CC Resolution 1985-047, RESOLUTION NO. 85-47 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as shown on the Demand/Warrant Register dated June 5, 1985. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 5th day of June, 1985. ATTEST CITY CLER? APPROVED AS TO FORM. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: TY ATTORNE? CI?? M?AGER BIB] 07-16-1996-U01 02:21:28PM-U01 CCRES-U02 85-46-U02 , CITY OF LA QUINTA DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER June 5, 1985 VAN DER BOOM'S CABINETS 4388 $ 219.37 Cabinet for Public Safety Department. SEARS, ROEBUCK & COMPANY 4389 472.09 Freezer for Community Services Office, Outreach Program. PAYROLL 5/18/85 5/31/85 4390- 15,585.91 4411 RIVERSIDE COUNTY EMPLOYEES' FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 4412 742.82 Employees Payroll Deductions for Payroll Period Ended 5/17/85. LENELLE READE 4413 224.00 Payroll for Period Ended 5/31/85. BERRYMAN & STEPHENSON 4414 1,370.45 Professional Services Re: Avenue 52 Realignment Study and Durango/Eisenhower Safety Study. ADOLFO CABRERA 4415 246.10 Payroll for Period Ended 5/31/85. DON ZARASKI QUALTIY WOODWORK 4416 794.25 Counter for Trailer, Final Payment. BERRYMAN & STEPHENSON, INC. 4417 5,710.74 Washington Street Corridor Study. BLACK GOLD OIL COMPANY 4418 453.24 City Vehicle Operation for May, 1985. BUILDING NEWS, INC. 4419 36.52 Special Dept. Supplies, Engineering Dept. DAILY NEWS 4420 22.44 Legal Advertisenient. ERAWAN GARDEN HOTEL 4421 50.00 Staff Team Building Session. FILTER-LITE WINDOW PRODUCTS 4422 425.00 Window Tinting of Offices Comm. Development/ Community Services Offices. GARRISON TARNOW PAINTING 4423 100.00 Painting of Walls in City Council Office. BIB] 07-16-1996-U01 02:21:28PM-U01 CCRES-U02 85-46-U02 ,DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER June 5, 1985 Page 2 GENERAL TELEPHONE 4424 $ 3,404.32 Telephone Expense for Period 5/16/85 6/15/85 & Addition of Telephone Equipinent. HENRY'S GLASS CO. 4425 125.54 Vehicle Maint.. & Op., Community Safety Dept. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS 4426 40.00 Publication Building Department. RICK JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION 4427 2,942.00 Reimbursement of Infrastructure Fees Paid Under Temporary Fee Program. LA QUINTA VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY 4428 699.00 Fire/Emergency Support Services for May, 1985 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIRMENT SYSTEM 4429 2,593.23 Retirement Contributions for Period 5/4/85 5/17/85. PJ'S DESERT TROPHIES & GIFTS 4430 68.24 Recognition Plaques for Paul Goetcheus and John Klimkiewicz. COUNTY or* RIVERSIDE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 4431 968.72 Animal Control Services for April, 1985. ROBERT F. DRIVER COMPANY 4432 22,500.00 Umbrella Liability Renewal Premium. SCHWAAB 4433 54.76 Office Supplies. FRANK N. USHER 4434 110.09 Dinner Reimbursement, Council/Staff Team Building. WELCH'S UNIFORM RENTAL 4435 13.75 Janitorial Supplies. RAY WOOD ASSOCIATES 4436 750.00 Financial Management Services for May, 1985. XEROX CORPORATION 4437 1,125.73 Copier Rental for April, 1985 and Supplies. TOTAL $ 61,848.31 BIB] 07-16-1996-U01 02:21:28PM-U01 CCRES-U02 85-46-U02