CC Resolution 1992-091^#C0 E RESOLUTION 92*91 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA CONCURRING WITH THE PREVIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN 88-012, AMENDMENT #2 CASE NO. SP 88-012, AMENDMENT #2 APPLICANT: A.G. SPANOS CONSTRUCTION, INC. WHEREAS, the Planning Comission of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 13th day of October, 1992, hold a duly-noticed Public Hearing to consider the request of A.G. Spanos Construction, Inc. to amend their previously approved development plan which allowed the ultimate development for a comercial, multi-family residential, and single family residential development for a 133 acre site located between Washington Street, Miles Avenue, Adams Street and the Coachella Valley Water District Wash, La Quinta, excluding the small triangular area just north of the Wash and just south of the east/west Avenue 46 alignment Westward Ho Drive). WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 17th day of November, 1992, hold a duly-noticed Public Hearing to consider the request of A.G. Spanos Construction, Inc. to amend their previously approved development plan which allowed the ultimate development for a comercial, multi-family residential, and single family residential development for a 133 acre site located between Washington Street, Miles Avenue, Adams Street and the Coachella Valley Water District Wash, La Quinta, excluding the small triangular area just north of the Wash and just south of the east/west Avenue 46 alignment Westward Ho Drive), more particularly described as: THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN; and, WHEREAS, mitigation of various physical impacts have been identified and incorporated into the approval conditions for Specific Plan 88-012, Amendment #2) thereby requiring that monitoring of those mitigation measures be undertaken to assure compliance with them; and, WHEREAS, the applicant, A.G. Spanos Construction Inc. have applied to amend Specific Plan 88-012; and, WHEREAS, the La Quinta City Council did consider the above request at a Public Hearing held on the 17th day of November, 1992. RESOCC 045/CS 1- BIB] 08-05-1998-U01 03:50:32PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 91-U02 ^#C0 WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments1 if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Council did find the following facts and reasons to *ustify the approval of said Specific Plan, Amendment *2: 1. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment is consistent with the goals and policies of the adopted La Quinta General Plan. 2. The Specific Plan is compatible with the existing and anticipated area development, as conditioned. 3. The project will be provided with adequate utilities and public services to ensure public health and safety. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Council in this case; 2. That it does hereby reconfirm the conclusion of Environmental Assessment No. 88-099 relative to the proposed Specific Plan, Amendment *2 will not result in any significant environmental impacts as mitigated by the recommended Conditions of Approval; 3. That it does hereby approve Specific Plan 88-012, Amendment *2 request for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached amended Conditions of Approval. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 17th day of November, 1992, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Meinbers Bohnenberqer, Franklin, Rushworth, Sniff & Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None City of La Quinta, California BIB] 08-05-1998-U01 03:50:32PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 91-U02 ^#C0 5 NDRA L. JUHOL City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: DAWN HONEYWELL, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California RESOCC 045/CS 3- BIB] 08-05-1998-U01 03:50:32PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 91-U02 ^#C0CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 92-91 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FINAL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 88-012, AMENDMENT *2 NOVEMBER 17, 1992 1. The development shall comply with Exhibit 1, the Specific Plan for Specific Plan 88-012, and the following conditions, which conditions shall take precedence in the event of any conflicts with the provisions of the Specific Plan. 2. a. The project shall be limited to access points as illustrated on the Specific Plan, Exhibit 1. b. The following access points will be right-in/right-out only: o Access point off Washington Street; o The minor access point of f Miles Avenue into the future park site; o The northern access into the single-family residential area. C. In the following cases, access points in this project must line up with access points identified by approved tentative tracts located opposite this project: o The most northerly access point on Adams Street; o The neighborhood park/multi-family area access point onto Miles Avenue. 3. The following conditions apply to the multi-family residential area: a. The Developer shall submit and receive approval for a residential plot plan for the above development prior to any development taking place. b. One parking space provided per multi-family unit must be covered. c. A height limit of two stories will apply to the multi-family residential area. However, any proposed residential three story unit will be subject to detailed review by the Planning Commission at the plot plan review stage. CS/CONAPRVL.035 1 BIB] 08-05-1998-U01 03:50:32PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 91-U02 ^#C0 U d. Buildings in the multi-family area must be set back 50 feet from the multi-family/single-family residential area boundary. If two story dwellings are located alongside this boundary, they must be oriented away from the single-family residential area. e. Only emergency access shall be taken off Miles Avenue. f. Maximum of 736 dwelling units shall be allowed. g. All nonresidential uses noted as permitted uses in the R-3 zone shall not be allowed in the area designated as having a R-3 zone in this project. 4. The Applicant shall provide, within the multi-family housing area, a total of five percent affordable housing, subject to approval of the Planning and Development Department. 5. Specific Plan 88-012 shall expire on the same date Tentative Tract 23995 expirs. Approval of extension of time for TT 23995 shall constitute extension of time for SP 88-012. 6. The Applicant shall provide a 20-foot bikeway easement along the south property boundary of the site and construct an 8-foot bikeway in accordance with Engineering Department standards. The 20-foot bikeway easement can, if acceptable to CVWD, be located on CVWD owned or administered property. If no agreement can be reached with the CVWD the 20-foot bikeway easement shall be provided on land within Tentative Tract 23995. Access shall be provided from the park, multi-family and single family area to the bikeway. The applicant shall comply with the above condition prior to issuance of an 9ccupancy permit for the first unit. MISCELLANEOUS: 7. Lot 303 shall be used as a neighborhood park s*te pursuant to the provisions of the Land Use & Parks and Recreation Element of the adopted General Plan. The developer shall have the option to donate the property pursuant to the provisions of Article II of Section 13.24.020 of the Subdivision Ordinance or offer the property to the City for purchase by the Parks Department, and/or develop the property in*a consistent fashion as defined by the City's Updated General Plan document. cS/CONAPRVL.035 2 BIB] 08-05-1998-U01 03:50:32PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 91-U02