CC Resolution 1992-093arCC U RESOLUTION 92-93 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING ThE ANNEX*ON OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED CONTIGUOUS TERRITORY TO ThE CITY OF LA QUINTA, AND INCLUDING CONCURRENT ANNEXATION TO THE CITY'S LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 89-1, AND CONCURRENT DETACHMENTS FROM THE SOUThERN COACHELLA VALLEY COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT, AND THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICT, KNOWN AS ANNEXATION #8. WHEREAS, the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of Riverside adopted its Resolution 80-92 on October 22, 1992, making determinations and approving the proposed annexations and detachments to the City of La Quinta of territory described in Exhibit A* attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, the reasons for this annexation are to provide municipal services to the area and the owners of land within the territory; and WHEREAS, the regular county assessment roll is utilized by this City; and, WHEREAS, the territory will not be taxed for existing general bonded indebtedness of this City; aii*, WHEREAS, the Local Agency Formation Commission has designated the City of La Quinta as the Conducting Authority; and, WHEREAS, the territory to be annexed is uninhabited, there being fewer than 12 registered voters residing therein; and, WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing on November 17, 1992, to hear and consider all written and oral protests/objections of all property owners; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California as follows: 1. Written protests have not been received, but if received, represent less than 50 percent of the assessed value of land within the affected territory. 2. The territory described in Exhibit A-i through A-4, attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, be the same is hereby annexed by this Resolution to the City of La Quinta and including concurrent annexation to the City's Landscape and Lighting Assessment District 89-1 and concurrent detachment from the Southern Coachella Valley Community Services District and the Riverside County Regional Park and Open Space District. RESOCC. 064 1 BIB] 08-05-1998-U01 03:52:41PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 93-U02 arCC 5 3. The City Clerk of the City of La Quinta is hereby instructed to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution with applicable fees required by Section 54902.5 of the Government Code to the executive office of the Local Agency Formation Commission of Riverside County. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meefing of the La Quinta City Council, held on this 17th day of November, 1992, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Meiubers Bohnenberqer, Franklin, Rushworth, Sniff & Mayor pena NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: AUNDRA L. JUHOLA, ity Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM DAWN HONEYWELt, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California City of La Quinta, California A BIB] 08-05-1998-U01 03:52:41PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 93-U02 arCC a EXHIBIT *A* REORGANIZATION TO INCLUDE ANNEXATION NO. 8 10 THE CITY O* LA QUINTA AND CONCURRENT DETACH*ENTS FRON THE SOUTHERN COACHELLA VALLEY CONMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AND THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICT LAFCO NO. 92-24-4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1 All that portion of the Southwest One-Quarter of the Southeast One-quarter of Section 22, Township 6 South1 Range 7 East, San Bernardino Neridia., described as follows: Beginning at the Southbiest Corner of satd Southwest One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter of Section 22; Thence NOO 25*O4"W along the Westerly line of said Southeast One-Quarter of Section 22. a distance of 1326.22 feet to the Northwest Corner of said Southwest One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter; Thence S89 57*47'E along tbe Northerly line of said Southwest One-Quarter of tile Southeast One-Quarter. a distince of 1325.28 feet to tile Northeast corner of said Southwest One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter; Thence SOO 26*SO'E along the Easterly line of said Southwest One-Quarter of the Southeast One-*uarter. a distance of 1326.50 feet to the Southeast Corner of said Southwest One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter; Thence N89 57*O4*Ii along the Southerly line of said Southwest One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter. said line also being the Southerly line of said Section 22. a distance of 1325.64 feet to the Point Of Beginning of the Parcel of Land being described. Said Parcel contains 1,757.977.60 square feet. or 40.36 acres, more or less. PREPARED UNDER TIE SUPERYISIOI OF: 74*,,* D.L. WEDDLE SURVEYING DATE DAVID L. *EDDLE P.L.S. 5570 *!TY OF LA QUINTA- ANNEXATION NO. 8 LAFCO NO. 92-24-4 * *SCR)P*T)**PPFW- BY * BIB] 08-05-1998-U01 03:52:41PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 93-U02 arCC *xw*&r A*M A, * * * * V.- * A I&*Y emqv* * me SEC. 22. T.8 S.. R.7 E.. S.8.N. APAIL 1992 C. 1/4 CCA. C.v. 1/18 CWI.* 114 SEC. 22 \ * It S.E. I S. 1116 CWI. 1/18 Cmi. I I S *f57*d**I t32..U II 1/.* 9.N. 1/4. 9.. lid SEC. 22 1:1 T.* S.. A.7 E.. S.*.N. T0*AL AREA 40.36 Aa*S 8 L1 I 5; 3 *`*I *i S.W. C*I. SW 1/* * 1/4 *v.7 *W im p.o.m. 1/4 CWV 58th AYO** E 1/18 Cu'. 27 f(3ThL*\%,;A: IA, V PA*C*I * CITY * LA 1JINIA M*EXATI(*I *. dl I* * *AMD WY: D.L. WEDDLI *AMD *- m'iav:simu * SWvff1*U. M* I Dilt 77*O SPftZ** * * W L S U?* * OAVID L PALM O(SE*?. CALIF Iflm WiU 7a-S611 F* wau m*6* oIL I,,.,': BIB] 08-05-1998-U01 03:52:41PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 93-U02 arCC EXHIDIT *A* RKCRGANIZATION TO INCLUDE ANNEXATION No. 8 TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND CONCURRENT DETACHMENTS FROM THE SOUTHERN COACHELLA VALLEY COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AND THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICT LAFCO No. 92-24-4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2 All tnat portion of the Southeast one-quarter of Section 21, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said Section 21: The following four 4) courses are along a portion of the easterly boundary of the City of La Ouinta described in Annexation No. 5, LAFCO No. 90-19-4, Recorded by Instrument No. 34382 January 30, 1991, Records of the Recorder of Riverside County, California: Thence northeny.. aiong the East line of said Section 21 to the southeast corn*r of the North one-half of the Northc**** *ae- quarter of the Southeast one-quarter of said Section 21, said East line also being the cente?line of Madison Street; Thence westerly, along the South line of said North one-half of the Northeast one-quarter of the Southeast one-quarter of Section 21 to the southwest corner thereof; Thence southerly, along the East line of the Northwest one-quarter of the Southeast one-quarter of said Section 21 to the southeast corner thereof; Thence westerly, along the South line of said Northwest one- quarter of the Southeast one-quarter of Section 21 to the southwest corner thereof; The following two 2) courses are along a portion of the easterly boundary of the City of La Quinta described in Annexation No. 4, LAFCO No. 88-97-4, Recorded by Instrument No. 301424, September 1, 1989, Records of the Recorder of Riverside County, California: Thence southerly, along the East line of the Southeast one- quarter of the Southwest one-quarter of said Section 21 to the southeast corner thereof,. Thence Easterly, along the South line of said Section 21, said South line also being the centerline of 58th Avenue, to the N? OF BEGINNING. Said Parcel contains 100.45 acres, more or less. BIB] 08-05-1998-U01 03:52:41PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 93-U02 arCC * a 3* *3 N 1/2 OF NE 1/4 NW 1/4 OF OF SE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SECTION 21 SECTION 21 H LU U CIT OF LA QUINTA H U) z 0 4 U. w U) U) IL, U*I 22\ 28 * 58th A, ENU.E* PoB* 28 27 ANNEX. No.8 BOUNDARY 0 4.0 CITY O* LA QUINTA. ANX. No.5 CITY or* *`iNTA. ANX. No.4 * * No.4592 e SCAi.* I*. 400 ft PARCEL 2 EX1*1IBIT A" IEDIoAPQfmON*SECTIQN*T.88.R7E.* REORGANIZATION TO INCLUDE ANX. No.8 TO CITY * LA QUINTA LAFCO No.92-24-4 AND CONCURRENT DETACHMENTS FROM SO. COACHELLA VALLEY SERVICES *TY OF LA QUITA 01ST. AND ThE RIVERSIDE CO. REG. PARK AND OPnd * n*T A i*LiI** *i*aa BIB] 08-05-1998-U01 03:52:41PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 92-U02 93-U02