SP 1985-006 Citrus (formerly Oak Tree West) (1985)SPECIFIC PLMq OAK TREE WEST La Quinta, Calif ornla copy 110. 13 SPECIFIC PLAN 85-006 March 1985 Revised August 1985 PREPARED BY: Landmark Land Company of California, Inc. P.O. Box 1578 La Quinta, CA.92253 (619) 564-6446 CONSULTANTS: LSA, Inc. 500 Newport Center Dr. Suite 600 Newport Beach, CA 92260 Leighton & Associates 7265 Jurupa Ave. Riverside, CA 92504 Table of Contents * INTRODUCTION * PROJECT DESCRIPTION # REGIONAL MAP # PROJECT GOALS * VICINITY MAP * EXISTING CONDITIONS AND CONSTRAINTS # CONDITIONS/CONSTRAINTS MAP * EXISTING GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATIONS # PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS # EXISTING ZONING * PROPOSED ZONING # LAND USE, OPEN SPACE, CONSERVATION AND RECREATION ELEMENTS * MASTER LAND USE PLAN * CIRCULATION PLAN * CIRCULATION ELEMENT # DESERT ARCHITECTURE * ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTER * HOUSING ELEMENT * ESTATE LOT * SINGLE FAMILY # ZERO LOT -LINE # CLUSTER HOMES * OAK TREE WEST GOLF CLUBHOUSE * SECTION * ELEVATION # OFFICE COMMERCIAL # SITE PLAN * ELEVATIONS * HOTEL GOLF CLUB * GOLF CLUB/COMMERCIAL * PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES * WATER • WASTE WATER # POWER # TELEPHONE * NATURAL GAS * SAFETY ELEMENTS * SEISMIC SAFETY * NOISE ELEMENTS * PHASING PLAN * PHASING Introduction The Oak Tree West Specific Plan Companion documents utilized in addresses planning and development the preparation of the Oak Tree West programs for 1020 acres of residen- Specific Plan are: tial, recreational and commercial land use in the City of La Quinta, �k Traffic and circulation study, 9 California. LSA, Inc. (December 1984). This document is submitted to Archaeological resource assess - the City of La Quinta in compliance ment, LSA, Inc. (July 1984). with the requirements of all app- licable federal, state, and locale Geotechnical reconnaissance, code requirements which pertain to Leighton & Associates (February the preparation of specific plans 1985). j in the State of California. V �c City of La Quinta General Plan, The specific plan for Oak Tree Cotton/Beland/Associates (draft) West provides a comprehensive guide (November 1984). for the orderly development of this project in conformance with the goals E.I.R. La Quinta Redevelopment and policies of the City of La Quinta Project No. 1, LSA, Inc. General Plan (first draft) dated (September 1983) November 1984. �c PGA West environmental impact 1 report and technical appendices, LSA, Inc. (January 1984). Project Description The subject property consists of approximately 1020 acres or 1.6 square miles within the City of La Quinta, California. The project is bounded on the east by Jefferson Street, on the west by the Santa Rosa Mountains, on the south by Avenue 54 and on the north primarily by a property boundary running east and west approximately 1320' south of Avenue 50. Oak Tree West is proposed to be a comprehensive planned community of both public and private facili- ties. Development will consist of a 200 unit hotel/18 hole golf club complex with supporting commercial uses, a private 27 hole golf course and clubhouse, and 2245 dwelling units. On 18 acres of land the 200 room hotel/golf club complex will include dining, lounge, and golf club -related facilities in a resort atmosphere priced in the mid-range appealing to both seasonal clientel and year-round residents of the area. A supporting commercial complex of 18.5 acres will provide local residents of La Quinta, residents of Oak Tree West, and visiting pat- rons of the hotel/golf club a variety of retail/commercial facilities on a year-round basis. Additionally, a 3.5 acre site overlooking the golf course provides the setting for a commercial office building complex. Golfing amenities include a private 27 hole golf course and driving range playing out of a clubhouse south of Avenue 52 and an 18 hole course, driving range and hotel/clubhouse to the north of Avenue 52 accessed from Jefferson Street. The 2245 residential units will be developed around the open space provided by the golf course, driving ranges, lakes and Santa Rosa Moun- tains. The housing character will be a mixture of types. When adopted by the City Council of La Quinta, this specific plan will amend the existing general plan and will control the land use of the subject property. i n Regional Map alr travesi i111100. JNew York 7.3 hours Chicago 4.7 hours JDenver 2 hours J J u Project Goals Oak Tree West will provide a unique blend of housing, services and recreational facilities, both public and private, catering to market demands unique to the La Quinta area. Respond- ing to this market demand the following goals, policies and o.bjectives for development are intended to govern the orderly phased build -out of the project over 20 years. Develop a distinctive and pres- tigious resort/recreational/ residential community. * Adherence to high standards of urban planning for the location, design and development of pro- ject uses. Adherence to high standards of appearance, asthetics, safety and convenience. arc Promote a community identity using a creative architectural vocabulary in harmony with the surrounding desert environs. Design a circulation system that is safe and efficient and en- courages non -automotive use. Develop a private secured commun- ity including a range of housing types, community commercial uses, open space, public facilities, and resort uses. Develop championship golf courses providing major recreational opportunities which create open space corridors with a sense of place and identity for the entire project. Promote balanced growth to enhance a healthy local economy with opportunities for housing , recreation and employment. Vicinity Ma Los Angeles II Desert Mot springs P*iul to 15 ;Phoenix I ` Y j A � Y t 1 f 1 1 Salton Sea Coachella Local Access Existing Conditions & Constraints Areas to be developed are loc- ated on the gently rolling floor of the Coachella Valley. Most of the project site and adjacent property is, or recently was, in agricultural production. Several residential and agricultural buildings exist on site. Property to the southwest of the site is defined by the rugged slopes of the Santa Rosa Mountains, in contrast to the roll- ing topography of the valley floor, a visual resource to the entire Coachella Valley. Protection of this major natural resource and its habitat is a major concern address- ed and is insured by insulating these slopes with open space. The Oak Tree West Specific Plan includes portions of property within the approved Duna La Quinta Specific Plan. An amendment to the existing Duna La Quinta Specific Plan has been initiated to alleviate overlapping specific plan boundaries. A draft copy of the "General Plan for the City of La Quinta" by Cotton/Beland/Associates is present- ly being reviewed by city staff. Information from the preliminary draft has been utilized in the preparation of the existing condi- tions and site constraints map. The environmental impact report prepared for the approval of Land- mark's PGA West project in La Quinta and the geotechnical survey prepared for Oak Tree West provided further data to generate the contraints map. AVE. AVE. EXISTING CONDITIONS & CONSTRAINTS A} Adillclel FIII Os Dee. S—d OBI Auuvlum-Lek, Deooeil. OBC ecree,Loo.e Rock, Boulder DeEri, Kgr 11.drock-G-111c. k j Existing Citrus Groves f Privets Well Sites I� L_C CVWD Well Sites AVE. 50 Riverside County AVE. 52 CI - Riverside County AVE. 50 AVE. 52 AVE. 52 EXISTING GENERAL DESIGNATIONS Very Low De,Wty PReeMenlW S31 wee Open Specs end Wned Devekpnwd 115 wee Exletkv Dur Le O,ide Speeft Plan 74 eves 1020 was PGAWEST AVE. 50 AVE. 52 AVE. 54 AVE. 50 AVE. 52 PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT General Camrercial 35 5 saes ca,m,ercial 3.5 acres Low Density R-Identlai 549 e— Open Space and Plamed Development 115 acres R O W Dediceti m 15 aces 1020 aces PGATW ST AVE. 50 AVE. 52 AVE. 54 AVE. AVE.5 AV 1 �l VE. 50 E. 52 R-110,000 One Fanny Dwaft lopoo n.wr.n r. �..rer R-1-1 One Fanny ReskWdial i r>. r. r..+ PGA .. ES a ; R-2-7000 MAW*Famly DweMrpa rr.000,r .atiw.r e.rr R-2-12000 MAW- FamNy Dw-Mrge W-2-20 CadroNed Developnrerrt Area a*...+r..r r. W-1 Weter Carse N -A Newel A*eet AVE. 50 AVE. 52 AVE. 52 PF 0 R-2 Multiple Farrily Dwellings �... e . o., ewdq 849 acres CPS Scenic Highway Commercial X40 acres J R-5 Open Space Combsring Zone aro.a s..n W o...avm..n. rYv A T.TL S+I+ m 115 acres rVrta .. r ROW Dedication 16 acres AVE. 50 WE. 52 AVE. 54 Land Use, open space, Conservation & Recreation Conceptually, the project is To further the sense of open designed and planned around two types space, the location of common areas of open space: golf course corridors in residential zones will be stra- and common open space. tigically located throughout the project with pool facilities and Approximately 35% of the project other recreation amenities provided. is devoted to golf course/open space. The areas west of the Coachella Golf courses will be designed so Canal against the rugged mountain that adjacent development will slope will be utilized in the golf realize maximum visual and open course. space values of the golf facility. A routing, contouring and land- scaping of the golf courses will create visual interest and char- acter providing a desirable setting for residential and resort develop- ment. The courses provide a ribbon of open space throughout the project. These greenbelt fairways with lakes will create the predominant land- scape features of the project as well as being the major open space amenity. The courses will provide both active and passive forms of recreation. A series of lakes and streams will be developed in conjunc- tion with the courses' system pro- viding additional open space ameni- ties and recreational opportunities. II J AVE. 50 F— N Z0 fn w N ccQ ! dOMMERCIAL,- aoalt l!J CEHTEWLL 4 `to, r'� LL uJ CPtli TstnP tsa. �'�-.tn Oan 9M1Nww►. t �� iwr rte f ',, i r f,. t, . Arsnl As kiisl>•s " .� l 6 AVE. 52 9 -OFFICE 1.a• r'' i �COMMERCIAL > ioin cgPisali�� � - -i. ., it ��• � �' OAK TREE WEST La Quinta, California P 400, 13P9 1000 -t i99 Land Use units acres density transient residential Open Space 115 Residential 449 5/acre 2245 Golf 45 holes 400 Hotel Commercial 35.5 200 Office Commercial 3.5 R.O.W. 15 total 1020 Z PGANVEST 0 7 J m AVE. 54 AVE. :;t AVE. 52* i , AVE. 52 CIRCULATION f 1 41 A t 1 .11.- H AVE. 50 z 47 AVE. 52 VE. 54 Entry Blvd. C ... h,11, C-1 R -d-1 Properly B ... dlill ....... m.nl 000 P-P—d Inlernel C C= P.1-1.1 Pr.p ... d Tu -1 81,"rld A..... H AVE. 50 z 47 AVE. 52 VE. 54 Entry Blvd. Circulation Circulation concepts proposed meet the requirements of the i La Quinta General Plan Circulation Element by providing a hierarchy of vehicular traffic with non -vehicular modes segregated within. Secured access points to and from arterial streets are limited with locations providing optimum safe traffic viewshed and operation. Individual driveways are pro- posed with generous setbacks from neighborhood boulevards, residential loop collector, and neighborhood streets to further ingress and egress and a sense of open space. The circulation Element has been designed to accomplish the following: Provide for a transportation system which supports the land use designations. * Promote efficient, safe and effective movements of all segments of the population. �k Promote the utilization of public transportation when available. �E Protect the environmental qual- ity of the project. �c Minimize traffic flow within residential areas. �K Provide for alternatives to total dependence upon the auto- mobile. Neighborhood Loop Collector Neighborhood Street Arterial Street Desert Architecture The concept of "desert architec- ture" will be followed throughout the development of Oak Tree West. This type of architecture may range from a "Spanish Mission" to "Southwest Adobe", "Pueblo" or "Territorial" styles. The architectural integrity of the project will be maintained through stringent controls and guide- lines applied to each phase of the development. Every development proposal within Oak Tree West will require a preliminary design review by the master developer's Architec- tural Review Committee to insure conformance with the desired arch- itectural parameters. All detailing will enhance and emphasize the char- acter of "Desert Architecture". The base color of all structures will be limited to the spectrum of white, cream, tan, sand, light brown, mauve and other earth tones. Primary colors will be allowed for accents only. Roofing materials will be limited to concrete -based materials for Spanish tiles or shake type tiles. Four basic roof forms will be consid- ered as acceptable: hip, gable, shed and flat. Signage concepts for the entire development will also be subject to architectural review as well as conformance to building and city plan- ing standards. Housing The housing element establishes standards and plans for location and use of housing consistent with the nature of the project. Unit character, site plan features, building coverage, lot size and height limits are spec- ified for each housing type. estate lots Individual custom units with generous areas for site amenities such as tennis courts and/or pools. single family Detached living individual lot given backs. zero lot line units built on an all required set - Single family units built on one sideyard property line creating access to private patio areas between units. cluster housing Two story townhouse living units, clustered along the golf course cor- ridor, shall be designed and oriented to create maximum golf course front- age and privacy. I' 20'min: :I go= [• t-. -- L-- m 011611mrs existing par 3 course. EQ Ad� practice ;) green . 0 64 0 211 '0'0 L.".. Loo. ... *..w of C.mf.,W.. ft.. GOLF CLUBHOUSE The Oak Tree West Country Club south of Avenue 52 will be the hub and focal point of the private golf facility. Integrated into the existing nat- ural topography, the clubhouse will be centered around an existing par three golf course known as the "Rancho Xochimilco Country Club" designed by Robert Trent Jones. Section Features include: * 27 hole championship golf course * Championship driving range * Practice greens Elevation/Partial Section W0011 reside ial (1'1� 6 so x n xs � v LANDMARK LAND COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, INC OFFICE COMMERCIAL OFFICE / COMMERCIAL 3.5 acres 26,000 sq. ft. office building parking: 104 spaces (1 space/250 sq. ft.) Proposed development of Oak Tree West and Landmark's PGA West project (presently underway) has generated considerable interest in professional office space. In response, Oak Tree West proposes to provide office space overlooking the golf course and nearby Santa Rosa mountains. Section Site Potential * 3.5 acres * 26,000 sq. ft. office * 104 parking spaces * 20% open space Elevation I J far, 1Oro Landmark Lend Company of California, Inc HOTEL/COMMERCIAL CENTER Land Use earn* size parking Hotel 200 rooms 300 Goll Clubhouse 25,000 eq, IL 150 Office / Commercial 200,000 sq. 11. 800 total 35.5 1250 ryplGal coal murficy Commorciat cancer uses •re et aureola •card store •book afore •le ales reatly to wear store •Ice cream parlor •beauty salon •ladles spa clally store •plant at ore •pal shop •mane wear store •laws try .lora •la mlly'hoe afore •eupermark et •home appliance store *bank *sporting goods HOTEL/COMMERCIAL CENTER VIEW NORTHWEST ALONG JEFFERSON STREET I j I i HOTEUCO&Iy41ERCIAL CENTER VIEW SOUTHWEST ALONG JEFFERSON STREET llrt`liill��r�4 it Y .. lyFlilMli �rrf��,��lu�rn ,�: :::iiF 1�1� � � .. -�� r� { 1■ alar moi! ■�L���y �� il��lill`�� i11��� fill . ��.! r.�r•r� ■F►. ir��7'o`"u r_.ra`l /• "r_�1�11'..i:r�'._. srra. r..rrat rwia ?k-1 no nr as rxe Landmark Land Company of Callfornla, Inc HOTEL/GOLF CLUBHOUSE GROUND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN IOLF nx T et.owosr o/ir u. rn uw c•nT a• WEST ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION ELEVATIONS HOTEL/GOLF CLUBHOUSE Proposed Fire Station Washirpton & 111 AVE.50 Sewage Lift $teflon , Future SLitt Station TrrporrrY Foror MOM Reservlor DorneoW f WON Site Exlethg �""'• Substation Irrigatio Pump Station Temporary Sewage gg Treatment Facility 3, AVE. 52 ------- ---- _:. . _. ..�. AVE. 52� r PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES AVE. 50 I.I.D. ts, _ r: fes et• err Froroord Orr k.Mr ars r, p r HTipetlw5 i $dallan i 1 Sewage to TN Into PGA West Fire $latlon 15• orrrlty Lino Ave. 64 and Z Madam :4 r - _ AVE.54 c PGAWEST J m Public Services & Utilities Water Power The Coachella Valley Water All overhead transmission lines District (CVWD) will provide will be routed on Avenue 52 or domestic water through a distribu- Jefferson Street supplied by the tion system dedicated by the develop- Imperial Irrigation District (IID). er. Conservation of domestic water Internal distribution lines will be useage will be further promoted by installed underground. It is anti - the use of water saving fixtures. cipated by the IID that a substation located adjacent to the project on Golf course irrigation will be Avenue 52 will be completed by the provided by on-site wells and end of 1985. With this substation existing lines with additional in operation, power requirements to capacity provided by the Coachella the City of La Quinta, as well as Canal. The utilization of drought nearby development, will be adequately tolerant plant species throughout served. the project will reduce irrigation consumption. Waste Water An off-site regional sewage treatment plant is proposed nine miles south of the facility, and is scheduled for completion in mid 1986. This plant will be maintained by CVWD. The developer will dedicate sewer line easements and install sanitary sewage improvements with the development in concert with sanitary sewage improvements already in place on the PGA West project. Telephone The City of La Quinta is served by the General Telephone Company. Demands for the city are presently being met by existing facilities. Demands for service by the project are to be borne by the developer. Natural Gas The Southern California Gas Company indicates future natural gas distribution system to supplement La Quinta will come east along the alignment of Avenue 52 and/or west from Jefferson Street. Safety The geologic and seismic safety elements associated with the project site are aimed at reducing damage to property and social dislocation resulting from earthquakes, fire, flooding and other public safety hazards. As part of the planning for this project, a "geotechnical reconnais- sance" has been conducted. The results of the study indicate that the proposed land use for the entire project is geotechnically feasible. Certain key constraints and mitiga- tions are noted: * The standards for "implementa- tion of seismic risk for ground shaking according to the River- side County Planning Department will suffice for design and construction of buildings proposed for the project". * Site specific studies for major structures (such as multi -floor commercial buildings) will be initiated as development pro- ceeds to insure public safety. * All site contruction will con- form to the latest edition of the Uniform Building Code. �c Mitigation measures for control- ling dust will be utilized as development occurs. * A fire station will be con- structed and furnished at the southwest intersection of Avenue 54 and Madison Street by Landmark Land. Additionally, fire fighting facilities exist on Avenue 52 in La Quinta and are proposed on Washington Street at Highway 111. The project area will thereby be assured a five minute response time thus minimizing fire hazards. �c Residential areas will be served by a private street system with 24 hour security providing a sense of assured public safety. Additionally, public education in crime prevention will be encouraged and supported by the use of signage, phamplets, neighborhood newsletters, etc. Noise All proposed land uses within the project fall under the "normally acceptable" compatibility range established for Community Noise Equivalent Levels (CNEL). The use of generous interior street and building setbacks, proper orientation of buildings and land- scaped buffers will reduce noise impacts from nearby existing and future roadways to within state standards. Additionally, appropriate setbacks and circulation systems within the project boundary will mitigate any potential imcompati- bility of uses. Upon approval of precise development plans and/or tentative tract maps, both residential and commercial structures shall be demonstrated to meet interior noise standards as defined by State guidelines. I J it AVE. 50 AVE. 5: G PGA WEST CID AVE. 50 AVE. 52 ice iee 2 AVE. 54 J Phasing & Implementation With the present demand for hotel - related championship level golf in the La Quinta area, it is anticipated that the Hotel Golf Club, 18 hole course, and first 100 residential units will be con- structed during the first phase of deve- lopment. Subsequent phases of develop- ment (at two year intervals) will see the need and establishment of remaining commercial, office, golf and residential uses. It is presently anticipated that overall residential build -out will occur at approximately 100 units per year over a 22 year peroid. Phasing of Oak Tree West will reflect a number of conditions and factors influencing project implementation. These are: * Current and projected trends in housing demand * Absorption rates of a variety of dwelling types * Development and timing of in- frastructure and other improve- ments * Availability of financing Relationship between the phasing of Oak Tree West and competition from other regional projects Each phase of development will be preceded by the preparation and ap- proval of the required detailed plans and documents to insure proper use and appropriate development of the property. Homeowners Associations will be organized to administer and maintain the following: * Common open space and recreation facilities * Private road and security systems Architectural integrity and consistency All applicable federal, state and city laves will be observed by the Oak Tree West development.