CC Resolution 1986-086^!4 DATE AGENDAITEM# APPROVED oDENlED oCONTINUED TO RESOLUTION NO. 86-86 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, IN OPPOSITION TO PROPOSITION 61 THE GANN PAY LIMITATION INITIATIVE. WHEREAS, an initiative known as Proposition 61 has been placed on the November ballot; and WHEREAS, the initiative would have an adverse impact on the City of La Quinta and all other local and state governmental agencies in California by: Establishing the Governor's salary at $80,000 per year; and Limiting compensation generally considered to be salary plus fringe benefits) for employees to no more than 80 percent of the Governor's salary; and Prohibiting the carryover of accrued sick leave and vacation time from one calendar year to the next; and Limiting the contracting for services to a maximum of $75 per hour; and WHEREAS, the initiative severely damages the City of La Quinta's competitive position in relating and attracting top talent to public service positions; and WHEREAS, the arbitrary limits set by the initiative are in conflict with the marketplace in which the City of La Quinta must compete for technical and managerial skills; and WHEREAS, the initiative destroys rational salary setting due to the arbitrary limits it establishes and removes from local control the ability to establish salaries for local employees; and WHEREAS, by setting an arbitrary limit to top salaries, affects all employees by forcing similar decreases throughout the salary schedule to assure that longevity, education, leadership and special skills continue to be rewarded; and WHEREAS, the management of the City of La Quinta and all California public business could suffer serious, perhaps irreparable, damage as a result of the loss of competent managers that the initiative would cause; and BIB] 06-17-1998-U01 11:35:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 86-U02 86-U02 ^!4 WHEREAS, the loss of accrued vacation and sick leave is significant for City employees and is more than $7 billion statewide; and WHEREAS, the unrealistic limit on contracts makes it impossible for the City of La Quinta to provide special and emergency services such as a bulldozer operator for flood fighting; and WHEREAS, the collective impacts of Proposition 61 would severely limit the ability of the City of La Quinta and other state and local governmental agencies to respond to the needs of the people. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, opposes the passage of Proposition 61 and urges its defeat by the voting public. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 7th day of October, 1986. MAYOR ATTEST: * * CITY MANAGER/CLERK APPRO AS TO FORM: BIB] 06-17-1998-U01 11:35:30AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 86-U02 86-U02