CC Resolution 1992-040^#A U RESOLUTION 92-40 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO SEEK ANNEXATION, DETACHMENT FROM THE COACHELLA VALLEY COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT, DETACHMENT FROM THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION DISTRICT, AND ANNEXATION TO THE CITY'S LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT, FOR 50 ACRES PLUS APPROPRIATE ROAD RIGHTS-OF- WAY) FOR PROPERTY EAST AND WEST OF THE CURRENT CORPORATE LIMITS, CONFIRMING THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION WITH THE ADOPTION OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION, AND DIRECTING THAT AN APPLICATION FOR THESE PURPOSES BE EXECUTED AND FILED WITH THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION CASE NO.: ANNEXATION #8 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California seeks to annex an area of real property located within the County of Riverside, State of California, and which is described on Exhibits A" and B", attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and, WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta was directed by the Riverside County Local Agency Formation Commission to secure cooperative agreements for the ultimate logical and compatible boundaries between La Quinta and the cities of Coachella and Indio; and, WHEREAS, the La Quinta City Counc* has determined that the annexation is a logical and compatible boundaries between La Quinta and the cities of Coachella and Indio; and, WHEREAS, an Environmental Assessment has been completed regarding the annexation requests and it has been found that this action will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment, and therefore, a Negative Declaration shall be adopted; and, WHEREAS, for the above stated reasons and subject to approval of the Riverside County Local Agency Formation Commission, the City of La Quinta proposes an annexation to include all the territory depicted on attached Exhibits A" and B" defined as uninhabited territory, pursuant to the provisions of Government Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED AS FOLLOWS: RESOCC 048 1 BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 08:33:22AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 40-U02 ^#A I SECTION 1. That the La Quinta City Council has determined that this action Will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment and adopts a Negative Declaration for the project proposal and hereby authorizes the City Manager of the City of La Quinta to process a Notice of Environmental Determination regarding this decision. SECTION 2. That the La Quinta City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager of the City of La Quinta to commence proceedings with the Riverside County Local Agency Formation Commission for the property as herein described and as depicted in Exhibits A" and B". PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 7th day of April, 1992, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Rushworth, Sniff & Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Franklin ABSTAIN: None City of La Quinta, California City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM City of La Quinta, California RESOCC.048 2 BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 08:33:22AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 40-U02 ^#A I *)(*IBrn S. *3*'5* k 4) V I*i 1) 1) N I I 5v/r***s r CO*A/*R I * 5*C. *f, r.*s. R.7E.* s.e.**i. * 5*7**Lv AVEMU* I k*. * * Ho. *o 4, PR(PA**O UNDER r*E 5up**w5/OM OF: * *A$* a * * *Asr 3 Q* * * 5:*'4 OF $`*Cr,OM 2,* *`5. * AMM*A*77VAl ro * C(*K O* *A QU/A(* OErAc61AlcwTF*OAl TA'* * k"4***K CIrK * L.4 QU/MTA COMMUAI/rY **`*`?v(C* */5T*/c'7 v*T4ch'M*/vr F**OM * * CM*K AMA(*KA T(OM AlO. P4***' AMO * o/.S'7*/cr *MM**A TA*/V TO * C/7Y O* * A QU/M7* * A FC* AlO. ** *`4/WT*A'4WC* *Sr*A*7 BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 08:33:22AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 40-U02 ^#A 1 IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ANNEXATION TO INE CITY or LA QUINTA ANNEXATION TO THE CITY or LA QUINTA LIGHTING AND NAINTENANCE DISTRICT DETACHMENT FROM THE COACHELLA VALLEY COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT DETACHMENT FROM THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION DISTRICT LEGAL DESCRIPTION Al 1 that portf on of the Southeast One-Quarter of the Southeast One-quarter of Section 21, TO*nship 6 South, Range 7 East, SanBernardino Meridian, described as foil ows Beginning at the Southeast Corner of said Section 21; Thence NOO 10 28"* along the Easterly line of said Section 21, a di stance of 1324.83 feet to the Northeast Corner of said Southeast One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter; Thence 589 39*55W along the Northerly line of said Southeast One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter, a distance of 330.45 feet to the Northwest corner of the East One-Half of the East One-Half of said Southeast One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter; Thence 500 11 OO'E along the West line of said East One-Half of the East One- Half, a distance of 1324.71 feet to the Southwest Corner of said East One- Half of the East One Half of the Southeast One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter; Thence N89 41' 11"E along the South line of said Section 21, a distance of 330.25 feet to said Southeast corner of Section 21 Said point being the Point Of Beginning of the Parcel of Land being described. Said Parcel contains 437,635.54 square feet, or 10.047 acres, more or less. PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: * *!I4 ** 5570 WEDDLE SURVEYING DATE DAVID L. WEDDLE P.L.S. 5570 CITY OF LA QUINTA ANNEXATION NO._______________________ LArCO NO._________________________ BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 08:33:22AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 40-U02 ^#A **(*FF * a to to 0 0 0 I! I 3 3 is 0 BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 08:33:22AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 40-U02 ^#A I I' * m**ORD,*G ft(O,,,Ia?*a *v * *RA*GE COAST TITLE CO, * **AIL * aTA?*Ii**TTO *N RICOftOIDMAIL7O Th 0*b * District * L Imperhil, Ca. 522*j II J CRO*A Na. **CORO*ft5 *se ONLV *$CROwNO. L772.3C OOcuM*N7ARv*RANS*IR TAxt* * ON FUL* VALuC or PftO**pt* CONvI*EO OR CORPORATION * Lt!N$ I *NCuM*RANC*s GRANT DEED * * LANDMARK LAND COAIPANY OF CAL[FORNIA, *NC., A Dolaware Corporation FCA A VALUABLE CO*SlDEflA*hON, DO*S **RE9v G*ANT TO I COrpOrl!Ian IMPERIAL IRtICATION DISTRICT, an irrigation District he real **perty In tha *unty of*erid Stat, * *Ii*mIa, * as: The Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 22, Tow*ship 6 South, Range 7 East, San eernardino Base and Meridian; E*ceptin* t!*CrL*frOm th* SoutI, * Ie*t th*r*ot, Lor *ubLj* * JLNA(NDIIARK LAND COMPANY OP CALIFORNIA A L)eJaware *orporation 8v* * CCo*Orad*a * STATE 0**LlP.O*1A * IJVERSIflR 7 n * 10th In * y*a, 19 * * t* uft.eflI*,* P**lIC a*d d* *f Vecember **,.- * * * *"d State PC****y app(ifcd Anqfy R V*gft1 * * *m*e * * *--------------------- *n tI,e *a'Ia c*tltIif3cto,, C) penoli W?1O a ***rretide*t. * executed i.e t,w iflsIe*meft? etel,, **ed *d *ck***led1,d it it. t*,i sue* iQrpc,tttet e*eeuied ii Ce e'* be*,jf e( i*g co*DCetl8R BIB] 08-04-1998-U01 08:33:22AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 40-U02