MBA 2024-0002 to SDP 2005-822 Handel's Ice Cream (01.25.2024)taQa�tra CALIFORNIA January 25, 2024 Frank Wright Icon & Ikon Inc 144623 Hawthorne Boulevard Suite 306 Lawndale, CA 90260 SUBJECT: MBA 2024-0002 EXTERIOR REMODEL — HANDEL'S ICE CREAM 79630 HIGHWAY 111 Dear Mr. Wright: The Design and Development Department has reviewed your request to make site improvements to an existing building site located at 79630 Highway 111. The proposal includes minor exterior modifications to a tenant space within The Dunes Business Park, including a dining patio. The plan modifications are minor and will not result in a significant change in the original project as approved by the decision-making authority. Therefore, the modification is approved as shown on the attached exhibit, subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta ("City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Modification By Applicant. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. The applicant shall conform to all other corresponding conditions of approval for Site Development Permit 2005-822 and Environmental Assessment 2005-533. 3. The applicant shall inform the City of La Quinta's Planning Division of any subsequent changes. Additional modifications may require subsequent review and may result in additional condition(s) of approval. 4. The applicant shall apply for and obtain all necessary City of La Quinta building (BCOM2023-1020) and grading permits as required. 5. This approval is based upon the understanding that the applicant will provide shade umbrellas on the dining patio. The shade umbrellas shall be kept in a well-maintained and orderly fashion. The canopy of the umbrellas shall be contained within the limits of patio area and shall not protrude into adjoining drive aisles or any parking space. The taQa�tra CALIFORNIA umbrellas shall be wind resistant or removed when intense winds are forecasted. The dining patio shall be kept clear of trash and debris. 5. This approval is based upon the understanding that all four sides of the building corner tower that projects above the roof will be painted. The applicant shall paint all four sides of the tower to match. 5. All building signage is subject to a separate sign permit review. The applicant shall submit for, and obtain, the sign permit approvals of the Planning and Building Divisions prior to the installation of any building sign. Thank you for your attention to these items, and if you have any questions, please contact me directly at (760) 777-7069 and/or at snesporC@laguintaca.gov . Sincerely, '4�* '/ �" Scott Nespor Senior Planner Design and Development If �flNnLti� •0" 116 MMEMM ME MUM ADM IgE � PERMIT # BCOM2023-1020 79630 HIGHWAY 111, UNIT 100, LA QUI NTA, CA 92253 ROOF TILE (E) LIGHT WEIGHT CONCRETE OR CLAY ROOF TILES TO REMAIN NO CHANGES TO COLOR, TYPE,OR PATTERN AWNING / STRIPING HANDEL'S CORPORATE APPROVED AWNINGS W/ RED WHITE AND BLUE STRIPPING BLUE COLOR: ROYAL BLUE - BENJAMIN MOORE FOR PAINTED STRIPS RED COLOR RUBY RED BENJAMIN MOORE FOR PAINTED STRIPS WHITE COLOR PURE WHITE BENJAMIN MOORE FOR PAINTED STRIPS mv��irud (E) NATURAL STONE WALL TILE TO REMAIN. - NO CHANGES STUCCO (E)STUCCO BROWN TRIM COLOR TO REMAIN. STI Irr0 (NEW) OFF WHITE STUCCO PAINT AT TOWER ONLY MATCH TO EXISTING SURROUNDING STUCCO COLOR STUCCO (E) LIGHT BROWN / TAN STUCCO PAINT AT WALLS. MATCH TO EXISTING SURROUNDING STUCCO COLOR O � O O wmx.xE, FIVE AIlE eD� � Boss aoss '^ w DRIVE AISLE DRIVE AISEE u u _ _ calve AISLE - DRIVE AI5LEZr ���� 7 uxouuEwE, - =Ik 8 I I �----------- - - - - - - - - - - - ---- 1 ucessiece cunRu 1 i--------�` lel.ccsssiececuse servo = 1 I 1 one r 1 iqw ILE-Euiuz`sunr�a — — — — — — DRIVE II 1 ne cA �t�vo:xW`r` sl:wrai i oTa cnuierrtno DRI-ECAIs< 1 1 1 II oMc 1 Ix 1 -101 1 �I DaIVEaSLE e a ......wMPueuc IIS io %air T Eiou�`rnuzailGoiir 1 0:00 1 0:0o Inuasslececuse 1 ♦--- 1 oneana,ewnxxi IEI SINo�E sroav aEinasulinlNo G 1 p3 w 1 II FL Bins NOE Imay zzs�vaRins rvoL�ii�rc I DaIVealsit I n NE)NNOLE S%ORY Rema EDILOINs II 1} 1 �g IEI SIrIoL sioav aerna BILLING / x. 1 NOT IN SCOPE SEP 1 I E �a �F iNoivaosss�Ps mavz DRIVE AISLE O "•,` j 1 I 1 I --- J vN� 1 1 III 1- 1 I II I uNE Lro^ wme - ------------ Iauss -------------------- j cl ---------- wl,R,xnxcA.lemcoreER.M ooVP .. 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