1986 05 06 CCA G E N D A CITY COUNCIL - CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting of the City Council to be held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. May 6, 1986 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Flag Salute. 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the Council on matters relating to City business. When addressing the Council, please state your name and address. The proceedings of the Council meeting are recorded on tape and comments of each person shall be limited to three (3) minutes. Persons wishing to address the Council regarding an Agenda item should use the form provided. Please complete one form for each Agenda item you intend to address and return the form to the Secretary prior to the beginning of the meet- ing. NOTE: Except for hearings, comments relative to items on the Agenda are limited to two (2) minutes. Your name will be called at the appropriate time. 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS A. Communication from the Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District requesting funds for a remodelling project at the La Quinta Community Center. B. Communication from the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce regarding a proposal relative to the bulletin board at the La Quinta Post Office.�.� 5. COMMENT BY COUNCIL MEMBERS 6. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of the Minutes of a regular City Council meeting held April 15, 1986. B. PROPOSED RESOLUTION. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIF- C. PROPOSED RESOLUTION. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIF- ORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEAR- ING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST TO VACATE PORTIONS OF ADAMS STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY. AGENDA - City Council May 6, 1986 Page Two. 7. 8. D. Report from Planning Commission approving Plot Plan No. 86-295. E. Acceptance of Final Tract No. 21381-1 at PGA West. 1) Motion for adoption. (ROLL CALL VOTE) HEARINGS A. A public hearing regarding proposed revision of fees for plan checks, engineering fees and encroachment permits. 1) Report from the Community Development Coordinator. 2) Public comment. 3) Council discussion. 4) Resolution for adoption. B. A public hearing regarding weed abatement/lot cleaning assessment for placement on the 1986-87 property tax roll. 1) Report from the Community Safety Coordinator. 2) Public comment. 3) Council discussion. 4) Resolution for adoption. BUSINESS SESSION A. Report from the City Manager regarding an agreement with the City of Indio relative to future sphere of influence and annexation boundaries. 1) Motion for adoption. B. Report from the City Manager regarding a proposed franchise for Coachella Valley Television. 1) Resolution for adoption. C. Report from the Community Development Director requesting establishment of additional personnel positions in the Building & Safety and Engineering Divisions. 1) Motion for adoption. 2) Resolution for adoption. D. Report from the Community Development Director regarding the traffic study for Singing Palms/Highland Palms. (INFORMATIONAL) Z AGENDA - City Council May 6, 1986 Page Three. E. Report from the Community Safety Coordinator regarding an Animal Control Program. 1) Motion for adoption. D. Other. 9. ADJOURNMENT W. L. LITTLEWORTH* DAVID L. BARON STEPHENS* VIRGINIA A. ETTINGER R. DEWOLFE * VICTOR L. WOLF -GAUT* DANIEL E. OLIVIER D. FIELD * ARIEL PIERRE CALONNE i ELZER * DANIEL J. MSHUGH HER4OLME CARPENTER* STEPHANIERK R RUN T. ANDERSON * MARC E. EMPEY WAH LIN * JOHN R. ROTTSCHAEFER D HARRIS* VIRGINIA A. JOHNSON EALY * LETITIA E. PEPPER S. SLOVAK * MARTIN A. MUELLER BROWN* J. MICHAEL SUMMEROUR J.KOHUT HOWARD B. GOLDS T. RIDDELL* KENDALL H. MAcVEY H A.JURY* MICHAEL P. DURKEE GRANT CLARK H. ALSOP J. BAUM EUGENE TANAKA THOMAS * MARGAREf F TANAKA 4 NETHERY * BASIL T. CHAPMAN M. REYES JEFFERY J. CRANDALL W. FLOYD, JR. SCOTT C. SMITH A. CRISTE LANCE A. ADAIR ' L. HARDKE JACK B. CLARKE CROSS ROGER A. GRAD GOLDS JEANETTE A. PETERSON G. WEINER CHRISTINE M. NORTH _ WELLAND TER] L.VOLLNOGLE .A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION April 25, 1986 City Council City of La Quinta La Quinta, CA 92253 LAW OFFICES OF BEST, BEST & KRIEGER A PA RTN 5X5XIP Iry CLVCI1O PFO FSS SIO XA4 GORfbRAT10 N3 600 EAST TAHOUITZ-MSCALLUM WAY P. 0. BOX 2710 PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92264 TELEPHONE(6I9) 32S-7264 TELEX 752735 Dear Mayor and Members of the Council: RIVERSIDE OFFICE 4200 ORANGE STREET P. O. BOX 1028 RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92502 (714) 686-1450 RANCHO MIRAGE OFFICE HOPE SQUARE PROFESSIONAL CENTRE 39700 BOB HOPE DRIVE, SUITE 312 P. 0. BOX 5056 RANCHO MIRAGE, CALIFORNIA 92270 (619) 340-2445 GORDON COLOGNE,OF COUNSEL JAMES B.CORISON,OF COUNSEL RICHARD A. OSHINSI OF COUNSEL*• RAYMOND BEST(1660-1957) JAMES H. KRIEGER (1913-1975) EUGENE BEST (1893-1981) **ADMITTED IN: NEVADA, NEW YORK WASHINGTON. D. C. COURT OF CLAIMS This office represents the 3S Company and Simon Family Partnership who are the owners of Parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 and Parcel Map Number 18418 respectively, and this letter is written in connection with your proposed Washington Street Corridor Amendment to the General Plan. We have been informed that both the City Council and the Planning Commission have held Public Hearings in connection with the General Plan Amendment and that the City Council has adopted that Amendment to your General Plan. Unfortunately, neither the 3S Company nor the Simon Family Partnership received notice of any Public Hearings whatsoever. Needless to say, my clients object vehemently to the proposal on many grounds, including but not limited to the following: 1. We were not given proper notice of the Hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council; and, 2. The need for additional right-of-way on the east side of Washington Street and the south side of Highway 111 has not been demonstrated; and, 3. The burden of the proposal falls entirely upon the owners east of Washington Street while the benefit falls solely to the owners of property west of Washington Street; and, 4. The property values listed in the study are significantly below those setforth in offers to purchase previously received by my clients; and, WA City Council April 25, 1986 Page Two 5. The existence of the General Plan Amendment so significantly clouds the title to the properties owned by my clients as to make it unmarketable. In view of the foregoing we would respectfully request that the City reopen the Hearings on this matter after properly giving notice to each owner entitled thereto in order that we may have ample opportunity to present evidence and alternatives to those plans recommended by the Planning Commission and apparently adopted by the City Council in its Specific Plan Number 86-007. While we wish to cooperate with the City in its endeavors to improve the area, I am sure you will understand our concern when we found out after the fact that after having already dedicated 36 feet along Washington Street, five feet along Highway 111 and installing curbs, gutters, sidewalks and traffic signals all at significant expense and all within the last three years, the City now wishes to tear out all of that work and render valueless at least two of the parcels with Parcel Map Number 18418 all without notice to us. In view of the drastic economic effects this is having on our clients at the present time, we would respectfully request an early response to this letter. Thank you for your prompt consideration of this matter. Yours very truly, BEST, BEST & KRIEGER Paul T. elzer PTSts CC: John Sanborn Fred Simon C'4uman ,-&-wice 6oniuftanti 9und <:-Raisin9 Oene �ousr management eo//nsuftin9 //// and 9easigilpitlp - tuQies, OTSSodatzi. �ublic efations DATE: May 6, 1986 TO . City of La uinta FROM: Gene H*NAY SUBJ: PRELIMSUS RESULTS The census was completed on time and under budget. City staff is to be commended for the part they played in making this happen. We thought the census might cost $21,500 plus supplies and it looks like it will cost $19,500 plus supplies. The census data reported below is unofficial and was computed in the field. We will submit the final results to you when they are available from the state approximately June 1. Total housing units 3,880 Vacant units 1,252 Total population 7,456 Persons per household 2.84 Vacancy percentage 32.3% The regular and special questions are being tabulated in Sacramento and are part of the official report.due June I. The responses will be given to you first as a total city, then by census tract and then by planning areas. The planning areas were determined by the City planning department in cooperation with my office. At present the City is paid subvention funds based on a population estimate of 7,842. Therefore, if the official census count is less than that, as we expect, then we recommend that the City simply take no action and the subvention funds will remain the same. We consulted with the Population Research Unit of the state Department of Finance regarding the census results. They will adjust their annual population estimate bagEd on the special census. We project, therefore that the City will receive more subvention funds between 1987 and 1990 than it would have otherwise. It is quite likely this will repay the City for all its out -of pocket expenses for the census. 457 N. Palm Canyon Drive, Suite 3 Palm Springs, California 92262 619 320-6262 1 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the present joint and several liability law, also known as the "Deep Pocket Doctrine", has unfairly cost the cities of California millions of dollars in court judgments, settlements, legal costs, skyrock- eting insurance premiums and difficulty in obtaining adequate liability insurance coverage; and WHEREAS, this same doctrine has also cost other governmental bodies, business firms and professionals many millions of dollars; and WHEREAS, ultimately this cost is unfairly borne by the taxpayers and consumers of California; and WHEREAS, many cities, other governmental bodies, business firms and professionals are selected as defendants in lawsuits merely because of their perceived assets or insurance and often are found only fractionally at fault but must pay most or all of the judgment because the defendants most at fault cannot pay; and WHEREAS, the cost of this is unfairly borne by the taxpayers and consumers of California; and WHEREAS, the "Fair Responsibility Act of 1986" is an initiative measure that would give the voters of California an opportunity to reform the inequities and injustices of the "Deep Pocket Doctrine" by holding liability lawsuit defendants financially liable in closer proportion to their degree of fault; now, therefore be it RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of La Quin to endorse the "Fair Responsibility Act of 1986" and urge its support and passage to relieve the financial strain imposed on local government and its taxpayers. READ AI4D ADOPTED at , California, on this day of N , 198 _, by a majority vote of the duly elected members of said City Council. Signed: (Print or type name) (Office or Title) Phone: ( ) 7 David J. Skeffington District Manager April 9, 1986 �creil�t Y� j ----- _b6tAk 46-350 South Jackson Street Indio, California 92201-6076 619-3473484 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of La Quinta 78-105 Calle Estado Re: La Quinta Community Center Doors La Quinta, Ca. 92253 Dear Mayor and Members of the City Council: Recently the Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District advertised for bids on the doorwork at the La Quinta Community Center. Bids were received at the District office and I am recommending that the contract be awarded to Meredith and Simpson Construction Co. as low bidder. The total amount of the bid is $6,355.00. I am requesting funds from the City of La Quinta for this project. I have enclosed a copy of the bid from the construction company. If you need any additional information, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your continued cooperation with the Recreation and Park District. incerely, David J. Ske i gton District Manager DJS/ljs I Meredith & Simpson Construction Co. &Tneers = ywaex's = e>/w&6 f"- 3 83ED' AVENUE 45 INDIO, CALIPORNia 9220' P C DRAVYER Y PHONE (619) 3=7-23EE March 25, 1986 Coachella Valley Recreation & Park District 46-350 South Jackson St. Indio, CA 92201 ATTN: David J. Skeffington RE: La Quinta Community Center Dear Mr. Skeffington: In response to your letter dated 3-1E-86, Meredith & Simpson Construction, Co., is pleased to submit an updated quotation for the proposed work at your La Quinta facility. 1. East door, front: Install new glass entry system to provide 6'0" w x 7'0" h doorway, complete with double 3'0" x 7'0" glass doors. Included are the following items: A. Frames are to be 1 3/4" x 4" anodized aluminum. B. Glass to be clear tempered. C. (2) 2'0" x 7'0" side vision lights. D. Panic hardware, both doors. E. Concealed closures, both doors. F. Threshold G. Weatherstripping H. Schlage lock cylinders I. Enclosure of top vision light by framing in and trim, including painting. Total cost for the above (Item 1).........................$2,740.00 2. West door, back: Install new metal door sytem to provide a 5'0" x 6'8" doorway, complete with double 2'6" x 6'8" metal doors. Included are the following items: A. Frames are to be 2" x 7 3/4" hollow metal. B. Doors to be 2'6" x 618", 1 3/4" thick, hollow metal, insulated with polystyrene. C. Panic hardware on active door. D. Flush bolts on inactive door. E. Closure on active door. F. Threshold G. Weatherstripping H. Schlage lock cylinder I. Painting doors and frame Total cost for the above (Item 2).........................$1,220.00 G c Coachella Valley Recreation & Park District )larch 25, 1986 Page Two 3. kitchen door: Install new metal door system to provide a 3'0" x 6'8" doorway. Included are the following items: A. Frame is to be 2" x 7 3/4", hollow metal. B. Door is to be 3'0" x 618", 1 3/4" thick, hollow metal insulated with polystyrene. C. Panic iardware D. Closure E. Threshold F. Weatherstripping G. Schlage lock cylinder H. Painting door and frame Total cost for the above (Item 3).. ......................$865.00 4. West door - front and east door - rear: Eliminate these openings, 'including the following: A. Remove existing doors and frames as necessary. B. Install wood framing studs. C. Insulate opening with R-19 fiberglass. D. Cover outside of openings with finish grade plywood and wood trim. E. Cover 'inside of opening with paneling to match existing as close as possible, drywall upper area and install sheet cork for bulletin board area. F. Painting G. East door - rear side and top vision lights to remain. Total cost for the above (Item 4)..........................$1,530.00 Thank you for the opportunity of submitting a quotation for the above mentioned work. If we can be of further service, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Darren A. York Meredith & Simpson Construction Co. DAY/sb LaQuinta Chamber of Commerce P. O. BOX 255 . LA QUINTA. CA 92253. 619 564 3199 1 RECE�v ED April 23, 1986 �gB6 C1Ti of LA QUINTA Mr. Frank Usher City of La Quinta P. 0. Box 1504 La Quinta, Ca. 92253 4. Re: Non -enclosed half of bulletin board Village of La Quinta at Post Office Dear Frank: After your discussion with Brian Monroe, the Chamber of Commerce Board attempted to act on a letter drafted by Brian. It was concluded by the Board at that time that Brian and I write you a letter of understanding for the City as to the following proposal: 1. The Chamber would like to give the non -enclosed west face of the bulletin board to the City of La Quinta for their control and repairs/maintenance. 2. In the event that the City wishes to decline this offer the west face would naturally remain in the control of the Chamber of Commerce. In the event that at any time in the future the City wishes to abandon or vacate the west face, it would immediately revert back to the control of La Quinta Chamber of Commerce. It was further agreed by the Chamber Board that this merely be a proposal. If this proposal is accepted by the City Council we would then like to put this agreement in writing to be acted upon by our entire Board and returned to the City for City Council final approval. If the Chamber can be of any assistance to you or the City in regard to this matter, please contact Brian Monroe or myself. Sincerely Andy Vossler Brian Monroe President Director AV/ah RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as shown on the Demand/Warrant Register dated May 6, 1986. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 6th day of May, 1986. ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney MAYOR APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: City Manager IV GL24U4 5/07/86 W A R k A N T R E G 1 S I E k PAGE I DATE OF WARRANT IN FAVOR OF CHECK AMOUNT LNCUMB DESCRIPTION ISSUE NUMBER AMOUNT NUMBER 182.47 SAFETY/AUTO OIL 8 GAS 5/07/86 550 BLACK GOLD OIL COMPANY 489.93 307.46 STREETS, AUTO OIL A GAS 31500.00 CUNT SERV CITY ENGINEER S 206.50 CUNT SERV SUEIl MAP CHECK 72.00 CONT SERV DRAINAGE MASTER 353.06 CONT SEkV MAP CHECK 5,521.50 CUNT SERV MASTER PLAN 170.00 CUNT SERV ASSMT DIST 2,026.54 CONI SERV PAVEMENT 3,417.53 AVE 50 PARK PLANS 1,103.50 SIGNAL WARRANT STUDIES 760.00 JOB 8-2 0028/02/22-03/2B 538.58 JOB 8-2 0029 02/22-03/28 11091.00 JOB 8-2 0030 2/22-3/28 1,094.00 JOB B-4 0031/2/22-3/28 1,360.00 CONT SERV SUBDV MAP CHECK 5/07/86 551 BST CONSULTANTS INC 21,282.21 68.00 JOB 8-2 0284 0033 5/07/86 552 C.V.J.P.I.A. 39,938.00 39,938.00 INSURANCE 5/1/86-5/l/87 5/07/B6 553 CARL WARREN AND COMPANY 870.36 870.36 SPEC.000NSEL-GRIMES 25.3E OFFICE SUPPLIES 5/07/86 554 CATHEDRAL CITY OFFICE SUP 136.68 111.30 390 OFFICE SUPPLIES 9.40 WATER/ISLANDS 5.88 WATEk/SENIOR CENTER 28.48 WATER/ISLANDS • 6.32 WATER/BLDG/PL.ANNING 53.44 WATER/ISLANDS 6.32 WADER/CITY YARD 5/07/86 555 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 384.04 275.00 CONTR.SER'V/PF'86-295 216.25 INSTALL IBM CABLE/CITY MG 5/07/86 556 COMM. WIRING CORP. 432.50 216.25 INSTALL IBM CABLE BLDG/SA 5/07/86 557 COTTON/BELAND ASSOC 850.00 950.00 GEN.PLAN PREP.8-21-84 5/07/86 558 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 794.30 794.30 ANIMAL CONTROL SERV/MARCH 5/07/86 559 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 433.36 433.36 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5/07/86 560 DAILY NEWS 30.00 30.00 LEGAL ADV 315-86 5/07/B6 561 DANNY'S PEST CONTROL 20.00 20.00 PEST CNTRL.SVCS/SR.CENTER 5/07/B6 562 DECRATREND CORP. 21.78 21.78 365 SUPPLIES 37.00 POSTAGE/NON DEFT 5/07/86 563 DEFT. OF GENERAL SERVICES 76.75 39.75 POSTAGE 5/07/86 564 DLH SYSTEMS INC. 110.25 110.25 COMPUTER/TRAINING,ASSIST. 234.20 381 AUTO REPAIRS 116.26 REPAIRS 5/07/06 565 FIRESTONE STORES 566.37 215.91 355 TRUCK REPAIRS 5/07/86 566 GARY W PRICE 40.00 40.00 APA CONF.4/5-4/8-PRICE 5/07/86 567 GENERAL CLEANING SERVICE-. 360.00 360.00 CUSTODIAL SERV APRIL 5/07/B6 568 GEORGE H CHANEY CO 2,814.50 2,814.50 INSPECTION 3/15-4/15 5/07/86 569 HAWKINS TRAFFIC 1,044.31 1,044.31 347 TRAFFIC SIGNS 18.02 378 NAME PLATES 7.26 RUBBER STAMP -CENSUS 7.42 NAMEPLATE 5/07/86 570 HOLMAN INDUSTRIES 42.19 9.49 NAMEPLATE HOLDER 5/07/66 571 HUMAN SERVICE CONSULTANTS 427.51 427.51 EXF'ENSES/PROF SEkV CONK. 5/07/66 572 IBM CORPORATION 299.50 299.50 EQUIP MAINT APRIL 212.31 UTIL/ELEC/NON DEFT 108.15 COMM SERV-SR SERV PRG 8.02 UTIL/ELEC/ENG STREETS GL24U4 5/07/86 W A R R A N T R E G 1 6 1 E R PAGE 2 DATE OF WARRANT IN FAVOk OF CHECK AMOUNT ENCUMB DESCkIPT ION ' ISSUE NUMBER AMOUNT NUMBER 5/07/86 573 IMPERIAL IkkIGATION DIST. 412.20 83.72 U7-IL/ELEC/ENG SIR 5/07/66 574 JOHN WALLING 25.00 25.00 PL.COMM.SALARIES 5/07/86 575 KETCH -ALL COMPANY 12.69 12.68 300 RELEASE KNOBS 5/07/86 576 KIM BRANDT 25.00 25.00 SALARIES, PLAN COMM 3/25 5/07/86 577 LA OUINTA GOLF ESTATES 500.00 500.00 RET UNUSED APPL DEP 853.43 EXP.REIMB.-APA MTG. 31.18 VAR MEETING REIM EXP 5/07/86 578 LAWRENCE L. STEVENS 939.59 54.98 SHELVING FOR OFFICE 5/07/86 579 LEAGUE OF CALIF. CITIES 204.58 204.58 SALARY SURVEY/1986 50.00 FACILITIES RENT-APk IL,86 5/07/86 580 LEE WIGGINS 150.00 100.00 PLANNING OFFICE RENT/APRI 5/07/86 581 LUCIA MORAN 25.00 25.00 PL.COMM.SALARIES/3/25/86 5/07/86 582 MARCELLA PRESS 49.29 49.29 RUBBER STAMPS 5/07/86 583 MASSEY SAND 6 ROCK CO. 318.53 318.53 370 10 TONS COLL, MIX 799.60 OFFICE RENT/APRIL 798.60 OFFICE RENT-APRIL 5/07/86 584 MORT BRENNAN 2,395.80 798.60 OFFICE RENT/APRIL 2,861.38 PAYROLL P/E 050286 5/07/86 585 P.E.R.S. 2,877.54 16.16 PENALTY/FILING 2/11/05 5/07/66 566 PBCC 1 87.00 87.00 EQUIP RENTAL 4/20 TO 5/20 5/07/86 587 PETTY CASH 123.74 123.74 PE END 4/30/86 31105.01 RECRUIT/CITY MANAGER 5/07/86 588 RALPH ANDERSON 6 ASSOC 4,950.89 1,845.88 RECRUIT/PLANNING DIR 5/07/86 589 RICK JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION 67.50 67.50 REF UNUSED PORT AP FEE 5/07/86 590 RIVERSIDE COUNTY EMP. 1,567.82 1,567.82 CU DEG. --PR 050286 5/07/B6 591 SANDRA DONNER 20.50 20.50 APA CONF.4/5-4/8-BONNER 5/07/86 592 SECURITY PACIFIC BANK 2,850.09 2,850.09 FED.W/H -PR 5/2/86 5/07/86 593 SOUTHERN TEMPORARY SVCS. 347.8E 347.BB S HARRELL WK/ENL1040586 5/07/86 594 SPARKLETTS 109.67 109.67 EQUIP RENT MARCH 5/07/86 595 STATE COMP.INS. FUND 10,295.00 10,295.00 PREMIUM LIEF.-WKRS.COMF'. 5/07/86 596 STATE OF CALIF-. 612.43 612.43 STATE W/H PR 5/2/86 5/07/86 597 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 210.85 210.85 SIGNAL EVER./F'EB.,B6 5/07/86 598 SUE DE GASP£kIN 25.00 25.00 PL.COMM.SALARIES-3/25 5/07/86 599 SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY 143.00 143.00 CHARTER SERVICES 7.90 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5/07/66 600 THE BLUEPRINTER 28.57 20.67 WORK ORDERS 5/07/86 601 THE PRESS ENTERPRISE 66.00 66.00 SUB 3/31/B6 THRU 3/31/87 5/07/86 602 THE PRINT"ING PLACE 55.70 55.70 364 BUSINESS CARDS-CARROLL 5/07/86 603 THOMAS THORNBURGH 25.00 25.00 SALARY PLANNING COMM325B6 5/07/86 604 TOPPS 6 BARRICADE:S 48.74 49.74 377 SIGN 5/07/86 605 TRIAD ENTERPRISES 75.00 75.00 FACILITY RENT-APRIL 5/07/86 606 U.S. POSTMASTER 29.00 29.00 ANNUAL RENT-F.O.BOX 1324 5/07/86 607 URBAN LAND INSTITUTE 46.50 46.50 358 PUBLICATION 5/07/66 608 VALLEY OFFICE EQUIPMENT 570.49 570.49 379 CASSETTE TRANSCRIBER 5/07/86 609 WALLACE NESBITT 41.04 41.04 APA CONF.4/5-4/8-NES14ITT 5/07/86 610 WINSTON TIRE COMPANY 243.45 243.45 387 BRAKE REPAIR 4/09/86 5355* K MART 396.71 396.71 FILM 4/11/86 5356,E ROGER HIRDLER 425.00 425.00 ANIMAL CNTL.SEMINAR 4/16 4/25/86 5357w CVAG 100.00 100.00 CVAG ASSBLY.MTG.4/29/86 4/18/86 5359r SECURITY PACIFIC BANK 5,072.12 5,072.12 FED W/H TAX DEF.PR4-18-86 195.00 CONF.REGIS/AfLANTA-ALLEN 4/18/86 5360• NATL TRUST HISTORIC PRES 5B5.00 390.00 CONF/ATLANTA,GA/5/13-15 4/17/86 5361r P.E.R.S. 2,750.43 2,750.43 SERV.PERIOIt 04864 4/17/B6 5362« RIVERSIDE COUNTY EMP. 1,567.82 1,567.82 CU WITHHOLDING-APRIL/86 4/17/86 5363w RIVERSIDE COUNTY EMP. 1,567.82 1,567.82 CU WITHHOLIING-APRIL,86 I LI , L24U4 5/07/86 W A R R A N T R E G I S T E R PAGE 3 DATE OF WARRANT IN FAVOR OF CHECK AMOUNT ENCUMB DESCRIPTION ISSUE NUMBER AMOUNT NUMBER 4/22/86 5364* SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO 127.19 127.19 EVAP.000LER-SP.CENSUS 4/23/86 5365* ROBERT BARLOW 87.76 67.76 SAL/MILEAGE-SPEC.CENSUS 4/23/86 5366* EMPLOYMENT DEV. DEPT. 1,470.00 1,470.00 OTR END 3/31/86 4/23/66 5367* STATE OF CALIF. 1,054.84 1,054.84 DAL DUE ST W/H OIR 033186 4/23/86 5368* STATE OF CALIF. 1,130.57 1,130.57 ST WH 4/4-4/18 PRS 4/28/86 5369* FRED WOLFF 550.00 550.00 EXP ADV LCC 4/30-5/2 4/28/86 5370* MARK MORAN 550.00 550.00 EXP ADV LCC 4/30-5/2 4/28/86 5371* SYBIL JAFFY 550.00 550.00 EXP ADV LCC 4/30-5/2 4/28/86 5372* CHARLES GKIF-FITH 270.00 270.00 EXP ADV LCC 4/30-5/2 4/26/66 5373* MARTIN BECK 550.00 550.00 EXP ADV LCC 4/30-5/2 250.00 REG/WKSHOP/5/1-5/3 4/30/06 5375* CVAG 500.00 250.00 REG/WKSHOP/5/1-3 4/30/66 5376* ALFRED P JACOB 447.78 447.78 SAL/MILEAGE-CENSUS 5/01/66 5377* NAIL TRUST HISTORIC F'RES 195.00 195.00 REG/CONF/5/13-15 -------- ----- GRAND TOTAL DEMANDS---------- 121,989.45 •* PR 04/18/86 19,267.45 PR 05/02/86 16,723.06 157,979.96 RESOLUTION NO. 86- 6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST TO VACATE PORTIONS OF ADAMS STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY. WHEREAS, the Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law (Part 3, Division of the California Streets and Highways Code) provides an alternative system of proceeding for vacating streets in cities; and WHEREAS, it has been proposed that certain interest in the land hereinafter described in this Resolution, which have heretofore been dedicated for street purposes, may no longer be required for said purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of La Quinta does RESOLVE as follows: 1. The City Council hereby declares its intention to conduct a public hearing to consider a request to vacate and abandon portions of Adams Street between a point approximately 2652.80 feet north of Avenue 50 centerline, southerly to a point approximately 2630 feet south of the centerline of existing Avenue 52. Said real property is particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. A map designating the portions of said street to be considered for vacation is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. The public hearing with regard to this vacation and abandon- ment shall be held before the City Council on the 3rd day of June, 1986, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers at City Hall located at 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. 3. The City Council hereby elects to proceed with this proposed request for the vacation and abandonment pursuant to the Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law (Part 3, Division 91 of the California Streets and Highways Code). 4. Said portions of the street proposed to be vacated are designated on a map or plan on file in the office of the City Clerk to which reference is hereby made for further particulars as to the proposed vacation. 5. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish a copy of this Resolution for at least two successive weeks prior to the hearing in the Indio Daily News, a newspaper of general circulation, circulated in the City and to further cause notices of the proposed street vacation at least two l� RESOLUTION NO. weeks before the date above set for hearing. Such notices shall be conspicuously posted along the street or public service easement proposed to be vacated. Said notices shall state the passage of this Resolution and the time and place of hearing. PASSED and ADOPTED this ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY day of , 1986. MAYOR APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY MANAGER )-1 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET VACATION NO. 85-010 Those portions of Section 31, Township 5 South, Range 7 East, and of Sections 5, 6, 7, and 8. Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian. PARCEL 1 The Easterly 30.00 feet of the Southeast one -quarter of said Section 31, Township 5 South, Range 7 East, SBB&M EXCEPTING therefrom the Southerly 50.00 feet thereof. PARCEL 2 The Easterly 30.00 feet of all of said Section 6, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, SBB&M, EXCEPTING therefrom the Northerly 30.00 feet thereof within the Avenue 50 right-of-way, and EXCEPTING therefrom the Southerly 30.00 feet thereof within the Avenue 52 right-of-way. PARCEL 3 The Westerly 30.00 feet of the Northwest one -quarter of the Northwest one -quarter of said Section 5, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, SBB&M, EXCEPTING therefrom the Northerly 30.00 feet thereof within the Avenue 50 right-of-way. PARCEL 4 The Westerly 30.00 feet of the Southwest one -quarter of the Northwest one -quarter, and of the South one-half of said Section 5, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, SBB&M, EXCEPTING therefrom the Southerly 30.00 feet thereof within the Avenue 52 right-of-way. PARCEL 5 The Easterly 30.00 feet of the Northeast one -quarter of the Northeast one -quarter of said Section 7, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, SBB&M, EXCEPTING therefrom the Northerly 30.00 feet thereof within the Avenue 52 right-of-way. PARCEL 6 The Easterly 30.00 feet of the Southeast one -quarter of the Northeast one -quarter of said Section 7, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, SBB&M. PARCEL 7 The Westerly 30.00 feet of the Northwest one -quarter of said Section 8, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, SBB&M, EXCEPTING therefrom the Northerly 30.00 feet thereof with the Avenue 52 right-of-way. M TYPICAL CROSS SECTION 'A' COSECTION LINE TYPICAL CROSS SECTION 'S' I CL/SECTION LANE NOTE: VACATION EXCLUDES PORTIONS WITHIN AVENUE SO A 52 RIGHTS OF WAY. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LA OUINTA GENERAL PLAN EXHIBIT NB" IN a STREET VACATION NO. 85-010 PORTION OF ADAMS STREET APPLICANTS: City of La Quinta, Landmark Land Co. �� EDGAR CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 40825 Yucca Lane Bermuda Dunes, California 92201 (619)345-4048 May 5, 1986 City Council La Quinta, California Gentlemen: This is our notice of appeal of Plot Plan No. 86-295 as proposed by the Planning Commission. It is requested that applicant's proposal be adopted as originally submitted. Kindly stamp date of receipt on the duplicate of this letter. Thank you, /L�7- Dan Edgar Edgar Construction Company RECEIVED MAY 5 1986 City of La Quinta Tn MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA �. TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Planning Commission DATE: May 6, 1986 SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN NO. 86-295 LOCATION: Northeast Corner of Avenida Bermudas and Calle Estado APPLICANT: Dan Edgar REQUEST: Approval to Construct a 3052 Sq.Ft. Bank Building On April 22, 1986, the Planning Commission reviewed the requested building and approved, on a 4-0 vote (with Commissioner Walling not participating due to a conflict of interest), the Plot Plan subject to the attached conditions. In discussing, the above matter, the major points of concern to the Planning Commission were: * Circulation problems associated with the Avenida Bermudas driveway. * Ways to redesign the parking. * The importance of smooth traffic flow and an attractive appearance at this major Village intersection. * Compatibility of proposed architecture. * Clarification of Fire Marshal and signing conditions. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that the project should be approved, but that changes to the plan were necessry. These changes were: * Elimination of the Bermudas driveway * Installation of 9 parking spaces along the alley with minor alteration to a couple of parking standards * Relocation of the trash storage area * Allowing Applicant to shift building to the west and to provide covered parking (if he desired) II STAFF REPORT - CITY COUNCIL May 6, 1986 Page 2. * Increasing landscaped area near Bermudas The primary reasons to support these changes were the importance of the intersection to the Village area, the need for smooth traffic flow at an offset intersection, the need to enhance the visual images at the intersection through increased landscaping and the ability to enhance the alley as an attractive approach to the project. Loren Lewis, principal in the proposed bank, appeared in support of the project with the plan as submitted. He noted the importance from his perspective of not entering "off a back alley". The following additional persons appeared in support of the proposed bank facility: * Charlie White, Local Businessman * Bud Ward, Director of the proposed bank * Louis Campagna, Local Businessman A letter from the Chamber of Commerce supporting the project is also attached. PREPARED BY: eaw:�? rence L. Stevens, AICP Community Development Director LLS:dmv Atchs: 1. Revised Conditions 2. Staff Report 3. Chamber of Commerce Letter IPA AIc4, CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LA QUINTA April 22, 1986 DAN EDGAR General 1. The development of the site and building shall comply with approved Exhibits A, B and C. as contained in the Community Development Department's file for Plot Plan No. 86-295 and the following conditions, which conditions shall take precedence in the event of any conflict with the provisions of the site and building plans. 2. This approval is construction of a building for use as a bank. Any change in the occupancy different from the approved use shall require prior City approval to ensure compliance with the parking standards and any other requirements of adopted City plans and ordinances in effect at the time of occupancy change. 3. Plot Plan No. 26-295 shall comply with the standards and require- ments of the La Quinta Land Use Ordinance unless otherwise modified by the following conditions. 9. This approval shall be used within two (2) years after final proceedings before the La Quinta Community Development Director; otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatso- ever. The term "use" shall mean the beginning of substantial construction of permanent buildings (not including grading) authorized by this permit, which construction shall thereafter be pursued diligently to completion. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any use contemplated by this approval, the Applicant first shall obtain permits and/or clearances from the following public agencies: * City Engineer * City Fire Marshal * City Community Development Department, Planning Division * Riverside County Environmental Health Department Evidence of said permit or clearance from the above agencies shall be presented to the Building Division at the time of application for a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. Building Design 6. The building shall be constructed in accordance with the approved Exhibits B and C contained within the Community Development Department's file for Plot Plan No. 86-295. 7. The type and colors of the exterior building materials shall be in accordance with the approved Exhibit C and materials sample board. i -J CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL = FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LA QUINTA April 22, 2986 Page 2. 8. All roof -mounted equipment shall be screened from view on all sides by the roof structure. Site Design (Grading, Parking, Circulation, Streets) 9. The Applicant/Developer shall comply with the following require- ments of the City Engineer: a. The Applicant shall dedicate all necessary public street and utility easements as required by the City Engineer. b. That the Applicant shall construct street improvements for 1/2-width Avenida Bermudas, 1/2-width Calle Estado, and abutting alley to the requirements of the City Engineer and the La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMC). c. That the Applicant shall have prepared street and alley improvement plans that are prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer. Street and alley improvements, including traffic signs and markings, and raised median islands (if required by the City General Plan) shall conform to City Standards as determined by the City Engineer and adopted by the LQMC. (3" AC over 4" Class 2 Base minimum for residential streets.) Street design shall take into account the subgrade soil strength, the anticipated traffic loading, and street design life. d. The Applicant shall have prepared a grading plan that is prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, who will be required to supervise the grading and drainage improvement construc- tion; and certify that the constructed conditions at the rough grade stage are as per the approved plans and grading permit. This is required prior to issuance of building permits. Certification at the final grade stage and verifi- cation of pad elevations is also required prior to final approval of grading construction. e. A thorough preliminary engineering geological and soils engineering investigation shall be done and the report submitted for review along with the grading plan. The reports recommendations shall be incorporated into the grading plan design prior to grading plan approval. The soils engineer and/or the engineering geologist must certify to the adequacy of the grading plan. f. Drainage disposal facilities shall be provided as required by the City Engineer. x CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LA QUINTA April 22, 1986 Page 3. g. All utilities will be installed and trenches compacted to City Standards prior to construction of any streets. The soils engineer shall provide the necessary compaction test reports for review by the City Engineer. h. The Applicant shall pay the required processing, plan checking and inspection fees as are current at the time the work is being accomplished by City personnel or subcontractors for the Planning, Building, or Engineering Divisions. i. The Applicant acknowledges that the City is considering a City -Wide Landscape and Lighting District and by recording a subdivision map agrees to be included in the district. Any assessments will be done on a benefit basis as required by law. j. Curb return radius at Avenida Bermudas/Calle Estado shall be in accordance with City Standards with the standard corner cutback dedication. The site plan shall be modified by the City Engineer to ensure adequacy for traffic safety and compatibility with existing street improvements along Avenida Bermudas. k. A sidewalk easement shall be dedicated along Calle Estado. 1. Curb and gutter shall be constructed along Avenida Bermudas, curb only along Calle Estado starting at the east ECR. M. Thb driveway on Avenida Bermudas, south of the alley shall be deleted. 10. Parking shall be provided in accordance with Exhibit A and the requirements of Section 18.12 of the Municipal Land Use Ordinance, including the following revisions: a. Delete the three -car parking located west of the building etc.,in lieu thereof. area and associated paving and provide landscaping, walkway, b. Provide nine (9) parking spaces, including one (1) handi- capped space, to the north of the building. Any or all of these spaces may be covered. The 11' end stall width shall be reduced to 9' and the 3' separation from the east property line are hereby waived. C. The City shall endeavor to improve the alley through various embellishments such as decorative paving materials, land- scaping and similar elements as part of the Village Plan. a5' CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LA QUINTA April 22, 1986 Page 4. 11. The Applicant may shift the building pad to the west if so desired. 12. Parking shall be restricted, through signage or other means (as approved by the City Engineer) to only those designated parking spaces shown on Exhibit A. Necessary signage shall be installed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. None of the required parking spaces shall be designated as reserved for any exclusive use, except for the handicapped space. 13. The grade of the parking areas shall remain substantially as they exist and they shall not be raised to the 3-foot FEMA level required for the building pad. Public Services and Utilities 14. Fire protection shall be required in accordance with the City of La Quinta codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance: a. Provide or show there exists a water system capable of delivering 2000 GPM fire flow for a 2-hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure. b. A fire flow of 500 GPM for a 2-hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure must be available before any combustible material is placed on the job site. c. The required fire flow shall be available from a Super fire hydrant, (6" x 4" x 2-1/2" x 2-1/211), located not less than 25 feet or more than 165 feet from any portion of the building as measured along approved vehicular travelways. d. A combination of on -site and off -site Super fire hydrants, (6" x 4" x 2-1/2" x 2-1/211), will be required located not less than 25 feet or more than 165 feet from any portion of the building as measured along approved vehicular travelways. The required fire flow shall be available from any 2 adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. e. Install portable fire extinguishers as per NFPA, Pamphlet #10. f. Other: Installation of an automatic fire protection system may lessen fire flow requirements. If hydrant lies more than 165' from any portion of the building, Applicant shall install an automatic fire protection system or upgrade current water system to meet 165' requirement. ;L CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LA QUINTA April 22, 1986 Page 5. g. Applicant/developer shall be responsible to provide or show there exists conditions set forth by the Fire Department. h. Final conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed in Building and Safety. 15. Water service shall be provided in accordance with the require- ments of the City of La Quinta and the Coachella Valley Water District. 16. Sewage disposal shall be provided by an on -site septic system installed in accordance with the standards and requirements of the City of La Quinta and the Riverside County Health Department. The system shall be designed so as to facilitate future hookup to community sewer lines. 17. All on -site utilities shall be installed underground. Miscellaneous 18. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall submit to the Community Development Department, Planning Division, for review and approval, a plan (or plans) showing the following: a. Landscaping, including plant types, sizes, spacing and locations. b. Landscape irrigation system. c. Location and design detail of any proposed walls. d. Location and design of sidewalks and walkways on -site and adjacent to Calle Estado and Avenida Bermudas. e. Exterior lighting plan. f. Location and design of walled enclosure for trash bin. The approved landscaping and improvements shall be installed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. The landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy and viable condition for the life of the project. 19. Desert or native plant species and drought resistant planting materials shall be incorporated into the landscaping plans for the site. 20. A trash enclosure shall be provided as follows: �1 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LA QUINTA April 22, 1986 Page 6. a. The enclosure shall be relocated to the south end of the most easterly parking stall. (Note: This may require some changes in the building's floor plan.) b. The size and dimensions of the enclosure shall be in accordance with the standards of Palm Desert Disposal Company. The walls and gates shall be 6-feet high. c. The enclosure shall be constructed of slumpstone or of concrete block with finish to match the building. The gates shall be constructed of materials to completely screen the interior of the enclosure, excepting that wood materials or slats woven into chainlink type fencing are not permitted. The floor shall be concrete with raised curb adjacent to the walls. 21. Prior to the issuance of a permit for signs, the Applicant shall submit a sign plan showing the location, type, size, colors and type of illumination (if any) of all proposed identification and directional signs. Identification signs shall be limited to building name or directory type signs. All on -site traffic directional or informational signs shall be installed in accordance with the approved plan prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 22. Temporary construction or trades signs may be installed on -site as a part of this plot plan approval. The sign plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Division, and the Applicant shall obtain a building permit for installation of the sign in accordance with the requirements of the Building Division. 23. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall comply with the City's adopted requirements regarding infra- structure fees for Public Facilities and Buildings. 24. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall apply for a Parcel Merger. )7 X FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: REQUEST: BACKGROUND A Tcii. z MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission Community Development Department April 22, 1986 PLOT PLAN NO. 86-295 Northeast Corner of Avenida Bermudas and Calle Estado Dan Edgar Approval to Construct a 3052 Sq.Ft. Bank Building 1. General Plan: a. Land Use Plan: Village Commercial (See Attachment No. 1). b. Circulation Plan: Avenida Bermudas, Secondary Arterial, 88-foot right-of-way. 2. Zoning: C-P-S, Scenic Highway Commercial (See Attachment No. 2). 3. Existing Conditions: The 9100 sq.ft. site is located in the Village at La Quinta area of the City. The adjacent lots are developed as follows: North - retail commercial building; East - office building; South - office building and nursery; and West - gas station and post office. Regarding public roadways, Avenida Bermudas is paved with curb only to a half -width of 30 feet. Calle Estado is paved with curb only to its full 50-foot, half -width. These existing curbs, which were constructed as a part of the original subdivision, are not consistent with current standards. The 20-foot-wide, public alley along the site's north boundary is paved to full width. Water, electric and phone service exist at the site. A natural gas main is located in the alley, but terminates approximately 100 feet east of the site; there is sufficient capacity to extend this main. Sewage disposal will be by a private on -site septic system. The property is located within the 100-year flood plain and is subject to flooding to a depth of three feet. �1 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION April 22, 1986 Page 2. 4. Environmental Assessment: The project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Recorder. 5. Description of Request: The Applicant, who is a general contractor, is requesting approval to construct a 3052 sq.ft. building for a bank. The building is single story with approxi- mately 2160 sq.ft. of net usable area. Three teller windows are proposed. The main entrance will face towards Avenida Bermudas, with a second entrance on the north side adjoining the parking area and alley. The Applicant proposes Modern Spanish style architecture similar to the Milne Building located at the north side of the La Quinta Park. A "shed" roof style is proposed. The height of the building varies from 10 feet at the front or west side, to 25 feet at the rear or east side of the building. The shed roof will be covered with clay red flashed Mission tile, and the exterior walls will have light brown (San Simeon) stucco. Regarding the site design, the building is set back a minimum of 10-1/2 feet from the face of curb on Calle Estado, 39-1/2 feet from the Avenida Bermudas right-of-way, 22 feet from the alley right-of-way, and 0-foot setback from the east property line. Nine parking spaces are proposed on -site. The 3 spaces nearest Calle Estado will be accessed from Avenida Bermudas, with the remaining spaces accessed from the public alley. The driveway between the alley and the front parking area is 14 feet wide and one-way northbound. 6. Comments From Other Agencies a. City Engineer (1) The Applicant shall dedicate all necessary public street and utility easements. (2) The Applicant shall construct street improvements for half -width Avenida Bermudas, half -width Calle Estado, and the abutting alley to the requirements of the City Engineer and the La Quinta Municipal Code. (3) The Applicant shall prepare and submit street improve- ment plans. Improvements shall be to City Standards. (4) A grading plan shall be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer and submitted to the City for review and approval. 36 STAFF REPORT - April 22, 1986 Page 3. PLANNING COMMISSION (5) A preliminary geological and soils engineering investi- gation shall be submitted to the City in conjunction with the required grading plan. (6) Drainage disposal facilities shall be provided as required by the City Engineer. (7) Utilities shall be installed to City Standards. (8) Curb return radius shall be per City Standards with standard corner cutback dedication. Site plan to be modified accordingly. (9) Dedicate sidewalk easement along Calle Estado. (10) Curb and gutter to be constructed on Avenida Bermudas, curb only for Calle Estado starting at east ECR. Side- walks on both streets to City Standards. (11) wheel stops shall be installed in spaces adjacent to narrow sidewalks on north side of building. (12) Applicant shall pay all processing, plan checking and inspection fees. (13) Applicant acknowledges that City considering a City-wide Landscape and Lighting District and agrees to be included in the District. Any assessments will be done on a benefit basis. b. City Fire Marshal (1) Provide or show there exists a water system capable of delivering 2000 GPM fire flow for a 2-hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure. (2) Fire flow of 1000 GPM for a 2-hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure must be available before any combustible material is placed on the job site. (3) The required fire flow shall be available from a Super hydrant (6" x 4" x 2-1/1" x 2-1/2"), located not less than 25' nor more than 165' from any portion of the building as measured along approved vehicular travel - ways. (4) The required fire flow shall be available from any two adjacent on -site and off -site Super fire hydrants in the system located as specified in Item 3 above. 31 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION April 22, 1986 Page 4. (5) Installation of an automatic fire protection system may lessen fire flow requirements. If hydrant lies more than 165' from any portion of the building, Applicant shall install an automatic fire protection system or upgrade current water system to meet the 165' requirement. (6) Install portable fire extinguishers as per NFPA Pamphlet #10. (7) Applicant shall be responsible to provide or show there exists conditions set forth by the Fire Department. (8) Final conditions to be addressed at Building Division plan check. c. Building Division - No Comment. d. La Quinta Chamber of Commerce - No Comment. e. Southern California Gas Company - No Comment. f. Comments were requested, but not received from Coachella Valley Water District, Imperial Irrigation District, General Telephone Company, and Riverside County Sheriff's Office. STAFF COMMENTS AND ANALYSIS Consistency with the General_ Plan and Zonin The proposed use is consistent with the General Plan Land Use designa- tion of Village Commercial. The use is also permitted by the C-P-S (Scenic Highway Commercial) Zone with plot plan approval. Site Plan Considerations Building Setbacks: The C-P-S Zone does not require building setbacks. However, because the edge of right-of-way along Calle Estado is at the curbline, the County and the City has required a minimum 10-foot set- back to provide adequate area for a sidewalk and landscaping. The building's minimum 10-1/2-foot setback from Calle Estado is consistent with this past policy. Parking and Circulation The Municipal Land Use Ordinance requires nine parking spaces for this office building having approximately 2160 net square feet, excluding public halls and the main lobby area. However, in this case, the standard seems inadequate, particularly as it appears that there will be 5-10 employees at the facility. Relatively few customer spaces would be left meaning that either employees or customers would have to 3Z STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION April 22, 1986 Page 5. regularly rely upon on -street parking or would overflow into adjacent developments. Regarding the design of the spaces, the end stalls in the front parking area must be widened from 9 feet to 11 feet, as required by Section 18.12 of the Municipal Land Use ordinance. In order to comply with this standard, either the sidewalk adjacent to the building or the landscaping adjacent to Bermudas will have to be reduced; the site plan in this area is already "tight". As shown, the remainder of the spaces are in compliance with the ordinance's requirement of a minimum depth of 18 feet, minimum widths of 11 feet for end stalls and 9 feet for interior stalls, minimum setback of 3 feet from property lines and 5 feet from street right-of-ways. The 3-foot setback of the spaces along the north side of the site should be sufficient to ensure that parked vehicles do not extend into the alley. The 5-foot setback from street right-of-ways is required in order to provide landscaping between the parking area and the public street; the plan complies with this requirement. Access to the parking areas will be from the public alley and a driveway on Avenida Bermudas, in addition to a 14-foot-wide, on -site connecting driveway from the front parking area to the alley. The parking access and circulation is poorly designed and creates a number of unacceptable conflicts. These result from: * The offset alignment of the Bermudas driveway with existing Avenida Montezuma. * The close proximity of the Bermudas and alley driveways. * The movement between two separate parking areas on a relatively small site. For example, vehicles backing out of any of the spaces in the front parking area would block ingress to it while maneuvering thereby creating a stacking problem within the Bermudas (and possibly Montezuma) right-of-way. Right turns out of the Bermudas driveway could conflict with left turns into or out of the alley driveway. There will be conflicts in the one-way, on -site connecting driveway. All of these can be corrected by an improved design while still allowing reasonable development of the site. However, it does appear that the entire project would need to be redesigned to remedy these conflicts. Nevertheless, the Bermudas-Estado-Montezuma intersection is an important part of the Village and effort should be made to avoid major conflicts of the sort that would result from this plan if it was approved. Site Grading The City currently requires that the floor level be a minimum of 3 feet above the highest point of the adjacent public roadways, in accordance with the requirements of FEMA for floor protection. 33. STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION April 22, 1986 Page 6. Although not shown explicitly on the site plan, the Applicant has stated that it is his intention to also raise the parking area 3 feet to avoid stairs at the building entrances. This site consideration will have a substantial effect on the overall appearance of this proposed development. Additional considerations which will be reviewed include maintaining intersection visibility (plantings and walls are limited to 42-inches from street level in the corner areas) the design and location of retaining walls, and the compatibility of the proposed pad level with respect to adjacent existing buildings. Building Design The building has a Modern Spanish style of architecture. The front faces out onto the west parking area and Avenida Bermudas, with a secondary entrance on the north side at the alley. The top of the roof line at the east wall of the building is 22 feet, with the architectural features extending up an additional 3 feet. As a point of comparison, the adjacent office building is 25-feet high at the roof peak on the second story. Staff has a number of concerns relative to the proposed building design, including: * Should additional architectural features or embellishments be added to the side and rear building elevations, as has been required during previous Planning Commission review of single-family houses proposed for corner lots? Of particular concern is the side adjacent to Calle Estado and the rear of the building, which will also be visible from Calle Estado. * Should the height of the building, which is 22-25 feet along the Calle Estado frontage, be reduced? * Is the general style of architecture consistent or compatible with existing and anticipated development within the Village at La Quinta area? * Are the proposed materials and colors consistent or compatible with the existing and future development of the area? CONCLUSIONS 1. The proposed office use is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan designation of General Commercial. 2. The proposed site is in compliance with the requirements of the C-P-S Zone. 3� STAFF REPORT - PLANNING COMMISSION April 22, 1986 Page 7. 3. The existing utilities are adequate or can be upgraded to provide for the needs of the office building. 4. Provided that the alley is improved, existing public roadways will adequately provide for off -site traffic circulation. 5. The existing site and parking design would result in major circu- lation problems warranting redesign of the project. 6. The Spanish style architecture and proposed building materials may be compatible with existing and future development in the area. 7. Approval of the project will not result in any significant environmental impacts. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that Plot Plan No. 86-295 be tabled and that the Applicant be directed to prepare revised plans which consider the following: * Elimination of driveway access (other than the alley) to Bermudas * Redesign of the on -site parking and circulation * Reevaluation of the building design The attached conditions of approval have been prepared in the event that the Commission intends to approve the project substantially as submitted. PREPARED BY: Z Sandra L. Bonner Principal Planner SLB:LLS:dmv Atch: 1. Conditions of Approval 2. Exhibits A. B and C APPROVED BY: /00�' / zt4L Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Community Development Director f w • • w • w • • • • • • w w w r _ w CALLE TAMPICO``•'•'+' w..........Ole • �^t.............. . . ... . .' . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . ... ... . .. .. .' • • .....' . ... .. . . . . . ... .. .. .... . . ... .. . . .. . ..... ...... . . .. .... ... . . • . .. ..... • . . . .. .. . .. . ... .. ...... . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . _ . • .969004 .. _ .. 06 a .' •4060000• . 0 9 0 0 8 a . . .' •.... . .......•......... . .•. . . .................... . .................... . .................... w . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . _ ..................... _ . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 1 ► HMENT NO. 1 n....,..__� r.l__ z!o W-1 ' pQ Do! .C:oa ADM O rv7L u ? ...n:am . SMAran Am �Ka13" in za n n o ca oo•oo-no-oo � - om o0 om, um V �61Clj0�1�UU�fJ U_` '111♦ Y.. I. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL April 22, 1986 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LA QUINTA DAN EDGAR General 1. The development of the site and building shall comply with approved Exhibits A. B and C, as contained in the Community Development Department's file for Plot Plan No. 86-295 and the following conditions, which conditions shall take precedence in the event of any conflict with the provisions of the site and building plans. 2. This approval is construction of a building for use as a bank. Any change in the occupancy different from the approved use shall require prior City approval to ensure compliance with the parking standards and any other requirements of adopted City plans and ordinances in effect at the time of occupancy change. 3. Plot Plan No. 26-295 shall comply with the standards and require- ments of the La Quinta Land Use Ordinance unless otherwise modified by the following conditions. 4. This approval shall be used within two (2) years after final proceedings before the La Quinta Community Development Director; otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatso- ever. The term "use" shall mean the beginning of substantial construction of permanent buildings (not including grading) authorized by this permit, which construction shall thereafter be pursued diligently to completion. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any use contemplated by this approval, the Applicant first shall obtain permits and/or clearances from the following public agencies: * City Engineer * City Fire Marshal * City Community Development Department, Planning Division * Riverside County Environmental Health Department Evidence of said permit or clearance from the above agencies shall be presented to the Building Division at the time of application for a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. Building Design 6. The building shall be constructed in accordance with the approved Exhibits B and C contained within the Community Development Department's file for Plot Plan No. 86-295. 7. The type and colors of the exterior building materials shall be in accordance with the approved Exhibit C and materials sample board. 111 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LA QUINTA April 22, 2986 Page 2. 8. All roof -mounted equipment shall be screened from view on all sides by the roof structure. Site Design (Grading, Parking, Circulation, Streets) 9. The Applicant/Developer shall comply with the following require- ments of the City Engineer: a. The Applicant shall dedicate all necessary public street and utility easements as required by the City Engineer. b. That the Applicant shall construct street improvements for 1/2-width Avenida Bermudas, 1/2-width Calle Estado, and abutting alley to the requirements of the City Engineer and the La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMC). c. That the Applicant shall have prepared street and alley improvement plans that are prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer. Street and alley improvements, including traffic signs and markings, and raised median islands (if required by the City General Plan) shall conform to City Standards as determined by the City Engineer and adopted by the LQMC. (3" AC over 4" Class 2 Base minimum for residential streets.) Street design shall take into account the subgrade soil strength, the anticipated traffic loading, and street design life. d. The Applicant shall have prepared a grading plan that is prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, who will be required to supervise the grading and drainage improvement construc- tion; and certify that the constructed conditions at the rough grade stage are as per the approved plans and grading permit. This is required prior to issuance of building permits. Certification at the final grade stage and verifi- cation of pad elevations is also required prior to final approval of grading construction. e. A thorough preliminary engineering geological and soils engineering investigation shall be done and the report submitted for review along with the grading plan. The reports recommendations shall be incorporated into the grading plan design prior to grading plan approval. The soils engineer and/or the engineering geologist must certify to the adequacy of the grading plan. f. Drainage disposal facilities shall be provided as required by the City Engineer. 39 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LA QUINTA April 22, 1986 Page 3. g. All utilities will be installed and trenches compacted to City Standards prior to construction of any streets. The soils engineer shall provide the necessary compaction test reports for review by the City Engineer. h. The Applicant shall pay the required processing, plan checking and inspection fees as are current at the time the work is being accomplished by City personnel or subcontractors for the Planning, Building, or Engineering Divisions. i. The Applicant acknowledges that the City is considering a City -Wide Landscape and Lighting District and . agrees to be included in the district. Any assessments will be done on a benefit basis as required by law. j. Curb return radius at Avenida Bermudas/Calle Estado shall be in accordance with City Standards with the standard corner cutback dedication. The site plan shall be modified by the City Engineer to ensure adequacy for traffic safety and compatibility with existing street improvements along Avenida Bermudas. k. A sidewalk easement shall be dedicated along Calle Estado. 1. Curb and gutter shall be constructed along Avenida Bermudas, curb only along Calle Estado starting at the east ECR. 10. Parking shall be provided in accordance with the approved Exhibit A and the requirements of Section 18.12 of the Municipal Land Use Ordinance: a. End stalls in the westerly parking area shall be increased to a minimum width of 11 feet. b. Wheel stops shall be installed in the north parking area to prevent vehicles overhanging the pedestrian walkway. c. Landscaping and striping of the parking area shall be in accordance with Section 18.12. 11. The on -site driveway connecting the alley and the west parking area shall be designated as "One -Way" northbound by signage and pavement markings in accordance with the requirements of the City Engineer. 12. Parking shall be restricted, through signage or other means (as approved by the City Engineer) to only those designated parking spaces shown on Exhibit A. Necessary signage shall be installed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. None of the FL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LA QUINTA April 22, 1986 Page 4. required parking spaces shall be designated as reserved for any exclusive use, except for the handicapped space. 13. The grade of the parking areas shall remain substantially as they exist and they shall not be raised to the 3-foot FEMA level required for the building pad. Public Services and Utilities 14. Fire protection shall be required in accordance with the City of La Quinta codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance: a. Provide or show there exists a water system capable of delivering 2000 GPM fire flow for a 2-hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure. b. A fire flow of 1000 GPM for a 2-hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure must be available before any combustible material is placed on the job site. c. The required fire flow shall be available from a Super fire hydrant, (6" x 4" x 2-1/2" x 2-1/2"), located not less than 25 feet or more than 165 feet from any portion of the building as measured along approved vehicular travelways. d. A combination of on -site and off -site Super fire hydrants, (6" x 4" x 2-1/2" x 2-1/2"), will be required located not less than 25 feet or more than 165 feet from any portion of the building as measured along approved vehicular travelways. The required fire flow shall be available from any 2 adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. e. Install portable fire extinguishers as per NFPA, Pamphlet #10. f. Other: Installation of an automatic fire protection system may lessen fire flow requirements. If hydrant lies more than 165' from any portion of the building, Applicant shall install an automatic fire protection system or upgrade current water system to meet 165' requirement. g. Applicant/developer shall be responsible to provide or show there exists conditions set forth by the Fire Department. h. Final conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed in Building and Safety. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LA QUINTA April 22, 1986 Page 5. 15. Water service shall be provided in accordance with the require- ments of the City of La Quinta and the Coachella Valley Water District. 16. Sewage disposal shall be provided by an on -site septic system installed in accordance with the standards and requirements of the City of La Quinta and the Riverside County Health Department. The system shall be designed so as to facilitate future hookup to community sewer lines. 17. All on -site utilities shall be installed underground. Miscellaneous 18. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall submit to the Community Development Department, Planning Division, for review and approval, a plan (or plans) showing the following: a. Landscaping, including plant types, sizes, spacing and locations. b. Landscape irrigation system. c. Location and design detail of any proposed walls. d. Location and design of sidewalks and walkways on -site and adjacent to Calle Estado and Avenida Bermudas. e. Exterior lighting plan. f. Location and design of walled enclosure for trash bin. The approved landscaping and improvements shall be installed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. The landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy and viable condition for the life of the project. 19. Desert or native plant species and drought resistant planting materials shall be incorporated into the landscaping plans for the site. 20. A trash enclosure shall be provided as follows: a. The enclosure shall be located as shown on approved Exhibit A. b. The size and dimensions of the enclosure shall be in accordance with the standards of Palm Desert Disposal Company. The walls and gates shall be 6-feet high. J2 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LA QUINTA April 22, 1986 Page 6. c. The enclosure shall be constructed of slumpstone or of concrete block with finish to match the building. The gates shall be constructed of materials to completely screen the interior of the enclosure, excepting that wood materials or slats woven into chainlink type fencing are not permitted. The floor shall be concrete with raised curb adjacent to the walls. d. A minimum 5-foot-wide, concrete apron extending the entire length of the front of the enclosure shall be installed. 21. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall submit a sign plan showing the location, type, size, colors and type of illumination (if any) of all proposed identification and directional signs. Identification signs shall be limited to building name or directory type signs. All on -site traffic directional or informational signs shall be installed in accordance with the approved plan prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 22. Temporary construction or trades signs may be installed on -site as a part of this plot plan approval. The sign plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Division, and the Applicant shall obtain a building permit for installation of the sign in accordance with the requirements of the Building Division. 23. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall comply with the City's adopted requirements regarding infra- structure fees for Public Facilities and Buildings. 24. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall apply for a Parcel Merger. 0- �c G,0 °F TH f 40 1— �•� �Yj' 6j LaQuinta Chamber of Commerce P. O BOX 255 . LA OUINTA. CA 92253. 619-564 3199 , April 22, 1986 Mr. Tom Thornburg, Chairman Planning Commissioners City of La Quinta P. 0. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Chairman: On Monday, April 21, 1986, I attended the Study Session as President of La Quinta Chamber of Commerce specifically to become more understanding of the application for First National Bank of La Quinta. The Chamber is supportive of business of this nature in the Village of La Quinta. We feel that with the economic make up of La Quinta that the convenience of this bank will be an asset to all involved. If any additional support or information be neccessary from the Chamber, please contact me. Sincerely, r'.V% o=af� Andy R. Vossler President, La Quinta Chamber of Commerce ARV/mc cc: file RECEIVED 1 1G 'r IJ 2 rJ TY OF LA TA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT �62i, ice. MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA OUINTA �. E. TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Community Development Department DATE: May 6, 1986 SUBJECT: FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 21381-1 LOCATION: West Side of PGA Boulevard, Approximately One -Half Mile South of Avenue 54 APPLICANT: Sunrise Company REQUEST: Approval to Record Phase 1 of Tract No. 21381 Tract Map No. 21381-1 represents approximately 10 acres of the approximate 42-acre subdivision intended for 138 dwelling units. The Phase 1 component consists of three lots for duplex home development. Requirements for installation of street, drainage, water, sewer and related improvements have been imposed on this map. A subdivision agreement and letter of credit have been provided to guarantee the required improvements. These documents are in satisfactory form. The City Engineer has certified that Tract Map No. 21381-1 is in substantial conformance with the tentative tract map approved by the City Council on March 18, 1986. The map complies with all provisions of the State Subdivision Map Act and the Municipal Land Division Ordinance, and that the map is technically correct. It is the opinion of Staff, that the items of concern on the part of the City Engineer, being minor in nature, will not affect the approval process. The conditions of approval associated with this map have been reviewed and Staff has determined that the conditions have been satisfactorily complied with. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the City Council approve Tentative Tract Map No. 21381-1 and authorize the recordation of the map. STAFF REPORT - CITY COUNCIL May 6, 1986 Page 2. PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY: Robert W.Weddle, P � Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP City Engineer Community Development Director RWW:dmv 0 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA � A. 1) TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Community Development Department DATE: May 6, 1986 SUBJECT: FEES FOR SUBDIVISION MAP CHECKS, IMPROVEMENT PLAN CHECKS, AND ENCROACHMENT PERMITS BACKGROUND This matter was previously before the Council on April 1, but was not acted upon due to the need to advertise the matter as a public hearing. The attached Resolution revises fees for engineering related works primarily to reflect our current contract for engineering services with BSI Consultants, Inc. It establishes the fees for these services on a "time and materials" basis which is how we pay BSI for the work. It provides for a deposit which can be readily calculated by an Applicant and for an overhead charge to cover the time of City Staff and City Engineer (whose time is billed as a monthly retainer not on a project basis). The fees established for Encroachment Permits are identical to the City's current schedule for those permits. Exhibit "C" sets forth a standardized schedule to calculate bonds and related items. This will allow each Applicant to determine bond amounts in advance using the same schedule. COMMENTS RECEIVED Comments on the proposed fee schedule have been received from Anden, J. F. Davidson, Sunrise, and Landmark; their letters are attached for your information. STAFF ANALYSIS A number of points raised in the comments require additional discussion in order to facilitate a decision on the fee schedule. It should be noted that Staff has made a number of changes in the original fee schedule in response to comments received, including: * Deletion of survey inspection item * Reduction of unit price estimate for sidewalks & driveways * Reduction of unit price estimate for grading 41 STAFF REPORT - CITY COUNCIL May 6, 1986 Page 2. * Changing method of estimating monumentation bond * Reduction of deposit amounts Time & Materials Vs Flat Fee (Based on Lots, Acres, Etc.): Several of the comments suggest that a flat fee would be preferable. This was the approach taken under the previous arrangement with Duca and McCoy. In general, I feel that the time and materials approach is fairer as it comes closer to an actual cost, or cost accounting, basis - which is the current trend in State legislation on fees. In addition, our engineering services contract with BSI for services beyond the monthly retainer is on a time and materials basis. This approach should result in lesser fees for smaller and simpler plan checks and well -designed plans which generally require fewer rechecks. The engineer whose plans are not as well prepared or who expects the plan checker to do his design work will have more rechecks meaning more time and a correspondingly higher fee. Several of the comments also request an actual accounting on time spent on the project - which is, of course, the basis of the final plan check fee. There is no problem in providing this information to the developer/engineer since the City Engineer tracks these costs anyway. 25% City Administrative Overhead Charge: This is intended to cover the cost of City Staff's time spent on any particular plan check. This includes such items as clerical time, review with project planner on compliance with conditions, my time (if any), City Attorney time (if any), partial return on City Engineer's monthly retainer, etc. It is reasonable for the City to recover these costs and the use of a general overhead charge is the only way to do it since the City does not have a cost accounting procedure established. Because of this, no detailed breakdown of the overhead charge can be provided. The 25% figure is used by the City in other programs - such as weed abatement. Estimating Unit Prices for Bonding: It needs to be emphasized that these figures must be adequate to cover the cost of construction at a time 3-5 years in the future, the cost of the City to bid and administer the project, normal contingencies (which are part of any large construction project), the cost to the City to pay prevailing wage rates and related factors which may not always apply to the project when constructed by the private sector. Today's actual construction costs are not an appropriate target upon which to base bonds which guarantee the future installation of public improvements - especially since they can vary from project to project, d8 STAFF REPORT - CITY COUNCIL May 6, 1986 Page 3. depending on a number of factors (i.e., time of year, size of project, desire to get future jobs, amount of ongoing construction activity, etc.). Unit Prices for Water Mains and Appurtenances: Based on comments received, Staff is reevaluating these items and will report to you at the Study Session. RECOMMENDATION Adopt the attached Resolution enacting engineering fees. PREP ED BY: awrence L. Stevens, AICP Community Development Director LLS:dmv Atch: Resolution for Adoption Letters from Engineers/Developers EXHIBIT "A" FEE SCHEDULE Engineering Division of the Community Development Department During the construction or development of property in the City of La Quintal the payment of certain fees, payments, deposits, bonds, etc., are required. The following is a list of those that are required as a result of the requirements enforced by the Engineering Division: a. Final Map Checking 1. Tract Maps $1,000 plus $8 per lot deposit. Final costs to be actual plus 25% City administrative overhead charge. 2. Parcel Maps $500 plus $50 per lot deposit. Final costs to be actual costs plus 25% City administrative overhead charge. b. Improvement Plan Checks (Public or Private Improve- ments, including water, sewer, storm drain, grading and street plans.) c. Encroachment Permit and Inspection of Improvement Fees for work over $5000 (Public or Private Improvements) d. Check Legals (Easement dedications, deeds, vacations, certi- ficates of compliance, etc.) e. Bonds 1) Faithful Performance 1st $150,000 of esti- mated construction cost at 3%, next $150,000 at at 2%, remainder at 1% for deposit. Final costs to be actual costs plus 25% City adminis- trative overhead charge. 1st $150,000 @ 3% Next $1500000 @ 2% Remainder over $300,000 @ 1% $350 deposit. Final costs to be actual costs plus 25% City administrative over- head charge. 100% of Engineer's estimated cost of improvements. FEE SCHEDULE (Cont'd) 2) Labor and Materials 3) Guarantee/warranty 50% of Engineer's estimated cost of improvements. 10% of Engineer's estimated cost of improvements. 4) Grading 100% of Engineer's estimated cost of improvements. 5) Survey Monumentation As determined by City Engineer or designee upon review of estimate submitted by design engineer. NOTES: 1. Fees based upon 3 checks, subsequent checking fees, if required, to be as determined by Community Develop- ment Director or Designee. 2. The attached "Itemized Unit Cost Estimate for Subdivision Improvements" shall be used to determine Engineer's estimate of construction cost. 3. Actual costs shall be those set forth in billings to the City pursuant to the approved billing schedule set forth in engineering services contract. 4. The City does not collect encroachment permit fees for work performed by public utilities with their own personnel in the public right-of-way. In addition, in calculating cost of improvements for encroachment permits for work by developers which is primarily inspected by other public agencies, the cost of the other agency's improvement is not included. - 2 - 41 EXHIBIT "B" ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FEES (For Minor Work Under $5,000) CONSTRUCTION PERMITS $10.00 Ea., Plus the following: Barricades $19.00 Each Catch Basins 19.00 Each Cleanouts 19.00 Each Cross Gutters 19.00 Each, Plus .20 Lin.Ft. Over 50 Lin.Ft. Curb or Curb & Gutters .20 Per Lin.Ft. Demolition 35.00 Driveway Approach Commercial 35.00 Residential 20.00 Manholes 20.00 Each Minimum Total Permit Fee 20.00 Permit Fee 10.00 Pavement (New) 50 to 5,000 Sq.Ft. 36.00 5,000 Sq.Ft. or More .08 Sq.Ft. Pavement (Remove & Replace) 35.00 Penalty Fee 90.00 Pump Stations 250.00 Each Sewer Connections 20.00 Sewer & Storm Drains .25 Lin.Ft. Sidewalks Commercial .08 Sq.Ft. Residential .08 Sq.Ft. 4 Z- ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FEES (Cont'd) Spandrels Street Cuts for Utilities Street Cuts for Laterals Street Lights Structures - 2 - 19.00 .08 Lin.Ft. 19.00 19.00 Each 19.00 Each 6-3 EXHIBIT "C" ITEMIZED UNIT COST ESTIMATE FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS Unit Price List for Bonding STREET PAVEMENT A.C. $46.00/Ton A.B. $23.00/Ton PAVEMENT STRIPING SKIP STRIPE ONE DIRECTION NO PASSING TWO DIRECTION NO PASSING MEDIAN ISLANDS TWO-WAY LEFT TURN 4" SOLID 12" CROSSWALK PAVEMENT ARROWS or $0.28/SgFt Per Inch Thickness or $0.11/SgFt Per Inch Thickness CALTRANS DETAIL 1 CALTRANS DETAIL 15 CALTRANS DETAIL 21 CALTRANS DETAIL 28 CALTRANS DETAIL 31 CALTRANS DETAIL 24 FURNISH AND INSTALL REFLECTIVE RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS CALTRANS TYPE "D" AND TYPE "G" FURNISH AND INSTALL CALTRANS R18(RT) SIGN & POST FURNISH AND INSTALL CALTRANS R26S) SIGN & POST FURNISH AND INSTALL CALTRANS W56 SIGN & POST REMOVALS Existing Pavement $0.60/SgFt Existing Core Pavement 1.70/SgFt Existing Redwood Header 0.50/SgFt Existing Curb 3.00/LF Existing Curb and Gutter 4.00/LF Existing Block Wall (61) 10.00/LF .09 LF .15 LF .15 LF .50 LF .20 LF .17 LF .50 LF 10.00 EA 4.00 EA 135.00 EA 110.00 EA 135.00 EA Unit Price List for Bonding (Cont'd) CURBS 6" Curb $ 8.00/LF 6" Curb and Gutter 10.00/LF 8" Curb 9.50/LF 8" Curb and Gutter 11.00/LF 4" A.C. Berm 6.00/LF 6" A.C. Berm 6.75/LF 8" A.C. Berm 8.75/LF SIDEWALK 4" P.C.C. 2.50/SgFt PEDESTRIAN RAMP 750.00/EA DRIVEWAY 4" P.C.C. (Private) 2.50/SgFt 6" P.C.C. 3.50/SgFt CROSS GUTTER AND SPANDRELS 6" P.C.C. 3.50/SgFt WATER MAINS AND APPURTENANCES 4" A.C.P. $10.00/LF 6" A.C.P. 12.00/LF 8" A.C.P. 16.00/LF 10" A.C.P. 18.00/LF 12" A.C.P. 22.00/LF 14" A.C.P. 25.00/LF 6" Steel Pipe 14.00/LF -2- 6J Unit Price List for Bonding (Cont'd) MAINS AND APPURTENANCES (Cont'd) 8" Steel Pipe $ 17.00/LF 6" Gate Valve 700.00 EA 8" Gate Valve 850.00 EA 10" Gate Valve 1,100.00 EA 10" Butterfly Valve 1,000.00 EA 12" Butterfly Valve 1,200.00 EA Relocate Fire Hydrant 1,600.00 EA Fire Hydrant Assembly 2,500.00 EA 1" Water Service 500.00 EA 1-1/2" Water Service 650.00 EA 2" Water Service 800.00 EA 1" Air & Vacuum Valve 1,000.00 EA 2" Blow -off Assembly 900.00 EA 4" Blow -off Assembly 1,000.00 EA 6" Blow -off Assembly 1,200.00 EA Thrust Block 200.00 EA 4" Sewer Lateral 6" Sewer Lateral 6" VCP SEWER - 3 - 10.00/LF 12.00/LF 12.00/LF S� Unit Price List for Bonding (Cont'd) SEWER (Cont'd) 8" VCP $ 16.00/LF 10" VCP 21.00/LF 12" VCP 24.00/LF 15" VCP 32.00/LF 6" or 8" Stub & Plug 105.00 EA Adjust Manhole Rim to Grade 260.00 EA Sewer Cleanout 650.00 EA Sewer Manhole 48" 1,400.00 EA Sewer Manhole 60" 1,800.00 EA MISCELLANEOUS $ 1.75 CY Less Than 60,000 CY Site Grading 1.50 CY Over 60,000 CY Permanent Barricade/Guard Rail 30.00 LF MONUMENTATION As determined by City Engineer upon review of estimate submitted by design engineer. STORM DRAIN FACILITIES As determined by City Engineer upon review of estimate submitted by design engineer. - 4 - '57 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 83-6, ADOPTING REVISED FEES RELATIVE TO SUBDIVISION MAP CHECKS AND PLAN CHECKS AND ENCROACHMENT PERMITS. The City Council of the City of La Quinta does resolve as follows: SECTION 1. Resolution No. 83-6 is hereby amended, and revised fees, as shown on the attached Exhibits "A", "B", and "C", are hereby adopted, relative to subdivision map checks and plan checks and encroachment permits. APPROVED and ADOPTED this ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY day of , 1986. MAYOR APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY MANAGER "1 A DATE: April 25, 1986 TO: City of La Quinta Attn: Mr. Lawrence Stevens, Canmunity Development Director FROM: Paul Quill, Landmark Land Ccnpany, Offsite Construction Mgr. BE: Revised schedule of fees relating to engineering RECL-: FLU COMMUCITY OF NITY DE LA UINTA DEVELOPMENT DEPT At your request I have reviewed the schedule of fees proposed by the City of La Quinta adopted April 1st, and offer the following ccmTents. 1) Actual billing for plan checking and inspection will be charged on a T & M basis. How will we as the developer accurately account for the time spent? I would like to request that a complete listing of hours worked be provided with explanation as to amounts of time in each area. This would enable us to question, if necessary, the billings. A defined unadjustable schedule of fees, not tied to time and material, would certainly be preferable. 2) In regards to the amounts being charged for grading I believe the $2.00 per yard figure is high. We move dirt for approximately half that amount. $1.25 would be on the high side. 3) In addition to the previous 2 points several points of inquiry have been made by Mike Smith of J. F. Davidson. I also feel that the points regarding monumentation, sidewalk curb and gutter prices, $70.00 per hour survey inspection, and water mains and appertenances need to be addressed. We are able to install 4" flatwork for less that $1.50/square foot. The bonding amounts do not seen realistic. Thank you for the opportunity to make comments on the proposed fee schedule. I will await your response. Sincerely, Paul Quill, Offsite Construction Mgr. Landmark Land Company cc: Steve Walser P.O. Box 1578 (V La Quinta, California 92253 I (619) 564-6446 0 (619)345-7529 April 24, 1986 Mr. Larry Stevens City of La Quinta Community Development Dept. 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Marro on new fee schedule Dear Larry: We have reviewed the proposed changes to the fee schedule as outlined in your memo dated 3-31-86. As we understand it, the intent is to collect a deposit when the plans are submitted and then compute the actual fees based on time spent checking. We suggest that an actual accounting of time spent be provided the developer when the fee is established. Specifically, the number of hours charged and the activity should be clearly delineated. This will allow the developer and his Engineer to evaluate the charges. A few questions arose in reviewing the proposed charges. 1. Under Encroachment Permit fees, the item "Survey Inspection Work" for $70 per hour appears and we wonder what is involved that would cost so much. Perhaps you could explain that item. 2. In the Unit Price List, from "sidewalk" through "cross gutters" all of your concrete prices appear to be excessive except for 6" POc cross gutters. Those costs should be revised. 3. Under "Water" the heading "Mains and Appurtenances" needs some definition. If in fact the appurtenances are included in the price of the mains, the costs shown are only slightly high. But later you indicate costs for thrust blocks, fittings, tees, etc.. If these appurtenances are to be called out separately, then the costs for mains are excessive. 4. Under "Miscellaneous" you indicate $2.00/c.y. for grading. This is easily double actual current costs and should be reduced. We also would like to know the definition of "Permanent Barricade". 5. Under monumentation, we feel lot corners should be figured at a maximum of $25 each or else $100 per lot for ease in estimating. We appreciate the opportunity to respond and offer our continued cooperation. Sincerely, Michael A. Smith Office Manager J.F. Davidson Assoc., Inc. MAS;sb J.F. DAVIDSON ASSOCIATES CIVIL ENGINEERING ■ PLANNING ■ SURVEYING 0 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS JFD ASSOCIATES = TENTH STREET • PO. BOX 493 • RIVERSIDE.CALIFORNIA 92502 MT VERNON AVE. SU'TE'D- • COLTON. CALIFORNIA 92324 PO BOX 157 TEMECULA. CALIFORNiA 92390 - -':_non FI Peccn c111T 1, • P, . CIF CFRT f.AI IFnRNIA Q99Rn (7141696.0844 (714, 825-1082 (714, 676 5335 161Q. 3 A 5F41 ATEN April 25, 1986 Mr. Larry Stevens City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Memo on New Fee Schedule Dear Larry, We have reviewed your memo of March 31, 1986 and feel the following items should be addressed: A) 25% City administration Overhead Charge - Although this charge may be justified, we feel that the developer should receive an accounting of the actual time spent on each activity. B) Water Mains and Appurtenances - We feel these charges are excessive and should be reviewed. We would welcome any opportunity to discuss these matters with you. Sincerely, Ron Segal General Construction Manager RRS:cp� 57, cc: Sergio Alvarez 0/ sir SUMSE COMPANY April 25, 1986 Mr. Larry Stevens Community Development Director City of La Quinta 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta CA 92253 RE: PROPOSED NEW FEE SCHEDULE FOR SUBDIVISION PLAN CHECKS AND ENCROACHMENT PERMITS Dear Larry: We have reviewed your memo dated 3/31/86 regarding the proposed new fee schedule and unit prices for bonding purposes. We are pleased to see that the City is taking steps to establish a written set of guidelines which will apply to all developers and engineers doing work in the City of La Quinta. However, we would like to register a general objection to the overall increase in fees, and a couple of specific objections to individual items. We would like to see the City establish specific fixed fees for plan checking of final maps and improvement plans as well as for inspections. Particularly in the case of grading plan checking, we strongly object to the proposed formula for collecting plan check and inspection fees. The Uniform Building Code (which the City has already adopted) establishes a fee schedule for both grading plan review and grading permit fees (Table No. 70-A and 70-B). These fees are based upon the quantity of earth to be excavated, not upon a dollar valuation. We would like to see the City adopt these UBC schedules as their own. In the event the City elects to continue to charge developers for actual costs incurred by the City Engineer and staff, we would like to see a detailed accounting of all time and charges allocated to the specific project, with each activity clearly delineated. Regarding the City's "unit price list for bonding" we feel that some of the prices are substantially higher than the current prevailing costs, particularly for those items dealing with concrete work. We also feel that the unit prices for water mains and sewers are higher than prevailing costs. We are somewhat confused over the heading "Mains and Appurtenances" in that if your unit prices include fittings and appurtenances, then why are the various individual items also called out in your list (i.e., fire hydrants, valves, fittings, etc.)? Letter to Mr. Larry Stevens April 25, 1986 Page 2 Also, we feel that the grading price of $2.00/C.Y. is approximately twice the prevailing cost. We realize that the City's prices are higher because the City will be holding a bond for work which may be required to be done several years away and that future prices may suffer inflation. However, the City has made provisions to cover these price inflations by including a contingency factor in the total bond amount. We respectfully request that you review your proposed fee schedule in light of these comments. If you would like to meet with us to discuss this matter further, please feel free to give me a call and we will meet with you at your convenience. Thank you for providing us the opportunity to review your proposal and register our comments. Sincerely, SUNRISE COM Y Allan R. Levin, Vice President, ARL/sc P.E. Engineering cc: Honorable City Council, City of La Quinta 03 U r � U � � 1 N 0 w e, 8 V 4 yy � tT 6 4� e k . � b , c EXHIBIT "A" FEE SCHEDULE Engineering Division of the Community Development Department During the construction or development of property in the City of La Quintal the payment of certain fees, payments, deposits, bonds, etc., are required. The following is a list of those that are required as a result of the requirements enforced by the Engineering Division: a. Final Map Checking b . 0 F;h 1. Tract Maps 2. Parcel Maps Improvement Plan Checks (Public or Private Improve- ments, including water, sewer, storm drain, ^r�� and street plans it)C,4C-/. 1 n4t ?"lovtnA.1- 6,, an. fly 'A W. `Jf"'t Encroachment Permit and Inspection of Improvement Fees for work over $5000 (Public or Private Improvements) f' Check Legals (Easement dedications, deeds, vacations, certi- ficates of compliance, etc.) 5 X. Bonds 1) Faithful Performance $1,000 plus $8 per lot deposit. Final costs to be actual plus 25% City administrative overhead charge. $500 plus $50 per lot deposit. Final costs to be actual costs plus 25% City administrative overhead charge. f6M,��ro 1st $150,000 of esti- mated construction cost at 3%, next $150,000 at at 2%, remainder at 1% for deposit. Final costs to be actual costs plus 25% City adminis- trative overhead charge. � af "4 / 144,00t 1st $150,000 @ 3% Next $150,000 @ 2% Remainder over $300,000 @ 1% $350 deposit. Final costs to be actual costs plus 25% City administrative over- head charge. 100% of Engineer's estimated cost of improvements. Y41 FEE SCHEDULE (Cont'd) 2) Labor and Materials 3) Guarantee/Warranty 50% of Engineer's estimated cost of improvements. 10% of Engineer's estimated cost of improvements. 4) Grading 100% of Engineer's estimated cost of improvements. 5) Survey Monumentation NOTES: As determined by City Engineer or designee upon review of estimate submitted by design engineer. 1. Fees based upon 3 checks, subsequent checking fees, if required, to be as determined by Community Develop- ment Director or Designee. 2. The attached "Itemized Unit Cost Estimate for subdivision Improvements" shall be used to determine Engineer's estimate of construction cost. 3. Actual costs shall be those set forth in billings to the City pursuant to the approved billing schedule set forth in engineering services contract. 4. The City does not collect encroachment permit fees for work performed by public utilities with their own personnel in the public right-of-way. In addition, in calculating cost of improvements for encroachment permits for work by developers which is primarily inspected by other public agencies, the cost of the other agency's improvement is not included. S. -ic C. P/M 1.3 �'ut -hceJ chary. r7.// n.t txcesd lr2, coo — 2 — �s EXHIBIT "B" ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FEES (For Minor Work Under $5,000) CONSTRUCTION PERMITS $10.00 Ea., Plus the following: Barricades $19.00 Each Catch Basins 19.00 Each Cleanouts 19.00 Each Cross Gutters 19.00 Each, Plus .20 Lin.Ft. Over 50 Lin.Ft. Curb or Curb & Gutters .20 Per Lin.Ft. Demolition 35.00 Driveway Approach Commercial 35.00 Residential 20.00 Manholes 20.00 Each Minimum Total Permit Fee 20.00 Permit Fee 10.00 Pavement (New) 50 to 5,000 Sq.Ft. 36.00 51000 Sq.Ft. or More .08 Sq.Ft. Pavement (Remove & Replace) 35.00 Penalty Fee 90.00 Pump Stations 250.00 Each Sewer Connections 20.00 Sewer & Storm Drains .25 Lin.Ft. Sidewalks Commercial .08 Sq.Ft. Residential .08 Sq.Ft. �P � ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FEES (Cont'd) Spandrels Street Cuts for Utilities Street Cuts for Laterals Street Lights Structures - 2 - 19.00 .08 Lin.Ft. 19.00 19.00 Each 19.00 Each EXHIBIT "C" ITEMIZED UNIT COST ESTIMATE FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS Unit Price List for Bonding STREET PAVEMENT A.C. $46.00/Ton or $0.28/SgFt Per Inch Thickness A.B. $23.00/Ton or $0.11/SgFt Per Inch Thickness PAVEMENT STRIPING SKIP STRIPE CALTRANS DETAIL 1 .09 LF ONE DIRECTION NO PASSING CALTRANS DETAIL 15 .15 LF TWO DIRECTION NO PASSING CALTRANS DETAIL 21 .15 LF MEDIAN ISLANDS CALTRANS DETAIL 28 .50 LF TWO-WAY LEFT TURN CALTRANS DETAIL 31 .20 LF 4" SOLID CALTRANS DETAIL 24 .17 LF 12" CROSSWALK .50 LF PAVEMENT ARROWS 10.00 EA FURNISH AND INSTALL REFLECTIVE RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS CALTRANS TYPE "D" AND TYPE "G" 4.00 EA FURNISH AND INSTALL CALTRANS R18(RT) SIGN & POST 135.00 EA FURNISH AND INSTALL CALTRANS R26S) SIGN & POST 110.00 EA FURNISH AND INSTALL CALTRANS W56 SIGN & POST 135.00 EA REMOVALS Existing Pavement $0.60/SgFt Existing Core Pavement 1.70/SgFt Existing Redwood Header 0.50/SgFt Existing Curb 3.00/LF Existing Curb and Gutter 4.00/LF Existing Block Wall (61) 10.00/LF a Unit Price List for Bonding (Cont'd) CURBS 6" Curb $ 8.00/LF 6" Curb and Gutter 10.00/LF 8" Curb 9.50/LF 8" Curb and Gutter 11.00/LF 4" A.C. Berm 6.00/LF 6" A.C. Berm 6.75/LF 8" A.C. Berm 8.75/LF SIDEWALK 4" P.C.C. 2.50/SgFt PEDESTRIAN RAMP 750.00/EA DRIVEWAY 4" P.C.C. (Private) 2.50/SgFt 6" P.C.C. 3.50/SgFt CROSS GUTTER AND SPANDRELS 6" P.C.C. 3.50/SgFt WATER MAINS AND APPURTENANCES 4" A.C.P. $10.00/LF 6" A.C.P. 12.00/LF 8" A.C.P. 16.00/LF 10" A.C.P. 18.00/LF 12" A.C.P. 22.00/LF 14" A.C.P. 25.00/LF 6" Steel Pipe 14.00/LF -2- M Unit Price List for Bonding (Cont'd) MAINS AND APPURTENANCES (Cont'd) 8" Steel Pipe $ 17.00/LF 611 Gate Valve 8 It-�a`Lz- ;tea a s n nn- zv vne-Val„� i inn nn�� 1211 Relocate Fire Hydrant 1,600.00 EA Fire Hydrant Assembly 2,500.00 EA e 200.00 EA 4" Sewer Lateral 6" Sewer Lateral 6" VCP SEWER - 3 - $ 10.00/LF 12.00/LF 12.00/LF J� Unit Price List for Bonding (Cont'd) SEWER (Cont'd) 8" VCP 10" VCP 12" VCP 15" VCP 6" or 8" Stub & Plug Adjust Manhole Rim to Grade Sewer Cleanout Sewer Manhole 48" Sewer Manhole 60" MISCELLANEOUS Site Grading Permanent Barricade/Guard Rail $ 16.00/LF 21.00/LF 24.00/LF 32.00/LF 105.00 EA 260.00 EA 650.00 EA 1,400.00 EA 1,800.00 EA $ 1.75 CY Less Than 60,000 CY 1.50 CY Over 60,000 CY 30.00 LF MONUMENTATION As determined by City Engineer upon review of estimate submitted by design engineer. STORM DRAIN FACILITIES As determined by City Engineer upon review of estimate submitted by design engineer. - 4 - I/ MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Roger Hirdler, Community Safety Coordinator a DATE: May 1,1986 SUBJECT: WEED ABATEMENT/LOT CLEANING ASSESSMENTS FOR PLACEMENT ON 1986/87 PROPERTY TAX ROLL (5/7/86) The purpose of this hearing is to provide the Council the opportunity to hear and consider all public objections and protests, if any, to the report filed with the Council containing a description of each real property parcel cleared or cleaned by the City of La Quinta. Notices of tonight's public hearing were sent to each property owner, advising them of the hearing date. No written communications have been received regarding this matter. Following public comment and close of the public hearing, it is respectfully recommended that the Council take the following action: 1. Adopt the proposed Resolution approving and adopting the Resolution to place the cost of cleaning said lots on the 1986/87 property tax roll. Respectfully submitted, Roger Hirdler Community Safety Coordinator RH/bap RESOLUTION NO. 86- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ASSESSING LIEN AND PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION ON TAX ROLLS ON CERTAIN PROPERTY FOR COSTS OF ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE. WHEREAS, Chapter 11.72 of the La Quinta Municipal Code provides for the declaration and determination of certain conditions of property to be a public nuisance and further provides for the abatement of said nuisance by certain procedures including abatement by the City and collection of the cost of said abatement on the tax rolls; and WHEREAS, in accordance with said abatement procedures, the Community Safety Coordinator of the City of La Quinta, as agent of the City Manager, has determined that a public nuisance exists on the following described premises, and has given the notice required by law, and the owner thereof has failed to appeal said determination and has failed to abate said nuisance as required in said notice; and WHEREAS, in accordance with said abatement procedure, the Community Safety Coordinator has, by contract, provided for the abatement of said public nui- sance on said properties and has filed a report thereon with the City Council and the City Council has conducted a hearing on said report and the assessment of said costs against said properties. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of La Quinta does hereby RESOLVE as follows: 1. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that the City has abated a public nuisance on each of the following described premises and has conducted a hearing on assessment of the costs of said abatement in the time and manner as required by law and further determines that there were no objections or protests to assessment of said costs by any interested party. 2. The City Council hereby finds, determines, and orders that the report of the Community Safety Coordinator relative to assessment of costs is hereby approved and the City Council hereby orders that the following costs are hereby assessed as liens against the following property and the amount of said assessment shall be collected at the time and in the manner of ordinary property taxes: COST TO 25% ADMINI- OWNER ASSESSOR'S PARCEL # ABATE STRATIVE COST TOTAL Joseph C. Bayless 773-043-022 $385.00 $ 96.25 $481.25 George Willott Sackman 773-223-001 $222.00 $ 55.50 $277.50 San Fernando Airport Corp. 773-234-007 $185.00 $ 46.25 $231.25 Leon Atwood 774-063-005 $163.00 $ 40.75 $203.75 H.A. Bullard 774-063-006 $113.50 $ 28.38 $141.88 Peter Weintraub 774-063-008 $222.00 $ 55.50 $277.50 Walter Jitner 774-134-016 $152.50 $ 38.13 $190.63 '1 ?) Resolution No. 86- Page 2 3. The City Manager is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the tax collector of the County of Riverside and said tax collector is hereby requested to collect the amount of each assessment herein at the time and in the manner of ordinary property taxes. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 6th day of May, 1986. ATTEST: CITY CLERK MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER 14 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Council From: Frank M. Usher, City Manager Date: April 30, 1986 Subject: Agreement with the City of Indio regarding future sphere of influence and annexation boundaries I am pleased to report to you that in discussions with representatives of the City of Indio, I have reached an agreement regarding the establishment of a line between our two cities which will be used as a basis for requesting any new sphere of influence, modified sphere of influence, or annexation. Both cities have been cooperative and reasonable in the development of this line. The line begins at the intersection of Jefferson Street and Avenue 38, then goes south along Jefferson Street and existing city boundaries to Avenue 50, east on Avenue 50 to Madison Street, south on Madison Street to Avenue 52, east on Avenue 52 to Monroe Street, then south on Monroe Street to Avenue 56. Areas south of Avenue 56 are not addressed in the agreement with Indio. The agreement provides that La Quinta will neither initiate nor accept a sphere of influence or annexation east of the described line, and Indio will neither initiate nor accept a sphere of influence or annexation west of the described line. Approval of the accompanying agreement is respectfully recommended. AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE CITY OF INDIO REGARDING FUTURE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE AND ANNEXATION BOUNDARIES WHEREAS, this agreement is made between the City of La Quinta (La Quinta) and the City of Indio (Indio); and WHEREAS, La Quinta and Indio desire to establish a reasonable and logical boundary for future sphere of influence and annexation considerations between the two cities; and WHEREAS, La Quinta and Indio intend to use such a line as a basis for requesting any new sphere of influence, modified sphere of influence, or annexation; IT IS HEREBY AGREED, AS FOLLOWS: 1. A line is established, beginning at the intersection of Jefferson Street and Avenue 38 and ending at the intersection of Monroe Street and Avenue 56, as shown on the attached Exhibit "A". 2. La Quinta will neither initiate nor accept a sphere of influence or annexation east of the line described on Exhibit "A". 3. Indio will neither initiate nor accept a sphere of influence or annexation west of the line described on Exhibit "A". CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF INDIO MAYOR DATE .�, 0021 -710 AVENGE 38 w 1 W F 1 tll ! Z O N itirFRs L 1 r L 1 � rF y'Gyw� Y 1 IAP A I vim@ of OU<�V q � O z O. co WI LL IL ci W I MILES AVENUE co J w WESTWARD HO DR. Z G I STATE HIGHWAY F 111 'gigs I.-;W Lu m1 F . WI Z MOLL • W . LE EXHIBIT "A"' - 4n. NORTH AVENUE 56 77 AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE CITY OF INDIO REGARDING FUTURE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE AND ANNEXATION BOUNDARIES WHEREAS, this agreement is made between the City of La Quinta (La Quinta) and the City of Indio (Indio); and WHEREAS, La Quinta and Indio desire to establish a reasonable and logical boundary for future sphere of influence and annexation considerations between the two cities; and WHEREAS, La Quinta and Indio intend to use such a line as a basis for requesting any new sphere of influence, modified sphere of influence, or annexation; IT IS HEREBY AGREED, AS FOLLOWS: 1. A line is established, beginning at the intersection of Jefferson Street and Avenue 38 and ending at the intersection of Monroe Street and Avenue 56, as shown on the attached Exhibit "A". 2. La Quinta will neither initiate nor accept a sphere of influence or annexation east of the line described on Exhibit "A". 3. Indio will neither initiate nor accept a sphere of influence or annexation west of the line described on Exhibit "A". CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF INDIO MAYOR MAYOR DATE DATE IF AVENGE 96 w 1 W � 1 H to Z O Lu to � /hTFRsr� U 1 TF hiGh�q Y i Ni/ �<v I 1104 y I z O. �I Lu o, I LL L LI , �I MILES AVENUE J W WESTWARD HO DR. Z STATE HIGHWAY F 111 EXHIBIT "'Al V NORTH AVENUE 56 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Council From: Frank M. Usher, City Manager Date: May 2, 1986 Subject: Franchise application from Palmer Communications Inc., dba Coachella Valley Television An application for a franchise has been received from Palmer Communications Incorporated, dba Coachella Valley Television relative to the operation of cable television service in the City of La Quinta. Copies of the application letter, schedule of proposed rates and charges, and the proposed franchise agreement are attached at this time for your information. The accompanying resolution sets a public hearing regarding the proposed franchise for the Council meeting of June 3, 1986. Adoption of the resolution of intention is respectfully recommended. RESOLUTION NO. 86- S�7 13. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING RELATIVE TO THE GRANTING OF A FRANCHISE FOR CABLE TELEVISION SERVICE TO PALMER COMMUNICATIONS INCORPORATED, DBA COACHELLA VALLEY TELEVISION. WHEREAS, Chapter 5.10 of the La Quinta Municipal Code provides for the granting of franchises for the establishment and operation of cable television services in the City of La Quinta; and WHEREAS, an application for a franchise has been received from Palmer Communications Incorporated, dba Coachella Valley Television; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of La Quinta does RESOLVE as follows: 1. The City Council hereby declares its intention to conduct a public hearing to consider the application for a franchise for the operation of a cable television service by Palmer Communications Incorporated, dba Coachella Valley Television. 2. The public hearing regarding this application shall be held before the City Council on Tuesday, Jun49,2', 1986, at or about 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. 3. Copies of the proposed franchise may be obtained at City Hall during normal working hours. Any person who wishes to file a written comment on or protest regarding the proposed franchise may do so at the office of the City Clerk at City Hall. Oral comments may be made at the public hearing. 4. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish a copy of this Resolution at least once at least 10 days prior to the hearing in the Indio Daily News, a newspaper of general circulation, circulated within the City, and to cause it to be posted in three public places within the City. PASSES and ADOPTED this day of MAYOR , 1986. ATTEST: rrmv RESOLUTION NO. 86- APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY ATTORNEY CITY AGER %1/ COACHELLA VALLEY TELEVISION 74-175 El Paseo P.O. Box 368 Palm Desert, CA 92261 (619) 340-2225 April 30, 1986 Mr. Frank M. Usher, City Manager City of La Quinta 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Re: Cable Television Ordinance and Franchise Dear Mr. Usher: Pursuant to Chapter 5.10 of the Municipal Code of the City of La Quinta (the "City"), and pursuant to state and federal law, Coachella Valley Television ("CVTV"), a division of Palmer Communi- cations Incorporated, hereby makes application for a cable tele- vision franchise within the jurisdiction of the City. CVTV has maintained a cable television system within the City for the past 20 years, most recently pursuant to a franchise agreement which was entered into with the County of Riverside on May 22, 1984. Pursuant to federal law and the City code, CVTV now wishes to obtain a fran- chise from the City. Pursuant to Municipal Code Sec. 5.10.060, and responding to that subpart's requirements on an item -for -item basis, the following information is submitted in support of this application for franchise: A.1. Coachella Valley Television 74-175 El Paseo Palm Desert, California 92260 (619) 340-2225 Palmer Communications Incorporated 1801 Grand Avenue Des Moines, Iowa 50308 (515) 242-3700 Coachella Valley TeWsion/CVTV Channel 10 Services of Palmer Communications, Incorporated 0 Mr. Frank Usher, City Manager Re: Cable Television Ordinance and Franchise April 30, 1986 - Page Two 2. CVTV is a division of Palmer Communications Incorporated. Palmer Communications Incorporated is a Delaware corporation in good standing. a. The General Manager of CVTV is: Stewart E. Nazzaro Residence Address: 49-037 Mariposa Drive Palm Desert, California 92260 Business Address: 74 175 E1 Paseo Palm Desert, California 92260 The Director of Engineering is: Bruce J. Harris Residence Address: 42-270 Tennessee Palm Desert, California 92260 Business Address: 41-725 Cook Street Palm Desert, California 92260 Palmer Communications Incorporated: 1801 Grand Avenue Des Moines, Iowa 50308 President: William J. Ryan Exec. Vice Pres.: Robert G. Engelhardt Sec. & Treasurer: M. Wayne Wisehart Board of Directors: Robert H. Harter 1801 Grand Avenue Des Moines, Iowa 50308 Mrs. Bonnie J. McCloskey 1555 Palm Beach Lake Boulevard, Suite 1006 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 b4 Mr. Frank Usher, City Manager Re: Cable Television Ordinance and Franchise April 30, 1986 - Page Three Mrs. Jenny W. Sutton 131 Tonawanda Des Moines, Iowa 50312 Mrs. Vickie A. Miller Norwest Bank Towers, Suite 602 Spruce Hills Drive Bettendorf, Iowa 52722 Charles J. McKerns Dow, Lohnes & Albertson 1255 Twenty -Third Street Washington, D.C. 20037 Richard L. Braunstein Dow, Lohnes & Albertson 1255 Twenty-third Street Washington, D.C. 20037 b. CVTV is a divsion of Palmer Communications Incorporated, a Delaware Corporation, whose principal stock holders are: Mrs. Jenny W. Sutton Mrs. Vickie A. Miller Mrs. Bonnie J. McCloskey c. None d. CVTV has provided cable television services to various communities within California for the past 22 years. A list of the communities serviced by CVTV and service dates is as follows: Turn on Franchise Renewed Community Date Date on Cathedral City 01/59 10/02/82 Coachella 11/60 11/17/60 2/17/86 Indian Wells 10/65 08/25/67 Indio 06/60 60 07/20/83 La Quinta 10/65 *08/30/65 05/22/84 11 Mr. Frank Usher, City Manager Re: Cable Television Ordinance and Franchise April 30, 1986 - Page Four Turn on Franchise Renewed Community Date Date on Palm Desert 10/65 12/12/74 10/11/84 Rancho Mirage 01/59 08/30/65 Wincorp. areas of *Riverside County 10/65 08/30/65 05/22/84 e. Not applicable. CVTV does not propose to construct a new cable system in the City of La Quinta, but intends to maintain its exisiting cable television system. Since 1980 CVTV has invested approximately $1,105,040 in constructing, the existing cable tele- vision system in the City. f. A listing of the franchises which have been, or are, held by CVTV in various other communities is under "d" above. B.1. A map indicating the current service area of CVTV within the City is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A". 2. A schedule of proposed rates and charges by CVTV within the City is attached hereto marked Exhibit "B". 3. A statement describing the operational equipment of CVTV is attached hereto marked Exhibit "C". CVTV hereby states that its standards of operation are in compliance with the requirements of Title 47, Subpart K, Section 76.601, et she , of the Rules and Regu- lations of the Federal CommunicationsCoommTission. 4. A copy of the proposed franchise agreement between CVTV and the City is attached hereto marked Exhibit "D". 5. Not applicable C. Copies of all agreements with public utilities are attached hereto marked Exhibit "E". Mr. Frank Usher, City Manager Re: Cable Television Ordinance and Franchise April 30, 1986 - Page Five D. No other information has been requested by the City from CVTV at this time. E. The required application fee in the sum of $1,000.00 is hereby enclosed. It is CVTV's position that inasmuch as CVTV has an existing cable system within the City for the past 20 years, that an application fee is unnecessary. CVTV hereby requests a waiver of the application fee requirement and that the application fee submitted herewith be refunded to CVTV. CVTV also hereby requests that pursuant to Municipal Code Section 5.10.060(J) that a hearing date before the City Council be set for the earliest available date. A return envelope is enclosed for your convenience so that you may notify CVTV of this hearing date. CVTV desires to work with the City of La Quinta to establish an effective and fair franchising arrangement between the City and CVTV. I would like you to contact me if you have questions or comments with regard to either this application letter or the proposed franchise agreement. I look forward to a cordial working relationship with you, the Mayor and the other representatives and officials of the City of La Quinta. Very truly yours, CO HELLA YnTELEVISION Stewart E. N izaro General Manager SEN:mr Attachments copy: The Honorable John Pena, Mayor (w/o attachments) Mr. Alexander Bowie (w/attachments) Mr. William J. Ryan Mr. Robert G. Engelhardt 1IN EXHIBIT "Be' TO FRANCHISE APPLICATION Schedule of proposed rates cable television services within the City of and charges for to subscribers La Quinta 311 MAC.M" VAI= TELEVISION PRICE LIST Basic cable service (1 outlet) ................................................$ 11.00 Each additional outlet ........ ...............................0...........$ 3.15 (24 channels with cablerea.dy TV set) ... Extendedbasic service......................................................... 3.00 Wireless remote control.......................................................$ 5.00 Installation on first outlet ..................................................$ 30.00 Installation on any additional outlets........................................5 10.00 Installation premium Service (addressable only) ...............................$ 10.00 Installation premium Service (Truck roll) .....................................$ 10.00 lateral Swap 1 premium for another (Truck roll) ..............................It 30.00 Lateral Swap 1 premium for another(addressable) .............................$ 10.00 InstallationFM.............................................................4, 20.00 FM on additional outlet.......................................................$ 3.15 Relocate outlet...............................................................5 30.00 Reconnect service.............................................................$ 30.00 VCR hook-up at same time of installation ......................................It 10.00 VCRhook up...................................................................$ 30.00 M = The Movie Channel S = Showtime D = Disney Channel H = fire Box Office C = Cinemax G = Galavision 1 -Channel ..................................................$ 11.00 w/remote. $ 16.00 1 Channels w/Disney ........................................$ 22.00 w/remote $ 27.00 2 Channels .................................................$ 21.00 w/remote $ 26.00 2 Channels w/Disney ........................................$ 32.00 w/remote S 37.00 3 Channels.... $ 30.00 w/remote $ 35.00 3 Channels w/Disney ........................................$ 41.00 w/remote $ 46.00 4 Channels ................................................ ¢ 38.00 w/FREE P.emote 4 Channels w/Disney ........................................Q 44.95 w/FREE Remote 5 Channels .................................................$ 49.00 w/FREE Remote 5 Channels w/Disney ...................................... $ 55.95 w/FREE Remote CVTV VIDE) CLUB Video Membership............................................e 37.10 w/Tax CVTV Video Club for limited service hones ...................$ 7.50 (monthly) M17V Video Club for home with a CVTV (MSCH).................Free rental tapes Star Ship Stereo ............................................$ 7.50 (monthly) IL 1 EXHIBIT "D" TO FRANCHISE APPLICATION Proposed Franchise Agreement between CVTV and the City of La Quinta M CABLE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND COACHELLA VALLEY TELEVISION, A DIVISION OF PALMER COMMUNICATIONS qI 1. 2. 3. 4. GRANT OF FRANCHISE 1.1 Grant 1.2 Right of 1.3 Effective 1.4 Duration 1.5 Renewal 1.6 Franchise DEFINITIONS 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 INDEX Grantor to Issue Franchise Date of Franchise Acceptance "Access Channel Manager" "Agreement" "Downstream" "Grantee" "Institutional Service" "Monitoring" "School" "Public Streets, "Tier" "Upstream" "Year" Ways and Other Areas" "Gross Annual Revenues" GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Governing Requirements 3.2 Franchise Regulation 3.3 Franchise Fee 3.4 Liability Insurance and Indemnification 3.5 Cooperation with Grantor's Consultants CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICE REQUIREMENTS 4.1 General 4.2 Right of Inspection of Construction 4.3 Provision of Free Service 4.4 Extension of Service 4.5 Entry on Private Property 4.6 Tree Trimming 4.7 Identification of Construction Crews 4.8 Employee Training Sessions 4.9 Construction Schedule and Reports (a) Construction Schedule (b) Monthly Reports 4.10 System Location Maps 4.11 Laws Not Repealed 4.12 Use of Public Streets, Ways and Other Areas -2 5. SYSTEM DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS 5.1 System Configuration 5.2 Channel Capacity 5.3 Satellite Earth Stations 5.4 Capacity for Interactive Residential Services 5.5 Cablecasting Facilities 5.6 Emergency Alert Capability 5.7 Standby Power 5.8 Parental Control Lock 5.9 Technical Standards -- General 5.10 Applicable Technical Standards (a) Forward Signals (b) Reverse Signals 5.11 Performance Testing 5.12 Maintenance and Repair 5.13 Cooperation with Building Movers 6. SERVICES AND PROGRAMMING 6.1 Initial Services and Programming 6.2 Alternative Services 6.3 Non -Basic Cable Services 6.4 Leased Channel Service 6.5 Basic Subscriber Radio Service 7. LOCAL PROGRAMMING OBLIGATIONS 7.1 Access Channel Manager 7.2 Support of Community Programming 8. RATES AND CHARGES 8.1 Rate Regulation -- General 8.2 Rates and Charges 8.3 Advance Billing 8.4 Disconnection for Non -Payment 8.5 Termination Refund 8.6 Nonstandard Installation 9. PURCHASING, TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT REQUIREMENTS 9.1 Local Purchasing and Hiring Policy 9.2 Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Programs 9.3 Employment Training Program 10. RIGHTS OF INDIVIDUALS PROTECTED 10.1 Cable Tapping Prohibited 10.2 Invasions of Privacy and of Personal Rights Prohibited 10.3 Permission of Property Owners Required 93 11. 12. 10.4 Protection of Subscriber Privacy RESPONSE TO SUBSCRIBER COMPLAINTS 11.1 Local Office and Management 11.2 Action on Service Calls 11.3 Telephone Answering Service 11.4 Collection Account 11.5 Log of Customer Complaints 11.6 Notice to Subscribers 11.7 Designation of Franchise Administrator 11.8 Access to Grantee's Officers 11.9 Notice of Interruption 11.10 Records and Reports MISCELLANEOUS 12.1 Amendments 12.2 Severability Iq REA/1503 4/29/86 CABLE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 1986, at La Quinta, Riverside County, California, by and between the City of La Quinta (hereinafter in some instances "the Grantor" or "the City"), a municipal corporation of the State of California, and Coachella Valley Television, a division of Palmer Communications Incorporated, (hereinafter "the Grantee"). W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, the City, pursuant to 5.10 of the Municipal Code of the City of La Quinta, also known as the "City of La Quinta-Cable Television Franchise Ordinance" (hereinafter "the Ordinance"), is authorized to grant one or more non- exclusive franchises to operate, construct, maintain and reconstruct a cable television system within the City; and WHEREAS, Grantee has applied to the City for the issu- ance of a cable television franchise pursuant to the Ordi- nance, and after due consideration the City has determined that Grantee has complied with all provisions of the Ordi- nance for issuance of a non-exclusive franchise; and WHEREAS, the City further desires to ensure that its residents will receive high quality, modern cable 9S communications services in accordance with comprehensive regulations that will protect the City and its residents; NOW, THEREFORE, the Grantor hereby grants to Grantee a non-exclusive cable television franchise as hereinafter more specifically described, subject to the provisions of the Ordinance, this Agreement and all applicable State and Federal Laws. 1. GRANT OF FRANCHISE 1.1 Grant. Grantee is hereby granted for itself, its successors, and assigns, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Ordinance, the authority, right and privilege, for a fifteen (15) year period from and after the effective date hereof, to construct, reconstruct, operate and maintain a cable television system within the streets and public ways of the City and to provide cable television service within the City and all areas subsequently annexed to the City (hereinafter in some instances "the Franchise"). 1.2 Right of Grantor to Issue Franchise. Grantee acknowledges and accepts the right of Grantor to issue the Franchise and Grantee agrees it shall not now or at any time hereafter challenge this right in any way or in any City, State or Federal Court. 1.3 Effective Date of Franchise. The Franchise herein granted shall be effective immediately upon the -2- q� passage of a Resolution by the City Council adopting this Agreement. 1.4 Duration. The term of the Franchise shall be fifteen (15) years from the effective date hereof at which time it shall expire and be of no force and effect. 1.5 Renewal. Renewal shall be in accordance with Section 5.10.050(A) of the Ordinance, and applicable state and Federal law, and such renewal shall not be unreasonably withheld by the Grantor if Grantee has substantially complied with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In the event that Grantor is unable, for any reason, to complete renewal proceedings prior to the expiration of this Franchise, Grantee shall have the right to continue operation of the system pursuant to the terms of this Franchise until such time as renewal proceedings are concluded. 1.6 Franchise Acceptance. By executing this Agreement, Grantee accepts the Franchise granted herein and guarantees performance of all its obligations hereunder. 2. DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this Agreement, the following words, terms, phrases, and their derivations shall have the meanings given herein. When not inconsistent with the con- text, words used in the present tense include the future tense, words in the plural number include the singular num- ber, and words in the singular number include the plural -3- 91 number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory. The definitions contained in the Ordinance are incorporated herein as if fully set forth; however, the definition of "Street" found in the Ordinance in Section 5.10.010(F) shall also include those areas set forth in Section 2.8 below. 2.1 "Access Channel manager" means an organiza- tion designated by the City to serve as the appropriate local or valley -wide entity to promote and supervise produc- tion of local access programming. 2.2 "Agreement" means this Agreement and any amendments thereof. 2.3 "Downstream" means a signal traveling from the cable system's technical control center to a subscri- ber's location. 2.4 "Grantee" means Coachella Valley Television, a division of Palmer Communications Incorporated. 2.5 "Institutional Service" means such video, audio, data and other services provided to institutional users on an individual application, private channel basis. These may include, but are not limited to, two-way video, audio or digital signals among institutions or from institu- tions to residential subscribers. 2.6 "Monitoring" means observing a one-way com- munications signal, or the absence of a signal, where the observer is neither the subscriber nor the programmer, whether the signal is observed by visual or electronic means, for any purpose whatsoever. 2.7 "School" means any public educational insti- tution including primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities and all similarly situated private and paro- chial educational institutions which have received approp- riate accreditation from the State of California, and where required, from other authorized accrediting agencies. 2.8 "Public Streets, Ways and Other Areas" shall include those areas described by Section 5.10.010(F) of the Ordinance. In addition, public streets, ways, and other areas shall include public streets, highways, alleys, public properties, and public easements of the City, and shall include but shall not be limited to any easement created by dedication to the City or the County of Riverside, or the City and the County of Riverside for public utility purposes or any other purpose whatsoever. This definition is intended to include all areas within which Grantee may place its wires, conduits, and appurtenances, as set forth in California Government Code Section 53066. 2.9 "Tier" means any of the groups of channels and services for which a separate monthly charge to sub- scribers is established. 2.10 "Upstream" means a signal path from a sub- scriber or other inpoints on the cable system to the tech- nical control center. -5- 2.11 "Year" means the remaining portion of 1986. Thereafter, the "year" means a full calendar year. 2.12 "Gross Annual Revenues" means all revenues received by Grantee from the operations of the cable system within the City of La Quinta. In the case of revenues which are derived on a system -wide basis, such revenues shall be calculated on the basis of the number of subscribers served in the City as a percentage of the total number of subscribers served by the System. 3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Governing Requirements. Grantee shall comply with the requirements of this Agreement, the Ordinance, and applicable state and Federal law. 3.2 Franchise Regulation. The Franchise granted under this Agreement shall be subject to regulation by Gran - for in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, the Ordinance, and applicable Federal and State Law. Grantor shall give Grantees written notice of any amendments to the Ordinance prior to adoption by the City Council of the City. 3.3 Franchise Fee. Subject to all applicable Federal and State rules, regulations and policies, the fran- chise fee shall be five percent (58) of Grantee's Gross Annual Revenues, payable by the Grantee to Grantor in quarterly installments. 3.4 Liability Insurance and Indemnification. Upon the effective date of the Franchise, Grantee shall fur- 106 nish proof that satisfactory liability insurance policies in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.10.070(C) of the Ordinance are in effect, in the minimum amounts of: As required by the State of California $500,000.00 Worker's Compensation Comprehensive General Liability* *Including liability for property damage and motor vehicle. Grantor shall be named as an additional insured for this policy. 3.5 Cooperation with Grantor's Consultants. The Grantee shall reasonably cooperate with and assist all consultants employed by Grantor in the administration, regulation, and enforcement of the Franchise. 4. CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICE REQUIREMENTS. 4.1 General. The Grantee shall meet or exceed all of the material construction and service requirements provided by this Agreement, the Ordinance and all other applicable laws. The Grantee shall meet the service requirements regardless of whether subscriber penetration and/or revenue projections prove to be correct. It is the Grantor's intent that Grantee shall not be penalized for minor breaches of the terms hereof so long as its best efforts are maintained. 4.2 Right of Inspection of Construction. Grantor shall have the right to inspect all construction, upgrading and installation work performed subject to the provisions of the Franchise and to make such tests at its sole expense as -7- it shall find necessary to ensure compliance with the terms of the Franchise and other pertinent provisions of law. The costs of such tests shall be borne by the Grantor unless such tests are made necessary by the Grantee's failure to adequately or properly perform the tests required by the Ordinance or this Agreement. 4.3 Provision of Free Service. Grantee shall provide one (1) free drop and basic service to each govern- ment facility and school. For service monitoring purposes, City Hall service shall include all available services. 4.4 Extension of Service. New residences con- structed in energized cable areas shall be offered service within thirty (30) days after occupancy. Grantee shall extend distribution lines to new developments or to unserved areas within the territory subject to the Franchise and provide service at the standard installation charge where there are a minimum of 40 dwelling units per cable route mile or fraction thereof and a minimum total of at least 30 dwelling units. 4.5 Entry on Private Property. Except as permitted by law, the Grantee shall not enter upon or encroach upon or interfere with or obstruct any private property without the express consent of the owner or agent in possession thereof. The authority and permission given by the Franchise shall not be construed to grant or imply any permission or license to do so. 4.6 Tree Trimming. The Grantee shall not remove any tree or trim any portion, either above, at or below ground level, of any tree within any public place without the prior consent of the Grantor. The Grantor shall have the right to do the trimming requested by the Grantee at a reasonable cost to the Grantee. 4.7 Identification of Construction Crews. Every employee of the Grantee or its construction contractors or subcontractors shall be clearly identified on sight to the public as a representative of the Grantee. Every vehicle of the Grantee, its construction contractors, or subcontractors shall be similarly identified. The Grantee's telephone number shall also be clearly marked on all such vehicles. All letters and numbers on such vehicles shall be at least three (3) inches high. 4.8 Employee Training Sessions. The Grantee Shall hold training sessions which will be attended by each construction employee, whether the employee of the Grantee or its contractors or subcontractors, for instruction in proper practices and community relations. 4.9 Construction Schedules and Reports. (a) Construction Schedule. Pursuant to Section 10 of the Ordinance, Attachment C lists the schedule for construction of Grantee's Cable Communications System. (b) Monthly Reports. The Grantee shall submit to the Grantor monthly construction and upgrading progress reports outlining the areas of the City which have been constructed and upgraded and which have been energized. 4.10 System Location Maps. Attachment D contains maps showing the accurate as -built location of all of Gran- tee's facilities in place as of the effective date of the Franchise. Upon removal, change or abandonment of any of its facilities, the Grantee shall, within thirty (30) days thereafter, file a revised map or maps showing the location of all such additional removed or abandoned facilities as of that date. 4.11 Laws Not Repealed. The approval of this Agreement shall not amend or otherwise modify any other provisions of the La Quinta Municipal Code or other laws or regulations of the Grantor. The components of the cable television system, other than coaxial cable and appur- tenances placed in or over City streets, shall be con- structed or placed in accordance with the land use laws of the Grantor, provided, however, that the Grantee shall construct or place antenna towers and other headend equip- ment pursuant to the terms of a conditional use permit obtained and processed in the manner provided therefor by the La Quinta Municipal Code. 4.12 Use of Public Streets, Ways and Other Areas. For the purpose of operating and maintaining the cable sys- tem in the City, the Grantee may erect, install, construct, repair, replace, reconstruct, and retain in, on, over, -10- 0� under, upon, across, and along the public streets, ways and other areas of the City, as defined at Section 2.8 above, such wire, cables, conductors, ducts, conduits, manholes, amplifiers, appliances, pedestals, attachments, and other property and equipment as are necessary and appurtenant to the operation of the cable system. Such installations shall generally be in accordance with standard industry practice and shall comply with all applicable codes and requirements established by law. Prior to construction or alteration, however, the Grantee shall in each case file detailed loca- tion and construction plans with the appropriate Grantor agencies and utility companies, and shall receive written City approval before proceeding, except where emergency situations requiring emergency repairs do not allow for prior notice. Grantor shall have the right to inspect all construction performed by Grantee to insure compliance with all applicable requirements. 5. SYSTEM DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS. 5.1 System Configuration. The cable television system shall consist of a residential network which shall provide bi-directional communication capability in its initial configuration. Grantor shall have the right to request that an institutional network be provided at such time as it shall be demonstrated to be economically feas- ible. 5.2 Channel Capacity. The cable television sys- tem shall be installed to deliver signals at frequencies up to 400 megahertz (MHz), with specific capacity as indicated below. Signal Cable Signal Frequency Channel Network Direction Range Capacity Forward Downstream 50-400MHz 54 Channels and FM Reverse Upstream 5-30 MHz 4 and data The cable television system shall provide at a minimum 32 activated channels. At such time as demand develops for additional activated channels, Grantor and Grantee shall negotiate in good faith the number of acti- vated channels to be added, not to exceed a total of 54 channels, and the schedule upon which they are to be made available. 5.3 Satellite Earth Stations. Grantee shall provide two (2) satellite earth stations, or the equivalent in reception capacity. Throughout the term of this Agreement or any renewal thereof, Grantee shall provide sufficient earth station reception capability to receive signals from all operational communications satellites that generally provide at least six (6) established program services carried by cable systems. 5.4 Capacity for Interactive Residential Ser- vices. Grantee shall provide initially the capability for security alarm monitoring and shall make such capability -12- available to private local security organizations on a leased channel basis pursuant to Section 6.4 of this Agree- ment. To the extent customer equipment necessary for such services, such as addressable interactive converters, home terminals and home detectors, is provided by Grantee, it shall be made available in accordance with established and uniform rate schedules. Within three (3) years after award of the Franchise, all existing cable service within the City shall be made interactive capable. All new cable services installed after the execution of this Agreement shall be interactive capable on installation. 5.5 Cablecasting Facilities. Grantee shall maintain and operate a color -equipped studio with full capability for live programming within the service area of its cable television system. Such facilities shall be made available for cablecasting local governmental, educational and public affairs programming under the supervision and control of the Grantee. 5.6 Emergency Alert Capability. Grantee shall provide the system capability to transmit an emergency alert signal to all participating subscribers. Grantee shall also provide an emergency audio override capability to permit Grantor to interrupt and cablecast an audio message on all channels simultaneously in the event of disaster or public emergency. Grantee may satisfy this requirement by pro- viding a device which permits an authorized person with an -13- a appropriate access code to activate the emergency alert system via a touch-tone telephone instrument. 5.7 Standby Power. Grantee shall provide standby power at the cable communications system control center and at all hubs. 5.8 Parental Control Lock. Grantee shall pro- vide, upon the request of a subscriber, a parental control locking device or digital code that permits the subscriber to prevent the viewing of a particular cable service during periods of time selected by such subscriber. 5.9 Technical Standards -- General. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Rules and Regulations, Part 76, Subpart K (Technical Standards), shall apply to Gran- tee's cable operations. However, because of the recent development of interactive and other innovative services, modifications of FCC standards, as presented in the specifi- cations below, are considered necessary to meet system service objectives. 5.10 Applicable Technical Standards. (a) Forward Signals -- Class I Channels. The system shall be capable of carrying 54 Class I Tele- vision Channels and the full FM broadcast band. The com- bined forward trunk and distribution system shall deliver signals to each subscriber's television receiver that will meet or exceed the following specifications at the mean system temperature of +70 degrees F. This shall include the -14- effects of drop cables, interior splits and any terminal equipment such as descramblers and set -top converters. 1. Carrier -to -Noise 36 db 2. Hum Modulation 5% 3. Peak -to -Valley Any 6 MHz channel 6 db 5-30 or 5-400 MHz 12 db 4. Adjacent Channel 3 db 5. Composite Triple Beat -53 db 6. Cross Modulation -53 db (b) Reverse Signals -- The reverse channels shall have the capability of providing return signals from any subscriber tap to the extreme end of any area without noticeable signal degradation or interface. (1) The system capability shall include transmission of color video, black and white video, and both low and high speed data, whether analog or digital. (2) If necessary to prevent the build- up of noise and distortion products, the area shall be divided into sections, and sub -trunks run to a central hub within the area. Equivalent alternatives such as address- able taps or switches may be utilized. (3) No more than 15 dBmV output level shall be required out of any customer interface device to meet the system specifications. (4) Where applicable, the end of the system specifications shall include the effects of any sig- -15- a9, nal reprocessing equipment necessary to achieve forward transmission. (5) For Class I signals, the signal delivered to the subscriber's television receiver, after being transmitted to the headend, processed and retrans- mitted down a forward channel, shall meet the FCC specifica- tions for Class I signals. 5.11 (a) Performance Testing. Grantee shall perform all tests necessary to determine compliance with the technical standards of FCC Rule 76.601. Tests shall include the following as a minimum: Initial Proof of Performance Annual Compliance Tests Tests in Response to Subscriber Complaints Monthly Monitor Tests Written records of tests results shall be maintained, and shall be available for Grantor inspection upon request. Upon request, the Grantee shall provide the Grantor with copies of such records without charge. (b) The tests for the cable system may be performed periodically, at intervals of six (6) months, on a suggested minimum of twenty (20) subscriber television terminals, located throughout the service area. At least eight (8) of these locations should be at the far end of the distribution trunk cables. At Grantor's request, the tests shall be witnessed by representatives of the Grantor and -16- E written test reports shall be submitted to the Grantor. If more than ten percent (10%) of the locations tested fail to meet the performance standards, the Grantee may be required to indicate what corrective measures have been taken and the entire test may be repeated for at least twenty (20) different locations. If a second test results in failure of more than ten percent (10%) of the locations, the Grantor may, at its option, pursue any remedies available to it consistent with the Ordinance. 5.12 Maintenance and Repair. The Grantee shall maintain a preventative maintenance policy directed toward maximizing the reliability and operation of the cable tele- vision system with respect to delivery of service to sub- scribers at or above the performance standards prescribed by this Agreement. The Grantee shall maintain a repair res- ponse capability comprised of qualified technicians, service vehicles and equipment to provide prompt and efficient repair service within the standards prescribed in the Ordinance. In cases of routine outages, Grantee shall respond to requests for service within 24 hours after receipt thereof. 5.13 Cooperation with Building Movers. The Gran- tee shall, upon the request of any person holding a building moving permit, issued by the Grantor, temporarily raise or lower its wires to permit the moving of buildings. The expense of such temporary removal, raising or lowering of -17- wires shall be paid by the person requesting the same, and the Grantee shall have the authority to require payment in advance. The Grantee shall be given not less than five (5) working days advance notice to arrange for such temporary wire changes. 6. SERVICES AND PROGRAMMING. 6.1 Initial Services and Pro rammin . Upon the commencement of the term of this Franchise, Grantee shall provide the services and programming listed in Attachment A. If any listed service shall become unavailable, cannot be provided under existing FCC regulations, or is determined by Grantee to be economically unfeasible, Grantee shall provide, if available, substitute programming considered in its sole discretion at least as attractive to cable system subscribers. To the extent required by applicable Federal and State Law, Grantee may not reduce the number of program services or restructure the tier format without prior written notification to, and approval by, Grantor. Grantor's approval shall not be unreasonable withheld and its written decision shall be given to Grantee within thirty (30) days from the receipt of notification. Grantee may add new services at any time. Grantee may combine programming into composite channels to improve efficiency of channel utilization or to attract a larger viewing audience. Before making any such changes, reasonable notice shall be given by the Grantee to the Grantor prior to the change. -18- 6.2 Alternative Services. As an alternative to the services listed in Section 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5 below and to the extent permitted by Federal or State Law, Grantor may request Grantee to provide the same services and tier struc- ture provided by Grantee to neighboring communities. 6.3 Non -Basic Cable Services. In addition to the Basic Subscriber Services listed in Attachment A, Grantee shall initially offer the following optional pay -television services or equivalent programming of the same general class to the extent such service and programming are available: Home Box Office Showtime The Disney Channel The Movie Channel Cinemax Galavision The offering of these pay -television services shall be consistent with applicable State and Federal Law and Grantee shall have the right to delete or add pay - television services as it shall deem desirable. 6.4 Leased Channel Service. Grantee shall offer leased channel service on reasonable terms and conditions in accordance with applicable Federal Law. 6.5 Basic Subscriber Radio Service. Grantee may provide basic subscriber local FM radio service to its subscribers. 7. LOCAL PROGRAMMING OBLIGATIONS. 7.1 Access Channel Manager. (a) Grantor may designate an organization to serve as the appropriate local or valley -wide entity to MR&M p promote and supervise the production of local programming in the service area of the cable system. (b) In the event the entity designated by Grantor does not have an existing Board of Directors or other appropriate administrative structure, the Grantor may, subject to agreements with other entities or public entities, appoint a Board of Directors, serving at the pleasure of the Grantor, to administer such corporation. Grantee shall be represented by a non -voting member of the Board who shall act as a liaison between such entity and the Grantee. (c) Grantee shall provide financial support in an amount determined by Grantor and Grantee to be reason- able in an amount of one thousand ($1,000.00) per year, payable June 1, 1986, and on June 1 of each year thereafter during the term of this Franchise and during the term of any renewal thereof, for public benefit usage of the cable system. All such support shall be provided directly to the Access Channel Manager for allocation to public users. Grantor and Grantee may enter into additional agreements to provide additional support for such organization. (d) All public benefit monies may be allocated by the Access Channel Manager upon reasonable notice to the Grantee. -20- 1N 7.2 Support of Community Programming. To facili- tate maximum utilization of the cable system for community programming, Grantee shall: (a) Permit reasonable and non-discriminatory use of one (1) cable channel each for local governmental, educational and public affairs programming, provided, how- ever, that when such channels are not in use for their designated purpose, they shall be available for use by Grantee on a preemptible basis. (b) Conduct a reasonable number of free video training workshops, as requested by Grantor, to train access users in cablecasting techniques and equipment. (c) Conduct an annual advertising and promo- tional campaign to familiarize residents of the City with the cable system's access facilities. (d) Development of a student internship program with local schools for a minimum of two (2) interns per year. (e) Provision of a training program for minority individuals and women in video techniques and community programming. 8. RATES AND CHARGES. 8.1 Rate Regulation -- General. To the extent that Federal and State Law permit, Grantee's rates shall be governed by Sections 5.10.100(A) and 5.10.110(B) of the Ordinance and the following subsections. -21- 8.2 Rates and Charges. Grantee's rates and charges for its services are listed in Attachment B hereto. Modification of such rates and charges shall be pursuant to applicable Federal and State Law and the limitations imposed by the Ordinance. 8.3 Advance Billing. The Grantee may bill sub- scribers bi-monthly for basic service. 8.4 Disconnection for Non -Payment. Delinquent subscriber's service can be terminated thirty (30) days after payment is due. 8.5 Termination Refund. In the event a sub- scriber terminates service during, or in advance of, any period of which a prepayment has been made, the Grantee shall refund a prorated portion of the unused payment. 8.6 Nonstandard Installation. In the event a subscriber is located more than 150 feet from the nearest distribution cable or otherwise requires special wiring, the installation charge shall be the actual cost of labor and materials plus ten percent (10%). 9. PURCHASING, TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT REQUIREMENTS. 9.1 Local Purchasing and Hirina Policy. To the maximum extent feasible, Grantee shall establish a policy of employing local residents within its service area, and of utilizing local firms for purchases and construction subcontracts. -22- 9.2 Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Programs. Throughout the term of the franchise, Grantee shall conduct its business as an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. In addition, throughout the term of the franchise, the Grantee shall maintain a policy that all employment decisions, practices, and procedures are based on merit and ability without discrimination in violation of State or Federal law on the basis of an individual's race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, or physical handicap. The Grantee's policy shall apply to all employment actions including advertising, recruiting, hiring, promotion, transfer, remuneration, selection for training, company benefits, disciplinary action, lay-off and termination. The Grantee shall carry out this policy through continued dedication to a determined and sustained effort to provide equal employment opportunities to all by taking affirmative action to employ and advance in employment qualified women, minorities, persons who are physically handicapped and veterans. The Grantee shall provide to the Grantor a written Affirmative Action Program to carry out this policy no later than sixty (60) days after the effective date of this Agreement. 9.3 Employment Training Program. Consistent with the provisions of Section 9.11 Grantee shall conduct an aggressive training program to train local residents, particularly the unskilled and the semi -skilled, for -23- 10 employment in the cable industry to the extent that such persons are trainable to a skill level in positions which meet the employment needs of Grantee. 10. RIGHTS OF INDIVIDUALS PROTECTED. 10.1 Cable Tapping Prohibited. Neither the Grantee nor any person, agency, or entity shall, without the subscriber's consent, tap, nor arrange for the tapping, of any cable, line, signal input device, or subscriber outlet or receiver for any purpose except routine maintenance of the system. 10.2 Invasions of Privacy and of Personal Rights Prohibited. In the conduct of providing its services or pursuit of any collateral commercial enterprise resulting therefrom, Grantee shall take any and all necessary action to prevent an invasion of a subscriber's or general citizen's right to privacy or other personal rights as such rights are delineated and defined by applicable law. Grantee shall not without lawful court order or other applicable valid legal authority utilize the system's interactive two-way equipment or capability for unauthorized personal surveillance of any subscriber or general citizen. 10.3 Permission of Property Owners Required. No cable line, wire, amplifier, converter, or other piece of equipment owned by Grantee shall be installed by Grantee without first securing the written permission of the Owner of any property involved; provided, however, that where the -24- property owner or his predecessor has granted an easement including a public utility easement or a servitude to another and the servitude by its terms contemplates public use or uses such as Grantee's intended use, Grantee shall not be required to secure the written permission of the owner for the installation of cable television equipment or facilities unless Grantee elects to do so. 10.4 Protection of Subscriber Privacy. The Grantee shall protect subscriber privacy in the manner required by the provisions of Section 551 of Title 47 of the United States Code. 11. RESPONSE TO SUBSCRIBER COMPLAINTS. 11.1 Local Office and Management. During the term of this franchise and any renewal thereof, the Grantee shall locate and maintain within the service area of its cable television system, or within fifteen miles of the franchise territory: (a) The office of its local manager and its business office serving this cable television system, including the billing collection office; (b) The service office for the purpose of receiving all complaints regarding the quality of service, malfunctions and similar matters arising out of its construction and operation of this cable system; (c) All trucks, equipment and employees providing service to this cable system. -25- IM The local office, including the service office, shall be open to receive inquiries or complaints from subscribers during normal business hours and in no case less than 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (inclusive), excluding legal holidays. 11.2 Action on Service Calls. (a) The Grantee shall maintain a service repair force sufficient to respond within a reasonable time to any individual interruption of service and also sufficient installation force tp minimize delay for service installation. (b) Any service: complaint shall be investigated and acted upon as _soon as possible. Grantee shall make a diligent, good -faith effort to resolve any service complaint within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt. The Grantee shall credit a subscriber's account on a pro rated basis for loss of service; commencing twenty-four (24) hours after said loss upon the, -,request of the subscriber. 11.3 Telephone Answering Service. The Grantee shall provide a state-of-the-ar-t telephone answering service to receive all construction and service complaints that will assure that only a minimum of callers shall receive busy signals when telephoning the office. A sufficient number of customer service representatives will be provided so that callers are not required to wait beyond a reasonable time for such service. The telephone number of the local office -26- (0 shall be listed in the telephone directories serving the City. The telephone service shall be operable to accept complaints twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. Inquires and complaint calls shall be accepted in person over the telephone twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. 11.4 Collection Account. The Grantee shall maintain an account in a bank located within the service area of its cable television system for depositing monies received from subscribers of this cable system and for making refunds and other payments to such subscribers. 11.5 Log of Customer Complaints. The Grantee shall keep a maintenance service log which will indicate the nature of each service complaint, its location, the date and time it was received, the disposition of said complaint and the time and date thereof for a period of three (3) years from the occurrence of the complaint. The log shall be made available at reasonable times for periodic inspection by the Grantor at its request. 11.6 Notice to Subscribers. The Grantee shall provide written notice to each subscriber at intervals of not more than one (1) year, of the procedure for reporting and resolving subscriber complaints, including the subscriber's right to complain in writing to the Grantor of the Grantee's failure to resolve a service complaint which is preventable and reasonably within the Grantee's control. -27- f 70 The proper address of the Grantor to which complaints may be directed shall be included in such notice. 11.7 Designation of Franchise Administrator. The Grantor or its designee may appoint a City employee or employees who shall be responsible for continuing administration of this franchise and the implementation of complaint procedures. 11.8 Access to Grantee's Officers. Grantee will give Grantor official access to all levels of its corporate structure and will, at any reasonable time, meet with the Grantor officials to discuss issues or problems that relate to its cable system. 11.9 Notice of Interruption. The Grantee shall provide notice to the cable system's subscribers of any planned interruption affecting fifty (50) or more subscribers for any period, or where any planned interruption affects any number of subscribers for a period of more than one (1) hour, unless such interruption is unforeseen and immediately necessary. Reasonable notice of any such planned interruption shall be given to subscribers by an appropriate announcement on the system's local origination channel. 11.10 Records and Reports. The records which Grantee shall maintain at its local business office and the reports which it may be required to provide to Grantor at its request shall consist of books, records, maps, plans, -28- ►22 service complaint logs, performance test results and other like materials of the Grantee which relate to the operation of the cable system. Financial information deemed confidential, privileged or proprietary by Grantee shall be afforded such treatment by Grantor and its agents. 12. MISCELLANEOUS. 12.1 Amendments. This Agreement may be amended only by the mutual written agreement of the parties hereto. 12.2 Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Agreement is for any reason held to be invalid, preempted by state or federal law or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Agreement. The parties hereby declare that they would have executed this Agreement and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more of the sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases hereof be declared invalid or unconstitutional. -29- /I$ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor and Grantee have executed this Agreement the date and year first above written. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF LA QUINTA A Municipal Corporation Special Counsel to the City By_ Its ATTEST: Clerk City Grantee By Q«1L �MM*777,11,• ' 74-175 El Paseo P. O Box 366 Palm Deserl CA 92261 (619) 340-2225 CHANNa LINF UP 02 - KCBS, CBS Los Angeles 19***Galavision 03 - KESQ, ABC Palm Springs 20***The Movie Channel 04 - KNBC, NBC L.A./Ads 4-13 21 - Arts S atertainment 05 - KTLA, Independent L.A. 22***Home Box Office 06 - KMIR, NBC Palm Springs 23***Cinenax 07 - KABC, ABC Los Angeles 24 - ESPN 06 - KCE-T, PBS Los Angeles 25 - CN[Z Headline News 09 - KHJ, Independent L.A. 26 - USA Network 10 - KMN, local/Prime Ticket 27 - Christian Broadcast Network 11 - KTIV, Independent L.A. 28 - The Weather Channel 12 - SIN Television Network 29 - Video Hits One 13 - KODP, Independent L.A. 30 - C-Span 14 - Lifetime 31 - Nickelodeon 15 - Satellite Program Network 32 - Reserved for future use 16 - Nashville Network 33***Disney Channel 17***Showtime 34 - Cable News Network is - MTV 35 - Government Access 36 - Educational Access 'v If you have any questions please call..............340-2225 or 341-2886 Repairs .... 340-4555 All channels are subject to change without notice. ***Optional Coachella Valley Television/CVTV Channel 10 _ Services of Palmer Communications, Incorporateo - ATTACHMENT "A" 11� MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA OUINTA gc TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Community Development Director DATE: May 6, 1986 SUBJECT: Additional Positions - Community Development Department Building Division As you are aware, staffing in the Building Division has recently undergone a number of changes with the recent promotion of Tom Hartung to Chief Building Inspector from Building Inspector II and the hiring of Richard Kirkland as Building Inspector I. During this transition, we have had the opportunity to reassess our inspector needs and it is apparent to me that additional inspection staffing is necessary. The need for inspection activity has been steadily increasing with construction activity at PGA West and in the Cove (i.e., we are spending 4-6 hours a day at PGA West alone). Of course, this is in addition to the plan checking duties of the Chief Building Inspector. Our public information time has also been extremely limited. Revenues for permits are also higher than projected. During recent interviews for Building Inspector I or II, there were not any strong candidates for the II level, but there are several good candidates at the I level. It seems opportune to add an additional Building Inspector I to the current staffing. It is estimated that this will cost approximately $3,000 in salary and benefits for the rest of this year. A budget transfer resolution has been provided. Engineering Division This division is currently staffed by a Contract Engineer (Bob Weddle from BSI) and a contract inspection service (George Chaney Company). Both are on a part-time basis. There is a considerable amount of activity ongoing in this division, particularly in tract processing, improvement plan checking, encroachment permits, construction inspec- tion, coordination of projects with other agencies and new projects. As a result, too much of the City Engineer's time is being devoted to paperwork and routine permit/information tasks. It seems desirable to provide support for the Contract Engineer in the form of a pre - professional aide or technician position. This person could handle basic public information, processing of encroachment permits, coordination for Contract Engineer when he is not in the office, filing and related paperwork, drafting and similar routine tasks. A typical job description is attached. 1Z� MEMO - CITY COUNCIL May 6, 1986 Page 2. This position should be set at Range 35 ($1458 - $1772 per month using the current schedule). No budget authorization would be needed for this Fiscal Year since normal hiring procedure would not be completed prior to its conclusion. However, authorizing the posi- tion at this time would allow the hiring procedure to begin now rather than in July after adoption of the budget. This would give us a head start on providing needed increase in service levels. This may be especially important since, in the reorganization, Building and Planning personnel may not be as available to assist as they do now, depending on how the physical arrangements are set up. RECOMMENDATION The Communtiy Development Director recommends as follows: 1. Authorize an additional Building Inspector I and adopt attached Resolution transferring funds. 2. Authorize Engineering Aide position at 86-87, with hiring procedure to begin lip--- *'�a wrence L. Stevens, AICP Community Development Director LLS:dmv Range 35 for Fiscal Year now. Atch: Engineering Aide Position Description 121 THE POSITION: Under direct supervision, the Engineering Aide performs a variety of engineering related functions including, but not limited to, drafting, filing, issuing permits, record keeping and answering puti_c inquiries. The person in this position must be familiar with drafting instruments and other engineering tools. EXAMPLE OF DUTIES: - Answers public inquiries and issues permits. - Assist in the office filing and performing other duties to assist engineering/public works department - Updates, maintains and files maps and other data. - May assist in construction inspections and make minor inspections. - "lakes mathematical computations for computing areas, determining permit valuations, quantities and as needed for other assignments. - Performs various elementary drafting assignments using appropriate tools. - May work with engineering survey party. - Performs routine research and investigations to respond to public, developer or in-house inquiries. - Conducts surveys and computes data for the Engineer. - Performs field investigations and prepares reports for Engineer's approval. - Performs traffic counts and traffic surveys as required. - Performs other related duties as required. DESIRABLE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES - Ability to deal tactfully with the public and other city employees. - Ability to keep accurate and legible reports and records. - Ability to follow oral and written instructions. - Knowledge of elementary engineering survey principals and practices. - Knowledge of the principals and uses of algebra, geometry and trigonometry. - Ability to solve problems and make computations. - Ability to perform drafting using proper techniques and equipment. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation from High School supplemented with courses in mechanical drawing and engineering, pl-l: one year of experience performing engineering office work, construction inspection or any equivalent combination of experience and training. IM I RESOLUTION No. 86- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROPRIATING FUNDS, TRANSFERRING $3,000 TO ACCOUNT NO. 01-4230-101-000, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT/BUILDING & SAFETY, SALARIES - REGULAR, FROM THE UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS, GENERAL FUND, TO FUND AN ADDITIONAL BUILDING INSPECTOR I POSITION. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION I. $3,000.00 is hereby transferred to Account No. 01-4230-101-000, Community Development/ Building & Safety, Salaries -Regular, from the Unappropriated Surplus, General Fund , to fund an additional Building Inspector I position. APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of 1986. ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY MAYOR APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY MANAGER R C. z) 10 I MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA OUINTA TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Community Development Director DATE: May 6, 1986 SUBJECT: Traffic Study on Singing Palms/Highland Palms Access Alternatives on March 4, 1986, the City Council directed Staff to review the situation and report back within two months. I arranged for the City Engineer to prepare specific analysis for the area of concern by using data and information from the Washington Street Specific Plan. The attached memo outlines that effort. it outlines three basic alternatives and compares them to the ultimate condition. The alternatives include: * Signalize existing street - $90,000 * Widen to 4 lanes and provide 4-way stop - $215,000 * Widen to 4 lanes and signalize - $690,000 Council is requested to review the attached report and direct Staff as d erred appr priate. �� /k__I_, Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Community Development Director LLS:dmv Atch: Report from BSI Consultants 140 CONSULTANTS, INC. Consultants to Governmental Agencies April 16, 1986 Mr. Larry Stevens, Planning Director City of La Quinta 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 SUBJECT: SINGING PALMS/HIGHLAND PALMS ACCESS ALTERNATIVES Dear Mr. Stevens Three alternative access plans have been conceptually devel- oped for the Singing Palms/Highland Palms community, as illustrated on the enclosed cross-section exhibit. Cost est- imates associated with each alternative are shown on the exhibit and detailed on attached worksheets. MAJOR FINDINGS Existing data sources were gathered and reviewed to compile an information base for the development of conceptual access alternatives. Major findings of this information compilation process are presented below regarding land uses, traffic generation, and stop control alternatives. Land Uses The existing Singing Palms/Highland Palms community (west of Washington Street) is comprised of 103 residential lots. An additional developable area of approximately 20 acres exists north and west of the established community. The developable 20 acres is residentially zoned for low den- sity (two to four dwellings per acre) and medium density (four to eight dwellings per acre). Based on the assumption of buildout at four units per acre, a total of 80 additional single family residential units are projected for the area. Access for the existing development is provided at Washing- ton Street intersections with Singing Palms and Highland Palms Drives. Currently, parcels fronting Washington Street access directly to/from the major arterial. However, the City's recent adoption of the Washington Street Corridor Study mandates ultimate provision of a frontage road between Singing Palms Drive and Highland Palms Drive. The frontage road segment will require a 152 foot right-of-way (32 foot more than major arterial typical cross-section). All addi- tional right-of-way is to be acquired from the undeveloped east side of Washington Street. 69-730 Highway 111 • Rancho Mirage, California 92270 • 1619) 324-1111 A Berryman 5 Stephenson Industries Company 12 f Mr. Larry Stevens April 16, 1986 Page Two Washington Street existing pavement widths narrow from 86 foot to 54 foot south of Singing Palms Drive. Between Sing- ing Palms Drive and Highland Palms Drive, curb and gutter are constructed on the west side and the east side transitions from edge of pavement to dirt shoulder. The sub- ject east shoulder is signed for no parking. Existing right of way widths along Washington Street between Singing Palms and Highland Palms drives is 60 foot. Traffic Generation The existing 103 residential lots are forecasted to generate 770 average daily two-way trip ends (i.e., based on a per unit trip rate of 7.48, as documented by data collection in the Coachella Valley). The 770 two-way trip ends equate to 385 outbound trips per day. Even if outbound access was re- stricted to one location (e.g., Highland Palms Drive), minimum vehicular warrants would not be met for multi -way stop sign installation or traffic signalization. Ultimate buildout of the additional 80 units would add near- ly 600 average daily two-way trip ends, and 300 outbound trip ends. These increased volumes, when added to existing traffic, total 11070 average daily two way and 535 daily outbound vehicles. Stop Control Alternatives Alternative traffic controls available for consideration at the Highland Palms Drive/Washington Street intersection are listed below, together with minimum warrant requirements, forecasted levels of service, and construction cost esti- mates. I. Signalize Existing Intersection Configuration. The exist- ing one-way stop sign on Highland Palms Drive was calculated to result in •very long traffic delays" and/or level of service E operation for the Highland Palms Drive approach during peak hours. The Washington Street approaches were found to operate at level of service A. The Highland Palms Drive level of service indicates a need to improve operations for that approach. One alternative would be to signalize the existing inter- section configuration. No right of way acquisition would be required. The estimated construction cost of $90,000 would provide an interim solution. However, little if any of the signal equipment could be salvaged for use as part of the ultimate intersection signalization. For example, the signal poles would be at less than ultimate lengths; and the signal controller would in all probability be outdated at the time of ultimate signal installation. 13v Mr. Larry Stevens April 16, 1986 Page Three II. Multi -way Stop Signs. Installation of multi -way stop sign controls (e.g., on Washington Street at Highland Palms Drive) would be warranted when traffic volumes, speeds, and/or turn movements on all approach legs are such that crossings cannot be safely made without occasional long delays); minor street entering volumes must average 200 vehicles per hour for a consecutive eight hour period, or 140 per hour where the 65th percentile approach speed of the major street traffic exceeds 40 miles per hour as Washington Street does. The Highland Palms Drive entering volumes are far less than the minimum warrant, even with forecasted closure of Singing Palms Drive outbound traffic and addition of new development traffic. However, the multi -way stop control concept was analyzed to project levels of service (LOS), and it was projected that both Highland Palms Drive and Washington Street intersection approaches would be provided LOS D and/or "long traffic delays" operations during the peak hours. This represents a slight improvement on Highland Palms Drive and a deterioration on Washington Street. The pro- jected deterioration on Washington Street may be mitigated by widening of the north and south intersection legs for two through lanes in each direction. This would require right of acquisition of approximately 12 foot (i.e., 62 foot of pavement plus 10 foot setback) from parcels 617-02-13; 617-02-11; 617-07-05; and 617-07-06. On the northbound intersection approach, the six foot paved shoulder would be incorporated into lane striping to provide a separate left turn pocket from Washington Street onto Highland Palms Drive. Estimated construction costs (i.e., no right of way acquisition cost estimates) of $215,000 are estimated for this alternative. For ultimate conditions, the paved area for northbound Washington Street would need to be removed for construction of the frontage road 12 foot buffer. As an additional option within this alternative, 12 more feet of pavement width could be provided to enable the striping of a continuous two-way left turn lane. This option was not "costed-out" in view of its associated increase in vehicular conflict points and/or reduction in Washington Street capacity. III. Traffic Signal on a Widened Washington Street. When traffic volumes, speeds, and/or turn movements on all approach legs of an intersection are such that crossings cannot be safely made without frequent long delays, and Mr. Larry Stevens April 16, 1986 Page Four minor street entering volumes average 105 vehicles per hour over a consecutive eight hour period, traffic signalization is warranted by minimum vehicular require- ments. Although minimum vehicular volumes are not war- ranted for a traffic signal under existing or forecasted ultimate conditions, the Progressive Movement Warrant may be used to justify both scenarios. Progressive movement warrants are satisfied when adja- cent signals do not provide the necessary degree of platooning and speed control and the proposed and adjacent signals could constitute a progressive signal system. The installation of a signal according to this warrant should not be considered where the resultant signal spacing would be less than 11000 feet. The attached signal warrant notes such fulfillment at the subject intersection. This alternative further provides for an interim widening of Washington Street that would be consistent with ulti- mate conditions. Two southbound lanes lanes would operate on the ultimate frontage road, and the ultimate 12 foot buffer area would serve as an interim median divider between two new northbound lanes. This would extend to Highway 111. The estimated construction cost is $690,000. Additional right of way acquisition costs would be incurred to obtain approximately 24 feet from the previously referenced parcels. IN CLOSING Of the three alternatives developed, it is recommended that the most intensive (Alternative III) be implemented. It is noted, however, that the City may desire to phase such implementation by providing interim multi -way stop controls on Washington Street after widening per Alternative III. If any questions arise upon the review of this information, please call me at (714) 558-1952. Sincerely, BSI Consultants, Inc. John Lower, AICP Project Manager attch. 1 ?q HIGHLAND PALMS 3 WASHINGTON Traffic Manuel TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING 94 U-me Sipe. Pia TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS WARRANT 5 — Progressive Movement Q.I m.F m.A v-- d 1'••1 MINIMUM REQUIRE11i DISTANCE TO NEAREST SIGNAL w FULFILLED > town N211� -4fL rt E w n No DR ISOLATED ONE WAY ST. OR $T. WITH ONE WAY TRAFFIC SIGNIFICANCE ADJACENT SIGNALS ARE SO FAR APART THAT NECESSARY PLATOONING O SPEED CONTROL MOULD BE LOST -- - ON 2-WAY ST. WHERE ADJACENT SIGNALS 00 NOT PROVIDE NECESSARY PLATOON106 A A� ❑ SPEED CONTROL. PROPOSED SIGNALS COULD CONSTITUTE A PROGRESSIVE SIGNAL SYSTEM m WARRANT 6 — Accident Experience cNrldl.,r v... n .� I••M REQUIREMENT WARRANT FULFILLED ONE WARRANT WARRANT I - MINIMUM VEHICULAR VOLUME SATISFIED ER------------------------ 2-INTERRU►TION OF CONTINUOUS TFC 002 _WAR_RANT _______-- - - - - -- - WARRANT T S - MINIMUM►EDESTRIAN VOLUME YES❑ No ❑ SIGNAL WILL NOT SERIOUSLY DISRUPT PROGRESSIVE TRAFFIC FLOW ❑ ❑ ADEOUATE TRIAL OF LESS RESTRICTIVE REMEDIES WAS FAILED TO REDUCE ACC. FRE0. ACC WITHIN A 12 MON. PERIOD SUSCEPTIALE OF CORM. A INVOLVING INJURY OR>S20O0AMAGE MINIMUM REQUIREMENT NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS ❑ ❑ S OR MORE • NOTE: Lett tum accidents can be RnCluded NTNan LT -phasing is prapDaed WARRANT 7 — Systems Warrant Satisfied Yes ❑ mo n MINIMUM VOLUME ENTERING VOLUMES - ALL APPROACHES •; FULFILLED REQUIREMENT 0URING TYPICAL WEEKDAY PEAK HOUR 000 V[N/NIL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KM/HR DURING EACH OF MSA T S FIRS Oi A TURDM ANp'OR SUNDAY VEH/NR CHARACTERISTICS OF MAJOR ROUTES MAJOR ST MINOA ST PART OF HWY SYSTEM SERVING AS PRINCIPLE NETWORK FOR THROUGH TrC CONNECTS AREAS OF PRINCIPLE TRAFFIC GENERATION RINIAL OR f1J5 URSAN HWY OUTSIDE OF. ENTERING. GR TRAVERSING A CITY HAS fURfACL fTRL[T FUMY OR LXPWAY RAMP TERMINALS APPEARS AS MAJOR ROUTE ON AN OFFICIAL PLAN ANY MAJOR ROUT[ CHARACTERISTICSMET. BOTH ITS. WARRANTS — Combination of Warrants lU"d tf nO One ManSnt Satilthae TmSJ Satisfied YRlc m Aln 1-11 REQUIREMENT WARRANT i FULFILLED TWO WARRANTS SATISFIED 4110% I - MINIMUM VEHICULAR VOLUME YES❑ NO ❑ 2 - INTERRUPTION OF CONTIIRJOUS TRAFFIC S - MINIMINR PEDESTRIAN VOLINR The satisfaction of a warrant is not necessarily justification for signals. Delay, congestion. confusion or other evidence of the need for right of way assignment must be shown. 60 Unsignalized "r, Intersection Capacity Calculation Form Intersection Location Plan - Counts Due A Day a Time Control C Prevailing Speed___ Hourly Demand Trdk Volumes from to _ . m Approach A T I B C 'y- Movement AT + AR 1 B, r4a3 to- Volume 7pch ,,.v Tani, i � step I Step 2 Step 3 Right Turn from c Conflicting Flows (from Fig 1) Critical Gap from Table 2 To = Capacity from Fig. 2 = Shared Lane — See Step 3 No Shared Lane Demand = Available Reserve = Delay & Level of Service (fable 3) Left Tlrn from a Conflicting Flows = M„ _ (from Fig. 1) Critical Gap from Table 2 T, _ Capacity from Fig. 2 = Denurid = Capacity Used = Impedance Factor from Fig. 3 = Available Reserve = Delay & Level of Service (Table 3) Left Toro from C Conflicting Flows = M„ (from Fig. I ) Critical Gap from Table 2 T, _ Capacity from Fig. 2 = Adjust for Impedance No Shared Lane Demand = Available Reserve = Delay & Level of Service (Table 3 ) Shared Lane Demand = Shared Lane with Right Tum Capacity of Shared Lane = Available Reserve - Delry & Level of Service friable 3) CR ,� u AR + AT — �• Q sec Mv. = M, _.'. CR = aru M, — Ca-Mi B,. r AR + AT = B —LZ + ' = yrv,r sec — Mi,. = M, — ,� qq .+ BL 100(BLIM,) _ % P, _ M:—BL=_ W4 Isb ►Ay CL "'N %Aar • AT + BL + Br = �.� sec MM, = �'Q ... MN. xP,=M,=•L.a CL = Re, M, -CL= s.. 0 Cir + CL = CaL = 32-%2— W. Mu = (CR + CL) (Calm,)+(CL/M,t •0}*.26 Mu=-,. M13-CaL=-95—Ma I�eY iiJMlfsIFEW_ WE Unsignalized "T' Intersection Capacity Calculation Form 4rcrsenion H16MLMJV al M5 4 WAWINELhi M Location Plan. Claws: QJ Q � Date A ay a Tune Coraro) C Prevailing Speed Hourly DemmW Traffic Volumes from _ to —, M Approach A S 57 C Movement AT An 1 BL if ST — CL —N I Ca Volume 12-131 7,07 1 PC h it Tah Step 1 Right Turn from C Step 2 Step 3 Conflicting Flows - Ma = (from Fig. 1) Critical Gap from Table 2 T, _ Capacity from Fig. 2 - Slaved Lane - Sec Step 3 No Shared Lane Demand = Available Reserve = Delay k Level of Service (Table 3 ) Left Thin from B Conflicting Flows = MN (from Fig. 1) Critical Gap from Table 2 T, _ Capacity from Fig. 2 = Demand = Capacity Used = Impedance Factor from Fig. 3 = Available Reset" - Delay & Level of Service (Table 3) Left Tom from C Conflitting Flows - MN = (from Fig. 1) Critical Gap from Table 2 T, _ Capacity from Fig. 2 = Adjust for Impedance No Shared Lane Demand = Available Reserve - Delay k Level of Service (Table 3) XShared Lane Demand - Shared Lane with Right Turn Capacity of Shared Lane - Avail" Reserve - DClsy a Level of Service fT" 3) Uveraa Evaitrtia� CR r Mr-, M.v. = M, =LP1..+ 4 = far M,-t*= B, r +j2C4=(ALE MA M MM. LID BL= V, —I&—,ti I OD (Br/MJ Pr _ LO % 'fR�f'_- Br I ® l CL 1 Sy +AT+(BA^L+Br= TV- 9. U sec M.=3pQ x. MM. xP,-us =�rs 4 = ," = a.. 0 Ca + CL = Cal. _ 4,3 W. M (Ca+Q _ (COWd + (CdM,) . +•Ib Mn = -211-06 Mu-CeL- no LM6 I —VAR IL ® c 123 CRITICAL N0VEMENT ANALYSIS Code:HIGHWASH ----------------------------------------------------- Run Date: 03/28/86 Application: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION OPERATIONS t DESIGN Data Input BY J. Lover Street No. 1 (APPROACHES 1 L 2): HIGHLAND PALMS DRIVE Street No. 2 (APPROACHES 3 1 4): WASHINGTON STREET SA M Location: CITY OF LA QUINTA Probles Statesent: CALCULATE PROJECTED LEVEL OF SERVICE - E/6(1)---;---W/6(2) EXISTING DEVELOPMENT + SINGING PALMS MOD. ; Design Hour: 4:30 PM TO 5:30 PM N/8(4) ::rotor:ccY:tctttttft#t::tt#tots#rotor#tttctt#ttYttt#tttttttf:t#ttttttt:ttttttttfttttttattttttt:tort CALCULATE PERIOD VOLUMES (Passenger Cars/Hour): HOURLY OPPOSE TRUCK LOCAL PASS. CAR PERIOD APPROACH DIRECTION -------- --------- MOVEMENT -------- PHASE ----- VOLUME ------ VOLUME ------ (I) BUS/HR VOLUME PHF VOLUME I EASTBOUND LEFT 92 30 0 ----- 5.6 --------------- 0 32 --- .85 ------ 37 ' THROUGH A1T 0 N/A 5.6 0 0 .85 0 ' RIGHT AIR 13 N/A 5.6 0 14 .85 16 2 WESTBOUND LEFT B1 0 13 5.6 0 0 .85 0 ' THROUGH A2T 0 N/A 5.6 0 0 .85 0 ' RIGHT A2R 0 N/A 5.6 0 0 .95 0 3 SOUTHBOUND LEFT 84 0 375 5.6 0 0 .85 0 ' THROUGH A3T 604 N/A 5.6 0 638 .85 750 ' RIGHT A3R 14 N/A 5.6 0 15 .85 17 4 NORTHBOUND LEFT 83 13 618 5.6 0 14 .85 16 ' THROUGH A4T 375 N/A 5.6 0 396 .85 466 ' RIGHT A4R 0 N/A 5.6 0 0 .85 0 tf#t#tint#fftt##Y#titittt#ttttitt####tttitfttitYtt#####t#Yt#tf##i#t#####t#t#toot##f#####t######ttttY ADJUST VOLUMES FOR TURN MOVEMENTS, PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY, LANE UTILIZATION, i LANE WIDTH: SEPARATE PED/ TURN EFFECT. UTIL. WIDTH ADJUST. NO. VOLUME APPROACH MOVEMENT -------- -------- PHASE? LANE? ------ ----- HOUR ---- FACTOR ------ VOLUME ------ ADJ. ADJ. VOLUME LANES LANE 1 LEFT + NO NO ( 99 1.00 37 ----- 1.00 ----- ------ 1.00 ----- ------ THROUGH YES NO ( 99 1.00 0 1.00 1.00 53 1 53 + RIGHT NO NO ( 99 1.00 16 1.00 1.00 2 LEFT NO NO ( 99 1.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 THROUGH YES NO ( 99 1.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 RIGHT NO NO ( 99 1.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 3 LEFT NO NO ( 99 2.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 THROUGH YES YES l 99 1.00 750 1.00 1.00 768 1 768 + RIGHT NO NO ( 99 1.00 17 1.00 1.00 4 LEFT NO NO ( 99 4.00 65 1.00 1.00 65 1 65 THROUGH YES YES ( 99 1.00 466 1.00 1.00 466 1 466 RIGHT NO NO ( 99 1.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 #tftttttxttttttxxxtttttxtxxttttttttttxttttttttttttt:tttttttttttttttttttttttttttct:ttttttftttttttf::t: DESIGNATE PROBABLE PHASING [ ADJUST FOR OVERLAP: t NUMBER OF PHASES: 2 #tttxYttt##t#toot##tttit#t#tt#txtttt NOT APPLICABLE t CRITICAL VOLUME SUMMATION: 821 -------------- t A1B2 OR A291 : 53 (AI82) t A3 OR A4 OR B3 OR B4 = 768 43) atttttx#ittttitttt#rotor#tttttfts#t t LEVEL OF SERVICE: A+ tt:tt:tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt t RECALCULATE? fttffitti##ttitttttttf#t###42ttt#itittttttt#t#rotor#tt#ttttttttt#tt#Tit#tot#toff#tot#tt##tilt##tttttt 0 o o � c w ; Y O O m c O O N 10 F < 0 O N �•• OOW p O F se< eFJ N < LU W O W W r < 03 O � W Vco H e W i •< J W O �• H U aM >O � se c op e s 2x c 2s O0: O > j • J W O x t< 40 ' z a x02 CA ~aJ O � • C x J N • I 1 1 I 1 I 00 _ I Wj M •< M I OO I �< I . 1 1 i <J c! J i• w � • I I I 1 I 1 I e =x I ■ I j Op• 0 I =0i S _< i fC< �xJ O0 1 to I � 1 O. i• t I 1 1 I I I iJ �O 3� z O F ua W¢ d = o 6)0 W = o 1-- W XZ > WO W >Z U) > p0 W W N > OZJ > O< < NO 2 J < nO< z Wz; < coo z wzw W F ZN CC <N J W <0)x < i FW- J<7 ~ -J c J 10, ALTERNATIVE I - SIGNALI7E EXISTING INTERSECTION CONFIGURATION --------------------------------------------- STRIPING LUMP SUM ESTIMATE SIGNAL LUMP SUM $1,200 S70,000 SUBTOTAL: $71,200 25 I CONTINGENCY: $17,800 TOTAL: $89,000 --------------------------- ALTERNATIVE 11 - MULTIWAY STOP SIGNS WITH 4 LANE UNDIVIDED WASHINGTON STREET ----------------------------------------------------------- SUBGRADE PREPARATION -------------------- 2,650 FT. X 10 FT. : STREET PAVEMENT --------------- 2,650 FT. X 10 FT. : A.C. BERM 2,650 L.F. STOP/STOP AHEAD SIGNS --------------------- 4 SIGNS I $ISO/ = STRIPING LUMP SUM ESTIMATE STREET LIGHT ------------ 2 SAFETY LIGHTS 0 S3,000/ : 26,500 SQ.FT I S.10/ : $2,650 26,500 SQ.FT ! SS/ : $132,500 S26,500 $600 $2,400 $6,000 SUBTOTAL: $170,650 25 1 CONTINGENCY: $42,663 TOTAL: $213,313 --------------------- ALTERNATIVE III - SIGNALIZATIDN WITH 4 LANE DIVIDED WASHINGTON STREET --------------------------------------------------- SUBGRADE PREPARATION -------------------- 2,650 FT. X 30 FT. _ REMOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT ------------------------ 1,850 FT. X 20 FT. _ STREET PAVEMENT --------------- 2,650 FT. X 30 FT. _ A.C. BERM 2,650 L.F. i $5/ _ MEDIAN CURB E GUTTER -------------------- 3,700 L.F. z SID/ _ STRIPING LUMP SUM ESTIMATE SIGNAL LUMP SUM 79,500 SD.FT 8 S.70/ : $7,950 37,000 SD.FT 1 8.55/ : $20,350 79,500 SD.FT 1 S5/ : $397,500 $13,250 $37,000 $4,000 $70,000 SUBTOTAL: $550,050 25 1 CONTINGENCY: $137,513 TOTAL: S687,563 --------------------------- Jet— . MEMORANDUM r CITY OF LA QUINTA E . To: City Manager Usher and the Honorable City Council From: Roger Hirdler, Community Safety Coordinator Date: April 30, 1986 Subject: ANIMAL CONTROL: NEW PROGRAM AND PROCEDURES 1. CANVASSING PROGRAM Purpose: The purpose of the canvassing program is to have dog owners who do not presently have dog licenses obtain such for their dogs. This would be accomplished through a house to house canvassing within the City. One day per week will be set aside for this program. Both Code Enforcement Officers and the Animal Control Officer will conduct this canvassing work. Procedure: A packet containing an instruction sheet, fee schedule and form to mail in for a license will be left with each unlicensed dog owner. A printed door hanger packet with complete instructions will be left for occupants who are not at home (where evidence exists that they own a dog). The dog owners will have 30 days to mail back the forms. After 30 days, a 10 day reminder will be mailed out to them. When the 10 day period has expired, the Animal Control Officer will follow up in person. Each officer will maintain an accurate log of residences contacted to ensure com- plete coverage of the City. Staff strongly believes that the canvassing program will pay for itself. 2. DOG LICENSE SALES The Community Safety Department would like to institute two new procedures regarding the sale of dog licenses: 1. Staff would like approval to sell licenses in the field. The Animal Control Officer would be the only person with the authority to sell licenses in the field. The receipt book would be in triplicate (one copy for the dog owner, one for our office file, and one to accounting). Monies and receipts would be turned in daily. 2. Staff would also like to impose a 50% penalty for unlicensed dogs if the dog is over 6 months old and the owner has lived in La Quinta over 60 days. The penalty would consist of 50% of the fee normally due and would not be charged to those who voluntarily comply. 3. IMPOUND FEE The Animal Control Officer should also be able to collect an impound fee of $10.00 for animals retrieved off the animal control truck before he goes to the shelter. The fee would be collected at City Hall prior to the release of the dog. I q?V Memorandum: New Animal Control Program and Procedures April 30, 1986 Page 2 Staff recommends adoption of these new programs and procedures as they have proven to be very effective in other jurisdictions. Respectfully submitted, X// Roger Hirdler Community Safety Coordinator RH/bap