CC Resolution 1985-057B ^"0= I' RESOLUTION NO. 85-57 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as shown on the Demand/Warrant Register dated June 18, 1985. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 18th day of June, 1985. xy((; MAYOR ATTEST: TY *EERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CIT BIB] 11-06-1997-U01 03:30:02PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 57-U02 B ^"0= I CITY OF LA QUINTA DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER June 18, 1985 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 4438 $ 1,426.28 State Income Taxes for Period 4/20/85 5/31/85. SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK 4439 4,967.53 Federal Income Taxes for Period 5/4/85 5/31/85. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 4440 85.00 Registration for Hazardous Materials Conference, Sacramento, CA, Roger Hirdler Attending. U.S. POSTMASTER 4441 357.21 Bulk Mailing, June-July, 1985, Newsletters. TRIAD ENTERPRISES 4442 75.00 City Yard Rental for June, 1985. MORT BRENNAN 4443 2,178.00 City Hall Office Rental for June, 1985. LEE WIGGINS 4444 150.00 Additional City Office Rental for June, 1985. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS 4445 40.00 Publication for Building Department. CLEAN AS A WHISTLE 4446 193.50 Janitorial Services for May, 1985. JUDITH COX 4447 237.86 Reimbursement for Plants and Office Supplies Purchased for City Hall. PAYROLL 6/1/85 6/14/85 4448- 15,773.31 4470 A-i RENTS 4471 248.05 Equipment Rental, Streets & Highways Dept. ACCURATE MAINTENANCE COMPANY 4472 555.90 Palm Tree Trimming and Skinning, Retention. ARROW PRINTING COMPANY 4473 1,022.70 Printing of Various Forms, Building Dept. JACK L. BARTH 4474 35.00 Reimbursement for Election Services, June 4, 1985 Special Municipal Election. MIA H. BARTH 4475 35.00 Reimbursement for Election Services, June 4, 1985 Special Municipal Election BIB] 11-06-1997-U01 03:30:02PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 57-U02 B ^"0= I DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER June 18, 1985 Page 2 BERRYMAN & STEPHENSON, INC. 4476 $ 415.63 Washington/Highland Palms Traffic Study, DurangolEisenhower Safety Study. ANN BLOOD 4477 35.00 Reimbursement for Election Services, June 4, 1985 Special Municipal Election. THE BLUEPRINTER 4478 43.57 Maps. SANDRA BONNER 4479 45.00 Payment for Work on Office Trailers. FLOYD CASH 4480 890.36 Refund of Excess Infrastructure Fees Paid Under the Interim Program. CATHEDRAL CITY OFFICE SUPPLIES 4481 173.95 Office Supplies. JUDITH COX 4482 88.60 Mileage Reimbursement, Office on Aging, LAFCO Hearing, Riverside. DANNY'S PEST CONTROL 4483 35.00 Pest Control Services for May, 1985. THE DESERT SUN 4484 484.68 Legal Advertisements. DAILY NEWS 4485 15.00 Legal Advertisement. DIETERICH-POST COMPANY 4486 1,010.12 Office Equipment, Planning & Engineering Departments DUCA AND MCCOY 4487 17,541.00 Contractual Engineering and Inspection Services for May, 1985. JACK R. EDWARDS 4488 40.00 Reimbursement for Election Services, June 4, 1985 Special Municipal Election. FILTER-LITE WINDOW PRODUCTS 4489 445.00 Application of Mylar Film to City Hall Windows and Doors. JOSEPH GAUGUSH 4490 277.50 Payment for Work on Office Trailers. BIB] 11-06-1997-U01 03:30:02PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 57-U02 B ^"0= I DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER June 18, 1985 Page 3 JUANITA L. GAYER 4491 $ 35.00 Reimbursement for Election Services, June 4, 1985 Special Municipal Election. GOLDEN RULE CREATIONS 4492 235.45 La Quinta City Emblems. BETTY L. GORDON 4493 35.00 Reimbursement for Election Services, June 4, 1985 Special Municipal Election. THOMAS GRAHAM 4494 1,081.84 Payment for Work on Office Trailers and Reimbursement for Building Materials for Office Trailers. THOMAS HARTUNG 4495 750.00 Payment for Work on Office Trailers* HAWKINS-HAWKINS CO., INC. 4496 581.53 Stop Ahead" Signs. JULIE HOHMANN 4497 40.00 Reimbursement for Election Services, June 4, 1985 Special Municipal Election. HOLMAN INDUSTRIES 4498 17.43 Special Dept. Supplies, Public Safety Dept. JEAN HOWE 4499 35.00 Reimbursement for Election Services, June 4, 1985 Special Municipal Election. IMPERIAL SIGN COMPANY INC. 4500 1,299.44 Street Repairs and Signs for Office Trailers. THE INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION 4501 61.25 Publication. ISABELLA'S FLORAL BOUTIQUE 4502 31.80 Recognition, Tom and Jean-Marie Hartung. JIM'S RADIATOR 4503 32.50 City Vehicle Repairs. LANDMARK LAND COMPANY 4504 12,258.27 Refund of Excess Infrastructure Fees Paid Under the Interim Program. JACK JUDY 4505 35.00 Reimbursement for Election Services, June 4, 1985 Special Municipal Election. CHERYL KENNEDY 4506 35.00 Reimbursement for Election Services, June 4, 1985 Special Municipal Election. BIB] 11-06-1997-U01 03:30:02PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 57-U02 B ^"0= 5 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER June 18, 1985 Page 4 STEVE KOCHELL 4507 $ 180.00 Payment for Work on Office Trailers. LA QUINTA BUILDERS SUPPLY 4508 902.22 Special Dept. Supplies, Public Safety & Streets & Highways Departments'. LA QUINTA NURSERY 4509 364.89 Building Remodeling, Office Trailers. THE LOCK SHOP 4510 72.74 Keys and Locks, City Hall Offices and Community Services Office. MARCELLA PRESS 4511 18.02 Special Dept. Supplies, Non-Departmental. ELIZABETH MAZZA, MARJORIE M. MCCONAHAY, HELENE L. 4512- 150.00 MILLER, MARIJANE MOORE 4515 Reimbursement for Election Services, June 4, 1985 Special Municipal Election. PALM DESERT DISPOSAL, INC. 4516 288.80 Street Sweeping for May, 1985. PBCC 1 4517 87.00 Mailing Machine Rental for Period 6/20/85 7/20/85. JOHN PORTER 4518 22.50 Payment for Work on Office Trailers. THE PRINT SHOP 4519 42.40 Printing, Public Safety Dept. THE PRINTING PLACE 4520 1,366.34 Newsletters, June-July, 1985. PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM 4521 2,590.82 Retirement Contributions for Period 5/18/85 5/31/85. DOROTHY C. RICE 4522 40.00 Reimbursement for Election Services, June 4, 1985 Special Municipal Election. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 4523 1,099.46 Office Supplies for City Hall Offices and Community Services Office. SAFETY STRIPING SERVICE, INC. 4524 6,526.78 Street Striping, Washington Street. SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK 4525 158.50 Council/Administration Travel & Meetings. BIB] 11-06-1997-U01 03:30:02PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 57-U02 B ^"0= I DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER June 18, 1985 Page 5 LEE SLEIGHT 4526 $ 35.00 Reimbursement for Election*Services, June 4, 1985 Special Municipal Election. SPARKLETTS 4527 45.65 Equipment Rental for May, 1985. STOCKWELL & BINNEY 4528 3,850.36 Office Supplies and Furniture for City Hall Offices and Community Services Office. SUVERKRUP LUMBER 4529 2,775.88 Building Materials for Office Trailers. EDYTHE C. SWAIN 4530 35.00 Reimbursement for Election Services, June 4, 1985 Special Municipal Election. TOPS N BARRICADES 4531 542.00 Equipment Rental, Streets & Highways Dept. UNITED CENTRAL BANK TRUSTEE 4532 4,312.59 Health Insurance Premium for June, 1985. VALLEY ANIMAL CLINIC 4533 69.00 Animal Control Services for May, 1985. DONNA M. VELOTTA 4534 75.50 Reimbursement for Election Services, June 4, 1985 Special Municipal Election and Payment for Work on Office Trailers. ILAH B. VIERICH 4535 35.00 Reimbursement for Election Services, June 4, 1985 Special Municipal Election. WELCH'S UNIFORM RENTAL 4536 13.75 Janitorial Supplies. WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY 4537 21.73 Publication, City Attorney. BERTHA LEE YACKMAN 4538 35.00 Reimbursement for Election Services, June 4, 1985 Special Municipal Election. YELLOW MART STORES 4539 79.90 Sign Maintenance. TOTAL $91,322.09 BIB] 11-06-1997-U01 03:30:02PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 57-U02