CC Resolution 1995-044^#H RESOLUTION 95.44 A RESOLUTION aF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE FOR PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT *A' ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 27281, in order for a Grant or Deed conveying an interest in real property to a government agency or political corporation to be accepted for recordation, the government agency or political corporation must execute a Certificate of Acceptance; and, WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta desires to authorize the City Manager of the City or his designated representative to execute documents, including the Certificate of Acceptance for the Grant of Easement related to the acquisition of the property described in Exhibit A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, currently owned by The Betty Altman Revocable Living Trust, as to an undivided 1h interest, The Boys 2nd Girls Club of Coachella Valley, as to Sfl undivided 1/4 interest, and Casa Colina, Incorporated, as to an undivided 1/4 interest; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. The City Manager of the City of La Quinta, or his designated representative is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the City the Certificate of Acceptance for the Grant Deed related to the acquisition of the property described in Exhibit A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. The Certificate of Acceptance shall be substantially the form provided in Government code Section 27281. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council, held on this 20th day of June, 1995, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Bangerter, Cathcart, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None * City of La Quinta, California F ATTEST: REsocc.154 BIB] 08-19-1998-U01 02:44:41PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 95-U02 44-U02 ^#H L * U" Resoluti 9544 NORA JUHOLA, Cit Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVEU AS TO FORMAT: oAwN*HO**ELL,CityAttrney City of La Quinta, California RFSOCC.154 BIB] 08-19-1998-U01 02:44:41PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 95-U02 44-U02 ^#H IL Resolution No. 95-44 Exhibit A *4.211 ELGAL DIWCRI*OW R/W *`OR NORTHERLY DHSBRT CLUB LEGAL A PORTION OP ThE w*r ddo FEET OP THE SOUT1(WB** QUARTIIR OF THE NORTI(W*T QUARTER OP SECYTON 6,TOW***p 6 SOUTh, RANOE 7 EAsT. SAN BEll NAROrNO M8R*D* DESCRIBED AS FQLL*W*,* B*O!WMNG AT THE MOST WESThRLY CORI*R COMMON TO ARCEL MAP 27109 As *LRD BOOX 175,011 PARCBL MAPS AT PAGES 1 AND 1' AND TO PARCIL 3 OP PARCEL MAP 197*O, AS PILED IN BOOK 1* OP PARCBL MAPS AT PAOIS 8, *D * 80Th RICORDS OP RIVUSIDE COU* CAUFORNIA. THRNCB NORTh 00* OO' * WEST, ALONG lirn * UN! OP SAID PARCEL * A DTSTAWCZ OP *1.1a r*pp* TRENCE SOUTh 89. 20' WEST, PRL?B*D*cLyt* TO SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OP 18* PERT TO THE flEGIN*o OP A CURVE* CONCAVIL SO**ASTERLY AND HAVINO A RAD[US 0? 48.00 *p, ThBNCB SO***Y * SOu.mBASTBRLY, *O SAID CURV maouo* A CSNTILAL ANGLE OP 125' 31' * AN ARC *OTh OP W.79 PEET; *CR SOLmI 25' 28' 1*A*T, A DISTANCE OF 5000 PUT TO THR BSO!1NINO OP A CUR* CONCAVE WRI*BRLY hN** HAYING A ILADIUS OP 100.00 PBiT* 711IINCE SOtrm!ILLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUOH A CIT*AL ANGIZ OP 23' 31' 48', AN AliC LENGTh OP 44.S* IE*, TO A UNE PARAlLEL AND DISTANT 30.00 WHS*LY OP SAID WEST IINB OP FARCBL 3; THENCE SOLtflI o(r * EAST ALONG SAID PAIL*L LINE, A DISTANCE OP 404.28 FlBT TO TI!! NORTH UN! UGIIT.OP.WAY UN! OP DEBRT CLU5 DUIIH AS DESCRIBED IN INTTRUMR?* im!JII RHCX)RDflfl OCTOBBR S, 19* IN QFNCIAL RECORDS OP RIVERSIDE COU*, CA[lPQRN[A,' THENCE NORTh 8,' 59' W BAIT ALONO SAID NORTH R[OWr-OP.WAY *9Y. A D2'T*ANC! OP 30* F!E*' TO ThH POINT OP *D*IING. ThB ABOVR DUSCR'IDBD PARCEL * 0.46 A* * BIB] 08-19-1998-U01 02:44:41PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 95-U02 44-U02