1983 08 04 CC' tV oLnc'L'I Ctv of La Quint An adjourned reQular meeting of ho City Council to be held at the La Quinta City Hall, 7-1Q5 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California Au9ust 4, 1983 7:30 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Invocation B. Flac S&lute 2. ROLL CALL 3. PBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the City Council on matters relating to Cit\ business. When addressin9 the Council, please state your name nd address. The. proceedings of the Council meeting are recorded on tape and comments of each person shall be limited to three B) minutes. 4. wRITTEN. COUNICATIONS 5 COMMENT BY COUNCIL MEMERS 6. HEARINGS 7. CONSENT CALENDAR 8. BUSINESS SESSION A. Reoort from the City Manager regarding an initial redevelopment authorization agreement. 1. Motion for adoption. 9. ADJOURNMENT BIB] 01-27-1997-U01 09:46:08AM-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 04-U02 1983-U02 ' rn:is AGPYE S L-Ci V anc L)e-eL tr-e Coup t\' Sxa vi eiflatter reerrec C. a?- oun-< the Ci of hereinafter referred to as City"; and the La Quinta edeve1oprnent A9ePcy, herejviaf frred to a Aeflc\.". CA 0 Sune.-: 50rS 0 0LflV aLtvior.LZC o LnertaKe a re....... nent activity that inc1dCS an area located i thin the terrTho a' 1 ints 0 county cOntiaLous to Cl tv; hLPEASr JL1\' 2-, 19c3, a mzSir 0 &ractc.rs Coavia: a a11e\. DI H. ctr&->--JeSe--ratt C G-a......... V? Hors 0 Count; 70 acancv to u-vortaw.e a r--LL--.Th C that in ud&S an area losatec thin the trr C mits C) Count\, ccpcUous to CIt\; as i-?P, CalIfornia eath and Safetv Code Seclo. D0itS a lecisiatzv0 rodv of coff-jnLrV flat flas to.- ur sdictio over an area t-flt is contIoous to anonfler to authorize the oter to unoert.ae reo'CVeionLo:; C Sa]c area; ano wh'E:L-AS, on h Board Or.. Surer;? r.x>? Count aootted r.0iL-aflCC I\O. cesc nc ST.,..? author oencv and CItv LO n.J ortfle a or?;-? cc heyc- V C C I C BIB] 01-27-1997-U01 09:46:08AM-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 04-U02 1983-U02 ' ctlor 0: an aqre:nt bv th ar:.e hc-rto, prior to rE C tive date of saic OrdIriance that contains the reaireinents set I forth in the Ordinance. I I I I I BIB] 01-27-1997-U01 09:46:08AM-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 04-U02 1983-U02 ' Por an in consccraticr C ne c-vegits se oth the parties qree as fellows: 1. Studies, Irivestiations and earinQs. Cit\ and Agency, as authorized by County Ordinance No. shall take appropriate and necessary acA O., rc. orn1a CoUflitV develorme F- ALa\rtcccjct ste vesti9ations ard neanas, for ne urDcse of deternininq whether or no- the pr ojec, the flood control iDrOVCrrentS to be constructed, anc the Drcect r.ea, are DroDer and within the ivitatlons ano DurCoses 0 Cfl& law DL-rrafrLn to rec-e-\ClCCVsnt. 2. FinancIal Aferratlon. City and Acency, as soon as possible and not later tnan the suL- mittal of a relevant redevelopirent plan to Count\. ror its aDDroval shall transmit to Countv all mnrorrnation concernfnq the man- cia feasibilitv of the proposed redeveleDvent Droect; and any financial alternatives to utilizin the redevelopirent process. 3. Backqround Data. Countv shall mac- available C 0TlC\-. sne v an C at ion an Dacw s I &vc- in Plan n J- crion. CdUh Cit\- Inc BIB] 01-27-1997-U01 09:46:08AM-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 04-U02 1983-U02 ' uroses 0 irrDieTfler'inc tho re.e.veov.Lnt proposal, Count shall retalr all rights, powers, and pri\ilees with respect to land use controls, developrnent approals and authorizations affecting the real property \`ithir the boupc;aries of tha roject area Lr.1.sio- arcoys ncyec to CtV 5. CornDlIance With The Conimur- t\ edeveioDnent La. Citv an A9eno\ shll, at all times du'in9 to terin of this qrecrnent, compl ith the law DertaiviZLnc to Cos.Urity eaveioL-ieri as set forth in Cal co<ia Lc<altL an Safet Code SOtiOns 33OO etseq. ipclu5jc, but not lImitOd to, the develODment of data suffi3C1o.nt to surDort a detevm.nation of blht for the project area and econornic fcasibilitv of the Drorosed rede\-eloD.ment proDect. 6. Cooperation With_public_oencies Serving Proect Area. City and oency shall actively solicit the cooperation of other rublic entities, havino taxAnQ ano oub2ic service urisuict ion within the boondaries of the rro- cc axe, 0 e c LaLiric Ir this L 0 LflO acoDtAon 0 mv'>< afr.&ipinc BIB] 01-27-1997-U01 09:46:08AM-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 04-U02 1983-U02 ' tLe floLL a aic cooDerator acreements with the above rererenced public aoencies- Tor the purpose of obtaining their mutual assistance for the project and a1leiating any financial detriment rh-at il roL iro.. e zormL2a1on an iTTLDL- entato of the reeveloDrent rM.roect 7. Countv Pass T-hrouah Acreeffent. Pr or to fle approval 0 ne final roQevoIotTnen olan or said projct by Courity AQency and Cit\ shall neavor to Dre sent to Count a nethod to be useG Lf) a zS5 tL.roGon aoy.ceef \erehv COur-t- ad all U IC aonslOs reri-eSente by County'S Board of SuDervisors sall be rely-LurSed a mutually a9rcoable percentace of theIr prorate share of tax increrment allocation accruinc from te Droect area for the life ano terFF. oZ tne Droc.ct. otwithstandin9 the above, a Dass throuah acreernent shall be irtuallv anDroved ana executed bv the Dart] es hereto, prior to Countvs anDrova2. of the final redeveoDnen plan icr tne troeot and roject area. 0 CDI.F or 0 COrr0L Prior to Count b-tO\IGC 0 & or S eca ccun BIB] 01-27-1997-U01 09:46:08AM-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 04-U02 1983-U02 ' 4W.-. C XL 1 wL-t: the applicable la. 9. Tern; and Termination B\' Parties. The tern: of this A9reement shall be one year from the date of the exeution of this Agreeinent I es S WL2U 1 ly eNtende b; thc nrti hereto. The c.reeent may be terrninated bv any part\-' to this Agreement, at apv time, by transmtin9 a 51xy- day written notIce of the termination to the other arties of this Acrec;flen Countv shall in dociLlon re LflC no cc, ret)ea1 C-rcincncC Tc. a ter rJ OS O S iNt\ do-v fol I owins roe civinq or receivJ no sch a notice in order to exercise its election to terminate this Acreement. 10. \oi3e. notice or other coymmunication DrOvIded for in nis reorient, or permitted to be given bv one Dartv to the others, musr be in no ano cven bv denocitine sarne in the LnLted States mall. For the purposes of notice, the addresses of the partics shai DC as follows: y inra LI 0 vct;ThdC 0 Bo J04 BIB] 01-27-1997-U01 09:46:08AM-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 04-U02 1983-U02 ' 7-CL LdQO Box 504 0 L'Inta CxrOrni 253 Attention-. Executive irecLor COcritv of Pt>-;&r?-oc SLfiV oiL9 iOC, 3LforrI 25Qi ocrt FL to FOe..F1ffl.: 2.0- 0 000 oC.-r]C oirtiv ii. v GF&L 1L'v i-ct- to Ip20.v Cou-otv 0C SOVE 2 S F 0.0 oc;0 2 0 L.0. S OOSt OF Or F- cuO FO Dt rot lzjr,.itcc to, eo-soo..b1 toFFeV cos &d costs Fo c-yenses 1FOZL.OF O LFOOCeC 2005 Sod ip\;e-s o 2] OF S FCA LOS to too ocr 0050 or SF\. C]S IL OF 502200 200-OFFOS bv Cosoty 5225100 out Or OF 2052 rOc to 200 FOO&VO1OPirOFt od otcF 5OtVItr Cs O Ctv OF oCFcV f OF tThLs LOOTh 002 500 pFO 002 5205 OS hereioaoOv& dOSOFIOCO. BIB] 01-27-1997-U01 09:46:08AM-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 04-U02 1983-U02 ' 983 Atts C c: LA Q 0 I cityTher Mayor r)ATEL): August 4, 19S3 LA QVL' NTA PLEDLVLOPMI\T ACET\ S Scet r Cairan COULTY O PjvLSIDL &ra1d A Chirirari of mh Ia1Ony Clerk of the Borc Board of SLDCrvi5Ors B Depty N BIB] 01-27-1997-U01 09:46:08AM-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 04-U02 1983-U02 ' La Quinta Rcceveloprnent AQenCV A peciai meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopinent Agency to be held at the La Quinta CItv Hall, 7B-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta California August 4, 1983 7:30 p.in. 1. CALL TO ORDE 2. OLL CALL 3. CoNSENT CALENDAR 4. BSINESS SESSION A. eport from the City Yanager regarding an initial redevelopment authorization agreemcnt. 1. Motion for adoption. 5. ADJOURNMENT BIB] 01-27-1997-U01 09:46:08AM-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 04-U02 1983-U02 ' ESoLL ION P T:zL< U T:22- P SI I 22 2't2\ t.>, & EREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quipta has by Ordinance No. 34 declare a need for a Redevelopment Aqency to function within the City of La Quinta; arid CSL&E Q td eve. I * C C o I I c'. jc 0 tk I.iLCu Sr C T T LL q Q SECTIO e C\ Ci; tn& St\ of La QLinta orGarilze ri;Cjr5 ves Cm Auqus 6 1Q0 a- memliers of Hh La cfl pC C o m CI me. Citv of L & r ICC- I C La P V0 L 10..3 rid J3cjP.TL3 thIs 1 0tr CaV f Pust 19 riM Iri1pG vole: S gency vLvzbe.1s Al len, crid son arid Charmari Ba] rOEs: Nope. ABSENT Acencv eriLers Cox arid Wif. CHAIKIN ATPS Th.> BIB] 01-27-1997-U01 09:46:08AM-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 04-U02 1983-U02 ' S ALLT I VINTA;.yCL,,L-\ I S. 1 V t C I t C fL 0 a I'-, & d it s & 1 f s t & a Q U j Ct a & C' & V e 1 C p C & C Ag & n C HEREAS, it is CeCessay for tTh& Ag&nC\; to establIsh b;:ias IC I C & c C flC U t of its.. os Ii CS s C C %SL *` L a V' 2 1 t C I; S & r a V S 5- j u 1C C) K a C K K & C Cu I C t & C & V & C Jr fl C & C V C' C. &` 5 a S....... S&oton 2. Th& v-Laws TI of th& La Quinta IS&d&v&1on-&p-t Ac-ti- 3 in tn& or aCa-2" nOC to 015 roanlutlon, ad iCCorpoaS&C nc- r S & r & C C C c C..' C t & d S & I C C' fl cI',&*Ct,' V'. C I V c a & a V C S S. & a a-- C.' C U I' C C V if C \ a CCU&l C tor S o U 5 & C C if S P r I s C C F a U C K A r0@s10n Co1-CoratSon SeCtiori 3. Ct-hO OSISCOVS of tL& Ag&CC\) CppOICt&C bv tK& SCOCUtIVO DIreCtol, CS S&t fortK In tnt by-Las 3 ar & as foIl ows 555 SC Stan SC t C' K & E & CL I I I & C tar S 5 1 St an S t C C C Cc CIt a C a o & r S&Cr&tarV City r-aJsa&f 1CCC& QffiC&r: Cit; alac-&v ADOPT FL' tn-is 6th dav of Au U St, 9 S 3', h v t K & f oIl 0 V S U C V C C AYFS A&n&v e bers Allon, K&CC&SSUC ano- ChaIrman BIr. CnE. AbSLT A,&nov'&mb&rs Coy an" Wolff C. A. I K A"' A T V C BIB] 01-27-1997-U01 09:46:08AM-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 04-U02 1983-U02 ' RES.*LL:TiJN 0 ACENCY DESICNATINC T DeDArLL< NEWS AS A NE;SAPL 0: CENER LLATl.ON FOB. PLLv LICATIOL OP OFFICAL WHEREAS, Section 6040 et seq of the Governrnent Code of the State of California requires the publication of official notices in a newsaDer or Qenera circulation within thc- of U C CnLio;; nd th. Indlo es I Cr 0 en Oh CL 22 2 c?t1JY L QL;.L ho oc Ace NO TILRE72PL, tb iLLO oDrant Acancv resolve that the Indlo r.il\' News is me newspaper of ciepe1i circulation ir c tn official not< c- of thc< La Quinta PCdCV&lCr-.nr A shall be Dubli shed. 1 S,-.- 3 Lv o o C Ac-rnc.v mbers Allen H>->..nder Cah.rnaL Li IC N one. L,\v.T: Ac;enc e-.-bers Coy and Wolff. CHAIRN ATTEST: Th 1< CPh<#2JVW< BIB] 01-27-1997-U01 09:46:08AM-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 04-U02 1983-U02 ' V- CD V V TA- OF P WHEREAS, Covernent Code Sectio 53051 reguires the filjnc of a statement of facts with the Secretary of State and the Countv Clerk of the Count\ withip which a Qcvenn& t1 entltv i I C L& I C v&1OCn.t AC CrlCV H D Th ba r 2. ved bv te La Quia yt hc C C. ic:4C.sY C ad prsUa tc Sc+ cL' 53051 c & CCvernV'.Snt Code, C fi e 1 tior cQcerninc thc.. La Quita Redevel Aecy with the Secrctar\ of State anC s- Cou-vrv C] er C 1vers ide Couptv, a S set fortI r nil aCnCc- LYC-tC.3 ro2-at$al D...ci renco tJj I N S C d(j fel o-'e zGte C. CCCIV A e>:derson CCL Cr irmal aCT Cr NC:ES Ce ABSENT: ACCPCV Members Cox and Wolff. ABSTAIN: None. CHAIjiAN BIB] 01-27-1997-U01 09:46:08AM-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 04-U02 1983-U02 ' A- OF RCTS LA QUITA REDEVELOPMENT ACEN 1. IFiCIAL PAL: 0 t &(1LV>j c'.mtv L'YK CJAL AIT1 LPE00 Civ 311 P. 0 Box 150' 78-105 C]]c F Unipt Ccll r 33SL. I iLLS 0.1> 3L.'LrERS CL e.:LL iL( 1%v.'.ALD I L w I V V. ron FI o1f Cltv B311 P. 0. Box 1504 78-105 C311 Est3dO La Qu1ta, CA 92253 4. NAE, TITLE P. BUSI\VESS ADDRESS OF: C)IAJKMA\: Robcrt L. Ea1r SFsRLTARY: PYVn;* N. Lstci- Cty ai1 C). Box 1504 78-105 CaII Etd(. La Ou ifita, CA 92253 DLt: AUA.Q't 1983 BIB] 01-27-1997-U01 09:46:08AM-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 04-U02 1983-U02 ' PSOLU ON O THE LA QLJINTA REDL\ Ov.>wN T ANCY JTLiOI ZINC- THE LMESJTION OF A COOPERATION ACREENENT ITH THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. r-EAS, the Cjtv Counci or the Citv of La Qinta, act inc Dursuant to the provisions of the California Communitv edeveloprnent Law Health Safety Code Section 33000 et seg. has activated the acenc\ und has declared itsef to constitute the AOency, by Orcinanc- AO doDtcd 0 Juy 5 3; and tS, flu d F jn'jr d-sjveIov> n 3 c C a;. C F C 0C__ V q C th id QCrlC\ a urderta roreedi Cr the uo ion o a iccve1oi> proect ir th nd the C a Ac cncv csire to tcr into an aCreellient: To set forth acrivx los, 5c.rvicC5 r and facilities w:icn tn..e Cit \ render and m&e availabic to the Acencv in furCrancL of and furotic-vi of he Ac enrv under the Conr;un.ty Pod mrt and 2) To D jVi do that th Aaencv i j'.1 refrnburso the Cit\ for act ions pqer en and costs and exDenses incurrac i;v it for s-nc on ihe cencv. TP LFOPE, be it reso2ved b the La Quinta Pooeveic;.ment Agenv at the Chairnan and SecretarL. Os the A9ency are fereoy artnoied and directed to execute the Cooperation Acreernent" betecn ne La Quinta Pedeve1cprnent Acency and the City of La QuAnta, in rfl attached to this rosolution and incorcoratd hoi bv rere ence. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 16th dav of Aucust 19S3 by the fowInc vote: AYE: Acencv mbrs 11 n nde-rson and Chairnan Bajer. NOYS: one. ABSL<.T:Acjo. acy Members Coy arid Wolff. CH.AIP.YAN ST: j>1) ffi< BIB] 01-27-1997-U01 09:46:08AM-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 04-U02 1983-U02