CC Resolution 1988-021^"6, 385 RESOLUTION NO.88-21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, IN SUPPORT OF 1'YOU'VE GOT THE POWER. REGISTER TO VOTE" WEEK WHEREAS: One of the greatest challenges facing our society is to impart to our young people an appreciation for our a) democratic system of government, and; Li) WHEREAS: Voting is the most meaningful form of popular Cr) participation in government's decision-making process and the foundation upon which democracy rests, and; CD WHEREAS: On June 7, 1988 California will go to the polls to nominate candidates for President of the United States, as well as representatives to state, local and national levels of government, and; WHEREAS: Secretary of State, March Fong Eu and Superintendent of Public Instruction, Bill Honig are sponsoring YOU'VE GOT THE POWER. REGISTER AND VOTE!" week in California's schools during the week of April 18, 22, and; WHEREAS: YOU'VE GOT THE POWER" week will include activities to encourage students at all grade levels to discuss our democratic system and to participate in it by 1) registering to vote if they become 18 on or before election day, 2) pledging to register to vote once they become 18, and 3) registering their teachers, friends and family members to vote. WHEREAS: 1988 is only the 5th time in U.S. history that high school seniors will be able to cast a vote for President, and; WHEREAS: Voter turnout of 18 20 year olds is the lowest of any age group, and; WHEREAS: YOU'VE GOT THE POWER" week will involve teachers, parents and students of all grade levels in activities to encourage understanding and appreciation of the underlying ideals and principles of a free and democratic society; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the week of April 18 22 be designated as YOU'VE GOT THE POWER. REGISTER AND VOTE'" week in California's schools, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council endorses YOU'VE GOT THE POWER. REGISTER AND VOTE!" week and encourages all school officials, election officials, parents, teachers and students to participate in YOU'VE GOT THE POWER. REGISTER AND VOTE!" activities. BIB] 06-24-1998-U01 10:54:36AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 21-U02 ^"6, PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this *5th day of March, 1988 by the following: AYES Council Members Bohnenberger, Pena, Sniff, Mayor Hoyle NOES None ABSENT Councilwoman Cox ABSTAIN: None WILLIAM R. HO E, Mayor City of La Quinta, California SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: B Y B T, Attorney City Att*rney BIB] 06-24-1998-U01 10:54:36AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 21-U02 ^"6, Office of the Secretary of State Executive Office 916) 445-6371 * March Fong Eu 1230 J Street Sacramento, California 95814 REOEIV*D February 23, 1988 MAR 4 * Dear City Council Member: On February 25th Secretary 0 State March Fong Eu and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Bill Honig will announce a 1 najor new program in California schools. Called YOU'VE GOT THE * POWER. REGISTER AND VOTE.'1, this program will * eligible high school seniors, to encourage students in all grades to register eligible friends and family members, and to generate discussion of the principles of democracy our election system eRbodies. We invite you to participate. The program will take place during the week of *ll8*22. Suggested classroom activities and voter registrati*n*jiE**mation will be distributed to every elections official and school district superintendent in California. The League of Women Voters has endorsed the program and, along with local P.T.A.'s and other community groups, will assist with its implementation in your community. It will be an exciting time. Schools are encouraged to plan senior assemblies, homeroom activities, mock elections and debates, activities to encourage parents and friends to register, and a variety of other events. Hollywood and sports celebrities will be featured in promotional materials and advertisements for the 1YOU1VE GOT THE POWER'1 program. You can help by: 1) Urging your council or board to adopt the enclosed resolution in support of *lYOU?VE GOT THE POWER" activities in your community; 2) Make contact with your local school superintendents and principals, elections officials, and League of Women Voters representatives. Let them know you are available to help by appearing at senior assemblies, press conferences, etc. 3) Encourage members of community organizations to volunteer to help with YOU'VE GOT THE POWER" activities during the week of April 18-22. 4) Write a guest column for newspapers in your city on the importance of educating our students for democracy. BIB] 06-24-1998-U01 10:54:36AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 21-U02 ^"6,City Council *e.ber Page 2 February 23, 1988 This program is being called YOU'VE GOT THE POWER'1 in order to convey to young people that they really can make a difference in the world--if they choose to participate. In another sense it is you and I who have the power, the power to make this program work. Please read the attached materials. I ain sure they will convince you that this program is urgently needed. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Public Relations Office at the Department of Education 916/ 322-2008) or John Mott-Smith at the Secretary of State1s office 916/445-0859). Best regards, *VyATh*#w March Fong Eu Secretary of State *Honi(* Superintendent of Public Instruction MFE/BH/m-s/gw Attachment P.S. Please consider introducing the attached model resolution of support for YOU'VE GOT THE POWER" soon. We would appreciate receiving a copy of any resolution you enact. BIB] 06-24-1998-U01 10:54:36AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 21-U02 ^"6, *`YOU'VE GOT THE POWER. REGISTER AND VOTE!" A VOTER REGISTRATION WEEK FOR CALIFORNIA'S SCHOOLS) CAMPAIGN SUMMARY One of the greatest ongoing challenges we as a society face is to succeed in transferring an appreciation for our democratic system of government from one generation to the next. A key indicator of this appreciation is participation, through voting, in our elections. Because you must be registered in order to vote, Secretary of State March Fong Eu and Superintendent of Public a) Instruction Bill Honig are launching a voter registration and m education campaign in California schools during the week of April * 18-22. The campaign will be known as YOU'VE GOT THE POWER. REGISTER AND VOTE!91 and will use voter registration activities as m a focal point for discussion and activities addressing the prin- ciples of democratic freedom and participation. National statistics underscore how most newly eligible high school seniors feel about voting: about four out of five do not vote. In fact, the voter registration turnout rate for 18 to 21 year olds is the lowest of any age group. We want to turn this devastating reality around in California. The 9'YOU'VE GOT THE POWER. Re*ister and Vote!" campaign is designed to encourage our students to talk and think about democracy and then do something about it by 1) registering to vote if they turn 18 on or before election day, 2) pledging to register to vote once they turn 18, and 3) registering their teachers, friends and family members to vote. 1Y0U'VE GOT THE POWER: REGISTER AND VOTE!" is a unique part- nership between the Secretary of State's office--with its capacity to assist with the logistics of voter registration, and the State Department of Education, which has the capacity to reach the schools and provide curriculum support and guidance. The California League of Women Voters will encourage its 100 statewide chapters to cooperate with schools in registering voters and planning educational activities such as speakers, poster contests, mock elections) at school sites. Other organi- zations, such as the PTA, the California School Boards Association, the California Teachers Association, and the Association of California School Administrators, will be approached to provide assistance and support for voter registration at each school site. The campaign has three major goals: 1) to register high school seniors to vote a full 50 percent of high school senior classes will be eligible to vote in the June election and to get 91pledges9' from those who will be eligible by the time of the November Presidential Election. The campaign will urge coopera- tion between schools, local election officials, and involved BIB] 06-24-1998-U01 10:54:36AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 21-U02 ^"6,YOU'VE GOT THE POWER" Page 2 community organizations in a manner similar to the cooperative organization of the Say No to Drugs.. Red Ribbon Week." 2) to encourage parents, family members and school personnel to register to vote. In order to protect confidentiality of registration, elementary and middle schools will merely collect names and addresses of those adults, including parents and school personnel, who want to register to vote, and will forward that list to their local county clerk for follow up. 3) to encourage our elementary, middle and high school students to get involved in 11Y0U'VE GOT THE POWER" activities and events which highlight the importance of democratic participation and civic responsibility. Campaign Objectives 1) Generate enthusiasm and involvement among teachers, parents, community groups, administrators and students regarding the principles of democracy and the importance of voting. 2) Develop and disseminate materials which encourage voter registration and democratic participation. 3) Register at least 25,000 high school students to vote in the June primary that's one fifth of the eligible seniors) and have a far greater impact by registering family members, teachers, school personnel and others. 4) Generate an awareness in the news media of the importance of 1YOU*VE GOT THE POWER: REGISTER AND VOTE!'1, as well as sup- port for the campaign as an annual activity. 5) Secure pledges" from those students who will become eli- gible to register after the June primary but before the November general election. Follow-up to ensure registration of all pledges." 6) Provide materials for use in Adult Education programs designed for persons who have not completed high school or who wish to become citizens. Campaign Timeline Mid-January A memo regarding YOU'VE GOT THE POWER" will be sent by Superintendent of Public Instruction Bill Honig to school superintendents and principals and by Secretary of State March Fong Eu to county clerks and voter registrars encouraging their active involvement in the upcoming campaign. February 25 Superintendent Honig and Dr. Eu sponsor a press conference in a Los Angeles high school) to register new student voters and formally launch the YOU'VE GOT THE POWER" campaign. March April Support and cooperation for the pro3ect will be generated in the following ways: BIB] 06-24-1998-U01 10:54:36AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 21-U02 ^"6, 1YOU'VE GOT THE POWER" Page 3 * The State Department of Education and the Secretary of State's office will supply support materia*s such as campaign logo) YOU'VE GOT THE POWER" brochures and posters, a fact sheet about registering to vote, materials geared at getting family members registered to vote as part of the campaign, suggested YOU'VE GOT THE POWER" school activities) possible television and radio public service spots) which will help generate enthusiasm among students, school personnel and parents about democratic participation. * The California League of Women Voters will encourage its 100 statewide chapters to cooperate in orchestrating voter registra- * tion activities at local school sites. * Other non-profit organizations such as the Parent Teacher Association) The California School Board Association) and The California Teachers Association will be asked to participate to ensure voter registration coverage at all participating schools. Elected officials and community leaders at the local level will be encouraged to get involved during the YOU'VE GOT THE POWER" week, as guest speakers at schools. April 18 22 The campaign holds a YOU'VE GOT THE POWER" kick-off event for the week long campaign with the participation of media celebrities, Honig and Eu and alerts the media to local YOU'VE GOT THE POWER" activities which are planned for the week. April 22 May 9 the Secretary of State's office through the local elections officials) will follow through with those indivi- duals who registered to vote in the YOU'VE GOT THE POWER" cam- paign. For those who do not turn 18 by the deadline, the elections officials will follow up with those individuals who signed pledge cards" to ensure they are registered in time for the November Presidential General Election. May 9 June 7 The campaign will make an extra push in the schools to ensure that all those who registered in the YOU'VE GOT THE POWER" campaign actually get to the polls and vote on election day. BIB] 06-24-1998-U01 10:54:36AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 21-U02