z LQ Village Apts - MAP & Staff Rpt 2023-11-21 Council Agenda PacketPROJECT DATA PROJEc1a6uRE« FE G.XBIF':R S� W+OIWGT9N 6TTJ�T E AL24;1'c z0 ..ae<AaiLeeBIl1E➢Efl 6400]0 016 Site Plan LEL&L IIEi£pEffi24 BASE DENSITY: U 03 ACRES • 12 UNITS ACREw We EASE UNITS 13 61 ACRES ell N POR LOT 1 LAB 023'52) DESERT CLUB I.VUIOR TR 2 Lc:1 S --sea N. -r F OESERI CLUB INVVIOR TR 2 Arms Ott B4 M1!!LLVTIPel01 R.•:I.I4FT1T,e V.,P BOPk I,'.ip P.,: B 0230 , PL4 P 099 RPH. L.I PC'.1 SPROPOSED T1YO STORY APARTL'ENT BUILDINGS LATH CLUBHOUSE, GAR':GES, CARRORTS POOL. MA COL1.MM IANDSCAPE SPFCESAND NECESSARY HARDSCAPE AND S�Leie E%)STING 20141NG DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 1401AGRES a 18 UNITS'ACRE. 252 PROPOSED UNITS (112 UNITS DCL UNITS PER ACRE) _ REV HC= FUTURE EV ACCE551�'E PUIVO SFAC 19141 ASlE 2-BRUNITS: 15 SPACES PEA UNIT REQUIRED INCLUDES AFFORDABLE OENITY BO`I'.IS OVERLAY Pp'-JiTXFp jpONC{ A".I I.'EDIUI:;HIG!I DENSITI RESIDENTIAL Bldg 4 -Eli (L-12 UNITS PERACRE) BASED ONLOI•aC 9 GU 260 DENSITY BONUS PERCENTAGES '111TH DENSITY BONUS. SEE PROJECT INFO BELOYr SITAR 611.14G E SF1 14 03 ACRES BUILDING FOOTPRINT T02j9&5F WJC LOT CO:'ERAGE 63!.OF NETLOTAREA. 16666509 SF LOT COVERAGE PROPOSED 35y.213901 SF TO1I ILDING/,ri 259,199 SF TOTALPROPSED DNYELLING UNITS 252 WITS 1214,9%SF FAIN. Col.! .'ON OPEN REQUIRED 3Ot: OF NEr PROJECT AREA -IL],34404 SF COh!KION OPEN AREAPRO`:IOEO 3461:=2111e25F ACTIVEREC. ATIONA'EA REQUIRED: W.OF CO At- OPENARE:, REQUIRED=55001 SF ACTNE REMEr T)ONAREA PROVIDED 11 lr�-),110 SF WNLIW F.::W .CN 2JU I.".SEIINTERIORSIDEYARDSEIIIII ST L-Ik--RIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK GINNIUNI REAR TARO SET11- 15-0" DIN. PERII.'ETER V,NDECAPE SETBACK 10.0" AVG PER ILIETER V,NOSCAPEETBACK: 20-0' NV•K NO OF STORIES ALLOWED PER RIAH ZONING 2 PER A OU ILRAGENERALP rN E%HIBIT)6 TMt4AARrn.IAQECORRIppR w40.N310N 111111 1ECOND7,RY II.!AGE CORRIDOR .9Ve-Aw B.!AGE CORRIDOR SETBACK: 1-4" ALLOLIABLE BLDG HEIGHT ATH NGE CORRIDOR: 224- 1 -p1 -.DTC!! STREET 9 A: ENUE 50) "'SEE 011OMG3N1 FOR ADD NOI BYLD1Hg.£DHSIBLLCnol4 OCCUPANCY TYPES: 8 2,A I A 3 /NO B CONSTRUCTION TYPE I'l III SPRINKLERS YES FULL),PRINKLERED(NFPAIS) ALLO'NABLE BJILDING HEIGHT PER RI,IH 2DNING: 2T 0" PROPOSED BUILDING HEIGHTATCLUBHDUSE 19-0" PROROSEO BUILDING HEIGHT AT2 STORY BLOGS 27- tl�p3nEL1BEPffieB:pmI2�eY.171L9LHE•E iQ@.&iSDE]!MESJe2DB�IseL fpH misz•� IE41R� BmLgIBu s�Ls PROJECT INFORMATION 1-BIIApallaenl 1h -STD 30 613 20,110 1 - en Bed Apalml 16 -ADA 34 755 25610 1-Be1 Apatlmcnt 16 -STD 34 755 25,670 2-Betl ApVlmett 2AADA6B 960 65280 ta. WnFr11 2ASTD 52 960 01.E20 2S2 200.H2 AR n DENSITY CALCULATIONS .Ry Site Plan A02 BASE DENSITY: U 03 ACRES • 12 UNITS ACREw We EASE UNITS B Scu3nd Floor Plan LTNG PER LORC 9111,11 BYFIGHT PARINCENTIVE, THE TOTAL UNITS PROPOSED 252UNITS 100OF C= CO•'PACI PARVhG SPAOEp 9'X Ifi) - COVERED STS DARD PARVNG SPACE I9 x 19-) FOLLOY:RIGPARKING RATIOS SI4UL APPLY TO THE ENTIRE DEVELOMONT (HOULDING HARKET PATE UNITS) 59': DENSITY BONUS IS BEING PROPOSED SD Fn=FUn10.EEJPAR.:IN3 SPACE /9 %19') 1-BRUHIT I SPACE PER UNIT REQUIRED t 1401AGRES a 18 UNITS'ACRE. 252 PROPOSED UNITS 1 _ REV HC= FUTURE EV ACCE551�'E PUIVO SFAC 19141 ASlE 2-BRUNITS: 15 SPACES PEA UNIT REQUIRED FEV VAN FO RSA=:DENSITY BOt4US.4 1.OF BABE UNITS NEEDTO BE F.!OO811 INCOI: E UNITS Bldg 4 -Eli HE BASED ONLOI•aC 9 GU 260 DENSITY BONUS PERCENTAGES HC. ACE55]BLE STANDARD PARCI:G SPACE I-III').'AISLE °AREJN_$rJgl_.rr ARFAIrmMI A TIC Van 4Y.. 1100 • TJ LOWA=TE PGOSB: UI. o NC l'AN =ACCESSIBLE V2.1 I SPACE It- .ri.S'IV- V..COVERED STANDARD PARFUZ SPACES: 15111wu1.r Ili li MARKET RATE UNITS ASE 4,NIT MII AOPFBSEWTADEOr YOM1'RA�1K!!�`.IF1.1RS T4T4 1321 BED UNIT515239':: 01252 UNITS) F41L=DE51G1ATW HAU-\'AV PARC!:GSPA,I(9'%19) UIiFIERnl CJ15FKTFAL.}':G SPACER: 61lavnurryrlall UN[L"Blim SEDII�FM[IIL A18 TOTAL UNITS 252 L^]29EDUIIIT!SNT.h PI�UNIP9 252 TOTALUNITS P= STA•IDARD PAAKIHG I-I9'%19'1PTY I]') CAHOWTS1AK.4RD FnRYbC SFAC�3; 3511n<4Ryr+l A20 MARKET-RAIEUNITS PROVIDED: MDOERATEWCOME UNITS PROVIDED: * 1 3D V -S & Maleri.l5 Boats A22 911 -BED UMTS 39 1 BED UNITS 152 7'5 0114 UNITS) �ASFc 52211+v°n 1N ex -.J 178 TOTAuAARKET RATE UNITS PROUD 74 TOTALOODERATE INCOIJE UNITS P-VID Gross Building Area Common A- C-Icul.U.ns ANN) Sf)AI+LISFI Bltlg 01 1F. -t34 9 36 SF PER FLOOR LFBLLFIgtr CLUBHOUSE RESIDENTACTIVITY 92 02 Is L54 7.1s13F14R 0.00'4 FFire ftiscr MECHANICAL1 12 Bop 07 22.6951SeF PFA ALCOR GYLI RESIDENTACTIVITY 725 M04 26.536 15:'089F IgAFLOOR HALL CIRCULATION /B6 Bldg 05 29 G12 14.1101 PER FLOOR HK SERVICE 36 Bldg06 24.393 121%5 SF PER FLOOR 01I ADMINISTRATION 290 0"07 & 12 50,438 12605 SF PER FLOOR RR RESTROOIAS 124 90g08 22294 11.147 SF PER FLOOR Shoxa RESTROOI.IS 62 Bldg 09 274131 13594-5 SF PER FLOOR Sao' SERVICE 111 Bldg 10 19.4117 9733 S SF PER FLOOR We'Sar CIRCULATION 36 wo 11 ITNE49 A 024 5 SF PER FLOOR WH LiBIIANICK 12 p1m1gV1+ L1.STUtTYI 31019 2,578 SqR 278,502 aq N :NG FAFA I'XLUCLfIAP EACH DAELL/1GUNIHAS p3ENJ,siLl PHriki EPATIDMI B9LGDNt 1MP�SUItrUr.1 4U E%n:RI. 4YAIL5 A•.a EACH BUILDING HAWS 0\E FIRE RISER `SEE CIVIL FOR LOCATIOr:S B'UIM:%G',Or PSDIIDEO V.TIH GulOFIrliPPQ-I P-1 or'CCTI+I at Pap, OA Hoar IDUM46K)TttL14f ISAApCM91. �I PA IRWIN PARTNERS A R C H I T E C T S 245 Fischer Av.nu.. Suil. B.2 Cash Mesa CA 92626 ,, 14)5 v572449 w.ipaoc corn ARCHITECTURE PL AN N I NG CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. : LSLOT _i Y:9! �R PARKING CALCULATIONS VICINITY MAP °II,SN� II7B.�RI>ml!@ES£BYia£IIEdB51ti4`E�Atro+L2'n 29011UHL•H1GiLP2H1[Atlflld6LffiYL (NOT RESTRICTED TO UNLY AFFORDABIE UNITS) PARKING RATIOS PER LQFIC 9 W.260 ARE LISTED ABOVE UtiDS 1321 -BR UIInI I SPACE'1NIT REO ARED .132 1202&1 UNITS r 3 S SPACESAINir REQUIRED =180 CQ!5201[im(CEba4 I SRACE PER 300 SF OFCROSSFLOOR AREA - : 2 TOTA.SPACESREQJIRED: 319 TOTAL SPACES PROVIDED: 522 £Q'�HE¢e• HGHOIPEfjI1z0EP&VIDED 3.?192i4D(1Gj-$' 159 UNCOVERED Lr:Oc. PROVIDED 154 COVERED 15I Ur:COVE-O TOTAL SPACES PROVIDED: 356 COVERED ♦ 165 UNCOVERED = 5.'2 TOTAL NOTE: ADA AND FEVPARKING 6 INCLUDED N THE OVERALL PARKING COUNT RKYu4 WLlH67JOHS EfmIBEFTEFeEEDtlH LEQIIIpFfltQt41&BEtD R1[PF�•+�-•� - - - TOTAL PAR R. SPACE, 522 TOTAL PARKING SPARESSt= SHOii-TERM ' 03S ` ID-: OFTOTA. PAISPAffS S22 ISSa1-IE-F-Np) 210' SIS f5 SIGNED PA0.KINGSPACE, 10,99 LONG TERN 0 N/A TOTAL HC SPACES11i 11 RITWF EVSPACES REQb P .rcCa0. r>7I.aRl•d9ElFti '.T Oi.Y -'r15 FIITUREEVSPACESPROVIDED 52 SSOF 1 LYMSSIGNEO PEAKING SPACE, 0.25 MII:. BICYCLE PARKING REQ -0 2 TOTAL HC SPACES REQD 1 TOTAL BICYCLE PARKING PROVIDED A ADA CAR SPACES RICO 15 PER GLGAYL//L10E.9.I:0L[T01G'�•1111[2F CILV INC ADAVANSPACES REQ D , 74MIEVSWESI 00I CFSIPPOAT4ND POILP9 TOTAL ADA SPACES PROVIDED 12 ELFAR.IL 4DIIOE iUPM.Y EQ"JIAnFTIT (lM1se). L.ITIKlEOT0 DEHONSTRAIE MDIEI:T'S CAW301TYL. CAPACITY FOR FACILITATING FUTURE EJ CHARGING 6OBFQULRFMF T FOR EVSPACES TO BE ccNSrRUCTED OR AVAILAB LELtM LEV CHARGERS ARE INSTALLED FORUSE La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 ATTACHMENT 3 SHEET INDEX 11 TWe VI s C1 CIVIL SITE PLAN C2 CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN C3 PRELIMINARY UTILITI"PLAN ARCHITECTURAL .Ry Site Plan A02 £ B Scu3nd Floor Plan LTNG PER LORC 9111,11 BYFIGHT PARINCENTIVE, THE CP 100OF C= CO•'PACI PARVhG SPAOEp 9'X Ifi) - COVERED STS DARD PARVNG SPACE I9 x 19-) FOLLOY:RIGPARKING RATIOS SI4UL APPLY TO THE ENTIRE DEVELOMONT (HOULDING HARKET PATE UNITS) FEV SD Fn=FUn10.EEJPAR.:IN3 SPACE /9 %19') 1-BRUHIT I SPACE PER UNIT REQUIRED t FEV HC 1 _ REV HC= FUTURE EV ACCE551�'E PUIVO SFAC 19141 ASlE 2-BRUNITS: 15 SPACES PEA UNIT REQUIRED FEV VAN 1 IV VA4 FUTURE Ev vA:4 PAROrL SaAS (9 x])1+B'AISLE Bldg 4 -Eli HE 6 HC. ACE55]BLE STANDARD PARCI:G SPACE I-III').'AISLE °AREJN_$rJgl_.rr ARFAIrmMI A TIC Van g' NC l'AN =ACCESSIBLE V2.1 I SPACE It- .ri.S'IV- V..COVERED STANDARD PARFUZ SPACES: 15111wu1.r Ili li 1, F41L=DE51G1ATW HAU-\'AV PARC!:GSPA,I(9'%19) UIiFIERnl CJ15FKTFAL.}':G SPACER: 61lavnurryrlall UN[L"Blim SEDII�FM[IIL A18 151 P= STA•IDARD PAAKIHG I-I9'%19'1PTY I]') CAHOWTS1AK.4RD FnRYbC SFAC�3; 3511n<4Ryr+l A20 522 * 1 3D V -S & Maleri.l5 Boats A22 Lan. ot Sight D1a9romz �ASFc 52211+v°n 1N ex -.J °II,SN� II7B.�RI>ml!@ES£BYia£IIEdB51ti4`E�Atro+L2'n 29011UHL•H1GiLP2H1[Atlflld6LffiYL (NOT RESTRICTED TO UNLY AFFORDABIE UNITS) PARKING RATIOS PER LQFIC 9 W.260 ARE LISTED ABOVE UtiDS 1321 -BR UIInI I SPACE'1NIT REO ARED .132 1202&1 UNITS r 3 S SPACESAINir REQUIRED =180 CQ!5201[im(CEba4 I SRACE PER 300 SF OFCROSSFLOOR AREA - : 2 TOTA.SPACESREQJIRED: 319 TOTAL SPACES PROVIDED: 522 £Q'�HE¢e• HGHOIPEfjI1z0EP&VIDED 3.?192i4D(1Gj-$' 159 UNCOVERED Lr:Oc. PROVIDED 154 COVERED 15I Ur:COVE-O TOTAL SPACES PROVIDED: 356 COVERED ♦ 165 UNCOVERED = 5.'2 TOTAL NOTE: ADA AND FEVPARKING 6 INCLUDED N THE OVERALL PARKING COUNT RKYu4 WLlH67JOHS EfmIBEFTEFeEEDtlH LEQIIIpFfltQt41&BEtD R1[PF�•+�-•� - - - TOTAL PAR R. SPACE, 522 TOTAL PARKING SPARESSt= SHOii-TERM ' 03S ` ID-: OFTOTA. PAISPAffS S22 ISSa1-IE-F-Np) 210' SIS f5 SIGNED PA0.KINGSPACE, 10,99 LONG TERN 0 N/A TOTAL HC SPACES11i 11 RITWF EVSPACES REQb P .rcCa0. r>7I.aRl•d9ElFti '.T Oi.Y -'r15 FIITUREEVSPACESPROVIDED 52 SSOF 1 LYMSSIGNEO PEAKING SPACE, 0.25 MII:. BICYCLE PARKING REQ -0 2 TOTAL HC SPACES REQD 1 TOTAL BICYCLE PARKING PROVIDED A ADA CAR SPACES RICO 15 PER GLGAYL//L10E.9.I:0L[T01G'�•1111[2F CILV INC ADAVANSPACES REQ D , 74MIEVSWESI 00I CFSIPPOAT4ND POILP9 TOTAL ADA SPACES PROVIDED 12 ELFAR.IL 4DIIOE iUPM.Y EQ"JIAnFTIT (lM1se). L.ITIKlEOT0 DEHONSTRAIE MDIEI:T'S CAW301TYL. CAPACITY FOR FACILITATING FUTURE EJ CHARGING 6OBFQULRFMF T FOR EVSPACES TO BE ccNSrRUCTED OR AVAILAB LELtM LEV CHARGERS ARE INSTALLED FORUSE La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 ATTACHMENT 3 SHEET INDEX 11 TWe VI s C1 CIVIL SITE PLAN C2 CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN C3 PRELIMINARY UTILITI"PLAN ARCHITECTURAL 401 Site Plan A02 First Floor Plan A03 Scu3nd Floor Plan A01 Rod Plan A05 !toil Pians A05 Clubhouse A07 BIdB I. Elevalianz A08 Bldg 2-EIOY4lions A09 Bldg 3-Elevm,dn A10 Bi , - EI.vM,,on: A11 Bldg 4 -Eli Al2Bldg 5- EliAta BIdo 6- El --ions A14 Bldgs 7&12-Elawlions A15 Bldg. B - Elevations A16 6:, 9 -III At7 Bldg 10-Elevdlions A18 810911.Eli A19 E„leriar Elevafons A20 3D Vi- icnsA21 * 1 3D V -S & Maleri.l5 Boats A22 Lan. ot Sight D1a9romz IANOS[APF LP -1 Conceptual Land -pe Plan LP -2 T3p� Y Buildln3 Plaahag E.rI LP -3 Slope Planlin)E.Nioil LPI PoolArea LP -5 Entry LP-fi CanceplualWall& Fenee Plan PROJECT TEAM OWNER Troutdale Village. LLC 1800 Blankenship Ro, Sulle 325 WestLian. Oregon 7068 T:(503) 807.8652 Urn P.lrkcr ARCHITECT 245 FlIc err-IWkOD 245 a Mesa.CA 9 6Suilc B2 Costa,557-, CA 92626 T: ]14 -SST -2448 W:'\YrvN.t aacc- SheTyBraun CIVIL Egan Cii lac 42945 M.di. S!roo4 SuILCA Nd,%CA92201 T:(760)40J 7663 N. egaDieil can Seven Egan, Projeall Designer LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Hamann Design Group. Inc 77899 Voll R,NaL SUilc 102 Polm Ocsarl. CA 92211 T: 760 77/-9131 W: hog -ince.'" Jose Estrada. VP. project 1.1.ndgcr ELECTRICAL RTM Engineering Consultants 39249 Leopard Street Suite A-101 Palm Desert, CA 92211 T:(760) 983.2007 LV: xY.Vy Prrec com Victor Leen• PE. Pllncipal Title T1 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE' 1011912023 21014 La Ouinta SO V4 399 1. - -_- - ---- - -- ---- lull./ pMT rIE: AAL: - � IT I I 4 ..: � I II r. I I =1: 1 _ i. l..r,.ii,4 1..,. �. S I r n -•A'r'm+.� • Tilsry f I '•� i 1 if rt i• i --. 1 9ELTp BLDG. 3 PAD=51.5 PR DE .6AYN r Tor xvNPAD5 Y•6 Y116UMI* � r • "1� � 6T14b2n I FooTPRwr-T,S6Dt5F - - . �� / ,c •--,- _ _ BLDG.2 $ I' :: Y PAD=51.0 BLDG. 11 BiAG.12 • TSTORY I18 UNR5 - - - — -- -- _ _ ' ...... 5A,5U1Pff /l�7-` I I _ BLDG. 10 PAD -5d - • � _ - - _ PAD 53 5 :smR+" LwFa i 1 7IMAGE [e�i[r OR P�: GHi RE�`TFi.T , - ..- -' NµN - '{ 2STORYl16 UNITS _ _ _ fD0�PAq' �� — / •f:`� ~• - Tll FOOTPRNT-T,SWt SF •^ i 'ir I dI m, ROOM 3— nlll i1 .•i _ - — --- - _ _ I AAuc r>r�r, ��E. JcS -3'X Iti •• 0 P _p. J ... .r� /� f �f r -r• ' �+ - dC I- T• _ CLUB ... - - YAWN .. .. _ -•• ! . -. ' • `- IN 4 HOUSE �,.1 ��� '/, :A'•:�,. fir•.'I t. 1 �� _ ) PAD=62.0 - —. .�; .. _ _ .., r.1 �v. J R, ... r;. -T i• � - - AkE3i !;. 1", BLDG. 4 4 1 PAD --53.0 �- II.. 2 -STORY 116 UNITS �. ,�� - I Y 1. FOOTTNNT-1,SODl7' lam` LAWN BLDG. 9 l r X44? / �•', I, ,j' -�� PAD =53.5 �, I - if r -�•�- .. - 2STORYI16UNIT5 .. - :ice! Ir •��. . _ = FOOTPRINT T.SODt BLDG. 5 < I o FF1R i OOTORV 116 UNITS r/I FOO7PRINI.7,BW2 SF �___ r TT ` y - J �•': jf - I ;( { .I• I..: `.i Ir BLDG. 8 - .,.•L _ J: �• J .,1±• 1 �I. ,� r: f ..: PAD 53.0. 1' 2 -STORY 116 UNITS: {" / , ^_ __ _ __ _ ��� FOOTPRWT.15WtW I �/. _ 'ire• µ y PxTOO6P:T�.A9As -i AIs - TER .'.•it, _ X11 • _ - . r I - . . BLDG. 6 BLDG. 7 PAD 5 0 PAD 52.0 �- ' ' 25TORVl•L UH1i - - 2 &TORV : 11 UNITS _ FOO PNIM-7,5002 55' FOO PRWT-1,SODl •T-cr-lur.!. )-sTaLx^ _ -a-' _ ,T Lire r�_. ---------=--= --- ---- __ --------_---- --- - - - - - -- =-- —= _ — — - - - -_----- - - - = ------------ WWII- IENd4 j0• Cyt -_=- — = - ----- 1 H --— `�' �44== — - - a 1RUIFrc I AW - -- --'-.. t1A All I--- ABBREVIAIl� SCALE: 1"0' C/L CENTERLINE TP TOP OF PAVEMENT EG E%I STING GROUND TO TOP OF CURB FL FLOW LINE TF TOP OF FOOTING FS FINISH SURFACE TW TOP OF WALL Ia GRADE BREAK (%%,%%) EXISTING ELEVATION SWALE PRINTED ON: 08/15/2023 �j�� 1 }}1���� j' BENCHMARK: F1+mffFri .CONTrf pLAN CHECKED BY: I }I� C �+,�I' II Y BENONIRC TOP OF QF6 Az006 / DFIATIO: 252,27 TC / DATA: IGVD29 FT MARK BY DATE REVISIONS APPR DATE QRO'FESp/a E G A N CIVIL , INC . APPROVED BY: IN 11iE CITY OF LA OUINTA, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA DH ll.C�lj itS'11L 2IS DESCRIPT1Ri TDP OF CUB AT THE BUR AS 9 ON THE CITY OF ROCHO MIRAGE 9 OA,y! f �T STREET PIANS FDR THE KESS.ER OFFICE BUILDING, SHEET s OF 9 ON FILE IN THE �44�w-'A�� f��. c _ LA OUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS OFFICE OF CM ENGINEER OF THE CITY a RANCHO MIRKE AS PUN N VEER EOMN71 + y NO 8nk 5287. lA OBIiifA CA 8714 -5482 OWL o DIAL a BASS DF BEARINGS, o m ,, = m PRO NU WW DATE DATE CIVIL SITE PLANBEFORE 3 YOU DIG 1 THE BASIS OF BEARINGS FOR THIS S'JFNV AAE WED ON THE GUFORNA PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF: ��� COORDINATE SYSTEM (CCSB]), ZONE N, (2017.50 EPOCH) AS PER GOA INVERSE ]: * TRAFFIC UTTY FILE NOAIHER TOLL FREE CALCULATIONS BETWEEN CO"NUOSLY OPERATING REFERENCE (C.O,R.S) STATION'S f{ CAY1L t 252 UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX AT LF15T TA'O D115 RFO(E ]aJ Oltl P491 AND PINI PER PUBLISHED VALUES PROVIDED BY THE SCRIPPS ORBR AND tP Oi CAL1F� DATE: 06/06/2023 WASHINGTON ST h AVENUE 50, LA OIIINTA, CA 92253 A PUB If SERVICE BY UD__ROIOIAO SERVICE ALERT PERVAVEM MRAY CENTER (SOPAC. ), BONG: NORTH 76 59 35.49 WEST. BENJAMIN DANIEL EGA RaE. 73070 REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED BY: DATE LANDSCAPE AFT! 646-070-016 400 PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. 2 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: November 21, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TIT' C: CONTINUED FROM NOVEMBER 7,2023: ADOPT RESOLUTIONS TO ADOPT A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001) AND APPROVE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2022-0002, SPECIFIC PLAN 2022-0001, AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 FOR A 252 -UNIT APARTMENT PROJECT, LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS; CEQA: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PREPARED A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION CONSISTENT WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT; LOCATION: NORTHEAST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND AVENUE 50 *Specific Plan 2022-0001 and Site Development Permit 2022-0001 would be conditioned upon and subject to approval by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) of General Plan 2022- 0002, a Housing Element Amendment subject to HCD certification pursuant to state Planning and Zoning Law (Gov. Code, § 65000 et seq.) RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment 2022-0001. Adopt a resolution to approve General Plan Amendment 2022-0002, Specific Plan 2022-0001 (SP 2004-071, Amendment 2) and Site Development Permit 2022-0001 for the La Quinta Village Apartments, consisting of 252 units located at the northeast corner of Washington Street and Avenue 50. *Specific Plan 2022-0001 and Site Development Permit 2022-0001 would be conditioned upon and subject to approval by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) of General Plan 2022-0002, a Housing Element Amendment subject to HCD certification pursuant to state Planning and Zoning Law (Gov. Code, § 65000 et seq.) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The project site is located on a vacant parcel at the northeast corner of Washington Street and Avenue 50, the site of the previously approved La Paloma project (Attachment 1). The Applicant is requesting entitlement approval for a 252 -unit apartment project which would include 178 market -rate units and 74 moderate -income affordable units. The project would include site improvements such as landscaping, utility infrastructure, covered parking, clubhouse, pool, spa, barbeque areas, putting course, pickleball court, and dog park. 197 • The project was heard by Council on August 1, 2023, and the public hearing was continued to a date uncertain to allow the applicant to address modifications to the project including changing the architectural style of the buildings to Spanish Hacienda style, removing all three-story buildings, and removing garages on the north side of the site. The applications were remanded to the Planning Commission (Commission) to review these changes. The Commission reviewed the changes at their October 10, 2023, regular meeting and recommended Council approve the proposed changes. • The project was heard again by Council on November 7, 2023, and continued to a date certain of November 21, 2023, as Council directed staff to add alternative sites to accommodate the 280 low- and very low-income units and to meet the State - mandated "No Net Loss" requirements. Council remanded to the Planning Commission the consideration of adding alternate sites to the Housing Element's inventory of sites. • Staff identified two additional sites to accommodate the 280 low- and very low-income units, including Site 6, but with a reduced land area of 6 acres and the number of units from 280 to 120. • On November 14, 2023, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the additional sites, including Site 6. FISCAL IMPACT — None BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS For background, a link to the November 7, 2023, Council Agenda Packet is provided here: https://laglaserweb.laguintaca.gov/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=586712&dbid=1 &repo=CitvofLaQuinta General Plan Amendment The project site is identified on the City's inventory of sites in its Housing Element to accommodate 280 residential units in the low- and very low-income categories. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65863 (commonly referred to as the state "No Net Loss Law"), a jurisdiction must maintain adequate sites to accommodate its remaining unmet regional housing need allocation (RHNA) by each income category. If a jurisdiction approves a development of a parcel identified in its Housing Element sites inventory with fewer units, per income category, than shown in the Housing Element, it must either make findings that the Housing Element's remaining sites have sufficient capacity to accommodate the remaining unmet RHNA by income level or identify and make available sufficient sites to accommodate the remaining unmet RHNA for each income category. The City is responsible for compliance with the No Net Loss Law, unless a project applicant(s) request in their initial application, as submitted, a density that would result in the remaining sites in the Housing Element not being adequate to accommodate the jurisdiction's share of the regional housing. While the project includes 74 moderate -income units and 178 market -rate units, the project does not include units in the low- and very low-income categories. Therefore, the Applicant must identify additional site(s) that could accommodate 280 low- and very low-income units. This requires a GPA to add another site to the inventory of sites in the Housing Element. W. The Applicant identified an additional site, a 12.74 -acre property identified as Site 6 on the draft Housing Element amendment (Attachment 2). Site 6 is located at the northeast corner of Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive and is in a Community Commercial zone that also has the Affordable Housing Overlay and Mixed -Use Overlay, which allows for mixed use development — both multi -family residential and commercial development. There is no planned development on Site 6 at this time. The site has been identified as having the capacity to support 280 units of low- and very low-income affordable housing. However, the owner of Site 6 objects to adding the site on the housing inventory in the City's Housing Element. Staff finds that this site is ideal as it allows for mixed commercial and multi -family residential uses and has the Affordable Housing Overlay designation that allows a higher density for affordable housing projects. Staff and the Planning Commission recommend that this site be added to the Housing Inventory with 120 very- low- and low- income affordable units on 6 acres of the 12.74 -acre site. Additional Sites 4 and 5 Two additional sites have been identified that can accommodate the remaining unmet RHNA. Attachment 2 shows the location of these sites and the number of units that can be accommodated. Site 4 is an approximately 7.5 -acre parcel, located at the southeast corner of Avenue 50 and Washington Street, and is within the Medium Density Residential (RM) zone. An application for a 100% affordable housing project of 64 low- and very low-income units has been filed with the City and is under review. Site 4 is ideal because it is located near transit, schools, and commercial areas. Site 5 is an approximately 5.2 -acre City -owned parcel, located at the northeast corner of Highway 111 and Dune Palms Road, along the Highway 111 commercial corridor in the Regional Commercial (CR) zone. Site 5 is directly abutting the site to the north of the future Chick-fil-A and Quick Quack car wash development. This zone allows for multi -family residential development and mixed-use development. The Affordable Housing Overlay on this site allows a higher density for affordable housing projects and has been analyzed in a recently adopted California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) document for the development of a 180 -unit affordable housing project. The addition of these sites, including Site 6 (reduced to 120 units and 6 acres) would provide sufficient capacity in the housing inventory and the La Quinta Village Apartments project would be compliant with the State -mandated "No Net Loss" requirements. If the GPA is approved, including the project as proposed, the City would then re -submit its Housing Element to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). This project is conditioned to not move forward with the "subordinate" entitlements and permits, such as the Specific Plan Amendment, Site Development Permit, and the ensuing construction until and unless HCD has approved the amendment to the Housing Element. 199 AGENCY AND PUBLIC REVIEW Public Agency Review All written comments received are on file and available for review with the Design and Development Department. All applicable comments have been adequately addressed and/or incorporated in the recommended Conditions of Approval. 'ublic Hearing Notice This project was advertised in The Desert Sun newspaper on October 27, 2023, and distributed to properties within 1,000 feet of the Site. Since the public hearing was continued to a date certain, renoticing was not required. Staff have received written comments from the public stating their opposition, with concerns regarding traffic, noise, and views, but no further comments were received after the November 7, 2023, Council meeting. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Design and Development Department (Department) prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) consistent with the CEQA (Exhibit A to EA 2022-0001 Resolution) and circulated it for public review from March 3, 2023, through March 23, 2023, as prescribed by the CEQA Guidelines. The Department determined that the project would have less than significant effects on the environment, with mitigation measures incorporated. The City received eleven (11) public comments during the public review period regarding the traffic, biological, energy, and cultural resources. None of the comment letters triggered modifications to the MND. ALTERNATIVES Council may approve the General Plan Amendment to add sites, including Sites 4, 5, and 6 (6 acres and 120 units), and approve the project as recommended. Council may direct staff to explore other alternate sites to meet the capacity for 280 low- and very low-income affordable housing units. Council may deny the General Plan Amendment to add the sites as recommended. Denial of the General Plan Amendment would render the other applications moot. Prepared by: Danny Castro, Design and Development Director Approved by: Jon McMillen, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Draft Housing Element Inventory Sites Map Amendment 3. Final Plans 200