1985 12 17 CC2^ ,8 AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting of the City Council to be held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. December 17, 1985 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Flag Salute. 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the Council on matters relating to City business. When addressing the Council, please state your name and address. The proceedings of the Council meeting are recorded on tape and comments of each person shall be limited to three 3) minutes. Persons wishing to address the Council regarding an Agenda item should use the form provided. Please complete one form for each Agendas item you intend to address and return the form to the Secretary prior to the beginning of the meeting. NOTE: Except for hearings, comments relative to items on the Agenda are limited to two 2) minutes. Your name will be called at the appropriate time. 4. WRITTEN COM*NICATIONS A. Communication from Margarita Engle regarding resignation from the Community Services Commission. 1) Report from the Community Services Commission. 7 *t:*- * * 5. COMMENT BY COUNCIL MEMBERS A)*I-#*- * D;**+r P/* 6. CONSENT CALENDAR * /*.5. * * A. Approval of the Minutes of a regular City Council meeting held December 3, 1985. B. PROPOSED RESOLUTION. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEAANDS. 1) Motion for adoption ROLL CALL VOTE) 7. HEARINGS A. A public hearing regarding Tentative Tract No. 21120, Santa Rosa Cove", a division of l4+* acres into 37 lots for custom single-family residences; Anden Corporation, Applicant. 1) Report from Planning Commission S. * * 2) Public comment 3) Council discussion 4) Motion for adoption I J BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8AGENDA City Council Page 2 December 17, 1985 8. BUSINESS SESSION A. Report from Community Development Director regarding communication from Tom Thornburgh relative to a development contract for Tract No. 19203. J* re I*r * L**i *r 1) Motion for adoption B. Report from the City Manager relative to the Implementing Agreement for the Fringe-toed Lizard Habitat Conservation Plan. 1) Motion for adoption C. Report from Deputy City Manager regarding a proposal from the Nadridge Medical Corporation to furnish professional medical services to the City. 1) Motion for adoption D. Report from Community Safety Coordinator regarding the confirmation of fire engine requirements met by Landmark Land Company. 1) Motion for adoption E. Report from Community Safety Coordinator regarding a Disaster Plan for the City of La Quinta. INFORMATIONAL) F. Other 9. ADJOURNMENT 1w BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8 6x* MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA * To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Frank M. Usher, City Manager Date: December 13, 1985 Subject: Resignation of Margarita Engle from the Community Services Commission At its meeting of Monday, December 9, 1985, the Community Services Commission received the resignation of Margarita Engle, and recommended its acceptance by the City Council. FMU/lw *mffl;; BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: City Manager Frank Usher From: *er Hirdler, C*tmunity Safety Coordinator Date Dea*nber 6, 1985 Subject. P*I**G OF L**RGE TRU(XS We have received numerous complaints regarding large trucks parking around the c*r*unity park and in the proximity of Italo' 5 Restaurant. This area is the only area in the oove where large trucks can park as it is zoned for acoercial use. The village at La Quinta' 5" image will not be enhanced by large trucks parking in the area. Council Mebber Bohnenberger would like to have this matter brought up for dis- cussion at the Decebber 17, 1985 council meeting to find out what direction the Council would like to go. Poger Hirdler Ca*inunity safety Coordihator F*/bap BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mayor and *bers of the City Council From: Planning C*rmission Date: Dec*tber 17, 1985 Subject: T**ATIVE ThA* No.21120 Santa Rosa Cove" IDcation: *rth of Avenida Fernando, within Santa Rosa Cove, approximately 3600 feet west of Eisenhower Drive at Avenue 50 Applicant: Anden Corporation Request: Division of 14+ Acres Into 37 *ts for Cust*n Single-Family Residences. on *eeeer 26, 1985, the Planning Ccooission conducted a public hearing on the subject tract and recarimsnds appr*val of the land division subject to the 25 conditions set forth in the attached Staff Report. There was no significant discussion on this matter by the Planning C*TtrLission. Mike *nith, Applicant's Engineer, and Sergio Alvarez, Anden Corporation, appeered on this matter and indicated concurrence with the Staff reoclendation. * one else appeared on this matter. La*ence L. Stevens, AICP Counity Developeent Director Atch: Planning C**uiission Staff Report *ted 11/26/85 * BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUI*A To: The *norable Mayor and **ers of the City Council Jim longtin, City Attorney From: La*ence L. Stevens, C**cunity Develo*irent Director Date: * 17, 1985 Subject: *TIvE *CT NO. 21120 SANTA RnSA CO'C:) Condition Regarding *vertising Signs It is recarrrended that the following Condition No.26 be added to T*ntative Tract Map No. 21120: 26. Applicant shall refrain fr* posting and maintaining signs and posters advertising tract sales in violation of City Regulations and without first obtaining a permit from the *cunity Developeent Director.*' This condition shall apply to previous tract approvals for Santa *sa Cave and shall specifically apply to the practice of posting and maintainnng, cn w**ends, advertising signs consisting of billboards *unted on trailers and various lathe or metal stake cardboard signs, all located on and adjacent to City streets. In the event of a violation of this condition, following hearing thereon before the City Council, this tentative tract map approval be revoked and teminated." P L*tin ty Attorney SL*:JL:dmv BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Chairran and **rs of the Planning C**injssion Fforn: G*rrnunity Developeent ne*ment Date: Naverber 26, 1985 Subject: TENTATI\* *T **D NO.21120 Santa *se Cove" Location: North of Avenida Fernando, Within Santa Posa Cave, Approx*ately 3,600 Feet West of Eisenhower Drive at Avenue 50 Applicant: Anden Corporation Request: Division of 14+ Acres into 37 LDts for Custan Single-Family Housing **GROUND 1. General Plan a. Site: The General Plan designates the site for Law Density Residential 2-4 dwellings Per acre). The applicable specific plan limits density of the site to four dwellings per acre. b. Surrounding Area: The General Plan designates the surrounding areas for *w Density Pesidential 2-4 dwellings per acre) and Open Space. Specific Plan No. 12IE designates the surrou*iding areas for golf course land uses. 2. Zoning a. Site: R-2-l0,000 Miltiple Family Residential, 10,000-square-Foot Minimum Per Dwelling Unit). b. Surrounding Area: R-5 Open Area *ining Zone Residential Develo**nt) 3. *isting Conditions: The site is a portion of the Santa *sa Cove within Specific Plan No. 12IE * Quinta Cove Golf Club). The 14.34-acre site is vacant and roughly graded. The site is surrounded to the north and *st by a golf course and the S&flta Posa Nountains. * the south and east are existing attached cond* miniums. The proposed project is within Tentative Tract *. 14496 of *iich Phases 1 through 6 have been finalled. Within this tract, 378 condominlum units have been ccopleted and 45 are under construction. *in access to the site is fr*n Avenida Fernando, a private street, via the main Santa Fosa Cove entra*ce at Eiseehower Drive and Avenue 50. Public urproverrints and services, except for gas, have been eetended to the site. 4. Environmental Considerations: An Environmental pact Report SCH *74121652) was prepared on the related overall Specific Plan No. l2* and was certified on April 15, 1975, by the County of Riverside. An additional Environmental Assessment was prepared for the related Tentative Tract *p No.14496. Staff has BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8S* REPOR* PLANNING C*MISSION Novebber 26, 1985 Page 2. determined that these previous environmental reports adeguately address the environmental inpacts associated with Tentative Tract Map Nb. 21120. Mitigation measures added to the entire Specific Plan address and limit all potentially significant environmental inpacts to a level of minor significance. Pursuant to the State of California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, Section 15153, the previous EIR nay apply to the proposed project if circumstances of the project are essentially the same as those addressed in the EIR. The proposal, in fact, will result in an overall reduction of envir*m*ntal ippacts from that which was previously approved for the site. The project proposes a density of 2.51 units per acre. The site was previously approved for a density of 5.09 units per acre. 5. Other Related Actions a. Specific Plan Nb. 12IE, La Quinta Cove Golf Club, appro*ed as revised for 916 condominiums, 642 hotel units and a 185-acre golf course. Approved by Riverside County on May 13, 1982. b. Tentative Tract Nb. 14496 *vised, approved for 591 cond*niniums relative to Specific Plan Nb. 121E. Approved on October 18, 1983. 6. Project Description; The project consists of the subdivision of a porti*i of Santa Rosa Cove into 37 estate-type lots for the purpose of devel*xtent of' cust*n single-family housing. One of these lots shall be devoted to recreational amenities. The tract will be developed on 14.34 acres on the northwesterly most portion of Santa Rosa Cove. The proposed project density, without golf CourSe/OPeri space areas within Santa Rosa Cove, is 2.51 units per acre which is substantially less than that *hich was previously approved for development. The origiaal Specific Plan concept approved up to 4 dwellings per acre including recreational and open space amenities. Tentative Tract No.14496 Revised, approved a site net density of 5.09 dwellings per acre, eguivalent to an ultimate site buldout of 73 dwelling units. Avenida Fernando, a private, main street through Santa Rosa Cove, provides main aocess to the site, *iich is appr*cimately 3,600 feet west of the ma:in gated entrance at Eisenhower Drive and Avenue 50. Fran Avenida Fernando, Calle Flora and Avenida Artega extend north and east in a loop configuration to provide direct access to all lots within the subdivision. Avenida Arteaga ends in a cul*e-sac at the eastern extreme of the tract. Avenida Arteaga was previously approved to extend across to the east to cc*inect to Vista Del Cielo. This portion of street is proposed to be anandoned to be inproved with a 20-foot-wide turf blo* section for emergency vehicle access only. Residential lots within the tract range in size from appr*imately 11,400 to 18,000 square feet. The majority of the lots are between 12,000 and 13,000 square feet. The large 20, 000-square-foot corner lot at Calle Flora and Avenida Arteaga is proposed for ccim*n recreational uses to include a tennis court. *t widths within the tract are generally between 70 and 100 feet with exception to odd shaped lots. *t depths are generally 120 feet. The Applicant did not indicate the selling price of the lots. BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8STAFF REPORT PL*N** C*MISSION Novebber 26, 1985 Page 3. 7. Ccee*ts Peceived A. The Applicant shall c*nply with the following reguir*nents of the City Engineer as follows: 1. Tentative Tract *. 21120 shall co'ply with the requir*nents and s*dards of the State Subdivision Map Act and the City of La Quinta M*icipal Code. 2. Prior to issuance of any building permit, the Applicant shall sulinit a grading plan for review and approval by the City Engineer. 3. The Applicant shall utilize dust control measures in accordance with the *inicipal Code and *iform Building Code and, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 4. The Applicant shall develop all roads applicable to Tentative Tract 21120 in conformance with City staddards as conditionally *pproved and subject to approval by the City Engineer. 5. All roadways within Tentative Tract No.21120 shall remain private and shall be maintained as such Minimum 3" A.C. over 4" Class 2 Base). 6. The following modification shall be made in the circulation plan: A standard offset cul*e-sac with 90' diameter per Fire M*rshal) shall be provided at the end of Avenida Arteaga. o A plan indicating a second entry gate, proposed parking and rr*thod of traffic control along the private road system shall be sul*tted for review and approval by the C*tmunity Developeent Department. Final street typical section shall be as per reguirements of the City Engineer 36' ninirn cur*to-curb width for parking on both sides of the street). o * access gate(s) shall be provided at lot 20 and other locations if r**ired by the Fire Marshal. The design, location and installation of these gates are subject to revie*j and approval of the City Fire Marshal and the *unity Developeent Depararent. B. The Applicant shall co:ply with the following requirements of the City Fire Marshal: 1. Emergency access provided on abandoned Avenue Arteaga right-of-way is shown as 20'-wide turf block. Turf-block is a marginal all-weather paving surface at best. To be acceptable, it itu*st be installed on a road base properly c*tpacted for heavy vehicles and niust be bordered by low concrete curbing minimum 6" wide) which clearly delineates the the edge of the access road. 2. Previous c*trrents regarding fire flow and hydrant remain unchanged. Note: Fire flow required is 1500 GPM at 20 psi residual for 2-hour duratiai available from super hydrants 6" * 4" x 2" x 2") located at intersections and such that no lot frontage is ir*re than 250' from a hydrant). C. Coachella Valley Water District: This area is protected from stonr****ater flows by a system of channels and dikes, maintained by the developer and may be con- sidered safe from sto*r**ater flows except in rare instances. This area is designated Zone C on Federal Flood Insurance Rate Maps v*ich are in effect at this time. BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8STAFF REPoR* PL*ING C*dISSICN Novetber 26, 1985 Page 4. The District will furnish darestic water and sanitation service to this area in accordance with the current regulations of this District. These regulations provide for the pa**t of certain fees and charges by the subdivider and said fees and charges are subject to change. D. Desert Sand Utiified School District: Project will inpact DSUSD. Please require agre*t*nt between DSUSD and developer for mitigation fees. E. Riverside County *herif f's Depart*t: The residences should have 6" high street address nunbers on a contrasting background as this would aid eeergency vehicles in locating residences. The lighting around the pool and tennis courb should be of sufficient wattage to cover all areas. All residences should have low cost outside lighting for security and safety. The lighting should be directed away fran the residences. F. General Telephone **y: G* has facilities at Avenida Vista Bonita and Calle Flora. G. Southern California Gas *pany: No Southern California Gas Copany facilities within proposed project area. H. Ch*r of O*erce: Thank you for keeping the *ianeer inforned. I. The *ounity Developeent Depar*t Planning Division received the response No **ts" fr*n the following entities: o * safety Depar*t o CDD, Building Division J. leperial Irrigation District was reguested to respond on this project, but did not. STAFF C*I**iS AND ANALYSIS Background Santa Posa Cove, formally known as La Quinta Cove Golf club" Specific Plan No. 121E) was originally approved by the County in 1975. The original plan included 619 acres with 637 condoniniuns, 496 hotel units, and many recreational and service anenities. The plan was then revised in 1982 increasing the nubeer of condoniniuns to 916 units and 642 hotel units and increasing acreage to 638.23 acres. To date, 378 condoninium units have been car*1eted and 45 are under construction within Santa *sa Cove. an october 19, 1983, City Council approved Tentative Tract Map No.14496 Revision No.1) which allowed construction of 562 conduniurns. The project site takes into account lots 6 through 11 of the previously approved and revised tract which would peerit 73 condoinni*in units at a density of 5.09 units per acre. None of the revised portions of this map have been built on. Consistency with Specific Plan No. l2* The Santa *sa Cove project has been developed, as originally conceived, as a high quality residential carinunity with a high level of aennities, including open space and the maintenance of the area' 5 character. The proposed tract is consistent In keeping with this main objective. The proposed tract will maintain the integrity of Santa Posa Cove by providing a high quality estate-type custan built developeent as an alternative to condaninium developeent. BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8*IAFT REPORT PLANNING C*dISSION * 26, 1985 Page 5. As opposed to what is currently approved for the site, which is 73 condominiums with a density of 5.09 units per acre, the project proposes a significantly lawer density of 2.51 units per acre with 36 single-family houses at ultimate buildout. A reduction in density for the site should be c*sidered to be consistent with the Specific Plan. A reduction in the overall Specific Plan project density is actually a benefit to the cartrn*ty in terms of lowering the cumulative environmental ippacts associated with the Santa Fosa Cove project. With regard to design consistency, all housing units to be built on any of the lots within Tentative Tract No.21120 shall undergo a separate plot plan review by the City to assure c*tpatibility of architecture throughout the tract as well as within Santa *sa Cove. It is anticipated that the Applicant will set up a Santa Posa Cove Design Review C*rinittee to review the houses for design consistency and c*rpatibility. Overall, the proposed project is consistent with the concept and intent of the La Quinta Cove Golf Club Specific Plan, Specific Plan No. 121E. The projec't is eeeected to provide ir*re residential variety and c*rpleeent Santa Fosa Cove in terms of reduced density and architectural variation. Circulation Considerations *ain access to the project site is fran Avenida Feraando. Calle Flora and Avenida Arteaqa provide access to all lots within the tract in a loop configuration. The tract is proposed to be sareat isolated fran other portions of Santa Posa Cove with Avenida Arteaga ending in a cul*e- sac. Specific Plan No. 121E and Tentative Tract Map No. 14496 specify Avenida Arteaga as continuing to Vista Del Cielo Phase 6 of Tentative Tract No.14496). In terms of conventional circulation passenger vehicles, bicycles and pedestrian itov*Tient) the abandonment of this street portion will not cause any major problems. It is a concern of Staff's that emergency vehicle access be provided to the Phase 6 portion of Tentative Tract No.14496 via Avenida Fernando Calle Flora Avenida Arbeaga. The prcposed tract map does provide a 2*foot-wide turf-bl* isproved access at this connection point for fire depatment access. Therefore, the method of this emergency route connection ixr*roveeent shall be subject to approval by the City Fire Narshal. Ene** Considerati*s of the 36 residential lots in the tract, 68 percent 25 lots) are generally oriented north-south which is considered an energy inefficient design. Houses developed on north-south oriented lots, as a rule-of-thunib", are developed with an east-west orientation which maximizes structural sun epposure. However, the lots in this tract are large, many in excess of 12, 00*suuare-feet. Buildings on these lots can easily be designed efficiently to *hasize minirnal sun epposure. It is also inportant to note that the project site is located at the foot of the Santa Posa D*untains. Therefore, the natural shading of the late afternoon sun fr* the mountains creates an ideal site for lower daily sun exposure periods. All houses on the subdivision shall ca*ply with all energy-related reguireeents at the time of building permit issuance. Tract Site and Design Since the Applicant intends to sell each lot separately for custom single-family house development, it follows that minimum design criteria should be established either in BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ , 8STAFF REPOR* PLANNING C*4ISSICN Nov***er 26, 1985 Page 6. the form of direct controls conditions of approval) or in the Covenants, Conditions and Pestrictions Cc&R' 5). To protect the design integrity of Santa Rosa Cove, the Applicant shall establish a Design Review C*Uiflittee which will review and approve developeent proposals within Tentative Tract No.21120. All plot plans relative to the tract shall be authorized and certified by this G**ittee. The objectives of this C*rltiittee shall be as follows: Assure project c*laince with Specific Plan No. 121E and all applicable Cc&R' 5. o Dete]rine that developeent within Tentative Tract No.21120 is **tible with existing and proposed develo*nt within Santa Rosa Cove in terms of architecture, mass, height, and bulk of structures, and landscape design. o Assure that the building architecture, building materials and colors of developeent within Tentative Tract No.21120 follows a consistent design th* which is in keeping with the balance of the Santa *sa Cove project. The lots within Tentative Tract No.21120 are large giving lot owners the ability to be flexible with the design of their cust*n house. Therefore, minimurn building criteria such as setbacks, lot coverage, building height, etc., should not be a major consideration in the conditions of approval. Rather, this should be th* responsibility of the Applicant in the form of architectural guidelines incorporated into the CC&R' 5. The Applicant should establish within the Cc&R' 5 site design standards appropriate to estate lots, including but not limited to, front, side and rear yard setbacks, lot coverage, and building height. Standards should maximize building separation, enhance overall streetscape, and minimize the appearance of bulk. All such standards should be revie*d by the C*ru*ty Developeent Depart*t as part of its review of the OC&R' S but shall be no less restrictive than R-2 Zone standards. lot sales and h* construction within the tract are expected to be sporadic. To miflimize blowing dust and maintain a pleasant environment within the tract, all lots should be properly covered with landscaping and/or groundcover and maintained appropriately. Conclusi*s 1. The proposed overall density, without the inclusion of golf course open space amenities of 2.51 units per acre, is consistent with the General Plan, zoning and the Specific Plan. 2. The environ*ntal ippacts associated with the proposed project have been adequately addressed in the Environmental Ippact Raport. Mitigation measures added to the project, through conditions of approval, will reduce any potentially significant environmental impacts to a level of insignificance. The proposed project will actually have an incremental reduction in environmental impacts from that which was originally approved for the site as the density has been reduced from 5.09 to 2.51 dwelling units per acre. 3. The proposed circulatian system will provide for the safe and efficient ir*weeent of vehicles within the project. FINDINGS 1. That the proposed Tentative Tract Map No.21120 is consistent with the goals, policies and intent of the La Quinta General Plan. 2. That the design and inproveeent of Tentative Tract Map No.21120 is consistent with the goals, policies and intent of the La Quinta General Plan. BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8 STAFF REPORI PLANNING C*ISSICN Nov*riber 26, 1985 Page 7. 3. The site is physically suitable for the proposed project at an overall density of 2.51 units per acre. 4. That the design and in*rovements applicable to Tentative Tract Map No.21120 are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or injury to fish or wildlife or their habitat. 5. That the design of the subdivision, as conditionally approved, is not likely to cause serious public health problems. 6. That the design of Tentative Tract Map No.21120 will not conflict with easeeents, acquired by the public at large, for access through the project since alternate eas*r*nts for access and for use have been provided that are substantially equivalent to those previously acquired by the public. 7. The project is consistent with and fully car*1ies with the standards of the *micipal Zoning and Laad Division Ordinance. 8. The environnental impacts associated with the proposed project have been adequately addressed in the certified Rnvironnental Thpact Peport prepared for the entire Duna La Quinta Specific Plan. The significant ippacts presented by Tentative Tract Map No.21120 will be appropriately mitigated through conditions of approval for this project to the extent feasible. 9. At the tbr* of the developrent of any residential unit on Tentative Tract Map No. 21120, building orientation, design and landscaping will be designed for rn*xim energy efficiency to the greatest extent feasible. 10. The City of La Quinta has adopted Specific Plan No. 121E in which this project is a part of, and that Tentative Tract Map No.21120, as conditionally approved, is consistent in concept and design with said Specific Plan. 11. The discharge of waste frem the proposed subdivision will not result in violation of existing requireeents prescribed by the Coachella Valley water District and the Regional water Quality Control Board. sTh* RB**NDATICNS Based on the above conclusions and findings, the Ocounity Developr*nt Depar*nt recoeeends approval of Tentative Tract Map No.21120 in accordance with Exhibit 11A11 and subject to the attached conditions. PI*PARED BY: APP*VED BY: C * Gary w. Price Lawrence L. Stevens, AlCP Associate Planner ccDI*ty Developeent Depart*t G*P:dmv Atch: Conditions of Approval Exhibit A" BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8C*DITI@*S OF APPR)V*L Th*ATIVE TRA*I * NO.21120 Nov*tber 26, 1985 General 1. Tentative Tract Map No.21120 shall c*ly with the reguir*rents and standards of the State Subdivision Map Act and the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordiance, unless otherwise irodified by the following conditions. 2. This tentative tract map approval shall expire two years after the original date of approval by the La Quinta City Council unless approved for extension pursuant to the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinnnce. 3. Tract phasing plans, including phasing of public i'r*'rovee'ents, shall be stuuitted for review and approval by the City Engineer and the C*rrunity Developr*nt Departtent 4. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any building or use conterplated by this approval, the Applicant shall obtain peerits and/or clearances fran the followjr public agencies: o City Fire Marshal o City Engineer a(Ir!onity Develo*irent Deparaaent, Planning Division o Coachella Valley water District o Riverside County Environmental Health Depai*t o Desert Sands Unified School District or Coachella Unified School District as appropriate) Evidence of said peerits or clearances fran the above irentioned agencies shall be presented to the Building Division at the tirre of the application for a building peerit for the use cont*lated herewith. Soils and Geology 5. Prior to issuance of any building peerit, the Applicant shall SUb*t a grading plan for review and approval by the City Engineer. 6. The Applicant shall utilize dust control *asures in accordance with the *inicipal Code and the Uniform Building Code and subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Traffic and Circulation 7. The Applicant shall develop all roads applicable to Tentative Tract No.21120 in conformance with City standards and with the design standards specified in Specific Plan No. 121E La Quinta Cove Golf Club), as conditionally approved and subjec to approval of the City Engineer. 8. All roadways within Tentative Tract No.21120 shall rerain private and shall be maintaed as such. 9. The following rrodification shall be niade in the circulation plan: a. A standard offset cul-de-sac with 90' diareter per Fire Marshal) shall be provided at the end of Avenida Arteaga subject to review and approval of the City Fire Marshal and City Engineer. BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8C*D*I*S OF APPROV**L TENTATIVE ThACT * No.21120 Nov*er 26, 1985 Page 2. b. A plan indicating proposed parking and nethod of traffic control along the private road systen shall be submitted for review and approval by the Catinity Development Departaent. Final street typical section shall be as per reguireeents of the City Engineer 36' minirnurn curb*to-curb width for parking on one side only). c. Erergency access gate(s) shall be provided at the end of Avenida Aeteaga and other locations as required by the Fire Marshal). The design, location and installation of these gate(s) are si*bject to review and approval of the City Fire Marshal and the Cerrunity Development Depar.aaent. Public Services and Utilities 10. The Applicant shall corply with the requirerents of the City Fire D*irshal. Prior to issuance of any building permit within Tentative Tract *. 21120, the following conditions shall be met/certified to, except that the Fire Marshal may approve alternate reans of c*rpliance where deered appropriate and e*Liivalent to these standards: a. Fire flow requirerent is 1500 GPM for 2-hour duration at 20 psi residual pressure available fr*n Super 6" x 4" x 2") hydrants located * inter- sections if possible, but in no case it*re than 250' f* any building. Water i* roverent plans to be SLunitted to Fire Marshal for approval. b. The irrproved turf-block erergency access must be installed on a road base properly c*r*acted for heavy vehicles and rust be bordered by low concrete curbing mi**rn 6" wide) which clearly delineates the edge of the access road. c. Cul-de-sacs shall be 90' dianeter. 11. The Applicant shall ca*ply with the requirerents of the Coachella valley Water District as follows: a. The water and sewage disposal syst* for the project shall be installed in accordance with the requirerents of the City and CVWD. b. *en there are identified conflicts, the City will withhold the issuance of any building peerit until arrangerents have been made with the District for the relocation of these facilities. 12. The Applicant shall corply with the requirerents of the leeerial Irrigation District prior to issuance of any building permits within the tract. 13. All utility i'r*roverents shall be installed underground. Schools 14. In order to mitigate ji* acts on public schools, the Applicant shall corply with the following: a. Prior to recordation of the final map, the Applicant shall enter into an agreerent to pay School Mitigation Developer Fees with the Desert Sands Unified School District DSUSD). b. Prior to the issuance of any building peerits, the Applicant shall provide the Director of Carrrrunity Developrent with written clearance fr*xn the DSUSD stating that the per unit in*t fees have been paid. BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8C*D*ICNS OF APPF*L T****TIVE * 1*L No.21120 Nov*r*er 26, 1985 Page 3. Manag*nt 15. Prior to the recordation of the final map, the Applicant shall su*t to the C***ity Devel***nt Depart*t the following doccents which shall d*nstrate to the satisfaction of the City that the open space/recreation areas and private streets and drives shall be maintained in accordance with the intent and pprpose of this approval: a. The document to convey title; b. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions to be recorded, and c. Managenent and maintenance agreement to be entered into with the unit/lot owners of this land division. The approved Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions shall be recorded at the sarr* tiire that the final subdivision nap is recorded. A ha**ers' association, with the unqualified right to assess the owners of the individual units for reasonable maintenance costs shall be established and continuously maintained. The association shall have the right to lien the property of any owners who default in the paynent of their assess*ents. Such lien shall not be subordinant to any encuubrance other than a first deed of trust, provided that such deed of trust is made in good faith and for value and is of record prior to the lien of the hareawners' association. Archaeology 16. If buried r*riains are encountered during developeent, a qualified archaeologist shall be contacted inrrediately and appropriate mitigation neasures can be taken. Noise 17. Prior to issuance of building permits, building sethacks, engineering design, orientation of buildings, and noise barriers shall be used to reduce noise inpacts fran existing and future nearby streets to within State standards. Tract Site and Design 18. Developeent of the project site shall ocoply with E*diibit A pursuant to Ccoounity Developrent Deparbent's *tative Tract Map No.21120 file as conditionally approved. 19. The Applicant shall establish a Design Review C*nnittee to review and approve all developeent within Tentative Tract No.21120. The main objectives of this C*tmittee shall be as follows: o Assure developeent o*T*liance with Specific Plan No. l2* and all applicable OC&R' 5. o Determine that developeent within Tbntative Tract No. 21120 is coppatible with existing and proposed devel*xrent within Santa *sa Cove in terms of architecture, mass, height and bulk of structures, and landscape design. o Assure that the building architecture, building materials and colors of develop- ment within *ntative Tract No.21120 follows a consistent design the"* which is in keeping with the balance of the Santa Rosa *ve project. BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8C*DITIONS OF APP*VAL *ENTATIVE ThACr L* No.21120 Nov*rber 26, 1985 Page 4. 20. Applicant shall establish within the CC&R' S Site design standards appropriate to estate lots, including but not limited to, front, side and rear setbacks, lot coverage, etc. Standards shall be reviewed by the Catit*riity Developeent *paetnent as part of its review of the CC&R's, but be no less restrictive than the R-2 Zone standards. 21. All lots shall be naintained with appropriate landscaping/groundcover. Prior to issuance of an occupancy permit for any house within Tentative ract No.21120, landscaping and/or groundoover shall be installed and appropriately maintained. 11'*Z of planting, method if installation and maintenance techniques shall be subject to plan approval by the Cocounity D*velopeent Depar*t. 22. All roof-n*ted equipeent shall be screened fran view at all sides by design of the house. All ground*r*unted mechanical equipment shall be screened fran view by methods approved by the CarU!Lll*ty Development Depar*nt. 23. All housing developeent within T*ntative Tract No.21120 shall require approval of a plot plan, pursuant to Section 18.30 of the *micipal *and Use Ordinance, prior to issuance of a building permit(s). Miscellaneous 24. Applicant shall stuuit plans for street lighting, if any, along roads for review and approval by the *unity Development Department. 25. The Applicant shall c*ly with the provisions and require*r*ts of the City' S adopted Infrastructure Fee Program in effect at the tix** of issuance of building pe]*TLitS. BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mayor and *ters of the City Council From: C*ity Develop:ent Director Date: Deceeber 17, 1985 Subject: ThA* No.19203 Desert Club of La Cuinta11 an Dec*[*er 10, 1985, the Ccounity Develo**t*nt Depart*t received a letter copy attached) fr*n the Desert Club of La Quinta requesting that the condcniniurn develo* n*t approval associated with Tract No.19203 be declared nUll ahd void. The letter reguests that the land division creating two parcels lot #1-condo project; lot #2- existing Desert Club) be retained in effect. This request has been reviewed with the City Attorney and it has been detexined that the rescission of the develop:ent approval can be done by rvtion. It is, m*ever, appropriate to record a convenant against the property stipulating that the developeent approval is null and void since the final map has been recorded. A second issue associated with the voiding of the developeant approval is revising the arr**t of the Letter of Credit. The Letter of Credit for $295,000 secures both on-site and off-site *proverr*nts. Since the developeent approval is being voided, it is no longer necessaay to secure on-site irtprov**ents since they can no longer be constructed until a new approval is obtained. Since the land division would r*nain in effect, the City should, however, retain a performance guarantee for the off-site mprov*r*nts to Bermudas and Avenue 52 including its extension to eliminate the curve). The City Engineer has reviewed costs associated with these off-site jirprov**ents. It is r*T recoee*dation that the guaranteed anount can be reduced to $126,980.00. * The Cc*ity Developeent Director recaimends that the City Council rescind the developeent portion of the approval granted in conjunction with Tract No.19203 subject to the following: 1. A covenant, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, be recorded against the property stipulating that the developeent approval has been rescinded. 2. A revised performance guarantee, in a form acceptable to the City, be provided for the off-site iytproveeents associated with Tract No. 19203 in the arrount of $126,980.00. PF*fED L. Stevens, AICP *OOunity Developeent Director Atch: Letter dated 12/10/85 4 BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Frank M. Usher, City Manager Date: December 13, 1985 Subject: Changes to the Implementing Agreement for the Fringe-toed Lizard Habitat Conservation Plan At its meeting of November 26, 1985, the CVAG Executive Committee recommended approval of the subject changes. The purposes of the three changes changes are to clarify the Agreement's provisions regarding the deposit of mitigation funds, audits, and The Nature Conservancy's role in expending funds for the acquisition and management of the Coachella Valley Preserve. Copies of communications from CVAG, County Counsel, and The Nature Conservancy are attached. FMU/lw BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Ann Jennings, Deputy City Manager Date: December 13, 1985 Subject: Offer to Provide Professional Medical Services- The Nadridge Medical Corporation As a follow up to information presented at the Council*s regular meeting held December 3, 1985, at which time the Council continued this matter and directed Staff to further research the offer by Dr. Maurice Nadridge to provide a package of medical services to the City, Staff presents the following: 1. In checking with our current medical services provider, Parkside Physicians of Indio and with Palm Springs Medical Center, I find a willingness to provide both pre-employment physical examinations and workman*s compensation exams. Charges for pre-employment physicals range from $25.00 Dr. Nadridge), to $35.00 at Parkside Physicians in Indio. Neither Parkside Physicians nor Palm Springs Med. Center have established on-going programs for medical consulting services such as those proposed by The Nadridge Medical Corporation. 2. Dr. Nadridge proposes to provide executive physical exams for City Council persons and departments heads for $175, which would include lab work, xrays and an electro- cardiogram. Parkside Physicans indicate the cost for such an exam would be $175.00, and Palm Springs Medical Center was unable to give me an exact quotation without more detailed patient history. 3. Dr. Nadridge proposes on-going medical programs for our senior center, such as a health lecture series, diabetes checks, etc., on a voluntary no-charge basis. I have discussed these programs with Lenelle Reade, Senior Cen- ter Program Director, and she indicates enthusiasm for these programs. The health checks would be done in con- junction with the Riverside County Health Department, and the lecture series set up as requested by Mrs. Reade. Dr. Nadridge has also indicated that he provides house- call services to homebound seniors who are unable to receive medical attention in the conventional way. Mrs. Reade has described a need for services of this type in La Quinta. 2 * BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8Honorable Mayor and Council Re: Nadridge Medical Corp. Page 2. As I stated in my report to the Council November 27, 1985, Staff does not believe all the proposed services are necessary at this time. However, certain proposed services could prove very benefi- cial such as senior services). I would continue to recommend that if the Council chooses to enter into an Agreement with Dr. Nadridge for performance of any or all of these services, we do so on a six- month trial basis, beginning January 1, 1986, through June 30,1986, at which time the services would be evaluated and the decision made as to whether to continue, modify or cancel as provided. Council alternatives are available as follows: 1. Accept the proposal from The Nadridge Medical Corporation, as outlined in the attached letter, for a six-month trial period. 2. Accept the proposal as modified according to our current needs. 3. Make no change and continue with the City's current pro- fessional services as furnished by Parkside Physicians. 4. Refer back to Staff for further review or table for discussion at another time. Respectfully submitted, Ann Jenni*gs Deputy City Manager /aj Attachment 1) BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ , 8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,!8 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: City Manager Usher and the Honorable City Council From: Roger Hirdler, Catmunity Safety Coordinator Date: Decer*ber 12, 1985 Subject: *FI*ION OF FIRE ENGINE PEQUI*TS MET BY * LAND CO. Landmark Land C*any has requested written confirmation fran the City that they have satisfied the requirements as stated in Specific Plan Nurr*ber 83-002, It*n 38-D copy attached). It was mutually agreed that the new Van Pelt fire engine would imeet the needs as stated in the specific plan. As per Mr. Stevens m* copy attached), it was anticipated that paramedic service would be instituted in the City. As it was not, the requirement for a paramedic unit was apparently dropped. The fire station will, with the new fire engine, conform to a IYno*lYl County fire station. The deletion of the telesquirt fire engine was at the request of the fire depart- ment, due to the manning problems and the limited versatility of such a fire engine. The added protection for buildings over two stories in height will be provided by built-in fire protection. Staff respectfully reac*rinends approval of the attached agreement. Respectfully summitted, Roger Hirdler Cat**ty Safety Coordinator RHibap Atchs. BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,"8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,#8 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: **ger Hirdler, Couunity safety Coordinator Ffom: Larry Stevens, *unity Developeent Director Date: Decebber 12, 1985 Subj,ct: R*IEW OF PGA WEST FII*E EQUIPMENT CONDITIONS OF APP*VAL Pursuant to Council direction at its last neeting, I have reviewed the background associated with the telesquirt engine/squad/pararredic unit condition #38d). Cenerally, initial discussions between the City, Fire Departeent and Landmark revolved around the station location, construction and equipeent. At the tine, Doug Brown was actively pu*ing a paramedic service within the City and the Fire Marshal initially concurred. Subsequent correspondence from the Fire Departeent generalized the equi* merit requir*renta to state t1equip the station per Riverside County Fire Department specifications". See Condition #38b). However, the reference to the squad/paramedic unit was apparently retained at Doug Brown's behest even though contrary to the Fire Department position. Condition No. 38d as you trannnitted to the Council) is the approved condition. I do not recall any significant discussion at the PCA *st hearings specifically on this equipment matter. I believe the intention, in light of other discussion on a City paramedic service, was that the PCA West Fire Station be equipped with engines, etc., as a normal11 County fire station. In discussions at least those that I was involved in) subsequent to the Specific Plan approval, effort was focused on the station site, station design, type of engine, etc., but there was nevery any mention of a squad or paramedic unit. Through these neetings, it was subsequently agreed that a telesquirt was not desired by the Fire Departeent problems with manning, concerns about benefits of that piece of equipment, etc.) provided that built-in" protection was provided for multi-story buildings. As a result, the telesquirt engine was dropped. 4 * Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP o*o'unity Development Director LLS:drtw BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,$8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,%8 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To City Manager Usher ar*d the Honorable City Council From *er Hirdler, *ttm*ty Safety Coordinator Date: Dec*nber 12, 1985 Subject: DISASTER PlAN Attached is the Interim Disaster Plan for the City. The organizational crarts are not a*t*leted at this time, but should be canpieted shortly after the first of the year. Scine of the it*ns covered are: 1. Disaster Coordination 2. Evacuation Centers 3. Food Supplies 4. C*tinunications 5. S*standard Buildings 6. Areas of Major Concern Point Happy and mobile h*ne parks) Staff will keep the Council updated as to what new develo**ents can and will be added to the plan. Respectfully suhuitted, I*qer Hirdler C*rinunity Safety Coordinator RHibap Atch. BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,&8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,'8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,(8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,)8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,*8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,+8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,,8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,-8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,.8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,/8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,08 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,18 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,28 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,38 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,48 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,58 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,68 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,78 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02 2^ ,88 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 09-30-1998-U01 09:14:12AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 17-U02 1985-U02