2002-05-01 Letter from City Atty to John Wallace, Esq. RE: Barton Properties & TR 30092May-01-02 09:31am From—RUTAN & TUCKER,LLP 714-546-9035 T-481 P.01/03 F-117 RUTAN & FUCKER LLP Attorneys at Law 611 Anton Boulevard, loth Floor Costa Mesa California 92626-1998 Mailing Address. Post Office Box 1950, Costa Mesa, California 92628-1950 Telephone: 714-641.5100 Facsimile 714,546.9035 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION DATI~: MAY 1, 2002 To: NAME FAx No. Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager, t760) 777-7101 City of La Qulinta; Jerry Herman (760) 777-1233 Director of Community Development FROM: M. Katherine Jenson -119 RE: BARTON PROPERTIES CLIENr/MATTIER No.: 015610-0002 MFSSAGH: Hard Copy to Follow via Mail: NO >pxoN-p No. (760) 777-7033 (760) 777-7062 NUMBER OF PAGES, INCI-UDING COVER: 3 THE INFORMATION CONTAINI=D IN THIS FACSIMILE Ml SS,AGE IS WF NDED FOR TGIF USI= OF THE INAfVIDUAL OIZ ENTITY TO WHICH I'f IS ADDRESSED, AND MAY CONTAIIN INFORIv A TION TKAT I9 PRIV ILF-GED .AND CONFU)fNTIAL. IF THE RE kDER OF THIS MESSAGE IS NQT THE rNTInNDED RECIPIENT OR AGENT RESFONS1131..E TO DELIVER THE MESSAGE TO THE INTENQI-0 RECIPIENT, YOU AKHEREBY NOTIFIED TH.a7' ANY DISSF-M NATION, DISTRIBUTION OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN FRRQR: PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMED]ATELY aY TELEPHONE AND RFTIJRN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGF- TO US w f THE ABQVF ADDRESS VIA T14f U S POSTAL SERVICE THANK YOU If jnere src priliylunu reCuIVing Tras F= Transnua;l plauc call 714.641 S100. EAt. 1235 1191015010-MO2 275247 01 45/01/02 05-01-02 09:27 RECEIVED FROM:714 546 9035 P-01 may-01-02 09:31am From-RUTAN $ TUCKER,LLP 714-540-9035 T-481 P.02/03 F-117 TA N v J� FS• �M11.1 CKER; ATTORNEY S AT LAW A Pn,�TI`NCILSHO, INCLUDINC. PRQFE5>IUNnL COR)"OkA]IONS b11 ANION BO.LEVARD FOURTEENTH r4O6R C05TA ME$k. Cm FORNIn92P2➢-1931 DIRECTALL MAIL fO rDSI OFFICE BOx 1950 COSTA MESA, CALIF, )RNm 9?DnC-1 Y50 T:1- YVmONE719-b31-5100 YACSIM1ULE71R-5rP-9035 iNTEKr*T npDRESS ,rL —I,,wo tam Direct Dial: (714) 641-3413 E-mail: lyensongruraa com w,L' RUTwn c.o[...-,72) N[nc>. TCCLcn'. cleat-1, �•n C>+ Ml].?RC- IOc. D n..rcwocn� crnc�i n 1--.n —it K1,,1 -KCTnyN n-,AA J --T.n L rAcUch,C mnNX >It' —''.cools vw ,inc.l rN,LL[c.—T[w .y.Li nnL - wNfiw un-.L'fl nn;L onJl_n,nL 11j, 1111,11, nL 11 ,N[n cLu_na[in >tuTcll 'nw�ci r.Lti•un�n N •+•.�II..T .{ LTu D,i(va ♦.1 Pw.Ln> nwnlXN rvnlnul slNk.+•P P—Pr•> nLl•Y:w-:GnTC: •,� r. I�iI.C[L Fn„Dn.L .., dw0uLlLn \ tcKvl I. ^\�v']n+. IMr>n• ivioLGT n ...n nC[n[nu LrC>.:V ,• Unn. �K •rNin fXlLn Cnnvly C,xT\ ry M Tnc,�Wx[I \T n—U IN 91-1nnrdk5 VnTx1(iL w..c— I—n IL,nUncc I,cl wI - L., nT ry wxu<.[n manna r Tccw NC/PnP r bOwCyL rnuv I n.wnt_nwwP I011-1n l Cw RNJ71, M.Cn.. sl LswnE In .. wt�s. TtL:C•-CCI GnlLwCfIL[ n,LnnNV I ^� .r.•-.,[r Swr\y n n v nlrw.nlwn\ Iw« � . kutirnw� wvns..�Ln�= ruLa w ccaEN�L. R - •c lcruun ] Pw„�a nwFvn'rnL OLnPI LL.apT[R Inox.nl n \vurvC lN- P� .I .ns+n>,µnu.sT I ,I[vcwS nrvlMtcW nt?lKk DxrIV L U[[u'c N` .nJL nAnItJIUtO ll»LNIL n . L.lµhww LI Ohl ul C\I>[DRPL Le1[ilCry yPu s.ucnuL>m. rn —cc N ,r DRl� sn WLic m,Cnnkl P Nn•Y,n l,l w .nTl VI .[n r M L I. rrCn•,nP U nNN(J n L C. v.rv• N'm J I'nOm Y10n n x,T[M1 ,u M rnwLL,Of IlrkVl \' m PPL.,.w H IA— LOC LnC[I[ nnRN Ft D'I l .,•rLn• nCuc[n OFCTI.. n>f. >Iru, NULCOI I PrvIP R CP>GROvL aT[vcrv) Un LO 'fw .knn.hkN S nn Pk 70h LIArvnNC. ry n•.,Ytl �[ticr cola Urv[w ,o.,,.Tn L.Clkry W..�wl M[nrn[ ^Lon. ehnener Dn VrOI CnN.nnLD.n.Ilx nwpClnn n NTICt]NSw>. TncNw LLo rmlIn(w r.c RP.s .RLCn lL.,wnPC. ru—U LIIr1 Loon L[w.c.rv[-nw. xnNlnL 11n1.nc wnL.n MI Cnr„\.. Iwn.o mn )[rrrctr .,kNlnl.nu: ; c,nL:LIn T u, f IIArl .10.nxn ..G... T. u CNµ5TT 11MEN 0 rwRLLR Llsw nc.L nlCn OLw_ rnCrres>.vnnL •�onwhn rn-D non' .,P1-•1 -L—T ,[n[k. 1 r.LL -C I[rv-l- Porno- �.un John Wallace, Esq- Wallacc & Madden ,Bank of Arm ea Tower 555 South Flower Street, Suite 4600 Los Angeles, CA 90071 May 1, 2002 Re: City of La Quinta —Tentative Map 30092 — Amendment No- 1 Dear Mr. Wallace: This letter is in response to your letter of April 25, 2002. As you may recall, I am the City Attorney for the City of La Quinta. (For future reference, there is no '`Katherine Tenson.") I am most easily reached at the above address and telephone number. You and I spoke by telephone on March 5, 2002, prior to the public hearing on the above- referencQ,d matter that was scheduled that evening before the Ciry Council- For your information, the matter had not been appealed to the Council. Instead, tentative map decisions automaticall conl.e before the Council after Planning Commission action. As you know, prior to the M•arcb 5' meeting, the City bad received a letter from the property owners stating that Barton Properties was not authorized to process the map application. AT the March 5"' public hearing, Mr. Thomas Martone requested- that the matter be continued. The Council, in his presence, voted unanimously to continue the matter to April 16, 2002, At the public hearing on April lb, 2002, neither Mr. Martone nor any other representative of Barton Properties appeared- The Council considered the application and denied it on numerous grounds. Your client has been provided with a copy ofthe resolution serting fords the Council's findings. The La Quinta Municipal Code contains no provision for an applicant to seek reconsideration of a Council action. The City's sole provision for reconsideration allows a 119101St. 10-UUUB 2SOBOB-01 45/01/02 05-01-02 99:28 RECEIVED FROM:714 546 9035 P.02 May-01-02 09:32am From-RUTAN TUCKER,LLP AJrAN _'.. CKER; u John Wallace, Esq. May 1, 2002 Page 2 714-546-9035 T-481 P.03/03 F-117 council member who voted in the majority to request reconsideration during the seven calendar day period following the action. That period expired on April 23, 2002_ Very truly yours, R AN & CKER, LLP M_ I�athenne Jenson N1K7:cic 119MI5610-0006 2gosois w aam/.'O U2 05-01-02 09:28 RECEIVED FRDM:714 546 9935 P.03