD BARGE: 2x6 WOOD WALL: STUCCO WINDOWS: VINYL W/ GRIDS SHUTTERS: SIMULATED WOOD POT SHELF FOAM TRIM: STUCCO OVER RIGID FOAM Lim E+ El ILLL 7L--� REAR (SIDE YARD) COLOR SCHEME 9 PLAN 3C MEDITERRANEAN ENHANCED ELEVATIONS Vt L Lqsoil -I A A I AV U LA QUINTA, CA FENCE LINE_ L LEFT (REAR YARD) 447 A - SPANISH RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES9 LLC. III PLAN 3 ROOF PLANS I LLTTA AT AV UE LA QUINTA, CA C - MEDITERRANEAN 448 R.A.G. i 0 ON. BATH 2 17R CK) O—LINEN—m f M. BEDRM. 15'-1'k14'-1„ V. - AA. - w --- HALL z j 30"x30" LA U . z I --- I i i WASHER/ ❑ — L — DRYER — ---- --- --- --���� IL I I I I-----JL-----' --- BEDRM. 2 0 0M/P9W- 11'-7'x10'-11, M. BATH A — 27'-2'' L.F. Ll W.I.C. LDRN " 4 °xlU0J SHO VEY iFqwm=2 I I I 1 I SECOND FLOOR PLAN RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. BEDRM. 4 10'-4"x10'-0" ❑ I I I I I I I BEDRM. 3 11'-2"x10'-1" I I I I ❑ I I I I I I I I O CV A/ - 0 I n/c � I I I I I I I I I —L— LIVING RM. 12'-8"x 14'-2" DINING 10'-9"x 12'-2" PANTRY STORAGE DEN/ OPT. OFFICE ------1> 9'-8"x12'-5" LW/HJ 0 I I I I I II LA -------- I I __ I IFS i d 30" RANGE ------- I d �D/W ---- 11, KITCHEN QO ' I I 1 T-0"x9'-6" — — II ❑ I I 36"x3s° ElI BATH 3 SHOWER I I I G�nT I I I I MICRO/ /OVEN`\ I 1 UP.17R II II I I II II I I I I ------ ----------------------- I I ENTRY PORCH I d— — — — — O FIRST FLOOR PLAN PLAN 3X 4 BEDROOM, 3 BATH, DEN/ OPT. OFFICE Av4v u PLA QUINTA, CA GARAGE 20'-5"x20'-1" I - Di _ i i i i I 0 2 4 8 12 449 © 2022 Kevin L. Crook Architect, Inc. Refer to landscape drawings for wall, tree, and shrub locations FRONT (SIDE YARD) —.,%G,_Hc=T T.O.P. F.F. Cal -' T.O.P. a I � I � I o �I (D Pi{�-g_� REAR (SIDE YARD) RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. MATERIALS LEGEND (WHERE OCCURS) FRONT DOOR: FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR: METAL SECTIONAL ROOF: CONCRETE "S" TILE FASCIA: 2x6 WOOD BARGE: 2x6 WOOD GABLE END: SIMULATED CLAY TILE WALL: STUCCO WINDOWS: VINYL W/ GRIDS SHUTTERS: SIMULATED WOOD POT SHELF TUBULAR STEEL TRIM: STUCCO OVER RIGID FOAM FENCE LINE COLOR SCHEME 1 PLAN 3XA SPANISH ELEVATIONS RIGHT (MOTOR COURT VIEW) FENCE LINE I ILLqzl -1A Ai V UP!111 LA QUINTA, CA LEFT (REAR YARD) 450 T.O.P. a ----------------- � k � I (D Pi RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. MATERIALS LEGEND (WHERE OCCURS) FRONT DOOR: FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR: METAL SECTIONAL ROOF: CONCRETE "S" TILE FASCIA: 2x6 WOOD BARGE: 2x6 WOOD GABLE END: SIMULATED CLAY TILE WALL: STUCCO WINDOWS: VINYL W/ GRIDS SHUTTERS: SIMULATED WOOD POT SHELF TUBULAR STEEL TRIM: STUCCO OVER RIGID FOAM JE-11 JE1 Ll REAR (SIDE YARD) COLOR SCHEME 1 PLAN 3XA SPANISH ENHANCED ELEVATIONS VILLA AV LA QUINTA, CA NUE FENCE LINE W. Ell' Ell� Ll LEFT (REAR YARD) 451 © 2022 Kevin L. Crook Architect, Inc. Refer to landscape drawings for wall, tree, and shrub locations FRONT (SIDE YARD) BLDG. HGT. T.O.P. 0 to 0, `O u�] 04 = +I o 0 _ F.F. Cal ------------------------ ------ i � I � � E I © I REAR (SIDE YARD) RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. MATERIALS LEGEND (WHERE OCCURS) FRONT DOOR: FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR: METAL SECTIONAL ROOF: CONCRETE "S" TILE FASCIA: 2x6 WOOD BARGE: 2x6 WOOD WALL: STUCCO WINDOWS: VINYL W/ GRIDS SHUTTERS: SIMULATED WOOD POT SHELF FOAM TRIM: STUCCO OVER RIGID FOAM ■ FENCE LINE COLOR SCHEME 7 PLAN 3XC MEDITERRANEAN ELEVATIONS jj.V1L'L4i-iVA R1 AV LA QUINTA, CA RIGHT (MOTOR COURT VIEW) FENCE LINE- LEFT (REAR YARD) 452 BLDG. HGT. T.O.P. a MATERIALS LEGEND (WHERE OCCURS) FRONT DOOR: FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR: METAL SECTIONAL ROOF: CONCRETE "S" TILE FASCIA: 2x6 WOOD BARGE: 2x6 WOOD WALL: STUCCO WINDOWS: VINYL W/ GRIDS SHUTTERS: SIMULATED WOOD POT SHELF FOAM TRIM: STUCCO OVER RIGID FOAM FENCE LINE � I © I RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. REAR (SIDE YARD) COLOR SCHEME 7 PLAN 3XC MEDITERRANEAN ENHANCED ELEVATIONS LLS 'OwAAV LA QUINTA, CA FENCE LINE — — LEFT (REAR YARD) 453 A - SPANISH RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES9 LLC. III PLAN 3X ROOF PLANS V AT AV N U E LA QUINTA, CA C - MEDITERRANEAN 454 RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. DINING 13'-1"x 11'-0" I I I I� �I BL IEN � I KITCHEN PANTRY F1 --- p i 1 22"x30 1 I A.A. I RAGE " x 20'-2" I 0 LIVING RM. 13'-6" x 14'-3" 0 50'-0" r------------------ i 'F.A.u.- 39" I ------ REF. i --------------------I ENTRY PORCH A/C jp�i ��qll E9W.I.C. M. BEDRM. 15'-2" x 13'-8" RAG. COATS II M. BATH Ic\ --- i1 I � i I 1 30"x30" LAU.1; aA �\ -----'1 I I I I 1 OVER 1 L - DRYER - I I 1 I LINEN L----- J L ----- J 0 0 60"0g�2' B SHOYfER ATH 2 I I I RAG. HALL I 0 �h� BEDRM. 10'-2" x 10'-6" 11 FLOOR PLAN 1� F1 42'x102' �_B/_ O O SHOOOWwEERR il 0 DE 10'-1" x.1N2'-8" PLAN 4 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, DEN u BEDRM 2 l 10'-1" x 10'-1" A AT AV u LA QUINTA, CA Ll AREA TABULATION CONDITIONED SPACE FIRST FLOOR AREA 1,769 SQ. FT. TOTAL DWELLING 1,769 SQ. FT. UNCONDITIONED SPACE GARAGE PORCH "A" PORCH "B" PORCH "C" 420 SQ. FT. 41 SQ. FT. 41 SQ. FT. 41 SQ. FT. 455 2022 Kevin L. Crook Architect, Inc. FRONT BLDG. HGT. T.O.P. FENCE LINE - ---- ----- --------------------- i a L qh" CA MATS" RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. Refer to landscape drawings for wall, tree, and shrub locations MATERIALS LEGEND (WHERE OCCURS) FRONT DOOR: FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR: METAL SECTIONAL ROOF: CONCRETE "S" TILE FASCIA: 2x6 WOOD BARGE: 2x6 WOOD GABLE END: DECORATE FOAM WALL: STUCCO WINDOWS: VINYL W/ GRIDS WINDOW BOX: SIMULATED WOOD SHUTTERS: SIMULATED WOOD POT SHELF FOAM TRIM: STUCCO OVER RIGID FOAM COLOR SCHEME 5 PLAN 4B SANTA BARBARA ELEVATIONS L LTTA AT AV U LA QUINTA, CA --------- I I I I I I RIGHT LEFT C110�IIfq 456 IL •�� i�;.::. ;fir. 1� �i� � � !lid �l�. �� i��.. '�� a�,�ir► . 2022 Kevin L. Crook Architect, Inc. Refer to landscape drawings for wall, tree, and shrub locations III, Illl III 0 III I�1III IIII FRONT co BLDG. HGT. 0 z T.G.P. 0 FENCE LINE - I a 1L RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. MATERIALS LEGEND (WHERE OCCURS) FRONT DOOR: FIBERGLASS GARAGE DOOR: METAL SECTIONAL ROOF: CONCRETE "S" TILE FASCIA: 2x6 WOOD BARGE: 2x6 WOOD WALL: STUCCO WINDOWS: VINYL W/ GRIDS SHUTTERS: SIMULATED WOOD POT SHELF FOAM TRIM: STUCCO OVER RIGID FOAM COLOR SCHEME 8 PLAN 4C MEDITERRANEAN ELEVATIONS ILLTTAAl AV LA QUINTA, CA RIGHT LEFT 457 EAVE B - SANTA BARBARA RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES9 LLC. III L Q Y PLAN 4 ROOF PLANS ILLS AVtNUE LA QUINTA, CA C - MEDITERRANEAN 458 AVENUE 58 ILe ::A 22014 RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. LA QU I NTA, CA "A" ELEVATIONS SPANISH SCHEME 1 SCHEME 2 SCHEME 3 STUCCO 1503 1585 1502 STUCCO PAINT MATCH' SW7028 INCREDIBLE WHITE SW6386 NAPERY SW7571 CASA BLANCA FASCIA / SW6047 SW6102 SW6089 GARAGE DOOR HOT COCOA PORTABELLO GROUNDED SW9173 SW9102 SW9101 TRIM SHIITAKE QUINOA TRES NATURALE FRONT DOOR / SW6034 SW7604 SW7745 SHUTTERS ARRESTING AUBURN SMOKY BLUE MUDDLED BASIL SW6061 SW6061 SW6061 GABLE DETAIL TANBARK TANBARK TANBARK SW6990 SW6990 SW6990 WROUGHT IRON CAVIAR CAVIAR CAVIAR ROOF: "S" TILE SMC 8403 SMC 8403 SMC 8403 CAPISTRANO SANTA BARBARA BLD SANTA BARBARA BLD SANTA BARBARA BLD "B" ELEVATIONS SANTA BARBARA SCHEME 4 SCHEME 5 SCHEME 6 STUCCO 1572 1626 1627 STUCCO PAINT MATCH**'k RGB 255/255/255 SW7001 MARSHMALLOW SW7038 TnNY TAl1PF SW6074 SW2806 SW7040 FASCIA SPALDING GRAY RKWD BROWN SMOKEHOUSE SW7634 SW6665 SW7512 TRIM PEDIMENT GARDENIA PAVILION BEIGE GARAGE DOOR / SW6075 SW2808 SW7041 FRONT DOOR GARRET GRAY RKWD DARK BROWN VAN DYKE BROWN SW9125 SW6214 SW2846 SHUTTERS OLIVIA OSCURO UNDERSEAS RYCRT BRNZ GREEN ROOF: "S" TILE 3773 3773 3773 CAPISTRANO WALNUT CREEK WALNUT CREEK WALNUT CREEK "C" ELEVATIONS MEDITERRANEAN SCHEME 7 SCHEME 8 SCHEME 9 STUCCO 27 1553 1551 STUCCO PAINT MATCH*** SW6120 BELIEVABLE BUFF SW7506 LOGGIA SW7521 DORMER BROWN SW7033 SW7514 SW9090 FASCIA /TRIM BRAINSTORM BRONZE FOOTHILLS CARAIBE GARAGE DOOR / SW7032 SW6075 SW9091 FRONT DOOR / WARM STONE GARRET GRAY HALF CAFF SHUTTERS ROOF: "S" TILE SCC8806 SCC8806 SCC8806 CAPISTRANO TUCSON BLEND TUCSON BLEND TUCSON BLEND CREATED 5/5/2022 STUCCO: OMEGA PAINT: SHERWIN WILLIAMS ROOF: EAGLE ROYAL INVESTORS GROUP Kevin L. Crook Architect Inc ALL FLASHING, GUTTERS, DOWNSPOUTS ETC. TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH ADJACENT SURFACE. ALL PAINT BREAKS TO BE CUT AT INSIDE CORNERS. ** FOR PHOTOSHOP & RENDERING PURPOSES ONLY, DO NOT USE IN THE FIELE TODAS LAS TAPAJUNTAS, CAnALERAS, CAnALONES, ETC.SERAN PINTADOS PARA IGUALAR A LA SUPERFICIE DE JUNTO TODAS LAS RESTAURAS DE PINTURA SE CORTARAN EN LAS ESQUINAS INTERIORES **SOLO PARA FINES DE PHOTOSHOP Y REPRESENTACIONES, NO USAR EN EL CAMPO L AA WRITTEN COLOR SCHEMES VILLIPF A F Av4VUi: QUINTA, CA 459 .:�_�. _- . ,issa•'�--.�_ � �fa�. �-.•��-sue \ 0, Q O U-) 0 LaL W Q ry U ROYAL INVESTORS GROUP SPANISH SCHEME #1 \ J) J z D' - OUJ W �_ O0 0 _ Z Z �W W r> LL m > Q AVENUE 58 LA QUINTA, CA RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. Kevin L. Crook Architect #22014 Inc MAY 5,2022 PLANWNQ # ARCHITECT LIRE 1 ROYAL INVESTORS GROUP SPANISH SCHEME #2 \ J) J z D' - O� W �_ 0 � _ Z Z W � W �> LL m > Q AVENUE 58 LA QUINTA, CA Kevin L. Crook Architect #22014 Inc MAY 5,2022 PLANItINa # ARCHITECTURE COLOR BOARDS - SPANISH ILR7A I XVB U dwA LA QUINTA, CA ROYAL INVESTORS GROUP SPANISH SCHEME #3 \ (n J z D' - OLLJ W �_ O� 0 0 � _ Z Lf) Z W � W �> ILL m > Q AVENUE 58 LA QUINTA, CA Kevin L. Crook Architect #22014 Inc MAY 5,2022 PLANNING } AItCHITECTURE 460 SANTA BARBARA SCHEME #4 4 L i 4, 8 O U U ILL O O Q\ LL O v/ r' LJJ Q O00 0 ILL W Z (7 0 (�/N LL Lf) NQ 'Q V ROYAL INVESTORS GROUP Kevn L. Crook AVENUE 5 8i Architect #22014 Inc LAQUINTA, CA MAY 5, 2022 PLANNINr ♦ ARC HITECTII RE RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. SANTA BARBARA SCHEME #5 y O'.� O. U _ 1 Q\ LL v/ � O 0' LJJ Q O 0 ILL Q (W V U') NON QN IL I LILL rQ V ROYAL INVESTORS GROUP AVENUE 58 LA QUINTA, CA COLOR BOARDS Kevin L. Crook Architect #22014 Inc MAY 5,2022 PLANNING ♦ ARCHITECTURE SANTA BARBARA SANTA BARBARA SCHEME #6 L k 0 5 i} m O U s ILL a (0 Q\ LL v/ O 0' Q O 0 LJJ ILL Q (W V NON QN QL I. L ILL rQ V AVENUE 58 Kevi n L. Crook ROYAL INVESTORS GROUP Architect LAQUINTA, CA #22014 Inc MAY 5, 2022 PLANNING ♦ ABC HITECTII RE /I L A AL 1 FVA u V4V _ WN LA QUINTA, 461 MEDITERRANEAN SCHEME #7 1F 'h 0 O.- m O U U ILL O 0,— ry (N) ry LL W Q Q Q W U) LaLry Q O Q H AVENUE 58 Kevi n L. Crook ROYAL INVESTORS GROUP Architect LAQUINTA, CA #22014 Inc MAY 5, 2022 PLANNINr ♦ ARCHITECTLIRi' RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. MEDITERRANEAN SCHEME #8 Ls '#fitp, y O•!} lift I�• .Y T+'. Fr µi �'. '• 40 (n ,� -�•st �,,- a-� `'�'� �, •A91 *.- W Q Q Q W V / � O ILL Q LL U ROYAL INVESTORS GROUP AVENUE 58 LA QUINTA, CA LL NO I L Kevin L. Crook Architect #22014 Inc MAY 5,2022 PLANNING ♦ ARCHITECTURE COLOR BOARDS - MEDITERRANEAN IIItJi� , � A � �.. Ut LA QUINTA, MEDITERRANEAN SCHEME #9 4 p 'e� ZI - r TTT Y ^" • v i .� Y { r �• N ty } 4vk ap 4.+0 IN `F ILL O ( ) W Q Q Q W cn QO� ILL Q LL n L. Crook ROYAL INVESTORS GROUP AVENUE 58 Kevi Architect #22014 I n c LA QUINTA, CA MAY 5, 2022 PLANNING ♦ ABCHIII 462 RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. FLOOR PLAN RECREATION CENTER PLUMBING FIXTURES REQUIRED C.P.C. TABLE 422.1 OCCUPANCY GROUP ROOM AREA RATIO OCCUPANTS WATER CLOSETS LAVATORIES URINALS TOTAL °C� TOTAL MALE FEMALE MALE FEMALE MALE FEMALE MALE A-2 PREP KITCHEN 230 230 1/200 1.15 .575 .575 1/50 = 0.08 1/25 = 0.16 1/150= 0.02 1/150= 0.02 1/200= 0.02 A-3 GREAT RM. 754 754 1/30 26 13 13 1/100 = 0.13 1/25 = 0.52 1/200= 0.07 1/100= 0.13 1/100= 0.02 A-2 PATIO 230 230 1/30 8 4 4 1/50 = 0.08 1/25 = 0.16 1/150= 0.02 1/150= 0.02 1/200= 0.02 TOTAL REQUIRED 0.29 0.84 0.11 0.17 0.06 SWIMING POOL -PLUMBING FIXTURES REQUIRED C.B.C. 3115B WATER SURFACE AREA TOTAL SQ. FT. BATHERS WATER CLOSETS URINALS LAVATORIES SHOWERS I PER 15 TOTAL SO FT. OF WATER MALE SURFACE FEMALE MALE 1/75 FEMALE 1/60 MALE 1/75 TOTAL 1/80 MALE FEMALE 1 /50 SWIMMING POOL 1,350 1,494 100 50 50 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 SPA 144 WATER CLOSETS LAVATORIES URINALS MALE FEMALE MALE FEMALE MALE TOTAL REQUIRED 1 1 1 1 1 PLUMBING FIXTURES PROVIDED WATER CLOSETS LAVATORIES URINALS MEN'S RESTROOM 2 2 1 WOMEN'S RESTROOM 3 2 VE UE PLtAQUINTA, CA 41 0 N AREA TABULATION CONDITIONED SPACE PREP KITCHEN 230 SQ. FT. GREAT ROOM 754 SQ. FT. RESTROOMS 423 SQ. FT. STORAGE 252 SQ. FT. JANITOR 57 SQ. FT. TOTAL: 1,716 SQ. FT. UNCONDITIONED SPACE COVERED PATIO 230 SQ. FT. POOL EQUIPMENT RM. 329 SQ. FT. TOTAL BUILDING: 2,275 SQ. FT. MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA ALLOWANCES PER OCCUPANT C.B.C. TABLE 1004.1.2 OCCUPANCY GROUP ROOM AREA TOTAL RATIO OCCUPANTS TOTAL EXITS REQUIRED EXITS PROVIDED PANIC HARDWARE Occ,"', A-2 GREAT ROOM 754 1/15 51 1 1 YES A-2 PREP KITCHEN 230 1/15 16 1 1 YES PATIO 230 1 1 /1 5 16 1 1 1 NO 0 2 4 8 12 463 RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES, LLC.. i1AlE������E!nA�J ���lTipp w 0 w _��Waa. W 4 Vf a M..; A�R��_ ■ A A AMii" �i r ■ '� ��qm LL-11 ■ ��■ err,■�.�POUR -ose A�VAI�Now W w��lilA1 �■ .iMillr�lritli�■�■��I��Swap 1•A �, i�A� � � � ■Mi1�r■tii1■�■�r�i�l�� R�A � �i�A� � � iMiiriMir��■�Ar�M1i����,.: �� e�+��i� ■M���4Ae�4�� y1�1i 1■�■w�'iri�■�—�4 l�a■� ■ �i MA�i��� w���3��#�►,�,���`�.ki ���� � ■1��� r�f��tl�i� a ■e1�4+■���� ��� * � ■� �.� lwf�N4�MIw4�lAt�■��� ■� ■1ri�r��.� ! r!1i���1�w,r.,.�af'�,�M��'!S'�-14�-,!i�*�.�, f!���■r F*�4�i��i*celI�!�!k��'��—�1��Ia 1 #22014 Kevin L. Crook 06/20/2023 Architect Inc LA QUINTA, CA A-37 RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES9 LLC. III ROOF PLAN RECREATION CENTER FAV NUE LA QUINTA, CA 465 RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES9 LLC9 AVENUE 58 PROJECT #22014 RECREATION CENTER LA Q U I N TA, CA EXTERIOR COLOR SCHEME STUCO 1502 STUCCO PAINT MATCH*** SW7571 CASA BLANCA SW6089 FASCIA GROUNDED SW9101 TRIM TRES NATURALE SW7745 ALL DOORS MUDDLED BASIL ROOF: "S" TILE SMC 8403 CAPISTRANO SANTA BARBARA BLEND KEYSTONES ARCTIC WHITE TILE AT SHOWERS D617 2" x 1" BRICK JOINT ALL FLASHING, GUTTERS, DOWNSPOUTS ETC. TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH ADJACENT SURFACE. ALL PAINT BREAKS TO BE CUT AT INSIDE CORNERS. ** FOR PHOTOSHOP & RENDERING PURPOSES ONLY. DO NOT USE IN THE FIELD TODAS LAS TAPAJUNTAS, CAnALERAS, CAnALONES, ETC.SERAN PINTADOS PARA IGUALAR A LA SUPERFICIE DE JUNTO TODAS LAS RESTAURAS DE PINTURA SE CORTARAN EN LAS ESQUINAS INTERIORES **SOLO PARA FINES DE PHOTOSHOP Y REPRESENTACIONES, NO USAR EN EL CAMPO CREATED 5/16/2022 STUCCO: OMEGA PAINT: SHERWIN WILLIAMS ROOF: TILE AT SHOWERS: EXTERIOR COLOR SCHEME /I , L II�IIir A AV �.. ,. QUINTA, CA EAGLE DALTI LE ROYAL INVESTORS GROUP Kevin L. Crook Architect I n C P L A N N I N G 4 A R G H I T E G T U R E 466 RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES LLC. EXTERIOR COLOR BOARD 4 _ 4 m it►�' "l' -�` • jrMir kr PpAi- o lit 1,..' U ILL M U a TILE AT SHOWERS O ILL J Q AVENUE 58 RECREATION CENTER Kevin L. Crook Architect JOB # 22014 Inc MAY 16, 2022 LA QUINTA, CA PLANNING f ARCHI: EXTERIOR COLOR BOARD uk: QUINTA, CA 467 ATTACHMENT 7 A U APN 764-01-012 (TTM 30092) a B ZONING/GENERAL PLAN: RL/LDR W EXISTING USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL F - a -SS SF11 6 6 3 I — LOT A OFFS FOR DEDICATION FOR +I 'n 51' x 648' PUBLIC STREET IMPROV€LIENTS -LOTD• • 6.600 SF .OPEN SeACE. T LOT E LOT F 64• 27,370 SF COMMOONN AREA 29,r RETENTION BASIN / OPEN SPACE EXISTING LOT & LINE S PRIVATE STREET R TOT _ LOT B 117,470 SF LPRIVATE - 100 0 100 200 ii scale 1 "= 100' feet 153' R/W AVENUE 58 PRVIJVATETRE RAW R W _���R% " 10 1Q2 :_ 33' h:10,_ 40 :10' � 2 +I �I 5, 1 era rnl 8' 24' 8' EX R/W PAD ELE EX. PAD -60± 5' S 5' PAD ELEV: -60.10 V: -59.80 5.5' SECTION A -A 40 0 40 80 scale 1 "= 40' feet CITY OF LA QUINTA SCALE: D & D ENGINEERING, INC. AS SHOWN 119 W. HYDE PARK BLVD. TTM 37950 DATE: INGLEWOOD, CA 90302 6/8/2023 Phone: 424-351-6800 CORRIDOR VIEW EXHIBIT SHT NO.: 01 OF 01 468 1E w E f2 006 � I W M / N M O sN �OCT E -6 z � (D ,Z) J h : -: r�ii� `ia:kl. ';lij.: .�-w �. ,; 61...•� ��,���.--, � - - ,� - � � V-"k '4 . .1wi61 � ,1,� . �,- � �... �•__ ' • T�. � a �a,lh rv�:-.-• _ 'e, �yr� >A:... i ts ri•6iEl ' a, ; ';0�.:•n;4',.1,8'_.:-"'� -"r_.°."-'e;�^ 'e��'.�o�+^I_!i�:..`,E^a."�.7+_".1r�;59�;r�e,•'�i� f. '4511k� s..; -OPRI owl 1} Imo' r. f _ . i# ► i T'A•r. � r,� ,,r .. �,,*_., ram.• �.� r� ��� •i Alf ,i f aryl-_ _ _=.r.�.. •'a• - 1 ails+,* ■ .MONS ._ s •� �; .. :a ■ ■ ' ■ 411 It PAM 11% % -��IJJ �� � 1 ��i�~ x� • � i © ■' - e 'r'. 1 V I, '�� :���� 1�,� ..� C .� JeJ+ I Y e a 1' � IY � �i- ��e�� a •�rr�'1� ■ �•, � ICI N ,,��,, }}'' , M` � � �, � r� � y..: ' - .[ •��1 .�:a f � �`�D117I�1,��C�IvlalGl�r�Il+i1,��t�l�r7a1".]� � � � " •. • y r�=rrurl■lOi,`:i�i3`I[rjll�tl�i[rill�il■IOZ��OI�1'pii:I - f si" � ■ r• •'� i r qqrL I ■ l � .'�'![eaxaiexeawweal{� ql `�+� �_ 1 IF I ' � 'r . i ■i i�i ,. , .ham �'"f�- •• j�r �� ,{r � r 51'� a � ►� - :. lI!-1 •,S ' � _� }� �yj+ - � � N ' l,: •, +�#rrll+kr ■ ■ I � � • � ��� I a � ■ 4_�x.'ai.wJ.aacia*. ii � I_I III � i /r�' Y ''� �■ , .R - � - r iiygaJ,I 2 � � � ■ ■ r ■ ■ ■ ■ � ■ ■ ((( FAT 1�■� w ' � � � E � . .. •3, .ilglc]�ICi+.a+�114iGa1 Q � � � � �. ' 1.0 Flo FIN Eli ■ ■ . P• �•i - 1 sic .#��••• „ � ;� • �` . � � ` ■ ,}:,'+ate■ �:'1. �r7 - ir+ r ■ V7 R .3 - - �- f ■ ar 1 ,1' 4 f r• -.r: lI�la�ll �,o1G11:ri ' �� iIMIOIDIO1+ I,''.'_'�°'s ;,,�, [7 - ■ r• ■ M �� .. � r - -�' [OI�1' �'� ter.: � �'19IDIG�' �'LV=�P��l' �'L�IOIDI' �'LQ':�'.:►O�' �'I1' �'J�'�: ►��1' �'' �.Da�,�[�' �'1 �'LO�_'.f�z�` �'� • c �J �1 ■ S R 4 � H If A �e��� I � '/ '/ ■ ■'•f■ ■ N N C 1 H ■ ■ ✓"�� �1— - —w�• • 11�oTgi ail{ .■. = � �-� i -':S• -f -- .'# I - - - - - I �"� •'tiY •: � t, sy'�'-, -5: Jv R', I ;, .:.}. _ L. j _ :• . 'N}y �■ 'Ijlr`p��{11 { i A11fARIA ft •1F�`in= l i. •, - � � �' � a `II1�� b. _� •_-4—�1—�_..—..I —.._ I � � I 'lid �1'� �1 II [I` ■ � I -., - - >� � � � � � .1-•r�',w-'}'••—���—�� �.� it 7f .��i. TREE LEGEND SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME ' ACACIA WILLARDIANA BRAGHYGHITON POPULNEU5 I W Il'111/Ilulrivl�I I•I I•o► ea► ao► eo► o► o. o► . . Sa Imo' I lyV lyl �ill�i ICI (, • I��I 1�' �� � � � �� - �� V �` ������ ly� lyl� � I�� ��� 1111 ,1 I•I �� ©Q©l00', 1 O O s31� ■ loll' �,i ii�O�i��i O fir' �_ fu'► �� O O� ���_ � fI. . 1 lip 1 ► � - vIL�►i ��� mil. •� �11/.�0.�1.��.��.��4.ir+i_►i1,�.:0,�.��1►'ilil.��L�O.iIO,O.�O,�i�, �w O I11� _Q COMMON NAME PALO BLANCO BOTTLE TREE MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET L-2 SIZE WUCOLS 24" BOX L 24" BOX �" 1 • GAESALPINIA GALALAGO '5MMOTHIE' THORNLE55 CA50ALOTE 24" BOX L GERGIDIUM 'DESERT MUSEUM' GERGIDIUM 'DESERT MUSEUM' GERGIDIUM FLORIDUM' 'DESERT MUSEUM' PALO VERDE 'DESERT MUSEUM' PALO VERDE BLUE PALO VERDE GHITALPA TA5HKENTEN515 'PINK DAWN' NON OLEA EUROPAEA 'SWAN HILL' PHOENIX DACTYLIFERA FRUITLESS OLIVE DATE PALM 24" BOX L L 36" BOX 24" BOX L 24" BOX L 45" BOX L 20' BTH M AVENUE 58 L 64 65 S= E E E • E E E • E E E 5 zzz IN i -I - '17I t � \ \ I L - � MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET L-2 WATER EFFICIENCY ORDINACE NOTES: • TOTAL TURF = 5,230 SF (4.5% OF TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA WHICH INCLUDES BA51N) • PROPOSED IRRIGATION ALL 5HURUB5 TO BE IRRIGATED WITH POINT 5OURGE IRRIGATION WITH DRIP EMITTERS. ONE 1/2 INCH TUBING ON GRADE WITH BARBED EMITTERS OR BURIED WITH FLEX R15ER5. 5UB5URFAGE IRRIGATION FOR TURF WITHIN TWO FEET OF HARD5GAPE OR ENTIRE TURF AREA. SPRAY HEADS OR ROTORS MAY BE USED FOR TURF AREAS ® Li + ® OVER SIX FEET AND LARGER. .i10�mlw,,:D WljL% oAAOAO.� OO O O O O OO O O V�� WI lyl lyl� :,. O :� Illl 1 H 4 , �- � ��'--, = 0 0 0 '�� O ■�0 ��' �� �j� 0 ©©Q'© p © �� 0 r 0 , Ord © Q �a lSim �a �a �a..�ar.a sa �a �a e7►.�i.. - - - �- O 78 79 s TO T L L ® I i--TO • T ® + � ©® O (f — ©© D O © D ® D L LO L OODOO D ® ®®® 00000 0 00000000 0 00-) C-) - 0- L L L L L L L L ® ® C L 0 75 74 0 73 L i � L VI +o I ® 4 ® 71 _ 72 E="E L ® ® 000 d :E' _ E , O O ED ® ® OQO •� E E L 70 ` ED ® 69 00 68 L o � � O � 0 0S 5 r. D \LOA BASIN HYDRDSEED TO HAVE TEMPORARY IRRIGATION WITH I 6 6 ROTORS. ® l ® ® 68 8 ALL IRRIGATION AND PLANTING TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE PRELIMINARY CITY OF LA GOUINTA WATER EFFICIENCY ORDINANCE AND THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICTS LAND5GAPIN6 AND MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET L-2 SHRUB LEGEND SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE WUCOLS SHRUB LEGEND � ALOE X 'BLUE ELF' BLUE ELF ALOE 3 GAL L SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE WUCOLS ® BOUGAINVILLEA '00-LA-LA' BOUGAINVILLEA 5 GAL M ® MELAMPODIUM LEUGANTHUM BLACKFOOT DAI5Y I GAL L BOUGAINVILLEA 'RA5BERRY ICE' BOUGAINVILLEA I GAL M ® MUHLENBER61A GAPILLARIS 'REGAL MIST'. REGAL MIST MUHLY. 5 GAL M ® BULBINE FRUT5GEN5 'TINY TANGERINE' BULBINE 'TINY TANGERINE' I GAL L MUHLENBER61A DUBIA PINE MUHLY 5 GAL M ® PEROV5KIA ATRIPLIGIFOLIA 'BLUE SPIRE' RU551AN SAGE 5 GAL O GAESALPINIA 6ILLIE511 YELLOW BIRD OF PARIDISE 5 GAL L O SALVIA 6RE6611 'SIERRA LINDA' AUTUMN SAGE 5 GAL L O GAESALPINIA MEXIGANA MEXICAN BIRD OF PARIDISE 5 GAL L TO TEGOMA HYBRID 'SIERRA APRICOT' YELLOW (APRICOT) BELLS 5 GAL M GAESALPINIA PULGHERRIMA RED BIRD OF PARIDISE 5 GAL M G RO U N D C OV E R LEGEND GALL15TEMON VIMININALIS 'LITTLE JOHN' DWARF GALL15TEMON I GAL M SYMBOL DESCRIPTION GONOGL I N I UM 6E6611 NON I GAL L SODDED TURF 'TIF GREEN', HYBRID BERMUDA-OVERSEED WITH GHRY5AGTINIA MEXIGANA DAMIANITA I GAL M PERENNIAL RYE SEASONAL, WULGOL5 = H16H 3,520 SF TOTAL OD DALEA FRUTEE5GEN5 'SIERRA N16RA' BLACK DALEA 'SIERRA N16RA' 5 GAL L E EREMOPHILA X 'SUMMERTIME BLUE' SUMMERTIME BLUE 5 GAL M\ - BASIN HYDROSEED MIX: HEMEROGALLIS 'MONIE SUSIE EVERGREEN' DAYLILLY I GAL MGOLLIN51A AGHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM HEEROPHYLLG2A 6ALLARDIA PULGHELLAHT5 ® HE5PERALOE PARVIFLORA 'BRAKE LIGHTS' BREAKLI6 5 GAL L E5GHH5GHOLZIA LA5THENIA GALIFORNIGA HF HE5PERALOE FUNIFERA C71ANT HE5PERALOE 5 GAL L LOTU5 GORNIGULATU5 TRIFOLIUM FRA616ERIUM ILEX VOMITORIA 'STOKES' DWARF YAUPON HOLLY 5 GAL L LOBULARIA MARITIMA 'CARPER OF SNOW' © LANTANA HYBRID 'NEW GOLD' NEW GOLD LANTANA 5 GAL L NO o MANFREDA v. 'SILVER LEOPARD SIIVER LEOPARD TEXAS TUBEROSE 3 GAL M DESIGNATION IN ALL SHRUB 3" DEPTH COMPACTED DECOMPOSED GRANITE PAVING WITH A NATURAL "STABILIZER" BINDER AREAS 'CALIFORNIA GOLD'. IN ALL SHRUB PLANTING AREAS. LANUZ)UAF-oftz F-OfLAN TTM 37950 RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES, LLC 9595 WILSHIRE BLVD. SUITE 708 BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90210 818.981.3000 VLA GROUP 0 CORPORATE OFFICE: JOSEPH A. VARONIN ASLA, CA#1737 15944 POLE PINE POINT COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 719.327.1716 - 661.857.1532 NORTH 8-30-22 20' 10' 0' 20' 40' 60' SCALE: 1" = 20' SHEET L-1 1 OF 2 SHEETS 470 TREE LEGEND SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME ACACIA WILLARDIANA BRACHYGHITON POPULNEU5 COMMON NAME PALO BLANCO BOTTLE TREE GAESALPINIA GALALAGO 'SMMOTHIE' THORNLESS GA5GALOTE GERGIDIUM 'DESERT MUSEUM' GERGIDIUM 'DESERT MUSEUM' MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET L-1 'DESERT MUSEUM' PALO VERDE 'DESERT MUSEUM' PALO VERDE TREE LEGEND SIZE WUCOLS SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME 24" BOX L M 24" BOX L 24" BOX L 36" BOX L GERGIDIUM FLORIDUM' COMMON NAME BLUE PALO VERDE GHITALPA TA5HKENTEN515 'PINK DAWN' NGN OLEA EUROPAEA 'SWAN HILL' PHOENIX DACTYLIFERA FRUITLESS OLIVE DATE PALM f11 1r-%1 1r% 1 r—r1r-h 1r% SHRUB LEGEND SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE WUCOLS SIZE WUCOLS ALOE X 'BLUE ELF' BLUE ELF ALOE 3 GAL L ® BOUGAINVILLEA '00-LA-LA' BOUGAINVILLEA 5 GAL M BOUGAINVILLEA 'RA5BERRY ICE' BOUGAINVILLEA I GAL M 24" BOX L ® BULBINE FRUT5CEN5 'TINY TANGERINE' BULBINE 'TINY TANGERINE' I GAL L <0 GAESALPINIA 6ILLIE511 YELLOW BIRD OF PARIDISE 5 GAL L 0 GAESALPINIA MEXIGANA MEXICAN BIRD OF PARIDISE 5 GAL L 24" BOX L �P GAESALPINIA PULGHERRIMA RED BIRD OF PARIDISE 5 GAL M CALL15TEMON VIMININALI5 'LITTLE JOHN' DWARF CALL15TEMON I GAL M GONOGLINIUM 6E6611 NGN I GAL L 45" BOX L GHRY5ACTI N I A MEXIGANA DAM I AN I TA I GAL M O DALEA FRUTEE5CEN5 'SIERRA NI6RA' BLACK DALEA 'SIERRA N16RA' 5 GAL L E EREMOPHILA X 'SUMMERTIME BLUE' SUMMERTIME BLUE 5 GAL M 20' BTH M HEMEROCALLI5 'MONIE 5U51E EVERGREEN' DAYLILLY 16AL �" � ® HE5PERALOE PARVIFLORA 'BRAKE L16HTV BREAKLI61-IT5 5 GAL L HF HE5PERALOE FUNIFERA 61ANT HE5PERALOE 5 GAL L C) ILEX VOMITORIA 'STOKES' DWARF YAUPON HOLLY 5 GAL L © LANTANA HYBRID 'NEW GOLD' NEW GOLD LANTANA 5 GAL L O MANFREDA v. 'SILVER LEOPARD 511VER LEOPARD TEXAS TUBEROSE 3 6AL M MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET L-1 GROUNDCOVER LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION NO DE516NATION 3" DEPTH COMPACTED DECOMPOSED GRANITE IN ALL SHRUB PAVING WITH A NATURAL "STABILIZER" BINDER AREA5 'CALIFORNIA GOLD'. IN ALL SHRUB PLANTING AREAS. WATER EFFICIENCY ORDINACE NOTES: • TOTAL TURF = 5,230 SF (4.5% OF TOTAL LAN05GAPE AREA WHIGH INCLUDES BASIN) • PROPOSED IRRIGATION ALL 5HURUB5 TO BE I RRI GATED WITH POINT 5OURGE IRRIGATION WITH DRIP EMITTERS. ONE 1/2 INCH TUBING ON GRADE WITH BARBED EMITTERS OR BURIED WITH FLEX RISERS. 5UB5URFAGE IRRI6ATION FOR TURF WITHIN TWO FEET OF HARD5GAPE OR ENTIRE TURF AREA. SPRAY HEADS OR ROTORS MAY BE USED FOR TURF AREAS OVER 51X FEET AND LARGER. BASIN HYDR05EED TO HAVE TEMPORARY IRRI6ATION WITH ROTORS. • ALL IRRIGATION AND PLANTING TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY OF LA OUINTA WATER EFFICIENCY ORDINANCE AND THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI5TRIGT5 LAND5GAPIN6 AND IRRI6ATION SYSTEM DE516N ORDINANCE. PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN TTM 37950 RODEO CREDIT ENTERPRISES, LLC 9595 WILSHIRE BLVD. SUITE 708 BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90210 818.981.3000 NORTH VLA GROUP O CORPORATE OFFICE: JOSEPH A. VARONIN ASLA, CA#1737 15944 POLE PINE POINT COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 719.327.1716 - 661.857.1532 8-29-22 I 7~i , ft�3a-22 �•S'a v 20' 10' 0' 20' 40' 60' SCALE: 1" = 20' SHEET L-2 2 OF 2 SHEETS 471 ATACHMENT 9 From: Siii Fernandez To: Tania Flores cc: Cheri Flores Subject: FW: La Villetta project Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023 3:03:00 PM Attachments: imaae001.ona Letter of opposition Sincerely, eca Q"fra CALIFORNIA Siji Fernandez I Associate Planner Design and Development City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760.777.7086 Main: 760.777.7000 www.laquintaca.gov www.playinlaquinta.com From: bnovak26@comcast.net <bnovak26@comcast.net> Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2023 6:10 PM To: Siji Fernandez <sfernandez@laquintaca.gov> Subject: La Villetta project EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Hello, I listened to tonight's presentation. No one mentioned how much these homes will sell for ... and how many the developer will need to sell to make the project work Is that information available? Also ... what will the city do if these new homeowners don't abide by the 2-car per -home policy this development will require? After all, some of these homes have 5 bedrooms. And as commissioner Guerrero said, what happens if a homeowner holds a party?R Parking is going to be a problem in this community! (Please submit this as a negative concern from a local resident.) This would be solved if they reduced the number of units, so they could include some street parking. Thank you, B Novak La Quinta, CA 472 July 12, 2023 Mayor Linda Evans, City of La Quinta City of La Quinta Council Members Attn: Mr. Siji Fernandez, Project Planner Design and Development 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Rodeo Credit Enterprises" 77M 37950 La Villetta at Avenue 58 Dear Mayor Evans and City Council Members, As a resident of La Quinta, I would like to voice my support for the proposed new development, La Villetta at Avenue 58, in La Quinta. Our city needs such a development that offers smaller, single family residences with amenities for residents. The homes and HOA dues will be more affordable for some buyers without the inclusion of a golf course. I would like to see more growth in our city through this development. I see it as a very positive addition to our beautiful city. Sincerely, 473 July 14, 2023 Mayor Linda Evans, City of La Quinta City of La Quinta Council Members Attn: Mr. Siji Fernandez, Project Planner Design and Development 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta; CA 92253 Re; Rodeo Credit Enterprises' TTM 37954 La Villetta at Avenue 58 ❑ear Mayor Evans and City Council Members, I have heard there is talk of a new development for La Quinta, and I think it is a wonderful idea. La Quinta needs La Villetta at Avenue 58! Single family residences with a recreation center for the whole family to enjoy would be a welcome addition to the housing choices in La Quinta, I would like to see more growth in our city. It would be refreshing for potential buyers to discover a lower price point in such a beautiful area. Please consider adding La Villetta at Avenue 58 to the residential choices in our beautiful city. Sincerely, 474 July 13, 2023 Mayor Linda Evans, City of La Quinta City of La Quinta Council Members Attn: Mr. Siji Fernandez, Project Planner Design and Development 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Re. Rodeo Credit Enterprises' TTM 37950 La Villetta at Avenue.58 Dear Mayor Evans and City Council Members, I am a long-time resident of the desert, having lived here 26 years. I was a homeowner first in Palm Desert and now in La Quinta. So much has changed because of the pandemic. So many plans had to be set aside. Now that some semblance of normalcy has returned, I am in favor of more city growth with the right projects. The development, La Villetta at Avenue 58, in La Quinta is the right project. Our city needs to offer homebuyers smaller, single family residences that will reflect a lower price tag but with great amenities for the whole family. Please consider adding La Villetta at Avenue 58 as another option to attract new residents,to La Quinta. 475 July 15, 2023 Mayor Linda Evans, City of La Quints City of La Quinta Council Members Attn: Mr. Siji Fernandez, Project planner Design and Development 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Rodeo Credit Enterprises' TTM 37950 La Villetta at Avenue 58 Dear Mayor Evans and City Council Members, It has came to my attention through some business colleagues that there is a new, proposed development for La Quinta called La Villetta at Avenue 58. It has been a long time since I have seen any new residential development here. Of course, the pandemic and all the problems caused by it has slowed its growth. I think this is an excellent opportunity to build a desirable development of smaller homes with planned amenities such as outdoor space for families and couples to enjoy, an area for small children to play, a pool and spa, and a clubhouse. I hope you will consider the benefits of adding La Villetta at Avenue 58 to the City of La Quinta. Thank you, �r /f I J 476 July 16, 2023 Mayor Linda Evans, City of La Quinta City of La Quinta Council Members Attn: Mr. Siji Fernandez Project Planner Design and Development 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Rodeo Credit Enterprises' TTM 37958 La VilIetta at Avenue 58 Dear Mayor Evans and City Council Members, I am writing you today in support of a new development that is being proposed for the City of La Quinta called La Villetta at Avenue 58. La Quinta is such a beautiful place to live, and this development would be a welcome addition to attract new residents by offering single family homes that would offer buyers a choice of a smaller home option, yet with all the amenities of developments with larger homes. It's important for a city to continue to grow as long as there is land to do so. La Quinta is in that position. More residents means more revenue for your city. Over time, the positive impact of new construction becomes more apparent on the local economy. I do hope you will take into consideration all the good that will come from adding this development to La Quinta. Sincerely, 4,f, u , 6A 477 Tania Flores From: John K. Miller <jkmillergroup@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, September 11, 2023 5:07 PM To: Planning WebMail; Cheri Flores; Linda Evans; Steve Sanchez; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Deborah McGarrey; John Pena Subject: Applicant Royal Investors Group - APN 764-180-002 and 003d Attachments: Planning Department.pdf EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. To whom it may concern, Please see my attached letter with objection to the zoning change of this property. Thanks, John K. Miller I President Trilogy Onsite Sales Office, 60750 Trilogy Parkway, La Quinta, CA 92253 BD Luxe Office, 47350 Washington Street, Suite 101, La Quinta, CA 92253 191 Cell:760.285.3642 1 Fax:877.251.4775 1 Office:760.564.3161 Email: JKMillerGroup(c�gmail.com I CalDRE: 01371356 Website: www.JohnKevinMiller.com The information contained in this transmission may contain privileged and confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the person(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. 478 La Quinta Planning Department La Quinta City Council September 11, 2023 Re: Opposition to Proposed General Plan Amendment and Zone Change - Royal Investors Group Legal APN 764-180-002 and 764-180-003 Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed General Plan Amendment and Zone Change concerning the aforementioned properties. As a proud resident of La Quinta for the past 23 years, my residence is situated at 58300 Almonte Drive in La Quinta, adjacent to the proposed development. I firmly object to the proposed zone change for several reasons. The existing homes in this area are characterized by larger lots and single-family structures, and the requested zoning change does not align with the character of our community. The proposed high -density development plan lacks adequate parking provisions for homeowners and guests, forcing vehicles to spill onto narrow streets. Furthermore, introducing two-story homes to an area devoid of such structures disrupts the harmony and aesthetic appeal of our neighborhood. My family and I chose to settle in this part of La Quinta precisely to avoid the encroachment of high -density housing, which would be incongruent with the spirit of our community. I urge you to consider the concerns of long-standing residents like myself when evaluating this proposal. Preserving the integrity of our neighborhood is of paramount importance. Sincerely, John Miller Homeowner 58300 Almonte Drive La Quinta, CA 92253 479 480 te tra — GEM of the DESERT- — DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 3-A STVR QUARTERLY REPORT PRILj&2023=JUN�30, 20, THE STVR PROGRAM CONSISTS OF PERMITTING, LICENSING, TAX COLLECTION, AND COMPLIANCE MONITORING AND ENFORCEMENT The City Clerk's Office issues all new and renewed STVR permits and related business FRFERMITTING i, licenses, handles Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) collections, and assists STVR property owners with keeping their property within Number (%11 'TVR Prrmits: compliance of the STVR program. June 2023 STVR Permits by Type 1000 500 X Total Permits: 1,209 Homeshares Figure 1 (FStatP Permits- 6.5) 1 1'q9 Primary Residence General Permits The STVR program consisted of 1,209 active permits as of June 30, 2023. There are a total of 65 Estate Permits (units with 5 bedrooms or more) - 3 in the Primary Residence permit category, and 62 in the General permit category. Effective May 20. 2021 . a ban on the issuance of new STVR permits in Permit Ban Areas was established pursuant to Section 3.25-055 of the La Quints renew existing permits in Permit Ban Areas, but permits permits can only be issued for properties within select map). Municipal Code. Permit holders may cannot be transferred. New STVR Exempt Areas (see attached STVR Active STVR Permits by Area - 2021, 2022 & 2023: North La Quinta 140 115 110 109 108 PAId La Quinta 148 122 92 91 89 The Cove 292 � 2 � : � :_; :3 � 229 South La Quints (PGA West) 470 3-4 .f,1- 31308 I Permit Ban Area Totals 1 )050 843 r- r- TD D 7 5, 0 734 STVR E Ke m pt Areas 70 '.331 434 4. 475 Citywide Totals 1 a329 +1 J74 19189 1 921D 19209 Table 1 complainLQ Q-12022 Q-2 2022 Q-3 2022 Q-4 2022 Q-12023 Q-2 2023 The Code Compliance Department handles all compliance related matters for the STVR program, which includes managing complaints, conducting investigations, and taking enforcement actions, such as issuing notices of violations, administrative citations, and STVR permit suspensions. 2022 & Q-1 & Q-2 2023 STVR Complaints Citywide by Area C Figure 2 r91 MMMM 21 3 M&� 30 r91 71' r� 56 0 81* MMM 34 wmmmmm24 20 40 North LQ Mid LQ 60 80 Cove South LQ (PGA West) KA 129 100 120 Exempt Areas � 141 140 (*) In February and March of 2023, one of the major hosting platforms experienced a technical glitch which resulted in the designated field containing the STVR permit number for online advertisements to be removed from each listing. This caused a rise in complaints being received before the glitch was discovered, reported, and corrected in the latter Hart of March 2023. There were a total of 86 complaints for 0-1 2023 received due to this glitch, which have been removed from Figure 2 above. Historically, April and May have a rise in complaints due to the Coachella music festivals and the increase of visitors in the Coachella Valley during this period, which correlates to a spike in unpermitted property rentals as STVRs. Out of the 123 complaints received during these two months. 93 comalaints or 760Y of them were for unpermitted properties as shown in Figure 3 below. Figure 3 details the the complaint data for Quarters 1 and 2 of 2023 as it applies to permitted vs. unpermitted STVR properties. The STVR program features a 24/7 STVR Hotline available to residents to call and report complaints or potential issues regarding STVR properties. These calls are answered by City staff or the call center vendor (see attached Picture -Chart), and each call is directed accordingly to a Code Enforcement Officer or the Local Contact on file for the STVR property. All calls can be reported anonymously. 24/7 STVR Hotline: 760 777m7157_Aftm Figure 4 shows the year -over -year quarterly comparison of citywide STVR complaints for 2021, 2022, and Quarters 1 and 2 of 2023. Citation... .O 20 x 2022 & Q-1 & Q-2 2023 STVR Citations Q-12022 Figure 5 Q-2 2022 Q-3 2022 Permitted Citations • Figure 6* shows only 1 citation issued for disturbance matters since Q-3 of 2022. Q-4 2022 Q-12023 Q-2 2023 Unpermitted Citations In 2022 and 2023, almost 90% of all citations were issued for administrative matters, primarily for operating and/or advertising without an STVR permit. .s af I Figure 5 shows the vast majority of citations in 2022 and 2023 were issued to unpermitted properties: - 93.4% in Q-1 & Q-2 2023 - 82% in 2022 2022 & Q-1 & Q-2 2023 STVR Citations Administrative vs. Disturbance Q-12022 Q-2 2022 Q-3 2022 Q-4 2022 Q-12023 Q-2 2023 Administrative Citations Disturbance Citations Figure 6 * Q-2 2023 was updated 10110123 to correct an administrative error. 484 The STVR program collects Occupancy Tax (TOT), fees for and inspections, and all program costs such as STVR permit and licensing fees. Transient citations operating business Table 2 below provides an overview of the annual STVR program revenues for calendar years 2020, 2021, 2022, and Quarters 1 and 2 of 2023. STVR Revenue Summary: 2020, 2021, 2022, & Quarters 1, 2, 2023 Revenue Type 2020 2021 2022 Q-1 & Q-2 2023 Transient Occupancy Tax Revenue (TOT) $ 41513,084,58 $5,921,343,52 $ 61586,847,92 $ 41463,350,30 `Citation Fine Collections: $ 327,111,82 $ 447,950,01 $ 180,750,00 $ 192,200,03 STVR Permit Fee 5 307.781.00 $ 758,780.00 $ 943.150 $ 490.500.00 STVR Permit Inspection Fee $ 9.425.00 $ 1.950.00 $ 1.300.00 $ 1.625.00 STVR Permit Business License Fee ('estimated) S 55,000.00 y 50.000.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 23.133.00 Total STVR Perm its/Licensi ng Fees : $ 372,..206.00 $ 610,730.00 $ 9913449.99 $ 515,258.00 Total Annual STVR Revenues: $ 5,212,402.40 $7,180,023.53 $ 7J59,047.91 $ 59170,808.33 Table 2 *Citation Fine Collections revenue is current as of July 26, 2023 ** Q-2 2023 Citation Fine Collections was updated 10110123 to correct a technical error. �A c CA 1.1FOR'N I A OF STVR ZONES STVR Exempt Areas Map ID Development Name Zoning 1 Homewood Suites (La Quint@ Desert Villas - Center Pointe) Tourist Commercial District 2 Legacy Villas Tourist Commercial District & Development Agreement 3 La Quinta Resort including Spa & Tennis Villas Tourist Commercial District & Adjacent to TC District 4 Embassy Suites (Casitas Las Rosas) Village Commercial District 5 Village Commercial Village Commercial District 6 SlIverRock Specific Plan Tourist Commercial District - Undeveloped 7 Codorniz - HOA Approval Required Entitlement Approval 8 Signature at PGA West (Haciendas) Tourist Commercial District 9 Puerta Azul Entitlement Approval 10 Southwest corner Avenue 62 & Madison St Tourist Commercial District - Undeveloped 11 Northwest corner Avenue 64 & Madison St Tourist Commercial District - Undeveloped 12 Polo Villas Residences Development Agreement 13 Mery Griffin Estate Entitlement Approval ry Boundary "VR Exempt Zone -VR Exempt Zone - )AApproval Required )rth La Quinta we d La Quinta Iuth La Quinta N 1 2 Miles 486 24/7 STVR HOTLINE - (760) 777-7157 ALL CALLS MADE TO THE 24/7 STVR HOTLINE ARE ROUTED ACCORDINGLY DEPENDING ON THE DAY/TIME OF THE CALL AS SHOWN BELOW CITY CODE COMPLIANCE ANSWERS CALL TO HOTLINE IS THE CALL AND GATHERS COMPLAINT RECEIVED AND PROPERTY INFORMATION FROM CALLER* A HOTLINE VENDOR ANSWERS CALL CALL TO HOTLINE IS AND GATHERS COMPLAINT AND RECEIVED PROPERTY IN A CALL TO HOTLINE IS m HOTLINE VENDOR ANSWERS CALL AND RECEIVED GATHERS COMPLAINT AND PROPERTY INFORMATION FROM CALLER CITY CODE OFFICER IS DISPATCHED TO PROPERTY. DEPENDING ON SITUATION, LOCAL CONTACT MAY BE CALLED** CITY CONTRACTED SECURITY PATROL )FFICER IS DISPATCHED TO PROPERTY. DEP HOTLINE VENDOR CONTACTS LOCAL CONTACT ON FILE FOR STVR PROPERTY TO ADDRESS COMPLAINT OR SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT IF NEEDED 488 DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 3-B City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING STAFF REPORT TO: Madam Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Laurie McGinley, Deputy City Clerk DATE: September 19, 2023 SUBJECT: HOUSING COMMISSION MEETING START TIME CHANGE The Housing Commission (Commission), at its September 13, 2023, regular quarterly meeting adopted HC Resolution No. 2023-001 approving a meeting start time change from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm, to better align its meeting times with a standard work -day schedule. The Housing Commission meets quarterly on the 2nd Wednesday in the months of March, June, September, and December, and the proposed time change does not conflict with any other Commissions' meetings. 489 490 ta aKra DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 4 - GEhS of'rhe �ESERF COMMUNITY RESOURCES PERIODIC REPORT Code Compliance / Animal Control April 1 - June 30, 2023 Site Inspections* 914 790 809 542 609 609 580 687 653 667 630 589 Feb Mar May Jun ■ 2022 2023 *Site inspections are required to confirm violations and include STVR inspections and regular code complaints (e.g., trash containers, landscaping, property maintenance issues, etc.). Administrative Citations Signs Building Code 4% 7% Hearing Types: Animal Control 20 Administrative 7% Hearings • 1 Administrative Appeal Business Superior Court License 8% Quarter Highlights: STVRs 51 % Vehicle $145,231 was received in Issues administrative citations 2% this quarter. Property Maintenance 41 21% 491 False Alarms • $145,281 in fees collected to date • City Staff outreach to 101 118 businesses with multiple false alarms. ■ Jan 137 103 111 91 Feb Mar 2022 2023 341 320 1 st Quarter A false alarm means the activation of a security alarm system necessitating response by peace officers when an emergency does not exist. A service fee is due to the City after an excessive number of false alarms (defined as three or more false alarms) within a one-year period have been received from a particular business, residence or property. Animal Control Update Impounds 16 18 10 1 3 5 87 1 oaa ova o� `off°�a��� Outcomes 36 25 19 12 14 1 2 zp God Riverside County Animal Services Department of Animal Services — If you are interested in adopting, fostering or rescuing, please call 951- 358-7387. Potential adopters, fosters, or resources can also send an email to shelterinfo@rivco.org or visit their website at: https://www.rcdas.org/. Way, Social Services & Community Programs April 1 - June 30, 2023 Wellness Center, FIND Food Distribution, Fritz Burns Pool, & Sports • Distributed 30,034 pounds of food (food packages/boxes of dry goods and produce) to 934 persons at Coral Mountain, Hadley Villas, Vista Dunes, Washington Street Apartments, and Wolff Waters; FIND provided mobile pantries for food distribution five times per month at La Quinta High School and La Quinta Community Fitness Center & Park. • Desert Recreation District (DRD) served 1,612 participants (856 for open/lap swim; 208 swim lessons; 219 Water Aerobics; 134 Senior Splash; 19 Water Safety & Pre-Qual; 176 June Dive In Movie) at Fritz Burns Pool programs/classes. • Wellness Center provided fitness & recreation programs to 9,647 participants/fitness members (8,668 fitness gym participants; 979 program participants for Gentle Yoga, Essential Fitness, Mat Pilates, Tai Chi, Ballroom Dance, Pickleball 101, Monday Matinee Movies, SilverRock Resident Cards, In The Lobby, Social Bridge, Mah Jongg, Ukulele, Dominoes, and Quilting for Good Times). Social service offerings such as the Riverside County Cool Center and LiHeap — Riverside County Community Action program. The Love & Love Tennis program, held at Fritz Burns Park on Tuesdays and Thursdays, has 12 children participating with 3 volunteers. • Youth sports programs had 31,420 total participants (players, spectators, coaches) for AYSO (soccer — 20,200), Friday Night Lights (flag football — 1,850), and La Quinta Youth Sports Association (baseball — 9,370). Practices and league games are held at La Quinta Park, Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School, and the La Quinta Sports Complex. Open Court Time volleyball program, a City of La Quinta's partnership with Desert Recreation District, had a total of 188 participants at the La Quinta Boys & Girls Club Gym. 493 Library/Creation Station (Makerspace) April 1 - June 30, 2023 • Attendance: 26,400+ persons visited and participated in various programs; 42,700+ items were circulated. • Events: Dia de los Ninos, UCR Mastergardener Lecture Series (Planting for Hummingbirds and Plant giveaway), Green Room Theater performance of Novio Boy, May the 4t" Be With You Interactive Movie, Tween/Teen Comic Exchange, Summer Reading Program Launch Party, Dino Rusty's Dino Safari, Cali Rosina Paint with Tea Night, and Preserve Your History Presentation by La Quinta Museum. Programs: Baby/Toddler/Preschool Storytimes; Library Birthday Party; Chess Club; Sensory Hour; SOS: Something on Saturday Family Programming; Teen Anime Zone; Impulse Affirmation; Teen Game Night; Graphic Novel Club; Read the World; Page Turners Book Club; Graphic Bites Teen Book Club, Pagemaster's Book Club, Love Story Book Club, and Altered Book Club (Book Crafting). The Desert Mobile Resource Van provides family programs, on -site WiFi and computer use, as well as book check-out and drop-off. The van is available every Thursday at La Quinta Park from 9.30 am. to 12:30 p.m. o ❑ LNL QLW IM30-r. dun 27.2ma 11:oolN-U MPM ALLA6EJWE IHPO➢ uixr GfCJlL'87❑FaG!dp TigG fru�ii .ue+Cut Clan Fnaire %KAt� �. • Attendance: 1,239 people participated in various programs/services; 8,516 Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube video views. Memberships: 10 new memberships this quarter; 200 total active memberships. Programs: MakerCraft (Super Mario Mini Pillows, Summer Reading Program (SRP) Sound Wave Keychains, SRP Foam Family Tree, and SRP Cyanotype Self Portrait), Fiber Arts Bootcamp (FAB) Crochet 101, Laser Cut 300+ bookmarks for Dia de los Ninos event, Laser Cut vintage keychains for City of La Quinta's Picnic and Birthday Celebration, MakerSpace Camps (Earth Day Recycled crafts, Electronics: Buzzer Wire Game, and 3D Printing & TinkerCAD), Star Wars Day Popsicle Bookmarks and Rainbow Ribbon Wands. 494 Museum April 1 — June 30, 2023 • Attendance: 1,442 visitors/participants. • Exhibits: In the Fields of the North, The Newest Americans, and La Quinta Legends: Dorothy Arzner. • Events: Music at the Museum (Courtney Chambers), Ford Elementary field trip, and Summer Family Fun included Magic at the Museum w/ Magician Dean Apple and SCRAP Gallery artmaking. LQ Museum staff had an informational booth at the City of La Quinta's annual Picnic and Birthday Celebration and there were meetings held for History Hunters and the La Quinta Historical Society. • Programs: Good Reads in the Gallery and La Sobremesa Book Clubs, STITCH Fiber Arts Club, TED Talk Discussion, Take a Break with Huell, Genealogy Club, and Sketchbook Journaling. • Social Media Promotion: Friday Fun Facts and Exhibit Content is shared via social media with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube subscribers. ls� i F _ 495 Community Events Annual City of La Quinta Picnic and Birthday Celebration • The City of La Quinta's annual Picnic and Birthday Celebration took place on Saturday, April 29 from 9 a.m. — 12 p.m. at the Civic Center Campus. Approximately 1,200+ persons participated in this event. A pop-up shop with La Quinta branded items handed out free merchandise (hats, shirts, water bottles, sketch books, note pads, stickers, etc.) • The La Quinta Rotary provided free hot dogs and the Cone Zone provided free snow cones. Party Pals brought out their inflatable slides, rock climbing wall, and trampoline jump. Nothing Bundt Cakes provided the City birthday bundt cake and bundtinis and Crumble Cookie handed out free cookies. • Performances were provided by Dance, Play, & Pretend ballet, Jaedyn Smith, Natasha Terrell, and the La Quinta High School Choir and La Quinta High School Theater group. • Businesses that participated include: Action Park Alliance (APA), Burrtec Waste and Recycling, Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District, La Quinta Creation Station, La Quinta Historical Society, La Quinta Museum, La Quinta Library, Palm Desert La Quinta Football/Cheer, Desert Health, Me Skin Care, Grocery Outlet, Loving All Animals, Crumble Cookie, Acrisure Arena, La Quinta Police and Fire departments, Girl Scouts, Desert Recreation District (DRD), La Quinta Boys & Girls Club, Scouts BSA, Art Major Art Studio, CVWD, La Quinta Rotary, Party Pals, Nothing Bundt Cakes, Cone Zone, and Too 497 Tall Tomm. Community Events Concert in the Park Series @ SilverRock Park • L.A.vation The World's Greatest Tribute to U2 performed on Saturday, May 6 from 7:00-9:00 p.m • Soulshine with special guest The Acoustic Connection performed on Saturday, June 3 from 7:30- 10:00 P.M. • Approximately 1,200+ persons in attendance for both concerts. • City staff provided information and giveaways; Coachella Valley Mosquito Vector Control provided information about their services/programs; and food trucks (Straight & Marrow Noddle Shop, PapaHeadz and TKB) were available to participants. X Park April 1 — June 30, 2023 Attendance: 3,280 resident and 2,591 non-resident visits this quarter. Total Memberships: 135 memberships sold this quarter (96 resident and 39 non-resident). Overall memberships sold to date is approximately 946 (644 resident and 302 non- resident). Programs/Events: Easter Egg Hunt, Coacheller Pro Skate Demo w/ A Lost Cause, Girls Skate Jam (Combi bowl & pump track race), Coachella Valley AM (amateur skateboarding contest), CIB Quad Skate Jam, International Go Skateboarding Day (contest and giveaways), and Summer Skate Camp program (6/7 and 6/21). Ewe 500 4 oat WDEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 7-A fGEM,h,DESERI _ public Works/Engineering Quarterly Report The Public Works Department consists of six divisions: Engineering, Capital Improvement Projects (CIP), Parks, Lighting & Landscape, Traffic, Facilities, and Public Works Street Maintenance. E n g i n e e i n g Provides engineering design, construction oversight, and traffic support on a variety of infrastructure projects that help keep La Quinta safe and beautiful. Services Here are some activities for April, May, and June 2023: CIP PROJECTS - IN DESIGN ..................................... La Quinta Landscape Improvements Cactus Flower Development Fritz Burns Park Improvements An in -person community meeting was held on May 22, 2023 to identify the resident's priorities for the Fritz Burns Park Improvements and Draft Master Plan, and staff also received community feedback from a 2-month online survey. Road Improvements Design is complete and preparing to go out to bid for the Cactus Flower Development, the last phase of the La Quinta Landscape Improvement Project. The proposed improvements also include an activities promenade with two pickleball courts, drinking fountain, seating, and additional future amenities. F *FRITZ BURNS PARK PUBLIC OUTREACH I SURVEY v. - There are five road improvement projects that will be constructed between Summer 2023 and Summer 2024. Projects with similar improvements and timelines have been combined to be constructed at the same time in order to minimize traffic impacts and reduce costs. 501 City of La Quinta Completed & Upcoming Road Improvement Projects -.dw J COMPLET`'' JEFFERSON STREET AT HIGHWAY111 In collaboration with the City of India, roadway rehabilitation improvements at the intersection of Highway 111 and Jefferson Street was completed in December 2022. COMPLETE MOON RIVER DRIVE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION Rehabllitation of the roadway on Moon River Drive to the DSUSD right of way was completed during the school winter break in December 2022. COMPLETE JEFFERSON STREET SLURRY SEAL IMPROVEMENTS In coilaboration with the City of Indio, a slurry seal of the entire La Quinta limits of Jefferson Street was completed in Spring 2023. taQuu&CV — (;F=m of th, DESERT CIP PROJECTS - UPCOMING UNDFPWAY PMP SLURRY SEAL IMPROVEMENTS As part of the 5-Year Pavement Management Plan, slurry seal in the cove and Village areas is almost complete. FRED WARING DRIVE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION Rehabilitation of Fred Waring Drive between Washington Street and Adams Street is underway. UNDERWAY AVENUE 50 & AVENUE 52 PAVEMENT REHABILITATION Rehabilitation of both Avenue 50 between Washington Street and Eisenhower Drive, and Avenue 52 between Madison Street and Monroe Street is almost complete. WINTER -SPRING 2023 DUNE PALMS ROAD PAVEMENT REHABILITATION In Winter 2023, rehabilitation of Dune Palms Road between Fred Waring Drive and Miles Avenue will be completed. SUMMER 2024 PENDING FEDERAL FUNDING HIGHWAY 111 PAVEMENT REHABILITATION In Summer 2024. rehabilitation of Highway 111 between Washington Street and Jefferson Street w11 be completed. Avenue 48 This project, led by Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG), is finalizing the design phase and will construct an active transportation network for pedestrians and bicyclists with interactive arts Arts and Music Line and music. The project will establish a new public space that can only be experienced without a vehicle, and will create a safe route connecting schools, affordable housing, retail, and employment centers, and will have three connections to Coachella Valley Link. Avenue 50 Widening Design is underway for the collaborative project with the City of Indio to widen Avenue 50 from Jefferson Street to Madison Street to its ultimate general plan standard, which will include a multi -use path on the south side of the street. Civic Center This design is being finalized and solicitation is underway to contract a Construction Management firm for this project that will convert the Civic Center lake water from potable water to irrigation water Lake Irrigation provided through Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) lines (Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) Lines). CVWD has completed work to provide a point of connection and meter at the existing pumps. Avenue 50 Bridge The City received Highway Bridge Program (HBP) funding authorization from Caltrans to begin the Preliminary Engineering phase of the project that will construct a bridge over the Evacuation Channel from Washington Street to 800 feet east of the channel crossing. Proposals for the Preliminary Engineering phase were received and under review by the evaluation committee. 502 CIP PROJECTS - IN PROGRESS ---------- - ------------------------------------- Dune Palms Road Bridge Citywide Striping Refresh LQ Landscape Renovation - Desert Pride, Sierra Del Rey, and Marbella Performed demolition to the roadway, removed a wall, and relocated some utilities and sewer. Refreshing striping throughout the City and installing bike and golf cart lanes. Landscaping, lighting, cobble, and crushed rock installed; cleaned and painted the walls and cleaning the sand filters at the basin, and finishing final touch up to landscape and rock. 503 CIP PROJECTS -COMPLETED Blackhawk Way School Crossing Public Works Development Reconstruction of the asphalt concrete crosswalk was completed to bring it to code. Improvements included relocating the rapid flash beacons onto compliant traffic signal poles, replacing the in - roadway warning lights system, and replacing striping near La Duinta High School. Engineering assistance and project review during April, May, and June 2023: Project Reviews Completed PERIOD 2023 2022 P Percentage Change From Last Year PERIOD April 44 61 28% V April May 61 50 24%A May June 57 27 111% A June Yearto Date 247 346 29% ♦ Yearto Date Permits Issued 2023 2022 Percentage Change From Last Year 19 20 5% 25 16 56% A 13 11 18% 87 98 11% -------------------------------------- ----------------------- Traffic The traffic operations team completed 166 citizen request work orders, 46 preventative maintenance work orders, 8 records request, and 15 emergency on call work orders. • Assumed the maintenance and operation of two multi -jurisdiction intersections: Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive and Washington Street at Palm Royale Drive • Modified and installed new battery backup systems at the two new intersections • Finalized, approved, and finished phase 1 of the Coachella Valley (CV) Sync project • Started phase 2 of the CV -Sync project on Avenue 48, Avenue 50, Fred Waring Drive, and Jefferson Street corridors • Installed and replaced damaged traffic cabinet at Adams Street and Corporate Center Drive • Installed and replaced battery backup system at Madison Street and Airport Drive • Performed maintenance operation checks and spot check maintenance 504 Parks and -Lighting & -Landscape --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parks and L&L staff completed 155 work orders including but not limited to: landscape improvements, maintenance, removal of graffiti and debris. Landscape Improvements were completed at the parkways on Avenida Nuestra, the center medians on Avenida La Fonda, and the corners on Washington Street and Avenue 52; and Washington Street and Avenida La Fonda. M" New lamp posts were installed at the Village Streets, Civic Center Campus, and La Quinta Park. Two tennis courts were converted to eight pickleball courts, shade structures were installed at the seating areas, and new benches were installed at the Fritz Burns Park. 505 f +r• � �d5 -+'cr'ti'ya��� • + xi ems:= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The facilities team completed the following projects: • Re -roof the library • Exterior & Interior paint refresh at La Quinta Park • Complete re -roof of the Sports Complex Responded to 220 work orders, including but not limited to: preventative maintenance tasks, La Quinta Park vandalism, HVAC maintenance, EV charging station maintenance, and fire station maintenance. 507 Public Works Street Maintenance 252 work requests were completed, including: • Accident/Damage/Risk • Debris/Litter Removal/Right-of-Way Maintenance • Graffiti Removal (Right -of -Way) • Pothole or Street Repair • Sidewalk Repair/Concrete 9 • Emergency Response • Storm Drain Repair and Maintenance • Street Sweeping • Street Sign Repair/Maintenance • Vehicle/Equipment/Operations Yard Maintenance • Tree Issues 508 161, 2L, 509 510 DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 7-13 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING STAFF REPORT TO: Madam Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst DATE: September 19, 2023 SUBJECT DUNE PALMS ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT NO. 2011-05 STORM DAMAGE UPDATE Construction of the Dune Palms Road Bridge Project (Project) began in January 2023. The Project will replace the existing low water crossing with an all-weather access bridge on Dune Palms Road at the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel (CVSWC). One of the first orders of work was to construct a temporary bypass road to maintain traffic flow on Dune Palms Road throughout the construction effort. The temporary bypass road constructed on Dune Palms was significantly impacted by Tropical Storm Hilary on August 20, 2023 (Attachment 1). There was damage to both the temporary bypass road and bridge falsework being erected for the northbound Stage 1 Bridge. The temporary bypass road was destroyed resulting in the extended closure of Dune Palms Road. Water continued to move through the CVSWC for approximately 7-10 days. As the contractor, Ortiz Construction Enterprises, Inc. (Ortiz), was pumping the remaining water out of the Project site, a second storm event occurred on September 1, 2023. Staff and the project team met with Ortiz to discuss the impacts from the storm and ensure the safety of the community. Ortiz began removal of the east side of the damaged temporary bypass road and continues to remove water and mud from the project site. The remediation of the Project site is anticipated to continue through mid -October. Once the soil is stable and the Project site has been remediated, the bridge falsework will be reconstructed. Ortiz will be placing construction fencing to keep residents, specifically pedestrians, safely out of the Project area and harm's way. The two storm events have had significant impacts on the Project, and the assessment of the damage is ongoing. Staff continues to coordinate with the Project team and contractor to ensure the Project moves forward in a timely and cost-effective manner, while maintaining community safety. Staff has been communicating and coordinating with community stakeholders such as Sunline, La Quinta High School, Desert Sands Unified School District, and nearby residents and businesses to explore options to minimize impacts and ensure awareness of this closure. Attachment 1: Dune Palms Bridge Project Storm Damage Photos 511 ATTACHMENT 1 Dune Palms Bridge Project — Storm Damage Photos POW b .. deram �. { s ue. •-_ Z: �lg �� _ rig � ` •� '`� � `TOIL 512 pp"PF- �- r -drool" , •1. A 513 514 np"Z1 V, 515 y>x �& = ./\ �!/\ (f « �\ \ \\/ \ . :� � \� <\\\ y\ . ; // \ « r / /�' » ! a 2 FIT! 516 DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 8 GEM DESERT A LA QUINTA SHERIFF'S STATION QUARTERLY REPORT Statistics Average Response Time p 33.55 _ 32.27 27.88 20.71 18.41 13.560 8.43 6.47 1 Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 ■ Apr- 22 Apr-23 499 438 456 417 39.58 38.23 27.26 26.19 17.74 15.69 6.22 4.11 Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 ■ May-22 May-23 27.68 29.32 23.21 17.55 13.87 5.53 5.36 Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 ■ Jun-22 Jun-23 Number of Calls for Service 216 201 21 25 Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 ■ Apr- 22 Apr-23 503 454 443 367 182 200 26 27 Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 ■ May-22 May-23 455 _ 445 391 312 166179 23 18 Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 ■ Jun-22 Jun-23 Priority 1 — Involve circumstances that pose a clearly defined threat to human life or property; Priority 2 — Involve circumstances of an urgent but not life -threatening nature (e.g. minor assaults and batteries); Priority 3 — Involve circumstances which are neither urgent nor life threatening (e.g. disturbances of the peace); Priority 4 — Incidents occurring in the past or "cold" calls. 517 Crime Statistics 54 55 15 13 18 18 0 0 1 0 0 0 == 1 1 5 M. ON� 3 I I g Rape Homicide Aggravated Larceny Robbery Burglary Vehicle Simple Assault Theft Assault ■ March ■ April May Collisions Citations 13 16 29 216 97 481 20 231 ■ DUI Collisions ■ Traffic Injury Collision DUI Arrests Non Injury and Private Property Collision Actions by Teams: Special Enforcement Team & Business District • Actions:480 • Property Recovered: $13,500. • Narcotics Seized: Meth 8 Ibs Fentanyl Powder: 0.08 oz Traffic Team • Actions:858 Community Service Officers & Crime Prevention Specialists • Actions:939 • Community Meetings: 1 • Trainings:1 School Resource Officers • Actions:84 ■ Seat Belt Citations Excessive Speed Citations Other Non -Hazard Citations Other Hazard Citations Gang Task Force • Actions in La Quinta: 19 • Narcotics Seized: Meth 0.06 oz / Fentanyl Powder: 0.28 oz / Heroin 0.06 oz • Recovered Firearms: 2 Narcotics Task Force • Actions in La Quinta: 27 • Narcotics Seized: Meth ioz / Cocaine 1oz/ Fentanyl Powder 2oz / GHB (Gamma- Hydroxybutyric Acid) 7.5 oz / Psilocybin (Hallucinogenic chemical) 4 oz Citizens on Patrol • Actions:4 • Hours Donated: 434.25 hours 518 Public Safpty Camera Svstem Statistics Public Safety Camera System (PSCS) went live on September 20, 2021, since then, La Quinta Sheriff's Department (LQSD) and City staff have been using the system to monitor City property, traffic accidents, traffic flow, police investigations, and managing special events. System Statistics: • Processed 10 public records requests from citizens and insurance companies. • 500 videos related to police investigations have been queried. • Of those queried, 136 videos related to police investigations have been exported. • Special events managed: Coachella Fest Traffic: Weekend 1 and 2 (April) Stagecoach Traffic (April) La Quinta High School Graduation (May) • No businesses have opted out of the PSCS. Significant Incidents Involving the PSCS and FLOCK: • On April 2, 2023, a gang related assault with a deadly weapon occurred at a restaurant on the 79-800 block of Highway 111. Deputies and investigators used the Public Safety Camera System to establish a timeline of events and identify vehicles involved. This investigation resulted in the arrest of two neighboring city gang members. • On June 6, 2023, deputies responded to TJ Maxx in reference to a grand theft of merchandise. After an investigation, SET deputies confirmed it was an incident regarding Organized Retail Theft. Using the Public Safety Camera System, SET deputies were able to identify the license plate of the vehicle. They confirmed the subjects entered the vehicle. The video was vital in prosecution of the incident. Suspect 1 was located at her residence and arrested. An alert was put out for suspect 2. Suspect 1 was released and SET deputies entered her vehicle into Flock camera system. With the assistance of Flock, suspect 1's vehicle was recorded going into the casino, which led to the apprehension of suspect 2. • On June 20, 2023, SET deputies conducted follow-up to a series of burglaries that occurred at Extra Space Storage in La Quinta. Using the time frames and vehicles in the videos from Extra Space, SET deputies were able to identify the license plates for the BMW and the U-Haul via the Public Safety Camera System. The suspect was positively identified from the video surveillance. La Quinta SET deputies with the assistance of PACT, conducted a probation check at the suspect's residence and he was subsequently taken into custody. 519 520 ta Qa (& GEM nfhe DESERT — DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 9 FIRE DEPARTMENT QUARTERLY REPORT Incident Response Activity inciaent type 4tn 4in 09 Qtr. Qtr. 2022 202 Average Enroute to On -Scene Time False Alarm 104 99 302 244 Public Service 76 58 Assistance Traffic Collision 58 70 68 34 31 4.85 63.74 Standby 12 13 2 5 4.74 <5 +5 +10 +20 Average % 0 to 5 Other Fire 6 5 Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Min Min Residential Fire 5 1 4th Qtr 2022 4th Qtr 2023 Vehicle Fire 6 4 Enroute Time: When a unit has been acknowledged as responding. Rescue 5 2 On -scene Time: When a unit has been acknowledged as Ringing Alarm 7 7 being on -scene. Other Miscellaneous 2 0 Automatic Aid 4th 4th Hazardous Materials 2 0 Q Commercial Fire 2 1 2022 2023 LQ Resources Responding 1,248 1,198 Multi -Family 0 0 in LQ Dwelling Fire LQ Resources Aiding Other 779 706 Wildland Fire 0 1 Jurisdictions Incident Total In La 1,248 1,288 Resources Aiding LQ 457 380 521 For this quarter, Truck 86 recorded 19 responses, and Truck 33 had 3 responses in the City of La Quinta. •' • -•• • Development Plan Reviews — 144 • Planning Case Reviews — 16 • Construction inspections — 740 • Facility Inspections — 93 • Review and Inspection Service Goals — *Due to increased workloads and demands as affected by current staffing, the following is noted: • OFM went 5-6 weeks on plan reviews, that is 4 weeks over goals. • OFM went 3-5 business days out on construction inspection requests, that is 2-3 days over goals. Annual Plan Review and Inspection Trends - La Quinta 3500 3000 3 2500 2000 0 1 4 1500 1000 8 500 4 2 0 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023-AS OFJUNE Total reviews conducted Total inspections/actions completed ......••• Expon. (Total inspections/actions completed) Plan Reviews: • Major Development Plans — The Peaks Multi -Use, Caleo Bay Park Multi -Tenant Business • Tenant Improvement Plans — Welbe Health, Rancho La Quinta Clubhouse, Rancho La Quinta Racquet Club, Quarry Clubhouse, Hideaway Clubhouse, Longhorn Steakhouse, WDC Kitchen, Stuffed Pizza — Patio, Costco — Pharmacy, Wendy's, Fit in 42, Mediterra — Fitness Room, • Master Home Fire Sprinkler Plans — Bella @ Piazza Serena and Palo Verde • Special Event — Porsche @ La Quinta Resort, La Quinta High School Graduation Fireworks Construction Inspections: • New Construction/Tenant Improvements —Panera, WelbeHealth, Solterra Clubhouse, Embassy Suites — Fire Alarm Upgrades, La Quinta Resort — Fire Alarm Upgrades • Tract Home Development Inspections — Andalusia, Cantera, Signature, Jewel @ PGA, Capistrano, Canterra, Coral Mountain @ PGA, Stone Creek Ranch, Bella & Piazza Serena, Point Happy, Solterra, Lion's Gate and Palo Verde. • Custom Home Development Inspections — Madison Club, Hideaway, Traditions, Quarry, Cove Community. 522 Facility Inspections: • State Fire Marshal Mandated Annual Inspections: Fire Systems Inspector Leilani Rojas completed the initial inspections of all facilities requiring inspection as tracked on a fiscal year basis. Inspector Rojas will continue to follow-up with remaining correction items for any remaining facilities. • Fire Code Complaint Inspections were conducted on the following facilities: Trilogy Maintenance, Madison Club Residence (Fire/Sprinkler Save), Costco, and Desert Neurology FA Significant Incident Repo 23-CA-RRU-059464 On April 23, 2023, CAL FIRE / Riverside County Fire Department responded to a pediatric drowning at 79645 Corte Del Vista in the city of La Quinta. Bystander CPR was performed on the child before the fire department arrived. Fire crews quickly took over CPR upon their arrival and the child was transported to a local hospital in critical condition. 23-CA-RRU-060531 : On April 25, 2023, CAL FIRE/Riverside County firefighters responded to a report of a cardiac arrest at the Marriott Residence Inn in La Quinta, Ca. Firefighters and Riverside County Sheriff's Deputies arrived at the Residence Inn to find an 11 y/o child in cardiac arrest. Life-saving measures were initiated, and Paramedics were able to get pulses back. The 11 y/o was transported to a local hospital for continued advanced care. 23-CA-RRU-073264 : On May 20, 2023, CAL FIRE/Riverside County Fire Department resources were dispatched to a reported structure fire located at 52805 Meriwether Way in the City of La Quinta. The first unit on scene reported a single-family dwelling with smoke showing from the garage. Crews located a vehicle fire inside the attached garage. The fire was extinguished before the fire extended to the residence. 523 524 REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEM NO. 27 FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETINr MINUTES WEDNESDAY JUNE 7, 2023 CALL TO ORDER A special meeting of the La Quinta Financial Advisory Commission (Commission) was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Chair Mills. PRESENT: Commissioners Anderson, Batavick, Dorsey, Mast, Way, and Chair Mills ABSENT: Commissioner Luettjohann STAFF PRESENT: Finance Director Martinez, Account Technician Batuta, and Management Assistant Delgado PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Mast led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA — None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA — Confirmed ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS — None CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 1. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES DATED MAY 10, 2023 2. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT DATED APRIL 30, 2023 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 2 — Discussion The Commission and staff discussed the variance amounts for revenue and expenditure funds listed on Attachment 1 to the staff report. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1 — Comments Chair Mills noted that the meeting minutes dated May 10, 2023, should reflect the Commission's discussion to have Chair Mills attend the May 16, 2023, Council meeting. Staff said they would review the recording and amend accordingly. Commission discussion followed regarding the Washington Street Connector for the Avenue 48 Art and Music Line project and Measure G funding Commission recommendations. FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES Page 1 of 3 JUNE 7, 2023 SPECIAL MEETING 525 Motion — A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Batavick/Dorsey to approve the Consent Calendar, as recommended. Motion passed: ayes — 6, noes — 0, abstain — 0, absent — 1 (Luettjohann). Consent Calendar Item No. 1, page no. 2, the fourth paragraph under Study Session Item No. 1 shall be amended to include further detail on the Commission's discussion notated in italics, and shall read as follows: The Commission expressed a safety and security concern for the Washington Street Connector for the Avenue 48 Art and Music Line project; reached a unanimous consensus (five members present) to recommend to Council to reconsider the proposed funding of the Avenue 48 Art and Music Line and Washington Street Connector projects. The Commission agreed there was insufficient time to convey this recommendation to the Council via a letter for Council's consideration of the fiscal year 2023124 preliminary proposed budget at the May 16, 2023, regular meeting, therefore Chair Mills would attend on the Commission's behalf (for the five members present) to convey this recommendation in person during public comment. Staff said the Commission's recommendation to oppose funding the two projects would be notated in the meeting minutes, and that Council reviews the meeting minutes for all City Boards and Commissions as they are included in Council meeting agenda packets; and suggested two additional meetings to convey this message to Council, which are the June 6 or June 20, 2023, Council meetings. BUSINESS SESSION 1. DISCUSS FISCAL YEAR 2023/24 PRELIMINARY PROPOSED BUDGET AND APPROVE ALLOCATION OF MEASURE G SALES TAX REVENUE Finance Director Martinez presented the staff report, which is on file in the Finance Department. The Commission and staff discussed proposed Measure G allocation for the Public Safety Fund, Highway 111 Corridor (Corridor) Event Site project, the Avenue 48 Art and Music Line (Art & Music Line) project, and the Washington Street Connector for the Art and Music Line project. The Commission recommended the following for Council consideration: • Allocation of Measure G funds for Public Safety and Measure G Reserves for a total of $9.1 million and capital improvement projects including Highway 111 Corridor plan improvements, Fritz Burns Park Improvements, and the Highway 111 Event Site project, for a total of $3 million, total allocation of $12.1 million. • No Measure G allocation for the Art & Music Line project and the Washington Street Connector for the Art & Music Line project, a total of $3.6 million currently included in the fiscal year 2023/24 preliminary proposed budget. FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES Page 2 of 3 JUNE 7, 2023 SPECIAL MEETING 526 The Commission discussed past Commission recommendations compared to current recommendations for allocation of Measure G funds. Motion — A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Way/Mast to approve allocation of Measure G sales tax revenue per the recommendations noted above. Motion passed: ayes — 6, noes — 0, abstain — 0, absent — 1 (Luettjohann). STUDY SESSION — None DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS — All reports are on file in the Finance Department. 1. FINANCE DEPARTMENT CURRENT AND FUTURE INITIATIVES The Commission and staff discussed the review of Measure G reserves for future subcommittees appointed to audit and formulate the annual Measure G sales tax oversight compliance report. Chair Mills asked if the budget subcommittee (Subcommittee) report, comprised of Commissioners Mast and Way, would incorporate the Commission's comments. Finance Director Martinez said that the report usually includes the Subcommittee comments, but staff would distribute it to the Commission for any feedback prior to the June 20, 2023, regular Council meeting. COMMISSIONERS' ITEMS Commissioner Mast and Way said that they applied for reappointment of their current Commissioner seats. Commissioner Mast mentioned that she would not be able to attend the interviews scheduled to be conducted by Council on June 20, 2023, but that she wrote Council a letter expressing her interest in being reappointed and explaining the reasons for her inability to attend. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Commissioner Dorsey/Anderson to adjourn this meeting at 5:13 p.m. Motion passed: ayes — 6, noes — 0, abstain — 0, absent — 1 (Luettjohann). Respectfully submitted, 1' Jessica Delgado, Management Assistant City of La Quinta, California FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES Page 3 of 3 JUNE 7, 2023 SPECIAL MEETING 527 528 REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEM NO. 28 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 2023 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chairperson Currie. PRESENT: Commissioners Caldwell, Guerrero, Hassett, McCune, Nieto, Tyerman, and Chairperson Currie ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Design & Development Director Danny Castro, Public Works Director/City Engineer Bryan McKinney, Planning Manager Cheri L. Flores, Associate Planner Siji Fernandez, and Commission Secretary Tania Flores PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Guerrero led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA — None. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Caldwell/Hassett to confirm the Agenda as published. Motion passed unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION — None. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar Item No. 3 — Commission asked if the land proposed to be vacated could be built on; staff responded the land was dedicated to the City for street improvements and it cannot be built on, however, it would be taken into account when required setbacks for the property it is being reverted back to are determined. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Hassett/Guerrero to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion passed unanimously. STUDY SESSION — None. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 1 of 4 JUNE 13, 2023 529 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. CONSIDER RESOLUTIONS FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2021-0001, ZONE CHANGE 2021-0001, TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004, (TTM 37950), AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002 (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) FOR AN 80-UNIT SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT; CEQA: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PREPARED A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (EA2021-0006) CONSISTENT WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT; LOCATION: SOUTH OF AVENUE 58 BETWEEN MADISON STREET AND MONROE STREET DECLARATIONS REGARDING COMMISSION PUBLIC CONTACT — Commissioners Caldwell, Guerrero, Hassett, McCune, Nieto, Tyerman, and Chairperson Currie reported they attended the project presentation held by the developer on Wednesday, June 7, 2023. Associate Planner Fernandez presented the staff report which is on file in the Design and Development Department. Staff answered questions regarding the benefits of the proposed General Plan Amendment; letters of support received; Tentative Tract Map subdividing two current lots into 80 individual lots; side yard setbacks and equipment location; front yard setbacks and driveway access to units; building height of units located along Avenue 58 and near the retention basin; Zone Change implications for the proposed project or other possible future projects; available parking and parking standards; other Planned Unit Developments (PUD) with cluster style tract plans; and power demand and ability for Imperial Irrigation District to service this area. CHAIRPERSON CURRIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 5:32 P.M. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Applicant, Kris Pinero, Project Manager for Rodeo Credit Enterprises, LLC, introduced herself and project team members, and provided responses to Commission questions regarding line of sight impacts, setbacks, building heights, and retention basin; public outreach, comments received, and public concerns addressed; typical cluster plans and driveway access to units; garage depth and garage dimension standards; perimeter and unit walls/fences, front and rear yard landscaping, and space for pools on individual lots; homeowner and guest parking spaces, curb inlets, parking enforcement, and public transportation in the area; and electric vehicle (EV) charging stations for each unit or guest parking. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Jeff Addison of Kevin L. Crook Architects, Inc., Architect on the project, answered questions regarding garage dimensions and utility/mechanical equipment placement and encroachment within garage space. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Joe Hammer, La Quinta — stated that he is the owner of property that is in close proximity and adjacent to the proposed project site and expressed general support for the project due to the need for housing and development in this area; voiced PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 2 of 4 JUNE 13, 2023 530 understanding of the Commission's concerns regarding parking, impact of views, and density, and added that any new project would have similar qualities and concerns, but that he supported the project as presented; and provided additional information regarding other properties in close proximity to the project site. CHAIRPERSON CURRIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 5:56 P.M. Commission expressed a general consensus in support of the project and commented on the need for additional housing; concerns regarding density and the proposed zone change; the unique cluster design and architectural variety of the proposed project; appreciation for building incorporation with perimeter wall and lower building heights at the public facing front street; use of a PUD permit relaxing setbacks within the proposed zoning, crowding at clusters and lack of driveway space or front yard setbacks; and concerns with lack of parking, driveways, or inlets, and lack of public transportation in the vicinity of the project site. Commissioner Guerrero expressed disapproval of the proposed project due to location and lack of available public transportation and commerce in the area; limited parking on - site with no street or driveway parking accessibility; and the project's high density for the site. Commissioner Hassett expressed disapproval of the project due to lack of parking and curb inlets on -site. CHAIRPERSON CURRIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING RE -OPENED AT 6:08 P.M. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Nazarian Henrik of D&D Engineering, Project Engineer, provided additional information regarding available parking and parking enforcement; EV charging stations and availability per unit; front and rear yard setbacks, sidewalks, and landscaping; and garage size and variance policies for parking larger vehicles. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Joe Hammer, La Quinta — provided additional comments regarding economic development and approval processes for proposed projects in relation to public transportation infrastructure; reduced space for backyard pools consistent with water conservation efforts desired by the community in previous public meetings; and higher density communities being proposed throughout the area. CHAIRPERSON CURRIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 6:30 P.M. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Commissioner Caldwell/Chairperson Currie to adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 2023-010 as recommended: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL ADOPT A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CONSISTING OF 80 DWELLING UNITS LOCATED SOUTH OF AVENUE 58 BETWEEN MADISON STREET AND MONROE STREET CASE NUMBER: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2021-0006 APPLICANT: ROYAL INVESTORS GROUP LLC Motion passed unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 3 of 4 JUNE 13, 2023 531 MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Commissioner Nieto/Chairperson Currie to adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 2023-011 as amended adding a Condition of Approval to the Conditional Use Permit changing the minimum front yard setback be changed from zero (0) feet to three (3) feet to accommodate driveway area and landscaping prior to Council consideration of the project: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT, ZONE CHANGE, TENTATIVE TRACT MAP, AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CONSISTING OF 80 DWELLING UNITS LOCATED SOUTH OF AVENUE 58 BETWEEN MADISON STREET AND MONROE STREET CASE NUMBERS: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2021-0001, ZONE CHANGE 2021-0001, TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0004, AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2021-0002 APPLICANT: ROYAL INVESTORS GROUP Motion passed: ayes — 5, noes — 2 (Guerrero, Hassett), absent — 0, abstain — 0. STAFF ITEMS Planning Manager Flores discussed with the Commission the possible cancellations of regular Planning Commission meetings in the month of August, as has been customary in recent years, and polled the Commission on availability; Commission provided a general consensus of availability and advised staff not to preemptively cancel the meetings in August to allow for possible project consideration. Staff confirmed the upcoming Joint City Council and Planning Commission Study Session on July 18, 2023, regarding the Highway 111 Corridor Area. COMMISSIONER ITEMS — None. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Caldwell/Hassett to adjourn at 6:38 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, CA- -- TANIA FLORES, Commission Secretary City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 4 of 4 JUNE 13, 2023 532 POWER POINTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 City Council Regular Meeting September 19, 2023 City Council Regular Meeting September 19, 2023 CLOSED SESSION IN PROGRESS v e tALam., 9 z0 Pledge of Allegiance d2ftftWO �,. "Nt 77 [�i11_I1• (} Id �, It1 9/20/2023 a J City Council Meeting September 19, 2023 Presentations } } C A IJ F Ci11_I1� C} I� �; It1 a City Council Meeting September 19, 2023 131 — 2021-02 Fritz Burns Park Improvements and INSITE Landscape Architecture Amendment No. 2 r 3 .Fri i Y►i�' ,:r : � r r "� Ilk yh Background • Additional park amenities identified as priority at 2021, 2022 and 2023 Community Workshops • In May 2022 INSITE was selected to develop Fritz Burns Park Master Plan Background • March 7, 2023: Council provided feedback on Draft Master Plan • Project Team sought additional community feedback ✓ May - June 2023: 2-month Online Survey ✓ May 25, 2023: In person Community Outreach Meeting Existing Park Amenities • Swimming pool • Children's play area • Picnic tables & benches • Restrooms • 4 tennis courts • 16 pickle ball courts • Skate park • Dog park • Parking lot and off-street parking Pickleball Conversion • Completed in June 2023: ✓Conversion of two (2) existing tennis courts to eight (8) pickleball courts ✓New shade structures -. -. Community 3 city is seeking nmunity input on the al Craft Master Plan .14 FdU Bums Park. nday, May 22 0. 6:30 PM z Bums Par[ FRI1-2 BURNS PNR% NMTER PL" • F FRITZ BURNS PARK MASTER PLAN treach The city is seeking Community input on the Final OrAft Master Plan her Fritz Bums Park. Scan the OR code to take the survey and give your input. r ■ L}W-T_i ' I M Community Outreach • May 25, 2023, in -person community outreach meeting: ✓Over 30 residents attended ✓Excited about project — positive feedback ✓Priorities included additional parking and more accessible features for children with special needs !U FRITZ BURNS PARK MASTER PLAN Proposed Park Amenities PHASE 1: ✓ Plaza with public art play element, seating, and shade ✓ Expanded playground with new equipment, shade, lighting, and drinking fountains ✓ New restroom building ✓Tree lined promenade with seating and picnic tables ✓ Bicycle racks and tune-up station / r +mow..-...._... r PC u Y{ h �rr Oil LA,�iii� ri� _yam �:: � •- Lt � l •' T ,Iti .. 1i1 1 r, . 3 � • is u e�•.-a .,� �•:�- + 31 ='ate Proposed Park Amenities PHASE 2: PHASE 3: ✓ Modifications to existing ✓ New water playground and parking lot; wading pool; ✓ New parking lot with tree ✓ Expanded pool deck with islands; shade and seating; ✓ Electric Vehicle charging ✓ Expanded pool equipment stations. area. =FEW-,, ALM Cost Estimates by Phase PHASE COST ESTIMAT oil rA [ClUb too September 19, 2023 23 Ure Master Planning/Design Project Management � Construction Inspection/Testing/Surve Contingency TOTA 013� 11JUT470,61 0 or' $60,000 L $5,430,182 $75,000 344 208 F $6,350,000 12 Project Funding Project 2021-02 Funding in CIP • FY 2021/22: • FY 2022/23: • FY 2023/24: do k A $350K Measure G $500K Parks & Rec DIF $1.5M Measure G $11VI General Fund $3M LWCF Grant (Grant application submitted) Questions? L� CALIFORNIA City Council Meeting September 19, 2023 S1 — Village Undergrounding Feasibility Study CA 4�� !��.�_ .... •r'�.�r, .. � ���� !' .. ��� �T ^� , _ — — � .. fie'•-. i September 19, 2023 29 city of Undergrounding Feasibility Study Project Overview 4 Description of Study Areas' Construction phasing and community impacts Study Area Reviews & Detailed Cost Estimates 3 b Review of Rules, Regulations, & Franchises Agreements Presented by Oscar Lazard - - 30 15 September 19, 2023 Project Overview and Focus The purpose of this study is to evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of undergrounding the existing overhead utilities in La Quints. Specifically, the study seeks to identify the undergrounding of the utilities in each of the proposed six study areas, estimate the potential overall costs for undergrounding the utilities, and provide a planning - level cost estimate for each study area based on Imperial Irrigation District utility standards and recommendations, The study will focus on 6 identify areas in City of La Quinta. Area 1 -The Cove Area 2 - Downtown Commercial Area Area 3 - Downtown Residential Area Area 4 - Sagebrush Area 5 - Highland Palms 6 i Area 5 - westward Ho, The existing overhead utilities involved in the study Include: Imperial Irrigation District — Electric Utility. Yt Verizon —Telephone Utility. Spectrum f Time warner — Cable Television Utility. 5oCal Gas is not included in tat ►dy:gC:-Ar(i:Cias Extension in 31 Project Overview: Project Scope • The study will evaluate the technical feasibility of undergrounding the existing overhead utilities in each of the study areas, including the assessment of potential impacts on the community. • The study will also assess the economic feasibility of the project, including the estimated cost of undergrounding the utilities and the potential benefits to the community. • The study will provide planning -level cost estimates for each study area and recommendations for a construction phasing, potential funding sources and stakeholder engagement. 32 16 September 19, 2023 Project Overview: Potential Impacts ■ Undergrounding power lines on the street can be challenging and disruptive. ■ The excavation process can require road closures, detours, and disruptions to traffic and businesses in the area. • The installation process may impact street parking and drainage patterns temporarily. • Undergrounding behind the curb it may present a challenge having to manage each individual customer at franchise and private property when trenching at their properties. :6tv,4 4Qw&r, 33 Project Overview: Potential Benefits Safety: When power lines are undergrounded on the street, it eliminates the risk of people coming into contact with live electrical wires. This is particularly important in high traffic areas or back yards, where there is a greater risk of accidental contact with overhead lines. Aesthetics: Overhead power lines can detract from the beauty of a neighborhood or street. Undergrounding the lines eliminates the unsightly poles and wires that can be an eyesore and potentially decrease property values. Reliability: Overhead power lines are vulnerable to weather -related outages, such as those caused by high winds. By placing the lines underground, they are less susceptible to these types of disruptions. Future Expansion: Undergrounding power lines also allows for easier expansion of the power grid in the future. This is because the underground cables can be more easily replaced or upgraded without disrupting the surrounding area or requiring the construction of additional infrastructure. 34 17 September 19, 2023 Project Overview: Underground Vs Overhead Material Cost Labor Cost Maintenance Cost Aesthetics Environmental Impact Reliability Accessibility Safety 35 Underground Power Line Higher cost for cables and conduits Higher cost for excavation and installation Lower cost for regular maintenance and repairs Improved visual appearance of the area Lower risk of storm damage and power outages Generally, more reliable Easier access for maintenance and repair work Underground lines are less likely to cause accidents or injuries Overhead Power Line Lower cost for cables and poles Lower cost for installation Higher cost for regular maintenance and repairs Poles and wires may be unsightly or interfere with views Higher risk of storm damage and power outages More susceptible to weather and external Limited access for maintenance and repairwork Overhead lines may pose a risk of electrocution or contact with vehicles or structures Project Overview: Project Implementation Plan The project started with an assessment of the existing infrastructure using III) system maps, identifying any conflicts or obstacles. A virtual map was created, depicting the six study areas and their respective construction phases, with key locations represented by pictures of poles or utilities. The impacts of construction phasing and potential underground layout were carefully considered for each a rea. To estimate the project's cost, utility and contractor rates were determined for each undergrounding phase, including Trench & Conduit, Cable & Connections, Cable Poles, and retiring existing Overhead Lines. The cost breakdown focused on various factors such as trench type, materials, labor, equipment, traffic control, street repair, and franchise repair. Design & engineering, project management, permits, inspections, and right-of-way acquisition costs were consolidated into a single line item. A contingency and Gas distribution system was not included in the cost estimate. Unforeseen risks or contingencies that might arise during the construction process should be captured and discussed. 911 UN September 19, 2023 Description of Study Areas Area 1— The Cove Area 2 - Downtown Commercial Area Area 3 - Downtown Residential Area - L Area 4 — Sagebrush IArea 5 — Highland Palms Area 6 — Westward Ho 37 Description of Study Areas : Area 1- The Cove Area This study area assesses the existing conditions, overall costs, and issues associated with the conversion of the overhead utilities within the residential area of The Cove. Study Area 1 is bordered by Avenida Montezuma to the west, Avenida Bermudas to the east, Calle Tampico to the north, and Calle Tecate to the south. There are approximately 4600 single family homes in this area. • There are 266 vacant lots that will require a 3" PVC stub to the empty lot. • The homes in this area are served overhead mostly at the back of the properties. Most of the Service Panels are rated between 100 — 200 amp. • Some services are already undergrounded from the pole to the panel ( 3" PVC ). • The streets have curb and gutter, there are no side walks, and the R/W area is approximately 10 ft or more. • Easements might be needed for any existing overhead special equipmentthat will be pad mounted on the Under Ground conversion. For example: fuses, capacitors, switches, regulators. 38 19 September 19, 2023 Construction Phasing: The Cove Area #1 39 Each colored area represents a construction phase There are approximately 300 residences per each construction phase. The construction sequence of the colored areas should start after the backbone conversion at Eisenhower Dr is completed. The undergrounding should start at Calle Tampico and move north to south. There are 1829 poles, 407 transformers and 90,102 Linear Ft of over head wire. • IID trench requirements: 4-5 ft deep trench based on the 42" min cover to the top of the electric conduit. The Cove North to South Trenching in Miles Detailed Cost Estimates: The Cove Area #1 Ave.Bermuda 2.12 Ave. Navarro 1.48 WLine Item Cost Eisenhower 0, Area n1 an ST Area J11 on Pkwy Ave. Villa 1.38 Trench and Conduit Backbone-5 Ft depth by IV wide 5 134 $ 1,7=,7,923 Ave. Mendoza 1.47 Trench and Conduit Oistributlon - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide 5 179 $ 34,846574 $ 34,846,574 Ave. Martinez 1.58 Cahie and Connections backbone-00 j 187 $ 1,937,777 Eisenhower Dr 1.86 Cable and Connections DlstrihutJon -Ili) $ 16B 5 32,691,051 $ 32,691,051 Ave. Velasco 1.9 . Cable Poles -iID S 5L610 S 103,220 $ 1,393,470 S 1,393,470 Service Trench - includes cost of CC, Driveattay. or Plant Repair $ 51150 $ 1,390,500 $ 22,145,9D0 $ 22,1451000 Ave. Herrera 1.97 New Underground Service $ 2,455 $ 736,500 $ %500,850 $ 9,5DD,85❑ Ave.Vallejo 2 New 3 Phase Underground Service $ 9,510 Ave. Ramirez 2 Intercept Existing underground Services $ 3,745 S 112350 $ 1,610,350 S 1,610,350 Removal of Existing Poles( Including Eisenhower) $ 1,230 $ 2,249,670 $ 21249;670 Ave. Carranza 2 Removal ofpH Transfomler i including Elsenhower] $ 1.995 $ S11,965 $ 811.965 Ave.D6regon 1.9 Removal of Existing Wire ( Including Eisenhower ] $ 5 $ 450.510 $ 450,510 Ave. Alvarado 1.75 Removal of Exlsiing Services I Including Eisenhower ] S 430 $ 129,000 S L849,D00 $ 1,849,000 Streetlights I Not included y $ 2.500 Ave. Rubio 1.85 Intercept Existing Meter pedestals ( Estimated 10 pedestals 1 $ 3,745 $ 37,450 $ 37,450 Ave. Diaz 1.85 Traffic Control $ 4 $ 35.152 $ 596,931 $ 695.931 Ave.luarez 1.65 Street Repair $ 76 $ 747,608 $ 14,S19,528 Ave. Madero 1.4 Sldewaib Re pair $ 320 Landscape Repair $ 200 $ 38,934,720 Ave.eortez 0.59 OqgWvV* ;.Ok-. 0*07 .4 40 ..5 .lou s a Ave. Montezuma 2.2 Telco Trench, Conduit and Cable - Uerizon 10 S 98,208 $ 1,946,736 S 1,946,736 The Cove East to West Trenching In Mlles Telco New Service $ 959 S 285,000 $ 4,085,000 S 4.085,000 CA1 V french. Conduit and Cable -Spectrum S 10 $ 98,209 $ 3,946,736 $ 1,946,736 Calle Hidalgo 0.53 CATV New Servlce 5 950 $ 285,000 $ 4,085.000 5 4,085,000 Calle Sinaloa 0.9 TelcofCAW-rutal $ 766,426 $ 12,053,472 $ 12,069,472 Calle Sonora 0.46 Project Aria 91Totals $ 7,616,453 $ 135,165,822 $ 159,281,014 Calle Nogales 0.75 Construction Total vAth EiHnhov er or $ 242,782,274 $ 166,897,4157 Calle Monterrey 0.83 Engineering & Daslgrt, Parmlts & Approvals, Utllily Coordination, Easarnants, Admin. $ 4,288,468 S 5,006,924 Calle Arroba 0.9 Total $ 147.N5,749 $ 172,904,"1 Calle Madrid 0.7 its 20 September 19, 2023 The Cove North to South Trenching in Miles Detailed Cost Estimates: The Cove Area #1 ROW & Private Systems Ave. Bermuda 2.12 Ave.Navarm 1.48 ---- Ave.Villa 1.38 Trendy and ConduiE Backbone - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 S 1,757,923 Ave. Mendoza 1.47 Trench and Con dui[ Olstdbut:on - 5 Ft depth by 18' wlde $ 179 5 34,846,574 S 34,846,574 Ave. Martinez 1.58 Cable and Connections Backbone -110 $ 187 $ 1"7.777 Cable and ccmneuUms Distribution - I113 $ 16e $ 3Z,691,051 $ 32,691,D51 Eisenhower Dr 1.86 cable Poh:s-111) $ 51,510 $ 1D3,220 $ 1,393,470 $ 1,393,47D Ave.Velasco 1.9 Removal of Existing Poles ( Including Hsenhower ) $ 2,Z30 $ 2.249.670 $ 2,249,670 Removal of OH Transformer ( Inducing &senhower j $ 1,995 $ 811,965 $ 811,955 Ave. Herrera 1.97 Removal of Existing Wire (Including Eisenhower] S 5 $ 450,510 S 450,510 Ave.Vallejo 2 Removal of Existing Services l lad•ding Elsenfiower l $ 430 $ 129,000 $ 1,849,00D $ 1,849,000 Ave.Ramirez 2 9rreetlighta f Not included} $ 2,500 Intercept Eidsting Meier Pedestals (Esti nated 14 pedestals) $ 3,745 $ 37,450 $ 37,450 Ave.Carranza 2 Traffic Control $ 4 $ 35,159 $ 6m,931 $ E96,931 Ave.Obregon 1.9 Street Repair $ 76 $ 747,608 S 14.819,528 Ave.Alvarado 1.75 Sidewalk Repair $ 320 Landscape Repair $ 200 $ 38,934,720 Ave.Rubio 1.85 Telco Trench, Conduit and Cable-Vefi20P $ 10 $ 98,208 S 1.946,736 $ 1,946,736 Ave. Diaz 1.85 CAN Trer c4, Condulr and Cable-Si)ectn— _.. ...-- $ t0 i 98,208 $ 1.94_6,736 S 1.946,736 Ave.Juarez 1.65 9acklaono& Dlstddwtlw System Total $ 4,807,103 $ 93,73%622 $ 117,BS4,814 Ave. Madero 1.4 backbone S, Dlstrlbupan Total with Eisonhmwr Dr $ 99,546,724 $ 122,641.917 Service Trench - includes cost of CC, Odveway or Pla9t Remaly $ 5.150 $ I,390,500 5 22,145.000 $ 22.145,000 Ave. Cortez 0.59 New Underground Service $ 2A55 $ 736,500 $ 9.500,850 $ 915WI850 Ave. Montezuma 2.2 New 3 Phase Underground Service $ 91510 The Cove East to West Trenching in Miles Intercept Foisting Underground Services $ 3,745 S 112,350 $ 1.610,350 S 1,619,350 Calle Hidalgo 0.53 Telco New Service 5 950 S 285,00t1 S 4,085,000 S 4,085001) CAN New Service $ 950 S 295,000 $ 4,085.000 $ 4485,0011 Calle Sinaloa 0.9 S"ce System Teal $ 2,909,3SD $ 41,426,200 S 41,426.20 Calle Sonora 0.46 5—rce S"taro Vial with EF-1a,.,e- n, $ 44.235,55a S 44A35,55v Calle Nogales 0.75 It Sub -Total S 142,782,274 S 166,697.467 Calle Monterrey 0.83 r Engineering& Design, Permit& & Appmwla, Dtilrty Coordirsaiion, Easamerds, Admin. $ 4.283,4613 $ 5,006,224 Calle Arroba 0.9 . Total $ 14710651749 $ 171,904,491 Calle Madrid 0.7 41 Area 2 - Downtown Commercial Area: This study area assesses the existing conditions, overall costs, and issues associated with the conversion of the overhead utilities within the downtown commercial area. The downtown area has both commercial and residential customers. Study Area 2 is bordered by Avenida Bermudas to the west, Calle Guatemala to the east, Avenida La Fonda to the north and Calle Amigo to the south. There are approximately 33 single family homes in this area. Services are 200Amp. • There are 7 residential vacant lots that will require a 3" PVC stub to the empty lot. • There are 21 Commercial locations and 19 empty lots • There are 23 streetlights already undergrounded and 5-meter pedestals. • The homes in this area are served overhead mostly at the back of the properties. • The commercial Service Panels will range from 400 —1200 Amp 3 phase. • All commercial services are already undergrounded from the pole to the panel. • The streets have curb, gutter and sidewalk in the commercial areas and curb at the residential areas, there are no side walks, and the R/W area is approximately 10 ft. • Easements might be needed for any existing overhead special equipment that will be pad mounted on the Under Ground conversion. For example: fuses, capacitors, switches, regulators. wwvffw>r 42 21 September 19, 2023 Construction Phasing: The Downtown Commercial Area #2 Each colored area represents a proposed construction phase. The construction sequence of the colored areas should start after the backbone conversion at Desert Club Dr is completed. We recommend undergrounding an additional 460 linear feet of the existing overhead system, located north of Ave. La Fonda but outside the designated undergrounding zone. There are about 33 residences in the first construction phase ( green ). The pink phase is mostly commercial, only 2 residences and approximately 19 vacant commercial lots. I' The undergrounding should start at Calle Guatemala and continue to move west. J There are 41 poles, 19 transformers and 4,500 Linear Ft of over head -a I wire. �+ IID trench requirements: 5 ft deep trench based on the 42" min cover to the top of the electric conduit. 43 Detailed Cost Estimates: Downtown Commercial Area #2 Line Rem con Deaaart Club Or Ana N1 Smears Trench and Conduit Backbone -5 Ft depth by 13" wlde $ 179 5 36I530 Trends and Conduit Distribution -5 Ft depth by 1s" wide $ 179 $ i,620,730 $ Cable and C onnections Badchone -IID $ 137 37S,0D5 Cable and Connections Distrihut3oo - IID $ 168 $ 957,590 $ Cable Poles -Ila $ 51,610 Service Trench - includes cost of CC. Driveway or Plant Repair $ 51150 $ 206,000 $ New Underground Service $ 2,455 $ 81,015 $ New 3 Phase Undergmund Service $ 9,510 Intercept Existing Underground Services $ 3,745 $ 78.645 $ Removal of Fidsting Poles ( Including Dessert Club Dr 1 $ 1,230 $ 5A430 S Removal of OH Transtormer ( Including Dessert Club DI ( $ 1.995 $ 371905 $ Removal of Bdsting Wlre ( Including Dessert Club Dr) $ 5 5 22,69D 5 Removal of Existing Services I Including Dessert Club Dr 1 5 430 $ 23220 5 Streetlights ( Not included j $ 2,500 Intercept basting Meter Pedestals $ 3,745 i 1s,725 $ Traffic Control $ 4 $ 7,232 $ 20,415 $ Street Repair $ 76 S 153.773 $ 434.095 Sidewalk Repair S 320 $ Landscape Repair $ 7Cir 5 Electric Total $ 900,589 $ 2,951,459 $ Telco Trench, Conduit and Cable - Verizon $ I $ 20,200 57,024 S TeICo New Service $ 950 $ 51,3DD - C4N Trench, Conduit and Cable - Spectfa rn $ 10 $ 20,200 $ 57,024 S CAN ttaw Service $ 950 S S_.3uv S TelcooTYTotal $ 40,400 9 216,64fl S "act Area #2 Totals $ 940,939 $ 3,168,107 $ Construction Tonal with Dessert Club or S 4,109.096 S EnginQering & 0"ign, Permits & Approvals, Utility Coordination, Easemants, Admin. $ 410,910 S Total S 4,520,OD6 $ 44 Ana #2 Pkwy 1,020,730 957,590 206,060 S1,015 78.645 50,430 97,905 22.690 23.220 18,725 20.415 121,600 I .140,480 3,779,444 57.024 51.300 57,024 51.300 216,60 3,996,092 4,937,081 493,708 5,430,789 Area #2 Commercial in Linear Ft Dessert Cl u b Drive 2020 Ave. La Fonda Res 850 Calle Cadiz y Fortuna 1613 Calle Estado 636 Calle Cadiz Commercial 670 Calle Barcelona 640 Calle Amigo 635 Ave. La Fonda Commercial 640 Total Trench Milage 1.46 DessertClub or includes 460 Linear Ft beyond the boundaT)�A�bAROAI� 108#fheor%f111'adline 22 September 19, 2023 IV Detailed Cost Estimates: Downtown Commercial Area #2 ROW & Private Systems Trench and Condult Backbone - 5 Ft Depth by 18- wide S 179 $ 961,58D Trench and Condult Distribution - 5 ft depth by 18" wide 5 179 $ 1020,730 5 1,D2D,730 Cable and Connections Backbone -RD 197 $ 37S,005 Area#2 Commercial in Linear Ft Cable and Connections Distribution - ill $ 168 $ 957.590 S 957590 Cable Poles -IID $ 51,510 Dessert Club Drive 2020 Removal of Existing Poles (Including Dessert Club Or ) S 11230 $ 50,430 $ 50,43D Removal of ON Transformer ( including Dessert Club Dr) 5 1,995 $ 37,905 $ 37,905 Ave. La Fonda Res 850 Removal of Fidshng wire ( Including Dessert Club 0r ] $ 5 $ 22,690 $ 22,69D Calle Cadiz y Fortuna 1613 Removal of &dsting Services I Including Dessert Club or $ 430 $ 23,220 $ 23,220 Calle Estado 636 streetllights ( Not Included j $ 2,500 Calle Cadiz Commercial 670 Intercept frdsting Meter Pedestals 3,745 $ 13.725 5 18,725 Traffic Control $ 4 $ 7,232 S 20,415 $ 20,415 Calle Barcelona 640 Street Repair $ 76 5 153,773 $ 47.4.095 Calle Amigo 635 Sidewalk Repair $ 320 $ 121,600 Ave. La Fonda Commercial 640 Landscape Repair $ 20D $ 1,140,480 Telco Trench, Conduit and Cable - Verizon 5 10 $ 2D,200 $ 57.024 5 57,D24 CAN Trench, Condult and Cable-Spet"<i uin $ iU $ 20,200 $ 57,024 $ 57,624 Total Total Trench Milage or includes 460 Linear 1.46 Ft beyy�a�n�d the Saddxma 8 Distribution System Total $ 944,989 $ 2,695,947 $ 3,S27,832 bounda 77MILTSfiROA1�l•l0991he o�%fY1Nad line 8ackbcna & Dlstributlw Total with Dessert Club Or $ 3,640,836 $ 4,468,821 Servlce Trench - InKludes cost of CC, Drveway or Plant Repair $ 5,150 5 20610W 5 206,000 Mew Underground Service $ 2,455 $ S1,015 $ 81,D15 New 3 phase Undergfound Service S 9.510 Intercept bdstln8 Underground Services $ 3,745 $ 78.645 $ 78,645 Telco New 5ervice $ 959 $ 51.300 $ 51,309 CATV New Service $ 950 $ 51.300 5 51,3 DID service Sys3em Total wish Dessert Club Or j - s 46a,260 5 46B,260 Sub -Total $ 4,109,096 $ 4,93710814 Engineering & Design, Permits & Approvals, litility Caardination, fase ments, Ad min. $ 410,910 $ 498,708I n Total t 4,520,066 $ S,430,789 I `1 45 Area 3 - Downtown Residential Area: This study area assesses the existing conditions, overall costs, and issues associated with the conversion of the overhead utilities within the downtown residential area. The western portion of Study Area 3 is bordered by Calle Guatemala to the west, Washington Street to the east, Avenida La Fonda to the north and Avenida Nuestra to the south. The eastern portion of Study Area 3 is bordered by Washington Street to the west, Calle Rondo to the east, Avenida Ultimo to the north, and Avenida Nuestra to the south. • There are approximately 262 single family homes in this area. • There are 26 residential vacant lots that will require a 3" PVC stub to the empty lot. • The homes in this area are served overhead mostly at the back of the properties. • Most of the Service Panels are rated between 100 - 200 amp. • Some services are already undergrounded from the pole to the panel ( 3" PVC ). • The streets have curb and gutter, are side walks at Calle Tampico, and the R/W area is approximately 10 ft or more. • Easements might be needed for any existing overhead special equipment that will be pad mounted on the Under Ground conversion. For example: fuses, capacitors, switches, regulators. 46 23 September 19, 2023 Construction Phasing: The Downtown Residential Area #3 3 Each colored area represents a proposed construction phase. • The construction sequence of the colored areas should start after the extension ' from existing UG system at Washington St into Calle Tampico is completed. There are about 100 residences or less in each construction phase. • The undergrounding should start at Ave Nuestra and continue to move East and north. There are 113 poles, 47 transformers and 12,600 Linear Ft of over head wire. • IID trench requirements: 5 ft deep trench based on the 42" min cover to the top of the electric conduit. 47 Detailed Cost Estimates: Downtown Residential Area #3 Lim INM Co11 CAUTirtlpleb AMIS 8treaft Arm11aP�wp Trench and Conduit Eackbone - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 $ 243,619 Trench and Conduit I%Lflbution - 5 FL depth by 18" wide 5 179 S %383,637 $ 3,383,637 Cable and Connections Backbone-I1D $ 187 $ 254,685 Area #3 Downtown Residential in linear Ft Cable and Connections Distribution - ]ID $ 169 $ 3,174,334 $ 3r174,334 Cable Poles -IID $ S1r610 Calla Tampico 1361 Service Trench - includes cost of CC, Driveway or Plant Repair $ 5,150 $ 56,650 $ 885.800 S 885,800 Calla Kalima and Ave. Nuestra 1645 New Underground Service 5 2,455 $ 27,005 $ 422,260 $ 422,260 New 3 Phase Underground Service $ 9,510 Calle Guatemala 602 Intercept Existing Underground Services $ 3,745 295,855 9 295,855 Calla Hueneme 602 Removal of EAsting Poles I Including Calla Tampico i $ 1123.0 S 138.990 $ 138,990 Calle Lloilo 602 Removal of OH Transformer{ including Calle Tamplco] $ 1,995 $ 93,765 S 93,765 Removal of Existing WIm f 3nduding Calla Tamolco S $ 5 $ 63,165 $ 63,165 Calla Jacumba 602 Removal of Exisring Services I Induding Call. Tampico ] ; 430 112,660 5 112,656 Ave. Ultimo, Calla Rondo and Ave. Nuesta 4963 Streetlights ( Not induded 1 $ 2,5DD Ave. Tujunga 365 Interce t Sustin Meter Pedestals P 8 S 3,745 Calla Quito 2664 Trdflc Control $ 4 $ 4,872 $ 67.673 $ 67,673 Street Repair $ 76 $ 103,6015 $ 1,438.99E Celle Paloma 2365 Sidewalk Repair $ 320 $ 87,1 D4 Calla Guaymas 635 Landscape Repair $ 200 $ 3,789,600 Ave. Naranja 495 °row B .18A77 $ Paloma Ct 285 TelcoTrench, Condult and Cable - Vertzon $, 10 $ 13,614 $ 189,034 $ 1891430 Calle Obispo 706 Telco New Service $ 950 1D,450 163,406 S 153,400 CATV Trench, Conduit and Cable Spectrun. i 10 5 13,Glc 5 ]8'.".c 30 t 189,030 Ave. Las Torres 628 CATV New Servlce S 9DU S 10.L- $ -cJ.�::; 163,400 Ave. La Jarita 500 TrlcoICATV Total $ 48,120 $ 704,860 $ 704,860 Total Trench Milage 3.84 N,ajdrtArsep3Tetsls $ 1381558 $ 10r781r989 $ 13,210,702 Total Trench in Linear Ft 20,264 construction Total with Cail■ Temgico $ 1020,547 $ 13,949,260 Engineering & Design, Permits & Approvals, Utility Coordination, Easement-, Admire. $ 1,152,055 $ 1,394,926 Total 5 12,672,602 5 15,344,186 i M 24 September 19, 2023 1W Detailed Cost Estimates: Downtown Residential Area #3 ROW & Private Systems Trench and Conduit Backbone - 5 Ft depth by 18" vAde $ 179 5 243,619 Trench and Conduit Distribution - 5 Ft depth by 18' wide S 179 S 3,383,637 S 3,383,637 Cable and ConnectJons Backbaae - Ib $ 187 5 254,685 Cable and Connections Distribution - IID $ 166 $ 3,174,334 $ 3,174,334 Cable Poks-III) $ 5L610 R-A of Existing Poles [ Induding Carle Tampico) $ 1230 $ 139,990 5 133,990 Removal of OH Transformer ( Including Calle Tampico } $ 1,995 $ 93,765 $ 93.765 Removal of Existing Wire I Including Cage Tampim } $ 5 $ 6.3,165 $ 63.165 Removal of Existing 5-1- 1 Iodh.rE.g Call. 7-pkoi $ 430 $ 112,660 $ 1L2,660 Streetlights ( Not lnduded } $ 2,500 Intercept Evlsting Meter Pedestals $ 3,745 Traffic Control $ 4 $ 4.972 5 67,673 $ 67.673 Street Repair S 76 $ 103,606 $ 1.439.991 sidewalk Repair $ 320 $ 87.104 Landscape Repair $ 200 $ 3, 780,600 Telco Trench, Coodv;t and Cable -VM20P $ 10 $ 13,619 S 189,030 $ 189,030 CATV T-0. Conduit and Cable -Spectrum 10 i 13,610 $ 189,030 5 189,030 Backbone & ZA"t -ution 9yrtam Total $ 634,00S $ 8,861,274 ¢ 11,279A97 Slakbone 8. DistAbution Tot4J with ❑Ila Tampico $ 9,485,277 ¢ 1013,99D Service Trench -includes cost of CC, Driveway aT Plant Repair $ 5,150 S 56,650 $ sgmo0 $ 885,800 New underground Service $ 2,455 $ 27,005 $ 422,260 $ 422,260 New 3 Phase Underground Service $ 91510 Intercept D15ting Underground Services $ 3,745 $ 295,1355 $ 295,855 Telco New Service 5 951) S 10,451a S 163AW $ 163,400 CAiV New Service $ 950 .$ 10,450 $ Ib3A00 $ 163,400 S"o Syntam Togl $ JD4,555 $ 030.71S S 1,9$0,715 s•rvjca 5r.tem Toul with Bile 2AA5,z?a ; 2,03$,z70 F Sub -Total S 11,52D,547 S 13,949,266 r Engineerir-; & Devign, Permits & Approvals, Utility coordination, Easamentx, Admen 1,151,055 3 1,394,9m Total $ 1072,rA2 $ 15,944,186 Area 4 - Sagebrush: Area #3 Downtown Residential in linear Ft Calle Tampico 1361 Calle Kalima and Ave. Nuestra 1645 Calle Guatemala 602 Calle Hueneme 602 Calle Lloilo 602 Calle Jacumba 602 Ave. Ultimo, Calle Rondo and Ave. Nuesta 4963 Ave.Tujunga 365 Calle Quito 2664 Calle Paloma 2365 Calle Guaymas 635 Ave. Naranja 495 Paloma Ct 285 Calle Obispo 706 Ave. Las Torres 628 Ave. La larita Soo Total Trench Milage 3.84 Total Trench in Linear Ft 20,264 This study area assesses the existing conditions, overall costs, and issues associated with the conversion of the overhead utilities within the residential area of Sagebrush. Study Area 4 is bordered by Washington Street to the west, Date Palm Drive to the east, Sagebrush Avenue to the north, and Saguaro Road to the south. Area 4 also includes the eastern side of Washington Street between Saguaro Road and 50th Avenue. • There are approximately 105 single family homes in this area. • There are 10 residential vacant lots that will require a 3" PVC stub to the empty lot. • The homes in this area are served overhead mostly at the back of the properties. • Most of the Service Panels are rated between 100 - 200 amp. • Most services are already undergrounded from the pole to the panel ( 3" PVC ). • The streets have curb and gutter, there are no side walks, and the R/W area is approximately 10 ft or more. • No Easements might be needed. Distribution equipment can be pad mounted on Franchise. 50 25 September 19, 2023 Construction Phasing : Sagebrush Area #4 • Each colored area represents a proposed construction phase. This area would be ideal to pilot the undergrounding of a residential area. • The construction sequence of the colored areas could start at the existing LIG system at Sagebrush Ave and move south. • There are about 22 residences on the first phase, 44 on the middle phase and 39 on the last phase. • The undergrounding should start at Sagebrush Ave and continue to move south. There are 38 poles, 26 transformers and 4,200 Linear Ft of over head wire. • IID trench requirements: 5 ft deep trench based on the 42" min cover to the top of the electric conduit. 51 Detailed Cost Estimates: Sagebrush Area #4 Lines Item Cost Area Rd Streets Area Va Pkwy Trench and Condui[ Backbone - 5 Ft depth by 16' •r; i- 5 _ Trench and Conduit Distribution -5Ft depth by 18 wide 5 179 5 771,132 5 771,132 Cable and Connections Backbone- III] S 187 Cable and Connections Distrib ution - Ili} $ 168 $ 723,432 $ 723,432 Area #4 Sagebrush in linear Ft Cable Poles- 110 $ 51,610 Service Taamh - includes cast of CC, Driveway or Piant Repair $ 5,150 $ 540,750 $ 540,750 New Underground Service $ 2,455 $ 135,025 $ 135,625 Saguaro Rd, Date Palm Dr, Sagebrush Ave 3060 Mew 3 Phase Underground Service $ 9,510 Bottlebrush Dr 1248 Intercept Existing undergroun d Services $ 3,745 $ 187.250 $ 187,250 Total Trench Milage .81 Removal of Ddsting Poles $ 1,230 $ 46,74D $ 46.74D Total Trench in Linear Ft 4,308 Removal of OH Transfarnmr $ 1,995 $ 51,870 $ 51,4870 Removal of Existing Wire $ 5 $ 21,000 $ 21,060 Removal of 53sting Servkes $ 430 $ 45,156 $ 45,150 Streetlights $ 2,500 Intercept Fxisting Meter Pedestals S 3,745 Traffic Control $ 4 $ 15,42-3 $ 15,423 StreeL Repair $ 76 $ 327,947 5idewalk Repair 5 320 Landscape Repair S 200 $ 851,600 Electric Total $ 2,S55,718 $ 3,399,571 Telea Trench, Condult and Cable - Verizon $ 10 5 43,080 S 43,280 TOO New Service 5 936 5 9%756 5 99,750 CAN Trench- Condult and Cable -Spectrum 5 10 S 43,086 $ 43,0BO �TV y=.,;e: 5 9.10 ] 99,7`il' S g9.71.511 TelcoICATVTntol $ 285,660 $ 285,660 Prat act Area#4 Tote Is S 3,151,373 $ 3,685,031 Englneering & hesign, Permits 8: Approvals, tldlky Coordination, $ 3.ts j36 $ 368,503 Total $ 3,466,515 $ 4,053,534 52 26 September 19, 2023 Detailed Cost Estimates: Sagebrush Area #4 ROW & Private Systems AN Wk Trench and Conduit Backbone - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide S 179 Trench and Conduit Dis[rihutian - 5 Ft depth by 29" wide $ 179 $ 771,132 $ 771.132 Cable and[onnections Backbone -IiD $ 197 Cable and Connections Distribution-110 $ 168 $ 723,432 $ 723,432 Cable Poles - IID $ 51,610 Removal of Exlsting Poles S L230 S 46,740 S 46,740 Removal of ON Transformer $ 1,995 $ 51A76 $ 51,870 Removal of FxisUng Wire $ 5 $ 21,o00 $ 21,000 Removal of Existing Services $ 430 $ 45,150 5 45,150 Streetlights $ 2,5D0 Intercept EdAng Meter Pedestals $ 3,745 Trafflc Control $ 4 $ 15,42-3 $ SS,423 Street Repair $ 76 S 327,947 Sidewalk Repair $ 320 Landscape Repair $ 200 $ 861,600 Telco Trench, Conduit and Cable -Ve rixon $ 10 $ 43,080 $ 43,080 CAN Trench, Conduit and Cable - Spe etrum S 10 $ 43,080 $ 43,080 Backbone Diatrihution Svatem7o3al $ 2,688,85S ,4 2,622,Sa6 Service Trench - Indudes cost of CC, Driveway or Plant Repair $ 5,150 $ 540,750 $ 540,750 New Undergrvu nd Service $ 2,455 S 135425 $ 135,025 New 3 Phase Underground Service S 9,510 I riterrept Exsting Underground Services $ 3,745 S 187,250 $ 187.250 Telco New Service $ 95o $ 99,750 $ 99,75D CAN New5ervioe $ 950 $ 99,7,C $ 99,750 S@rnlc@5yttem7otzl $ 1,062,525 $ 1,062,515 Sub-7otal 5 3,151,378 $ 3,685,061 Engineering &Design, Permits &Approvals, Utility Coordination, S 315,192 S 868,543 Toe•1 $ 3,466,516 $ 4-0 3,534 53 Area 5 - Highland Palms: Area #4 Sagebrush in linear Ft Saguaro Rd, Date Palm or, Sagebrush Ave 3060 Bottlebrush or 1248 Total Trench Milage .81 Total Trench in Linear Ft 4,308 This study area assesses the existing conditions, overall costs, and issues associated with the conversion of the overhead utilities within the residential area of Highland Palms. Study Area 5 is bordered by Highland Palms Drive to the west and south, Washington Street to the east, and Singing Palms Drive to the north • There are approximately92 single family homes in this area. • There is 1 residential vacant lot that will require a 3" PVC stub to the empty lot. • The homes in this area are served overhead mostly at the back of the properties. • Most of the Service Panels are rated between 100 - 200 amp. • Some services are already undergrounded from the pole to the panel ( 3" PVC ). • The streets have curb and gutter, there are no side walks, and the R/W area is approximately 10 ft or more. • No Easements might be needed. Distribution equipment can be pad mounted on Franchise. 54 27 September 19, 2023 Construction Phasing: Highland Palms Area #5 s This area would be ideal to pilot the undergrounding of a residential area. • The construction on this area will be the most reasonable to approach as there is only 92 residences. ° The undergrounding should start at Highlands Palms Dr and continue to move north. y There are 49 poles, 22 transformers and 4,800 Linear Ft of over head wire. • IID trench requirements: 5 ft deep trench based on the 42" min cover to the top of the - electric conduit. F 55 Detailed Cost Estimates: Highland Palms Area #5 Line Item Cest Area 955treett Area 46 P3rwy Trench and Conduit Backbone - 5 Ft depth by 18" wing 5 i : 9 Trench and Con duct Distrib Lit Ion -5 Ftdepth by 18' wide S 179 $ 1.3S 1.629 S 1,351,629 Cable and Connections Badcborie - IID 5 187 Cable and Connections Dktrlbutlon - €ID $ 168 $ 1, 268,021 $ 1,268,021 Area #5 Highland Palms in linear Ft Cable Poles-11D $ 51,610 Service Trench -includes cost of CC, Driveway or Plant Repair $ 5,150 $ 473,800 $ 473,800 Cameo Palm Dr 1778 New Lnderground S-ice $ 2,455 $ 115,385 $ 115,285 Singing Palms Dr 366 New 3 Phase Underground Service $ 3,510 Intercept 6dsUng Underground Safvlces S 3,745 S 168,525 $ 162,525 Culc de Sacs 591 Removal of Fxlstl ng Poles 5 1.230 $ &D,270 S 60.270 Crest View Terrace 479 Removal of OH Transformer $ 1,995 $ 43,690 $ 43,890 BradshawTrail 1440 Removal of Existing Wire $ 5 $ 2UM $ 24,UD0 Highland Palms or 1115 Removal of&is tl rig Se rAces $. 43D $ 39,560 $ 39.560 Streetlights $ 2,500 Washington St 1782 Intercept Existing Meter Pedestals $ 3,745 Total Trench Milage 1.43 Traffic Control $ 1 $ 27,1333 $ 27,033 Total Trench in Linear Ft 7,551 Street Repair $ 76 $ 574,1320 Sidewalk Repair S 320 Landscape Repair S 200 S 1,510,200 Electric Total $ 4,146'g32 $ 5,082,81g: Telco Trench, Conduit and Cable-Verixon 5 LC $ 751510 5 75,510 Telco New Service S 950 $ 87,4f10 $ 87,400 CAN Trench, Cnnd uit on d La ble- Spectnim 5 10 $ 75,510 $ 75.S1,0 CATJ Nc-.n Se-i,e 5 950 $ 87,400 $ 87.400 TalCujcATV Total $ 375,82o $ 325,U11 Project Arm- 45 Totals $ 4,472,752 $ 5,408,132 Engineering & Design, Permits & Approvals, Utility Coordination, S 447,275 S 540,813 Total S 4,920,027 $ 5,948,945 56 ME September 19, 2023 Detailed Cost Estimates: Highland Palms Area #5 ROW & Private Systems Trench and Conduit Backbone - 5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 Trench and Conduit Distribution-5 Ft depth by 18" wide $ 179 $ 1,351,629 5 1,35L629 Cable and Connections Backbone - llD $ 187 Cable and Connections Distribution - iID $ 168 $ 1,268.021 $ 11268.021 Area #5 Highland Palms in linear Ft Cable Poles - 110 $ 51,610 Removal of Umki ng Poles $ 1,23U $ 6D,270 $ 613,270 Cameo Palm or 1778 Removal of OH Transformer $ 1,995 $ 43,890 $ 43,390 Singing Palms or 366 Removal of Ecdstl ng wire $ 5 $ 24,000 $ 24,000 Culc de Sacs 591 Removal of Existl ng Services $ 430 $ 39,560 S 39,560 Streetllghts S 251)p Crest View Terrace 479 Intercept Existing Meter Pedestals $ 3,745 BradshawTrail 1440 Traffk Control $ 4 $ 27,033 $ 27,033 Highland Palms or 1115 Street Repair $ 76 $ 574,820 Washington St 1782 Sidewalk Repair $ 320 Landscape Repair $ 200 $ 1,510.2 D0 Total Trench Milage 1.43 Telco Trench, Conduit and Cable -Veriz on $ 10 $ 75,510 $ 75510 Total Trench in Linear Ft 7,551 CATV Trench, Conduit and Cable - Spectrum ; 10 $ 75,510 $ 75,510 Backbone & Distribution System Total S 3,540,242 $ 4,473,622 Service Trench - includes cost of CC,❑ri-ay or Plant Repair $ 5, 15o $ 473,B00 $ 473,€AO New Underground Service $ 2,455 $ 115,385 $ 115,365 New 3 Phase Underground Servlte $ 9,510 Intercept Existing Underground Services $ 3,745 $ 168525 $ 168.525 Telco New serwlce $ 950 $ 87,400 $ 87,400 CATV blew Service $ 950 $ 87,400 $ 37,400 Service System Total S 93Z,530 S 932,510 IF 5ubdotal S 4,472,752 S SA08,132 Engl ne ering & Design, Permit, & ApprnuaI s, Utility Coordlnatfon, 5 447.175 S 540,613 Total S 4,920,027 $ 5,948.945 57 Area 6 - Westward Ho: This study area assesses the existing conditions, overall costs, and issues associated with the conversion of the overhead utilities within the residential area of Westward Ho. Study Area 6 is bordered by Roudel Lane to the west, Jefferson Street to the east, Westward Ho Drive to the north, and Cortez Lane and Fiesta Drive to the south. Study Area 6 also includes the eastern side of Dune Palms Road between Westward Ho Drive and the flood channel. • There are approximately 117 single family homes in this area. There is 1 residential vacant lot that will require a 3" PVC stub to the empty lot. The homes in this area are served overhead mostly at the back of the properties. • Most of the Service Panels are rated between 100 - 200 amp. Some services are already undergrounded from the pole to the panel ( 3" PVC ). • The streets have curb and gutter, there are no side walks, and the R/W area is approximately 10 ft or more. • No Easements might be needed. Distribution equipment can be pad mounted on Franchise. 58 29 September 19, 2023 59 Construction Phasing: Westward Ho Area #6 • This area would also be ideal to pilot the undergroundingof a residential area. The construction on this area will be the most reasonable to approach as there is only 117 residences. �aa The undergrounding should start at West ward Ho Dr and continue to move south. There are 46 poles, 21 transformers and 6,400 Linear Ft of over head wire. trench based the Detailed Cost Estimates: Westward Ho Area #6 Une Iron Last Area #5 Streets Area #6 Pkury Trench and Conduit Backbone-S Ft depth by 18" wide j 179 Trench and Conduit Distribution - 5 Ft depth by 1S- wide $ 179 $ 1.222.570 S 1,222,570 Cable and Connections Back bone -ND $ 187 Cable and Connection s Distrib ution -IIU $ 168 $ 1.146.945 $ 1,146,945 Cable Poles- IID $ 51,510 Service Trench- Includes cost of CC, DrlaMay or Plant Repair $ 5,150 $ 303,B50 5 3D3,850 New Underground Service $ 2,455 $ 287,235 $ 227,235 New 3 Phase Underground Service $ 9,510 intercept Euisting Onderground Servlcm S 3,745 $ 217,210 $ 217,2113 Removal of Existing Poles $ 1,230 $ 60,270 $ 60,270 Removal of OH Transformer $ 1,995 $ 43,890 $ 43,890 Removal of Existing Wire 5 5 5 24,D00 5 24,000 Removal of rxlst log Sefvice8 $ 43D S 50,310 $ 50,310 Streetiights $ 2,500 Intercept 6dst;ng Meter Pedestals $ 3,745 Traffir. Control 5 4 $ 24,451 $ 24,451 Street Repalr 5 76 $ 519,934 Sidewalk Repair $ 320 Landscape Repair $ 200 $ 1,366,040 Eleewe raw $ 3,910q,rrES $ 4,746,731 Telco Trench, Conduit and Cable - Vemon 5 IO $ 6313N $ 68,300 Telco New seiVICE s 950 S 131,150 $ 111,150 CAN Trench, Cnnduifand Cable-5pectnim 5 I0 $ 68,300 $ 68,.3011 C:.7�,' Vc,•�S:: v� :• S 950 L 111.150 $ 111.150 Tglco/CATV Total 5 358,900 $ .358,90P Proo,9 Are-0 TclW- $ I 4,259,565 $ 5,105,631 Engineering & Desig is, Permits & Apprcvals, utility Coordination, 5 425,956 $ 510,563 Total $ 4.6854521 $ 5,616,194 Area #6 Highland Palms in linear Ft Roadrunner Ln 1197 Horseshoe Rd 978 Roudel Ln 1334 Cortez Ln 545 Fiesta Dr 1449 Westward Ho or 1327 Total Trench Milage 1.29 Total Trench in Linear Ft 6,830 30 September 19, 2023 Detailed Cost Estimates: Westward Ho Area #6 Trench and Conduit Backbone -5 Ftdepth by 19" wide $ 179 Trench and Conduit Distribution-5 Ftdepth by 18"wide $ 179 $ 1,222,570 $ 1,222,570 Cable and Connections Backbone-IID $ 187 Cable and Connections Distribution - IID $ 168 $ 1,146.945 $ 1,146.945 Cable Poles - 110 $ 51.61G Removal of Existing Poles $ 1,2?,G $ 6D,270 $ 6D,270 Removal of PH Transformer $ 1,995 $ 43,890 $ 43,390 Removal of 6dstl ng Wlre $ 5 $ 24,000 $ 24,000 Removal of Fxistl ng Servl ces $ 430 $ 50,310 S 50,310 Streetllghts $ 2,500 Intercept E.i5ting Meter Pedestals $ 3,745 TraftControl $ 4 $ 24,451 $ 24,451 Street Repair 5 76 $ 519,934 Sidewalk Repair $ 320 Lan cl-pe Repair $ 200 $ 1,366.000 TelcD Trench, Conduit and Cable-Verizon $ 10 5 65,300 $ 63,30D CATV Trench. Conduit and Cable - Spectrum $ 10 $ 68,3,w $ 68,300 Backbone & Oistrlbution System Told $ 3,228,270 $ 4,075,036 Service Trench - indudes cos[ of CC, Driveway or Plant Repair $ 5, 25a $ 303,8513 $ 303,350 New Underground Service $ 2,455 $ 287,235 $ 287,235 New 3 Phase Underground Service $ 9.510 Intercept Existing Underground Services $ 9.745 $ 217,2d0 $ 217.210 Telco New Serulm $ 950 $ 111,15D $ I11.150 CATV New Service $ 950 $ 111,150 $ 111,150 Servlca System Total $ 1,030,595 $ 1,030,595 or Sub -Total $ 4,259,565 $ 5,105,631 Engine eying& Design, Permits & Approvals, Utility Coordination, S 425,956 $ 510,563 Tot.1 S 4,685,521 9 5,616,194 61 Total Cost Estimate Area #6 Highland Palms in linear Ft Roadrunner Ln 1197 Horseshoe Rd 978 Roudel Ln 1334 Cortez Ln 545 Fiesta Dr 1449 Westward Ho or 1327 Total Trench Milage 1.29 Total Trench in Linear Ft 6,830 This cost estimate represents the overall costs on a shared trench system between IID, Time Warner and Verizon. Based on undergrounding the existing Over head distribution system on the areas of study and does not consider any system updates proposed by IID or considerations on residents adding EV, new loads and panels upgrades to the system. RIGHT OF WAY [ FRANCHISE j ON STREET Anil. $l EU:CFii1C TOTAL $ 129,952,386 S TFMO1rATVTOTAL $ 12,829,888 $ SUB TOTALS $ 142,782,274 S Engineering & Design. Permits & Approvals, Utility $ FINANCING 4,283,469 $ TOTAL $ 147,065,743 $ RIGHT OF WRY i FRANCHISE I ON PKWY Area 41 FLECTRIC TOTAL $ 154,067574 $ TELCOjCATVTOTAL S 12.829.998 $ 5Ut7 TOTALS 5 1615,892,467 $ Engineering & Oesign, Permits & Approvals, Utility $ 5,006,924 $ _ FINANCING TOTAL $ 171,904,391 $ 62 Ana Q Ana 93 3,852,048 $ 10,767,567 $ z57,048 $ 75z,980 $ 4,109.096 $ 11.520,547 $ 410,910 $ 1,252,055 $ Area 44 Area 45 2,a69,718 $ 4114032 S 285,6601 5 325,820 $ 3,151318 S 4,472,752 S 315,138 $ 447,275 $ 4,520006 $ 12,672.602 $ 3,466,516 $ 4,920,027 $ Area V2 Area 9a Area M Area 05 4,680,1133 $ 1%196,280 $ 3599,371 S 5.082,312 $ 257,048 S 752,980 $ 285,660 S 925,82o $ 4,937,081 $ 13,949,260 $ 3,6851031 $ 5,4138,132 $ 493,708 $ 1,394,926 $ 363,503 $ 540,813 $ 5,430,789 6 15,8",186 $ 4,1)53,534 6 5,948,945 $ 31 September 19, 2023 Total Cost Estimate for the Right of Way Backbone and Distribution system RIGHT OF WAY ( FRANI HSE j ON STREET Ares Al Area #2 Amu 43 Area M Area #5 Area 4Ta Sackbone & Distribution Total $ 918.546.724 $ 3,640,836 S 9,485,277 S 2.082.853 $ 3,540,242 $ 3,22%970 $ 120,530,902 Engineering & ©esign, Permits & Apprav'4r UVItY $ 3,485,775 $ 529,720 5 921,644 $ 252,111 5 357,829 5 549,765 F}NAN CI NG TOTAL $ 101,982,500 $ 3,969,564 $ 10,406,921 $ 2,340.964 $ 3,898,062 $ 3,569,735 RIGHT OF WAY 1 FRANCHISE) ON PNWY Area #1 Area 42 Area U3 Area *4 Area 45 Area 86 Backbone & Distribution Total $ 122,661,917 $ 4,468,821 5 11,913,99D $ 2,622,506 $ 9,475,622 $ 4,075,o36 $ 3SR, 17,S92 EnjlneadriZ&DesIMParmltt&Approvals, Utll" $ 5,006,924 $ 493,708 S 2,394,926 S 368,503 S 549,813 $ S1a,563 FINANCING TOTAL $ 127,663,841 $ 4,962,529 $ 13,308,916 $ 2,991,009 $ 5,916,435 $ 4,585,5* Total Cost Estimate for the Private Property Service system S6AVICf SYSTEM ON PA I VATS PRO PERTY Area #1 AU Are. 119 Area#4 A—#5 Rreatl6 Service System Total 5 44,235,550 S 468,260 5 2,035.270 5 L,0621525 S 932,510 $ 1,030,595 5 49,764,710 Eregine4ring & D9519P, Permits & ApprOYals, Utility $ 847,4593 $ 82,182 5 239,411 $ 55,027 $ 89,455 $ 95,191 FINANaNG — TOTAL $ 45,1 $ 550,442 $ 2,265,G81 $ 1,125.55Z S 1,021,965 $ 1,115,786 -Engineering fees for private property system were considering from the on -street ca IcuIation not the PKWY. ( $5,636,843 + $1,397,959 ).See next slide for reference. An estimated 20% of the engineering costs hou I d be a Ilocated for the private property 63 Total Cost Estimate with breakdown between Backbone / Distribution and Service system This cost estimate represents a breakdown between the Backbone/Distribution system and the Service work at private property. RIGHI OF WAY (FRAN CHSE j ON STREET Area #1 Arai #2 Aras 93 Area 84 Area A5 Are s #6 , Sack bone& D mtributinn Total $ 98,546,724 3,640,936 $ 9,485,277 S 2,oREAS3 $ 3,540,242 $ 3,228,970 $ 120,530,902 Service System Total $ 44,235,550 S 468,260 $ 2,035,270 5 L062,525 $ 932,510 S 1.030,595 $ 49,764,710 SUd TOTALS $ 142,782,274 S 4,109,096 $ 11,520,547 $ 3,152,378 $ 4,472,752 $ 4,259555 Englneering & Oeaign, Permks&Rpproveta, Iltlilty $ 4,2831468 $ 410,910 $ 1,152,0$5 $ 315,198 $ 447,275 $ 425r956 FINANCING TOTAL $ 147,D65,743 S 4,520,006 $ 12,672,602 $ 3,466,516 $ 4,920,027 $ 4,685,581. RIGHT OF WAY( FRANctiISE j ON PK WY Area a1 Aree 42 Area R3 Area 94 Area 95 Are a APB Backbone& 0 istributia n Total $ 122,661,917 $ 4AKS21 $ 14913,)94) 5 2,622,505 5 4,475,622 $ 4,075.036 $ 150, 217,892 Service System Tool 5 44,235,550 $ 468,260 S 2,05 S.27a $ 1,062.S25 S 937.510 $ 1,030.595 $ 49,764,7L0 511E TOTALS S 166,897,467 S 4,937,091 5 15,949,260 S 3,58S.031 S 5,408,132 S 5,1o5,631 Englncwmg & Design, Permits&Approvals, Utility $ 5,006,924 S 493,708 S 1,394,926 $ 368,543 S 540,813 $ 510,553 FINANCING 70TAL 3 171,904,391 5 5,430,789 $ 15,344,186 $ 4,053,534 $ S,948,945 $ 5,616,194 64 32 September 19, 2023 Review of Rules, Regulations, & Franchises Agreements There are different Rules, Regulations, and Franchise Agreements which dictate how each respective utility participates in an undergrounding project. This section address the specifics of each utility's requirements. Imperial Irrigation District: • The city must submit the requested project to IID for consideration and consultation. • It is recommended that The city will hold public hearings and adopt an ordinance to establish an undergrounding district •IID's financial participation is based upon their annual operating budgets and pre -determined allocations for underground projects. In the event there is no available budget for an undergrounding project the city should be able to verify if I I D has any other means of providing fin ancial support of share portion of the cost based on the benefits of undergrounding a portion or the entire system in a particular area. we Review of Rules, Regulations, & Franchises Agreements Verizon: City initiated undergrounding projects are done in accordance with Verizon's General Exchange Tariff Section 2. Section 2 general provisions are: • The city must submit the requested project to Verizon for consideration and consultation. • The city must hold public hearings and adopt an ordinance establish an undergrounding district. • The undergrounding area should be an area extensively used by the public with a heavy volume of pedestrian orvehicle traffic. • Verizon will underground its facilities at the time and to the extentthat the overhead electric distribution facilities are replace. • Verizon at its expense, will replace the existing overhead facilities with underground along public streets, roads, or on private land with easements. M. 33 September 19, 2023 Review of Rules, Regulations, & Franchises Agreements Time Warner: City initiated undergrounding projects should be in accordance with it's Franchise Agreement with the City. Typically, the cable television provider will participate financially in a similar manor as the incumbent phone company. In reviewing Time Warner's current Franchise Agreementwith the City of La Quinta, no provisions for undergrounding were found. It is very likely that Time Warnerwill cooperate with the City and underground their facilities in conjunction with the other utilities. o +' 67 Overall Recommendations • Commence meetings with the utilities as early as possible once it is determined that the City will proceed with a project in the designated area. • IID typically prepares a budget for major infrastructure projects well over a year in advance. It will be crucial to engage in early collaboration with I I D during the initial pIan ningstages to negotiate mutuaIlyacceptable level of participation. • Confirm with Time Warner if they will contribute financially in a manner equivalent to Verizon. -The City will need to seek input from the community, conduct public workshops and hearings, and enact ordinances to establish the undergrounding districts in each respective area. M. 34 September 19, 2023 Definitions and Terminology: IID Cable and Connections Electric —These are the direct IID costs associated with this work. These costs include the total installed cost of all cable, connections, and equipment associated with the work. IID Distribution (Local Distribution) - This is the cost associated with the cable to be placed in the street in front of the homes from transformer to transformer. IID Backbone (Backbone) - This is the cost associated with the cable to be placed from the backbone system to the distribution system. IID Overhead Removals - Identifies estimated costs associated with the removal of IID's overhead cable and poles and associated facilities. These fees have been shown as separate line item to show the costs that IID may participate in. IID Service Conversion with Existing Underground (UG) Service- Cost associated with reconnecting existing underground service to the new underground service. IID Service Conversion with Existing Overhead (OH) Service - Cost associated with connecting a new underground service to the new underground system. Verizon Telephone - These are the direct utility costs associated with this work. These costs include the total installed cost of all cable, connections, and equipment associated with the work. CAN (Time Warner) - These are the direct utility costs associated with this work. These costs include the total installed cost of all cable, connections, and equipment associated with the work. we X 70 35 Questions? CALIPORNIA City Council Meeting September 19, 2023 PH1 — La Villetta at Avenue 58 Project 3 �► Background • Project Location: — South of Avenue 58 between Madison Street and Monroe Street — The project site is located on two vacant parcels (764-180-002 and 764-180-003) Vicinity Map �. Andalusia r [ Ali * 1 t � Proposal • 80 detached single-family units • Landscaping, bocce ball, clubhouse, pool, tot lot, a passive park, and utility infrastructure • 204 parking spaces: — 160 spaces (each unit 2-car parking garage) — 44 guest parking spaces (40 minimum guest parking) Proposal • Applications include: — Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) to find proposed project does not have a significant effect on environment — General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Tentative Tract Map, and Planned Unit Development (Conditional Use Permit) General Plan Amendment • Low Density Residential (LDR) to Medium/High Density Residential (MHDR) • At the current LDR designation, the Site would be allowed up to 36 units. • If changed to a MHDR designation, the Site would be allowed up to 143 units. September 19, 2023 Existing General Plan Land Use Project Site GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATIONS Low Density Residential W, 80 Proposed General Plan Land Use ---------- a i ' Projec ' Site GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATIONS M' MediurrMigh Density Residential M September 19, 2023 Existing Zoning jmjcm T 4 PR RESIDENTIAL Low Oensity Residential 81 82 F-� Proposed Zoning Project i Site RMH �.---------- RI RESIDENTIAL - Medium High Density Residential 41 Planned Unit Development • 4 project amenities are required: community pool/spa, clubhouse, bocce ball, a tot lot, and a passive park retention basin • The City adopted the PUD process in 2016 to -allow for flexibility in design, and encourages the development of creative, high -quality residential projects different from the typical standard single- family residential development September 19, 2023 85 PLAN 3 plan 2 1 IFORQOFA. S 66 QRoo M. L BAT M, DEN I'S 'ATM 2 .140. SQ• FT. I,ila $0. FT. �Ycy'� 3 iEOMON. 1 .472 M. FT, YLAN T SBEDQQQAt. a.3 SATO 1.67a SA, FT - SECOND FLOOR 0. PLAN a PLAN 2 PLAN 2 PLAN 3 FEORQ104. 3'JE DWO., 36E Q=oo N, a6[ARQQm, T 'AT +. OF• a.s iA1H a-5 FAFH 3 1ATM . OEf 7 60 SO. FT, 1.07, S4 Fi. 1,S 15 SO, FT, �. 2.140 S0. FT. J®w TYPSCALCLUSTER PLAN 2 PLAN a S 606066A. + L.OR00m. _ 7.S RATN 3 IAIK. DEN IA 15 SQ. FT. 2.160 SQ- FT. f PLAN 1 ' ] IE OF�067 7.3 LRTn 1 677 SQ. FT. PLAN-- ±EOP74ti Sl,r1� e 1360. =1 SECOND FLOOR 43 Planned Unit Development • 80 Unit breakdown: — Plan 1 units: 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms 1,672 sf two stories — Plan 2 units: 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms 1,815 sf two stories — Plan 3 units: *4 bedrooms, Den/Office, 3 bathrooms, 2,140 sf two stories — Plan 4 units: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, den, 1,769 sf single story Planned Unit Development • Architectural styles include Spanish, Mediterranean, and Santa Barbara • Architectural features incorporate varying roof lines, gables, arcades, and swing awnings to break up the massing of the homes September 19, 2023 FRONT JLA oww u M i.5- a�Y,E bno0h •�q� Sf.At�o �Ip�br fq"•lrtl.'.0 qMVM..•��A'L•n19CY EM 1t�K0MW I , RIGHT REAR Cc -iA 5LNE6rt A E FF T PLAN 1 B SAWTA BARBARA ELEVATIONS E �1 Rai C.W.—W + PLAT IB Me MM 45 September 19, 2023 FRONT (MOTOR COUQT vfEWj RIGHT REAR COLOR SCHEME 8 LEFT PLAN 2C Oil R — 9�. J� REAR %— LEFT PLAN 2G 92 PF iM September 19, 2023 FRONT IMOIOR COURT VIEW) RIGHT I51DE YARDI wpm ■ ■ REAR (SIDE YARD) COLCA SCHEME 3 LEFT (REAR YARD) PLAN 3A 0s] 1MA1LkAl11lGlNO w [ N.YA�m C�nr ecl wnu CP �vcw WJRl4 v�.iAlIb POCO mi �v raxmow morw.0 REAR (SIDE YARD) [o4oR SCHEME a LEFT [REAR YARD) PLAN 3A SPANISH ENHANCED ELEVATIONS 94 47 September 19, 2023 FRONT REAR 95 M ��� RIGFR e�xm 1R` i.�"" rt�ccvu�ocw,w G '"KHEMES LEFT PLAN 46 $BABA ELEVATIONS `! F^WONT RFAR RECREATION CENTER RIGHT I Material Boards Landscape Plan r, . . . . . . . . . . . *.. 7 -7-7Z, L - 7L- Landscape Plan Landscape Plan • The landscape area includes a combination of trees, shrubs, and groundcover • A meandering sidewalk is proposed along Avenue 58 to enhance pedestrian connection September 19, 2023 101 102 51 Line of Sight Conditions of Approval • There are some minor modifications to help clarify the intent of a few COAs • Condition No. 34 TTM COA and Condition No. 33 CUP COA were removed • These changes were reviewed by staff and the proposed conditions still meet the original intent of the conditions reviewed by Planning Commission CEQA • Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared • Public review period was June 8 to June 28, 2023 • The City received two comment letters • Mitigation measures have been incorporated to reduce impacts to a less than significant level Public Comment • Two letters of opposition were received regarding: — Parking — Two Story Element • Five letters of support were also received Findings • City Council must make findings that: — Approve adoption of MND — Approve the GPA and ZC and apply Conditions of Approval (COA) — Find the PUD consistent with General Plan and apply COA — Approve the architecture, landscaping, and site design of PUD and apply COA Public Hearing Item No. 1 La Villetta at Avenue 58 Presentation by Applicant: Rodeo Credit Enterprises, LLC September 19, 2023 La Vi ll etta at Avevtue sg La Quinta, California ;ter\,} f%r Presented By: Rodeo Credit Enterprises, LAC September 19, 2023 3 La Villetta at s .�1 - � ov000 � 000d 000 000 o©oc ofl pp Doom ocoo FAMR-000© oc�o� 000© ofl o© o� oa - o© 4 September 19, 2023 Community Overview 80 single family courtyard homes with two car garages - Recreation Center featuring a community building, swimming pool, spa, restrooms, bocce ball, tot lot, along with an open space area Multi -use bio-detention basin for infiltration into the groundwater basin - Over 1.45 acres of open space maintained by a homeowners association 5 Community Land Use Table Gross Area: 8.94 acres Net Area: 4.79 acres On -site Streets: 2.70 acres Public Streets: .76 acres Guest Parking Spaces: 44 Average Lot Size: 2,623 sf Minimum Lot Size: 2,310 sf Required Open Space (30%): 1.45 acres Common Area Plan: Recreation Area: .67 acres/29,210 Open Space Lot: .15 acres/6,600 si Retention Basin/Open Space: .63 z A 931 September 19, 2023 Open Space Opportunities Exercise Course Playground Areas GlSS Y�F{-i w +f 0 September 19, 2023 Community VisionM.E . ► The vision for this new La Quinta community is to offer e iently planned, charming homes, nestled within carefully design recreational areas. La Vrlletta at Avenue 58will be connected by an open spa network of parks, paths, sidewalks, a recreation area, as we l s active and passive areas to allow for easy accessibility. The community is designed to encourage creative, high quality an attractive living environment. ► Promote the use of green building practices and sustaina development methods. A E7 La Villetta at Avenue 58 Single Family Detached Homes r LFN 3 -LAN ] FLAX ] rLAN 1 IIAN i 1 i} tl F IIAN 1 liileT9� .M. _--- -J L J .-1 FLPQR PLAN TYPICAL CLIMER 10 September 19, 2023 La Villetta at Avenue 58 High quality design that compliments and enhances the City: Kevin L Crook Architect, Inc. is an award winning Irvine architectural firm. The proposed homes have been designed to be visually compatible with similar architectural elements of Spanish, Mediterranean and Santa Barbara influences that are commonly found in La Quinta. There are four floor plans with three elevations and three color schemes. An overall community charm is established through its marketing name and attention to architectural details such as wrought iron window treatments, shutters, pot shelves, shaped frames and sills to enhance openings and add additional relief. Below is the one story home. *milli 1 i PLAN 4 - 1.769 S.F. 11 La Villetta at Avenue 58 Proposed Architectural Designs —two story home 1 1. - � i 1� 12 PLAN 1 - 1.672 5.F. lilies -� go September 19, 2023 La Villetta at Avenue 58 Proposed Architectural Designs —two story home I »wniYFF FROMT!Tl Vwno. MEOHERIAME�M - FROW ELEVATPON PLAN 2 13 La Villetta at Avenue 58 Proposed Architectural Designs —two story home R` e ■ ■r4 rs ' — �,- - - -- ' :■■ Ili �� "'�■� I�� PLAN 3 - 2,140 S.F. 14 7 September 19, 2023 La Villetta at Avenue Ss Proposed Recreational Building Architecture 10 ONI ELSYA IIOk HOOPFMI RECREATION CENTER - 1,716 S-P. 15 16 Recreation Area for Codorniz Community Of y Z September 19, 2023 La Villetta at Avenue 58 Entitlement Requirements The proposed community will need the following City of La Quinta approvals: • General Plan Amendment to change the Zoning from low density residential (4 units per acre) to medium -high density residential (up to 12 units per acre) and the General Plan Land Use from low density residential (4 units per acre) to medium/high density residential (up to 16 units per acre.) • A Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Use Development (PUD). • Tentative Tract Map with an overall density of 9 dwelling units per acre. CEQA Requirements • Preparation of Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration. The proposed project would not result in significant unavoidable environmental impacts once mitigation measures are implemented. 19 La Villetta at Avenue Ss The proposed community meets the City of La Quinta's goal for a broad range of housing types and choices: This medium density community proposes small, courtyard designed homes which are more energy efficient than low density houses and have a lower ecological footprint, thereby less taxing on the environment. Environmental: Based on the biological analysis and focused plant surveys, the site does not contain any special or sensitive plant or animal species. The home builder will be required to pay to the City of La Quinta a local development mitigation fee. The 188 date palm r trees on site would be removed during the grading process and, if determined in good condition, could be relocated or replanted in the open space areas. Services: Both fire and police services are located nearby. IID is located nearby and upgrades to the power system will be needed. The students living in the proposed community will be served by the Coachella Valley Unified School District and the builder will be required to pay a school development fee prior to the issuance of building permits to offset the cost of providing school services. Water: The proposed project will be served by the Coachella Valley Water District and a Water Analysis Study was prepared wherein 20.5 acre feet of water per year would be required under the proposed project vs. 37.5 acre feet of water per year under the current General Plan. The proposed project would use approximately half the quantity of water compared to water demands under the existing General Plan. This reduction is due to the cluster home development, common area landscaping, use of energy efficient water fixtures, minimal turf grass for park/playground area and the use of decomposed granite for landscaping. 20 10 September 19, 2023 La Villetta at Avenue Ss Traffic: A Traffic Impact Analysis Report and Vehicles Miles Travel Assessment were both prepared for the project. The existing ctrining aInng Avpnup SR whirh inrludpc n rpntpr ctrinpd median is rprnmmpndpd to ha mndifipd to create a 60-foot westbound left turn pocket at the main project driveway while there is an existing eastbound left turn pocket at Pasatiempo Court. ALL THAT 21 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO.37950 COUNTY OF RI'VERSOE RANGE IEAST, SAN BERNARDNOEASE A.40 MERIDIAN La Villetta at Avenue ss Image Corridor — Avenue 58: The City's Image Corridor requirements were taken into account during the initial layout of this community and will allow important, as well as, cherished views to be maintained along Avenue 58. Consistent with the City's General Plan, the community proposes Image Corridor enhancements along Avenue 58 such as a 15 foot landscaped setback and a meandering multimodal trail, trees, shrubs and groundcover to enhance the treasured mountain views for all its residents. The northern, 3 one-story residential structures are setback more than 150 feet and do not exceed 22 feet in height. AVE:E 58 PFIVATE STREET D i R'W A W Rf R/W RrN 44 Ew kR Ex PA0 -60: .5• 5.5 PAD ELE, -b0.10 Ap ELEI" - 9. 4 22 11 September 19, 2023 Corridor View Exhibit with Line of Site rr - = - -�- - - f!r I :vo ❑ too 2❑❑ -"FNy �8 ti amuA7F k74�rfW k a' e' ar. rave moo: y. �[ S' S.5' -- • - 9ECTIOMAA 0 _ Q. Sa �❑ �p 1 = 40' ie.l A ❑ ENGIlIEERtlNG, blC. CITY OF LR 9I.- iYi1 3T950 ..ew�wreeeiw � ��ma ww aK�m r� CpRRIpQR +AFTa F1611�T sir ¢ 23 La Villetta at Avenue Ss Project Team Kris Pinero, Project Manager Rodeo Credit Enterprises, LLC - Applicant 661-621-8912 (cell) kris@rcellc.us Henrik Nazahan, Civil Engineer D andk6 Engineering Julie Beeman, President VCS Environmental lbeeman@vcsenvironmental.com Jeff Addison, Principal/Director of Design Kevin L Crook Architect, Inc. iaddison@klcarch.com 24 Mike Salazar, Landscape Architect Koriander Design Architecture msalazar@kdlainc.com Angela Besa LLG Engineers - Traffic Engineer maberrv@llaenaineers.com 12 WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 CITY COUNCIL MEETING - SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTA G. RESNICK - OPPOSED CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 12 - CONDITIONAL FINAL PARCEL MAP NO. 38668 FOR DUNE PALMS MIXED -USE PROJECT From: Gene R <gene.resnick@gmaiLcom> Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2023 6:24 AM To: Council <Council@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Dunes Palm Rd & Hwy 111 You don't often get email from gene.resnick@gmail.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Dear Council, The proposed fast-food establishment at the development planned for Dunes Palm & 111 intersection should be denied. The Valley has plenty - too many - fast food joints, and we don't need another. The Chick-Fil-A franchise will provide only litter, congestion, and disgracefully bad nutrition to our residents. Please Vote No. Thank you, G. Resnick La Quinta, CA Sent from my iPad CITY OF LA QUINTA REQUEST TO SPEAK FORM MEETING DATE: c ,11 Please give this completed form to the City Clerk along with any materials you wish Councilmembers to receive. This form is to assure accuracy in preparing the minutes as to spelling of names and addresses, as well as to allow staff to follow-up on requests made by members of the public. Completion of this form is voluntary. Once submitted to the City Clerk, this form becomes a public record. Matters LISTED on the Agenda Agenda Item No.: Subject: Support Oppose 0 Matters NOT Listed on the Agenda Subject: _ The Council welcomes your comments, but is prohibited by State law from discussing matters not listed on the published agenda; your input will betaken under consideration and referred to staff for possible future action. MEETING PROTOCOL: PLEASE LIMIT YOUR COMMENTS TO 3 MINUTES THE MAYOR WILL CALL YOU TO THE PODIUM AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME DURING THE MEETING; PLEASE DIRECT YOUR COMMENTS TO THE MAYOR ONLY (not Councilmembers or staff or audience) I do not wish to speak but leave these comments for the Council to consider: Sk CZ1r) ✓ z�_' 0 l l�j f' ✓ Speaker Identification: r Name 5 1 Address 5-1 Organization/Business Phone `]I "� e-mail '''.�Z ` J YES, I wish to subscribe to the City's "Quail Mail" service to receive emails about meetings & events. Visit the City's website for more information: www.LaQuintaCA.gov