CC Resolution 1987-033^#5\ RESOLUTION NO. 87-33 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING KCET, CHANNEL 28, PUBLIC TELEVISION STATION. WHEREAS, KCET, Channel 28, is the only Public Television Station in the top six national markets that operates in the Ultra High Frequency Band UHF), and is therefore subject to the problems associated with UHF broadcasting; and WHEREAS, Public Television Station KCET, despite such disadvantages has diligently and meritoriously served the City of La Quinta and its adjacent areas for the past 23 years; and WHEREAS, KCET through excellence in programming and quality of service has risen to the position of a major station and a true alternative to other forms of broadcasting; and WHEREAS, KCET in the process of such service has gained the goodwill and dedicated support from the public, who has helped it become one of our major cultural resources; AND WHEREAS, KCET needs a maximum of visibility to continue its public service, and generate community support. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, on behalf of its citizens, that the Council express its strongest recommendation to the Cable Owners and Operators in Los Angeles and Southern California to retain KCET in the area of most favorable access to the stations operating in the VHF band, as a gesture of goodwill and civic cooperation towards one of the City's most valuable cultural resouryes7 APPROVED and ADOPTED this 2nd dawf;e/1*8/47.* MAYOR ATTEST A*D AS TO FORM: I City Manager/Clerk City Attorney * BIB] 06-19-1998-U01 09:22:16AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 87-U02 33-U02 ^#5\ KCET COMMUNITY SERVICES April-May, 1987 Facts About Cable Realignment * KCET is the only public TV station in a major market hammerlocked in the UHF band. New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Boston, and even San Francisco's public TV's are all VHF's. * UHF is a problematic technology; complicated by the climate and topography of Southern California. * Despite problems of signal, geography and limited budgets, KCET has managed to become the favorite station, or one of the favorites, of 47% of the nearly 5 million Southern California TV homes. * KCET is one of the most important and accessible Southern California community cultural resources. More significantly, KCET serves minorities, youth, women, the elderly, and other protected groups as no other broadcaster or cable franchise does. * KCET is totally publicly supported by direct contribu- tions of donors and subscribers, and a Community Service Grant from the Corporation of Public Broad- casting. * For about 23 years, cable systems carried KCET in the lower-numbered channels, close to the commercial VHF's. That helped KCET increase and maintain audience. 43% of all KCET subscribers are also cable users. * KCET is being replaced by cable services in the lower tier because services placed in channels 2 through 13 gain 50% higher visibility. KCET will not be just 11realigned" into the upper channels, but also placed in a vise between two competing cable services made to look like public TV. * It is very difficult to break consumers away from their patterns, created through years of habit. KCET cannot afford to spend its limited resources in the advertising campaigns necessary to retrain cable users. * KCET requests that it be considered as worthy of protection by the franchising Cities, as educational, municipal and public access. KCET needs to retain its place or be returned to the lower-numbered channels where it belongs, as an alternative to commercial broadcasting. BIB] 06-19-1998-U01 09:22:16AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 87-U02 33-U02