CC Staff Rpt 2024-03-05 - JPA Amendment 2CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 10 UPDATED STAFF REPORT & JPA PUBLISHED ON 3/2/2024 EXHIBIT 1 TO RESOLUTION — JPA FINAL VERSION ATTACHMENT 2 — JPA RED -LINED VERSION City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: March 5, 2024 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH VISIT GREATER PALM SPRINGS RECOMMENDATION Adopt resolution approving Second Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement with Visit Greater Palm Springs; and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The Visit Greater Palm Springs (VGPS), formerly the Greater Palm Springs Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) is a joint powers authority operating under the Joint Exercise of Powers Act. • The VGPS promotes and enhances the hospitality, convention, and tourism industry in the Coachella Valley to the benefit of its member agencies and organizations, and their residents. • On February 29, 2024, the VGPS Executive Committee approved the proposed Second Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement (2nd Amendment), which requires Council approval. FISCAL IMPACT — None BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS VGPS, formerly the CVB, was formed in 1989 to promote and enhance the hospitality, convention, and tourism industry in the Coachella Valley. Its operative legal document is the Joint Powers Agreement (JPA), executed in 1989 and subsequently amended on multiple occasions, including on or about June 18, 2002, and most recently on or about January 20, 2016. Section 24 of the 2016 JPA provides that the JPA may be amended from time to time by a two-thirds vote of the entire JPA Executive Committee and a unanimous vote of the VGPS members' legislative bodies in compliance with all applicable provisions of the Joint Exercise of Powers Act and all other applicable law. Section 24 has been renumbered to Section 27 in the proposed 2nd Amendment. 105 On February 29, 2024, the VGPS Executive Committee adopted Resolution No. JPA 2024- 002 (Attachment 1), approving the proposed 2nd Amendment, included as Exhibit 1 to the enclosed resolution to: • Amend Section 3 (Purpose) — to revise the purpose set forth in the JPA to more broadly serve and benefit the VGPS Members and their constituents by developing strategies to diversify the regional economy. • Amend Section 8 (Additional Member) — to include the City of Coachella as a VGPS Member. • Amend Section 10 (JPA Executive Committee — Powers and Duties) — to expand the territorial boundaries of the JPA to include the City of Coachella. • Amend Section 11 (Territorial Boundaries) — to create a 501(c)(6) entity, formerly the Board of Directors, to manage the destination activities of the JPA. • Add Section 24 Voting — to note that each JPA Member shall have an equal vote; motions considered by the JPA Executive Committee shall require majority of votes cast (more than half) to pass a motion; and in the event of a tie vote, the motion before the JPA Executive Committee shall be deemed defeated. • Amend language throughout for necessary updates and consistency. In accordance with the JPA, the proposed 2nd Amendment requires Council approval, as La Quinta is a member agency. ALTERNATIVES Council may elect not to adopt the proposed resolution approving the 2nd Amendment, or approve it with moditications. Prepared by: Approved by: Attachments: Monika Radeva, City Clerk Jon McMillen, City Manager 1. VGPS Resolution No. JPA 2024-002 2. VGPS JPA — 2nd Amendment — redlined 106