CC Resolution 1985-035^ 2 RESOLUTION NO.85-35 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as shown on the Demand/Warrant Register dated April 16, 1985. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 16th day of April, 1985. ATTEST: C*TY CLEi*K APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY MANA*ER BIB] 06-04-1998-U01 04:41:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 35-U02 ^ 2 CITY OF LA QUINTA DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER April 16, 1985 REGENTS OF UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 4092 $ 770.00 Land-Use Planning & Development Seminars; Lawrence Stevens, Sandra Bonner, Gary Price, & Tamara Campbell Attending. U.S. POSTMASTER 4094 811.46 Postage Meter Reimbursement & Newsletter Bulk Mailing. PAYROLL 3/23/85 4/5/85 4096- 14,529.02 4116 RIVERSIDE COUNTY EMPLOYEES' CREDIT UNION 4117 648.32 Employees' Credit Union Deductions for Payroll Period Ended 4/5/85. TRIAD ENTERPRISES 4118 75.00 City Yard Rental for April, 1985 LEE WIGGINS 4119 150.00 Lease Agreement Re: Additional City Offices, For April, 1985. MORT BRENNAN 4120 2,178.00 City Hall Office Rental for April, 1985. BEST, BEST & KRIEGER 4121 188.00 Legal Services. GENERAL TELEPHONE 4122 857.38 Telephone Expense for Period 3/16/85 4/15/85. SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK 4123 4,677.00 Federal Income Taxes Withheld for Period 3/9/85- 4/5/85. BOB KLINE FENCE COMPANY 4124 6,180.00 Installation of Baseball & Softball Field Backstops. CLEAN AS A WHISTLE 4125 193.50 Custodial Services for March, 1985. FRANK C. MAZZA 4126 891.38 Vacation Salary Advance for Payroll Period 4/6/85 4/26/85. BIB] 06-04-1998-U01 04:41:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 35-U02 ^ 2Demand/Warrant Register April 16, 1985 Page 2 CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY 4127 $ 100.00 Mayors' and Councilmen's Conference, April 10, 1985, Judith Cox, John Pena, Lawrence Allen, Dale Bohnenberger, & Fred Wolff Attending. CVAG 4128 125.00 Registration Fee for Local Government Conference, April 12, 1985, Judith Cox, Lawrence Allen, Fred Wolff, Roger Hirdler, & Lawrence Stevens Attending. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 4129 78.00 Community Service Conference Registration, April 25-26, 1985, San Jose, Fred Wolff Attending. LAWRENCE 0. ALLEN 4130 123.55 Expense Reimbursement for National League of Cities Conference, Washington, D.C., March 21-27, 1985. ARROW PRINTING COMPANY 4131 83.00 Office Supplies. R. BAUGHMAN & ASSOCIATES 4132 1,017.10 Contractual Engineering Services/DPAC. BLACK GOLD OIL COMPANY 4133 590.90 City Vehicle Operation for March, 1985. THE BLUEPRINTER 4134 108.20 Maps. BRETZ VOLKSWAGEN 4135 161.86 City Vehicle Maintenance. GORDON BRICKEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 4136 695.00 Environmental Noise Analysis for the Avenue 52 Realignment. C.F.& D. CORPORATION 4137 900.00 Repeater Site Rental for Calendar Year 1984. CVAG 4138 300.00 Contribution to the Joint Powers Insurance Agency JPIA) Committee. CATHEDRAL CITY OFFICE SUPPLIES 4139 47.46 Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL RADIO CO. 4140 59.63 Radio Maintenance. BIB] 06-04-1998-U01 04:41:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 35-U02 ^ 2Demand/Warrant Register April 16, 1985 Page 3 DAILY NEWS 4141 $ 149.17 Legal Advertisements. THE DESERT SUN 4142 95.20 Legal Advertisement Personnel. EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 4143 462.66 DE 8003 Quarterly Contribution Return for Quarter Ended March 31, 1985. FEDERAL EXPRESS 4144 25.00 Federal Express Charges. FIESTA FORD LINCOLN MERCURY 4145 30.95 City Vehicle Maintenance. FIRSTWORLD TRAVEL OF COACHELLA VALLEY 4146 287.00 Air Fare for Judith Cox to Sacramento, CA, State Allocations Board with the Desert Sands School District Board; and Joe Gaugush to Reno, NV, Asphalt Paving Mixtures Class. PAUL GARDNER CORPORATION 4147 1,093.03 Progress Billing for Washington/Eisenhower Signal. JOSEPH GAUGUSH 4148 500.00 Expense Advance for ITS Seminar, April 17-19, 1985, Reno, NV, Asphalt Paving Mixtures: Design, Construction and Performance. HOUSTON'S COUNTRY CLUB SWEEPING 4149 577.60 Street Sweeping for March, 1985. THE INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION 4150 39.75 Publications, Public Safety Department. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS 4151 14.84 Publication, Building Department. ISABELLA'S FLORAL BOUTIQUE 4152 26.50 Employee Recognition. KUSTOM ELECTRONICS INC. 4153 1,914.66 Radar Unit. KWIK-KOPY PRINTING 4154 144.31 Warning Notice Forms for Public Safety Dept. LA QUINTA BUILDERS SUPPLY 4155 264.87 Special Departmental Supplies, Streets & Highways Dept. JAMES LONGTIN 4156 110.00 Expense Reimbursement for Property Development Agreements Seminar, Registration. BIB] 06-04-1998-U01 04:41:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 35-U02 ^ 2 Demand/Warrant Register April 16, 1985 Page 4 MOTOROLA COMMUNICATIONS AND ELECTRONICS INC. 4157 $ 23.25 Special Dept. Supplies, Public Safety Dept. PBCC 1 4158 87.00 Mailing Machine Rental for Period 4/20/85 5/20/85. THE PRINTING PLACE 4159 1,202.04 Newsletters, April/May, 1985. THE PRESS-ENTERPRISE 4160 95.88 Legal Advertisements Personnel. PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM 4161 2,566.10 Retirement Contributions for Period 3/23/85 4/5/85. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE SUPPLY SERVICES 4162 247.69 Office Supplies. SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK 4163 145.88 Credit Card Charges Relative to Administration Travel & Meetings, March, 1985. SERVICE AUTO PARTS 4164 136.74 City Vehicle Equipment. SMART & FINAL 4165 209.04 Special Departmental Supplies, Non-Dept. SPARKLETTS 4166 64.37 Equipment Rental for March, 1985. STATE HUMANE ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA 4167 40.10 Publications. STATE TREASURER 4168 826.04 Unemployment Insurance Contribution for Quarter Ended 3/31/85. STOCKWELL & BINNEY 4169 90.16 Office Supplies. SUN BADGE CO. 4170 31.80 Special Dept. Supplies, Public Safety Dept. SUSKI & SAKEMI 4171 19.70 Equipment Maintenance, Streets & Highways Dept. UC REGENTS 4172 110.00 Registration Fee for Enforcement of zoning and Subdivision Regulations, Roger Hirdler Attending. UNITED CENTRAL BANK TRUSTEE 4173 4,312.59 Health Insurance Premium for April, 1985. BIB] 06-04-1998-U01 04:41:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 35-U02 ^ 2Demand/Warrant Register April 16, 1985 Page 5 WELCH'S UNIFORM RENTAL 4174 $ 27.50 Special Departmental Supplies1 Non-Dept. RAY WOOD ASSOCIATES 4175 750.00 Financial Management Services for March, 1985. DON ZARASKI QUALITY WOODWORK 4176 882.50 Counter for Community Development Department, 50% Payment. DUCA & MCCOY 4177 2,850.00 Engineering Inspection Services for March, 1985. TOTAL $ 56,992.68 BIB] 06-04-1998-U01 04:41:08PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 35-U02