CC Resolution 1992-034^#A U RESOLUTION 92-34 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT 27332 TO ALLOW THE CREATION OF A CONDOMINIUM SUBDIVISION. CASE NO. TT 27332 SUNRISE DESERT PARTNERS WHEREAS, on May 1, 1984, the La Quinta City Council certified the EIR for PGA West Specific Plan No. 83-002 Council Resolution No. B4-28) as adequate and complete, adopting Statements of Overriding Considerations91, adopted CEQA Findings and Statements of Facts99; and, WHEREAS, the City Council approved the PGA West Specific Plan No. 83-002 Council Resolution No. 84-31) on May 15, 1984, subject to conditions; and, WHEREAS, on September 20, 1988, the La Quinta City Council did hold a duly-noticed Public Hearing on Amendment No. 1 to Specific Plan 83-002 and, after so doing, did approve said Amendment subject to conditions, and did further certify a supplemental Environmental Impact Report focusing on traffic generation and circulation; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 10th day of March, 1992, hold a duly-noticed Public Hearing to consider the request of Sunrise Desert Partners to resubdivide 7 acres within Tract 25499 into 5 residential lots for development of 42 condominium units, generally bounded by Interlachen on the west & Hermitage private streets) and Avenue 58 on the south, more particularly described as: WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 17th day of March, 1992, hold a duly-noticed Public Hearing to consider the request of Sunrise Desert Partners to resubdivide 7 acres within Tract 25499 into 5 residential lots for development of 42 condominium units, generally bounded by Interlachen on the west & Hermitage private streets) and Avenue 58 on the south, more particularly described as: BEING A SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 3 & 6 OF TRACT 25499-3 IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 228, PAGES 33 THRU 39 INCLUSIVE OF MAP IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY CS/RESOCC.039 1 BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 08:01:05AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 34-U02 ^#A I WHEREAS, said tentative map has complied with the requirements of The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" as amended, Resolution No. 63-68, in that the Planning Director has determined that the proposed tentative tract is a part of and is consistent with the overall PGA West Specific Plan, as amended, and is therefore exempt from further environmental review pursuant to California Government Code Section 65457; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said City Council did find the following facts to justify recomendation for approval of said tentative tract map: 1. That Tentative Tract No. 27332, as conditionally approved, is consistent with the PGA West Specific Plan as amended), the goals, policies, and intent of the La Quinta General Plan and the standards of the Municipal Land Division Ordinance. 2. That the subject site is physically suitable for the proposed land division. 3. The improvements to be required for the development of Tentative Tract 27332 will insure that adequate access, circulation, and public utilities are provided for the health, safety, and welfare of its residents. 4. That the impacts associated with development of Tentative Tract 27332 can be mitigated through the approval conditions imposed upon it, as well as through adherence to those conditions of the PGA West Specific Plan which are applicable. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Commission in this case; 2. That it does hereby confirm the conclusion that the previous Environmental Impact Reports for the PGA West Specific Plan, as amended, assessed the environmental concerns of this tentative tract; 3. That it does hereby approve the above-described Tentative Tract Map No. 27332 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached conditions. CS/RESOCC.039 2 BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 08:01:05AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 34-U02 ^#A 5 PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council, held on this 17th day of March, 1992, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmeinbers Franklin, Sniff, Bohnenberger, Rushworth, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None City of La Quinta, California NDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: * DAWN HONEYWELL, City*ttorney City of La Quinta, California CS/RESOCC.039 3 BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 08:01:05AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 34-U02 ^#A 5 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 92-34 TENTATIVE TRACT 27332 FINAL MARCH 17, 1992 * Modified by Planning Comission on March 10, 1992 GENERAL 1. Tentative Tract Map No. 27332 shall comply with the requirements and standards of the State Subdivision Map Act, the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance, and all other City, County, and State applicable laws and ordinances. 2. This tentative tract map approval shall expire two years after the original date of approval by the La Quinta City Council unless approved for extension pursuant to the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance. 3. The development of the site and buildings shall comply with Exhibit A" pursuant to the Planning and Development Department's Tentative Tract Map 27332 file as conditionally approved. 4. Tentative Tract map 27332 shall comply with all applicable conditions and requirements of Specific Plan 83-002, PGA West", as amended and in effect at the time of recordation. GRADING *5 The Applicant shall submit to the City Engineer a grading plan that is prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, who will be required to certify that the constructed conditions at the rough grade stage are as per the approved plans and grading permit or the developer may amend the grading plan prepared for Tract 25499 in lieu of preparing a new grading plan. This is required prior to issuance of building permits. Certification at the final grade stage and verification of pad elevations is also required prior to final approval of grading construction. 6. The developer of Tentative Tract 27332 shall submit a copy of the proposed landscaping, and irrigation plans to Coachella Valley Water District for review and comment with respect to CVWD's water management program. CS/CONAPRVL.027 1 BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 08:01:05AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 34-U02 ^#A Conditions of Approval TT 27332 *7* A thorough preliminary engineering geological and soils engineering investigation shall be done and the report submitted for review along with the grading plan or the developer may submit a copy of the report which was prepared for Tract 25499. The reports' recommendations shall be incorporated into the grading plan design prior to grading plan approval. The soils engineer and/or the engineering geologist must certify to the adequacy of the grading plan. Pursuant to Section 11568 of the Business and Professions Code, the soils report certification shall be indicated on the final subdivision map. 8. The developer of Tentative Tract 27332 shall cause no easements to be granted or recorded over any portion of this property between the date of approval by the City Council and the date of recording of the final map without the approval of the City Engineer. 9. All utilities will be installed and trenches compacted to City standards. The soils engineer shall provide the necessary compaction test reports for review by the City Engineer. DRAINAGE 10. Drainage disposal facilities shall be provided as required by the City Engineer. The Applicant shall comply with the provisions of the City Master Plan of Drainage, including payment of any drainage fees required therewith. Runoff from the 100-year design storm must be retained on-site as required by the City Engineer and subject to his approval. Applicant is advised that the City Engineer may require drainage release(s) relative to adjacent ownerships. ACCESS/CIRCULATION/STREET IMPROVEMENT 11. The Applicant shall dedicate all necessary public street and utility easements as required by the City Engineer. PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES *12. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Code and the City Fire Marshal, as follows: a. Gates installed to restrict access shall be power operated and equipped with a Fire Department override system. Improvement plans for the entry street and gates shall be submitted to the Fire Department for review/approval prior to installation. b. Plans for any fencing that restricts access to the model units must be submitted to the Fire Department for approval. CS/CONAPRVL.027 2 BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 08:01:05AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 34-U02 ^#A I CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 92-34 TENTATIVE TRACT 27332 FINAL MARCH 17, 1992 * Modified by Planning Comission on March 10, 1992 GENERAL 1. Tentative Tract Map No. 27332 shall comply with the requirements and standards of the State Subdivision Map Act, the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance, and all other City, County, and State applicable laws and ordinances. 2. This tentative tract map approval shall expire two years after the original date of approval by the La Quinta City Council unless approved for extension pursuant to the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance. 3. The development of the site and buildings shall comply with Exhibit A" pursuant to the Planning and Development Department's Tentative Tract Map 27332 file as conditionally approved. 4. Tentative Tract map 27332 shall comply with all applicable conditions and requirements of Specific Plan 83-002, PGA West", as amended and in effect at the time of recordation. GRADING *5 The Applicant shall submit to the City Engineer a grading plan that is prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, who will be required to certify that the constructed conditions at the rough grade stage are as per the approved plans and grading permit or the developer may amend the grading plan prepared for Tract 25499 in lieu of preparing a new grading plan. This is required prior to issuance of building permits. Certification at the final grade stage and verification of pad elevations is also required prior to final approval of grading construction. 6. The developer of Tentative Tract 27332 shall submit a copy of the proposed landscaping, and irrigation plans to Coachella Valley Water District for review and coment with respect to CVWD's water management program. CS/CONAPRVL.027 1 BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 08:01:05AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 34-U02 ^#A Conditions of Approval TT 27332 *7 A thorough preliminary engineering geological and soils engineering investigation shall be done and the report submitted for review along with the grading plan or the developer may submit a copy of the report which was prepared for Tract 25499. The reports' recommendations shall be incorporated into the grading plan design prior to grading plan approval. The soils engineer and/or the engineering geologist must certify to the adequacy of the grading plan. Pursuant to Section 11568 of the Business and Professions Code, the soils report certification shall be indicated on the final subdivision map. 8. The developer of Tentative Tract 27332 shall cause no easements to be granted or recorded over any portion of this property between the date of approval by the City Council and the date of recording of the final map without the approval of the City Engineer. 9. All utilities will be installed and trenches compacted to City standards. The soils engineer shall provide the necessary compaction test reports for review by the City Engineer. DRAINAGE 10. Drainage disposal facilities shall be provided as required by the City Engineer. The Applicant shall comply with the provisions of the City Master Plan of Drainage, including payment of any drainage fees required therewith. Runoff from the 100-year design storm must be retained on-site as required by the City Engineer and subject to his approval. Applicant is advised that the City Engineer may require drainage release(s) relative to adjacent ownerships. ACCESS/CIRCULATION/STREET IMPROVEMENT 11. The Applicant shall dedicate all necessary public street and utility easements as required by the City Engineer. PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES *12. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Code and the City Fire Marshal, as follows: a. Gates installed to restrict access shall be power operated and equipped with a Fire Department override system. Improvement plans for the entry street and gates shall be submitted to the Fire Department for review/approval prior to installation. b. Plans for any fencing that restricts access to the model units must be submitted to the Fire Department for approval. CS/CONAPRVL.027 2 BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 08:01:05AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 34-U02 ^#A U Conditions of Approval TT 27332 SITE/BUILDING DESIGN 13. The following setback criteria shall be applied to site design: a. A minimum front yard setback of 20 feet shall be required on all residential dwelling units in the project, except for the Legend" Plan 40), which is permitted to have a 15-foot setback to accommodate an accessory golf cart storage structure; and the Galleries" and Highlands" units H-i and H-2 type), which may have a 15-foot setback for side-entry garages. b. A minimum setback of 10 feet between any building and/or building complex shall be required on all residential units. All buildings shall maintain a minimum of five 5) feet from any interior side property line, ten 10) feet on corners. 14. The Applicant shall comply with the recommendations of the completed noise analysis for PGA West". Interior building design measures established in the noise analysis shall be incorporated into the unit plans submitted for plan check and shall be verified by the Building Official prior to permit issuances. 15. The Applicant shall submit detailed landscaping plans for all common areas within Tentative Tract 27332. Landscaping in individual unit courtyard or other enclosed areas may be installed at the developer's discretion, but shall conform to CVWD and Riverside County Agricultural Commission Office requirements.) Final approval of all common area landscaping shall be given by the Planning and Development Department and shall be inspected by the City prior to or at time of building final. *16. Prior to submittal of landscaping plans as required in Condition 15, the applicant/developer shall: a. Secure the Agricultural Commissioner's approval for landscaping material to be used within the development. b. Secure the CVWD review of the landscaping, and irrigation systems. MISCELLANEOUS 17. The developer of Tentative Tract 27332 shall disclose the following information to those buyers of units located within Tract 27332: CS/CONAPRVL.027 3 BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 08:01:05AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 34-U02 ^#A U Conditions of Approval TT 27332 The Riverside County Sheriff's Department operates its shooting practice and qualifying range on the north side of Lake Cahuilla. This range is used for monthly practice and quarterly qualifying sessions, and is also used by various other Coachella Valley agencies. For more specific information, contact: Riverside County Sheriff's Department, 46-057 Oasis Street, Indio, CA 92201, 619) 342-8800." This information or similar wording) shall be disclosed through an amendment to the purchase agreement of the affected units. The amendment shall be signed as Received and Read" by the prospective buyer. 18. Prior to any permit issuance for the 58th Avenue entry gates, plot plan approval must be obtained from the Planning and Development Department for access and design of the proposed gated access. 19. Applicant shall execute appropriate easements for golf course access paths between structures, across residential street lots, etc., to allow for maintenance access of the golf course areas from the existing 58th Avenue maintenance facility. A key map, with all access easement locations shown, shall be provided for review by the Planning and Development Department prior to recordation of the easement instrument(s). 20. Any minor changes in the Tentative Tract Map including, but not limited to, unit locations, unit orientation, unit mix changes provided such changes do not result in an increase in the approved Tract unit quantity), exterior building color changes, changes in lot lines, lot shape modifications, changes in lot dimensions and street alignment alterations shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Director. Such approval shall not include any multi-story units. All changes shall be deemed compatible with approved unit designs, and shall be consistent with the overall character of the project. 21. The fees of the Coachella Valley Unified School District shall be paid by the developer prior to building permit issuance. 22. All homes shall be single story and not exceed 19-feet in height as measured from the finished pad elevation. CS/CONAPRVL.027 4 BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 08:01:05AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 34-U02