1997 07 01 CCing -> 14b City Council Agenda CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER 78-495 CalIe Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Regular Meeting July 1, 1997-3:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER a. Pledge of Allegiance Beginning es. No.97-52 b. Roll Call Ord. No.305 PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled for public hearing. Please complete a request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. Please watch the timing device on the podium. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Approval of Minutes of June 3, June 17 & June 8, 1997. ANNOUNCEMENTS OOOD?O1 BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bPRESENTATIONS WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF THE LA QUINTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REQUEST FOR FUNDING FOR FISCAL YEAR 1997/98 CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $162,200. A) MINUTE ORDER ACTION. 2. CONSIDERATION OF DESIGN CONCEPTS FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO FRITZ BURNS PARK. A) MINUTE ORDER ACTION. CONSENT CALENDAR Note: Consent Calendar Items are considered to be routine in nature and will be approved by one motion. 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED JULY 1, 1997. 2. APPROVAL OF OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE DIRECTOR OF BUILDING AND SAFETY TO ATTEND THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS' ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETiNG IN PHOENIX, ARIZONA, SEPTEMBER 2225, 1997. 3. APPROVAL OF NEW TITLE, CLASSIFICATION AND JOB DESCRIPTION FOR CHANGING PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR TO COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR. 4. APPROVAL OF SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT IN THE 0CM LITIGATION WITH: 1) ALPINE BANKS, 2) STOCKTON SAVINGS, AND 3) SAN DIEGO POOLED INVESTMENT PROGRAM AUTHORITY. 5 APPROVAL OF PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION FISCAL YEAR 1997/98 WORK PLAN. 6. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION PROVIDING WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE FOR CERTAIN CITY VOLUNTEERS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 3363.5 OF THE LABOR CODE. 000002 Page 2- BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b 7. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE SENIOR MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT TO ATTEND THE MUNICIPAL MANAGEMENT ASSISTANTS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ANNUAL CONFERENCE IN VENTURA, AUGUST 6-8, 1997. 8. APPROVAL OF ADDING THE PROPOSED TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT HIGHWAY 111 AND HOME DEPOT TO THE CALTRANSICITY OF LA QUINTA ALTERNATIVE ELECTRICAL AGREEMENT NO. 11-5172. 9. APPROVAL OF THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH CVAG FOR THE ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH STUDY TITLED VIDEO-OUTREACH." 10. APPROVAL OF A LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION TO PURCHASE VIDEO CAMERAS AND TO PAY FOR INCREASED PATROL TIMES DURING HIGH ACTIVITY PERIODS. 11. APPROVAL OF RFP PROCESS TO PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT SERVICES. 12. APPROVAL OF RFP PROCESS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO PROVIDE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT INSPECTION. 13. APPROVAL OF A FINAL MAP, SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT, AND REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT FOR TRACT 28470-1, THE TRADITION," TRADITION CLUB, L.L.C. STUDY SESSION None REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF MAY 21, 1997 B. CVAG COMMITTEE REPORTS C. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WORKSHOP/INFORMATION EXCHANGE COMMITTEE HENDERSON) D. C. V. MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT E. C. V. MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY SNIFF) F. C. V. REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY HENDERSON) G. PALM SPRINGS DESERT RESORTS CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU HOLT) H. PALM SPRINGS DESERT RESORTS AIRLINE SERVICES COMMITTEE HENDERSON) I RIVERSIDE COUNTY FREE LIBRARY ADVISORY COMMITTEE HENDERSON) J. RIVERSIDE COUNTY LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD K. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCYISUNLINE SERVICES GROUP ADOLPH) OO()OiL?3 Page 3- BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b DEPARTMENT REPORTS A. CITY MANAGER 1. RESPONSES TO PUBLIC COMMENT B. CITY ATTORNEY NONE C. CITY CLERK NONE D. BUILDING AND SAFETY DIRECTOR NONE E. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR NONE F. FINANCE DIRECTOR NONE G. PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR NONE H. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR NONE I. SHERIFF'S STATION COMMANDER MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS RECESS TO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING RECESS UNTIL 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled for a public hearing. Please complete a request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. Please watch the timing device on the podium. PRESENTATIONS PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. VACATION NO.97-034 A PORTION OF AVENIDA OBREGON RIGHT-OF-WAY AT THE INTERSECTION OF AVENIDA MONTEZUMA. H) RESOLUTION ACTION. 000004 Page 4- BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b2. WEED ABATEMENTS/LOT CLEANINGS AND PLACEMENT OF COSTS ON THE 1998/99 TAX ROLLS. A. ADORADOR, MARIA APN 646-311-033 $187.50 B. TOLTEC CONSTRUCTION APN 769-077-005 $375.00 C. MARTINEZ, JOHN APN 774-072-013 $187.50 D. OVERSTREET, EMILY APN 773-062-025 $187.50 E. COX, WILLIAM J. APN 773-065-004 $187.50 F. MARTIN, WILLIAM & SUE APN 769-153-001 $375.00 G. PATTON, JAMES & EILEEN APN 773-215-014 $187.50 H. FAUSTO,MARYL. APN774-141-018 $187.50 A) RESOLUTION ACTION. 3. WASHINGTON STREET SPECIFIC PLAN 87-011 AMENDMENT #2. VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 27031 TIME EXTENSION, SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 97-605, AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 97-339 TO ALLOW A 212,085 50. FT. COMMERCIAL BUILDING ON 13.39 ACRES LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND LA QUINTA CENTER DRIVE. APPLICANTS: CITY OF LA QUINTA. APOLLO INC., AND EAGLE HARDWARE AND GARDEN. A) RESOLUTION ACTION. 4. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 28489 AN APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO UPHOLD THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR'S APPROVAL OF A FOUR-LOT DEVELOPMENT WITH LOTS GREATER THAN 11,961 SQ. FT. ON THE NORTH SIDE OF HERMITAGE, APPROXIMATELY 900 EAST OF INTERLACHEN AND 800 WEST OF RIVIERA ABUTTING THE JACK NICKLAUS PRIVATE GOLF COURSE IN PGA WEST. APPELLANT: COACHELLA VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT. APPLICANT: KSL LAND CORPORATION. A) RESOLUTION ACTION. CLOSED SESSION NOTE. PERSONS IDENTIFIED AS NEGOTIATING PARTIES WHERE THE CITY IS CONSIDERING ACQUISITION OF THEIR PROPERTY ARE NOT INVITED INTO THE CLOSED SESSION MEETING. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(a) REGARDING ONGOING LITIGATION DR. TYNBERG EMINENT DOMAIN CASE NO. 088851. 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(c) CONCERNING POTENTIAL LITIGATION ONE CASE). 3. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(a) REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION STAMKO DEVELOPMENT CO., CASE NO. INC. 000492. Page 5- 0000135 BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b4. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(a REGARDING ONGOING LITIGATION COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CASE NO. INC 002131. ADJOURNMENT DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Saundra L. Juhola, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the City Council meeting of July 1, 1997 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin board at the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce and at Albertson's, 78-630 Highway 111, on Friday, June 27, 1997. City of La Quinta, California PUBLIC NOTICE The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's Office at 777-7025, 24-hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. Page 6- OOOOG BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bJuly 1, 1997 City of La Quinta Attn: City Council 78-945 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Supervisors, Mayors and Council Members: We are writing this letter to you on behalf of the organization to which I am President of, the Desert Contractors' Association. This organization represents a constituency of approximately 40-50 thousand people which rely on construction for their livelihood. Our business is construction and development within the Coachella Valley. Currently, our membership is concerned with the impending legal activities that have recently arisen involving the City of La Quinta, City of Indio and the County of Riverside. Our primary concern in this matter is the delay of construction and potential loss of jobs related to such that escalates with each day these actions continue. The Eastern Coachella Valley is tied together by common interests, people and businesses that should be working together to build a strong economy. Instead, what we see occurring is a large expense paid by tax payer dollars) to fight over who will win this latest political battle. We have come here today to let you know that if the Auto Dealers in Indio want to move to the I- 10 freeway or to La Quinta, we support these moves. Free enterprise and fair competition, which makes this Valley strong, should?d be the only issue we should be concerning ourselves with. Lawsuits, legal maneuvering and political gamesmanship should not over-shadow common sense and sound business judgement for the good of the overall Eastern Valley. DCA urges you to discontinue the legal bickering and come to the table prepared to bring about a fair resolution. We are in no way porn ting fingers or blaming any one entity. We are searching for leadership that will end this potential,.tial barrier to future development in the East Valley. Thank you for your consideration, Dennis Chappell, President Desert Contractors' Association cc City Council City of Indio Board of Supervisors County of Riverside BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b JL'L 1 2 July 1,1997 Mayor Glenda Holt and City Council City of La Quinta 78-495 CalIe Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Honorable Mayor Holt and City Councilmembers: This letter is being written at the direction of City Council pursuant to action taken during closed session on July 1, 1997. Protracted litigation between neighboring cities is costly, contra productive, and can only lead to an irremediable breakdown in relationships between neighbors. It is the City of lndio's view that continuing upon the present course will only serve to escalate matters at the expense of the citizens and taxpayers of lndio, La Quinta and Riverside County. It is from this prospective that the City of lndio would like to extend the following offer of compromise. This proposal is conceptual in nature, however, lndio believes that it can serve as the foundation upon which can be built a house of accommodation so as to allow both the La Quinta auto mall and its own to proceed without the interference of either city in the affairs of the other: 1. lndio, La Quinta and Stamko dismiss all of their court actions relating to the proposed auto malls in lndio and La Quinta, and 2. lndio, La Quinta and Stamko agree not to sue the other or the County of Riverside, and let both these projects proceed, and 3. lndio and La Quinta agree not to interfere, directly or indirectly, with the development of the other's auto mall. The City of lndio encourages the City of La Quinta and Stamko to meet in good faith settlement discussions. In order to create a climate more conducive to settlement and remove any artificial deadlines placed upon any party by the courts, lndio is prepared to stipulate a standstill" to all current litigation. Sincerely, Allyn S. Waggle City Mana?er ASWIec cc: Mayor Jeffrey J. Holt 000008 Indio City Councilmembers lndio City Attorney CIm' OF INDIO 100 CIVIC CENTER MALL. P0. DRAWER 17S-? INDIO. CA 92202 DEPARTMENT TELEPI lONE NUMBERS, ALL IN 619 AREA CODE CITh' CLERK 342-6570* CITY MANAGER 342-655.0* COMMU:\ITY DEVELOPMIENTJ?EDEVELOPMENT 342-6500 FINANCE 342-6561.). FIRE 347-0756* HUMAN RESOURCES 342-6540. POLICE 347-?.522 & FAX 347-4317 PUBLIC SERVICES/ENGINEERING 342?h-530 * CITY HALL FAX 342-6556* CITY YARD 347-1055 BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b 0 OF AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: July 1, 1 997 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of the La Quinta Chamber of PUBLIC HEARING: Commerce Request for Funding Fiscal Year 1997-98 Contract Services Agreement in the Amount of $162,200 RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the City Council. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The 1997-98 Fiscal Year Preliminary Budget includes $162,200 in General Fund Economic Development, Contract Services for this contract. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: City staff met with representatives of the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce in May and June 1997 to discuss the Chamber's contract proposal for Fiscal Year 1997-98. The Chamber formalized its request in a proposal dated June 6,1997 Attachment No.1). As submitted, the Chamber is requesting $162,200 in support of the following services: Newsletter $48,700 Mainstreet Marketplace $21,000 Visitors Information Center $57,000 Economic Development/Business Retention $35,500 TOTAL $162,200 Using last year's contract as a starting point, staff has incorporated the Chamber's proposal into the Fiscal Year 1997-98 Contract and Scope of Services Attachment No.2). The proposed Contract Services Agreement is being submitted to the Council for formal consideration. BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: July 1, 1997 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: Consideration of Design Concepts for STUDY SESSION: Improvements to Fritz Burns Park PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Approve the design concept for Fritz Burns Park improvements I Authorize staff to proceed with the preparation of final construction drawings and bid documents. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The 1996/97 CIP budget has identified funding for the first four prioritized projects of the approved Park Improvements Prioritized List as follows: Community Project Fund $ 32,186.00 Infrastructure $114.411.00 Total $146,597.00 BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: During the December 1 7, 1996 City Council Meeting, the City Council considered a recommended prioritized list of Park Improvements forwarded through the Parks and Recreation Commission. There was considerable discussion regarding the proposed public pool at the Fritz Burns Park. The City Council directed staff to set aside $518,000 for the possibility of the proposed public pool construction and postpone proceeding with the proposed public pool until City staff is able to obtain a commitment from another agency or private firm for the maintenance and operation of the proposed public pool. A revised list of prioritized projects was brought before the City Council on January 21, 1997. During that meeting, the City Council made further revisions to the list as follows: 1. Move the playground equipment at the Fritz Burns Park from Priority No.12 to Priority No.1. OOOO4?9 BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b! NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b" NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b# NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b$ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b% 1 OF AGENDA CATEGORY BUSINESS SESSION COUNCIL?DA MEETING DATE: JULY 1, 1997 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM TiTLE: STUDY SESSION Demand Register Dated July 1, 1997 PUBLIC HEARING RECOMMENDA?ION: Approve Demand Register Dated July 1, 1997 BAcK?RQU ND: Prepaid Warrants: 29482- 29495? 83,029.75 29496- 29507 39,014.25 29508- 29509? 317,911.20 Wire Transfers? 60,250.00 PR 16069-16145 76,219.84 P/? Tax Transfers? 22,210.50 CITYDEMANDS $705,909.42 Payable Warrants: 29510 29614?? 189,803.25 RDA DEMANDS 82,529.37 $788,438.79 $788,438.79 FISCAL IMPLW??ONS: Demand of Cash City $705,909.42 Joh M Falconer FiAanceD7rector 090937 BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b) NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b* NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b+ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b, NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b- NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b/ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b0 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b1 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b2 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b4 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b5 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b6 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b9 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b: NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b; c1? 0 z AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL?DA MEETING DATE: July 1, 1997 CONSENT CALENDAR: z ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: Approval of Overnight Travel for the Director of Building and PUBLIC HEARING: Safety to Attend the International Conference of Building 0fficials? Annual Business Meeting in Phoenix, AZ September 22-25, 1 997 RECOMMENDATION: Approve the overnight travel for the Director of Building and Safety to attend the International Conference of Building Officials' Annual Business Meeting. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The costs associated with the attendance at the meeting will be funded through the Building and Safety Administration Travel and Training fund, account # 101-351-637- 0O0.The breakdown of estimated expenditures for this seminar are as follows: * Registration $ 325 * Meals 100 * Lodging 250 * Transportation 75 Total $ 750 BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: AB 717 which was recently passed by the State of California, requires that Building Department personnel receive 45 hours of continuing education every three years. Attendance at the Annual Business Meeting is an efficient and cost effective means of meeting this mandate. Please see Attachment 1 for the tentative program. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council are: 1. Approve the overnight travel for the Director of Building and Safety to attend the International Conference of Building Officials' Annual Business Meeting; 2. Deny the request for overnight travel. OOOO5? Tom Hartung, Direct of Building & Safety BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b< NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b= NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b>a,,,\r41??? AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: July 1, 1997 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Approval ofNew Title, Classification and Job Description for changing Parks & Recreation PUBLIC HEARING: Director to Community Services Director RECOMMENDATION: Approve the title of Community Services Director, approve the department change to Community Services Department, approve the new job description, and increase the compensation to Range 71. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The salary range is increased 7.5%. However, the position will be vacant for sever? months during recruitment, therefore, there will be no additional cost for Fiscal Year 1997/1998. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Currently, the City's Parks & Recreation Director position is vacant. To more accurately reflect the current and anticipated future needs of the community and the organization, it is recommended that the title be changed to Community Services Director and the title of the department be changed to Community Services Department. Duties that have been added are: * Library services * Newsletter and Publications * Transit Operations * Cable TV Operations Attachment No. is an updated job description with all changes highlighted. To compensate for the additional duties and responsibilities, it is recommended that the Classification Range change from 68 $4,300-5,226) to Range 71 $4,627-5,625). 000062 BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b? NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b@ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bA NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bB NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bC C. 0 GP.4oF AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COIJNCIL?DA MEETING DATE: July 1 1997 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIILE: STUDY SESSION: Approval of Settlement and Release PUBLIC HEARING: Agreements with 1 Alpine Banks; 2) Stockton Savings; and 3) San Diego Pooled Investment Program Authority RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the Settlement and Release Agreements based on Council's prior settlement negotiation authorization. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: City will receive $47,000. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: This matter concerns part of the liquidation of the Steven Wymer estate. The parties concerned are described in the attached letters from Stradling, Yocca, Carlson & Rauth. All of the settlements are within the settlement authority previously authorized by Council in direction to Mr. Cannon of SYC&R. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES 1. Approval of the Settlement and Release Agreements. N C. HONEYWELL, City Attorn City of La Quinta, California U 000067 BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bD NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bE NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bF NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bG NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bH NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bI NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bJ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bK NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bL NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bM NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bN NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bO NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bP NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bQ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bR NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bS NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bT NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bU NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bV NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bX NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bZ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b[ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b\ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b] NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b^ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b` NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14ba NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bb NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bc NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bd NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14be NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bf NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bg NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bh 7 AGENDA CATEGORY: 4OFW? BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: July 1, 1997 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: Approval of Parks & Recreation Commission PUBLIC HEARING: 1 997-98 Work Plan RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 1 997-98 Parks & Recreation Commission Work Plan. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: There is no fiscal implication for approval of the Work Plan, however funds are needed to implement some projects within the Work Plan. These funds have been addressed in the Fiscal Year 1 997-98 budget. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Parks & Recreation Commission determines its projects through the use of a City Council approved Work Plan. Within the Work Plan, projects are outlined and priorities are established. The current Plan was approved by the City Council in November 1 996. On June 3, 1 997 the City Council reviewed and made some additions to the 1 997-98 Work Plan, and returned it to the Parks and Recreation Commission for review. The Parks & Recreation Commission reviewed and approved the additions to the Work Plan at its June 1 9, 1 997 Commission meeting. A copy of the 1 997-98 Work Plan is attached Attachment 1) for consideration by the City Council. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES The alternatives available to the City Council are: 1. Approve the 1 997-98 Parks & Recreation Commission Work Plan; 2. Do not approve the 1 997-98 Parks & Recreation Commission Work Plan; 3. Make further recommendations to the 1997-98 Parks & Recreation Commission Work Plan and direct the Commission to implement them. TOM HARTU INTERIM PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR Attachment 1: 1997-98 Parks & Recreation Commission Work Plan 000104 C:\MyData\CRISTAL\CC. 003 wpd BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bi NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bk NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bl NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bm NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bn NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bo NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bp NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bqt BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14br NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bs NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bt OF AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: July 1, 1997 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Authorization for Overnight Travel for the Senior Management Assistant to Attend the Municipal PUBLIC HEARING: Management Assistants of Southern California Annual Conference in Ventura, California, August 6 8, 1 997 RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the overnight travel for the Senior Management Assistant to attend the Municipal Management Assistants of Southern California Annual Conference in Ventura, California on August 6 8, 1 997. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The approximate cost for the conference is $450 which includes meals, lodging, and the conference cost. Funds have been budgeted and are available in the Fiscal Year 1997-98 Budget, Account #101-1 53-637-000. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Annual Conference of the Municipal Management Assistants of Southern California provides additional training and information sharing, as well as professional development opportunities. The programs have been developed with a focus on topics that will provide information and skills that can be utilized by the attendees. A brief announcement is attached showing topics to be presented at the Annual Conference. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The options available to the Council include: 1. Approve the request for overnight travel; or 2. not approve the request for overnight travel. OO??ii? BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bu NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bv o?z *?? OF AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL?DA MEETING DATE: July 1, 1997 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: Approval of adding the Proposed Traffic STUDY SESSION: Signal at Highway 111 and Home Depot to the Caltrans/City of La Quinta Alternative Electrical PUBLIC HEARING: Agreement #11-5172 RECOMMENDATION: Approve Amendment No.1 to the Alternative Electrical Agreement #11-5172 adding the signal at Home Depot and Highway 111 to the City of La Quinta/Caltrans Maintenance Agreement List. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Under the original agreement dated March 13, 1992, between the City and Caltrans, the City will pay 100% of the electrical charges, and Caltrans will pay 100% of the Maintenance and Operation costs for all shared traffic signals. The additional cost to the City is approximately $180.00 per month in electrical charges, totalling approximately $2,160.00 per year. Under the provisions of Proposition 218, no new projects may be added to the Landscape and Lighting Assessments. Therefore, this amount is being budgeted as part of the electrical utilities account in Public Works Department General Fund 101- 454-627-619). BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: During the January 21, 1992 City Council Meeting, the City Council entered into an agreement with Caltrans for the maintenance, operation, and electrical charges for City/State shared traffic signals. This agreement stipulated that the City would pay 1 00% of the electrical energy costs, and the State would pay 100% of the Operation and Maintenance costs. The signals included under the original agreement are as follows: Highway 111 at Dune Palms Road Highway 111 at Adams Street Highway 111 at La Quinta Center Drive Highway 111 at Simon Drive Highway 111 at Washington Street ooo11? 7\?7O?O 1 BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bw NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14by NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bz NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b A' AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: July 1, 1997 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Authorize the Mayor and City Manager to Execute the Memorandum of Understanding PUBLIC HEARING: with Coachella Valley Association of Governments for the Advanced Transportation Research Study titled Video-Outreach" RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor and City Manager to execute the Memorandum of Understanding with Coachella Valley Association of Governments for performing an Advanced Transportation Research Study titled Video-Outreach". FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: $4,000 has been budgeted in Fiscal Year 1997/98 Account No.101-153-635-000 Utilities Telephone) for the estimated telephone utility charges. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The project is designed to test the use of video conferencing as an alternative to traveling to a central location for meetings and/or training. This regional demonstration project will provide data for assumptions and behavioral changes necessary to increase the reduction of trips on Southern California's roadways for Southern California Association of Governments SCAG). The information provided to SCAG will assist in the modification of the transportation models that support the formulation of the Regional Transportation Plan, the Regional Transportation Improvement Plan and the Air Quality Management Plan. The Coachella Valley Association of Governments CVAG) is primarily responsible for the project locally. The individual entities that participate will be responsible for maintaining the equipment and providing space for the video conferencing. The City of La Quinta's designated meeting spaces will be; the Study Session Room, Council Chambers, West Conference Room City Manager' Office) and the North Conference Room Public Works and Community Development). Equipment that already exists in the City will be utilized for the program. 000123. BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: July 1, 1997 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Approval of a Loc?l Law Enforcement Block Grant PUBLIC HEARING: Application to Purchase Video Cameras and to Pay for Increased Patrol Times During High Activity Periods RECOMMENDATION: Approve the application for the Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program to purchase video cameras and to pay for increased patrol times during high activity periods. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: This grant program involves formula funds and both the grant amount and the City's required match are set by the federal government. Based on that, the grant application is for $28,475 and the City's match is $3,164 for a total program fund of $31,639. There are funds budgeted within the Fiscal Year 1997-98 Preliminary Budget under Police Services, Account No.101-301-609-575 Special Enforcement Funds) to pay for this match. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Omnibus Fiscal Year 1997 Appropriations Act Public Law 104-208) authorizes the Director of the Bureau of Justice BJA) to make funds available to units of local government under the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant LLEBG) Program for the purpose of reducing crime and improving public safety. The City applied for a grant under the LLEBG program last year and is currently implementing that grant award by purchasing radar units and paying for increased patrol times. Based on a recommendation from the La Quinta Police Chief, Captain Ron F. Dye, the City is proposing to submit an LLEBG grant application to purchase video cameras for each patrol car and to pay for increased patrol times during high activity periods Attachment No.1). The BJA is utilizing modem or computer disc application forms so there is no application form for the Council to review; however, a computer, force-printed form is attached for reference Aftachment No.2). The actual grant application is a simple one page form with check off' boxes that is downloaded by the BJA from a modem or disc and printed on their forms. The hieroglyphics on Attachment No.2 will not appear when BJA prints the form. OOO13? BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b Jaj?,I,'.,kIIM'f*? s&#1?&nn? A'OF?? AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: July 1, 1997 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: Approval of the RFP Process to Provide STUDY SESSION: Construction Management and Administrative Support Services PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: * Approve the Consultant Selection Committee as recommended. * Approve the Request for Proposals for Construction Management and Administrative Support Services. * Authorize staff to receive proposals from qualified firms. * Authorize staff to negotiate terms of a Professional Services Agreement with the most qualified firm, as determined by the Consultant Selection Committee, to be considered by the City Council at a future date. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The Fiscal Year 1997/98 Preliminary budget contained a line item entitled Project Management Consultants for $57,200 101-456-603-000). Subsequent years funding would be based upon the number and amount of projects in the Capital Improvement Plan. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: During the February 18,1997 City Council Meeting, the City Council authorized a professional services agreement for the Fiscal Year 1996/97 with the firm of Nickerson, Diercks & Associates for capital improvement project administrative support services, in the amount of $23,740. The addition of this administrative support has been very productive, and therefore staff is seeking proposals for these services on an annual basis renewable for up to 2 years. The professional services agreement will be on an hourly basis with funding provided from the various CIP projects assigned to the consultant. OOO13? F:\PWDEPT\COUNCI?1997\??O7O1?.?pd BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b * AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL?DA MEETING DATE: July 1, 1997 CONSENT CALENDAR: 43 ITEMTITLE: Approval of RFP Process for STUDYSESSION: Professional Services to Provide Capital Improvement Project Inspection PUBLIC HEARING. RECOMMENDATION: * Approve the Consultant Selection Committee as recommended. * Approve Request for Proposals for Miscellaneous Construction Observation and Inspection Services for Various Fiscal Year 1997/98 Capital Improvement Projects. * Authorize staff to receive proposals from qualified firms. * Authorize staff to negotiate the terms of a Professional Services Agreement with the most qualified firm, as determined by the Consultant Selection Committee, to be considered by the City Council at a future date. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The Preliminary Fiscal Year 1 997/98 budget contained budgeted inspection services of $148,539. Subsequent years authorization would be subject to the number and amount of Capital Improvement Projects. 00015(3 BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b REPORTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 21,1997 I. CALLTOORDER A regular meeting of the Human Services Commission was called to order on Wednesday, May 21, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. Chairperson Irwin presided. Vice Chairperson St. Johns led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Barbara Irwin Vice Chairperson Victoria St. Johns Commissioner Joan Rebich MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Kay Wolff excused STAFF PRESENT: Tom Hartung, Building & Safety Director Diane Aaker, Senior Secretary VISITORS: Ingram Bander II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA No changes. III. PUBLIC COMMENT No comments. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes April 16,1997 On motion of Commissioner Rebich, seconded by Vice Chairperson St. Johns, and carried unanimously, the minutes of the Human Services Commission meeting of April 16, 1997 were approved. hscmin52l.wpd 1 BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b DEPARTMENT REPORTS: A-I TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager DATE: July 1, 1997 RE: Department Report-Response(s) to Public Comment The following are responses to public comments made at the June 17, 1997 City Council meeting: 1. Mr. Mario Lalli spoke regarding obelisk street signs and streets in the downtown area. * No response necessary; this item was discussed as an agenda item at the same meeting. 2. Mr. Shamis and Mr. Mark Lemire spoke regarding obelisk street signs. * Same response as above. 3. Ms. JoAnn McLaughlin spoke regarding the oleanders along the Bear Creek Bike Path. * Staff spoke with Ms. McLaughlin on June 20th and she indicated that she would be sending a proposal to the City regarding the oleanders. Staff will review her proposal and report back to the City Council at the next available meeting. MEMOCCPJBLIC1 2?7.?pd OO2i? BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: July 1,1997 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Weed Abatement\Lot Cleaning PUBLIC IIEARING: Assessments for Placement On 1998/99 Property Tax Roll RECOMMENDATION: Following public comment and close of public hearing, it is recommended that the City Council take the following action: Adopt the proposed Resolution, approving and adopting the Resolution to place the cost of cleaning said lots on the 1998/99 Property Tax Roll. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The purpose of this hearing is to provide the City Council the opportunity to hear and consider all public objections and protests if any, to the report filed with the City Council containing a description of each real property parcel cleared or cleaned by the City of La Quinta. Notices of tonight's public hearing were sent to the property owners, advising them of the hearing date. No written communications have been received regarding this matter. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: 1. Adopt the proposed Resolution 2. Do not adopt the proposed Resolution. Tom Hartung( Building and Safety Department 00022j BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: July 1, 1997 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Public Hearing on Washington Square Specific Plan 87-011 Amendment #2, Vesting Tentative Tract Map PUBLIC HEARING.. 27031 time extension, Site Development Permit 97?05, and Environmental Assessment 97-339 to allow a 212,085 square foot commercial building on 13.39 acres located at the southwest corner of Highway 111 and La Quinta Center Drive. Applicants: City of La Quinta, Apollo Inc., and Eagle Hardware RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Adopt City Council Resolution certifying Environmental Assessment 97-339 for Washington Square Specific Plan 87-011 Amendment #2, Vesting Tentative Tract Map 27031 and Site Development Permit 97-605; and, 2. Adopt City Council Resolution approving Washington Square Specific Plan 87-011 Amendment #2; and, 3. Adopt City Council Resolution approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map 27031; and, 4. Adopt City Council Resolution approving Site Development Permit 97-605. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Site Location The project is located at the southwest corner of Highway 111 and La Quinta Center Drive Attachment 1) on three parcels; comprising 64.5 acres of land. The properties are vacant and not currently serviced with gas, water, or electricity. Adjacent properties are: East Vacant South Lake La Quinta, a single family residential community West Directly across Simon Drive, is Simon Motors North Across Highway 111 is a shopping plaza, One-Eleven La Quinta Center. OOO23? BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b! NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b" NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b# NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b$ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b% NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b) NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b* NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b+ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b, NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b- NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b/ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b0 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b1 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b2 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b4 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b5 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b6 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b9 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b: NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b; NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b< NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b= NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b> NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b? NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b@ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bA NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bB NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bC NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bD NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bE NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bF NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bG NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bH NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bI NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bJ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bK NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bL NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bM NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bN NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bO NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bP NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bQ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bR NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bS NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bT NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bU NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bV NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bX NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bYU AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL?DA MEETING DATE: July 1, 1997 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing on Tentative Parcel Map 28489, an STUDY SESSION: appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to PUBLIC HEARING: uphold the Community Development Director's approval of a four-lot development on the north side of Hermitage, approximately 900-feet east of Interlachen and 800-feet west of Riviera abutting the Jack Nicklaus private golf course in PGA West. Appellant: Coachella Valley Unified School District; Applicant: KSL Land Corporation RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Council Resolution, confirming the Community Development Director's approval of Tentative Parcel Map 28489 on April 17, 1997, subject to Findings and Conditions. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Appellant's Request On June 5, 1997, the City received an appeal from the Coachella Valley Unified School District of the Planning Commission's upholding of the Community Development Director's approval of Tentative Parcel Map 28489. Accompanying the appeal form was a letter from the District's legal counsel stating their reasons for the appeal with various supporting material Attachments 1 and 2). Their concern pertains to the school mitigation fee requirement for this project. Planning Commission Action On May 27, 1997, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider an appeal of the Community Development Director's approval of this four-lot subdivision on Hermitage in PGA West. After discussion, the Planning Commission, on a 5-0 vote, adopted Resolution 97-031 denying the appeal and upheld the Director's approval of Tentative Parcel Map 28489. A copy of the Commission Minutes is attached Attachment 3). fl Q. A BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bZ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b[ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b\ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b] NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b^ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b` NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14ba NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bb NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bc NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bd NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14be NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bf NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bg NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bh NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bi NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bk NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bl NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bm NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bn NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bo NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bp NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bq NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14br NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bs NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bt NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bu NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bv NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bw NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14by NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14bz NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-20-1999-U01 11:18:02AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 07-U02 01-U02 1997-U02