SP 1987-011 Washington Square (2001) Amendment 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.78 AC RETAIL/OFFICE SITE F..Vj--WVA WASHINGTON SQUARE MWOR SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT # I CITY OF LA 1INTA &-P—rQMd by_. Manning Cornrni!C!;inn Q_�itsi COuncil 0 Cammuni ,Initials Case No. SP . -off, AMV*3 Exhibit._ "Ith Condition-, D G I VI E AUG 102001 crry OF LAQUINTA .... I. . . ^ — m A rnT R A r, 11 IT Il s 1.78 AC RETAIL/OFFICE SITE AVE 47 WASHINGTON SQUARE SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT # CITY OF LA QUINTA WASHINGTON SQUARE MINOR SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT # PREPARED FOR: THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA APPLICANT: TOM LATHROP 72-912 WILLOW STREET PALM DESERT, CA. 92260 PH: (760) 346-5020 FAX (760) 346-3182 PREPARED BY: MCGEE SURVEYING, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYING 79-301 COUNTRY CLUB DR SUITE 102 BERMUDA DUNES, CA. 92201 (760) 345-3828 n TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION COPY NUMBER 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1.1 VICINITY MAP 1.2 GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY 1.3 ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT RELATIONSHIP 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1.1 PROJECT SITE 2.2 SITE/LAND USE PLAN 2.3 UTILITIES 3 DRAINAGE/FLOOD CONTROL 3.1 HYDROLOGY 3.2 ONSITE RETENTION 4 UTILITIES 4.1 SEWER PLAN 4.2 WATER PLAN 4.3 ELECTRICAL PLAN 4.4 OTHER UTILITIES 5 DESIGN GUIDELINES 5.1 GENERAL ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPE THE,E 5.2 GENERAL PROJECT DATA 5.3 BUILDING MATERIALS AND STANDARDS 5.4 COLORS 5.5 ROOFS 5.6 LANDSCAPE MATERIALS AND STANDARDS 5.7 DESIGN GUIDELINES APPENDIX "A" APPENDIX "B" APPENDIX «C" SITE PLAN ZONING MAP SITE PHOTOS I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Executive Summary This minor amendment to the Washington Square specific plan is organized into five sections. This minor amendment covers an existing 1.78 Ac Site located at the south east corner of the Washington specific plan area. Section I - Introduction; Provides an overview of the document, the project and the process. Section II - Development Plan; Provides a project description including a description of the Site, Site Plan, Land Use, Architecture, Landscaping and Utilities. Section III - Drainage/Flood Control; Provides an overview of the Site Surface Hydrology and Onsite Retention requirements. Section IV - Utilities; Provides an overview of the existing Utilities serving the project site. Section V - Design Guidelines; Provides an overview of the General Architectural and Landscape theme, Colors, Roof Materials, and Landscape Standards. 1.2 General Plan Consistency The addition of the proposed property into the Washington Square Specific Plan and its subsequent development is intended to carry out the goals and policies contained in the City of La Quinta General Plan in an orderly and attractive fashion. Development of the property will be consistent with both the Washington Square Specific Plan and the provisions of the La Quinta General Plan. 1.3 Zoning and Development Relationship The proposed development is consistent with the development guidelines for the Washington Specific Plan and with existing zoning on the property. t t WASHINGTON SQUARE COMMERCIAL MULTIUSE CENTER LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 1 n 2 DEV'ELOPAMNI PLAN 2.1 Project Description The proposed project consists of 1.78 Acres of vacant desert land located at the southeast corner of the Washington Square Specific plan area off 47`h Ave. and Adams with the entire northerly boundary of the site abutting the Washington Specific Plan area. The project consists of a two-story retail/office building and associated site improvements. 1 2. 1.1 Project Site The project site presently consists of vacant land, there are not structures on the site. Surrounding land uses (to the north) include Washington Square, residential uses (to the south) a CVWD well site (to the east) and vacant land (to the west). ' The site topography is marked by a gentle slope from the northeast corner to the southwest corner with a total relief of only four feet. ' An additional four -foot of relief is provided in the form of a retention basin that is located at the Northeast corner of the property. Site vegetation consists of a sparse coverage of creosote bushes, small brush and grass typical of the desert environment. Animal presence on site is low due to the sparse I vegetation and lack of water. 2.2 Site/Land Use Plan The site consists of 1.78 Acres with a two-story General Retail/Office Building proposed. A total of 23,466 s.f. of leaseable space is planned with the ground floor comprising of 14,237 s.f. of retail use and 1,933 of wholesale and the 2nd floor comprising 7,296 s.f. of office space. Onsite covered and uncovered parking is proposed. Onsite parking will comply with section IV.C.8 and Tables IV -2,3,4,5 of the Washington Square Specific Plan. A single access to the site is proposed from 47"' Ave. at the southwest corner. See site plan in Appendix "A". A total of 102 parking spaces are proposed with 11 spaces being covered. A future access to the property north of our site is provided. 1 2.3 Utilities All utilities to serve the project are available from the Avenue 47 frontage of the property. For specific utility information see section 4 of this plan. DRAINAGE/FLOQD CONTROL 3.1 Hydrology According to the Flood Insurance Rate Map (Firm) for the project site this area lies within Zone "C". Zone "C" indicates areas subject to minimal flooding. No direct runoff from this site is anticipated, as City of La Quinta design guidelines require onsite retention of the 100 year storm. 3.2 Onsite Retention Based upon City of La Quinta engineering design guidelines a retention basin (or basins) will be incorporated into the design of the site. The basin shall be designed for the 100 year 3 -hour storm. The basin is anticipated to be located in the northwest corner of the site. Onsite runoff will be directed to the proposed retention basin via a combination of surface flow and underground drainage system. As an existing basin currently exists on the site, an attempt will be made to partially utilize the existing basin. 11 1 t t ILITI` M ' 4.1 Sewer Plan Sewage collection and treatment facilities are provided by Coachella Valley Water District. The project site is served by an existing 8" mainline in Avenue 47 with a 6" service lateral stubbed out to the property at the southeast corner of the property. 4.2 Water Plan Water service to the site is provided by Coachella Valley Water District. The site is served by an existing well site located at the easterly well site located at the easterly property boundary and by transmission mains. ' The project site is served by an existing 18" main and a 2" service has been provided to the property. Additionally a fire hydrant exists on Avenue 47 to serve the site. As apart of the project development an additional water service for landscape purposes will need to be installed along with a fire service to accommodate sprinklering of the proposed retail/ office building. 4.3 Electrical Plan Electricity in the project area is provided by the power division of the Imperial Irrigation District (IID). Existing facilities are considered adequate to serve existing and future development in the area. Electrical service to the site will be taken from Avenue 47 with an onsite transformer proposed to serve the proposed retail/office building. 4.4 Other Utilities 1 Telephone service to the project area is provided by General Telephone (GTE). Service to the project will be taken from Avenue 47. Natural Gas service to the project is provided by Southern California Gas Company. Service to the project will be taken from Avenue 47. Solid waste disposal service to the project is provided by Palm Desert Waste Management. J 1 ' 5 DESIGN GUIDELINES ' 5.1 General Architectural and Landscape Theme The general architectural theme for the project will be consistent with the Washington 1 Square Specific Plan. The architectural vocabulary will provide a positive visual image from Ave 47 through the use of colorful and distinctive elements. Specific design elements for the project will conform to Section VI.A2 of the Washington Square Specific plan. The general landscape theme will provide structure and identity to the overall project. The Landscape theme recognizes the need to conserve water and energy and the use of plants that do well in a hot dry climate. The landscape therefore proposes the use of drought tolerant plants as well as other plants that are native or naturalized to the area. ' The landscape theme will be consistent with the Washington Square Specific Plan as outlined in Section VI.B3. The street scene along Ave. 47 will conform to Figure V1-2 of the Washington Square Specific Plan. t5.2 General Project Data The project site is comprised of 1.78 Acres. The building will be 25,240 s.f. with 1,774 s.f. of common area storage, meter rooms, elevator area and a common restroom on the second floor, leaving 23,466 s.f. of leaseable space. The ground floor will consist of 14,237 s.f. of retail and 1,933 s.f. of Wholesale. The 2nd floor will be 7,296 s.f. of office space. The proposed building will be sprinklered. The maximum building height proposed for the project is 38.0 feet. Building set backs are proposed at a 20' front side back from 47`'' Ave. and a 10' side set back from the easterly property line. 1 A total of 102 parking spaces is proposed for the project with 11 spaces being covered. Parking requirements are based upon parking ratios of 1 space/249 s.f. for office space, 1 ' space/200 s.f. for retail and 1 space/ 1000 for wholesale use. The 11 covered spaces exceeds the City's required 30% of office space parking be covered. All parking spaces conform to the City of La Qunita General Plan and include a 26' aisle width for two-way traffic with 19' stalls. Landscape areas for the project allow for 5' landscaped areas on the northerly and easterly property lines and a minimum of 10' along the property frontage. Landscaping for the project provides for 7,300 s.f. in the parking area which exceeds the required 3,500 s.f. and also provides 7,750 s.f. in non -parking areas which exceeds the required 3,500. s.f. 5.3 Building and Materials Standards Building materials utilized on the project will comply with the applicable building and city codes with the building materials conforming to the Washington Square Specific Plan. 5.4 Colors The colors to be utilized for the proposed building will be consistent with the color schemes for the Washington Square Specific Plan. 5.5 Roofs Rooflines and roofing materials will be consistent with the Section IV.A2 of the Washington Square Specific Plan. 5.6 Landscape Materials and Standards Landscape materials utilized on the project will apply with the applicable building and city codes. Landscape materials and standards will conform to Section I.V.B.3 of the Washington Square Specific Plan. 5.7 Design Guideline Design guidelines for the project will be consistent with the applicable sections of the Washington Square Specific Plan. 11 1 1 1 APPENDIX "A" SITE PLAN [7 [i 1 t r� b�'nC) roO�na / M> mot �� O '00.-3 O ncnroOC(�O )alp �� dra��'Eo�Mrod r�� � p0,0 `GCaZGGGZCaZ� � O Ii I Ni O �NO00 1 jofi�I i ..31-- t VA0° - C� 0,0 uj 0 C4 CA / zz `^ ro.p Ly c ww�rn^' zO10 =C�oz conn oo wCnrn14�o ��n0 Cl).� G7 G7 r�i� cMi� CII) p A A 0 p A AC) O y ranb'IV, � � � �xEron �aaaLn ��� / Ms o i I w� (�wv'v' `0IOXD �000� CALA 1/ 0000 � ppp b o d 1 1 I Go t t 11 I APPENDIX "B" ZONING MAP t t Mead *y wrrrrr■■ SaeMir■logoing in$ ■�W +rr���Mni t"�rl` s ai+ai �4il7tirl�lalM W aiiFia A a k"16Y17� ► �y'4tlllti MW` r .L`a. 4�•jp d� r � IfffY1111Y., "Un � / i�J • ti\viii■ jw I,rl l[I rla :lila i MRflair�.. �■ . �L%�'1 /r+�►9 yr►Yllrl w�1111A �t161[asa ■ *ay,p `t R1 11 a I Illi MlllllAlMlrall ► 11a� . ai `ani alai ■ rarnrls ■ �}'yt _ �Y +�rf�}� 11� � in��lAllllllnwM [#y�ri itttEaaa i:v77,ya ►ww µ+�� ♦ , .i iiiiisiin \!1 1 llllll111[ t p cif f � '�� +f+li �' r a us'auitiaara�� 11I11111HIIIY� rS � 111 111/11111 , r{ ��i►++�f11�!"" � /itiltiifH111ii1YYr� ;Fav r~!ir R#Ma1. e i l'i ia�artii ►lrlt►rirrRlt■1■o _ rilltiaa■ �.:., t :: �r as ��\ i i 51 1 1 3�t 14y Vi i 52 12 .Igo fid, i re Liw..l, .' \ t•ari M t'1 c{iwr,!]► rau '" ',•t� �� � ":%�x._y; ai�'ts� i �-� , � 1r► .rt iii .F w ■Mar■ aw . `•.�. � � +1 atrl� as iesr` ► saRalp r■ - 11x1■■a .'! .r ..• T G'r41 •ee�.R r'rw l7li00 - :• s , � 1 � � tip Yi 4 !� � � 9 , fL�, S � f .1 � i � � �. ` ��yjr j��•� `J 5 L - i,... r it r ■ a�.9 .s . � y .-:y...=♦a'M■Iawlr►�rlruatrliusrr�v ...c�„s .':•a.,.,_��,___..,........�;.. ... ;,.a ._� mnar� T r""� A I�v i7 ftirlaaarra�r• ,r : �,� , WwAF_l ill �' . �� t e<•,� r: �- yaarr Gf111H1 ► �A�►�1 rr �Lf7G C "i#Cw� 4rapllr�r v 1 • � l ��' �I�; +,� +all laral • + le i M. ti jl '+'i • 1► �' lF /r °• I% � E c ala rrar r `x d4 ' y E /y� �r linlra �� urs+ a+rrrrr aarr 3 amu+" l�i� �.rlal rat�r ►4 � •fir yrs A�iinrr t , rY t y�,�aErls� '.: y � �� �. �_ralr ►� it � � r�i° � ,.. y �;7'�r]I% �i� „'��,''' WIN•�f* y ��.JRl lial i` #lixf��.i 1la� 4. --� J►_� ;�tf,''y, �� �`����1�1 ,.1 PAP ~xiw ii i■ i!t I n l! ;v1�t\r% } ,�/.isp,■'�'�x �; l��►jf #�� � ��;ls+1fl��/ r � � •. e�G'� �i�/►l a �Y` r ,rw..-.t-•-. - 1raY� ''i:-- 1� ll.t a . � �3� +i\1����� IUlt�l 111}1�iil#111111► � 5,�= , ,;, ,���6..`s Foo ai* '' ■ \I�I`tr �.;ar ■ a■'�''I►\�►"11,�a��i�r+�'' !a rw wjrr ■ilaallozri■ * i +gar •��rrrirr�rrr,wi�'�.: �� , � ��'�t :�ii : :. i_�l��� ' ±I �� � 7�`'�cd''f ..* , :.deur... ■.+J ri sor —'Ib � 1"Aa— 1 Ila*s rte# Fi r rr r ■■�y jj ►��u i■ILar•4� rfyv► 3z tirIM +<` r'I fir'^ ►ewFS ilioalcsTa�.�. +a. 3 w Via s711Fi 4�rli�4sl p_ fq � Ni ■ aa■ Sir M / fall I / ••� _ 4�M . ++Y'' � + �} rl + - �■Il af�ar� lul Ks`_ 5g �f l[ r ., � � y."^_..._ ..r'�'Prf�Aalll- rla■/I�r.■M■A��, LEGEND RESIDENTIAL RVL Very Low Density Residential RL Low Density Residential Cove Residential WMA.", ��;,.e ; 11 1 1 t w t t t APPENDIX "C" SITE PHOTOGRAPHS -�- iCitill, 3'�p�} �� , � �. �, !�► .art- _ �-- ,. u �}. a N 1•.-, ^ �.� � • __ +y j. - ,� ..+��,..,r„'�.� . ^ 7i S �` - -�r•� �ti 4 4 r� ... �- �. 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