DD 2023-0001 Fence Safety Golf Net at PGA West - Stadium 54988 Southern Hills (12.20.2023)ta �W CALIFORNIA December 20, 2023 Luis Murillo 83740 Citrus Ave Suite G Indio, CA 92201 SUBJECT: DIRECTOR'S DETERMINATION REGARDING FENCE SAFETY GOLF NET Dear Mr. Murillo: We have received your request to install an alternative fence material located at 54988 Southern Hills. This property is located within the PGA West Specific Plan and Low Density Residential (RL) zone. PGA West Specific Plan 83-002 covers PGA West communities that includes this home. The general residential standards allow for fences adjacent to open space or golf areas that may be made of open construction material to allow continuation of views to be enjoyed by both sides of the fence. As such and pursuant to PGA West Specific Plan Section 2.8.1 General Architectural and Site Guidelines Interpretation, you have requested a determination from the Director as to whether the fence material would be allowed. Based on plans submitted, the fence material being proposed is acceptable (Attachment 1). The placement of the fence will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other surrounding properties. Therefore, the fence is approved as shown on the attached exhibits, subject to the following conditions of approval: The applicant may be required to submit construction plans to the City's Building Division for review and approval. If you have any questions, please contact Sijifredo Fernandez, Associate Planner at (760) 777- 7086. Sincerely, l Danny Castro Design and Development Director Attachment 1: Proposed Plan Set 5�?m soc+�Ev- 1 Lc� 0 u, v, k, IVS2000LF IMPACT NETTING - BLACK ]OFT 1 Oft tall custom length black Golf Impact Backslap Netting manufactured from 2.3mm OD HDPP twine with machine -stitched 4mm border rope. Golf impacl netting is rat proof and UV treated. SKU:NT29716 * * * * * 515 11108,4.2 MSAr ez_["iew5l $3.99%:99 WILL EE SHIPPED APRIL 3, 2023 Color: Units: Black Ft ., Height: 10fl v Length Length CLICK HERE FOR ESSENTIALS -F Total: $ 3.99 ADD TO CART CUSTOM LENGTH GOLF PRACTICE NETTING AVAILABLE IN BLACK OR GREEN S -q qs $ S'o o ev 0.8 " aus�j 4, GZZS73 3130123, 2:07 PM 54988 Southern Hill 54988 Southern Hill - Google Maps Map data C2023, Map data ®2023 20 fl a Jf Atm - Ht // L 4 co C12 SS httpsllwww,google.comlmapslplacel54988+Southern+Hill,+La+Quanta,+CA+922531@33.6489257,-116.2551878,38mldata=!3ml!1e3!4ml51m8!3m7!lsOx8Oda57be0eesOdcf:Oxd7828bc9396a3024!2s 111