CC Resolution 1988-037^!6 179 RESOLUTION NO. 88-37 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA APPROVING; A PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE AND APPROVING COMMITTEE BYLAWS IN CONNECTION WITH PROCEEDINGS TO CONSIDER THE REDEVELOP- MENT PLAN FOR PROJECT NO. 2. WHEREAS, by Resolution No. RA 88-4 adopted April 5, 1988 the City Council established a survey area for the study of potential redevelopment project area; and m WHEREAS, on March 22, 1988 the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta selected boundaries of a proposed redevelopment project area, designated as Redevelopment Project Area No. 2 the Project Area"); and WHEREAS, the City Council and the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency have undertaken procedures for the consideration of the adoption of a Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area; and WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta has, by its Resolution No. 88-34 adopted at a City Council meeting held on May 3, 1988, and by means of publication in a newspaper of general circulation has called upon residents and other qualified persons within the Project Area to form a Project Area Committee; and WHEREAS, a proposed Project Area Committee, consisting of those persons identified in Exhibit A" the Membership") attached hereto and incorporated herein, has submitted itself for required City Council approval; and WHEREAS, proposed Bylaws the Bylaws") in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B" establish an orderly framework for the conduct of activities of the Project Area Committee; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the staff report prepared in connection with this matter. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta as follows: SECTION I: The City Council finds and determines that the Membership constitutes a Project Area Committee that is representative of the Project Area. BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:53:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 37-U02 ^!6180 SECTION II: The City Council approves the Membership as a Project Area Committee in connection with proceedings to consider a Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area. SECTION III: The Committee is encouraged to function in accordance with the guidelines specified as follows: a) The Committee shall conduct its affairs in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order to the extent practicable; b) The Committee shall elect appropriate officers for the conduct of its affairs; c) A majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum; d) Recommendations of the Committee shall be approved by a majority of the quorum; however, the committee may also reflect any appropriate minority positions; e) The Committee shall meet from time to time to study1 plan, and make recommendations on matters relating to the Project Area, as well as other matters relating to redevelopment which may be authorized by the City Council; f) The Committee shall, from time to time, consult with the staff and consultants of the Redevelopment Agency; and g) The Chairman or other designated representatives of the Committee shall make its report to the Redevelopment Agency and City Council. SECTION IV: The minutes of all the meetings of the Redevelopment Agency with the Committee, which meetings shall be open and public, together with a record of all information presented to 2- BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:53:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 37-U02 ^!6 181 the Committee by the Redevelopment Agency or by the Committee from the Redevelopment Agency shall be maintained by the Redevelopment Agency. Such minutes and record shall be open to public inspection. ADOPTED this15t*ay of March 1988. the City of La Quinta ATT T: y) CCI * City Clerk of City of La Quinta I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of La Quinta at a regular meeting thereof held on the day of 1988, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Bohnenberqer, Pena, Sniff, Mayor Hoyle, Cox NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None *City Clerk of t**City of La Quinta 3- BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:53:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 37-U02 ^!6 191 EXHIBIT *A* PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE PAC) REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 2 To Be Inserted) HOWARD COLMAN MARION ELLSON JOE HAMMER m LEONARD HENDERSON LESTER LARSON BETTY MYLL 05-09-Ba BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:53:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 37-U02 ^!6 193 EXHI*IT B" REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE BYLAWS Section I. GENERAL a, These Rules and Regulations are provided to inform and promote the orderly participation of the Redevelopment Project Area Committee PAC") for Redevelopment Project No. 2 in consulting with and advising the Redevelopment Agency 0 Agency") members, staff, and consultants on: 1) those matters which deal with the planning and provision of residential facilities or replacement housing for those to be displaced by project activities; 2) those matters which deal with the development of new commercial facilities and public improvements in the Project Area; 3) other policy matters which affect the businesses and residents of the Project Area; and 4) any other matters regarding the Project Area which may be submitted to the PAC by the City Council, the Agency or the Planning Department. Without prior consultation as required above, the PAC may also comment on any other matter before the City Council or Agency affecting the Project Area. These provisions shall apply throughout the period of implementation of the Redevelopment Plan Plan") for Redevelopment Project No. 2 Project") subject to prior termination by the City Council of the City of La Quinta. For purposes of these Bylaws, Project Area" shall refer to that area so designated by virtue of Resolution No. B8-OO*pproved by the Planning Commission on 3/22/BB Section II. MEMBERSHIP A. Selection The PAC shall consist of not less than five 5) members who shall be approved by the City Council. The PAC shall be composed of representatives selected from the following groups from within the Project Area: Businessmen Owners); Businessmen Tenants); Residential Owner-Occupants; Residential Tenants; and Members of Existing organizations. BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:53:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 37-U02 ^!6194 B. Qualifications To be eligible for membership on the PAC, a person must be either a residential owner-occupant, a residential tenant, a businessman, or a member of an existing organization within the Project Area Boundaries. If a member ceases to qualify on one of these basis e.g., by removal of residence or business or membership), he shall resign from the PAC, or if he fails to resign within sixty 60) days of the date that he ceases to qualify, his membership shall be deemed vacated. Any vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the City Council which may act upon nomination by the PAC. C. Project Area Boundaries The Project Area Boundaries are those which have been adopted as the official boundaries of the Redevelopment Project Area. If the Project Area Boundaries are amended, then the PAC shall be reconstituted, if necessary, by procedures established by the City Council to reflect the circumstances. D. Membership Term The terms of the PAC members are from the date of approval of the Committee until the 31st day of August, 1989. At the end of that time, the City Council may reappoint members or appoint other members on a year-to-year basis as deemed desirable in light of the current Project activities and in conformity with applicable legal requirements. Section III. OFFICERS A. The Officers of the PAC shall be a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary. B. The Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary of the PAC shall be elected by the PAC members at its first meeting. The Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary should thereafter be elected during the month of December in each calendar year and shall take office effective immediately upon such election. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Committee and sign all documents necessary to carry out the business of the Committee. The Vice-Chairman shall, in the absence of the Chairman, act as Chairman. The Secretary shall keep records of all meetings of the PAC, and shall provide nature of meetings. 05-09-88 * * * BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:53:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 37-U02 ^!6 195 Section IV. MEETINGS AND OFFICE A. Regular and Special Meetings The Project Area Committee shall meet at or such other place the Committee might from time to time designate. Regular meetings shall be held on the third Wednesday of each month. Notice of meetings shall be sent to members at least five 5) days in advance of the meeting. The Secretary of the PAC, upon notification by the Chairman. shall be responsible for the posting of said notice and an agenda of all matters to be Cr) discussed or acted upon publicly in the City Hall at least seventy-two 72) hours prior to the time specified in the notice of the meeting. All meetings shall be conducted and m notice thereof shall be given in conformity with the Ralph M. Brown Public Meeting Law Government Code Section 54950, et seq.). B. Meetings to be Open and Public All meetings of the Project Area Committee shall be open and public to the extent required by law. All persons shall be permitted to attend any such meetings except as otherwise provided by law. C. Minutes Minutes of all meetings of the PAC will be kept in a file in the Office of the City Clerk. D. Quorum Five 5) members of the Project Area Committee shall constitute a quorum, and a quorum shall be necessary for the PAC to conduct its business. A smaller number of Project Area Committee members may adjourn a meeting from time-to-time until a quorum is present. E. Rules of Order All business and matters before the Project Area Committee shall be transacted in conformance with Robert*s Rules of Order Newly Revised). F. Attendance Any member who, without good cause as determined by the PAC, shall be absent from three 3) consecutive regular meetings, shall be deemed to have vacated his membership. BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:53:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 37-U02 ^!619* Section V. DISCLOSURES AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST The members of the Project Area Committee shall make written disclosures to the Agency, City Council, and the Project Area Committee of the fact and location of all direct or indirect interests in the property presently owned or hereafter acquired in the Project Area; such disclosures shall be accomplished in conformity with the Political Reform Act Government Code Section 8700(), et seq.) and any applicable local conflict of interest code promulgated pursuant thereto. Members shall cooperate with staff and Agency legal counsel in the review of interests in property, and shall refrain from voting or participating in decisions where they are disqualified by virtue of a conflict of interest. Failure to make such written disclosure, or to refrain from acting where a member has a conflict of interest, shall be grounds for removal from the Project Area Committee. For the purposes of this Section V, the term direct or indirect interest" shall be defined to include, but not be limited to, any monetary interest in property, or benefit arising from the sale, lease, mortgage, or disposition of property, owned by, in trust for, or subject to inheritance by a member of the Project Area Committee, his or her spouse, his or her children, and his or her parents. Section VI. ADOPTION OF BYLAWS The form of these Bylaws shall be initially adopted by vote of the City Council. Any amendment may be made by 2/3 vote of the PAC membership. 05-0988 0 BIB] 07-02-1998-U01 09:53:29AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 88-U02 37-U02