1983 09 20 CC( AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting of the City Council to be held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California 20, 1983 730 p.m 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Invocation- B. Flag Salute 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC COMMNT This is the time set aside for citizens to address th City Council on matters relating to City business. When addressing the Council, please state your name and address. The proceedings of the Council meeting are recorded on tape, and comments of each person shall be limited to three 3) minutes. 4. wRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS A. Communication from the La Quinta Property Owners Association. B. Communication from the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce. C. Communications from the Coachella Valley Water District8 F) D. Communication from Coachella Valley Television. L. 5. COMMENT FROM COUNCIL Ce: C+y 5Vtc- U. Oj+ HuII#,' Oo 6. HEARINS 4 7. CONSENT CALENDAR Approval of the Minutes of the regular meeting of September 6, 1983. B. PROPOSED RESOLUTION. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. 8. BUSINESS SESSION A. Report from the Principal Planner regarding an ordinance relating to minimum size of dwellings in Planned Residential PAGE 2 MONTHLY UPDATE AUGUST 1983) cont. ement program is ABATENT PROGRAMS: The vehicle aba BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( AGENDA CITY COUNCIL September 20, 1983 Page Two. B. Report from the Principal Planner regarding amendment to the La Quinta Municipal Code relating to the issuance of licenses and permits, and related procedures. 1. Ordinance for Adoption.3 C. Continued consideration of report from the Building Official regarding amendment to the La Quinta Municipal Code relating to height and location of walls and fences. D. Report from the City Manager regarding Annexation No. 1. 1. Resolution for Adoption. E. Report from the City Manager regarding a lease acquisition agreement for City offices. 1. Motion for Adoption. F. Report from the City Manager regarding claim of Peggie M. Nish. 1. Motion for Adoption. G. PROPOSED RESOLUTION. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, PROCLAIMING THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 9 THROUGH OCTOBER 15, 1983, FIRE PREVENTION WEEK IN RIVERSIDE COUNTY. H. Report from the Principal Planner regarding a field trip relative to drought resistant plants. I. Other 9. ADJOURNMENT PAGE 2 MONTHLY UPDATE AUGUST 1983), cont. abatement program is ABATENT PROGRAMS: The vehicle aba BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( $4 4 Property Owners ABsociation Sptq'mbey ii, i983 rank Usher City of La Quinta F() Boi 1504 La Quinta, Calif. 92253 i)ear Frank, The Board of Directors of th La Quinta Property Owners A55oCidtio wishes to commend th City Staff for their outstanding efforts.during the recent heaYy rains in La Quinta. Their effort are yjdCe of the deep commitment of the Staff to the citizen of La Quinta. Since7lqI John Ryan President PAGE 2 MONTHLY UPDATE AUGUST 1983) cOnt ement program i ABATENT PROGPAMS: The vehicle aba BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( LaQuinta Chamber of Commerce p 0 BOX 255. LA QUINJA. CA 9225a 61 564 99 September l3 1983 CITY OF LA QUINTA Post Office Box 1504 La Quinta, California 92253 The intent of this letter is to commend the City officials Mr. Frank Usher, Mr. Doug Brown and Mr. Frank Mazza for their beyond the call of duty" efforts in maintaining an al night vigil of the flood conditions developing in our Cove Community during our recent rain storm. Their alertness and foresight in procuring the necessary equipment to sustain the flood channel walls was instrumental in containing the water flow and eliminating damage to the threatened areas. Thanks for a job well done. LA QUINTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PAGE 2 MONTHLY UPDATE AUGUST 1983), cOnt. ement program is ABATENT PROGPAMS: The vehicle aba BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( +5 ESTABLISHED IN 191B AS A PUBLLC AGENCY CDACHELLA VALLEY WATER IJISTRICT IO6 COACHELLA, CALIFORNIA 92236 619) DIRECTORS OFFICERS RAYMOND R. RUMMONDS. PRESIDENT LOWELL 0. WEEKS,SENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TELLIS CODEKAS. VICE PRESIDENT BERNAROINE SUTTON. SECRCTARY JOHN P POLL VICTOR B APD, AUDITOR PAULW.NICHOLS REDWINEANDSHERRILL,ATTORNEYS STEVE D. BUXTON September 13, 1983 File: 0506.3 The Honorable Robert L. Baler Mayor of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 La Quinta, Californi8 92253 Dear Mayor Baler. Subject: Stormwater ProtectioniFringe Toe Lizard Reserve The District has been working for many years to provide stormwater protection to the area north of Interstate 10 and northwest of Indlo which includes the community of Thousand Palms. The area north of Interstate 10 is currently without any flood control protection and is subjected to flows from the foothills to the north. In 1977, tropical Storm Doreen caused millions of dollars in damage to this area. Fortunately no lives were lost in this storm. Flood Control to protect this area and the western portion of Indio from potential damage is a high priority. In 1964, the District hired Bechtel Corporation to prepare flood Control plan for this area. This plan proposed a series of dikes to convey the waste to a retention reservoir for evacuation into the Whitewater River Stormwater Chsnnel at Indlo. We are contacting the property owners in the area to see if there is enough interest in forming an assessment district to construct the flood control facilities. The proposed location of some of the stormwater facilities are within the proposed Coachella Valley Ecological Reserve. This reserve is being proposed to protect the fringe toed lizard. We recognize that a reserve is needed for the fringe toed lizard; however, we believe that stormwater protection for the residents is the highest priority. We believe that the two uses can be compatible providing that adequate planning occurs. Therefore, we have requested that the Board of Supervisors establish a committee of County, Valley Cities, public agencies, utilities, business and environmental organizations and State and Federal agencies to develop a plan for a reserve that Is compatible with the stormwater needs of the PAGE 2 MONTHLY UPDATE AUGUST 1983), cont. ement program i ABATENT PROGPAMS: The vehicle aba BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( Mayor Bajer 2 September 13, 1983 Enclosed are drawings showing the Bechtel plan. and the fringe toed lizard reserve and our Resolution to the Board of Supervior. If you have any questions or desire additional information please contact Tom Levy at 619) 3982651. Yours very truly, i Raymond R Rutmnondq president TFL: sed Fnclosures/21a5 cc: Maurice Sherrill Redwine & Sherrill PAGE 2 MONTHLY UPDATE AUGUST 1983) cont ement program i ABATENT PROGPAMS: The vehicle aba BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( COACELLA ALL7 61H9)22Th225 74175 EL PASEO BOX 388 PALM DESERT, CALFORNIA g2260 September 2, 1983 The Honorable Robert L. Baier, Mayor City of La Quinta 78 105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Dear Nayor Eier: The spiraling cost of doing business and providing services has played no favor- ites in the last 8 to 10 years. In fact business as well as government have, whenever necessary, adjusted the pricing Structures for goods or services upward to meet the costs. It is in this vain that I direct this letter to you and your colleagues. Coachella Valley Television has been no exception in feeling the crunch of the economy. A rate increase by October 1, 1983 is absolutely essential if we are to maintain the trend of standards that have been established over the past several years. The following you will find supportive and demonstrative of the position of necessity we take. 1: Since 1975 the Consumer Price Index CPI) has increased 64.1% while the Coachella Valley Cable Television bill has increased only 15.1%. Predicated on the standard of the CPI an $11.41 basic service rate would be called for as opposed to the $8.00 currently being charged. Simply put, our rates have not kept pace with the changing economy. Exhibit A) 2: A survey of rates in California as well as other areas of the nation show average rates for basic service to be much higher than those presently charged by Coachella Valley Television. Of 30 systems chosen at random from around California see attached Exhibit B) we found the average basic cable rate to be $9.95 per month. According to the Cable Television Information Center," 1800 North Kent Street, Suite 1007, Arlington, Virginia 22209, a survey of the nations 25 largest cities demonstrated an average basic cable rate of $9.84. Of the systems with more than 30,000 subscribers, the average basic service jumped to $10.62 per month. Coachella Valley Television serves some 35,000 basic subscribers. 3: According to Southern California Gas, during the last 5 years rates have risen in excess of 100%, and according to GTE, telephone rates have risen 60%. In addition to the econoITic considerations outlined to this point, what is and what has Coachella Valley Cable Television been doing for the subscribers of the Valley? PAGE 2 MONTHLY UPDATE AUGUST 1983), cOnt. ement program is ABATENT PROGRAMS: The vehicle aba BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( The onorab1e Robert L. Baier, Mayor September 2, 1983 City of La Quinta Page 2 1: 24 months ago we embarked On an ambitious valley-wide rebuild program aimed at replacing the then existing 12 channel system with a state of the art" 35 channel to 54 channel capable system by year end 1984. Some 5.5 million dollars of capital have already been poured into the rebuild program. The results have ben significant already. At the present time the rebuild has resulted in ren- dering the system throughout the valley at least 29 channel capable with several areas already at the 35 channel to 54 channel level. Programming is already appearing on the additional channels and being marketed through the 29 channel level. See Exhibit C Channel Line-Up" showing what is available now at 29 channels arid what will be available at 35 channels.) The product available flow to subscribers versus the previous 12 channel speaks for itself. FCC author- ization has been applied for to utilize channels 29 and 32. 2: Since coming aboard 18 months ago, our Chief Engineer, Maynard Miller, has directed his efforts toward the single purpose of subscriber oriented field service and response. He has accomplished this with training, recruiting and additional staff and equipment. Our service department and field operations are now manned 24 hours a day, 365 days a year including holidays, enabling us to be as responsive as possible to the needs of our subscribers and our franchising authorities. By employing staggered shifts and confining service and technical personnel to specific zones, we have effectively been able to respond to individual out of service within a 24 hour time frame and most often within hours of the subscribers call. Service outages, affecting three 3) subscribers or more are responded to at any hour, in effect rendering 24 hours a day service to Coachella valley subscribers. staffing increases are made as needed to meet the increasing growth of our subscriber count. 3: Cook Street Facility In 1981 we constructed a new warehouse and service facility to meet the growing needs of our operation as well as cable subscribers. The capital outlay required was $900,000. Candidly, we could outline numerous items not quite as significant as those out- lined above, that are representative of improvement and investment made in recent years, all with the aim of providing a level of service which few can boast. As demonstrated herein, we are on the threshold of achieving that end. To maintaifi this level of excellence necessitates an adjustment in our rates. As you are aware, Coachella Valley Cable Television serves some 35,000 subs- cribers through eight 8) individual franchises. All of them differ somewhat including the provisions spelled out for the process by which the cable operator may make application for and get a rate adjustment. As you can appreciate this become tirne consuming and cumbersome for all concerned, government and operator alike. It is for these reasons that Coachella valley Television has determined to exercise its rightsoutlined under Section 53066.1 a) of Assembly Bill o. 2778, the Laws of the State of California", providing for exemption from local rate regulation. I enclose for your records a copy of our filing with the of PAGE 2 MONTHLY UPDATE AUGUST 1983), cont. ement program is ABATENT PROGIAMS: The vehicle aba BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( The Honorable Robert L. Bajer, Mayor September 2, 1983 City of La Quinta Page 3 Our planned increase October 1st will take our basic service charge to $10.00 per month, an increase of $2.00 per month. When considering the average Coachella valley Cable subscriber purchases $15.59 in monthly services the increase represents a hike of only 12.87. The States deregulation law recognizes that rates are not the paramount issue in the cable television regulatory process. Service, condition of plant, superior facilities, community service, franchise fees, overall responsiveness to the consumer are the issues which get to root of public interest. In July the City of Indjo approved a renegotiated franchise renewal which speaks to these core issues of today's franchising process. It is the product of approximately two years of negotiations with the City of Indio and its consultant, Mr. Carl Pilnick, noted for his franchising work across the country on behalf of municipal and county government. I have taken the liberty of enclosing a copy of this document for your general information. Although our remaining franchises are not due for the renewal process for years, we will be receptive at anytime to negotiate renewal consistent with the substance of the Indio franchise, affording you a much earlier time frame to provide your constituents with a more inclusive franchise document. We have and will continue to take our responsibility to our subscribers and franchise holders very seriously. We believe the minimal niagnitude of the rate increase is reflective of this in the face of statistical data which seezningly could justify a far greater basic rate. In keeping with the spirit of our fran- chises the new rate is directed to a fair and reasonable return We look forward to our continued fine working relationship. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to call. General M ager RCN:mr Enclosure PAGE 2 MONTHLY UPDATE AUGUST 1983), cont. ement program is ABATENT PROGPAMS: The vehicle aba BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Cduncil of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as shown on the Demand/Warrant Register dated September 20, 1983. APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of 1983. MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: PAGE 2 MONTHLY UPDATE AUGUST 1983), cOnt ement program is ABATENT PROGRAMS: The vehicle aba BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( fry MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable yor and MeSs of the City Council From: Sandra L. Bonner, Principal Planner Date: Septrber 20, 1983 Subject: PROPOSED AMEND TO MUNICIPAL LAND USE ORDIWNCE NO.348, AMENDING SECT IS 18.5 and 18.11 REGATNG MINIMUM SIZE OF LLLINGS IN PLNNED RESIDENTIAL DEVFIPME; CITY INITIATED. At the Septrr 13, 1983 hearing, the Planning Corrirnission reviewed the amended version of Section 5(d) of the above mentioned proposed ordinance regarding the pravis ions for granting exceptions to the minimLim dwelling size standards. The CO[rtrLissjon voted 4 to 0 in support of the arrnded version as approved by the City Council. Ore ssioner abstained fr the vote due to potential conflict of interest. SLB:dmv D C.TET V L PAGE 2 MONTHLY UPDATE AUGUST 1983), cont. ement program is ABATENT PROGRAMS: The vehicle aba BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mayor and nbers of the City Council From: Sandra L. Ponner, Principal Planner Date: Septriber 20, 1983 Subject: PCEDURE FOR ERCING ORDINCE AMENDMENT REGRDING FALSE OR MISUING STATES. The following points should be enphasized: Aside fran minor planning approvals, staff does not have the authority to deny an application. The zoning and suodivisioriiaances state that only the Planning Director, Planning Cain'ssion and City Council have the authority to approve or deny use pennits, land divisions, change of zones, variances, major plot plans, specific plans and general plan amendments. Staff can only make recommendations to these decision making bodies. Denial of an application is the last resort", and shall be done only after the applicant continues to refuse to provide the requested information. The requested information must be relevant and pertinent to the determination of whether an application can be approved. o plicants will be notified at the tirr' they suunit a request that they are required to submit clete and accurate information. This will be accomplished by conspicuously stating on the application form that false or misleading information may be grounds for denial of this request. Processing Procedure The following is the general procedure followed by staff in reviewing applications: o Upon receipt of an application, staff reviews the forms and exhibits to ensure that they are clete and accurate. o If additional information or clarification is needed, staff contacts the applicant to discuss the matter and request specific information. Alrrst all applicants corply with staff's request for additional information.) o If the applicant refuses or fails to submit the information, the matter is referred to the department head if not already done so). If the supervisor confirms that the request for information is reasonable and necessary, the applicant is formally notified that the information must PAGE 2 MONTHLY UPDATE AUGUST 1983), cont. ement program is ABATENT PROGRAMS: The vehicle aba BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( STAFF REPO cr CODNCIL septeee 20, l93 Page Two. o If the information is not provided, staff may recaend to the decision- making body denial of the application on the grounds of false or mis- leading information. The applicant is provided with a copy of the staff report prior to the hearing. o At the hearing, the applicant will have the opportunity to present his side of the issue. The decision-making body may determine that the information is not false or misleading and then rule on the case; or, they may determine that the reuest is valid and reasonable and again reguest the applicant to provide the information. If the applicant refuses, they may deny the case. SLB:dm I T4 PAGE 2 MONTHLY UPDATE AUGUST 1983), cont ement program is ABATENT PROGPAMS: The vehicle aba BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA G<Th OF To.' The Hcrab1e Myor and Mers of th City Ccinil rom. Phil Coggins, Bujin9 Official Date SQDt 6, 1983 Subject POPOSED AMENDMET C. 32, SEIO\' 18.40(c), HEIGHT AN LTIC OF AND FmS Q(GRJND Pecently, an application for a peImit to build a 6' high fence on trp of an Dve1axent Deoartr dstin9 reta in*g wall s sLtuoitted to the CoTiTty 77-810 Calle Biloirc Sectio. ne alicants were Mr. & Mrs. Albeft Grjz, a Their lot is located on the nortb-st coner of Cal le Ta1a and Avenida Vrtinez. The existing retajic all in jjestion rs north and south on this lot with the height at the south en being 4'2' ana the hel9bt at the north end bein 26". The applicants originally intended to add the 6' high fence on top of the existing retaln])9 wall, which would result in the north end height being 10'6". After discussing the imtter with the applicants, they reconsidered and requested that a 4' high fence be allowed on top of the retaining wall. The Qlicants explained that they have grandchildren stay with frequently and if they added the 1'l0" height that would ccir1ete the allowable maximum 6' hei9ht, it would create a safety hazard hy not prcvi9 an adequate auardrail. REcME:NDATI Staff recceeeds that SECI'ION 18.40(c) of Orinance NC. 32 be arrnded to read as follows: SDI 18.40 IIS, AND LNDSCAPINC c) The height of w-ls, fences, hodges and andscaping, as &itted, shall be rneured fran the 1ast int of finish grade as defin in Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building e. This wold pro'de staff with a nre pr&cise dfintion of the ordinnce. Staff also re-.Qs that a Subsection e) be aCided to Oance No. 32 to read as fo1lo: PAGE 2 MONTHLY UPDATE AUGUST 1983), cOnt. ement program is ABATENT PROGPAMS: The vehicle aba BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( daroes of this ordincc jl e1ptc the reau-?t 0 aD1icts hvinc. tc fil& for Vciriarce, th rv.h-inTJIT cost of which is $I,200.OC. A-F A TO CL-:LT. CIT LGL.''.L PAGE 2 MONTHLY UPDATE AUGUST 1983), cOnt ement program i ABATENT PROGPAMS: The vehicle aba BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( f-p MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Council Frnm: Frank M. Usher, City Manager Date: September 16, 1983 Subject: Annexation No. 1 At its meeting of September 8, 1983, the Local Area Formation Commission approved La Quinta Annexation No. 1. The next, and final step, in the process is to hold a public hearing to allow landowners and registered voters to file written protests. Substantial support is expected at the hearing because 54% of the registered voters and owners of 58% of the assessed valuation of land have filed petitions favoring annexation to La Quinta. It is recommended that the hearing be held Thursday, October 13, 1983 or Thursday, October 20, 1983, at 7:30 p.m. Adoption of the accompanying resolution is respectfully recommended. FMU/tb PAGE 2 MONTHLY UPDATE AUGUST 1983), cont. ement program is ABATENT PROGRAMS: The vehicle aba BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Nembers of Council From: Frank N. Usher, City Manager Date: September 16, 1983 Subject: Lease Acquisition Agreement The accompanying agreement provides for acquisition of the lease rights held by Mr Edward Hernandez relative to Suite A, 78-105 Calle Estado. The cost is $2,000.00 Which covers acquisition of rights, moving expenses and other incidental business costs incurred by Mr. Hernandez. This space is necessary because of planned staff expansion. Suite A will be the most economical and convenient for this purpose. Approval of the agreement is respectfully recommended. FMU/tb PAGE 2 MONTHLY UPDATE AUGUST 1983), cont. ement program is ABATENT PROGRAMS: The vehicle aba BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 ( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 !( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 "( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 #( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 $( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 %( fl-f MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Council From: Frank M. LJsher, City Manager Date: September 16, 1983 Subject: Claim of Peggie M. Nish Le subject claim was received September 13, 1983 regarding an incident which occurred on September 6, 1983 at 8:30 a.m. On that morning, visibility and weather conditions were good. If, as the claimant indicates, there was a large rock in the roadway on Avenida Bermudas, it is not known if the claimant might have had sufficient opportunity to avoid it. However, the City was not aware of the rock being in the roadway, and subsequent investigation reveals that there are not any large rocks in the paved roadway on Avenida Bermudas. If there was a large rock in the roadway, it may have been placed there by a person or persons unknown to the City. Therefore, the City bears no liability for the situation. It is respectfully recommended that the City Council reject the subject claim. W(J:tb PAGE 2 MONTHLY UPDATE AUGUST 1983), cont ement program is ABATENT PROGRAMS: The vehicle aba BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 &( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 '( RESOLUTION OF THE 49 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 83-55 PROCLAIMING THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 9 THROUGH 15, 1983 FIRE PREVENTION WEEK IN LA QUINTA WHEREAS, the potentiality of fire in La Quinta's dry and warm climate is great at all times, both Indoors and outdoors; and HbREAS, it is the desire of fire prevention and protection a9encies to keep the people of the City of La Quinta ever aware of our fire menace; and liEREAS, these agencies and similar ones throughout Ri'orside County are currently conducting a series of open houses and demonstrations to teach the public how to prevent fires; now therefore, BE iT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, State of California, in regular session assembles on September 20, 1983 that the period from October 9. through 15, 1983 is hereby proclaimed Fire prevention Week in La Quinta" and is urged to participate in the Fire PreventIon programs being conducted in all the local fire stations. A FESiz T K. JY ANAR PAGE 2 MONTHLY UPDATE AUGUST 1983), cont ement program is ABATENT PROGRAMS: The vehicle aba BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 (( f-il AiOF# MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Sandra L. Bonner, Principal Planner Date: September 20, 1983 Subject: FIELD TRIP DROUGHT RESISTANT PLANTS The U. S. Soil Service, in cooperation with the Desert Water Agency, is conducting a study of drought resistant plants see attached Dublication Approximately 70 species of plants are being grown on their test site, which is located adjacent to Desert Water Agency's offices at 1200 5 Bogie Road, Palm Springs. Sam Aslan, the District Conservationist for the Soil Conservation Service, has offered to lead a tour of the site and discuss the plants being tested. Our Planning Commission has set up a tour for September 29 at 3:00 p.m. The tour will take approximately 2 hours. Tf you are interested in the field trip, please contact Donna or myself. SLB dmv PAGE 2 MONTHLY UPDATE AUGUST 1983) cont. ement program is ABATENT PROGRAMS: The vehicle aba BIB] 01-30-1997-U01 10:16:04AM-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02