1983 06 07 CCX * I D CTTY COUGI1 CiTY OF A INTA A regular meeting to be held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. June 7, 1983 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Invocation B. Flag Salute 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC CONENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the City Council on matters relating to City business. When addressing the Council, please state your name and address. The proceedings of the Council meeting are recorded on tape, and eomTnents of each person shall be limited to three 3) minutes. 4. WRITTEN COwNICATIONS A. Communication from Paul Ames, Ames Management Service, Inc. L..B. Communication from Fesmire & Williams. 5. COMMENT BY COUNCIL MEMBERS A. Report from Council Member Allen regarding the Mayors' and Councilmens' Legislative Conference held in Sacramento, May 23-25, 1983. 6. HEARINGS A. Continued public hearing regarding Tentative Tract Map No. 19203, Amendment No. 1, Desert Club of La Quinta, Applicant. Report from the Planning Commission. 2. Communication from Audrey Ostrowsky. 3. Communication froi Cameron and Audrey Marshman. 4. Motion for adoption. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of the Minutes of the regular meeting held May 17, 1983. /f) PROPOSED RESOLUTION. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QIJINTA, CALIFOR;IA, APPROVING DEMANDS. 8. BUSINESS SESSION A. PROPOSED ORDINANCE 2nd Reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CMIFOR;IA, AMENDING CHAPTER 3.28 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, RELATING TO TE: CITYS BUSINESS LICENSING SYSTEM. 1. Ordinance for adoption. BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X Civ C i- To. B. PROPOSED ORDINANCE 1st Reading) AN ORDINANCE CF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE CITY'S ZONING ORDINANCE BY ADDING THERETO REGULATIONS RELATING TO LOCATION AND HEIGHTS OF WALLS AND FENCES. 1. Report from the Planning Commission. 2. Communication from Paul and Angela Norway. 3. Ordinance for introduction. C. PROPOSED ORDINANCE 1st Reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, CREATING AND ESTABLISHING A HUMAN RELATIONS COThITTEE. 1. Ordinance for introduction. D. PROPOSED RESOLUTION. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, DETERNINING THE AMOUNT OF PROPERTY TAX REVENUE TO BE EXCHANGED BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE AND THE CITY OF LA QUINTA RELATING TO ANNEXATIONS TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA. 1. Resolution for adoption. MINUTE RESOLUTION. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO SENATOR ROBERT PRESLEY FOR HIS SUPPORT IN OBTAINING PROPERTY TAX FOR THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. 1. Resolution for adoption. F. Report from the Community Safety Coordinator regarding bids for radio communicatiOn equipment. 1. Notion for adoption. Report from the Cornity Safety Coordinator regarding bids for City vehicles. 1. Notion for adoption. H. Report from the Community Safety Coordinator regarding extension of contract services between City of La Quinta and Sidney Felix relative to litter clean-up. 1. Notion for adoption. I. Report from the C(m.community S Safety Coordinator regarding community safety' activist CS. J. Other. 9. ADJOLRLThIENT BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X May 17, 1983 City Council City of La Quinta P0 Box 1504 La Quinta, California 92253 Gentlepeople: This is to inform you that we Intend to start the removal of sand and gravel from the southwest quarter of Section 19, TownshIp 6 South, Range 7 east, SBE&M under Surface Mining permit #127 granted by Riverside County Board of Supervisors, December 3, 1981, a copy of which is enclosed for your information. This business will be of significant benefit to the City of La Quinta in generating sales tax revenue and in supplying materials needed for the development of La Quinta from sources close at hand at cost savings to developers and alleviating truck traffic across the Valley from sources further away. Furthermore, this secluded dry wash, out of sight and sound of all civilization, is the ideal location for this activity and the highest and best use for the land Although we have grandfather rights" under the conditions set forth by the County of Riverside, nevertheless we are now a loyal part of the City of La Quinta and it is our desire and intention to work in harmony and to mutual advantage with our City. To that end, I would like for you to ratify that permit. It has been suggested that we might allow provisions for a foot trail throu9h the property which lies between the La Quinta Cove and Lake Cahuilla. We find this suggestion to be quite worthy of consideration. IC THEAIVES RC)u AMES REAL ESTAT INC AMES MANAGEMENT SERVICE INC. r GREEN END DEVELflPMENT CO., INC. MCC FARS t 81-715 HHWA ill INI0. CALjFONA 92201-5494 619)345-2555 BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X 1 VI C FPO: Pa) Am 517-83 Paqe two You will note that Condition #25 states that the permit must be used within 2 years after final approval, which date I construe to have been December 3, 1981. We are prepared to start prior to that date in order to comply but, in consideration of the economic conditions extant at this time, I would appreciate your understanding in an extension of one year to December 3, 1984 in which to start operations. I very much appreciate your consideration. Let me say again that I do expect to work with the City Council of La Quinta at all times in an aura of mutual understanding and benefit. Such has been my relationship throughout the Coachella valley for a lifetime, and I look forward to including the City of La Quinta in my circle of friends. Cordia1, ffi Ames PA: vb BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X j&) FESMIRE & WILLAMS AflrOflEYS ASOGADOB May 31, 1983 D,O. CAUORNIA 22O2 619 347.?G7 City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Attention: City Clerk Re: Petition to Restructure the Governing Board of Desert Sands Unified School District. Dear Honorable Council Members: he County registrar of voters has certified the attached peti- tion to restructure the current Desert Sands Unified School District governing board and to require that each trustee live within his specific trustee area. We firmly believe that these steps are necessary to guarantee continued responsible leadership on the Desert Sands Unified School Districts governing board. We urge each of you to reflect upon the history of the Desert Sands Unified School District and participate in the proposed restructuring by voting a resolution in support of the petition. Please place this request upon the agenda for the next rneeting of your City uncil and please confirm that date with this office. very yours, YL GEORGE LL:As Attorney at Law MEXICAN AMERICAN POLITICAL ASSOCIATION By:................-. CHRIS SILVA, President 4E BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Planning Corccissi Date: June 7, 1983 Subject. ThATIVE mAcr MA NO. 19203, AMENDED NO. 1, A Reguest to Divide 15.8 Acres into c Lots and to Construct a 60-Unit Statutory Condniniurn Project, The Desert Club of La Qninta, Applicant BACKGROUND Tentative Tract Map No. 19203, Arended No.1, is a request by the Desert Club of La Quinta to divide approximately 15.8 acres into two lots and to construct a 60-unit statutory condominium project Lot 1. No additions to the existing Desert Club development on Lot 2 are proposed. A statutory condarnlliMn project is a development in which a person buys either that portion of the building con- taining his dwelling or the *`airspace' enclosed within the walls of the dwelling without owning the property on which the unit stands. Thus the property is not divided into separate lots for each individual unit, but remains in one lot under crrron or single ownership If the City Council approves this tract map, they will be giving tentative approval of the project. Before the land division can be recorded making the lot split legal or official and before any construction can be done on the proposed condominiums, the Applicant irtust carply with all the conditions of approval and sukt the final map and plans to the City Council for approval. At that tire, the Council will review the plans to ensure that the project coirlies fully with the City's require- ments. PFxTECT DESCRIPTTON The following is a brief description of the major points of the design for Tentative Tract Nap No. 19203, Amanded No.1. * There are eight, two-story buildings with a total of 60 dwellings. The six buildings in the north portion of Lot 1 contain two and three-bedroom units, while the two remaining buildings adjacent to the Desert Club contain only one-bedroom units. The 25 feet high buildings are below the 50-foot height limit for the R-3 zone. * The proposed floor plans show the three-bedroom units with 1,344 square feet, the two-bedroom units with 1,220 square feet and the onbedroJft units with 750 square feet. The current R3*4000 zoning requires a minimLirn dwelling size of 1,220 square feet the Applicant is requesting a Change of Zone to permit the one-bedroom units). BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X STAFF RE'Qm CITY COL\CIL June 7, 1983 Page Two. * The plan provides 135 parking spaces, 58 of which will be covered by open carports. The covered parking spaces will be located along the north boundary adjacent to the realigned Avenue 52. * The plan provides for the realignment of Avenue 52 in general accordance with the adopted Avenue 52 Specific Plan. * The primary access to the condominiums will be from Averuda neudas with a secondary access from the new Avenue 52. \NALYSIS OF ThNTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 19203, AMENDED NO.1 Oonsistency with the zoning The property is currently zoned R3*4000, Oeneral Residential, requiring 4,000 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit with a minimLim dwelling size of 1,200 square feet. Regarding the overall density of the project, the proposed develo inent is consistent with both the zoning and the General Plan designation of Medium density Residential 5-10 dwellings per acre). Concerning the size of the dwellings, the one-bedroom units with 750 square feet are bel the minIflum 1,200 square foot requirement of the zoning. The Applicant intends to request a Cnange of Zone to R-3-4 000, permitting these snal ler units The Planning Cmiission supported this proposed Change of Zone on the following grounds: that 750 square feet is an appropriate size for onbednoan units; the dwellings are intended as vacation or second-h units, with the part-time residents desiring maller dwellings; the dwellings are attached or row housing, making their smaller size less apparent than if they were detached single-fanily houses; and the majority of the units ceed the miflinum 1,200 square foot require- mnt. Site Plan Design As shown on E::hibit A", the Applicant proposes to locate the bulk of the parkina and the structures parallel to the northern site boundary and the new aligneent of Avenue 52. For the 630-foot lenh of the parcel, the buildings will be located in a straight line, 15 feet apart, with a 15-foot setback fran the east property line and a 59-foot setback fran the west property line The setback of these buildings fran the new Avenue 52 right of way ranges fran 45 feet for the westenst building to 70 feet for the eastern[Tost building. This setback area will be developed with a 25-foot-wide driveway and two rows of parking totalling 94 spaces, 58 of which will be covered by carports. The rining two buildings containing the smallest units will be located adjacent to the xisting tennis courts and pool area of the Desert Club with a 34-foot setback fran Avenida Bernudas. Additional parking is proposed adjacent to the cn open area and Avenida Eernmidas. Regarding this site plan or layout of the proposed developeent, half of the miission had the following concerns: * The project is oriented with its back or rear to Aenue 52, which will be the major traffic corridor for the cove area. The appearance of the project fran the street is the same concern which was addressed on the Tancimark Thind Company project approved on Avenue 50, a road which will have far less traffic than Avenue 52. BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X CVi rncLL 3une 7, 1983 Page Three. * Although the overall density of the project may not be incanpatible with the adjacent R-l singlfanily residential zoning located to the north, east and west, the concentration of buildings along the north boundary creates an appearance of a high density developnent. This could be incoppatiole with the surrounding lensity singlfanily housing developeent. * The nearly solid wall of buildings could adversely affect the view fran the houses alng the north side of Avenue 52, which will rrost likely be oriented southward to enjoy the view of the cove' 5 mQnta ins. These ts tory units could dninate this view for the adjacent residents. * By locating the parking area only the rninim reguired 3 feet hack fran the property lines, the six-foot-high wall ich must be constructed to screen the parking will be built on the prerty lines along Avenue 52 and Avenida Bernudas. * The location of the main entrance off Avenida Bernudas is not consistent with the future cfrculation pattern. The most cmrn travel route for the residents returning hane will be south on Washington Street and then west on Avenue 52. The proposed location of the entrance will result in the residents having to turn left at Avenida Bemidas and left again to enter the project. Building Design The following were the concerns regarding the proposed building and carport designs * Concerning the rear view along Avenue 52, the cTination of the height, rectangular shape, flat straight lines of the roof, and flat building face or wall with only two rows of windows will create a sense of greater bulk and inass than other developeent in the area. * The view fran Avenue 52 of the central stairways for each building and the stairways connecting the buildings phasize the fact that this is a higher density deve lopeent. * The appearance of the two, one-bedroan buildings nphasizes the fact that this is a higher density develoment with smaller unit sizes. * The Applicant intends to cover the parking along Avenue 52 with carports. This would result in the view from Avenue 52 being of a six-foot-high wall and the roof of the carport. APpLICAAfS FEDBSIGN OF 1111 PRfT In response to the Planning Cission's concerns stated at the May 10, 1983 meeting, the Applicant suimitted a revised set of site and building plans. These plans address the concerns outlined in this report and also cply substantially with the recoeeended conditions of approval. ormlly, a developer waits until after approval of the tentative tract map before redesigning the project to comoly with the condi- tions of approval. Then the redesigned or final map is subtted to the City Council for its review and approval. In this case, the Applicant voluntarilv chose to submit the revised plans prior to tentative approval as a means to denonstrate to the Planning Cssion and City Council that by clying with the conditions of approval, the final design of the project will alleviate the concerns mentioned in his report. BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 Xb1Y REO CIL CoUTL June 7, 1983 Page Four. Unfortunately, these plans were submitted to staff the sarr day the Planning Crmission packets were delivered 5-20-83) for the 5-24-83 rreting. Therefore, there was inadequate tbr for staff to review the plans and receive coeeents frcin otter agencies. Since the 1icant did not support a continuance of the hearing to June to provide additional tirr for staff review, the Aeended No.2 tract map and building plafls were given to the odission for their information only. The ooission reacted favorably to the changes, particularly the spreading of the b]ildings and parking areas over nore of the site, the change in the location of the main entrance to the new Avenue 52, and the changes to the exterior of the buildings. The Cauiiss ion voted unanirnoisly to approve Tentative Tract Map No. 19203, knnded No. 1, in accordance with the attached conditions. OPTIONS There are two alternative courses of action ich the City Council may follow. First, the Council may cboose to rule on the Aeended No.1 proposal as the Planning ssion did). This option requires the Applicant to cme back again to the Cmission and City Council for approval of the location and design of the proposed buildings and parking layout. The second option open to the City Council is for it to rule on the Anended No.2 plans. Staff supports this option since the revised plans alleviate the concerns associated with the previous design. rciMENnT ION That the City Council approve Tentative Tract Map No. 19203, Anended No.2, in accordance with the approved exhibits and subject to the attached conditions; and that the Council adopt the Negative Declaration for the Environrrental Assessrrnt. BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 !X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 "X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 #X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 $X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 %X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 &X RESOLUTIO NO. s3-L9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as shown on the Demand/Warrant Register dated June 7, 1983. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 7th day of June, 1983. MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: AT(E CITY MANAGER BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 'X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 (X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 )X AN ORDINANCE 0 lE CTY COJ'C1 c *1iL C1 OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CAPTFR 3.28 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, RELATINC TO THE CITY'S BUSINESS LICENSING SYSTEM. The city council of the city of La Quinta does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 3.28 of the La Quinta Municipal Code hereby is amended to read as follows: Chapter 3.28 BUSINESS LICENSES Sections: 3.28.010 Enforcement. 3.28.020 Business license required. 3.28.030 License subject to other regulations and fees. 3.28.040 False statements. 3.28.050 True names on reports. 3.28.060 Illegal occupations. 3.28.070 Refusing license. 3.28.080 Grounds for denial. 3.28.090 Real party in interest. SA. 3.28.100 Grounds for revocation. 3.28.110 Forfeiture of fees. 3.28.120 New license. 3.28.130 Keeping insurance etc. in force. 3.28140 Administrative enforcement. 3.28.150 Compliance with laws required. 3.28.160 License and penalties constitute debt to city. 3.28.170 Remedies cumulative. 3.28.180 Definitions. 3.28.190 Separate license for each place or type of business. 3.28.200 Information confidential. 3.28.210 Exemption--Generally. 3.28.220 Exemption--Charitable and non-profit organizations. 3.28.230 Exemption--Disabled veterans. 3.28.240 Exemption--Newspapers, magazines and periodicals. 3.28.250 Exemption--Businesses subject to franchise, etc. 3.28.260 Exemption--Limited income. 3.28.270 Fee adjustments required in cases of interstate commerce. 3.28.2S0 Application--Contents of license. 3.28.290 Statement of gross receipts. 3.28.300 Statements not conclusive. 3.28.310 Failure to file or correct statement. 3.28.320 Appeals. 3.28.330 Additional power of collector. 3.28.340 No license transferable; Amended license for change( location. 3.28.350 Duplicate license. 3.28.360 Posting and keeping licenses. BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 *X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 +X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 ,X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 -X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 .X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 /X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 0X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 1X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 2X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 3X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 4X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 5X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 6X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 7X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 8X AppROV MEMORANDUM TI<ASTO.CONTNT. CITY OF LA QUINTA R CITY C0U1N..Cl WTG / 9 CITY MA. NAGR To: The Honorable yor and nbers of the Planning Carirnission From: Planning Cnrnission Date: June 7, 1983 Subject: PROPOSED AMEN[EN To i'Iw' MUNICIPAL LAND USE ORDINANCE NO.348 REGRDING THE ImATION AD HEIG OF S AD FENCES Following the City Co\:]ncil S tentative approval of the proposed ordinance ardnent as shown on the attached Eibit the ordinance was referred back to the Planning Qnrnission for its review and report on the following changes: * Fences shall be set back five 5) feet frart the front property line, with the setback area landscaped. The C(rmi'55 ion recommended in a 4 to 1 vote Cnaiaaan Thornburgh opposing) that there he no setback reguirent. This is consistent with their previous recommendation that fences be permitted on the front property line. * The ordinance shall not apply to the height of landscaping with the exception of the corner cutback area. The Cossion voted unanimously to support this change. * On corner lots, no fence over 3 feet in height shall be permitted within the 20-foot corner cutback area. The Car[nissiOn voted unanimously to support this change. * The height shall be asured fran the level of the natural" or finished grade. The Crrnission voted unaninously to support this change. PECMNDATI(N The Planning Cassion recanrrnds adoption of the prcposed ordinane ndeent as tentatively approved by the City Council, with the exception that the five 5) foot setback reguirent for the front yard he deleted. SIB:dnw BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 9X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 :X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 ;X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 <X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 =X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 >X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 ?X ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, CREATING AND ESTABLISHING A HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE. The city council of the City of La Quinta, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Sections 50262 et seq. of the Govern- ment Code of the State of California, there is hereby established for the city a human relations committee, which shall consist of five members, serving without compensation, and appointed in the manner and for the terms prescribed in Sections 2.04.060 and 2.06.010, respectively, of the La Quinta Municipal Code. SECTION 2. The Committee shall have the responsibilities and obligations set forth in Sections 50264 and 50265 of the Government Code, and in particular as follows: a) To foster mutual respect and understanding among all. racial, religious and nationality groups in the community. b) To make such studies in any field of human relation- ship in the community as in the judgment of the committee will aid in effectuating its general purposes. c) To inquire into incidents of tension and conflict among or between various racial, religious and nationality groups, and to take action by means of conciliation, conference, and persuasion to alleviate such tensions and conflict. d) To conduct and recommend such educational programs as, in the judgment of the committee, will increase good will among inhabitants of the community and open new opportunities into all phases of community life for all inhabitants. SECTION 3. Pursuant to Section 50262 of the Government Code, in selecting the membership of the Committee, the City Council shall take into consideration, among other things, the various religious, racial, nationality and political groups in the community. The Committee shall desianate its own chairperson and vice-chairperson. SECTION 4. eetinQs and Procedures. Regular meetings of the Committee shall be he3 d o.uarterly on such ays, timeS and locations as are determined by thc Committee nd may be adjourned from time to time as the Committee may dccm appropriate. The Chairman of the Committee may call special meetings in the manner provided for by law. All meetings shall comply with the requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act and shall be structured so as to permit the broadest exchange of viewDoints and communication of ideas between members of the Committee, members of the community and other interested parties. BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 @X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 AX jESC.'LLIC'N NC). S->' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THE AMOUNT OF PROPERTY TAX REVENUE TO BE EXCHANGED BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE AND THE CITY OF LA QUINTA RELATING TO ANNEXATIONS TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, in regular session assernbled on this 7th day of June 1983, that: 1. The County of Riverside and the City of La Quinta are the agencies whose area or responsibility for service would be affected by annexations to the City of La Quinta. 2. Representatives of each of the affected agencies have Tnet and negotiated an exchange of property tax revenue as follows, to become effective for tax purposes beginning July 1, 1983, for all areas annexed to the City until such time as this resolution is rescinded or superseded. A. The City of La Quinta shall assume responsibility for all general municipal services to areas annexed as are required by law or presently provided throughout the City, and for such service, the City shall receive not less than 25 of that portion of the property tax revenue generated within territories annexed under the ad valorem tax rate established by Article XIII A of the Constitution of the State of California, that represents the County of Riversides share of such property tax revenue. B. The County Auditor shall upon annexation by the City convert the above-established percentage figure into actual dollar figures and thereafter allocate to the City such property tax revenue in accord with the provisions of Section 95 et. seq. of the Revenue and Taxation Cdde. 3. The City Council of the City of La Quinta does hereby agree to the above-recited exchange of property tax revenue. 4. The Clerk shall transmit a certified copy of this resolution to each affected agency and to the Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission and to the Auditor of the County of Riverside pursuant to Section 99 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 7th day of June, 1983. CITY LERK BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 BX NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 CX RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT I OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, EXPRESSING TO SENATOR ROBERT PRESLEY THE GRATITUDE OF THE COMMUNITY FOR HIS SPONSORSHIP OF SENATE BILL 47, PROVIDING PROPERTY TAX TO THE CITY. WHEREAS, Senator Robert Presley introduced Senate Bill 47 in the California State Legislature, and he carried it through the legislative process leading to adoption; and WHEREAS, S.B. 47 has been enacted into law, and it will cause an adjustment in the allocation of property taxes for the fiscal year 1982-1983'. and WHEREAS, Senator Presleys action was based upon his under- standing of the equity and justice invQlved in the reallocation of taxes, which was a situation not previously expressly addressed by the Legislature. NOW, THEREFORE, THE City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, does hereby resolve to express the appreciation of a 9rateful community, the City of La Quinta, to Senator Robert Presley for his valuable assistance in obtaining tax equity for this City thrQugh the enactment of Senate Bill 47. APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of 1983. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FOR. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY ATTORNEY CITY ANAGER BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 DX C /; MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA OF To: The Honorable or and Member of the City Council From: Doug Brown, Community Safety Coordinator Da1: June 1, 1983 Subject: BIDS FOR RADIO COMMUNICATIONS SYSrEM Attached are our SpecjficatioflB and bid forms for a radio communications system for La Quinta. The system will be comprised of four portable radios and a repeater. The sytem is deigned to be expandable and will accornodate future growth. Our rdios will enable us to communicate anywhre in the Coachella Valley and can cover all of La Quinta through the use of the repeater". This radio system will highly valuable in coordinating various functions and activities. It will provide us with a vital link with personnel out in the field and save precious time while improving communications. It is my recommendation that we activate the bid process and obtain this radio system as soon as possible. Rospectfully subrrLitted, Douglas Brown Community Safety Coordinator S. F. BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 EX NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 FX NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 GX NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 HX NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 IX NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 JX NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 KX MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Counoil From: Doug Brown, Community Safety Coordinator Date: June 1, 1983 Subject: BIDS R CITY VEHICUS PICKU? TRUCKS Attached are our specifications and bid forms for two 2) light utility pickup trucks for La Quinta. These city vehicleB will be used for city busineBs by te Code Enforcement Officer and the Building Official. These vehicles will allow us to carry materials and to visit construction sites for inspection and enforcement purposes. Since we have specified nlightfl utility vehicles, they will operate with a higher miles per gallonn rating than a standard size pickup truck. This will prove more economical for the city in fuel avngs. It is my recommendation that we activate the bid process and obtain these vehicles as soon as possible. Respectfully submitted, Douglas rown Community Safety Coordinator BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 LX NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 MX NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 NX NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 OX NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 PX NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 QX NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 RX NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 SX NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 TX L1.1 CITY OF LA QUINTA MEMORANDUM To: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Dougla Brown, Coirmiunity Safety Coordinor Dae: June 1, 1983 Subject: Y?iSION EQUST FOR CORCT SERVICES I have received a request in writing from our roadside maintenance contractor, Mr. Sidney Felix, to extend his contract with the City of L Quinta. The contract extension would e for an indefinite period of time and would be extended under the existing tenns ild conditions. Mr. Felix's contract expired on l4ay 29, 1983 undr the initial six-month tersi. Mr. Felix has provided good service to the City and has fulfilled his obliations under the terms of the contract. It is my recoIrLmendation that we agree to accept his ofer to ext6nd the contract under the present teri and conditions for an indefinate period of time. Respectfullv subitted, Douglas Brown Community Safety Coordinator BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 UX NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 VX MEMORANDUM A;.;o CITY OF LA QUINTA CLY To: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members From: Doug Brown, Community Safety Coordinator Date: 3June 1, 1983 Subject. MONTHLY DATE MAY 1983 The month of May was highlighted by the first City of La Quinta Picnic at Lake Cahuilla on May 21. The Community Safety Department has been very active on an array of projects and programs. Citizen complaints continue to be a major activity covering a gamut of problems from barking dogs, to old abandoned vehicles, to rattlesnakes on front lawns. May was anything but dull in our department. CRfl4E: On the positive side, the statistics for April 83 vs. April 82 showed an overall decrease of 3% for all criminal activity and a 24% decrease for burglaries. A group of about 5 persons turned out on May 31 for a reorganizational meeting of the Neighborhood Watch Program. Several volunteers have come forward for the Crimestopperts Program committee. On the negative side, burglaries have been high in May. Official statistics are not in yet, however, unofficially there may have been over 50 burglaries in May. These burglaries are attributable to a variety of factors including the weather, drug abuse, departure of winter residents, etc.. The ROSO has made several arrests during this period. ANIMAL CONTROL: Two animal sweeps were conducted during May with six dogs being captured. Ten citations were issued for various violations and a like number of warnings were given. With the heat of summer upon us we will be discontinuing use 0 the dog traps for now. TRAFFIC SAFATY: Eight service requests were processed in May for road work by the R.C. Road Dept.. The City right-of-ways are being graded to remove weeds in the lower 1cove" area. Street sweeping has been started for all city streets with curbs and gutters and will be done regularly. The intersection of Eisenhower and Tampico was repaved on May 27. Four citizens have been appointed to the Traffic Safety Committee and the first meeting of this group is scheduled for une 9. Special training will be given to the Traffic Safety Committee at no charge by the Automobile Club of Southern California later in June. This will help orient them as to their duties. ABATEX1NT PROGRAMS: During May we abated four vehicles with more targeted for removal. A 1'windshield survey" has resulted in over 150 parcels being slated for weed abatement action. The weed abatement program is a joint project with the R.C. Fire Department. Initial parcels to be abated are those posing a fire hazard to exposures adjacent wood fences, homes, etc.). If time allows, those lots not adjacent to exposures will alto be abated. BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 WXMONTHLY UPDATE, CONT. PAGE 2 LITTER CONTROL: Our roadside maintenance contractor has completed work in removing all of the oleander debris along Eisenhower that Steve Simonsen had cut. Some sporadic dumping has also been obBerved and is slated for leanup very iortly. Avenue 50 between Washington and Jeffer- son is also scheduled for re-cleaning. PARAMEDICS: The committee to study paramedics met on May 19 to discuss that program. Extensive research and study into this desireable program is underway. FIRE PROTECTION: La Quinta served as the host on May 10 for a meeting of the Coachella Valley Fire Marshal1s Association meeting. The topic of the meeting was Master Planning for Fire Protection!!. Along those lines we are working with R.C. Fire Dept. to develop a master plan for fire protection needs in La Quinta. The master plan will include future fire station sites, manpower requirements, equipment required, inspection programs, and various methods of financing these services. DISASTER PREPAREDNESS: On Ma 2 a small town in central California Coalinga) experienced a major disaster, a devastating earthquake. It is common knowledge that La Quinta could experience a similar disaster. On May 12 we participated in a meeting of the Coachella Valley Disaster Manage- ment group and planning is underway for a disaster drill in this area. On May 20 we participated as observers for a disaster drill for Riverside County which was held in Riverside. This event was very revealing as to just how vulnerable we are to an earthquake. An earthquake is a disaster unto itself, however, it can spawn a series of other disasters including fires, explosions, building collapses, mass traffic accidents, flooding, rockslides, etc.. We are still working on our City Disaster Preparedness Plan and will be getting assistance from the R.C. Office of Disaster Preparedness by late manner. Members of the Community Safety Department have also attended meetings of the La Quinta Property Owner's Association and the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce this past month. We have been working on our FY 834 budget and look forward to getting some much needed equipment in the near future. On May 11 the RCSO put up new Neighborhood Watch Signs on Avenue 50 and Avenue 52 with one for Washington St. due shortly. That same day, Harrison Security Bars of Indio donated two sets of window security bars to La Quinta City Hall at an estimated value of $1O0 A meeting and survey with the Southern California Water Company has resulted in locating 24 locations in the cove area where they will remove debris from on and along the roadways that they are responsible for. SCWC has also indicated to u that they are developing a fire hydrant maintenance program which has already started. Respect fully submitted, Douglas Brown, Coordinator Community Safety Department BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02 XXHonorable layer anci City Council ilernbers City of La Quinta, California P. 0. Box l5O La Quinta, Ca. 9223 Dea Sirs and idan: RCVED AY 3 1 19&3 Louay i-ecall tYt at tL> tire of t.-.o for::atiofl of La Cuinta' first Planning Com SSiOfl7 each Comissioner chose a one, two or three year term to allow for the possibility of rotation of ci tizc mar tic ma tion. Consistent with what T indicated at the tin;e of our nitial intervews, I 5OhCtCd a one year tori. low t.a t yes is coMlinZ to a close-.: thc Oath 0> O->ice was ministered in August, 19u02. Will you confirx assu>'tion that y responsibilities as a Planning Cor issioner will be cormlcte at the conclusion of any July, 1<; Planiqinr Cor:rissron neetings. Than you for vour trst in er:i itin qe an interesting eiporc-ce. sincerely, 1. * I t + P:L?IcL' RZILL C. to o: Toburgh Cha-iran, La Quint LLI3iL Qor; i or BIB] 11-26-1996-U01 02:35:45PM-U01 CC-U02 06-U02 07-U02 1983-U02