CC Resolution 1985-083B ^"0 I RESOLUTION NO. 85-83 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING, WITH CONDITIONS, SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 85-006 OAK TREE WEST'1) FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended approval of Specific Plan No. 85-006 pursuant to Government Code Section 65500 et seq. of the California Planning and Zoning Law and has transmitted the same to the City Council in compliance with Section 65502 of said law; and *IHEREAS, the City Council has held at least one public hearing on Specific Plan No. 85-006, as required by Section 65503 of the California Planning and Zoning Law; and WHEREAS, the Specific Plan, as amended, is consistent with the new La Quinta General Plan as recommended for approval by the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Specific Plan is consistent with the adopted La Quinta Redevelopment Project No. 1 plan; and WHEREAS, development of the project, as amended and in accordance * with the conditions of approval, will be compatible with existing and anticipated area development; and WHEREAS, the project will be *provided with adequate utilities and public services to ensure public health and safety; and WHEREAS, although the project could have a significant adverse impact on the environment, the mitigation measures agreed to by the Applicant and incorporated into the conditions of approval will mitigate those project impacts to levels of insignificance; and WHEREAS, cumulative and unavoidable impacts were previously addressed within the Statement of Overriding Considerations adopted with the La Quinta Redevelopment Project No. 1 of which this Specific Plan is a portion. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of La Quinta does hereby adopt Specific Plan No. 85-006, as amended, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, for certain property in and adjacent to the City, subject to Conditions 1-59 as listed in attached Exhibit 1", Conditions of Approval Specific Plan No. 85-006", which Exhibit is incorporated herein as though set forth at length. BIB] 11-06-1997-U01 03:46:04PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 83-U02 B ^"0 I RESOLUTION NO. 85-B3 APPROVED and ADOPTED this 15th day of October 1985, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Allen, Bohnenberger, Pena and Mayor Cox. NOES; Council Member Wolff. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: CITY LERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: *YMAAER 2- BIB] 11-06-1997-U01 03:46:04PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 83-U02 B ^"0 I SP*IFIC PLAN No.85-006 REVISED CONDITIONS OF APP*YV7*L C*K TREE WEST" O*IOBER 15, 1985 1. The developer shall catply with Revised R*iibit 1A" dated August, 1985), the Specific Plan Ebaument for Specific Plan No.85-006 and the following conditions, *hich conditions shall take precedence in the event of any conflicts with the provisions of the Specific Plan. 2. The developer shall c*ly with the mitigation measures contained within the Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No.85-034 *ich are incorporated into the conditions of approval for Specific Plan No.85-006 and **iich are denoted by an asterisk *) in these conditions of approval. 3. DEVELOPMENT of this project shall be in accordance with the provisions of the La Quinta Fedevel*irent Project No.1 plan and the La Quinta General Plan. 4. Prior to this approval becoming effective, the Applicant shall apply for and receive approval of an am**nt to Specific Plan No.83-001, Duna La Quinta", deleting that portion which is contained within the boundaries of Specific Plan No.85-006, Oak Tree *st" and shall receive approval of a dimisenent of Agricultural Preserve No.72 as set forth in the application now on file. 5. Prior to the issuance of a permit for establishment of any use cont*lated by this approval, the Applicant shall first obtain any required zoning and land division approvals in accordance with the requirements of the *inicipal Land Use and Land Division Ordinances. 6. Approval of this Specific Plan shall be limited to a naxinLlm tin* period of three 3) years by which tixr* the first phase tract or parcel) maps shall be approved and recorded, and construction in Phase I shall have begun. Time extensions totaling not more than three 3) additional years, submitted in writing prior to the expira- tion of the approval, may be approved by the Planning Commission. Soils/Geology * 7. Prior to approval of final maps or issuance of grading permits, the Applicant shall submit soils reports and more detailed site specific geotechnical reports to the City Engineer for review and approval. In addition to establishing engineering design para**ters for development of the site, the reports shall specifically address the following concerns: a. For those areas adjacent to or on the toes of the slopes of the Santa *sa *untains, the geotecenical reports shall determine natural slope stability and potential hazards fran falling rock or tumbling boulders. b. For that area over or adjacent to the interim sewage treatment facility near Adams Street and Calle Tampico, the reports shall consider any additional necessary development/construction preparation of the site due to the possible saturated conditions. c. For rrLllti- story structures, the reports shall address special design or construction due to the soil and seismic conditions. * 8. The Applicant shall carply with the latest Uniform Building Codes1 as adopted by the City of La Quinta and in effect at the tire of issuance of the building permits. The appropriate seismic design criteria will depend upon the type and use of the proposed structure and the recoerendations of the approved site specific geotechnical and soils reports. BIB] 11-06-1997-U01 03:46:04PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 83-U02 B ^"0 I *IFIC plan No.85-006 revised ***DITIONS OF APP*W* Oct*er 15, 1985 Page 2. * 9. All deeel*zt*nt, including golf course oonstruction, *all OC*T*ly with the City's adepted Hillside D*ve1*t Q*dinar*e. Air*ality * 10. Prior to the s**ttal of any tentative parcel or tract maps or the issu&*e of grading permits, the *licant shall *`:*:imit a cc*tprehensive blowing dust and sand flitigation plan on the entire Bite to the * D*vel*irent *par*t for review and approval. This plan shall ir*lude, but not be limited to, oonsideration of the foll*ing rr*ans to minimi**ze blowing sand and dust: implementation of th*form *ildiig Code reguir*r*ts, develc*xt**t *tasing, retention of e*stiig trees, culti- vation of interim groundo*er or crrps, and the use of water * and sprir*er 8y&t*s. * 11. All future develc*mant shall caTply with the resolutions outlined in *ter 19 of the *S*itheast Desert Air Basin Cc*itrol Strategy", February, 1980 a revision to the State Inpl**entation Plan). *ifically, all future devel**t IrList oarrply with the requir**ents of the following plans: a. Air Quality Management Plan, S*utheast *ert Air Basin, Riverside *nty, 1979. b. Air *s*irces Board Resolution 79-79, * 1979. C. Air **rces Staff *port, * 1979. * 12. At the time of s:ihnittal of tentative tract maps or plot plans, the *1ioant shall dEtx*trate that the Pr*ed uses include provisions for r*autat*ve maaas of transportation within the project site as a means of reducing d*er*r*e on private autci*x*iles. This may include golf orrt path syst*ns, bicycle and pedestrian Systems, and other similar systems oonsistent with the Specific Plan. * 13. Specific project designs shall encourage the use of public transit by providing for on-site bus shelters as required by the *jritunity Develc;zr*t Director and oonsistent with the re*uir*tents of local transit districts and the *Specific Plan. * 14. *t *lioant shall encourage and si;port the use of *mline van/bus service /Dial-A-Ride/ jitneys bet*en the project site, local airports e.g., Palm Springs*, *al), and other regional land uses. *ydro1ogy/*ter Conservation * 15. Prior to the approval of final maps or the issuance of grading permits, the *licant shall sul*nit a hydrology study to the City *ineer for review and approval, wiich indicates the means and design for prote*tin* the proposed devel***nt fr* flooding by 100-year storms. This plan shall be consistent with the *urpc*es of any similar plans of the a Quinta *eVel*t*Agency and the *chella valley water District then in effect for flood protection. * 16. Prior to the approval of building permits, the *licant shall prepare a water conservation plan *ich shall include consideration of: BIB] 11-06-1997-U01 03:46:04PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 83-U02 B ^"0 I *IFzc Pi*N *. 9*0O6 *EVISED O*DITI*S CF APPR*AL *ber 15, 1985 Page 3. a. *thods to mirdmize the a*ksutttion of *ter, including *ter savin* features incorporated into the *ign of the structures, the use of * tolerant and l*-**ter usage landscaping niRterials, and programs to increase the effectivem.s* of lar*lscape and golf a*irse irrigation, as by the State *partzent of *ter Res**roes. b. *thods for r*jmizing grornwater recharge, including the oonstru*on of gr*dwater rechrge facilities. C. *thods for *zing the anount of g*undwater used for ai*-site irrigation, including the use of reclaleed *ter fran ae*e treatr*nt facilities and the use of irrigation *ter fran the *achella Canal, shall be o*sidered *ere feasible. * 17. Prior to the appr*al of final tract UB*S or the isBuaoe of grading plans, the A*licant shall SL*nit a grading plan to the City Engineer for review and appro,al *ich indicates the net** for the collecion and retention of all drainage on-site, Flora and Fauna * 18. iarx3scaping *terials should *loy plant materials native to the *hella Valley desert habitats and surrounding desert to the ma*i* * practical. * 19. * c*structed in the golf o*r* ah**d include patches of appropriate riparian 8pecies to increase the habitat value of these ponds. * 20. Drip irrigation should be used to the extent practical to minimize the est*li*,* of * vegetation. * 21. Develc*ir*nt sh*ld be avoided ab**e the exi* flood *l dike at the base of the bajada habitat; however, limjted irt*roveeents may be allowed if designed in a manner Sensitive to the habitat. The southerly edge of the northwest guarter of Section 8, *s1 R*, SBB&M.) * 22. The project shall be designed to disoourage * access to the bajada and rodcy slope habitat types, as ieentif ied in the biological reconnaissance report pre*ed by *, *. *u*r, 1984). * 23. Prior to appr*val of final maps, the issuance of grading permits or the disturbance of land in the ir*squite sand dune area in the northerly portion of the site, the Applicant shall pay the established mitigation fee for the inpacts on the Coachella Valley Fring*Tbed Lizard for that area determined by the Deparent of Fish and Gan* to be the habitat area of this endangered species. Pbise 24. Prior to the approval of tentative tract rn*ps or the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall su*xui*t site sp*ific noise studies in accordance with the pr*sed la *inta General Plan NDise Standards as follows: a. All uses located within 2800 feet of the oenterline of major Streets. b. For all *residential uses proposed for areas within a 1000-foot radius of designated residential uses. BIB] 11-06-1997-U01 03:46:04PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 83-U02 B ^"0 I SP*IFIC * No. 8*006 REVISED C*DITI*S OF APP*VAL October 15, 1985 Page 4. *25. Based upon the recarirandations oontai in the policies within the la *ijnta General Plan, Specific Plan Pb. 8*OO6 uhall inoor*rate *uures to ensure O*T*lianoe with the City's r**ed ir*or and outdoor noise 8tardards. These iuitigation ir*asures shall include, but not be limjted to, the foll*dx*: a. Cons**tion of noise barriers, including **1ls and *rs. b. Siting and orientati* of noise sensitive uses within the project. C. Siting of golf course and other less sensitive land uses to serve as no* buffer areas within the project. * and Glare * 26. *e lighting plans for ftture devel*ztent projects shall be re'riewed k* the City to ID**z**e light and glare. Zand Use 27. The ina* allo*able *er of residential units shall be 2245. In cc*isidering *ests for zoning and/or tentative tract approrals for develc*ztent phases, redu*ions in the nizr*er of alla*ble units m*y be * an an *as warranted* basis to assure o*liar*e with applicable regilatiom and the int*it of this specific plan. a. The residentaal density is established at a gross density of 2.7 *ie1ling wats * developable acre **luding hillsides and public street rights-of*y) and a net density in excess of five 5) dwe1lir* units per acre *oLild be avoided for those areas sho*i on E)diibit B. 28. Deve1o**ent of areas designated for office /*ru*rcial uses *all *ly with policies set forbh in the new la Quinta General Plan for the Special *:*u*cial land Use Designation. 29. All ga*c*ses, access gates and other entries shall provide for stacking space and other design factors consistent with City *ta*dards. 30. *sign apprcval for vari*is stru*tres and buiidin*s within the project *Lall be subject to the foll**g: a. Final site plans, floor plans and eeterior ele*ations for the two golf cli* houses, hotel and maintenance buildings ahall be subject to review and appr**al by the Planning *ir!nissiOn and City *mcli. b. Final site plans, floor plans and *rior elevations for residential 5tru*t** shall be subject to review and appra*al in the rn*nner specified by applicable zonir* and subdivision regulations in effect at the tirre. C. *sign guidelines and related o*venants and restrictions established for the project Controlling use, site devel**t, *ft1ilding architecture, * lighting and related design factors shall be s***tted for review and appraval by the Planning C***ssion and City *uncil prior to a*roval of devel****t a*lications. BIB] 11-06-1997-U01 03:46:04PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 83-U02 B ^"0 I SPECIFIC PL* No.85-006 RE*ISED CONDITIONS OF APPRO*** *tober 15, 1985 Page 5. 31. Building height for residential uses shall be subject to height limitations specified in the specific plan, except that no building exceeding one story 20 feet in height) shall be allo*d within 200 feet of any perineter pr*rty line within the area delineated on E**ibit B or any public street frontage. 32. Perimeter security walls and fences shall be subject to the following standards: a. Setbacks for perimeter walls f*n the rights-of-way lines for Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street shall be an average of twenty 20) feet. b. Setbacks for perimeter walls fr*n the right-of-way line for Calle Bondo, Adams Street and Avenue 54, shall be an average of ten 10) feet. C. Portions of the perimeter walls along Avenue 52 shall use wrought iron or similar open fencing) to provide views fran the street into the project. d. The design of perimeter fencing shall take into consideration noise abatement as re*uired in Condition *. 25. e. Fencing located on interior property lines nay be placed on the property line. f. All fencing designs, including location and materials, shall be subject to City review and approval. 33. A master landscape standards plan, including landscaping of perimeter setbacks and rights-of-way areas, shall be subuitted for City review and approval. * 34. Applicant shall dedicate to the City a site for a neighborhood park consistent with the Open Space Plan of the proposed La Quinta General Plan with the location and size to be approved by the Planning C*rtnission and City Council neighborhood parks range in size beteeen 5 to 10 acres, with an average size of 7 acres), or the Applicant shall agree on other alternate *thods to secure park land in the general vicinity of this project. * 35. Provision of on-site, private recreational facilities shall be in accordance with the *inicipal Land Use and Land Division Ordinance in effect at the tir* of developeent. 36. Prior to si**ttal of tentative tract maps or developeent plans, the Applicant shall SLuuit a master plan for main and satellite maintenance facilities for the golf course and haneners associations to the Planning C*irTnission and City Council for review and approval. * 37. Applicant is encouraged to maintain all land within the project boundaries in agricultural production until such land is graded for developeent, provided that such agricultural production is econanically feasible. In the event said undeveloped land is not continued or placed in agricultural production, Applicant shall plant and maintain said land in appropriate ground cover to prevent dust and erosion and to provide an aesthetically pleasing envirorirrent. Traffic and Circulation 38. The Applicant agrees to participate in the City's preparation of a specific plan for the Jefferson Street corridor to determine appropriate means to increase future traffic capacity and safety along this roadway. The circulation and access plan for Specific Plan No.85-006 shall ccrrply with the standards of the Jefferson Street Specific Plan as it is adopted by the La Ouinta City Council. BIB] 11-06-1997-U01 03:46:04PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 83-U02 B ^"0*XFIC PL* *. 85-006 REVISED C*DITI*S OF APPR*V**L ocober 15, 1985 Page 6. 39. The developer shall car*ly with the followir* regifrenents for public roidw*y and bridge jiipwve*ts in aooordanoe with the La *inta Gen**al Plan and City Utandards and requir*t*ts in effect at the tine of constn**on: a. Construct full*iidth iri*wYenents to Avenue 52 between Jefferson Street and the project's west boundary cO[Ytiguous to the project. b. Install half-width iflprov*ents to Jef ferson Street contigixis to the proje* C. bedicate necessary r*hts-of*y for roadway and utility purposes along Avenues 52 and 54 and Jefferson Street to pro*ride for inprov**ents in *rdaoe with the stardards of the La Quinta G*ieral Plan. d. Lxpxove and widen the existing Jefferson Street bridge o"tr the Coad*eila Canal in *- with the La * General Plan and the r**1**ts of the City *ineer. C. Install full*idth ji!p*erents to a *lane, local street with 60-foot right-of-way alon* the current aligr*me*t of Ad*ms Street between Avenue 50 and Avenue 52, or along an alternate route as approved by the City i.e., *npico between Calle J*do and *shington Street). These itr*rcveeents shall be constriicted no later than January, 1987. Applicant shall coordinate efforts with the City in order to facilitate carpletion of the entire access link prior to opening of the new school on Avenue 50. f. Install transition rodway i;tpr**E*ts adjacent to the site in * with the City standards and the re*il*Bn*its of the City *ineer. g. The Applicant saall 5La*t road striping and traffic control device plans to the City *in*aer for rwiew and appra*al. 40. The Applicant shall install a raised center n*dian island, including landsaping and irrigation, as part of road irrprovenents *ere re*iired by *cipal road standards and the IA C*linta General Plan. 41. The Applicant *all install all roads internal to the project in aoco* with city standards and the reguir**ents of the City *gineer, in effect at the Cf installation. Th addition, the followin* regUirHrents shall be c*r*lied with: a. The prim*ry la* roads shall be *ned to a znmu*uri* p*Y**t width of 36 feet unless Applicant dero*trates that *uate i:*a'ri5ion has been made for suffi- cient off-street * to *odd*te all needs, incl**n* guests, so that on-street parking is not requred. b. All other roads shall be widened to a * paverent width of 32 feet *ess the Applicant deronstrates that adeuuate pr*ision has been made for suffi- cient off-street parking to a*amidate all needs, including guests, so that on-street parking is not re*uired. C. Prior to the appro*7al of final Triaps or the issuance of grading or construction permits, the Applicant shall su*t an a*erall site circrulation plan to the *TTru*ty neve1o***t D*artrrent for review and app**al. 42. Aocess to Jefferson Street shall ca*ly with adopted City standards see Condition No. 38). 43. *ike paths shall be installed along Jefferson Street and Avenue 52 in aooordanoe with City stayxiards and the requir***nts of the City *ieeer. BIB] 11-06-1997-U01 03:46:04PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 83-U02 B ^"0 I SP*IFIC PL*N No.85-006 PEVISED CONDITIONS OF APP**L October 15, 1985 Page 7. * 44. In order to facilitate mitigation of cumulative traffic Aitpacts of these and other area projects, the City shall establish a traffic litprov*tent needs monitoring program. This program Will undertake biannual traffic count studies to determine if warrants are met for major roadway imp rov*nents. *pon determina- tion of needs, the City may initiate projects to meet those needs. Public Services and Utilities 45. Fire protectian shall be provided in accordance with the requireeents of the Uniform Fire Code and the La Quinta *inicipal Code in effect at the tine of developeent. a. The *munity Infrastructure Fee Program is the primary method for the City to secure funding for fire station facilities. In conjunction with tentative tract maps and similar approvals, the City may request prepayment of fire facilities fees on an as-warranted basis if funds are needed to facilitate needed construct icn. b. The interior private street syst*n shall *ly with adopted standards of the Fire Depar*t relating to access and circulation. c. Provide required minirnurn fireflow and fire hydrants pursuant to standards in effect at time of devel*:ir*t. 46. The *plicant shall ccoply with the requirements of the Coachella Valley *ter District. a. The water system shall be installed in accord with District requirements. The District will need additional facilities, which may include * reservoirs, and booster purrpin* stations, to provide for the orderly exp**sion of its system. The Applicant will be required to provide and dedicate to the District any land needed for these facilities. b. The sanitary sewer system shall be installed in accord with District regula- tions. The area shall be annexed to Irr*rovement District No.55 for sanitation service. 47. The Applicant shall c*ly with the requirements of the Thperial Irrigation District. a. Prevision shall be made to underground utilities to the extent feasible. Generally, all facilities except high voltage lines of 66 KV and above shall be placed underground. b. The existing high voltage lines shall not be relocated without prior review and approval by the City. It is intended that other available alternatives be evaluated prior to said relocation. * 48. The Applicant shall pay a per-unit school developeent fee as determined by the Desert Saads Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agreements as approved by the La Quinta City Council and in effect at the tine of the issuance of building permits. * 49. All drainage shall be handled as required by the City Engineer and the Coachella Valley Water District. BIB] 11-06-1997-U01 03:46:04PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 83-U02 B ^"0 I SPECIFIC Pr.A* No.85-006 REVISED C*DITI*S OF APPI*:VAL Oct*er 15, 1985 Page 8. * 50. The project shall catply with the standards and re*uir*tents of the La Quinta Redevelopment Project for stonti**ater control. Energy * 51. Requir*t*ts for the installation of solar water heaters shall be determined by the City on a uniform City-wide basis for new construction at a later date. The developer shall c*ly with the mnnicipal re*iirements in effect at the tiire of construction. * 52. All tentative maps and developee*t plans shall be designed to ensure ocopliance with the State laws regarding solar accessibility. * the ettent possible, all structures shall be sited, oriented and designed so as to minimize the energy needs for cooling. * 53. The approved Specific Plan shall incorporate the mitigation ir*asures identified in the Air Quality Section of the envirorirrental asses*nt to reduce vehicular trips, trip lengths, and aut*t*bile dependency. Archaeology * 54. A qualified archaeologist shall be retained to nonitor grading operations in the areas of the archaeological sites identified in the project's archaeological assessment on file with the City. * 55. If buried cultural remains are uncovered, construction in this area shall be stopped until appropriate mitigation rr*asures can be taken. * 56. All artifacts, field notes and catalog information of the Oak *ee *st archaeolo- gical sites shall be curated with the UC Riverside Archaeological Research Unit. Miscellaneous 57. The location and access to all construction facilities shall be subject to review and approval of the C*nmnnity nevelopeent Depa'*t. 58. The Applicant shall ccmply with the reguiremants of the City' S adopted Infrastructure Fee Program in effect at the time of issuance of building permits. Certain facilities reguired as part of this Specific Plan are eligible for credits set forth in the fee program; these generally include parks, ffre station facilities, major streets, traffic signals, bridges and related infrastructure identified in the program. 59. Applicant shall sulinit a phasing plan to the City for review and approval. Of particular ipportance in this phasing plan is the determination of need and scheduling for major public facilities and Thprovements. BIB] 11-06-1997-U01 03:46:04PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 83-U02