SP 2003-064 Rancho Santana (2003) - draft copy Revised June 2003RANCHO SANTANA SPECIFIC PLAN CITY OF LA QUINTA Prepared for DESERT ELITE, INC. 78-401 HIGHWAY 111, SUITE "G" LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 a �rw�r a►i Tom O MA . (devised Jame 2003) 7, Ff F r-, - - - � I h'.— - — 4 1t Prepared by N'a CILAMAINIERO, SMITH AND Assoc 1 A71'S, I NC1 AD PLANNING / CIVIL ENGINEERING / LAND SURVEYING 777 East Tahquitz Canyon Way, Suite 301, Palin Springs. CA 92262 Telephone (760) 320-9811 / FAX (760) 323-7893 / www.mainierosmith.com Rancho Santana Specific Plan Table of Contents Purpose..................................................................................... ExecutiveSummary ................................................................... 2 TheProcess.............................................................................. 3 Relationship to Other Agencies ................................................ 3 ll, SPECIFIC PLAN 3. k: P ProjectDescription.................................................................. 10 Artin Public Places..................................................................10 PhasingPlan...........................................................................11 Hydrology and Flood Control...................................................11 GradingConcept..................................................................... 11 ErosionControl........................................................................11 SWPPP/NPDES/PM 10 ........................................................... 11 Utilities..................................................................................... 12 Ili• LAND USE PLAN ,• ;� �..� �,=-:. - LandUse................................................................................. 18 Development Standards.......................................................... 18 Alterations to the Specific Plan .....................................,.......... 19 IV. CIRCULATION:, Circulation............................................................................... 20 V. DESIGN _GUIDELINES' : LandscapeConcepts............................................................... 20 Landscape Maintenance......................................................... 21 General Architectural Theme .............................................•..... 21 Rancho Santana Revised June 20, 2003 Page 1 LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit 1 Aerial Photograph...................................................................4 Exhibit 2 City General Plan....................................................................5 Exhibit3 City Zoning Map......................................................................6 Exhibit4 Site Photos I............................................................................7 Exhibit4a Site Photos II...........................................................................8 Exhibit 5 Tentative Tract /Site Plan........................................................9 Exhibit 6 Proposed Phasing..............................,..................................13 Exhibit 7 Conceptual Grading Plan ...................................................... A4 Exhibit 8 Water Service Plan.. .............................................................. 15 Exhibit 9 Sewer Service Plan...............................................................16 Exhibit 10 Existing Utilities Plan...................................................'..........17 Exhibit 11 Street Cross Sections............................................................22 Exhibit 12 Monroe Street and Avenue 52 Landscape Plan ....................23 Exhibit 13 Circulation Key Exhibit..........................................................24 Exhibit 14 Equestrian Trail.....................................................................25 Exhibit 15 Equestrian Arena...................................................................26 Exhibit 16 Retention Basin Plan.............................................................27 Exhibit17 Entry Plan..............................................................................28 Exhibit 18 Entry Elevation......................................................................29 Exhibit 19 Entry Signage........................................................................ 30 Exhibit 20 Common Area Plant Legend.................................................31 Exhibit 21 Architectural Elevation Plan 1 ................................................32 Exhibit 22 Architectural Elevation Plan 2 ................................................33 Exhibit 23 Architectural Elevation Plan 3 ................................................34 Exhibit 24 Conceptual Front Yard Plan 1 ............................................... 35 Exhibit 25 Conceptual Front Yard Plan 2 ...............................................36 Exhibit 26 Conceptual Front Yard Plan 3 ............................................... 37 Rancho Santana Page 2 Revised June 20, 2003 APPENDIX Appendix One — General Plan Policies.............................................38 Appendix Two — Section 9.140.070 La Quinta Municipal Code.....................46 SPECIAL REPORTS (Submitted under separate cover) Biological Assessment Geotechnical Investigation Paleonotological Assessment Noise Analysis Rancho Santana Page 3 Revised June 20, 2003 R� Rancho Santana S12ecific Plan City of La Quinta TRODUGTIO. SECTION 1 INT PURPOSE The purpose of this Specific Plan is to set forth the detailed development principles, guidelines, and programs to facilitate the development of an 80 +/- acre site located on the south side of Avenue 52 and west of Monroe Street. The proposed project is single family subdivision. This Specific Plan is intended to meet the requirements for a Specific Plan as set forth in State law. The State authorizes cities and counties to adopt Specific Plans as an appropriate tool in implementing their General Plans. Such a plan is to include the detailed regulations, conditions, programs, and any proposed legislation that is necessary for the systematic implementation of the General Plan. The Specific Plan provides the linkage between the General Plan, the general goals and policies of the City, and the detailed implementation of that plan with tools such as zoning ordinances, subdivision ordinances, and the like. The Government Code (Section 65451) sets forth the minimum requirements of a Specific Plan and states: "A Specific Plan shall include a text and diagram or diagrams which specify all of the following in detail: 1). The distribution, location, and extent of the uses of land, including open space, within the area covered by the plan. 2). The proposed 'distribution, location and extent and intensity of major components of public and private transportation, sewage, water, drainage, solid waste disposal, energy, and other essential facilities proposed to be located within the area covered by the plan and needed to support the land uses described by the plan. 3). Standards and criteria by which development will proceed, and standards for the conservation, development, and utilization of natural resources, where applicable. 4). A program of implementation measures including regulations, programs, public works projects, and financing measures necessary to carry out paragraphs (1), (2), and (3)." The Specific Plan shall include a statement of the relationship of the specific plan to the General Plan. The establishment of specific performance, design, and development standards is set forth to guide the development of the subject property in such a way as to implement the General Plan while maintaining some flexibility to respond to changing conditions which may be a factor in any long term development program. The document also acts to augment the City's Zoning Ordinance by providing particular design guidelines, a tailored list of allowable, conditionally allowable, and prohibited uses for the site, and unique development standards Page 1 of 46 revised June 20, 2003 Rancho Santana Specific Flan City of La Quinta EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Rancho Santana is a proposed single family subdivision located on approximately 80 acres of property located on the south side of Avenue 52 and west of Monroe Street within Riverside County. An annexation request is pending to incorporate the site into the City of La Quinta. The site is located within the City's Sphere of Influence. The land use designation on the City's General Plan and Zoning Map is LDR - Low Density Residential up to 4 du/acres with an Agricultural/Equestrian Overlay. (See Exhibits 2 and 3) This designation permits the development of single family homes on large lots. The site is vacant and is currently being used for a turf farm. There is approximately 8 feet of elevation change across the site. The site has approximately 2,946 feet of frontage on Avenue 52 and 1,303 feet of frontage along Monroe Street. Both streets are designated as Primary Arterials according to the City's General Plan. Avenue 52 is designated as a Secondary Image Corridor and Monroe Street is designated as an Agrarian Image Corridor. The surrounding properties are either vacant or being used for agricultural purposes except the property to the north which is the EI Dorado Polo Club, an equestrian use. The property to the west is currently vacant, however, The Hideaway, a residential and golf community is approved for the site. The project site is shown on the Aerial Photograph on Exhibit 1. Site photos are on Exhibits 4 and 4a. Environmental Studies were performed on the site including a biological assessment, paleontological assessment, noise analysis, archaeological assessment and soils and geotechnical analysis and a Phase I Environmental Assessment were prepared for the site. The findings of the biological and paleontological assessments were negative; indicating no sensitive plant or animal species and no significant surface paleontological finds. The paleontological assessment recommends as mitigation on site monitoring and recovery of any finds unearthed during grading. The Phase I report indicated some minor soil contamination due to agricultural operations. This can be mitigated through excavation and disposal of the soil at an approved disposal site. The project is a single family subdivision and will be constructed in four phases. The homes will be one story structures some of the residences will be clustered around open space areas. In the southeast corner of the site up to 14 lots will be available for equestrian uses and will have access to a central riding/arena area and on site trails. The project has been designed to allow for connection to off site equestrian multi use trails. Landscaping and a multi use trail and sidewalk will surround the perimeter of the development. Exhibit 5 depicts the site plan (Tract Map) for the proposed development. Primary access to the site will be on Avenue 52, a secondary access will be located on Monroe Street. The development will contain private streets and will be gated. Page 2 of 46 revised June 20, 2003 Rancho Santana Specific Pian �. City of La Quinta THE PROCESS Implementation of this Specific Plan is intended to carry out the goals and policies contained in the General Plan of the City of La Quinta in a planned and orderly fashion. The land use designation on the City's General Plan and Zoning Map is LDR - Low Density Residential up to 4 du/acres with an Agricultural/Equestrian Overlay. The proposed project density is below the maximum permitted (2.55 dwelling units per acre). The Land Use Map of the 2002 General Plan for the site is shown in Exhibit 2. A comparison of the development plan to the goals and policies of the adopted plan are contained in Appendix One. The property is already properly planned and zoned for the uses proposed. Exhibit 3 depicts the zoning on the site and the surrounding parcels. The City of La Quinta requires a Specific Plan for development of properties that propose modifications to the adopted zoning standards. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER" AGENCIES The site is currently located within unincorporated Riverside County and is part of a an annexation request pending before the County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) the annexation hearing is scheduled for June 26, 2003. Upon completion of the annexation the City can move forward with implementation of the development plan. In addition to City approvals, permits will be required by the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) for improvements to the water and sewer lines as well for the improvement and relocation to the two irrigation lines that are located on the site. Other infrastructure improvements to infrastructure will be required by Imperial Irrigation District (electrical power), Verizon for telephone service and Time Warner for cable TV service. Page 3 of 46 revised June 20, 2003 !. t4►h" AVENUE 52:» a. r �2.f��'�l♦ 1 L ;fi'r/d' I - • w LU Er Lu Y Er •) r. - I �1, l • —. -... -v,-�1- n . a. r �2.f��'�l♦ 1 L ;fi'r/d' I - I - I 4 C Q 0Z[L 0 U)U O LL CL Jo W aj Z� Q � I w c-, IF �I N •'R ry • w LU Er Lu Y Er •) r. n . I - I 4 C Q 0Z[L 0 U)U O LL CL Jo W aj Z� Q � I w c-, IF �I N •'R ry i DR I OR LOR InR ton LDR LDR LDR SITE Tr. trjn C LDH I nR LOR LOn Mr. MDR VLOR LOR Lon LOA L LOR DR Tc ro L job, e - I an S 1 ST LOR x, Mc -53RD LOR X X, 'Ix LL) J cr Xl� LDR z " A AIRPORT BLVD.*' MCI, x w N.T.S. AVENUE 52 H W w cc H C0 W 0 cc z O 2 s �. ti . � i •f�fr Sr -a -Alr = SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SUBJECT PROPERTY SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SUBJECT PROPERTY N.T.S. Q LzJ Q� O co U_ -w 0 9 0 10 r ZIL Q (� ppj�Rryry �03 go oco F a AVENUE 52 FROM MIDDLE OF PROJECT ►i .1, MONROE STREET AND AVENUE 52 NORTHWEST CORNER OF SUBJECT PROPERTY ry-ry �{ Q �V Q Z L Q Z( Oft (n U_ 'w O LL 0zU is ow ZIL CL Q co o� �U 4-P N.T.S. IDL ay 4a.o_roeLaL - PROP ix err raMn tatr ralcle►a A'gtlWtl f.71f..1 AMiWT . I P•. R/W 710' OULINAR 0/44 _ PROP, 55' DEOI-ON 4 5.7 FUTURE BY OTHERS DMONAL N KWAY PARKWAY PROP. (PUBuC) I r IWRPoE.B� __ STe. ILI1RB Cl1ip \ SECTION A -A �Nf! AVENIfE AND 14t�NROE 8TREET x.rs. 1 k LOT •M• (I� 10241 0 ^ LOT 112 LOT . LOT 9H1 `• BS2a if 8600 3 139$1 MI \ 11 Pk•+644 _ eo ht L0T.110 947138 d ' y9� LOT 141 LOT 140 01 n�/ 14 15311 f 10321 of �'J 1 �L PE -4e0.8 L"109 ar f4 _ 4 -LOT 7174 LOT 176.LOT T7f 11Y]w 0 9228 1 9226 .f r46 4 !L2 �' °L _ 3� za�raH-la-3-�- 91 25 V� �.• 2 1122475 14 d LO 7117*9 0 'd' $ 166 LOT 144 9B7B 0 $ LOT 171 - 1 J 9609 .1 .� v PEJ a PE-46eA - 121' I -• - al No IRRIC4TION e LOT 146 - EXISTING PHONE r �ss 9646 0 LOT 170 1)299 it + 5' 510' 102. -- - EXISTING EASEMENT L99010 91 r7A 2 I B LOT 169 ° PE -487,111 128' PEMB7.E GAS- THE GAB COMPANY 19091396-7020 A01 77.4 LOT 147 j11 0 11436 it & ts4' 100 v 1 1 ABBREVIATION8• 1 c` LOT 149 OT CABLE- TIME WARNER CABLE (700)940-1312 it LOT 149 L( 10777 4f 8 r 9�� !�9 �PE-467.0 -E effA� C/L = CENTERLINE PROP. - PROPOSED 98 671J - EXISTING SPOT ETEVATIONS 061 OT 9509 FUTURE R/W ljv - E% E/P'w I ! CENTERMBOUNDARY REVISIONS tor RAIL 1U1r 57.0' ' Hr PL E AVE7IUE 4801 MARCH 2003 es f Jay- 9.6A � � IN THE CffY OF LA OUINTA E I�. Aw7aE 6arx (n COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA �.9 TENTATIVE TRACT 1 1 1 fffl Ufllll� [, E PPOP' kC. fry E„ MAP NO. 31202 " QamrclEO' IerRADE SITE_ AND PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN #lEC7[OJ� B"B PRIVATE STREETS W Tt1AU� rir �M� efTM 1 -FOAL DESCRIPTION u;rs. VICINITY MAP �' 10 T W NS A PORTION OF GE NORTH } OF SECTION q TOWNSHIP S 80UT14 RANGE 7 EAST SAN _• LOT 132 - ,�•,/ f 177 LOT •178 LOT 779 COT 160 LOT 707 L -LDT 168 12422 10 " is .f 9226 N 9276 if 9226 .1 9228 .} 10 162 11979 .f H[•�6AT 105iS .f 4p' 74' 'i•, . 14 LOT 184 LOT 790 12453 sf - , W 1 bB.4 14 u ` LOT tW L07 197 LOT t96 LOT 199 LOT 200 A LOT 106 _ LOT 120I 973! X 8600 N 6800 1r Sa00 4r 11915 if 11742 0 11082 0 / Pa•46A7 9'a•48aL7 OT 201 rte' lid LOT 186 LOT 128 y P111M87A 9200 0 111 9346 11 I� LOT •K• }`(-j�7,�9,.-,t f•crssa f+s•4aee 70135 }15' 117` RETENTION aAm ('1'��dd 'r 489( 110 47" II"I� _ _ �_��_ 1+IIiNa1lly, LOT 187 LOT 727 �1• } LOT 706' l I 3 9200 if E 9335 sr 0 8800 ! '$ �.. _i•-. -+. PE-4BBA PE -4080 "7 Ery ( }15' L { - 4 4T 783 Llir oo 0102 LOT 167 LOT 190 LOT 160 ;8 LDT 7266 LOT 194 6609 .r �• o 8804 A. ISM +4e 9771 if � LO2z1781 16375 .1 9890 0 'r1 � LDT 786'" 'LOT 169 • 766 LOT 167 LOT 186 p 89 Er LOT 784 LOT 163 OT 162 LOT 701 LQ7 760' SO d 9367 .1 9360 11 PiWA7 9L360 .r 9360 .f 996(1 Ir 9750 0 SWOPE4I 11566 sf W. I ■ LOT 168 t 160. LOT 151 LOT 163 LOT 1a3 LOT 164 LOT 166 LOT 166 LOT 167 ' 16811 AT / W eF .9165 sf 9604 d _90.7 -9711 >< 9632 of 163$6 if 10560 sf 1'% PCrN'9 as a B2• - - _ 140 `-• 7L9O.-T. ��''471: ' LOT 98 LOT 99! LQT 91 LOT 8S LOT 8i� LOT 87LOT 869tl00 d 96W .7 M7 921B si 6641 al' 10176 sf 12.323 if PEM86.7 SIC I la LOT 77 %T sf rtr g LOT 78 9324 0 4N Ile LOT 76 9975 sf 10 3i IE•4e49 0 LOT II 74 1111 10224 4 6� PE -48&S 2027-72 r PE -485A LOT 84 $ 11564 of •.-__- _ EGSBNG CONTOURS - - PROPOSED EQUESTRIAN AND Q- EXISTING EASEMENT DELTA ' s{ - EIGSTING ELECTRIC - - EXISTING GAS a.[.f -• - al No IRRIC4TION 7=.--^-_- - EXISTING PHONE 061 OT 9509 FUTURE R/W ljv - E% E/P'w I ! CENTERMBOUNDARY REVISIONS tor RAIL 1U1r 57.0' ' Hr PL E AVE7IUE 4801 MARCH 2003 es f Jay- 9.6A � � IN THE CffY OF LA OUINTA E I�. Aw7aE 6arx (n COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA �.9 TENTATIVE TRACT 1 1 1 fffl Ufllll� [, E PPOP' kC. fry E„ MAP NO. 31202 " QamrclEO' IerRADE SITE_ AND PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN #lEC7[OJ� B"B PRIVATE STREETS W Tt1AU� rir �M� efTM 1 -FOAL DESCRIPTION u;rs. VICINITY MAP �' 10 T W NS A PORTION OF GE NORTH } OF SECTION q TOWNSHIP S 80UT14 RANGE 7 EAST SAN _• LOT 132 - ,�•,/ f 177 LOT •178 LOT 779 COT 160 LOT 707 L -LDT 168 12422 10 " is .f 9226 N 9276 if 9226 .1 9228 .} 10 162 11979 .f H[•�6AT 105iS .f 4p' 74' 'i•, . 14 LOT 184 LOT 790 12453 sf - , W 1 bB.4 14 u ` LOT tW L07 197 LOT t96 LOT 199 LOT 200 A LOT 106 _ LOT 120I 973! X 8600 N 6800 1r Sa00 4r 11915 if 11742 0 11082 0 / Pa•46A7 9'a•48aL7 OT 201 rte' lid LOT 186 LOT 128 y P111M87A 9200 0 111 9346 11 I� LOT •K• }`(-j�7,�9,.-,t f•crssa f+s•4aee 70135 }15' 117` RETENTION aAm ('1'��dd 'r 489( 110 47" II"I� _ _ �_��_ 1+IIiNa1lly, LOT 187 LOT 727 �1• } LOT 706' l I 3 9200 if E 9335 sr 0 8800 ! '$ �.. _i•-. -+. PE-4BBA PE -4080 "7 Ery ( }15' L { - 4 4T 783 Llir oo 0102 LOT 167 LOT 190 LOT 160 ;8 LDT 7266 LOT 194 6609 .r �• o 8804 A. ISM +4e 9771 if � LO2z1781 16375 .1 9890 0 'r1 � LDT 786'" 'LOT 169 • 766 LOT 167 LOT 186 p 89 Er LOT 784 LOT 163 OT 162 LOT 701 LQ7 760' SO d 9367 .1 9360 11 PiWA7 9L360 .r 9360 .f 996(1 Ir 9750 0 SWOPE4I 11566 sf W. I ■ LOT 168 t 160. LOT 151 LOT 163 LOT 1a3 LOT 164 LOT 166 LOT 166 LOT 167 ' 16811 AT / W eF .9165 sf 9604 d _90.7 -9711 >< 9632 of 163$6 if 10560 sf 1'% PCrN'9 as a B2• - - _ 140 `-• 7L9O.-T. ��''471: ' LOT 98 LOT 99! LQT 91 LOT 8S LOT 8i� LOT 87LOT 869tl00 d 96W .7 M7 921B si 6641 al' 10176 sf 12.323 if PEM86.7 SIC I la LOT 77 %T sf rtr g LOT 78 9324 0 4N Ile LOT 76 9975 sf 10 3i IE•4e49 0 LOT II 74 1111 10224 4 6� PE -48&S 2027-72 r PE -485A LOT 84 $ 11564 of •.-__- _ - a NO SEWER - - PROPOSED EQUESTRIAN AND IXISTINC WATER MULT-PURPOSE TRAIL EGSONG CABLE _ g11N'pg0 LOT ItliE R/W - !DUSTING RIGHT OF WAY - - - ---. -, . EWAT114 LOT WE - £Y19Tr16 90UNWJff 78/14890. --- - - - - -- - EXISTING EASEMENT - PROPOSED CURB - - - - PROPOSED AND EXISTING CENTER UNE - - - PROPOSED RIGHr OF WAY .. _ N.T.S. BMNARDNO BABE AND MERIDIAN. �� A3.$�RES PAi3';a,1PaEi.NURNBER'8• �• 707-200-004 AND 767-200-006 OWNER l I c BERNARD DEBONE PU BOX 1838 PALM DESERT CA 92201 4.&•0-._ -r•ty_ _ ` _-� _.. _ r -r �'._ DEVELOPER r - - •_-.- - .. ... DESMT ELITE, NO. t { LOT 'H• CONTAOT• MR. JOHN PEDALIHO 4 9004 .r 70-401 HGHWAY UL SUITE •G• UTI- FASi7L. '` LA QUINT& CALIFORNIA 92283 LOT 17 LOT 16 'LQ7 18 L'QT µ LOT 13 LOT 12 - TELEPHONE, ve41mg920 pQIN� LOT 16 ow9 a 61222 nl 11198 .r 10936 of 1} LO7 11 R 70)41 13687 sf P1 11605 sf 10269 sr + pO PEH6hT 13799 sf FAX. (7e01004-0287 11!,70 LOT •O' I LOT 19 7 a0' - y' _ 7 ' 21815 1 ENGINEER 0 11337 el Z.•i! r PROP. BEl15RE MAINERO, SMITH AND ASSOCIATES, INC. LOT 20 SP 1 1'r ^ 71 8'•1 . y 777 E. TAHOUIT2 CANYON WAY, SUITE 901 19397 .1 to n PALM RINGS, CALFORNA 82262 toy� TELEPHONE (7(10)820-0911 i F LOT 24 LOT 26 LOT 26 LOT 27 LOT 28 LOT 29 1200110 1 ROBERT S. SMRHI. RCE 2e4w LOT 29 11198 er 9492 .1 • 40w 4r 6914 si 9982 J 11194 0 i? s GENERAL NOTES 6,°pr tose3 it _ PE -4"7 Pr -4 7i4 l ra r ed _ 6s' LOT 90 i 13409 f 1 ( ..TING COUNTY ZO1N6 A-1-20 IAGRICULTURD L1rOTO 22 f ^G. Pe•4e4:e �. LOT 9 Ff-46LL4 LOT •� 'AE1T211Wr BgrmM • 470.1 ? 9840 sf PROPOSED C(7v ZONING- R-1. (RESIDENTIAL LOW) WITH -r 671417 .1 T 1)� All AGRICULTURE EQUESTRIAN OVERLAY J�1 4 L.. r _-L :TTLLOfIM+N y as - 6028 31 I VAe EXISTING LARD USE- AGRICULTURE 905 0 0 EXISTING COUNTY GENERAL PLAN AGRICULTURE 1 3 LOT 98 LOT 37 L8T1'30 LOT 96 LOT 34 9DOD E1 IL„7 FRO $ yy�• LOT 38 9000 .r 9000 f 9OWI Irl 9000 aF 9000 s1 FE -484.7 j I PROPOSED CITY CiEHFAAL PLAN- LDR/AE -LOT 40 ^ 9375 iT >'E-4Bae: '� 'I - JQ LOT T t tfi49 1 1^. 72' may^ 105377f LOT 7 PROPOSED LARD USE- BN(ILE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL II 1�1 PE -464.6 J 79'- 79' Y r 79' PE -449.0 10227 f i y - - PE•48a:7 r gro._ ' + I 1{•I PRIVATE HiEBDEMIAL LOTS- LOTS 1 THRU 201 160.96 y{FW[y' A(XiE81 e9 a 1 q .7T, 10OTe 8f''+. PRIVATE STREET& STREETS •A• TFiRI 'L• 111.97 ACREBI I LOT 44 LOT �6 OT 48 LOT 47 ' a I IPI e7 P•58€%EEHTB / RETENTION / LANDSCAPE / AMEf:EEB• LOT 11 LOT 42 LOT 49 10666 .r u2e1 W ;u5r8 sf 11410 .f LOT 48 LOT 49 rtLOT 60 LnTB •A• T1Fu1 •rs AND 'rt• iNTpl •N' RLBf ACFEeH 0 1 '1 9677 of PE 7 6 �� 1I 5 7 10105 sl 10239 .1 d LOT 6 I eP B �-+ reraao811<{I 10400 0 8 PIIOPOSED WELL&TES LOT •G• 10.80 ACRES) - �. _ 1 I I PROPOSED SEWER LIFT BTATIO* LOT •F' 1031 ACRES) 13c1 I � 1 I it iiiSSf LOT 69 LOT .1 LOT 612 (�, LOT 4 PUBLIC BiAEE7 DEDICATIONi 62ND AVENUE AND MONROE A I.�OY 9C, LOT 69 Lar 671 LOT "� L0T a� LOT 66 LDT 64 pp 4 I 9002 e/ 10026 .I I IM 10w0 s( 55 STREET (4.97 ACRES) 1 106 IR 2290 +1 54146 .i 16050 ! 1A797 d 9990 al 9289 1f y1i+41Ae0 PEyµµa 41 PYH8&1 � P'[-:668 P6-S84.T 0'� � a 1 2w } GROSS ACREAGE- 7821 ACRES rl..Air .li.�a�7iT009��--�� - 10445 d • NFr ACREAGE 79.69 ACRES 11 • � � _ iH.1 96'� 5Si T 192 - 1,2 I E'7 ALL INTERIOR PRIVATE STREET CURB RETURNS ARE R 1LOOTg 2f I MN4MUM PRIVATE STREET CENTERLINE RADIUS • 180'. }¢ LOT 07 3 LOT 62 LOT 03 g LOT 04 6 LOT 65 LOT BB ;. ]]] 20849 0 20210 if 20346 0 20984 sf PE•4aia 26839 of 1 I' Eg$EIVIENTB NOTE O PE-4NA PE -468A PE -411" PE -Ma PE -484.8 h .,;{ � 20' EASEMENT FOR MOATi0N PIPES PER BUREAU OF y. tygr tiY 13 . yya• N A�&& •1A RECLAMATION PLAT CiA•7990. fPAi / II 2363 V ;r 1 .EASEMENT TO REMAIN N PLACE. A\10' EASEMENT FOR IRRIGATION PIPES PER BUREAU OF s2�4ao� 14. - rt r • / .7b. I if1 RECLAMATION "If "A -11M LOT RETENTION BASIN 207737e1 LOT 70 LOT BB LOT 88 n LOT 67 s " y EASEMENT TO BE RELOCATED. PE•EBA 21962 0 °! 23804 V22232 if 21815f • ^ /3\10, EASEMENT FOR FMAT10N PIPES PER BUREAU OF PE -/887 PE -484.9 PE -4"1 PE -4898 RECLAMATION PLAT 1?6A-13312. 6TRERT 1• .1111A8k7AENT TO REMAIN N 7•LACB. • •`� '-' R•�0•aD Q4, 10' UMY EASEMENT N FAVOR OF VE741ZON PER OA 78/14890. .EASEMENT TO BE ABANDONED. l TILITIES- ELECTRIC, IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT 1780)998-0844 GAS- THE GAB COMPANY 19091396-7020 TELEPHIONE• '780,778's.3VEAIZON COMPANY 1780)778-s98 s WATM COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 080)9-2681 ABBREVIATION8• CABLE- TIME WARNER CABLE (700)940-1312 A.C. =ASPHALT N NORM sr. WED WATER DISTRICT (7001998-2801 WED COACHELLA VA C/L = CENTERLINE PROP. - PROPOSED RBA• SERVICE ALERT (800)422-4199 E - EAST �/p + EDGE OF PAVEMENT 'Fk P. U,E, = PUBUC UTILITY EASEMENT 0' R - RADIUS 100' 200' 300' ODD' - _ EM"NG L - LENGTH MAX. MAXIMUM MIN. = MINIMUM R/W =RIGHT OF WAY S =SOUTH S.F. - SQUARE FOOTAGE W . WEST ' SCALE 1'=100' -,1y "OR'I�757 MAINIER0 SMITH AND ASSOCUTES',. INC. P),N'AWN / am IOrc$1 mwev J i4h11 BDITsrm - R i7T8 CAMW r;r, Bum mr r4clr �CAI2707LVL SANS -ala fn4a712rrr {Tae{ S1a-roee l rAT ala-76At N.T.S. Rancho Santana Specific Pian City of La Quinta PROJECT DESCRIPTION The existing site is a total of 79.21 gross acres. The site is vacant and there are no significant landforms or scenic features on the site except for a grouping of palms in the middle of the site. The site plan will provide a grouping of lots around open space areas. The Plan will integrate architecture and landscape architecture into a pleasant residential setting. Rancho Santana will be a gated community consisting of up to 202 single-family homes on lots ranging in size from 8,800 to approximately 27,000 square feet, including up to 14 large lots ('/2 acre) for semi -custom or custom homes incorporating equestrian amenities accessing a common area riding area and trails. The floor plans for the 188 home sites will range in size from approximately 2200- 2800 square feet. Almost all homes will enjoy a view of the Santa Rosa Mountains and will accommodate the construction of a pool and spa in the rear yard. Each floor plan will have two front elevations illustrating a contemporary Spanish/Mediterranean theme with earth -tone stucco colors accented by a subtle equestrian theme featuring stone veneer fascia, exterior shutters and split rail fencing in the front courtyard entries and porches. Other exterior standard features include detached casitas, covered rear yard porches and patios, three car garages, 6' block walls, and turnkey front yard landscaping. Rancho Santana will be surrounded by a 6' tan split face block wall with contrasting brown cap and pilasters and desert friendly landscaping on the perimeter, including the multi-purpose trail, as required by the City of La Quinta General Plan. There will be two gated entries into the project; both gated entries will include monument signage. The main gated entry on Avenue 52 will include extensive entry features and landscaping. A multi purpose trail, on street bicycle path and meandering sidewalk will also be provided. The project will include privately maintained streets and open space with low profile lighting to preserve the visibility of the naturally clear skies of the desert. ,orf in Public Places and Recreation The requirement for Art in Public Places will be satisfied in accordance with Chapter 2.65 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. Recreational requirements will be satisfied in accordance Section 13.65 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. Page 10 of 46 revised June 20, 2003 Rancho Santana Specific Pian City of La Quanta Phasing Plan As currently scheduled, the project will be constructed in four phases. Phases I and II will be located west of the center trail; Phase III will be the large equestrian oriented lots located in the southeast corner of the site. Phase IV will be the northeast portion of the site. All areas left vacant during construction will be stabilized using soil stabilization materials. See Exhibit 6. Hydrologyand Flood Control The site lies in flood Zone C according to Community Panel No. 060245-2300 B dated March 23, 1983. Zone C is an area of minimal flooding no special protection or measures are required. Grading The site may be graded in a single phase. It is anticipated that there will be a balance of material on the site. The preliminary grading concept for the property shows retention basins located throughout the site for retention of storm flows and nuisance water. See Exhibit 7 Erosion Control The project will comply with the City's erosion control ordinance. The grading operations shall include adequate provisions for wind and water erosion control during as well as after grading operations have ceased. The details of erosion control shall be included in the project's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and PM 10 Plan. • Pre Grading --The portions of the site to be graded shall be prewatered to a depth designated by the soils engineer prior to the onset of grading operations. • During Grading -- Once grading has commenced, and until grading has been completed, watering of the site and/or other treatment(s) determined to be appropriate shall be ongoing. • Post Grading -- All disturbed areas shall be treated to prevent erosion for the term that the area will remain undeveloped. Wherever feasible, final landscape and irrigation shall be installed. SWPPP/NPQES/PM 10 Since the Coachella Valley experiences periods of moderate to heavy wind conditions, wind-blown dust and sand is a concern with mass grading operations. Because of health concerns, the Environmental Protection Agency has instituted a plan in the valley to curb excess PM 10 (small particle dust). The City also participates in the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System program. The City of La Quinta requires SWPPP, NPDES and PM 10 plans to control the wind and water born erosion associated with such grading operations. Page 11 of 46 revised June 20, 2003 Rancho Santana Specific Plan City of La +Qty€nta The project will comply with the City's requirements relative to these programs. UTILITIES Water Plan Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) provides water service in the City. There is an existing 18" water line located in Avenue 52 that terminates at the Desert Sands school site approximately one-half mile east of the site. There is also water service (18" line) in Monroe Street approximately three-quarters of a mile west of the site. CVWD has indicated either point is a viable connection point to serve the site. Exhibit 8 shows the schematic design for water service. The Coachella Valley Water Management Plan, November 2000, was prepared to address a valley -wide overdraft of the groundwater basin. Water conservation goals within the plan include reducing urban water demand by 10 percent. This project will positively contribute to offsetting the overdraft by incorporating the goals of the management plan and implementing water conservation measures. Measures that promote water conservation include more efficient landscaping, irrigation and plumbing fixtures. Sewer Plan Sanitary sewer facilities for La Quinta are provided by Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD). There are no facilities in front of the site. The District has indicated that a project specific temporary lift station will be necessary and a connection to the 6 " force main located at Avenue 52 and Monroe Street will be required. Exhibit 9 shows the schematic design sewer service. Electrical Plan The Imperial Irrigation District provides electric facilities in La Quinta. There are overhead services adjacent to the site. The City will require the installation of these services to be underground if the voltage is less than 34 KV. Other Utilities The Gas Company provides natural gas services. There is service is Avenue 52 that will be utilized for the development. Time Warner Cable provides television cable service. There is service is available at Avenue 52 and Monroe Street that will serve as the connection point. Verizon will provide telephone service. There are service connection points in Monroe Street and Avenue 52. Waste Management of the Desert provides waste disposal service. Plans for incorporating recycling facilities will be considered with the development. All appropriate City staff shall review facilities for compliance with all City ordinances. See Exhibit 10 for existing utilities. Page 12 of 46 revised June 20, 2003 AVENUE 52 \ \LOT 112 LOT 113 LOT 114 LOT 115 LOT 116 LOT 117 LOT 118 LOT 119 LOT 120 LOT 121 \ LOT 111 \ LOT 122 LOT 110 — LOT 123 LUI 141 LOT 140 LOT 138 LOT 138 LO 137 LOT 136 LUT 135 LOT 1:14 LOT 133 LOT 124 LOT 109 LOT 132 LOT 125 LOT 108 LOT 174 LO]17,9 LOT 178 LOT 177 LOT 178 LOT 179 LOT 180 LOT 181 LOT 182 LOT 183 LOT 131 LOT 184 LOT 130 LOT 107 LOT 142 LOT 173 LOT 198 LOT 197 LOT 198 LOT f98 LOT 200 LOT 185 LOT 129 LOT 78 LOT 106 I OT 201 LOT 105 LOT 143 LOT 172 I LOT 186 LOT 126 LOT 79 LOT 104 LOT 144 LOT 171 LOT 195 � LOT 187 LOT 127 LOT 80 LOT 103 LOT 145 I LOT 163 LOT 192 LOT 191 LOT 190 LOT 189 LOT 126 1 LOT 81 ff LOT 170 LOT 194 LOT 18B LOT 102 LOT 146 — — — LOT 82 LOT 169 — LOT 101 LOT 165 LOT 147 LOT 188 LOT 187 LOT 188 LOT 164 LOT 163 LOT 182 LOT 161 LOT 180 LOT 159 LOT 83 LOT 100LOT B4 LOT 148 LOT 158 \ LOT 149 LOT 150 LOT 151 LOT 152 LOT 16'3 LOT 154 LOT 156 LOT 168 LOT 157 LOT 99 ` LOT 65 LOT 98 LOT 97 LOT 96 LOT 95 LOT 94 LOT 93�LOT 92 LOT 91 LOT 90 LOT B9 LOT 8B LOT 87 LOT 86 PHASE PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 a OF LOTS 61 LOTS 63 LOTS 30 LOTS 47 LOTS TOTAL 201 LOTS LOT 18 LOT 17 LOT 18 LOT 16 LOT 14 LOT 13 LOT 12 LO' T 19 if LOT 20 LOT 24 LOT 25 LOT 28 LOT 27 LOT 2B LOT 29 \ LOT 10 LOT 21 LOT 23 LOT 30 LOT 22 LOT 9 LOT 31 LOT 8 LOT 38 LOT 37 LOT 38 LOT 35 LOT 34 LOT 33 LOT 40 LOT 39 LOT 32 LOT 77 — LOT 7 II LOT 76 LOT 8 LOT 41 LOT 43 LOT 44 LOT 45 LOT 48 LOT 47 LOT 48 LOT 49 LOT 42 LOT 50 LOT 75 ' LOT 6 LOT 74 J LOT 80 LOT 58 LOT 58 LOT 67 LOT 56 LOT 55 LOT 54 LOT 53 LOT 52 LOT 51 LOT 4 LOT 73 __ — LOT 3 LOT 2 LOT 61 LOT 62 LOT 63 LOT 64 LOT 85 LOT 66 LOT 72 LOT 1 p� LOT 71 LOT 70 IMI LOT 89 1 LOT 88 1 LOT 67 N.T.S. z Z w�- _j Z a. �0 0 I C io CO0 LU Z �a- 0 < U) DL r� i W�W� d", Ch UUP R., N Q1, m P Uj U h�W 2 a �0 �a 52ND-AVENU_E_AND MONROE_STREET, ,g RTs EX. E/P 1 LOT 112 tOT 1 14954 sf Seth LOT 142 1! i■ II 15311 f L 191?- LOT 143 "LOT 174 Imp 111, BBOp Bri00 at„ eepD fl= kLIXJ. .i 6S9D s), 929] sf w L9r rza - EXISTING CONTOURS 11209 sf + 11971 s1 " - EXISTING ELECTRIC 11 • - EXISTING GAS 4 106' 1.97 1,44 $ LOT 173 = I 10756 .I 9600 sf F D. 11, rMEuEfl ' T 105 , LCI 145 LOT 172 7j 'k LOT 20 -- b IpM7 1 L' I� rr ,4 ff pW0 .r •` / 'r,1. 17 1Y3 ,514' T 104 g s LOT 171 11 LOT 1 LIiS �l LOT 26 LOT 27 LOT 7 LOT 11194 sf 9497 +M B90J sr Bata sf 0993 • 11194 sf r 9529 r 4f6 5 133 tl'. 607 TEG' SOf T4• y: 510229 LOT ;j ,'t ���11f4i4i 8�. 66' ew •ria=-�•d g ,w T 103 g 19 LOT 147.� Loi t 70 1133a If t. .1 9685 sf 12700 .I Ai. L' 17 9T 1T LOT 18 LOT 151 Or 1S LOY 1#4,1: 132 14112 v r 19x; a Lor 148 L4 GENERAL NOTES 44 .1 nsa3 sr r, LpY 7 �r 11260 sf 1• y PROPOSED CITY ZONING- R -L (RESDENTIAL LOW) WITH AE AGRICULTURE EOUESTRIAN OVERLAY Q T2e 92e1 d 'A•, s�rT LOT 149 19914 0T9] .f xe LOT 9JL 19948 LOT ',"17711 1 269] 1 " I LEGEND. A'4Y fr RETEH7 pp LOT 17 .LOT 16 { 19L012T-.4 LlSY 93 LpT 12 LOT 11 LOT 10 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONS Imp 111, BBOp Bri00 at„ eepD fl= kLIXJ. .i 6S9D s), 929] sf w L9r rza - EXISTING CONTOURS eASlti - EXISTING EASEMENT DELTA " - EXISTING ELECTRIC 11 • - EXISTING GAS g R m e - EXISTING IRRIGATION _�_ -_- - EXISTING PHONE LOT ws R/W R w PROP. CEOG Y2K.' E �RD PROP A CC+TII C. - sop )MSC COMPACTED S4S9GRAE1 SECTION B_B. PRIVATE STREETS 'A' THRU 'L' urs 1115OT 14 Or 11 OT IF'8 DT 11901 12 LOT 121 1.9T 122 REHABS H `slj 1,3ib A'4Y fr RETEH7 pp LOT 17 .LOT 16 { 19L012T-.4 LlSY 93 LpT 12 LOT 11 LOT 10 Imp 111, BBOp Bri00 at„ eepD fl= kLIXJ. .i 6S9D s), 929] sf w L9r rza eASlti 1�H71.f• 11605 sf 10263 sf 1dsr I11g0 q 91]&76 .1 12982 .1 18018 sr " 2172. ,oma.` . 11 • IN THE CITY OF LA OUINTA g R m e Lor I _�_ -_- MAP NO. 31202 AND CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN LOT 19 L9(jAt..{I, F,25CRIPTION �, Ya s� F D. 2 i1¢ifY rMEuEfl 0 RNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN. �rr 9 a 1a LOT 9 7j 'k LOT 20 -- b IpM7 1 L' I� 17574 i III -La! 90 I19 LOT 138 LOT IS7LOT I. LOT 135 LOT 134 100'1: w 10012' .+. 10429 sr 12]12 Gf. • / 'r,1. tib is LOT 24 LOT7 29 } w ✓ 10131 If s! 'LST q } LIiS �l LOT 26 LOT 27 LOT 7 LOT 11194 sf 9497 +M B90J sr Bata sf 0993 • 11194 sf r e 133 tl'. 607 TEG' SOf T4• y: • LOT ;j ,'t ���11f4i4i 8�. 66' ew S TELEPHONE- OF 0)777-9920 FAX. 0e0)664.6207 _ _.eA'... i�oe >° 1133a If 7{i SLOT MAINIERO, SMITH AND ASSOCIATES, NO Ai. L' 17 9T 1T LOT 18 LOT 151 Or 1S LOY 1#4,1: 132 14112 TELEPHONE 17801320-9811 ROBERT S. SMITH, RCE 20401 Sr la .r ®xta Jy 9x26 .r_ halts d.42.25 xry to -13s +1 LOT 184 GENERAL NOTES R B 1 LpY 7 �r 11260 sf 1• y PROPOSED CITY ZONING- R -L (RESDENTIAL LOW) WITH AE AGRICULTURE EOUESTRIAN OVERLAY LOT 92e1 d 'A•, EXISTING COUNTY GENERAL PLAN- AGRICULTURE sl1 7 LOT 185 105g6 t1260 sr �Ll Gt •"' Iol S LOQT 35 LOT S}ppm•5 ACRES) PRIVATE STREETS. STREETS 'A' THRU 'L' (1130 ACRES) .LOT40 _ I Ul 19' QT 19 O7 194 OT 2pN LOT 201 R L L [01` PUBLIC STREET DEDICATION. 62ND AVENUE AND MONROE 7 11649 sl - 2375 N n 7f. - 7g.• 7p+ - 7 - 1053] sf STREET (493 ACRES) 9771 ,r et6p4 k 6696 .f 6egq 4r tuts sr LOT 186 LOT 130 "" ,Or{} `�' LO. y $ n e�ao si rp• 21 •��� f,• 1, 10]61 sr 1205 ] If i5 _.. 9 Pp512 f! 1 1 117 A-]69 e _ Eq rrs 7LOS I Pn LOT 76 R :� S g 4 ,yfT'-" LOT 187 LO129 9337 Sr I m w wza sf a LUT ' '0T 46 _ LOT 44 LOT 47 LOT 48 LOT 49 µLOT LOT 4 13� •1,- 9221 sr .41 14 LOT 43 11261 t LRIII .r 50 ipT:47 10969 If 11410 sf 10954 If 10105 If 8677 10570 sl 19209 .I 10400 If :31 sY W 1- 1!. A 10' EASOAMT FOR 11660ATION PIPES PER BUREAU OF 4341 IT .I 4 1 "a 1v-. RETIENTION GABBY LOT6188 LOT 129$ LOT 19611 - 9335 If r LOT Ido g IW. r .1 R LOT. 75 e 9515m '..�..rw '_'. s 9Y.. - _ B 6 fp IIO t a1 FT 6600 sf .EASEMENT TO BE ABANDONED. r 1� r yY. ,.•,._ ,i r'9 1Nmp vT cl 81 >7 L.OT 74 g Lor 55 LpT. 54 LOT 93 LST 52 IAT 519Y 9T 19 6T1921,09 141 LOT190 LOT 189 LOT127 sr 10124 M 106 .1 2290 .1 10106 r 140.5011 vm7ft-q 01190 Sr Step o ,rw" 9067 .I :rmD26 Ar 1G5 app w app of rifP4 pe ri600 v1y 9]]t sr 10221 sf ,10/0 V 26aT .1 m - n LOT 2 _ a 31 .. '82 xr ar r1d' ^_ fiE• _ 20892 N a LO ST LOT:mb to � STREKI. J � .� 6023A q T+PI v��GTn 5 �e 1_ LOT 166 LOT 16� L T 166 LOT 189 . $6�4 LOT 19� LST 161 Lei 161 .LOT iG9 p -9ri26 d 11390 M.�. L0.8SG '� 104 7 w $ LOT 61 LOT 62 LOT 63 -OT 64 �L'046.5' 10T 65 `�- :t - 4 9686.1 9678 aI 9678 w 96atl .I w 9978 w 9SSE p 20849 IF 20210 If 'H)]4a sr - 24984 w_ 70170 of 1. 1 131' la a' 151' -4--,.- - J - .-. _ LOT I � f5 fd° 16 66 l4 m' 61 142- 5 SB.agi LOT 159 `_ - $ p. W1»v Iw,d pt����,: � r/ 5sr,1n ,r 56.191 157 L58 16199 Sr1' 151 LOT 192 LOT 1'53 LOT 154 LOT 155 LOT 156 97Y7 -4072, .f, 0407 9969 4!, t6u4 d_ 9 . . w .I„ .1 - 1pPM .F 1121 11_ Y ' h Y 4 4 ii Y LOT ! _ 1§4. 'o T6Y t41 SFRKKt 'G' M p6' .' 1 C LOT 71 - 20737 sr "J 1 45 LD1 /p - LOT 69 101 68 �_� LOT 67 f� t n. j R596R • tltltl 23604 sl 7$32 ar 4M159 If �✓ /A•_2"'.. .. a e - LOT 87 L-_..�.ep�. ._ 1 V Iu' .: %:k .+--,f - :..r �•- --- V LOT 9f LOT 91 LOT 90" [,MOT 84' 101 88 ! „1,- _ .,. 7 1e ' 9600 sl 95]3 If 9216 .r 21241 1r 101 ]fi sr 12323 UTILITIES - GAS. A 1 ELECTRIC- IMPERIAL COMPANY DISTRICT 0801335-6044 -- - - THE GAS COMPANY 170 91335-7026 ' TELEPHONE. VERIZON COMPANY 0801778-3803 :71,w ,j WATER • COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 17801390-2661 y{��/s�@'}- CABLE. TIME WARNER CABLE 17001340-1312 T T`" SEWER. COACFELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT (780)378-2661 USA. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (800)422-4133 EXISTING SEWER - _ — - PROPOSED EQUESTRIAN AND ABBREVIATIONS EXISTING WATER MULTI-PURPOSE TRAIL - EXISTING CABLE - PROPOSED LOT LINE A.C, = ASPHALT N = NORTH EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY C/L = CENTERLINE PROP. - PROPOSED EXISTING LOT LINE E = EAST P.U.E. = PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT - EXISTING BOUNDARY E/P = EDGE OF PAVEMENT R = RADIUS EXISTING EASEMENT EX, EXISTING R/W = RIGHT OF WAY �lYAlilrlfiRii, Sy4flTA AND AS"QC1Y7'fiS INC. PROPOSED CURB L LENGTH. S =SOUTH 7' too' 200' 300' 4D0' 1'MA7)WG j CATL mnale+ia2lrA'c Ja,1n'p .NI/7167[75N. - PROPOSED AND EXISTING CENTER LINE MAX. = MAXIMUM S F- = SQUARE FOOTAGE 777 R 7AN96VtX ['dAR'O,Y ■A Y, SOA7R wi MIN. = MINIMUM W = WEST iL{m-SP,VlNGA CflfI9AA7A pKCC-DTI{ - PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY SCALE 1"=100 7¢fYPp(Syy (2003 930-Alyl / YAr ply -2409 N.T.S. REVISIONS APPROVED DATE MARCH 2003 IN THE CITY OF LA OUINTA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA TENTATIVE_ TRACT MAP NO. 31202 AND CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN L9(jAt..{I, F,25CRIPTION SUBDIVIDING A PORTION OF THE NORTH I OF SECTION 1C, TOWNSHIP B SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN 0 RNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN. �l GL$.PCkli El- NISA�1 aa4 767-200-004 AND 767-200-006 4�1k OWNER BERNARD OEBONNE PO BOX 1935 PALM DESERT CA 92201 DEVELOPER - — DESERT ELITE. INC. .p CONTACT. MR JOHN PEDALINO 78-401 HIGHWAY 111, SUITE 'G' LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92263 TELEPHONE- OF 0)777-9920 FAX. 0e0)664.6207 ll 1rI±1.41NT33 MAINIERO, SMITH AND ASSOCIATES, NO 777 E. TAHOUITZ CANYON WAY, SUITE 301 PALM SPI71NDS, CALIFOPI 92202 TELEPHONE 17801320-9811 ROBERT S. SMITH, RCE 20401 GENERAL NOTES EXISTING COUNTY ZONING- A-1-20 (AGRICULTURE) §� 1• y PROPOSED CITY ZONING- R -L (RESDENTIAL LOW) WITH AE AGRICULTURE EOUESTRIAN OVERLAY EXISTING LAND USE, AGRICULTURE 'A•, EXISTING COUNTY GENERAL PLAN- AGRICULTURE PROPOSED CITY GENERAL PLAN- LDR/AE PROPOSED LAND USE- SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL LOTS. LOTS 1 THRU 202 (5304 ACRES) PRIVATE STREETS. STREETS 'A' THRU 'L' (1130 ACRES) T~/J EASEMENTS / RETENTION / LANDSCAPE / AMENITIES - I Ul LOTS 'A' THRU '1- (988 ACRES) [01` PUBLIC STREET DEDICATION. 62ND AVENUE AND MONROE 1 " fy STREET (493 ACRES) AA"I g GROSS ACREAGE, 7921 ACRES NET ACREAGE 74.28 ACRES ALL INTERIOR PRIVATE STREET CURB RETURNS ARE R 24.6', MINIMUM PRIVATE STREET CENTERLINE RADIUS • 130' �,+sym�fs G. a'SS NdTE$ A,20' EASEMENT FOR IRRIGATION PIPES PER BUREAU OF 3p n RECLAMATION PLAT C -BA -1320. •EASEMENT TO REMAIN IN PLACE. 4+ II Q2. 10' EA821.EHT FOR IRRIGATION PIPES PER BUREAU OF , _•JJ1. RECLAMATION PLAT C -a A4320 .EASEMENT TO BE RELOCATED, A 10' EASOAMT FOR 11660ATION PIPES PER BUREAU OF RECLAIVLTDN PLAT "All 1 "a .EASEMENT TO REMAIN IN PLACE, 1 Q4. 10' UTILITY EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF VERIZON PER OR 78/41998 .EASEMENT TO BE ABANDONED. - LOT 87 L-_..�.ep�. ._ 1 V Iu' .: %:k .+--,f - :..r �•- --- V LOT 9f LOT 91 LOT 90" [,MOT 84' 101 88 ! „1,- _ .,. 7 1e ' 9600 sl 95]3 If 9216 .r 21241 1r 101 ]fi sr 12323 UTILITIES - GAS. A 1 ELECTRIC- IMPERIAL COMPANY DISTRICT 0801335-6044 -- - - THE GAS COMPANY 170 91335-7026 ' TELEPHONE. VERIZON COMPANY 0801778-3803 :71,w ,j WATER • COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 17801390-2661 y{��/s�@'}- CABLE. TIME WARNER CABLE 17001340-1312 T T`" SEWER. COACFELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT (780)378-2661 USA. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (800)422-4133 EXISTING SEWER - _ — - PROPOSED EQUESTRIAN AND ABBREVIATIONS EXISTING WATER MULTI-PURPOSE TRAIL - EXISTING CABLE - PROPOSED LOT LINE A.C, = ASPHALT N = NORTH EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY C/L = CENTERLINE PROP. - PROPOSED EXISTING LOT LINE E = EAST P.U.E. = PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT - EXISTING BOUNDARY E/P = EDGE OF PAVEMENT R = RADIUS EXISTING EASEMENT EX, EXISTING R/W = RIGHT OF WAY �lYAlilrlfiRii, Sy4flTA AND AS"QC1Y7'fiS INC. PROPOSED CURB L LENGTH. S =SOUTH 7' too' 200' 300' 4D0' 1'MA7)WG j CATL mnale+ia2lrA'c Ja,1n'p .NI/7167[75N. - PROPOSED AND EXISTING CENTER LINE MAX. = MAXIMUM S F- = SQUARE FOOTAGE 777 R 7AN96VtX ['dAR'O,Y ■A Y, SOA7R wi MIN. = MINIMUM W = WEST iL{m-SP,VlNGA CflfI9AA7A pKCC-DTI{ - PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY SCALE 1"=100 7¢fYPp(Syy (2003 930-Alyl / YAr ply -2409 N.T.S. AVENUE 52 I L PRO OSE 18" WA R M IN " PROP D 18' WA R M i 1 t 1 PROPOSED 18• WATER MAIN TO CONNECT TO EXISTING 181 WATER MAIN APPROX. 1/2 MILE EAST OF MONROE STREET P ATSSED I + `� STUB 1811 WATER MAIN I MAI " FOR FUTURE CONNECTION - i RO SED 18• IN " " r ia r - PR 3poej ao W TER MAIN w " oOt " " " " i �r �r P OPOSED le -1,4 STUB 18• WATER MAIN FOR FUTURE CONNECTION c cd iL //(D, 'vQ LZ Z 0 �J cl) Z4-0 � cd I� UW Q� W 0 0 L ELI %A NA � �a 8' PVC SEWER FORCE MAIN TO CONNECT TO EXISTING AVENUE 52 AND MADISON STREET GRAVITY SEWER E k � I I I I I I I I I -.I- \ \ _ --; --- --z 1/4 ACRE TEMPORARY CVWD LIFT STATION c cd ,W •v Q L Zz 0 �J zza_ 0 coU 3:0., 0W � 0� z 70 Q cn 0 0 L y �a 12• IRRIGATION P k_.T 3 WIRE 0/H POWER WIRE /NEWER a: PARK y LANDSCAPE AREA STAND PIP - 1 OTT: OCRC"T LRIJTRrEA L E ".-IRR S P F - - N .... Apo G4C k IRR S.P. iUFV lj�URIEO CABLE ?1' VALVE slt;f.:l •111#i 1 6' IRRIGATION LINE •�N ON 4EI41 STAND b6' IRRIGATION LINE VERIZON IRR PUMP SIATKjN 1-4" CONDUIT -' 66 I+t;'.71 pN UNE r + t -6' C.F.S. METER �- ERG• IRRIGATION LINE VER''C'M' ER' COIV IUIE tFR1�ON - PP k110701 - R -f t,OHOUIt W/�-1 2y 5UDDUGT =66" IRRIGATION 1 4 G'}I UiT - Wf3-I.;Ti SUGDIIL: rll:b'UIRS .' W/3-1 25' SUBDUCT v4 W/3-1.25 SIJ y_y} ' •ili1� •cV_ IT_ hbl 11,(iUND yy I` 2 3 H POWER 2 WRE O/O/H 14' IRRIGATION LATERAL *'� y ' 'yy M THERE IS NO CVWD SEWER N 52ND STREET OR UDMUX 14" IRRIGATION LATERAL _..N GTE DIRECT BURIED CABLE i SINGLE RUN AVENUE SSP. r ,r SFW 4 -WIRE D,H POWER y� \� 52 .:- PP OT IS NO CVWD SEWER IN 52ND STREET 'r , , M BILC�CS° WS vs i 1y9P"_ r - ' I a 2-3 WIRE 0/H POWER METAi. PP- 1-4 WIRE 0/H POWER ; 4-A.-*: .1 IRROP - 2-3 WIRE 0/H POWERS 1-4 WIRE PLUS CAN STAND PIP - 1 OTT: OCRC"T LRIJTRrEA L E ".-IRR S P F - - N .... aRR STAND PIPES dek VALVES v IRR VALVE S.P. r G4C k IRR S.P. iUFV lj�URIEO CABLE ?1' VALVE slt;f.:l •111#i 1 6' IRRIGATION LINE •�N ON 4EI41 STAND b6' IRRIGATION LINE VERIZON IRR PUMP SIATKjN 1-4" CONDUIT -' 66 I+t;'.71 pN UNE r + t -6' C.F.S. METER �- ERG• IRRIGATION LINE VER''C'M' ER' COIV IUIE tFR1�ON - PP k110701 - R -f t,OHOUIt W/�-1 2y 5UDDUGT =66" IRRIGATION 1 4 G'}I UiT - Wf3-I.;Ti SUGDIIL: rll:b'UIRS .' W/3-1 25' SUBDUCT v4 W/3-1.25 SIJ y_y} ' •ili1� •cV_ IT_ hbl 11,(iUND yy I` 2 3 H POWER 2 WRE O/O/H 14' IRRIGATION LATERAL *'� y ' 'yy M THERE IS NO CVWD SEWER N 52ND STREET OR UDMUX 14" IRRIGATION LATERAL _..N GTE DIRECT BURIED CABLE i SINGLE RUN WIRE POWER SSP. `tom THERE IS NO TNM WARNER CATV N 52nd OR MOINOE / THERE IS NO CVWD SEWER IN 52ND STREET -U/G POWER +. Jr 40 � �-B" VALVE .1 IRROP PP OT10700 GTE DIRECT BURIED CABI E - 3 RUNS PP OT10699-.-, C F S. Wr" STAND _GTE DI CT BURIED CABLE RW PP /T10698-. SRUN .. . 14' wRIGTION UTERK �_GFE,IREO4 BURIED CABLEE RUN T 2-3 WIRE 0/H POWER 1-4 WIRE O/H POWER .14' IRIGATION LATERAL • -GTE PEDESTAL PP IT 10697.- - - - ♦" r I „ GTE DIRECT BURIED CABLE - • 3 RUNS ' w y " .4 I PP /110685 -rt • � 4 i` - - PP . ., 4 ail t .. • N. - _h' • s - ..•'p } PSMV/RISER & WMER. a ` t -R S T VALVE 1, 2, O/H POWER IR w i' •` � A, ° � � 1; . ' •4P,I'�r �a.+TJ. s � - 1r - a'P , ' .- r 1 yAN { - 4_ PEM GAS �.if-6' SEWER FORCE MAIN - F=N11Rf 0/H POWER +' Dl IYLUR X1923 �:*T(T -P1 ?R A o0 - v4 L y_y} ' •ili1� •cV_ IT_ { - 4_ PEM GAS �.if-6' SEWER FORCE MAIN - F=N11Rf 0/H POWER +' Dl IYLUR X1923 �:*T(T -P1 ?R A o0 - v4 O5 _..N SSP. ^itiSR, -U/G POWER +. Jr 40 IRROP is co .� 7 Q Z � Lr Q 0U- o� U W 00X wl O y �0. Rancho Santana Specific Place City of La Quinta 'SECTION 11I AND U$E Land Use Plan The Tentative Tract Map (No. 31202) will serve as the development plan for Rancho Santana. See Exhibit 5. Development Standards The uses and development standards will generally be in accordance with the provisions of the La Quinta Zoning and General Plan regulations. Should conflict occur between the regulations and the Plan, the provisions of the Plan and supporting text shall prevail. The following proposed development standards are applicable to the Rancho Santana Specific Plan and are meant to augment Sections 9.40 -9.60 and 9.140 of the City's Municipal Code. Section 9.140 is included as Appendix Two. PERMITTED USES Single-family dwellings Attached or Detached Casitas, subject to a Minor Use Permit Garages and carports, subject to Section 9.06.060 of the La Quinta Municipal Code Patio Covers, decks and gazebos, subject to Section 9.06.040 of the La Quinta Municipal Code Fences and walls, subject to Section 9.06.030 of the La Quinta Municipal Code Swimming pools, spas and cabanas, subject to Section 9.06.070 of the La Quinta Municipal Code Parks and Open Space, bicycle, equestrian and hiking trails Satellite dishes and antennas subject to Section 9.06.070 of the La Quinta Municipal Code Private stables, not more than two horses per 20,000 square feet of lot area AGRICULTURAL/EQUESTRIAN Overlay Minimum lot size for single-family dwellings IF (sq. ft.) Minimum lot frontage for single-family dwellings (ft.) Minimum lot frontage on cul-de-sacs and knuckles/ irregular lots Minimum lot frontage for flag lots Maximum structure height (ft.)1 Maximum number of stories Minimum front yard setback (ft.)3 Page 18 of 46 revised June 20, 2003 8,000 80 35/7C 15 22 Rancho Santana Specific Plan City of La Quinta Minimum setback to accessory structures I 20 Minimum setback to manure storage ri 25 Minimum perimeter setback for a project IF 10/20 Minimum side yard setback (ft.) 14 combined no less than 5 on interior side Minimum rear yard setback (ft.) 4 I 20 Maximum lot coverage (% of net lot area) I 40 Minimum livable area excluding garage (sq. ft.) r 2000 Minimum/average perimeter landscape 10/20 setbacks (ft.) 5 *GENERAL NOTES* 1. The maximum structure height for all buildings shall be 22 feet for all buildings located within 150 feet of any general plan -designated image corridor. 2. Minimum garage setback shall be 20 feet if "roll -up" type garage door is used. 3. Casitas may have a front yard setback of fifteen (15) feet. Separation between the main house and a detached casita shall be 10 feet. 4. Patio structures may have a rear yard setback of fifteen (15) feet. 5. Perimeter landscape setbacks are adjacent to perimeter streets: first number equals minimum at any point; second number equals minimum average over entire frontage (thus, 10/20). ALTERATIONS TO THE SPECIFIC PLAN The Director of Community Development shall have the authority to determine substantial conformance with the provisions of this Specific Plan when the changes are less than 5%; The Planning Commission shall review changes that vary between 5% and 10%; the City Council shall review all changes greater than 10%. Page 19 of 46 revised June 20, 2003 Rancho Santana Specific Plan City of La Quinta SEC: TIONAV ' The Plan will utilize the adjacent street system in a manner consistent with the City of La Quinta General Plan Circulation Plan. The property is located on the south side of Avenue 52 and west of Monroe Street; both are designated by the City's General Plan as Primary Arterials. Avenue 52 is designated as a Secondary Image Corridor and Monroe Street is designated as an Agrarian Image Corridor. Additional street widening and improvements will be completed as part of this development. The main entrance is located on Avenue 52, Monroe Street will provide secondary access and an emergency access is proposed at the northwest corner of the site. Secondary access Street cross sections are shown on Exhibit 11. The landscape design along the project frontage shall be complimentary to the landscaping in the area and the goals of the General Plan for image corridors. See Exhibit 12. Rancho Santana will be a gated community with private streets. A multi use trail and sidewalk will surround the site's perimeter connecting to other trails. See Exhibit 13. The interior will contain walking paths as well as an equestrian trail. The trail will provide access from the equestrian lots to and from the exercise arena located in the southeast portion of the site. See Exhibit 15. In addition there is a central riding path that will connect to trails on the site perimeter. See Exhibit 14. The retention areas will provide opportunity for walking and passive recreation. See Exhibit 16. Sectian V. PE S$UQN QUIDEUNE! _ LANDSCAPE CONCEPTS The proposed Rancho Santana landscape theme captures the equestrian essence of the eastern portion of La Quinta. Canopy trees, split rail fencing, enhanced desert planting, stone walls, and lawn create a dynamic landscape statement to this new development. The proposed plant palette for the common areas is shown on Exhibit 20. The generous setback to the proposed perimeter wall allows for a dramatic streetscape, which incorporates equestrian trails, split rail fencing and decorative stone walls at the project entries. In addition, canopy trees, enhanced desert planting and rolling turf compliment the equestrian landscape theme. The project entries display stone pilasters with oversized rustic vehicular and pedestrian gates which compliment the equestrian theme. Canopy trees, enhanced paving and accent planting also embrace the landscape theme at the project entry. See Exhibit 17. The interior of the project follows the equestrian theme. Trails of decomposed granite bordered by rustic split rail fencing meander throughout the Rancho Santana site. See Exhibit 13 and 14. There is a specifically designed area for horse related activities. Trails and obstacles with accent landscaping flourish in the area used for equestrian riders. See Exhibit 15. Page 20 of 46 revised June 20, 2003 ecifle Plan cit Rancho Santana S of La Uinta The two additional open spaces are for passive and active use. Pedestrian trails, free play (lawn), park benches and gazebos occupy the open spaces for non - equestrian use. See Exhibit 16. The equestrian landscape theme at Rancho Santana is supported by large interior lots, rustic split rail fencing, stone accent walls, and canopy trees. Enhanced desert planting with splashes of color all of which will make for a special community development The entry area will have decorative gates, stone pilasters, split rail fences and project identification. See Exhibits 18 and 19. Landscape Maintenance The common areas will be maintained by the Home Owner's Association. General Architectural Theme This gated community will include a mixture of semi -custom and custom homes that will include equestrian amenities. The floor plans will range in size from approximately 2290-2800 square feet. Each floor plan will have two front elevations illustrating a contemporary Spanish/Mediterranean theme with earth tone stucco colors accented by a subtle equestrian theme featuring stone veneer fascia, exterior shutters and split rail fencing in the front courtyard entries and porches. See Exhibits 21, 22, and 23. Landscape concepts for the front yards will vary depending on lot shape. See Exhibits 24, 25, and 26. Page 21 of 46 revised June 20, 2003 PROP. PROP. P/L 20R/W ADDITIONAL PARKWAY (PRIVATE) 12' I PARKWAY I� (PUBLIC) 2:1 T� MAX FX. EX. EXISTING ASPHALT EXISTING ASPHALT 110' (ULTIMATE R/W) PROP. 55' DEDICATION 34' STD. CURB PROP. & GUTTER BARRIER CLASS II CURB -BICYCLE TRAIL PROP. 9w A.C.] 55' FUTURE BY OTHERS 34' 111 — .. 111-1 y_ 19 =1 F II-- IIIA I I!� IIII ;III_-IFI=1111 BASE OtJRSE LANDSCAPED 6' MEANDER— COMPACTED SUBGRADE MEDIAN ING SIDEWALK SECTION A—A 52ND AVENUE AND NAONROE STREET N.T.S. 10' P.U.E. R/W 37.0' 0.50' 18.0' 18.0' PROP. PROP. WEDGE �jlli=ill,lr 1 WEDGE CURB 'I CURB 2.1 -��- ,-- ° - (PROP. A.C. MAX '_Ill �Ifl �. �,.�.� �:, n_n � R_ 4_a_.F LI jI I I� 11 114=1 Mi «I I E� 1 I R a f III 1;—=1 I I— I-1 11=1 I I-1 I L-1 I I�11 I—II I-1 I! I LSI PROP. BASE) COMPACTED SUBGRADE SECTION B -B PRIVATE STREETS X N.T.S. 12' R/W 10' P.U.E. 0.50' FUTURE R/W 2:1 MAX On., V� c 0 ZZ Q Q Z[L 0) a)0 0 OLL L =U U 0W Z Q� New w F4 M a Enhanced Desert Planting Perimeter Wall Monroe St. and Avenue 52 Plan & Elevation I A7 Canoj�r Tree Perimeter Wall (Tan Slump Block w/Brown Cap) m z x w N.T.S. N LO 0)' C Q Cd 0 0 L- C 0 W'. Q QQ ZJ Q(L �0 0 L - =U UW Z 0- Q03 52ND AVE. PLAN AND E LEVAMON EM EST PROJECT ENTRY ELEVATION SEE EXHMIT I ♦ 1 1it= f � u k I i I � W I1 1 I 1 1 I ISI I I L -----j _. r i 9?- NCXo SA .T�CANA �Qy map i � ` I 11 It RETENTION ®ATC I11 I I I I EQUEFIRAN �I II' I i TRA[L. SEE MrHM } ; I I " I �<DUESTRI N ARENA I I !$ rII r/ Mks _EI•ME ��%/+1,� I --m> Equestrian /3tuCti-Turpose 7raiC I I I ..J 1 111 XTS. 3/17/03 v N.T.S. WQ Q Q ZJ Q� wU 0 p9 �L Io c zCL .0 Q co +� It cd U ,L U ti-1 h w R cr co molf PLAN ANE] ELEVATION 111 XTS. 3/17/03 v N.T.S. WQ Q Q ZJ Q� wU 0 p9 �L Io c zCL .0 Q co +� It cd U ,L U ti-1 h w R cr 4'Pedestrian Path Enhanced Desert Planting Slump Block Property Wall � 4 rs� _ �r s� JW 4M - r Split 'i :Trail Equestrian Trail Plan & Elevation Lawn ian Trail Fencing ian Path Slump Block Property Wall x Z Q Q (DU C 0U - (d 10 .W Z a- QCO 0 °C 7 W �o w -4 �q li I t H di �a Eauestrian Arena wi Slump Block Property Wall ump Block Property Wall queslrian Trail t Lawn Equestrian Arena Plan & Elevation x W ZZ (d �-J Z� L U) U_ Q 0 L =U UIL . Q � a) 0 W 4-i Q x UJQ Z Z J Q� U_ 0LL 0=U 4-0zIL C Q cn W � a Pedestrian Enhanced 1 Plc Entry A--.— 'Z') .'ntry Signage .awn Wulti-Purpose Trail 4ccent Trees split Rail Fencing 'anopy Trees ,nhanced Paving Vehicular Entry Gates Fountain Decomposed Granite Path m z x w mind XQ ZZ WSJ Z� ��1z U 0LL O. 10 UW L QCO 11C W ti w IN ad 110 �a S L" Ir- 22 I ntry Elevation Canopy Tree Split Rail Fencing --Stone Pilasters Vehicular Gates (Wood w/ Bronze insets) Enhanced Desert Planting Pedestrian Gate ---: Y O � ""t lam, Mimi L ■■ am KJ_%:I" r .L Q W ZZ �J C Z� .0 Q Cd 0w IW QIL � L. °C ++ C wia qqn 0 �a r r r Cnlf'y vtgnuge ening r Wing alit Rail Fencing x zwn w j2ancho,Santana m i x w X w Z Z 0 �J J Q L U — 0 L Iod U zIL Q Q cn o E E 0 U .....r�.-rte,,. CM is Q ZZ ,O � J co <Z (L > COU W 0 L =U ZW � .0 Q w �"k m� I O d Adkoak AmAk" L lwm� to V r rl N -. I 6M Plan 3 Typical Front Yard SIAfl0. 11"E CANOPY,TREES TYPICAL FRONT YARD PLAN 3 PLANT LEGEND WTANC AL NAVE ll FLL FIL 4'%' ,ACA ACACIA ATEURA AM.IJA Tfwk 'tA ODK 'ITI.' L }Mi YVi JSUIti (;Fi FTTr+ .:if 4Afl 6l�'+.+14 _4 5141, 114111 />ff R Fi+IAS I.ANCFA AFWAN MWAi, 74' FM A.A.1111ow. SAI �SCIfM IADLLL" S1L911W Fri tH 15 ON 4_611 -BLEs PALW I W RFAIJ AFfEA KGUWATA wrr..F. PA1V <H CFtAWEFOI'S HU1a'AF.DYr,FFtNEAY PAY Fµ0 ;.u; N n!a'AFfi .}R N`UETAS TG40C1 L W ka_,uf _J,Tp f•A1JI '.S IAAL rf , rs 1:11Y LARGE St flL S ; 'CN CAr"A tCA1OF'FIU 1l -8R T?m 54{At 64PI LFO LEVCI.f ffLLVV F C/LLN CLCAIU CLtlw IeAAvt P/.4,LX I OPLL fAti Ff FHUTNA FPAIETJ ,out; ,FCD kcw F WAM f .µl RVAW TY 11EYE 1'A FERIJVJiA LI$+46L'+F11 4G\I Y.Y4 ACC XYLlY-'A.IA[CWt -MP COWACTA ,l't{,.;.,Vw MAW ATLt13dA s W4L ,N.'Am �Gr 61'W7! WLM1M EitAVFi,S OOO W5W1AM1t FA rXW LA LA' 11=11hiAl FA SCUL S1N LA �AWANA KMXIA ilN1 kNil Nil _ S 11kL t Vv LRI l FiN:Cf'1 i•I LUA t AN,IAAI4AF Yn Gr1AV,] iDfO 11FIA9�"+' 1L 5 t1Al `JlI TF Rh1T10.Zm L EVFrOTL4: potm w Wltruw 5 LW WALC 1a1P F-Ct LW FC.MWJ -AffS J4LYLtik 51"lAL 9N•719'l.LIC Yf•FLiALL &'HUBS CF'1A CISIISACTNAIIEAICANA iL1FAVJ4TA iGPL to ULIu3w—CVi ruflN, wr LLS 'l1A .WFLTYMxLN UrAlf k£n hEWPOCULS v"TAiYitIiLRT REU' DATLLT iCW I,.miwxw tvAtf Lit LFLKL+1i1.LLW Z1W1frLLUM C&Wfi:. iCFAAWKA-TM 5CyA L14{I or F-1R�I IA YATF FORULA I LVL 4.N Sl UAty -ACCFNT SFirP)BS , W U1XX1LN%1LEA W41 kffll KF 9WWt11L1-EA S F:Al- Kit Ow OA611-WYI N' CELFR fY .ERT WIY)N S UL T%.F4 M t. WPE W -A W" P(ERUA LfCMFFJFP AIR "4 LA GW AVTU%" Lk UW TN I GAL W/ xl IrTrA41l' 1411 MIFIEIMWIA CAPL-M fi,yV- M6T 'FL+)A IA. , U 1\EMAN I LIAL Wt QA n -AX 'a. M. HA LCAAY 1A -A CARS T I F T. 5L'vAL !m,;0 94v'JF 17 1)- A 5L:FT LEAF YL (A is OAL S4H c ! N4:JE ESIAL'ER' / V4=S .. +• . B 'SC'Ik)AWLLEA &Wa ?A r V"JT �BMIAKA I.FA AAS__ Flli CI CA] WUFA MRX)LATEiiA fiN. FI)M*R tWF � W. 1kg* '. 4 YIUST—C -1 S`t.<"N:UE:: Vl:% FT IHJI.FEI`,WC 15" •rf 1K 1FCLAWU IAPEWC. S:AFf HJ'FY.%KKLE !$ 114E AAI iAcx NUCU�EFB K • � p CAFSWA Ik 11U6IPATA F FOV"M MANN. 1%:4 i dA1 ;iX{ M V.. A. LAM t1N'AHA wxlTF,Lf ?%Vrt L' MA tAWA.Mt 1 LLLL N LNG LANTANA t&,v GOCU HY@A1d "1Lri.1.QW LAMIAt"1 GAL x, LSS UlWMA V `WFEAGVY] S.""Ih ya.l.Qw"wzrmrE tmit LA I OAL (.'061 1}FPA REf4AM-I fi rAFj'aCALFPfMI+.7w .. 1OA1 F�-,VAP.NIry u LMPWV:V CE ".iH l W.:M M 10AL -- a 1.1 TRACHFLOET-FTNAI JkXW,IM1Es ,tKAPF UFAR.LLF,AIFF OAL 5"Al LAWN IITBr-.0 Br-FgAIDA TPNAY 4CEN Y+ D • DWFa<fFD WTH KMWR L RIF 01"JO NTIiFR W Li E£RT UVST - .' UEf-rM U ER 0--A -`CMtLILLY FOR EFIC RASTK 5 WPA)-A-WAf0' r T 4if ADER G'r}_6Fl DR J'NN \ 114.'17 0,1MG111 LAW, F/01Wed 1Cr I., Lor".fYrfnee e1 tt. f. 4w"I'NYE -1 .-1 O—t% d c! a;LV 61R txJl4ry FY✓(N:f eJ 7 F k ANT Al LOWANCE The c onlrena *..1 T. CVU to Le lattl W 11-1 —1—L-1 NIM — Fie *Q" -'win L .4 W.Weed Rd .1jMPJ WcetW Ly !N Lend.c.pr AJc1,1.1 I S W.atwme H nal fwd u 19 rr)y I., L.1y u..d. the —d 1— 441 ce rdvWell to Un a.- by Iha L-1-CiIr*.c- J L6NUSCAPL AW-111TLCI: bYM f.0 r.-, N FJanl II:C.LVfV• Nwr to -kJ ie Flnced k, lb- nlnid.d bce!hvia .,* AA ri 1n.F —Aak—lt— A UtlT F'WE3 L—J,e Fe CvtrxclLr 04 Ariw, IAiil V,6 - It+ el FAW -J —I—, A—. nl rnl!rrJ Ila lid W the — 5 NAftNc' F1tv21N!erbl Med m.y d mAy M%1 Lave been a4—d by 4`• AgµJV al C—f— n4r.e Lerw ,fx c,�4.cla r*— ac hi, IFA Ag -9,.1 a CUTf— for drpi viL Ylu.l !n W * 1x11 c-darrnll wih q i Prtrw brs —Y L. —1 11.1 —*5 IT.ee All Tlert —t-1 k. rk4ed Ic ln1U— fin at Y. It -ret— N the ' W —tvW LIGHTING LEGEND alu"LIL ro7w NOCEL LAM' ff"I RLW"'.d WAN71PL6 W AM 1CLiFM1. N-FF,I•-Gi fret wljF z TF)%f cuoA i.ZM ro-. b WXNT •_Yi FEFOAA FCFTr PAii4L" 0 41AF FTI 1 AYI WAIM It I.K,NLE K"11 JN ItI MA IYI,JT ALL Fik1(fCS ) E* NTR<XLED WIIM f")TCELL'CN, D*fl 'VFPr W- V.VUAI- c)VFHF" FIXIF•VFNT I f.LATN SIA_ I- EF CE1Fr*f4-TJ RY OATfR A.I.L. RYTLHF_S AVAILABLE THRol1C+i CCkdAE.R-W. LIG}YR•IG I; iWSTFES (TCO) 322-94.•11 scute r-w v ec,ALF 4V 10' O oo-, N.T.S. ` � r / / I ` �\ RAT Ilml M~710� \\ !4IL / Plan 4 Typical Front Yard SYFAXX MODEL LAW -✓tWW _ [ ARAM" j OuANnTra _. -- - - • Uf1 )1Mt (ILM YL LI !13 Q1 KrN,WAfil M#:c nAlA li,(1MS•'%:LlFI 1_- 9ROIQ_E -- 1 I.IOLOR 011-PF_I.Aa POST I • PAna KNi sj ITP -r MWAW It wrrAC I.4yl rlr l'i H.N +'x=41 Y ALL FUMVES TO BE COMPOLLM IMTH PHOTCELL'ON, TLIE .OFF WITH WMIAL 011NWE EOUPMENT LOCATIONS SHALL BE OETErAMM BY OWNM ALL FU 9 AMAEL.E T}fiIX)OH COPAMEW AL LK*f NO MUMMU (760);120-Q 1 COWOM SCAL& gar sw ,or o N N m T. x w t+ W N ZZ Z LL co U_ co O U- C:W Cd 0 Z\ a - I< II `y0 L� CI O' U- v 14 oa � 0 0 041m �a TYPICAL FRONT YARD PLAN 4 PLANT LEGEND 'CSA p�- - - - nvrt!ure ^crr.. w,,,v i au. cu, ul •a,a:.[ - Co1nRAW QY l WE s a lEvc'AM AMrfild! 1 iYYY. RM OR yffl _ #w! $ LSKi+h%+�p $!PMV TWO* ayAr,(Aaiily Y alk. �4�1'�klfN PIN 94 WAM f� �lAMwrI�RiE 11iAN 11+1ME �,w e+IL,! 11Cf+ Y, milt T+�t tlOU Cr✓tF6a:P.L° AIRiYT:il,Y+AL i'qe ilMa1 wnrFn ..+ ,.cisu ;ISACul rlpf it lr.rr •,,w�crua, n.rv. L T'LMT OVANM LM M P1-1.6 ICY M carN.nMIC. d M corltactalcl.M an0 M M M.MW fw acLV AI. bdtip pp - Tru Via= �ti assn . 4.» W arW MW Ixal W by M Lw blit. M". t 11'n W—... W rM �..d v r Wy parWMi 1-W A. uuL.A mm pp6un ehM b.'ek-tiu lu N LA by rd LW+ KAP. Contactor It LkV4" A•aAs 7A L.+ranmrx 4 kNT PRICES LardKWO Cmlr.clo Yat Mrr11h W pfces for PWA m.1.rW and hiu kn marmW .M.n mbnt*v !"-rl�liR► 1b_- .Jtr�xurtr#113� r, y!, _nrr°w C° WWa . Oa M" 4. AWK~ CKrvth. 1. IN 6W..A PMI. -1-W not -"-"V a11r q..ranOr. I -M pFA4A.AMLA K=tfii+ra F Z04"W GM O f sn cewuwv s L}rin PiN h/1 � w ,*w 0A _ ia.6�kty, no6LaLti4 - ��P,M a wL trimui 6 1u( £sa FW.r E ` � - CAXIAMIrCrtr :wt. vr! 6 u>i �1FQTTM XNLIfi »i��1 a uw k 8 'rese?uPP wsnA t*NSRI�Pk ra rh aw.f ox l 9 _ '�rLeuALecrpu�erlu c�u�A_rA iii— �!ww . �, 1.6 O,=a ;e 1 �R71LnJ s _ AIM - ow 4.RF uf11r,�4M+; 1'RT W.Lw H41PU',V T4 5.y.- 8W F3 1w+*xt�lF.l:iRl�F?Sly H.:'N.�Mwnxrn i•�, !U' fa,NLlia iB1!!4L?I!S .\l.L1A 7 a4. GN OR 6KAL* r91V.lt 5i8k.! P ril'T¢Ac R lylL1 11AaL ty/H VLO9 VLO9 JfMrlisrt It tMt)* (a Ort% Krtlyl.r^ 161N CT ri31 wL4Y 1 ayaf_ .Nl1lPFiaOII aurum �,VIR.�JFTftLLW lTti14A"1fiL.0 c IM)O-r :LMW"TY 5gat iA. Ptm"L A't TLf1L:A t iA"L [FIs �1,fir1�iT 'bFfib;l ° !Fi faOVQ'we, m6Lt5}rJVrKKV4•.�- pha WrtR{S+ t�cxT1T w�nLW :,au g1FaM14kY,E. }pt.�ylarwYl t MrL u sww% wtw sy1W sin na Fr" rli IEfY M :!11,t:AF� .Y111 TFCL�i.. W11' W wi ] C ta+4reUm t{i CR §AILF ?1NJ al`4LC *. W ill.wm L m 1T114 SIAL Leh OR IIVLF i ' 4F+ u'l.A 16 UAL ukom:J64Y 09- rCkIIM MOA WI1WOV AONt VCYW r &Lrn P 11 7 a iYAt yiiiM �F arc z wve �e >G111NM w�t7fiu+rl IaUErox'sm n .a :Ln n k SYFAXX MODEL LAW -✓tWW _ [ ARAM" j OuANnTra _. -- - - • Uf1 )1Mt (ILM YL LI !13 Q1 KrN,WAfil M#:c nAlA li,(1MS•'%:LlFI 1_- 9ROIQ_E -- 1 I.IOLOR 011-PF_I.Aa POST I • PAna KNi sj ITP -r MWAW It wrrAC I.4yl rlr l'i H.N +'x=41 Y ALL FUMVES TO BE COMPOLLM IMTH PHOTCELL'ON, TLIE .OFF WITH WMIAL 011NWE EOUPMENT LOCATIONS SHALL BE OETErAMM BY OWNM ALL FU 9 AMAEL.E T}fiIX)OH COPAMEW AL LK*f NO MUMMU (760);120-Q 1 COWOM SCAL& gar sw ,or o N N m T. x w t+ W N ZZ Z LL co U_ co O U- C:W Cd 0 Z\ a - I< II `y0 L� CI O' U- v 14 oa � 0 0 041m �a 'CSA p�- - - - nvrt!ure ^crr.. w,,,v i au. cu, ul •a,a:.[ . . /�_ �s *B -40a1 LAVThNL I.Aat b1k IffwoP 7:1"F.l!{1rh4A 1+AV. !NI a lEvc'AM AMrfild! 1 iYYY. 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IN 6W..A PMI. -1-W not -"-"V a11r q..ranOr. I -M my G dwb.IM"cM -A.. taken N pWN mal.rW W a&Od la a' p-• n M M dtavlon CO M AGpk"W SYFAXX MODEL LAW -✓tWW _ [ ARAM" j OuANnTra _. -- - - • Uf1 )1Mt (ILM YL LI !13 Q1 KrN,WAfil M#:c nAlA li,(1MS•'%:LlFI 1_- 9ROIQ_E -- 1 I.IOLOR 011-PF_I.Aa POST I • PAna KNi sj ITP -r MWAW It wrrAC I.4yl rlr l'i H.N +'x=41 Y ALL FUMVES TO BE COMPOLLM IMTH PHOTCELL'ON, TLIE .OFF WITH WMIAL 011NWE EOUPMENT LOCATIONS SHALL BE OETErAMM BY OWNM ALL FU 9 AMAEL.E T}fiIX)OH COPAMEW AL LK*f NO MUMMU (760);120-Q 1 COWOM SCAL& gar sw ,or o N N m T. x w t+ W N ZZ Z LL co U_ co O U- C:W Cd 0 Z\ a - I< II `y0 L� CI O' U- v 14 oa � 0 0 041m �a -- - - -- .s_..--------- ----, � pla.11.. . Typical Front Yard I I I - - OCD 90s�SpM,4lA DGe.L,L 4 Lf R p .W. TYPICAL FRONT YARD PLAN 5 PLANT LEGEND lt/B4l_ :«X DO TAWWit COWLri RAAk OTT - .SRF IEmmV" � Aamu. aeAv ;�Ill�y ea:ES1I nA r�i _d_n �.. use' +facrwl� Lrrr� OUA — - • ACA TLCACLA A'E lA W.AA #+' Ka •A:GA:i: TR . - WPO 11r"O.AFH 4 K-Ehcsm ft. IT?4'b LAFICFA FNC1Wl�ti�I�p:,—... � ,k -� W !1 TRAIL' EIA +C11R'6 NL7f.Li I _ " TI T" • PALSrC L t._. ._ —_ !!PMOCA1MiA fEctfryATA bDi1LL' °IlLY 11514.__ CM 4TiAAuE'IYIP'} HMG FAM FAAiI _ � M � 9Ai1 mc'� s = !M j Nam," Ix71ir fAtE PAJ,r - - ,;, ty� F'F F•N 7'fMA FRAIEN M!(t Lj� ff'$Ii—. 2_0144 w 7t•E°.e* %'epwAlAA TFLA.S?ML 1 [,,6w ul (V l4vj'.t Xcc AYLGtL4 COk&PVLI rCLrACTA _ DWN! ANi%" _ _— 5 Qk LAE'C Lin bu�Cf - OCD 90s�SpM,4lA DGe.L,L 4 Lf R p .W. LM4- LAWMA lWff UXCY_--- _ _ 31l►rrMD .-- YANA LO L+1iCAhA a AL;ili liu@aYLr ? CYY P'71GMT71AiE LAN:AM 15ll Lrtrf4R:A CO fyq.AT'�Ft.F.N�.i,..fy�ff.yyOl7yt(�j .Fl.1g.{X(/q N►n�J1 _ _r �� .F�. R4!`!.�•.•.J}[1°' R 3' L. �.ai-aFP_'^. _ __ . _ _ _—°— _ --� I Pl_AM WAHT'rY Lbl ti p AC1.4 I- M Cm.wiwncs d 7t. ccW lcla i<Mnl Ina 1. nol H no&d rcr --I. Lrcltlry pVpoM. "LAM ALL"WARCE TT. ^^-tnb lclp "pv W /' CW 1. N lFW for WA Rij" IIN.I on Vr. Ip 4 4,,U1 N kw lacf d .1 1 told locwl.d W Hr. La1ctic m AlCNTe t 1 !NI Uc M w rM u..0 ore Crtt' p sw CMQ L1.—..j pruon SII w reM d!o"VJ py" Lwdlcap. cmlrlctc 1 LAMDSCAPE Aiitl1TEC T. 9.d /e Al r.wirw J PLw'w ec lEnm prr b cA1f/Ig i-In1I "t pwA d h tt w* hl.rdw0 t­ti­ r/M MA r. 111.. cwrlAn.r.leoaN i kXV PRCEOrLsnl 4c r:m2aclw Yr1 "Twh W p1 Iw L pW4 r W1 wo rrlMxn mUMW ~ ItAlfTV to W lu 'o -r :.nr 6 WAfNYO F1an1 r 1l 141.4 n y w m v Vol FArw C. .ppowd Iry lW Avt Arw co Mdowr 1 3c. L-4," COWI<Icc pW_ c=C, ..AwillasY COrmrwYlw Iw yyrwwt mm rrNl w -4 q>folrfp wf1 .- my y hw AboY.d Intl nd %CUM lAAwn Al Pa" IN101V w wbod to Iwywcllm .1 IM JwOm of M1. AykVVu LIGHTING LEGEND -AIWX. F11m..Ff WCEL LAV Fft4l F4NUR'S t7'Am"T*A ♦ 111RJtM C'J,IRL-L7-Mu-Cw - Ly*W, W spf( T5lN FLU.F_EScew -- Fy"E _ _ VOLftT CW PEAM?OSf PADi;cetr cu,I - iW WN}71;. -..NJ 'H ftmA _51 ALL FATLFE5 'O PE ^GWTA.OLLED WPI FTtDTC.ELL CIN 7UM (fid' WRi1 AIANJAL Chrtffl[)E EOUPNEHT _UCADVE WALL W CETU%APE 1 BI (;AMER Ai L K(TLF.ES AYACAKE iKllXl(:PI CCLI KtAl _(*OIFOG MUSTiES 1,760) 3:1-"31 - - — - SCALS r -W SCALP 40' w la O m z x w Mw+ w r C cd ZZ OL �-J Z CL cd (1)U � 0� =U 'C 0 w Z� �mJ L.L W y� T O L LL ui•M �a 1 �t�*�L.L� cwsa•Dtt C Yu � Aamu. aeAv ;�Ill�y ea:ES1I nA r�i _d_n �.. use' +facrwl� Lrrr� OUA VA LM4- LAWMA lWff UXCY_--- _ _ 31l►rrMD .-- YANA LO L+1iCAhA a AL;ili liu@aYLr ? CYY P'71GMT71AiE LAN:AM 15ll Lrtrf4R:A CO fyq.AT'�Ft.F.N�.i,..fy�ff.yyOl7yt(�j .Fl.1g.{X(/q N►n�J1 _ _r �� .F�. R4!`!.�•.•.J}[1°' R 3' L. �.ai-aFP_'^. _ __ . _ _ _—°— _ --� I Pl_AM WAHT'rY Lbl ti p AC1.4 I- M Cm.wiwncs d 7t. ccW lcla i<Mnl Ina 1. nol H no&d rcr --I. Lrcltlry pVpoM. "LAM ALL"WARCE TT. ^^-tnb lclp "pv W /' CW 1. N lFW for WA Rij" IIN.I on Vr. Ip 4 4,,U1 N kw lacf d .1 1 told locwl.d W Hr. La1ctic m AlCNTe t 1 !NI Uc M w rM u..0 ore Crtt' p sw CMQ L1.—..j pruon SII w reM d!o"VJ py" Lwdlcap. cmlrlctc 1 LAMDSCAPE Aiitl1TEC T. 9.d /e Al r.wirw J PLw'w ec lEnm prr b cA1f/Ig i-In1I "t pwA d h tt w* hl.rdw0 t­ti­ r/M MA r. 111.. cwrlAn.r.leoaN i kXV PRCEOrLsnl 4c r:m2aclw Yr1 "Twh W p1 Iw L pW4 r W1 wo rrlMxn mUMW ~ ItAlfTV to W lu 'o -r :.nr 6 WAfNYO F1an1 r 1l 141.4 n y w m v Vol FArw C. .ppowd Iry lW Avt Arw co Mdowr 1 3c. L-4," COWI<Icc pW_ c=C, ..AwillasY COrmrwYlw Iw yyrwwt mm rrNl w -4 q>folrfp wf1 .- my y hw AboY.d Intl nd %CUM lAAwn Al Pa" IN101V w wbod to Iwywcllm .1 IM JwOm of M1. AykVVu LIGHTING LEGEND -AIWX. F11m..Ff WCEL LAV Fft4l F4NUR'S t7'Am"T*A ♦ 111RJtM C'J,IRL-L7-Mu-Cw - Ly*W, W spf( T5lN FLU.F_EScew -- Fy"E _ _ VOLftT CW PEAM?OSf PADi;cetr cu,I - iW WN}71;. -..NJ 'H ftmA _51 ALL FATLFE5 'O PE ^GWTA.OLLED WPI FTtDTC.ELL CIN 7UM (fid' WRi1 AIANJAL Chrtffl[)E EOUPNEHT _UCADVE WALL W CETU%APE 1 BI (;AMER Ai L K(TLF.ES AYACAKE iKllXl(:PI CCLI KtAl _(*OIFOG MUSTiES 1,760) 3:1-"31 - - — - SCALS r -W SCALP 40' w la O m z x w Mw+ w r C cd ZZ OL �-J Z CL cd (1)U � 0� =U 'C 0 w Z� �mJ L.L W y� T O L LL ui•M �a QV49-.....— " — L MORM"M W 11514.__ ASB _. LM4- LAWMA lWff UXCY_--- _ _ 31l►rrMD .-- YANA LO L+1iCAhA a AL;ili liu@aYLr ? CYY P'71GMT71AiE LAN:AM 15ll Lrtrf4R:A CO fyq.AT'�Ft.F.N�.i,..fy�ff.yyOl7yt(�j .Fl.1g.{X(/q N►n�J1 _ _r �� .F�. R4!`!.�•.•.J}[1°' R 3' L. �.ai-aFP_'^. _ __ . _ _ _—°— _ --� I Pl_AM WAHT'rY Lbl ti p AC1.4 I- M Cm.wiwncs d 7t. ccW lcla i<Mnl Ina 1. nol H no&d rcr --I. Lrcltlry pVpoM. "LAM ALL"WARCE TT. ^^-tnb lclp "pv W /' CW 1. N lFW for WA Rij" IIN.I on Vr. Ip 4 4,,U1 N kw lacf d .1 1 told locwl.d W Hr. La1ctic m AlCNTe t 1 !NI Uc M w rM u..0 ore Crtt' p sw CMQ L1.—..j pruon SII w reM d!o"VJ py" Lwdlcap. cmlrlctc 1 LAMDSCAPE Aiitl1TEC T. 9.d /e Al r.wirw J PLw'w ec lEnm prr b cA1f/Ig i-In1I "t pwA d h tt w* hl.rdw0 t­ti­ r/M MA r. 111.. cwrlAn.r.leoaN i kXV PRCEOrLsnl 4c r:m2aclw Yr1 "Twh W p1 Iw L pW4 r W1 wo rrlMxn mUMW ~ ItAlfTV to W lu 'o -r :.nr 6 WAfNYO F1an1 r 1l 141.4 n y w m v Vol FArw C. .ppowd Iry lW Avt Arw co Mdowr 1 3c. L-4," COWI<Icc pW_ c=C, ..AwillasY COrmrwYlw Iw yyrwwt mm rrNl w -4 q>folrfp wf1 .- my y hw AboY.d Intl nd %CUM lAAwn Al Pa" IN101V w wbod to Iwywcllm .1 IM JwOm of M1. AykVVu LIGHTING LEGEND -AIWX. F11m..Ff WCEL LAV Fft4l F4NUR'S t7'Am"T*A ♦ 111RJtM C'J,IRL-L7-Mu-Cw - Ly*W, W spf( T5lN FLU.F_EScew -- Fy"E _ _ VOLftT CW PEAM?OSf PADi;cetr cu,I - iW WN}71;. -..NJ 'H ftmA _51 ALL FATLFE5 'O PE ^GWTA.OLLED WPI FTtDTC.ELL CIN 7UM (fid' WRi1 AIANJAL Chrtffl[)E EOUPNEHT _UCADVE WALL W CETU%APE 1 BI (;AMER Ai L K(TLF.ES AYACAKE iKllXl(:PI CCLI KtAl _(*OIFOG MUSTiES 1,760) 3:1-"31 - - — - SCALS r -W SCALP 40' w la O m z x w Mw+ w r C cd ZZ OL �-J Z CL cd (1)U � 0� =U 'C 0 w Z� �mJ L.L W y� T O L LL ui•M �a FRancho Santana Specific Plan City of La Quinta APPENDIX ONE GENERAL PLAN POLICIES Page 38 of 46 revised June 20, 2003 Rancho Santana Specific Plan Cid of La Uinta APPLICABLE GENERAL PLAN POLICIES The General Plan of the City of La Quinta includes Goals, Policies and Programs that were deemed by the City necessary to properly implement the plan. Following is an evaluation of the key policies and programs (in Italics) that affect the development of the subject property and project compliance. E. -ELEMENT - Land ELEMENT Land Use Goals, Policies and Programs Policy 4: "Specific Plans shall be required under the following • For all projects 10 acres or more in the Commercial Park, Industrial/Light Manufacturing, Tourist Commercial, Resort Mixed Use and Regional Commercial designations, prior to any land use divisions or subdivisions. • ,For all projects proposing the integration of golf course, tourist commercial and residential uses. • For all projects proposing flexible development standards differing from the City's Development Code. The Rancho Santana Specific Plan proposes to modify the existing development standards so that the property can be utilized fully without compromise to the surrounding land uses. Program 4.2 "For approved Specific Plans, the Director of Community Development shall have the authority to determine substantial conformance in a Specific Plan, and waive the need for a Specific Plan amendment under the following circumstances: • When changes in the land use allocation within the Specific Plan are less than 5%, • When no new land use is proposed, • When off-site circulation pattern and turning movements will not be altered by the proposed change. " The Rancho Santana Specific Plan provides methods for alterations to the Plan that conform to the guidelines of the General Plan. Policy 8: The City shall carefully consider sphere of influence and subsequent annexations to accommodate growth. The Rancho Santana site is located within the City's Sphere of Influence, annexation into the City is a logical extension of the boundaries. Page 39 of 46 revised June 20, 2003 Rancho Santana Specific Plan City of La Quinta Program 8.1 All annexation application by landowners shall be accompanied by required environmental and fiscal impact analyses to ensure orderly development of the City. The annexation request submittal by representatives of the Hideaway Country Club contains the fiscal and environmental analysis necessary to support the annexation. Policy 9: Agricultural and equestrian uses are encouraged. The Rancho Santana plan includes 14 lots of at lease one-half acre in size to accommodate equestrian uses. The Plan also includes trails, connections to existing trails and exercise areas within the development. Residential Goals, Policies and Programs Goal 2 A broad range of housing types and choices for all residents of the City. The Rancho Santana plan provides a choice of housing, equestrian oriented or conventional single-family homes. Program 1.2 Apply the City's discretionary powers and site development review process consistently to assure that subdivision and development plans are compatible with existing residential areas Policy 5 The City shall maintain residential development standards including setbacks, height, pad elevations and other design and performance standards that assure a high quality of development. Program 5.1 The Development Code shall include development standards and design guidelines for each residential zoning designation. The Rancho Santana Plan provides development standards consistent with standards contained win the Development Code for lands designated Residential Low w/ Agriculture Equestrian Overlay. The homes will be subject to the City's Site Development Permit process. Page 40 of 46 revised June 20, 2003 Rancho Santana Specific Plan City of La Quinta TRAFFIC AND ;CIRC ULATIOW ELEMENT I Traffic and Circulation Goals, Policies and Programs Program 2.4 On Primary Art Arterials, the minimum intersection spacing shall be 1,060 feet. The design speed shall be 50 mph. Left turn median cuts may be authorized if turn pocket does not interfere with other existing or planned left turn pockets. Right 101but access driveways shall exceed the following minimum separation distances: More than 250 feet on the approach leg to a full turn intersection; More than 150 feet on the exit leg from a full turn intersection; More than 250 feet between driveways Policy 6 Develop and encourage the use of continuous and convenient bicycle routes and multi -use trails and development to places of employment, recreation, shopping, schools, and other high activity areas with potential for increased bicycle, equestrian, golf cart and other non- vehicular use. Policy 13 Continue to implement the Image Corridors in the City and identify new image corridors for streets into the City through annexation. Policy 14 In order to preserve the aesthetic values on the City's street, minimum landscape setbacks shall be as follows: Highway 111 — 50 feet Other Major Arterials & Primary Arterials: 20 feet Secondary Arterials & Collector Streets: 10 feet The Rancho Santana Plan provides for controlled access to the perimeter streets. The access points are in compliance with the policies on intersection spacing. The Plan also provides for the construction of sidewalks & multi -use trails around the perimeter adjacent to Ave. 52 and Monroe Street Page 41 of 46 revised June 20, 2003 Rancho Santana S12ecific Pian City of La Quinta OPEN SPACE -ELEMENT Open Space Element Goals Policies and Programs Policy 7: The City shall encourage the preservation of open space in privately owned development projects. The Rancho Santana Plan includes private open space wl passive and active recreational opportunities. Policy 4: The City shall develop and implement plans for linkages between open space areas, parks, recreational facilities and cultural resources. The Rancho Santana Plan will provide private recreational opportunities in addition to payment of required park fees. In addition the Plan will provide linkages to the City's trails and bikeways. 'arks and ent Parks and Recreation Element Goals, Policies and Programs Policy 4: The City shall develop and implement plans for linkages between open space areas, parks, recreational facilities and cultural resources. The Rancho Santana Plan will provide private recreational opportunities in addition to payment of required park fees. In addition the Plan will provide linkages to the City's trails and bikeways via Avenue 52 and Monroe Street. Natural Resources, Element . Air Quality Goals, Policies and Programs Program 5.1: The City shall support the development of golf -cart and pedestrian orientated retail centers, community -wide trails and dedicated bike lanes. The Rancho Santana plan is providing links to bicycle paths, community trails and golf -cart paths. Page 42 of 46 revised June 20, 2003 Rancho Santana Specific Plan City of La uinta Energy and Mineral Resources Goals, Polices and Programs Program 3.2: The City shall support the development of local and regional bikeways to provide residents and visitors with non -vehicular travel alternatives. The Rancho Santana plan is providing links to bicycle paths, community trails and golf -cart paths. Biological Goals, Policies and Programs Program 2.4: A qualified biologist shall perform all biological studies. The City shall prepare and adopt standards for the performance of biological resource analyses and provide these to all applications. Standards shall include personnel qualifications; field monitoring, recordation, documentation and sampling requirements. A biological resource assessment was performed by GWC Ecological Services, the results of which were negative for any endangered, threatened or rare species. Paleontological Goals, Policies and Programs Policy 1: The City shall require the preparation of paleontological resource analyses by a qualified paleontologist for all development proposals, which occur in areas of Nigh Sensitivity. A paleontological assessment was performed by the Division of Geological Services of the San Bernardino County Museum. The results of the assessment were negative. However, mitigation measures are suggested in the event resources are encountered during grading operations. Water Resources Goals, Policies and Programs Program 2.2: The City shall continue to implement, its on-site retention requirements for new development proposals where possible as a potential way or recharging groundwater. The Rancho Santana Plan proposes to retain on-site 100% containment of 100 -year storm flows and nuisance flows. Page 43 of 46 revised June 20, 2003 Rancho Santana Specific Plan City of La Quinta INFRASTRUCTURE ANO. -PUBLIC SERVICES ELEMENT Infrastructure and Public Services Goals, Policies and Programs Education Facilities Goal Policy 3: The city shall support the process of securing school impact mitigation fees from developers in accordance with State law. The Rancho Santana development will participate in the payment of mitigation fees in accordance with State law. Surface Water & Storm Drainage Goal Policy 3: All new development shall include on-site retention/detention basins and other necessary storm water management facilities to accommodate run-off from the 100 -year storm. The Rancho Santana plan proposes to retain on-site containment of the 100 -year storm run-off. Domestic Water Goal Policy 3: New development projects shall be required to use native drought tolerant landscaping materials to promote and enhance water conservation efforts. The Rancho Santana plan proposes to use native and drought tolerant plant materials combined with efficient irrigation methods to promote water conservation. Public Utilities Goal Policy 3: All utility and electric wires up to 34.5 kilovolts serving new development shall be installed under ground. Rancho Santana proposes to underground utility services that re less than 34.5 kilovolts. Page 44 of 46 revised June 20, 2003 Rancho Santana Specific Plan City of La Qu1nta :-NVIRbN"" LNTA►L HAZARD&ELEMENT Geologic and Seismic Hazards, Goals, Policies and Programs Policy 3: Development in areas subject to collapsible or expansive soils shall be required to conduct soil sampling , and laboratory testing and to implement mitigation measures, which minimize such hazards. A Soils and Geotechnical investigation was performed by Sladden Engineering. Construction shall conform to the recommended measures and standards construction practices. Page 45 of 46 revised June 20, 2003 Rancho Santana Specific Plan City of La Quinta APPENDIX TWO SECTION 9.140.070 La Quinta Municipal Code Page 46 of 46 revised June 20, 2003 N Ordinance No. 368 EXHIBIT'A" __. Adding Section 9.140.070 Adopted: March 20, 2002 • SECTION 9.140.070 LOW DENSITY/AGRICULTURAL-EQUESTRIAN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TABLE PERMITTED USES IN THE AGRICULTURAL/EQUESTRIAN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT AND S PP 4eMial Uses Farmworker Housing M-obile-ldome Packs Mobile Home Subdivisions and manufactured homes on individual lots P Child day care facilities as an accessory use, serving 8 or fewer children, subject to A Section 9.60.190 Child day care facilities as an accessory use, serving 9-14 children, subject to M Section 9.60.190 r Tennis Court or other game court as an accessory use'associated with a private P residence HQmp, Q='Patir2os -subiact to Rection 9. 50-110 —H Satellite dishes and other antennas subject to Section 9.60.080 ,4 Swimming pools, spas and cabanas, subject to Section 9.60.070 p SACity ClerklOrdinancesWCA07IExhB.WPD C Ordinance No. 368 Adding Section 9.140.070 Adopted: March 20, 2002 EXHIBIT "A" Second units, "granny flats" and employee quarters, subject to Section 9.60.090 The grazing. and breeding of cattle, horses, llamas, or other farm stack or animals, not including hogs, not to exceed five animals per acre of all the land available The grazing and breeding of sheep or goats, not to exceed 15 animals per acre of all land available The drying, packing, canning, freezing and processing of produce resulting from permitted uses when such activity is conducted within permanent buildings and structures Non-commercial raising of hogs, not to exceed two per acre Kennels and Catteries, 10 to 25 animals on 1 acre minimum • k"�� SACity Clerk%0rdlnances%ZCA071 Exh8.WPD M P M P C • Ordinance No. 368 Adding Section 9.140.070 Adopted: March 20, 2002 EXHIBIT "A" Communication towers and equipment subject to Section 9.170 C S;\Clty Clarkl0rdinancesUCA071 ExhB.WPD • Ordinance No. 368 Adding Section 9.140.070 Adopted: March 20, 2002 A. Residential Development Standards • • TABLE 501 RES/DENT/AL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS EXHIBIT "A" SACity Clerkl0r4inances\ZCA07.tfxh8.WP0 DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD E/A R Min. Lot Size for Single Family Dwelling (sq. 10,000 ft.) Min. Project Size for Multifamily Projects (sq. 20,000 ft.) Min. Lot Frontage for Single Family Dwelling or Multifamily Projects (ft.) 100 Max. Structure Height (ft.) 28 Max. No. of Stories 2 Min. Front Yard Setback ft)' 30 Min. Garage Setback '(ft.) 30 Min. Side Yard Setback (ft.) 20 -j Min. Rear Yard Setback (ft.) 30 Max. Lot Coverage (% of net lot area) 40 Min. Livable Area Excluding Garage '(sq. ft.) 1,400 ' Min. Perimeter Landscape Setbacks (ft.) 20 Max. No. of Horses for Private Use (per 5 acre) Parking shall be provided as. required by Chapter 9.150. 13. Development Standards, All Non -Residential Uses 1. All buildings shall be limited to two stories in height and a maximum of 35 feet; measured from the finished grade of the pad. SACity Clerkl0r4inances\ZCA07.tfxh8.WP0 a • Ordinance No. 368 EXHIBIT "A" Adding Section 9.140.070 Adopted: March 20, 2002 2. Setbacks: The following minimum setbacks shall apply from the property line: Pasture: 0 feet Accessory buildings: 20 feet Accessory structures: 20 feet Manure storage: 25 feet 3. _Fencing.- Properties containing one or more uses may be fenced to a, maximum of 6 feet. Permitted fencing materials include chain link, cement block, wood, wrought iron or tubular steel. Razor wire or concertina wire is permitted for those uses listed under "Equestrian and Agriculture* Uses" in Table 4. Parking: Parking shall be provided as required by Chapter 9.150. 5, Lighting: All lighting shall comply with Sections 9.60.160 and 9.100.150. 6. Loudspeakers: Loudspeaker systems or other amplified sound are limited to operation or use between 8 a.m. And 10 p.m. Unless otherwise specified by an approved conditional use permit. C. ..Definitions "Accessory building" means any building subordinate to a permitted or conditionally permitted use, including but not limited to hay and tack barns, storage sheds and other structures and uses customarily appurtenant to the primary permitted use. "Accessory structure" means any structure subordinate to a permitted or conditionally permitted use, including but not limited to exercise rings, arenas, corrals, and other structures associated with the permitted or conditionally permitted use. Fences are not considered structures for the purposes of this Section. "Agricultural Activity, Operation, or Facility, or Appurtenances thereof." The phrase "agricultural activity, operation, or facility, or appurtenances thereof" shall include all uses allowed under the Agricultural Overlay District, including, but be limited to, the cultivation and tillage of the soil, dairying, the production, cultivation, growing, and harvesting of any agricultural commodity, including timber viticulture, apiculture, or horticulture, the raising of livestock, fur bearing animals, fish, or poultry, and any practices performed by a farmer or on a farm as incident to or in conjunction with such farming operations, including preparation for market, delivery to storage or to market, or to carriers for transportation to market. "Land Zoned For Primarily Agricultural Purposes." The phrase "land zoned for primarily SACicy C1erkl0rd1nances\ZCA071 ExhB.WPD • Ordinance No. 368 Adding Section 9.140.070 Adopted: March 20, 2002 EXHIBIT "A" agricultural purposes" means any land lying within the Agricultural Overlay District. "Arena" -- see Corral. "Caretaker Residence" means a residential unit not exceeding 1,000 square feet, which is not .the principal use on the property, to be occupled by, a caretaker or watchman who is responsible for the security of the principal use of the property. "Cattery" means any building, structure, enclosure or premises within which five or more cats are kept or maintained primarily for financial profit for the purpose of ( boarding, breeding, training, marketing, hire or any other similar purpose. "Commercial stable" means any facility specifically designed or used for the stabling of more than 5 horses not owned by the residents of the property on which the stable is located, and for which the residents or land owner receives compensation. Services provided by a commercial stable including boarding, breeding, training, riding or other ( recreational use of the horse. "Community auction and sales yard" rneans a facility which periodically holds auctions of farm equipment, fixtures and other related materials in an enclosed building. "Corral" means an enclosure designed for use, as an open holding area -for horses for the purpose of confinement within that' area for an indeterminate period of time. "Farm" means a parcel of land devoted to agricultural uses where the principal use is the propagation, care and maintenance of viable plant and animal products for commercial purposes. "Farmworker housing" means' any building or group of buildings where six or more farm employees are housed. "Kennel" means any building, structure, enclosure or premises within which five or more dogs are kept or maintained primarily for financial profit for the purpose of boarding, breeding, training, marketing, hire *or any other similar purpose. "Menagerie" means a lot on which more than one wild, non-domestic reptile (not including turtles or tortoises), bird (not including poultry) or mammal is'kept. A tamed or trained wild animal shall not be considered a domestic animal. "Pasture" means an enclosed holding area consisting of grass or similar vegetation, specifically used for purposes of grazing or feeding of animals. SACity C1erkl0rdinsnc9$\ZCA079 ExhB.WPD Ordinance -No. 368 EXHIBIT "A" Adding Section 9.140.070 Adopted: March 20, 2002 "Guest Ranch" means any property of five acres or more operated as a ranch which offers guest rooms for rent and which has outdoor recreational facilities such as horseback riding, swimming or hiking. "Riding Academy" means a facility designed and used primarily for recreational riding, training and instruction, and allowing both on-site boarding or trailering of horses to the facility. "Stable" means a building or structure containing multiple stalls for the purposes of sheltering, feeding, boarding, accommodating or otherwise caring for horses. "Stall" means a division of a stable accommodating one horse into an adequately sized enclosure. for the purposes of confining individual horses within a sheltered environment as may be necessary for security, safety or other reasons pertinent to the health, welfare and daily care of each animal. D. "Right to Farm" Intent and Policies Intent ' It is the intent of the City of La Quinta tp conserve, protect and encourage the development, improvement, and continued viability of its agricultural land and industries for the long-term production of food and other agricultural products, and for the economic well-being of the City's residents. It is also the intent of the City to balance the rights of farmers to produce food and other agricultural products with the rights of non -farmers. who -own, occupy, or use land within or adjacent to agricultural areas. It is the intent of this ordinance•to reduce the loss to the area of its agricultural resources by limiting the circumstances. under which agricultural operations may be deemed to constitute a nuisance. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to limit the right of any owner of real property to request that the City consider a change in the zoning classification of his property in accordance with the procedures set forth in the La Quinta Development Code. Policies T . No agricultural activity, operation, or facility, or appurtenances thereof, .in a manner consistent with proper and accepted customs and standards, as established and followed by similar agricultural operations in the same locality, shall be or- become a nuisance, private or public, due to any changed condition in or about the lodality, after the same has been in operation for more than three (3) years if it was not a nuisance at. the time it began. • S:1Clty ClerMOrdinancesk2CA07 1 -ExhB.WPD Ordinance No. 368 EXHIBIT "A" Adding Section 9.140.070 Adopted: March 20, 2002 2. This section shall not invalidate -any provision_ contained in the Health and Safety Code', Fish and Game Code, Food and Agricultural Code, or Division 7 (commencing with Section 13000) of the Water Code of the State of California, if the agricultural activity, operation, or facility, or appurtenances thereof, constitutes a nuisance, public or private, as specifically defined or described in any such provision. 3. This section is not to be construed so as to modify abridge the state law set out in .the California Civil Code relative to nuisances, but rather it is only to be utilized in the interpretation and enforcement of the provisions of county ordinances and regulations. E. Notice to Buyers of Land 1. The Director of Community Development shall cause the following notice to be included on all tentative land division proposed that lies partly or wholly within, or within 300 feet of any land zoned for primarily agricultural purposes: Lot(s) No. , as shown on this map, is (are) located partly or wholly within, or within 300 feet of land zoned for primarily agricultural purposes by the County of Riverside and -the City of La Quinta. It is the declared policy. of the City of La Quihta'that no agricultural activity, operation, or facility, or appurtenances thereof, conducted or maintained for commercial purposes in the City, and in a manner consistent with proper and accepted customs and standards, as established and followed by similar agricultural operations in the same locality, shall be or become a nuisance, private or public, due to any changed condition in or about the locality, after the same has been in operation for more than three (3) years, if it was not a nuisance at the time it began. The term "agriculture activity, operation, .or facility, or appurtenances thereof" includes all uses permitted in the Agricultural Overlay District, and includes but is not limited to, equestrian activities, the cultivation and tillage of the soil, dairying, the production, cultivation, growing, and harvesting of any agricultural commodity, including timber, viticulture, apiculture, or horticulture, the raising of livestock, for bearing animals, fish, or poultry, and any practices performed by a farmer or on a farm as incident to or in conjunction with such farming operations, including preparation for market, delivery to storage or to market, or to carriers for'transportation to market. SACity C1erk\0rd1nances=A07.1 ExhB.WPD • Ordinance No. ase EXHIBIT "A" Adding Section 5.140.070 Adopted: March 20, 2002 2. The City Engineer shall cause the notice described in subsection (1 ) to be included on any final land division proposed for recordation that lies partly or wholly within, or within 300 feet of, any land zoned for primarily agricultural purposes. • • F. Preservation of Agricultural Land Uses in Perpetuity Any land owner wishing to continue a land use listed in Table _, Permitted Uses in -the Agricultural/Equestrian Residential District, may, at any time, exercise his or her rights under Chapter 9.190: Transfer of Development Rights. $:\City C1erk\0rd1nance8\ZCA07I ExhB.WPD r-� VJ 9.60.050 C. Lot Coverage Maximums. The placement of accessory buildings on a lot shall not result in violation of the lot. coverage maximums set forth in Section 9.50.030. D. Standards. Setbacks and Maximum Height. Detached accessory buildings shall conform to the following setback standards: Table 9-3 Standards for Detached Accessory Buildings Roof Area of Structure Maximum Separation (sq. ft.) . Height from Main Building 0-100 10 5 101-200 10 5 201+ 17 10 • Minimum Setback (ft.) Front Yard Interior Exterior Rear Side Yard Side Yard ' Yard 20 3.5 10 3.5 20 5 10 5 Same as for main building (Ord. 299 § 1 (part), 1997; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exhs. A, B) (part), 1996) 9.60.060 • Garages and carports. A. Height. The maximum structure height shall be fourteen feet for a detached carport and seventee: feet for a detached garage, except that garages may be up. to twenty-eight feet in height if a second dwellin unit complying with the provisions of Section 9.60.090 is located above the garage. B. Setbacks. 1. In the RVL district, the minimum garage or carport setback shall be thirty feet. In all other residenti, districts, the minimum setback for fronventry type garages or carports shall be twenty-five feet if a standar "pivot" type garage door -is used, twenty feet if a "roll -up" type garage door is used, and twenty•feet for carport. For side -entry type garages, the minimum garage setback* shall be twenty feet in the RVL distric and fifteen feet in all other residential districts. 2. When alleys, private streets or common driveways at the rear of a lot are provided- specifically vehicular access to garages and carports and when separate access and circulation systems are provided fc pedestrians, guests and emergency vehicles; garages and carports may be placed up to a minimum of fi► feet from such alley, private street or common driveway.. C. Lot Coverage Maximums. The placement of a garage or carport on a lot shall not result in violatic of the lot coverage'naaximunr.s set forth in Section 9.50.030. (Orel. 284 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1996) 9.60.070 Swimming pools. A. Applicability. The provisions of this section shall apply to any outdoor swimming pool, whirlpoi spa (in -ground or above -ground), or open tank or pond containing or normally capable of containing wa1 to'a depth of eighteen inches or more ai any point. For. purposes of this section, the term "pool" means , or any . of the foregoing facilities. B, Standards. Pools are permitted as accessory uses in residential districts subject to the followi requirements: 1. Location. Pools shall be located at least three feet (measured from water's edge) from any proper line. No adjustments to this minimum shall be approved, with the exception of private gated communit �rheny property line is adjacent. to common open area, Filter and Heating Equipment. Mechanical pool equipment, such as a pump, filter or Beater, may located within the required front or rear yard setback areas. The equipment shall be enclosed, with the-excepti of a roof.. A fire -foot side yard, clear of any permanent obstructions, shall be maintained between the s yard property line and the building. Pool equipment that can be accommodated in this- area .shall be enclos with the exception of a roof. The community development director shall determine if this provides effect noise and vibration attenuation. Equipment shall be screened from view from the street when in the front y2 In addition, equipment shall be screened from ground view of surrounding properties. Such visual screen may consist of .perimeter walls or fencing (if permitted), screen walls, or landscape planting. 239 OA Quin