CC Resolution 1997-005^!M- RESOLUTION 97-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 96-328, PREPARED FOR SPECIFIC PLAN 96-028 AND OTHER RELATED APPLICATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 96-328 LAPIS ENERGY ORGANIZATION, INC. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 1 2th day of November, 1996, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider Environmental Assessment 96-328, Specific Plan 96-028, Conditional Use Permit 96- 029, Tentative Parcel Map 28422 and Site Development Permit 96-590; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, the Planning Commission did take action to continue consideration of the referenced applications to a regular meeting of January 14th, 1997; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 1 4th day of January, 1 997, take action to recommend to the City Council certification of Environmental Assessment 96-328, and approval of Specific Plan 96- 028, Conditional Use Permit 96-029, Tentative Parcel Map 28422 and Site Development Permit 96-590; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 4th day of February, 1 996, conduct a continued Public Hearing, which was duly noticed for a regular meeting of November 1 9th, 1996 and subsequently continued to January 21 * 1 997 and February 4th, 1997, to consider said Planning Commission recommendation for Environmental Assessment 96-328; and, WHEREAS, said application has complied with the requirements of The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1 970" as amended; Resolution 83-68 adopted by the La Quinta City Council) in that the Community Development Department has prepared an Initial Study EA 96-328); and, WHEREAS, the Community Development Director has determined that said applications will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment and that a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact should be filed; and earesocc.328 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M-Reso*tiom 97-05 if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, the City Council did find the following facts, findings, and reasons to justify certification of said Environmental Assessment: 1. The proposed Specific Plan and related applications will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of the community, either indirectly or directly, in that no significant impacts have been identified, and less than significant or potentially significant impacts can be addressed by the incorporated mitigation measures and standard City development requirements. 2. The proposed Specific Plan and related applications will not have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, as the project in question will not be developed in any manner inconsistent with the General Plan and other current City standards. The project does have the potential to eliminate an important example of California prehistory; however, extensive investigations of the site have identified the existence of cultural resources and required mitigation alternatives. The applicant has agreed to implementing the necessary mitigation prior to site development activities and is in concurrence with project conditions relating to this. 3. The proposed Specific Plan and related applications do not have the potential to achieve short-term environmental goals, to the disadvantage of long-term environmental goals, with implementation of the monitoring program, as the proposed project will not significantly alter the types or intensity of the commercial uses already contemplated in the General Plan. 4. The proposed Specific Plan and related applications will not have impacts which are individually limited but cumulatively considerable when considering planned or proposed development in the immediate vicinity, in that the proposed project, whether approved or not, is a consistent representation of the project type to be proposed for the site as long as the current General Plan land use and zoning designations are applicable, and the impacts as identified in the Initial Study will remain similar to subsequent projects. 5. The proposed Specific Plan and related applications will not have environmental effects that will adversely affect the human population, either directly or indirectly, with implementation of the recommended mitigation measures, as the project contemplates uses similar to those already assessed under ultimate development of the La Quinta General Plan, and which were addressed in the EIR previously certified for the General Plan. earesocc.32g BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- Resolution 97-05 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the City Council for this Environmental Assessment. 2. That it does hereby certify Environmental Assessment 96-328 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and as stated in the Environmental Assessment Checklist and Addendum, attached hereto, and on file in the Community Development Department. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 4th day of February, 1 997, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Holt NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None GLENDA L. HOLT, MAYOR City of La Quinta, California AT E T: AUNDRA L. UHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California AS TO FORM: DAWN HONEYWELL*Cit Attorney City of La Quinta, California BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- E**VIRONMNTAL CHECKLIST FORM Environmental Assessment No. 96-328 Case No's. SP 96-028, CUP 96-029, TPM 28422, SDP 96-590 Date: September 11, 1996 L Name of Proponent: Lapis Energy Organization Address: 135 Saxony Roa*.O. Box 231310 EncI*itai, CA 92024 Phone: 619-942-2762 John Gabbard, Rep.) Agency Rcquirhi. Checklist: City of La Quinta Project Name if applicable): Specific Plan 96-023, Conditional Us. Pentut 96.029, Tentat*ve Parcel Map 28422 and Site Development Ptrart Plot Plan) 96-590. for cousmiction of an approxniat ely 81.757 square foot auzo-oriented TIIIIl and *sionge complex, at tile southeaat corner of Highway 111 md I'm. *In'. * CTIY OF LA QUINTA Cornnnn:zry Devdopmt Depuwent 73-495 Calie Tampico La Q*zmta. Califbrnii 92253 *3l. BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- U. ENviRONM*NTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFTECTED: The environmental facto* checked below would be potentially affected by this project. involving at east one impact that is a *Potentially Significant lmpact* or *Potentially Significant Unless Mitigated,* as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. Land LTsi and x PUbbc Serviom Fopulat:ou and Ho* Biological Rm:ourcei UtLiltieg X * Re:oiucei and Mineral Rmurc* X Aen**tics Wa* * x AirQwabty Noim Fi* of S* III. DETERMINATION. On the basis of this rnzLiai evaiu*on: hud that the proposed project COULD NOT have a *ca*i * On the and a NEGATIvE DECLARATION will be prcpmd* I *d thai ahhougb the proposed project couLd have a *ni OR the * there will not be a dpifica,i * IR this cm becuse the rn-iou m'um.a.ues de** OK an attached sheet have been added to the proj**L A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. N. I hd that the proposed project MAY hive a sipificant e* on the euvironment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is re-red. hi that the proposed project MAY have a * e*ct(s) ou the virone*t, Itut at lois, 1)0.. * has been ade-ely anal- IR an eati pUI*lnt to applicable lepi uaududs, and 2) lias been addremd by mid-U xncaalres based ou the cu* as descii* ou attached sheets, if the * w a * iCailt *act" Or *otmEiaIly *cant ulos. *" An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is requffed, but ti anakyae the e*ci* din rielsan to be addressed. Signaturc * 4. A* Date September II 1996 P*inted Name and Ttde Wallace Ne*bit Atgp*pt* Plinner For: C* of La Onita Corn*** f)evej*m*t fljpprrm* BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- p. L-Thm si-gim ul'- SI-rn M*auj U 3.1. LAND U5E AND PLANNING. Wnd ihe project a) CODfhc* wiib gcmril pian dc:i*moi or zonzug? S(s): b) Cooflici w-h applicabic cuvImDmmL plam Cr ado- by zg*icses wvb jurisdc:io* *er * pT*cu? I AU*c: agnculziuaj ruouces or opeia*oas e.g. i*acl to sods Qr f*ands. or * from * *uscs)* d) Diampi or dmdc di* physical Urangeismi of am esiablashed co*my * a Iow-toc* or mixy commmy)' N 3.2. POPULATION AND KOUSUiG. Wn*d liii a) Qmb:wcIy ezccod omc* regiomi or local *Oa pmJcc*mm? N b) * i'** powil in am am enbir du* or *direcby e.g. tlm*gb P**ec:s a am afta or ez:*iu of *or * C C) Otaplace cz:sisog timuag, especwuy afibidabic t..mgz x 3,3. EAt!K AND GEOWGY. * tilhi N- or I mpmmai *W UflWi*ig: N b) Smmc gmuod sh* I C) Smm* * *-;-*--z d) Sekim. tima,:, or voicanac hm*? C tjdslidcsarm*flows! Erosiom. in topogrppby or umiable soli coOomom trom ezc:vmm. grasog or M? C 5) 5*of*ti*? C BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- mm sipim *mg'e* *Mumi U b) *amIvc soils? x Un-c geoiogic or physical feawycs? 3.4. WATER. Wo"d the PToI* Fu**r a) Chaup:. ahioi** rum, dramp pauciw. or tbc rue and im*zw of *5w: of *jc or proput* w wuer relized such as fioodmg? x C) Dicbarge * $w* W5U3 or oikr akr* of surface *Nawr * e.g. *raote, dusoroed o*gen or mit*d:ty' d) ChaDpS ta the aaao* of sur** wuer a any wuer C) *aag* curit*, or the cmusc or dutc** of wuer rnovc*? 0 *mp 1the*mmi*of poi*wunu. euuer thiough dutc* * or wubjri*. or mucipOorn of an * an or ezczvua** or thmug* stisLal o:i of gim*w* * p I Alwrcd diricoom or rue of flow of groliadwuer? C h) 3.5. AR QUALITY. * the a) Vimimi any air * saauiard. or coiiorioue w any c=m, or piqi* * VIO*m'rn? C b) 10 poih*imz C C) Abr air i*vc*=* * or * or Ca* any c*i a clamaic.' C d) C 11 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- P.mmbi 1-aim L-Thm I'. Mijemi * U 3.6. TRANSPORTATXONICIRCULATION. W* tJw prq*ect r*ufr in: a) * * Zflp5 Of traffic cangc:io*! x. b) I(azrds w S- ftow dcs:* feimfea c.g. sharp curve: Of *rous mrsecttou) or wcoa*Ie uses c.g. f*im e*upa*p c) CWe* accc:s or acce:: to nairby d) x or barriers for pcdesttt* Qr bicyct*sw' x Cootbets w"b Cd policic: sup*rtmg akemaiwarve tramporwion C g. bus nurauta b3cycte ra*ks)? x I) Rail. wawibome or air traffic * N 3.7. 8'OWGICAL RESOURCES. WnW *p*ec: rinar ill a) *I:aD-, Lbftnmd * ran *:- or * t* bin ml bmtd topim. fish. ussects. am** aul buds? x b) L*aliy de:I*amd spice: ce.g. tieritass trte:)? c) L*afly * tIE e.g. oak fbit:i, cmi* imbum, ew.)? d) W*dEStE lmbkat c.g. m:b, * flal VernE pool)? e) W'Em Or upam corridor:? 3.:. ENERGYANDMmALRESOURCEL *I*m*dtjI*i Cd eoe* coue** plam? x b) tin * msoiuces in a WaiwtILE atal tmflk:e, man*r* x BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- *i-irn U N. U 3.9. RISK OF UPSETI![[3** HEALTH. WouLd the propos* mvoeve a) A risk of a:e* ezplosion or release of * sub:tmc,*: *lud=u, bli no' ilm:ted to: oil, pemc:dc:, dlcm:* or radmoh)? x b) F*ible * an emcrgo*y response or emcrp*y *`**- plan.' c) Th* c1!aou of arny * hazard or poI=ai timlib laaar*? d) E:posare of people to e*mg sowtc: of poiclidal *ith * x e) *reaeel fire bazaid In afti: wKh flammable brush. 513::, or trees" 3.10. NOISL *-`* t?hi p**a[ tflLf m: a) In ezisong le*cls? I b) of people to *re 5 3.11. PUDUC SERVICES. *tiwp**m*Jhiwm *u &ipo,l. or U: 4IWgd for uww or * gawmn* servic.: ug * arno:: a) *ffcprow*IrIn? x b) lose pro*? z C) 3c*ols? d) bia*** *pubbc * **mg iu*i? e) * 3.12. Ummu. thi prupomi* Fnnk m 4 * *,W **ie*'w. or * 4**?'mflWi: o ale M**kwiU *: a) Fower or flMIuaA p:? b) * * C) * or reposal wawr treamae* or dastribtmos f*zIIes.* C I a BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- *Tham LIII- * p4* I * em x 4) Sewer or s* tanks? x c) Siorm wuir drainage? I... f) Solid 3.13. AUTHETICS. Wom*dthp*opo:41. a) AI!bc* a vista or hl*y? x. b) *c a dcmnsuable IlegazIve u:i** e*? x C3 Crtmi Ligas or glare I x 3.14. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Wo*d he PTa- a) Dismub pdcomoIo* rc:oarsea? a b) DIsoub aic**Eo* msoigcu? I C) MI*ct Lim--*' resowices? 3 d) sie pommi w cmrn a * c-nga wbicb w* afftc* ua*iu * cu*UiI vakim? N C) icairici exigang rehguou or sacrcd USC: wilbin IbC I*a*g acea* x 3.is. IECREATION. WUW * a) fbi mi-b- or I 0' Tic:sar:oiaa *? I b) A*i cxzmg rucrunimi * I. BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- PI--ily p,*miI* *im *Thm ulirn r* U I U 4. MANDATORY FINDENGS OF SIGNIFICANCE. a) Dcc: * project b:vc trc PoicWiaI 10 dcgradc t*c *y of tbc cutrootocotil. substamily rtduoc bab:t:t of a fish or * *:-, cauc a fish or * P-mom w drop bc*ow sclf.s'wa-g ICVeIs, w cizm*rna:c a plan or am* cm**y. mducc thi mimber or its* thi rangi of a raic or *--; plan or am* or chammiun tmpoTm caa*Ici of the uqor pcr* of Cahibmia bmry or 17' N b) Dcc: the project b*vc the powmi to achnve short- turn. to the da:alvmgc of l*g*CT=, euYlrroro** x C) Doe: the project *c *acw thu arc i*vtduaily bin * comiduible? *Cma** com*iabIc* tram: thu the *rtrni=ii e*t: of a * arc * whem v**wed in wub the ofpasi pm*trt:. the d!bct: of other cwot piqort:. md the * of *ZIIuc projccu). 3 4) Doc. the hive wvuo**l diect: vi cam si*mml idvem ellle:: her-. eubir dutcdy or i*lrecity' EARLIER ANALYSES. HntIu rn-I-Yb. wad where, pumiUmIam to the tmmg. progiarn Em. or olber CIQA proc::. an or mm hive bm * m- mm earbar ER or * d*Iafmirn. * t*O63(c)(3)(D). * the cam a * the 0: aflCbOd sheet:: a) Lm* * u.d. *cather 1 * swe wb* ther arc avail*Ic for rcYuv. b) ad-dy a*ad. *.., whach eflbcw from the abovc chicklin wCTt wbm the * of azi the eaeer documizi. c) Mm-. mmmuu. Fof * thu aft * si*if*' or pa* sipl*lrnl unie:' * deicrthe the wugmo. wbicb were tocorpw* or refined * the earher the * to wb*h * addic:: suc-*dlc couh* for the project. I.: BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- INITIAL STUDY ADDENDUM FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 9*328 Prepared for: LAPIS ENERGY ORGANIZATION SPECIFIC PLAN #96-028 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ***oz9 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT #*6-590 Prqiared by: Commity Devdopnmt Department City of La Qujuti 7I.4* Cail. Tmpico La Qujuta, Caiifbruia 92153 September 24, 1996 Aniwidid O*ob* 22, 1996; J4*uwy 10, 1997 EA96328.wpd i6 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M - 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page INTRODUCTION 3 1.1 Project Overview 3 1.2 Purposc ofinitial Study 3 1.3 Bad*ground of Environmental Review 3 1.4 Summary of Preliminary Environmental Review 4 2 PROJECT DESGUITION 4 2.1 Project Location and Environmental Setting 4 2.2 Physical Chag*ri** 4 2.3 Opcrazi'cnal * 5 2.4 Objectives 5 2.5 Discrctz.orrary Actions 5. 2.6 RIa*od Projects S 3 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 6 3.1 *DdUScandPIa* 6 3.2 * 7 3.3 EartbRc**rcca 7 3.4 Wa*.r 8 3.5 AIrQuaiity 9 3.6 * 11 3.7 BiologzcalRc:** 12 3.8 13 3.9 Rlsk of U*Human HoaLdi 13 3.10 Nom 14 3.11 PubbcScrvicos 14 3.12 * 15 3.13 Aenbuoc: 15 3.l4CuktuiajRescurccu 16 3.15 R*cre*co i7 4 MANDATORY FIND[NGS OF SIGNIFICANCE 17 5 EARLIER ANALYSIS 18 EA96328.wpd 17 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- 3 S*CTTpN I INTRODIJCTTON 1.1 PROJECT OVERVIEW The Citv of La Quinta is the leead Agency tor project review, as defined by Section 2!067 of the Califbriiia EnVU*tal Qiaitv Act *EQA). A Iad Ag*icv is the public * which has the principal responsibility fbr carrying out or approving a project which may have a significant efibet upon the environment. The City of La QUmtL. as the leead * has the aithoitty to * the * review and to make a decision on the proposal. 1.2 PURPOSE OF THE INITIAL STUDY As pait of the * review for the proposed prject. the City of La Quinta Conriunity Development Department has prepared this Lnitiai Study. m's doctirnezit provides a basis fbr determining the nature and scope of the s**t * review for the amendment The purposes of the initial Study, as stated in Section 15063 of the CEQA Guidelines, include the fbllowmg Ta provide the City with wfb*ation to use as the basis fbr deciduig whether toprepam an * impact report EIR) or a neg*ve declaration fbr a proicet: To enable the applicant or the City of La Quinta to * the pr*cct. mitigating adverse impacts befbre an EIR is pm-, theibby enabling the project to * fbr a mitigated nq*ve declar*an * impact. To assist in the prupsiatton ofan EIR. L** one be m* by fbcusing the aisalysis on ihose issues that will be adversely impacted by the proposed project, To *ihtate envirownental review in the design of the projcct: To provide dOC'mientatioii fir the fl-s in a 1-ve declar*cn that the project will nol have a sIPI*ca* *ect on the environment; To *- *innecessary EIR's, and To * whether a previously pm- EIR coilid be used with the prj* 1.3 BACKGROUND OF ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed Lapis Energy project was deemed subject to the envir*nmeital review reqmrenients of CEQA m light of the potential project imttacts The Environenental Officer for the Community Development * prep.- this Initial Stiidv and addendun fir review and *tification bv the Planning Comm*ion and Citv Council for the Citv of La QuintL EA96323.wpd 18 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- 4 1.4 SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT This Lnitzal Stidy checklist **-- certain polenti for si*ficant CrwlranmCD* impacts As a result, S*c mztzp**on mm8* have bemi incorporated, and a MItigated Negative Dcclat*on of Environmc* *rnpact will be for dii pncect ***nn mea*iesprnpn** fbr *h isRue und*m*d within th* di*cu*sip* and summari in the Miti*ntinn Mnmtonnf Prnffr** * this addendum Any changes miaiie by the applicai' to the project a: a result of this assusment. *:gn or oiher reason which wouLd necessita*V chang,s to this aidenniim, are s'Iown in italic: a: pan of the issue area which any such changes * affecL S**TIpN 2.' PRO*Cr D**CRi*flON 2.1 PROJECT LOCATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING Th* City of la QUI is a31.18 s*i* * municipality located in the soIitliwcstern portion of the Coacheila Valley. The City is *-**ion the west by the City of Indian Wells, on the cast by the City of liadlo and Riverside County, on the north by Riverside Coiinty, and f*dcral and colinty lands to the soutb. The City of * Quinta was incorporated m*y, 1982 The pmp* p*ect * of8 OS net *es 1029 uou), at the **i com.r of Diuw Palms Road and * Highway 111 The applicants have submit*cd a specifle plan application SP 96-023), tcet*ve parcel map TPM 23422), c*id** usc peiimn CUP 96.029) and siw * peeimt SDPIPP 96.590) m* site is * fin, widi mmiaj VCW* duo topwvious *r- grac-ing * occurred. A biological sttidy, **`-*` report, * a-is and cuitwal iwoiteecs sun"y hive all been submitted with the proposed prq*L The project ha: bw: * sewm* re-mu *- ii's onginal submigial on 8130/96: most of*ue hove been related 10 anhitecturril modificanom and site plavi *`isiom *hich do not c*iwige the proiect components to avuy significaint degree. 2.2 PHYSICAL ciKARACTERISTICS *"i5ions to thep* smcc its on* submittal darn' of 30/96 inco* the fbllowmg uses C*i*imd Dflwai gas CNO) ftieling *ciiity on 75 net aeees * the Desert Sand: Uni*ed School DwInct* * M'm-sw** on apprnxi* 4.0 net acres. showing oeetall bInI* area toI* 63800 *are *ct, whi* wdudu:a 3.037sqzaiarijbot oc-site manager's quarteriloffice buidii*g; * * A lubn*tiao andanto cciScr on 1.7 acre:, showing a total building aeea of 11,01,0 square * * A 2500 square *oi fbod *rlfbcI* station on 155 net ac* pl* an 800 square Jbot eqwpment building The applicwit ha: revised the p,*ect pLan: several limes to incorporate staff comments and concertit regarding on-site c:TC'LGtioft, access and architecture. The pniect war continued by the Planning * Commission at their No"ember 12, 1996 meeting a*n die to conceriis ow, the architectural proposal and * site plan provisloit:. At present. the project selpstorage ha: been changed 10 63.800 square feeL andinay incorporate bodi indoor and ouio, RVstorage. The foodnarufticung facility rerna*ns at 2. 500 square feet on a 1.55 net acre This parcel also hoases an 800 sj unlity and eqinpmntlrestroom structure. The EA96325.wpd i9 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- 5 rewsed specific plan document now indicates that a 500 s.f pizra restaurant will be part of this facihty, which would change the required parlang Currently, parictng for the project exceeds City requirements see Secnon 3.6). and incli,sian of the restaurant should not be an Issue. Parcel 2. which incorporates the auto ret**erv*ce uses. has changed in *ize only shghdy from 11.034 to 11.010 square/eeL The major changes involve the architecture. building configuranons and siting for these uses. 2.3 OPERATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS Prior to tormal siabmial, the project * through a preliminary development r*ew process in May of 1996. The north Y2 of die overall site is located ill the MIRC Mix cdl*onal Commercial) land usc desig*rntion, which rn-s a *c plan to be filed for project proposals. A Conditional Use Permit is required for both the miiii*mart*fiielmg station located on Parcel 1. and the auto lubrication and repair uses on Parcel 2. The southerly */2 Is designa* CP Commercial Park), and zoi* CP, which permits th* sclf**rage use proposed on Parcel. 3, subject to approval of a Site Development Permit. The CNG *ility on Parcel 4 is considered as an auw senice station LLnder the zoning, and also requires the Conditional Use Permit: a Parcel Map and Site Devdopin**i Permit applications have also bern subrnitte* As sct forth by the La Quinta Zo* Code. all of the applications are being considered conjw'ctivelv. 2.4 OBJECTIVES The objective of this project is to develop an auto*aacd commercial c*r and acc*pa** small warehouseistorage USC, to service not only * Quinta residents but also f*cihtate operations at the DSUSD educational service center immediately south of the site. 2.5 DISCRETIONARY ACIlONS A discretionary action is an action taken by a government agency fbr this projccL the government agency is the City of La Quinta) that caila for the exercise of jUdwIMot in deeidwg whether to approve a proj* The proposed Home Depot project will require discretionary approval from the Planning Commission and* City Couicil for the follow*g: * Certificad00 of the Eiv'iroumuitd Assn:*n.memt for the project; * Appro*d of the Specific Plea and Use * appilcadom for the ftaellog operatioms* * Approval of a Si'. Deydopment Pemut(s) for tile self-storage is.. 2.6 RELATED PROJECTS There are no rclaael projects to this p-sal w'der review at present A prcvious application fbr the DSUSD Educational Services Cenier was approved by the City Caucil on July 11.1995 with a total of 164,000 square feet proposed for development on 24.5 acres. The project is weil Linder constructioft. and is inteededto be provided fi*iIi*g services by developnirnt of the *is project. Previous environmental documentation consists of a Negative Dcclar*on adopted for the project KA 95-300). EA96323.wpd 20 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- 6 S**pN 3: ENVIRpNM*NTAL ANALV*J* This section anaiv* * *""mEm*Ui zinpacts auociat*d *5*h d'e proposed prjcct. CEQA issue ama: arc evaluated w this addendum as contained U' the Initial Studv Checklist Under each checklist iWm. the eIW'IQWfl**t*I Settuig is discussed. mcluding a descnption of conditions as the presently exist within the City and the areas *cted by the proposed piojCcL Thresholds for si*can* are defined either by standards adopted bv *POnsible or tni* agencies or by i*ii** to criteria in CEQA, Appcndix G 3.1 LAND USE AND PLANNING Regional **b'*nm*iaJ Se:dfl, The City of La Quinia is located1" the Coacheila Vailcy. in the eastern portion of River:ide Cow*. The Valicyis abw** with both plant and animal * T*graphical relief i-* from 237 f*ct below mean se' lcvd nisl) to aboin 2,000 * above riwi mc Valley is surrolinded by the San Jacinto Mountains, the Santa Rosa Mcw**, the Orocopia Mountains, and the San Bernardino Mou** Rai*g* The San Audmas *uit the uoi*hcagwrn of the Valley Local Env,on** Seuifl* The subject site is vacant, but has been pwtauy d'5t'ar* in the past. The overall project uses as P*osed are COeiisetit with the Gczicmi Plan and zonug cu* in * howlecer, a conditioaal iwe permit 1:-md the zcfiiciu* and az* rcpaw pr*u** mc * urn has been located as a buf*r use * the auto-based mtatl uses and the DSUSD CNO vchid* rcfii*g site. A rue ma. Si-kant inpaci. Tha project does not propose uses inconsistent with the curnent or fliture land uses conteinpiated fbr the project area, bw the applicable land USC fbr the M*RC and CP catepnes dicate that the primny conern would be with Policies 2-3.1.1 and 2-32 1, which essentially call is.. * frwli a raa- tmd* * Tha ypu of 1*f-'i* to under those policies are with the project type being pmpomd on this s* in din the uses do cater to a *onal market, p*y relating to the proposed automog* Scrv'Co use: which are prodicated on alternative ftzcied vehicles ThO project is not in clan proximimity to any designated residential LISCE, akt*gh a small trader 30 spaces) is locted about 400 f*u east of the site. All properties bordering thesite are designated fbr type USC. A coodzti*i USC Ponnit is ie* to mswc that the p*ct nmtains wigh * and ain*rndiz*g land mu S-k * related to the eslablishment and opcmti* ofthe project will be irno the approval dt to CD.I* compatibility with surrounding urns; the * 8-c provides fbr var:flwn to **-`*1 standards of the *orning code, due to proy** ofthe site pI* Them *U"Mions are ieeeessaey to adneve other objectives, both fbr the and in N!ieetiiig the m*irc*ts of staff Most of the vam*icos relate to setback roductions to allow * * mc applicant has alao mqtiested that a Iaq* caretaker unit be pernuttetl as part of the 8-c p* as the zoning code allows a maxu*XImwD of 600 square f*u None of the variations create anv physical inpaci, and do not conflict with any other provisions of the zoning code B, C, D No Impact mc proposal w'il have no coliflicts with any *viroo* policies or plans in c*ci which would apply to the project Operation of the project will cocourage and f*cihtate rnawtenaace and cw* of cleaner * ai*rittive fizel vehicles AFY's), and provide a source tor obtammg such flaels, thercbv fiarthering and expanding AFV USC and alternative fliel availability. EA96325 wpd 1 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- 7 3.2 POPULATION AND HOUSING Rqionaj Eapwonrnw:*al S**'ig The City's population as of January, 1996 is estirnated by the State Department of Finance to be 18,046 persons. In addition to Permanent residents, the City has app roxarnately 9,300 seasonal residents who s* thme to'six mon*bs in the City WDL Economic Overvicw,' 1996 Ed) Itis estimated that 30% of all housing irnits in the City are used by seasonal residents. The a'er* occiiparicv is 285 persons per occupied unit 1990 Census). Local Eitvironi,wng* S*g The site is des*pa*ed Mixed *onai Comiiieicial M(RC) and Commercial Park CP)on the Citv's General Plan r""d * Policy Diagram The areas surrolanding the project am similarly designatod; no residential land use designations are *ssipcd to other properties in the am* To the east lies the City of lndio. which desigiiates Neighborhoo:l Commercial in their General Plan along Highway 111 at Jcff*rswi Street mdio General Plan 2020. October 1993). A No Impact, The project does toot involve a housing componnt leeyond the indvidual Caretaker's uzut for the self storage D**opn* of the project site as proposed is c*wweoit with the land USC designation set fbrth in the la Quinta General Plan. The proposal itself will not exceed any current growth foreci* currcndy a*lable to or used by the Ciy, nor will it cause any diange in anticipated grovtii pattrns or numbers, baud on the build out scenarios in the General Plan B, C Less Tham Sipincaut Impaci. The project deeelopmetit may induce growth in the Ill comdor ama, due to extension and upgrade of existing mfrastructure inthesite vicinny It is toot anticipated to stimulate res*dential dev-n*t s'P1ficaaidy, as the cotimercial natitre of the project would Indicate that an a-law popul* base eisss to support this use There will bc ncghgible *cts on *rdable housing demand fiwi emploeees * to locaie mpm,* to thesite, as therc iscurrcndy htde available housing of this type within one mile of the project * the City has acquirod three sites spcciheallv tar- for affbrdable housing development, one of which is an approxiniately 40 acm site at the northwest coreier of Jeff*gi and 48th A*nue This site isless than 1A mile from the project area, and the City is currently entering into a development agreement with a potential developer There is also substantal residential inventory in the northerly residential aaeas of the City andmore affbrdable single f*rnily units in the Cove aeea Source: EA 92-241; LQGP) 3.3 EARTh RKSOURCES Rqwnal *i'*WN**tal S**g The City of La Quwia has a varied topography, ftom gendy sloping alluvial *m, steep hillside. to relaaivcly flat desert floor The alluvial soils that make up most of the City's soil tyees are Amicriaw by igneous- ieetmorphic rock, as seen in outcrops inthe Santa Rosa Moun*ains and the Coral Roef Moimtair*. Soils on the Valley floor are male up of very fine unconsolidaaal silty sands. Local Epiwr'onmepi:a( The site is *roxirnately 60 * above sea level. and consists of Myonia series soils. This soil type has rapid permeability is commonly used tbr hornesites and other urban uses. While it CaD be used in development of cropliids. it is not considered as prime agricuitural soil as classified by the State. mc site is located within a Ground sbakmg Zone 4 rc*renc* as a rncceiate level of shaking activity. There are no scitive f*ults inthe EA96325 wpd 22 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- 8 arca EA 92-241; LQM*) A No fmp* The pr*ect will not prCsc* any additional cxposurC to geologic ha* associ* with * Ipft':* as no ha* * *deZKIfied On or m*proximity to the site The existing physical Conditions in the area will not bc changed in a manner winch would crcatc any unpacw beyond those associ* with developmc* of the site in accordance with the *Z Plan. B Poi** Sipificami Unless Miligated. The pr*ect is locatedm a Ground shaking Zone 4, * with modcmc mipacts * * * *cw * potential SeiSinic activity aLso relate to poisibic nsk associat* with upsel of ba*rdou, substances I C fiICi8 and aiito-rel* chemicals and wastes) and potential for u*c*plog1o*fl* Tha provect will he **imd tn adhemtn **mic *"*Or*neiit and nth*r * *aIIeii fnr Iw the * No I.paCL Akoigh the site is dWb*ed as suaceptibic to moderate Ground Shalung lmpacL the soil characteristics indicate that ground flilure due to such activity is negligibk based * Its USC in urba*** deVClOpfl*IL The site is no' identified as sui*;ect to liqu*fiion potential, and there is no po**tial fbr seichi. tsunaim or volcanic W'v't* The siteis Iceel and not subject to slide or midflow impacts The * Channel does mci Ifict the property dumig drainage flows LQMEA, EA 92-241. site history) F I* 11'a* * ImpacL lhmu wiEl be some dim* in * *flizm: due to project * *ges will tabihty of the site as tho natural siibstriicwre is * Sod erosiagi pot*ztwI will be * due to *; and * of soil ruwnal during dc'--* Standard COOSIOD cofitrol and soil * rn*bils as * in sod * and addmssed mu- reqwred fbr the site will *sure thu sudi ID*ects will not be * Sub***i ofa dun coiitml plan as r-red Sn Air Quabty) will aid in wind * G, H, Ne fm**aci The site is not * as * subject to Subsidence or havu*g Soils which are There are no unique * or p-al on the site with respect to Earth issues LQMEA. site Survey), * * ponal fr **iQgiclculniiuI resources has been dctc** rc** to Section 3.14). 3.4 WATER R*gi *i'bn-wu*i * Groundwater ieSO'wCC, in the * Quinti area consist of a systin of laip aqwltrs poruus layer of rock maie*) and w*d**wr basaims Separaed by bedrocli or layers of sod that trap or retitin groundw** W* st'ppbes are also ayi*ited with ur** water froin the Colorado * uan-Cd via the Coachejig Canal and ed at * * Peccolati* from the tributaries of the Whi*ewa* *ir flowing into la QWDW from the Santa Rosa Mouiit* provide a natural source of groundwater repleftiihinezit Ar*cial mcbarp*g of groundwater will be a rcquu*i*t in * near flitrire L*nI E**j S*ing The vicizity ofthe * project Isproted from design storms by the Whitewater Channel flood control facibty and other t'flProVCmc* The site is level and wcorpora* well draiatd sods The site is desi-- 4 EA96323.wpd 23 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- 9 Zone Xo" the f*dcal Flood Insurance Rate Maps in e*ct for the aeea, subject to 500 year flood events, and is generally SwT* bv lands *eptible to I OOyear events wIdi average depths of less than 1 foot CVWD comments; LQMEA) A Less Than Significani Impact, Current nuloff rates will be increased due top* building and hardscape aeea development, The runoff produced by development of this. site will be detained on-site via a series of linear basins, which f*il to a retention basin at the southwesterly portion of the site. The pr*ect will be required to p*are a final drainage plan and comply with NPD ES permit requirements as enforced by the Public Works Department. B through H No Impact The ama is currendy protected from flood impacts by existing flood control f*CjiitiCS, s*eallv the * and La Quinta Evacuation Channels No surtice waters or other streans exist which could be aff*cted, and ground water resource quantity and quality will not be s1*CantIy impacted. Compliance with NPDES requirements attached to the project permitting will ensure that storm water runoff associated with the project's development will not create any measurable act to water quality, quantity or hazards. 3.5 AIR QUALITY RegiaMal Eaviran rnn*aI Setting The Coachella Valley is under the jurisdiction of the South Coast Air Quality *i Diutr'ct SCAQMD), and is located in the Souoot Desert Air Basin SEDAB). SEDAB has a distinctly *ut air pollution problem than the South Coast Air laasin SOCAB). Currently, the SEDAB dees not meet * standards for ozono, carbon moroxide, or particulate matter. Local Eni'w'onmgn*af Settin* The City is located in the Coachella Valley, which has an arid climate, *iactenmd by bot summers, mlld winters, Lent and low annual * and low hurni&*y Variations in *i"*ii teniperinires, and loccli* winds occur throu*t the Valley due to thep*ence of the surrounding mowitams Air ty condoions are CiQ-sely tied to the pwvmhzig winds of the region. In the Coachella Valley, the standards tor PM lOam frequoidv * PMIOis particulate matter 10 microns or less in deaiteer that become en- in the air pnma*ly due to winds, gm'ling actiYIty, and by vehicles on unpaved roads The Valley is cuiendv ated by the EPA as a seoous * ama for PM 10, * SCAQMD azticzpaes that mce* data will slow that the Valley has been in attuninent over the last three ycars. Based on this, SCAQMD is ID the process of preparing a PMIO *`-*- Plan in order to have the aeea redesignated to attaniient status A Less mm Si-cmt mipact Based on the SCAQMD CEQA Air Quality Handbook, the project is not anticipated to any si*eant air qualitv impact Based on the sigwficance thresholds establtthed by SCAQMD, tb's p**'s total um*ions construction short term) + mobile long term traffic) + ama source stationary)J are well beow * standu'ds set fbr the SEDAB The project's toaal PM 10 emissions, fbr which the SEDAB Coachia Valley) is desi-- as a serious non-attainment aiu. am onlv estimated to be 23% of the emission stand* fbr that pollutazit, Carbon Monoxide emiulons CO) are S4% of the CO standard and constitute the highest percentage bv categorv EA96325.wpd 24 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M-However, to bc mC*I**aDcc wnh the G*mral Plan, thu project must also comply with General Plan policies * it. divelopn* in ofdcr to n'fl'gate thuc impacts to the flail f*'iible This would make the project cogisa** with the General P!an, *r which overriding consideratiom havc bc*i a- * and altern*ve travel *, which assist in 2,9-213, 9-4.lA)* Policy 9-21 4reqiures aggravate air quaiity* such a' dnve*tbro* WIDdws and czrci** CIrculation The project ancludos what:: tthrThd to as a fhst *od" pizza ruw:** winch cold, at sa* finum * incorporaw a drive-thro* * Particularly with the serviCe 1* along the wcgt devation of the tm,u-'na* buddi*g *DdNtIoni to the nrni* w'il n**w nr cnnye** of urns to p fri* thmuRh im * * pnnli*i*g* * ai the time any it'di tue * hp in ****scfloM with p sn**fic n&ui * As pin of the dig*gn iwwuw pvoo*:. s*&ilCtud the app'Jcoconi 10 miniim*i **ili I7*Vc c0#411ctr, spwflcaily the * *U, whlch help 10 * air qajailty impa*ct: Sivimi amair * heprq*eu wipv dlii not onjy m * *c sa*ty w:d air qiwlity issun bit airoin pw*o,i *W* L**J ri* to &cilOfll This. *&sigp: iss* haw bnp: weila**::.d by the appji** R""sto,t: 10 dal* do not siVuficandy q*cI * of thet. i,* Shoit tern' cang**on** impacts will tesirmuft pnmardy from 8- activities, whicli will generate fklgiuve dil5L Prior to afty nIl * or grpdm* * the dew*pper shall *ecure apprnval pf* Eini** DI* * * * The pian shall address all pmpnmd * areas a' well a' thn** areas which may be di*hirbpd bv but **led fhr l-*. * The F[)cp shall be siib**j with w, * or other s* p*fty* which will di**i* Or is mipt* to d*velopin*** of the B, C N. * * * will not SCiaiive receptors to *u:ants. The LA Qumw Higli School is the nsssen SWIUtiee *, and is low* just over /* mile from the s* * rcceptor arem etist to thu north Westward Ilo area) and can 111 Trailer Park) ofthe site * rdamd air in*a* will *i. piurianly *om and other soil disturbances The required FDCP will a&ku* these sboit*nmi CO"ni*c*OD impacts Loog term impacis cm'ssions due to cuwnialative Impacw of** * accordance with the LA Quinmi General Plan were consuicredin the EDt doc"mCflL The prqect has no *al to effbct any chm*l* change D 1-ig 11'a* Sipmficj*i Impact Thepropcacd USC. are comn*rciai(r*d in nature, and wiil have no Iwown or processing on thesiw, beyond minor opcratioiis related to vehscular maintenance and repair This coold znchi* a*Mties such as airto body and pamimg which require processes relating to paint rnixg or oolor matching, winch can be considered odor producing These types of vehicu* eqwpment rcLaied uses, inclusive of reflicling Opetations. do have potemial for objectionable and possibly w'beaithfid odors Such *A96325.wpd 25 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- 11 a:: t-uired to file fbr applicable operations permitting and comply with County, State and regional/ federal standards reter also to Section 3.9). 3.6 TRANSPOR*ONIClRCULATION Rgianal En*ronpit*ial Settuig The cxzstmg circujaziori Sys*in is a combination of early roadwork constriieted by Riverside County and new and * roadways since incorporation of the City in 1982. Key roadways include State Highway 111, Washz* Str*CL, Je*rson S*et, Fred Warin8 Drive, Miles Avenue and 50th Avenue. Traffic volumes in La Quinta experience seasonal variation, late wuiter/early Spring month: represent the peak tourist Season. Local EflYfroMmeftia' Sduiftg The project has direct frontage on two major City tlioroughf*res, Highway 111 and Dune Palms laoad. The traffic pre- for the Jeff*rson PlazaIHome Depot project u'dicaaes that existing avcrage daily traffic ADT) counts on Highway 111 are 34,941. Current geometric: for Highway 111 along the project frontage consists of fbur travel lanes with painted median and no curbigutter; Dune Palms Road is currently Linder improvement a: part of the development requirements for the DSUSD educational Se'vices center. * Impact Analysis. Jeff*rson PIaZL O'Rourke Engineering, June 11, 1996; Site Survey). The La Quinta Gencral plan establishes a minimum Level of Service LOS) D" for all intersections during A M or P M hours without adequate mitigation LOSi: a hierarchical clanifleation of qua* iaeesures of traffic flow, ranging from A fruc flow) to F unacceptible sniaration) A. Less lila. Significant Impact. The pr*ect will unqucitionably create increised trips and con**on, however, the roadway capacities as desiped for Highway 111, Dune Palms Road and other rn*;or thom* in tk area will he abic to absorb this additional tra*c Based on the square footage breakdown and we assignineets supplied by the applicant, it has beeri estimated that approximately 2,S3S avetage dazly trips ADI) can be assi* to this p* m's nuinber is considered conscrvativ* in that the two highest trip generating USC., the convenience storelgas station 1,730 * and f*si food 3S0 ADT, *eiilated as drive thigggh use as it is housed in the convenience store structiire) wiil attact the m*jority of their trips a: multi- desination trips, thn is, traffic that is alreadv on the road for other purposes These USC. do not operate a: trip * but more as trip flirectors for vehicles ultimately lnnnd for another destmation In considereion of this, it is ted that traffic a*uall** by this project will not exceed 1,500 ADT The apphcant Will be ied to dedicate and install all Implo** as deemed necessary by the Public Works Depaeinent in accordance with the cond*tions of appraaal for the project and any developincot agreemigit(s) B Potentially Sipilcaxit Unless Mitigated. The project incorporates two driveway locations along Dune Palms Road and one along HIghway III S*ntion of the Dune Palms RoadiRighiway lii intrsoteion will help to *y rediee traffic * impacts froni this development The siteplan shows less than 250 foet *en the inissection and thetwo access pomts at the northern Dune Palms laoad access and the Highway Ill *---- The General Plan Circulation Element policies 3-311 through 3-3 14) specincally dictite the reduction of curb cuts along arterial roadways, especially where parcels have riuzumul frontage dis*es spe*ifically, that a rrrnirrium of 250 foet from end of ulttttiate curb return locations shall be rmimtaiiied for any arterial Policv 3-3 1 3). The Highway 111 access would be beter situated as a shared driveway with the easterly adjacent property. The paccels fronting along Highway 111 in dli: area are only about 330 f*ct wide, which makes mauitamirig the 250 foot spacing difficult if each parcel is permitted wdividual access Points to Hi8*y 111. Tiiis Highway Ill access point should be modified. a: it is aiiticipawd to potentia[lv create intersection congestion and *ct downstrearn uzific i C traffic healing out of the intersection a: EA96323.wpd 26 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- 111. 12 The applicant modifi' edthe Highway Iii access point slightiyaspwiofthe redesign e*fls directed by staff. The access has been * 40*et in width to 28 feet and placed fanher along the easterly bowa**iy. This creates a 220 foot spacing *hen determined based on the General Plan policy for dnveway spacing However, the policy indicates thai the 250 foot stan*rd is to be applied where feasible The northerly Dwai P* n GCEcr now nuet: the 250Jbot stwdwd * to the Highway liz intersection, but there are 225 feet between the two access point: on liine Palm:, primarily die to 5t*'s request to shift the southerly Dune Palm: access farther north, to line up the reciprocal access easement info the easterly **tporceL ml Gene*l P* polcies OF' ime'id* to be ad**i'sovy and allow some de*e offlexibility. The feasibility ofobtaining compliance with the 250 foot spacing standard is directly dependant upon the easterly property owner agreeing to participate in a shared access point with the subject property for Th.-, ii* The applicant has been cooperative in attempting to e*ctiate an agreement to resolie this issue. butto date there has been no progress. The feasibility of meeting the drr*ay spacing standa* is greatly compromised in conridepation of the preceding factors The Ci* wUl **ttnn the n*iect to *zwn" to * a shored a*ess a'**'npement with the adi*cent e*terlv n*nert'v. li'the issiiC caymot be * Traffic * mprOv** a' typically T-d of miw d'vcIop* will also providi rnducti* m *c hazard m'pacw, COm'DUmeiiraie with * Ofti. s* and ibould ImproYw the e**-ii S- level of the * and *acciii roudwayS m * C Len Tham Sipificane Impaci. The pr**cc: as mi- will nol U- or twn* * access and pmv'd*, fr *. * surmiwding Ia:c., The appllcucwtt has redesigned the project to** a di* recipracil acaess to the easw**prope,** * This Is an in**ortani componeni,* the easterly property will be per,,utt* at m*i, only one acces* point onto Highway 111. whIch will hi,oe to be severely restricted as to it: location an the site. D Through G Ne Impaci. m*p** pro* for parking areas which exceed thc City's pad- *q"irernn*w Ba:ed on the latest jboiage nimber: submitted, the project overall reqaire: 90 spaces while pro'**lng 117 i*s hm'di*; * Lw pail- ImpmcW will he crca**d by thi proposal which no' and pro'*dod fbr w dii 8-C plan The applicant has **dsonw *ng *is in ovdir to improw ci?c:**tion, * **cop'ng area and * siting of facilities Fiwiher s* * ciTtwIation of the latest reii*an w'll mdmci some of the ing pro*ded but thou. * will be ptqw* to *aoin a mimmim of 90 spaces The no' roqirred toprovido * aiWrnMivc tranuportatico * or to siibmzi a IDM plan as dii tawi Of no' flow the 100 person thiuhoId* No conmaint:fium Swill':' T'Wuit were recwi* on the project as to g* an * se** Jl* * W no' pro** to, nor is it a**d hy, *er, air or rail traffic 3.7 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES R*aj Env**igi Seiiliif The Cny of La Qumi hc* withm tie Colorado * Two i are found wIthin dii CZ** the Scooran Deawt Scmb and tie 5 Transiiiion The disturbed Cn*roomcms within the City are clafli5od as urban or agnaItiiral, A disc*i* of these ccogy:t** is fbund in dii LQMEA EA96328.wpd 27 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- 13 Local En,ironmettaj * The subject area is vacant, with f*irly level terrain and *.ii'*m*I vegeion The native vegetation is desert scrub, but the rn*jorty of the site has previously been disturbed in rccc* lsstoiy There are no riparian/wetla* habitats or streambedson the site, and them are minainal mesquite dune siids associated with the pared Biological As* fbr l,apts En*rgy Orga:uzazion, Tom Dodsosi and Associates. June 1996). The LQMEA identifies the entire site as within the Coachella Valley Fringe-Toed Lizard habitat areL for which a federal IOA permit was obtained pursuant to adoption of the CVF* laabitat Conservation Plan HCP). A through E No Impaci. A*r* to the bioiog*cal assessment prepared by Tom Dolson and Associates, the site has been pitdo'nwan*y disturbed by previous activities, prunanly related to vehicles traversing the site and construction aCtIV!* associated with the DSUSD educational operations f*czIlty along 48th Avenue and Dune Palms, directly south of this site. There is negligible potential for wddhf* habitat to exist on the site. Mitlgation f*c* will bc * to be paid for the CVF"l'L pnor to any land ds*LIrbance or grading permits being ISSL* fbr thesite There are nosi*iificant or otherwise predomlilant tree stands or other vegetation on the site. No wctland areas are shown to be on or traverse the site, and the location of the site a*jaccsit to two major roads and an ongoing COnstructiOn project precludes any potential migration of wildlife. 3.8 ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES Rqioiyal Eavwo'nuwiital SCIIw'g La Quiiita * areas of insi-cant and significant Mineral Aggregte Resourees Aaaas SMARA), as * by the State Department of Conservati* There are no Iwown od reiresourees in the City. h*y resowoes used in the City conie from the inperial Irrigation District and Southern Califbruia Gas Company. LGCei En*OIwwi* S*g The site does not lie within an identifled area sensiuve to mineral resources Soils within the site consist of Mvotiaa fine sand. these soils are well-drained and Ic, and can be used fbr agricultural isses Them is no immediaw ltstory thet thesite has been utilized fbr any S*C purpose in the recent past. A, B No ImpacL The prop- prqpe* has no pomtiaito Impeet energy or rnu.ral resourees in anv which could be Wasteflil The * will cvcotw* fieditate a wider use of alternative fliels in the Coadiejia Vailey by providixig fr seiyiei* and mpair fr vehicles and cquipmcst which operate on such fliel, Cous:*** of the pio* will be r*d to meet Staw energy standards as typically enfbreed bv the Budding and Saaty r-rtmnt. andto c*y with pa- as eisab*thed in the La Quanta General Plan 3.9 RISK OF UPSETIHUMAN HEALTh Rqional En***j Setdflg A- scaie, hazardous w* * employmn is not yet loeted within La Quinta, the existence of cheiiecals utIlized in dry cleanuig * agricultiial Oper*ons. restaurant kitchen cleaning, landscape im* and *cpwire to large scale elecerical *es may post siginfleant thireats to various seetors of the pQPUIa*on. Cwm*, them are no ha* dis* waste sites located w RIversidc CoLliitv, transportation of such materials out of and through La Quinta takes place. Local ERYwonme,:tal Se'tu"g The project site is vacant and has not been used for any type of rnatiw*c*rwg in the past A Less 111am Si**ca*t Impact There is linuted potential risk of explosion andlor release of*arilous EA96328.wpd 28 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M-subs** due to the pioj* The automotive USC: will have on-s* Storage and salci of certain amouzits 14 *Ca'doUcQmPoLdss in various *ng i.e., Iubric* bfl*es, ii*iiu*e, filcis, etc), and other ZflaWriaig. Storage and inventory of po*uaily **u3 products arc L*.IIe* by Sta* and Fcd*ra* 1cgisiazi** and wili also be sub* to Fire and * DCparitn* * a' in effict and applicable at the turie. B Through E No upaci. The pr*ect doe. not have any powa* to lntcr* with cmc***cy * or create any hcajdi ha* The site is no' in an arca susccptzbleto Increased fire hazards relative to brush, gram or tree:, as * or no Susceptible v*UCt*on exists in the immediate arc* 3.10 NOISE RqionL E"vwoM*laj Setting Noise levels in the C* arc ciut*d by a variety of sources in and near the City The m*jor soLirces includc vehicular noise Qo Cty * and * III, and temporary co"StruCt'on nowes mc noise levels at dorninieed by * noise a- the HIgh* and m*;or alterials, but can be impactod by aircraft noise from Bermuda Dunes, usually of a short duration Locil Eitvwon*g* Setting noise souree: in the subject area arc aosociatcd with vchjcle traffic. * P*pCrt** is vacant and 001 a cuiTCDt SOi* of noise The site is clirri- Impacted by construction activity a: the DSUSD *CzIity to the umretl* south of the site. A. Len Thim Sipificait Impact I noise levels arc aiiticl* due to the prnp*rn* tb-i not expoited to be awiihcm* * no.' wail increase as traffic volumes incnaai The miority oftiw traffic volwi* in this arci is * to and p- through trip. Mon ofth* pr*i*'s CO-Site u.es will be * daytime and eaay cyw* *--. Thorn arc no * arcas that arc withm proximity to the project so a: to be * by * noise a'aoc,a*d with the pmpo* uses An existing trailer acrom f*11 the site, approxim- 400 f*ii to the cast, will be the most impacted ftogn this develap** P*arily from mow. * the park is WTthin 200 f*fl of *hghway 111 and CWT*dy absOrbs a * amotit of*WUi* traffic noise It is not auticiped that the addttional vohimes attributable to this siw's In will creaae any siwnhcaiit wcm* in noise levels from till. source. ml PCinial noise Impacts from opwational sourees arc prunanly *-*-* to the *.-`i *r*' and servicing"..:. noise Ul*a* from these Lises will be mu*In.Imi, as thesl tam. *DnaLly arc ecclaied *: to the east no PC*etcr wall is shown on the p1mw along the easterly boumdary), and eventual ***-r- ofthe *t ea:srly pazc* will flirther bu*r any pot** noise *Pacts from this pfojecL r*ess. the anticzped noise levels arc not cxp* to Impict Cxisting land USC. in the * B No Impmc* noise impacts arc mc:* due to di*CIopmn of this projeeL Th* mi* uses arc not eoiisidired as typically being a soiucc * or sevCrC noise levels to surroi** usesTh. rdam* tiflire of the au*ino** indicates that similar no.. sow* oii-*ite will be c*pmmcid* Thorn USC' arc adcquately separated from the self storage use on the solitherty portion of the property. 3.11 PUBLIC SERVICES Rqioni Environm***gi Setting Law enfbrceme* *r"'ces arc provided to the City through a contract with the R*v*rs,do Cou* Shinif'. Depar** Fire Pmtection service is Provided to the City bv Riverside COIu:ty FIre Dapartm** The Fire EA96325 wpd 29 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- 15 Dep** * *o Stations in the City,' Station #32 on Frances Hack Lane, and Station #70, at the tr'tersection of Madison Steet and Avenue 54. Paramedic services arc provided by Springs Ambulance Semce. Health care services arc provided in the City througli *K Memorial Hospital in Incijo, and the Eiseniower ZTLm*ate Care Clinic located in the Orie-Eleveri La Quinta Shopping Center. Local Environ**tal Setting Riveiside Coiii* Fire Station #32 and Station #70 arc located approximately 4 Vi miles south of the project site; Station #3115 * in Bermuda Dunes on 42nd Avenue and Adams Street, approximately 2 V2 miles north of the project site. The Sheriff's o*ce maintains a check-in f*cility in the City's EOC. Other governmental services in La Quinta are provided by City staff at the Civic Center'. A through E No Impact The project will not impact public services, baeed upon the comments received. All ncc** public *vices can be provid* to the project without compromising any existing levels of public service. The proponents will have to pay school * as established by Desert Sands Unified School District for co*rcial projects. Recammen*atjo* from other agencies will be considered as part.9f project r'vvicw. 3.12 UTILITIES Regional En"i"o'n'nwi*al Setting The City of La Quinta is served by the Imperial Irrigation District I'D) fbr electrical power supply and the Southern California Gas Company SCG) for natLiral gas service. General Tdephooe Ex*ge G* provides i*L * fbr the City. Contmeii'tal Cablcvision services the area for cable television service The Coachella Valley Water District CVWD) provides water and seeer service to the City. CVWD obtains it. from underground ailui*rs and from the Colorado River. The City's stormwater drainagc*,**1115 adminisirod by CVWD, which Irmiutains and Operates a compreii*ive systi to collect and transport flows through the City The City is served by Waste *`-i- of the Desert fbr solid wute disposal Nonhaurdous, mixed municipal solid *ste is taken to three landfills within the Coccheila Valley Local Eiwwonni*ial Setting The subject sne is undeveloped at Pruest Street and flood control improvimeiits ha've beeei partially completed. * with sewer and water line extensions being in place Some utility trunk extensions and I will be necenazy to develop the property CVWD has provided the applicant with a will svrve" letter fbr the prqccL A through F Ne Impact. Theproposed project will mquire some degree of alteration to exiling fliedities, however, the ropponsca received from the responsible purveyors do not present any siUlificant coocons to indicate that masor new systens or retrofitting will be necessary to serve the projccL 3.13 AESThETICS Local Enw,onni*taj Setting The City of La Qulita is paitiallv l*ed WTdwI a desert valley cove. There are hillsides to the west and south of the City. VIe'ws of the desert and surrounding ino*tains are visible on clear days throughout most of the City. Views of the Santa Rosa and Coral Reef Mountains exist to the south and west. EA96328.wpd 30 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M-A, B Less Thaa Sigwfica** Impact. The pr*jcct will have lunited impact 0(1 SCC'iiC vistas. as there arc 16 no Soeiiic vi*yshcdg idfl'* w the LQMEA. The height of the proposed stmcture, may block some vicw Ii, but the * will be mimmal, as most residcntial views in the area do not on* witbi a closi proximjiy of the *ect and therelbre have * line of sight perspecbves The primary concern is wWh irnpact duc to the buildings' visibility from Highway 111. *th the exception of the storage officimw*ager s unit, S**C*res arc one story, raz*gu*g betweesi 17 and 23.S fb.t from ground to roof line, roof peaks On the lube *Lkiy and r*direpisr bud- are 245 and 27.3 * rcspect*ly The storage offic*vnwiiag,r u,t*t is two- sto'y, wid is 23 S*t at lir h'gh.*t point Tb. general ma' of the project w maintained at a low profile, and the aidntectwal Ucairneest will be *ied to incorporate a low*ontraitmg color schene which will soti* the visual Impact of the striicturea against the mountain backdrop along Highway 111 C- Potmti* Sipjcasst Uiiu. Miii- As a * *ect the proposal will creato additional light and glare The City ha, * a Dark Sky" Ordinance which i*iI*t* lighting types and shielding 11* *2*rr oflgi** * a Im-y lighti* plan fbr the prjcc* butOSof the la:t * hedno, submitted a pi';*ed * *:d IJ*p* A r***sed l*c* and hghtifl9 nip,: will be c*ditipn*j * rfl'lew. in be cnn*i*t** with the utdnnr Light Cnntml nmyigi** nft**e Znnj * hei** *hielding and light*n* t*e nurmjpnt tp ppnrnvali hv the Planning Cnmnjin* and Citv Cnirncil 3.14 CULTURAL RESOURCES R-I8' The mast ilkejy Iocatiaiw of preh*rc cultiual ruowee, inthe La Qiamia area are along the fbotbills. 11'. sWiii* oftie La Qiunta area has been cbi* by the La Quuu- Histoncal Society m * *bhcati*s and rm* Thuc are 13 * illitancal Irnoetites and sites recorded oei the Caidbrnia Histonc Ru** **i*ry Ibmo **Ow* are listed inthe La Qunta C* p* L*cuf * S*I* The Pt'- is located along Highway Ill, a developing urbameetl coininercial aicL No historic strtictiir.i exist in the * The site is gmmily barren ofSiny sipifiCaut vq*tat*on A cidtiiial ruouce assesseit CRA) was r*uired to be submitted with the dov-n*i apphcations The report wdicatetl thn the area a h*gh * of aidlaenlogic sc'*vity, and that s*cani cultural resources arc likely to * on the site ArdIa-aI testing accomplished pw* to the aasesm* discovered s*cani subsi*ice PNb*nc culiwal *7*L Culhnl * 15-: Phase II, Aid*iogical Testing and Site * CA-RIV-5832 Os L*w higgy Property; Jim 1996). A,B P.ti* * Unless Midgatad. Si*cant cultural *sources will be impa- due to the pWpmL Thi * ha: co*ted both Phate I andil l'westigitio":jbr the site, w*du risulted li' the * of**cww * Opuonrjbr iwugistion weT' explovid, jl-eicce pT'se*tion of the site and 1OO* * of the iwma*m,* artifact: Ajier mietingi with the applicww* it Iw dti**d that the *-l option WO'prv*dby both s*andthe applicti*. who*aLio agried to rud*gii the in**cteda,'ea in * to and other site P*mng issues of the piolect. The project's cadfw*I re:ou* arsessnaim war iwewid by he Ci* S Thsto'ic Piue*tion Commi*onon September 19.1996. The *commen*in*o,: war * to iqwiv that the *I1cant carry through with the saliage excoiatian procedir. As of the dote ofihe iatest ien:jon 1/10/97), the applicwit ha: compieted mart ofthe mitigation acttvitin prescribed by the archaeological report, but afinal report and *-ing monitoring ha:e yet to be iwdertalle* P*o,rn issu*ce of a #vodInf nermit or any earth disiurbp,:oe. the apnilcwit shall have Dripored and obtaiviad EA96328.* 31 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- 17 for CA*RW-S832 * nro*m shall be n*ncired bv a auah fled archaeologist. and shall inelude Droytsipnj for strictly contyollad archaeological monitorin9 and data recowry. including research and field methods. lab analysis methodology. Nativg American consultation and monitoring curation Dipc*dures. re*rt Drenpmtion ***ddisnpsition ofarti facts and records. The final re*rt shall be submitted to the Community Develo*ment Denprtmenr. C Through E The culiral msouices survey did not ideiitity any historic resources Qn the siw. Development of the project has no poteiiual to aff*ci cultural values beyond those which may be addressed by cultural resource monitoring, and no existing retigiotis uses arc associated with the site 3.15 RECREATION Local En*ironmwi*,al Sett*ig The City of La Qizinti has adapted Parks and Recreation *aster Plan that assesses die existwg resQu* and fiieih*des and the fliture needs of the City. The City contains approxiziately 287 acres of developed paddand for Quimby Act purposes There arc also bike and equestrian pathways and trails w'thin the City and designa* Pedestrian hiking trails. A9 B No Impact. Thc proposed project will rot *ct deitand fbr ucycacional Iliedities or existing iecreatitaii While thepioject will attract additional customer base from wittun La Quinta and other eommunities, it is not likely that the project will attr* a significant number of new residuts beyond those which may relacaw fbr employment purpoes This project is not antici* to cmploy more than 50 persons, probably less; tho applicant submitted an uiitial figure indi*ing thatnoinore than 21 emplcy* would be on-site at any time. SECTION 4.. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNH**N* The Initial Study tor the Lapis En*y project identified *tially si*cant impacts alsociled with the project, as summarized in the arcas of Earth Resourees, TranportationiCir*atian, Aesthetics and Cultural RssOuiees. The fi* can be made I-li' the man- fl-s of significice set torti' in Section 15065 of the CEQA Guidelines and based 0. the results of this environmeiital as* a) * pm* S*c Plan and ** applications will not have the poteiiial to *iade the *ity of the envi*ent, as the project in qustion will not be developcdm any mnr in* with the Gu*cmi Plan and other cwinnt City sia* The project does have the pctential to elimiate an Important eaample of Caldbiuua prehistory, how**er, extensive UYcstigations of thesite have id*ztified the exi* of cultiirai ruoures and required rnitigation alternatives The applicant has agrud to impieimtmg the neccssa* matigation prior to site development activities and is in concurrence with project coDIooions relating to this. b) The proposed Specific Plan and relatad applicatio* will not have the potential to achieve short term goals. to the di*tag* of long term environmental goals. as the propc- project will not significantly alter the tyees or intensity of the * uses aireadv colitemplatad in the General Plan EA96328.w*d 32 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- 18 c) The proposcd Spc*ific Plan and related applications Will not have impacts which am U'dividuaUy limited but Cumulatively considerable when consideri:*g p*ed or proposed in the ir*ncdjn* v'c*ty, in that the proposed project, whether approved Of no', ii a consistent **icntadon of the project type to be proposed fbr the site as long as the Current General Plan land use and zoning designations are applicable, and the impacts as identified in the Iwual Study will rinain swidar to subsequent projccts. d) * S*c Plan and ielated applications will not have environn'cn* efitets din will adveiselv * * either directly or indirectly, as the project contemplates uses similar to those ahudy assessed under ultimaw development of th* La Quinta Gencrai plan, and which wern * in the EIR previouuly certified fbr the General PI* *CflON 5.. *R*1ER ANAL VS* A. Eadjir * Used. The following dOCU** were used and/or * to in the prcpam*on Of this assessment * LaQuinta General Plan UpcIate, Octo* 1992 * La Quisita Mister * Am* October 1992 * SCAQMD CEQA Air Qimhty *hDdbook. April 1993 * Cuittual Rm* As,u,mit R*ait * * T*:i* and Site Evaluati* CA4UV- 583200 T*p.i En* Property; Juno 1996 * Biological Assessment for laapu E*r;y Orpnizati*oo, Toni Dodaon and Asiociates, 31.11996 * TrafEc inpact Analysis, 3e*r3on Plau, O'RDIui* E*g*nriq* lime 11,1996 **ira"m*itIL Assessment 92-241, prepamd lbr Spcc:& Plan 92*22 and Plot Plan 92-490 These and vanoiw other doc***00 Ille with the C*nin*ty D'vdopm*i: * were used in the preparation of this Initial Study B. nipacts Adequa* Addreised. The fbilowitig powutially slunficant impacts idontified in the cheddig wcm as lately addressed by the previowly listed * * Eaftbllmoiirce, * * * Acuthedet * Ci'lh:3lR*** C. Mitigni,, Mernsui*L Mitiptia, measurca are * w this addntl* wiere underlined. A Mztigat- Momtorii*g Plan MMP) hai been prcplicd for thep* that will *5:*.: a part ofthe Conditions of approval attached to the project lpp*vals and permiw EA96328.wpd 33 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- 19 Prepared by /(a/9* Wallace H. Ncsbit Associ* Planner EA96328.wpd 34 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M- U omE z 0 0 *ifl I ii II I 12 1 * Ii * I 0 WJ O*0Z U * e BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M - 0 I * U * *I.- * Z*1 1e* a. a VI I OL.,: 0 37 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M!- *1 1' U a 4 e 6 U Ii ti I* * *uz mo Ii til'.! flu ill!, I WI * 1*I ow* 0 *1i *-1 i*j *-, 0 * BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M"- In. *1I * 1 11 it! 11 a 2o jJ*t * Mi I Co j if g ii. i ioej L * * z U SI BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M#- Ol lit. 5Jj;*b* ii z J1 i a ii lb': I eji * Ii *1* *I. IiI* BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M$- 0 4 a * i 1 0. U I Li*iI t*. I II I a. I * *zI. I * * j* * I: * *:II *6*I It * * *ii* Al BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M%- 11 ii. *Ijf I! I*i 4.. 1* 4.. * 0.' *. * * 0 I BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M&- L * I * *1 ru * ref 43 0 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M'- U z 0* N z Ii I 1 *zz* j 5 0 AA BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M(- U Ii I Eu * I U *Ij 0 45 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M)- m U U U It__________ I. I * if eo ii U I i 12213 U I I 4' BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M*- em N N L * 0-* z ii m I I *OZ* *j 4'*fl* E 0 47 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M+- 0E5 I U-.. I lb I II I I III * *mz Ij* EO i_________ *I a i,*i 3 I *bb *I. 13. ii. Ii * I* Ii u*j *ti I;. Gd Si 1. *I.I 1I II BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M,- m U I ii I ii f Ii II I! I ii Ii Ii' I! ii * Iii'! *Ai Ji* 49 BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02 ^!M--M U V Ii* it n*"I O*1 I Ii *i *aI a gfl BIB] 09-01-1998-U01 02:51:48PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CCRES-U02 97-U02 05-U02