SP 2005-075 Komar Desert Center (2005)L w V; -, vi: CO-"- co, a,WHOLESALE 7 _P _ s. t + 115 '••'T - 1 ftillF ' hk Annrevanij .6 91 w lanning Commisslcn- Council 0&--06 ❑ Community Dev. Dept. Initials Case No. n-- 5 Exhibit "Ah Conditions Table of Contents Section Page No. LSummary .............................................................................................................................................................1 A. Purpose Statement and Range of Issues................................................................................................... 3 B. Location................................................................................................._....................................................3 C. Acreage.......................................................................................................................................................3 D. Summary of Preparation Process.............................................................................................................. 3 II. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................5 A. Authority and Scope...................................................................................................................................7 B. Purpose and Intent.....................................................................................................................................7 C. Document Organization............................................................................................................................. 7 D. Project Location..........................................................................................................................................7 E. Project Overview......................................................................................................................................10 F. Project Objectives............................................................................................................................... G. Requested Entitlements...........................................................................................................................13 H. Required Findings....................................................................................................................................15 III. Project Setting...............................................................................................................................................17 A. Existing General Plan and Zoning.........................................................................................................19 B. Existing Site Characteristics................................................................................................................... 21 C. Surrounding Land Uses........................................................................................................................... 21 IV. Project Master Plans.................................................................................................................. ...............25 A. Site Plan.................................................................................................................................. ........ 27 B. Phasing Plan.............................................................................................................................................. 30 C. Preliminary Landscape Plan................................................................................................................... 34 D. Circulation Plan....................................................................................................................................... 45 E. Preliminary Grading Plan.......................................................................................................................47 F. Preliminary Drainage Plan......................................................................................................................47 G. Sewer Plan................................................................................................................................................49 H. Water Plan................................................................................................................................................49 I. Other Utility Plans...................................................................................................................................49 City of La Quinta Table of Contents (continued) Section Page No. V. Development Regulations..............................................................................................................................51 A. Principal Uses Permitted.........................................................................................................................53 B. Property Development Standards..............................................................................,............................ 53 VI. Design Guidelines............................................................................................................................................55 A. Architectural Guidelines..........................................................................................................................57 B. Landscape Guidelines.............................................................................................................................. 66 VII. Program Implementation Measures...........................................................................................................69 A. Description of Regulations and Ordinances Which Will Implement Specific Plan...............................71 B. Capital Improvement Program and Financing Measures......................................................................71 VIII. Relationship of Specific Plan's Environmental Document to Subsequent Discretionary Projects.............................................................................................................................................................. 73 A. Projects that would be Exempt from Additional Documentation.......................................................... 75 B. Projects that would Require Additional Documentation........................................................................ 75 IX. Specific Plan Administration.......................................................................................................................77 A. Maintenance............................................................................................................................................. 79 B. Specific Plan Amendment Procedures..................................................................................................... 79 C. Specific Plan Enforcement....................................................................................................................... 79 City of La Quints Table of Contents (continued) List of Figures Page No. Figure1 Regional Location Map...............................................................................................................................8 Figure2 Vicinity Location Map................................................................................................................................9 Figure3 Site Plan...................................................................................................................................................11 Figure 4 General Plan Designations...................................................................................................................... 22 Figure 5 Existing Site Conditions..........................................................................................................................23 Figure6 Phasing Plan. ........ ............................................................................................................ ................ 33 Figure 7 Landscape Concept Plan......................................................................... .... 35 Figure8 Proposed Plant Palette.. ........................................................................................................................... 40 Figure 9 Illustrated Landscape Elevation.............................................................................................................41 Figure10 Landscape Shade Calculations................................................................................................................ 44 Figure11 Circulation Plan.......................................................................................................................................46 Figure 12 Conceptual Grading and Drainage Plan................................................................................................. 48 Figure13 Utility Plan...............................................................................................................................................50 Figure 14 Costco Wholesale Architectural Treatments...........................................................................................58 Figure15 Komar Architectural Rendering.............................................................................................................. 60 List of Tables Table1 Land Use and Parking Summary............................................................................................................27 Table2 Site Plan Zoning and Specific Plan Comparison.....................................................................................31 Table3 Proposed Plant Palette.............................................................................................................................36 Table 4 Approximate Pad Elevations...................................................................................................................47 Table 5 Property Development Standards...........................................................................................................54 Table6 Costco Wholesale Building Materials......................................................................................................64 City of La Quinta ui This page intentionally left blank City of La Quinta iv I. Summary City of La Quinta This page intentionally left blank City of La Quinta A. Purpose Statement and Range of Issues The Komar Desert Center Specific Plan, hereafter referred to as either the "Desert Center Specific Plan" or "Specific Plan," is intended to provide for the orderly and efficient development of the proposed project in accordance with the provisions of the City of La Quinta General Plan. This Specific Plan establishes the planning concept, design framework, development regulations, design guidelines, and administrative procedures necessary to achieve coherent and orderly development of the subject property. The applicants/developers for this project are Komar Development and Costco Wholesale. The applicant/developer shall hereafter be referred to simply as "Komar/Costco". B. Location The Komar Desert Center Specific Plan is located in the Coachella Valley within the incorporated City of La Quinta, in Riverside County. The project is bounded by Highway 111 on the north, the City of Indio and Jefferson Street on the east, and the Coachella Valley Water District, La Quinta Evacuation Channel on the southeast. The parcel adjacent to the southwest of the site contains the Desert Sands Unified School District Headquarters. The adjacent parcel to the west is currently undeveloped. C. Acreage The project site contains 26.53 acres, spread across four parcels. The project consists of Assessors Parcels 649-030-086, 649-030-087, 649-030-007 and 649-030- 088. The project site is currently vacant, undeveloped land. D. Summary of Preparation Process This Specific Plan has been prepared by Komar/Costco for the City of La Quinta. Komar/Costco and the City have worked closely to ensure that the Specific Plan is complete and will aid in achieving the vision and goals of the applicant and the City. The Specific Plan is the recommended process for gaining City of La Quinta approval for the development of the entire Komar/Costco area. The developer is using this opportunity to create a long-term plan to guide the development of the parcels in the future. All future development plans, tentative parcel and/or tract map(s), and /or other similar entitlements for the Komar Desert Center Specific Plan area shall be consistent with the regulations set forth in this Specific Plan and with all other applicable City of La Quinta regulations. Furthermore, all regulations, conditions, and programs contained herein shall be deemed separate, distinct, and independent provisions of the Komar Desert Center Specific Plan. In the event that any such provision is held invalid or unconstitutional, the validity of all remaining provisions of this Specific Plan shall not be affected. City of La Quinta 3 This page intentionally left blank City of La Quinta II. Introduction City of La Qulnta S This page intentionally left blank City of La Quinta {; A. Authority and Scope Section 65450 of the California Government Code grants local planning agencies the authority to prepare a specific plan of development for a given parcel of property. The Komar Desert Center Specific Plan implements the current General Plan designations for the project site, Commercial Park (CP) and Regional Commercial (CR), by maintaining consistency of land uses and intensities. In order to approve the project, the City must make the findings required by La Quinta Zoning Code, Chapter 9.240: Specific Plans. B. Purpose and Intent The purpose of this Specific Plan document is to address the land use issues associated with development of the Komar Desert Center site in sufficient detail to ensure that the subject site develops in a manner which is consistent with the City of La Quinta General Plan; protects public health, safety, and general welfare; is compatible with zoning on adjacent properties; and is suitable and appropriate for the subject property (Zoning Code 9.240.010.E). Ultimately the project seeks to provide the residents of La Quinta and surrounding communities with a high quality commercial retail center. In both text and illustration, this document depicts the character and configuration of the various components comprising the Specific Plan and establishes a foundation document that will govern further development of the site. In this way, the Specific Plan will serve to implement the City of La Quinta General Plan by specifying appropriate land uses, intensity of use, and development standards which are consistent with General Plan goals, objectives, and policies. C. Document Organization The Komar Desert Center Specific Plan is organized into six sections. Section I provides a summary of the project. Section II presents the regulatory context for the project and a description of fundamental project Components. Section III provides a context for project planning and design and describes the project's existing setting in terms of regulatory land use designations and surrounding land uses. Against this background, Section IV presents the primary master plan components of the Specific Plan. Section V describes the development standards to which the project must adhere. Section VI contains design guidelines with respect to landscaping and architecture to ensure that the project is of a high quality and is well integrated into the community character. Section VII discusses the regulations and ordinances which will implement the plan. Section VIII describes the Specific Plans' relationship to subsequent environmental documents. Finally, Section IX details how the Komar Desert Center Specific Plan will be maintained, amended if necessary, and enforced. D. Project Location The Komar Desert Center Specific Plan is located in the Coachella Valley within the incorporated City of La Quinta, in Riverside County (Figure 1, Regional Location, and Figure 2, Vicinity Location). The project is bounded by Highway 111 on the north, the City of Indio and Jefferson Street on the east, and the Coachella Valley Water District La Quinta Evacuation Channel on the southeast. The parcel adjacent to the southwest of the site contains the Desert Sands City of La Quinta ; .f =, is ---�. Ar i �• I .r d. ,, ...11 '' �'� �� _- xS of �Yr --.t'J'-�•..y � 1;_ ;�`,._ J � yr I�y Project Location Sm Rem.7rdifto inge7es' lr� 10 ,;,; ., r+ya � � •. �i�:. ;,fin-�� -��y��� C ..z.� Y• y� y�ry. 3 p r �',�>��i. -. t'r'c%Y� :r_ y.:.+6st'. ',dR► __4f 1;'� - -' - . r 1 Figure I - Regional Location Map City of Le Quinta 15 ki Iles Komar Desert Center Specific Plan 10- OAF •�� fie. -� � �`w f _ i � ���—.- U2 IS �, t .. � - � --1 i0. �...SS4:'� aT � _ �� � -' - -. .�� ? - ,..� • '�' Unified School District Headquarters. The adjacent parcel to the west is currently undeveloped. The 26.53 -acre project site consists of four Assessors Parcels 649-030-086, 649-030-087, 649-030-007 and 649-030-088. E. Project Overview Costco Wholesale and Komar Development intend to develop the 26.53 acre site into an integrated shopping center (Figure 3, Site Plan). Phase I will consist of constructing a Costco Wholesale and fueling facility on the Costco Wholesale parcel. Phase II will include the two Komar parcels. These two parcels will be developed by Komar Development into commercial uses as approved by the City of La Quinta. Additional off-site improvements, consisting of a connecting water line, will cross through the City of Indio and the La Quinta Evacuation Channel to connect with an existing water line in Jefferson Street. Initially, the project will be accessed by two separate drives along Highway 111. The main drive splits the two Komar parcels, beginning at the northern boundary of the site, and ending at the Costco Wholesale parcel located at the southern end of the center. The second drive travels along the eastern side of the property and again terminates at the southern Costco Wholesale parcel. Both Phase II parcels are located along the frontage of Highway 111; the Costco Wholesale parcel encompasses the southern end of the proposed development. Additionally, an access point will be available for reciprocal access with the parcel to the west, when it is City of La Quinta developed. This access point will be located directly south of the fueling station. Finally, reciprocal access with the commercial parcels to the east, in the City of Indio, will be planned. The access point(s) location will be determined during site planning and approved through site plan review. The adjacent parcels to the east, located in the City of Indio, are designated as Mixed Use, requiring a Specific Plan. The City of Indio has adopted Mixed Use Specific Plan 300 (MUSP 300) for the adjacent parcels, which would complement the Komar/Costco development because MUSP 300 permits the adjacent parcels to be developed using a combination of six land uses to create development which provides for a transition from higher intensity commercial uses to more traditional residential developments. The land uses adopted in MUSP 300 include: • Residential Medium (RM) — allows for a range of detached single-family units and attached low intensity multi -family residential units. • Residential High (RH) — permits multi -family developments of condominiums, and single- family attached town home units. • Neighborhood Commercial (NC) — provides for convenient small scale shopping and personal service uses in close proximity to residential neighborhoods. • Community Commercial (CC) — provides for general merchandising and retailing establishments that serve the needs of the City's residents. Building Envelope Area 3: 19.500 SF Reciprocal Access with Possible Future Commercial Developnwnt Building Envelope Area 2: 20.800 SF Figure 3 - Site Plan City of La Quinta 9M. M BUilding Envelolx-, Area 1: 43.400 SF Access Point(s) to east Mixed Use Development to be Approved During Site Plan Review PROPERTY INFORMATION PROJECT Land Area TOTAL1,155,647 7 - Acres -26.53 AC Total Building Area 233,700 SF Land/Building Ratio 3.9/1 (20.5%) ParWng Required 1,019 Stalls Parkin Provided 1,291 Stalls Parking Ratio • Land Area 5.511,000 SF a -735,648 SF Acres -16.82 AC Total BUMIng Area 150,000 SF Land/Building Ratio 3.911(20%) ParWng Required 600 Stalls Parking Provided _ 833 Stalls ParWng Ratio Land Area 5.571,000 SF -404,588 Acres -9.71 Total Building Area 83,700 SF Land/Building Ratio 3.911(20%) Parking Required 419 Stalls Parking Provided 458 Stalls Parking Ratio 5.511,000 SF • Commercial Office (CO) — promotes the development of professional offices and directly related commercial services. • Regional Commercial (RC) — intended to provide for the development of large, full service retail and commercial centers. The Phase II parcels, as stated above, will be developed by Komar Development. The final tenants that will utilize these parcels have not been finalized, and will be driven by the market in the City of La Quinta to ensure that the retailers are well-suited to serve the needs of the citizens of La Quinta. However, three building envelope areas have been established; envelope area one will hold approximately 43,400 SF of CR uses, envelope area two will hold approximately 20,800 SF of CR uses, and envelope area three will hold approximately 19,500 SF of CR uses. It is anticipated that the parcels will be developed as a mixture of medium and small retail uses, restaurants, financial/bank uses, and fast-food restaurants with drive-through service. These uses are subject to change, as approved by the City of La Quinta, consistent with the adopted Specific Plan. Proposed parking for Phase II will be located at the center of the site with the structures circling the site at the perimeter. Phase II will provide sufficient parking to meet city code. The Costco Wholesale parcel will be developed as a large-scale commercial wholesale center use, including a tire center (5,200 SF), food service (1,076 SF), and the retail center (143,724 SF), as well as a 4 station, 16 pump members -only fueling station. F. Project Objectives Applicant • To provide commercial services including, but not limited to, home improvement products and equipment, personal supplies, a pharmacy, optical exams and sales, gasoline, office and pet supplies, eating establishments, financial services, and tire and auto services. • Develop a retail center to provide goods and services to the community, create jobs, and generate increased property and sales taxes to benefit the City of La Quinta. • Offer retail merchandise at a scope and price not currently offered in the trade area. • Service a portion of the retail market that is currently traveling outside of the City of La Quinta. • Create an attractive, viable project, and realize a reasonable return on investment. City of La Quinta • Create a development compatible with, and sensitive to, existing surrounding land uses in the project area. • Complement the development of commercial centers and ancillary uses that convey a high- quality visual image and character. • Enhance the existing retail uses located on Highway 111. • Provide for necessary transportation improvements and strategies to accommodate the demands of new and existing development. City of La Quinta 12 • Ensure adequate utility infrastructure and public services for new developments and ensure that timing and funding of improvements are closely correlated with development pleasing. • Mitigate the potential impacts to the surrounding area to the greatest extent possible, while still allowing for the market-driven commercial development. • Interconnect the properties between Dune Palms Road and the subject property - G. Requested Entitlements Approval/certification of the following actions will be required to implement the proposed project: Specific Plan: This Specific Plan is designed to provide guidance to the public, City staff, and decision makers as well as Komar/Costco in realizing the objectives of the proposed project as defined above. This document includes the land use and development standards, design guidelines, infrastructure needs, and implementation strategies to fully implement the Komar Desert Center Project. The Specific Plan is adopted by the City of La Quinta City Council by ordinance. Site Development Permit: Issuance of a Site Development Permit and Sign Program shall be required from the Planning Commission, which includes: - Approval of a Site Plan - Approval of Architectural Design - Approval of Landscape Design - Approval of Sign Program Conditional Use Permit(s): A Conditional Use Permit (CUP) is required to construct a retail store over 50,000 SF in the Commercial Park (CP) zone. The Costco Wholesale building will be approximately 150,000 SF; therefore a CUP will be required. Additionally, a CUP for the construction and operation of the fueling station on a CP zoned parcel is required. Environmental Impact Report (EIR): An Environmental Impact Report may be required to analyze the potential environmental impacts of the project and would include measures to mitigate impacts to below a level of significance where possible. Appropriate environmental documentation must be prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Approval of a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program: A Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program would be required to ensure that the required mitigation measures are implemented in a timely manner and with an organized, well-documented approach in accordance with CEQA. Grading and Building Permits: Grading and building permits, as needed, shall be obtained from the City, for each phase or building, as required by the City. U.S. Army Corp of Engineers Section 404 (404), Nationwide 12 (NW 12) Permit: A 404, NW 12 permit would be required for the construction, maintenance, or repair of utility lines and associated facilities in waters of the U.S. The proposed water line would pass through the La Quinta Evacuation Channel, which drains City of La Quinta 13 0 to the White Water River, a water of the U.S. As proposed, the project would require a 404 NW 12 permit. California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) Section 1602 Streambed Alteration (1602) Permit: CDFG is responsible for issuance of agreements with a project proponent that would protect fish and wildlife during the proposed construction. Section 1602 of the CDFG Code requires any person, state or local governmental agency, or public utility to notify CDFG before beginning any activity that would do one or more of the following: - Substantially obstruct or divert the natural flow of a river, stream, or lake; - Substantially change or use any material from the bed, channel, or bank of a river, stream, or Hake; or - Deposit or dispose of debris, waste, or other material containing crumbled, flaked, or ground pavement where it can pass into a river, stream, or lake. CDFG Code § 1602 applies to all perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral rivers, streams, and lakes in the state. As proposed, the project would require a Section 1602 Lake/Streambed Alteration Agreement for temporary impacts to the La Quinta Evacuation Channel. Colorado River Basin Water Quality Control Board Section 401 Water Quality Certification/Waiver: In California, the Regional Board must certify that a project will comply with water quality standards per Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. This includes the issuance of a water quality certification on permits issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. As proposed, the project would require. a 401 permit. The City of La Quinta is a co -permittee under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for the Whitewater River Watershed. The development will be required to conform to applicable requirements of the permit for construction as well as post -development activity. In particular, the fueling station shall provide post -construction Best Management Practices (Supplement A of the permit) to prevent contaminants from being discharged into the La Quinta Evacuation Channel. • California Department of Transportation District 8 Encroachment Permit: The use of California State highways for other than normal transportation purposes may require written authorization from the Department of Transportation. As the responsible Department for protecting the public's investment in the State highway system, Caltrans reviews all requests from utility companies, developers, volunteers, nonprofit organizations, etc., desiring to conduct various activities within the right of way. Such activities could include for example: construction of highway improvements, driveway installation and maintenance, highway landscaping and graffiti removal, commercial filming, special events such as parades commemorating an event; e.g., Independence Day. As proposed, the project City of La Quinta 1;4 would require an encroachment permit from CalTrans District 8. • South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD): An AQMD permit is a written authorization to build, install, alter, replace, or operate equipment that emits or controls the emission of air contaminants, like oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), fine particulate matter (PM10), oxides of sulfur (SOx), or toxics. Permits ensure that emission controls meet the need for our region to make steady progress toward achieving and maintaining federal and state air quality standards. As proposed the project would require an AQMD permit. H. Required Findings According to the La Quinta Zoning Code, Chapter 9.240.010.E, the City Council must make four specific findings in order to approve the project. Each finding is listed below, followed by a discussion of how each is satisfied by this project. The project's success in meeting the required findings is supported by the facts presented throughout the Specific Plan document. 1. Consistency with General Plan. The plan or amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the general plan. • The project is a commercial retail center which is consistent with the General Plan Land Use designations for the parcel, Commercial Park (CP) and Regional Commercial (CR). The CP land use type is intended for the development of uses such as heavy commercial, industrial City of La Quinta uses, and large retail uses. Uses include auto repair, warehousing and storage, and office/showroom or warehouse. The CR land use type is intended for the development of uses such as corporate headquarters, regional service centers, major community facilities, and entertainment. 2. Public Welfare. Approval of the plan or amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare. • The site plan for this project is consistent with City development standards which are established to protect the public health and safety. • In accordance with the General Plan, a community oriented commercial retail center is consistent with the Commercial Park and Regional Commercial land use designations whose stated characteristics include providing a broad range of goods and services serving the entire region. 3. Land Use Compatibility. The specific plan is compatible with zoning on adjacent properties. • The surrounding parcels are largely undeveloped. The east property line of the shopping center abuts adjacent undeveloped property zoned for mixed use located in the City of Indio. The adopted Mixed Use Specific Plan 300 (MUSP 300) permits the adjacent parcels to be developed using a combination of six land uses to create development which 15 provides for a transition from higher intensity commercial uses to more traditional residential developments. The land uses adopted in MUSP 300 include Residential Medium, Residential High, Neighborhood Commercial, Community Commercial, Commercial Office, and Regional Commercial. Residential uses exist farther east, on the other side of Jefferson Street, buffered by the transitional mixed use (MUSP 300) zone. The area to the west of the property line is also undeveloped and is zoned for commercial and residential uses in the City of La Quinta. Further west along Dune Palms Road is a personal storage facility and business park. The southeastern property line is bounded by the La Quinta Evacuation Channel, which is an emergency storm water channel. The Desert Sands Unified School District Headquarters and Administrative Offices are located farther to the south and southwest. Therefore, the Specific Plan is compatible with zoning on adjacent properties. 4. Property Suitability. The specific plan is suitable and appropriate for the subject property (Ord. 367§ 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1996). • The project is appropriately located on a highway and will modify an existing traffic signal for access to the property. • The project is located on Highway 111 frontage, and compliments the land use issues identified in the General Plan for this frontage where "The City supports encouraging and pursuing high tax revenue -generating types of uses, specifically retail commercial...," "The Highway 111 Corridor should be oriented toward community and regional retail, office, and commercial park uses," "Commercial development should be facilitated to occur in appropriate locations already planned and zoned, such as the Highway 111 Corridor." • All utilities currently exist adjacent to the project site, and are readily available to be extended into the project site to serve the proposed project. • The site plan complies with City development standards. City of La Quinta 16 III. Project Setting City of La Quinta 17 4 City of La Quint@ This page intentionally left blank 18 A. Existing General Plan and Zoning The 26.53 acre project site is located on the south side of Highway 111 approximately 680 feet west of Jefferson Street. The Costco Wholesale parcel has a General Plan land use designation of Commercial Park (CP). The Komar parcels have a General Plan land use designation of Regional Commercial (CR). The Costco Wholesale and the Komar development projects are consistent with General Plan Commercial Goal 1 which states: The City strives for... "A balanced and varied economic base which provides a broad range of goods and services to the City's residents and the region." The General Plan states the Commercial Park Land Use purpose as: "The typical land uses under this designation are office and light industrial: warehousing and storage, office/warehouse combined uses, high technology light manufacturing and automobile repair." The General Plan states the Regional Commercial Land Use purpose as: "This land use designation supports major commercial land uses. These land uses serve not only the City, but neighboring jurisdictions as well. Land uses typical of this designation include... major department and specialty stores, supermarkets and drug stores... Smaller commercial retail facilities which support and are complementary to the primary land uses in this category are also permitted. These would include but not be limited to restaurants, services, and some automobile service related land uses. A Specific Plan is required for all lands under this designation." Consistent with this, the existing zoning of the Costco Wholesale project site is Commercial Park (CP) and Regional Commercial (CR). Zoning Code 9.70.040 states that the purpose and intent of the CP zone is: "To provide for the development and regulation of heavy commercial and light industrial uses located within the Highway 111 corridor as shown on the general plan. Representative uses include automobile repair, warehousing and storage, office/showroom, office/warehouse, high-tech light manufacturing, and similar uses which serve the needs of the local and regional trade area." Relevant Permitted Principal uses for the CP zone listed in Chapter 9.80 of the Zoning Code include: • Retail stores 10,000-50,000 SF floor area. • Wholesaling/distribution centers, with no sales to consumers. • General warehouses, with no sales to consumers. City of La Quinta 19 • Restaurants, counter take-out with ancillary seating, such as yoghurt, ice cream, pastry shops, and similar. Relevant Accessory uses for the CP zone listed in Chapter 9.80 of the Zoning Code include: • Miscellaneous services such as travel services, photo developing, videotape rentals, shoe repair, appliance repair, and similar uses. • Restaurants, other than drive-through. • Restaurants, drive-through. Relevant Conditional Permitted uses for the CP zone listed in Chapter 9.80 of the Zoning Code include: • Retail stores over 50,000 SF floor area. • Auto repair specialty ,shops, providing minor auto maintenance: tire sales/service, muffler, brake, lube and tune-up services — not including major engine or drive train repair. The existing zoning of the Komar parcels is Regional Commercial district (CR). Zoning Code 9.70.040 states that the purpose and intent of the CR zone is: "To provide for the development and regulation of regionally oriented commercial areas located along the Highway 111 corridor as shown on the general plan. The CR district is intended to provide a broad range of goods and services serving the entire region. Representative land uses include corporate headquarters, regional service centers, research and development facilities, major community facilities, major medical facilities, overnight commercial lodging, entertainment, and automobile -oriented sales and services." Relevant Permitted Principal uses for the CR zone listed in Chapter 9.80 of the Zoning Code include: • Retail stores less than 10,000 SF floor area per business. • Retail stores 10,000 — 50,000 SF floor area. • Barbershops, beauty, nail, and tanning salons and similar uses. • Miscellaneous, services such as travel services, photo developing, videotape rentals, shoe repair, appliance repair, and similar uses. • Laundromats and dry cleaners, except central cleaning plants. • Printing, blueprinting, and copy services. • Pet grooming — without overnight boarding. • Banks • General and professional services. • Restaurants, other than drive-through. • Restaurants, drive-through. • Libraries. • Auto parts stores, with no repair or parts installation on the premises. Relevant Accessory uses for the CR zone listed in Chapter 9.80 of the Zoning Code include: • Dancing or live entertainment as an accessory use. City of La Quinta 20 • Pool or billiard tables (three tables or less). • Game machines, 10 or fewer machines. Relevant Conditional Permitted uses for the CR zone listed in Chapter 9.80 of the Zoning Code uaclude: • Retail stores over 50,000 SF floor area. • Food, liquor, and convenience stores under 10,000 SF floor area, open 18 or more hours per day. • Plant nurseries and garden supply stores, with no propagation of plants on the premises, subject to Section 9.100.120. • Bars, taverns, and cocktail lounges. • Theatres live or motion pictures. • Health clubs, martial arts studios, and dance studios of 5,000 SF floor area. • Automobile service stations, with or without mini - mart. Existing General Plan and Zoning designations for the site and the surrounding properties are shown on Figure 4. B. Existing Site Characteristics The project site is currently vacant (Figure 5, Existing Site Conditions). The existing topography naturally slopes at a 1 to 2 percent grade downward toward the south. The site is currently covered with natural scrub vegetation. C. Surrounding Land Uses In order to provide a context for project planning, the surrounding land uses are shown in Figure 4, and existing site conditions are shown in Figure 5. The site is bounded by Highway 111 to the north, with commercial uses adjacent on the north side of the highway. Currently the road section is three (3) lanes westbound and two (2) lanes eastbound. The City of La Quinta is currently in the process of widening eastbound Highway 111 to three ((3) lanes. The east property line abuts adjacent undeveloped property zoned for mixed use and located in the City of Indio. The City of Indio has adopted MUSP 300 for the adjacent parcels. The area to the west of the property line is also undeveloped and is zoned for commercial and residential land uses in the City of La Quinta. The southeastern property line is bound by the Coachella Valley Water District La Quinta Evacuation Channel, an emergency stormwater channel. The south and southwestern property lines are bound by the Desert Sands Unified School District Headquarters. In the future, it is expected that the northern part of the adjacent property to the west will be developed into a commercial center, with similar, complementary uses to Komar Desert Center. Because the nature of the development of the adjacent property is unknown at this time, the City is requiring that the potential for City of La Quinta 21 Komar Desert Center Specific Plan 0 100 200 400 Feet Gas Station • ' Business ' - offices 4 r� Self Storage i� r U `+ice Vacant Loto .r , Vacant Lot Dosert Sands Unified School District Headquarters Figure 5 - Existing Site Conditions City of La Quinta Retail Center L r 'Gs78 Station � 6 cant Lot P u Vacant Lot `�-- - - f - /# N Residential ate' MIRAFLORES $LV �•5-- Mobile Hunits Cornrn u nity - . 23 reciprocal access be preserved for the future by requiring the developer of the Komar Desert Center to commit to providing reciprocal access at a reasonably feasible location along the project's western boundary, to be determined by the City's Public Works Director if and when he or she determines that such reciprocal access promotes good area traffic circulation and does not overly burden the Komar Desert Center site. If the City's Public Works Director determines that such reciprocal access is not warranted once the nature and intensity of the adjoining development is determined, the City will issue a written notice canceling this requirement. Komar Development owns the adjacent property to the east that is in the City of Indio and is zoned for commercial uses. The property is expected to be developed in the near future. To assist with circulation between the properties, one or more driveway connections will be added along the eastern edge of the Komar Desert Center, as shown on Figure 3, Site Plan. The connection point(s) will be determined during site planning and approved through review of the site plans. When the adjacent property is developed the access will be reviewed by the City of Indio through the adjacent property site plan. City of La Quinta 24 IV. Project Master Plans City of La Quinta 25 This page intentionally left blank City of La Quints 26 A. Site Plan The Land Use Plan is shown in Figure 3. The Specific Plan proposes the construction of one building to house the Costco Wholesale facility, and an additional structure to house the Costco Fueling Facility. The Specific Plan also proposes the construction of retail buildings on Komar Parcels 1 and 2. The maximum allowable Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for the CR land use is 0.35. Parcel 1 contains 6.57 acres (286,189 SF), resulting in an allowable building square footage of 110,166 SF. Parcel 2 contains 2.49 acres (108,464 SF), resulting in an allowable building square footage of 37,962 SF. The retail buildings proposed for the Komar parcels will result in a reduced FAR to accommodate the setback and parking needs. Parcel 1 would contain approximately 64,200 SF of regional commercial buildings, and Parcel 2 would contain approximately 19,500 SF of regional commercial buildings. The buildings would be dispersed around a centralized parking area. The Specific Plan includes the parking circulation configuration, the building envelope pad locations, and the perimeter and Costco Wholesale parking area landscape plans. The buildings developed by Komar will be subject to individual site permit review, and will be required to meet City of La Quinta standards. The parking requirements are summarized in this Specific Plan. All parking requirements shall comply with Chapter 9.150, Parking, of the La Quinta Municipal Code. The parcel development standards, use, building size, and number of parking spaces are summarized in Table 1. City of La Quinta Table 1 Land Use and Parking Summary Building Square Number of Parking Parcel Use Footage Spaces Required 1 Regional Commercial 64,200 321 2 Regional Commercial 19,500 98 Total Komar Parking Spaces Required 419 Total Komar Parking Spaces Provided 458 Costco Wholesale Building 143,724 575 Costco Tire Center 5,200 21 Costco Food Service 1,076 4 Total Costco Parcel Parking Spaces Required 600 Total Costco Parcel Parking Spaces Provided 832 (17 ADA) Total Project Parking Spaces Required 1,019 (25 ADA* accessible spaces, of which 4 must be van accessible) Total Project Parking Spaces Provided 1,290 (38 ADA accessible spaces, of which 5 are van accessible) * ADA = Americans with Disabilities Act 27 The proposed Costco Wholesale project will be approximately 150,000 SF of commercial retail space, a tire center, and a "members -only" fueling station. The Costco Wholesale facility is expected to employ approximately 200-250 full and part time persons, totaling between 75 and 125 employees per shift. The Costco Wholesale building will be sited in the southern portion of the Costco Wholesale parcel with the entry facing northwest toward the intersection of Highway 111 and the secondary entry drive. The Costco Wholesale Center will be a state of the art prototypical unit with numerous goods and services provided to its members. These will include a tire center, food service, full service meat, bakery, and deli departments, optical examination facility, 1 -hour photo, and a pharmacy. Alcohol will be sold in the retail center for off-site consumption. The tire center will be located along the east side of the building. The tire center will accommodate the sales and installation of tires for Costco Wholesale members only and no other automotive work will be done in this facility. The hours of operation for the tire center will be the same as the commercial center. The Tire Center will typically receive shipments of tires two times per week in single- or double -trailer trucks of up to 60 feet in length. Pick up of old tires usually will occur once per week in 28 foot long trucks. Used tire storage will occur inside the tire center building, in a storeroom, out of site of all customers. The typical routing for tire sales/install center trucks will be the same as the commercial center delivery trucks, only straight to the tire sales/install center. Deliveries to and pickup from, the tire sales/install center will be City of La Quinta scheduled for pre -opening hours, typically about 6:00 AM. The shipping/receiving area for the commercial center will be located on the west side of the building. This area is designed to accommodate four trucks at a time. Costco anticipates an average of about 28 trucks delivering goods on a typical weekday; of these approximately 12 to 17 will be semi trucks. The semi trucks used for delivery are 54 feet long with double axle trailers. The remaining 9 to 11 trucks are small delivery trucks 26 feet long or less. The peak receiving times are from 4:00 AM to 10:00 AM, and 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM, but may occur 24 hours a day, averaging one to two trucks per hour at the peak periods. Deliveries to the commercial center will be made primarily in Costco trucks from its freight consolidation facility in Mira Loma, California. Trucks will be routed from eastbound Interstate 10 via the Jefferson Street exit. They will then travel southbound on Jefferson Street to the site. They will enter the site via Highway 111 at the main signalized entry drive. They will depart the site via the main entry drive on Highway 111, and continue on Highway 111 back to Interstate 10 via Jefferson Street. The aforementioned truck routes may be revised based on existing road conditions on Jefferson Street per the ongoing Jefferson Street improvement project from highway 111 to Indio Boulevard and particularly the Jefferson Street Bridge over the Whitewater River. Additionally, the project will include a members -only four -island fueling facility located at the northwest portion of the Costco Wholesale parcel, just south of Building Envelope Area Three (Figure 3). Each island is designed with two double -sided gasoline dispensers, for a total of 16 fueling positions. The pumps are fully automated and self -serve. The pumps are designed for use by Costco Wholesale members only, requiring insertion of a membership card into the pump first, followed by a method of payment. To accommodate the four islands and the 16 gasoline dispensers, underground fuel storage tanks will be installed. Fuel truck deliveries are anticipated to occur daily during the hours of operation, usually between 6:00 AM and 10:00 PM; one to four trucks per day are expected. The fuel trucks will traverse the same route as the commercial center delivery trucks to the project site, and will then pull into the fueling facility. The trucks will not block access to any of the 16 fueling positions. In order to operate the fueling facility, Costco will have to meet the requirements of local, state, and federal regulators and agencies, including: • The City of La Quinta, Riverside County Fire Department, • The Riverside County Environmental Health - Hazardous Materials Division, • South Coast Air Quality Management District, • The State Water Resources Control Board, and • The United States Environmental Protection Agency. Costco Wholesale compacts and recycles it's cardboard and trash. The machinery for compacting refuse will be located toward the southwest corner of the building, behind the shipping/receiving area and will not be visible from any adjacent streets. Trash pick-ups occur periodically during the week before 10:00 AM. The entire container of the compactor is removed and returned empty. Parking for Costco Wholesale is provided primarily on the north and east side of the building, closest to the main entrance, and includes approximately 832 stalls, for a ratio of 5.56 stalls per 1,000 SF of building area. The perimeter of the entire development site (including both the Costco and the Komar parcels) will include setbacks and landscaping that will integrate the individual building pads along the street frontages. Two driveway accesses will be provided to the site, both along Highway 111. One driveway (signalized) will be located in the middle of the property and will provide the major entrance and exit to the parcel. The other driveway will be located along the eastern boundary of the project, and will allow right -in, right - out access. The entire project provides landscaped parking areas containing 1,290 standard and handicapped spaces (of which 5 are van accessible). Additionally, access to Dune Palms Drive from Komar Desert Center will be offered via a reciprocal access point directly south of the fueling station, as shown on Figure 3. After the property to the west is developed, this access point will alleviate some of the circulation pressure from the adjacent property using the Komar Desert Center traffic light. Additionally, it would create another access and exit point for visitors to Komar Desert Center. In addition, the adjacent property to the east is expected to be developed in the near future. To assist in on-site circulation to the City of La Quinta 2Pq adjacent Komar property, a driveway connection point has been added in anticipation of the development. The connection point(s) will be located along the eastern edge of the Komar Desert Center property, as shown on Figure 3, Site Plan. The connection point(s) will be determined during site planning and approved through review of the site plans. When the adjacent property is developed the access will be reviewed by the City of Indio through the adjacent property site plan. The building and landscaping setback at the front of the parcel on Highway 111 will be a minimum of 50 feet. The setback to the parking on the west side of the parcels will be at least 20 feet at the northern part of the parcel, and building setback at the west side at the southern end of the parcel is at least 60 feet. The south building setback is at least 60 feet. The setback to the parking on the southeast side of the parcel is at least 50 feet. The eastern side of the parcel has a parking setback of at least 40 feet. A comparison of the Komar Desert Center Specific Plan standards with the La Quinta Zoning Code is shown in Table 2. B. Phasing Plan The project is proposed for construction in two phases. Phase I is the Costco Wholesale site. Phase II is the Komar parcels. During Phase I, the Costco Wholesale site will be graded and infrastructure (wet/dry utilities) will be run to the Costco and Komar pads. The water line will be installed within a Coachella Valley Water District easement across the vacant property to the east of the site in the City of Indio, and tunneled through the La Quinta Evacuation Channel to connect with the existing Coachella Valley Water District water supply under Jefferson Street. During Phase I, Costco will construct both of the entry driveways, including site lighting, sidewalk, and landscaping. During Phase I the sidewalk, bus stop, and landscaping within the 50 -foot landscape setback along Highway 111 will also be constructed. Finally, the Costco parking lot, fueling station, tire center, and wholesale building will be constructed during Phase I. Phase II will include completion of the Komar parcels, with parking, landscaping, site lighting, and buildings, and will occur after Costco Wholesale is open. Complete development of the site during Phase II will be subject to City of La Quinta Site Development Permit review. The conceptual development of the Komar Parcels is conceptually illustrated in Figure 3, Site Plan. See Figure 6, Phasing Plan, for an illustration of Phases I and H. Required right-of-way improvements., site preparation, and utilities work would begin as soon as the required approvals are granted. City of La Quinta 30 Table 2 Site Plan Zoning and Specific Plan Comparison Specific Plan CP Specific Plan CR Standard CP Specific Plan CP Modification CR Specific Plan CR Modification Maximum Structure Height(') 35' 37'(2) 2' increase 22' within 150' of 24' within 150' of Hwy 2' increase Hwy 111 ROW/ 50' 111 ROW/ 35' beyond beyond 150' of Hwy 150' of Hwy 111 ROW 111 ROW Maximum Number of Stories 2 2 Complies 4 1 floor within 150' of Complies Hwy 111 ROW/ 2 stories beyond 150' of Hwy 111 ROW Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 0.5 0.2 Complies 0.35 0.35 Complies Building Setbacks (3) From Highway 111 50' A minimum of 50' Complies 50' A minimum of 50' Complies From Other Primary Arterials 30' N/A N/A 30' N/A N/A From All Other Streets Rights- 20' N/A N/A 20' N/A N/A of -Way From Residential, PR, OS, and 50' A minimum of 50' Complies 50' A minimum of 50' Complies GC Districts Landscape Setbacks (4) From Highway 111 50' A minimum of 50' Complies 50' A minimum of 50' Complies From Other Primary Arterials 30' N/A N/A 30' N/A N/A Minimum setback from 20' 20 Complies 20' 20' Complies Interior Property Lines Interior Landscape (5) Parking Areas 5% of net At least 5% of net Complies 5% of net project At least 5% of net Complies project area project area area project area Non -Parking Areas 5% of net At least 5% of net Complies 5% of net project At least 5% of net Complies project area project area area project area Required Parking Costco Wholesale Use 1 space per 832 spaces 600 spaces 1 space per 200 SF N/A N/A 250 SF (150,000 SF)) required; 232 GFA additional spaces City of La Quinta 31 Standard CP Specific Plan CP Specific Plan CP Modification CR Specific Plan CR Specific Plan CR Modification General Retail Uses Under 1 space per N/A N/A 1 space per 200 SF 458 spaces 'G 419 spaces 50,000 SF GFA 200 SF GFA GFA (83,700 SF) required; 39 additional spaces Conventional sit-down 1 space per N/A N/A 1 space per 75 SF As required by zoning: Will comply as restaurants (includes indoor 75 SFGFA GFA 1 space pair 75 SFGFA required. and outdoor seating areas and bars) Drive-through and fast food 1 space per N/A N/A 1 space per 100 SF As required by zoning: Will comply as 100 SF GFA, GFA, no less than 1 space per 100 SF required. no less than 10 spaces. GFA, no (less than 10 10 spaces. Additional 2 grill spaces. Additional 2 Additional 2 spaces for vehicles grill spaces for grill spaces waiting. vehicles waiting. for vehicles waiting. CP = Commercial Park CR = Regional Commercial ROW = Right of Way SF = Square Feet GFA = Gross Floor Area Notes: (l) Includes requirements of Highway 111 Image Corridor Resolution. (2) This maximum height does not include architectural elements, which may extend up to 41 feet, 4 inches. (3) Number given is minimum setback from street ROW. The building setback may contain the required landscape setback, parking, drimeways, and similar facilities. (4) Perimeter landscape setback shall consist of landscaped area within the building setback. Number given is minimum landscaped setback from street ROW. (5) Total project is 26.53 acres. Percentages are applicable to site as a whole, as described in this Specific Plan, individual parcels mayvary higher or lower. (6) Assumes that all Komar parcels will be General Retail Uses under 50,000 SF. If other uses are constructed, parking requirements forsaid uses will be obeyed. City of La Quinta 32 Figure 6 - Phasing Pian City of La Quinta UrIIJW STT Access Pbmt(s) toeast Mixed Use Ceveloj=t to be Approved During Site Pian Review ok k= 33 a - i ReClp "l Aocess'vAth Possible Future _ }, Commercisl'0eve9oprrxnt Af - Alh �•Y' J '� �'".fiRifti �i� � Figure 6 - Phasing Pian City of La Quinta UrIIJW STT Access Pbmt(s) toeast Mixed Use Ceveloj=t to be Approved During Site Pian Review ok k= 33 C. Preliminary Landscape Plan The landscape concept for Phase I of the project is shown in Figure 7, and the proposed plant palette is shown in Table 3. Representative sketches of the types of plants are shown in Figure 8. Figure 9 shows landscape renderings, representative of how the landscaping will look throughout the site. A thorough soil analysis by a qualified agronomist will influence final plant selection, soil amendment, irrigation system design and use, and future maintenance practices. All on-site landscape maintenance shall be provided by the owner. The initial maintenance period will be sufficient in duration to ensure that all specifications are met. This includes removal of noxious weeds, resodding or plant replacement when necessary, insect and disease control, and continued fertilization as recommended by the agronomist. The landscape plan for Phase II of the project will be developed after the building designations for those parcels have been finalized. The landscape plan for Phase II of the project will complement the landscaping used for the Costco Wholesale parcel and the landscaping buffers around the perimeter of the property. The landscaping for Phase II will be subject to conformance to City of La Quinta Municipal Code Regulations, as well as review and approval by the La Quinta Community Development Department. All landscape and irrigation for the entire Komar Desert Center Specific Plan shall conform to the standards of the City of La Quinta Municipal Code Regulations, Highway 111 Design Guidelines, and Coachella Valley Water District General Landscape Guidelines and Irrigation System Design Criteria, as well as any other applicable city and regional standards. For Phase I landscaping, plant materials have been selected that are suitable for the climate, and that integrate with the architectural theme. Landscape drains shall be installed in planting areas as needed to prevent drainage across walkways and patio surfaces. Tree root barriers shall be installed where trees are placed within five feet of public improvements. All landscaped areas will be watered with a permanent below -grade, fully automatic irrigation system with a minimum irrigation efficiency of 75 percent. This system will be controlled by an electronic, multi -program time clock and remote control valves. Pop-up type heads, with in -head check valves, will be used adjacent to walkways and roadways. Pressure -compensating bubbler heads and/or subsurface drip irrigation will be use for landscaped areas less than eight (8) feet wide. All landscaped areas shall be valved separately according to their hydrozone. The system will be installed as soon as possible after construction and prior to placement of plant materials. City of La Quinta 34 a. i kCb. .. �✓,Eve-N•+ .__�_. $�N�W�4'�J. •..«t'.1i• •. , - W�••i: M.Li ivn:�x i� fit. xffi•-.l { y I• 1 i (fi q - w 1 yyrr i R l • _ __ __ `- .fir` �/`/ _�� .i :u.-•a�pncr�. �?f J i t' '�' � le . i{� i � {I "r- 1. --_— sa�ss.it.-_--_ WATEHLI17ESEESHEETL7_--__------__---------- ,�Q ooh Figure 7 - Landscape Concept Plan (Page 1 of 2) City of La Quinta 35 00. --------------------------------------------------- - T8 CO, 0 �::.=�5G-,Q CETEc 00 0 (D '00 -0 go (_Pj- C-30 00 0000 8 8 8 e7N mwMUM-01 m AIMINk ME Figure 7 - Landscape Concept Plan (Page 2 of 2) City of La Quinta 36 Komar Desert Center Specific Plan Table 3 Proposed Plant Palette Scientific Name Common Name Size* Caliper PARKING LOT CANOPY TREES Acacia Stenophylla Shoestring Acacia 24" Box 1 1/2" Pistacia X. 'Red Push' Chinese Pistache 24" Box 1 1/2" Ulm us Parvifolia Chinese Evergreen Elm 24" Box 1 1/2" BUILDING FRONTAGE TREES Acacia Stenophylla Shoestring Acacia 36" Box 1 1/2" Pistacia X. 'Red Push' Chinese Pistache 36" Box 1 1/2" Ulmus Parvifolia Chinese Evergreen Elm 36" Box 1 1/2" MEDIUM HEIGHTSEMIEVERGREEN FLOWERING TREE Cercidium 'Desert Museum' Palo Verde 24" Box 3" (Low Branch) Chilopsis Linearis Desert Willow 24" Box 3" (Low Branch) Parkinsonia Praecox Mexican Palo Verde 24" Box 3" (Low Branch) Prosopsis Hybrid 'Phoenix' Mesquite 24" Box 3" (Low Branch) PALM TREE Washingtonia Robusta Mexican Fan Palm 8-14' BTH N/A TALL EVERGREEN INFORMAL SCREENING SHRUBS Caeslapinia Pulcherrima Red Bird of Paradise 5 Gallon N/A Calliandra Californica Baja Fairy Duster 5 Gallon N/A Dodonea Viscose 'Atropupurea' Purple Hopseed Bush 5 Gallon N/A Leucophyllum Frutescens Texas Ranger 5 Gallon N/A Leucophyllum Frutescens 'Green Cloud' Green Cloud Texas Ranger 5 Gallon N/A Leucophyllum Frutescens 'White Cloud' White Cloud Texas Ranger 5 Gallon N/A Myrtus Communis Myrtle 5 Gallon N/A Senna Nemophila Senna 5 Gallon N/A MEDIUM HEIGHT EVERGREEN PARKING LOT SHRUBS Hesperaloe Parviflora Red Yucca 5 Gallon N/A Leucophyllum Candidum 'Thundercloud' Thundercloud Texas Ranger 5 Gallon N/A Leucophyllum Zygophyllum 'Cimarron' Cimarron Texas Ranger 5 Gallon N/A City of La Quinta 37 Scientific Name Common Name Size* Caliper Plumbago Scandens White Plumbago 5 Gallon N/A Ruellia Peninsularis Baja Ruellia 5 Gallon N/A Senna Lindheimeriana Senna 5 Gallon N/A MEDIUM HEIGHT EVERGREEN HEDGE Buddleja Marrubiifolia Wooly Butterfly Bush 5 Gallon N/A Carissa Macrocarpa Natal Plum 5 Gallon N/A Myrtus Communis Compact Myrtle 5 Gallon N/A EVERGREEN SPREADING GROUNDCOVER Carissa Macrocarpa 'Green Carpet' Green Carpet Natal Plum 1 Gallon N/A Convovulus Cneorum Bush Morning Glory 1 Gallon N/A Dalea Greggii Trailing Indigo Bush 1 Gallon N/A Lantana 'Gold Mound' Gold Mound Lantana 1 Gallon N/A Lantana Montevidensis :Purple Trailing Lantana 1 Gallon N/A Oenothera Stubbei Saltillo Evening Primrose 1 Gallon N/A ACCENT PLANTS WITH SPIKY FORMS Agave Americana Century Plant 5 Gallon N/A Agave Parryi Var'Truncata' Agave 5 Gallon N/A Agave Colorata Blue Ice Agave 5 Gallon N/A Agave Ocahui Agave 5 Gallon N/A Agave Vilmoriniana Octopus Agave 5 Gallon N/A Dasylirion Wheeleri Desert Spoon 5 Gallon N/A Hesperaloe Parviflora Red Yucca 5 Gallon N/A Muhlenbergia Capillaris 'Regal Mist' Pink Muhly 5 Gallon N/A Muhlenbergia Lindheimeri'Autumn Glow' Autumn Glow Muhly 5 Gallon N/A Yucca Elata Soaptree Yucca 5 Gallon N/A Yucca Rigida Blue Yucca 5 Gallon N/A HIGHWAY 111 LANDSCAPE EASEMENT PLANT PALETTE Palms (Group 1) Washingtonia Filifera California Fan Palm 8-14' BTH N/A City of La Quinta 38 Scientific Name Common Name Size* Caliper Trees (Group 2) Cercidium Preacox Palo Brea 24" Box 3" (Low Branch) Eucalyptus Torquata Coral Gum 24" Box 11/z" (Standard) Chilopsis Linearis Desert Willow 24" Box 3" (Low Branch) Lagerstroemia Indica Crepe Myrtle 24" Box 3" (Low Branch) Shrubs/Screening (Group 3) Leucophyllum Fruitescens 'White Cloud' White Cloud Texas Ranger 5 Gallon N/A Senna Artemesioides Green Feathery Cassia 5 Gallon N/A Senna Nemophila Shrubby Senna 5 Gallon N/A Groundcovers (Group 4) Lantana 'Gold Mound' Gold Mound Lantana 1 Gallon N/A Lantana Montevidensis Purple Trailing Lantana 1 Gallon N/A Accent Plants & Combinations (Group 5 and 5A) Caesalpinia Pulcherrima Red Bird of Paradise 5 Gallon N/A Dasylirion Wheeler Desert Spoon 5 Gallon N/A Hespwealoe Parviflora (With Boulders) Red Yucca (With Boulders) 5 Gallon N/A Medium Shrubs (Group 7) Calliandra Californica Baja Fairy Duster 1 Gallon N/A Encelia Farinosa Brittlebrush 1 Gallon N/A Ruellia Peninsularis Baja Ruellia 1 Gallon N/A Inert Material (Group 8) Palm Springs Gold Fines N/A N/A N/A Angular Granite Boulders N/A N/A N/A Concrete Mowstrip N/A N/A N/A * All Material sizes subject to approval of final landscape plans. City of La Quinta 39 Komar Desert Center Specific Plan Palms (Group 1) &14' BTG SIZE, SUCH AS: Parking Lot Canopy Tree: Accent Plants & Combinations (Group 5 & 5A) Accent Plants with Spiky forms: Tal Evergreen Informal Screening Shrubs: F 24- BOX Ste, 1 VT CALIPER SUCH AS: CAESALPINM PULCHERRIMA (RED BIRD OF PARADISE) 5 GALLON SIZE, SUCH AS: .„..,,,, 5 GALLON SEE, SUCF AS: Groundcovers (Group 4) ACACIA STENOPHYLLA (SHOESTRING ACACIA) {� AGAVE AMERICANA (CENTURY PLANT) CAESAL-ITA PULCHEI MIA.(RED BIRD OF PARADISE) LANTANA 'GOLD MOUND' (GOLD MOUND LANTANA) PISTACIA X,RED PUSHP(CHINESE PISTACH= 1...,x..3 AGAVE PARRYI VAR TRUNCATA'(AGAVE) r'•-- CALLIANDRA CALFOMM(BAUk FAIRY DUSTER) ULMUS PARVTFOLIA (CHINESE EVERGREEN ELM) 5 GALLON SIZE, SUCH AS: AGAVE COLORATA (BLUE ICE AGAVE) DODONEA VISCOSE 'A-RORM. .RFA' (PURPLE HOPSEED BUSH) SEKNA ARTEMESWDES(GREEN FEATHERY CASSIA) AGAVE OCAHUI (AGAVE) LEUCOPHYLLUM FRUTESCENEF� ERAS RANGER) AGAVE VIMORNIANA (OCTOPUS AGAVE) LELCOFIIYLLUM FRUIESCENS'GREEN CLOUD' (GREEN CLOUD TEXAS RANGER) DASYURION WHEELER (DESERT SPOON) LEUCOPHYUJJM FRUIESCENSV*M CLOUD' (WHITE CLOUD TEXAS RANGER) HESPERALOE PARVIFLORA (RED YUCCA) MYRTUS COMMUNIS (MYRTLE), MUHLENBERGIA CAPILLARIS REGAL MIST (PINK MUHLY) SENNA NEMOPFiA(SENNA) MIIHLENBERGIA UNDHEIVERI'AUTUMN GLOW (AJTUMN GLOW MUHLY) Medium Height Semievergreen YUCCA ELATA (SOAPTREE YUCCA) YUCCA RIGIDA (BLUE YUCCA) Evergreen Spreading Groundcover: _.._.F` Flowerin Tree: g 1 GALLON SUE, SUCH AS: 24- BOX SUE, 3 -TOTAL CALIPER (LOW BRANCH) SUCH AS: CARISSA MACROCARPA VIEEWCARPET (GREEN CARPET NATAL PLUM) CERCDIUM'DESERT MUSEUM' (PALO VERDE) Medium green Height Ever Hedge: e: CONVOVULUS CNEORUM(6USI+VORNNG GLORY) CFffioPSIS LNEARIS(DESERT WILLOW) DALEA GREGGr(TRAING WW BUSH) PARKNSONIA PRAECOX (MEXICAN PALO VERDE) 5 GALLON SIZE, SUCH AS: LANTANA 'GOLD MOUND-(GOL'D)MOUND LAN ANA) PROSOPSIS HYBRID PHOENIX (MESQUITE) BUDDLEJA MARRUBIFOLIA (WOOLLY BUTTERFLY BUSH) LANTANA MONfEVDENSIS (PURPLE TRAMG LANTANA) CARISSA MACROCARPA (NATA'_ PLUM) OENOTHERA STUBBEI (SALTI L0 EVENING PRIMROSE) MYRTUS COMMUNIS'COMPACTN (COMPACT MYRTLE) Medium Height Evergreen Parking Lot Shrubs: 5 GALLON SIZE, SUCH AS: HESPERALGE PARVIFLORA (RED YUCCA) LEUCOPHYLLUM CANDDURI'THUNDERCLOUD'(THUNDERCLOUD TEXAS RANGER, ,�y� LEUCOPHYLLUM ZYGOPHYLLUM 'CIMARRON (CIMARRON TEXAS RANGER) f,) PLUMBAGO SCANDENS CVME PLUMBAGO) RUELLIA PENNSULARIS (BAJA RUELLIA) SENNA LWDHEMERIANA (SENNA) 0 Trees (Group 2) 24- BOX SIZE, SUCH AS: CERCIDWM PRAECOX (PALO BREA)- 3' CALIPER, LOW BRANCH EUCALYPTUS TORQUATA (CORAL GUM] -1 10 CALIPER STANDARD CHILOPSIS LIN EARIS (DESERT WILOW) -3- CALIPER, LOW BRANCH LAGERSTROEMIA INDICA (CRAPE MYRTLE) - 3- CALIPER LOW BRANCH Highway I I I Landscape Easement Plant Palette: Palms (Group 1) &14' BTG SIZE, SUCH AS: Accent Plants & Combinations (Group 5 & 5A) WASFINGTONIA ROBUSTA (MEXICAN FAN PALM) 5 GALLON SIZE, SUCH AS; CAESALPINM PULCHERRIMA (RED BIRD OF PARADISE) DASYURDN WHEELERI (DESERT SPOON) Groundcovers (Group 4) HESPERALOE PARVIFLORA (RED YUCCA) WITH BOULDERS 1 GALLON SUE, SUCH AS: LANTANA 'GOLD MOUND' (GOLD MOUND LANTANA) LANTANA MONTEVIDENSIS(PURPLE TALING LANTANA) r'•-- Shrubs / Screening (Group 3) 5 GALLON SIZE, SUCH AS: Groundcover Turf (Group ( p 4A ) LEUCOPHYLLUM FRUTESCENS 'WHITECLOUD' (WHITE CLOUD TEXAS RANGER) SEKNA ARTEMESWDES(GREEN FEATHERY CASSIA) HYDRO•STOLONIZE0 BERMUDA 11328 SENNA NEMOPRILA (SHRUBBY SENNA) Figure 8 - Proposed Plant Palette City of La Quinta Pain Tree: &14!'U H SIZE, SUCH AS: WASFfJGTOMA ROBUSTA (MEXICAN FAN PALM) Medium Shrubs (Group 7) t GAL -ON SIZE, SUCH AS: CAO MDRA CALFORNICA (BAJA FAIRY DUSTER) ENCEUR FARNOSA (BRITREBUSH) RLSM, DENNSULARIS (BAJA RUELLIA) Ylert Material (Group 8) PALM SPRINGS GOLD FINES AN 47IAR GRANITE BOULDERS CONCRETE M.OWSTRIP 40 -q" Ile movrdir ✓nrT e - /nerf�++sfr ,�'SerCCa.:� ��b'P2"Trot EN:ARGENENT AT RWY, I I I STREET FRONTAD Figure 9- Illustrated Landscape Elevation (Page 1 of 2) City of La Quinta �W'10%� 4"01 � :.,Mi16.4aan lrrd.4- rx� +Iwlaar� dl 7�er hrM'•�t ?! S7tKWAOZ.72r0 ,QiQ�t yioJ r j�aF iE TRELLIS SECTION 41 Zr 940E LN'alWPE%f ER TYPICAL ENDCAP PARKING ISLAND•TYPE'2 E _;,v: a= PEp�S`dirKti CoViE1.11% �! I ,t.Sr-S I '-�. r�!„S.; rry�t.erJp- 1 L 1 Ct+nq 71 W, IAVA ' r,n..�" d I '• -9 J#r�%v� / r ��-TSP4 �c,+s arl � A '•r arMJL a..vwlx � infv�.t.n A�.�j/•f G�CJn$ i. 4e— � x •1 � fa���� SAI CA Trtf • 71+"1w�c • �1•a rcri+q lOF �Yr�.,�syrnw. mdr ci cvnir�4Pr-Y-t`• TYPICAL MD -BAY PAR MG M AND TYPICAL CART CORRAL Figure 9 - Illustrated Landscape Elevation (Page 2 of 2) City of La Quinta 6' WIDE PARKING ISLAND .ratJ.a �. y.�• . �I o cai� •� oaYrx'��ive . # . % vi 4" �. GAsa.v�l7F>e 42 Highway 111 and the Costco Wholesale parking lot will require landscaping during the first phase of project development (Figure 6, Phasing Plan). Landscaping plans for building pads on the Komar parcels will be submitted for review as development occurs in each parcel/pad area. The landscaping plan for the Komar parcels will be compatible with the Costco Wholesale landscaping. Use of the proposed plant palate is not required, but is suggested for the Komar parcels. The conceptual landscape plan of streetscapes along Highway 111 is approved in this specific plan. The landscaping design standards listed below incorporate the City Design Guidelines to enhance not only the project but also the community. 1 — The project entrance shall be visible to pedestrians and people driving in cars by accenting the entries with varying heights of Mexican Fan Palms and Palo Brea, Coral Gum, Desert Willow, and Crepe Myrtle trees. 2 — Plant arrangement along the Highway 111 frontage shall consist of long runs of meandering shrubs punctuated by brief groups of accent plants. 3 — The surrounding architecture will be accented with spiky and colorful plant material consisting of Century Plants, various types of Agave, Red Yucca, Autumn Glow Muhly, and others. City of La Quinta 4 — Shade trees in the Costco Wholesale parking areas will consist of Shoestring Acacia, Chinese Pistache, and Chinese Evergreen Elm. These trees will provide shade and a pleasing, cooling, softening effect to combat the expanse of asphalt. The required 50 percent shade within 15 years for total parking area of 187,221 SF is 93,611 SF. The Costco Wholesale site will provide 95,927 SF (51 percent) of shade within 15 years. Figure 10 illustrates the landscape shade calculations. 5 — Evergreen spreading groundcover such as Green Carpet Natal Plum, Trailing Indigo Bush, and Purple Trailing Lantana among others will be planted in the parking islands to soften the hardscape. 6 — Planted long Highway Ill's streetscape and in specific locations around the buildings, the Red Bird of Paradise, Desert Spoon, and Red Yucca will be featured as accent plants. These unusual plants will be used to add a varying effect throughout the seasons. 7 — Entries and some larger planting areas will be enhanced by Red Yucca and various sizes of boulders. This brings the existing rocky terrain of the region into the design. 8 — Buildings will be softened and the parking spaces will be enclosed by berming the planter beds up to one or two feet high. See Section V.B. for a discussion of landscape design guidelines applicable to the project. 43 s �� �► C Y _ i 1 ki • t Figure 10 - Landscape Shade Calculations City of La Quinta LANDSCAPE SHADE CALCULATIONS DIAGRAM +ur..ti.cu LANDSCAPE SHADE CALCULATIONS 'oati otic. v-Aw. ac•rn- - sux.a. n,-., uulw n+c•nml,.,x ,y.: c w�.+arc��w�Aa�.v,T,ua.c,wcrw:A�tiN^.a.ac�5 c�o,;,,'I, 44 D. Circulation Plan The project Circulation Plan (Figure 11) is typical of a commercial center with an internal system of access aisles to serve the parking areas and multiple building pads. Vehicular External access is taken from two locations. One location is signalized, at the center of the project parcels and Highway 111. The second entry is located at the eastern boundary of the property and Highway 111. This entry is limited to right -in -right -out turning movement. A main internal circulation corridor is established at the signalized intersection. Parking aisles and internal access drives serving the balance of the site intersect this corridor. A secondary corridor is taken from Highway 111 along the eastern edge of the parcel. This entry provides immediate access to the Costco Wholesale building. To ensure minimal congestion, each of the entries to the site provides substantial "stacking" for vehicles leaving the site, and extensive distance before vehicles entering the site meet intersecting parking isles or drives. All traffic considerations along Highway 111 are subject to Caltrans approval. Additionally, access to Dune Palms Drive from Komar Desert Center will be offered via a reciprocal access City of La Quinta point directly south of the fueling station, as shown on Figure 3. After the property to the west is developed, this access point will alleviate some of the circulation pressure from the adjacent property using the Komar Desert Center traffic light. Additionally, it would create another access and exit point for visitors to Komar Desert Center. In addition, the adjacent property to the east is expected to be developed in the near future. To assist in on-site circulation to the adjacent Komar property, a driveway connection point has been added in anticipation of the development. The connection point(s) will be located along the eastern edge of the Komar Desert Center property, as shown on Figure 3, Site Plan. The connection point(s) will be determined during site planning and approved through review of the site plans. When the adjacent property is developed the access will be reviewed by the City of Indio through the adjacent property site plan. Pedestrian As seen in Figure 11, pedestrian sidewalks are provided along the Highway 111 frontage. A bus stop will be located on Highway 111 and connected to the internal pedestrian system within the project. The internal pedestrian system on the site interconnects all buildings within the site. 45 0 Figure 11- Circulation Plan City of La Quinta 14 0\C ­p, Iz;flTc s3e-z U1,11 DTrI On A -,,(Y,, -s Giso IC DC VCY VCh CC CCL; at,O- X DC Vey Ve- r:eS & 46 E. Preliminary Grading Plan Grading Concept The Conceptual Grading and Drainage Plan is shown in Figure 12. During the Site Development Review Process and final design, some adjustments to this Plan may occur. This figure illustrates existing proposed site grades, street grades, and pad grades. The site will be graded to create five building pads (one pad per building/envelope and one pad for the service station), as well as parking areas and streetscapes. Figure 3 shows the building envelopes, and the approximate location of the building pads. The site will be graded from the highest pad elevation in the northwest corner of the site of 63 feet to the lowest pad elevation in the southeast corner of the site of 54 feet. Approximate pad elevations for each parcel will be as follows: Table 4 Approximate Pad Elevations Pad Name Elevation Costco Wholesale Building 57.4' Fueling Station 61.0' Komar Building Envelope 1 58.0' Komar Building Envelope 2 60.0' Komar Building Envelope 3 64.0' The earthwork is fairly evenly distributed throughout the site with an average of 1 to 2 feet of cut or fill at most locations. In total, approximately 59,500 cubic yards (CI) of earthwork is proposed, and all grading will be balanced within the property limits without the need for borrow or disposal sites. Erosion Control The Coachella Valley experiences periods of moderate to high wind conditions; therefore, wind-blown dust and sand is a concern during local grading operations. The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) in conjunction with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has instituted a plan in the Coachella Valley to curb excess PM10 (small particle dust). The provisions of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) apply to construction projects over one acre in size; therefore, applying to this project. Grading operations would include provisions to reduce wind and water erosion control both during and after grading operations. F. Preliminary Drainage Plan The Conceptual Grading and Drainage Plan for the site is shown in Figure 12. During the Site Development Review Process and final design, some adjustments to this Plan may occur. The drainage plan proposes to direct surface runoff across the site from the northwest corner of the parcel to the southeast corner of the parcel. The exact sizing and design of drainage improvements will be determined during final engineering design and will be reviewed by the City via standard plan check protocols to ensure that drainage is adequately addressed. City of La Quinta 47 56 Figure 12 - Conceptual Grading and Drainage Plan City of La Quinta it Q storm Praim Post Grading Flow Lines Post Grading Index Contour Index Contours Intermediate Contours T T H 0 C-1 I 48 G. Preliminary Sewer Plan Sewer service is provided to the site by the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) via an existing 15 -inch sewer line located in Dune Palms Road. Sewer will be connected via a proposed easement through the adjacent property owned by the Desert Sands Unified School District. Onsite sewer lines will be installed with stubouts to development pads (Figure 13, Utility Plan). During the Site Development Review Process and final design, some adjustments to this Plan may occur. H. Preliminary Water Plan Water service is also provided to the site by CVWD and will be available at the property from an 24 -inch water line located to the east of the property in Jefferson Street. Improvements will be constructed to connect to the existing water line in Jefferson Street, and construct a new water line through the La Quinta Evacuation Channel and through the CVWD easement and the vacant parcels in the City of Indio directly to the east of the project site. Both domestic and irrigation water will be taken from this water line. New onsite waterlines will consist of 18 -inch domestic water lines, 6 -inch fire hydrants, and lY2-inch to 2 -inch service lines as needed. Initial water improvements will involve creation of a looped water line to serve the pads within the site, the connection of landscape irrigation lines, and the provision of stub outs with blow off valves in anticipation of the future building at each pad. When buildings are constructed, they will be connected to the water line and the blow off valves will be removed (Figure 13, Utility Plan). During the Site Development Review Process and final design, some adjustments to this Plan may occur. I. Other Utility Plans Natural Gas Natural Gas service is provided to the site by The Gas Company, which has a four -inch gas main in Highway 111. The service will be in accordance with the Company's policies and extension rules on file with the California Public Utilities Commission. Service from this location would require cutting and reconstruction of some street pavement which would typically be completed within one day. The Gas Company anticipates service for this project to be routine. Electric Electric services are provided to the site by the Imperial Irrigation District and are available to the property on Highway 111. Telephone Telephone Service is provided to the site by Verizon Telephone Company and is available to the property, and is located within the base rate area of the Indio office serving area. Telephone facilities will be provided under provisions of the tariffs on file with the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California. City of La Quinta 49 Figure 13 - Preliminary Utility Plan City of La Quinta Utility Easement Electric Lines Strorm Drains Sanitary Sewer Laterals Sanitary Sewer Mains Public Sanitary Sewer Mains Natural Gas Telephone Private Water Lines (Costco) Private Water Lines (Out Parcels) Public Water Lines 50 City of La Quinta V. Development Regulations 51 This page intentionally left blank City of La Quinta 52 The development regulations contained herein provide specific standards relative to permitted land uses in addition to site design and construction regulations to be applied within the Specific Plan Area. They are intended to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to create a harmonious relationship with surrounding land. In general, this specific plan is consistent with the CP and CR Zones of the City of La Quinta Zoning Code unless a different standard is identified below. Should a development standard contained in this Specific Plan conflict with an equivalent standard contained in the City of La Quinta Zoning Code, the provisions of the Specific Plan shall take precedence. In instances where the Specific Plan does not address a particular regulation, the applicable portion of the City of La Quinta Zoning Code shall govern. The Planning Commission shall have the authority to approve minor adjustments during the Development Permit Review, so long as it is determined that such adjustments are consistent with the Specific Plan. In addition, in accordance with Section 9.200.090 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, Specific Plan modifications initiated by the developer shall be submitted to the Community Development Director. If the Director determines that the modification(s) is/are minor, will not result in a City of La Quinta significant change in the approved project, and complies/comply with the spirit and intent of the original approving action, the Director may approve the modification(s) without further administrative review. If the Director determines that the modification(s) may result in a significant change in the project, the Director shall refer the change(s) to the original decision-making authority. A. Principal Uses Permitted This Specific Plan shall allow all uses identified as Permitted as a Principal Use, Permitted as an Accessory to the Principal Use, Permitted as a Principal or Accessory Use if a Conditional Use Permit is approved, Permitted if a Minor Use Permit is approved, and Permitted as a temporary use as identified in and subject to the provisions of the Commercial Park (CP) and Regional Commercial (CR) Zoning Districts described in Section 9.80.040 of the La Quinta Zoning Code. B. Property Development Standards Table 5 contains the property development standards that must be adhered to by any future building on the project site. 53 ,nar Desert Center Specific Plan Table 5 Property Development Standards (Illustrated in Figure 3, Site Plan) Standard Speck Plan Commercial Park (CP) Specific Plan Regional Commercial (CR) Maximum Structure Height(') 37 feet (2) 24 feet within 150 feet of Hwy 111 ROW/ 35 feet beyond 150 feet of Hwy 111 ROW Maximum Number of Stories 2 stories 1 floor within 150 feet of Hwy 111 ROW/ 2 stories beyond 150 feet of Hwy 111 ROW Maximum FAR .20 .35 Building Setbacks (3) From Highway 111 A minimum of 50 feet A minimum of 50 feet From Residential, PR, OS, and GC Districts A minimum of 50 feet A minimum of 50 feet Landscape Setbacks (4) From Highway 111 A minimum of 50 feet A minimum of 50 feet Minimum Setback from Interior Property Lines 20 feet 20 feet Interior Landscape (5) Parking Areas At least 5% of net project area At least 5% of net project area Non -Parking Areas At least 5% of net project area At least 5% of net project area Required Parking General Retail Uses Under 50,000 SF GFA 1 space per 200 SF GFA 1 space per 200 SF GFA Banks 1 space per 250 SF GFA 1 space per 250 SF GFA Costco Wholesale Building Use 1 space per 250 SF GFA 1 space per 250 SF GFA Conventional sit-down restaurants (includes indoor 1 space per 75 SF GFA 1 space per 75 SF GFA and outdoor seating areas and bars) Drive-through and fast food 1 space per 100 SF GFA, no less than 1 space per 100 SF GFA, no less than 10 spaces. Additional 2 grill spaces for 10 spaces. Additional 2 grill spaces for vehicles awaiting paid -for orders vehicles awaiting paid -for orders FAR = Floor Area Ratio SF = Square Feet GFA = Gross Floor Area Notes: (1) Includes Highway 111 image corridor requirements. (Z) This maximum height does not include architectural elements, which may extend up to 41 feet, 4 inches. (3) Number given is minimum building setback from the street ROW. In addition to the required landscape setback, the building setback may contain parking, driveways, and similar facilities. (4) Perimeter landscape setback shall consist of landscaped area within the building setback. Number given is minimum landscaped setback from street ROW. (5) Total project area is 26.53 acres. Percentages are applicable to site as a whole, as described in this Specific Plan, individual parcels may vary higher or lower. City of La Quinta 54 r City of La Qulnta VI. Design Guidelines 55 This page intentionally left blank City of La Quanta 56 The following Design Guidelines have been developed as a method of achieving a high quality, cohesive design character for the development of the Komar Desert Center. They provide specific design criteria for the development of the project, as well as encourage creativity, imagination, and a high level of harmony and consistency with the surrounding community. Adherence to the Design Guidelines will create a desirable asset to the community and enhance the project's overall value. These guidelines will govern the design quality of the project for application in the following ways: • To provide the City of La Quinta with the necessary assurance that the Specific Plan area will develop in accordance with the quality and character proposed. • To provide guidance to developers, builders, engineers, architects, landscape architects, and other professionals in order to maintain the desired design quality. • To provide guidance to City staff, the Planning Commission, and the City Council in the review of construction plans for the Specific Plan area. The following describes the design intent and the elements proposed that will ensure Komar Desert Center is executed in a cohesive manner with appropriate scale and emphasis, and with a consistent and timeless architectural language. City of La Quinta A. Architectural Guidelines The design guidelines contained herein are intended to ensure that the design of the structures on each pad will be responsive and complementary to its neighbors. The Costco Wholesale building has been styled to blend in with the look and feel of the desert community. The buildings on the Komar parcels will blend with the Costco Wholesale building, by utilizing compatible materials and paint colors. It is understood that the Costco Wholesale building is a unique building style, and that the large scale and warehouse feeling should not propagate to the remainder of the site. However, by using complementary materials, the buildings on the Komar parcels will appear to be part of a cohesive development. Figure 14, Architectural Treatments, illustrates types of architectural treatments ultimately envisioned for future building construction on the project site, as applied to the Costco Wholesale building. Figure 15 shows an example of an architectural rendering, the style of which is anticipated for use on the remaining Komar parcels. The architectural treatments reflect the Contemporary California Desert style of architecture. Variations in the Desert Contemporary architecture will be allowed to accommodate "trade mark" architectural elements. All architectural detailing is subject to approval by the City of La Quinta site development review process. 57 Lll L 1111*11 -P'-Tj*fl=qW- 3247 OAPMM vv -41 t i T11 T - -r k ".I" Figure 14 - Costco Wholesale Architectural Rendering (Page I of 2) City of La Quinta 58 074�c- 1 - - Figure 14 - Costco Wholesale Architectural Rendering (Page 2 of 2) MY VAtEM FIN&f MOR MMOffACTIJRER NOTES NX07 W. !A. VE 'I k 5,LWI FECT)Lff'.M '.MmfAm Wpj- cc*TCE kAJUT Le -& r.., Wo'. =AI w Ik SU Tly WrXZAftt IIY X T MXK "Ok LON W- 91 W. KAI% W. I VY, ,V. EM C-:,:" LpEkA%" flu"L -A wk (AA, ,cwv-crrw prF.CK.k—, Cw Ur !ZCT?Cn LKTTIti Ak:i Cw WE �A-0, to G AAKIA,"I 14.1 FAIn S0.PCR CCI.Frt KI F" A& "a tivra zg."Dqtio zr� I -w S7W E C, E kc R n 61 TDILImIf UA,,U PAM. !A -Fl LM -IC. wk. WT..S. um IN 11 rEA-.IrLI CITWE11- SI-pCRC-RDq3IQT LK I.- CZIHW�. wltic4ow. LIE IA, CC*�IG WTXCOVM:* -A.N-, WV &L SkE5• FIFM !kFLRCW RLIDI-M 7011Alcm:wrlk I - ARTOZAL SEAP AEATHERED03-1ER QVA- A-SrS IT Kyhkl_ City of La Quinta 59 fit it _ �� by ,i'�•f fi� � - Figure 15 - Komar Architectural Treatments City of La Quinta i 60 -..> - - i.'�. j� ter• Ate. 4' ,r VW Figure 15 - Komar Architectural Treatments City of La Quinta i 60 -..> - - i.'�. j� ter• Ate. Figure 15 - Komar Architectural Treatments City of La Quinta i 60 Mass and Scale • Varied proportions are encouraged. Elements in facades should be spaced at varying intervals to create a visual rhythm. • Each building will incorporate a continuity of mass, scale, and architectural features. • During Phase II, architectural themes will continue between pads within the project site will also be maintained. • Site development permits for parcels abutting the La Quinta Evacuation Channel shall include rear and side elevations facing the channel that address building articulation and landscaping. A limited pallet of architectural elements has been developed for Phase I of the project. Phase II will incorporate the same or similar architectural elements, as subject to City of La Quinta review, to create compositional interest, rhythm, continuity, and harmony throughout the site. The pallet that was developed is characterized by: layered structural expression and the integration of contrasting building elements that promote variety as well as enhance the play of light and shadow on surfaces. Simple masses will be accentuated with deep-set openings, reveals, inset detailing, and human scale features. The project will address the identity of the commercial center at intersections, entrances, and prominent site locations. Similar building forms throughout the Phase II portion of the site will enhance internal organization within the project. Primary entrances will be emphasized with increased massing and deep shadows created by the addition of overhangs and shading structures. Limited individual tenant identity is achieved with color, awnings, and signage. Project continuity will be maintained through the consistent use of architectural vocabulary and treatments. Roof Treatments • The use of both flat and pitched roofs shall be encouraged to create architectural interest and relief throughout the project. • Mechanical equipment may be placed only on flat portions of roofs provided that they are not in public view and that the screening is incorporated into building design, as required in Section 9.100.050, Screening, of the City of La Quinta Municipal Code. Roofs shall be flat or pitched to create architectural relief throughout the site. Building elevations will be varied by the use of multiple parapet heights and stepped back screening elements. Shadowline reveals and simple trim will be used. Architectural Features and Details • All mechanical equipment including fuse boxes, heating and cooling devices, and satellite dishes shall be screened from public view. Screening devices shall utilize the same materials and colors as the main structure. • The use of curtain walls is not allowed. City of La Quinta 61 • Exterior walls should emphasize shadow relief using recesses, bays, awnings, and covered walkways. • Building entryways should be visually emphasized. • The use of false facade treatments should be avoided. Shaded walkways are encouraged in areas with high levels of pedestrian traffic. • Conversion of first floor windows to exterior tenant entries is allowed subject to Staff approval of architectural details. Building emphasis will be on dramatic form and composition. Shadow relief will be emphasized with deep-set openings, trellis shade devices, awnings, freestanding columns, and varied surface textures. Walls that provide screening will be varied in height and detailed with relief and inset tile elements. The building forms will be offset against integrated landscaping and boulder arrangements. Lighting treatments will enhance the nightscape. All rooftop equipment, electrical equipment, utility meters, service equipment, and trash storage areas will be appropriately located and screened from view. Walls and Fences • Walls are encouraged to use materials and colors which match or complement associated buildings. • Walls which create long, unbroken, straight lines should be avoided. Lighting • Exterior lighting, when used, should enhance the building design and the adjoining landscape. • Lighting standards and building fixtures should be of a design and size compatible with the building and adjacent areas. • Lighting shall be restrained in design and excessive brightness (night glow) avoided. • Standard design techniques should be employed to shield parking light fixtures and control direct glare and spill light emanating from these fixtures. Parking lot light poles should be equipped with a flush lens and should not exceed a maximum height of 35 feet. • Along the westerly property line, sharp cutoff light fixtures will be utilized. Lighting will be integrated to enhance building design and site amenities. Lighting will adhere to City of La Quinta Zoning Code Section 9.100.150, Outdoor Lighting. Fully shielded and appropriately filtered fixtures will be employed. Light fixtures will be of appropriate size and type so as to be compatible with the building and site architecture. Parking lot light will not create excessive glare or nighttime glow. Pole mounted fixtures will not exceed a maximum of 35 feet in height and will conform to the City's outdoor lighting ordinance, Section 9.100.150 of the Municipal Code. City of La Quinta 62 Materials and Colors • The facade plays an integral role in building appearance and should use a continuous palette of similar materials and colors. • Restraint should be exercised in the number of materials and colors selected for a given structure. Accent colors should be limited to one or two per structure. • Acceptable construction materials are prefinished architectural panels, wood, stucco, concrete, ceramic tile, glass, stone, and stone or natural concrete block. • Table 6 contains selected colors and that establish the working intended to serve as a basis cohesiveness for the project. palette materials that is for architectural Fagade color and building accent colors comprise a key component of the overall design approach. Rich saturated colors will be utilized in combination with natural neutral tones to create variety and interest. Colors and materials will be compatible with and will complement desert landscaping. Restraint will be exercised in the number of colors and materials used from building to building. Architectural elements will be treated consistently to reinforce architectural hierarchies and maintain a cohesive overall project appearance. The proposed Costco Wholesale store is a flat roof structure anticipated to have a maximum height of 35 feet 4 inches, with architectural elements extending as high as 41 feet 4 inches. The proposed architecture is characterized as Contemporary Desert style. A characteristic of this style is the use of horizontal lines as accent banding which typically break down the large scale and massing. Traditional elements are used as a second layer of design to create a geographical presence and ground the design to reflect the richness of the desert. Proposed is a simple architectural massing that utilizes masonry, cultured stone, and smooth finish stucco. The colors selected include rich, warm, neutral grays and browns thus forming a natural palette with color accents to complement the adjacent and blend with future development. The masonry stone color and texture will be a mixture of split -face and smooth block and are integral to the design. The masonry color is proposed as terra cotta fashioned in a soldier coursing intermittent band. The "Red Stripe" is a recognizable branding element specific to Costco Wholesale and architecturally breaks the massing horizontally at roughly the 2/3 point of the overall vertical height of the building. The Costco Wholesale signage will be located at the same point on the building. The Costco Wholesale logo will be made up of prefabricated, reverse pan, metal letters. The letters will be illuminated with gooseneck light fixtures that ensure direct illumination of the logo. Secondary accent and detail features of pre -finished and pre -manufactured metal are incorporated throughout the design including a metal cornice with a textured coating to have the appearance of stucco. They function as overhead shade and create active shadows which are characteristic of Contemporary Desert architecture. City of la Quinta 63 Table 6 Costco Wholesale Building Materials* Name To Be Used For Manufacturer Color Example C.M.U. Block Base Section Exterior Walls Angelus Block Company Split - "Oak" C.M.U. Block Mid Section Exterior Walls C.M.U. Block Top Section Exterior Walls C.M.U. Block Accent Banding Exterior Walls Accent Band Exterior Walls Red Stripe Faux Stone Exterior Walls Angelus Block Co. Precision - "Harvest" Angelus Block Co. Precision - "Shoreline" = Angelus Block Co. Precision - "Sandstone" Angelus Block Co. Precision Soldier Course - "Ladera Red" Angelus Block Company Cultured Stone - Limestone - "Chardonnay" City of La Quinta 64 Name To Be Used For Manufacturer Color Example Metal Accents Metal Coping; H.M. Exit Doors; Exterior Wall; Sherwin Williams Tony Taupe Signage Panel Metal Accents Metal Cornice; Exterior Wall Feature Element Sherwin Williams Superior Bronze Metal Accents Accent Metal Feature Element Sherwin Williams Metal Accents E.I.F.S Feature Element; H.M. Exit Door Frames; Sherwin Williams Accent Metal Trim *To be similar or equal City of La Quinta Antique Patina SW 7055 "Enduring Bronze" 65 The proposed fueling station consists of a canopy which will be pre -fabricated metal and texture coated to look like stucco to match the store metal cornice band. The fueling station will have similar architectural features including cultured stone veneer columns, and metal caps. The canopy is proposed to be 18 feet high, 3 feet thick, and cover 8 fueling pumps. The paint and materials to be used for the buildings that are constructed on the Komar parcels will be similar or identical to the materials that are used for the Costco Wholesale building. This will ensure that the entire site enjoys a similar look and feel throughout future development. Additionally, any future building on the Komar parcels will require site plan review and approval by the City of La Quinta. Signage • Signage should be designed with appropriate scale and proportion and should relate visually to buildings and surroundings. • Sign colors, materials, and lighting should be restrained and harmonious with the building and site to which it principally relates. • The number of graphic elements on a sign should be limited to the minimum necessary to convey needed information and should be composed in proportion to the area of the sign face. • Each sign should be compatible with signs on adjoining premises and should not compete for attention. • The signage program contained in the Specific Plan is conceptual only. A detailed signage program must be submitted and approved by the City before issuance of the first building permit. B. Landscape Guidelines General Guidelines • Groundcovers shall be used to enhance the appearance of the project and protect soil from erosion. Acceptable groundcover includes gravels, rocks, or living plant materials. Tree bark and shredded wood products, which are lightweight and subject to wind and water erosion, are prohibited. • Water efficient landscape materials, including native plants, with drip irrigation shall be used whenever possible as a means of conserving scarce water resources and minimizing maintenance costs. • Landscaping shall be designed to screen above ground utility equipment, service areas, and trash containers. Homogenous, visually subtle plant materials shall be selected for use in these areas in order not to focus attention on the objectionable items. Entryways • Areas which serve as a focus of vehicular traffic, such as project entries, shall be accented by the use of colorful shrubs and groundcovers for enhanced visual interest. These shrubs and groundcovers are to include Red Bird of Paradise, Desert Spoon, and Red Yucca with Boulders. City of La Quinta 66 • Project entries shall utilize vertical accents such as trees to provide a sense of arrival to the facility with California Fan Palms, Palo Brea trees, and others, of varying heights. • Plant materials at project entries shall be located so as to avoid interfering with motorist sight lines. Plant combinations shall leave an area of three feet to six feet of vertical height open to allow for clear vision of approaching cars and pedestrians. Buildings • Primary building entries shall be accented by the use of colorful shrubs and groundcovers for enhanced visual interest. These will include Lantana, Bougainvillea, and Ruellia. • Plant materials shall be used to soften long stretches of blank wall surface. • Landscape materials shall be, selected with colors and textures which enhance architectural elements. Streetscapes • Streetscapes shall incorporate informal masses of trees and shrubs. • Streetscapes fronting the project shall maintain a plant palette and design concept which is compatible with surrounding finished street frontages. • Streetscape along Highway 111 shall conform to specific City guidelines as follows: City of La Quinta - For proposed plant palette, see Table 3. - For Landscape Concept. Site Plan, see Figure 7. Parking Lots Plant material will consist of inert groundcover, medium height evergreen shrubs, and accent plants with spiky forms, which will allow sight line over shrubs, yet provide islands that are green and colorful. • The design of parking lots shall include provisions for canopy trees to provide shade for parked vehicles. • Parking areas shall be screened from adjacent roadways by the use of low walls or berms. The proposed landscape for the Phase I development is designed to provide a lush (although water efficient) look and conform to the Water Efficient Landscaping Ordinance. Along the west side of the property, a 20 -foot -wide - landscape buffer with canopy trees and tall screening shrubs such as Texas Ranger and Red Bird of Paradise provides screening for potential future residential uses on the adjacent property. Drive aisles are visually delineated by the use of medium height flowering trees such as Palo Verde or Mesquite while the parking fields are shaded by larger trees such as Shoestring Acacia or Evergreen Elms that are placed every second or third stall. All planter areas will consist of decomposed granite or angular rock groundcover to help maintain moisture levels in the soil. Accent plants with spiky forms such as 67 Hesperaloe, Agave, and Yucca are used along the north side of the building for their sculptural interest. The Highway 111 landscape is designed to follow the requirements of the Highway 111 Design Guidelines. Three foot high undulating earth mounding along with massing of various size shrubs such as Texas Ranger and Senna will screen the parking areas from the road. Flowering trees such as Palo Brea and Desert Willow are placed in groupings between larger trees such as Palo Verde to further screen parking areas while providing shade along the meandering sidewalk. Mexican Fan Palms are used as a visual marker at the project entrance. Small groupings of spiky accent City of La Quinta plants such as Desert Spoon and Red Yucca are combined with natural boulders for visual interest. Decomposed granite is used as the groundcover beneath all planted areas to maintain soil moisture and all plants are to be watered by drip irrigation. Shrubs, accent plants, and trees provide a variety of color. The Phase II landscaping will use the same plant materials, so that the two phases blend together. Phase II landscaping plans are subject to the approval of the City. 68 City of La Quinta VII. Program Implementation Measures 69 This page intentionally left blank City of La Quinta 70 A. Description of Regulations and Ordinances Which Will Implement the Specific Plan The Komar Desert Center Specific Plan will be adopted by City Council by resolution. The Specific Plan is in conformance with the General Plan, as required in the City of La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.240.010 Specific Plan Review. The Section concerning Specific Plan Review is as follows: A. Purpose. A specific plan is a detailed plan covering a selected area of the city for the purpose of implementation of the general plan. B. Applicable State Law. It is intended that the provisions of this section shall be fully consistent and in full compliance with Section 65450 et seq. of the State Government Code and that such provisions shall be so construed. C. Who May Apply. A specific plan or specific plan amendment application may be initiated by: 1. The city council; 2. The owner of the property or by the owners agent (with written notarized authorization from the owner); 3. The planning commission by a majority vote; or 4. The community development director. D. Review Procedures. Specific plans shall be prepared, adopted and amended in the same manner as the general plan, except that a specific plan may be adopted either by resolution or ordinance. E. Required Findings. The following findings shall be made by the city council prior to approval of any specific plan or specific plan amendment: 1. Consistency with General Plan. The plan or amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the general plan. 2. Public Welfare. Approval of the plan or amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. 3. Land Use Compatibility. The specific plan is compatible with zoning on adjacent properties. 4. Property Suitability. The specific plan is suitable and appropriate for the subject property. (Ord. 367 § I (Exh. A) (part), 2002; Ord. 284 § I (Exh. A) (part), 1996) No other regulations or ordinances will need to be followed to implement the Komar Desert Center Specific Plan.. B. Capital Improvement Program and Financing Measures Costco Wholesale and Komar Developers are identifying and providing all funding for the development project. This includes the utilities and all other on-site improvements, as well as the Highway Improvements to Highway 111 and the bus stop. City of La Quinta 71 This page intentionally left blank City of La Quinta 72 VIII. Relationship of Specific Plan's Environmental Document to Subsequent Discretionary Projects City of La Quinta 78 This page intentionally left blank City of La Quinta 74 A. Projects that Would be Exempt from Additional Documentation In accordance with CEQA, all projects included in Phases I and II would be exempt from subsequent environmental assessments once the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is certified and the mitigation measures have been fulfilled. Future projects not addressed in the Final EIR may require additional environmental documentation, as required by CEQA. City of La Quinta B. Projects that Would Require Additional Documentation Any future projects that are not contained in Phases I or II would require a Specific Plan Amendment prior to project implementation. 75 r This page intentionally left blank City of La Quinta 76 City of La Quinta IX. Specific Plan Administration 77 This page intentionally left blank City of La Quinta 78 A. Maintenance Maintenance of buildings and grounds shall be the responsibility of the building management association. On-site facilities and landscaping shall be maintained in a clean, attractive, and safe condition in accordance with City regulations, as detailed in Section 9.100.040, Landscaping, of the Municipal Code. B. Specific Plan Amendment Procedures Any proposed changes to this document that would substantially alter the Site Plan(s) contained in this document shall require an amendment to the Komar Desert Center Specific Plan and shall be processed pursuant to provisions contained in California State Government Code Section 65453, and, in the same manner as a zoning code text amendment, pursuant to Section 9.240.010, Specific Plan Review, of the La Quinta Municipal Code. The Planning Commission and City Council shall find,. in approving or conditionally approving an amendment, that there is not a conflict with the purpose and intent of this Specific Plan or the City of La Quinta General Plan. The Planning Commission shall have the authority to approve minor adjustments during the Development Permit Review, so long as it is determined that such adjustments are consistent with the Specific Plan. In addition, in accordance with Section 9.200.090 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, Specific Plan modifications initiated by the developer shall be submitted to the Community Development Director. If the Director determines that the modification(s) is/are minor, will not result in a significant change in the approved project, and complies/comply with the spirit and intent of the original approving action, the Director may approve the modification(s) without further administrative review. If the Director determines that the modification(s) may result in a significant change in the project, the Director shall refer the change(s) to the original decision-making authority. C. Specific Plan Enforcement The enforcement of the provisions of this Specific Plan shall be by the following: • The City of La Quinta Community Development Department shall enforce the site development standards and design guidelines set forth herein. • The Planning Commission may review the appeal of any administrative interpretation of this Specific Plan. Likewise, any decision by the Planning Commission is subject to appeal to the City Council. • The City of La Quinta shall administer the provisions of Komar Desert Center Specific Plan in accordance with the State of California Government Code, Subdivision Map Act, the City of La Quinta General Plan, and the City of La Quinta Municipal Code. • The Specific Plan development procedures, regulations, standards, and specifications shall supersede the relevant provisions of the City's Municipal Code, as they currently exist or may be amended in the future. • All regulations, conditions, and programs contained herein shall be deemed separate, City of La Quinta 79 distinct, and independent provisions of this Specific Plan. In the event that any such provision is held invalid or unconstitutional, the validity of all the remaining provisions of this Specific Plan shall not be affected. • Any development regulation and building requirement not addressed in _the Specific Plan shall be subject to all relevant City of La Quinta ordinances, codes, and regulations. City of La Quinta 80