CC Resolution 1995-035^#Hd IL RESOLUTION 95*35 A RESOLUIION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND ADOP'IING THE REPORT PRESCRIBING THE CHANGES FOR RESIDENTIAL PARCELS FOR CITY-FURNISHED REFUSE COLIE*ON FOR 1995-96 AND DIRECTING THAT SUCH CHARGES BE COLLECThD ON THE TAX ROLLS. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5473 of said Code, this City Council has by such Ordinance, elected to have such charges for the forthcoming year and for subsequent years collected on the tax roll; and has caused a written report to be prepared and ffied with the City Clerk, which report contains a description of each residential parcel within the City required to receive City-furnished services as aforesaid and the amount of the charge for each such parcel for the forthconiing year; and, WHEREAS, the City Clerk has caused a notice of the filing of said report and of the time and place of a hearing thereon to be published purs*t to Section 6066 of said Code; and WHEREAS, at the time stated in the notice, to wit: June 6, 1995, at 7:00 p.m., this City Council conducted the hearing on said report and on the adoption of this resolution and heard and considered all objections or protests to the report; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMJEED AND ORDERED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, as follows: SECTION 1 This City Council does hereby confirm the written report, made by the City Manager, of the amounts of charges for City-furnished garbage and refuse collection and disposal services for the forthcoming year, itemized for each separate residential parcel of land attached hereto and marked Attachment #1". SECTION 2. This City Council hereby finds that the collection of such charges, together with general taxes, is in the best interests of the users and the City of La Quinta. SECTION 3. The said refuse collection service charges for each parcel of land shall constitute a special assessment against that parcel and shall constitute a lien against such parcel of land, in accordance with Section 5473.5 of the Health and Safety Code of California. SECTION 4. Pursuant to the prior election of this City Council, said charges shall be collected on the tax rolls in the same manner, by the same persons, and at the same time as, together with and not separately from, the general taxes. RESOCC.002 1 BIB] 08-19-1998-U01 02:32:51PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 95-U02 35-U02 ^#Hd *-- * * 4 Resolution No. 95-35 SE*ON 5. The report filed by the City Clerk with this City Council contains a description of each parcel of real property to be charged, and the amount of the charges for purposes of refuse collection for each such parcel in the Fiscal Year 1995-96, and such charges are correct and proper, and said report is therefore, approved and adopted. All objections to said report are hereby overruled. On or before August 10, 1995, the City Clerk shall file with the County Auditor of the County of Riverside a copy of said report with a statement endorsed thereon over her signature that it has duly been adopted by this City Council, together with a certified copy of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council, held on this 6th day of June, 1995, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Banqerter, Cathcart, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Council Me**ber Perkins City of La Quinta, California ATIBST: CityClerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: HO City of La Quinta, California RESOCC.002 2 BIB] 08-19-1998-U01 02:32:51PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 95-U02 35-U02 ^#Hd L A L * Resolution No. 95-35 p LA OUNTA LA QUINTA PRQPOSED SERVICE RATE CURRENT SERVICE RATE FREQUENCY I 2 3 4 * S FREQUENCY 1 2 3 4 5 * BIN SIZE UN SIZE 2 46.64 80.79 113.18 145.35 17760 21012 2 46.99 81.40 114.01 146.44 78.93 211.70 3 58.11 99.19 39.50 176.51 21606 254.18 3 * *.93 140.54 177.64 21770 25809 4 79.54 122.89 188.02 213.32 255.97 297.58 4 80.14 123.82 16928 214.92 257.89 29981 e 119.33 184.38 251.99 320.19 383.98 44639 e 120.22 185.75 253.88 32280 388.64 449.74 CURRENT DUMP SURCIARGE PROPOSED DUMP SURCHARGE FREQUENCY 1 2 3 4 * S FREQUENCY 1 2 3 4 5 S BIN SIZE BIN SIZE 2 1772 34.21 50.81 87.30 83.61 100.24 2 17.72 34.21 50.81 87.30 83.61 00.24 3 25.74 50.27 7420 98.18 122.53 146.33 3 25.74 5027 74.20 98.16 122.53 14633 4 3480 66.31 97.87 129.73 181.27 192.70 4 34.80 68.31 91.87 129.73 181.27 92.70 S 51.50 100.51 14841 198.30 245.05 29288 5 51.50 100.51 148.41 198.30 24505 292.68 CURRENT LANDFLL CLOSURE COST PROPOSED LANDPLL CLOSURE COST FREQUENCY 2 3 4 s S PREQUENCY 1 2 3 4 s S BIN SIZE BIN SIZE 2 128 2.43 3.62 479 598 715 2 1.28 2.43 3.62 4.79 598 715 3 1.84 3.58 5.29 7.00 8.73 10.43 3 1.84 3.56 5.29 700 8.73 10.43 4 2.47 4.73 6.98 9.25 1150 13.74 4 2.47 4.73 6.98 9.25 11.50 13.74 e 3.67 7.17 10.58 1400 1747 20.87 e 3.67 7.17 10.58 14.00 1747 20.87 CURRENT A* SURCIARGE PROPOSED AWSS SURCNAPWS FREQUENCY 1 2 3 4 5 5 FREoLIUNCY 1 2 3 4 5 5 SIZE RIM SIZE 2 2.52 5.04 7.58 10.06 12.80 15.12 2 294 5.88 8.82 11.76 14.70 1784 3 3.78 756 11.34 15.12 18.90 22.88 3 441 882 13.23 1764 22.05 28.46 4 504 10.06 1512 20.16 25.20 3024 4 5.88 11.76 1764 23.52 2940 35.28 * 7.56 15.12 22.88 30.24 37.80 45.36 e 6.82 17.64 28.48 35.28 4410 52.92 CURRENT TOTAL RATE PROPOSED TOTAL RATh WICLUONG A*3* CHARGE INCLUONG A* CHARGE FREQUENCY 1 2 3 4 5 5 FREOUENCY 1 2 3 4 5 5 BIN SIZE BIN SIZE 2 68.14 12247 175.15 227.52 279.77 332.83 2 68.91 123.92 177.28 230.29 283.20 336.73 3 89.47 180.80 230.33 298.79 368.24 433.62 3 90.54 162.80 233.28 300.64 37101 439.31 4 121.85 204.01 287.99 372.48 453.94 534.28 4 123.09 206.62 29177 377.42 480.06 54153 * 182.06 307.16 43368 580.73 884.28 80528 5 184.21 311.07 439.33 568.18 693.46 818.19 CURRENT ADDITIONAL CHARGES PROPOSED ADDITIONAL CHARGES 2-YARD BIN *1*A EMPTY 27.86 2-YARD BIN *RA EMPTY 27.93 *ARD BIN *TRA EMPTY 3797 *ARD BIN *i* E*&PTY 38.35 *ARD BIN EXTRA EMPTY 51.38 4-YARD BIN *EXTRA EMPTY 51.89 *YARD BIN *E*A EMPTY 76.64 *YARD BIN EXTRA EMPTY 77.40 HANDLING CHARGE PULL OUTS) 4.65 HANDLING CNAAGE PULL OUTS) 4.69 OEI*RYCKAF*E 15.88 DELIERYC***E 15.98 LOCKING CONTAINER 50.87 LOC*NG CONTAINER 51.25 SATURDAY SERICCE *Bx) 21.15 SATURDAY SERVICE C*X) 21.31 START FEE 5.61 START FEE 5.65 RESTART FEE 14.80 RESTART FEE 14.91 BIB] 08-19-1998-U01 02:32:51PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 95-U02 35-U02 ^#Hd LA QUINTA LA QUtNTA * ROLLOFF RAT* CURRVfl ROLLOFF RAT* 2.YMD$ 81.62 2. YARDS 81.01 3. YARDS 115.47 3. YARDS 114.61 40 YARDS 136.63 4. YARDS 135.01 *PLUS DUMP FEES C*4ARGEII AT ACTUAL + 10% FLUS DUMP FEES CMARGED AT ACTUAL. 10% *FLUS A6939 FEES C*ARGEQ AT $5.60 PER TON pius *38 F*S CXARGEO AT 16.77 PIER TON CURRENT ADDITIONAL CIARROES PROPOSED ADOITONAL C*ARGIES NEW START 5.81 NEW START 5.85 OEL!EEIRY 15.86 O*L!VERY 5.96 45.4 EXTRA TRP 45.11 * T*IP CURRENT RESIDENTIAL SERVICE RATE PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL SERVICE RATE TAX ROLLS 8.85 TAX ROLLS 6.70 CURB SERVICE 7.79 CURl **CE 785 WALhC*N SflVICE 10.97 WALK4N SERVICE 11 05 CUREENT RESIDENTIAL DUMP SURC*4ARoE PROPOSED ItmaDINTIAL DUMP SURC*ARDE TIE' ml TAIROLLS TAXROLLS CURE SERVICE 2.50 CURE SERVICE WALKIN SERVICE 250 WAUc4NSEft*CE 250 CURRENT RESIDENTIAL LANDFILL CLOSURE COST PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL LANDFILL CLOSURE COST ml TAX ROLLS 0.18 TAX ROLLS 0.18 CURE SERVICE 0.18 CURE SERVICE 018 WALK* SERVICE 0.18 WALK*N SERVICE 0.18 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL AES31 SURC*tMOE CURRENT RESIDENTIAL Am3S SURCIIARGE ml ml TAX ROLLS 0.34 TAXROLLS 0.29 CURE SERVICE 0.29 CURE SERVICE 0.3 WAUC*N SERvICE 0.29 WLK4N SERI*E 0.34 CURRENT TOTAL RESIDENTIAL CIIAROE PROPOSED TOTAL RESIDENTIAL CIIARGE ml lxii TAX ROLLS 9.* TAXROLLS 9.72 CURE SU* 10.87 CURB SERVICE 10.76 wA**N SERVICE 13.94 WLg4N SERVICE 14.07 BIB] 08-19-1998-U01 02:32:51PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 95-U02 35-U02