1991 10 21 CCing -> 19 C: I C:?UNC: IL 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Regular Meeting October 21, 1991 3:00 F.M. CALL TO ORDER Beginning Res. No. 91-75 a. Pledge of Allegiance Ord. No. 195 b. Roll Call CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA ANNOUNCEMENTS WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from City of Indio regarding *?blinder racks b. Letter from La Quinta Chamber of Commerce requesting waiver of all city fees applicable to the 6th Annual La Quinta Gem of the Desert 10k RunI2 Mile Walk to be held on December 8, 1991. BUSINESS SESSION 1. Consideration of Acquisition of Lot 190, Desert Club Tract Unit No. 5. a) Resolution Action. 2. Consideration of Authorization to Join Riverside County and Other Agencies as Co-Permittee for NPDES National Pollution Discharge Elimination System) Permit. a) Minute Order Action. 3. Consideration of Approval of Grant Application Submitted for $10,000 from the California Healthy Cities Project. a) Minute Order Action. BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 4. Consideration of Authorization to Enter into Agreement with TKD Associates for Design of Median Landscaping on Washington Street a) Minute Order Action. 5. Consideration of Authorization to Enter into Agreement with TKD Associates for Design of Median Landscaping on Washington Street. a) Minute Order Action. 6. Consideration and Selection of Civic Center Managing Underwriter. a) Minute Order Action. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Minutes of October 1, 1991. 2. Approval of Demand Register. 3. Approval of Letter of Affirmation Designating Environmental Health Services Division of the County's Health Department to be Local Enforcement Agency. 4. Approval of Reduction in Security for Tract 22432-4 Sunrise at PGA West. 5. Approval of Budget Transfer to Provide Funds for Final Payment to Contractor of Phase IT of the Cove Improvement Project Assessment District 89-2. 6. Approval of Landowner's Offer to Convey Land to City for Use as Washington Street Right-of-Way. 7. Approval of Final Tract Map 26769 and Related Subdivision Improvement Agreement Monroe Street South of 52nd Avenue. Applicant: Qualico Development. B. Acceptance of Subdivision Improvements Tract 25237 Santa Rosa Cove. Applicant: Ohio Citizen's Investment Corporation. 9. Approval of Special Advertising Device 91-018 Searchlight) for Opening Ball on November 2, 1991. Applicant: La Quinta Country Club. 10. Approval of Special Advertising Device 91-016 Searchlight) for 3rd Annual Halloween Carnival October 31, 1991. Applicant: La Quinta Hotel. BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 Approval of Special Advertising Device 9l?0l7 for Tentative Tract 23935 Southwest Corner of Miles and Dune Palms. Applicant: GWR Development. i 12. Approval of First, One-Year Time Extension for Tract 24890, Located in area Generally Bounded by 52nd Avenue on South, Jefferson Street on East, and Calle Rondo on West, Within Oak Tree West Specific Plan Area. Applicant: J. M. Peters Co., Inc. 13. Adoption of Resolution Establishing Traffic Controls for the Skins Game. y 14. Adoption of Resolution Urging the University of California President and Regents to Establish a Law School at the University of California at Riverside. 15. Acceptance of Quitclaim Access Easement Reserved by City in the Old Adams Street Right of Way Through Tract 25389-1, Brock Homes. 16. Adoption of Resolution Accepting Donation from the Sunrise Co. Relating to Air/Lodging for a Tour/Workshop. r?l7. Approval of Agreement for Lease of Office Space Located at 78- 105 Calle Estado for?ty Hall Facility on a Month-to- Month Basis. 18. Approval of Contract Change Order No. 7 to Phase III of the Cove Improvement Project. 19. Rejection of Bids for Project No. 91-16 Landscape Maintenance Services and Authorization to Re-Bid. 0. Acceptance of Grant of Easement for Washington Street Right of Way Altma DY SESSION ITEMS 1. Discussion of Desert Villas. 2. Discussion of Proposed Revisions to Park Use Fees and Policies. 3. Discussion of Development of The Village at La Quinta. BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS a. Planning Comission Minutes of September 24, 1991. b. Community Services Commission Memorandum re: La Quinta Beautiful Program Modifications C. Tenth Anniversary Committee Minutes of September 26, October and 3, October 10, 1991. d. CVAG Committee Reports e. SunLine Minutes f. C. V. Mountains Conservancy DEPARTMENT REPORTS a. City Manager b. Assistant City Manager c. City Attorney d. Administrative Services Director e. Building and Safety Director f. Planning and Development Director g. Public Works Director Up-Date on Phase IV Area C of the Cove Improvement Project MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS PUBLIC COMMENT COUNCIL COMMENT RECESS TO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING RECESS UNTIL 7:00 P.M. PRESENTATIONS LA QUINTA BEAUTIFUL AWARDS FOR SEPTEMBER: MOST BEAUTIFUL: Frank & Patricia Christal, 54-020 Villa MOST IMPROVED: Ernest & Andrea Rodriquez, 54-840 Obregon PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PUBLIC USE PERMIT 91-010 Appeal of Planning Commission Approval to Allow the Construction and Operation of a Preschool/Day Care Center for 180 Children at South of Sagebrush Avenue Extension, East of Date Palm Dr. Applicant: Michael & Glenda Bangerter. Appellant: Jim Battin, et. al. Note: Request for Continuance to November 19, 1991. uCG'O:1 BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 192. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 91-020 to Establish a New Commercial/Office Medical Zoning District Chapter 9.92) which will Include Provisions for Medical Facilities, Offices, Limited Retail, Public and Quasi-Public Uses and Other Land Uses Deemed Permissible and Amendment to Section 9.160 of the Municipal Code Relative to Off-Street Parking. Applicant: City of La Quinta. a) Motion to take up Ordinance No. by title and number only and waive further readi ng.? b) Motion to introduce Ordinance No.?on first reading. 3. Applications Submitted by DESERT HOSPITAL: Pertaining to 20 Acres on the West Side of Washington Street at Via Marquessa Generally South of Highland Palms/47th Avenue & North of 48th Avenue: a. General Plan Amendment 91-037 from Low Density Residential to Office/Medical Commercial or any other Designation Deemed Acceptable by the City Council. b. Change of Zone 91-065 from R-l Single Family Residential to Office/Medical or any Other Designation Deemed Acceptable by the City Council. C. Plot Plan 91-465 for Development of a 79,000+ sq. ft. Multiple Story Medical Out-Patient Facility Phase 1) with 360+ On-Site Parking Spaces, an On-Site Retention Basin for Flood Water Detention, Related On-Site Landscaping and Heli- Pad. a) Resolution Action. b) Motion to take up Ordinance No. by title and number only and waive further reading. b) Motion to introduce Ordinance No. on first reading. c) Minute Order Action. 4. TENTATIVE TRACT 26972 Subdivision of 9.6 Acres into 15 Single Family Lots West of Madison St. 1/2 Mile South of Avenue 50 and Confirmation of Environmental Assessment. Applicant: Dr. Joseph Darr. a) Resolution Action. 5. TENTATIVE TRACT 27187 Application for Subdivision of 5+ Acres into 8 Single Family Lots in an R-l-20,000 Zone on the West Side of Madison Street and South of Future Beth Circle Applicant: Gary L. Pudney. a) Resolution Action. C C Gb?j? BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 196. Establishment of Various Fees and Deposits for chapter 14.20- Moving Buildings. Applicant: City of La Quinta. a) Resolution Action. 7. Weed Abatements/Lot Cleanings and Placement of Costs on 1992/93 Tax Rolls: a. Jack C. Smiley APN 774-302-004 $1?.50 b. Arthur & Carmen Murillo APN 774?222-006 $1?.50 c. Stephen & Karen Mitchel APN 617-112-004 $?.50 a) Resolution Action. COUNCIL COMMENT PUBLIC COMMENT CLOSED SESSION a. Discussion of potential pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 a) Pyramids Development Agreement Landmark Bankruptcy Proceedings b. Discussion of on-going litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 a) City of Indio Indio Case No. 62944 Fredericks FA CV91-3l7AHS Palm Springs Redevelopment Agency re: Canyon Park Project c. Discussion of personnel pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. d. Discussion of potential property acquisition pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 Issues Relating to C. V. Recreation & Park District and Potential Park Acquisition. ADJOURNMENT DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Saundra L. Juhola, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the City Council meeting of October 21, 1991 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-105 Calle Estado and on the bulletin board at the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce on Friday, October 18, 1991. Dat;?d: October 18, 1991. Cu?OC.OB SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL ADDENDUM TO AGENDA OCTOBER 21, 1991 3:00 P.M. BUSINESS SESSION 6. Consideration and Selection of Civic Center Managing Underwriter a) Minute Order Action. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Saundra L. Juhola, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the City Council meeting of October 21, 1991 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-105 Calle estado and on the bulletin board at the La Quinta Chamber of Comerce on Friday, October 18, 1991. Octoj;;199l SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19Coachella Valley Public Education Foundation Post Office Box 138. La Quinta, California 92253. 619) 347-0575 October 17, 1991 City of La Quinta Mayor Pena 78105 Calle Estrado La Quinta CA 92253 Dear Mayor Pena: The 1991 Red Ribbon Campaign is October 19 27, 1991. Our organization the Coachella Valley Public Education Foundation Spooktacular, Inc. has been selected by the National Federation of Parents and Californians for Drug Free Youth as your local affiliate. Our responsibility is to network a unified and visible commitment towards the creation of a DRUG FREE AMERICA, Many are familiar with our annual couimunity service project Say No To Drugs Have a Safe Spooktacular Halloween't that began in 1987. In 1988, we supported the first National Red Ribbon Campaign My Choice Drug Free. This cowinitment to networking organization provided the background to be selected as your local affiliate to c6ntinue networking the entire Coachella Valley for drug prevention strategies. To assist you in our united 1991 Red Ribbon Campaign we are presenting your city with: a large Red Bow to decorate your office a campaign explanation sheet of the dates, and history of the campaign; SO individual Red Ribbons for your personnel. This effort unites the Coachella Valley from Desert Hot Springs to the Salton Sea with a commitment to encourage individuals to take action in their communities to create drug free neighborhoods. We thank you for your support and look forward to networking additional drug prevention activities throughout the year j7S?rl? Robert D. Briney President Cu 0009 Mr? Ro? Brizwy Ms. Jacqueline Bethel Ms. Laurie Pax?n P'c8idenl Treasurer Secretary Ms. Janeil K. Esmeralda Ms. Lily Ortega Choale icc Presiden? Community RepresentatiYe BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 CITY OF CALIFORNIA 100 CIVIC CENTER MALL P0 DRAWER 1788 * INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92202 o,? October 2, 1991 CoacheHa Valley Mayors and City Council Members On September 4, 1991 our City Council adopted Ordinance No. 1099 concerning display of harmful matter to minors and requiring blinder racks". We have enclosed a copy of this ordinance which becomes effective on October 18, 1991. The recommendation of the Police Department was prompted by recent adult complaints concerning establishments displaying materials depicting nudity. Random site inspections by police investigators verified materials were displayed at five retail business locations depicting harmful matter and/or nudity. We reviewed our existing ordinances on sexually oriented" establishments e.g. adult entertainment", and massage establishments, bath houses, and introductory services" entelprises). City Attorney Dave Erwin felt these ordinances were still state of the art" in regulating specified businesses. He voiced concern that regulation attempts of displayed materials at any business establishments without the adoption of a blinder rack" ordinance would not be legal. Basically, any displayed materia] which may evoke a shameful or morbid interest in nudity or sex on the part of any minor, and is offensive to the prevailing standards in the adult community as a whole with respect to what is suitable material for minors, is prohibited when displayed without using blinder racks. A number of cities in California have previously adopted blinder rack ordinances and found them effective in eliminating the problem of display of harmful materials. In the process of completing this inquiry and adopting this ordinance, the Desert Cities Chapter of California Care Coalition affiliate of the National Coalition Against Pornography) scheduled a presentation on July 25 to Coachella Valley elected officials and staffs. Their representatives expressed their concerns about pornography and encouraged strong laws, governmental support, intervention and effective prosecution of violators. The actions recently taken by the Indio City Council proactively address many of the concerns expressed by the coalition. The Police Department felt that covering dis?ayed materials shouldn't have any negative sales impact nor purchase accessibility of such materials to persons 18 and older. We have shared these materials with you should you desire to consider adoption of a similar blinder rack" ordinance If you desire copies of any other ordinance please call City Clerk Karen Dodd at 347-6571. Very tru H FITZ YOR cc: Indio City Council Fred Diaz, City Manager Jerry N. Graves, Chief of Police Karen Dodd, City Clerk kj'?o?;?1o BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 cbGEM??DESEAT? CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1991 1 1 L? j?;; waiver.;j. 5 r 25J? LLL? I WI 1 1 1 I i 1 Ii I i r? r I 1 b +(1 I he 611 1 L) fee I P r / 2?l i' 1 P? 1 L I H 1 d Ii Lv I S I I He e? I I v LI q t j?rn5IIeWI L I ri?I 1? t;Q? K: ci 1< 5 H e? I.LI rI ub?G13 POST OFFICF BOX 255.51-351 AVFN IDA BERM UDAS. LA OUINTA CAl I?flPNIA 1nn BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19c?o COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 10/21/91 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider the acquisition of Lot 190, BUSINESS BESSION:? Desert Club Tract Unit No. 5 CONSENT CALENDAR:________ STUDY SESSION: ACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. PISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: $60,000 RECOMMENDATION: Authorize purchase Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWBKI, CITY MANAGER FORM #002 BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 0 z MEMORANDUM TO: Ronald L. Kiedrowski FROM: Frank R. Reynolds? DATE: October 10, 1991 RE: Acquisition of Lot 190, Desert Club Tract Unit No.5 In order to construct the frontage road parallel to Washington Street between Avenida La Fonda and Avenida Nuestra as a part of Phase IV, Area B" it is necessary to acquire a sliver of land less than 1,000 square feet in area from Lot 190. The owners of that lot seem unwilling to either dedicate or sell the needed land and were not receptive to a lot line adjustment which would give them an equivalent area from the adjacent Lot 191, which is owned by the City's Redevelopment Agency. The Owners have, however, offered to sell the lot to the City for an amount of $60,000. Based upon comparable sales in the neighborhood, that price is considered to be fair and reasonable. Therefore, it is recommended that the City Council authorize the purchase of the property. BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Authorization to join Riverside County and other BUSINESS SESSION: agencies as co-permittees for NPDES permit. CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: Pursuant to national legi?ation known as the Water Quality Act9? 1987), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has established stormwater discharge regulations designated as the National Pollution Discharge Eliminafion Systemt1 NPDES). The California Regional Water Quality Control Board CRWQCB), charged with local administration of the regulations, has determined that a NPDES permit must be obtained for drainage Systems discharging into the Whitewater River Basin. A permit application must be submitted no later than May 18, 1992. The CRWQCB has asked that local stormwater authorities consolidate with the County of Riverside as co-permittees under a single NPDES permit. Several advantages are apparent. First, the sio,oo() annual cost of a permit will be prorated among the participating authorities. Second, Riverside County will shoulder the bulk of the permit application process and ongoing administrative load. Riverside County has asked that we declare our intent to participate, or not participate, as co-permittees. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The financial burden that will be imposed by the NPDES cannot be defined at this time. Participation as co-permittees will likely reduce the short- and long-term burden experienced by the city. APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to sign a declaration of intent to co-permit with the County of Riverside. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANA?G,,E1??9 BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 0 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: APPROVAL OF GRANT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL BUSINESS SESSION: 3 OF $10,000 FROM THE CALIFORNIA HEALTHY CITIES PROJECT CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: Smoke-free city mini-grant funds are available to cities submitting proposals before October 31, 1991) which strengthen tobacco control efforts at the local level. The grant application of $10,000 would provide funding to develop, produce and distribute a 2-5 page brochure which will explain the City's no smoking ordinance. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: If the grant is approved, the City would receive $10,000 for this project in January, 1992. APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: By Minute Motion, it is recommended the City Council approve the submittal of a $10,000 grant application to the California Healthy Cities Smoke-Free Cities Project". Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER CC#10/21 F7/CS BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 Continued from COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 10/01/91 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider entering into agreement BUSINESS SESSION:? with TKD Associates for design of Median Landscaping on CONSENT CALENDAR;________ Washington Street STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: TKD has submitted a proposal to design the Median Landscaping on Washington Street between Avenue 48 and Singing Palms for $12,800. This firm did the Eisenhower Median design and has been developing city-wide landscaping guidelines, and their work has been entirely satisfactory. PISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: $12,800 RECOMMENDATION: Authorize entering into agreement Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: 4#6A?i;'?Az? RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER FORM #002 BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19! NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19" NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19# NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19$ Continued from COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 10/01/91 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider entering into agreement BUSINESS SESSION:? with TKD Associates for design of Median Landscaping on CONSENT CALENDAR: Avenue 50 STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: TKD has submitted a proposal to design the Median Landscaping on Avenue 50 between the La Quinta Evacuation Channel and Park Avenue for $6,300. This firm did the Eisenhower Median design and has been developing city- wide landscaping guidelines, and their work has been entirely satisfactory. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: $6,300 RECOMMENDATION Authorize entering into agreement Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY ANAGER FORM #002 BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19% NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19) NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19* NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19+ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19, NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19- NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19/ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 190 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 191 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 192COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: ITEM TITLE: I BUSINESS SESSION: 0 Consideration and Selection of Civic Center Managing Underwriter. CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: Interviews for a Managing Underwriter will be conducted Friday, October 18th in the offices of Fieldman Rolapp. A report will be transmitted to the City Council on Monday, October 21, 1991. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Submitted by: Approved for submission to Signature CITY MANAGER BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 193 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 194 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 195 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 196 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 197 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 198 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 199 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19: NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19; 0 OF COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 15, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: BUSINESS SESSION: Demand Register CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: Prepaid Warrants PIR 6141-6195 $54,736.24 9939-9951 19,454.94 10019-10073 91,485.57 Payable Warrants 10075-10174 338,274.01 $503,950.76 FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: Demand of Cash $503,950.76 RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Demand Register Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council ig'na? RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19< NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19= NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19> NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19? NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19@ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19A NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19B OF COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE DEPARTMENTOFHEALTH LOCAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ENFORCEMENT AGENCY L September 17, 1991 SFP2o:??j Mr. Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, California 92253 RE: Affirming the Designation of the Local Solid Waste Management Enforcement Agency LEA) for the County of Riverside Dear Mr. Kiedrowski: On August 1, 1991 the California Integrated Waste Management Board adopted new regulations governing the designation and certification of Local Solid Waste Management Enforcement Agencies Title 14, Division 7, Chapter 5, Sections 18010 18084). Section 18052 t'Redesignation of Existing LEAs", requires existing LEAs to submit copies of each city's original resolution designating the LEA, accompanied by a letter of affirmation. In 1989 your city adopted Resolution No. 89-112 attached) designating our agency as the LEA for Riverside County. As part of our agency 5 effort to become redesignated and certified we must comply with these new regulations. We therefore respectfully request that your council approve a letter sample attached) affirming your City's original Resolution, no later than October 31, 1991. The letter should be mailed to the following address: Department of Public Health Environmental Health Services P.O. Box 7600 Riverside, California 92513-7600 Attn. John M. Fanning, Director Thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have any questions concerning this correspondence or need additional information, please contact Gary Root at 714) 275-8980. 4065 County Circle Dr., Riverside, CA 92503 a p? Box 7600, Rverside, CA 92513-7600 Fax # 358-4529 BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19CSeptember 17, 1991 Affirmation of LEA Page 2 Sincerely, Fanning, Di;?r Environmental Health Services Local Solid Waste Management Enforcement Agency JMF: gr end. 2) cc: Kenneth B. Cohen, Director, Health Services Agency bG? BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19E NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19F NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19G NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19Hl?I/ iL-I, COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: LETTER OF AFFIRMATION DESIGNATING BUSINESS SESSION: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DIVISION TO THE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT TO BE A I LOCAL ENFORCEMENT AGENCY CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: California Integrated Waste Management Board adopted new regulations II requiring YRede5ignation of Existing Local Enforcement Agencies This letter of affirmation, along with copies of the original resolution provides compliance and redesignation. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor to sign the attached letter of affirmation of Resolution No. 89-112. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER CC?1O/2l F2/CS BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19I NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19J NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19K NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19M NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19NCOUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 15,1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Reduction in security for Tract 22432-4, BUSINESS SESSION: PGA West Sunrise Co. CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: A previous reduction in security for this tract retained 50% payment security based on the full cost of subdivision improvements. Subsequently, the City Attorney has given consent, in the case of certain Sunrise tracts, to the reduction of payment security commensurate with reduction in performance security. This reduction is based on 80% completion of improvements and 100% completion of monumentation for which no payment or warranty security is required). Original Security Amount: $269,816 Less Monumentation 3,000 3,000 Less Completed Improvements 80% x 266,816 213,453 Plus payment securitv on remaining work 50% x 53,363 + 26,682 Plus warranty on completed improvements 10% x 213,453 +21.345 New security amount: $101,390 FISCAL IMPLrCATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Reduce security to amount shown above. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MA;cA,.GE7R?, BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19OCOUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider Budget Transfer to Provide BUSINESS SESSION: Funds for Final Payment to Contractor of Phase II Cove Improvements CONSENT CALENDAR: Assessment District 89-2) STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: The City Council accepted the improvements installed by Tarmac California, Inc. formerly Massey Sand and Rock Company) at its regular meeting held on 6/18/91. The Notice of Completion was recorded on 6/26/91 and the 35 day statutory lien period expired with no claims being filed. The budget for Fiscal Year 1991-1992 does not provide any funds for this project. The final payment is now due. In addition to funds that were being withheld on account of issues that were unresolved until recently, two additional items of work were ordered by the City. The payment of invoices for the additional work should be charged against funds allocated to this project. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: The amount of the final payment is $12,840.00 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council appropriate $12,840.00 from reserves and authorize the Finance Director to transfer said funds to the Phase II Cove Improvement construction account. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: Signature RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER j U j i BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19PCOUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider Landowner's Offer to BUSINESS SESSION: Convey Land to City for Use As Washington Street Right of Way CONSENT CALENDAR: 40 STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: See attached memo dated 10/14/91. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: The construction contract that was let to Tarmac California, Inc. already provides for some of the improvements requested by the property owner to be constructed. A change order to the existing contract will need to be issued for the additional improvements. It is estimated that the additional improvements will cost $15,000 to $20,000. The conveyance documents will cost $3,500. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council take the following action: 1) Accept all three Grants of Easement from Amcor Realty Fund III and direct the City Clerk to have said Grants recorded by the County Recorder. 2) Authorize the City Manager to approve a change order to the City's contract with Tarmac California, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $20,000. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI1 CITY MANAGER BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19Q NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19R NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19S NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19T NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19V NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19Z NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19[ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19\ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19] NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19^COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Approval of Final Tract Map and Subdivision BUSINESS SESSION: Improvement Agreement for Tract 26769 Monroe St. south of 52nd Qualico Development. CONSENT CALENDAR: 7 STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: The developer has met all requirements for City Council approval of the final map and subdivision improvement agreement. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Final Tract Map and authorize staff to execute the Subdivision Improvement Agreement. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: natu RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19_ COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Final acceptance of improvements associated BUSINESS SESSION: with Tract 25237 Santa Rosa Cove Ohio Citizen's Investment Corporation. CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: Improvements are complete and the developer has complied with all submittal requirements. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Accept the improvements and authorize the City Clerk to release bonds as outlined on Attachment A. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: * Si?atur?? RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19` NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19ab-i 1 z COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FROM THE LA QUINTA COUNTRY BUSINESS SESSION: CLUB FOR APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 91-018 CONSENT CALENDAR: 9 SEARCHLIGHT) FOR THEIR OPENING BALL ON NOVEMBER 2, 1991. STUDY SESSION: APPLICANT: LA QUINTA COUNTRY CLUB BACKGROUND: The La Quinta Country Club is holding their Opening Ball on November 2, 1991, and wish to use a searchlight from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. while the members and guests arrive. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Action of the City Council may be taken by minute motion. Staff believes no conditions of approval are necessary. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER CC#10/21 F5/CS BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19c NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19d NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19e0 0 ILl UiVJIUMifli 0?OF?? COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FROM THE LA QUINTA HOTEL BUSINESS SESSION: FOR APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 91-016 CONSENT CALENDAR: SEARCHLIGHT) FOR THEIR 3RD ANNUAL HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL OCTOBER 31, 1991 STUDY SESSION: APPLICANT: LA QUINTA HOTEL BACKGROUND: The La Quinta Hotel is holding their 3rd Annual Halloween Carnival on October 31, 1991, and wish to use a searchlight from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Action of the City Council may be taken by minute motion. Staff believes no conditions of approval are necessary. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER CC#10/21.F3/CS * I BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19f NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19g NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19h NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19i OF COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL ADVERTISING BUSINESS SESSION: DEVICE 91-017 FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 23935 CONSENT CALENDAR: APPLICANT: GWR DEVELOPMENT STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: Pursuant to Municipal Code requirements, the Applicant is requesting approval of a helium balloon or bh.mp?? to be displayed in front of their subdivision. Tentative Tract 23935 is located on the southwest corner of Miles Avenue and Dune Palms Road. FISCAL IMPLICATION: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Consider the request of the Applicant and take action by Minute Motion. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER cc*4/16.F1 BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19k NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19l NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19m NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19n NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19o NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19p NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19q NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19r OF COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: APPROVAL OF FIRST ONE YEAR TIME BUSINESS SESSION: EXTENSION FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 24890, EXTENSION #1, LOCATED IN AREA GENERALLY CONSENT CALENDAR: BOUNDED BY 52ND AVENUE ON SOUTH, JEFFERSON STREET ON EAST, AND CALLE STUDY SESSION: RONDO ON THE WEST, WITHIN OAK TREE WEST SPECIFIC PLAN AREA. APPLICANT: J. M. PETERS COMPANY, INC. BACKGROUND: This request for the first One Year Time Extension to allow the recordation of the final phase of their project was reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission at their meeting of October 8, 1991, subject to the original Conditions of Approval. FISCAL IMPLICATION: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: By Minute Motion 91- approve First One Year Time Extension for Tentative Tract 24890, Extension #1, subject to the original Conditions of Approval. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19s NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19t NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19u NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19v NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19w NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19z NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Adoption of Resolution BUSINESS SESSION: Establishing Traffic Control For The Skins Games CONSENT CALENDAR: /3 STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: Each Skins Game requires a resolution by Council granting approval for temporary traffic controls. Please see the attached resolution. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt the attached resolution. Submitted by: Approved for submission BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPT. to City Council: TOM HARTUNG RON KIEDROWSKI BUILDING AND SAFETY DI?CTOR CITY MANAGER FORM.20 BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: ITEM TITLE: BUSINESS SESSION: Adoption of Resolution Urging the University of California President and its Regents to CONSENT CALENDAR: q Establish a Law School at the University of California at Riverside. STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: Council Member Bohnenberger has been approached by Gerald Shoaf, with the law firm of Redwine and Sherrill, and a member of the UCR Law Advisory Comittee to have a resolution adopted supporting the establishment of a law school at the University of California at Riverside. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: That the attached resolution be adopted and forward to the UCR Law Advisory Comittee. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council Signature 4?? RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER b?&i3r BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration to Quitclaim Access BUSINESS SESSION: Easement Reserved by City in the Old Adams Street Right of Way CONSENT CALENDAR: I? Through Tract 25389-1, Brock Homes STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: On June 4, 1986, the City Council adopted Resolution 86-48 which conditionally vacates the Adams Street right of way. Condition #4 of the Resolution reserves an access easement in favor of public agencies for ingress and egress of fire, police, and other emergency service vehicles and personnel. On June 19, 1990, the City Council approved the final map for tract 25389-1. The access easement reserved by the City in Resolution 86-48 crosses seven 7) lots within this tract. The easement is clouding the title to these seven lots and will likely cause continued difficulty in conveying the properties from one party to another during initial sales as well as future resales because of the uncertainty that the easement casts on the property. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt resolution 91- Submitt?d by: Approved for submission to City Council: Signature RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: ITEM TITLE: BUSINESS SESSION: Adoption of Resolution Accepting Donation from I' the Sunrise Company. CONSENT CALENDAR: l? STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: Mayor Pena has been invited to attend the 1991 Fall Urban Land Institute meeting in Washington, D. C. from Tuesday, November 19th-Friday, November 22nd by William Bone, president of Sunrise Co. Travel will be by Sunrise Co.'s jet and Sunrise will pay all remaining expenses including, but not limited to meals and lodging. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: That the attached resolution be adopted accepting donation from the Sunrise Company. Submitted by: Approved for submission to 2? City Council \?re RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: ITEM TITLE: BUSINESS SESSION: APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT FOR LEASE OF OFFICE SPACE LOCATED AT 78-105 CALLE ESTADO FOR THE CONSENT CALENDAR: /1 CITY HALL FACILITY ON A MONTH-TO-MONTH BASIS. STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: The current City Hall lease expires on November 30, 1991. Mr. Georg Fenady has agreed to an extension of that lease on a month-to-month basis until the completion of the new City Hall. Included in the new agreement is a clause to return the building to its original condition. The monthly rental rate continues to be $2,950.00. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The cost of renting facility for Fiscal Year 91/92, $34,500,is included in the current budget. The budget in Fiscal Year 92/93 will contain the additional money needed to restore the building to its original condition. APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the city. Manager to execute the referenced lease on behalf of the City of La Quinta. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: Signature RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 10/21/91 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC REARING: Consider approval of Contract BUSINESS SESSION: Change Order No. 7 for Phase III, Cove Improveinents Project CONSENT CALENDAR:? STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: See explanation on attached Contract Change Order. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED DY: $30,515.00 RECOMMENDATION: Approve Change Order 90-1 Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 10/21/91 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Landscape Maintenance Services BUSINESS SESSION:________ Jefferson & Avenue 52 Medians) Project No. 91-16 CONSENT CALENDAR:? STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: Bids were reviewed for contract services for landscape maintenance for the newly i'nproved portions of Jefferson and Avenue 52 summary attached). FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Reject all bids and readvertise Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Acceptance of Grant of Easement BUSINESS SESSION: for Washington Street Right of Way Altman CONSENT CALENDAR:_ STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: This parcel completes the Washington Street right of way needs between Calle Tampico and the bridge over the La Quinta Evacuation Channel. The land was granted to the City as a result of conditions of approval placed on Plot Plan 91-456, Koenig's La Quinta Center development on the northwest corner of Washington Street and Calle Tampico. Although it is not an incumbent responsibility of the landowners to dedicate the right of way prior to commencing development on their site, they were gracious enough to do so at this time to accommodate the City's Phase IV Cove Improvement project that is currenty underway. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: None RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council accept the Grant of Easement from David and Betty Altman and direct the City Clerk to have said Grant recorded by the County Recorder. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 MEMORANDUM COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: ITEM TITLE: BUSINESS SESSION: Authorization for Out of State Travel. CONSENT CALENDAR: I STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: Authorization is being requested for out-of-state travel for Council Member Rushworth, City Manager and Assistant City Manager to go to New York for meetings with Bond Raters and Underwriters. This trip will take place October 30th-November 3rd. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: That authorization for out-of-state travel be given as outlined. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council Signature RON IEDROwSKI, CITY MANAGER BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: ITEM TITLE: BUSINESS SESSION: REVIEW OF AMENDED VERSION OF PARK FEE SCHEDULE AND POLICIES, PER COUNCIL REQUEST. CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: As the Council will recall, at the October 1, 1991, Council Meeting, Staff presented an AYSO request for a fee and deposit waiver. Staff is now returning an amended fee schedule and policy document. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Undetermined given the lack of history. APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the Council approve the recommended changes by Staff. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: Signature RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 REPORTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEM: b MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: SAUNDRA JUHOLA, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR DATE: OCTOBER 21, 1991 SUBJECT: LA QUINTA BEAUTIFUL PROGRAM At their July meeting, the Community Services Corninittee discussed the need for modifications to the La Quinta Beautiful program in order to generate interest and enthusiasm because the number of nominations has been decreasing every month. They subsequently formed a sub-committee to review the program and its criteria. On September 30, 1991, they reviewed the report of the sub-committee and following a lengthy discussion, the following decision was made with regard to the program and criteria: To eliminate the 1La Quinta Beautiful" and Most Improved" designations. For one 1) year, there will be one award given each month for the home most beautifully landscaped, using water efficient landscaping. This award will be entitled Landscaped for Ecology". There will be a possibility for two awards per month if a business is also nominated and selected. This program will run from January 1992 through November 1992. During December of 1991 and 1992, there will be five homes selected for the best decorated for the holidays and silver bells will be awarded. BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 DEPARTMENTAL REPORT: g C MEMORANDUM OF TO: Ron L. Kiedrowski FROM: Frank R. Reynolds DATE: October 17, 1991 RE: Curb & Gutter in Phase IV, Area C" At least one resident in the subject area, which is known as the Highland Palms or Shangri-La tract, has expressed concern that the improvements to that area do not include the replacement of the existing curb and gutter, citing drainage problems in the area and the fact that the other areas in Phase IV and Phases I, II and III are receiving or have received new curb and gutter. The drainage problems alluded to consist of several isolated areas where nuisance water stands to depths of up to 1". These generally are caused by expansive soil and/or tree and bush roots which have moved the gutter's flow line vertically. During design we did note that in certain areas existing curb and gutter might have to be removed and replaced not only because of the above drainage considerations, but also because its present condition makes it vulnerable to damage during the construction of the water system, sanitary sewers and street reconstruction. Due to the uncertainties involved in the latter, it was impossible to quantify the amount of remedial work which might have been to take place. Concerning its present condition, it is apparent that when the curb and gutter was first constructed there had to have been marginal quality control. While the precise reasons for the number of cracks in it would have to be determined through forensic inquiry, it appears that a combination of too high a slump and too low a cement content contributed to its condition. Regarding the comparison of this area with the others in Phase IV and Phases I, II and III, the differences are that this is the only area which had existing curb and gutter, and it also is the only area which is not included in a Redevelopment Agency Project Area, from which the funding comes for drainage improvements. This leads one to assume that this area was not included because it already had the kinds of improvements the Redevelopment Agencies were set up to provide. There are 2.3 curb miles or 12,144 lineal feet of curb and gutter in the area. For bonding purposes we use a figure of $14 per lineal foot for curb and gutter removal and replacement. Therefore, it is estimated that to completely remove and replace all the curb and gutter in this tract could cost as much as $200,000 when adjustments to existing driveways and landscaping are taken into consideration. Funds for this purpose could be made available from the Gas Tax Reserve. L; 6 BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 1910/ 0 z 4 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: I APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL BUSINESS SESSION: OF PUBLIC USE PERMIT 91-010 FOR A PROPOSED PRESCHOOL/DAY-CARE CENTER ON A 1.8 ACRE SITE LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE CONSENT CALENDAR: OF SAGEBRUSH AVENUE EXTENSION, EAST SIDE OF DATE PALM DRIVE. STUDY SESSION: APPLICANT: GLENDA & MICHAEL BANGERTER APPELLANT: JIM BATTIN, ET. AL. BACKGROUND: The applicants have submitted a Public Use Permit Application for a preschool/day-care center complex located on the east side of Date Palm Drive at Sagebrush Avenue. The Planning Commission considered the matter on August 13, 1991, and approved the Public Use Permit subject to conditions and concurred with the Environmental Analysis. Subsequently, a group of residents from the surrounding neighborhood Desert Club Manor and Parc La Quinta) filed an appeal to this decision. As identified by the La Quinta Zoning Ordinance, the City Council is required to conduct a public hearing on this matter. The applicants Glenda & Michael Bangerter) for this project have submitted a request that this matter be continued until November 19, 1991. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: By Minute Motion continue the public hearing for Public Use Permit 91-010 until November 19, 1991. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER CC?10/21.F4/CS BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 0% COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TO ESTABLISH A NEW BUSINESS SESSION: COMMERCIAL OFFICE/MEDICAL ZONING DISTRICT WHICH WILL INCLUDE PROVISIONS FOR MEDICAL FACILITIES, OFFICES, LIMITED CONSENT CALENDAR: RETAIL, PUBLIC AND QUASI-PUBLIC USES AND AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 9.160, STUDY SESSION: OFF-STREET PARKING CODE. APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA BACKGROUND: On September 24 and October 8, 1991, the City of La Quinta held two public hearings to review a newly proposed Amendment to the Zoning Code which would permit office/medical facilities and amend a part of the Off-Street Parking standards. At the October 8, 1991 meeting the Commission made some minor amendments to the draft ordinance which they felt were appropriate. Their comments are noted in your City Council Staff Report. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Move to waive further reading and introduce City Council Ordinance No. granting concurrence with the Environmental Determination andapproving Zone Ordinance Amendment 91-020. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER CC#l0/21.F6/CS BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19I?I A COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: 3 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 91-037; CHANGE OF BUSINESS SESSION: ZONE 91-065; PLOT PLAN 91-465; & TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 27267. TO DEVELOP A THREE STORY MEDICAL/OFFICE COMPLEX CONSENT CALENDAR: LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF WASHINGTON STREET AT VIA MARQUESSA. STUDY SESSION: APPLICANT: DESERT HOSPITAL BACKGROUND: This proposal was considered by the Planning Commission at their meeting of September 24 & October 8, 1991. At the second hearing, the Planning Commission adopted resolutions recommending the General Plan Amendment and Change of Zone. The Plot Plan and Parcel Map passed on 3-2 votes. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None RECOMMENDATION: 1. Move to adopt City Council Resolution 91- concurring with the Environmental Determination and grant approval of General Plan Amendment 91-037. 2. Move to waive further reading and introduce Ordinance No. concurring with the Environmental Determination and granting approval of Change of Zone 91-065. 3. By Minute Motion 91- accepting Planning Commission report of action for Plot Plan 91-465 and Tentative Parcel Map 27267 as set forth herein. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER CC?10/21 F9/CS BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19! NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19" NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19# NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19$ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19% NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19) NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19* NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19+ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19, NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19- NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19/ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 190 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 191 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 192 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 193 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 194 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 195 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 196 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 197 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 198 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 199 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19: NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19; NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19< NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19= NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19> NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19? NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19@ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19A NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19B NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19C NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19E NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19F NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19G NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19H NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19I NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19J NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19K NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19M NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19N NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19O NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19P NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19Q NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19R NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19S NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19T NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19V NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19Z NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19[ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19\ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19] NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19^ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19` NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19a NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19c NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19d NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19e NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19f NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19g NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19h NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19i NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19k NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19l NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19m NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19n NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19o NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19p NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19q NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19r NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19s NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19t NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19u NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19v NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19w NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19z NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19! NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19" NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19# NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19$ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19% NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19) NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19* NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19+ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19, NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19- NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19/ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 190 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 191 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 192 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 193 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 194 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 195 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 196 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 197 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 198 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 199 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19: NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19; NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19< NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19= NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19> NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19? NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19@ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19A NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19B NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19C NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19E NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19F NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19G NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19H NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19I NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19J NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19K NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19M NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19N NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19O NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19P NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19Q NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19R NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19S NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19T NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19V NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19Z NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19[ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19\ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19] NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19^ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19` NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19a NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19c NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19d NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19e NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19f NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19g NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19h NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19i NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19k NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19l NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19m NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19n NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19o NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19p NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19q NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19r NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19s NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19t NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19u NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19v NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19w NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19z NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19! NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19" NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19# NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19$ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19% NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19) NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19* NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19+ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19, NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19- NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19/ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 190 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 191 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 192 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 193 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 194 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 195 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 196 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 197 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 198 0 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: IL PUBLIC HEARING ON TENTATIVE TRACT 26972 BUSINESS SESSION: FOR SUBDIVISION OF +9.6 ACRES INTO 15 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS ON THE WEST SIDE OF MADISON STREET, +1/2 MILE SOUTH OF CONSENT CALENDAR: 50TH AVENUE AND CONFIRMATION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT. STUDY SESSION: APPLICANT: DR. JOSEPH DARR BACKGROUND: The project proposes creating 15 single family lots minimum 20,000 square feet), in the R-1 zone within Annexation 5 area. The Planning Commission reviewed the request at their meeting of September 10, 1991, and approved it subject to the amended conditions. This matter has been continued from October 1, 1991, City Council meeting at the request of the applicant. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Move to adopt City Council Resolution 91- approving the Negative Declaration and Tentative Tract 26972, subject to conditions. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER C C'J82 t CC#10/21.F8/CS 1- BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 199 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19: NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19; NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19< NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19= NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19> NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19? NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19@ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19A NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19B NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19C NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19E NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19F NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19G NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19H NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19I NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19J NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19K NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19M NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19N NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19O NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19P NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19Q NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19R NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19S NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19T NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19V NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19Z NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19[ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19\ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19] NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19^ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19` NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19a NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19c NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19d NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19e NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19f NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19g NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19h NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19i NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19k NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19l NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19m NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19n NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19o NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19p NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19q NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19r NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19s NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19t NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19u NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19v NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19w NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19z NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 0 f?l COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: TENTATIVE TRACT 27187; REQUEST TO DIVIDE BUSINESS SESSION: +5 ACRES INTO 8 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS. THE PARCEL IS LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF MADISON STREET AND SOUTH OF FUTURE CONSENT CALENDAR: BETH CIRCLE 1/2 MILE SOUTH OF 50TH AVENUE). STUDY SESSION: APPLICANT: GARY L. PUDNEY BACKGROUND: The property is presently used for agricultural purposes. The applicant/owner would like to subdivide the property into 8 lots which meet the R-1 20,000 square foot) minimum requirements, however, the property is in the Equestrian Overlay Zone which prescribes a minimum lot size of 1.5 acres. The Green Valley Ranches Association at the Planning Commission meeting of September 24, 1991, requested that the subdivision of this land not be less than lots of 1.5 acres. The Planning Commission approved this case at their meeting of September 24, 1991, with the provision that the lots be a minimum of 1.5 acres in size. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Move to adopt City Council Resolution 91- concurrence with the Environmental Determination and granting approval of Tentative Tract 27187 subject to the conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER CC?10/21.F1/CS BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19JO COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 21, 1991 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: ESTABLISHMENT OF VARIOUS FEES AND BUSINESS SESSION: DEPOSITS FOR CHAPTER 14.20, BUILDING MOVING. CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: Application fees and an amount for an indemnity deposit need to be established for Building Moving Permits in the City of La Quinta. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: $835 Filing Fee for Building Moving Permit. APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution 91- approving an application fee of $835 and requiring the indemnity deposit to be replaced by an adequate comprehen?ive insurance policy to be attached as a condition of approval to the building moving permit application. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER CC?10/2l.F10/CS BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: 7 Weed Abatement/Lot Cleaning BUSINESS SESSION: Assessments For Placement On 92/93 Property Tax Roll CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: The purpose of this hearing is to provide the Council the opportunity to hear and consider all public objections and protests if any, to the report filed with the Council containing a description of each real property parcel cleared or cleaned by the City of La Quinta. Notices of tonight's public hearing were sent to the property owners, advising them of the hearing date. No written communications have been received regarding this matter. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Following public comment and close of public hearing, it is respectfully recommended that the Council take the following action: 1. Adopt the proposed Resolution, approving and adopting the Resolution to place the cost of cleaning said lots on the 1992/93 property tax rolls. Submitted by: Approved for submission BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPT to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI BUILDING & SAFETY DIREC OR CITY MANAGER Li BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02 ing -> 19 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-08-1999-U01 11:38:03AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 21-U02 1991-U02