CC Resolution 1982-035& RESOLUTION NO. 82-55 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING THE COMPENSATION OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES AND SETTING CONDITIONS AND TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. AUTHORIZED SALARIES Title Monthly Salary City Council Member 00 City Attorney 1,250 City Manager/City Clerk 5,500 Secretary/Administrative Assistant Step D Range: $1222, 1286, 155?, 1425, 1,500) SECTION 2. MONTHLY AND SUPPORTIVE SERVICE REMUNERATION Council Members Automobile and Telephone Compensation 25.00 City Manager Automobile Compensation 125.00 Secretary/Administrative Assistant Automobile Compensation 50.00 Mileage Reimbursement 50 per mile The normal work week shall be 40 hours. The work week of the City Attorney shall be ten 10) hours. SECTION 4. HOLIDAYS The holidays observed by the City shall be: New Year's Day Washington's Birthday Third Monday in February) Memorial Day Last Monday in May) Independence Day Labor Day First Monday in September) Veteran's Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Christmas Day Floating Holidays 2) Holidays which fall on a Saturday shall be observed on the preceding Friday. Holidays which fall on a Sunday shall be observed on the following Monday. BIB] 04-23-1996-U01 02:29:18PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 35-U02 & SECTION 5. VACATION During the first five 5) years of service, employees shall accrue vacation at the rate of 0.8? days per month. Employees with five 5) or more cOntinuous years of service shall accrue vacation at the rate of 1.25 days per month. Employees with ten 10) or more continuous years of service shall accrue vacation at the rate of 1.6? days per month. A. The City Manager shall accrue vacation at the rate of 1.25 days per month. In lieu of compensation for service in April, 1982, the City Manager shall be granted a vacation of five 5) days for use in 1982. B. The City Attorney shall accrue vacation at the rate of 1.25 days per month. In lieu of compensation for service in April, 1982, the City Attorney shall be granted a vacation of five 5) days for use in 1982. C. Vacation time shall be taken at the approval of the City Manager. SECTION 6. SICK LEAVE Employees shall be granted sick leave with pay at the rate of one working day for each full month of the employee's service, usable only for actual sickness or physical disability. SECTION EFFECTIVE DATE This Resolution is effective from and after May 1, 1982. APPROVED and ADOFTED this 20th day of Julv 1982. 4CR ATTEST: 7 ITY C?RX APPROVED AS TO FORM APPROVED AS TO CONTENT. TO? RNEY CITY MANAGER BIB] 04-23-1996-U01 02:29:18PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 35-U02