CC Resolution 1986-041^ 3 RESOLUTION No. 86-41 * RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF L* QUINT*, C*LIFORNI*, *UTHORIZING FILLING *ND GRADING OF PORTIONS OF AVENIDA MONTEZUMA WITHOUT COMPETITIVE BIDDING. WHERE*S, two separate and distinct areas of Avenida Montezuma, are in such a state of disrepair that they are virtually unusable due to exposed rocks and holes in the roadway and are urgently in need of earthfill and grading; and, WHERE*S, Yeagar Construction Company is performing construction work on the Flood Control Channel in an area adjacent to the needed repairs on *venida Montezuma and presently has earthfill available to be used on the *venida Montezuma projects and has the capability of placing the fill and grading said portion of *venida Montezuma and has submitted a price quotation for said work; and * WHERE*S, said available earthfill is quickly being de- pleted by other uses in the area and will soon be unavail- able for use on the *venida Montezuma projects unless the City acts immediately and without going through the process of competitive bidding. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF L* QUINT* DOES HEREBY RESOLVE *S FOLLOWS: 1. It is hereby declared that the public interest and necessity demand the expenditure of public money for the repair by filling and grading of the above mentioned portions of *venida Montezuma in order to safeguard public health and property. 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into two separate and distinct contracts with Yeager Construction Company, without compliance with com petitive bidding requirements, for the filling and grading of the following portions of *venida Montezuma for the following prices: a. Montezuma between Calle Yucatan and *venida Obregon 24 feet wide by 6 inches deep by l,O*6 feet) for $4,950.00. BIB] 06-15-1998-U01 09:03:55AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 86-U02 41-U02 ^ 3 b. Montezuma, bet*een Calle Durango and Calle Chihuahua 24 feet *ide by 6 in*hes de*p by 2,112 feet) for $4,950.00. *PPROVED and *DOPTED this 20th day of MaX, 19B6. *TTEST: *ThC:[$K*::wLL *PPROVED *S TO FORM: *PPROVED *S TO CONTENT: CITY M*N*6ER BIB] 06-15-1998-U01 09:03:55AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 86-U02 41-U02 ^ 3 MEMORANDUM CITYOFLAQUINTA To: City Manager Frank Usher From: Roger Hirdler, Community Safety Coordinator Date: May 20, 1986 Subject: COST 9UOTATION FILLING AND GRADING AVENIDA MONTEZUMA Pursuant to my memo dated May 15, 1986, following is a more detailed cost breakdown for filling and grading Avenida Montezuma: 1. Montezuma between Calle Yucatan and Avenida Obregon 24 feet wide by 6 inches deep by 1,056 feet: 1,500 Cu yards $3.50 per yard $ 5,250.00 2. Montezuma, between Calle Durango and Calle Chihuahua 24 feet wide by 6 inches deep by 2,112 feet: 1,500 cu. yards $3.50 per yard $ 5,250.00 TOTAL COST $10,500.00 The south Section sounds like a tremendous deal. Yeager wants to oil the south section of Avenida Montezuma, at their cost, as their trucks will be using it. They will keep it watered if we prefer. Roger Hirdler Community Safety Coordinator RHibap BIB] 06-15-1998-U01 09:03:55AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 86-U02 41-U02 ^ 3MINUTES City Council June 4, 1986 Page 6. G. The City Manager presented a report regarding grading and filling of Avenida Montezuma. Mr. Usher stated that Staff was asking Council to approve a proposed Resolution authorizing filling and grading of portions of Avenida Montezuma without competitive bidding, and recommended Council adoption the the following proposed Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 86-41. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING FILLING AND GRADING OF PORTIONS OF AVENIDA MONTEZUMA WITHOUT COMPETITIVE BIDDING. Moved by Council Member Wolff, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger, to adopt Resolution No. 86-41. Unanimously adopted. G. RESOLUTION NO. 86-40. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR PROPOSITION 44, THE WATER CONSERVATION AND WATER QUALITY BOND ACT. Moved by Council Member Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member Cox, to adopt Resolution No. 86-40. Unanimously adopted. H. Council Member Wolff asked the City Manager to explain proposed measures to be taken to reseed the natural desert areas left barren by the flood control channel and flood control project work, and also questioned if steps and/or access across the flood channel was going to be done. Council Member Bohnenberger explained that reseeding and restoration of desert fauna was a mitigation factor for project approval, and would be done upon completion of the project. He also reported that steps would be cut into the bank of the flood control channel, about 1/2 block south of Council Member Wolff's home and about 1/4 miles south,*ramps would be placed, along with another set of steps 1/4 mile further south. 9. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Council Member Wolff, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger, to adjourn to Wednesday, May 21, 1986, at 5:30 p.m., at the Velvet Turtle Restaurant in Palm Desert, to discuss confidential matters relating to real estate acquisition and potential litigation thereof. Unanimously adopted. The regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council, held Tuesday, May 20, 1986, was adjourned at 9:58 pm., at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. BIB] 06-15-1998-U01 09:03:55AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 86-U02 41-U02