CC Resolution 1986-045^ 3 RESOLUTION No. 86-45 * RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF L* QUINT*, C*LIFORNI*, EST*BLISHING DOG LICENSE FEES. WHERE*S, La Ouinta Municipal Code, Section 10.08.040 provides that dog license fees shall be in an amount fixed from time to time by resolution of the City Council; and WHERE*S, it is now deemed to be in the best interests of the City to fix and establish certain dog license fees in the amounts established by this resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF L* OUINT* DOES HEREBY RESOLVE that the following dog license fees and surcharges are hereby established in the following amounts: Description of fee Pur*o*s*e *mount Basic License Basic fee for dog license Unaltered ngg fee tag 1 year license $13.00 2 year license $21.00 *ltered D*g 1 year license $ 5.00 2 year license $ 9.00 *ltered ppg *(Seniors age 60 and over) 1 year license $ 1.00 2 year license $ 2.00 Penalty 50% penalty for unlicensed SOY. of basic surcharge dogs over 6 months old license fee where owner has lived in city over 60 days BIB] 06-15-1998-U01 09:08:10AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 86-U02 45-U02 ^ 3 Impound fee Surcharqe for animals re $10.00 trieved off animal control * truck before animal de- livered to animal control she 1 ter *PPROVED and *DOPTED this Jft day of Jt*e, 19B6. *TTEST: 7 * ERk *PPROVED *S TO FORM: *PPROYED *6 TO CONTENT: CI1* j CITY *TTORNEY BIB] 06-15-1998-U01 09:08:10AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 86-U02 45-U02