CC Resolution 1990-065 Street Vacation - Navarro & Chillon00 V3 O Tibf 4 ��. P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 90-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA VACATING CERTAIN PORTIONS OF AVENIDA NAVARRO. CASE NO: VAC 90-014 - AVENIDA NAVARRO RECEIVED FOR RECOR! AT 8:30 O'CLOCK A.M. AUG 1710 Rf00rGetl in QIIiWI RaxrOf d RlNrfia cwKr. Cfl�hrnif Rr Fe:S $'a' ) — WHEREAS, the City Council did adopt its Resolution /1 90-57, declaring its intention to vacate certain portions of Avenida Navarro pursuant to the Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law; and, WHEREAS, said Resolution 90-57 fixed July 23, 1990, at the hour of 7:00 P.M. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers as the time and place for hearing all persons interested in or objecting to the proposed vacation; and, WHEREAS, the City Council hearing of July 23, 1990, was continued to July 31, 1990; and, WHEREAS, a Notice of Public Hearing was published in the time and manner provided by law and notices of said hearing were posted along said portions of the streets to be vacated in the time and manner provided by law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined that the vacation of said street is not in conflict with the Circulation Element or other policies of the General Plan; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted its required public hearing and, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments of all interested persons desiring to be heard, did find the following facts to exist to justify the approval of said street vacation: 1. The vacation of the Avenida Navarro right-of-way as proposed is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan. 2. The portion of Avenida Navarro proposed for vacation is not needed to serve any substantive public benefit associated with traffic circulation. 3. The proposed vacation of Avenida Navarro will benefit the public by providing for increased traffic safety. 4. Approval of the proposed street vacation will not cause a significant impact on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California as follows: RESOCC.047/BJ - 1 - 306258 SECTION 1: The City Council of the City of La Quinta, having elected to proceed under the provisions of Division 9, Part 3, Chapter 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, and having held a public hearing as provided therein, hereby finds from all evidence submitted that the streets described in this resolution are unnecessary for present or prospective purposes and that the public interest and convenience require the closing of said streets. SECTION 2: The City Council hereby orders the vacation of portions of streets described as follows in attached exhibits: SECTION 3: In the proceeding herein adopted by this City Council for vacation of the streets described in Section 2, the City of La Quinta reserves and excepts from the vacation the permanent easement and right at any time, or from time to time, to construct, maintain, operate, replace, remove and renew sanitary sewers and storm drains and appurtenant structures in, upon, over and across any street or part thereof proposed to be vacated and pursuant to any existing franchises or renewals thereof, or otherwise, to construct, maintain, operate, replace, remove, renew and enlarge lines of pipe, conduits, cables, wires, poles and other convenient structures, equipment and fixtures for the operation of gas pipe lines, telegraphic and telephone lines, railroad lines, and for the distribution or transportation of electric energy, petroleum, and its products, ammonia, water and incidental purposes, including access and right to keep property free from inflammable materials, and wood growth, and to otherwise protect the same from all hazards in, upon, and over the street proposed to be vacated. SECTION 4: The City Council hereby determines that the vacation of the streets described herein is required by public interest, convenience, safety and welfare. SECTION 5: The City Council hereby determines that the vacation will not cause significant environmental impact and adopts a Negative Declaration. SECTION 6: The City Council hereby determines that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to record a certified copy of this Resolution in the office of the County Recorder of Riverside County. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council, held on this 31st day of July, 1990, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Bohnenberger, Rushworth, Sniff & Mayor Pena NOES: None RESOCC.047/BJ - 2 - a :30 6258 ABSENT: Councilwomen Bosworth ABSTAIN: None r JOHN VrffN May City of a Qui ta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: DAWN HONEYWELL, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California RESOCC.047/BJ - 3 - EXHIBIT 'A' That portion of Section 13, Township 6 South, Range 6 East, S. B. B. & N. in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 294, Unit No. 27, Santa Carmel ita at Vale La Quinta, as per map on file in Book 19, Page 82 of Maps, Records of Riverside County, State of California; THENCE South 000 00' 45- West along the East line of Lot 2, said Block 294, a distance of 30.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 890 58' 00" East, along a line parallel with the Southerly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 33.37 feet to its intersection with a line parallel with, and distant 30.00 feet Northwesterly, measured at right angles, from the centerline of Avenida Bermudas; THENCE North 38' 43' 00" East, along said parallel line a distance of 54.74 feet; THENCE North 13° 52' 41" West, a distance of 21.40 feet to the beginning of non -tangent curve; THENCE Northwesterly along said non -tangent curve, having a radius of 120.76 feet, (initial tangent bearing of North 51° 17' 00" West), through a central angle of 380 41' 00", an arc distance of 81.53 feet to a point in a line parallel with and distant 30.00 feet Southerly, measured at right angles, from the centerline of Calle Chillon; THENCE North 890 58' 00- West along said parallel line, a distance of 6.99 feet to the most Westerly terminus of a 20.00 foot radius curve concave southwesterly, having a central angle of 890 58' 45"; THENCE Southeasterly and Southerly along said curve a distance of 31.41 feet; THENCE South 00° 00' 45" West, along the east line of Lots 1 and 2 of said Block 294, a distance of 70.01 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Contains 4615.2 S.F. (0.11 Ac.) 306258 I I CALLE I 243 CITY OF LA QUINTA RIGHT OF WAY VACATION PLAT cr o z w cr— Q � Q z CALLE CHILLON R• c 0 co C-:) �I Aoc A'°� -- — ( //00 w, • 6 1-67-5 � J CITY OF LA QUINTA RIGHT OF WAY VACATION PLAT 30 6258 EXHIBIT 'B" That portion of Section 13, Township 6 South, Range 6 East, S. B. B. & M. in the Cit of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, being more particularly describe as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 294, Unit No. 27, Santa Carmelit at gale La Quinta, as per map on file in Book 19, Page 82 of Maps, Records of tt Recorder of said Riverside County, California; THENCE South 000 00' 45" West along the East line of Lot 2, said Block 294, a distant of 30.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 890 58' 00" East, along a line parallel with the Southerly line of sai Lot 1, a distance of 33.37 feet to its intersection with a line parallel with and distan 30.00 feet Northwesterly, measured at right angles, from the centerline of Avenid Bermudas; THENCE South 380 43' 00" West, along said parallel line a distance of 88.49 feet t the most Southwesterly terminus of a tangent curve in the Easterly line of Lot 3, sai Block 294, said curve having a radius of 100.00 feet and a central angle of 380 42' 15"; THENCE Northeasterly and Northerly along the Easterly line of said Lots 3 and 2, an the above described curve, a distance of 67.55 feet; THENCE North 000 00' 45" East, along a line tangent to the last described curve, distance of 6.54 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Contains 829.8 S.F. (0.02 Ac.)