CC Resolution 1982-045' RESOLUTION NO. 82-4? A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ENDORSING THE COACHELLA VALLEY RECREATION AND PARK DISTRICT APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS UNDER THE ROBERTI-Z?BERG URBAN OPEN-SPACE AND RECREATION PROGRAM F'OR LA QUINTA PARK BALLFIELD LIGHTING. WHEREAS, the legislature of the State of California has enacted the Roberti-zBerg Urban Open-Space and Recreation Program, which provides funds to certain political subdivisions of the State of California for acquiring lands and for developing facilities to meet urban recreation needs; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Parks and Recreation has been delegated the responsibility for the administration of the program, setting up necessary procedures governing application by local agencies under the program; and WHEREAS, said procedures established by the State Department of Parks and Recreation require the applicant to certify by resolution the approval of applications prior to submission of said applications to the State; and WHEREAS, said applications contain a certification that the applicant will comply with all federal, state, and local environmental, public health, reloca- tion, affirmative action, and clearinghouse requirements and all other appropriate codes, laws and regulations prior to the expenditure of the grant funds; and WHEREAS, the project applied for under this program must be of a high priority and satisfy the most urgent park and recreation needs with emphasis on unmet needs in the most heavily populated areas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, hereby fully endorses, supports and approves the Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District filing of an application for funding under the Roberti-z'berg Urban Open-Spac? and R?creation Program for La Quinta Ballfield Lighting. APPROVED and ADOPTED this th day of Sertember 1982 M\4OR/ ATTEST 7' CITY ERK APPROVED AS TO FOR? APPROVED AS TO ATT?E BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:04:47AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 45-U02 ' S1at? of Ca for-ia IFfle H esou ces Aoenc:y DFPARTM[NT O? PARKS AND p?CR[ATFON Urban Open Space a??d Recreation Program NEED BASIS GRANT APPLICATION Applicant Agency Name: Coachella Valley Recreation & Park District/City of La Quirta Address:46?350 S. Jackson, Indjo, CA Person with day.to.day responsibility for the project: Name: Gary D. Doty, Superintendent, Coache1?a Valley Recreation & Park District Phone: 714 347-3484 State Senate District No. 38 WI 111am Craven StateAssembly District No. 75 David Kelley Attach a copy of the Resolution authorizing application for grant funds from the applicant's governing body. A sample resolution may be found in Appendix B of the Procedural Guide. Ce'tification I hereby certify that the applicant has met, or will meet, all federal, state or local environmental, public health, relocation, affirmative action, and clearinghouse requirements and all other appropriate codes, laws, and regulations prior to the expenditure of the grant funds. Public Resources Code 5626 c) See Appendix G, State Regulations, of the Procedural Guide.) I further certify that the applicant fully understands that the State Department of Parks and Recreation will not assume any responsibility to ensure complance with any applicable federal, state or local cod?s, laws or regulations, but that the Department may conduct an audit to ensure compliance. Signed) Legal Counsel for Nam? of Applicant N-i DPR 455 1/77) BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:04:47AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 45-U02 ' PRW?CT DESCRIPTION 1. Name of Prnject New Sport Lighting, La Quinta Park BallfieJd Project Location in sufficient detail to locate on city or county map) Avenida Mendoza Avenida Montezuma. La Quinta A and installation of new, energy efficient bailfield lighting system foundations, poles, lamps fixtures, underground electrical service, and all necessary labor, transformers, foundations and wiring) which will guar-.:. antee footcandle levels at 30 infield and 20 outfield, with umiformity ratios of not greater than 2 to 1 infield and 3 to 1 outfield EstimatedTotal Project Cost $ 53,500 Amount of Grant Request $ 40, 125 Amount of Matching Funds $ 13, 37S source of Matching Funds donated equipment, labor, administration building permit fees. Please indicate in narrative form and in sufficient detail, which of the criteria considerations identified in the procedural guide, you feel the project encompasses and in what mai?ner. 1. Installation of an adequate/lighting system will help gtiarantee an extremely greater level of safety to the participants of.this balifield, which is normally used daily over 3/4 of the year. Community little league uses the poorly lighted field every night from April through July; adult leagues and ther organized activities have scheduled use of the field throughout the rest of the year; and, when not reserved the field normally has continuous spontaneous use. 2. The Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District is solely 1 recreation and parks agency and has received the newly incorpo- rated City of La Quinta1s full support for attempting to acquire funds to provide safe, adequate light. 3. La Quinta Park is the only park in the City and its bal1fie?d N?2 BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:04:47AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 45-U02 'is the only lighted facility for this community which fielded 20 little league teams in 1982. The fields lights are extremely poor, and are an extremely significant safety/liability ris? for the many user organizations, individuals, and the Coachelia Valley Recreation and Park District. The community agrees the lights are the most minimal, even though the district feels they are unacceptable. Community reaction to possible curtailment of the li?htin? system, without first installing a new, adequate system is vehemently anti-district. The community has expressed its position as, some light is better than none if it means playing spring and summer little league games and fall, adult league games before dark in temperatures which usually exceed 1000 F*) no matter what the safety/liability risk factors. Since the District9s dedicated rehabitation funds are grossly insufficient to cover or include the cost of design/engineering/ T,urchasc/installation of a new, safe lighting system. The best or)tion open is for the Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District and the City of La Quinta is to co-sponsor this Needs Basis Grant Application. *See attached news clippings, etters of support, Resolutions and history of average temperatures for the area. N?3 BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:04:47AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 45-U02