1983 11 22 CCY7 AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA QUINTA LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency to be held at the La Quinta Community Building, 77-861 Avenida Montezuma, La Quinta, California. November 22, 1983 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Invocation B. Flag Salute 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC COMMENT 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 5. COMMENT FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS 6. HEARINGS A. A joint public hearing regarding the proposed Redevelopment Plan for the La Quinta Redevelopment Project. See attached special agenda) 7. CONSENT CALENDAR 8. BUSINESS SESSION 9. ADJOURNMENT BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7 111483 CwAARl C SPECIAL AGENDA NOTICE JOINT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT November 22, 1983 A Joint Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of La Quinta and the La uinta Redevelopment Agency is scheduled for tonight to consider and act upon the proposed Redevelopment Plan for the La uinta Redevelop- ment Project. The purpose of the hearing is to hear evidence and testimony concerning the adoption of the Redevelopment Plan for the Project. The law requires certain formal procedures for these public hearings. A transcript of the hearing will be made. Following the presentation of evidence by the staff, members of the public and interested persons may speak and testify. If you desire to speak and testify at the public hearing tonight, please fill out the attached form and present it to the City staff representa- tive prior to the opening of the public hearing. This will expedite the proceedings. HoweverZ you may submit a form at any time prior to closure of public testimony and comments. If you require assistance in complet- ing the form please see the designated City staff representative. The Agenda for the public hearing will be as follows: AGENDA JOINT PUBLIC HEARING LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT 1) Opening of Joint Public Hearing 2) Statement of Procedures 3) Staff Presentations 4) Public Testimony, Questions and Comments 5) Agency and Council Deliberations ACTIONS The Redevelopment Agency: Resolution Adopting Report to Council and Authorizing Its Transmittal Resolution re: Use of Funds for Low and Moderate Incorne Housing Outside Project Area Approval of Agreements with Affected Taxing Agencies BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7 111583 Z Z cwAARl2 PROCEDURAL OUTLINE ZOINT PUBLIC ZEARING ON ADOPTION OF REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT PRZECT NOVEMBER 22, 1963 Call to Order MAYOR: This hearing will be called to order. This is a joint session of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and the City Council of the City of La Quinta. The of the Council are also meriibers of the Agency. The purpose of this session is to conduct a joint public hearing to consider and act upon the Redevelopment Plan for the La Quinta Redeveloprient Project. Any and all persons having any objections to the proposed Redevelopment Plan or who deny the existence of blight in the Project Area, or the regularity of the prior proceedings, will be given an opportunity to speak at this public hearing and show cause why the proposed Plan should not be adopted. Persons desiring to speak in favor of the proposed Redeveloprient Plan will also be Zfforded an opportunity to speak. BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7 Roll Call of Council and AZency MAYOR: For the record of this joint public hearing, please call the roll of the members of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency. CITY CLERK Roll Call of Council Members] AGEZCY SECRETARY Roll Call of Agency Members] Introductory Statement Concerning Procedures ZIAYOR: I will now call this joint public hearing open. The state law under which we are acting is the Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California. That law requires that we follow certain procedures, some of them formal, in the conduct of tonights joint public hearing. Notice of this joint public hearing has been published and mailed as required by law. A transcript will be made of the hearing. Persons making statements and giving testimony will be subject to questions through the Chair. All persons desiring to speak will be given an opportunity to do so. 2- BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7MAYOP: On your way in tonight, you should have picked up contZd) an agenda for this joint public hearing. You will notice that attached to the agenda is a map of the Project Area and a form for you to fill in your name, address and any organization who you are representing, and a place to check whether you wish to speak or have a question con- cerning the Redevelopment Plan. If you plan to speak tonight, would you please fill out that form and give it to the City staff representative now, if you have not done so already. Everyone who wishes to speak will be given the opportunity to do so. When you speak, please give your nanie, address and the organization, if any, you represent and whether you own or rent property in the Project Area. Please refer to the Redevelopment Plan Map to determine whether your property is inside th& Project Area. Please see the City staff representative if you have any questions as to whether you are inside the Project boundary or not. The presentation tonight will be Tflade by the following staff and consultants: 3- BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7MAYOR: Agency Report to City Council: contZd) Allan A. Robertson, Katz, Hollis, Coren 8 Associates, Inc. Planning and Financial Consultant Frank Z. Usher, City Manager, City of La Zuinta and Executive irector, La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Redevelopinent Plan: Allan A. Robertson, KZtzZ Hollis, Coren Z Associates, Inc. Planning and Financial Consultant The following additional staff and consultants will be available to answer questions and/or to provide additional infortation as necessary: Staff: Sandy Bonner, Planner, City of La Quinta Consultants: Stradling, Yocca, Carison 8 Rauth, Agency Special Legal Counsel 4- BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7MAYOR: Consultants: Zcont.) contZd) Lawrence J. Arceneaux, Financial ConsultantZ Katz, Hollis, Coren & Associates, Inc., Planning and Financial Consultant WilliZm Zayer, LSA, Inc., Environmental Consultant MAYOR: Our order of procedure tonight will be as follows: 1. Agency consultants and staff will present: 1) thZ Agency's Report to City Council on the Redevelopment Plan; 2) the Redevelopment Plan itself; and 3) other evidence and testimony in sup- port of the Redevelopment Plan. 2. Next we will receive any written coZents. 3. We will then receive any evidence or oral testimony from those present concerning the Redevelopment Plan. 4. Following the introduction of all evidence and testimony tonight, and upon the conclu- sion of the hearing, we will consider and act upon all objections and then act on the Rede- velopment Plan and related motions and reso- lutions. Does the Agency's special legal counsel have any comments he desires to make at this time? S- BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7 Statement of FlndinZs for Adoption of Redevelopment Plan SPECIAL LEGAL Thank you, Mr. Mayor. As the Zayor has Indicated COUNSEL: indicated, the purpose of this hearing is to con- sider evidence and testimony for and against the adoption of the Redevelopment Plan. Evidence will be introduced for consideration by the City Council and the Agency in connection with the following findings and determinations that will be made in the adoption of an Ordinance adopting the Redevelopment Plan. These findings and de- terminations are contained in Section 33367 of the Zealth and Safety Code and are generally as follows: 1. The Project Zrea meets the legal qualifica- tions set forth by the State Legislature for a blighted area, the redevelopment of which is necessary to effectuate the public purposes described in the Community Redevelopment Law. 2. The Redevelopment Plan would redevelop the Project Area in conformity with the law and in the interests of the public peace, health, safety and welfare. 6- BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7SPECIAL LEGAL 3. The adoption and carrying out of the Redevel- COUZSEL: opment Plan is economically sound and feasible contZd) 4. The Redevelopment Plan conforms to the General Plan of the City. 5. The carrying out of the Redevelopment Plan would promote the public peace, health, safety and welfare of the community and would effec- tuate the purposes and policies of the CorZun- ity Redevelopment Law. 6. The condemnation of real property, as provided for on a qualified basis in the Redevelopment Plan, is necessary to the execution of the Redevelopment Plan, and adequate provisions have been made for payment for properties to be acquired as provided by law. Eminent domain may not be used by the Agency to ac- quire residentially zoned property for pri- vate development purposes without the owner's written consent.) 7- BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7SPECIAL LEGAL 7. The Redevelopment Agency has a feasible method COUZSEL: or plan for the relocation of families or per- contZd) sons displaced from the Project Area if the Redevelopment Plan may result in the temporary or permanent displacements of any occupants of housing facilities in the Project Area. 8. There are or are being provided within the Project Area or within other areas not gener- ally less desirable with regard to public utilities and public and commercial facili- ties, at rents or prices within the financial means of the families and persons who may be displaced from the Project Area, decent, safe, and sanitary dwellings equal in number to the number of and available to such dis- placed families and persons and reasonably accessible to their places of employment. 9. Inclusion of any lands, buildings or improve- inents which are not detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare is necessary for the effective redevelopment of the whole area of which they are a part, and any such area included is necessary for effective redevelop- 8- BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7SPECIAL LEGAL ment and is not Included for the purpose of COUNSEL: obtaining the allocation of tax increment contZd) revenues from such area without other substan- stantial justification for its inclusion. 10. The elimination of blight and redevelopment of the Project Area could not reasonably be expected to be accomplished by private enter- prise acting alone without the aid and assis- sistance of the Redevelopment Agency. MAYOR: Ze will now proceed with the receipt of evidence and testimony. Surynary of AgencyZs Report to Council PLANNING AZD Mr. Mayor, I would like to begin by referring to FINANCIAL and briefly summarizing pertinent parts of the CONSULTANT: Report of the Agency to the City Council, which Robertson) is the basic supporting documentation for the Redevelopment Plan and the Ordinance which will adopt the Redevelopment Plan. Since this Report has been previously submitted to and reviewed by the Agency and the Council and has been available BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7PLANNING AN[) for public inspection, I will only cover certain FINANCIAL pertinent parts of the Report in detail. My tes- CONSULTANT: timony will also supplement the facts contained in contZd) the Report and will be considered as part of the Report. Major Sections of the Report Reads following Major Sections] 1. Reasons for Selection of the Project Area. 2. escription of Conditions: a. General b. Physical c. Land Use d. Economic e. Social 3. Method of Financing. 4. Method or Plan for Relocation 5. Analysis of the Preliminary Plan 6. Report and Recomnendations of the Planning Commission. 7. Citizen Participation. 2. Report of the County Fiscal Officer. 9. Fiscal Review Committee Report 10. Neighborhood Impact Report 10- BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y 7PLANNING AZD 11. Agency Analysis of County Fiscal Cfficer Re- FINANCIAL Report arid Summary of Consultations with Tax- CONSULTANT: Taxing Agencies. contZd) I will now to summarize the bZighting influences found in the Project Area. Robertson and Usher suZnarize Blight Influences within Project Area.] ZZYOR: Persons desiring to question the legal counsel, staff or consultants on any of their evidence, through the Chair, will have an opportunity to do so when we ask for public comments. At this time, are there any questions by members of the Council or the Agency? Questions by Members of Council and Agency] $ZYOR: If there are no objections, the Report of the Agency, including the Report and Recommendations of the Planning Commission, will be rnade a part of the record, along with the testimony and documents we have just received. 11- BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7MAYOR: Redevelopment Plan Mr. Robertson will row refer to and briefly summarize the Redevelopment Plan. PLANNZNG AND FINANCIAL Reviews Redevelopment Plan] CONSULTANT: Robertson) MAYOR: Are there any question by meZbers of the Council or the Agency on the proposed Redevelopment Plan? Questions by Zernbers of Council and Agency] MAYOR: If there are no objectionsZ the proposed Redevel- opment Plan will be made a part of the record. ZZner Participation and Preferences Rules AGENCY EXECUTIVE To complete the documents at this time, I would DIRECTOR: like to have entered into the record the Rules Usher) Governing Participation and Preferences By Prop- erty Owners and Business Occupants in the La Quinta Redevelopment Project, as said Rules have been adopted by the Redeveloprient Agency. 12- BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7 These rules have previously been made available to the City Council and have also been available for public inspection. Are there any questions by members of the Council or the Agency concerning this Document? Questions by Members of Council and Agency] MAYOR: If there are no objections, the Rules Governing Participation and Preferences By Property Owners and Business Occupants as adopted by the Redevel- opment Agency, will be made a part of the record. Written Comments MAYOR: If there are any written corirrents received on the Redevelopment Plan, they will be placed into the record at this time. After the written comments have been read into the record, we will begin taking oral questions and testirnony. All those who wish to speak, either in favor or in opposition to the Redevelopment Plan, or just to ask questions, should fill out and sub- 13- BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7 mit to the City Clerk the form attached to the Agenda. If you wish to speak and you have not yet submitted this form, you may do so while the written comments are being read into the record. Will the City Clerk proceed to read the letters received concerning the Redevelopment Plan? CITY CLERK: Reads into Record any Written Comments Received] Staff and/or Consultant Responses] Oral Testimony, Statements, and Zuestions MAYOR: We will now hear any statements, testimony, or questions from the audience. Please begin your statement by giving your name, address, and the organization, if any, you represent, and whether you own or rent property within the Project Area. Any and all persons having objections to the pro- posed Redevelopment Plan or who deny the existence of blight in the Project Area, or the regularity of any of the prior proceedings, may speak now and show cause why the proposed RedeveloprZent Plan should not be adopted. You have an opportun- 14- BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7 ity, if you desire, to question staff and consul- tants through the Chair. Will the City Clerk please calZ the names of the persons who have submitted forms to speak? Oral Testimony, Statements, and Questions] Staff and/or Consultant Responses] Any Further Oral Testimony MAYOR: oes anyone else desire to make a statement or present testimony concerning the Redevelopment Plan? Additional Oral Testimony] Staff and/or Consultant Responses] Close of Hearing MAYOR: Are there any final questions by members of the Council or the Agency? Questions by Zembers of Council and Agency] lE- BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7MAYOR: If there is no further testimony or evidence to be received, the Chair will entertain a rnotion to close this hearing. Motion to Close Hearing on Redevelopment Plan] MAYOR: This joint public hearing of the City Council and CorrZnunity Redevelopment Agency is closed. Community Redevelopment Agency in Session CHAIRMAZ: The Agency, in session, will now consider and act on the matters before it. CHAIRMAN: 1. A resolution approving its report on the Rede- contZd) velopment Plan to the City Council. Will the City Clerk please read the title of the reso- lution? Action on resolution by Agency] 2. A resolution finding that the use of taxes allocated from the Project for the purpose of improving and increasing the communityZs supply 16- BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7 of low and moderate income housing outside the Project Area will be of benefit to the Project. Will the City Clerk please read the title of the resolution? Z Z;Z * k>ZZ> /2 Z`> Z<) ZAction of resolution by Agency] CHAIRMAN: 3. Agreement(s) with Riverside County and other A affected taxing agencies. Mr. Usher, will Q you explain theZe agreements? Z Usher explains agreement(s)) Action on agreement(s) by Agency) CHAIRMAN: 4. Approval of Change(s) to the Redevelopment Plan. Mr. Usher, will you please explain these changes? Usher explains changes] Action on change(s) by Agency) Z 1/ 4 Agency Adjourns) I I City Council in Session MAYOR: The City Council, in session, will now consider and act on the matters before it. 1. Resolutions with regard to the Project Environmental Impact Report. Action on resolution by City Council] 17- BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7 a) Resolution adopting a statement of overriding considerations. WiZ1 the City Clerk please read the title of the resolution? Action on resolution by City Council] MAYOR: b) Resolution adopting a statement of findings and facts. Action on resolution by City Council] MAYOR: 2. Agreement(s) with Riverside County and other affected taxing agencies. Mr. Usher, will you explain those agreements? Usher explains agreement(s)] Action on agreements by City Council] MAYOR: 3. A resolution passing on written and oral ob- jections to the Redevelopment Plan. Will the I. City CpunZiZ please read the title of the resolution? fAction on resolution by City Council) 18- BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7MAYOR: 4. A resolution finding that the use of taxes allocated from the Project for the purpose of improving and increasing the community's supply of low and moderate income housing outside the Project Area will be of benefit to the Project. Will the City Clerk please read the title of the resolution? Adoption of resolution by City Council] MAYOR: 5. Approval of Change(s) to the Redevelopment Plan. Mr. Usher, will you please explain these changes. Usher explains changes] Action on changes by Council] MAYOR: 6. The Ordinance approving and adopting the Redevelopment Plan. Will the City Clerk please read the title of the Ordinance? First reading of ordinance approving and adopting Redevelopment Plan) Council Adjourns] 19- BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y 7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y!7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y"7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y#7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y$7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y%7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y&7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y'7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y(7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y)7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y*7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y+7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y,7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y-7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y.7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y/7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y07 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y17 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y27 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y37 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y47 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y57 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y67 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02 Y77 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 03:34:50PM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 22-U02 1983-U02